Altar to Time
37 posts
"It would be absurd if we did not understand both angels and devils, since we invented them" - East of Eden 
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
I like to think Jack visits his mom every day, they always play board games, eat sugar cereal, watch movies about superheroes. They also have a secret handshake
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
Dean wants Sam to live but Dean wants Cas to rest and he wants to rest with Cas.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
when he can finally say something, he doesn't stop. he's starts talking with small whispers of "im so sorry" as he grinds up castiel's bones to ash. as he gently places those ashes in a box. "one last ride" he says as he places the box in the passenger seat of the impala. he can't bring himself to turn on the radio, but he doesn't want to ride in silence. so he talks. he talks and talks and talks like cas is right next to him, living and breathing, like it's just any other day. he tells cas stories he's told him a hundred times before, and he tells cas stories no one's ever heard. he gets on the road, still talking to cas. he doesn't know where they're going yet, but that's fine. he just keeps driving, keeps talking.
he steadies the box as he takes a turn onto a road that divides a large meadow. the sun is low in the sky, pinks and orange streak across the clouds. the tall grass rolls like waves in the breeze, the air is clear and fresh and pure. he moves slowly through the meadow, stopping when he spots an old windmill. "that looks like a good place" he says as he puts the car in park. he's careful when removing the box from the passenger seat, making sure it's secured tightly. he holds the box with both hands as he walks through the tall wispy grasses, taking his time, still talking to cas.
he finally finds the right spot to let cas go. a large patch of wild blackberries speckle the ground beneath the windmill. a small brook cuts through the section of land, a quiet bubble here and there sings harmonies with the wind and the trees and the occasional squeak of the windmill. "yeah, this is it" he says to cas. he takes one last minute to sit. to hold. to mourn. to pray. "okay, you ready man?" he asks, knowing he won't get an answer. he flips the hook-lock on the box, opening it slowly-- a dry, achy sob escaping his chest when he sees the ashes again. he doesn't want to cry; hell, he couldn't cry anymore if he tried.
he holds up the box in the right position, and as if it were planned, a strong breeze rolls through the meadow and takes castiel with it. he watches the grey ash plume from the box, watches it float through the air and fall within the blackberries. "gonna miss you" he says, voice cracking in grief. he tips the box over, watching the last of cas float around him. "thank you. for everything" he says through the ache in his chest.
he closes the box, but he doesn't leave. not yet. he can't bring himself to move. so he stands there, in silence, grief wailing at the inside of his ribcage. he says one last silent, begging prayer to whoever is listening. "i love you" he says in a whisper. with a deep breath and a rough scrub of his face, he's finally able to move. he clambers through the grass and into the car, placing the now empty box back into the passenger seat.
"see you later, cas" dean says to the meadow that tenderly holds castiel, to the windmill that keeps him company, to the brook that sings to him through his final slumber.
dean didn't have much to say after that.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
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NO BECAUSE SHUT UP BECAUSE "that's where DEAN spread your ashes. After WE burned you" the difference between dean and sam's relationship is so distinct here because yes they all mourned cas at the funeral but it was dean who got to give the final send off. It was Dean's RIGHT to have the last moment with cas. It was his RIGHT to have the final cry and his responsibility alone to find the right place to spread Cas' ashes because only Dean was close enough to know the best place. That moment belonged to Dean because no one else would have been able to feel as much over it. It was his to have. Just as it was his to pray to chuck and his to cry over the body while wrapping cas up. Their relationship is just so TRUE I cant even explain it.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
Wait but when Dean said to Chuck in Inherit the Earth that Sam and Dean will kill each other as long as he brought back Cas and everyone that was actually so sad because he is basically saying that even if Dean is dead he still wants Cas to live. Even if they can never cross paths again, even if they are like two passing ships, even if Dean cannot hold Cas in his hands anymore, even if they cannot feel each other again, Dean at least wants the chance to see him and know that Cas is okay and that he will be okay. He loves him that much!!!! Sobbing!!!!
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
Being gay is natural? Okay.
You have three islands. Divide them into groups of one. The straight island, the gay island, and the lesbian island. The straight island is going to reproduce and keep going strong for millions of generations to come. The gay and lesbian islands will both wipe out in not even one century. This isn’t just about religion or morals, it’s just simple common sense. Being gay is unnatural, and not just because God said so, but because you yourself wouldn’t even be born without a REAL natural man and woman. And no, there is no such thing as a lesbian bone marrow “thing” to have children. That’s a biased fact that came from a lesbian scientist who has false opinions. If it’s not a real penis or vagina, then it’s fucking false and you’re just opinionated by dumb facts. I’m done here. Read over what I said and if you still think that being gay is normal and natural, then I hope you achieve some common sense one day. Bye
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
in cas’ mind their relationship started with cas pulling dean from hell and rebuilding him and in dean’s it started with him putting a knife in cas’ heart. there are no implications here
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
*thinks about how Cas was always gonna die no matter what* I HATE IT  HEREEEEE
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— if there’s anything worth dying for, this is it
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
The way that Supernatural has been foreshadowing Cas dying for love for the past 12 years
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
Endverse was really just a giant metaphor that Cas was always gonna be ruined and corrupted, but also saved by Dean and his love for him, and that Cas was always going to die bloody for Dean no matter the timeline, huh.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
Not to be annoying, but Cas going from trying to kill a human half-spawn child (Jesse the antichrist) to loving and raising and sacrificing his life for one (Jack) is so personal to me
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
jimmy novak and kelly kline.... idk idk idk... theyre cousins or something.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
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Go. Have a great life. I’ll be waiting.
Kelly Kline in Byzantium (14x08): Best of SPN Ladies [111 / 327]
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
kelly straightening jack’s coat like it’s his first day of school before saying goodbye to him for the last time…… reblog if you agree
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
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i’ll be by your side because my love is set in stone.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
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‘‘the space in my heart where Kelly dwells was overwhelmed that she, in some small way, was finally able to hold her son […]‘‘ - Courtney via instagram.
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kelly-kline-my-beloved · 4 years ago
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byzantium ↳ hello, castiel
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