#miss adelaide
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hitchell-mope · 5 months ago
Supergirl Guys And Dolls au
Mon El. Sky Masterson.
Kara. Sister Sarah Brown.
Winn. Nathan Detroit.
Samantha. Miss Adelaide.
Brainy. Nicely-Nicely Johnson.
William. Benny Southstreet.
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jessiwiththeheadphones · 1 year ago
Still not over the Guys and Dolls brainrot so have whatever this is thanks to CapCut 🫶
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months ago
💕White Ash Institute Uniform R Cards💕
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Welcome to the Pink Void
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Students in order: Phillipa Claret, Juno Aureum, Nyla Drake, Marina Adelaide, Lily Cub, Isabelle Rosa, Trixie McEntire, Aster Richport
@mangacupcake @the-weirdos-mind @writing-heiress @fair-night-starry-tears
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thehoodedsweater · 4 months ago
After rewatching Over the Garden Wall, I finally have some more ideas for the characters in Over the Ghost Wall/Over the Busted Wall
Dana would be Miss Langtree, the schoolteacher. Peter would be Jimmy Brown
Janine would be The Tavern Keeper maybe?
Samhain (from the show and Spirits unleashes if I remember right) would be Enoch because pumpkin heads
Ray could be Ms Daniel (the woman Greg steals the rock facts rock from)
Adelaide might be Eleanor Twitty (The Librarian)
I don’t know about who Winston, Peck and Louis would be yet… if you guys have any ideas let me know :)
Update! Thanks to @sweetieboo I found roles for Louis and Peck!
Louis is Quincy Endicott, and that one apartment neighbor from the first movie (She’s blonde, dunno if she has a name) will be Marguerite Grey
Peck’s the Highway man. He stares at you until you do something about the environment.
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ghost-qwq · 15 days ago
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still the 17th for me, I win
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shadowglens · 9 months ago
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❝ saella's line of house targaryen was destroyed by infighting during the dance of the dragons, although rumours that her son aeryn’s children stole back to winterfell with their mother, bryna stark, swirled for years. ❞
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lulu2992 · 1 year ago
A few of Far Cry 5’s characters’ former names (according to the files)
Did you know that some characters used to have different names? Here’s what I found:
Adelaide Drubman - Penny Johnson (I’m not sure; it’s unclear)
Casey Fixman - Casey Seagal or Casey Storm
Chad Wolanski - Chad Gardetto
Faith Seed - Selena Seed
George Wilson - George Beel
Guy Marvel - Guy Martel (headcanon: it’s still his name but he thought Marvel was a cooler name for a movie director)
Hurk Drubman Senior - Wayne Senior
Joseph Seed - Daniel Seed
Merle Briggs - Merle Clinton
Wilhelmina Mable - Wilhelmina Maybelline
Tammy Barnes - Tammy Palmer (was she supposed to be Eli’s wife? Maybe!)
Tracey Lader - Traci West
Virgil Minkler - Virgil Knutsen
Wendell Redler - Wendell Darrah
Xander Flynn - Bob Johnson (again, like for Adelaide, not sure)
Also, I’ve said this before but Deputy Pratt’s first name is actually Stacy and not Staci. In the files, it’s only not spelled Stacy once, in the end credits... which is also, unfortunately, the only time players had a chance to see it written.
According to the files, Larry Parker’s first name is Laurence, the man we meet near Arcade machines is Morris Aubrey, and the fisherman is Coyote Nelson… but his description in the unreleased in-game encyclopedia also implies he died, so that might be inaccurate.
Below are the names of other Hope County residents (and where they live(d) and/or work(ed)) found in the deleted in-game encyclopedia:
Daniel Holmes — Holmes Residence
Doug and Debbie Hadler — Gardenview Orchards, Ciderworks, and Packing Facility
Rae-Rae Bouthillier — Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm
Niesha Howard — Howard Cabin
Emmet Reaves (in the late 1800s) — Copperhead Rail Yard & Prosperity
Will Boyd (from Far Cry: Absolution; his full name is William) — Boyd Residence
Les Doverspike — Doverspike Compound
Mike and Deb Harris — Harris Residence
Wolfgang Dodd — Dodd’s Dumps
Colin Dodd (Nadine Abercrombie’s grandfather) — Dodd Residence
Joe Roberts — Roberts Cabin
Dr. Kim Patterson — Hope County Clinic
Bobby Budell (in 1946) — Flatiron Stockyards
Doug Fillmore — Fillmore Residence
Orville Fall (found gold in 1865) — Catamount Mines
Mike and Chandra Dunagan — Sunrise Farm
The Redler family (Wendell’s) — Red’s Farm Supply
Andrew and Frances Woodson — Woodson Pig Farm
Don Sawyer — Sawyer Residence
Kay Wheeler — Kay-Nine Kennels
Jules Adams (and an unnamed husband) — Adams Ranch
Jerry Miller (and his family) — Miller Residence
Rick Elliot (his full name is Richard according to a message left by Eli) — Elliot Residence
Jay Loresca — Loresca Residence
"Lonely Frank" — Frank’s Cabin
Dicky Dansky — Dansky Cabin
Roy Tanami — Tanami Residence
Mr. Vasquez — Vasquez Residence
Mr. McDevitt — Misty River Gas
Darby McCoy — McCoy Cabin
Dr. Phil Barlow — Barlow Residence
Travis McClean (and his husband Brent) — McClean Residence
Jasmine Chan — Chan Residence
Jerrod Wilson (in the 1800s) — Throne of Mercy Church
Frankie Sinclair — Sinclair Residence
Lydia (in 1912) — Lydia’s Cave
Dwight Feeney (the chemist who worked with Eden’s Gate and dies in the mission “Sins of the Father”) — Feeney Residence
Lorna Rawlings — Lorna’s Truck Stop
Edward O'Hara — O’Hara’s Haunted House
Kanti Jones — Jones Residence
Coyote Nelson — Nelson Residence
Holly Pepper (and her girlfriend Charlie) — Pepper Residence
Nolan Pettis — Nolan’s Fly Shop
Bob and Penny Johnson — Johnson Residence
Melvin Adams Abercrombie — Abercrombie Residence
Steve McCallough — McCallough’s Garage
Dr. Rachel Jessop (who, and I’ll keep saying this every time I can, was never Faith and always another, entirely different person) — Jessop Conservatory
Dwight Seeley — Seeley’s Cabin
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azaisya · 1 year ago
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New dnd pc!!!! Her name is Adelaide and she’s a soul knife rogue who used to be a spymaster-in-training for an ambitious minor noble before everything fell through and she went nvm I’m going to go adventure. That seems like a more stable profession.
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bluestriips · 3 months ago
pov it’s summer 2023, i’m moving to the uk in a month, i’m laying in my closet texting my friends, listening to taylor swift and scrolling on pinterest
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hitchell-mope · 5 months ago
Descendants Guys And Dolls au
Just a heads up. For the purposes of this. I’ll be using the character positions I feel for the best. Which is why the first four of these are assigned how they are.
Mal. Sky Masterson.
Ben. Sister Sarah Brown.
Evie. Nathan Detroit.
Doug. Miss Adelaide.
Jay. Nicely-Nicely Johnson.
Carlos. Benny Southstreet.
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barberasmo · 6 months ago
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pds9 — daily7, sneak peek
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year ago
Welcome to White Ash
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Having some block, managed a drabble of Isabelle first going to White Ash.
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
"Ma'am, are you sure about this?" The assistant to the Headmage asked as they walked down the silvery halls of White Ash Castle. "A magicless Night Raven student at White Ash? And their monster companion? I've never heard of such a thing. It simply isn't done."
"It will be fine, Constance," Headmage Cristalería said calmly. "Though our school is an arcane academy, it is first and foremost an equal opportunity one. Miss Rosa adapted well to Night Raven, I'm sure she will be just fine here."
"Yes… but even so, Ma'am. You know how Night Raven boys can get, aren't you at least worried some of their behavior has rubbed off on her and she'll cause trouble?"
"Not at all. I've met her, and she's a pleasant young lady. Mr. Crowley said she would be no trouble."
Constance frowned, "That does not give me peace of mind at all."
"Mr. Trein also spoke highly of her."
"That's better."
"Now, where is Lily? Lily!" Headmage Cristalería called out for her ward as she walked down the marble stairs to the main entry hall.
"Here, Miss Clara!" Lily walked over to the landing of the staircase with her roommate trailing behind.
"And Marina, excellent." Clara said
"Are they almost here?" Marina asked.
"Is everything prepared?” Constance asked,” This new student will be lodging with you both during her stay."
Lily nodded. "Yes Miss Wary, our room is ready."
“Her uniform-”
“Waiting for her in the wardrobe.” Marina assured.
“The text-”
“Book too.” Lily interrupted.
“See Constance?” The headmage said. “Everything is in order. All that is left is to welcome Miss Rosa with open arms.”
“Very well, Ma’am.”
“Now, the carriage should be here any moment, lets go out to greet.” Clara ushered them all outside as the silvery gates opened outside.
“Fancy ride.” Isabelle commented at the pumpkin shaped carriage that had been sent for her. The gold vines that creeped around it elegantly. The white seats inside were pristine and soft. The whole thing moved so smoothly she couldn’t feel a thing, she wasn't even sure the wheels were on the ground. “This is how they get around?”
Crowely who had made himself comfortable in the seat across from her nodded. “Indeed. While we use the dark mirror to reach destinations, the ladies fo White Ash have several of these carriages for use.”
“Why not use the mirror to go there anyway? Wouldn’t it have been faster?” Grim asked from where he was comfortably curled up beside Isabelle.
“Headmage Cristaleria wanted you to have the full experience as much as you could.” Crowley explained. “Honestly she insisted upon it. That's why you also have those glass slippers, as is customary.”
“Still surprised how well they fit.” Isabelle commented as she watched the gate of Night Raven College draw closer. Crowley had explained once they passed it they would be magically taken across the water to where The White Ash Institute was. Headmage Cristeleria had offered her to come for a few weeks on a temporary study. “I hope this goes well.”
“I’m sure it will,” Crowely said, “Knowing Cristaleria, she won’t allow anything else. If there is one thing I can assure you of, she’s reliable and keeps things running smoothly.”
“I think that's the first time I haven’t heard you complain about her.”
Crowely cleared his throat just as they passed the gate and magic did its job of teleporting the carriage. “Eh hem. Yes. Well. Despite disagreements, I respect her. And you will respect her as well while you are there.”
The corners of Isabelle's lips turned upward as she tried not to smirk. “I promise, I’ll be good.”
“Good. …Oh look, we’re here.”
Grim hopped into her lap as he joined her in looking out the window to see the ride up to White Ash. It was right at the edge of town and she could hear the sound of the horses pulling the carriage against the cobblestone road. Even with the tall white stone wall that enclosed the grounds, she was still able to see the vines covered in flowers that hung over them, and the very top of the towers of the castle. Even from Sages Island she had been able to see the shape of this place in the distance. And as they reached the silvery gates, she saw the whole thing for the first time.
To say White Ash Castle was the thing of fairytales was understatement. It’s white brick walls, and tall towers felt so grand. It’s rooftops had varying shapes of light pink and pale blues. And it’s tallest point was a large ornate clock tower. Roses in all colors went up the vines on its side, and the whole place seemed to shine like polished glass. She expected a princess from a story book to let down her hair from one of the towers at any moment.
“It’s beautiful,” Isabelle managed to say, open mouthed and wide eyed.
“Fancy…” Grim agreed.
‘I suppose, if you like that sort of blinding brightness thing.” Crowley commented.
Isabelle snapped out of her awe and rolled her eyes. “I do, actually. And I’m going to tell Headmage Cristaleria you said that. Oh look, there she is now!”
“Wait, I didn’t mean-”
By then the carriage had come to a complete halt at the front steps of the school, and she threw open the carriage door without a second thought. “Hello!”
“Hello, Miss Rosa,” The fae woman smiled as she greeted Isabelle warmly with open arms, “Welcome to The White Ash Institute, we’re so happy to have you with us.”
“And I’m happy to be here,” She grinned and waved to the trio that had joined the headmistress. One was a serious looking woman with her dark hair pulled back in the neatest bun she had ever seen. The other two were students. A black haired girl and the other a cat beastgirl. Both smiled and waved back while the woman politely nodded in acknowledgment.
“Isabelle, I’d like to introduce you to my assistant, Constance Wary.”
“How do you do.” Miss Wary greeted.
“And your new roomates fro your stay. Marina.”
“Hello!” The cat girl greeted.
“And my own ward, Lily.”
“Hi.” the dark haired girl smiled, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“And I’m the great Grim!” Grim hopped around to get everyone's attention.
“Don’t worry, you aren’t forgotten,” Headmage Cristaleria assured him.
Crowley cleared his throat. "On behalf of Night Raven College, we look forward to having our Prefect take part in this study program at your fine, beautiful, and not blinding institution."
Isabelle bit her lip, trying not to laugh and look serious. "Yes, your school is gorgeous."
Cristalería looked confused for a moment and seemed to decide not to ask further before clapping her hands together and gesturing towards the front entrance. "Uh huh…Let's proceed with the tour. The sooner we show you around the sooner you can settle. Will you be joining us, Mr. Crowley?"
"Yes, lead the way."
"The White Ash Institute was founded over five hundred years ago by my grandmother, Marvella Cristalería." The woman gestured to the large painting in the gallery of another fae woman that looked a lot like her only in a blue cloak. "At the time education of the arcane academies were often only available to the upper classes and thus, this institution was founded to give young ladies from all walks of life a chance to hone their gifts. From scullery maids to a princess, our doors have been open to all for centuries."
Isabelle stared up at the painting of White Ash founder. She could see the resemblance to Clara, even if the founder looked older. They had the same fluffy white hair and upturned nose. Though Isabelle was more in awe at the size of the portrait and many like it in the hall. It was more like a framed mural than a portrait. "These things are huge…" she whispered to herself.
Marina beside her stifled a giggle. "Everyone says that."
"It's scary when they move." Lily added. "Took me a while to get used to"
Miss Wary cleared her throat and looked at the girls sternly for talking while the headmage continued to talk about the schools history and explaining the rooms.
"Through here is the library, and down this hall is the ballroom. We offer many dance lessons if you ever feel so inclined."
As she continued on, Grims ears stood at attention and the hairs on the back of his spine stood up.
"Grim, what is it?" Isabelle asked in a hushed tone.
"There's something there…" Grim said, his pupils slitted before pouncing on something as the group moved forward.
Crowley immediately took notice and began to panic. "No no no, Grim, stop it!" The headmage whisper yelled.
Isabelle not knowing what else to do picked Grim up and there was a squirming mouse hanging from Grims mouth. It was scared but unharmed.
Crowley continued to panic as Isabelle tried to get Grim to drop it. She didn't know why it mattered so much, but went along anyway.
"Drop it-" Crowley practically pleaded as he tried to get Grim to release.
"Next, we will- OH GOODNESS!" The group finally turned around and noticed their guests had fallen behind and Headmage Cristalería looked absolutely horrified at the sight she found. "Let go of that poor mouse this instant!"
That seemed to snap Grim out of it, and he dropped the mouse into Crowleys hand, who handed it off to Cristalería, who was signing in relief and comforting the little creature.
"Headmage, I am so sorry if that is your pet or familiar." Isabelle started saying very quickly. "Grim has hunted rats and stuff back at night Raven, and-"
"It was a lapse of judgment, it won't happen again." Crowley continued as they kept apologizing.
"It's a mouse, what's the big deal?" Grim finally said, Crowley shot him a disapproving look.
Headmage Cristalería took a moment to inspect the mouse before signing in relief. "No harm done. Good. But Grim, so long as you are on White Ash grounds, you must not hunt any of the mice, do you understand?" She said sternly.
"Yeah, but why?"
"The mice here are friends. They help students and take messages, and yes can act as familiars if needed. You are to never purposely harm one, do I make myself clear?"
Grim gulped, seeing the usually kind woman be so gravely serious was enough to make him nod. "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, ma'am."
"Good." She crouched down and gently let the mouse down into the floor, where it scurried away to a teeny tiny door shaped hole in the wall. "Off you go little one."
Isabelle glanced over to the rest of the group, and noted that Miss Wary had looked on disapprovingly. She got a feeling this was going to be a trend for her stay.
"Did we mess up already?" Isabelle asked as she sat on the bed of her White Ash dorm room. Grim had already made himself comfortable by curling up on the pillow and napping.
"No," Marina replied as she sat on her own bed. The room was large and circular, located in one of the many towers of the castle. So it was divided into thirds with a bed in each, so she could see the other two clearly. "It's an honest mistake, really. Plenty of cat familiars have done the same thing."
"Miss Wary looked at me like I did it though,"
"She's like that with everyone," Lily said. "It's not you, so much as-"
"You being from Night Raven." Marina finished.
"What does that mean?"
"We over heard her talking to Miss Clara before you got here," Lily said, "She was worried you might cause trouble because of how some of the students at your school are "
"Hey, they're not," Isabelle paused and remembered all the fights, Rivalrys, and then some that her classmates committed and roped her into, "Nevermind. They are bad. But not ALL bad."
"We know," Marina assured. "Just don't worry too much about Miss Wary. She hates change. You just have to let her calm down and see for herself that you won't cause trouble."
"She's right," Lily replied. "You'll be fine. Besides. It was funny to see Mr. Crowley panic."
"I've never seen the yellow of his eyes go so wide in that mask!" Marina laughed. "I don't think he stopped apologizing to Headmage Cristalería until he left."
Isabelle laughed as well. They were probably right. Things would be fine in the long run, she was sure of it
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ghosteso · 5 months ago
Man, I hope Kat and Adelaide(sp?) are more prominent in season 2. I love all the Ghost Wax gals but these two hit different. You dig?
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unabashedqueenfury · 6 months ago
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Reign 2013-17
Toby Finn Regbo as Francis Valois
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lulu2992 · 1 year ago
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 4: Locations - Henbane River
Tanami Residence
Some idiot drove a dredge into Roy Tanami's property, damaging his bunker beyond repair. Out of options, Tanami swallowed his pride and joined the Whitetail Militia up north.
Vasquez Residence
Home of Mr. Vasquez, former employee of Nolan's Fly Shop.
Hollyhock Saloon
One of the first businesses to fall to Eden’s Gate when they banned alcohol in the county. No one knows if the owners moved or were taken.
Can of Worms Fishing Store
Rods and tackle a-plenty. Owned by Sherri Woodhouse, who does salvage runs for sunken treasure in her spare time.
Deep North Water Treatment Plant
Built in 2002 to treat the toxic water from decades of mining practices. Today, Eden’s Gate uses it to disperse Bliss into the water.
Misty River Gas
A local gas station by the water, owned by Mr. McDevitt.
McCoy Cabin
Home of Darby McCoy who joined the cult against his will. This cabin is both close to the water and the Misty River Gas, an ideal spot for the cult to run operations.
Peaches Taxidermy
Mable's a rough-edged taxidermist. She lives here with her pet cougar.
Barlow Residence
Residence of Dr. Phil Barlow. He was a pharmacist who joined Eden’s Gate.
McClean Residence
Residence of Travis McClean. He was a former Air Force veteran turned prepper. Like so many others, he and his husband are on the run from Eden's Gate.
Eden’s Gate Outreach Center
This was once a place to learn more about Eden’s Gate and the Father’s message. Nothing out of the ordinary, until it became what it is today.
The Pillars of Eden
An outdoor amphitheater and a place of worship for Eden's Gate.
Drubman Marina
The Drubman Marina began in 1992 as an oil sands prospecting venture. Hurk Drubman Sr. became rich, but ost the property in a divorce to his wife Adelaide. She has big dreams for the place.
Silver Lake Campgrounds
A place to camp with a nice view of the mountains, the water, and the Whitetail Mountain Rail Bridge.
Silver Lake Summer Camp
An old summer camp. It was forced out of business by Eden’s Gate about 8 years ago. The cult used this place to stockpile their goods while their bunkers were being built.
Howling Cave
A well-known wolf habitat. The cult frequently takes animals from here and sends them north to Jacob.
Taft Lookout Tower
An old firewatch tower built in 1945. The cult uses it as a checkpoint and surveillance location. As expected, it is heavily guarded at all times.
Raptor Peak
A mountain peak that's a favorite nesting spot for birds of prey.
Camp Cougars
The Resistance has set up a camp to use as a base of operations for attacks against the cult and rescue missions for those on the pilgrimage path.
Dire Wolf Basin
A smoking basin that Eden's Gate has claimed as their own. Also a place of worship for the cult.
Sabre-Tooth Springs
These hot springs and the nearby cave used to be a tourist destination. It's right next to a road, meaning this location spent little in advertising. Today, it only attracts the cult.
Eden’s Convent
The very first building set up by the Project at Eden’s Gate in Hope County. People came here for spiritual retreats and to learn the Word of Joseph. When they left, if they did, it was with a permanent smile on their faces.
Sacred Skies Youth Camp
Formerly a Christian youth camp that was shut down fifteen years ago when the population dwindled. Eden’s Gate quietly bought it ten years ago. They use the land for growing Bliss flowers while living on-site.
Joseph’s Word
A statue of Joseph Seed that was constructed almost overnight. It commemorates the Father bringing his Word to the world. It also houses a rare, one-of-a-kind manuscript that is sacred to Eden's Gate.
Purpletop Antenna
Eden's Gate controls the radio towers. There's no signal but Joseph's Word out here.
Dead Man’s Mill
A water mill left over from the gold rush heyday. Everyone in Hope County has a different version of how it got its name, but the most popular story is a man's suicide after the closure of the mines.
Mastodon Geothermal Park
A tourist attraction established in 1836. People used to come here to admire the unique geological landscape. Now Eden's Gate uses it as an execution site.
Chan Residence
Back in the day, the owner of the Sacred Skies Youth Camp lived here. The cabin now belongs to Jasmine Chan, a big game hunter who was recruited into Eden's Gate against her will.
Counselor’s Cabin
This used to be the counselor's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Nature Cabin
It once belonged to the Sacred Skies Youth Camp. Kids would come here to learn about animals, or rest after hurting themselves on the nearby zip line.
Throne of Mercy Church
A gold rush era church run by Jerrod Wilson, a preacher and rival of Emmet Reaves in the late 1800s. The church survived until about ten years ago when the cult closed it down.
Administrator’s Cabin
This used to be the administrator's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Boshaw Manor
The humble dwelling of Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV, gentleman fire enthusiast.
King’s Hot Springs Hotel
Once a spot for the posh to "take the waters," a landslide triggered by an earthquake in 1917 closed it temporarily and made it a ghost hunter's gem. It reopened, only to close again in 1994. Eden's Gate has put it to good use.
Moonflower Trailer Park
Once the fanciest trailer park in Montana run by the Boshaws. When the economy dried up and the Boshaws did nothing to retain their tenants, people relocated to the Silver Lake trailer park in the Holland Valley.
Sinclair Residence
Frankie Sinclair dreamed of being a world class French chef. Only problem? He couldn't speak a lick of French. He worked at the King's Hot Springs Hotel until it closed in 1994.
Horned Serpent Cave
A sulfur cave that's part of the volcanically active landscape of the region. It was once an industrial site, but the cult has turned it into a mass grave for Angels who can serve the project no more.
Henbane River Station
Copperhead Rail was created in the late 1800s by Emmet Reaves. It was shut down in the early 70s after the last of the local mining industries dried up. This station has been abandoned ever since.
Grimalkin Radon Mine
Once a part of a radon spa chain, it shut down in the 60s. Guy Marvel fell in love with the aesthetic and figured it’d be the perfect place for his next movie masterpiece.
Lydia’s Cave
In 1912, some loggers saw a girl eating a goat with wolves. She was captured in this cave and brought to a doctor who named her Lydia. She escaped and was last seen deep in the wilds suckling two wolf cubs.
Whistling Beaver Brewery
This brewery and pub opened in the late 1880s. It closed in 1916-1918 for Prohibition and reopened in the 30s. Pushed out of the national market by artisanal beer, the brewery was struggling and quietly sold to Eden's Gate.
The Misery
A dredge that belonged to the Catamount Mining Company. When the mines dried up, they tried to get gold from the riverbeds, but failed and abandoned it. The Resistance tells horror stories about what goes on there now.
Faith’s Gate
A bunker under Faith's guardianship. It is shrouded in Bliss, ensuring that those who are sheltered here will not be frightened when the Collapse comes.
Feeney Residence
Home of Dwight Feeney, a prepper and chemistry aficionado who joined Eden’s Gate when they promised him an important role in the creation of Bliss.
Eden’s Altar
A place of worship for Eden’s Gate. The faithful gather to hear sermons about Joseph’s visions and plans.
Gethsemane Greenhouse
A building used to precisely control the growing conditions of plants. Whatever these plants were before, they are now Bliss flowers.
Lorna’s Truck Stop
Lorna Rawlings used her BINGO winnings to create the best place for hard-working truckers like her husband to refresh and refuel. The cult came to take the place. She said no. She hasn’t been seen since.
Henbane River Chalets
A tourist trap that was shut down by the cult. The lake view was also sought after as a filming location.
Aubrey’s Diner
One of the first places to close when the cult took over. Their grilled cheese was no good.
O’Hara’s Haunted House
A professional clown named Edward O'Hara bought a barn and turned it into a haunted house that was a Halloween tradition in Hope County. Edward himself disappeared, and people disagree on whether or not the cult got him.
Ghost Cat Mine
The old mine has been closed for decades but the headframe warehouse is still there, used by the cult to store their containers of Bliss.
The Last Best Resting Place
An old, overgrown graveyard left from the gold rush era.
Jones Residence
Home of Kanti Jones, a Blackfoot woman and ranger who used to work in Whitetail Park. She was forced into retirement when the park closed. She fought against Eden’s Gate, dying in a shootout in her home.
Nelson Residence
Home of Coyote Nelson. He tried to lay low and enjoy fishing and painting but his peaceful pastimes didn't save him.
8-Bit Pizza Bar
The presence of pizza and an arcade made this the most exciting spot for teens within a hundred miles.
Pepper Residence
Holly Pepper and her girlfriend Charlie were among the first locals to join Eden's Gate. They abandoned this house and were never heard from again. The cult turned the property into a grow op.
Hope County Jail
20 years ago, a riot caused a jail break and a bus full of escaped prisoners ran off the road somewhere in Holland Valley. Later on, the prison closed due to budget cuts. Today, the Cougar resistance takes shelter here.
Nolan’s Fly Shop
Nolan Pettis ran his fly shop and gave fishing tours happily for years, although he was never a famous outdoorsman like local celebrity Skylar Kohrs. The money for his shop dried up and he joined Eden’s Gate.
Johnson Residence
Bob and Penny Johnson struck it rich in cattle futures, then they lost everything. After such a fall from grace, Joseph’s cult seemed welcoming. They handed everything over. No one knows where they are now.
Bright Warden Radon Spa
A health spa shut down in the 60s. Eden’s Gate has been spotted going in and out of this mine, using it as a storage facility.
Founded by rail and lumber baron Emmett Reaves. As the industry dried up, the town died and people moved west to Fall’s End. What remains of the ghost town is now used by junkies and the homeless.
Abercrombie Residence
Home of Melvin Adams Abercrombie. He robbed a bank in the 1940s and got away with it. He used his money to build this property and to prepare for the total collapse of the global financial system.
McCallough’s Garage
Once owned by Steve McCallough. He tried to warn everyone about Eden’s Gate, and even had a getaway car and some supplies ready. One day, his shop got boarded up and Steve was nowhere to be found.
Jessop Conservatory
Dr. Rachel Jessop created this place to protect and research at-risk flora and fauna. After budget cuts gutted her funding, Eden's Gate bought her out and devoted the facilities to developing potent strains of Bliss flowers.
Harrison Lookout Tower
One of the towers built in the 1940s to spot forest fires. It was abandoned ten years ago when funding ran out and the cult bought the property. It overlooks the site of one of Clutch Nixon's legendary stunts.
Seeley’s Cabin
Residence of Dwight Seeley. He worked in the local mines and then got kicked out of his place when the cult took over.
Deer Tiger Mine
Established in 1912, this mine was closed down in the 70s. Eden’s Gate appears to use it for storage.
Puma Mine
Another relic of a bygone gold rush, the Puma Mine has been abandoned for decades.
Ancient Bison Tunnel
A closed-off tunnel. No one gets in. No one gets out.
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adelaideoldburg · 2 years ago
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American Paint Horse
Built for versatility, the American Paint Horse is generally short-coupled, strong-boned and well balanced. The Paint Horse's colorful coat pattern defines the breed.
Alien aka Blue Blood (alt)
Mare - Youngster - Dapple Grey Tobiano
Bijou aka Gemstone
Mare - Adult - Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano
Clarice aka Lively
Mare - Adult - Bay Tobiano
Ego aka MaskedDancer
Stallion - Youngster - Grullo Tobiano
Mare - Adult - Chestnut Overo
Froyo aka ChocolateVanilla
Mare - Youngster - Dark Bay Tobiano
Funfetti aka VanillaCake
Mare - Adult - Palomino Tobiano
Lavender aka Lavenderly
Mare - Youngster - Black Tobiano
Marmalade aka SoulSister
Mare - Adult - Buckskin Tobiano
Muse aka LoveLive
Mare - Adult - Chestnut Medicine Hat
The difficult thing with stock breeds is that they tend to look really beefed up and weird irl, and that can sometimes be an issue for my own personal taste. However, this breed is gorgeous and is very versatile. Every coat option is gorgeous and the gaits are very smooth feeling, I particularly love the trot and slow canter.
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