#mirabel is the candleholder
gamerbearmira · 1 year
Au time! Mirabel has a gift of seeing the dead! Like as soon as she touch her doorknob, she could see her Abuelo Pedro behind her Abuela Alma and her door is her holding a candle, but in the dark had ghost behind her with smiles.
But uh. Imagine how flabbergasted Alma is. Like your granddaughter, who is t, and was JUST named next candleholder, says she can see you some 40 years now dead husband. Like that is INSANE 😭 but she’d probably turn towards the crowd and start pointing to see in empty spots, saying there’s more people (and insisting her mom needs more food because there’s more people, and she probably can’t quite tell all of the are dead yet).
Bet the folks who have passed on are just. Happy someone can actually see (and I presume hear) them. Reminds me??? Of Paranorman tbh not as brutal cause magic exists lmao 💀
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Glow in the dark door type beat. I’m guessing at night or just generally when it’s dark I Casita’s there’s a ghost on her door????? Or maybe I’m just dumb idk.
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Watching that anon's desperation to send hate asks is kinda funny, not that you deserve to be sent hate asks in the first place though
But this question I'm going to ask is more out of curiosity:
What particular popular fanon stuff do you loathe, and why?
You don't have to answer this if ever, I was just curious, especially when that anon keeps popping up
Love your blog
Thank you!!
I’m not sure what exactly counts as popular fanon stuff, either in the Encanto fandom specifically or just fandoms in general. But I’ll do my best to answer.
Here are some theories/headcanons (I guess?) that I dislike in the fandom:
Mirabel’s gift is Casita and/or she’s the next “candleholder”
She rubbed the magic off before touching the doorknob
She ends up being the matriarch
She is the family therapist
She should have run away, joined Bruno in the walls and/or blown out the candle
She is Antonio’s mother figure and primary caretaker
Bruno is the only person who cared about her and is a father figure to her
Mirabel being written as just the female version of Bruno, Camilo or Agustín
Similarly, Camilo and Mirabel being “twins” and attached at the hip 24/7
Bruno and Luisa being unable to do anything for themselves, needing Mirabel to speak and act for them
Dolores, Pepa and Bruno hate their gifts 24/7 and consider them to be a curse
Alma forced Pepa and Félix to have Antonio
Subsequently, Pepa and Félix didn’t want Antonio and neglect him (hence why Mirabel steps in)
Mirabel should be a Disney Princess
There is probably a lot more but those are the immediate few that come to mind and that I would consider fairly popular among the fandom.
I hope this answers your question!
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yellowcry · 2 months
Mirabel headcanons
Mirabel Braulina Rojas Madrigal. Born 6th of March 1935
Mama’s girl
Was a natural mediator. She generally doesn't like arguments and starts tearing up when somebody yells, even if it's not at her. 
Was very close to Luisa prior her ceremony. Hovewer, because of it, Mirabel was actually way more hurt by gentle distancing with Luisa rather than mych more agressive and bad relationship with Isabela.
Started learning embroidery in school and developed a great interest in it. (School in a rural Colombia would definitely teach about managing the household and self-care.)
Wasn't actually close to Bruno prior him leaving. In fact, they had barely interacted with eachother at all. Bruno was isolating himself for the most part by the point Camilo and Mirabel were born. And Mirabel was blamed for Bruno leaving
Mirabel got her eyes checked at the Christmas, few days prior Camilo's ceremony. Her sisters were checked too several times during their childhood
Teenage years pre-movie
She didn't play "mother's" role for Antonío. Antonío sees her as a big sister, not parent fugure. And Mirabel wasn't forced to babysit newborn all days long. Especially without an adult supervision. 
Isabela and Mirabel were getting agressive and snarky with each other around Isabela's Quinceañera and just got worse over the years. At the same time Luisa was using chores as a way to escape more and more.
Mirabel was/is a far better student than the rest of grandkids. Both because she wasn't distracted by her gift during the school time and she has a huge amount of patience and ability to focus.
Of course she is losing to her sisters (and everyone else) in terms of physical strength. 
Mirabel would walk around Encanto for hours after her parents tried to talk about her feelings. Just hoping that they would forget.
Likes showing what she made but is very nervous if she has to work in front of someone's eyes.
Mirabel acts like the family's cheerleader. Constantly praising them amd making her entire outfit dedicaded to them rather than to herself.
She is using optimism as a coping mechanism. Félix was probably a huge inspiration for her
Would never think bad about her family or think about leaving them.
Still has nightmares about Casita's fall. Usually she goes to Luisa (Or Luisa just grabs her) as one of the closest relationship she has. (Second to only Antonío, but he is a child  and Luisa is the family protector)
will NOT become the next matriarch/candleholder.
Her future job is clothes design and decoration. She will be the one to decorate clothes for the next gen. (And her own when they would need new)
Repairs relationship with her sisters during the rebuilding.
Mirabel stops acting all cheery and outgoing most of the time now that she doesn't show off her family. She will gladly tell evwryone about her family, but she doesn't feel like she has to run all over the place for this
Sane way to her sisters, Mirabel won't get perfect in just one day. She still blames herself, feels like she has to make up for her lack of a gift and other. It rakes a while to heal
To put it shortly, Mirabel wasn't close to any adults in the family. They essentially grow closer but as teenager, Mirabel isn't really interested in spending time with them.
Her relationship with Abuela took a lot of work, for the most part during the rebuilding. Hearing Alma's stoty helped a lot because of Mira's compassionate nature but it didn't fix all the issues. They are getting there
Out of the adults, Mirabel is the closest to her mom. Tho pre-movie Mira tended to avoid her as felt she didn't deserve attention and affection. But is definitely closer to hwr and has warmer relationship compared to the others.
Mirabel is also very good with Félix as they both tend to act as emotional support and try to find positive sides even in the worst situations.
Pepa aprecciates Mirabel and how she teaches Antonío like a sibling. Generally finds their relationship very sweet. But they also not very close. Not on bad terms, they like eachother. But they won't spend much time together either.
Mirabel finds her dad somebody relieving.  Despite being closer to Julieta, she will much rather go to him if there's something wrong and she needs to talk with an adult. As Agustín doesn't do nearly as much emotional support (he still does, but nobody can beat Julieta.) And they actually can seem closer because spend more time together. Mirabel was a bit more comfortable around Agustín and Félix pre-movie as they were giftless too. Hence why Isabela thought that Mirabel is Agustín's fav.
She gets to know Bruno better, but they aren't very close. Again, taking the fact that they never really spoke prior her ceremony and all the blaming. And Bruno would at first het close with his own generation rather than kids.
Dolores enjoys Mirabel's quiet company. Especially as two relatively responsible members in the family they tend to get along really well. And emboidery isn't a loud hobby either so Dolores prefers it to whatever the others are doing.
Mirabel finds Camilo very annoying. They aren't really close. Pretty much the same fashion as Dolores and Luisa where both prefer anybody else. But as Camilo and Mirabel are teens they also tend to he way more sarcastic and bitter with eachother. As oppose to just not spending time together.
Antonío is still Mirabel's number one friend. They grow apart as he gets a lot of animal friends now. But both are still close to eachother and will happy bond together whenever they can
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starsfic · 1 year
Based off this au, Sun Wukong is sealed inside a topaz monkey statue by the Camel Ridge Trio before they attempted to conquer Heaven. Their attempt fails and Wukong is left trapped in the statue for hundreds of years, until it falls in the hands of Qi Xiaotian.
Red Son and Iron Fan find themselves going to war. DBK and Qi Xiaotian are in the middle. Hinted at smut with Spicynoodles and Ironbull.
After Mirabel moves out of Casita, Abuela realizes that Mirabel is the next candleholder and tries to get her to move back in. Mirabel just wants one thing: an apology.
Qi Xiaotian gets a cheerleader outfit from Sun Wukong. This becomes a problem for Long Xiaojiao and Red Son.
Spicynoodles adopt a cat when they move in together. A few months later the cat refuses to leave Xiaotian alone.
AU where the Camel Ridge Trio were never sealed away, the trio end up playing as uncle figures for Red while DBK is sealed. Red ends up following Azure's lead when he falls for a pretty delivery boy.
AU where Qi Xiaotian and Tang move into an old castle to renovate it. The father son duo soon find it's haunted by three ghosts: one by a young prince Red while the other is haunted by sworn brothers Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.
MK is visiting Pigsy’s grandmother out in the country, unaware of the local demon lord and dragon lord fighting in the background over who gets to court him.
Finish Mental Health Week WIP
Finish Past and Future WIP
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lala99fb · 2 years
OK so I was thinking about Encanto again lol and in the movie seems that even if Alma is the candleholder is Mirabel the one who seems closer to Casita and idk if the Miracle canonically has favorites between the family members but I think in the case of the triplets is noticeable how Julieta has some extra points in comparison to her siblings. Like she was the first one to born, the first one to open the door so she is the first one of the Madrigal family having a gift ( like she was the first one showed in the movie opening the door), her gift is the most useful and also project very well her personality, she is the one who gave birth the first granddaughter that turned out to be the towns and Alma's favorite, she gave birth the granddaughter with the most useful gift and her youngest daughter is the next matriarch of the family. She is a healer and people seems comfortable around her, she has a good marriage, she is really gorgeous and actually even if many people says is Bruno for me Julieta is the triplet that resemble the most to Pedro features and his cute and clingy personality. Is my theory but I think Julieta plays an important part of the family and town but also she was evidently blessed by the miracle cuz of this last thing that I said and is cuz she is the most similar to Pedro and maybe mentally stronger to get that responsibilities ( I'm not gonna say mentally healthy cuz girl is traumatized as well as her siblings and I would love to explain and got a deep analysis about her trauma too). BTW Bruno and Pepa are so amazing but their gifts are so attached to their mental or emotional state that this combined with the stress of the pressure of Alma's high expectations it makes them vulnerable and really overwhelmed so Julieta had to be their rock between them. But is just my thoughts so anyone is free to disagree but I think that she is that kind of sibling that always stands up or seems to shine brighter cuz she takes all the first and big responsibilities 🙃😅
Credits of the fan art: @roytheart_
Really talented page on ig please take a look...
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toaverse · 2 years
You know what I found weird about the Encanto movie? They shunned Mirabel for not having a gift but Alma, technically doesn’t have one either. She might be the candle holder but aside from that, she’s not magical in the slightest.
While Alma didn’t had the magic until losing Pedro, and is the candleholder and leader of the Encanto, yet she and the family shunned Mirabel for not having a gift.
Doesn’t that seem hypocritical?
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makeapieface · 3 years
Mirabel has led many candle ceremonies now. 
She remembers her first ceremony, how nervous she was, watching Dolores’s and Mariano’s child--Danilo-- come up the stairs. Even with Abuela’s gentle guidance and the family looking at her with nothing but support in their eyes, Mirabel can’t help but see herself in Danilo. She recognizes the worry in his eyes, and sees her own younger self and replays over and over in her mind the image of her younger self gripping the doorknob for it only to disappear in her hands. 
It isn’t until Danilo grabs his own door, met with a shower of light and glittering magic, that Mirabel’s tight grip on the candle loosens, and the tension in her shoulders relax. 
With each passing ceremony, Mirable thinks less and less of her younger self, able to focus more on her family and the celebrations. She stands tall and proud, her voice no longer quivers as she guides her young family through the promises of the ceremony, promising to serve their community and strengthen their home. Her hair grays and the number of Madrigal family increases, and her memories of her own candle ceremony are outnumbered by the light and warmth of the many ceremonies she’s been able to lead her family through. 
Those younger memories are pushed farther away, until they come flooding back during Liliana’s ceremony.
The ceremony had starts like every other ceremony. The town has not attended the ceremonies since Antonio’s, the celebrations limited to family but are no less joyous. The family stands proudly as Mirabel holds the candle in one hand and holds her youngest granddaughter, Liliana’s hand in the other. Mirabel and Liliana walk up the stairs together and reach the front of the door. Mirabel holds out the candle like she has many times, asking the familiar promises. 
Yet as Liliana reaches for the door, instead of the glow of magic, the door begins to fade. There are gasps from everyone, as the glow of the door dims, the outline disappearing into dust. Nothing is left, leaving the blankness of the wall. Mirabel stares down at the candle in her hand, and Liliana stares up at Mirabel. 
Mirabel has not thought about her ceremony in so long, and now, seeing Liliana staring up at her, eyes darting back and forth, scanning Mirabel’s face and trying to see her reaction, Mirabel can only see her younger self in Liliana’s eyes. She sees her younger self, the same chubby hands grabbing the front of her skirt and twisting it in nervousness as her lips begin to quiver. Her  heart aches and she stands there frozen in spot, lost between the present and memories.
It is Liliana’s sniffle that breaks Mirabel out of her memories. She catches her breath, hands tightly gripping the candle. She looks down at the rest of her family, all with worry in their eyes, looking to her. And Mirabel resolves that this time. THIS TIME. It will be different. 
Getting down on her knees, Mirabel stares into Liliana’s eyes, and gives her a gentle smile while placing one hand on her shoulder. 
“Liliana.” Liliana sniffles again. “Do you know why this is an especially magical night for me?”
Mirabel waits for her, as Liliana looks up at her with wet eyes, letting her take the time she needs before Liliana shakes her head slowly. She can see the worry in her eyes and Mirabel’s resolve is intensified. 
“Tonight is very special, because it is a night where not only you get a gift, but I get you as a gift as well.”
She opens her arms wide and Liliana immediately buries herself into Mirabel’s arms. She stays there for a moment and Mirabel tightens her grip around Liliana, letting her take all the time she needs. After a long moment her head peeks out, eyes still wet, but no longer crying and a shaky smile beginning to cross her face. Mirabel returns that smile, trying to convey the enormity of her love and pride in her granddaughter in that expression. 
She then takes the candle, still in her grip, and looks into Liliana’s eyes. Liliana’s eyebrows twitch up in confusion, and every more so as Mirabel reaches out to pass the candle into Liliana’s own tiny ones. Her own tight grip on the candle loosens as Liliana’s own shaky hands hold the candle. Liliana’s eyes look up into Mirabel’s and she gives her a nod. 
“I believe in you.”
Mirabel gets up, giving Liliana’s shoulder a tight squeeze, as Liliana holds the candle so carefully, a solemn look in her eyes.  They both smile, eye crinkling and look towards the crowd and Mirabel addresses her family.
“We have a new gift!” and the family cheers in response, echoing Mirabel’s enthusiasm and pride. Mirabel elbows Liliana gently and looks at her expectantly.
“You know the next part.”
Lilians pauses, going through her mind on what Mirabel is referring too, and then her eyes light up and she nods. Raising the candle above her head she yells as loud as she can.
“La familia Madrigal!”
And the family yells back joyfully.
“La familia Madrigal!!!”
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swanpit · 3 years
vamp au (possible) ending (s)
under the cut because spoilers ahoy (dont click if you dont wanna get spoilered)
good (canon) ending, the default ending bruno defeats vicente and returns to madrigal family, now oversees his family and his town as an immortal. But alas living forever doesnt mean it’s all going to automatically be sunshine and rainbows....
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now the OTHER possible ending, is where bruno make a deal with vicente to do a ritual that link their souls forever. Bruno will do anything to protect his family, including becoming his thrall and leave ancanto forever...and thus bruno madrigal will truly be dead to encanto...but to the world,....and to them...it’s only a new beginning
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kyrajanemontenegro · 3 years
I’m writing an encanto story and I’m trying to think of a new oath for the gift ceremonies after the miracle is brought back, anyone have ideas? This is what I have so far, but it seems kinda long and a little off:
“do you promise to use your gift for good and not for harm, to the best of your ability, to stand up for our family, and to never forget your worth as it is now, as a member of our family?”
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briarquartz · 3 years
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Encanto +  Butterflies in the end credits. 
Image description under the cut
[image id. 6 gifs from encanto’s end credits and a still picture. 1st, child mirabel from behind during her door ceremony, reaching for her doorknob. there is a shape of a butterfly glowing on the door. 2nd grown mirabel’s shoulder on the left, shapes of flowers and butterflies next to her. isabela’s purple flowers fall down to cover them and we see isabela’s face in profile. 3rd, mirabel and abuela at the river, setting floating candles on the water. in the water, the candleholders have shapes of butterflies on the bottom, and one of them has carved shapes of butterflies on top along the edge.
4th, casita’s tiles from above in a circular shape. they change color and spin as they show four butterflies growing in size as they “fly” away from the center. 5th, a kettle on the stove. julieta’s hand lift the lid, releasing steam. some of the wall tiles have color on them that form the shape of a butterfly on either side. 6th, a closed accordion with a drawn butterfly next to the player’s right hand side. the accordion opens.
7th, a still picture collage. on the left is a large butterfly with tails, in the middle top to bottom the candle with a butterfly on it, a single butterfly next to it, below them a butterfly with symmetrical leaves on either sides and below six papercut babies with butterflies between them, save for the middle. on the right of the collage is a group of 3 identical butterflies. end of id.) 
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gamerbearmira · 11 months
We Don't Talk About Alma❓❗
I hope no one's done this. Like I'm going insane with this idea. I'm serious.
Basically, after Mirabel's ceremony, after everyone had left and the family had gone to bed, she doesn't immediately go to Bruno for a vision. She kind sits in the candle room and looks at the candle. And what does she figure? It's her fault Mirabel didn't get a gift.
Now you might think she thought it was because she out pressure on the family, but that's not it. She doesn't even think about it. The candle flickered in her hands. So her logic is she must not be fit to be the candle her, she did something wrong. So when she's sure everyone's asleep, she leaves the candle in the nursery, telling a sleepy Mirabel to watch over it, and leaves. How she ends up in the walls I'm not sure. Casita probably showed her and she saw it as a chance to be with her family but not hurting the magic, so she stays in there.
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Mirabel is out in charge of the candle. It was left in the nursery. Mirabel didn't really hear Alma that night, as Alma was telling her a lot of stuff, but she did hear the last part. And then that was the last anyone say of her. Literally, Mirabel was the last to see her, and then was gone. The next, Mirabel's door reappeared; she was holding the candle. This was because Alma, technically speaking, stepped down from being the candle holder, so it went to the next one in line; which was Mirabel. Of course the family was ecstatic, and another party was being planned. They hadn't even actually realized Alma was gone. Mirabel didn't reveal what she heard last night yet and everyone in the family kind of just assumed Alma knew and was around. Even though...no one...saw her???
Anyway, it isn't until townspeople start coming to Casita that someone asks "Where's Alma?". That prompted the family to search for her, on the DL of course. Mostly the adults, the kids were having too much fun playing in Mirabel's new room. When they couldn't find her, they didn't quite announce it. Once the party was over and the kids were asleep, they went looking for her all throughout Casita more throughly. Bruno was the one who finally noticed that Alma's door had gone dark. And when they went in, it was like no one had been in it for years. It was dark, dusty and there was scorch marks in certain places. The candle room looked abandoned, and the actual candle had been placed in Mirabel's room.
Kids found out later on and Mirabel's told everyone what Alma said to her the night of her birthday. Dolores couldn't even find Dolores; she said she could hear something but she wasn't entirely sure if it was her or not. Morale was made candleholder, but didn't step up to the role as leader until she was about 10. Courtesy of her parents.
Though, Antonio, afyer learning about gifts and what not, had a, very rational actually, fear that Mirabel would just disappear like Alma did. Other family sort of have a fear of that as well. Mirabel assures the family, and more importantly Antonio, that she wouldn't of course.
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Also Alma's line the The Family Madrigal is changed.
"My Abuela Alma-"
"We Don't Talk About Alma!"
"...One day they she saw the candle flicker, and then she suddenly disappeared."
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The thing is, it was implemented not because they didn't like her, or because she was weird. It was because it made the triplets sad to talk about her. Pressured or not, that was still their mother, and they loved her, so when she just uped and disappeared, it was kind of jarring to them. So, Agustín and Félix told the kids not to talk about Abuela near them, and then the town kind of picked up on it. Kind of an unspoken rule. Antonio has no idea who she is, and Luisa, Camilo and Mirabel barely remember her. They were too young.
No one knows why she left. Dolores can’t properly hear her, and Bruno’s visions never make sense.
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I got an au idea for you!
It’s not really got a name yet, I couldn’t think of one. But it’s about Bruno being the patriarch of the family and candleholder. You can decide whether or not he still has a gift. I wanna see more of Bruno in your aus!
I’m thinking maybe the gifts change as well, so there will be tons of angst for the kids. I want to see what the relationships would be like subsequently.
Mirabel: is probably the favourite and golden child here. If you don’t wanna change the gifts around, I was thinking you could give her the gift of creating jewels and diamonds. I’ve read a good fic about it and I like the idea a lot.
Camilo: is probably well liked to. He and Mirabel are probably like twins and get mistaken for Bruno’s children. Maybe he reminds the adults of what Bruno was like as a child before he became the patriarch.
Dolores: is probably very close with Bruno, his confidant maybe? She knows the truth about his struggles and trauma and is really sympathetic to him, defending him from some of the other members of the family.
Isabela and Luisa: I don’t really have much for these two, they are probably the least favourites and just kinda cast aside. Maybe one of them runs away and becomes this aus Bruno?
Julieta: would be very strained, not wanting to listen to her young brother as a leader. Maybe they opposes him at times?
Pepa: same as above.
I don’t know what the husbands or Antonio would be like.
I’m not sure who would be the giftless one either, maybe Lusia or something??
I’d like to see you’re interpretation of this.
I quite like the idea of Bruno becoming the patriarch/candle holder, actually. I think there’s a lot of potential behind it.
It is called Lost and Found AU. I’ll leave some of my thoughts for this below the cut, as it’s already a long post.
A bit of backstory: Alma passed and leaves the running of Encanto to Bruno, who had already been picked as candleholder slightly before her death, but she picked him for the running due to the typical beliefs at the time. I’m talking monarchies and how boys go first in the line of succession, you get the gist.
Mirabel is not going to be the favourite - there’s already enough AUs on here with her being the golden child. Girl can take a backseat here. She also has no connection to Camilo. They are cousins, they are two very different people and will maintain their usual dynamic.
I’ll save discussing the rest of the characters as a lot of that is largely dependent on what gifts they get.
Speaking of, I’m unsure how to handle the gifts. I do love a good gift swap, it’s a fun excuse to make art, but I’m not sure how much option I still have given my other AUs. If anyone has any suggestions on this, please feel free to comment below.
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yellowcry · 3 months
in reference to the last ask, I really don’t understand anons argument.
how does mirabel choosing to step into a position for herself erase anything that she’s been through? if the argument is trauma well everyone has trauma and they’re working through it together. I also find it weird to imply she would be incompetent due to trauma as we see in the movie her trauma doesnt deter her from accomplishing anything. someone in the tags mentioned all of you as an example for how she wants to contribute and wants to lead. whilst I don’t think many people believe she would want to step into that role instantly it’s likely atleast a decade most likely longer than that when she decides to step up. I find it weird to compare to isabelas arranged marriage which we know she never wanted and the pressures of everyone else. all of you talks about new foundations and being true to yourself. so it’s not the same as how alma would have ran the encanto. it makes perfect sense for the person who literally leads them into that new era to be the one in charge. it’s nothing to do with the magic but the position. mirabel is the only one we see wirh the desire to lead and as tags mentioned her aim to help people and change things isnt going to disappear. I just don’t see how mirabel wanting to lead in the future takes anything away as it’s her own choice.
The biggest problem with Mirabel as leader is the fact that the whole point of Encanto's jorney for Mirabel is to learn that she's not inferior and deserves love and recognition even while being not special. Making her the future "candleholder" (not really ad there's no candle but you got the point) makes her SPECIAL, completely destroying all the character growth. Mirabel learning to accept herself wouldn't matter in the end if she becomes the new leader. (Therefore special) this alone should be the reason it ruins Encanto. The same way Isabela learns she doesn't have to be perfect and Luisa learns it's okay to ask for a break. You won't throw it away and force them back into the box, right? Then why would you throw away the fact that Mirabel is worthy of love while not being special like the rest of her family?
And while trauma doesn't stop Mirabel, we've clearly seen her uncomfortable during Antonio's ceremony, even before she has to walk him to the door, proving that even this situation is enough to cause stress. Yes, she helps him, but she's clearly putting Antonío (and everyone else) about her own well-being. Which is not heathy (I don't say she shouldn't have helped him, but giving her the role of hosting gift ceremonies is 100% will be Mirabel putting others above her own feelings again. And we are trying to avoid it in here.)
In All of you, Mirabel is way more of cheerleader, the same way she was in The family Madrigal. Yes, she gets everyone inside and encourages them. But this was caused by the bigger context she has about the reason behind things being the way they are. As nobody else knows of why they were forced in this perfection, nor the struggles Alma, Luisa and Isabela've been through. This context makes her know that there's no one to blame, they all've been through the different things. You can't tell me anybody else wouldn't be the same if they had context too. And I don't really know what else in All of you can count as Mirabel being the leader.
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starsfic · 1 year
MK is visiting Pigsy’s grandmother out in the country, unaware of the local demon lord and dragon lord fighting in the background over who gets to court him.
After Mirabel moves out of Casita, Abuela realizes that Mirabel is the next candleholder and tries to get her to move back in. Mirabel just wants one thing: an apology.
Qi Xiaotian gets a cheerleader outfit from Sun Wukong. This becomes a problem for Long Xiaojiao and Red Son. Horny.
Spicynoodles adopt a cat when they move in together. A few months later the cat refuses to leave Xiaotian alone.
AU where the Camel Ridge Trio were never sealed away, the trio end up playing as uncle figures for Red while DBK is sealed. Red ends up following Azure's lead when he falls for a pretty delivery boy.
Long Xiaojiao is challenged to play Mario's version of DDR.
Fairytale AU: Prince Qi Xiaotian finds a beautiful scarlet deer on Flower Fruit Mountain while Prince Red of the Demon Bull Clan goes missing
The beginning of my Scooby Doo incarnation. After a summer at home, Mystery Incorporated try to head back to college. The key word is try.
DND AU, Lionpeach fic where Azure Lion gets invited to DND Night
22 year old and 32 year old Qi Xiaotian switch places.
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demonicintegrity · 3 years
So if we’re going with the “Mirabel is the next candle holder” theory, I like to think each candle holder is chosen specifically because it what’s the family needs most.
Granted, Alma was the only adult present with the candle when it all starts. But what she provided was important! She instilled good manners and values into her kids to help the community. She was strong in raising triplets by herself. Her kids needed her to be strong and composed, her village needed her to be a leader and direct them. Alma was strong, disciplined, and a respected leader. She was good for her family and village. They needed the help she provided.
However, two generations down the line and the village and her family doesn’t quite need that anymore. They’re not in survival mode. The village has built up quite a bit. They don’t need to be reliant on the family’s help anymore. They already have their values and disciplined in place. It’s a new time, and it’s time to focus less on survival and more on being happy.
Mirabel, even as a teen, is super intuitive to people’s emotions. She’s great with Antonio and she knows what to say to get Luisa and Isabela to feel better and better themselves. She understands them and their workings, not what roles makes them most helpful to others.
(Maybe it’s less being happy and more about recovery. I don’t think Alma ever had a chance to truly process and recovery from the grief of losing her husband. She had to go right in with raising kids and being a leader for the village. Probably why all the kids chores are structured around helping the village, throwing herself into work is all she knew to cope. She still is passing bricks along despite being an elder.)
She encourages her sisters to not be just their powers and also to use their powers in a way to make them happy. Luisa gets a chance to take a break, recover from constantly taking on all the burdens. Isabela gets to take control of her identity and purpose now that she’s had the “ok” now. And recover all the fun lost from being perfect.
I’m losing my train of thought. But yeah, Alma was a candleholder because she could bring the strength and survival everyone needed. And Mirabel is the next candleholder because she can bring the recovery and growth they need.
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toaverse · 2 years
Hmm….have we done a Bruno Alma swap?
Not yet!
Before the Encanto was created, Bruno lived in a quiet village in the country side. That, until his life changed when he met a woman named Ozma Pezmuerto.
They fell in love, got married, and had triplets. Three girls who they named Julieta, Pepa, and Alma.
But on the triplets’ day of birth, their village got raided and burned, so the young family had to flee.
When they reached the mountains though, the horsemen caught up to them, and Ozma got lost in the crowd of fleeing people.
Bruno, carrying the newborn triplets in his arms, couldn’t find his wife, until he saw her standing across from the horsemen, one holding a sword…
Before Bruno knew it, Ozma was impaled by the weapen right in front of him, killing her…
Bruno was devastated. He reached out, crying out in agony as he fell to his knees, holding his newborn daughters tightly in his arms.
But then, a miracle awoke. The candle glowed brightly as a barrier of mountains appeared, and a living house started to form. Casita.
Upon seeing the magical house, Bruno was quite confused, but it was nice to have a place to live in…
When in the house, in the nursery, Bruno looked at his three daughters, processing everything that just happened, and promised himself to protect them.
He swore to protect his familia, and to put them first.
Time went on, and the triplets’ doors appeared. Julieta got the gift of healing through her cooking, Pepa got the gift of her mood effecting the weather, and Alma got to see the future through candle lights.
Yes, the triplets, and later the Madrigal grandkids, still helped the town, but not to the point of pressure or perfection, as Bruno put the family first.
He’d tell his kids and grandkids the story of their Abuela Ozma, but wouldn’t put any pressure or anything on them, as he only grieved at night when everyone slept..
While Julieta and Pepa were close with their father and got along with him, Alma didn’t. She disagreed with his way of protecting the family, of protecting the miracle…
As the Madrigal family grew, Alma started to meddle with her nieces and nephews’ lives, commenting on their gifts and choices. She once said that Isabela should marry Mariano, because it would be a good match and ensure that the family would grow. Or Alma once said to Luisa that she wasn’t allowed to eat lunch with them until all her town chores were done, etc.
All the other adults, especially Bruno, heavily disagreed with this, and had many fights with Alma over it.
But all hell broke loose when Mirabel’s ceremony arrived…
To everyone’s shock, the girl didn’t get a gift. But after a bit of thinking, Bruno came to the conclusion that Mira was to be his successor, that she would be the next matriarch and candleholder.
He proudly declared this in front of everyone, hugging his youngest granddaughter happily.
Alma however, didn’t believe this…
She did a vision the next day, and saw Casita with an older Mira standing in front of it, the house flickering from normal to one full of cracks…
Alma was shocked, only focusing on the cracked vision, and decided to save the miracle the only way she knew how.
Mirabel had to go…
That night, Alma snuck into the nursery while everyone slept, and picked the sleeping 5 year old girl up, not even bothering to take her glasses with her, and snuck out of Casita.
In the end, Alma went into the middle of the jungle, and put a sleeping Mirabel down on the ground against a tree, before returning to Casita, leaving the girl behind…
Now, the Encanto was safe, and everyone would eventually thank her, right?
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