ari-cuno · 4 months
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Celebration... <3 [5/19]
Happy Birthday @shinechermont , my dear friend of nearly 4 years. I wanted to honor us meeting for the first time, you're so supportive and sweet, always listening to me ramble. I love your creativity and support, and I love how much you've improved on your art and just beautiful a beautiful person I always feel joy in talking to :3.
There's so much I wanna say but you're one of the best people I have ever met, and I truly appreciate you and everything you've done for me. So, happy birthday, you simp <3
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shinechermont · 3 months
Mirsula? :3
Your suggestion is my command
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Beach day!
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ari-cuno · 1 year
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Happy birthday Mirage <3
Ursula belongs to @shinechermont
Dark Cream by @zu-is-here
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shinechermont · 8 months
So I was roleplaying with my friend and then there was this small moment between Ursula and Mirage that was so adorable to me that it made me get Mirsula mode. So I drew the sillies
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Mirage (on the right, for the newbies here) belongs to @ari-cuno and the other is Ursula, my baby <33
Extra doodle of Ursula
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She can be unintentionally scary sometimes, other times is intentional (very rare)
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ari-cuno · 2 years
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[Resist] "Perhaps you should learn to not resist the will of your mother..."
Shattered wanted him back, but how will he get him to coo operate? Shattered would've always been abusive to Mirage, whether he'd abandoned him or not, this just is the cherry on top.
Mirage isn't backing down.
Mirage by me
Ursula by @shinechermont
Dark cream week hosted by @zu-is-here
Shattered dream by galacii-gallery
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shinechermont · 3 months
R and O with mirsula
Well, to answer this I will answer for Ursula and Mirage separately (remembering that Mirage is ari-cuno's baby and this is only MY take on him)
R - Romance
Ursula is the most subtly romantic of the two. She likes giving Mirage gifts (mostly clothes she made herself, but other things are on table) and like her father, she is touch starved as hell, so she will try to touch Mirage as much as she can - with his consent, of course! She also will always be on his side, be it on an awkward reunion or in a deadly fight against neglective parents-
About what she would think if she tried to date others... Well, I will answer this from the time before she met Mirage (mostly because right now she is very happily married): she would be unsure. She wasn't good at all at making friends, let alone dating. She only dated once and that was enough for her to validate her insecurities...
Mirage is less subtle about romance, but that doesn't mean he wont court Ursula - it is just that it will happen in private moments in a more reserved way. He is the kind of person whose (uncommon) smiles and hugs can heal your SOUL. He is also quietly supportive of Ursula's doings and will take WHATEVER she made for him, even if doing it will make him have to buy another wardorbe (and as much as he proclaims about it). He is also very protective of his beloved ones and wont hesitate on trying to protect them.
About his thoughts on dating (also from before he dated Ursula)... he wouldn't be interested at all. I mean, he never dated before (at least from what Ari confirmed) and he also is very closed off and grumpy with unknown people so who would try to get to him? (Answer: Ursula lololol)
O - Oven
Ursula is a baker - not the best, but not the worst. It is just that her parents weren't exactly keen to cooking because they were lazy, so in her childhood her meals would be mostly stolen meals lol. In fact, she tried learning to cook with Life when she came to visit. She isnt as good as her aunt, but she is a thousand times better than her parents!
She absolutely would cook to show affection. Her beloved ones are going to ALWAYS receive a slice of whatever new recipe she learned.
About Mirage... well, I never discussed this with Ari before (I think) so these will be MY headcanons
He knows how to cook very well - he has the advantage of being able to use the fresh crops of his parents' farm. I think it could even be a sort of a therapeutic activity for him.
I think he also would cook as an act of affection, but I also think this act of affection wouldn't happen so often. He would do it for when his beloved ones are ill or just very bad - his cooking would help them to feel better in some way - but for some of his recipes to not lose its 'healing magic' he wont always cook them.
If you want to ask more questions, here is the ask game
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shinechermont · 8 months
Ethan and Skyler's new references! (Under the cut)
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This is Skyler! She is the child of Ursula (my destructivedeath child) and Mirage (ari-cuno's dark cream child)
She has a twin sister, Aura (that also belongs to ari cuno).
To resume her personality, she is kind and polite and prefers more chill adventures. She is also a sore loser, and also her berserk button can be pushed easily, if you know which they are. Loves her twin sister and is very protective of her.
-Skyler has no powers (ironic considering her family), but she has a special attack that consists on using her wings to create a violent wind.
-She is the youngest twin (by 5 minutes)
Her old ref
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This is Ethan! He is the adopted child of Alex! He lives with them on the house over their shop.
He is very extroverted and button pusher. Likes to mock people because he thinks it is funny (his humor is similar to his parent's) - but there in the deep he is a bastard with the heart of gold. Adores beef jerky and ice skating.
- His biological parents are Lust Sans and Lust Grillby (both deceased)
- Even though his flames are yellow/orange/pink (first pic), they can get blue/pink when he is flustered. He also has a fully developed skeleton body under all those flames, and you can see it after throwing water at him (dont do that)
- He is Skyler's 1st button pusher
His old reference
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shinechermont · 2 years
Ursula? And Mirage? Have three kids??? 👁👁 Please tell me about them I jut got reallyy interested TwT
Yep, they do!
Ursula and Mirage have quite a complicated story which still is being builded by me and Ari. What I can say is that they met after Reaper and Nightmare decided to make them meet each other since they had difficulties to make friends by themselves. As you can see, Reaper and NM's plan worked very well
They have three kids. The oldest ones are Skyler and Aura. They are twins and very different from each other. Skyler is a bit grumpy and protective of her sister, which is soft and a little skittish.
Skyler met Ethan (my Sansby kid) and they currently are dating, meanwhile Aura met Zayn and has canonicaly one child with him, Cain
The youngest kid is Fierin. He is extremely grumpy and shy. He is also deaf.
Fierin has a "friend" called Credence who has no sense of fashion.
Apologies for the bad images, most of these drawings have like 1-2 years old lol
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ari-cuno · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Mirage! (My mean onion boi-)
His first present from someone other than Nightmare and Killer...
Mirage by me
Ursula by @shinechermont
Dark Cream by @zu-is-here
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shinechermont · 3 years
Doodle doodle doodle doodle doodle
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Ursula got a lipstick
Mirage by @ari-cuno
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shinechermont · 3 years
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The onion boy canonly makes 1 year 16 years old today! I time can pass so fast qwq
Anyways, Mirage is the ship kid of my dear friend @ari-cuno
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shinechermont · 3 years
Bold of you assume that I wouldn't draw them
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Mirage belongs to @ari-cuno
Ursula belongs to me
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shinechermont · 3 years
What about Ursula's story? Did you give up on it or what?
Actually, yeah. I gave up on it.
I didn't really have something planned for the next chapters, so I expected and expected for some ideas to come out and... nothing. Then, I decided to focus on other projects.
But, I'll tell her story in a nutshell for the ones interested. There will be some changes in the first chapter of the story
So, Ursula was born on June, 11th. Error had a kind of baby blues after her birth and didn't want even to look at her face.
One day, when she was a baby bones, she suddenly glitched up after crying on pain. Error was alone with her and he came to help her. In this moment, he decided to get over his blues and started to really take care of her.
When she grew up a little, she tried to make her friends, but since her parents were people with bad reputation, she was bullied and excluded.
The only friend she had in life 'til Mirage was a little boy called Felix. He was really kind and friendly with her. One day, though, his father's health got worse and he begged Ursula to make her father Reaper don't take his father from him.
Felix's father died a couple time after that, what made him and Ursula fight and unfriend each other.
Then, Ursula grew up with no friends (which caused some problems that you will see in the future). One day, her parents sent her to meet a boy because she didn't have friends. This boy was called Mirage. In a nutshell, the meet didn't go really well.
After that, Ursula finds Mirage in a convenience store. He tries to kill her and she runs away leaving behind a couple gloves that she knitted for her parents.
In another day, Ursula finds Mirage again. Her first instinct was to run away, but she noticed that he was wearing the gloves she left behind in their last meet. She questions him about the gloves while he tries to go away.
But then, she asked if he wanted more gloves.
That question made Mirage surprised. At first he would refuse it, but he really needed more gloves, so he accepted it.
They ended up meeting a couple more time and turned into friends. Mirage started getting overprotective with Ursula because she was his first friend and Ursula, well, always was herself.
Mirage fell in love with Ursula, but he was too insecure to tell her about it. And Ursula was too oblivious to notice it yet
One day, a group of gangsters that were against the monster staying in the surface started attacking Ursula. She tried to fight them but was loosing. Then, Mirage appeared and fought the gangsters. He ended up really hurt and had to go to the hospital.
Ursula was always visiting Mirage in the hospital. She thanked him for saving her. At this point, she was in love with him too, but thought that wasn't a good moment to tell him about her feelings.
Once Mirage wasn't in the hospital anymore, Ursula went to his house and... told him everything. He didn't confess back at first, what made her lose her hopes, but then, he walked at her and confessed his feelings.
After this, they started dating.
It doesn't have too much things to explain about their dating fase. After a couple years they got married and had the twins.
Ursula was a caring mother and Mirage was, well, Mirage. He was afraid of being a father a first but, with time, he got over his fears and turned out to be an amazing father.
The twins were growing up and Ursula wasn't that happy. She missed the times when they were younger, when they needed her. Then, she had her third kid, Fierin.
Well, Fierin also grew up and Ursula was feeling upset and empty again. She started compulsively kidnapping kids that she met. Mirage had a great trouble trying to give the kids back to their parents XD
This kidnapping thing passed when Deph was born. Her parents were busy so Ursula is her babysitter.
Anyways, this is all I had to tell about Ursula's story! Hope you don't get mad at me for not keel writing the fic ;w;
Mirage belongs to @ari-cuno sorry for the tag
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ari-cuno · 4 years
I have more spooky art! Mirage likes seeing Ursula happy, because it makes him happy.
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Ursula being wholesome with her younger sibling
Oras by me
Ursula by @shinechermont
Mirage by me
Dark cream by @zu-is-here
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shinechermont · 3 years
The Errorinkdeath family tree
Okay, in this post I'll talk of this polyship and their kids based on their point of view (kinda). It probably will be a really long post so be prepared.
Ink, Geno and Epoxy's story
So, one day Ink was traveling around the AUs and found the void where Geno was. They started interacting and after some time it developed to a relationship, which caused Epoxy's creation.
Epoxy was always with Ink because he couldn't stay with Geno, but he was always visiting him.
Ink was a terrible parent and was never paying attention to his son, what made Epoxy get more attached to Geno, who was literally the only being in the multiverse who gave a crap about Epoxy's needs.
And, without a doubt, Geno disappearing one day caused a great trauma on Epoxy. The situation got even worse because Ink apparently wasn't giving a crap about his lost lover.
Then, Epoxy started using the white ink to get emotionless and don't feel the pain of the lost. He also started working for someone for some time, but I'll talk about that later.
One day, Epoxy met Corran (@ari-cuno's horrorberry kid), who was a softie with him. He started simping falling in love with the boy and because of him he stopped drinking white ink and after a LONG time, they started dating.
Error, Reaper and Ursula's story
Reaper one day was collecting the souls of the monsters that had just died and then he met Error.
Reaper noticed that Error was the cause of great part of the deaths and started following him and... falling in love with him. Reaper started a nonstop flirting with Error, who was always rejecting him, until he gave up.
They started dating and a couple time after that Ursula was born.
The opposite of what happened in Ursula's fic, Error and Reaper were caring and overprotective parents to her. The only thing was that they were busy doing their jobs.
The fact Ursula was the child of the gods of destruction and death didn't help her to make friends. She was alone most of the time until she met a little boy called Felix. They were really close to each other but, something really bad happened and Felix simply disappeared after a fight they had (I recommend you to read 2nd chapter of Ursula's fic for more information)
Ursula managed to make a friend again when she met Mirage (@ari-cuno's dark cream kid), but it wasn't easy. Mirage was really aggressive and grumpy, but Ursula was determined.
They made friends and got into adventures and Ursula started falling in love with him. She confessed to him after a really long time and he confessed to her back but only days after her, bc he was too embarrassed
Years passed and they had the twins Skyler and Aura, plus Fierin after more years. All of them started dating when they grew up. Aura even had a kid with her boyfriend-
Curiosity: Ursula started kidnapping kids after hers started growing up. Mirage always had to make her give the children back to their parents
Error, Ink, Reaper plus Deph's story
So, one thing that I forgot to tell you was that Ursula's Error was Epoxy's Geno.
He only remembered that after some time he met Ink during a fight. At this point, Ink was him and Reaper's friend.
The family got into a chaos when they discovered, principally after some discoveries about what Ink did in the past, but I'll talk more about that later.
One day, Ink and Reaper teased Error to the point he made them sleeping on the couch. Because of the crackheads they were they, uh, did things who caused the creation of Deph.
Annnd this is the Errorinkdeath family tree story! Like I said before, in case you didn't understand something, you can always send me an ask!
EDIT (July 18th, 2024): Don't rely on this post for lore anymore. I am currently changing the characters stories and their family three - so yeah, FOR NOW only Ursula and Epoxy are children of the exact same version of their parents; Deph's parents are from other multiverse.
Oh, yeah, and Error, Ink and Reaper don't form a throuple in canon anymore. At least for now.
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ari-cuno · 4 years
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Shhhh, nobody tell her she can't be a chicken nugget, we don't want Mirage to be mad at us for making her cry...
Look at how determined she is...
Aura by (me)
Mirage by (me)
Dark Cream by @zu-is-here
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