#minty's homebrew
alex-just-vibing · 1 year
Aha! It's me, Minty! With a game that I already have a pre-written summary for!
Solar Flare! A remake of my project ‘Mints & Magic’ which had an unfortunate end at the hands of lack of motivation, overwhelming complexity, and simply just… too much needing to be done. This version has a lot of stuff I just didn’t like removed, cool stuff added in its place, and lessons learned accounted for! My inspirations are…
D&D, this game inspired this whole thing originally, it seemed cool, but it just seemed like a lot, and I had a lot of ideas, and trying to homebrew and balance all that with already loose knowledge of how to actually play D&D seemed… complicated, so I instead got to making an entire new game of my own! Much less complicated haha! <-- Lying
Bug Fables, is part of a lot of the charm this game has, fun things that just, make me feel good, once I get into the less general making sure this game has a structure stuff, and into like movesets and things, Bug Fables will be a bit more clear as an inspiration I imagine.
UTDR, Undertale and Deltarune! They inspire just about everything I make, sparked my love of RPGs, so they’re obviously going to influence, at least a bit, this game.
Also Mints & Magic... we don't talk about that. Not anymore. Humans aren't an available species, they do exist but also, they're boring. I have a reference to both an OC and OFF. Catboy is a species, it is gender exclusive. Also basically every regular RPG stat and other stuff has a re-name in this game. Oh and uh, it's run like DnD btw, because coding? Difficult. Enjoy this, and remember uh, all that stuff was prewritten, this section wasn't though.
woaagh !!!!!!
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Today's Flipper Friday: The Sonic the Hedgehog homebrew by recently-minted American Pinball designer Ryan McQuaid! (everyone is so minty!)
The anniversary of the first Sonic game was yesterday, so today we celebrate a homebrew that celebrates Sonic! This game is steeped in love for the franchise and its classic iterations, including the Sonic Spinball game after which it is named.
The little details on this well-crafted machine range from decorative to functional. There's loop ramp; a spinner that looks like Sonic's feet at full speed; a level-end post at the right ramp; a boingy Eggman! (Ok, Robotnik.) Player 4 is classic Amy Rose (I called dibs on P4 SO quickly when I played this at Expo). Green Hill Zone as just one of many playable modes! The chaos/Master Emerald topper!
If you like Sonic, this game integrates the theme so well that you can't help but be excited. It's just so very Sonic!
#pinball #sonicthehedgehog #homebrew
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amintyworld · 3 years
Dungeons and Dragons Masterpost!
(Each story is based in a campaign I DM)
Baby Mine - (PC Origin Story) Scepter has lived a life of anger and resentment toward his mother’s abandonment. No matter what, he was never good enough - his brother was better, so he stayed up above while Scepter lived down on Earth. He always thought his celestial family never wanted him; little did he know how wrong he was. - Angst
Noid’s Entrance - (Prequel to ‘Monster’ - coming soon!) Noid used to think her life was simple living in the forest. She had her cave home, and peaceful days playing with the animals and living off what the forest provided. She had no idea of any life other than the one she had, no memory of it. Little did she know the real truth of it all. - Angst
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Hi this is my dnd character his name is mintholomew jenderer and he is but a simple farmer uwu
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modmad · 4 years
Toonkind DnD masterpost!
Toonkind are a Roger-Rabbit-esque homebrew race for DnD invented by @yunisverse! You can read more about them here on the DnDBeyond page.
Playlists for listening to Toonkind games from the Einquell server:
-Toonkind Playlist (main list, all games including unedited audio)
-Toonkind Games (full games only, no fps games)
-Toonkind at 12fps (games for character development between two players! often about one hour long)
More specific arcs/game categories:
-Wonderful One Shots (recommended if you’re new to Toonkind, these games require no previous listening and last for only one session!)
-The Taffy Train Saga (a story arc that has become particularly significant, recommended listening if only to avoid spoilers later on!)
-The Neverending Train (run by Ky, inspired by Infinity Train! supes good lots of mini adventures with a mix of new/familiar characters)
-Luck Trio Games (any games featuring 2+ of the three characters with much too much luck and too few braincells: Delta, Sel and Jack)
-Bottomless Heights (do you like Gravity Falls? then you’re going to love where this is going)
-Eight Refrains (follows the story of two cute lil alien UFO babies but also looming threat! has Kirby/Earthbound vibes)
-Star Trio Playlist (do you want a super cute ot3? hell yeah you do)
-There’s Something Funny Going On (games that led up to the reveal of a particularly villainous villain... overlaps with Taffy Train)
Silver Screen (the Drafthouse��s first and ‘main’ adventure, long running and ongoing! Due to early days and some rough terrain the first few games are a bit hard to listen to, we generally recommend that people start on episode 7!)
Ruindall Rambles (a new arc DM’d by Fable and featuring some of the funniest characters yet, seriously the first ep had me literally in tears)
The Eclipse Cathedral (“A lighthearted start to a tense race to the rescue, as the Party Members deal with memories, lost or otherwise”)
Jello Crimes (A family can be a mouse, a gnome, and a wizard who's more than double their height)
The Oddyssey (Ky’s latest and greatest longform campaign involving mysteries, mechanisms and doors that just need to be punched)
Lighthearted Games List! Want to just chill out and have a good time? Have a go at these low-angst high-shenanigans games! there’s also a soft/fluffy feels playlist if you want snuggly games :>
Spreadsheet of all games including transcripts and character credits.
The Einquell Wiki!
Below the cut are playlists for individuals, in case you want to follow a particular character’s journey so far! Only a few rn but I’ll add more as people make them.
EDIT: these links have broken when youtube is having some issues, so if that is still the case/happens again in the future you can find all these playlists by going to my youtube page of playlists that I’ve made!
The Engineer  
Larry Samuel
Charlie Black
Tobias O’Chrowelle
Tally Mark
Primrose Poodle
Alibi Miohn-Rouls/Deltasong Danger
List of characters played by Mock
‘Tinies’ (very small characters who live in Dodo Studios, like borrowers!)
Brecht Brigade (a group of witches led by Rhode)
Hugh Script
Admiral Abbigull
Sir Bertie
Bukbuk Chook
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dearsheroozle · 5 years
For the d&d asks: 3-8, 31, 40
oh hey there! sorry about the delay. i been at work and then i was cuddling my baby kitten boy so this was...put on the backburner. again, so sorry. i really wanted to do this earlier.
dnd asks
this got long, so under the cut!
3. What two feats would you have? Next ASI I will definitely be having my character take Sentinel. Because opportunity attacks and DON’T LEAVE MY SIGHT, BITCH. But I really like Prodigy as well. Feats that work great mechanically and flavor-wise. That’s best of both worlds, babey!
4. What has been your favorite d&d character you've played? (NPCs count for DMs) I’ve played only one character so far in a campaign, which is Llyr, my half-elf Ancients Paladin (who just took one level in Archfey Warlock). I love her. She deserves good things. And she has a cool sword!!! Though, I really, really loved playing my lore bard/divine soul sorcerer Eirian for a one-shot. But I’d been wanting to play a bard for a long time.
5. Which of your d&d characters has been the most like you? Oh, probably still Llyr. I put a lot of myself into her, because that’s the easiest thing to do when creating a character... just draw from personal experiences! It’s not exactly emulating, but there are definite parallels. Physically quite different, but there are similar life experiences. The extreme of what I aspire to be, sometimes.
6. Which of your d&d characters has been the least like you? Hmm... Don’t think it counts if I didn’t technically make them, but Adrie (arcane archer) and Evie (swashbuckler rogue) are probably the least like me? Adrie has absolutely no shame or sense of secondhand embarrassment, and Evie is just... I think THE lowest wisdom character I’ve ever played? That was...hilarious... She walked right into fire.
7. How do you go about making a character or NPC? Uhhh. A lot of whining at my DM, tbqh. “Help me! Tell me what to do, PLEASE.” I usually have like very sporadic ideas that are entirely not cohesive, and tying them together is a whole Thing. So I ask people and talk through it and eventually ideas spring forth that aren’t quite terrible and I roll with it. The character develops as I play. Sometimes I like being given a couple Key Character Traits and building off of those. I’m still working on improving my approach, honestly. It’s... a process.
8. What is the most memorable natural 20 you've ever experienced? I think it still has to be the nat20 I rolled for Llyr to eavesdrop on another party member who was talking to her (ex???) girlfriend. It sounds bad. But, listen, the party was sitting in CAGES. We were KIDNAPPED. She had to know if we could trust this person. Anyways. Then she telepathically relayed everything she heard to another party member through the ring of telepathy and unfortunately misconstrued many, many things. Heh. I don’t remember many others tbh. Or if I do, I’m not sure if I’m remembering them accurately. Welp.
31. Tell me about your current party! Oh, boy. Well, SK5 (Saturday Knight Five. Yes. That’s what we’re officially called. Because we play on Saturdays and there’s Five of us) is made up of my ancients paladin/archfey warlock Llyr Pelydryn (half-elf), beastmaster ranger/rogue/grave cleric Mazithra (called Maz, shifter, played by @pensandperoxides), shadow monk/death cleric Ja’el Willow (half-elf, played by @dubcliq), wild magic sorcerer Erimenthea (sometimes called Minty, halfling, played by @hippoimonokerata), and lore bard Eldon Bushgather (halfling, played by @rincewindschest). Honorable fucking mention to Rubbish, Maz’s raccoon companion. The MVP, honestly. And a special, special shout-out to our DM (helmed by @amiphobic). For, uh, putting up with us. We’re disasters. But we’re trying. Well, most of the time. Currently on a quest to stop some fuckening cults from destroying the world. Yeesh. And none of us are straight, so jot that down.
40. What d&d deity would you be a cleric of? God, what a question. Llyr is a paladin of Caer Ibormeith, a homebrew goddess based on some Welsh lore. (Thanks Jem!) She’s the goddess of dreams in our campaign, and her clerics would probably be light or grave domain. She’s not official or super strong or anything, but it would maybe be interesting to play from the perspective of a cleric under her guidance one day. Kind of like what Liam O’Brien did with Vax and Lieve’tel for the Raven Queen, yeah?
anyways, thanks a bunch for the questions! it was a lot more challenging to answer than i expected!
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afrostycupofdice · 7 years
Some homebrewed magic items
In the campaign I'm writing, I have the PCs being paid in magic items instead of money (for reasons). They'll roll a d20 and get an item randomly. I've only cooked up one batch so far, and others are welcome to use some of them 1) Pen of Scribing : a basic feather quill that lets the user write in any language, but if they didn't know it previously, they still can't read it 2) Buster Sword : it's a homemade version of the Buster Sword form Final Fantasy VII. It's entirely decorative and impractical for combat, but it does provide that tough guy aesthetic (+2 on Intimidation) 3) Inverse Earplugs : small, red, plush beads that, when placed inside the user's ear, amplifies the hearing ability (what can be heard is left to the judgement of the DM) 4) Telepathy Potion : a salmon colored, murky liquid in a small vial. If you and another person drink it, you can hear each other's thoughts (limit 4 people; last 1 hour; range is 50 feet) 5) Fantasy 5 Gum : a pack of spearmint fantasy 5 gum. This gum has such an intense mint flavor that it leaves your breath painfully minty fresh (user can unleash a frosty breath (range 15ft) for 2d6 cold damage; 8 pieces in a pack) 6) Cat Paws : a pair of fuzzy white cat paw gloves that give the wearer +3 on Animal Handling 7) Thunder Gem : a small yellow gem that, when thrown on the ground, summons forth the fury of a thunderstorm (summons lightning and thunder in a 10 ft radius around where the gem shatters; can be heard for 100 ft; Con save --> failed = 3d6 lightning damage; saved = 1/2 that) 8) Stick-on Mustache : a stick-on handlebar mustache that is meant for a child (+2 on bluff checks when disguising self as someone male) 9) The Breakfast Club : this club is shaped like a large wooden spoon and smells of spices. If you sleep near this item and it is unobserved for at least an hour during the night, upon waking up you will find a delicious full gourmet breakfast of the highest quality. There is enough food and drink to serve the whole party. You can also hit people with it (1d8 bludgeoning damage) 10) Feather Cape : a deep purple cape with a gold trim that is coated with glitter and has had Feather Fall imbued in it (the wearer can use Feather Fall when they need it) 11) A Rainy Day : a blue lace parasol decorated with small sapphires that, when opened, summons a rain cloud above the bearer (in a 10 ft square around bearer, it rains; if user succeeds on a DC 15 (whatever their spell casting ability branches off of) check, it summons lightning as well, causing 1d8 lightning damage) 12) Lit Flip Kicks : a pair of sick looking kicks that give the wearer +2 on acrobatics checks 13) Candle Staff : a medium sized white oak staff with a lit wax candle on the tip. Can cast Fireball once before the fire goes out. The fire can be re-lit but only by a non magical fire (4d6 fire damage; no daily limit) 14) Bell of Hypnosis : a small golden bell with a black handle that, when rung, releases a frequency that's imbued with Charm magic and will not realize they were charmed when the effect wears off (victim must succeed on a DC 14 Con save; lasts 1 hour) 15) Back-up Arm Bracers : a set of arm bracers that only kicks in when your main armor fails (when an attack beats the wearer's AC by 5 or more, damage is reduced by 1d4 points) 16) Ace of Spades : a simple ace of spades card that, no matter where you put it, always ends up back in your sleeve (good for magic tricks; can impress people) 17) 8-ball of Prophecy : an 8-ball from a basic pool set that is imbued with fortune telling. Shake it and the answer to your question will be revealed. User can ask it a yes or no question once per day (DM must answer truthfully and must answer with replies that would come out of a magic 8 ball) 18) Magician's Hat : a basic black top hat that allows the wearer to cast Prestidigitation (it's powers are increased if the spell was already known (lasts longer and affects bigger items; unlimited use) 19) Tome of Hints : a gold bound leather book filled with blank pages. In exchange for a good joke, it'll reveal a hint as to what the adventures should do to progress the story (quality of joke is up to DM) 20) Toaster of Toast : a nice metal toaster with two slots for toast. Once per morning, the user can use it to make toast, but the quality is up to fate (roll d20 no modifier; < 10 = burnt toast & not a good start to the day; 10-16 = pretty good but could be better; 17+ = the best toast you've ever had & +2 to max HP for the day; toast feeds one person)
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bisphenol-a · 7 years
smokingfaerie replied to your post “Last summer I made a bunch of ginger beer with wild yeast. I liked it...”:
I was brewing kombucha in the fall, and whenever I used mint in the second fermentation phase (no matter what other ingredients I had in) it would smell like farts whenever I cracked them open. Idk why mint of all things
I have a hard time getting people to try my homebrews because (a) I don't really like carbonation so for mini-batches I don't bother and (b) things get silty.
Also @smokingfaerie​'s comment: I had the same thing when I made pennyroyal mead, it tasted amazing and minty during the first fermentation, but after the second the flavor compounds morphed into the nastiest thing ever.
Thanks both for your commiseration! Also, y’all should know each other, you’d have a lot to talk about.
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riichardwilson · 4 years
The CEO of Silver Oak Wine Breaks Down a Winning Ecommerce Strategy All Entrepreneurs Can Use
July 23, 2020 5 min read
David Duncan’s portfolio includes Silver Oak, Twomey and Ovid wineries — brands that any winemaker (and drinker) would kill for. As his company ramps up for the launch of his new winery, Timeless, Duncan shared his thoughts on wine trends during the pandemic, building wine brands digitally and millennial insights for the industry.
On targeting the right audience
“The future of lUXury wine are millennials and soon GenZ, and they have brought about a new era of ephemeral, limited-edition retail that will become the norm in lUXury and craft. The Supreme, streetwear model. What it says, is that the customer looks for brands they can trust to deliver on their needs and values and that they are open to curation from the brand beyond one specific product. Both lUXury and craft are viewed as an experience by these next generations, and so the uniqueness of each limited product enhances the memorability of the experience.”
Related: If the Black Crowes Adapted to Ecommerce During the Pandemic, So Can You
On inspiration             
“Our audience knows that across all our wine brands, we only find the best sites, we focus on capturing sense-of-place, and really balance American innovation with French pillars, so they come with us for a journey. Taking our new brand Timeless as an example: I wrote a song called ‘Timeless’ about my late Dad – our founder – and once it was written, I knew that it had to become a wine made at his beloved vineyard, Soda Canyon. With our experience making single-vineyard Pinot Noirs firmly in hand, our winemaker Nate Weis rose to the occasion with this BordeaUX-style blend. What makes Soda Canyon so unique is that it’s the meeting of four microclimates, and you can taste that in how the bright acidity meets minty dark fruits. The wine stays true to what our audience wants in new wine experiences while teaching them about this site and my father’s essence.”
On building a successful ecommerce site
“As a starting point when you’re thinking about DTC, the product should stay with you throughout the experience. You may find that your experience concept doesn’t lend itself to the product doing this, which is a good sign you’re forgetting what the experience is supposed to be about. This is the shopping moment, it’s not a prelude to it.”
“Next: Don’t think ‘edgy,’ think ‘clear’ — the diagonal axis or futuristic tech usually doesn’t work out long-term. Make sure you’re balancing focus with fluidity — each page of the site should be framed to stand alone, but then to seamlessly transition into other pages. When someone is shopping, they want to be able to equally take a product off the shelf AND look down the aisle.”
Related: This eCommerce Platform Might Be the Easiest Way to Sell Your Products Online
“On this framing point: generously and confidently use negative space for each page. There is always going to be an inherent Tetris/column structure to digital design, but you can to a large extent remove its limiting effect with enough negative space around the images.”
“Finally: Just do it. There will always be marketing agency spends to lure you into delaying the investment in a full ecommerce site — we pushed our own site back a year and then spent the past year building it. And then a pandemic came, and we realized how fortunate we were that we hadn’t delayed any longer.”
On converting new buyers
“One thing we’ve learned so far: millennials and GenZ-ers want to discover a secret. What is your secret?  For Silver Oak: is the secret that American Oak is something they already know through bourbon, tabasco? Is your secret that Twomey is a quietly-kept love letter to Pinot from the Silver Oak people? That Ovid is the best American wine brand and they haven’t heard of it or Pritchard Hill, the best mix of soil and elevation in the world? That David wrote a song called ‘Timeless’ about his dad and guess who’s doing covers of it…”
Related: How Ecommerce Companies Can Grow During a Recession
On pandemic buying trends
“Before the pandemic, 96% of wine was consumed within three hours of purchase, but now people are stocking up, so wine purchases become a multi-leg journey and the consumer looks at what they’re ordering as more of an album than a bunch of singles. Gifting is up hundreds of percent, with a huge amount of gifting to family. Again again, I always say that wine tastes are very much passed down, so we also see people sending the same shipment to themselves and their parents. This period has certainly made clear which shared activities are optimal for virtual experiences, and drinking wine is definitely one of them. We’ll report back if we find any others.”
On the path forward  
“First, I hope for health, safety and calm for everyone. We are all in 2020 together and I believe there will be an increased focus on learning skills, languages, hobbies. I think we’ll see a new crop of sommeliers, gardeners, chefs, artists, homebrewers, and innovations emerge from 2020. On the wine front, with people starting to build at-home collections, we’ll see a lot more pairing foods to wine rather than the other way around. There’s certainly a growing emphasis on both wellness and time outdoors wherever possible. Again, with family and close friends.”
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/the-ceo-of-silver-oak-wine-breaks-down-a-winning-ecommerce-strategy-all-entrepreneurs-can-use/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/624498149977980928
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scpie · 4 years
The CEO of Silver Oak Wine Breaks Down a Winning Ecommerce Strategy All Entrepreneurs Can Use
July 23, 2020 5 min read
David Duncan’s portfolio includes Silver Oak, Twomey and Ovid wineries — brands that any winemaker (and drinker) would kill for. As his company ramps up for the launch of his new winery, Timeless, Duncan shared his thoughts on wine trends during the pandemic, building wine brands digitally and millennial insights for the industry.
On targeting the right audience
“The future of lUXury wine are millennials and soon GenZ, and they have brought about a new era of ephemeral, limited-edition retail that will become the norm in lUXury and craft. The Supreme, streetwear model. What it says, is that the customer looks for brands they can trust to deliver on their needs and values and that they are open to curation from the brand beyond one specific product. Both lUXury and craft are viewed as an experience by these next generations, and so the uniqueness of each limited product enhances the memorability of the experience.”
Related: If the Black Crowes Adapted to Ecommerce During the Pandemic, So Can You
On inspiration             
“Our audience knows that across all our wine brands, we only find the best sites, we focus on capturing sense-of-place, and really balance American innovation with French pillars, so they come with us for a journey. Taking our new brand Timeless as an example: I wrote a song called ‘Timeless’ about my late Dad – our founder – and once it was written, I knew that it had to become a wine made at his beloved vineyard, Soda Canyon. With our experience making single-vineyard Pinot Noirs firmly in hand, our winemaker Nate Weis rose to the occasion with this BordeaUX-style blend. What makes Soda Canyon so unique is that it’s the meeting of four microclimates, and you can taste that in how the bright acidity meets minty dark fruits. The wine stays true to what our audience wants in new wine experiences while teaching them about this site and my father’s essence.”
On building a successful ecommerce site
“As a starting point when you’re thinking about DTC, the product should stay with you throughout the experience. You may find that your experience concept doesn’t lend itself to the product doing this, which is a good sign you’re forgetting what the experience is supposed to be about. This is the shopping moment, it’s not a prelude to it.”
“Next: Don’t think ‘edgy,’ think ‘clear’ — the diagonal axis or futuristic tech usually doesn’t work out long-term. Make sure you’re balancing focus with fluidity — each page of the site should be framed to stand alone, but then to seamlessly transition into other pages. When someone is shopping, they want to be able to equally take a product off the shelf AND look down the aisle.”
Related: This eCommerce Platform Might Be the Easiest Way to Sell Your Products Online
“On this framing point: generously and confidently use negative space for each page. There is always going to be an inherent Tetris/column structure to digital design, but you can to a large extent remove its limiting effect with enough negative space around the images.”
“Finally: Just do it. There will always be marketing agency spends to lure you into delaying the investment in a full ecommerce site — we pushed our own site back a year and then spent the past year building it. And then a pandemic came, and we realized how fortunate we were that we hadn’t delayed any longer.”
On converting new buyers
“One thing we’ve learned so far: millennials and GenZ-ers want to discover a secret. What is your secret?  For Silver Oak: is the secret that American Oak is something they already know through bourbon, tabasco? Is your secret that Twomey is a quietly-kept love letter to Pinot from the Silver Oak people? That Ovid is the best American wine brand and they haven’t heard of it or Pritchard Hill, the best mix of soil and elevation in the world? That David wrote a song called ‘Timeless’ about his dad and guess who’s doing covers of it…”
Related: How Ecommerce Companies Can Grow During a Recession
On pandemic buying trends
“Before the pandemic, 96% of wine was consumed within three hours of purchase, but now people are stocking up, so wine purchases become a multi-leg journey and the consumer looks at what they’re ordering as more of an album than a bunch of singles. Gifting is up hundreds of percent, with a huge amount of gifting to family. Again again, I always say that wine tastes are very much passed down, so we also see people sending the same shipment to themselves and their parents. This period has certainly made clear which shared activities are optimal for virtual experiences, and drinking wine is definitely one of them. We’ll report back if we find any others.”
On the path forward  
“First, I hope for health, safety and calm for everyone. We are all in 2020 together and I believe there will be an increased focus on learning skills, languages, hobbies. I think we’ll see a new crop of sommeliers, gardeners, chefs, artists, homebrewers, and innovations emerge from 2020. On the wine front, with people starting to build at-home collections, we’ll see a lot more pairing foods to wine rather than the other way around. There’s certainly a growing emphasis on both wellness and time outdoors wherever possible. Again, with family and close friends.”
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/the-ceo-of-silver-oak-wine-breaks-down-a-winning-ecommerce-strategy-all-entrepreneurs-can-use/
0 notes
Studying About New Tips For top Blood Stress Therapy
Studying About New Tips For high Blood Strain Therapy
Albeit not each beer you drink accommodates preservatives, there are certainly some beer brands which liberally use them. So, Am I Desperate to Do It Again? should not typically noted for a strong hops presence so there was a bit of, shall we say, apprehesion as we sized up the night's first providing. As the Cask Report has amply illustrated, there are solely two development areas within the on trade beer market, the so referred to as "craft sector" and good previous actual ale, or cask conditioned beer. I went in and asked about their craft beers. Pink Barrel belonged to a selected market segment of premium keg beers whose recipes had been intentionally dumbed down and blandified to attraction to a mass market. It was nonetheless loaded with beers from the founders--half got here from Anchor and Sierra Nevada, and throw in Sam Adams for good measure. It could be a good suggestion to save lots of the tea ball addition and add it later if the liquid resolution isn't sufficient for you.
Performing yoga and fitness, respiration, physical train steadily or simply collaborating in pure sport titles may assist a person cut back day-to-day stress. Practice also cuts down on excess weight, which is one other subject that pushes up blood stress above regular ranges. The perfect temperature varies relying on the pressure of yeast you employ, so the above recommendation is only a normal guideline. The yeast in beer also creates uric acid. The Bracia is a dark bitter 9% beer infused with Italian chestnut honey. I wished to permit all of it leeway potential, given I do know the lads make good beer and would appreciate me giving it the most effective I could. East Atlanta Village’s Brownwood Park, and festival-goers can download Re:Brew totally free, to make navigating the festival simpler and extra fun. As mentioned final week, Gwent CAMRA are returning to Abergavenny Food Festival this weekend to run a bar within the rugby club. Ideally, you would run a pupil Escort companies the place you walked a gaggle of youngsters to school in the early morning and again to house in the afternoon. I will simply must keep on prime of my reading, as that is costly and I have never been in school for almost 5 years.
Biking, Beer, And Barbecue keep coming again to it. Whenever you go back to your desk you'll be prepared for an additional hour of intense productiveness. It is going to be simpler to do that with brown playing cards--BANG! On high of that, you'll nonetheless have sufficient power to do other stuff you respect, this kind of as heading out with buddies or working about your own home. In the Age Before Craft (BC) have pulled chicken and pulled beef amongst different pulled meat products. Now Binding Pils is not bad. These phrases will not be mutually unique--they cover forms of breweries, strategies of manufacturing, and ownership construction. They gave us their "Dry Hop" mix to strive, and it produced the sludgy look of a brand new England IPA all of the geeks are enthusiastic about. Spices are typically digested and pass as waste. However you need not worry: this canine-pleasant beer is non-alcoholic. I didn't end up with the OG I expected but I also wasn't anticipating the beer to be so attenuative. If you want to import beer which has been topic to a focus process, you must set up obligation legal responsibility earlier than importation. If you are contemplating taking over beer making as a interest, I invite you to offer it a try. This beer was fermented low around sixty two and then cellared around 50 for two months.
I made some today that solely had two or three chips in them. I obtained to zwickel all three of their beers, and that was a deal with. Most of essentially the most revered classical composers bought here from Germany. Nicely, Hugh, I got you there: apparently I will be that inept. We bought unique social gathering held in Style Asia in SM MOA, close to SM Hypermarket. The result was that it was a beer I not often opened as a result of I simply plain did not prefer it. Not a hop-lover's delight, however a good beer to start out with; it will loosen your joints without wrecking your palate. Chris, from Belmont Station, known as them "minty." Despite the strength, it is not an overly intense beer. I began by buying a recipe from a fantastic web site called Austin Homebrew Provide. Wexford is great procuring city and we wove our manner along the very busy South & North Fundamental Streets past buyers, vacationers and herds of feral-trying teenagers, glancing in the many home windows that line the street. It's maybe the second best thing to come back out of Jersey (after pork roll, egg and cheese, after all).
For more information on InBev stop by our own page.
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amintyworld · 4 years
The One Thing You Can’t Replace ft. My DnD Party
Noid: Another story I heard about myself, this one happened during the war. We had this guy in our party named Drive, he was 21 when I was 39 so he was 18 years younger than me. Drive’s uncle, King of Westra, was a douchebag. One day he and his generals decided to leave town with us on an embassy staying behind, which you should never do if you’re a douchebag. 
Noid: So, Jango decided to throw a party at the King’s Castle….Hooray…! Everyone around town heard about it, and we all got up individually and said ‘Okay, let’s go over there and destroy the place’.
Noid, laughing a bit: So I walk into this party, and everyone I’ve ever met was there, and everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world. Everyone was drinking like it was the Dark Ages and we’d drop dead from sunlight. It was completely unsupervised, we were like dogs without horses we were running wild. 
Noid: I walk down into the ballroom and they had this huge glass chandelier hanging above it, Peanut took a running jump and landed on it, crashing it to the ground and breaking it in half. Jango figured out which room was the King’s and went upstairs and set his bed on fire. 
Noid, smiling: So the party was going great.
Noid: So I’m standing in the basement, holding a red solo cup - you’ve seen movies - so I’m standing there and I’m beginning to blackout a little bit and I just hear Lathia murmur ‘Something something Cloaked’.
Noid, smiling: And in a brilliant moment of word association, I yell ‘Frick the Cloaked! Frick the Cloaked!’ ...and everyone else joined in. A hundred drunk overpowered children yelling ‘Frick DA Cloaked’, with the confidence of guys who’ve like, already been the jail and aren’t afraid of it anymore, like that ‘I’ve served my nickel you come and take me’ confidence but overpowered children.
Noid: Anyway, the reason Lathia said ‘Something something Cloaked’, was because the Cloaked were there. The Cloaked eyepatched leader named Boss walked down the stairs to the ballroom and looked out over a sea of drunk people yelling ‘Frick the Cloaked’ in her FACE, and she was almost impressed. She was like-
Boss: Wow…
Noid: Then she leaned over her shoulder to the Undertaker and said-
Boss: Get the scouting party.
Noid: Now my friend Scepter who is now a husband, this man has a wife, he smashed a bottle of ale on the ground and yelled-
Scepter: SCATTER!
Noid: And everyone ran in different directions, we all ran in different directions. It’s like that scene from Ratatouille when the humans come into the kitchen and all the rats go different ways, we all ran in different directions. I ran into the dungeon and climbed up through the loose bars and now I’m running through the field and looked up at this big wall and thought ‘I’ve never climbed a wall that high before’ 
Noid: And then I woke up in my room. 
Noid: The next day I went back to peace talks because that’s what we did back then. And who do I see but Drive. 
Drive: Were you at Jango’s party last night?
Noid: And I said no, you know, like a liar.
Drive: Things got really out of hand, someone broke the chandelier, someone burnt my Uncle’s bed. But the worst thing, the worst thing is I lost these old wedding photos of him and my aunt, and my uncle’s freaking out about it. 
Noid: Then I had that thought that only blackout drunks and Jango can have… Did I do that? And I thought no, I couldn’t have done that, but I was never sure until 3 years later…
Noid: I’m sitting down with Naris, a kid who was also with us during the war, and we were just talking and catching up until she gets up and looks to me and says-
Naris: Come here, I wanna show you something.
Noid: She takes me to her bedroom and then she takes me to a side room off of her bedroom - never a good thing to have. *Beginning to laugh a bit* She shows me this tiny room filled wall to wall with stolen old photos taken from people’s possessions over the years. And I just look at it and I just say ‘Why…?’ And Naris said-
Naris, smiling: Because it’s the one thing you can’t replace,
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amintyworld · 4 years
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Guess who finally got their Bingo Card..?!
Anyway, I’m opening up BTHB prompts - just send in one of the prompts above with the characters or ships you’d like. I’m currently opening this up for Sanders Sides (No RemRom please) as well as for my Gem Quest DnD Party, which you can read about HERE. 
Completed Prompts: (None yet!)
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amintyworld · 4 years
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My first attempt at DnD Memes, featuring the Gem Quest Party! These past few weeks have been rough to say the least - Drive got poisoned ish, Jango being his stubborn self got the joyus pleasure of being locked up for potion ingredients, Naris was free only to return to the Undertaker, and Scepter with Drive were in trippy potion dreams.
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amintyworld · 4 years
Noid’s Entrance - A DnD Inspired Story
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s a new NPC in my gem quest campaign which is very important to the plot, and I’m working on a origin fic for her story which should be coming out soon. This is a prequel to that story. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
TW: Destruction, Implied death and loss (As always, tell me if I missed anything!)
Summary: Noid remembers.
Noid smiled, climbing up a tree, chasing the birds as they flew higher and higher. Noid laughed as they chirped worriedly as she reached to grab one. “Noid is going to catch you-!” The birds flew higher, up into the white clouds, and Noid smiled, watching them go. She sighed, the wind whipping her long hair every which way as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Noid will catch you one day, maybe Noid will fly too!”
The wind cooled her sweaty body from the hot summer day, and she looked around the dense forest for anything to do, or eat for that matter. That’s when a sweet scent caught Noid’s nose, and her stomach began to grumble. She sniffed, trying to track it, and when she found a direction, jumped to a lower tree and easily to the ground, chasing it. Noid had never smelled something so delicious in all her years living in the forest, she wondered what it could be. 
As she ran after it, she didn’t notice the woods around her become unfamiliar - she must not have traveled this far from home before. Why has she never caught this scent before? Her mouth began to water as it became more potent. 
That’s when she saw it - a tree full of juicy purple fruit, waiting to be harvested and eaten. Her eyes lit up at the sight and scrambled up the tree to pick the fruit, munching on it harshly as the juice ran down Noid’s chin. “Noid is... so happy!” She squealed between munches. Before she knew it, she had eaten enough to form a small pile of cores next to her, and her stomach felt happy.
A loud sound quickly froze Noid in her tracks. She slowly reached for and quickly grabbed her spear from her back, getting quickly into a fighting stance, pointing her sharpened stick at where she heard the noise come from, ready to attack if necessary. Noid was met with only silence for a few moments, making Noid cautiously step forward to find who disrupted her treasured breakfast.
She was met with a clearing, and what looked to be a bunch of broken houses - the stone crumbled and the wood absolutely splintered. All around, there seemed to be some kind of pitch-black markings covering the floors, ground, and walls. As Noid walked further between these buildings, more appeared in the small valley below, what looked to be near hundreds. 
Noid slowly put her spear back after she scanned for any signs of danger, and knelt on the ground marked black, slowly touching it. It felt rough, like charcoal, and when she tried to dig her fingers into it, it felt hard as stone. Only one question was on Noid’s mind as she stared at the city in ruin - What happened?
The wind blew through Noid’s hair once more, for the first time giving her chills as she walked through the ruins, feeling strange. Almost like she wasn’t meant to be here. Noid felt uneasy for a number of different reasons. There was an air about this place that seemed unsafe, yet safe. 
Familiar, yet not familiar. 
Was she supposed to… know this place? How could she, she’s never even been here before! Noid found her hand softly brushing across a crumbling stone wall, making her close her eyes as she tried to remember something, Something important. Her head spun and slowly began to form into a small headache from the strain.
Noid slowly stepped inside the open-roofed ‘house’ - a few half-burned drawings on the wall, and a small chair in a corner, half-blackened. Noid walked over to admire the drawings, smiling and giggling at the creations of silly animals. As she laughed, a giggling chuckle echoed in her mind. 
A child’s laugh.
She quickly turned at the sound, looking for the source only to find no one there. “Who…?”
Noid’s head began to pound, so she sat down to rest, and to drink some water. As she sat in the shade, a song came to her. A song she was sure she’d never heard of but found herself humming along to it. She looked around at the house at the bunt possessions, getting up to examine them, beginning to sing.
“Dancing Bears, Painted Wings
 Things I almost remember
 And a song someone sings
 Once upon a December.”
Her fingers traced a piece of carved wood on the floor, her fingers tracing the curves, she couldn’t help but smile. She closed her eyes and swore she could hear the crackle of the fire, and the smell of spices and soup... a voice. Calmly humming along with her.
Somehow, she... felt at ease?
Noid could almost feel the warmth of a fire on her fingertips, a hug around her middle-
“Someone holds me safe and warm
 Horses prance through a silver storm
 Figures dancing gracefully
 Across my memory.”
That’s when she heard a voice, clear as day. “May I accompany you to the dance floor, Madam?”
Noid rushed toward the outside and saw it - a man with a suit on, shyly holding his arm out to a woman with red hair and green eyes in a gorgeous gown. The woman smiled sweetly, taking his offer as they began to dance in the middle of all the destroyed houses. Noid smiled at the couple as they waltzed, more people appearing, dancing around them. She wrapped her arms around herself as the wind picked up again. She felt a connection with them and slowly made her way towards the two. 
“Someone holds me safe and warm 
Horses prance through a silver storm 
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory.”
As Noid finally reached them, the woman disappeared, and Noid found herself wearing a beautiful gown and silver locket, the man with black hair and blue eyes looking to her lovingly. “Another dance, my lady?” Noid’s heart skipped a beat. Her hands found their way to his as they began to waltz once more. 
“Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember.”
As the mysterious man disappears, so does the party guests and Noid’s outfit. She fell to her knees, fingers running through her hair, wondering what the heck just happened, when-
Was that a… a baby?
Noid’s eyes widened as she stood up and rushed toward the sound, after all, a baby out here all alone wouldn’t survive. As she turned the corner, she froze. A translucent couple, like the one she’d seen before, sitting - the woman on the chair, the man behind it - holding… a translucent baby?
But… but she swore she knew these people, they were familiar… that cry was familiar, why was it familiar?! Something told her that they were important and that she knew them, but it didn’t make sense, none of this made any sense whatsoever! 
Then.. the woman and man... They looked up and made eye contact with Noid. She was startled, of course, but stilled when the woman held the baby out to Noid for her to hold. She knew this baby, this… this was her baby. She… she had a baby.
Slowly, she crept closer to it, holding her hand out to gently touch the small creature, hoping it wouldn’t disappear as heartbreak rushed back of this baby, of the memory of him.
“And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.”
As her touch reached him, he vanished, leaving Noid alone once again, and for the first time in her life, Noid hated being alone. She hated being away from her baby. WHERE was her baby?! Tears pricked her eyes as they streamed down her face, wanting to hold her son so close and never let him go again, hold on to the memories as they began to fade away again... Noid fell to her knees in a city in ruin. 
Her city. Her...home.
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amintyworld · 4 years
“You’re destructive, aren’t you?” Noid said softly as she began to wash her small pet rat, George, in the river. She was gentle and soon with a few scrubs the rat had mostly fallen asleep in her palm.  Peanut just looked up from cleaning her weapons for a moment with a smirk.
“It’s kind of my thing.” She said with a knowing smile before resuming scrubbing the dried blood off her blade - she cleaned her weapons and bathed much more regularly than the others would admit - she new a unclean blade would turn blunt and useless and battle, and that a clean soldier was least likely to catch disease. Not like she could, being immune to it, but it was drilled to much into her head from a young age it was tough to kick the habit.  
“Yeah, but... it must get tiring sometimes, wouldn’t it?” She added thoughtfully. “I can’t imagine having to deal with all the judgement.”
“I’m more used to it than you think.” Peanut added. “I was a part of a widely feared and hated cult, I wasn’t exactly a saint.”
“I know, but you’re different now. You’re not with them anymore. So, why put yourself through all that hate?” Noid and Peanut just looked to each other for a moment, and Peanut just looked at the water thoughtfully, trying to find the right words to explain it. Like she has to have the perfect excuse for all of it.
“I...I guess I just... accepted the fact that I’ll always be the type of person to get those kind of jobs done when they need to be done. I don’t really look at morals, I’m just looking at trying to survive.” Peanut let out a sigh. “Even if they don’t exactly approve of my methods, they work to make sure we’re safe, and to me, that’s all that matters.”
“I know that Scepter and Drive both appreciate your help, they’re just intimidated.” Noid said, beginning to dry and fluff George’s fur.
“Not you, though?”
“You may still be earning my trust, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think your intentions and actions are pure. You’re a survivor, not a murderer.” Noid said before smiling. “Plus, it’s nice to have someone to keep them in line - even Scepter gets over his head sometimes.”
“Yeah... well-”
“You’re a good person, Peanut. No matter what anyone says.”
Peanut just smiled. “Thank you.”
Even though Noid was a little harsh with her at the beginning, she soon realizes that they’re a lot more similar than she ever thought. So, I wrote a nice lil bonding fluff with my two least written about characters - Noid and Peanut. <3
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