#mirax horn
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Corran Horn: Excuse me, you need a license to be that cute. You're way over the legal limit. I'm gonna need to see some registration 🚔🚨 Mirax Terrik: Oh, no! I'm sorry officer. I seem to have left my purse at home. I don't have my license or registration. 😭 Corran Horn: 💥POW💥POW💥POW💥POW💥POW💥POW💥POW💥POW💥 *reload*
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from-a-legends-pov · 9 months ago
Star Wars Legends Spotlight: The Wedding of Luke and Mara
In this last week of writer signups for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event, we’ll be celebrating Legends by spotlighting some key events, characters, and moments from the Legends continuity.
Writers: Help us add to the story! Sign up to write for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event now through June 2. Together, we’ll build a collection of Star Wars Legends fanfiction set during the time of the Original Trilogy. Use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines available here) and please encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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Our first spotlight is the wedding of the galaxy’s most eligible Jedi bachelor, Luke Skywalker, with former Emperor’s Hand and current Jedi Master Mara Jade in 19 ABY on Coruscant.
Why is this important?
Luke and Mara are in many ways the power couple of Star Wars Legends (along with Leia Organa and Han Solo). While Leia and Han were shown as a committed couple by the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker spent a fair amount of the Legends continuity in various ultimately doomed love affairs. Mara Jade, one of the most prominent characters to originate in Legends, was introduced in the Thrawn trilogy and clearly had some chemistry with Luke from the start, as well as going on her own journey from Emperor’s Hand to smuggler to Jedi knight to Jedi master before ending up with Luke.
How does it happen?
The engagement takes place toward the end of Timothy Zahn’s novel Vision of the Future, appropriately happening in the middle of a life-or-death situation. The room they are in is filling up with water, and Luke asks Mara to marry him. She says, “You mean, if we get out of this alive?” and he says, “I mean regardless.”
The wedding and the leadup take place in Star Wars: Union, a four-unit comic series written by X-Wing series writer Michael Stackpole. Most of the series deals with the more mundane events leading up to any wedding— choosing a dress, the bachelor / bachelorette parties, the wedding itself, and moments from the reception— but the happy couple being who they are, of course there is danger, intrigue, and shenanigans. There are actually two weddings: a Jedi wedding only attended by members of the Jedi Order early in the series, and a formal wedding that serves as a major event for the New Republic.
The Jedi portion of the wedding largely goes off without a hitch, but the New Republic ceremony is where the shenanigans come in.
We see Mara attempt to “say yes to the dress” only to be confronted with some of the worst fashion crimes imaginable, then find her dream designer out in the alley, having been originally prevented from preventing her designs by her evil boss.
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Luke’s bachelor party at the Red Rancor (attended by Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Gavin Darklighter, Talon Karrde, Wes Janson, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, Tycho Celchu, Kam Solusar, Corran Horn, Booster Terrik, and Lando Calrissian) ends in a bar fight instigated by a Moff who is trying to kill Luke / prevent the wedding.
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Meanwhile, the women (Mara, Leia, Tionne Solusar, Winter Celchu, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Iella Wessiri Antilles) have a spa day and then kick some ass in a slingball game.
The day of the ceremony is a major New Republic event, with people like Mon Mothma in attendance and Admiral Ackbar presiding. A Moff is determined to interrupt the ceremony and violently prevent the festivities, but Chewie, the Jedi, and the Rogues take care of that while those with parts in the ceremony carry on. Meanwhile, Booster Terrik has been tasked with keeping the children quiet during the ceremony, including his grandson Valin Horn as well as Myri and Syal Antilles and Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo.
Finally, we see the happy couple wed:
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…And various other couples at the ceremony get nostalgic about their own weddings as they enjoy the reception.
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jedidryad · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday: Darkness is sneaky
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When they meet up on the Errant Venture in I, Jedi, Mara and Corran have a conversation about the dark side, and Corran expresses the belief that Kyp should not be a Jedi after his dark side experience. Mara does not seem to agree with him, and I interpret his comments as being quite hurtful to her considering her past. But friendships can survive rifts, and Mara and Corran deserve a chance to try the conversation again...after Corran has his own brush with darkness in the form of temptation...
“Do you think [Kyp] is worthy to be a Jedi?” Horn asked.
I wasn’t certain if becoming a Jedi was a matter of worthiness and I said as much.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you’re not the only one who doesn’t think Durron should be a Jedi.” I thought of the utter weariness in Skywalker’s voice as we watched Kyp’s body float in bacta,  “I just don’t get the sense he has that much of a choice in the matter.”
“Once a Jedi always a Jedi?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know, but I know I can’t think that he should be executed for his crimes while I’m walking around with mine.”
I thought of what I’d been doing at Durron’s age, and under whose influence. 
“It’s not the same thing. You’ve more than proven yourself.”
“I was given a chance to.” and it didn’t escape me that Skywalker was a major reason I had been given that chance. Mirax had referred to me as ‘Luke Skywalker approved’ after all.
“You’re saying I should give Kyp another chance?”
“I’m saying I have to.”
He sighed.
“Do I have to like him?”
“Probably not.” I chuckled.
“I can be an ally without being a friend.” Corran nodded, clearly considering the idea.
“I think that’s all that’s being asked.”
“By Luke.” Corran met my gaze steadily, “Do you trust Kyp?” “No, but I don’t exactly trust myself around this stuff either. I mean I used the dark side for years and didn’t even know it.”
“Darkness is sneaky,” Corran agreed, “it gets in through your weaknesses.”
“Which weakness?”
“Sex.” Mirax said as she came back into the room with a plate of cookies and a pot of elba, “Although I’d say it’s also one of his strengths.”
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legends-expo · 3 months ago
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Happy birthday to Michael A. Stackpole! Author of the widely-loved X-wing series, he introduced us to favorites such as Corran Horn, Tycho Celchu, Ysanne Isard, and more; it's impossible to oversell his contributions to the EU.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year ago
Fic I'll never write: Han, Mirax and Jag's informational video that warns people of exactly what they're getting into by marrying a Jedi, and some expert tips for Dealing With It.
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jerryb2 · 2 years ago
The Importance of the Lightsaber
What follows is a series of excerpts from the novel I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole:
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The lightsaber, while an elegant and deadly weapon, was not that complex. Getting the parts to put one together was not difficult at all. To serve as the hilt, for example, I salvaged the throttle assembly and handlebar tube from a junked speeder bike. 
(...) I got the dimetris circuitry for the activation loop from an old capital-ship-grade ion cannon fire initiation controller (...) The recharger port and wiring came from a comlink. A milled down Tri-fighter laser flashback suppressor became the parabolic, high-energy flux aperture to stabilize the blade and I pulled the dynoric laser feed line from the same broken laser cannon to act as the superconductor for energy transference from the power cell to the blade. 
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Buttons and switches were easy to find, and dear old Admiral Tavira, with her gift of the brandy decanter and snifters, provided me all the jewels I needed to make half a dozen lightsabers.
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(...) Before I could figure out how to put Tavira off for another month, Elegos decoded an annotation to the instructions for constructing lightsabers. It turned out that during the Clone Wars, Jedi Masters developed a way to create a lightsaber in two days. Nejaa included this method, noting it was to be used only in times of pressing need, but not in haste. I read it over and felt a certain peace settle upon me. I knew the words had not been written for me, but they sank deep into my core. Urgency without panic, action without thoughtlessness.
(...) I sat in the middle of the floor, with the parts for the blade laid out in a semicircle around me. I studied each one and used the Force to enfold it and take a sense of it into myself. My hands would fit the pieces together, but I wanted the parts to mesh as if they had been grown together. The lightsaber would be more than just a jumble of hardware, and to make it I had to see the parts as belonging together.
I fitted the activation button into its place on the handlebar shaft and snapped the connectors into the right spots on the dimetris circuit board. 
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I worked that into the shaft itself, then inserted a strip of shielding to protect it from even the slightest leakage from the superconductor. Next I snapped into place the gemstones I was using to focus and define the blade. At the center, to work as my continuous energy lens, I used the Durindfire. That same stone gave my grandfather’s blade its distinctive silver sheen. 
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I used a diamond and an emerald in the other two slots. I wasn’t certain what I would get in the way of color tints from the emerald, and with the diamond I hoped for a coruscation effect.
Onto the end of the hilt where the blade would appear I screwed the high-energy flux aperture. It would carry a negative charge which would stabilize the positively charged blade and provide it a solid base without allowing it to eat its way back through to my hands. 
(...)  I clipped the discharged energy cell in place, then connected the leads to the recharging socket. 
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I screwed the recharging socket into the bottom of the hilt, but didn’t fasten on the handlebar’s original butt cap that would protect it because I needed to charge the power cell for the very first time. 
In what amounts to just a handful of pages in a singular book, Stackpole so vividly describes not only the physical process of constructing a lightsaber, but the spiritual essence of what it means to be a Jedi, in its purest form: 
(...) With my finger poised on the transformer button that would start the energy flowing, I drew in a deep breath and lowered myself into a trance. I knew that manipulating matter sufficiently to meld the part and forge the weapon would have been all but impossible for anyone but a Jedi Master like Yoda, but doing just that as part of the construction of a lightsaber had been studied and ritualized so even a student could manage it. It was very much a lost art, a link to a past that had been all but wiped out, and by performing it I completed my inheritance of my Jedi legacy. 
I hit the button, allowing the slow trickle of energy to fill the battery. I opened myself to the Force and with the hand I had touching the lightsaber’s hilt, I bathed the lightsaber with the Force. As I did so subtle transformations took place in the weapon. Elemental bonds shifted allowing more and more energy to flow into the cell and throughout the weapon. I was not certain how the changes were being made, but I knew that at the same time as they were being made in the lightsaber, they were being made in me as well. 
In becoming a conduit for the Force for this purpose, the final integration of the people I’d been occurred. The fusion became the person I would be forever after. I was still a pilot: a little bit arrogant, with a healthy ego and a willingness to tackle difficult missions. I was still CorSec: an investigator and a buffer between the innocents in the galaxy and the slime that would consume them.
And I was Jedi. I was heir to a tradition that extended back tens of thousands of years. Jedi had been the foundation of stability in the galaxy. They had always opposed those who reveled in evil and sought power for the sake of power. People like Exar Kun and Palpatine, Darth Vader and Thrawn, Isard and Tavira; these were the plagues on society that the Jedi cured. In the absence of Jedi, evil thrived. 
In the presence of just one Jedi, evil evaporated. 
Just as with the lightsaber, the changes being made in me were not without cost. What the Force allowed me to do also conferred upon me great burdens. To act without forethought and due deliberation was no longer possible. I had to be very certain of what I was doing, for a single misstep could be a disaster. While I knew I would make mistakes, I had to do everything I could to minimize their impact. It was not enough to do the greatest good for the greatest number, I had to do the best for everyone. 
There was no walking away from the new responsibility I accepted. Like my grandfather I might well choose when and where to reveal who and what I was, but there was no forgetting, no leaving that responsibility and the office. My commitment to others had to be total and complete. I was an agent of life every day, every hour, every second; for as long as I lived, and then some.
(...) I nodded and brandished the lightsaber. I punched the button under my thumb, giving birth to the silver blade 133 centimeters in length. 
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“A lightsaber and robes. Looks like a little justice has arrived on Courkrus, and it’s about time.”
This is what almost everybody gets wrong about the Jedi - never mind the Prequels, the Sequels, or the vast majority of EU novels - the Jedi are an absolute good. They are life. They bring order to chaos. Every moment of their lives is spent, their spirits grappling against the disorder of a universe torn between Dark and Light.
If you haven’t read I, Jedi, you might consider picking it up.
As I’m sure many of you have already deduced, the accompanying images are of my own personal Corran Horn lightsaber. I’ve just recently finished a complete overhaul and rebuild of it, and I just had to show it off. I’ll be posting more info & pics about it soon, but I want to address one key aspect of saber building here, as it pertains directly to my own personal journey and growth.
This portion of the book holds incredible significance for me; it allows me to imagine, however briefly, that I’m undertaking a similar spiritual ritual, imbuing my own sabers with the same energy that Stackpole so flawlessly describes here. It’s so rare to feel so seen and be so moved by a piece of fiction. For the discerning Sabersmith, it’s very much like Corran says: 
I knew the words had not been written for me, but they sank deep into my core.
Thank you for this book, Michael. 🥂
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redtworoguethree · 8 months ago
Those bits are gold for sure! I also really like the bit where Mirax Terrik takes Wedge to task for daring assume he doesn’t have an ego as well. Though she does confirm that to his credit he does keep it under control most of the time.
My favorite part of reading the x-wing books so far is when Wedge embarrasses tf out of Corran for thinking he's a special little guy in a Humble, Mostly Internal and Unspoken kind of way, and Wedge just obliterates him. God! I wish Wedge Antilles would publicly humiliate me for my poorly concealed hubris!! Yes, I know that says things about me. Leave me alone
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tahiriveilasolo · 1 year ago
Why do pairings in Star Wars have to be so tragic?
Nomi Sunrider x Ulic Qel-Droma: not even mentioning that Nomi was a widow…the Sith War ruined everything, and after the war someone insignificant murdered a great man redeemed
Revan x Bastila Shan: Revan gone for 300 years, leaving a wife and a not-yet-born son behind
Anakin Skywalker x Padmé Amidala: Anakin fell to the dark side, Padmé died of a broken heart
Han Solo x Leia Organa: two children died, one of them had even waged a war once
Luke Skywalker x Mara Jade: Mara killed by her nephew
Anakin Solo x Tahiri Veila: Anakin died in a war, leaving a love never realized
Jacen Solo x Tenel Ka Djo: Jacen fell to the dark side, the relationship ended in warfare
Corran Horn x Mirax Terrik: two children gone mad and were carbonized for a while
The list goes on…
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jadecrusades · 2 years ago
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Star Wars Customizable Card Game promotional and play cards. “Reflections II: Expanding the Galaxy.” January, 2001.
Decipher’s Reflections II: Expanding the Galaxy series brought a handful of Expanded Universe characters to life including Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Talon Karrde, Corran Horn, Mirax Terrik, Dash Rendar, Prince Xizor, and Guri. Decipher also created an exclusive 5”x7” Promotional Oversized “Signature” Card depicting Mara, Talon Karrde, and Corran Horn for the summer ‘01 convention circuit. Model Shannon (Baksa) McRandle portrayed Mara Jade, while Timothy Zahn was made up to depict Talon Karrde, and Michael Stackpole was costumed to resemble Corran Horn. Stackpole had these memories to share on his blog:
The stuff done in a photostudio is really magic. At first glance, the guys they got for Corran and Karrde were right, in general. Good on the overall dimensions, hair color, eye color, etc., but they were just guys off the street. Then the hair and makeup folks went to work. Karrde got a wig and a full makeup job, which sharpened his features and totally changed him. By the end of the process - during which Tim's camera was clicking almost incessantly - I was believing the guy was Talon Karrde.
Once Karrde was made up and costumed, he was taken onto the photostage and lit. That's a fascinating process. If they put a yellow filter on a light, the light is considered "hot." A blue filter makes it "cold." The art director, photographer and photographer's assistant all discussed and debated, pulling lights this way and that, setting them up at angles, getting the model to look here or there. Then they took test Polaroid shots and digital shots and finally agreed that things were right. It was almost anticlimactic when the shooting got done, but the results were great. Talon Karrde lived.
Shannon Baksa actually did Corran's makeup, then he got lit and shot. One of my concerns had been that the model was a bit older than Corran would have been at that point, but the makeup and lighting slashed 15 years off him. And the models, they put up with a lot. At one point, while folks were off debating how Corran should be lit, the guy who had done Karrde's makeup commented that Corran was just sitting there rock-still. Corran said, "I'd move, but I'm afraid they'd have to re-light me."
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kitkatt0430 · 10 months ago
So I'm interested in reading more stuff from Star Wars Legends - do you have any recommendations? Particularly anything with Mara Jade and Wedge?
hehehehe, why yes, yes I do :D
For Wedge specifically
The X-Wing Series I've mentioned this one to you before. It is a long series, but worth it. It covers a lot of the early years of the New Republic, including the battle to retake Coruscant, and also has a lot of the teething issues of a new government having to be built out of a Rebellion. Wedge is one of the main characters here, but so are Tycho Celchu and Corran Horn, both of whom I think you'll come to like. The series is ten books long so even though this is one entry on the list... it's also 10 whole books with Wedge in them. ^_^
For Mara Jade specifically
The Thrawn Trilogy Mara was introduced here, along with a number of other original characters (Talon Karrde and Grand Admiral Thrawn being stand outs alongside Mara) and it's definitely my favorite series for her. There's also a lot of thought put into the Clone Wars backstory here - contradicted later by the Prequel Trilogy, but a lot of Star Wars Legends books have that issue - that's pretty interesting. Leia is pregnant with the twins for much of the trilogy, but it doesn't stop her from being her badass self. (Wedge shows up in this trilogy and some of the other books below, but more as a side character than a main character.)
The Corellian Trilogy The focus of this trilogy is on the Han's home world (and home system) Corellia and the political climate being less than ideal (of course) when Han, Leia, and their three kids go to visit. The first time Han's been back in a very, very long time. For a change, his side of the family is part of the overarching problem the Skywalker-Organa-Solo clan is smacking face first into. However Mara gets brought into things about midway-ish in the first book and she's her own boss at this point and I'd say she definitely gets her moments to shine throughout the trilogy. (I could do without Lando's side quest to marry for money for so, so many reasons, but at least it gets him and Luke into position to be useful later.)
The Hand of Thrawn Duology This duo is the reason I strongly read Luke as aro and his marriage to Mara being queer platonic in nature. The two of them team up to dig into the rumored return of Grand Admiral Thrawn while Thrawn's former protege is on the verge of bringing peace between the Empire and the New Republic. It's never romantic between Mara and Luke they just... kinda realize they fit together and want to be life partners.
Survivor's Quest Luke and Mara (now married) discover what happened to The Outbound Flight, a Jedi expedition from the Clone War era that was destroyed by Thrawn. It's not my favorite of the books on this list, but it's an interesting look at the Luke and Mara as a married couple as well as what three years of peace between the Republic and the Empire looks like.
Other books
I, Jedi This one is in first person PoV so it can be a bit hit or miss. I actually read it before the X-Wing series, so it was my introduction to Corran Horn as he trained as a Jedi before heading out to save his kidnapped wife, Mirax. I had already read the Jedi Academy Trilogy that the book is concurrent to and is a bit of a fix fic for and... I like I, Jedi a lot better than The Jedi Academy Trilogy. Luke was not at his best in that trilogy, so Corran calling him out on a few things was rather satisfying to me.
Children of the Jedi This one had some interesting backstory for the Jedi and introduced a Jedi Knight of the Clone War era, Callista, who has survived in spirit form and aids Luke throughout the book, though she gains a physical form at the end in a somewhat... polarizing manner that is examined further in two follow up books. I found Callista to be a very interesting character... but I never bought her as a love interest for Luke so I wasn't too sad when two books later she headed off to go rediscover the Force on her own.
Dawn of the Jedi Set long before the birth of the Old Republic, on the ancient world of Tython, Lanoree of the Je'daii Order - precursor of the Jedi - is tasked with defeating a fanatical cult bent on traveling beyond the reaches of known space at the risk of destroying the entire star system. There's some call forwards that don't necessarily make sense, but overall it's got some fascinating world building going on.
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Mirax Terrik: Talk to your friends about your feelings, dudes. Especially dudes. Talk to your friends about your feelings. Corran Horn: Hey, Ooryl? Ooryl Qrygg: Yes? Corran Horn: Everything is fine. Ooryl Qrygg: Corran Horn: Mirax Terrik: Corran, last week you said you were drowning-
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from-a-legends-pov · 10 months ago
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week — You said WHAT?
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Legends is filled with smooth talkers and brilliant strategists, but there are plenty of times when characters display a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Which of these moments is your favorite instance of “open mouth, insert foot” for a Legends character?
During a post-mission discussion on the Mon Remonda, Wraith Squadron pilot Elassar Targon comments that General Han Solo has been “running scared” from Warlord Zsinj, right before Solo turns his chair around to reveal his presence. Elassar then spends the next several days begging his squadmates to use their special skills to murder Elassar so he doesn’t have to endure the embarrassment (X-Wing: Solo Command)
Based on a brief conversation on comms with the new leader of Twin Suns Squadron, Wes Janson decides she has a nice voice and asks Wedge and Tycho if she is hot and single, clearly interested in pursuing her…only to learn (after a fair amount of teasing on their part) that she is nineteen-year-old Jaina Solo, daughter of his Rebellion colleagues Han Solo and Leia Organa (The New Jedi Order - Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand)
In the middle of a battle over the Katana fleet, Borsk Fey’lya admits to Talon Karrde and Leia Organa Solo that he only pretended to care about the New Republic military as a means to gain political power and does not care if Rogue Squadron and others in the battle die, as “anyone not on my side is my enemy” – not realizing that Leia has turned on the internal and external comms systems, broadcasting Borsk’s admission that he doesn’t care about the military…to the military (Dark Force Rising)
Wes Janson asks Reina Faleur on a dinner date; when she demurs that she has a date already, he encourages her to break it to go out with him, but she tells him “Captain Antilles wouldn’t like it” – as the date is with Wedge (X-Wing: Rogue Squadron #32, Mandatory Retirement part 1)
Corran Horn tries to play tough guy while bargaining for a cache of weapons on Tatooine, telling his opponent, “That’s Mirax Terrik, Booster Terrik’s daughter. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll go.” When the man laughs in his face and Corran wonders why that didn’t work, Mirax reveals that the man he’s attempting to intimidate is Booster Terrik (X-Wing: The Bacta War)
Let’s create more Legends moments together! Follow @from-a-legends-pov and come join us for From a Legends Point of View, a fanfiction event where we’ll be building a collection of fics featuring Star Wars Legends characters (including OT characters) during the time of the Original Trilogy. Writer signups are open now — use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines here), check out our Event Overview and FAQ for more information, and encourage your favorite writers to participate! Signups are open through June 2.
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jedidryad · 8 months ago
WIP Wednesday: Wardrobe changes and the Errant Venture
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In I, Jedi, after he sneaks onto Corellia to visit his grandfather, Corran returns to the Errant Venture where he runs into Mara.
Here is some of that encounter from Mara's perspective...
I slung Calrissian’s cape over my shoulder and tried to smile at what he would say when he saw his closet. While it was entirely possible I’d have to play that role eventually in our investigation, it was pointless to try it here on the Venture. Booster clearly didn’t even buy our romance cover story let alone me having some sort of personality transplant. 
But Mirax’s absence was only more obvious as I spent more time on the ship and I found myself wandering a bit more aimlessly than I would have preferred. Really I should have been sitting on the Diamond level indulgently watching Calrissian play Sa’bacc or whatever else he’d been gambling on up there, but while I’d played that role suitably the day before, I really didn’t feel like it now.
I passed the tapcaf we’d shared a pastry at and was stunned to realize that had been more than a year ago now, almost two. She’d been gone so long. The confidence I���d offered Faughn a few weeks back withered in the face of that realization. It started to seem less and less likely that she’d be found. 
As I contemplated giving into my grief, the longing inside me was suddenly magnified and I realized it wasn’t just mine anymore. I’d been away from Force sensitives long enough that I hadn’t been maintaining my shields. I tugged them back up as I recognized that a familiar presence had dropped out of hyperspace. Someone who definitely had more reason to long for Mirax at the mere sight of the Venture.
I pulled my comlink off my belt and got on Booster’s frequency.
“What is it Jade?”
“Your son in law is here. When you’re done with him can you send him to my landing bay? I need to talk to him about my ship.”
“Of course I will.” he replied, shifting smoothly from surprised to pleased, no doubt at the idea that I would make Horn suffer for the state of my headhunter.
I didn’t have to wait that long, but between my sadness and restlessness, I was feeling impatient, and after a while, I decided to go find them. I quickly realized Booster had cleared Horn for the same docking bay as my ship. That would simplify things.
I re-adjusted the cape, wondering for the 17th time in the past hour how in space Calrissian wore these things all the time, and strode stiffly towards the two men having a far more genial conversation than their reputations would lead one to expect. 
I got in earshot just in time to hear Booster say something about seeing to Calrissian’s comfort.
“Don’t concern yourself that much with it.” I growled as I attempted to balance the cape on my right. What was it made of that made it swing so much?
Horn looked amused: “aren’t you in some sort of business with him?”
“Some sort, yes.” I grumbled, not wanting to pretend in front of a friend, but also not feeling like explaining anything. The fewer beings who knew what we were actually up to, the better. Horn seemed baffled by my outfit though so I figured I could at least explain how I wound up in Calrissian’s clothes.
“I bet he loves  that,” Horn chuckled as I complained that Calrissian’s tunics were too tight in the shoulders.”
“He doesn’t.” I smiled in a way I knew wasn’t all that pleasant and decided that I would likely continue to steal Calrissian’s clothes to bother him. And then I remembered all the questions I wanted to ask. They all boiled down to one thing.
“How was Luke when you left the academy?”
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legends-expo · 2 years ago
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Happy release anniversary to X-Wing: Isard's Revenge, published this day in 1999! Mike Stackpole's last foray in the series picks up from the final battle of the Thrawn Trilogy — and sees Rogue Squadron form an uneasy alliance with the dangerous Imperial spymaster, Ysanne Isard...
"The Isards make their own luck."
The New Republic has no love for Imperial Warlords, but Wedge Antilles, Corran Horn and the Rogues will risk all to bring home prisoners of war!
Love Legends? Join us for LegendsCon on September 9th & 10th 2023 in Burbank, California!
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magnetarbeam · 1 year ago
If Star Wars Husbands Took Their Wives' Last Names
Han Organa: It sounds weird, but at least it makes more sense than Princess Leia taking the last name of a smuggler.
Luke Jade: No, because Mara's original last name doesn't correspond to an actual family. Palpatine could have made it up, for all we know.
Corran Terrik: Booster would probably feel a little better about it.
Kell Sarkin: It has a nice ring to it.
Wedge Wessiri: I associate his badass feats too closely with "Antilles" for this one to really land, but least AO3 tags wouldn't have to distinguish between Syal Antilles Fel | Wynssa Starflare and Syal Antilles | Lysa Dunter.
Did Winter have a last name before she married Tycho? I've seen "Winter Retrac" in some circles, but I have no clue where that comes from.
Jagged Solo: Sounds really weird until his first name is abbreviated to Jag, which is done 95% of the time anyway, and then it sounds really cool.
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corelliaxdreaming · 2 years ago
Title: Before You Hurt Yourself Fandom/Setting: Star Wars Legends, pre (?) NJO Characters/Ships: Corran Horn/Mirax Terrik, Valin Horn Rating: G Words: 489 Summary: A warning flutter in the Force draws Corran to the room he shares with Mirax - and what he sees there stops his heart cold. Two-year-old Valin stands there holding Corran’s lightsaber in his hands. Note: For a comment_fic prompt: "Star Wars, any + any, give me that before you hurt yourself."
( Before You Hurt Yourself )
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