divineslcyer · 1 year
What kind of soft romance cliché are you?
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because i love you!
passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. Sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
Tagged by: @jinanreona tyyy~
Tagging: You!
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tutti-says · 7 months
ReRe: Sexuality, labeling theory, and accepting your own ignorance in BG3 fandom
One thing I have learned in my life is to,well, learn. Discourse over companion sexuality surged on Twitter at a time I just happened to be on yesterday. As I preached my own QT about the characters being playersexual, I happened upon a tweet about this word being bi/pan phibic due to its history.
While I was confused, I took my post down and decided to find out the root instead. I began my usual route: asking questions and running a search on google. To me at a surface understanding, the term playersexual encompassed the gambit of all sexualities-allowing the player character (PC) to choose whomever they wish to romance. For those who are unfamiliar- BG3 is a dnd set CRPG where the PC is able to engage in romantic interactions. The more special part of BG3 is that these romances can play a substantial part in the overall story of your playthrough. And as most of the western hemishphere probably knows the name Astarion, it suffices to say that these companions and possible romances are important to the playerbase. Though the numbers aren't in yet, there is a sizeable chunk of queer persons involved in the BG3 fandom and it only takes a cursory glance at twitter in order to realize that. And of course, representation of queer romances plays into that. So, while I thought the term would resonate with people of the freedom to choose, the term "player -sexual" as Larian devs described the companions, only druged up old wounds. And I was very, very ignorant on this. From my conversations, I learned that the term was coined in the time of Dragon Age 2 by a confirmed biphobic dev in response to fans praising bisexual characters. As well, it was brought to my attention by my mutual Mish that Larian winning awards for inclusivity, while also using this term, left people feeling like the devs were once again erasing the canon sexuality of pansexuals. For context, Niel Newbon spoke in response to a question that Astarion is pansexual. This can be confirmed in game by Lae'zel possibly sleeping with Astarion during the night of the Tiefling party. The companions aren't just sleeping with any PC no matter what, but with other NPCs as well. Once my moot on twitter, mon, pointed this out-it suddenly made sense. I was wrong. There are some more conversations surrounding this topic I would love to expand on later, but for the point of this already being long I will save it. At first, I thought the problem of labels was solved by the term playersexual, but it turns out that label was stuck on to cover sexualities and their validity. Ignorance is often used as an insult; a euphamism for stup[id. However, ignorance in itself is nuetral. It is neither good nor bad until the option to learn is put forth, and the ignorant make a choice to learn or not. Unfortunately, most cause of discourse is rooted in willful ignorance, or refusing to acknoowledge and understand knowledge when presented. I don't use the words attached to phobics or isms without careful consideration. In this instance I do believe the word playersexual to be pan or bi phobic due to its history. I do hope that Larians reconsiders this word in the future. I can't win every war, but I can learn which wars to fight with not being afraid to be wrong and learn different. thank you <3
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Isn't it hypocritical to reblog catradora while complaining about RWBY fetishizing Blake being a catgirl
Here's the thing.
Furries, scorpion girls, catgirls, etc simply exist within She-ra setting.
As far as narrative itself goes, none of those elements are part of a centuries old oppressed minority group that serves as a weird fantasy stand-in for real life minorities and has literal organizations fighting for their rights.
Their animal traits aren't written as a source of world-wide oppression and discrimination. Because the show doesn't need to create "new fantasy oppression" - it acknowledges concepts like religious fanaticism, fascism, oppression and authoritarianism existing and being the same as you'd have in the real world.
As far as Catra is concerned, having animal traits is just a thing that exists in this setting. There's no hidden additional meaning behind Catra having cat-like traits or moments with Adora calling back to them. And also honestly the show is not even really littered with them beyond a few well timed ones.
If RWBY WANTS so desperately to write cute cat gf jokes, then maaaaaaaybe just maaaaaybe they shouldn't have made it be literally racist in-setting???? And not just that but according to miles and co, the only type of discrimination/oppression that exists on Remnant???
Also, let's be frank - There's thousands of ways to write Blake and Yang together that don't make the writers step on a rake they themselves placed on the ground. So why do they still do it? Because its a popular trope so they said "let's do the anime thing too!" (and after She-ra there's also the layer of Catradora still having a huge following which they hope to lure into watching their show).
A little bit from Korra, a little bit from She-ra and so on. MilesWBY is a mish-mash of barely veiled copy-paste of ideas or moments. Implemented without the thought on whether it actually works in the setting or whether it leads to very unfortunate situations filled with sexism, racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia and etc.
"Oops we accidentally did one of the bad -isms again" should be show's slogan at this point.
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carronyaflowers · 2 years
Thank you @xiaoluclair for giving me the opportunity to promote my baby
Top 5 spotify songs in the last month (according to statsforspotify.com)
1. Mastermind by TSwift (the soulmate-ism of it all gets to me)
2. Silver Tongues by Louis Tomlinson (if no one got me, know silver tongues does)
3. The Greatest by Louis William Tomlinson (honestly the chorus screams lestappen in Brazil 2022 for me idk and really wanna write something with that)
4. That's The Way Love Goes by Louis "the loml" Tomlinson (such a perfect last song fr)
5. Written All Over Your Face by Louis Tommo Tomlinson (it would be so hot to hear this live)
Go on people! Listen to Faith in the Future!
Tagging some authors I'm following hoping to get the vibes of their current wips 👀: @mish-tique @holacarlando @f1-giuki @alestire @lightningmickqueen (i actually don't know if you've done this already)
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nebris · 10 months
Note: This is an extremely rough first draft.
~From a legal and an epistemological stand point, The Pentavalence is a Religion as it emanates from Revealed, and not Empirical, Knowledge, and it is meant to operate in a religious manner. However, we in The Temple of The Pentavalence view it as a Metaphysical Operating System and, in part, this is why.
The entire concept of Religion has itself has become problematic. Religion almost always implies Dogma, a fixed ideology that says, “The world is this way. Period!” and for a modern technological civilization, that is really a non-starter. Very few things ever stay 'this way' for long in such a civilization. And the Religions that now dominate our world clash with that paradigm more and more every day and with steadily increasing violence.
The problems the JudeoChristLamic Father/God Cults have with our modern technological civilization are fairly obvious. All three are the 'metaphysical operating systems' of Bronze Age desert nomads ruled by tribal Patriarchs. Their world view is narrow and provincial and their God is a Small God, one confined, at the very least, to this world alone.
Confronted with the modern scientific reality of The Universe, He is positively Lilliputian. For His faithful, such a situation evokes Fear, then Hate, and finally, Rejection.
There are a growing number who consider Atheism to be the ideal replacement for Religion, but it too says, “The world is this way.”, though the “Period!” usually goes unspoken. Plus Atheism has two major failings, both fatal from my point of view.
First, as presently constituted, Atheism is essentially reactive, specifically a rejection of the JudeoChristLamic Father/God Cults, and every one of its tenants seem couched as a direct rebuke of said. That tends to allow the Father/God Cultists to frame all the debates and every time.
Second, Atheism also does not in any way, shape, or form, address the existential questions of Human Purpose and Existence in a vast and seemingly indifferent universe. It is utterly cold and denies the need for Spiritual solutions that Humans have sought ever since we could form the concept.
Hinduism and Buddhism contain many useful concepts, but each has its own crucial limitations.
Hinduism is really a 'cultural religion', that of India and of its people. It 'exports' poorly. Her Prophet have watched Westerners practice Hinduism and, to him at least, it always seemed a bit embarrassing, while the experience of Indian practice is usually very moving. That latter gives him an understanding of why some non-Indians would be drawn to Hinduism, but that is akin to white folks wanting to be 'black'.
True Buddhism is essentially Nihilist, its real practice requiring a total rejection of The Material and as such it must be a rejection of any modern technological civilization, which is by its very nature is ferociously materialist. Buddhism can suit individual practitioners quite well, but is basically unsuited for a civilization. We do not include the types of Buddhism where The Buddha has been remade as a 'god'. We consider them 'apostate'.
Modern Paganism is rather a mish mash and barely any kind of an 'ism' at all and that in and of itself makes it unsuited as the Spiritual Path of an entire civilization. Plus, it too is deeply provincial.
Pagans - at least those that I know - are humans, so their Paganism is anthropocentric. They are generally born of two genders, so their Paganism is dualistic. They live on Earth, so their Paganism is geocentric. And the large majority of them here in the United States are culturally - and often racially - European, so their Paganism is Eurocentric.
But, as with Hinduism and Buddhism, Paganism contains a number of useful concepts and, like those, we of The Temple have incorporated many of them.
So, in barely five hundred words, I have just dismissed the world's five major religions and two of the most significant contemporary philo-religious movements. Such is the nature of this work.
While reading the above, some of you may have asked, 'why does an entire civilization need a single Spiritual Path?'
That answer is quite simple; we, The Temple of The Pentavalence, were created with the goal of utterly transforming human civilization as it presently stands and we were created is this form because history has shown over and over and over again that a Spiritual Path is the single most effective and long lasting method of achieving such a total transformation.
What is outlined in the following pages is the nature of the Spiritual Path we propose. Consider this our Liturgy, Manifesto, and Blueprint for the civilization we are going to create…
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nikossasaki · 5 years
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Misha Collins: [ x | x ]
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Things to know before following or engaging with my blog and content:
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I post semi regularly about personal trauma which includes CSA, as well as other forms of abuse and potentially triggering content.
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(Fuck JK Rowling)
Every single person who has ever been a fan of the Harry Potter universe who is an LGBTQIA+ member or ally has been forced to make a very painful choice. It's a horrendous position to be in, and everybody is handling it the way that they feel is best, not only to the community at large but for our own personal selves.
There have been a vast number who have chosen to leave the Harry Potter fandom and world behind. That is their choice that they have made for themselves.
It, however, is not the only choice.
There is another group of us, quieter though we may be, who have instead refused to let a bigot (among other things) rip this sliver of happiness away from them.
This group of people is dubbed the "fuck its" in this video: Drarry Vs. J.K. Rowling: A Fandom in Crisis.
I am one of those people. Harry Potter brought me an escape when I had nothing. It gave me a home when I had nothing and no one. I do not and will not purchase any branded/licensed Harry Potter products or merch. I refuse to let JKR have my money.
However, I also refuse to let JKR rip my one single scrap of teenage happiness from me. I will not grant her that. I will not give her that satisfaction. I refuse to let her win.
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This is defined as anybody under the age of 18 years old. If you have not reached your 18th birthday, you are not welcome here. Absolutely no exceptions.
DNI continued and Supernatural fandom disclaimer under the cut
MAGA Supporters
Agenda 47 Supporters
Project 2025 Supporters
If you support Donald Trump, his actions on January 6, 2021 and his campaign, I do not have a single thing to say to you.
This really shouldn't need to be said, but it does.
This blog DOES NOT support Kanye West or his views.
This blog is anti Kanye West, anti nazi/neo nazi and anti Hitler.
Nazis are EVIL. Antisemitism is EVIL.
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Obviously this applies to all the other discriminatory ism's too, but since Kanye has made being Anti Semitic the trendy, cool new in thing to be that's the one that's getting the highlight for now.
Note about my blog due to the intense rivalry between shippers:
I DO NOT tolerate hate for Misha, J2, Cas, Sam or Dean. We love (or at least respect and don't spout hate about) all of them here, or we fuck off. Yes, that includes when they publicly shove their foot in their mouth (such as the Mish-understanding).
However, I do support vehement hatred of John Winchester. 😁
I'm a multi shipper. However, I am Anti: John/Dean, John/Sam, Jack/[Adult]
If you ship or post content for any of these, stop to think whether or not this blog is one you want to interact with.
If you're here for my Destiel Titanic AU fic I'll eventually be working on, all of that is tagged "destiel titanic au", including this post for ease of access.
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jazzmandd · 2 years
Kingdom hearts 4 Predictions.
Having recently beaten Kingdom hearts 3 after a very long lull since buying the game day 1, I’ve been thinking and thunking about what worlds are going to show up in Kingdom hearts 4.
I am an old man driven by madness that is of the anime boy and Ducks and Dogs who fight shadow blobs in the Princess worlds. This is all based on speculation, where the series currently sits and where I personally feel they’re gonna go. I can be entirely wrong or entirely right on these guesses, but if it’s a 100% success rate: Pikmin 4 is real, Banjo-Kazooie remake is happening and Crash Bandicoot Nitro fueled racing will be on PC.
Here’s what I think is gonna happen.
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Star Wars
I think this one is gonna be the most obvious selection, if the Kingdom hearts 4 trailer is to go by with the shots of supposedly ‘Endor’ and the robot mech foot.
I’m not too sure if the world would be a play by play of Episode 6 or not, but it’s likely to involve a fight with Darth Vader at some point.
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Moana seems like a natural fit for a Kingdom hearts world, easily workable allies with Moana and Maui, unique locales, natural fit for bosses such as the giant crab or the volcano god at the end and could probably fill the niche of pirate’y world that seems to crop up in all the mainline games (as much as I like Treasure planet, I think Normua would want to go for a world thats easier to adapt with already existing CG for).
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Alice in Wonderland
Here’s a weird one, but hear me out!
Sora in KH4 is going to begin in Quadratum a world based off a video game called Verum Rex, which was in the Toy Story world in 3, its a location rested in un-reality it’s basically Sora’s ‘after life’ after the events in KH3 and yes this sounds really stupid.
The point is this world is going to be acting as a hub for Sora according to Normua and considering the whole ‘un-reality’ of it all, I think this is going to be backdoor entrance to making worlds based off live action properties, especially for anything previously visited in the games before.
Alice in Wonderland I think is the most natural fit to showcase the difference between the Cartoon Disney Wonderland and the Live action attempt, especially since the world itself in Kingdom hearts 1 was kind of....Empty? The live action movie probably has more to work with, a possible jabberwocky boss, Mad hatter being a team mate, and I think it would be fun to have a scene with Sora utterly confused at someone who looks like Jack Sparrow but isn’t in a world thats supposed to be Alice in Wonderland but very different.
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Frozen 2
As much as I utterly hated this world in KH3, I think there’s going to be at least one returning world from it and it’s going to be this. Nomura loved Frozen, It’s likely going to be “the movie plot” ism just like the first one but at least we won’t be climbing up and down a mountain this time. Right?
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Inside Out
I can’t see Kingdom hearts 4 not having any Pixar content going forward with the series, whether it’s a returning world like Toy Story, or something new, I think Inside Out is the most interesting idea the series would use.
“But Jazz, how can Inside out be a world when its inside a persons head” Don’t ask me, these games has several different worlds based off London and France.
I think the most likely thing is it takes place inside Sora’s head, you could have the different emotions talk about Sora’s past, and that you don’t need to be a happy go-lucky hero all the time, Dream eaters could be involved again, and you could possibly have locations based off places Sora’s been before all mish mashed together. 
Considering how many times Sora and Co have been in those ‘Dive to the heart’ Stained glass areas usually at the start of the games, how could you not finally explore what the hell those are?
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Another very popular Pixar movie, and also dealing with the same themes Sora is going through right now. Sora and Miguel are both characters that wind up in some sort of After life world, and both likely want to return to the world of the living, this could be yet another world to bring back the Dream eaters since the spirit animals everyone has are a great analogue. 
My only contention with this being a world is the plot. Both Pixar worlds in KH3 were basically original stories, I’m not sure if Coco would really do the ‘the movie plot’ ism like a lot of Disney worlds do, This is probably my least confident pick to see show up in KH4, especially when there's some like Incredibles or Soul that deserve it more. 
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Finally to cap it all off (I’m assuming Kingdom hearts 4 will keep the 7 world structure) The Angelina Jolie Maleficent.
What better way to also showcase the un-reality worlds then Sora teaming up a different version of a character who is currently a villain? What happens if you have the Cartoon Maleficent and the live action one show up face to face? You also get another chance to expand a previous world (From Birth by sleep) to include more locales, the castle, the forest, the fairy tale knoll maybe even deal with the weird Maleficents bird species place from the sequel.
I very much doubt these will be all the worlds in KH4, there could be less or more worlds then these 7, the minigame world (Pooh bear?) could return or be different, and frankly if it were up to be Atlantis and Treasure planet would be there.
But considering how Sora is going to be in this weird new not tokyo location and Donald and Goofy are presumably visiting worlds with after lifes (Hercules and possibly Pirates?) I wouldn’t be surprised by some of the thematic connections some of these have.
Thanks for listing to my TED talk.
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lit--bitch · 4 years
Current-Reads (13/04/20 - 18/04/20) 🎺🐝
(Disclosure: I know one of the writers (Annie Dobson) I’m featuring in the current-reads this week through Writing Squad. I also know Tom Bland who runs Spontaneous Poetics but I don’t personally know the two writers whose work I’ve enjoyed on the zine. And I don’t know anybody else sadly, probably because I’m a loner and a loser). 
Here’s the standard preface: every Sunday without fail I throw up the freshest literature and photography I’ve read over the week, sometimes it’s a book, sometimes it’s a piece I saw in a magazine or an online zine, sometimes it’s something I saw on social media, etc. Sometimes I add ‘RECOMMEND’ next to a few of the titles, but that’s not to say I don’t recommend all of them, I just love some pieces more than others. C’est la vie. And any titles that you see in bold are hyperlinked so if you click or tap them they’ll direct you straight to the source... or shopping basket. 
Anyway I’m just gonna get right into it. 
So this week I’ve been reading C.C. Hannett / kmwgh’s Lockdown Life and Charles Theonia’s Two Poems on Queen Mob’s Teahouse, I’ve read Haibun/Uncertainty/A Promise To Your Clothes from Jane Burns on Spontaneous Poetics and I flipped right back to September 2019 and re-read E.A.B’s have a wank because it’s fitting advice for our current predicament. I’ve returned to Patrick Süskind’s Perfume and I’ve been falling in love with Ariana Reines’s The Cow all over again, (whose new collection, A Sand Book, I’ll be reviewing in a few weeks time). Also been reading Annie Dobson’s Before The Ghost Town on the Writing Squad’s Staying Home series which boasts brilliant work. I can never get over how many amazing writers there are in the world. I’ve also discovered a new photographer with a brand new book out from Palm* Studios, Molly Matalon’s When a Man Loves a Woman. 
E.A.B’s have a wank, Spontaneous Poetics (21/09/2019): I keep going back to this specific piece because this poem makes you feel like you’re stood outside the John Snow in Soho, completely wasted, having a cig with a friend who’s also pissed up too. That’s the feeling I get from E.A.B’s work. She’s memorable and familiar and probably has a decent right hook. This poem is short, succinct, and means exactly what it means. I love work that is entitled quite plainly, in a way doesn’t subvert expectation—it’s tongue-in-cheek and funny. It’s also pretty good advice for when you’re in the midst of a global pandemic... or a personal crisis, I’m not sure what the difference is anymore. She also has another one up on Spontaneous Poetics, which is equally brilliant, blue balls at the end of humanity. 
Jane Burn’s Haibun/Uncertainty/A Promise To Your Clothes, Spontaneous Poetics (17/04/2020): This is a deeply sad poem eclipsed by grief and time’s relentless push and pull. It also has some absolutely beautiful personification, and it’s in the description of these vernacular objects that you really feel the subject’s hurting. ‘You’ is so empowering here, because it attempts to universalise the reader’s accessibility to the ardour of experience in this work, but is equally an attempt to sever the writer’s ‘You’ from themselves as ‘I’. This poem tells us that some pain is so painful, we can never fully accept that it has been ours to bear. 
Annie Dobson’s Before The Ghost Town, Staying Home from The Writing Squad (RECOMMEND): I’m not saying this just to be kind, all of the work on Staying Home is absolutely brilliant (discluding my own work, I promise I’m not that full of it) but Annie’s piece happened to be one of the first I read and I still think about it. Annie probably doesn’t know this but I stalk her writing. I’m her big fat secret admirer. Quintessentially British, her work smacks of kitchen-sink realism and cherry chapsticks you get in the chemist’s. I always get a noughties vibe from Annie’s writing, I always know what she’s on about. She doesn’t make the banality of life mystical, she treats the ordinary as well, just ordinary, and that’s magical enough anyway. Before The Ghost Town is a mish-mash of genres, it’s an essay but it’s a thought piece but it reads like a diary-entry and is formatted like poetry in some places. More than anything it’s a document on civilisation in Lewisham during the Covid-19 pandemic, and how full the world is still despite the reductive effects of a worldwide crisis. It’s a political critique on how fucked the UK government is, and how community is still one of the most valuable things we have in a world that is trying to make you fight over the last bag of fucking bread flour. It’s honest and sad and retrospective. It’s also filled with promise. I absolutely loved it. 
Molly Matalon, When a Man Loves a Woman: For a long time I shot pictures of men on 35mm to 120mm. I often felt strange doing it. I was used to the dogma of typical male politics; boys don’t cry, having a tough dad, penis envy, etc. It didn’t interest me anymore; the object of masculinity in its most vulnerable, in its deepest sensitivities was the impetus behind my desire to photograph men. Molly Matalon takes pictures of men I wish I had taken. But I don’t think she reverses the power dynamics, per se, although you can absolutely make the case for this, even argue her work is a case for the female gaze. But for me, she strips away these typical power dynamics, she doesn’t polarise herself as the subject, or the object. I don’t see tensions between sexes in these images. I see vulnerability, I see trust, I see relationships. I see men just as worthy of depiction as flowers, as fruits. I feel softness, I feel curves. The photographs in When a Man Loves a Woman are works of of idealisation of woman is implied by man, man as woman, woman as man, the fragile unity in these two creatures, and their reciprocations. She’s absolutely one to watch. 
Ariana Reines, The Cow (RECOMMEND): Ariana Reines is a writer so dear to me, that I can’t really contain in words just how much impact she’s had on me. I salute Elizabeth Ellen (a wonderful writer, and an editor at HOBART magazine in Los Angeles) who, one day, was moving apartments and very generously sent me a box of books all the way from the USA to my parents’ house in Manchester. In that box amongst many books lay Tiqqun’s Theory of the Young-Girl translated by Ariana Reines, and her debut collection, The Cow. So if it wasn’t for Elizabeth, I wouldn’t have read any Ariana Reines until probably much later on in life. At least, I’d like to think I’d have come across Ariana at some point anyway. 
The Cow was published in 2006 by my all-time fav magazine/publisher, Fence. The Cow isn’t poetry, isn’t prose, it’s not an essay, it’s just not any genre at all. And the fact you can’t categorise it is just really is emblematic of Ariana Reines as a writer, because she doesn’t redefine the dimensions of genres, she fucking blitzes them up in a big genre-food-processor. The Cow is the mythologisation and de-mythologisation of the woman as cow. It is the consumption and defecation of woman as cow. It is a lamentation. It is raw. It is beastly. It is thoughts and statistics and menstruation and abbattoirs. It is a dark work of art, and it’s one of the most beautiful, angry and strong texts I’ve ever read. It’s one of those books I think about often. I’d be engrossed on London tubes re-reading this over and over. It’s absolutely everything. 
Patrick Süskind, Perfume (RECOMMEND): Ah, the mothership. Patrick Süskind is... one of a kind. I borrowed the book from my best friend James and after reading it, I read it again. I still haven’t given back James’s copy (which I really need to), and I recently bought a UK first-edition of Perfume so now I can say it’s on my bookshelf. Reading Perfume is an intoxicating experience... I guess it’s because of the way Süskind writes about smell, and he writes about it so vividly that, for me at least, it can induce olfactory hallucinations. It’s not just about the story of a murderer with a superhuman power for scent, it’s about our relationship with different smells we come across throughout our life, their pungency and their ability to kind of tattoo our memory. You can recall scents in a way that you might not be able to with sounds. I don’t remember fully the way my maternal grandmother sounded, she passed when I was a little girl, but I still know her smell. It’s Youth Dew and sweets. Perfume induces sensations and memories in me. It’s a text I go back to time and time again. 
C.C. Hannett / kmwgh’s Lockdown Life, Queen Mob’s Tea House (03/04/2020): Queen Mob’s Tea House is a new fav of mine and their zine kind of reminds me of the Richmond Tea Rooms in Manchester’s Gay Village. They’re a bit Alice in Wonderland, a bit occult, a bit down-the-rabbit-hole, pink and sparkly, with black lace. If that description of the zine borders on pretension then, sorry. I have zine synaethesia. So these poems from ‘C.C. Hannett / kmwgh’ (I’m not sure I understand the name) were awesome little tidbits on living through a global pandemic. An ellision of pop culture, absurdity and tenderness. A reminder that we will never get this time back, and that if you’ve got the luxury of being with your loved ones right now, cherish it. I also really loved the last line of this guy’s bio, no social media handles or website, just: “You can find him if you want to.” Lol. 
Charles Theonia, Two Poems, Queen Mob’s Tea House (24/05/2017) (RECOMMEND): I loved both of these poems but I mostly wanted to talk about ‘shame’. I enjoyed ‘shame’ for its density—it’s a single block paragraph—the format has a weight to it, like that of feeling shame. I know this was published in 2017, basically I was just surfing the zine’s website and clicked on Queen of Pentacles (I was intrigued bc I read Tarot) and this was the  latest entry on there. I enjoy the bluntness and conversational-ism of these two pieces, but I particularly loved ‘shame’ for the way it unpacks shame as a multi-faceted, festering spawn that drags you under, and under, and under. Its resonance is powerful. 
*** Anyway that is enough from me zis week. Next Friday I’m reviewing Charlotte Geater’s poems for my fbi agent which is again from Bad Betty Press. Stay safe, eat cake. xxxxxx
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bluesholiday · 5 years
𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒏���� 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒐.
hey there ! i’m wren (he/they) and i will be writing for three muses. the first one, vinny, is fairly new but he is also much like one of my older muses so he’s just a mish-mash ! just gimme a < 3 if you would like to have a plot with him. triggers: death, house fire, depression, past alcoholic-ism (it will be brief mentions with little to no details)
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❄ · · · VINCENT “VINNY” ROMERO has been in Ellingham for 35 years and they look exactly like KEANU REEVES. Having turned FIFTY-FIVE years old on their last birthday, they are currently an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER and ARE HAPPY WITH THAT. Known as the ISOLATO, it’s no secret that they're INTELLIGENT & KIND-NATURED, but also HESITANT & DETACHED. If you’re to meet them, please remember that they are a CIS MAN and use HE/HIM.
military brat so he lived all over & knows a good bit of a few languages from when they were stationed over seas.
went to high school with his ex-wife, they were deeply in love & settled down near quebec after graduating from college. 
they had a baby girl & five year old son, the only one that survived the fire was vinny since he was working third shift that night. the investigators listed the cause of the fire to be a faulty heater.
moved to ellingham in attempt to avoid reminders of his past life, turning to the bottle for a few years to numb the pain. 
took him about a decade to get off the bottle & go into therapy since he grew up with the idea that men shouldn’t seek that kind of help since they are ‘tough’.
currently living a happier, more stable life as an elementary school teacher & doggy dad of one. occasionally has a glass of wine & highly dependent on nicotine but isn’t into anything harsh or illegal.
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divineslcyer · 1 year
What you need to hear.
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There is no such thing as sin. ----- you are not dirty. you are not broken. you do not need to be saved. you are whole. you are pure. you are human and you are perfect. they’ve tried for so long to make you believe that you are something that is filthy and broken and this is not true. they do not define you. they do not tell you what is good and what is evil. as long as you are not hurting anyone, you are good. you are doing good. they cannot make you something you are not and you are not dirty and you are not broken and you do not need to be saved. you are already perfect. your life already matters.
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jurassicparker · 7 years
- name’s dani
- in college
- this blog has no like specific thing i post about, it’s just a mish mash of reblogs of everything i like
- yeah idk what else to put lol idk what im doing
- w this blog and w my life
-  :-)
p.s. so i dont fux w racism/transphobia/lgbtq+ phobia of any form/sexism/colorism/xenophobia/islamophobia/rlly any of the -isms. i understand that we’re all learning and start at different times and at our own paces when constantly unlearning all this internalized stuff society has made us believe. i am also learning more every day and also actively try to unlearn harmful things so that i can be a better person/an ally to all marginalized communities. but what i will not tolerate is willful ignorance. if u r told that u did something wrong and cannot apologize/do apologize but in a way that gaslights those who r victim of ur actions, or continue to exhibit the same behaviors over and over again then.......wyd....... that being said, i also am not perfect and if i ever do anything harmful, please let me know (if u r willing and able) so that i can go and educate myself on why what i did was wrong and how i can be better. 
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mishism-blog1 · 8 years
The Bible Of Mishism© Synopsis
This is, of course, the Holy Bible for the cult Mishism© (m●E●sh●ism). Mishism© is the belief of our lord and savior Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic. In believing this belief, you have to pray every morning when waking up and every night before bed. Also, while believing in Mishism © you have to appreciate Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic. He is our lord and savior, love him and cry when seeing photos of him whilst scrolling through social medias like Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. Ranking: The highest ranking is Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic,'s ranking. The lord and savior. The ranking below is the Head Mishes© (m●E●sh). Being a Head Mish© means you are the leader, you pray the most, you are the second leader in command, the first being our lord and savior Misha Collins, or, also know as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic. We'd compare it to being priest in a church. There are only FIVE Head Mishes©, four places are currently taken as of today, January 26, 2017. The lowest ranking is a Mishies© (m●E●sh●Ez). Mishes© also pray every morning when waking up and every night before going to bed. They come to the Church of Mishism© every Saturday. They follow the rules of the Head Mishes© and the rules of our lord and savior Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic. Where Is The Church of Mishism©?: The Church of Mishism© is deep inside a forest near one of the Head Mishs© home. This is also where we keep the shrine of our lord and savior Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic. Where To Find More Mishism© Accounts: You can follow us on Instagram (@/ mishismm) and/or on Tumblr (@/ mishism) where we post pictures of our lord and savior Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic, and post a page of the Bible of Mishism© daily (depends if we remember/ have time). What Are The Names Of The Head Mish©?: We will never announce our names in the Bible of Mishism© because of the fear of unemployment, relatives/others we know discovering this, along with because we don't want to. You can find three Head Mishs© Wattpad accounts listed below. Writer's Wattpad: @/ ssadgalaxies Head Mish© One: @/ Bowtiesarecool110 Head Mish© Two: @/ IMPALA678 The Writer of the Bible of Mishism doesn't know the fourth Head Mish's Wattpad name is. It's somewhere, though. Remember to always praise and pray to our lord and savior Misha Collins, or, also known as, Dmitri Tippens Krushnic. (Copied and Pasted from Wattpad)
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jeremystrele · 6 years
The Sleekest Apartment In West Brunswick
The Sleekest Apartment In West Brunswick
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
The impossibly cool West Brunswick apartment of Sean Fennessy and Jess Lillico, and now baby Matilda! Ceramic face by Louise Kyriakou from Modern Times. Painting by Neil Tomkins. Sculpture by Sanné Mestrom. Tulip dining table by Eero Saarinen. Restored Cesca-style chairs. Pendant by Laal. Herringbone floors by Storey. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
The dining room. How incredible is that blush feature wall? Painting by Neil Tomkins. Sculpture by Sanné Mestrom. Tulip dining table by Saarinen. Restored Cesca-style chairs. Pendant by Laal. Herringbone floors by Storey. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Sculpture by Sanné Mestrom. Tulip dining table by Saarinen. Restored Cesca-style chairs. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
TDF x Robert Gordon fruit dish. Terracotta jug from Mexico. Brass cabinet handles from Superfront. Laminex counter top in Deep Sea. Speckled 80s tiles found out the back of a warehouse in Sunshine! Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Looking out from the kitchen to the dining space. Brass cabinet handles from Superfront. Laminex counter top in Deep Sea. Painting by Neil Tomkins. Sculpture by Sanné Mestrom. Tulip dining table by Saarinen. Restored Cesca-style chairs. Pendant by Laal. Herringbone floors by Storey. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Floating timber bench commissioned by Melbourne Table Co. Planter by Den Holm. Conrad sofa from Arthur G. Tojiki stool by Porcelain Bear x Tait. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Sean, Jess and baby Matilda on the way! Watercolour artwork from Marc Martin’s TDF Collect show, ‘Follow’. Wall colour is ‘Natural White’ by Dulux. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
A corner of the living room. Flowerpot lamp by Great Dane. Watercolour artwork from Marc Martin’s TDF Collect show, ‘Follow’. Bari Ziperstein ceramics from Dream Collective, Los Angeles. Floating timber bench commissioned from Melbourne Table Co. Wall colour is ‘Natural White’ by Dulux. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
The entryway. Tasmania farm bench. Artwork by Evie Cahir. Wall colour is ‘Natural White’ by Dulux. Photo – Sean Fennessy, Styling – Jessica Lillico
The living area. Conrad sofa from Arthur G. Ism wall light. Artwork by Lydia Wegner. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Artwork left to right: Painting by Paul Williams from Mr Kitly. ‘Pukamani’ painting by Ita Tipungwuti from Tiwi Islands. Carved timber mask from Guatemala. Radish “Kashiki-gata” (wooden mould for Japanese sweets) from Japan. Daniel-Emma Mish Mash chair Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
1970s lamp. ‘Tronco’ chair from District. Framed silk print from Issey Miyake exhibition, Tokyo. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Above the bed. Small framed print from Mexico. Boris Bucan framed posted from Letitia Morris. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Above the bed. Small framed print from Mexico. Boris Bucan framed posted from Letitia Morris. Bedhead commissioned from Melbourne Table Co. Paper lamp from Country Ltd, Los Angeles. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
Large framed photo taken by Sean in Los Angeles. Artwork in hallway by Emily Ferretti. Woven basket from Pan After. Wall colour is ‘Natural White’ by Dulux. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
The bathroom. Photo – Sean Fennessy. Styling – Jessica Lillico.
The apartment of Jess Lillico and Sean Fennessy is almost devastatingly sleek, while somehow remaining entirely down-to-earth and liveable. Between Jess’ styling credentials and Sean’s exacting eye – this apartment is the ideal blend of design and comfort.
Over the past five years, the couple have transformed the ‘bad faux-Tuscan 90s’ vibes they inherited when purchasing the home, through intensive renovation in the kitchen and bathroom, and repainting the space. While the pair ‘never planned to live in an apartment’, Sean explains that the late 60s red brick place suits their lifestyle: where there is no need mow the lawn, but ample opportunity to make the space feel like home.
Sean and Jess removed walls, and introduced new lighting to bring the apartment to life. Sean explains ‘we both work in the interiors world, and have seen our fair share of beautiful homes.’ While this was initially overwhelming, the couple have consolidated their extensive know-how to reach a point that Sean describes as ‘finally living in a space that reflects us.’
The apartment is filled with furniture and artwork inspired by shoots the creative couple have worked on, and friends they have worked with. Sean highlights, ‘the Daniel Emma chair is always a talking point, and was part of a trade for some photography we did for them many years ago.’ Other trades include herringbone floors from Storey, the long floating bench from Melbourne Table Company, and stunning artworks by Sanne Mestrom and Emily Ferretti. Other cherished items include the dining chairs, which Jess spotted on the side of the road and lovingly restored.
Sean highlights the ‘afternoon light and warmth’ as a favourite element of their home. Soft shards of sunlight flood the bench seat beneath the window – a perfect breakfast spot. Sean explains ‘it’s so simple, but in an apartment every extra bit of seating and storage makes a difference.’
If you peer closely in one of the photos (which we highly recommend doing, so many delicious details), there is a copy of Teju Cole’s book ‘Blind Spot’ sitting on this shelf. In this text, the photographer and writer explains ‘I am intrigued by the continuity of places, by the singing line that connects them all.’ A fitting sentiment, too, for a home that mirrors the precise aesthetic of two of Australia’s most talented image makers.
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divineslcyer · 2 years
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Hot/Crazy Scale Test  
You are 100% hot, 56.67% crazy, which places you in the date zone.
Date Zone: People in the Date Zone are attractive, but they also tend to be quirky or strange. Introducing them to one’s friends and family is often a question of hit or miss and tends to come down to the level of craziness that exists in one’s own social circle to begin with. There is nothing wrong with forming a relationship with someone in the Date Zone. In fact, many Date Zoners tend to mature with age, often to the point of becoming marriage material. That being said, it is also possible for Date Zoners to never mature, or to grow even crazier, and thus slip into the Danger Zone. Therefore, one should pay close attention to whether the Hot or the Crazy seems to have the upper hand when dating someone from the Date Zone.
STOLEN FROM: @enrakumai
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divineslcyer · 3 years
tagged by @servcd​​ thank you~
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an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable.
You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
tagging: anyone.
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