#mirko packs
sonizitos · 2 years
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₍ᐢ  ›   ‌ ‹ ᐢ₎   🦇   they  call  me  superman   i'm  here  to  rescue  you
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kozumaguchi · 2 years
BNHA at a Waterpark
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Featuring - Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Dabi, Shigiraki, Toga, Uraraka, Tsu, Jiro, Momo, Mina, Aizawa, Hawks, Tamaki, Mirio, & Neijire.
Warnings - Possibly Suggestive but not really.
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Midoriya sunburns slightly, but isn't fazed by it. He convinces himself to go down a huge waterslide, nearly losing his trunks and dignity once he reaches the bottom.
Bakugo doesn't sunburn, but does walk around in crocs Kiri bought him and some fancy ass sunglasses. Cursing off anyone who splashes him.
Todoroki is a plus one to whoever wants to go down a tubing waterslide, he also pays for alot of the drinks. Some kid said the sunburn on his eye looked sore....
Iida is practically a lifegaurd, making sure everyone is all right and not in any trouble, he also packed tons of sunscreen, towels, water bottles, and a whistle.
Kirishima wears hot pink trunks with 'manly' written across the back. He is a hype man for anyone who goes down a scary ride, and threatens Mineta throughout the trip.
Denki buys two slushies for himself to see how blue his tongue can get, and nearly gets convinced to wear a speedo by Sero, but doesn't do it because of Bakugo threatening him.
Sero dances casually to whatever song is playing over the radio, before going to bumper boats and destroying Mina and random children with his impeccable aim.
Shigiraki didn't go, he refuses to.
Dabi is paid to go in Shigiraki's place, simply holding onto whatever drinks and food Toga bought while she goes on every ride possible with Twice.
Toga cuts in line, doesn't follow the posture rules while on the slide, and hammers water balloons at innocent bystanders. She truly is in her prime when at a Waterpark.
Uraraka goes on a few rides but prefers sitting at the picnic tables eating or going down a lazy river. She does take quite a few photos to show her parents.
Asui flips over the floaties her classmates are on, and swims around pools with only her eyes visible. She somewhat scares a few children, but she doesn't notice.
Jiro doesn't like Waterparks, pools, or summer for the matter. She sunburns like crazy, hates crowds, and can't swim well. So she just clings to Momo for the whole day.
Momo helps Jiro with her swimming and sunburns, whilst getting numbers from different dudes. She rejects them all, before eating four cotton candy cones in peace.
Mina loves going on the craziest rides, bribing her friends (Denki/Sero) to join her. She recommends the rides to everyone while her friends are shaking on the benches from fear.
Aizawa looks over Eri while she splashes around in the pool. He laughs quietly when she constantly asked the 1A students to watch her while she does a cool water trick.
Hawks was a volunteer lifegaurd because Mirko said she would to it too... But she backed out on purpose. So he sits around eating some popcorn while he rips up all the different phone numbers he got.
Tamaki burns very easily, so he's wearing a full body suit and has his face smeared in sunscreen, he will go in a some gentle rides, but is intimidated by anything to high.
Mirio wears a speedo proudly, visiting Eri once and while to give her some food and drinks. He has no fear while going on rides, and was the one who smeared Tamaki's face with sunscreen.
Neijire seems like she'd be sweet and peaceful at a Waterpark... But that's all wrong. She has a plan to destroy everyone with water balloons and water guns. Even the pro heroes aren't safe.
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lexithwrites · 1 month
my first ever lil bakudeku so go easy on me (teacher midoriya x pro hero bakugo)
"Okay, I think that's a good place to finish on for now. Oh! And don't forget your hero costumes guys, you have training at Ground Beta with some of the pros next, so please behave and show them respect!" Izuku smiled as his students started to pack up in front of him, ready to get out and use their Quirks after sitting through yet another one of his long, detailed ramblings. 1-B loved their homeroom teacher, they really did, but he didn't always know when to slow down and breathe when he got talking. Plus, they'd get in trouble if he took too much time and kept on talking after the first bell.
"Thank you Mr. Midoriya." A slight girl with deep green skin and a shock of blue hair said to him, standing up from her seat in the first row. Izuku blushed a little, still not entirely used to the compliments he received as a teacher, and nodded at her in thanks.
"O-Of course! Have a good day, Aiko." She nodded back at him then hurried off with her hero costume case to join her friends. Izuku watched them all head out, smiling and waving as they filtered out into the busy corridor, then slumped into his chair with a deep sigh, tugging at his tie a little. He still got anxious that he wasn't doing his best at UA as a teacher, even though Mr. Aizawa always gave him nothing but praise. Well, Izuku supposed it was just Shota now, since they were no longer student and teacher themselves but now colleagues.
Izuku tilted his head to look at where his hand was laid flat on his desk. He flexed it, watching his scars gently move as he did so, and chewed on his lower lip. He missed it, that little crackle of energy in his veins from One For All. Sometimes...sometimes he wished he could see that green lightning again, but he'd shake his head and try to forget. He couldn't focus on that anymore, he had much more important things to do. Like grade papers. He groaned, loudly. "How did Mr. Aizawa do this every day?"
"No clue, since he had me to deal with." Izuku jumped in his seat and turned his head towards that oh so familiar voice. Katsuki, or Pro Hero Dynamight since he was currently wearing the costume, was leaning on his shoulder in the doorway of the classroom; arms folded and a smirk on his lips. Izuku's eyes widened and he rushed over to him, tugging him inside before hastily shutting the door.
"What are you doing here?! Did the kids see you?"
"Nah, they'd probably beg for my autograph if they did. Or run in the opposite direction." Katsuki smiled and Izuku relaxed a little. "Aizawa asked me, I'm training with them, Mirko and Jeanist today."
"You didn't tell me that!" Izuku huffed, poking Katsuki's shoulder with a frown. "Why not?"
"Thought I'd surprise you, and I'm glad I did. You look tense as hell. Bad homeroom?"
"No." Izuku sighed and walked over to his desk again to lean on the edge. "I just...I was talking too much again."
"You say that like you hate talking, I usually can't get you to shut up." Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Did one of the kids say something?"
"No." There was a pause. "I could tell they were bored."
"Who cares? We were bored during most of Aizawa's shitty presentations and he knew that, don't take any notice of 'em. They're idiots."
"Kacchan, they're teenagers."
"Exactly, we were idiots at their age too." Katsuki snorted and walked over to where Izuku was leaning, a hand going to his waist on instinct. Once he realised what was happening, Izuku peered over Katsuki's broad shoulders to the door and swallowed.
"No one saw you?" He asked again and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Kacchan."
"I was quiet as a mouse, like I always am." He teased, squeezing Izuku's hip in a way that made him shiver. Izuku cleared his throat.
"Training isn't for another hour or so, you came early."
"Mhm." Katsuki's eyes weren't on Izuku's, they were lower down. Focused on his lips.
"You were lucky you didn't get seen by the students, they'd freak out if they saw a top five hero at UA just walking around."
"I didn't just come here for them, dumbass." Katsuki leaned a little closer, trapping Izuku between him and the desk. Naturally, Izuku spread his legs to accommodate him, and Katsuki hummed. "You'll come watch me train them, right?"
"Course I will. I wouldn't miss it." His hands went to Katsuki's biceps, resisting the urge to squeeze them, feel the muscle under his fingers. "We barely have an hour—"
"There's a lot we can do in an hour." Katsuki whispered, nose brushing Izuku's before moving to his cheek, then his jaw. "Thought this was one of your freaky fantasies?"
"I—" Izuku stumbled with his words, feeling Katsuki grin against his flushed, burning hot skin. "I was drunk when I said that! I didn't mean it!"
"Sure you didn't." He snorted and then gently grazed his lips over Izuku's pulse point. "No one's gonna come in here, are they? They're all getting ready. Come on, we have a little time."
Izuku pushed on his chest so he could see his face, and noticed how hot and bothered Katsuki looked. Izuku felt his chest bloom with emotion, with love, and he smiled. Knowing he could make Katsuki feel good, even just from this, made him feel proud. "Just kissing." Katsuki groaned but Izuku poked his cheek. "Just kissing."
"Fine. What about on your lunch break later?"
"You're insatiable!"
"I've got you," Katsuki scoffed, as if it were obvious. "Of course I am." Izuku just smiled and pulled him down against his lips.
Maybe a little more than kissing wouldn't hurt...
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sadlittleratboy · 4 months
since you know more about Dabi than I do, I gotta ask,,,
does he ever like, actually act like a fuckboy in canon? Going around calling people 'doll' and whatnot? Being flirty??
I'm not a canon purist or anything, like take all the creative liberties you want with character traits in fanfiction it's whtvr man. But I'm generally so contused where it came trom since it's so, SO, many fics. I just cannot remember for the life of me if he actually acted like that anywhere in the story. Then again, Dabi's personality in general has always confused me.
No he hasn't, but people didn't just pull that out of their ass either.
Canon manga Dabi is bratty and complains a lot in a slightly tsundere manner, but when they made the anime they went a little harder. The anime made him much meaner, and you got the feeling that when he emotionally distanced himself it's because he actually meant it. His lines are delivered much harsher than they seemed in the manga, and with all the physical changes they made to him you basically have a mean six something hottie with a strong jaw who looks like he has a six pack long before his character actually got one (Dabi was teeny when he first appeared).
Basically you had the beginnings of a fuck boy, and the fic writers just finished it. He's mean, mouthy, and emotionally distant, so...that's a hot dom right there. I think it's a pretty fair jump, and it's totally ruined his fan content for me. I wanted the tiny brat.
The only time Dabi interacts with women in canon is mostly with Toga, where he calls her crazy a few times, and then sweetly burns down her childhood home and, again, acts like a tsundere about it. The other notable times are with the women in his family, Big Sis Magne, and when he ran from Mirko when she showed up during his fight with Endeavor and Hawks. I really can't think of anything else, so if there are other instances they aren't significant. This is true for both the anime and manga. He never brings up the idea of love or even attraction to anyone.
Dabi's personality is confusing, because first you have to work out which Dabi you're talking about, and in both instances Dabi constantly lies about his true feelings, hides hurt behind anger, and has conflicting feelings on certain topics. He's very human in a way I love, but it does make him difficult to characterize.
Slut Dabi is a popular head canon for both, though, and I think that's mostly because people are horny for daddy doms, pathetic wet cat boys, and stupid little gays. Dabi fits into at least one category, no matter which one you go with. Also the way his shirt is kind of basically a crop top and his constant tits out look. He's a victim of yassification and I am just as guilty.
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starstruckzine · 2 months
Toga led the pack in the Girl Power poll with 23.7% of the votes, but Mina and Ochako weren't too far behind. Mirko also garnered quite a few shout-outs.
Let's dig a little deeper...
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insatiable-insanity · 8 months
I hate how Izuku thinks just because he doesn’t have a quirk, he’s useless. You could literally just use support items to replicate most people’s quirks. Wanna have eyes like Mei’s? Use goggles. Wanna be a pikachu like Kaminari? Use a taser. In fact, a taser is probably better anyways since it can actually aim. (No offense to Denki, I love him sm and he gets better 🥺🫶🏻) Want explosions like Bakugo? Make them. Dynamite (which is literally made of Nitroglyerin just like a certain someone’s sweat) literally exists. 🧨
Literally almost every quirk is replicable.
Use spring shoes to hop like Mirko. Use a jet pack to fly similar to Hawks. Jet shoes to bounce like Gran Torino. Use gas bombs to knock people out like Midnight. Use water guns full of acid to be like Mina.
To be honest, it’s only the more nature inclined quirks (Inasa Yoarashi, Shouto/Enji/Touya Todoroki, Yo Shindo, etc..) that’ll be harder to replicate. And even then I’m sure there’s a way to get close to something similar.
And the good thing is if you use support equipment this way, you can have multiple. Meanwhile everyone else is focusing solely on their quirk to the detriment of everything else, which isn’t very well-rounded.
Izuku is so smart. And he’s always adamant about how a quirk doesn’t define you. There aren’t villainous or heroic quirks, he says. (Though this may be me thinking of fanfic, I’m fairly certain he says something along these lines to Eri. 💀) Then why doesn’t he practice what he preaches?? I understand he’s literally been conditioned to see himself as useless because of those around him, but god. It’s just so sad to watch, honestly. He needs to watch some Iron Man pronto.
Takeaway; Izuku would be just as good a hero with support items instead of a flashy, dangerous quirk (no offense to OFA but it literally kills its users 💀🪦🙏🏻) and he really needs some therapy asap. He has zero sense of self-worth. 😃
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imagineanime2022 · 6 months
Pro Heroes With A Mogwai
Shota Aizawa X Reader, Taishiro Toyomistu X Reader, Rumi Usagiyama X Reader, Keigo Takami X Reader.
Requested: Anon
Request: OMG!! Your story of the LOV with a Mogwai was so adorable I loved it. 😍 may I please request one with the pro heroes? I honestly wouldn’t trust Fat gum with the gremlin or Hawks It would’ve been a disaster if one of them broke the rules? But that would be hilarious for the rest of us.🤣 AND OMG, can you imagine the chaos if the heroes (Shota, Fatgum Mirko, Hawks,) had to deal with a Mogwai? Oh my gosh, And they would look to S/O and reader just says “don’t look at me, I warned you about what was gonna happen so technically this is all on you?”😂 they had no idea what they were in for.🤣 AND I’m a little bit curious about how the pro heroes would deal with a gremlin on their side (I guarantee, fat gum, would break the rules by giving him snacks after midnight🤣) but my gosh, Reader did try to warn them, but my goodness just thinking about it makes my head hurt?😂 AND I loved the story about the villains with a Mogwai I thought was adorable😍 but can you imagine the chaos, that the heroes would have had to deal with if they got a Mogwai? they would think it’s cute and adorable but then Reader warned them, and now they have a gremlin on their hands?😂
Shota Aizawa
🐛 Second best at listening to what you said, mostly because he was too lazy to do anything about it and second because his ability made it easy to get rid of him when something happened. 🐛 He was definitely too lazy to break the rules but that didn’t mean that he stopped the little trouble makers from doing it by himself. He has actually watched him from the sleeping bag as he climbed the cupboards and stole food. 🐛 He didn’t mind having the little one around especially after Eri came to live with you, he helped her feel more at ease. 🐛 Just know that if anything ever goes wrong he’s never going to admit that he had anything to do with it or that there was even a problem in the first place.
You had just gone to the shop to grab some things for dinner, you had left Mogwai at home because he was in even more trouble when you had to take him to a shopping center or food market. Aizawa was sitting on the sofa watching Eri on the floor as she practiced reading with the little creature.
Honestly Shota looked away for what felt like a second before Eri gasped, he glanced back to see that she had knocked over the cup of water that she had been drinking from. In all honesty he should have moved it the moment that the little gremlin shuffled over to sit with her but he had been too comfortable on the sofa to actually move and stop the problem before it happened. “Shota… You were supposed to be watching them.” He heard you say from the door as it closed behind you. “You can’t even see them yet, there’s nothing wrong.” Shota grumbled as he activated your quirk, eliminating the problem before you could see it. “You know that I can feel when there’s something going on with him right?” You asked as you walked through the living room and into the kitchen, catching the small giggle from Eri as she stood from where she had been sitting and followed you. “It wasn't Aizawa’s fault, I knocked over the water.” She said and you smiled at her. “Thank you for your honesty, don’t worry everything is fine.” You said as you waved your hand the little Mogwai appeared again and climbed onto her shoulder. “See no problem.” Aizawa said from where he was leaning against the door frame. “Yeah because you would never lie to me.” You rolled your eyes as you started packing everything, and Aizawa walked over to the sink putting the cup in there. “Don’t be like that.” He said softly. “Help me cook and I’ll let it go.” You said. “Fine.” He answered moving over to the sink to wash his hands while you unpacked everything.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu
🍭 Third best because you know that he wanted to follow every rule and for the most part he did, there was only one that he struggled with. 🍭 Mogwai realised that he could get food from Tai really easily and that didn’t change after the 12:00am mark since he was often up for a midnight snack or something. Partly because he feels bad and partly because he forgot what you said. 🍭 There’s obviously no way of hiding what he’s done and he never tries to, instead he’ll gently wake you and ask you to fix it. 🍭 It became a routine if either one of you ended up staying at the others apartment.
Taishiro was up again to get a midnight snack and he promised himself that he wasn’t going to wake you up because he wasn’t going to feed the little Mogwai. For the most part he did well, he told him no and quickly ate the snack he had gotten for himself unfortunately in it’s attempts to get to his snack the Mogwai ended up falling in the sink. “Oh no.” Taishiro breathed as he watched the second Mogwai appear. “Stop doing that! We were supposed to let them sleep.”
“Babe.” You heard your boyfriend's voice and groaned. “What did you do this time?” You asked “you fed him again didn’t you?” “No I actually didn’t.” He answered, that made you open your eyes, you glanced at him and you couldn’t help the giggle. “You got him wet?” You asked. “He tried to steal the snack but he fell in the sink.” He explained scratching the back of his head. “I was trying to make sure that we didn’t wake you.” “Aww don’t worry, it’s an easy fix,” you said, concentrating on your ability and bringing the number back down to 1 little monster for you both to deal with. “Did you get your snack?” “Yeah.” Tai answered as he settled back into bed and pulled you into his chest. “Good, get some rest Tai.” You said softly. “You too sweets.” He said burying his face in your shoulder.
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Rumi Usagiyama
🐇 Okay so let's be honest she is probably the best out of the bunch when it comes to listening AND carrying them out. 🐇 Rumi has never really wanted a pet or anything akin to it so it’s very much your responsibility, about the only thing that she does is cuddle it. 🐇 The little Mogwai will try and get her to break the rules but she’s not easily manipulated. 🐇 No matter what he asks for she just tells him “ask the carer.”
Rumi was sitting in the living room, she could hear you in the kitchen but her attention was drawn away from the TV to look down at the small creature sitting at her feet. “What?” She asked, it made a noise putting out it’s little paws, she raised an eyebrow before looking at the clock. “Ask the carer.” She answered as you glanced towards the kitchen, the little mogwai made a noise similar to a grumbling child before she picked him up and walked towards the kitchen. “Your child wants something.” Rumi said placing the little creature on the countertop next to you, you glanced at it before looking at her. “Happen to know what he wants?” You asked. “Don’t know, he just stuck his little hands out at me.” She answered. “He wants a snack.” You muttered as you again looked at the clock “Uh huh.” She grunted as you pointed to the small container on the other counter. “Those are his, he can have one.” You said as you continued washing the dishes. Rumi walked over to the container choosing one of the little treats and handing it to the Mogwai on the counter who sat down munching on the treat that he had been given. “You know it’s not that bad having him around.” She said softly as she wrapped an arm around your waist holding you to her chest. “I'm glad that you think so.” You said softly as you started drying off your hands. “Come on, we can all watch a movie or somethin’.” Mirko said as she pulled you back towards the living room scooping up your little Mogwai as she went, insistent on a sort of family time before she headed back to work the next morning.
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Keigo Takami
🪶 The worst, 0/10 because he didn’t even listen to you when you told him what the rules were. He looked like he was listening but trust me he wasn’t. 🪶 Literally uses it to get back at you when you have little arguments, or if he really didn’t want to have the argument at hand. 🪶 90% of the time he didn’t cause too much trouble because he worked so much but in the 10% of time that he was home it was chaos. 🪶 He was never the one that had to deal with the incidents that occurred after his reckless behaviour.
You should have known that this would happen, you had left the room to go to the toilet, you had literally been gone for 5 minutes, 10 at most but the carnage that you were looking at made it seem like you had been gone all day. Your eyes moved to your boyfriend where he was sleeping on the sofa, from what you could see his foot had knocked the cup over where the Mogwai had been curled up and now there was a large number of the creatures littering the large living room, so many that you had to be careful where you stood. “What the hell Keigo!?” You asked as you looked at them, he jumped out of his sleep looking around. “What are you yelling about?” He asked. “You wet Mogwai.” You sighed and he looked at you blankly. “Is that one of the rules?” He asked. “Yes!” You answered. “God there are so many rules.” He grumbled relaxingly back into the chair. “There are 3 rules!” You said holding up the same number of fingers “don’t get him wet. Don’t feed him after midnight. Do not shine a bright light on him. Easy.” “What happens if you shine a bright light on him?” He asked. “Don’t you dare, if you kill him because of your curiosity, the world will be needing a new No.2 hero.” You warned him. “Uh huh, fix it and come over here.” He muttered, lifting his hand towards you. “Tch.” You grunted before fixing the problem that he made before walking over to him, you flicked his nose “if I have to tell you one more time, I won’t be staying here again.” “Alright baby.” He mumbled wrapping himself around you as if that would stop you from leaving, you just rolled your eyes and snuggled deciding you have this conversation when he was more awake.
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Request Here!!
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sadbigemini · 22 days
I've been reading lots of humans are space orcs, humans are space Australians, humans are deathworlders fics but ofc the MHA edition. So, here are some prompts inspired by them!!
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Humans are Space Orcs, Deathworlders, Space Australians, MHA Edition
EDIT: Pleeeeaaase don't forget the difference between sapient and sentient!! GOOGLE DEF: The main difference between sapient and sentient is that sapient means wise or full of knowledge, while sentient means having the ability to feel or sense.
What if space and Earth had heroes?
What if for training they send human class 1-A to train with the otherworldly hero students?? In space.
You could either have the alien hero school on a spaceship, a planet, or a moon– you pick, your decision!!
I would have Shinsou replace m*ne*a the grapist.
Quirks can exist or not either way it's fun. Though they may be a little too OP if you follow the narrative of other fics like this. Or you could have it be where the humans still struggle against opponents and do so more realistically while still being the top dog or apex predator lol
Do your aliens have abilities like quirks regardless if humans do or not??
If humans do have quirks maybe you can mix them up for fun and try to adapt their backstories and personalities to them?? Like Shinsou, having Explosion would be easy and you really wouldn't have to change anything. Bc Explosion is destructive and could be ignorantly viewed as villainous just like his original quirk is. While Jirou having Engine would change everything I'd think.
ALSO don't forget that human behavior, mannerisms, and emotions are complex and can be contradictory. Like we can laugh and smile when pissed off and cry when we're happy. Aliens or some at least may be confused by this.
Maybe class 1-B can be the aliens??? Or you can mix them up where some are the aliens and some are the humans in 1-A.
You can do a crossover and have aliens from other fandoms/franchises where they can be the aliens or you can flip it and 1-A can be the aliens.
REMEMBER (or keep in mind) that numerous certain things may be or are inherently human and earthly things. Such as particular phrases like ‘pissed off’, technology like fans, several foods, familial structures, pack bonding, art, concepts like sarcasm, inventions like movies, animals, or clothes for humans.
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Reverse Human Are Space Orcs
Where an alien is either abducted by humans or crash lands on Earth. Or trafficked by evil aliens, escaping with a pod and crash landing on Earth. Either way they are saved by UA heroes and class 1-A.
They would probably also need to be a deathworlder just maybe not the same caliber as humans? I mean how else would they survive? Maybe deathworlds aren't a thing and humans are just space orcs??
The space government could allow them to stay there to train. If they train to become a hero? I would think that would be the idea lol
They could run through the plot of MHA with class 1-A.
Midoriya would love to study them and ask several questions but would also be happy to help them understand human (and Japan's) customs and culture
Again, I would have Shinsou replace m*ne*a the grapist. Or maybe Shinsou is the alien and a deathworlder who was treated horribly by other aliens who are different species and he thinks Earth will be the same until he's proven wrong??
Or maybe you can have someone else from MHA be the alien like a younger Mirko, younger Ryukyu, Toga (same story as Shin above), younger Mirio, younger Spinner (same story), or younger Magne (same story)
OH or Eri!! And maybe the Shie Hassaikai can be evil aliens?
Maybe a younger Hawks was sent to spy on and infiltrate Earth but they grow on him and he helps them instead. Maybe he's supposed to sabotage them by being able to travel space or just gather their weaknesses or both???
Maybe it's more than just one alien? A teen and an adult? Maybe Eri too?
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izvmimi · 1 month
hiiiii mimi!! inquiring minds (mine, my mind inquires) would like to know: what is your man izuku asking reddit?
AITA for neatly packing away the clothes in the closet my gf hasn't worn in three years to make room for custom made all might (all eras) and dynamight and shoto and ingenium and froppy and uravity and mirko and [the list goes on for literally a paragraph] hero costumes?
EDIT: maybe i want to show support there's literally nothing weird about this
EDIT: is there no moderator in this subreddit?
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machiroads · 2 months
4 (Mirko in Nine Lives!!) & 5 for the fanfic writer asks!!
#4 Share a headcanon about Mirko in Nine Lives
Haha oh boi I don't know if I have any headcanons about Mirko Nine Lives that weren't already covered in the fic? Her entire existence in the story is a headcanon in and of itself LOL. Perhaps 2 conciliatory fun facts about Mirko Nine Lives:
For a time, I considered writing a brief spinoff about the sidebar conversation she had with Mic after Aizawa's quirk testing went Not So Good. It was an extremely entertaining prospect to me, because up until that point, they hadn't formally met. So it's basically just Mic rolling up like "Hi you don't know me, but I think we both care about the guy next door and he's Going Thru It."
In the (now AU) version of Lost & Won where Kuroboro lived, him and Mirko hit it off. Cloudbunny lives rent free in my brain
#5 Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
Perhaps nobody noticed because 9L and L&W are rated T, but I try to be careful about not describing genitalia (in bathtime scenes etc) because I know a lot of people headcanon Aizawa as trans. So you can interpret 9L!Zawa as whatever you want, because fundamentally it's a story about him Going Thru It, and what he's packing downstairs has no real bearing on the story.
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I've been thinking about the old "quirklessness is a disbability allegory" thing people tout around recently and the more I think about it the more I hate it.
Like early on. I guess I can understand the reading. Izuku has no quirk in a world filled with them. But also like. It’s so surface level especially when MHA has canon disabled characters? All Might literally lost his fucking stomach during one of his fights with AFO. He has a huge fucking scar on his torso. He spits up blood because he lost a lung. It's affected how he can do his job. We learn this in chapter fucking one. Midoriya idolizes him. So many people irl think he should have died at Kamino instead of living past it. People have bashed him almost for ten years because he told Midoriya he couldn’t be a hero without a quirk (taking hero as a profession, he’s not wrong. He’s the most qualified to talk about it. As a hero in the general sense, he was) and painted a visibly disabled man as a fictional form of ableist. Like that's pretty :/ and several other characters have lost limbs and gotten prosthetics, like Aizawa (lost a leg and his eye), Ectoplasm (while minor, his notes explicitly state he has leg prosthetics for work and civilian use), and Mirko (who's lost three and constantly gets called "maimed" online. Note: if I see one more person call Mirko maimed, I will throttle them). They all lost them while on the job, which is a dangerous job.
People are fucking weird about Mirko having prosthetics and while my take on Mirko personally is I think there is something to be said about how she’s the one who’s lost the most limbs and there's lot more to be said about how she came back to the fray with the prosthetics instead of being sidelined (when horikoshi easily could have sidelined her), I honestly think a lot of people's weirdness comes from the back they're real fucking horny for her and are awkward about it because they don't see disabled people as being sexy outside of fetish material. Also possibly there's not a lot of female characters with prosthetics. There's also like. not a lot of fanart of Mirko with her prosthetics at all, which is sad tbh because they're pretty cool.
I don't think the term "quirk" helps at all either, since "kosei" literally translates to "individuality."
I also feel like the reading ignores the reveal that quirks popping into existence is relatively recent history. Like last century and a half recent. Present day mha happens after a societal collapse because people couldn’t handle the superpowers showing up. Izuku at one point mentions a famous dude who said that if quirks hadn’t appeared humanity would be traveling in space. That’s the reason the world looks stuck in the 2010s - 2020s. Society literally collapsed and it took awhile to even start functioning again. It was still collapsed when All Might was young and the peace only exists thanks to him. An in universe theory pertains that as humans mingle and quirks get stronger, people’s bodies won’t be able to handle them. Whether or not it’s true is up for debate, but present mic specifically notes that a pack of kindergartners have stronger quirks than his generation did. (It’s also worth mentioning that the person who proposed the theory works closely with afo, because afo didn’t want that to happen to him).
People are actively being hurt by how people react to their quirks or by the quirks themselves. It’s believed that quirks influence personality too but it’s a chicken or egg situation really. Do quirks actually influence personality or do how people treat people with quirks they have opinions about affect it? Toga’s whole barrel of issues is because her parents abused her because of her quirk (blood drinking and transformation) was viewed as deviant. Aoyama was quirkless and getting a quirk that his body couldn’t handle has caused him a lot of issues. Dabi’s quirk burned him alive once him alive because his body can’t handle it. A good chunk of the manga is Midoriya learning how to weird OFA because his body fucking can't handle it without breaking. Shigaraki Tomura and Eri at age 4 accidentally killed family members because they couldn't control their quirks when they activated. An in-universe theory about quirks is that it was transferred by mice and Overhaul’s entire deal is best summed up as him wanting to get rid of quirks because he’s a huge germaphobe and he views quirks as a disease. He has disassembled and reassembled Eri at the molecular level multiple times to make quirk erasing bullets from her body tissue. This isn't even mentioning the quirk supremacist cult or the rules that say you can't use your quirks without a license. Like holy fuck how do you see all that and still say "quirklessness is a disability allegory?"
Are people attached to the "quirklessness is a disability allegory" thing because it's more palatable than the actual disabled characters?
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mindseyed · 4 months
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Thinkin about this lil lady and her fighting style.
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As a child, it's a bit more evasion focused, with heavier influences in ballet and basic gymnastics. Jumping, dodging, balancing, flipping, she's not meant for up-close combat like this. Her smaller stature lends more to her speed and ability to maneuver more freely, making her harder to capture.
With her DF, she is able to create things like vines and flowers, using them to further enhance her reach and distance. Using the vines like a whip-like appendage, she can grab things, swing from high places and pull herself out of tight spaces and situations. With the flowers, she can make large ones that function similar to bounce pads or trampolines, allowing her to bounce around and bound to higher places or over thinggs easier. They manifest like lily pads, and disappear when she wills them to. She can also create a protective cocoon of vines and/or tree bark as a shield.
In terms of attacks, she has very few as a child, being very defense and support oriented. She can combine her vines with something heavy on the end, like a rock or weapon, and use it similarly to a chain whip/rope dart. Her movements with them are often mixed with her ballet and gymnastic abilites, making for very quick, precise attacks, though not the strongest thing in the world, especially at her weaker power level.
She can try to upgrade and adapt attacks like this by using her vines like areial silks and bringing momentum into the mix, similar to this. Attaching something heavy to the end of a vine and spinning like that to gain momentum could really pack a punch.
As an adult, her fighting style does evolve. She is far more skilled in hand to hand combat, leaning much heavier into kickboking and more advanced gymnastics more than ballet, though some elements still remain. By this point she has become much stronger, physic much like this, although a bit bigger for her stature (6'2).
A lot of her strength is in her legs, her kicks bordering on deadly with enough force (similar to Mirko from MHA.) But that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to punch either. This strength also lends to her speed, and stamina, allowing her to jump higher and move much faster simply running.
Her attack now can range from close combat to ranged, and she can rapidly switch between the two. Her use of plants and vines have shaprened over time, her aim far more precise and even capable of constricting the movement of her opponents.
With her extended knowledge on different plants and their knowledge, she can also create different concotions for both healing and harming others, and sometimes just grow the plant itself (i.e poison ivy). She is far more head on with her opponents, far less shy and evasive than her younger counterpart. She is not afraid to get as close as possible to someone to go in for an attack.
Obviously, her weakness comes from not only the sea, but also fire, as well as surfaces that can't facilitate life like metal. It would force her to grow things from herself, which can be dangerous and very draining very fast.
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Grass, electric, and ground for either of your F/Os? :0
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊💛 @effiesaude @hades-beloved @midnightchronicles87 @rocknstar @phan-chan @lish-self-ships @sunkisseddd @phantasmagoria-fox @purewater100
[Fire]: Who’s the better chef between you and your f/o? Do you ever cook together? If so, what’s your favorite dish to make?
Keigo is a better chef than me. Yes, we do cook together. My favorite dish to make is Spicy Salmon Bowl.
[Water]: What does a beach day with your f/o look like? Do you go swimming or check out the boardwalk?
It's a lot of fun! Keigo & I do both of those things. We also like to build sandcastles & walk on the beach.
[Grass]: You’re going on a picnic with your f/o! What are you packing for the trip and what does the scenery look like?
We're packing sandwiches, lemonade, pasta salad, nuts, bottles of water, plastic plates, cups, utensils, & napkins. The scenery is lovely. A cloudy day for having a picnic.
[Electric]: When did you realize that you were in love with your f/o? When did they realize that they were in love with you?
It was back when Keigo & I were friends at first. It took about a month for me to fell for him. For Keigo, it was when he spend quality time with me and getting to know me. It was also how sweet, kind, and caring I am. He tried to push his feelings down until he couldn't anymore.
[Ice]: It’s starting to snow! What do you and your f/o plan on doing? Do you go sledding? Build a snowman? Or do you guys stay inside to keep warm?
We like to stay indoors during the winter since Keigo & I don't like the cold.
[Poison]: Who’s the better caretaker in your relationship and how do you help each other when one of you is sick?
Keigo is! We make soup & have a drink of water when one of us gets sick. We also make sure we get plenty of rest.
[Ground]: What’s your favorite outdoor activity? What about your f/o’s?
My favorite outdoor activity is walking & Keigo's favorite outdoor activity is birdwatching.
[Psychic]: Is your f/o good at reading your mood and/or helping you feel better? What about vice versa?
Yes, he is & yes for me as well. We always help each other to feel better.
[Bug]: How do you comfort one another when you get scared? Is there any teasing involved?
Keigo comforts me when I'm scared by holding me in his arms, rubbing my back, & holding my hand. I comfort Keigo by holding his hand & rubbing his back. We both use our words for comfort. No, there isn't any teasing.
[Rock]: What kinds of gifts do you get each other for your anniversaries/birthdays/etc?
Keigo gives me flowers, chocolates, clothing, jewelries, cat stuff, stuffed animals, kitchen supplies, tea gift sets & cookbooks. I give Keigo men jewelries, clothing, chocolates, coffee gift sets, mugs & baking books.
[Dragon]: Does your f/o have a kryptonite? Does your s/i know about it? What about vice versa?
No, neither of us have a kryptonite.
[Dark]: Who is more protective of the other? Give us an example of a time one of you protected the other.
Keigo is more protective since he's a Pro Hero. We were at the mall, just walking around. All the sudden, a villain shows up. Keigo steps forward in front of me, with his hands on my shoulder blades from the villain & told me to find a place to hide so he can take care of the villain. I quickly ran to find a safe place to be until Keigo defeats the villain.
[Fairy]: What kinds of AUs do you imagine you and your f/o in? Are any inspired by classic fairytales?
Birds AU, Pokemon AU, Howl's Moving Castle AU, & Fantasy AU. No, there isn't any inspired by classic fairytales.
[Fire]: Who’s the better chef between you and your f/o? Do you ever cook together? If so, what’s your favorite dish to make?
Hmm. . . I'd say I am! Yes, we both love to cook together. My favorite dish to make is salmon & asparagus with garlic lemon butter sauce.
[Water]: What does a beach day with your f/o look like? Do you go swimming or check out the boardwalk?
Lots of fun, we really enjoy going to the beach together. We do go swimming, play volleyball, walk on the beach, get some tan, & watch the waves.
[Electric]: When did you realize that you were in love with your f/o? When did they realize that they were in love with you?
It was immediately after she saved me from the villain. I had a huge crush on Mirko & couldn't take her off of my mind. For Mirko, it was when she met me at the coffee café in person. She fell in love with me while I was talking about myself.
[Ice]: It’s starting to snow! What do you and your f/o plan on doing? Do you go sledding? Build a snowman? Or do you guys stay inside to keep warm?
We mostly stay indoors but we sometimes go outside to build a snowman, make snow angels & go for a stroll.
[Poison]: Who’s the better caretaker in your relationship and how do you help each other when one of you is sick?
I am! We always make each other soup, a glass of water, & get a plenty of rest.
[Ground]: What’s your favorite outdoor activity? What about your f/o’s?
My favorite outdoor activity is walking & Mirko's favorite outdoor activity is rock climbing.
[Psychic]: Is your f/o good at reading your mood and/or helping you feel better? What about vice versa?
Oh yeah, she is & I am as well.
[Bug]: How do you comfort one another when you get scared? Is there any teasing involved?
Rumi comforts me by holding me in her arms or holding my hand & uses her words. I comfort Rumi by holding her in my arms & use my words of comfort. Yes, we do sometimes tease each other.
[Rock]: What kinds of gifts do you get each other for your anniversaries/birthdays/etc?
We give each other flowers, cookbooks, clothing, fitness accessories, any sweets, jewelries & plushies.
[Ghost]: Has your f/o ever helped you get over a fear? Have they ever pushed you out of your comfort zone?
Yes, she has helped me have the courage to do stuff that I couldn't do before I met her. No, she wouldn't pushed me out of my comfort zone.
[Dragon]: Does your f/o have a kryptonite? Does your s/i know about it? What about vice versa?
No, neither of us have a kryptonite.
[Dark]: Who is more protective of the other? Give us an example of a time one of you protected the other.
Definitely Rumi! It was when I was getting out of the grocery store when a villain was heading to my direction. When the villain was almost near me, Rumi stepped in & kicked the villain. Rumi came by me, holding me & asking me if I was okay. I told her I was okay & thank her for saving me with a smile.
[Fairy]: What kinds of AUs do you imagine you and your f/o in? Are any inspired by classic fairytales?
Summer AU, Grocery Store AU, Superpowers AU, & Pokemon AU. No, there isn't any inspired by classic fairytales.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Deku/Mirko hate is extremely hilarious when it comes from angry dudebros bc you can feel how strong their ego and masculinity is as much as of a wet piece of paper.
But when it comes from ppl whose favorite manga/anime is CSM, JJk and Mp100, calling Deku "pathetic" or complaining abt how Mirko is too sexy... Girl what the fuck are you talking abt you're literally in the pathetic loser meow meow man and sexy girlboss fandom WHAT
(Anon, means the two characters separately, not as a ship. I just have a feeling someone would have taken as such.)
But no, for real, it's astounding to me when people hate on Deku or Miruko for reasons I find totally backwards. And it honestly just increases my love for both characters.
I was gonna make a post about it, but I stopped myself because "Kiya, cease the saltiness". But you know what? Imma say it here.
Warning, this is about to get LONG because I have so much to say and I'm tired of just writing posts and deleting them.
Let's me start with my queen, my goddess, the icon Miruko.
I get it when people are tired of the whole "sexy anime girls with the big boobs and butt shots" especially in shonen, I'm annoyed with it myself at times, I am.
But compared to what I seen for female characters in other shonen, especially with Rabbit girls, Miruko is both something tamer and new. Let's be real here!
A lot of rabbit female characters, most really in general, in anime be tiny and meek. Have big boobs and showing off cleavage. And even if they are strong, their physical appearance doesn't mirror it because they're supposed to be "cute".
Miruko though? She has muscles, but she isn't packing them like fucking All Might now. Her body is reminiscent to someone who would work out, someone who is an athlete, especially those who specializes in speed and agility.
What's even better? It's not like Miruko is incapable of being cute.
People look at her and see "aggressive, feral woman with muscles".
But come on now!
This? This can't be cute?
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Fuck out of here!!
She is a short rabbit woman! How the fuck isn't she cute to anybody?!
(And honestly, again, I love that she is short because it makes sense. Her being tall is just awkward to me. It's ridiculous, I'll be frank. And honestly, makes me mad for several reasons as someone who shares similar physical features as her.)
Oh, so it's illegal to be sexy and cute for Miruko, but some of the same people lose themselves over shirtless guys in the same anime.
"Look at all the gratuitous shots of Miruko's legs, blech". Not even a moment later, Dabi shows a little bit of tit and people are drooling. Oh, please. Hawks does anything, "he's so cute". Get the hell of out here.
Miruko gets shots of her legs, sure. It's expected in a shonen. But at least her boobs aren't unnecessarily huge and her waist is nearly the size of a pinch. The most that is emphasized is her legs. Midoriya and Iida even gets shots of their legs sometimes!
Oh! Let's not forget how people hate on her because how much she's a fighter!
What bothers me is that I get why it's iffy that Miruko is "aggressive" while having brown skin, I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand, being that she is a brown skinned woman, it is off that she is the way she is. On the other hand, and this is a theory, she could be a reference to Horikoshi's previous protagonist Shiina. Who is an albino rabbit man who had the exact personality Miruko does.
Now the thing that bothers me about this on the part of the fandom is they hate Miruko for being aggressive, right? THEN WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SAME ENERGY FOR SOME OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS?
No, no because almost every character is ready for a fight in BNHA. We are not going to act like Miruko is the worst case out there because she isn't. There are people who love Toga for her bloodthirsty nature but hate Miruko. Bakugou may have some haters, but oh my gosh there are plenty of people who find him badass and attractive for that attitude. The other villains can be just as "mean" and talk about killing, yet oh! They have fans! Hell, even Endeavor got fans!! Kirishima is always ready for a fight, too and practically NO ONE hates him!
So why hate on Miruko?
Hell, even in the mentioned animes/mangas you pointed out, Anon, the women are worse than Miruko. Come on, example, Chainsaw Man. I cannot recall any female character in there that wasn't like evil or bloodthirsty or is like super nice.
And it's not like Miruko is mean. She's just blunt and isn't afraid of who she is. Her "mean" side comes out when she's facing villains. She is a "no-nonsense" character.
Now let me move on to my green boy, Midoriya because whoo boy. When it comes to people within and outside this fandom, I want to gatekeep him so bad.
"Midoriya is so pathetic, he's just a crybaby".
So I guess other shonen protagonists don't exist, huh? So other shonen protagonists don't be crying whether it be for gags or serious moments?
Like this is the same kid who has moments like this.
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Him? Him? Are we sure this is the "pathetic" one?
No, this is someone who eventually gets tired of everyone else's shit. (True ♋ Vibes right there.)
Kid cleaned a beach WITHOUT ANY POWERS.
His goal to be a hero is no different than any other protagonist back then and now. And he looks badass doing it.
Know what I adore about Midoriya? That he actually comes off like a damn teenager and have other defining traits that is opposite of other protagonists.
He isn't girl crazy. He's awkward around girls, but he isn't some pervert. Hell, girls are the last thing on his mind.
He's also not some dumb kid. He's may not be #1 in his class, but he's isn't book dumb. He's smart both on and off the field and relies on what he observes to win battles instead of taking five episodes to train while his friends fight some overpowered villain and come back and win within two minutes.
He actually struggles in battle, even with all those quirks, he does have struggles, including what happens with his body. Physical evidence. We barely get that in anime. The most it's a scar or a lost limb that happens BEFORE the story. Midoriya gets abrasions, scars, crooked fingers and even warnings about losing his arms.
Even his appearance is a breath of fresh air to me because I swear red, orange and yellow are too common for protagonists. Don't hate the colors at all, but let's be for real here. Warm colors, be it clothes or hair, is a sign of "Oh that's the protagonist".
Midoriya? Green. HE'S GREEN AND I LOVE IT!! The most he wears of red is his belt and shoes and his backpack is yellow, but Horikoshi makes it very clear that GREEN is his signature color. His name means GREEN.
Midoriya is not the typical shonen protagonist and I adore that about him.
Overall, out of all the characters, I adore both them and find some of what people complain about them just so... *sighs really loud*.
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writersmorgue · 2 years
Day 21 - (alt.) soft words
read on Ao3
word count: 964
TWs in tags
Shouta wakes in a cold sweat.
He inhales deeply, only relaxing slightly when he surveys his dark bedroom and sees nothing amiss. His husband snores lightly next to him and the faint sounds of some British narration from the living room tell him that Hitoshi probably snuck in last night.
Shouta sighs, swinging his leg over the bed and grabbing his prosthetic from the dresser. He clicks his stump in and rolls his hip. Seven years and he’s still not used to it.
He scratches his head, the short fuzz of his undercut from the fresh trim Hizashi gave him yesterday rough and familiar under his fingers. Sometime after the war, Hitoshi had convinced him shorter hair would be safer, especially since he was down one eye and any added peripheral vision would help. 
They’d gone together, and though Hitoshi had ended up growing his back out, Shouta found he liked the freedom. His capture weapon no longer tied his hair in knots, it was nice.
He sticks his hand out and flicks the hall light off before opening the door, looking back to make sure Hizashi hasn’t moved before leaving.
The clock reads 5 AM, a little early for Shouta but he has been going to sleep earlier recently. 
Six hours of sleep does wonders for your morale.
He moves to the living room, making sure his grown one is fully covered and sleeping before moving on to the kitchen. 
He grabs a juice pack and some Mirko gummies, shivering in the cool night air filtering in from the open window above the sink.
Of course, he doesn’t have the stature of a pre–teen, so he walks to the balcony like a normal adult.
Eri is crouched on one of their chairs, her fluffy slippers discarded on the ground. Shouta is pleased to see she’s wearing socks this time. 
At first, he tried to get her to go back to bed, but she goes to sleep at a reasonable time and he figures she has earned the freedom to decide her schedule. (He’s working on his hovering tendencies.)
She looks up at him when he sits beside her on the matching chair. Her gummy pack is open on the wooden side table, four purple carrots rest on top. 
“Bad luck, huh?” He muses, tossing her the second and popping one of them in his mouth. He’s not partial to grape, either, but he figures it’s better than wasting them.
“Mirko has it out for me, I opened one last night and it was only purple and orange.” She pouts, wrapping her robe tighter around her shoulders when a breeze passes them.
Shouta huffs, “We oughta stage a coup.”
Eri nods solemnly, “It’s only rational.”
Yup, definitely his kid. If not by blood then by everything else.
“You sleep okay?” He prods, eating another gummy.
Eri shrugs, glancing back to the open kitchen window, “Toshi came in ‘few hours ago. Looked a little sad. I think he ‘n Denki are arguing.” She answers softly, 
“You know they’ll be okay. And even if they break up, Kaminari will still be around. You know they’re inseparable regardless.” Shouta thinks for a moment, looking out at the city around them, “Zashi and I had our moments too, but we’re still here, four gremlins in.”
Eri frowns at him, but her eyes betray her amusement, “Ringo isn’t bad, I think Bastard frames him.”
“They’re both equally guilty, and if I could ground them I would.” That gets a giggle out of her. He represses a smile.
It’s silent for a moment. Shouta can tell Eri is building up the courage to say something, so he lets it be.
There’s a siren in the distance, and someone turns on the morning news in a nearby apartment. 
“I don’t want to go to UA.”
Shouta nods, picking gummy cement out of his teeth with his tongue, “Okay.”
Eri’s hair whips around when she looks at him, “Really?!”
Shouta looks at her, frowning at her glossy red eyes, “Was I supposed to say no?”
She huffs, crossing her arms, “I dunno, I just thought you’d have an opinion about it.”
Shouta chuckles, “Well I definitely have an opinion about it.”
Eri’s expression fills with worry, “But you said-”
He holds out his hand, “My opinion about it is that you should be able to decide what you want to do with your life. I know you’re in a family of heroes, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not a little relieved you won’t be at risk like that.”
“But it’s a crime to hurt rescue heroes…” 
“Criminals don’t really care about all that, it’s kinda in their nature.” He reminds her gently, “I’ve seen plenty of heroes go down, in the end, it doesn’t matter what their class was, but if they were in the way.”
“You remind me of Midoriya with how selfless you are. You could never disappoint me, Eri, I’m proud of you for making such a decision for yourself. I know your friends are all planning on going to hero schools, it’s refreshing to see someone of your age deciding independently.”
Eri sniffles, wiping her eyes.
“I suppose you remind me of Midoriya in more ways than one,” Shouta observes fondly, reaching out to take Eri’s hand and drag her into his lap.
“I won’t have cried as much as he has now when I’m eighty, Dad,” She laughs wetly, curling into his embrace.
Even at this age, she’s still so small, still fits in his arms as she did all those years ago.
“I love you, kid, nothing you do will ever change that, okay?”
She sobs into his pajama shirt, gripping the fabric like a lifeline.
“Yeah Dad, I love you too.”
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supercasket-art · 11 months
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"Orb Torture"
Raven and Mirko are captured and placed in beds. A silver sphere appears above them and slowly starts stimulating their bodies until they mentally break.
More works at: www.patreon.com/SuperCasketsupercasket.fanbox.cc/ Check out my picture packs at: supercasket.gumroad.com/
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