#misidentifying the driver
petit-papillion · 4 months
I'm just happy this race put a spotlight on Alex Jacques and the F1TV team and feed.
I know a lot of people watch and love F1TV, myself included, but most people still consider Sky and Crofty to be the most popular feed, and I think the F1TV crew doesn't get the recognition they deserve.
I used to watch the Sky commentary back when I was a new fan, but then I switched back to F1TV and never went back. I find they're more technical, less biased, and honestly at this point the crew is familiar to me and I love their dynamics. Alex is a great commentator. Jolyon provides really good driver knowledge and isn't afraid to call them out. DC brings some humour alongside Jolyon. Hinch is awesome when he's around (I hope he's going to Montreal!), and I do like the analyses from Sam and Alex Brundle. And of course Laura, Will and Lawrence (though I know some people dislike some of them) are really fun in the pre and post shows.
The only person I didn't love on F1TV was Ben Edwards when he filled in for Alex - I just wasn't a fan of his style of commentary or his voice. I'm not sure if he's around this year.
But yeah, I love F1TV. If any of you are not already watching it and are able to access it, I definitely recommend giving it a shot!
Yeah, I think I am now a convert tbh. I really like Martin Brundle's technical comments, and Ted can unexpectedly blurt out some gems, but Crofty should reserve his puns for Free Practice, not iconic race wins. I was disappointed with his commentary for both Lando's first win (and he is such an unapologetic Norris fanboy!) and Charles's home win.
Funny story: I had the commentary set for Sky, but my cat Orion decided mid-race it was time for Netflix (i.e. stepped on the remote) and I had to scramble to change it back to F1TV. Took me quite a few laps to realize I was not listening to Martin and Crofty anymore, and I only noticed because the commentary was so nice and quiet. I should've just left it at F1TV at that point instead of switching back. Orion was on to something there, ha ha!
I do already watch a lot of the F1TV pre/post-show and analyses, so may as well fully commit now. I love Laura - she totally wears her heart on her sleeve. Kept getting choked up after Charles's win. And man, Alex Jacques's commentary for Charles's final lap was exactly what was needed there. I am absolutely going to re-watch the last few laps of this race with his commentary. Maybe I will be able to breathe this time...
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thunderboltfire · 2 days
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They got lost on their way to a festival.
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I definitely associate each of them with different styles of rock and metal, too. Igna'd definitely listen to power metal. She'd be more concerned with how energetic and catchy her music is, than with the technicalities, and the occasional fantasy silliness is an added bonus. I'd bet she'd listen to Blind Guardian, Rhapsody of Fire and maybe Hammerfall, with a side of Battle Beast.
I can't precisely put my finger on why I associate Argo with celtic punk so strongly, but probably due to the hopelessness of it. He's pretty self-conscious about being an unitnentional failure of his family, and he faces the prospect of early death head-on. Also, coincidentally despite all my love towards celtic punk, it's not a genre known for pretty vocal XD To some degree I think regional styles of rock, especially from post-soviet countries fit him too, mainly due to the melancholic lyrics.
Theria practically has 'folk metal' written on her forehead. I'm firmly convinced in a modern AU she'd listen to Korpiklaani and Ensiferum. She probably wouldn't be opposed to listening to some variations of power and viking metal too.
I'd expect that Daen would wear t-shirts of Rammstein, but actually I associate him most strongly with Sonata Arctica. I see him as partial to good symphonic metal, too.
Haart would be your classic denim and leather wearing dad metal guy, who oscillates between New Wave of British Heavy Metal, and classic rock and metal bands. He'd have several t-shirts of Iron Maiden, he'd own the whole discography of Saxon and would bond with Igna over Gamma Ray.
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werewolfbarista · 3 months
lyft driver talked w my wife after dropping me off at my stop and he/him'd me, misidentifying me as............ a sk8er boy. but i could be. i COULD be a sk8er boy.
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pitconfirm · 20 days
I will not start discourse about people misidentifying certain drivers as twinks. but I’ll think about it
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starfragment1979 · 1 month
Before I got sick, I was very much an outdoorsy person, which is one reason that becoming housebound had been so hard for me. A week or two ago I was in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil and a dragonfly happened to zip past the window, and I realized with a start, holy shit, I have not seen a dragonfly all summer. Because I'm just not outside. Which just fucking kills me, it really does.
But before I got sick, I spent years and years trying to learn about the plants and bugs and birds and everything around me. The city I live in is full of trails and parks and wilderness, and there's a lot of nature within walking or biking or public transit distance from anywhere in the city, and I was out in it as often as possible, and god I just miss the outside world so much.
Anyway, a lot of that knowledge is still in my head, and a lot of my learning was focused on urban nature, because as someone who's never gotten their driver's license, that was all that was available to me most of the time. But there's still a lot of nature in the city! Even without going off into the trails and parks. You just need to know where to look for it.
The problem is that a lot of wildflower field guides focus on the rare and showy and ornate flowers--because they make for pretty pictures and people buy books with pretty pictures. But that means that the growing-through-cracks-in-the-sidewalk weeds are often harder to identify, even though those are the kind of wildflower that people are more likely to see every day, because they're written off as too common to be worthy of notice or because they grow in abandoned lots or along the overgrown edges of alleyways or some other unseemly location.
So my point is, at some point in the past two decades I had misidentified this little flower as deptford pink (Dianthus armeria) and the ID just stuck in my head. But when I was writing out the alt text for my last post I realized that was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what it actually was. And it bothered me that I couldn't figure it out, that there's this super common weedy flower that I've been calling wild pinks for years and they're not wild pinks but wtf are they and am I really so out of touch with the outside world that I can't figure this out etc etc etc spiraling into gloom.
But this morning during my daily morning bed flop, I brought a bunch of my wildflower books up with me and did some better research, and I did have to make one wobbly trip down the stairs and back outside to go touch the stems to make sure they're sticky, but now I have successfully (I think) ID'ed it as dwarf sweet william catchfly (scientific name is either Silene armeria or Atocion armeria).
And like it feels so good that I was able to figure this out, that I can still learn new things even when I'm stuck at home or in bed so much of the time and that I can still make new plant friends.
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Everything is Illuminated was described as follow:
This one is a bit out there but it's a film (partially auto-biographical, mind you) about a young American Jewish man traveling to Ukraine to locate the woman who saved his Jewish grandfather from a Nazi massacre. The film addresses what the impact of war did to a community, how some people are actively trying to erase the misdeeds and crimes of the past by wiping away the memory of the massacre victims and their town. It also shows the resilience in people committed to remembering those that were lost to war.
Atlantic Wall was described as follow:
"Just copy pasting the wikipedia summary because I couldn't do as short and detailed
The story is set during the Second World War, under the occupation of France, and shortly before the Battle of Normandy. Léon Duchemin is a peaceful restaurateur whose wife left him twenty years earlier. He lived in the company of his eccentric sister Maria, and his young adult daughter Juliette. His clients represent the whole of society in the village, ranging from Rommel's driver, to resistance fighters and black market traffickers.
One evening, during an air raid, Jeff, a British aviator whose plane was shot down, almost falls into Juliette's room. The next day, Leon hangs out with Charlus, the craftsman responsible for repainting his storefront. Leon is misidentified as the painter in question and is taken to the Kommandantur, where they have a similar job to offer him. Leon inadvertently carries a secret plan concerning the fortifications of the Atlantic Wall. Having made the acquaintance of Jeff who understands the interest of the discovery made by Leon, the latter is therefore obliged to join the French Resistance. The resistance takes the two men to England. Leon then finds himself in a British army training camp, under the orders of Jeff himself. He does not yet know that his daughter Juliette is pregnant and that the aviator will become his son-in-law."
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jwood718 · 8 days
Oh, poor Springfield, OH.
The story about the pets being eaten has a couple of germs: someone in Canton, OH was arrested for stomping a cat to death, while a woman in Springfield posted a fake story on Facebook about a cat being killed and hung from a tree. Then the Neo-Nazis got involved and everything went to hell, complete with "the great replacement theory" and bomb threats.
CantonRep.com's Nancy Molnar wrote about an incident in August of this year, when a woman was arrested after stomping a cat dead and (maybe?) eating part of it. The same woman was also arrested over 10 years ago and is not Haitian, and, y'know, she's in Canton (which is more than 140 miles away on the other side of the state).
The Haitians in Springfield were offered work permits and Temporary Protected Status because of the years-long strife in their island home country. Springfield's local Dole plant and an auto parts company both wanted for labor post-Covid lock-down, and the Haitians had been "trickling in" since 2017 -- so they seemed a likely population to invite in larger numbers. Essentially: factories needed workers, Haitians wanted to work, Springfield worked to make that happen.
As The Guardian's Stephen Starr writes, "the glut of new arrivals has also stretched hospitals and schools in the area, angering many locals who resented their presence. The outrage reached a crescendo last August, when an 11-year-old boy was thrown from a school bus and killed after its driver swerved to avoid an oncoming car driven by a Haitian immigrant ...Soon, rightwing extremists seized on Springfield’s unrest.
Armed neo-Nazi members of Blood Tribe...flew flags bearing swastikas and marched through a prominent downtown street while a jazz and blues festival was taking place nearby in August." Plus other asinine neo-Nazi stuff.
Then after the debates came the bomb threats. As Edward Helmore writes: "Two hospitals in Springfield, Ohio, were sent into lockdown after bomb threats, police said on Saturday, marking the fourth such case in as many days that appears linked to false claims circulating among the far right that Haitian immigrants there are eating domestic pets and wildlife."
Evacuations, searches (no bombs -- so far), frayed nerves, Haitians staying behind closed doors, Black Americans being threatened on the streets (apparently they look Haitian?) and then Helmore relates this convoluted tale:
"On Friday, a Springfield woman, Erika Lee, apologized for rumors about Haitian immigrants eating pets that resulted from a post she wrote on Facebook claiming that the friend of a neighbor’s daughter lost her cat – and then found the animal strung up outside the home of a Haitian family.
Lee now says she had no firsthand knowledge of the claim. The neighbor referenced in the post, Kimberly Newton, revealed that she also had heard the story from an acquaintance and not her daughter.
Lee said she was filled with regret and insists she never intended to put a target on the backs of the Haitian community.
'It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,' Lee told NBC News on Friday."
And there may be the man in Columbus, OH, who was getting injured geese out of a roadway in that city who may have been misidentified as a hungry Haitian -- but anyway.
Plus, just icing on the cake, J.D. Vance says he just makes shit up to make a good campaign trail story!
"In a stunning admission, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, said he was willing 'to create stories' on the campaign trail while defending his spreading false, racist rumors of pets being abducted and eaten in a town in his home state of Ohio.
Vance’s remarks came during an appearance on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, where he said he felt the need 'to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people'" as Helmore writes in a separate story.
Seems to me there are plenty of ways to highlight American people suffering that doesn't require making up shit about legal workers eating pets, but once the rumor mill starts churning, why not just keep it going?
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automatismoateo · 3 months
My Atheist Hot-Take: Religious people train their brains to work wrong. via /r/atheism
My Atheist Hot-Take: Religious people train their brains to work wrong. I'd welcome anyone educated in neuro-science to chime-in on this, but I'm of the opinion that the interplay between neuroplasticity and religiously-minded thought-patterns causes religiously-minded people to literally build their brains wrong. My (admittedly limited) understanding is that the human brain, complex as it is, largely presents in two ways. Often referred to as subconscious and conscious, lizard-brain and mammalian-brain, amygdala and grey-matter; etc etc. The former controls our survival instincts and fear-responses, while the latter is self-aware and can do math. So one assumes that, optimally, that the best way for our brains to work is that our grey-matter uses its complex logical capacity to govern and oversee the much-more impulsive and irrational reactions of its counterpart. Religious thought-patterns, however, operate entirely opposed to this. A core assertion of practically every religion is that it puts our conscious mind in-touch with something. Whether that something is a canonized 'God', a more abstract concept of 'spirituality', or some manner of pseudo-psychic bond with the rest of reality. In-short, I assert that the something which religiously-minded people are trying to connect with is simply their own subconscious, which religious indoctrination has caused them to misidentify as an entity or idea outside of themselves. As a result, they start using their grey-matter to justify their subconscious impulses rather than to regulate them in any way - Because to try and regulate those impulses would literally be questioning God/The Stars/Your Connection to the Universe; or whatever one's subconscious has been misattributed as. This is where the aspect of neuroplasticity I mentioned at the beginning comes in, which I'd appreciate a more informed perspective on: Neuroplasticity is the reason that 'habits' exist. Our brains are complex problem-solving instruments, and when it finds a resolution to a problem which assuages it, it literally builds that solution into its neurons; and tends to approach future problems with a similar solution. So, every time a religious person invokes willful ignorance to discount the ways their beliefs are provably wrong; every time they casually throw-out a thought-terminating cliché; every time they appeal to a concept like 'faith' rather than thinking about a subject any deeper; they're training their brain to continue operating that way. They're actively putting their lizard-brain in the driver's seat over their mammalian logic. Over enough time they'll actively re-wire their brain to operate this way by default, effectively becoming slaves to their own innate preconceptions and prejudices because the whole rest of their brain is utilized to reinforce these things rather than manage them. This is why there's such high degrees of overlap between religious conservatism and most forms of bigotry. Innate human tribalism causes our animal brains to send-off some uncomfortable signals when we see someone different from ourselves. Most people are able to logic-through those feelings and mitigate their impact on our behavior - Eventually leashing these impulses to be less-severe as we keep our logical minds in the metaphorical 'drivers seat'. However a religious mind feels that same tribalism, and puts it in control of their logic by beginning to concoct justifications for why they should feel that way. These kinds of self-reinforcing systems are why it's so hard to argue with - not just religious people - but anyone who's emotionally-entrenched themselves into something they believe. Submitted July 06, 2024 at 12:17AM by Geminel (From Reddit https://ift.tt/rWyH85E)
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atlanticcanada · 4 months
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ainews · 8 months
Gargoyles have become a popular subject in literature, movies, and even video games, but the mythical creatures also seem to have a strange relationship with roadways. Some people have reported seeing gargoyles on various highways and streets, while others have claimed that these creatures are the reason for accidents and mysterious road markings. But why are roadways so fictitious for differences of gargoyles?
First of all, let’s clarify what gargoyles are. These winged creatures are often depicted as monstrous and grotesque, with long talons, leathery wings, and sometimes even horns. They have been a part of European architecture since the Middle Ages, adorning cathedrals, churches, and other structures as decorative sculptures. But as time went on, gargoyles made their way into popular culture and have even become a symbol of protection against evil spirits.
With this background, it’s no wonder that people have reported seeing gargoyles on roadways. The creatures have a strong association with buildings and architecture, so it’s not surprising that they have been spotted near roads and highways. However, it’s important to note that these sightings are most likely misidentifications or hoaxes.
In most cases, the “gargoyles” seen on roadways are actually misidentified animals or simple illusions created by the environment. For example, a large bird perched on a streetlight may appear as a gargoyle to a passing driver. Additionally, streetlights and other structures can cast shadows that might resemble the menacing figures of gargoyles.
On the other hand, there have been reports of individuals deliberately placing gargoyle-like sculptures or props on roads and highways to scare drivers or create viral internet content. These hoaxes only add to the false notion that gargoyles are somehow connected to roadways.
Finally, it’s important to mention that accidents and mysterious road markings are not caused by gargoyles. These are often just coincidences or the result of weather conditions and other factors. Blaming these occurrences on fictional creatures not only spreads false information, but it also takes away from the real causes and solutions of road issues.
In conclusion, roadways are not fictitious for differences of gargoyles. While these creatures may hold a significant place in art and imagination, they have no real connection to highways and streets. As exciting as it may seem to spot a gargoyle while driving, it’s important to keep a logical and critical mindset to avoid falling for hoaxes and creating false narratives. So next time you hear a story about gargoyles on roadways, take it with a grain of salt.
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licenseplatenet · 2 years
Why going with VIN Lookup is better than Model Search?
Year Make Model (YMM) search and VIN lookup are recognized as excellent resources for the automotive industry. There's a good possibility you already use these search tools for internal procedures, for consumers outside your company, or possibly for both.
Finding the VIN of a license plate is usually advantageous.
Even though YMM is a tried-and-true method for reverse license plate lookup or license plate search by name, there is considerably more room for hazy vehicle information without VIN lookup. In some cases, YMM search just cannot provide you or your customers with the necessary information.
Five benefits of license plate VIN lookup over YMM search are listed in this post.
1. Omits the predicting of Features and Specs
Modern vehicles are more complex than ever. As a result, it's extremely easy to misidentify or fail to obtain all the car specifications and characteristics of a particular vehicle. A sophisticated VIN decoder will be useful in determining what is programmed in the car's VIN number, in addition to installed and optional equipment, and other vehicle data.
A VIN decoding solution may be particularly useful when advertising goods, mentioning insurance policies, servicing cars, locating authentic car components, and other similar tasks.
2. Allows Proof of Year Make Model
Before offering a quotation or insuring customers, the vast majority of auto insurance companies need customers to supply their vehicle's VIN number. As mentioned above, the VIN is helpful for accurately identifying car characteristics and specs. It also ensures that the insurance company is safeguarding the correct vehicle.
It is insufficient to rely just on the customer's description of the car. "Trust, but verify," a renowned expert said. The VIN will do this as each VIN can only be associated with one driver at a time.
3. VIN decoding saves more time
There seems to never be enough hours in the day to do everything. It might be tedious and time-consuming to manually update your car inventory or embed in YMM to find out each vehicle's specifics. especially given that the majority of these actions may be automated with the use of a bulk VIN decoder.
A VIN decoding system can generate almost all marketing-ready Inventory listings with the push of a button. A fantastic additional method to maximize effectiveness is by using a VIN scanner to do license plate lookup in Michigan.
4. Related to vehicle history
Each car has a unique VIN, which records the history of that vehicle over the course of its existence. Thus, only an Illinois license plate lookup using your license plate will enable you to get car history. You should have access to a car history report provider if you deal with used automobiles, whether you're selling used goods, purchasing them for your fleet, insuring them, etc.
It is best to conduct in-depth study on the internet to grasp the distinctions between a VIN decoder, VIN check tool, and car history reporting tool as the majority of consumers frequently become confused about these distinctions.
5. Classifying open recalls
A year, make, and model search may be used to get the normal information on safety recalls, but it won't tell customers whether their car is still subject to an active recall. Because it is vehicle-specific, a VIN search feature is necessary for customers to find open recalls on their car or a car they want to buy.
VIN lookup may be used to find out the year, manufacture, and model. You shouldn't, however, argue with YMM. Your company and customers will be able to categorize as many or as few car information as necessary with the help of the combination of VIN lookup and YMM search.
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jaydeemedia · 2 years
Uber To Face UK Tribunal Over 'racially Discriminatory' Facial Recognition Methods
Uber To Face UK Tribunal Over ‘racially Discriminatory’ Facial Recognition Methods
Drivers in the UK are taking legal action against Uber over its actual-time biometric identification checks, TechCrunch has reported. A union representing the drivers claims that some members were wrongly suspended once they have been misidentified, and misplaced their licenses consequently. “[The] facial recognition techniques… are inherently defective and generate notably poor accuracy results…
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jimclarkposting · 2 years
i live in constant fear of misidentifying drivers in posts (like that time i didn't look a photo closely enough and went "ah yes this is a fine photo of didier pironi" when in fact it was instagram icon jean-pierre jarier)
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zerogate · 2 years
The Kaṭha Upaniṣad (3.9) compares the body to a chariot, the senses to the horses, the mind to the reins that control the horses, the buddhi to the driver who controls the reins and charts the course, and the puruṣa to the inactive passenger. Buddhi, intelligence; ahaṅkāra, ego; and manas, mind, together comprise the internal body (antaḥkaraṇa), the inner noetic world of thoughts, emotions, feelings, determination, will, cognitions, memories, etc. The puruṣa soul is cloaked in these psychic layers prior to receiving a gross body and senses. As noted, the Yoga school, while using the terminology of (especially) buddhi, but also ahaṅkāra and manas, differs somewhat from that of Sāṅkhya in conceiving these three as interacting functions of the one citta, mind, rather than as three distinct metaphysical layers. Citta, then, is the term used by Patañjali and the commentators to refer to all three of these cognitive functions combined (thus it is not a separate evolute from prakṛti).
According to Patañjali’s definition in the second sūtra, yoga is the cessation (nirodha) of the activities or permutations (vṛttis) of the citta. The vṛttis refer to any sequence of thought, ideas, mental imaging, or cognitive act performed by the mind, intellect, or ego as defined above—in short, any state of mind whatsoever. It cannot be over-stressed that the mind is merely a physical substance that selects, organizes, analyzes, and molds itself into the physical forms of the sense data presented to it; in and of itself it is not aware of them. Sense impressions or thoughts are imprints in that mental substance, just as a clay pot is a product made from the substance clay, or waves are permutations of the sea. The essential point for understanding yoga is that all forms or activities of the mind are products of prakṛti, matter, and completely distinct from the soul or true self, puruṣa, pure awareness or consciousness.
The citta can profitably be compared to the software, and the body to the hardware. Neither is conscious; they are rather forms of gross matter, even as the former can do very intelligent activities. Both software and hardware are useless without the presence of a conscious observer. Only puruṣa is truly alive, that is, aware or conscious. When uncoupled from the mind, the soul, puruṣa, in its pure state, that is, in its own constitutional, autonomous condition—untainted by being misidentified with the physical coverings of the body and mind—is free of content and changeless; it does not constantly ramble and flit from one thing to another the way the mind does. To realize pure awareness as an entity distinct and autonomous from the mind (and, of course, body), thought must be stilled and consciousness extracted from its embroilment with the mind and its incessant thinking nature. Only then can the soul be realized as an entity completely distinct from the mind (a distinction such clichés as “self-realization” attempt to express), and the process to achieve this realization is yoga.
--  Edwin F. Bryant, The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali
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chorusgirls · 2 years
a vague new york city awning, late at night. dove and lucien playing at aesop’s fable. @lawlessgodss​
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she emerges from the club to find the world turned biblical. noah has returned his flood, and the angels — whatever few still reside in this city, turned stony from what they’ve seen, most often misidentified from their place on high rooftops as gargoyles — have all gone inside, casting the blue lights of their television on the world beneath. the street overflows with rainwater, neon reflecting in the rushing stream to create a refraction of the world above. the image it creates — a city that continually bleeds, throbs, falls apart and recenters all in the blur of the same second — is in many ways more true than the solid one it mirrors.
dove squints at the outline of her car through the downpour, an arm emerging from the weighty cocoon of her shawl, signalling for her driver out of habit. it returns to its shelter, pale returning to pale, when she remembers she had given him the night off. she’d driven herself.
irritation intensifies as she watches the storm drains regurgitate whatever attempts to pass through it. fitting. even the gutters didn’t want the run-off of new york. itasted too much like the things that lived there. 
her options, than, are to wade through the waterlogged street herself, in the process submitting to the complete destruction of her shoes — a pair meant to be broken in for the stage, and nearly there — or to find an alternative method across the sudden river which bypassed entering it herself.
that option, as she finds it, stands a handful of paces away from her, cutting a figure tall enough to reach the morningstar and exhaling smoke like he’s already consumed the burning thing. dove fists her hands into her shawl, pulls it tighter. calculates the potential ruin of an evening. calculates it again. finds the estimation always says you lose.
the echo of her heels cuts through the sound of the falling rain. a fast drip, drip, drip with a slow click, click, click. repetition is an awfully damning thing, isn’t it?
“i don’t suppose,” the frog says to the scorpion, “you could help me find a way to my car.”
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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According to the lawsuit filed on Jan. 7, 2022, and obtained by the Atlanta Black Star, in 2020, Shane Lee Brown was incarcerated for six days at the Henderson Detention Center and then the Clark County Detention Center after law enforcement officers from two different police departments mixed him up with another man.
The man filing the suit is 23 years old, 5 feet 7, and Black. The actual man listed on the arrest warrant was 49 years old, 5 feet 11, and a white man with a “bushy white beard” and blue eyes. The arresting officers failed to properly verify the person listed on the warrant. 
On Jan. 8, 2020, the lawsuit states, Shane Lee Brown was driving from work when he was “pulled over by one or more unknown Henderson City Police Officers.” He didn’t have his driver’s license on him, so he gave them his name, social security number, and social security card. 
The officer ran the name and when he saw the same first and surname pop up with a warrant, he assumed it was the man waiting in the car they pulled over.
However, if he had read the warrant, he would have seen the description of the man with an outstanding felony bench warrant for the illegal ownership or possession of a firearm. The subject of the warrant was Shane Neil Brown, a man whose first conviction was in 1994, two years before the plaintiff was born.
Despite this, Shane Lee Brown was arrested and placed in Henderson Detention Center (HDC) from Jan. 8 to Jan. 10, and then transferred by the LVMPD to the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC), where he stayed until Jan. 14.
Shane Lee Brown communicated over and over again that they had the wrong man, but to no avail. 
The lawsuit, prepared by attorney Brent Bryson, noted, “Despite being informed of this mistaken identity, none of the unknown LVMPD or LVMPD corrections officers bothered to review its own records to determine whether that Shane Lee Brown was the subject of the warrant.”
“Had any of the LVMPD police or corrections officers performed any due diligence, such as comparing Shane Lee Brown’s booking photo against the existing mug shot belonging to the older, white ‘Shane Brown’ named in the warrant, comparing his fingerprints, birth date, ID No., or physical description, they could have easily determined that Shane Lee Brown was misidentified as the subject of the warrant,” it continued.
A bench warrant return hearing presided over by Judge Joe Hardy was held on Jan. 14. Shane Lee Brown was appointed a public defender named Shannon L. Phenix and she shared the same information with the court that her client had been telling the officers since before his arrest. 
In a dramatic demonstration, she compared a mug shot filed online of the white man to the one her client took, just days ago. She also compared the identification numbers of both men, something that none of the officers had done.
The judge immediately released Shane Lee Brown.
The filing names the LVMPD, Henderson Police Department, the city of Henderson, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, and Henderson Police Department Chief Thedrick Andres as defendants.
Bryson states, “It’s pretty hard to make a mistake of that magnitude when you have such different characteristics and races of a suspect.” 
On Tuesday, Jan. 11, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, City of Henderson spokeswoman Kathleen Richards gave a statement regarding the lawsuit. She said that the department will, “address the claims in their response to the court.” The LVMPD did not offer any comment.
While both departments are tight-lipped, Bryson shared what he and his client’s position is, “This happens much more frequently than what the public hears about.”
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