#misha and bathtubs
warpedwings · 2 months
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Happy National Nude Day! [July 14]
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l3irdl3rain · 2 years
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just wanted to share my stepmom’s 18 yr old, extremely boney, petunia-like old lady, misha! she loves cheek scratches and licking the wet floor of the bathtub :-)
Misha......or petunia made flat with a rolling pin like in a cartoon?
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thefvrious · 11 months
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@ghostsxagain sent -> 'shivers' for misha's reaction to indigo trailing his fingers down misha's spine.
Work has been taking its toll on Misha's body. The more fanciful his acts become, the more he does, the worse the wear and tear. He's getting older, too, knows that there's not much time left of this, and he's trying to soak it up while he can. It's the thing he's best at, and he loves the shock and awe in people's faces when they see what he can do with his body. Even if it is betraying him little by little.
The more time he spends with Indigo, though, the better he feels about things. He has, for so long, closed himself off from the world outside of his siblings, but Indi burrowed their way in before Misha could even react. He didn't know what was hitting him, nor how hard, until it was already too late.
Indi is caring, too, especially know that they know about Misha's condition. They've opened up the floor for discussion, if Misha wants it (he doesn't) and shown he man physical and emotional nurturing care. As it stands, Misha is soaking in a hot, hot bath with oils and salts, and Indi has been pouring water over him, rubbing salves into his skin, trying to get the ache out of the muscles and bones and joints, but pain is tangled into the fabric of his being, he knows, though he daren't say it out loud. Indigo's care has softened him, and he knows that Indi gets something out of it, too. So, this is a nice little thing for them, even if it's sort of bittersweet.
He feels their fingertips and sighs, knows Indi is searching for the tenderness. Misha's head falls forward and he grips the sides of the bathtub allowing himself to succumb to Indigo's careful ministrations.
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erickripkestherapist · 9 months
misha needs to find work or he's going to start posting from the bathtub again
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amberjazmyn · 6 months
i'm still here though, aren't i?
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - i'm still here though, aren't i? 
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - angst, teenage dad x misha, widower dad x misha, single dad x misha, failed suicide attempt, teenage daughter, crying, yelling
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - misha's teenage daughter, collette, had attempted suicide and for the first time since it happened, the father and daughter got into a heated argument whilst on the set of supernatural because collette refused to talk about it to her dad. she refused to talk about it because she felt as if whilst she wished the attempt didn't fail, she's somewhat grateful that it failed and she didn't want to feel as though she was in the wrong. however, it was in this argument that she truly realised the mistake she had made and the fear and devastation it brought to her dad. 
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - this will be an awfully heavy chapter so, like always, please read with caution or don't read at all. flashbacks to the event of collette's attempt will be in italics, as will all the other flashbacks and the present time will be in normal font. i love you all and please, stay safe 
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in hindsight, misha should have known that there was something wrong with his teenage daughter, collette, but he just thought he was becoming too much of a helicopter parent. i mean, collette was misha's only daughter and was the only thing he had left of his wife who died two years ago. so, because of that, he didn't want to constantly get in his daughter's way. he wanted her to have some freedom, especially now that she was sixteen, having just turned that age on the day of her eventual suicide attempt. however, he should have realised that, maybe, he shouldn't have been so far away from his daughter to the point where she felt like she had to even think about suicide let alone attempt it for him to realise that she still needs her dad. 
collette's attempt 
it was everything she could have ever wanted. the bathtub was filled to the brim with water that was sure to run cold in minutes, if not seconds. the knives and sharp objects that anyone could have, were resting on the side table that had been brought in, the envelopes with the letters that had been written for every single person in collette's life had been written and were resting on the bathroom sink. she was already dressed considering she had just wrapped up for the day on the set of supernatural. so, straight away, fully clothed, she stepped into the overflowing bathtub and she started cutting at her wrists. she had been cutting at her wrists for a few minutes before she realised it wasn't doing what she wanted it to do. she wanted to bleed and hurt and it wasn't doing that. so, that was when she had to bring in the big guns and, not just figuratively. sixteen-year-old collette collins had managed to find her uncle jared's shotgun and had snuck it out of his trailer and into her tote bag, smuggling it back home with her. she had drawn the gun out of her bag, checking to see if it still had ammo in it and lifted it up to her left temporal. ready to shoot when the noise of her father, uncles and the rest of the supernatural cast entered the house scared her. this then caused her finger to slip, the gun to go off and instead of getting her in the head, the gunshot went straight through her shoulder as it slipped and she went to catch it. the loud noise making collette jump and leading her to fall right back into the bathtub. the gunshot obviously garnered everyone's attention but none more so than misha's. without a second to do anything else, he ran up the stairs and into the bathroom with jensen and jared in tow and what they saw wasn't something that would easily be erased from their memory.
"...collette marie collins!" misha's booming voice calls out, reverberating throughout the house as his daughter, who had since blacked out from the gunshot wound, laid unresponsive in the bathtub of her parents' bathroom 
"come on collette, what have you done?!" misha calls out as the three men walk upstairs and straight away, they go into his bedroom 
they knew this because for context, misha would come home after collette would come home first since she'd finish shooting before him, she'd be either asleep on his bed or watching netflix. however, this time, neither was the tv on nor anything else to suggest that the gunshot had come from a tv show or a youtube video. this, obviously, sparked the worst fear and feeling in misha and collette's uncles' stomachs but it made them rush into the room that much quicker.
without even thinking about the fact that his daughter could be right in front of the bathroom door, misha took a chance and he kicked in the bathroom door. unveiling something that was from both his nightmares and was only seen on tv shows, supernatural being one of them. misha's entire body fell limp as he tried to think as rationally as he could to get his little girl help. jensen immediately, without a second to think, grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialled 911 and requested the closest ambulance whilst jared helped misha grab collette's collapsed, heavy, wet and bloodied body out of the bath. which proved to be a challenge since collette was fully dressed which made her so much heavier to pick up. 
"mish, the paramedics are on their way, their closest ambulance is three minutes away! do you two need a hand?" jensen called out, calm and collected and placed his phone back into his back pocket
he watches as misha and jared slightly struggle to get their daughter and niece out of the bathtub, "could we please jens? what did she fucking do to herself?" misha mumbled to himself as he tried to analyse what his girl could have done to herself to draw this much blood
that was when jared's eyes caught onto the things that were resting next to the bathtub and the bathroom sink. he almost choked on his own breath which caught misha and jensen's attention as they managed to place collette on the bed.
"what's wrong jared? did you find something?" jensen spoke up as misha tried to attend to his daughter and dry her off before the paramedics arrived  
"there's razors, knives...everything sharp you could imagine along with a shotgun...she grabbed my shotgun and shot herself...the razor cuts on her arm weren't drawing as much blood as she wanted them too so she tried to shoot herself..." jared trailed off as that really made misha feel sick
"...how...how did she find your gun, jared?" misha stammered out, not even having it in him to be mad at his best friend or blame him as jared just shook his head, not knowing either
"i...i don't know mish...i...i genuinely thought i had hidden it so she couldn't find it!" jared was just as flabbergasted that his niece could have found his gun just like misha and jensen were shocked that their daughter and niece could find it 
"she was obviously very smart about it though..." jensen mumbled in as the other two nodded their heads as they focused back over to collette who was still knocked out cold yet, misha realised something 
it confused him because it was very obvious that where her gunshot wound was, was not where she was intending it to hit. that was when he realised what his little girl was trying to do and it made him dizzy and it made him choke on his tears. his eyes then followed from his daughter to the bathroom sink where jared had found the gun and the razors earlier and found an envelope. this was when it finally all connected and made sense to misha - collette's accident was anything but an accident. he finally realised that she had done this all on purpose because she was trying to commit suicide but, ultimately failed. this makes sense when he thought about the gunshot wound in collette's shoulder, she wouldn't have shot herself in the shoulder if she wanted to kill herself. she was obviously trying to get her head or someplace where she would have died instantly, but, it seemed as if the second that he and the rest of the cast had walked into the house that it scared collette, hence the misfire on her part. however, misha had never been so grateful for the fact that he had caught his daughter on time. he was also glad when the noises of the ambulance sirens were heard, it meant that his daughter had the possibility of being saved. jensen and jared also had a moment to breathe as well as what they had seen was also traumatising for them. sure, they weren't collette's dad but, they were the second and third closest thing to misha and were collette's first uncles from supernatural.  
despite being out of hospital for about two months now, collette was still strong about refusing to talk about what happened and why she did what she did. and, for everyone else in the cast, they understood that boundary and didn't push it. however, misha, her dad, did push it because, that's his daughter. of course he was going to push it because he wanted an answer from his daughter or anything that could satisfy him enough that he could breathe and sleep easier at night. however, collette selfishly wasn't ready to provide an answer for her dad just yet and, usually, misha would a hundred per cent understand that. however, this time, he just couldn't let it go because, the last time that happened, he nearly lost his daughter and became a suicide statistic. that was something he didn't want, not at all, not again. he didn't want to take that chance again only to possibly lose his daughter all over again. 
"...collette, sweetheart, can we have a chat please?" misha suddenly asks his daughter as she finishes a scene with her uncles, jared and mark sheppard 
"of course we can dad, what's up?" collette smiled and said a quick goodbye to mark and jared before sitting down in the seat next to her dad 
"i know that it's been two months since it happened. i understand that you refuse to talk about it with people and, i'm not purposefully making you push this boundary but, can you just give me something as a reason to why you thought your life was so unimportant that you did what you did?" misha spoke camly, he wasn't raising his voice, he wasn't making a scene, he was just simply asking his daughter a question that has been eating at his insides 
however, that wasn't how collette heard or saw that question. she saw that as her dad invading her personal space and, she hated it on the outside. even though, on the inside, she had been waiting to hear it because she just wanted to be heard. but, at the same time, she wanted to be selfish and make her dad go through more anguish. 
"dad, please stop. i'm not ready to talk about it," collette begged as she gulped, obviously embarrassed over the fact that she was on set and it was being talked about - not because of what she did
"collette, i have given you your space and time even though it's been agonizing and made me sick to the stomach every passing day! can you please just give me something? don't you understand what you did?" misha slightly raises his voice which makes collette panic slightly 
and, that was because, in all truthfulness, the girl really had no full comprehension or understanding of what she actually did. or what the repercussions her suicide attempt would have not just on her but also her family and friends. 
but, she lied and it was obvious too, "i do understand what i did and it annoys me every single day that it failed! why do you think i attempted it in the first place?!" now collette was raising her voice and it was obvious that she didn't mean the words, not even understanding the power these words had, she just truly wanted to one-up her dad
"collette...sweetheart...you don't actually mean that!" misha went quite, getting more and more distressed and agitated and collette could tell 
and, whilst it broke her heart, it made her want to fight against her dad even more. so, that's what she did, "i really do mean it, dad! if only it wasn't for the fact that you guys all came home at the exact right time the bullet wouldn't have got my shoulder, it would've got me straight in the head and i would've been dead within minutes, if not seconds!" collette's voice was loud and it pierced through everyone who heard it in the gut
of course collette was smart, she's the daughter of a former white house intern for fuck sake! however, sometimes, her brain sent her mixed signals and it confused her and that was what was happening right now. it was very obvious that what collette was saying right now was nothing remotely close to what she'd usually say. usually, in a situation like this, she'd be crying and being comforted by her dad. and she was always given that comfort and forgiveness, even after acting out like this and after attempting suicide. 
"collette marie collins, do you realise the severity of what you did two months ago? do you understand the pain it put me through?!" misha's voice was going up an octave due to his emotions slowly becoming uncontrollable as he stood up 
"maybe i do and maybe i don't but i'm still here though, aren't i?" collette screeched as she also stood up to match her dad as misha stood back in shock as he shook his head 
"yes, i'm fucking glad that you're still alive collette. you are my entire world but, if you just understand these next words that come out of my mouth, then you'll understand the grief, agony and horror you put me and every single person on this set through!" misha paused as collette locked her jaw as she braced herself for what was going to come out of her father's mouth
"collette, you not only stole uncle jared's gun, but you also broke apart every single razor in my bathroom, took all of the knives and you thought you had the right to take uncle jared's shotgun to what was originally your left temporal and shoot yourself. in the bathtub after you had realised that the cuts on your skin weren't actually going to do anything in the time that you wanted it to. so, you shot yourself. you have no idea how horrified uncle jared, uncle jensen and i were when we heard that gunshot and saw you laying there just unconscious in my own bathtub that was filled with bloodied water..." 
"--no, collette! you don't get to speak because you still don't understand the gravity of what you tried to do those two months ago! you have no clue the amount of tears i cried at that hospital, how many hours i spent laying awake, hoping and praying, to any and every god i could think of just hoping that you would wake up. how many nightmares i had about me running into that room and not being able to save you, how many hours i spent sitting in that god awful uncomfortable chair, my entire body going numb because i didn't once move a single limb off of that seat! this is the most hopeless i've felt since losing your mother, collette! i am trying, i am trying so fucking hard to take care of you and make sure you're happy. you are my only daughter collette and you are the only thing i have left of your mother! okay, i am so desperately sorry that i made you feel like this was what you needed to do to get my attention and, if it was my fault, i will take full responsibility for it. but, please, just give me one single piece of reason why you thought you had to write those suicide notes and try to kill yourself. just so i can go to sleep without the fear of you trying to do it again when i'm asleep and not able to help you, please, i beg you, collette..." misha trailed off as his anger was replaced by grief as tears welled in his eyes, tears also welling in his daughter's eyes 
hearing her dad reveal all of his feelings over her suicide attempt made collette feel guilty. but, it also made her finally understand the gravity of what her suicide attempt had actually caused to everyone and what it had put them through. and, her understanding that, scared the living crap out of her and now she understood what everyone else was going through. it was finally sinking into her head that she did try to kill herself with uncle jared's shotgun and that she was purposefully aiming for her left temporal and from the self-harm scars that she also gave herself before resulting to the gun. and, it was this moment that collette cried. bowing her head to the floor, she was scared to open her arms to ask her dad for a hug. but, she didn't need to be scared because her dad immediately pulled her in for a hug and held her tight. jared and jensen watching on whilst the rest of the cast tried to not look but, they couldn't help themselves to look. 
"...i...i'm so sorry..." she whimpered out, her soft tearful apology broke misha's heart into two as he held his daughter tightly 
"...hey...no...ssh, it's okay darling, it's okay!" misha spoke softly as he held onto his little girl as tightly as he could, tighter than when he hugged her after the death of his wife, her mother
"no...no...it...it wasn't okay dad! i...i had no right to even think like that!" collette sobbed as she hadn't clutched onto her dad's shirt this tight in years 
"you're human, collette. that's all you need to be told to know that what you were feeling was incredibly valid and i am so sorry that i didn't see the signs early on. i love you so much, collette marie collins. you are my entire world, you're all that i have left and if i was to be on this earth without, i...i really don't know how i'd still be able to breathe every day. you are my one reason, the only thing i want and need in my life. the one reminder that i'm allowed to smile and continue on with my life is because of you, collette. and because you are my daughter. i love you so incredibly much and whilst you scare me half the time, i wouldn't want to change anything about you, except for the things that go on inside that very intelligent but strange brain of yours that i can't change. i seriously worry about you every single day but, you have no clue how thankful i am that your eyes opened that day two months ago. i am so thankful that you woke up..." misha trailed off as collette managed to calm herself down and remained silent in her father's embrace as they then sat on the floor together
two months ago 
it seemed as though misha would be waiting for an eternity before his little girl would open her eyes and wake up from her suicide attempt. however, right at this moment, he didn't care how long it took as he wouldn't be moving a single muscle until he saw his girl's beautiful blue eyes she had inherited from him, open and look right back into his own atlantic blue eyes. he didn't care that he was losing sleep, that he was constantly dehydrated not only from refusing food and drink but also from all the tears he was crying and that his entire body was slowly becoming numb due to staying in the same position day in day out. the poor father was even refusing to work because he didn't want to miss the moment his daughter opened her eyes. he was adamant that his little girl was going to pull through what she had done and that she'd live to fight another day. misha just wanted some belief that his little girl wasn't going to die on him and he'd lose his entire family. he had already gone through that two years prior with his wife, collette's mother, he really didn't want to do that again for a second time because the first time was so traumatic that he wasn't sure if he went through it again if he'd be able to get through it a second time with collette because if misha lost collette, he'd have no other reason to stay alive himself. because, still unbeknownst to collette, she literally and figuratively saved his life. he never wanted his little girl, his precious little collette marie to be subjected to the pain that he had from his wife's death that, it never registered in his mind that his daughter was also in a lot of emotional pain from the loss of her mother that, he ignored it. obviously, unintentionally as he would never intentionally ignore his daughter, ever, but this time, he was just so caught up in himself and his own grieving process whilst trying to stay afloat that, he completely forgot about collette. he forgot that she was going through the same thing but maybe a little bit worse because she was still so young and barely able to understand considering she was only just recently thirteen at the time when her mother, mrs collins, died. 
"...collette, sweetheart...i...i am so sorry!" misha's small, desperate and broken voice apologised, his head resting on his daughter's hospital bed as he begged for the little girl to just open her eyes
"i am so sorry that i was so ignorant of your feelings and how much you were missing mom! i...i just got so caught up in everything that i-" 
"-daddy?" a soft, delicate but barely audible and scratchy voice grabbed misha's attention
straight away, his head snapped up and the second his tired faded blue eyes met with his daughter's matched faded blue eyes, he almost choked on his words
"collette?" his weak voice whispered as collette struggled to push herself up against the hospital's bed frame as misha fully straightened himself out as he was still trying to comprehend what happened
collette's vision blurred as did misha's, as she tried to figure out in her head where she was. then, it finally clicked in her head yet, not what she had done that caused her to be where she was. all she knew...all she allowed herself to remember...was that she was in a hospital in vancouver, canada. 
"my darling girl!" misha's voice cracked as collette moved closer to her dad as he moved closer before they closed the space between as misha embraced his little girl in a fatherly hug that had been way too long overdue
"i...i'm so sorry!" collette whispered into the hug as all misha cared about right now was that his daughter was awake as he knew that for a while, collette would push this back and pretend it didn't exist so, for her, that's what he did as well
"no, it's okay, don't apologise baby girl! you're awake, that's all that matters!" misha cooed as a nurse must have realised that collette was awake as within a couple of minutes, collette was having her vitals checked and was being taken off of oxygen as it was very obvious that she was able to breathe on her own
however, she was having to stay in hospital for a while just to make sure she was safe enough on her own which, she and misha understood perfectly and didn't try to fight against. it just meant that by the time she was discharged and deemed physcologically safe to do so that she'd have a lot of explaining to do, not just to herself but, also to her family back at the supernatural set. 
collette's eighteenth birthday
today was the third anniversary of collette's failed suicide attempt and it was also her eighteenth birthday. which meant that it was also, in two months time, going to be the anniversary of the arguement that the father and daughter had about the suicide attempt. since that day, the two of them have been doing to therapy and, not once was it regretted. it worked so well that not once did the father or daughter hold back and, it brought the two of them inexplicably closer together. 
however, there was one singular thing that stood out to misha the most about his daughter's attempt. it was something she had said at one of the therapy sessions that she had invited uncles jensen and jared to. whilst it was heartbreakingly simple, it made so much sense and everything clicked in the three men's heads. the mantra uncle jared preaches, always keep fighting, had gotten so lost into collette's mind that she had forgotten that whilst permission wasn't needed that she had permission to always keep fighting. all those suicidal thoughts had clouded her mantra of wanting to keep on fighting that they had been distorted that it felt like nothing was working for her anymore that she thought that the only thing she could do was to try and kill herself. 
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liked by collettecollins, jaredpadalecki, jensenackles, robenedict, ruthie_connell and 87,67k others
misha collette marie collins, my sweet sweet angel. eighteen years ago today, i was given the biggest blessing in the entire world since meeting your wonderful mother. whilst you have gone through so much in the last three years, i couldn't have been any prouder of how you've gotten up off the floor and continued on. you inspire me every single day and i know you inspire every single person in our family and in the supernatural family. i know i always say this but, you are truly the reason why i am able to wake up every morning and smile and the reason i breathe everyday. i know we've had it rough, especially with the loss of mom nearly four years ago now, your suicide attempt three years ago today as well as your eighteenth birthday, but i am so proud of the way you've handled all of these hardships whilst also being so positive at the same time. since that attempt three years ago, you haven't allowed yourself to give up since because you want to prove to that scared little sixteen-year-old that you're strong and that you can do everything and anything you put your mind to. and that is true, you are able to do everything you put your mind to because you are collette marie collins and us collins' never give up, ever! mommy and daddy are so proud of you baby angel, we are so grateful we were blessed with you as our daughter. have an amazing day my love, i hope all of your wishes come true and i am glad i am able to be apart of your wishes. i love you forever baby angel, daddy loves you every single day 🤍
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collettecollins aw dad, you are the sweetest human being i could ever know! thank you so much for being my dad! i never take you for granted, love you most daddy 🤍
jaredpadalecki happy eighteenth collette marie, uncle jared loves you forever and ever 🤍
jensenackles this is so precious. happy birthday my sweet cmc 🤍
robenedict happy eighteenth cmc 🤍
ruthie_connell happy birthday my little angel 🤍
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liked by misha,  jensenackles, genpadalecki, jaredpadalecki, dicksp8jr and 11k others
collettecollins aloha cowboy, it's collette collins, texas ranger at your service 🤠🔞🤍
happy birthday cmc. you've been through a lot my darling but, i am so proud of how far you've come since that anxious, suicidal, depressed little sixteen-year-old. you have grown up to be the most gorgeous, loving, strong, intelligent, sassy, hilarious young lady that i could have ever dreamt of growing up to be. sure, you still have three more years until you can legally drink alcohol but, for the most part, you're an adult and you can finally be as silly as you wish to be. just, make sure you're in a safe environment and with your boyfriend, dad and uncles and you're preferably in austin, texas whilst uncle jared is shooting for walker now that supernatural has finished...
it's also been three years since you thought the entire world would be better without you and attempted to take a gun to your left temporal and shoot yourself. you ended up misfiring, thank god, and you shot your shoulder and was in the hospital for around two or so months after. but, you end up being so glad that at eighteen, you survived the attempt. it's not that you regret what you did as you promised yourself from that day forth that you'd never regret anything but, you do wish you tried to talk to someone about it, if not your dad, then uncle jared or uncle jensen. you can't even begin to imagine the thought process that would have been going through the minds of everyone the second they heard and were told about the suicide attempt. just thinking about it now at eighteen gives you nausea and makes you cry so, it's something that you don't like to think about often. but, when you do, you always find yourself apologising. no longer to your dad and uncles but, to yourself for ever feeling that sad that you thought killing yourself was the best option when it's very clear now that, that choice was the worst choice you could have ever tried to make.  
happy eighteenth birthday collette marie collins. you deserve all the happiness in the world, even if it was a mile run, deep underwater swim and a hike to get here, i'm glad you made it safely. i love you forever 🤍
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misha i am so proud of you cmc. this post made me cry reading it but that doesn't matter because you wrote it and you had every intention of sharing it
jensenackles ngl, the supernatural and walker references made me a little teary-eyed...okay fine, the entire post did! happy birthday munchkin! i am so proud of you for continuing on through everything
genpadalecki happy birthday collette 🤍
jaredpadalecki happy birthday my sweet sweet adopted texas ranger. i love you forever and always
dicksp8jr happy birthday mini misha 🤍
fan27 bless your heart collette! happy birthday my love! 
don't forget, it's okay to struggle but it is not okay to stop fighting. a wise man once told me to always keep fighting and i hope you do the same! 
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ok, whilst this was sad, i'm glad that it got happier and that i did a three-year time skip even though i didn't mean for that to happen. i really like this chapter! 
ok ily bye xx
wc; 5359
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deanhisnippleisout · 1 year
(not me either but) jesus christ - my brain couldn't process it but also they are burnt into my retinas & I see Misha titties when I close my eyes now
prompt reminder that i might not have shown you the bathtub picture yet
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ac-liveblogs · 8 months
Penacony part 1 kind of sucked. Despite an attempt at being a thrilling mystery whodunnit, the most surprised I ever got when exploring this place was when I realised a billboard was stalking me.
The second most surprised I got was finding the corpse in my bathtub, but I think that's a normal response. Also, HYV doing anything with playable characters is a novelty, let alone killing* them.
Besides Aventurine, the time you spend with the characters introduced this patch doesn't feel very well spent. You spend most of the first half of the patch chasing Firefly around - a girl that keeps you at arm's reach and is mostly just there to be sad, tragic waifubait - and almost no-one else, and by the time the second half is attempting to serve you mysterious curveballs with the rest of the cast you don't know any of them well enough to give anything resembling a shit.
When Aventurine accused Acheron of lying about being a Galaxy Ranger, murdering Duke Inferno and maybe being involved in Firefly's death, my genuine response was - "I don't know this woman well enough to have any emotions about this, let alone be shocked by the possibility."
Which, in a character-driven Whodunnit of clashing motivations that might make or break a whole planet, is really bad, actually.
My second was - "I can't believe they killed Duke Inferno off-screen he's barely done anything yet", but with a design like that he was never going to be playable. My guy :( Duke Inferno :(
Aventurine has the most personality, by merit of being a smarmy shit begging to get punched, his murder-threat and, again, corpse-bathtub jumpscare. He has unique dynamics with the Trailblazer, Topaz and Ratio, and we understand some of the stakes for why he feels the need to play this game and manipulate us.
Firefly seems to have gotten in over her head with someone (Sam, though I'm assuming her 'mecha' comment was a red herring), but everyone else is a big blank nothing. In terms of motivation that's fine at this stage, but we have two super calm and strong purple ladies that don't reveal much about themselves or emote much, the strangely handled Sparkle who spends most of her time being a) irritating (writing her archetype well is hard) and b) not Sampo, and the.... "I guess they exist" Sunday and Misha.
The Annihilation Gang probably isn't even coming anymore.
I wasn't too annoyed about Robin's death - beyond surprise as, again, playable waifu but given the game was very clearly attempting to endear Firefly to me and their idea of doing that was having her main contributions to most conversations being 'this guy is weird' and 'guess we'd better think hard about this puzzle!' prior to dumping part of her backstory, I came away from that one more annoyed than anything.
Trailblazer apparently agreed with me, given how quickly they recovered from it lmao
*I don't actually believe Firefly or Robin are dead. At the very least, Firefly didn't. Not only did the stakes of dying in the dream world not get established prior to this, it is a dream world. They'll be fine, they probably ended up in the Primal Dreamscape or whatever it is. Firefly's body still being in a doctor's surgery or whatever probably means she's fine.
It's a shame the main plot was boring, because the idea of it seemed pretty fun. As it is, the world we're in has far more personality than the playable characters. I like Penacony itself, I think it's well designed with decent puzzles and some some nice aesthetic choices. But the story has thoroughly failed to grab me, and I have the horrible feeling the quests we'll be picking up afterwards won't have much to do with any playable characters due to the nature of the story.
Due to the nature of this patch basically just being establishing the setting before the actual plot really kicks off, though, the main meat of the actual investigation will be dropping in ... 6 weeks time. Though the problem is that by this point I'm supposed to get you interested in the mystery, and by nature of not knowing many of the players nor caring about Firefly and Robin, I do not.
god this entire patch seriously was just a long-winded prologue huh
Also, did they audition for Clockie by asking people to do their best Mickey Mouse impressions, or what?
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teamfreewill2pointo · 2 years
I wouldn't have thought anything of the colors if Drake hadn't made a point to say that outfits/colors all were carefully selected to have meanings. I think it was on an insta story?
Producers etc. Have to have known the implications of 💚💙
How do you know it wasn't a parallel to this scene?
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Their clothes match. Sam's wearing a darker blue shirt over a lighter shirt, just like Mary. John's shirt and Dean's jacket.
There were the vampires, the threat of impalement, the person in green dying, a declaration of love previously kept hidden...
Or do you think that the barn scene was Destiel????
How do you know the producers/directions know how some members of the fandom view greenblue? Misha, who's more into fandom than most, didn't know until fans told him at a convention.
Here's the thing - the vast majority of fans have no idea that a small group of fans see greenblue as meaning Destiel. If they wanted the audience to think of Destiel, they would be way more overt about it. They would do things that the average audience member would recognize.
Also, when I saw people on twitter talking about the parallels of two people locked in a room together while someone bangs on the door, I assumed it was John and Mary. What a wild ride when I watched the episode and it was John and Millie???? Brings new meaning to that bathtub scene!
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arrthurpendragon · 1 year
It only took Misha and Tallmadge kitties 5 months to figure out that the bathtub in our house does the same thing as the one in the apartment. lol. I have a feeling that there will be crying to turn the bathtub on for them to drink now! haha.
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blanketforcas · 2 years
the fact that i can google "misha collins bathtub" and get multiple pictures is a blessing
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awssp12 · 2 years
Here’s a link to Misha’s Spotify playlist. I always make playlists for my characters and the songs usually reflect their journey, aspects of their story or personality, and sometimes their relationship with other characters.
Here’s a list of all the songs on the playlist (so far, because I do tend to add more songs when I find them) and they’re in no particular order. I just kinda add them as I go.
Monster by Imagine Dragons
This Is War by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Stronger by The Score
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Seashore by The Regrettes
Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
Devil Town by Cavetown
Little Pistol by Mother Mother
Remember You from Adventure Time
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Ship in a Bottle by fin
LEMONS - Demo by Brye
Burned by Grace VanderWaal
Venus Fly Trap by MARINA
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
You Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore
It’s Alright by Mother Mother
Icarus by Bastille
Girls by MARINA
Demons by Hayley Kiyoko
This is Home by Cavetown
Sweet Hibiscus Tea by Penelope Scott
Dance Monkey by Toned And I
Let’s Kill Tonight by Panic! At The Disco
Ghosting by Mother Mother
Disobedient from Steven Universe: The Movie
I Can’t Decide by Scissor Sisters
The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance
Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
Losing My Mind by MISSIO
Bang! by AJR
overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent
This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
My Axe by Insane Clown Posse
Kiss With A Fist by Florence + The Machine
The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
Nightmare by Halsey
Hayloft by Mother Mother
Uprising by Muse
Monster by STARSET
Killer In The Mirror by Set It Off
Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish
creature by half•alive
Cocaine Jesus by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Hayloft II by Mother Mother
Sinners by Barns Courtney
The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance
Karma by AJR
Breakfast by Dove Cameron
Happy Loner by MARINA
Guardian Angel by Young the Giant
Just A Girl by No Doubt
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Start a War by Klergy, Valerie Broussard
Warriors by Imagine Dragons
The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil
Implicit Demand For Proof by Twenty One Pilots
Mockingbird by Eminem
Family Line by Conan Gray
Could Have Been Me by The Struts
Oh the Places You’ll Go by I Fight Dragons
Sunflower by We Banjo 3
For Misha by Nicholas Podany
Soldier’s Daughter by Jhameel
Bathtub by The Front Bottoms
Thanks, I Hate It by Simple Creatures
Free by Mother Mother
Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead
Go Get Your Gun by The Dear Hunter
History Will Not Repeat by Jessie Paege
Who’s In Control by Set It Off
Villainous Thing by Shayfer Jones
The Hand That Feeds by The Crane Wives
If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin
Nightmares & Flare Guns by Seb Adams
Family by Mother Mother
Hellfire by Barns Courtney
Rule #21 - Momento Mori by Fish in a Birdcage
Nightmare by Set It Off
Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos
Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney
It Took Me By Surprise by Maria Mena
Like a Child by Mother Mother
You’re Not Welcome by Naethan Apollo
Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier
Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin
Still Alive by Demi Lovato
You’ve Created A Monster by Bohnes
Catch Me If You Can by Set It Off
Who Are You, Really? by Mikky Ekko
Underworld by CYPRSS
labour by Paris Paloma
Ready Now by dodie
Ghosts by BANNERS
Body by Mother Mother
Misery Meat by Sodikken
Wildflowers - Bonus Track by Ed Sheeran
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eatingfireflies · 5 months
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It looks like Aventurine made this group chat? 😂 But also it's interesting that Hanabi is in the Reverie Hotel group (with Sunday, Robin, and Misha), while Gallagher is in this one.
It's truly the adults of Penacony gc 😂
Dr Ratio offering to take care of the decorations... What's happening lmao. Is it gonna be plaster heads in the venue. Or actually does he have good taste? His bathtub looks okay. Maybe it's fine.
Uuuh Yomi sounds so good tho 🥹
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mishalogic · 1 year
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I wonder in Heaven
in which direction
does the water go down
in Jesus bathtub,
when he pulls the plug?
And further more,
Is there "Gravity"
and Nature in Heaven? ... Misha
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ao3feed-cockles · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44497663
by MBQ
Jensen stretches out in the king-sized bed. Their view of the strip is only interrupted by a jacuzzi bathtub tucked between marble and glass to the ceiling overlooking The Vegas Strip. The sky is a cold, steely blue from the storms to the south, north and west of Nevada. Low fifties today, his Apple phone has informed him: sweater weather and long sleeves.
Words: 6979, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins
Additional Tags: Dom Misha Collins, Dom/sub, Sub Jensen Ackles, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Ties, Mishas Thighs have a Significant Role, Misha role plays Harvey Dent, Ties OK they only get through one because things happen, look this fic fucked me up and im scared to reread it, Mild Humiliation, jacuzzi sex, the hotel room is wrecked basically, Moody Misha, Twinky Jensen, Gentle Dom Misha, Face Slapping, Butt Slapping, Recreational Drug Use, No beta cuz i need to move on, Established Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins, semi public masturbation, Semi-Public Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44497663
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𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮. ....wasn't quite the same here without a baby soap (Merima,Krusevac) that used to pinche my eyes and a throat after being accidentally swallowed in that enormous bathtub At at least that's how it looked to 2-year old me and sometimes I even wore armbands in order not to drown.My other fascination at the time was the cover-girl of the face cream Solea (picture 2) that I thought looked exactly like me. She was my first model-crush and to such an extent that when I was left unsupervised and in close proximity to the pot I used to sladder its content all over my body including my hair, eyebrows, earlobes to the 'amusement' of my parents, especially my mother. The smell of that cream as well as the soap that I still use when I am in Belgrade (have to say it doesn't smell the same when I take it to London for some reason) transports me back to those simpler times, fragrant with happiness and contentment and full of love and laughter. Magically I can still feel that atmosfere here in my family home in Belgrade even though that the only remaining witness of that era is my favourite doll Misha and, as it happens, my one surviving companion. December 2022 #belgrade #zemun #mylife #myBelgrade #myZemun #solea. #picofoftheday #athomeintheworld #dametraveler #traveldeeper #instamood #beauty #love #trending #stylediaries #fashionista #livingthedream #instafollow #passionpassport #lifeofawriter #lifeofaconsultant #makingtheimpossiblepossible #myworld🌎 (at Beograd | Zemun - Веоград | Земун) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmSUeiyMTIj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mycharacterdump · 2 years
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GIVEN NAME: Mishkit ‘Mikayla’ Kaplan. NICKNAMES: Kit, Misha, Mimi, Kayla. AGE: 25. BIRTH DATE: May 16th, 1997. ZODIAC: Taurus. ETHNICITY: Caucasian. GENDER: Cis female (she/her/hers). ORIENTATION: Demiromantic pansexual. RELIGION: Agnostic. SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English, Russian & some Hebrew. VOICE: Sweet, silvery voice. BIRTHPLACE: Kopervik, on the island of Karmøy in Rogaland County, Norway. HOMETOWN: St. Petersburg, Russia. CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Cabin in Windgrip. OCCUPATION: Ice fisher. EDUCATION: Homeschooled.
PARENTS: Biological parents deceased, adopted by two Russian Jewish parents at three years old. SIBLINGS: None. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None. CHILDREN: None. PETS: Her personal aide dog, a Finnish Lapphund, Bear, and a tank of freshwater fish collected from fishing holes.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good; does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with authority but does not feel beholden to them. INTELLIGENCE: Below average intelligence. STRENGTHS: Serene, respectful, resourceful,  courteous, laid back, optimistic, amiable, dutiful, sensitive, faithful, self-reliant. WEAKNESSES: Zany, dissonant, absent-minded, restless, forgetful, ritualistic, secretive, flighty, non-conformist, bizarre. AESTHETIC: Breakfast in bed, black and white photos, rosy cheeks, believing in love at first sight, only falling apart alone, always nodding, freshly ironed clothes, writing in dream journals, believing in signs, sentimental photo albums, talking to plants to help them grow, putting on fuzzy socks in the winter, reminding everyone to put a coat on,  handwritten letters, reading in the bathtub. THEME SONGS: Evergreen by Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners, In Dreams by Sierra Ferrell, Good Days by SZA, Would That I by Hozier, Saint Valentine by Gregory Alan Isakov. 
FACE CLAIM: Haley Lu Richardson. EYE COLOUR: Heterochromatic; left eye is a honey brown while the right eye is a forest green. HAIR COLOUR: Naturally brunette, bleached blonde regularly. HEIGHT: 5'2. WEIGHT: 105 lbs.  BODY BUILD: Athletic, toned. TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: No tattoos, lobes are double-pierced and often decorated with simple gold pieces. JEWELRY: An evil eye necklace. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Heterochromia.
ALLERGIES: Cats. SMOKES?: No. DRINKS?: Occasionally. DRUGS?: No. CHRONIC ILLNESS: None. DISABILITIES: None. EATING HABITS: Always homemade; cooks all the time and rarely requires any rations. EXERCISE HABITS: Works out daily due to her job.
PHOBIAS: Being alone, closed spaces, certain textures (i.e. polyester). ADDICTIONS: None. MENTAL DISORDERS: Autism Spectrum Disorder; high functioning. WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED?: Around the age of four. SPECIAL INTERESTS: Nature, specifically ice fishing and sledding, along with the native species such as polar bears, reindeer and arctic foxes.        
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