#miraculous ladybug full episode
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waqasvevo · 2 years ago
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bugstung · 1 month ago
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Miraculous Ladybug redesign ft disabled Adrien and some thoughts
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that-one-fandom-girl · 8 months ago
Y’all ever think about how Ladybug didn’t really wait for proof of how the Dark Cupid arrows work and how they can be neutralized, such as seeing someone getting saved from the effects or trying other things on black-lipstick-Chat first, and instead just went off of a random lesson from that day’s schoolwork, like, “hey wait, ‘true love conquers hate’? Hmm, then Imma kiss Cat Noir”, so much so that she chased him, lassoed him to a light pole, and then just absolutely pulled that boi in and gave him the longest smooch she could? All while smiling? With no qualms or realizing that she just admitted that she loved Cat Noir?
And that Cat Noir still looked surprised, and then like he was seriously enjoying the kiss even though he was affected by the akumatized villain, because no matter how affected he is/was, he truly loves Ladybug so much that his love for her is stronger than Hawkmoth’s the villain’s power of hatred?
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authenticcadence18 · 2 months ago
I heard ml season 6 is going to air out of order and i just🥲😭
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comixandco · 1 month ago
in celebration of s6 starting here’s a collection of stick drawings I sent my friend over the last season
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months ago
Thinking about Miraculous and the love square specifically. My hubris is getting to me again. I could do that whole premise so much better but I know that’s the hubris talking. But guys I could do the whole premise so much better guys—
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2manyfandoms2count · 1 year ago
An hour 'til the special who's hypeddddd
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Btw I'll be doing snippet translations after it's finished airing, my ask box is open if there's a particular scene you're interested in!
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passionfruitbowls · 2 years ago
anarka yeeting bob roth off the boat was pretty satisfying
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miraculous-romance · 1 year ago
Loid Forger and Yor Briar "Forger" will get their reveal faster than the Love Square
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aidanchaser · 2 years ago
ive been wanting to do a kwami swap au, but I don’t want to like... rewrite the whole series so what ep or eps would be ideal for a good kwami swap au
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years ago
literally seething because of people who lack the common courtesy of NOT SPOILING HUGE PLOT POINTS OF FUTURE LADYBUG EPISODES IN THE COMMENT SECTION
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foxytonic · 1 year ago
I may or may not have spent the past week plotting out a Genshin Impact x Miraculous Ladybug fic.
It was supposed to be 3, maybe 4 episodes
It’s now 7 episodes and counting, and I’ve added way more Genshin characters than I initially intended
Send Help 💀
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athena-theunicorn · 2 years ago
Little kitty on a roof all alone without his lady.
Little kitty on a roof saying someone come and save me...
~ Little kitty on a roof by Isabella Bates
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 9 months ago
Why did Felix hide from LB and CN in S5?
My dear anon, I wish I could provide you with an explanation full of such profound wisdom and clarity that you would speak my name with reverence for years to come. Alas, I cannot because, when viewed as a complete whole, Felix's season five actions make absolutely no sense from any perspective other than, "Well, if he acted logically, then the season would be over in about five episode or, at the very least, Adrien would have learned the truth which would lead to an identity reveal and we can't have that!"
To explain, let's quickly go over the various assumptions one might have made as season five went on and why they all fall flat by the end of the season:
At the start of the season, Felix's hiding away made some sense if you assumed that he was hiding from his uncle. This was a logical assumption since Gabriel should have viewed Felix as a massive threat that must be eliminated. After all, Felix was clearly no fan of Gabriel's and Felix also knew everything one would need to know in order to bring about Gabriel's downfall. None of that actually panned out - Gabriel basically ignored the Felix issue for the entire season in favor of being the world's most obnoxious Adrigami shipper and Felix, well, we're about to get into that- but it was initially a valid assumption.
Continuing along the logical path from our ultimately erroneous fear-of-Gabriel assumption, one might think that a person who was terrified of Gabriel would go straight to Gabriel's enemies for protection. However there was an argument to be made that Felix feared Ladybug and Chat Noir's wrath just as much as he feared his uncle. This was also a fair assumption. Felix had just betrayed them plus, in those early episode, most of us assumed that Felix was going to refuse to make sentimonsters of his own, so he'd have no protection if Ladybug and Chat Noir immediately went on the attack. These assumptions all proved false in the end, but they were all reasonable when the season started.
Another initially valid assumption was the assumption that Felix's ego mania and self-serving world view meant that he only trusted himself to take down Gabriel. After all, past seasons had shown Felix to be clever, resourceful, and deeply devoted to his mother, so it made sense that he'd be working on some brilliant plan to bring his uncle's downfall and restore his aunt if only for love of his mother. You could even add an assumption he even wanted to keep everything quiet for sake of the family image or just a simple desire for personal privacy.
These assumptions and all of the others stopped holding water after Emotion. In that episode, Felix was shown to be fine making sentimonster, fine outing his own secret identity to the world, and fine confronting his uncle directly without a real plan for stopping him long term. The closest thing to a grand plan that we get in Emotion is Felix demanding Ladybug give him her miraculous:
Argos: Ladybug! Good. Now we just need to wait for Cat Noir and you'll both give me your Miraculous! Ladybug: (livid) So that's it then?! You're working for Monarch! You're the reason why I lost the other Miraculous in the first place! And why he took them!! You gave them to him without any regard for the consequences it might have with the people of Paris! Argos: True, except I work for no one.  I only helped Monarch cause it served my plans! I needed the Peacock Miraculous and today I need yours and Cat Noir's so I can make my wish!
But if this was his master plan, then why did he do the Red Moon thing? That took Gabriel by surprise, but it didn't knowingly do the same for Ladybug or Chat Noir. Without knowing their identities, there's no way for Felix to reliably find them during the Red Moon incident since he's snapping everyone he sees out of existence, making it somewhat likely that he'd accidentally snap the very people that he's looking for. You can't even go the snap-everyone-and-look-through-what-remains-to-find-the-miraculous route because he snaps the person and all of their accessories, too. Otherwise he could have snapped Gabriel and gotten all the miraculouses back in one go, then grabbed the Ladybug miraculous as a fun little bonus.
In other words, everything about the Red Moon plan was focused around making a big, flashy entrance for Agros and little else. It's not even focused on stopping Gabriel since Felix doesn't seem to have planned to snap everyone away long term or at least I think that's what's going on here?
Kagami: Happy? When there's no one left?? Adrien: How can I be happy without my friends, without my father, without the girl I love?! Argos: You really think I'm that evil? (goes to open the trash bin where he hid Marinette...) Ta-da! (...only to find it empty; Adrien and Kagami peek inside, too) Huh? That's weird. (snaps his fingers in hopes of bringing back Marinette) Huh?! I don't understand! (backs away from the trash bin) She should come back! (continues to snap his fingers) Something's wrong! I can usually bring back whoever I want, but it's like she's nowhere! Like she's completely gone! (apologetically) I'm sorry, Adrien! Kagami: Sorry? You're sorry?!?! Adrien: You're not even in control of your own power! Don't you realize what you've done? Bring everyone back! NOW!!! Argos: Okay, okay, alright. I never meant to hurt you two...
Well that was anticlimactic....
Note how Felix doesn't take this opportunity to explain the danger his fellow sentimonsters are in before bringing back the people holding their remote controls? And what about his mother? Did he snap away his mother, too? And did he initially plan to perma snap everyone or not? If not, then what was the goal here?
This episode is confusing and could even be argued as a single, giant plot hole because it reads like a mental breakdown episode, but it's also a meticulously planned attack that was hinted at all the way back in Multiplication. So which was it? What was the master plan here? What's going on? Did the writers seriously do all that Felix stuff back in season four without fully thinking through how to make that work in season five?
After the mess that is Emotion, Felix basically gives up on whatever he was supposedly doing in Emotion. There's no master plan to stop Gabriel or make the world-changing wish or anything interesting. Instead, Felix is just there to be Kagami's Adrien replacement. Much like Adrien, Felix has no motive beyond "date the pretty girl and do whatever she asks of me." I guess it's a family trait.
One would think that this would lead to Felix making some interesting new plan to stop Tomoe or even joining forces with Ladybug and Chat Noir since he knows that Tomoe is in on whatever Gabriel is doing (Kagami wouldn't exist otherwise), but that's not what happens. We don't even get Felix going full senti's only because Adrien is left in the dark, a fact that doesn't seem to bother Felix or Kagami. They're too busy being in love to actually do anything to back the nonsense claim that they care about Adrien, but it's hard to blame them when it is so glaringly not their fault.
Letting these two have the sort of active role that would make sense for their characters would ruin the story the writers are trying to tell. We'd probably never get that whole "girl power" Bug Noire thing the show wanted to end the season with because Gabriel would have been stopped way sooner. It would also mean that Adrien knows things and the show can't allow that to happen even if it makes everyone involved look like massive tools. Let this be a reminder to you that you have to let your characters shape the path your story takes. If a character knowing X ruins plot Y, then you can't have both.
In summary, Felix's actions initially made some sense depending on your point of view, but as soon as he became a real part of season five, his character stopped making any sense. The reason for this seems obvious to me: you cannot write Felix logically while also actively including him in the show, keeping Adrien in the dark, keeping Gabriel a threat, and keeping Felix from flat out winning because the peacock is so ridiculously over powered. They wrote themselves into a corner and dumbed Felix down to get around the fact the same way Alya got dumbed down to make the Lila stuff work and Nathalie got dumbed down to make Gabriel's plot work. These writers aren't consistent at writing things like lore or characters, but they are incredibly consistent at the type of bad writing they have to fall back on. Expect to see more of these issues in the future.
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chatblancofficial · 1 month ago
@chatblancofficial (moi)
@cringecorekitty (the most popular of us all)
And the one who started it all:
These aren't all of them but all the ones off the top of my head! Please go follow my friends to get the full experience!
If you want to join us, then please do! Now that more of the miraculous are handed out we have more content for each character to cover!
There are a few inactive accounts as well that could be taken over. I have a few urls I'm willing to hand over! Just ask!
You can be a hero, a villain, a civilian, hell you can be that baby that always gets akumatized! The big break in episodes has left our numbers dwindling.
Just pop in and @ us so we know to add you to our circle!
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Literally the entire reason why I hated that the show went with Adrien’s dad has been the big bad all along plot line.
Because the second they confirmed it was Gabriel under that ugly silver balaclava I knew we were never going to get a satisfying conclusion to that part of the story.
We’d never see Gabriel get unmasked in front of all of Paris and have to deal with the consequences of his actions. We’d never see Adrien have to confront the fact that his own father has been the maniac holding the city hostage. Or Marinette have to confront that a man she’d idolized at one point was the villain all along.
All of that story potential died the day production decided Adrien’s dad was going to be Hawkmoth, because production doesn’t ever want to put Adrien in the position of having to confront anything genuinely serious.
As that would realistically cause him to question himself and might possibly lead to character growth, which the show runners are very firmly against.
It doesn’t matter if they decided it was going to be Gabriel before the show even started getting animated, it was a bad choice if they were never going to follow through on it in a meaningful way.
If they didn’t want to put Adrien in the position where he’d have to confront his father, and his relationship with his father, then they shouldn’t have made Adrien the hero opposing his villain father.
Especially when Gabriel wins in the end.
“But he died-” He WON. He got what he wanted. His wife is alive, his son has no idea that he, Gabriel, was the cause of all of this new and interesting trauma Adrien now has. Hell, people think he’s a hero, who helped take down Hawkmoth/Monarch.
Oh sure he’s dead, but he already knew the price for reviving Emilie when he started this whole thing. He didn’t face any consequences. He didn’t have to face the people he hurt, which includes Adrien. He didn’t have to face punishment for his crimes. None of it.
He got to die with the confidence that he’d done “The wrong thing for the right reasons”, that he justified everything he did, because in the end he got his wish, and the only person dead from the whole endeavor was himself.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how Adrien would react to knowing the truth, whether it hurts his feelings irreparably or he handles it like a champ and copes, because the narrative should take priority. Adrien never finding out for whatever reason is unsatisfying to pretty much every viewer. Him “deserving” to know shouldn’t even be part of the conversation in this particular case, it’s we as viewers that “deserve” the satisfaction of watching it go down (before anyone starts about how we’re “not entitled to anything” I feel the need to remind you that it’s literally the crew’s job to tell a good/satisfying story with the setup they’ve given the characters). And we as an audience have been waiting five seasons and eight years to see it happen only for them to pull the rug out from under us under the guise of adrichat being too innocent uwu when it literally doesn’t matter. Make the character suck it up cuz the audience is running out of patience.
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