#mirsula ship kids
shinechermont · 3 years
The Errorinkdeath family tree
Okay, in this post I'll talk of this polyship and their kids based on their point of view (kinda). It probably will be a really long post so be prepared.
Ink, Geno and Epoxy's story
So, one day Ink was traveling around the AUs and found the void where Geno was. They started interacting and after some time it developed to a relationship, which caused Epoxy's creation.
Epoxy was always with Ink because he couldn't stay with Geno, but he was always visiting him.
Ink was a terrible parent and was never paying attention to his son, what made Epoxy get more attached to Geno, who was literally the only being in the multiverse who gave a crap about Epoxy's needs.
And, without a doubt, Geno disappearing one day caused a great trauma on Epoxy. The situation got even worse because Ink apparently wasn't giving a crap about his lost lover.
Then, Epoxy started using the white ink to get emotionless and don't feel the pain of the lost. He also started working for someone for some time, but I'll talk about that later.
One day, Epoxy met Corran (@ari-cuno's horrorberry kid), who was a softie with him. He started simping falling in love with the boy and because of him he stopped drinking white ink and after a LONG time, they started dating.
Error, Reaper and Ursula's story
Reaper one day was collecting the souls of the monsters that had just died and then he met Error.
Reaper noticed that Error was the cause of great part of the deaths and started following him and... falling in love with him. Reaper started a nonstop flirting with Error, who was always rejecting him, until he gave up.
They started dating and a couple time after that Ursula was born.
The opposite of what happened in Ursula's fic, Error and Reaper were caring and overprotective parents to her. The only thing was that they were busy doing their jobs.
The fact Ursula was the child of the gods of destruction and death didn't help her to make friends. She was alone most of the time until she met a little boy called Felix. They were really close to each other but, something really bad happened and Felix simply disappeared after a fight they had (I recommend you to read 2nd chapter of Ursula's fic for more information)
Ursula managed to make a friend again when she met Mirage (@ari-cuno's dark cream kid), but it wasn't easy. Mirage was really aggressive and grumpy, but Ursula was determined.
They made friends and got into adventures and Ursula started falling in love with him. She confessed to him after a really long time and he confessed to her back but only days after her, bc he was too embarrassed
Years passed and they had the twins Skyler and Aura, plus Fierin after more years. All of them started dating when they grew up. Aura even had a kid with her boyfriend-
Curiosity: Ursula started kidnapping kids after hers started growing up. Mirage always had to make her give the children back to their parents
Error, Ink, Reaper plus Deph's story
So, one thing that I forgot to tell you was that Ursula's Error was Epoxy's Geno.
He only remembered that after some time he met Ink during a fight. At this point, Ink was him and Reaper's friend.
The family got into a chaos when they discovered, principally after some discoveries about what Ink did in the past, but I'll talk more about that later.
One day, Ink and Reaper teased Error to the point he made them sleeping on the couch. Because of the crackheads they were they, uh, did things who caused the creation of Deph.
Annnd this is the Errorinkdeath family tree story! Like I said before, in case you didn't understand something, you can always send me an ask!
EDIT (July 18th, 2024): Don't rely on this post for lore anymore. I am currently changing the characters stories and their family three - so yeah, FOR NOW only Ursula and Epoxy are children of the exact same version of their parents; Deph's parents are from other multiverse.
Oh, yeah, and Error, Ink and Reaper don't form a throuple in canon anymore. At least for now.
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shinechermont · 4 years
Another bean for the family
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His name is Fierin. He is a Mirsula ship child.
Ursula and Mirage decided to have another kid then boom Fierin was born.
Important things about Fierin:
He is deaf, but thanks to his aids, he can hear another people;
Fierin can talk normally or using a sign language;
He is not a talkative person. Don't expect him start a chat, principally if you aren't closer to him;
If he is uncomfortable he will turn his aids off;
He usually forgets to turn his aids on;
He doesn't like Ethan and Zayn because they want "to steal" his sisters;
He is overprotective to the people he cares;
If he doesn't like you he will pretend he just knows to talk in the sign language;
When he swears he does it in the sign language;
He likes to poke people (don't ask);
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shinechermont · 3 years
Hug to death
For those I could touch
Awww I'm sure almost all of them would like your hug! I mean, except for three of my beans
Fierin would like it but would also get really flustered and a bit anxious he is shy úwù
Epoxy wouldn't really know how to react. Besides Ink and Ursula and Corran no one never really gave him a hug. He would ask you to let him go and if you insist he will push you away from him.
Condiment doesn't like hugs. This kind of affection remembers him of things he doesn't want to remember. He probably would smack you and threaten you
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