#minor tma spoilers
queer-berry · 7 months
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Berry stop posting during school challenge
Martin Blackwood I love you. Decided to draw my design for him post-lonely because it makes me insane. Basically season 5 design. I’m very happy with it I love making characters look cool and unique. Mans has been through it the least I can do is make him look more swag.
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literallycallmesock · 9 months
Day 1 Inktober
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Cranking out an Antonio Blake (Oliver Banks) for the first day of spooky month
pretty proud of this one
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bumpybumpyroad · 19 days
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On season 2 of the magnus archives and it’s been an absolute treat so far. Can’t wait to see (or more like hear) what happens next!
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random-group-of-crows · 5 months
They fuckin Sergey Ushanka'd my boys
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Can I interest anyone in a database? Who am I kidding, you all want a database.
I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible, especially since this is the copy I've put into a different account that's not attached to my name. I'm currently through the basics of MAG and up to the current public episode of TMAGP. I'm still working on pulling descriptions and entities/artefacts/avatars from transcripts when I have the time, which isn't as often as I'd like, as a STEM uni student.
WARNING! This document for TMAGP will be updated every TUESDAY when the patreon episode is released. If you want to avoid spoilers, wait to read until Thursday for TMAGP
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irate-iguana · 2 months
I got to the episode where Jon’s asexuality first comes up and I am giddy with happiness. He’s the first canonically asexual character I’ve encountered and the representation means SO MUCH to me. I knew in advance, of course, it’s part of why I started TMA, but actually hearing it said in the podcast? I did not expect the feeling of finally seeing myself in media to hit so hard.
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several-ravens · 1 month
turns out the scariest part of tma is not the horrors or the existentialism but it's jonathan screaming and taking out his frustration on someone who did nothing to deserve it
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kitkatyes · 3 months
I can’t sleep so here’s my thoughts on a hypothetical tma ieytd au
Something, something major tma + minor ieytd 3 spoilers
I really like the thought of Phoenix being in artefact storage. But, like, they’re more into the artefact retrieval aspect of it. I can just imagine Phoenix breaking into someplace with half an earbud in plugged into some mobile phone from who-knows-when with their handler rattling on about what they need to get
I’m tossing up weather Zor or Morales should be the head of the institute. They both make sense, I think. Both are the big bosses of their companies, after all. Wait… what if it’s a Jonah situation: it’s Morales’ body but Zor’s mind??? I feel like such a genius (it is 2am, I am exhausted from my schools production and I’m letting my brain run wild)
Okay, whoever is the Elias stand-in would Know that Phoenix is an avatar of the End (their uncanny ability to escape death etc.) and thus, keeps sending them to get all the artefacts: it is quite annoying to replace staff that have been devoured via homophobic vases and other such artefacts, after all. Their handler is none the wiser to the
Juniper would definitely try and do the Unknowing and Phoenix has definitely confiscated at least one of his masks over the years
I love Phoenix so much (giving them immense trauma)
What if after that, they get ‘promoted’ to the archives branch— either as archival assistant or The Archivist
“I understand that your coworker was forcibly replaced by some weird creature but here, do paperwork instead of running around like a lunatic; I promise it’ll make you feel better”
Worm incident but it’s bees. I don’t think I need to explain who this is
Im gonna go pass out now bc i desperately need sleep, gn
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soupthatwasreheated · 2 years
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they fell asleep while watching corny alien documentaries on the history channel at 3am
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impossibletruths · 3 months
pros of getting all my friends back into TMA: soon I will have my “fandom is bad the ideal fandom experience is you and your friends in a bubble” experience
cons of getting all my friends into TMA: they’re episodes behind me 😑
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fog-and-isolation · 11 days
I hate it here.
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Elias: "Need I remind you of just how hard you fell into my lap when I..."
[Elias goes quiet as he places the images of the event in question in his wife's mind.]
Cordelia [clearly flustered]: "Jonah!"
Elias [smugly]: "Eleanor...~"
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lostenzz · 11 months
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I swear if some people point out some details i have as headcanons i WILL implode, this is a threat /pos
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macabresymphonies · 3 months
(minor TMA spoilers and general TMAGP spoilers) Having so much time to think about incidents in TMAGP due to hiatus made me realize that all of them, to some degree, contain the theme of "sealing your own fate" or "consequences of greed/hubris".
You see, while I do not believe that TMA had a consistent theme every statement was based on, the overall messege seemed to be that horrors are inevitable. Once you've been marked you cannot escape, no amount of therapy or running can release you from it. I think Michael Crew is the best example of that:
"The thing that chased me, you see, it was an arcing branch of the Twisting Deceit, taken shape to follow me. (...) And I knew within that book was something that could not only release me from my pursuer, but chain my being to that rush of wind and vertigo forever." Michael Crew in "The Coming Storm"
You cannot escape it once you've been marked, only bind yourself to different one and this marking is, most often than not, nonconsensual. Jane Prentiss would run around and infect random people, Not!Them didn't need anybody to come to them before it was sealed and Peter Lukas also tended to just disappear random people just to feed. The fears were very predatorial and active and the victims were selected based on their own fears and anxieties. This is not to say there weren't victims who failed due to their own curiosity/hubris/greed, but I think it's telling that few of the most greedy/curious people in the series, Mikaele Salesa and Jurgen Leitner, stayed largely uncorrupted by the fears not cause they avoided interacting with them, but simply avoided getting marked by them.
Now we come to protocol and every incident so far has the main subject of that incident actively engage with the horror and have one or multiple points at which they could stop and leave, but they do not. Daria went to the tattoo shop on her own accord, Harriet wanted her husband back no matter what and even Dr Webber was described to be able to leave the garden whenever he wanted, but, due to hiding from authorities, chose to stay until it was too late for him. Every incident so far seems to have this theme of consent, characters detailing very clearly that consent was given to engage with the abnormality:
"Ah well that’s a tricky one. Sort of? In many ways he stabbed himself on me. By the time he saw the needles we were already very close. Close enough to smell his sweat and cheap aftershave. In fact, he barely had time to be afraid before we embraced. He’s terrified now of course…" Needles in "Introductions"
"The young man's interview was not exceptional as he had no experience in charity work, no driving license nor any demonstrable experience in retail. He claimed however, to know the Hilltop Centre better than anyone and as he was the only applicant in the role I elected to give him a try." Dianne Margolis in "Give and Take"
"I hesitated a moment but before I could consider her strangeness a particularly high tide of color swept down the corridor toward me. I panicked, and before I realized what I was doing I had darted inside the lift and slammed the close-door button." Terrance Stevens in "Running on Empty"
It does not matter some of these are under duress or deception, all of them contain some type of action "confirming" consent. Mind you I do not believe all the victims of of these horrors confirm consent in some way, like people who get killed by Bonzo probably didn't agree to it (though considering he's most likely a hitman, some degree of "you agreed to this by overstepping your boundaries" philosophy could be applied), but subjects of the incident very much pay for consequences of their own actions.
That brings us to OIRA itself, and how every character so far seems to actively dig themselves deeper by their own accord, Gwen wants position of power, Colin wants to figure out the system, Sam wants to know why he wasn't chosen and Alice is in it for the money (for her brother which still counts as consent). This is literally said directly to us in episode 1:
"If you hate working here so completely, you are perfectly within your rights to resign. No one is forcing you to stay here." Lena to Gwen in "First Shift"
All of this, all this horror is happening due to their own accord, curiosity, obligation, greed for knowledge or just for the money, it does not matter, the choice is there, but they delve deeper anyway. We will see how long it holds up, but I will be on the look out for this theme in the future.
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eatingrosescollab · 4 months
Just a quick post! Idk maybe I’ll add to it later.
I try and tag consistently, however, proceed with caution if you don’t want The Magnus Archives spoilers.
Occasionally nsft, please be careful, especially minors. I try to tag them #nsft.
I post/reblog about TMA/TMAGP, but also about writing/fanfiction, and gay shit. I feel like they all go together lol. I will tag other fandoms, personal and off-topic things #not tma if you don’t want to see that.
I will not tag activism posts #not tma. I stand behind the causes I post about, like liberating Palestine, and I am not ashamed of that or want to make it easy to miss. Thank you.
You can find my ao3 page here: EatingRoses. I write mostly nsfw fanfiction about Jon, Martin, and Elias, but I’ve got some sprinklings of other things.
I also run an Elias role play account, @eye-want-you-bouchard
and a forcemasc t4t tumblr, @trans-4ce-trans (18+)
That’s all for now! Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks for being here.
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a-man-named-jim · 2 months
Magpod theory!! (crack btw)
Spoilers for TMA endgame and Malevolent Intermezzo (plus minor for tmagp)
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So we all know how Alice says this in ep12 right?
And everyone assumes it's a joke cause she's trans and changing your name and all. But what if she literally is Jesus Christ? What if? And you know who else openly admits to being Jesus? Kayne Malevolent.
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Right there in pt28. But do you know what else magpod and malevolent have in common? Canon multiverse (wasn't sure what transcripts to put but you know).
In Intermezzo Kayne says that he's met alternative versions of himself and that he's killed them all, and even though that was all in the 1930's of og Malevolent universe it doesn't have to be for the rest of them.
So my theory is that Alice is this universe's Kayne and that he's the one following her for shits and giggles before he kills her like all the other ones.
That would also mean whatever unexplainable horror does come to end her life will be the usual Kayne Malevolent, which could not actually be true but thinking about it is funny. And also Alice is Nyarlathotep.
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