#miraculous fanfic short story
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miraculousystuff · 5 months ago
She The Devil
*Kinda short and the ending was a bit lazy but-*
It was the same as always. Marinette, straining herself over the high road. Lila, spewing her lies. And Alya, lapping it all up like a dog. However, this time Marinette couldn’t resist throwing a nasty little barb at Lila. “I simply can’t go to Mylene’s beach clean up because I have a birthday party with Taylor Swift.” she simpered, and Marinette saw an opening that was too good to refuse. “Like Taylor would invite you. She would rather accept a cigarette butt.” Marinette said, and it wasn’t meant to be heard. But Lila whipped her head around to face her, and soon everyone was glaring at Mari. “How could you say that Marinette? When I’ve been nothing but nice to you?” she whined as fake tears came rolling out. “How could you girl! You made Lila cry!!” Alya hissed, comforting said girl. Meanwhile, Mari just rolled her eyes. “Let’s go with that shall we?” she said.
It all would have been fine. If Adrien hadn’t walked in on them at that exact moment. “Let’s go with what?” he asked innocently. “Marinette is just being a BITCH.” Alya yelled, but Marinette froze. This was the first time Alya had sworn at Marinette, but she had to say, not too surprising. In fact, she was expecting it. What was surprising, to the class at least, was when Adrien spoke up. “Marinette is not a bitch! How could you?” he argued. Lila sobbed even harder. “MY OWN BOYFRIEND DOESN’T BELIEVE ME!” she wailed, and Adrien looked even more furious than he did a second ago. “I’m not your boyfriend, or your friend Lie-la.” he claimed, annoyed. “Are you breaking up with me?” Lila cried, pressuring him to give in. The old Adrien would’ve. Succumbed to peer pressure, and agreed. But he didn’t. Yet, before anymore could be said, the rage called Alya began.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DID MARINETTE PUT YOU UP TO THIS?” Alya screamed. Adrien was taken aback. “Of course not! I just don’t appreciate someone who claims to be my girlfriend insulting my real girlfriend.” he said, earning a gentle smile from Mari. They had started dating 2 months ago, not that the class noticed. Any trace of tears gone, Lila looked like a gaping fish. Maribrat? With her Adrien? Not going to happen. So she twisted it. “ADRIEN HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH THAT BULLY? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!” Lila screamed once more. But she wasn’t going to blame it on Adrien. No. Her enemy deserved it. How dare she date her boy toy? Before Alya could yell at Adrien, Lila started to speak, while Marinette put on noise-canceling airpods. “It was Marinette! She seduced Adrien! In fact, she threatened me yesterday to stay away from Adrien!” Lila said through sobs. Alya’s fury turned to Marinette, who was still blissfully unaware of the situation that had unfolded.
“HOW COULD YOU!” Alya was in full on frenzy mode. Marinette was sitting at the front with Adrien (part of the reason for Lila’s revenge) and Alya thought she was sneaky as she stomped over to Marinette to kick her in the back. However, as soon as she touched the bluenette, Marinette grabbed her hand and judo-flipped Alya onto the floor. Everyone gasped, including Marinette herself. Alya got up and, before Mari could begin to apologize,  tried to punch her, but she easily blocked her attacks. Soon, Alya was once again lying on the floor, a now victorious Marinette on standby. Everybody was shocked. Who knew their Everyday Ladybug could throw a punch? However, now Marinette was angry. “What the actual fuck is wrong wrong with you. All of you. Verbal abuse. Emotional abuse. Physical abuse. You may not be a part of the fight, but you hurt me by standing by, in all this abuse. I wish I was never friends with you. I wish I never met you.” she said, her eyes welling up and threatening to spill as she did so. Adrien put a comforting hand on her shoulder. But Marinette wouldn’t cry. Because she was about to tear the class a new one.
However, the class didn’t seem to get the message. But Marinette was going to put a stop to it, once and for all. Everything started with verbal abuse. Whenever any of her ‘friends’ decided to insult her, she had a response ready that made students cry. Then it was emotional. Anytime they tried pressuring her, or making her stressed, she simply said no. A weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Then physical. The class had taken to trying to trip Marinette, or ram into her shoulder. Emphasis on tried, because half of them are now officially tripping over themselves to get out of Marinette’s way. Infact, most of the class were scared of her at this point. Gone was their Everyday Ladybug. Because they made her walk like an angel. Talk like an angel. But she always knew,
She was the devil.
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aquariustarium · 2 years ago
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What if situation
Y/n: *runs to Marinette that is currently sitting on the bench* Can I ask a random question?
Marinette: Alright, I'm listening
Y/n: Well....Ummm I like someone but I'm to afraid to tell him but if I won't tell him I may regret it in the end.
Marinette: I see... If that's the case! *she stood immediately and put both her hands to y/n's shoulders" You have to tell it! Rejected or not it's better to try! You can't rely on what ifs.
Y/n: but how? What should I say? Wait a minute, you can't even do that to Adrian.
Marinette: Before, but now everything changes. If you do that, I'll do it also, together.
Y/n: Not bad, atleast we have each other if rejected. So what should I say.
Marinette: Well, if I'll do it to Adrian. I would say, Adrian Ive been meaning to tell you these words
Adrian: What words?
Marinette: ah?!
Y/n: it's-
Marinette: Macarons!
Y/n: *slaps her/his forehead*
Marinette: I-ve been meaning to tell you that if--if macarons---my macaroons--- are deliciously--salty!
Y/n: *mumbled* so that's how you confess
Hope you appreciated it. Feel free to comment and heart. Thanks.
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eu0n1a · 9 months ago
Character Building Questions (pt3)
1. who is in their social circle? Write a short story or scene and what your character is in their regular group, but it's doing something out of the ordinary – skinny dipping, visiting a psychic to have their tea leaves, read or even eating at a new restaurant. have a stranger join them and discover how your character response.
2. how well educated is your character? Write a story in which the effects are communication with others as well as their social standing and future prospects.
3. Write fictional children's story that an adult told your character as they were growing up. Should be and original – something that the adult character made up for your character; i.e. their mother made up a story where your character was a famous magician, a lion tamer, a mermaid.
4. is your character an introvert or an extrovert? Write a short scene and what they need to be the opposite of who they are, and show how this challenges them.
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bugged13it · 2 years ago
The Most Romantic Thing
I had this saved as a draft for TWO YEARS cause I was away from tumblr and forgot about it, so here I am finally posting it. Enjoy this little drabble based on a true story. >:3
The gentle rumble of the motor dominated Marinette’s hearing, drowning out the soft noise of the radio. Her head rested lazily against the car window, shadows and light from the street lamps dancing rhythmically across her vision as they moved through the streets. It was insanely early in the morning, well past any decent hour for sleep. Despite the sparkling city lights scattered across the pitch dark sky, the crowds of people had long ago waned thin, too late—or early—for even the night life party-goers to be wandering about.
It had been, simply put, an exhausting evening. The quiet of the car felt surreal, but only because of the lingering buzzing in her head; a remnant of idle conversations and constant background chatter from the lavish party they had previously attended. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed mingling with the upper crust of Paris fashion, but at some point her limit had been reached, and Marinette just wanted to have some alone time with her own pillow in her own bed.
With the click of the radio, the soft music immediately died, and Marinette’s gaze flicked over out of curiosity, watching while Adrien moved his arm back to the steering wheel. His eyes were glued to the roads as he drove the car through the vacant streets. His set expression looked so serious, as if he were fighting the pull of sleep as well. Marinette might have offered to take over if she wasn’t so exhausted herself, unable to help the yawn that escaped her as she pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders and settled back against the window.
They drove in the silence a short while longer, Marinette’s heavy eyelids slowly closing over her vision, when Adrien eventually turned down a new street, one that she knew wouldn’t soon lead back to either of their homes. Carefully pulling the car over to where he could safely park on the side of the road, the vehicle came to a rest when he shut off the engine. Off to their left, the Seine sparkled serenely, their view somehow unobstructed, it’s glassy surface reflecting the gentle light of a brilliant moon.
Marinette blinked in confusion, looking out at the street before turning back to Adrien. “Why are we stopped?” she asked softly, her heartbeat stuttering in a slight panic, wondering if he’d noticed something that she hadn’t. “Is something wrong?”
Adrien leaned back in the driver’s seat and grunted, almost as if in pain, and dragged a hand slowly down his face. “I can’t stand it anymore.”
“Wh—” Marinette hardly had time to form her question before he turned a heavy gaze her way.
“I need to kiss you.”
Oh. Marinette’s brain took a second to register that, but Adrien was already leaning over the center console, catching her only slightly off-guard as he pressed his lips gently upon hers. Though unprepared, Marinette quickly and unabashedly melted against him, all thoughts of sleep completely forgotten.
Afterword: Okay, so about the true story part: I love any stories to do with my parents in their teen years, because they were both complete dorks and I swear, their life was like a romance/drama with love triangles and the whole she-bang—but real life, obvs. For example: my mom had a huge crush on on my dad, and my dad’s best friend(who had a crush on my mom), convinced my dad to bring a DATE to my mom’s BIRTHDAY PARTY because he was completely oblivious. You know, THAT SORTA TEEN STUFF. So anyways, my mother told me the most romantic thing my father ever did. It’s super short, but I absolutely love it the most, so I turned it into the above Adrinette drabble. Hope you enjoyed the FLUFF!!!
On another funny note, please keep in mind that this is the same man who gifted my mom her own refurbished(nicer diamonds/band) engagement ring over 30 years later in a Taco Bell because when he asked her where she wanted to eat(an unspoken: regardless of cost, especially someplace fancy), that was her answer, because she was craving it, failing to tell her it would be for their anniversary dinner. Told you they’re both absolute dorks.
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theverse · 9 months ago
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Coming soon...
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ethereal-feline · 5 months ago
I think I'll either finish writing WDH 10 THEN take a break or just take a break until Monday because ngl vibes are off?
anyways my fics are still going up this month PLUS a one shot on the 10th! Hint: "psychic"
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temporalbystander · 1 year ago
Silly little idea that just popped into my head going through all the incorrect Miraculous quotes that may or may not end up in the alternate world story I'm doing. I've always enjoyed the thought of "what if someone could tell Adrien and Felix apart?" As always story under the cut.
Once again Faybon was bemoaning the lack of invisibility he enjoyed when being a paradox. He was also bemoaning the fact that, while he wasn't friends with the two who had cornered him in this world, Alya and Nino were more than willing to tell them just how big of an idiot he was being.
"Listen dude. It's cool that you're trying to reach out to him and all, but he is just not worth it." To his credit, Nino did look upset about that fact. Alya had no such restrictions.
"The guys a jerk to levels even Chloe has trouble attaining." Faybon's eyes widened at that. With the extents this Chloe had gone? That was definitely saying something. "We would see him in the middle of a photoshoot giving that little stilted smile and we would walk over to say hello, you know to be polite," why that sounded like she was waiting for a response he had no idea, she didn't leave him room to give one, "and we would talk for a bit and he'd seem interested. Then, when we'd invite him to something he would just raise an eyebrow and ask why on earth we ever thought he'd be interested in hanging around such commoners."
Alya had practically worked herself back into a rage, Faybon would be on the lookout for purple butterflies if he wasn't so confused about what he was hearing. Alya wasn't one to lie, maybe slightly exaggerate from time to time but the way Nino was nodding along told him that wasn't the case. That really didn't sound like Adrien, neither the one he knew before or the one he was getting to go now.
"If the prim and proper put down wasn't bad enough," Nino jumped in as he took his hat off to twist it slightly, "the way he'd look the next day, like a kicked puppy, as if it were our fault? It was just insulting." The class DJ shook his head but what he had said triggered a memory in Faybon, thankfully without the blinding pain this time.
"Wait back up." The confused teen said as he raised his hands. "You said Adrien sounded all prim and proper right? Like, say, a stereotypical rich guy from a soap opera?" The couple looked at each other confused but nodded anyway. "Did he sound a bit airy as well? Like he was holding his breath slightly?" Another nod. The next question was easier. "What about his eyes? How'd they look?"
"This wasn't some type of look alike. We could tell it was Adrien." He didn't listen to the scoff.
"Just answer the question Alya." He said folding his arms." Did they seem different when you saw him the next day? Like from clear glass to a foggy window."
Though Alya still thought he was being ridiculous, Nino looked curious. "Actually yeah? Why? Does that mean something."
Oh it meant something alright. But there was something he needed to make sure of. "Have you noticed this difference any other times? Recently maybe?"
The journalist just rolled her eyes but at least deigned to answer him this time. "Not that we talk to him anymore? But yes. We have seen him sometimes with that same fake smile. Normally after an Akuma or if he's been out of class sick." She huffed at him now. "What's the big deal?"
Honestly? Had Faybon not been dealing with constant migraines and sleep deprivation (mainly because of said migraines) he never would have said what he did. At least not as rudely... Or as loud. "What the FUCK is Felix doing in Paris?" That drew the gaze of everyone around them but he didn't care, he had bigger worries on his mind. Oh this raised so many issues. So many problems he would have to work around.
One of the biggest came from the question asked in unison. "Who's Felix?"
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technicallywrite · 1 month ago
Sometimes joining a small fandom is the start of an amazing journey.
Not quite two years ago, I got into a fairly niche ship— a couple of characters who had been on a few episodes of Doctor Who, and had (somewhat miraculously, for two women scientists) been given their own audio spinoff by Big Finish.
I am, of course, referring to Kate and Osgood of the new UNIT series.
They grabbed my imagination and spurred me to start writing fanfiction for the first time in my life.
A little story called “My Cosmos Is Yours”.
It was just supposed to be a one-shot, then as I wrote, it grew into a handful of chapters. When I posted them on AO3, the response from fellow shippers was so enthusiastic that it motivated me to develop the story further, so I started adapting the audio adventures, reworking the episodes into a more continuous narrative supporting the ship’s development.
Long story short (NOT), the darn thing has snowballed into an ongoing epic longfic (52 chapters and counting) with a cluster of short satellite stories and a four-chapter prequel, amounting to over 500,000 words so far.
This monster has accumulated a contingent of regular commenters, and a few other fic authors have written stories based on it— fanfic of fanfic, which is delightfully meta.
Along the way, I’ve met a whole bunch of really lovely fellow shippers; on AO3, on Twitter, on Tumblr and in the Osgays Discord, some of whom I’ve since met IRL at conventions. It’s been an incredibly fun, heartwarming and rewarding experience.
And today… Oh my goodness. Today I received the most extraordinary gift.
A gorgeous hand-bound edition made by @colourmestoked04 of the first eighteen chapters of my story, with illustrations by @kowarth and personal notes from the Osgays interspersed through the chapters.
I am stunned, speechless and most of all, impossibly grateful.
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To everyone who ever encouraged me to write: thank you.
I can’t wait to write some more.
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 15 days ago
A friend started watching Miraculous a couple of weeks ago; he was curious, and I accidentally sold it by spoiling him S5's finale. "Oh! I really enjoy the twist when the bad guy wins!" he said... I swear I tried to save him!
Anyway, he went through the honeymoon phase with S1 and S2. Now that he has watched half of S3 (btw, in our country, both Disney+ and Netflix DO NOT have the episodes in order, save for each season's 1st one and the finales), he went on a rant on Kwamibuster saying "c'mon! So, Marinette can hold all the trinkets without any consequence, why they do that?! Is a nice stand alone chapter, but there is no great consequence!" I just told him "welcome to the fandom!" and he went "OMG! I turned to the dark side!"
He still has Gabriel on a 8.5/10 scale, since he finds saving his wife as a noble if twisted reason to turn villian. Though he doesn't understand why Gabriel found Lila useful at the end of Oni-chan. I... don't have the heart to tell him about Chat Blanc nor Gabriel's later actions.
Were S1 and S2 really the best of Miraculous? I remember enjoying S3, but now hearing his fresh pov, I'm starting to have my doubts about when it all went to worse.
I was also relatively late coming to the fandom, so I got to see seasons one to three all in one go. I watched them over a series of a few weeks and my memory of that process is this: I thought season one was mediocre with a handful of truly bad episodes, but the premise was a lot of fun and had real potential. I started reading fanfiction after watching the few episodes because I love identity shenanigan romances and I wanted to see people tell this one without being held back by the show's format and intended audience. This is probably the only reason I finished season one. I didn't like the show so much as I thought it was good enough to watch so I could fully understand the fanfic.
Origins is where my opinion changed. It was legitimately good and even felt like a soft reboot for Alya, Adrien, and Chloe. I thought this indicated that the first season had done really well and so the show had been cleared to have a true overarching plot and serialized elements in the coming seasons.
Season two initially seemed to back that up with the Chloe stuff and Marinette meeting Fu, but then Queen Bee happened. That's the moment when I realized the show was never going to live up to its potential. It was incredibly disappointing to see Chloe go from finding the bee to revealing herself on national television within a few minutes. That is the least interesting way you could possibly play her finding the bee. I have referred to this choice as the canary in the coal mine before and I stand by that. If they couldn't handle something as tried and true as a mean girl redemption or do something interesting with Chloe finding the bee, then we were not in for a good time.
The introduction of Carapace just further confirmed that read. Nino wasn't carefully chosen for his miraculous. He was just in the right place at the right time and got the best miraculous for the situation. Chloe getting the bee felt more fitting and she wasn't even chosen for it! She just got to keep using it for some reason even though identity reveals were supposed to get you benched. It was weird and was also another warning sign of things to come. Identity reveals and their consequences would just become more and more confusing as the show went on.
While all of these things were disappointing, I don't fault anyone for being willing to keep watching because it wasn't all bad. Season two showed us that the show was going to suck from a long-form perspective, but it could deliver solid short-form content. Your friend put it really well:
It's a nice stand alone chapter, but there is no great consequence!
The early seasons of Miraculous had a lot of fun standalone chapters that had no greater consequence. Disappointing for those who wanted a serious story, but you don't need to tell a serious story to be good. If the show had stuck to a more lighthearted tone and just put out disjointed, but fun mini-stories, then it would have been fine. Not amazing, but serviceable. An endless series of writing prompts that don't really fit together, but that allow for a ton of fun fan content as people pick and choose which episodes to play with. I would have still had issues with some of those episodes, but because they didn't actually connect, I would have just shrugged and focused on the stuff that was fun. In fact, that's what I was doing for the first four seasons! There's a reason this blog didn't exist until mid season five even though I've had issues with the show since season one.
For example, does Chat Blanc technically ruin the love square by establishing that Adrien's love for Marinette isn't strong enough to keep him from killing her? Sure, but when it was just a random what-if episode, I could ignore it as one-off bad writing. Season four then chose to have Chat Blanc show up in Marinette's nightmare and also featured Marinette promoting Alya instead of Chat Noir, leading me to assume that Marinette was keeping Chat Noir at arms because of Chat Blanc. This changed how I viewed Chat Blanc. That episode suddenly mattered to the entire show and wasn't a one-off thing I could ignore.
The official word is that Chat Blanc had nothing to do with the season four conflict, but that's really not clear in the actual text to the point where I almost want to call BS. Why did you give Marinette a Chat Blanc nightmare if he doesn't matter to her mental state? That makes no sense!
Even if we embrace that official word, Chat Blanc is still not a one-off episode. It apparently haunts Adrien and kept him from the season five final even though Adrien never actually learned about Chat Blanc, which is frankly even more damning than my initial read of season four. It's now super official that Adrien's love for Marinette isn't enough to save the day and I'm not interested in a show that's sticking to that choice and repeating it ad nauseum (Chat Blanc, Ephemeral, and the season five ending). The one-off bad episode has now poisoned the entire show and it's not the only episode that did this.
We've reached a point where there are multiple choices haunting the show, making it so that there really aren't any more fun standalone chapters. Even if season six is written more like those early seasons, are any of us going to be able to enjoy love square hijinks when we're also waiting to see if Adrien will ever learn the truth of sentistatus or his father's death? And what about the knowledge that love will probably never win? It's hard to forget that, especially as more and more people learn the love square's secret identities, endlessly cheapening that reveal. Combined that with them maintaining the statue quo of Marinette being unable to act normal around Adrien and it's hard to picture season six being anything like a good time.
While I can't picture it, maybe you can! Seasons one to four all had episodes I enjoyed even though I was aware of the large scale flaws. Season five is the one that ruined that for me because, while there is no real overarching plot for the season, there was enough connective tissue that no episode felt like it truly stood alone no matter what the writers say. That connective tissue made the problems impossible to ignore and, now that my brain is in serialized mode, I can't go back to episodic. The season five cliffhanger of the lies is also too serious a point for me to mostly ignore it like I did with the other bad cliffhangers. The lies aren't just a dumb plot point, they're an incredibly serious character beat that I can't overlook. Every time the love square is on screen, I'm going to feel a little sick because I know canon isn't going to give this massive betrayal proper weight.
There's also retroactive rot at work here. Because the show has serialized elements, the more the show poisons its plot and characters, the more the rot creeps backwards, ruining the early stuff to the point where the flaws feel glaring. Knowing Chloe's ultimate fate makes it hard to enjoy her early canon writing. Knowing that Ladybug will fight Gabriel alone makes it hard to enjoy Ladynoir's big "you and me against the world" moments. Knowing that Gabriel will eventually win makes it hard to enjoy more moments than I can count.
So, to answer you question:
Were S1 and S2 really the best of Miraculous?
I'd say that the first four seasons all have good standalone episodes and even some good setups that would just never pay off. Season three and four just feel worse than the first two because that's when it started to become really clear that those payoffs would never come since the show had to finally own that fact with things like Chloe "damnation arc" and the lack of consequences for the mass identity reveal.
They also have more setups than the first two seasons and those probably stand out in your mind as being bad. That's how bad writing tends to work when that writing issues are more structural than scene-based. The longer the story goes, the more the cracks in the foundation show. The writing is rarely getting actively worse, there's just enough of it to properly show just how bad it is.
I do think season five was worse than any of the others, but only because the episodes had that awkward thing where they were try to be both episodic and serialized, really highlighting how bad the show was at long-form content. It wasn't so much that the writing got worse as it was that the show focused on the writing style that highlights its flaws. Season six going back to more truly episodic story telling may make it work for some people even if they hated season five. Only time will tell.
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months ago
wrongcaitlyn 2024 fic recs masterlist
SO. i always like to keep track of how many fics i read throughout the year, and in 2024 i read about 28.3 million words of fanfic. i know. i don't have a life. most fics read were in july (4.4m words) and least fics read were in september (797k words). BUT throughout those 28.3m words i do think i found some incredible fics throughout the year, which i bookmark as recs to reread :) because of this, i thought i'd do a little ao3 wrapped sort of thing and share all of my bookmarked fics this year as recs!! i read pretty much all kinds of fics so please check tags/warnings/ratings if you choose to read them
and, as it's a new year, i'm also always constantly bookmarking more recs. if you wanna check those out they're on my ao3! i highly recommend reading every single fic there bc they're all incredible <33
this is going to be long, so i decided to split it up by fandom - and all of these lists are ordered by the date i read them, not any specific ranking or anything. gonna include the date bookmarked, ship (if there is one), ch count and word count bc,,, yeah these are going to be very varied!!
fandoms included:
percy jackson - 21 fics (jan 6 - nov 5) tsoa/the iliad - 7 fics (jan 26 - oct 18) miraculous ladybug - 2 fics (feb 19 - feb 23) harry potter - 6 fics (june 30 - july 8) the secret history - 1 fic (oct 4) arcane - 18 fics (nov 13 - dec 31) + 2 honorable mentions
PERCY JACKSON - aka, the main hyperfixation
The Request Revolution by tiredpjofan - 1/6/2024, gen, 3 ch, 4.8k
Percy sees that some of the newer campers don't feel 100% comfortable with requesting stuff from their godly parents, so he decides to rectify that the only way he knows how -- dramatically. i know this one is insanely popular but i only got around to reading it this year, and!! genuinely just a funny, fluffy piece that makes me happy :))
whoopsie daisy! by buoyantsaturn - 1/21/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 3.2k
Will almost missed the way Tartarus had dulled his senses, distracting him from his own pain and preventing him from knowing the full extent of Nico’s.  angst. i love angst. i vividly remember reading this at like 2 am and then bookmarking it and then reading it again in the morning and having to re-experience the pain
long story short by takeimi - 2/25/2024, percabeth, one-shot, 4.5k
percy starts a youtube vlog channel and raises one too many questions. i mean it's a socmed fame au need i say anything more
i'm put in awe (of something so flawed and free) by CordeliaRose - 3/2/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 15.9k
Right. Well. Nico squares his shoulders, reminds himself that nobody’s perfect and this guy has to be ugly, and knocks on the door. He is met with a Greek God, and forgets how to function. AKA: the archaeologist!Nico & trauma surgeon!Will AU. i already included this (and probably a few other fics i'm gonna mention) in my solangelo fic recs list, so i'm not gonna say that much but just know i prob reread this like 4 times already it's so <33 AND IT HAS A SEQUEL NOW
paper/plastic by Rosyredlipstick - 3/10/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 14.2k
When Nico di Angelo's favorite, most dependable gas station for midnight snacks etcetera is shut down due to some incredibly far-fetched and completely unnecessary health code violations, he's forced to start going to the sister franchise down the street, where a certain blond clerk seems to always be working (like, almost in an unhealthy way). Also, on a definitely unrelated note, Nico now volunteers to do any & all gas station convenience store runs. Leo — stop laughing. i'm also 99% sure i read this before 2024 and then lost it and found it again, BUT I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH IT'S SO SWEET AND AGHSDF love background lost trio, their dynamics are so perfect
a letter to the moon (it is not brighter than you) by theroyalsavage - 3/12/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 7.1k
When his kingdom is plagued by a series of unsolvable murders, Prince Will Solace must confront several things: tragedy, helplessness, and the dizzy-sweet inevitability of falling in love. just solangelo medieval au that's absolutely perfect
I Need a Hero by theroyalsavage - 3/12/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 3.8k
The "Nico is a superhero, Will is a med student" AU nobody asked for or wanted. SUPERHERO AU HELL YES!!! no srsly the way this author writes their dynamic i'm in love <33 (also yes both this and the previous one were written ages ago, okay i was catching up on solangelo fics i missed from being late to the fandomJSDF
Solar Powered by Caora - 3/19/2024, apollo/naomi but also gen, one-shot, 14.8k
Apollo, god of music, was how he had introduced himself. Naomi had assumed he was joking, and he didn't correct her. She had dated musicians and poets before. They all had an ego, and those same words would not have felt out of place from either of her exes. She merely downgraded Apollo from potential boyfriend to potential fling, and didn't think twice about it. Now though…. Now her son could heal wounds with a single touch, and her world was tipping on its axis. this is actually canon to me now. i love naomi solace so much. THIS IS CANON TO ME. also just so beautifully written <33
la vita è fatta così by HowlingAlchemist - 3/19/2024, solangelo, 25 ch, 109.4k
When Bianca somehow comes back from the dead, she, Nico and Will are sent on a quest that will hopefully answer some lingering questions. But Nico and Bianca are not the kids that they once were, and things get very difficult as a result. i love fics that straight up feel like they could be their own books and this is one of them. so well-written and the angst!!!! i died but i was happy about it
hold me, thrill me, kiss me by restinreeses - 3/29/2024, valgrace, one-shot, 3.5k
“You love me,” Leo declares, his smirk widening with every passing second. “You, the great Jason Grace, love me.” He fumbles for his words, but they melt in his mouth as Leo's hands snaked up the small of his back – those delicate fingers tracing patterns into his skin that burnt worse than his SPQR tattoo. “I wouldn’t call myself great,” he mutters at last. Leo leans in, raising one thick eyebrow. “I dunno,” he says, “I’d say you’re pretty great.” His lips brush over Jason's, once, twice. “You know. For loving me.” me being briefly obsessed with valgrace and this was definitely part of the reason this fic was so <33 i love them so much and this fic was incredibly written
but we were in screaming color by tunacucumber - 4/2/2024, valgrace, one-shot, 3.2k
It feels inevitable, somehow, when he grabs Jason by the collar of his shirt and tugs him forward. it starts with a ridiculous heatwave. starting off with an incredible title, but AHHSHDFHSD THE VALGRACE DYNAMIC IS JUST PERFECT
Champion by TsarinaTorment - 4/5/2024, gen, one-shot, 1.3k
She always said she was going to make it to the Olympics, and aged eighteen, it finally happened. yall already know how much i love their fics and the kayla centric of it all!!!! THIS IS CANON TO ME ITS LITERALLY PERFECT.
Blood-Soaked Flowers by TsarinaTorment - 4/8/2024, gen, one-shot, 4.8k
Will knows what’s wrong with him. He just doesn’t know why. another one of TsarinaTorment's ToApril fics and god. this one made me so. i can't even. like i still remember reading this for the first time the twist made my heart WRENCH platonic angst will be the death of me
apple cider and freezer burn by yrbeecharmer - 4/10/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 2.4k
“Somebody pissed off McCaffrey,” Cecil says miserably from the Iris message flickering in midair, in the middle of Nico’s cabin, at two in the morning on a godsdamn Thursday. “So she sent, like, a dozen karpoi to surprise attack us in the middle of the night. We’ve been trying to get rid of them, but they just keep respawning. Can you come poke them with your magic sword?” Nico stares at him. “No.” “Oh, come on! Why not?” “It’s two in the morning! I was sleeping!” i just love general camp shenanigans and this one was SO PERFECT
And I Miss My Lover, Man by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays - 4/17/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 3.6k
In a single well-aimed strike, Nico knocked Riptide out of Percy’s hand and sent it skittering into the forest. Before Percy could react, Nico shoved him down, and stood over him, about to claim victory. And that was when the world shattered. His entire chest suddenly felt like it was being fractured, torn apart bit by bit. He felt a soul leave a body, alone and in pain and miles from home. He saw, in a hazy mental image, someone else’s last view of the sky overhead, and then silence. pure angst. proceed with caution and read warnings. this broke me at like 2 am in the morning
i do adore by rabbit_soup - 5/1/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 1.8k
“I appreciate it,” he said. “I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t…okay for a while. I’m definitely still not.” “Look who you’re talkin’ to,” Will said with a smile. Nico snorted, “Yeah, that’s true. You are feeling better, yeah?” Will detangled himself from Nico, rolling up his sleeves. The Empousa injuries had since faded in the past month. Now, they were nothing more than thick white scratches, and even those were fading by the day. this entire series is just so wonderful and so sweet and i love these boys so much omfgjsdfj they deserve everything :(((
my home wears your face by solisaureus - 5/29/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 9.8k
Three years after being dumped by Will Solace, Nico pushes himself too far with shadow travel again. Unfortunately, the only person on Earth who knows how to treat advanced shadow sickness happens to be his ex-boyfriend. THE EMOTIONS I FELT READING THIS AT LIKE 9 IN THE MORNING RIGHT WHEN I WOKE UP I LITERALLY DIED. like seriously this fic is so insanely good. omfg. please. please go read rn. i can't even it was so sweet but also heartbreaking but hopeful and the solangelo dynamic was just absolutely perfect
the first lovers in the world by rottenpomegranate - 9/15/2024, solangelo, one-shot, 6k
Their relationship changes, from the way it was when they were fourteen, clammy hands and shy smiles, to how it is when they're nearing the edge of adulthood, working together to figure out what to do with all this love they hold. just the most gorgeous and perfectly written solangelo coming of age fic, i love them
Son of Sea Foam by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle - 10/20/2024, castor/percy, 12 ch, 196.4k
AU where Percy has to hide the fact he's a Big Three kid otherwise he'll be killed on the spot. Unfortunately for him, unclaimed kids tend to raise the most suspicion... but he might have found a loophole in the form of Aphrodite. okay yea this one just left me reeling for days. weeks even. this is a total rewrite of what pjo could have been and though i may have questioned it going into it, i should have never doubted any bit of this- this is just a masterpiece of writing, like, seriously. the way that all of the character arcs were written, the deaths meaningful, the plot insanely well-thought out?? i am in awe. i read this and the sequel within a 6 hour car drive bc i was just so insanely hooked on every detail of this universe- seriously, the worldbuilding was insane, the oc's so perfectly intertwined, and the lore perfectly incorporated. SERIOUSLY if you want a pjo fic to completely alter your brain chemistry, this is the one.
Set in Stone by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle - 10/24/2024, gen, 7 ch, 38.2k
Medusa’s sculptures are mysteriously coming back to life. Percy doesn’t think murder is an unreasonable action given the circumstances. THIS WAS SO PERFECT. it was so hilarious while at the same time keeping a serious tone, but the banter and the dialogue and everything just made it such an enjoyable read (oh, and the ending. the ending is perfect.)
say you want a hero (you don't) by pjowithbluecookies - 11/5/2024, percabeth/gen, HP CROSSOVER, 12 ch, 4k
Narcissa Malfoy will do whatever it takes to save her son, and if that meant blackmailing demigods into saving the world again, then so be it. wasn't sure whether to include this in pjo or hp but so far the characters have been mainly pjo centric so i'd say that. and like. i know this was last updated in sep 2023 but god is the premise so insanely good. im so invested in the plot even tho it was only 12k words and unfinished. went through a brief phase of looking for good quality pjo/hp crossovers and this one just holds so much promise
THE SONG OF ACHILLES/THE ILIAD - aka, the one that pops up every few months
Sunset in Your Veins by Baejax - 1/26/2024, patrochilles, 24 ch, 100.4k
Achilles recognizes Tartarus when he sees it, dark, and gray, and ugly and freezing. Pat cannot explain why he brought home the lunatic who stole a dog and burst into the veterinarian office where he works. The man can't even speak English. This is a disaster. im almost 100% sure that i read this in 2023 and then i lost it and then i found it again, reread it, and bookmarked it, and then reread it again some other time this year, which just goes to show how much i love this fic. like. damn just thinking abt it i should read it again. absolutely incredible
Our numbered days by Baejax - 4/15/2024, patrochilles, 2 ch, 10.1k
It's their senior year of college, Patroclus has his first serious girlfriend, and Achilles is happy for him. Really. something about this made me want to cry so bad like the angst was just. god. but it was also so absolutely wonderful at the end and made me want to scream with joy. idk dude the emotions this made me feel in just 10k words was insane
Death and Fate by Baejax - 8/10/2024, patrochilles, series of 21 works, 444.5k
[Series summary] In every universe... I will have them divorce and then get back together. so i think the proper name for this fandom's section is actually just me being obsessed with everything Baejax writes. bc like. seriously go read every fic here. absolutely insane quality. this is basically just a collection of patrochilles au's and they're all incredible !!!!
The Spindle by AMBlue - 9/24/2024, patrochilles, 5 ch, 26.9k
After Patroclus’ death, Achilles begs for the chance to change the past. His wish is granted, but he finds himself trapped repeating the same day over and over as he tries and fails to save his beloved. Character death but I swear this is a fix-it fic with a happy ending. HELL YEAH THE ILIAD FIX IT FIC
Sweet Victory by Baejax - 9/29/2024, patrochilles, 9 ch, 21k
Achilles and Patroclus are just friends, friends who are now roommates since they've started university and who just happen to make out with each other on the regular, but that's just their own weird friend thing that no one else needs to know about. It's not a big deal. Right? this was absolutely hilarious. they own the idiots to lovers tag
you're a walking disaster, and yet- by Johaerys - 10/6/2024, patrochilles, 23 ch, 148.2k
"You'll meet my son, Achilles, soon," Mr Pelides told Patroclus on their drive there. "You two will get along just fine. He's as wild as they come, though." The indulgent pride with which he said the words made them sound almost like a compliment. "Don’t let him talk you into anything." Patroclus blushed as he swore, with strong conviction, that he would absolutely not do that. No sir. He knows better than that. modern patrochilles friends to lovers done perfectly, this was just an insanely good read
Twin Flames by Johaerys - 10/18/2024, patrochilles, 12 ch, 70.1k
Achilles is the young Prince of Phthia, Patroclus is his squire, in a story where they come together, come apart, then find each other all over again. THIS FIC. THIS FIC. OMFGJSDFJSDF THE MEDIEVAL AU I NEEDED THIS WAS ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. their pining throughout all of this made my heart ache but it was all so worth it this is perfect
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG - aka, the hyperfixation from four years ago that randomly showed up for a few weeks
The Great Banana Search by walkingonthestars - 2/19/2024, gen, 3 ch, 10.6k
A small, careless move by Hawk Moth exposes his identity to a citizen of Paris. But this citizen has a secret identity of their own, and that makes finding them and taking care of the situation a rather slippery pursuit. Basically, Mr. Banana sees Hawk Moth detransform, and Gabriel and Nathalie work to find out who's behind the banana suit so they can shut him up before he talks. As Gabriel fears that the person in the peel was none other than Cat Noir himself, he also notices that Adrien seems to upset and hiding something. i have no idea what possessed me to read mlb fanfic in the year 2025. i haven't watched the show since quarantine. but god is this probably the funniest fucking fic i've read all year. i was in tears laughing at 3 am. PLEASE READ.
Imbalance by thelibraryloser - 2/23/2024, marichat, 16 ch, 42.4k
Chat Noir is fighting evil all on his own, not aware he’s supposed to be half of a whole. Hawkmoth is desperate to get his hands on the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculous, knowing that if he causes enough destruction the world will demand balance and the Ladybug will have to appear. And when she does, she's not what anyone expected. Chat thought having a partner would feel different- maybe like how he feels talking to the girl on the balcony. again, i really don't know why i was in a brief mlb phase, but i was- and this was just so well-written and beautiful <33 i was scouring ao3 for interesting au's and im a sucker for marichat so this was perfect
HARRY POTTER aka, the hyperfixation that came out of nowhere during the summer and proceeded to flip my world upside down with the fics i read during this phase
Dog's Best Friend by Ray_Writes - 6/30/2024, gen, 6 ch, 16.3k
When Rubeus Hagrid is placed in the cell next to notorious murderer Sirius Black, truths are revealed and events are changed. man i just love a good fix-it. this felt so realistic and just made me so happy. i don't know why i was reading harry potter that wasn't marauders this year but for some reason i was and this was wonderful
Disrespect Authority by Ray_Writes - 7/1/2024, hinny, 17 ch, 122.9k
Harry chooses to confide in Ginny about his miserable Occlumency lessons, not realizing the youngest Weasley might just have a thing or two to say about someone poking around his head when he doesn’t want it. Together, they hatch a plan to get him out of the lessons that has a variety of unintended consequences: an opening for Dolores Umbridge to tighten her hold over the castle, a clue to set the last true Marauders on the trail of Voldemort’s secrets, and a beginning of something more between Harry and Ginny themselves. some wrongcaitlyn lore for y'all, my very first fic that i read was hinny. my very first several fics. i know im such a bore for having the main canon ship be what introduced me to fandom but it turns out i still have such a soft spot for them and this fic is way better than canon was so i'm just going to pretend that it is canon bc any way to ignore what j*r wrote is great. anyway this is ootp canon for me now
This Is Just What Human Means (For Me) by WoodenSuitcase - 7/1/2024, gen, one-shot, 6.8k
Out of the family, only Bill knew Charlie was aroace. It wasn't that Charlie didn't want to tell the others – he just never seemed to find the right moment for it! When the perfect opportunity arose in the form of a Christmas visit to the Burrow, Charlie made it his mission to finally come out. As it turns out, things never go as smoothly as one intends, even with his older brother by his side. aroace charlie my beloved <33 went through a brief obsession with him and honestly all of the weasleys throughout this time period (and like seriously. i just went from one weasley family member to the next idk why) but this was so sweet
Ben Folds's Series by orphan_account - 7/5/2024, perciver, series of three fics, 37.8k
[summary from the first fic of the series] Wherein book 7 is completely ignored because wars don't tend to happen so quickly; Percy Weasley runs a safehouse [because that's as close to administrative work as you can get in a war], and everyone gets a chance to play minor character bingo. Get your cards and markers ready! the way this author wrote perciver... god this was just perfect like seriously. if you want to start reading this ship PLEASE read this one
James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, (pause for breath) and the Prisoner of Azkaban by gonzoclock - 7/6/2024, wolfstar/gen, 17 ch, 32.7k
At the end of first year, Harry pocketed the Philosopher's Stone- in a secret pocket that everyone else missed. Now, two years later, Harry is in his third year, his friends are having the time of their lives in Hogsmeade, there's an escaped mass murderer running around, and Harry is going stir-crazy. Fortunately, the twins have a solution! Although- they're going to need something in return, and it needs to be good. Good thing Harry kept that Stone, huh? And then things go completely bat-shit crazy. (featuring the Marauders vs 1993, an exhausted Professor Lupin, a bewildered Harry Potter, and an opportunistic Hermione Granger) pure crack. i love it.
The Second String by Eider_Down - 7/8/2024, harry/gideon, 45 ch, 409.8k
Everyone knows Dementors can take souls, but nothing says that they have to keep them. After the Dementor attack in Little Whinging ends disastrously, Harry must find a place for himself in a new world, fighting a different sort of war against the nascent Voldemort. *deep breath in* okay. okay hear me out. okay listen please. like seriously. this may just be the best fic i read all year. AND I PUT SERIOUS WEIGHT IN THAT. AND I REALLY CAN'T BELIEVE IM SAYING IT ABOUT AN HP FIC. BUT LIKE. IM BEING SO FR RIGHT NOW. the way that this fic literally altered my brain chemistry and left me in shambles. the amount of detail that went into the plot and the lore. i could read another 400k words of this universe and it still wouldn't be enough. the author is literally so crazily talented they made me ship harry potter x gideon prewett (no weird age gap going on trust me, there's a lot of time travel stuff going on- they are around the same age biologically and mentally). like seriously if i had to recommend one fic from this year it would be this. which is insane to say. but i cannot understate how incredible this work of fanfiction is like genuinely, i hope that this author is out there writing incredible original works because they integrated oc's into the plot so seamlessly, made these incredible relationships and orchestrated the plot so perfectly that i was just completely immersed. i could go on for way longer but like. all i could think when finishing this was woah. holy fucking shit. idk if i'll ever read a fic as insane as that again.
THE SECRET HISTORY aka, i read the book and needed more
No Room For the Present by lessnearthesun - 10/4/2024, francis/richard, 3 ch, 65.9k
Post-canon, Richard and Francis, and all that comes after. A drama in three parts. no seriously this reads perfectly as a continuation of the book. like it's genuinely- every word, the writing style, the characterization, it's all so perfect. breaks my heart at times but it wouldn't be the secret history if it didn't, if you read the book please please go read this!!!
ARCANE aka, the return of the lesbians; aka, home sweet home; aka, my life's entire purpose starting in november; aka, the literal love of my life arcane writers please take my soul and turn it into more caitvi fanfics
no seriously. why are there no other recs past nov 6 in the other fandoms? bc it was literally all this. 20 arcane recs in a matter of less than two months. 7m+ words read from just arcane fics in nov-dec.
now on to the recs!!
Promise on both sides by paxbanana - 11/13/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 10.4k
Caitlyn seeks to right the wrongs she dealt Zaun. She doesn't expect to get the opportunity to do the same with Vi. For her part, Vi's not one for last words or martyr shit, and she's not about to let Caitlyn get away with it either. now canon divergent bc it was written right after act 1 came out, but god was this so heartbreaking to see. such a good take on what could have happened in place of act 2/3, and the characterizations were just perfect
knit them tight by qwahaXahn - 11/22/2024, caitlyn & jinx, 3 ch, 3.4k
The hunt for Warwick goes horribly wrong, and Jinx can only think of one person to help her save Vi. Unfortunately, Caitlyn Kiramman wants her dead. A character study of two women in the process of changing, and how they finally, finally start healing. CAITLYN AND JINX ARE MY EVERYTHING (IN A SISTER IN LAW KIND OF WAY) AND THIS WAS SOMETHING SO GUTWRENCHINGLY PERFECT FOR THEIR INTERACTIONS BOTH OF THEM ARE JUST WRITTEN SO WELL AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS
Too Close / Too Late by AiLaikJedi - 11/24/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 7.7k
As Caitlyn recovers from the Battle at Piltover, Vi learns that caring for her means facing the grief she’s tried to bury. filled the void i had searching for post-canon fics, this was just so perfect. no words it was beautifully written
The Willingness to Walk Away, The Courage to Try Again by Barakis - 11/24/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 7.1k
You let go for them, to save them from themselves. Otherwise, they’ll never find the strength to do it on their own, Vi realizes, and that realization only adds to her pain and heaving sobs. Jinx understood what Vi didn’t. She saw what her big sister couldn’t until it was too late. That in order to break the cycle of pain and violence, one of them needed to have the strength to walk away. And that person was never going to be Vi. another post-canon fic, honestly a blend of all of these are canon to me because they're all just so well written and perfect for the characters <3
i love you, i'm waiting for you by thehaakun - 11/24/2024, caitvi, 2 ch, 11.8k
Growth sometimes only came from discomfort, from a healthy fear of the unknown, from an innate desire to move out of old habits, dead pasts. She can’t accept what you and I both know. Caitlyn and Vi recover from the aftermath of the war. There's a long path ahead for them both, and their cities. can you tell the finale broke me??? because it did. but ao3 is curing all my wounds. this was so beautiful, a perfect glimpse into post-canon
will you fix me up (will you show me hope) by CharKoal - 11/29/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 2.8k
The last piece of Vi’s heart lays here, broken and bleeding, and somehow finds the nerve to smile. In the aftermath of the battle, Vi finds Caitlyn. another incredible post-canon fic, the glimpse into vi's mental state after the explosion was just so perfect
Shotgun by Cenodoxus - 12/6/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 8k
"Vi, you can either stay here with your severely injured girlfriend, or you can go desecrate a corpse. You can't do both." "What the fuck kind of bullshit ultimatum is that?" Vi finds Caitlyn after the climactic battle. i'm repeating myself a lot on these because YES technically they're all covering the same topic, but seriously, all of them add little details that just help complete my picture of everything that comes post-canon and compiles into my vision of what happens, and i need all of them to breathe, and this one was absolutely lovely
crash into me (i'm drowning here alone) by CharKoal - 12/8/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 7.3k
The color marks Vi like a scar. Blue hair, blue smoke, a glowing blue sphere and a bright blue explosion. Three bright blue explosions. It follows her, threatens to drown her in its depths. Blue haunts her dreams. She learns, later, that red tarnishes Caitlyn's. In the days following the battle, Vi grapples with the burden of her grief and finds that guilt has already crushed Caitlyn beneath its weight. okay yeah just from the summary you can tell that this is one of the most gut-wrenching fics i have here. seriously the writing quality of this???? absolutely astronomical. literally insane. PLEASE go read this and have your heart torn out
Restitution by dilapidatedcorvid - 12/8/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 2.3k
By all definition, they marvel, she is a medical miracle; her soul sewn back into this mortal vessel by the heroic efforts of the finest Piltover had to offer and cradled in a web of tubing and lines dripping saline and blood and therapies into her veins until they were reasonably sure she was ready to move from the antiseptic sterility of the hospital to the comfort of her own room to recuperate. Caitlyn doesn’t feel like a miracle. Or, Caitlyn is concussed and on bedrest, so she does the only thing she can: think. i love a good character study and this one just dove into caitlyn perfectly. y'all already know she's my fav character, so it makes me extremely happy when her character arc is done justice like in this fic- this is canon, to me
the love we let ourselves deserve by taq - 12/9/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 7.2k
Caitlyn watches the Noxian ships leave the harbor, stands there at the edge, the wind whipping her hair about, the chill sharp in the early morning sun. She watches words she wishes she could have said fizzle into the salty air, watches the tiniest specks of red disappear into the horizon, flecks of blood trapped beneath her nails that she’ll never wash out. There’s a tug to her hand. She turns, and there Vi is. There Vi is, warm and open and loving like she doesn’t care, like it’s alright, like there’s nothing wrong. It’s too much. another post-canon healing story, this one diving more into caitlyn's mental state after the war and it just. god. the guilt the pain the angst it's so perfect.
il y a toujours quelque chose d'absent qui me tourmente by lazy_universes - 12/9/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 11.1k
If pressed, Vi would probably say she couldn't really see the point of yet another monument. Graves, at least, were private enough, but a statue of Jinx in the middle of Zaun was hardly the place where she could mourn for her sister in solitude. If Pilties wanted to assuage their guilt or if Zaunites wanted to send a message, she honestly couldn’t care less. If she had her way, she’d have nothing to do with it. At that point in life, Vi should already be aware she hardly, if ever, had things go her way. this is actually 100% canon to me, seriously just thinking about vi and the alternate universe and her place in the world in the main universe now just makes me want to cry, but this fic just explored it so well and has one of the best vi characterizations ever.
Heart Made of Glass, My Mind of Stone by Phoenix314 - 12/25/2024, caitvi, 18 ch, 104k
In order to avoid time in Stillwater Prison, Vi must complete community service after getting caught stealing from Jayce Talis, the protégé of the wealthy and intelligent Councilor Cassandra Kiramman. Instead of spending her nights working at The Last Drop and her days looking after her siblings in Zaun, she now has to be the errand girl to one of the most powerful people in Piltover. However, Vi soon realizes that something isn’t right. What secret project is Jayce working on? Why does the councilor keep sending Vi on strange assignments? And why won’t Caitlyn Kiramman leave Vi alone about what life is like in Zaun? Something is festering in the underbelly of both cities and Vi is beginning to suspect that the Kirammans know more than anyone realizes. okay thIS. THIS FIC IS INSANE. first of all i just wanna say holy shit author for writing 104k words in less than a month and it still being ongoing. mad respect. made even more insane by how high quality every bit of this fic is, i LOVE a good young caitvi au and this just flew to the top of my ranking of them since i started reading- excitedly awaiting every update on this because i just love how in-depth the worldbuilding and characters are. oh, and cassandra?? MOST ICONIC CHARACTER EVER. LOVE HER. this one just dove so deeply into the kiramman family and that makes me SO happy, and i can't wait to see where it ends up going <3
Coming home to you by mkhhhx - 12/27/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 20.2k
“You are not taking good enough care of yourself,” Caitlyn starts, looking towards the fountain. She’s lost weight and her cheeks are hollowed, the knuckles of her hand too pronounced into Vi’s grasp. “I need you now, more than ever, Violet.” “You have me,” Vi says, as a matter of fact. As if she has anyone else to live for, to give her loyalty to. “In any way you’d want me.” another post-canon fic that's just so beautifully written. like srsly what are they feeding caitvi authors. this was insanely good, and just makes my caitvi heart so happy. HEALING TAG I LOVE YOU!!!
one single thread of gold tied me to you by piltovervscogirl - 12/28/2024, caitvi, one-shot, 10.8k
five lifetimes where caitlyn and vi found each other & one where they didn’t THE AMOUNT OF THOUGHTS I HAVE ABOUT EACH OF THESE UNIVERSES LIKE HOLY SHIT!!!! they are THE invisible string couple
A Family Affair by orayofsunshine - 12/28/2024, caitvi, 6 ch, 30.8k
Vi doesn’t introduce girls to her family. First, she’s not one to date or see a girl for more than a date or two, so there’s never anyone to introduce to them anyways. She’s too busy and too broke to keep a steady girlfriend. Second, her family is nuts, and no one should be subjected to their unique brand of torture. Or, How Caitlyn Ends Up Meeting Vi’s Whole Family On Accident this just made my heart so happy while also making me cackle. like woah an arcane fic that doesn't make me want to rip my heart out (in a good way). this was so so cute and perfect and A FULL FAMILY FOR VI!!!! HELL FUCKING YEAH
Hotshot by SarcastCity - 12/28/2024, caitvi, 50 ch, 242.6k
Caitlyn's route to work as a detective at the 51st Precinct takes her right by Fire Station #516, and Vi's been pining after the gorgeous Mystery Woman for six months...what will happen when she finds out that Caitlyn's a cop (AKA: The Enemy)? okay so. WOAH. OMFGJSDFJSD. i was a *tiny* bit late to the train on this one but boy am i glad that i read it when it was all complete bc i literally read this in the span of one day. yes. i was hooked to my phone on yet another 6 hour drive, absolutely consumed by this masterpiece of a fic. and then went on to go read everything else by this author bc the fucking TALENT this is just. insanely good!!!!
Ginkgo by Mango_Magpie - 12/30/2024, caitvi, 5 ch, 22k
Vi never thought she'd get a second chance at life. Now, thrust back into a world she no longer recognizes, she sets out to reconnect with lost loved ones, bonding with a new one along the way. missing scenes from s1!!! holy shit this just made me so nostalgic for 2021 again what the fuck!!!! this is canon to me. like, entirely. the fic before this in the series is also a depiction of vi's time in prison and is also canon to me. this author just writes so beautifully, and everything feels so in character, like i could genuinely imagine these scenes playing out in front of me as part of the show. absolutely incredible, will most definitely be re-reading
taking a leap forward (means leaving a few things behind) by thefifthchris - 12/31/2024, gen, 9 ch, 37.5k
Time slows. Four seconds. Ekko shouts. Something is wrong. There’s no time to think. Heimerdinger jumps out of the singularity, and, in his place– Powder takes the leap. In another timeline, Piltover tries to rebuild. No Hexgate, no fancy Hextech, nothing. Vi is familiar with this: raw labor, strength as its own language, sweat dripping between her shoulder blades. No, she thinks. There is no time to mourn. A tale of two sisters. Even worlds apart, they'll still always find each other. got to read this one as it updated and this was just a beautiful exploration of what could've happened if powder tried to recreate the anomaly (a question that im pretty sure everyone asked after the end of ep 7) - it was a wonderful fix-it while also staying true to all of the characters and exploring their relationships post-canon <3
and that is the end <3 shout-out to two honorable mentions:
hold me (like I never did anything to hurt you) by WishingonAStar, which just barely didn't make the cut off bc i read it past midnight on new years day.
and Run at the Cup. by TheHomelyBadger which i can firmly say is one of my top 3 best reads of the year (the others being The Second String and Son of Sea Foam), but wasn't included in this list because i first bookmarked it on may 27, 2022 back when it was originally updating. bc i sort of fell out of the fandom i didn't end up keeping up with the updates and so i got to re-read it in its entirety in december and was just completely blown away by how incredible it was, i could easily read 300k more words about this universe, it's an absolute masterpiece - i mean, it made me care about sports, which let me tell you is the most impossible job there is.
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f-imaginings · 3 months ago
I need more billford content from you! SO BADLY! I remember you mentioning that you’re working on some sequels. Can you give us like a sneak peek or do you have any writings you did of them? Or is there any fics that you read that you enjoy? It’s just you write them so well, it’s kinda hard to find other works similar to yours. Basically I’m STARVING
Hi lovely,
Your comment is so lovely I reread it a bunch before deciding to reply today with links and all the good stuff.
I have given the majority of the sequel sneak peaks I can afford to give yesterday, so we'll have to wait until KMKY is finished for more sequel goodness, I only caved yesterday bc it was my birthday and I love giving presents.
What I can do is link some old answers to various gravity falls writing prompts I've done before on my blog, and recommend some of my fanfics in other fandoms to tide you over.
I'm working as hard as I can to get the next chapter ready for you, so hopefully it will be ready after xmas or in early jan, and we literally have the roadside attraction chapter, Dipper and Mabel vs the Future and Weirdmageddon to go and then its the end of KMKY!
I'll be plotting and organising the timeline for ITBICD (It's The Best I Can Do or KMKY 2 electric boogaloo lmao) during this time too so hopefully I can launch straight into it after the final chapter of KMKY is posted!
So here are the links:
Shailesh and Jolene bounty hunter romance short
Fiddleford went home for thanksgiving, here's what Bill and Ford did
Down in the bunker Stanford sexperiments on Bill
Stanford psychoanalyses Bill with an old psychology textbook
For those who haven't read it yet, there was a uptilnow unpublished sex scene from KMKY that has recently gone up on AO3 here
Not from KMKY but an AU where Stanford becomes dependent on percepshrooms instead of Bill for his successes
A half baked Supernatural Billford AU bc I was a nerd haha
If you're keen to explore other fandom fics I've written, I have a murder mystery FMAB AU for folks who loved fullmetal alchemist that I'm pretty proud of.
For people who like the spooky side of Billford I have a half finished Magnus Archives AU fic too that sort of predicted the Jon in a computer part of The Magnus Protocol (I am cursed with the gift of prophecy)
For fanfic recommendations I haven't had the chance to read a lot of Billford fanfic since I tried not to read others fics while working on KMKY (there were a few notable exceptions, Theseus's Guide by @stump-not-found slaps (its fun, well paced and zany!) and I read Statement Abnegation (dark and gritty, not sure I was a fan of the ending since I like Ford to have more agency but for a dark fic it went places) since it was recommended to me. I also enjoyed A Postcard from New Mexico by roseverdict (an excellent concept and nice Stan brothers bonding) that I felt compelled to read)
If you don't mind other fandoms, I'll link my ao3 bookmarks of other stories I loved. There's a lot of batman, magnus archives, star trek, the locked tomb, miraculous ladybug, witcher, thor, rise of the guardians and homestuck (because we all had that phase, don't lie) and the list isn't very long, just some fics I like rereading there.
I hope this helps! I'm working hard on the next chapter so there will be more content for you soon, plus there's always a good reread as a backup option, and the wonders of maladaptive daydreaming haha!
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If people want to add their own recommendations to this for fanfic recs please do in the reblogs!
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ramen8008 · 3 months ago
Okay so I did a poll last week on what fanfic project I should work on when my exams end. Long story short the winner is Miraculous Ladybug rewrite.
Here's what's gonna happen.
The basic premise is going to be the same. They will be in their last or second last year of high school.
They will be more mature and some things will change. Like Adrinette friendship will be established. The four will be close friends and we will see that.
Lila related episodes will be more thought out.
Ladynoir dynamic needs to be ✨
Marichat there will be more of. With a more goofy dynamic ( since that also won on the poll)
I DESPERATELY need suggestions. Any headcanons. Anything you might want more of. Any arc you want more developed or character you want to see more. Storyline you wish the show had more of.
ANYTHING reblog or message me or comment. I need everyone's help on this bc y'all's theories and headcanons are 🔥 (and my mind's gonna be mush the moment I walk out the exam classroom)
Or just reblog so other people can see and send ideas
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finemeal · 2 months ago
Stucky Fic Recs
I’ve bookmarked a lot of fics in my time as a fanfic reader, and lately I’ve been reading-reading my stucky bookmarks. While there’s more than these 8 (a LOT more) these are some of my favorite’s.
Misery I Need by mwestbelle — a story under 3k words set in the Omegaverse where Steve has body issues about looking like an Alpha but being an Omega. Bucky makes him feel better about it (a lil 🌶️)
Brooklyn by togina — an almost 9k story where, before Steve knows Bucky’s still alive, has publicly revealed he was in love with his best friend. But then Bucky comes back and doesn’t know that Steve has said these things publicly, and Steve is terrified to (finally) admit his feelings to him. Somewhat angsty, but happy ending.
The thing that drives the wolves away by caughtinanocean — an almost 8k story where Stucky is already together, and people keep assuming Steve is an abusive boyfriend. Bucky doesn’t know what to do about it at first, and then he does. Very sweet story, I love how they portray Bucky post-Winter Soldier.
Scandal by biblionerd07 — short read, barely 3k, but Steve has to do a press conference after 2 boys are caught getting fresh at the Captain America exhibit. Steve says more than he planned to and 👀
I Get Sentimental When You Hold Me Tight by fiasco_sauce — story’s about 4k and part of a series (I’ve read all of it) but this first story is Omegaverse. Bucky is a feral Alpha in an unknown place, and since he’s been without physical contact for so long it’s not good for him. Steve shackles himself up in the cell so Bucky will view him as safe, and waits for Bucky to approach him. Very sweet story.
The S. Rogers Memorial (it’s NOT a shrine) to J. B. Barnes by SkyisGray — ~18k and worth the read The Avengers realize Steve doesn’t have ANYTHING of Bucky’s, only a drawing of his friend that he drew, and decide to help Steve fix that. It leads to him finding the most important part of the memorial.
Bucky Barnes Defense Squad by biblionerd07 — Steve finds out Bucky went down in history as a bad boy and is NOT having that. Short read, just under 3k, but packs so much story into it I hardly noticed.
Brooklyn, Brooklyn Take Me In by Nightwing11 — 8k story where it begs to ask the question: what if Steve killed the Winter Soldier before unmasking him? SUPER angsty, but happy ending. Our boy Steve goes through the ringer, but it’s one of my favs for a reason. Trust me.
It’s possible if you read a lot of stucky fics, especially around 2015-2018, you’ll have read these (cuz that’s when my bookmarks are for them) but I wanted to give them some love as the author’s deserve to know we’re still reading them in 2025.
Even a comment like “<3” or a “re-read kudos!” I know are greatly beloved by the author.
And if you want more stucky recs … lemme know (or I guess other story recs?) I won’t recommend any explicit fics, but I’ll rec others. Especially as Stucky digs its claws in me again. My main other Marvel ship is Spideypool, so I have those recs too. But if y’all also have any recs feel free to leave ‘em! I’m down to read more!
I also have some DC, BNHA, Merlin, Danny Phantom, DP x DC, Miraculous Ladybug, Rise of the TMNT, Patrochilles (Song of Achilles, Hades the Game, the Illiad, etc.), ATLA, Percy Jackson, Sonic, and Star Wars bookmarks (basically in that order of most < least) if anyone wants any of those fandom fic recs
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eu0n1a · 9 months ago
10 story starter prompts (pt4)
1) Dressed up in a giant orange starfish costume and handing out fish'n'chips flyers was not how I wanted my first conversation with him to go.
2) I couldn't breathe. The harder I tried, the more my body fought me.
3) There was blood everywhere. So he turned around, closed the door, and walked quickly away.
4) She smiled in the kind of way that meant you knew she was up to something.
5) His favorite dress was green.
6) The problem the Sea Witch had was that she would also have liked shiny things in her garden; but since the mermaid has a quicker tail and always got there first, the Witch was forced to settle for plastic bottles and skulls, which didn't do much for her reputation.
7) The boat was beginning to sink and he realized he probably should have brought the paddle instead of the giant salami.
8) The higher the moon rose into the sky, the lower the trees sank into the ground.
9) They slowly peeled away the blindfold. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she laughed.
10) The care package was nothing more than a half-eaten muffin, a cracked Beyoncé CD case with no CD, and a note that read, "I tried, then realized I was hungry, bored, and didn't really care that much."
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puckleberryfinnie · 1 year ago
covey!reader in the quarter quell (introduction)
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ok so because of the amount of likes I got on the post where I shared my idea for a fanfic (thank you so much to each and every one of you), I decided to write my first ever fanfic based on it!! this is just a little introduction to your character and the story that goes with it- I promise I have more in store if you guys want it, like reader meeting everyone. I’m sorry that this isn’t very good, I’ll hopefully improve with more practice <3
summary: an introduction to covey!reader’s story and your time in the 73rd Hunger Games and her reaping into the Quarter Quell
(based on my idea from this post: click me!)
warnings: fem!reader, killing, drowning, basically just me yapping for a bunch of paragraphs!! also this is pretty short lol
Nothing could’ve prepared you for getting your name called as the female tribute of District 11.
You only had minor guidance through the stories that had been told in your district. Passed from parent to kid, and so on, what the capital had tried so hard to erase was still present among the people of the lower districts. The Covey knew more than anyone. Your grandparent had been part of the group when Lucy Gray disappeared, you knew that much. They travelled, escaping the wrath and second-hand anger of Snow after he came into power.
They landed in District 11, growing small farms with even smaller houses. The Covey wasn't what it used to be, more quiet, adapting to a life of agriculture, still humming their ways through their work. You’d do anything for them, though. They were your family. So when your name was called, you knew you’d do what you could to survive for them. They needed you- and you needed them.
The whole experience was a blur. Getting paraded around was one thing. And you were used to the attention, being a performer and all. You sang. You sang every chance you could get- that was your leading attribute and you were going to spend your last days alive doing what you loved most. Caesar just ate it up, too. Your interview infront of the capital was no interview, but a last concert from you to the crowd, a sending-off to your death.
But this wasn’t your last performance. Your voice had more songs to sing, more stories to unfold. You miraculously made it out alive- thankfully without a single kill under your belt from the experience. You hid, others killed. And when it was down to the final two, you survived the final event: a storm in the arena strong enough to wash away any sign of living within it. The other tribute (a boy from district two) was not so lucky, drowning in a moment of panic.
The non-killer image made you very popular in the capital after you stepped out of the arena. Your victory tour was filled with victory songs at each stop, spreading a message of positivity for the districts. Everyone seemed to be appeased by your performance- even Snow.
You didn’t watch the games the next year. Any mention of the games left an uncomfortable taste in your mouth and feeling you couldn’t seem to shake. This feeling only grew with the announcement of the Quarter Quell. You’d only just left the games, and now you would be led back into them?
Even with the other female winners in your district, you still felt uneasy about it. Not a single one of you should have to go through this again. You said your second goodbyes, this time with less hope of return. Everyone in the Covey cried (even the older boys who tried so hard to act tough).
The walk to the selection stage was silent- no one dared to say a word.
A piece of paper was plucked from the container
“And the female tribute from District 11 for the 75th Hunger Games is…”
It was slowly unfolded
“Y/N L/N.”
uh oh!! that’s not good!! I wonder what happens next!! seriously though thank you so much for reading through all of this, I know it’s kind of just me yapping the whole time- feel free to let me know what you think in the comments! if anyone wants a part two, let me know (I’ll also create a tag list if people want it <33)
Im planning on doing everything leading up to everyone actually entering the arena for the next part (like the training, the ability tests, the interviews), so let me know what you guys want to see!!
I’m also not really sure if I want to have the reader shipped with- I’m leading towards johanna but I’m open to suggestions <33
love ya!!
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theverse · 9 months ago
Who are we?
In the white space, there was a strange mirror in the middle of nowhere. The cat boy had been staring at it for some time, with distant thoughts kept under water.
One came to the surface.
"Who are we?" He asked loud enough for others to hear. One by one, they began to answer.
"Adrien." - the teenager said, trying to open a can.
"Elsa." - the woman rested on her ice chair.
"Saitama." - the man ate some chocolate.
"Marinette." - the stalker stalked.
"Darwin." - the fish boy, his brother, explored a deep puddle.
"...Genos." - the cyborg observed the man.
"Anna." - she was having the time of her life.
"Gumball" - he said, staring in the mirror.
"Anais" - a rabbit answered from a hole. Everyone looked at her, to a new integrant of the white space.
And thus, we began a new story.
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