#mirrorverse overwatch
skeletonstarz · 7 days
Mercymaker mercymaker mercymaker mercymaker
some overwatch doodles because I love overwatch except I hate overwatch...mmm moree so the evil blizzard company that made my beloved game so empty and cold. I could go on and I will later on 👊💥
overwatch ships I will be making art of soon muahaha + these r my only ships so yea
Mercy x widow (duhh)
Baptiste x cass (duhh)
Mei x lifeweather (duhh)
Sombra x me (canon)
Brigg x Kiri (annoying bastards get parried together)
Sym x ratjunk (opposite tall baddies)
Sojourn x moria (more like exes that fool around from time to time)
Uhhh maybe like uhhh uhh idk
Zarya and Queen of junk could be cute
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please give Mei & sojourn girly cute cosmetics like right now
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cryptcoop · 5 months
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Mirrorverse Moira
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zennore · 5 months
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"Toxic Yuri"?! Is that what the cool kids are calling it nowadays?!
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komkomxx · 5 months
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lovewillabides · 6 months
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kennylikessalt · 5 months
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Consider supporting me on patreon/kennylikessalt
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
So I just found something out about the mirrorverse for Overwatch and I must say...My heart hurts they killed Ramattra off he was the Mondatta in this AU...Which means that Mondatta is basically Zenyatta and Zenyatta is basically Ramattra.... I need to go and lie down for a moment. my heart can't take this....
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ya-zz · 5 months
I had to make a new one. Can't get rid of me that easily.
I can't send links either, but the Alive short, mirrorverse.
Not a drabble, a fic, with reader.
Suffer, as Ramattra would say.
Love you bye.
I hate you and I hope you choke (Love you too xoxo)
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Ramattra x reader (gen)
Word count: 1979
I don't really need to put a warning in here considering what the fuck he asked me to write...
“You’re certain about this, Ramattra?” Your voice was quiet, almost unsure yourself as to whether or not this was a good idea. Leaving the monastery to pursue peace with humans usually ended in more pain. 
“Yes. If I do not do something, nothing will change.” The larger omnic replied. His hand gripped his staff a little tighter as he looked down at you. “Will you be joining me?” 
“I will follow, as always.” You smiled at him. 
He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. “You are like a lost lamb.” 
“And you are the shepard.” You teased. “I want to help.” 
“You have always been helpful, [y/n].” He started walking towards the main entrance of the monastery with you by his side. “Without you, I do not think I would have had this push I so needed.”
“Do you really think it is possible?” 
“There is only one way to find out.” He hummed, the steps looking steeper than he had once believed. 
“What if something happens?” You grabbed his arm for support as you walked down the steps cautiously, not wanting to slip on the ice. 
“We will cross that hurdle when we get to it.” 
“Let’s hope it never comes to that, yeah?” You laughed awkwardly, foot settling in the snow. 
Ramattra hummed lightly as he walked with you towards the outer edge of the village and from there on, it was a journey the two of you could only mentally prepare for. 
You and Ramattra made it to London after a few months of travelling to different countries, and there were two bodyguards already waiting for you when you stepped off of the plane. They ushered the omnic into the black town car first, you second. 
“I suspect you have everything prepared?” Ramattra speaks out as you sit beside him. His hand lays on your thigh to soothe the anxiety rising within you. 
“Yes, sir. We have accommodation set up for the two of you and the venue itself is being guarded.” One of the bodyguards says, handing over a clipboard to Ramattra who reads it carefully. 
“I see. Thank you.” Ramattra hands the clipboard back after a few minutes. He adjusts his robe, picking off a bit of lint that had settled on his shoulder. 
“You have had a rough flight, yes?” The driver speaks up. “We will take you to your hotel.” 
“Yes, it has been rather tiresome.” Ramattra chuckles, looking out of the tinted windows. You can’t help but sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or when to say something. Instead, you, too, look out of the window, admiring the architecture of the city. 
“Are you okay?” Ramattra interrupts you, hand squeezing your thigh.
“Yeah.” You smile, though you knew something didn’t feel right. 
“It will be okay. We are here for the month and after this, we will make our way back to Shambali.” Ramattra tilts his head. “Perhaps the work we will be doing here will elevate some of that anxiety.”
“I hope so…” You sigh.
The omnic keeps his optics on you even when your head turns to look back out of the window. He couldn’t help but feel like he’s pulling you along into something dangerous. You had seemed hesitant right from the start but never once left his side. 
When the two of you got into the hotel, you flop onto the bed without a second thought, instantly letting out a long breath that you were holding. 
“Oh these beds are comfy…” 
Ramattra chuckles, sitting down beside you and petting the back of your head. “Are you sure that you are okay? You do not have to come with me if you do not want to.”
“I want to be with you.” You say, tilting your head to the side to view him. “I want to help.” 
“You have been tense since we came to London.” 
“The threats from the other places are making me a little uncomfortable.” You sigh, turning over onto your side. “It’s hard not to think whether or not they will act upon them.” The concern was evident in your voice.
Ramattra understood your reasoning. “We are protected here, no one will harm us.”
“I hope you’re right.” 
“Have I ever been wrong?” 
“Do you want to go there?” You smirk and Ramattra chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Rest up. We have work to do in the coming days.” His voice was soothing as your eyes close, sleep finally pulling you under. Ramattra pulls up a blanket to cover you before heading over to the table on the far side of the room to go over the plans for the month. 
When the day finally came for his speech, the anxiety was sky high within your body. From Ramattra being on the move constantly to being a standing target, it lit your nerves on fire. Your hands tremble, despite the constant reassurance the omnic would give you. 
“Do not worry, [y/n]. I am safe.” His hand leaves your shoulder when you nod. 
“I trust you.” With a weary smile, you fix up his sash before giving him one final look over. “I will be at the front of the crowd.” 
Ramattra hums, his hand tracing your cheek and jawline as you lean into the touch. 
“We’re ready.” One of the guards interrupts the moment. 
Your heart beats a little faster as you make your way to the front of the crowd and await Ramattra’s appearance. Everyone’s cheering and chanting behind you makes you feel somewhat at ease. If this small group of people could be moved for peace between human and omnic, then surely there were more groups among the residents in London who feel the same way. 
At long last, Ramattra appears from behind the doorway, stepping up to the podium. He looks down at you, a very small, subtle tilt of his head as if he were smiling at you before he finally speaks. 
“Human. Machine. We are all one within the Iris.” Just those words alone uttered from him makes the crowd cheer. “Before me I see the future; humans and omnics standing together, united by compassion, by common hopes and dreams.” 
You notice the guards behind him looking around, fingers up to their ears as they listen to oncoming chatter. Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach as the anxiety and fear rise high. Something was happening and not knowing what it was terrified you. 
All you could do was stand and watch, hoping that it was just mindless conversation happening over the radio channels. Ramattra didn’t seem fazed by any of this as his speech continues, the crowd supporting his every word. 
For once, the meditations you sat through proved to be of use as you drown out everything and everyone around you. The soft buzzing of cheers, the humming of the omnics, calm down… Everything is okay… 
Ramattra notices the unease within your body but he can’t do anything. He can’t stop mid speech to comfort you, to hold your hand or to hug you. He must power through to the end, for himself, for you, for omnics and for humans. 
Your ears perk up at the guard speaking, though with the ever growing clapping and cheers from the crowd, it was hard to hear. The concern grows on the guards face before you realise what was happening. The moment the guard approaches Ramattra and moves him away from the podium, you move past the other suited men and join the larger omnic. 
“I told you something didn’t feel right…” You say, hands grabbing Ramattra’s arm in a tight grip. 
“Relax.” He hums as if he didn’t see the severity of the situation. “We are protected.” 
“That still doesn’t change anything-” Shots ring loud above the buildings surrounding you. “Ramattra-”
“I have you.” He feels your body shake against his arm before he pulls you close, heading towards the nearby car. “We will be safe.” 
The guards were urgent in their steps and making sure that no harm came to either of you, though it felt like time was slowing. The crowd was concerned yet curious as to where you and Ramattra were headed. Questions on your destination were repeated over and over, though their comments were drowned out by the panic that was rising inside of you.
You had never held on so tight before that it was concerning for the monk and he knows that his words would do little solace to you right now.  The car was just up ahead as the guards rush forward to open the doors. 
“You should get in first.” Ramattra urges you forward.
“No, it’s your life on the line, not mine.” You bite back.
“[y/n]-” Before Ramattra has a chance to argue, one of the guards pushes him forward with a hand on his back. 
“We have no time.” The guard speaks, still on the lookout for danger. 
“Please.” You beg before turning to one of the other guards. “Get him out of here.” 
“[y/n]? What about you?” Ramattra stops, turning to look at you. 
“I’ll be right behind you. Go!” Tears pool at your eyes, but you quickly blink them away, watching as Ramattra nods and continues towards the car. 
The thought of leaving him right now hurts you, but should he be delayed any longer, you would never forgive yourself. 
Just as he reaches the car, an explosion occurs above the buildings, startling everyone down below. Ramattra, along with everyone else, turns to view the cloud of smoke, debris falling towards the street. Many people duck, covering their heads to protect themselves while others make a beeline for cover.
As you turn to face Ramattra, another explosion goes off a lot closer than the last; this time, the shrapnel from that one falls fast, piercing the ground and buildings around it. 
A sharp sting to your shoulder makes you cry out, but your body freezes in place when you look up to Ramattra. The adrenaline kicks in, the pain no longer coursing through your arm and back as you rush over to the omnic. 
He falls back, head hitting the floor of the car. A chunk of metal has pierced through his chassis, right where his mainframe is. 
Ramattra hears your screams and feels the tears that fell onto his faceplate as you cradle his head, your hand holding his in a sorry attempt to comfort him as he shuts down.
“Please, don’t leave me… Ramattra- please. Hang on…” Your sobs pain him more than his systems. You watch as the lights on his forehead dimmed before they went black. His hand slips from yours, meeting the carpeted floor. His systems shut down, body going somewhat limp in your hold. Fans stop whirring and his body stops humming.
“No, Ramattra, please… Come back-” You choke back on your tears as you shake him, wanting him to wake back up but he doesn’t. 
Screams echo around you as the crowd that gathered for his speech watch on in horror. 
“Idiot… I told you…” The tears didn’t stop, your heart breaking with every strangled breath you take. 
Days had since passed since you lost Ramattra. Your arm and shoulder were bandaged up as you sat in the hospital bed, staring out of the window. The clouds were grey, threatening rain. The TV ran the same news story of his death, his picture on the screen and the last moments of his speech were too much for your aching heart.
Turning the TV off, you could only sit there in silence, an empty shell. Pain and anger flow down your cheeks as tears. Why would someone do this… He wanted peace. 
“It shouldn’t end like this.” You speak to yourself, watching as the rain finally fell. 
“It will not end like this.”
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I've seen a lot of people feel confused about Longhorn and its place in the season's theme. They can argue that it makes no sense and that Cassidy would not be a retired farmer with glasses. Many interpretations of what Cassidy's mirror should have been theorize that he should have been a completely selfish, manipulative and violent Talon member. Motivated by revenge or just for fun, basically the Mauga of this universe.
And I might agree with them. But I find it interesting to raise the following: What if Longhorn is not the mirror version of Cole in that sense? Maybe you're assuming that Cole's mirror would participate in Talon, but we're forgetting one detail: Blackwatch. In the canon universe Cassidy was already a vigilante who participated in the black ops division of Overwatch, we would just change the motivation from seeking atonement to revenge. But, here comes the twist. Longhorn looks “cleaner” with a fancy gun, with gold details. With gold jewelry on the hat. Almost like an aristocrat. See where I'm going? What if Longhorn shows us a universe where Cassidy is born into an wealthy, influential family and doesn't become a gun dealer? If this millionaire Cole didn't found the Deadlock gang and instead become a vigilante with sheriff's delusions, to escape the boring aristocratic life? What I'm getting at is that Longhorn is Ashe's mirror. [I think Longhorn has a mechanical horse which is the mirror version of B.O.B and makes Hanzo intensely jealous.]
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sleepyghostiii · 4 months
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She’s eating up the other junkers idc idc
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nitewrighter · 5 months
Like, I've never been a huuuuuge fan of Evil!Mercy AU's because mostly they seemed either like... made by people who were determined to hate her to begin with or made by people who just have the very willfully ignorant and boring assumption that "Good is boring." I'm not saying it couldn't be done in the hands of a writer who really knew what they were doing, but for the most part it was being done by people who just kind of put me off of the concept altogether because for me, a major interesting point of Mercy's character is the burnout of trying to put good out into the world and repeatedly being screwed over by it, and Mercy turning evil just seemed like a gross, obvious, and oversimplified approach to that.
That being said, I think what this new battlepass season has revealed to me, is the other secret reason why I don't like Evil!Mercy AU's: Listening to Lucie Pohl try and sound genuinely evil as Mercy makes me cringe.
Like it's one thing if she's being silly and theatrical about it in Mercy's Witch and Devil skins but "ooogh I'm so scary" just... really doesn't land with the Mercy voice for me.
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cultofthewyrm · 6 months
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Overwatch season 10 "Mirrorwatch" skins.
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zennore · 4 months
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Sniper. Please take care of the sniper. Someone take care of the widow, please. PleasetakecareofthesniperSNIPERONROOFTOP! SNI-
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solar-saturns · 5 months
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decided to try some junkertown mercy concepts for mirrorverse / overwatch 2 😷🩻
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wildissylupus · 15 days
There are a lot of things I've changed and gone over with my Mirrorwatch HC's but one thing I will never change is my HC that MW!D.Va is a feral gremlin and Vengeance is terrified of her.
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greenhybrid · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Sombra | Olivia Colomar, Ana Amari, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Moira O'Deorain, Doomfist: The Successor | Akande Ogundimu, Tekhartha Mondatta, Ramattra (Overwatch) Additional Tags: Talon Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Mirrorverse, Team Talon (Overwatch), Talon Tracer is a stupid name, so I'm calling her Eraser, Get it? opposite of tracer?, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, One Shot, for now, BAMF tracer, Widow hates everyone, Sombra's just there for the vibe, No beta we die like my hopes and dreams for an OW anime, Reaper is sick of everyone Summary:
It had been three days.
Three days stuck in this weird universe that made absolutely no sense.
Vengeance, Arch-Commandant and Fallen Knight were part of stupid Overwatch in this world.
Well Eraser supposed, they weren’t called those names here.
No, here, they were Mercy, Captain Amari and Reinhardt - fighting for peace and equality. Yuck.
Good thing Talon exists here so she could return home.
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