#misha about fanfic
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manyrandomfandoms · 10 days ago
“The average actor is super chill with fanfic now” factoid actually just statistical error. The average actor might be uncomfortable with people bringing up fanfic. Misha Collins, who has read fanfic of himself and continually brings up fanfiction and shipping in public, is a statistical outlier adn should not have been counted
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gildedtragedies · 4 months ago
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of course my first post on this godforsaken site would be a shittily-made we must be killers meme...your honor i am simply obsessed with @lorata's specific brand of mentor-mentee dynamics
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shedontlovehuhself · 2 years ago
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Remembering the time when Misha celebrated destiel fanfics reaching over 100K.
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saywhat-78 · 1 month ago
Seeing cockles accounts on here trying to create a negative narrative about Misha’s girlfriend. When I tell you cockles and j2 truthers are two sides of the same delusional crazy ass coin.
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I’m working on a fic that is literally driving me insane.
Like, I have a job, and it’s not writing modern Persuasion AU fiction about Cas and Dean fucking Winchester
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youchangedmedestiel · 1 year ago
Tags to find different types of posts on my blog
Well, hello there! 👋
I'm glad you ended up here. Basically, you'll see me: lose my shit, write fics, share thoughts and reblog others' amazing posts.
✒️To find my fics: my AO3 account
🗨️To talk about Supernatural, Destiel or Cockles, my ask box is open (here's a little help with some asks ideas)
🗓️To keep up with the fandom lore: Know your Destiel/Cockles history: a calendar
🔎To find your way around in all this mess that is my Tumblr, here's a little help:
Before the destiel tag below, you can find all the specific tags I use on my posts to sort them the best way possible. I hope it'll help and you'll enjoy what I post. (It'll probably evolve in the future). Here's Dean winking, just because why not.
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sailorsally · 10 months ago
i haven't been on here and idk if it's because my interest in spn has waned or my interest waned because I haven't been on here. anyhow i'm not particularly looking forward to the con and honestly would have sold my tickets if I hadn't booked plane/hotel in advance
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superbattrash · 11 months ago
Why yes, I did indeed write 12k in less than two days :3 oh, what I wrote?
Um. A recap of the first 21 chapters of Jinx so that I can share my pain with @librarianbabs…? 🥲
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remythologise · 2 years ago
the thing about aziraphale learning french poorly instead of knowing french angelically. is. they are going to have sex with Zero miracles so much like the confession. it’s going to be very awkward. and human!!!
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moonlight-at-dawn · 1 year ago
Good thing about writing hand-to-hand fight scenes: I am intimately familiar with how it works and don't have to bullshit something together or do any research
Bad thing about writing hand-to-hand fight scenes: I have to assume readers do NOT know anything about it, and describe the movements rather than name them. Because nothing ruins a reading experience like not having any fucking clue what is happening.
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shedontlovehuhself · 2 years ago
Misha was literally poking fun at himself and what happened to him at NJcon 2022. Please go outside and touch some grass and stop obsessing over these actors sexuality. You'll feel so much better.
Imagine you're an actor on Gotham Knights and you're planning to come out for pride month 2k23 and you confide this in human low battery smoke alarm MISHA COLLINS and he proceeds, before you can come out, to vague tweet about how if someone comes out while he's on his "meditation retreat" he's very proud of them and the insane destiel cockles girlies assume this is about human manscaped ad Jensen Ackles and now you can't fucking come out because everyone is going to lose their fucking minds about whether you coming out means jackles is straight and you can't even bitch out Misha because he turned his phone off while he's getting his asshole bleached in Tahoe
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bloodydeanwinchester · 13 days ago
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i love aus where dean is young and even if he’s not out at least he’s fully aware of his sexuality
a little patience
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saltchurch · 3 months ago
i’ve never read supernatural rpf in my life but. if someone were to write an introspective drama based in fact about what it’s like to exist as jensen ackles or jared padalecki or misha collins going from your home to conventions to going to dinner with your ex coworkers and feeling this deep sense of resentment for them….or a sickness or something, I’m not sure. I would read it. Maybe I just want a very good fictionalized jensen ackles biography. maybe i just want to know about the bitterness and the bridges burned, like you know someone for near 20 years..you hate each other? Are indifferent to each other? You as a person were a sex object and now exist as an endlessly photocopied piece of merchandise. You as a person are a public object of ridicule. what have you accomplished besides leaking out your ass at a walmart in every destiel fanfic? You lived together. You were in each other’s weddings. Your kids know each other. What is the underbelly of that lifestyle..i beg of you
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marunene · 7 months ago
—· Castiel Head/canons!
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There are also some angels headcanons too! — Remembering that these are HEADCANONS and even if they don't make sense to you, they make sense to me./LH. Some (many) of them I only kept in a jar in my brain while I was reading fanfics, hehe...
English is not my first language, be patient with me.
- Pansexual! I firmly believe that angels don't care about your sex or gender, for them it's practically the same thing besides your body.
- This also means that they don't care if you are a man or a woman, if you do something they don't like you will be beaten, probably die. I see Castiel from the first seasons doing this so— yeah.
- Autism spec. You can't convince me otherwise.
- For petnames, he doesn't use it much, but if he does sometime, he calls you honeybee or love. Probably "human" if you call him "angel".
- He LOVES physical contact, even if it's not apparent, he could cuddle with you for hours and still want more
- His wings are HUGE, dark and blue, when you touch them they feel like silk, they are so soft, completely from another world.
- And to complement, I like to think that they are quite sensitive to touch.
- If he were to choose a favorite color, it would be green because it reminds him of nature. But he also likes blue (sea and sky) and yellow (bees)
- His trenchcoat are his comfort object.
- HE HUGS YOU WITH HIS WINGS WHEN YOU CUDDLE OR ARE JUST SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Imagine him protecting you with them while you sleep <3
- Gets grumpy when drunk <3
- Legends say that Castiel once tried to make breakfast and Dean forbade him from touching his stove...
- He's almost always watching you, just... Looking at you. Sometimes it's a little creepy, but he loves you too much not to look.
- When you had your first kiss, all the light bulbs in the neighborhood just exploded and he looked at you with a surprised face-- (not because of the light bulbs)
- After seeing how good you are with children, sometimes he imagines what you would be like as a mother and what it would be like if you could have a normal life, without hunting, without dating an angel. He knows what could happen if you two had a child and can't even imagine what he would do knowing that he was the one who did this to you :3
- Physically, what he likes most about you are your eyes. And his favorite part of himself is his wings, even after the fall, it still reminds him of what he really is. Jimmy isn't exactly... Him. He's just a vessel. It wouldn't make much sense for him to choose some part of his body as his favorite.
- You collect his feathers when he's moulting (I love comparing angel wings to bird wings! Sorry...)
- besides tasting molecules, He can literally SEE them... Or at least some of them...
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- PRAISE AND DEGRADATION KINK. It depends on the day, although at first if you degraded him he wouldn't understand why you would be doing that... But praise him and this angel will be on his knees for you.
- He's more into slow and sensual sex.
- He doesn't sweat at all, not in the intercourse or out of it. (This is canon actually)
- Something between 7/8 inches, specifically 18/19cm, a bit thick - (Misha messed with my head when said he has 9 inches, so hmm)
- He definitely doesn't shave, just let it grow and wouldn't mind if you didn't shave it too. He is an angel, he saw everything from the beginning, including Eve and Adam. There were no razors at that time.
- LOVES oral sex, give him a blowjob and he would be a pathetic whiny mess. However, he doesn't really like to GIVE bc of the taste of the molecules. (Human Cas would LOVE to taste you tho ;))
- As I said before, his wings are sensitive, he LOVES it when you stroke them when you 2 are having sex, even if it makes him a bit overwhelmed and quite Desesperate
- Usually a dom. He followed rules his whole life, let our little angel have a little control <3 But of course on his first time he would like you to tell him what to do, but over time he would become more confident and you are fucked.
- LET HIM USE HIS GRACE ON(in) YOU. Pin you against the bed, you can't even move properly as he fucks you w his grace, looking into your eyes with a little smirk on his face.
- As an angel, he has much more stamina than you, so you would only stop when you are tired. For him, you 2 could do this all night.
- MY BOY IS A VOYEUR! I'm sure he's watched you touch yourself and stuff when he were invisible, but never had the courage to jerk off to it tho
- He will look you in the eye almost all the time, he just can't help it.
- ALWAYS checking on you, asking if what he's doing is okay (especially the first few times you did this), he doesn't want to hurt you... :(
- Call him a good angel/boy when you're jerking him off and that you're proud of him when he finish, he'll fucking MELT.
- He'll get confused if you say “Oh my God”... Why are you moaning his father's name when he's the one fucking you? (HELP)
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There are a lot of nsfw hcs I'm genuinely scared of myself, sorry 😭 I used practically all my headcanons in this post, there probably won't be a pt 2, be glad, mwah mwah mwah
Look at his Dom look HELPP
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nym-wibbly · 8 months ago
No great revelation that this ep was one of the ones that grabbed my by the fanfic inspiration. I'm a sucker for an in-universe AU that's even more messed up than the main universe. I bet there's tons of fanfic written about The End, and I can't wait to read some. Maybe write some, if I don't go too deep and end up drowning.
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5.04 - THE END
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moonlight-at-dawn · 1 year ago
Contemplating changing my fanfic alias because my kid saw me writing last night and begged to read it and I wouldn't let him and he KNOWS my online name of Altraya and I don't want him to find all my smut XDDD
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