#miriam dom
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drackiszunk · 3 months ago
Miriam…. “My beautiful boy.”
I’m literally crying in the middle of the airport waiting for my flight.
“Would you do the same thing to save me?”
“Without hesitation.”
I will break you all cause I’m an emotional wreck. Are these books supposed to make me cry?!?
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mongo-the-liensis · 1 year ago
Miriam: What do you think Carl will do for a distraction?
Prepotente: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Prepotente: ... or they could do that.
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eden-in-shadelight · 2 years ago
Bitch i may as well become a findom at this point smfh
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nyrlthtp · 2 months ago
Having lots of thoughts about Mordecai...
While the System AI is more predictably sydbait, and while I adore the AI for all its freakishness and messy depth, I do think Mordecai maintains the "favorite character" spot for me. Putting my thoughts under the cut because there are some things about the seventh book mixed in.
Maybe it's just that I'm not immune to the Sad Dad trope at the end of the day. Maybe it's that "by his left tit" is the funniest exclamation ever. Maybe it's the grudges he's been holding onto, or the sadness he's been nursing for so long.
What's interesting is he doesn't have a parent/child-related backstory that others do—Maggie My or Frank Q, or Katia, or even Miriam Dom (albeit hers was related to fur-children). His story only ever involves his brother, and Chaco, and Odette, and Huanxin. So this paternal nature is based on nothing more than how much he cares.
And he's aware of that, too. It's why he gets so angry when Donut makes him her Manager. It's why he's so annoyed about letting the NPCs into the safe room. It's why he comes across as such a grumpy hardass—because he knows he'll get attached, and he knows the crawl kills many more people than it will ever let go. Caring about NPCs is a fruitless endeavor to him, and getting too attached to Crawlers is just setting himself up for more hurt when they die.
And that caring has to be why his anger at Chaco and Odette (and Huanxin, but that is slightly different) is so vitriolic. They weren't just random people; they were people he trusted, people he cared about, because he's incapable of not caring. And then, from his point of view, they betrayed him and killed his brother. It wasn't a random grudge; it was a betrayal of his love and care.
And that is why he is so adamant that Carl can't save everyone. He knows, firsthand, that people will turn on each other when things get too dire, and caring for everyone will only hurt worse in the long run.
But he also can't resist his own nature. From playing movies early on for the NPC children, to inviting other NPCs into the safe room as part of his own idea, to holding and reading to Ruby at what felt like the end of the world, to getting directly involved in a possibly-futile effort to save Louis.
There really is no point in this rambling, except to say that I love Mordecai so much. Despite that "deep well of sadness" Carl saw in him, filled as it is with all the loss he's experienced, and despite knowing that the loss toll can only keep going up the more he cares, he still does. While he did what he could to maintain distance at a professional level as Game Guide, once he was Donut's Manager (and only after he went through his drunken bender to cope), he didn't bother trying to maintain distance. He was in it. It was too late.
All he could do were the only things he's ever been able to do: care, and help.
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swedesinstockholm · 5 months ago
28 juillet
je me suis forcée à sortir pour aller au vide-grenier au maybachufer parce que j. m'a demandé quel était mon plan pour la journée et je voulais pas dire rien. même si j'avais pas envie de dépenser de l'argent et que de toute façon j'ai pas de place pour ranger mes habits dans ma petite chambre. la moitié de mes affaires sont toujours dans ma valise et ce qu'il me faut c'est pas des habits mais une planche pour pour m'en servir comme étagère pour poser les habits que j'ai déjà.
je suis allée me promener après et je me sentais vide. j'avais faim, donc je me sentais encore plus vide. je me sentais fantomatique. j'étais un fantôme qui marchait sans but en suivant des gens au hasard, notant des bribes de leurs conversations mais rien de bien intéressant. au bout d'un moment j'ai décidé de juste avancer tout droit. c'était moche, tout était moche et sale et délabré. je me suis rendu compte que depuis que j'étais ici j'avais pas vu de gens chics. des bourges avec des habits bien coupés, des gens en costume, des gens riches. les gens que j'avais l'habitude de croiser au luxembourg quand je sortais de la maison. ici je vois que des pauvres ou alors des jeunes qui sont probablement des enfants de bourges mais qui sont habillés comme des pauvres. mon environnement ici c'est des restaurants turcs avec des photos de plats sur les devantures, des bars à chicha qui sentent la réglisse avec des hommes vautrés dans leurs fauteuils, des squares glauques jonchés de bouteilles en verre, des graffitis, des odeurs de pisse, des graffitis, des objets en tout genre qui trainent sur le trottoir (l'autre jour j'ai vu un tampon ensanglanté) eux aussi recouverts de graffitis (pas le tampon), des sans-abris qui s'excusent d'être là et des détraqués qui rôdent. j'aime bien sentir l'odeur de réglisse quand je passe devant les bars à chicha, même si n. dit que ça sent pas du tout la réglisse. et j'aime bien être constamment surprise par ce que je vais trouver au prochain coin de rue. mais un de ces jours je vais aller me promener dans les rues de mitte chez les bourges avec les magasins élégants, même si j'y rentre pas, juste pour le réconfort. c'est pas dans l'air du temps d'aimer les riches mais j'aime le luxe c'est comme ça je suis indécrottable.
depuis que j'ai eu ma révélation là devant la téléréalité lesbienne dans le bar et que j'ai compris que j'arriverais sans doute jamais à lâcher prise sans aide thérapeutique je me demande ce que je fais ici de nouveau. étant donné qu'un de mes buts en venant à berlin c'était de goûter à la fête, même si j'osais à peine me l'avouer tellement ça me semblait ambitieux. maintenant ça me semble encore plus utopique et je me sens un peu découragée.
29 juillet
je dois changer quelques chose à mes journées. elles sont pas équilibrées. je passe trop de temps à procrastiner. je veux faire trop de choses en même temps et à la fin j'avance dans rien. au rythme où je vais je vais mettre mille ans à finir mon livre. je dois aussi arrêter de sortir sans but. aujourd'hui je suis partie à mitte et prenzlauerberg mais c'était pas un but assez précis. j'ai fait du lèche-vitrine (ça existe encore ce mot?) dans la alte schönhauser strasse et je me suis rappelé de la fois où j'avais essayé une robe marimekko dans un des magasins blancs minimalistes avec des habits aux coupes épurées. je suis passée devant le magasin ace & tate où j'avais essayé des lunettes roses transparentes pour tenter de compenser mes nouveaux cheveux courts que j'aimais pas. près du berliner dom au bord de l'eau où j'avais eu une conversation stressante au téléphone avec maman l'été avant de déménager à paris parce que j'avais toujours pas commencé à chercher des apparts. devant un chantier que j'avais pris en photo en 2016 et qui n'est plus un chantier. devant le café où j'allais tous les soirs en haut de la kastanienallee pour pleurer sur miriam dans mon journal. le tout petit cinéma où j'étais allée voir le doc sur audre lorde. le rosenthaler platz où on avait mangé dans un resto indien avec robert l'américain qui m'avait dit de lire norwegian wood de murakami you know like the beatles song mais non je connaissais pas. le rosenthaler platz où six ans plus tard j'ai failli m'effondrer sur le trottoir en hurlant parce que je me sentais seule et que j'avais besoin qu'on fasse attention à moi. aujourd'hui ça allait. j'avais mangé avant de partir et je suis rentrée avant d'avoir l'impression de disparaitre. je suis passée chez lidl et je me suis fait un énorme plat de linguine aux courgettes-mozza. hier soir j'ai mangé des chips et du chocolat. à chaque fois que je passe à côté de gens qui mangent en terrasse je me demande ce qu'ils font pour gagner de l'argent.
30 juillet
j'ai recommencé à poster mon journal sur tumblr. j'attendais la fin du mois pour m'y remettre. je l'attendais avec impatience, comme s'il me tardait de raconter la suite de l'histoire à mon tout petit lectorat fidèle. comme si c'était vraiment une histoire. ou comme si j'étais une youtubeuse mais sans arrière-pensée et qui s'adresse à personne à part à elle-même. ce soir je suis allée voir une performance dans un studio d'artistes dans une arrière-cour à kottbusser tor. j'avais demandé à n. de m'accompagner et elle voulait absolument que j'aille parler à la performeuse à la fin pour lui dire que moi aussi je faisais de la performance pour essayer de gratter des contacts mais évidemment j'ai pas osé. elle m'a dit remember in berlin you're someone who talks to people! mais j'ai dit it doesn't work like that. je peux pas devenir quelqu'un d'autre en claquant des doigts. elle a dit alcohol helps et j'ai dit but i don't drink et je me suis sentie comme une cause perdue. lara tu fais vraiment tout à l'envers. finalement c'est elle qui est allée lui parler et moi j'ai rien dit parce que j'avais rien à dire.
j'ai moyennement aimé la performance. je savais que j'allais moyennement aimer rien qu'en lisant le texte de présentation qui sonnait creux avec tous ses concepts à la mode qui veulent rien dire là, mais je lui ai laissé le bénéfice du doute. on m'a fait poser mes chaussures et manger un bonbon au gingembre ignoble, n. m'a dit pourquoi tu l'as pas recraché? et ça m'était pas venu à l'esprit. j'ai bien aimé la partie où l'artiste a fait lire un texte intitulé the curse of the undercurrent à une participante et c'était une liste de mots en under- comme underkissed, undertouched, underloved et plein d'autres mais évidemment c'est ceux-là qui m'ont interpellée et puis quelqu'un d'autre a lu le spell of the undercurrent qui était l'antidote et c'était juste une répétition du mot understanding. elle a demandé à plusieurs personnes de l'enregistrer avec leur téléphone et puis de jouer tous les enregistrements en même temps mais pas synchronisés. j'ai trouvé ça cool, mais c'est tout. j'ai rien compris à ce qu'elle voulait dire à la fin. j'ai dit à n. que j'étais plus intéressée par les trucs moins artsy et plus divertissants, avec une histoire plus facilement discernable, de la musique, des trucs concrets.
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sunnymegatron · 10 months ago
Dom & sub Dynamics Free Kink & BDSM Education Summit - Bonus
Amazing news! Registration is now open for the FREE Dom/sub Dynamics Virtual Summit!
Reserve your free spot here: http://bit.ly/sunnysummit2024 
The Rundown
4-day online BDSM conference, free! 
5 sessions per day + supplemental class tools & materials
April 8-11th 2024
Watch live (no student cameras so you can attend anonymously) -OR- stream recordings of the classes you want to take within 24 hours
Some of the educators: Midori,  Luna Matatas, Evie Lupine, TheDutchy, Miriam Green from Wicked Grounds, Princess Rara from Pink Kink Podcast, Marla Rene-Stewart, Justine Cross, Loving BDSM, D/s Living, Pleasure Mechanics & more
Some of the sessions: Punishment & Rewards In D/s, Navigating Misconceptions & Embracing Your Brat, Little Space & Age Play Dynamics, Dealing With Drop, Discovering Your Soft & Hard Limits in BDSM, Seducing Your sub & Creating Erotic Tension, Kinky Skills For Switches, Introducing Kink In Your Relationship, Creating Successful Protocols, BDSM Scene Building, Polyamory & BDSM, Kink + Trauma: Using BDSM For Healing, Female Led Relationships - FLR, How To Create A BDSM Contract & More
The D/s Summit is FREE for people 18+ (all educational, not visually graphic, and does not encompass adult entertainment) so please feel free to share with friends, in kink groups you belong to, etc: http://bit.ly/sunnysummit2024 
See you there!
Sunny :) 
Check out our latest episode!
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cheollipop · 2 years ago
Hmmmm? Hard hours, you say🤔 lately, I've been thinking about mingyu and wonwoo a lot like imagine they're your besties and hanging out one night where ya'll play truth or dare and things just get out of hand with a lot of spitting and creampies involved.
The three of you share an apartment, but perv!meanie has nasty thoughts about the reader, and they get the courage to steal one of their panties.
Like you left ur panties in the bathroom because you were in a rush and both mingyu and Woo find them, so they decide to jack off, but you come back to the apartment and catch right as their about to c*m then offer your help and they say fuck it why not..
Sorry if this seems messy 😅 but I'm not a good writer
listen... perv!mingyu makes so much sense to me. like,, SO MUCH!!!! he just seems like the type to start off as a dom then get off on you switching it up and humiliating him. he'd whimper and plead for you to stop, but you know he enjoys it-- the violent throbbing in his pants is enough proof of that.
also minwon and creampies.... yeah. definitely. so true. you're so right about that... no further comments your honour.
I would love to write this out but I'm not quite comfortable with writing smut for svt just yet (I'm trying to think of a cheol one for now before moving on to different members). thank you for sending it in anyway!! ^^" I'm working on your yungi one rn~ hopefully I'll be able to finish it tomorrow before my class starts (*´∀`)/
have a nice day/night miriam!! <3
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sofiaberninimangeon · 5 months ago
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" Simpatia é um dom da alma, que cresce com a educação e o respeito.
Simpatia é um alicerce da alma, que desenvolve a ligação com o semelhante.
Simpatia é uma fonte de alegria e confiança, que prospera com a generosidade.
Simpatia é a verdade da alma, que no espelho enxerga a sua dignidade intacta.
Simpatia é uma força da alma, que realça o brilho com sua conduta impecável.
Feliz é a alma, que na simpatia, convive com outros seres, sempre haverá lugar perfumado, vestimenta confortável, sorriso pronto, amizade sincera, convite de outro também conhecedor de imensa e agradável SIMPATIA."
Dra. Miriam Zelikowski
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aaronburrdaily · 2 years ago
July 11 [sic], 1809
Note: Burr fucks up the dates and it takes him a few days to figure it out. Post scheduled on the day it happened.
Couche at 1/2 p. 12. Lev. at 1/2 p. 9. Ayant dormi profondement toutes les 9 heures. Bian la vielle Anna m’appelloit a 6. Je l’ai repondu sans rn’eveiller.¹ Dressed and got breakfast with all possible dispatch expecting young Gahn who was to call at 10. Hereusement² it was near 11 when he called. We went to several booksellers, but the laws of Sweden in Latin are not to be found. To the post-office; no letters!! At 1 called on Jacobi about the ring; out. On Dr. Gahn to get the address of Engerström,—a son excellence Mon’r le Baron d'Engerström, principal secretaire d'etat pour les affaires etrangers, chev’r des ordres.³ Chez moi at 2. Read an hour in Catteau's “Sweden” to refresh my memory about the civil administration so that I may question all my acquaintances. At 1/2 p. 3 to some booksellers. At Ulrick’s; sa fille tres jo.⁴ Found Bentham's “Principes.⁵” Home at 1/2 p. 4. Fillibonk⁶ pr. dine. Dom.⁷ de Helvig came in to beg me to tea and pass the evening. Tres volunt. for M’lle Miriam m’interesse beaucoup. Aussi sa soeur, Madame H.⁸ They both paint in oil and colours in a very superior style. Walked with them an hour au jardin du roy⁹ (Vauxhall). Returned to soupè. Tres bi servi. Comblè honete. Y: Colonel ———; Mr. ———; Me. ———, qui poursuit Gam.¹⁰ Home at 1/2 p. 11.
1  Bian is for bienque. Having slept soundly the entire nine hours. Although old Anna called me at 6, I answered her without waking. (Je lui ai, etc.) 2  Fortunately. 3  To his Excellency Baron d’Engerstrom, Chief Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; chevalier or knight of the orders. 4  His daughter, very pretty (jolie). 5  “Principles.” 6  The fifth mode of spelling the word. 7  Helvig’s servant, (domestique). 8  Volunt. for volontiers, willingly. Very willingly, for Mademoiselle Miriam interests me greatly. Also her sister, Madame H. 9  In the Royal Garden. 10  Returned to supper; very well served. Overwhelmed with courtesy (comblé d’honnêteté). There were there Colonel ———; Mr. ———; Madame ———, who is pursuing Gamp.
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animaletras · 2 years ago
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Asérie de aventura e fantasia Dragon Age: Absolution, disponível na Netflix, está ganhando muito destaque entre os fãs de animação. O conteúdo dela é denso, palpável, desagradável e muito bem enredado, isso lhe rendeu uma classificação para maiores de dezesseis anos, portanto, já se compreende que não se trata de uma simples animação.
Baseado nos jogos da BioWare de mesmo nome, Dragon Age, a série se passa depois do último jogo, Dragon Age: Inquisition, e agora, sem um vilão que cause terror global, um grupo de heróis rebeldes da inquisição precisam impedir que novos horrores ameacem o mundo, para isso são enviados para resgatar um artefato mágico guardado dentro de um castelo fortemente protegido. (Importante dizer: não se precisa jogar o jogo para assistir a série, ela é autossuficiente para entendermos a história.)
Esse grupo de heróis não poderia ser formado com personagens com sintonizados, não. Eles são formados por um grupo tão diverso entre si que traz uma excelente dinâmica para a série. A personagem principal é Miriam, uma elfa ladina que fugiu da escravização para viver sua vida como caçadora de recompensas, ela esconde um passado de dores, humilhações e muitos traumas que terão de ser revividos; Qwydion é da raça qunari e tem dom para magia, com seus poderes mágicos, serve como o apoio para o grupo na hora da cura, além de ser um alívio cômico para série, pois sua personalidade alegre lhe coloca em situações atrapalhadas; Hira é a outra maga do grupo, uma humana, capaz de desfazer feitiços, ex membro da inquisição e ex namorada de Miriam, durante a série, vemos o relacionamento das duas se desenrolar até um ponto; Roland é um um humano guerreiro, melhor amigo e maior aliado de Miriam, do início ao fim da série ele se mostra leal a ela, e tem uma queda por Lacklon; E por fim, Lacklon, um guerreiro anão que se autodenomina Senhor da Fortuna, sonha em fazer o seu nome conhecido pelo mundo. Eles são acompanhados por Fairbanks, um personagem do jogo, lutador da liberdade. E para fazer oposição ao grupo temos dois vilões: o magistrado Rezaren Ammosine, um jovem, mas poderoso, mago humano que tenta fazer com que o artefato que o grupo procura funcione, para alcançar seu objetivos ele é capaz de tudo, porém, como sua régua moral, se é que funciona, temos a Tassia, humana guerreira e comandante da Ordem dos Templários, ela serve como amiga, conselheira e guardiã de Rezaren, seu amor por ele lhe cega das atitudes erráticas que ele tem.
A série em si, não tem defeitos, porém, nós do Animaletras, precisamos deixar claro e transparente uma questão: somos contra toda e qualquer forma de capacitismo, isso significa que nos incomoda personagens com nanismo serem chamados de anão, esse termo é pejorativo e carrega em si uma carga preconceituosa, não deveria mais ser usado como uma raça em mídias de RPG ou qualquer que seja. O leitor pode acreditar que estamos “lacrando” com certeza não conhece a proposta e as intenções do Animaletras, leiam nossas publicações sobre capacitismo em animações.
Tendo dito isso, esperamos que se tenha continuações e se corrija esse erro, até porque a série tem potencial para mais e o final (assistam!) nos intriga. A série exige mais investimentos e mais divulgação, pois ela tem um valor latente. Além disso, a série tem muita representatividade com personagens LGBTQIA+ e personagens negros, que merecem mais tempo de tela!
Para falar dos criadores, precisamos ir até o jogo de videogame, os criadores do jogo são David Gaider, escritor e designer canadense e a BioWare, empresa desenvolvedora de jogos também do Canadá, e a série foi escrita por Mairghread Scott, escritora que já participou de outras animações como Marvel Rising e Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. Além de ter a direção de Bae Ki-Yong que participou da direção de Steven Universe.
Dragon Age: Absolution é uma série que trata de temas complexos em diversas sociedades, mas o tema principal da série são as relações de poder, a crença de que um ser possa estar acima do outro pelo motivo que for, acredita-se que o fato de Miriam ser uma elfa de pele negra não seja mera coincidência, e que todos os personagens, com exceção dos vilões, Hira e Fairbanks, tenham a pele mais escura também. Deixemos aqui essa questão para vocês pensarem, mas nós indicamos muito a série e pensamos que ela vale 4,5/5 de pipoquinhas.
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Bonnie and Clyde | West End Revival | April 1, 2023 | Matinee | NFT Through master until April 15
CAST: Frances Mayli McCann (Bonnie), Barney Wilkinson (alt. Clyde), George Maguire (Buck) Jodie Steele (Blanche), Cleve September (Ted), Dom Hartley-Harris (Preacher), Michael Cortez (s/w Bud/Archie), Julie Yammanee (Emma Parker/Stella) Kit Esuruoso (Sheriff Schmid), Pippa Winslow (Cumie Barrow/Governor Miriam Ferguson), Alexander Evans (Henry Barrow/Deputy Johnson), Lauren Jones (Trish), Robbie Scotcher (Captain Frank Hamer/Guard), Sydnie Hocknell, Charlie McCullagh, Chloe Saunders
NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Throught master until April 15.
Tracked https://its-all-green.wixsite.com/trading/contact-rules
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mongo-the-liensis · 1 year ago
Zhang: My mom is calling… hi mom.
Imani: Come on guys, stop. They’re trying to talk to their mom.
Louis: *loud fake sexual noises*
Carl: *is asleep*
Miriam: *gets really close to the phone* Tell her I said hi.
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eden-in-shadelight · 2 years ago
Bitch i may as well become a findom at this point smfh
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diogenescynic2288 · 2 months ago
That is just factually wrong on so many levels.
If anything Christian culture held back scientific progress and women's rights for about fifteen hundred years, at least within Christen-dom itself.
Like Aristotle was wrong about everything and Pliny needed to fact check better but the seeds of science were planted in the Pagan world before the birth of that particular Joshua son of Joseph and Miriam that a certain mystery cult thinks was an anointed king. I also understand the Muslim golden age outside of Christen-dom saw advances in the sciences.
So, yes lions again.
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without irony: we have got to start feeding these freaks to lions again
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atletasudando · 1 year ago
La marcha femenina y su historial en los Juegos Panamericanos
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Las competencias atléticas de los XIX Juegos Panamericanos en Santiago de Chile se iniciaron el domingo 22 de octubre con las carreras de maratón, ganadas por el peruano Cristhian Pacheco -revalidó su título de Lima 2019- y la mexicana Citlali Moscote, esta delante de la argentina Florencia Borelli y la peruana Gladys Tejeda. En hombres, el chileno Hugo Catrileo consiguió la medalla de plata, la primera de su país en esta distancia, seguido por el peruano Luis Fernando Ostos. Y el atletismo volverá a tener acción el domingo 29 con las competencias de marcha (20 km), donde se espera una lucida participación de los representantes sudamericanos, que han alcanzado los primeros peldaños mundiales en las últimas temporadas. Historial de la marcha femenina en los Panamericanos              Las pruebas femeninas de marcha comenzaron a realizarse en 1987 con los 10.000 m. pista, que continuaron por dos ediciones. Desde 1999 se vienen disputando los 20 km. en ruta. También en la edición de Lima 2019 se disputaron los 50 km., distancia que ahora se discontinuó del programa internacional femenino (reemplazada allí por los 35 km). La mexicana Graciela Mendoza venció en tres oportunidades consecutivas, siendo así la máxima campeona. Y en 2019 triunfó la colombiana Sandra Lorena Arenas, en lo que constituyó un anticipo de su gran performance olímpica (medalla de plata en Sapporo 2021).   Indianápolis, 12 de agosto de 1987 10.000 m. pista 1 María de la Luz Colín MEX 47:17.15, 2 Ann Peel CAN 47:17.97, 3 Mary-Anne Torrellas USA 47:35.12, 4 Lynn Weik USA 48:11.74. Graciela Mendoza MEX y Jennifer McCaffrey CAN dq   La Habana, 8 de agosto de 1991 10.000 m. pista 1 Graciela Mendoza MEX 46:41.56, 2 Debbi A. Lawrence USA 46:51.53, 3 Maricela Chávez MEX 47:44.73, 4 Lynn Weik USA 47:54.05, 5 Yoslaine Puñales CUB 51:07.43, 6 Lora Rigutto CAN 53:32.07, 7 Maribel Caldeín CUB 54:34.90, 8 María Magdalena Guzmán ESA 54:57.09, 9 Doris Vallecilla HON 57:37.07   Mar del Plata, 21 de marzo de 1991 10.000 m. pista 1 Graciela Mendoza MEX 46:31.93, 2 Michelle Rohl USA 46:36.52, 3 Francisca Martínez MEX 47:44.78, 4 Liliana Bermeo COL 48:29.02, 5 Holly Gerke CAN 48:46.69, 6 Miriam Ramón ECU 50:13.15, 7 Giovanna Morejón BOL 51:04.38, 8 Janice McCaffrey CAN 53:26.97, 9 Lidia Ojeda de Carriego ARG 53:32.56   Winnipeg, 26 de julio de 1999 20 km. ruta 1 Graciela Mendoza MEX 1:34:19- 2 Guadalupe Sánchez MEX 1:34:46- 3 Michelle Rohl USA 1:35:22- 4 Geovana Irusta BOL 1:35:56 - 5 Joanne Dow USA 1:36:33- 6 Ivis Martínez ESA 1:37:28- 7 Teresita Natividad Collado GUA 1:38:41- 8 Oslaidys Cruz CUB 1:39:23- 9 Janice McCaffrey CAN 1:47:05   Santo Domingo, 6 de agosto de 2003 20 km. ruta 1 Victoria Palacios MEX 1:35:16- 2 Rosario Sánchez MEX 1:35:21- 3 Joanne Dow USA 1:35:48- 4 Geovana Irusta BOL 1:37:07- 5 Sandra Zapata COL 1:38:49- 6 Ariana Quino BOL 1:38:50- 7 Natividad Collado GUA 1:39:18- 8 Antonia Amber USA 1:42:45- 9 Cristina Rodríguez DOM 1:51:46- 10 Francisca Lora DOM 1:52:30   Rio de Janeiro, 22 de julio de 2007 20 km. ruta 1 Cristina López ESA 1:38:59- 2 Miriam Ramón ECU 1:40:03- 3 María Esther Sánchez MEX 1:41:47 - 4 Tania Regina Spindler BRA 1:42:15 – 5 María del Rosario Sánchez MEX 1:42:47 – 6 Sandra Patricia Zapata COL 1:43:44- 7 Yadira Alexandra Guamán ECU 1:46:06 Geovana Irusta BOL, Verónica Colindres ESA, Jolene Moore USA, Teresa Vill USA, Leicy Rodríguez CUB, Evelyn Nuñez GUA dq Cisiane Dutra Lopes BRA, Glenda Blandón NCA dnf   Guadalajara, 23 de octubre de 2011 20 km. ruta 1 Jamy Amarilis Franco GUA 1:32:38- 2 Mirna Sulely Ortiz GUA 1:33:37- 3 Ingrid Johana Hernández COL 1:34:06- 4 Mónica Equihua MEX 1:34:50- 5 Rosalía Ortiz MEX 1:36:10- 6 Arabelly Orjuela COL 1:36:50- 7 Claudia Balderrama BOL 1:37:32- 8 Yadira Alexandra Guamán ECU 1:38:42- 9 Maria Lynn Michta USA 1:38:47- 10 Geovana Irusta BOL 1:41:43- 11 Milángela Francesca Rosales VEN 1:43:17- 12 Fariluz Eliana Morales PER 1:45:38. Lauren Michelle Forgues USA dnf, Cisiane Dutra Lopes BRA dnf Paola Bibiana Pérez ECU, Leisy Rodríguez CUB, Erica Rocha de Sena BRA dq   Toronto, 19 de julio de 2015 20 km. ruta 1 María González MEX 1:29:24- 2 Erica Rocha de Sena BRA 1:30:03- 3 Paola Bibiana Pérez ECU 1:31:53- 4 Sandra Lorena Arenas COL 1:32:36- 5 Kimberly Gabriela García PER 1:32:45- 6 Rachel Seaman CAN 1:32:49- 7 Maria Michta USA 1:33:07- 8 Alejandra Ortega MEX 1:35:03- 9 Wendy Gabriela Cornejo BOL 1:36:58- 10 Miranda Melville USA 1:37:45- 11 Cisiane Dutra Lopes BRA 1:38:53- 12 Katelynn Ramage CNA 1,46,03- 13 Cristina Esmeralda López ESA 1:47:33 Sandra Viviana Galvis COL dnf Claudia Balderrama BOL, Mirna Ortiz GUA dq   Lima, 4 de agosto de 2019 20 km. ruta 1 Sandra Lorena Arenas COL 1:28:03 GR- 2 Kimberly Gabriela García PER 1,29,00- 3 Erica Rocha de Sena BRA 1,30,34- 4 Ilse Ariadna Guerrero MEX 1,30,54- 5 Angela Melania Castro BOL 1,32,15- 6 Noelia Vargas CRC 1,33,09- 7 Rachelle Marie de Orbeta PUR 1,33,31- 8 Karla Johana Jaramillo ECU 1,33,54- 9 Maritza Rafaela Poncio GUA 1,36,49- 10 Mary Luz Andia PER 1,37,03- 11 Sandra Viviana Galvis COL 1,38,43- 12 Robyn Stevens USA 1,40,29- 13 Rebeca Pamela Enríquez MEX 1:41:28 Magaly Beatriz Bonilla ECU y Miranda Melville USA dq   5 de agosto 50 km. ruta 1 Johana Edelmira Ordóñez ECU 4:11:12- 2 Mirna Sucely Ortiz GUA 4:15:21- 3 Paola Bibiana Pérez ECU 4:16:54- 4 Viviane Santana Lyra BRA 4:22:46- 5 Elianay Santana da Silva Pereira BRA 4:29:33- 6 Mayra Carolina Herrera GUA 4:30:52- 7 Yoci Yoana Caballero PER 4:31:33- 8 Evelyn Carla Inga PER 4:36:36- 9 Stephanie Casey USA 4:50:31 Kathleen Burnett USA dnf   Tabla de medallas   Oro       Plata    Bronce  Total   México             6          2          3          11 Guatemala        1          2          -           3 Ecuador            1          1          2          4 Colombia          1          -           1          2 El Salvador       1          -           -           1 USA                 -           2          3          5 Brasil               -           1          1          2 Canadá             -           1          -           1 Perú                 -           1          -           1         Read the full article
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thunderremix8 · 1 year ago
hehe yes love the spite
John wearing a dog collar with a crucifix on the tag
Lisa x Tiffany
Garcia as a bear and Gary as an edgy knifeplay dom
Miriam as a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence
also for the tumblr uwu-ification, smol bean John
Ok... So because reasons, I absolutely NEED to draw as much gay/queer content for FAITH as possible, so please send me your suggestions 😊
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