brightclansstory · 2 months
Moon 27
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kogitosk · 6 days
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mintleafkitty72 · 2 months
Okay, random thoughts about ROTTMNT regarding a "what if" scenario:
I saw this post and it got me thinking about what if the last back up plan of all back up plans for the bad future timeline in the Rise movie was supposed to be Both F!Leo AND Casey Jr. going back to the past to stop the Krang?
(Really really (that's two reallys) long talk about my thoughts on this under the cut)
Like, they both go back and it roughly follows the same timeline as the movie but so much would still be different just because f!Leo is there too with CJ. Which would be nice for CJ specifically because then he wouldn't be alone after the events of the movie and f!Leo and CJ would have someone that could talk to from the bad future, but I just can't stop thinking about how everyone would react and how differently conversations would go during the events of the movie specifically. There is just so much that could happen and it could go more into depth on how CJ feels about the events and how f!Leo would react as well. And every time Mikey tries using his mystic mojo, f!Leo and CJ's hearts break just a little and that also happens every time any one of them does something that their future selves would do in the bad future. (I wish we got more into CJ's character and how he was feeling during/after the events of the movie and I'm so glad that there are so many writers and artists who have dove into his character, thank you guys)
Just imagine f!Leo seeing his younger self come back from the initial attack on the Foot where he's panicking and Raph isn't back yet and f!Leo just gets a flash back to when he lost his Raph. And then past Leo would still go after CJ (and possibly f!Leo too) about how they knew this would happen and then both Splinter and f!Leo try to talk to p!Leo (or maybe it could go a different way, there's just so many possibilities). And then from that point on, f!Leo sees what p!Leo is doing and deciding as the leader and f!Leo is simultaneously irritated that his past self is being reckless and not listening to anyone's input but also realizing that he is a 16 year old kid and that he was too when the invasion first began in the bad future. (I personally don't think f!Leo would hate his past self if he ever went back in time and that he wouldn't act hostile towards his past self, there'd just be a lot of feelings that he never got to really acknowledge during the apocalypse and a lot of realizations and thoughts occurring that he also wouldn't be able to properly address until after the invasion is stopped. Plus, both Leos I feel like have a lot of self hatred but I don't think f!Leo would take out his hatred on his past self).
Then when the bros are going to the turtle tank, f!Leo either stays with Splinter and April while the bros and CJ go to where Raph is or f!Leo goes with the bros and CJ. If he goes to help find Raph, they'll all still get separated in the subway system but it would still be p!Leo and CJ and the PB&J duo + f!Leo and after that, the final fight would happen. How? Idk lmao, but it would still lead to p!Leo alone to fight Krang Prime and his self sacrifice. And it makes me wonder how f!Leo would react to his past self's decisions, knowing what he was getting himself into? Knowing he would have done the same? Understanding how CJ felt every time he made a similar decision in the bad timeline and barely made it out alive? Knowing exactly how p!Leo feels but also knowing exactly how everyone else feels when losing someone close? The dread of knowing that they're gone but not wanting to accept it? Thinking about how he is going to be the last of their family to die from the bad timeline but the first in this one? Then once a few minutes pass, Raph uses his comm to reach them.
And he tells them to get to Staten Island asap, his voice urgent and filled with worry, but not grief. Questions are asked and eventually Raph says that p!Leo is alive, awake (barely), but severely injured and needs medical attention like now. Then one of the four (either Splinter, April, CJ, or f!Leo) ask Raph how p!Leo isn't in the Prison Dimension anymore and he answers by stating Mikey made a portal with his mystic mojo and CJ and f!Leo's hearts stop. Because they think that Mikey died making that portal just like their bad timeline Mikey did.
So, the four of them head to Staten Island as fast as they can and CJ and f!Leo are confused but relieved to see that Mikey is okay and not dead (but they take note of the markings on Mikey's hands, Donnie's right hand, and Raph's left hand). Then, they see Leo's extremely broken body, they make their way home, and they ALL start their healing processes. How all of that may occur can go in many different ways and I'm down for any of them.
I'm sure others in the Rise fandom have also thought of f!Leo going with CJ to the past to "find the key and stop the Krang" but I just had that thought occur and I had to just talk about what that could entail and all my thoughts about it. Because there are a lot of works where f!Leo goes back in time but I don't think I've seen one where he goes back in time with CJ in order to stop the Krang and is there for the events of the movie. If any of you do know of something like that, would you mind sharing it? I'd love to see it.
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cheshireizxpikeveil · 2 months
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My Dnd and Baulder’s Gate 3 characters Emhyr and Pike. I love them sooooo much! Thank you my sweet @starrforge
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cecelovesrats · 1 year
my art block has lasted for so long i think it's time to dust of the warriors ocs. the murder cats have never wronged me before
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wingedcatgirl · 2 years
The "wingedcatgirl infodumps at you about her OCs but like, in tournament form for no particular reason" tournament: PRELIMINARY SEEDING POLL
i'm here to kick ass and make you vote on which of my OCs you like most, and i'm all out of ass
i'm also completely lacking in data for seeding, thus this strawpoll which just asks you to check off every name you recognize even a little bit
now to schedule this for an obnoxious number of repeats in the next 24 hours (the seeding poll will close whenever i get back to it after that)
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redezign-yr-logo · 1 year
Ooh, sweet confusion in a bitter syrup, lift my spirits up again
Another character i redesigned !! They were also supposed to be UFO but i really liked them :] MORE INFO ABOUT EM UNDER THE CUT x3
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[Reblogs > Likes]
Their name is Mintleaf !!! They are a NB asexual lesbian and were once a medicine cat of RiverClan !! They use They/She pronouns ^^
They're a medicine cat who died tangled in brambles, and was sent to The Dark Forest instead of StarClan for seemingly no reason. They're covered in ever growing brambles that are slowly puncturing and growing into their body. She doesn't know what she did to deserve this, and is in constant agony.
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I dug up a bunch of old art of mine recently and I found some art of my old WCRP OCs: Mintcloud so I decided to redo it
During that, I found one of my first ever completed art pieces on Gimp (my first ever art program besides for MS Paint + Paint Shop Pro 7 for editing occasionally) using her and a ref sheet so I decided to redo the ref sheet first so I can redo the completed piece on a later date. I would like to thank younger me for posting so much of my art on the AJCW (Animal Jam Clans Wiki, I was an active user from 2016-2019) for me to dig up. Almost all of my art would've been lost had I not done that and I love looking back at my old stuff. And once I converted these from WebP back to their original PNG form, the quality was kept (although Tumblr is gonna ruin it on your end) so the pixels are crisp and clear like how they were when I first exported them 6 years ago
June 12 2017
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grenue · 26 days
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Two of my old HTTYD OCs (who, in lore, were alive LOOONNNNGG before Toothless and Grimel), who ALSO got a massive redesign.
Green eyed one is Mintleaf (she was unable to roar due to an incident), and the orange eyed one is Bright...who was a male Light Fury before-
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
I know you're not gonna see this until you get back from camp this weekend but...
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Thanks for being the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful, caring human being that you are. I hope you had an incredible day to match with the incredible person you are <3 🫂
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Thank YOU for being such a stupendous, incYredible, wonderful, sweet, awesome, brilliant, FANTASTIC person, who's done so much h for me and helped me in ways I didn't know I needed. You are such a wonderful light in the darkness, and I hope you had the incredible day that you absolutely deserve. You're amazing, my dear friend
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agnilume · 5 months
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Uhhh hi??
First time normally starting Tumblr and have no idea what to do but anyway
Hope to find tf and art moots??? Would be great...
Meet my TF oc, Mintleaf!
Will try to post some arts and stuff with my another ocs and maybe fanarts
(song w her(and her conjunx's) vibes)
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brightclansstory · 2 months
Moon 24
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Maybe it's best to resolve things now.
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marmotclaw · 7 months
Renames for duplicate cats
Applefur (tf) -> Applestem
Bee (cotp) -> Cicada
Beechfur (tc) -> Beechpelt
Birchstar (skc) -> Elmstar
Birchstar (wc) -> Hickorystar
Branch (hj) -> Sprig
Cloudberry (rc) -> Darkberry
Coco (dk) -> Coconut
Darkstar (cotc) -> Puddlestar
Darkstar (skc) -> Murkstar
Dew Nose -> Dew Grass
Dovestar -> Wrenstar
Eeltail -> Eelfang
Emberdawn (stc) -> Emberlight
Emberkit (dotc) -> Ember Sparks
Feather (gc) -> Quill
Fernleaf -> Fernear
Flower (lo) -> Dahlia
Flower (ro) -> Aster
Flowerstem (cotc) -> Flowernose
Frecklewish (skc) -> Freckleface
Fritz (rp) -> Freddie
Gorseclaw (tc) -> Gorsebush
Gorseclaw (wc) -> Gorseflower
Gorsetail (tnp) -> Fawnfoot
Greywing -> Greyfeather
Hareflight (fq) -> Harewhisker
Heronwing (tc) -> Heroncrown
Ivytail (rc) -> Ivypelt
Larchkit (mv) -> pecankit
Larksong (bp) -> Larkcall
Larkwing (fq) -> Larkshine
Leaf (dotc) -> Stem
Lily (fq) -> Tulip
Max (kp) -> Maxie
Milkfur (wc) -> Milktooth
Milkfur (rc) -> Milksplash
Minnowkit (cotc) -> Lushkit
Mintfur (skc) -> Mintleaf
Minty (ro) -> Mint
Mitzi (kp) -> Jodie
Molewhisker -> Moleleap
Mossheart (tc) -> Mosspebble
Mudclaw (sc) -> Mudlegs
Nettle -> Spurge
Night (hj) -> Spore
Nightstar (dotc) -> Duskstar
Nutmeg (ro) -> Pistachio
Oatwhisker (tc) -> Oattail
Patch (kp) -> Patchy
Patch Pelt -> Patched Fur
Petal (Sister) -> Pond
Pouncetail (sc) -> Pouncepuddle
Quailfeather (cotc) -> Quailwing
Rabbitleap (tc) -> Rabbitfoot
Rain (dotc) -> Monsoon
Rainfur (skc) -> Rainmask
Redclaw -> Marshclaw
Reedshine (cotc) -> Reedear
Rippletail/Buster-> Rippledawn
Robinwing (rc) -> Robinspots
Robinwing (skc) -> Robintalon
Robinwing (wc) -> Robinswoop
Rose (fq) -> Rosa
Rowanstar (cotc) -> Crimsonstar
Rushtail (wc) -> Rushseed
Shade Pelt-> Shade Nose
Shadepelt (avos) -> Shadeclaw
Shimmerpelt (cp) -> Shimmershade
Slate (ih) -> Wedge
Sloefur (rc) -> Sloeberry
Snaketail (tot) -> Snakeeye
Snaketooth -> Snakecatcher
Sparrow (ro) -> Wren
Sparrowfeather (stc) -> Sparroweye
Sparrowpelt (skc) -> Sparrowcrest
Spider (trr) -> Tarantula
Stagleap (tc) -> Stagsong
Stoatfur (bs) -> Stoatsnout
Stone (dotc) -> Cobblestone
Stone Song (dotc) -> Stone Speckle
Swallowtail (rc) -> Swallowheart
Thistle (ro) -> Cleaver
Thistlepaw (cotc) -> Barbpaw
Thrushpelt (wc) -> Thrushthroat
Velvet (sd) -> Silk
Wrenflight (skc) -> Wrenbeak
Warrior names for kits, apprentices and leaders
Acornpaw -> Acornpounce
Adderkit -> Adderbite
Adderpaw -> Adderpatch
Beechpaw -> Beechspring
Beechstar -> Beechdust
Bellkit -> Bellsong
Birchstar -> Birchbloom
Blossomkit -> Blossomtail
Brindlestar -> Brindlestorm
Brownpaw -> Brownthorn
Brushpaw -> Brushroar
Buzzardkit -> Buzzardcry
Carpkit - Carpwhisker
Cedarstar -> Cedarfall
Cherrypaw -> Cherryspark
Chestnutkit -> Chestnutsnap
Copperpaw-> Copperleaf
Cricketkit -> Cricketchirp
Crimsonstar -> Crimsonroot
Curlypaw -> Curlytail
Cypresspaw -> Cypressmulch
Dandelionkit -> Dandeliontuft
Darkstar -> Darkmist
Dawnstar -> Dawngaze
Deerpaw -> Deerwhistle
Dewkit -> Dewflower
Dewstar -> Dewfern
Dovestar -> Dovethroat
Downkit -> Downstream
Dragonflykit -> Dragonflytail
Driftkit - Driftmouse
Drizzlekit -> Drizzleflake
Duckkit -> Duckpuddle
Duckpaw -> Duckfeather
Duskpaw -> Duskflint
Duststar -> Dustmask
Eaglekit -> Eaglefoot
Elmstar -> Elmleap
Emberkit -> Emberfall
Emberstar -> Emberdance
Fallowkit -> Fallowfeather
Fallowpaw -> Fallowfoot
Fallowstar -> Fallowhare
Featherkit -> Featherbreeze
Featherstar -> Featherdust
Fennelstar -> Fennelfrost
Finchkit -> Finchberry
Finchstar -> Finchtail
Flickerkit-> Flickersong
Flowerpaw -> Flowerpool
Flystar -> Flyswarm
Fogpaw -> Fogwhisper
Hatchkit -> Hatchshell
Hawkstar -> Hawkeye
Hazelstar -> Hazelbranch
Heatherstar -> Heatherpad
Hickorystar -> Hickoryheart
Hillkit -> Hillbreeze
Hollykit -> Hollybark
Hollystar -> Hollyseed
Hopekit -> Hopeflower
Houndstar -> Houndtooth
Ivystar -> Ivyneedle
Juniperkit -> Juniperberry
Larchkit -> Larchwood
Lavenderkit -> Lavenderheart
Lightningpaw -> Lightningstrike
Lilystar -> Lilyfall
Lionstar -> Lionfang
Littlekit -> Littlelight
Lushkit -> Lushstone
Lynxkit -> Lynxwish
Maplestar -> Maplewhisker
Marigoldkit -> Marigolddrop
Marshkit ->Marshbelly
Marshpaw -> Marshstep
Minnowkit -> Minnownose
Mintkit -> Mintcreek
Mintpaw -> Mintheart
Mistkit -> Mistmoon
Mistlekit -> Mistleclaw
Molepaw -> Molerye
Morningkit -> Morningdew
Morningstar -> Morningwhisper
Mosskit -> Mossflight
Mosspaw -> Mosslog
Murkstar -> Murkfoot
Nettlepaw -> Nettleleaf
Nightkit -> Nightfall
Oakstar -> Oakthorn
Oatkit -> Oatspots
Patchkit -> Patchheart
Pecankit-> Pecancone
Perchkit -> Perchtuft
Perchpaw -> Perchsplash
Petalkit -> Petalstorm
Pikepaw -> Pikespeck
Pricklekit -> Pricklepelt
Primpaw -> Primfrost
Prongkit -> Prongclaw
Puddlestar -> Puddlefur
Quailkit -> Quailshell
Quickpaw -> Quickclaw
Quietkit -> Quietmew
Redstar -> Redwisp
Reedstar -> Reedfur
Ripplestar -> Ripplestripe
Robinkit -> Robincurl
Robinstar -> Robincloud
Rubblekit -> Rubbledust
Rubblepaw -> Rubblepelt
Rushpaw -> Rushsplash
Rustlekit -> Rustlekit
Sedgestar -> Sedgespike
Seedpaw -> Seedsong
Shrewpaw -> Shrewrunner
Shrimppaw -> Shrimptail
Silverpaw -> Silverspring
Smallstar -> Smallstep
Snailpaw -> Snailmask
Snipkit -> Snippad
Snowkit -> Snowblossom
Snowstar -> Snowstorm
Specklepaw -> Specklennose
Spiderstar -> Spiderfang
Splashkit -> Splashspots
Splashpaw -> Splashpuddle
Spottedpaw -> Spottedfeather
Storkkit -> Storkwing
Swampkit -> Swampswim
Swankit -> Swansong
Sweetpaw -> Sweettooth
Swiftpaw -> Swiftblaze
Swiftstar -> Swiftheart
Talonpaw -> Talonshade
Talonstar -> Talonfang
Tanglepaw -> Tanglefur
Tabsypaw -> Tansybeetle
Thistlepaw -> Thistletoe
Troutstar -> Troutshine
Tulipkit -> Tuliptuft
Tumblekit -> Tumbleweed
Turtlekit -> Turtlesnap
Vinestar -> Vinetail
Volestar -> Volechaser
Waterkit -> Watervole
Weaselkit -> Weaselbounce
Webkit -> Webhaze
Whitestar -> Whitehawk
Wildkit -> Wildheart
Willowkit -> Willowgleam
Willowstar -> Willowmane
Wishkit -> Wishseed
Woodkit -> Woodrattle
Wrenstar -> Wreneye
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mintleafkitty72 · 22 days
Y'all... The Wisdom Saga?
My sibling and I were finally able to listen to it and we listened to it like three times and then listened to ALL the Epic songs all the way through, singing our hearts out, it was so fun.
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amberstarangelle · 4 months
stardew valley characters - warrior cats names
maru - rustspark
leah - leafybreeze
penny - littlepoppy
abigail - boldshard
emily - crystalglow
haley - sunflowergleam
alex - russetclaw
elliot - sunsetwave
harvey - fernflight
sam - lightningleap
sebastian - ravendrop
shane - blueburr
pierre - cedarfur
caroline - mintleaf
robin - robinbark
demetrius -
linus - wildfur
marlon - silverfang
clint - flintstrike
evelyn - sweetbloom
george - pepperpelt
gus - orangebriar
marnie - cowheart
jas - berrypaw (jump)
lewis - graystar (fall)
jodi - swiftwillow
kent - basaltcrackle
vincent - zappaw (fluff)
willy - fishpatch
pam - goldencurl
wizard - eclipsewatcher
krobus - smallshadow
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komodocomics · 5 months
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Do you fuck With my cup of mintleaf
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