#mino pics
canon-gabriel-quotes · 10 months
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Transcript: Cover them up, harlot.
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vio1ent1y · 6 months
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Another old artwork dump, some of these are relatively older but its still in good shape imo.
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alexmalkov · 24 days
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i-ate-a-crayon-lol · 10 months
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амогус побольшеб, амогус поменьшеб ))))))
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vjonk · 4 months
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*throws this at u and runs*
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stunie · 2 months
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not sure if you saw it yet but Umemiya with a baby….also lil sakura with a baby keke
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MINOOOO !!!! i have seen it. however . i needed to see it again. i needed this very much. i’m literally squealing he is EVERYTHING. i love you so much for dropping this in my inbox >: he is so sweet !!!!
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minophus · 5 months
Puppydog gabriel
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mistbow · 1 year
Sorey, the Vigil-Keeper
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I know there’s a popular theory that Sorey might be reborn as a seraph at the ending, but to this, I would like to propose an alternative that is not less convincing, with hints spread throughout both Zestiria and Berseria.
スレイ「……オレ、メーヴィンに教えて貰ったこと絶対忘れない。ずっと伝えていく!」 メーヴィン「……ふ。俺が看取られるなんて……考えた事も……なかった」
In this dialogue from the screenshots above, I want you to pay attention to the word “看取る” and its variations, as it is a word that keeps coming up in the story.
If you look up in dictionaries, you would find that the Japanese word “看取る” means “to attend someone’s deathbed; to care for someone who is close to death until their death.” It is, admittedly, a word that is hard to translate to English.
Here’s how the official English translation goes about, emphasis mine, to bring attention to how it’s localized:
SOREY:  I promise... I'll never forget what you've told me, Mayvin. And I'll teach it to others as well! MAYVIN:  Heh. Never did I imagine I would die with others... By my... Side...
But I think the word has significance in Zestiria lore, with Mayvin, being one himself, didn’t expect to have someone to watch over him as he died.
And how do I know that? It’s in the name, as explained in the sidequest revolving the poet Mayvin.
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Here’s a bit of the dialogue as a refresher, with omissions here and there:
アカシャ「語り部は個の名を持たない一族。『メーヴィン』とは一族が代々受け継ぐ名なのです」 ミクリオ「つまり、詩人は何代前のメーヴィンか!」 ザビーダ「メーヴィン……『看取る者』って意味だっけか?」 アカシャ「彼らは、その名と共に契約を受け継ぎ、世界を傍観する宿命を負うのです」 ミクリオ「しかし、なぜそんな宿命を?」 ザビーダ「初代がなんかやらかしちまって、強制的に誓約が与えられた……とかなんとかだっけ?」 スレイ「応えなきゃな。メーヴィンが託してくれた想いに」
Here is how it goes in the official English localization (emphasis, again, mine):
AKSHA: Those in the clan of Storytellers have no names of their own. The name “Mayvin” is passed down through the generations. MIKLEO: So the poet Mayvin was his ancestor from centuries ago! ZAVEID: Doesn’t “Mayvin” mean “Caregiver” in the old tongue? AKSHA: Those born into that name and that oath must accept their fate to be observers of the world. MIKLEO: But I wonder... why is that their fate? ZAVEID: Wasn’t it, like, the first one did some damn fool thing and wound up forced to take the oath as punishment or something? SOREY: We need to work hard to live up to the hopes that Mayvin placed in us.
But if I were to translate it myself more closely to the original Japanese, it would be more like this:
AKSHA: Those in the clan of Storytellers have no names of their own. The name “Mayvin” is passed down through the generations. MIKLEO: So the poet Mayvin was from several generations ago! ZAVEID: Doesn’t “Mayvin” mean “Vigil-Keeper” in the old tongue? AKSHA: Those inheriting that name and that oath must accept their fate to be observers of the world. MIKLEO: But I wonder... why is that their fate? ZAVEID: Wasn’t it, like, the first one did some damn fool thing and wound up forced to take the oath as punishment or something? SOREY: We need to work hard to live up to the hopes that Mayvin placed in us.
What am I implying here? I think that the Storytellers of Time, as a clan, don’t have to be related by blood. The wording used here to me implies that the name is inherited, passed down. (Fits nicely with Zestiria’s theme that “Legend will someday become hope.” Legends or “伝承” are things that get passed down. That get inherited. That outlives its keepers, because it is the hope or will that will not die as long as there’s someone out there to accept it.)
It’s a name that means 看取る者, the one who attends someone on their deathbed. As for why I translated this as “Vigil-Keeper”, I will bring it up later.
(As a sidenote: Sorey gets his alternative costume from this sidequest. Makes you think.)
But first. Let’s talk about Mayvin more. After all, there’s also “Mayvin” in Berseria.
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マギルゥ「メルキオル・メーヴィン、火山で待っておれ」 マギルゥ「案ずるな。お主の最期は儂が”看取る”」
MAGILOU: Melchior Mayvin, I’ll see you at the volcano. MAGILOU: Don’t you worry. I’ll be sure to be there as you breathe your last.
Hard, isn’t it, to get this point across in English? But they actually put the word in the quotes as ”看取る” as if trying to get your focus on that word. Part of why I think the name “Mayvin” (along with the oath that comes with it) gets inherited as you watch someone die before your eyes, and take on their name.
Now back to Zestiria. Sorey actually has a title series that corresponds to the turning points of his character development, namely:
Lad of Separation (別離の若者) (Bronze): Obtained when he left Elysia, as he learned the lesson of farewells.
Reunited Traveler (旅は道連れ) (Silver): Obtained when Rose joined the party, as he learned to be with a human companion that can understand him as a fellow human.
Vigil-Keeper (看取りし人) (Gold): Obtained as he watched Mayvin die in his arms. I will explain more on this below.
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看取りし人 消えゆく命を見届け、その想いを胸に刻んだ者に託された称号。
Vigil-Keeper A title entrusted to one who sees off passing lives, and engraves the wishes of the fallen upon his heart.
(By the way, it’s also part of a series of titles belonging to the seraphim too.)
Yes, it’s the same word/characters you see in all of the previous ones shown above. He actually obtained a title that is basically the ancient tongue meaning for “Mayvin.”
刻遺の語り部 「メーヴィン」という名を代々受け継ぐ人間の一族がいる。彼らは「刻遺の語り部」と呼ばれる存在で、「人間・天族・導師・憑魔などの歴史に干渉しない」という誓約により、非常な長命を得ている。「刻(とき)に遺される」という名からわかるように、人間では考えられないような時間を生きながら、人や天族が織りなす歴史を語り、後世に残すことを使命としている。これは初代メーヴィンに対して課せられた、一種の義務や罰ではないか、という説が伝わっている。歴史に干渉しないた��その存在を知る者は少なく、天族のあいだでも語ることは禁忌とされているようだ。
Storytellers of Time There is a human clan which inherits the name “Mayvin” from generation to generation. They are known as the “Storytellers of Time” and have a very long life due to their oath not to interfere with the history of humans, seraphim, Shepherds, and hellions. As implied from the name “abandoned in time,” they have the duty to tell the history as woven by humans and seraphim while living for a long time unimaginable for humans, preserving for the future generations, left behind by the world and time. It has been theorized that this may have been some kind of obligation or punishment imposed on the first Mayvin. Since they do not interfere with history, few humans know of their existence, and it has become something of a taboo to talk about, even among the seraphim.
As a note, the “Time” part of the title is “刻遺” and I believe I had already talked about the word “time” being written as “刻” before. It also implies “abandoned in time” (“刻に遺される”).
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MIKLEO: By bonding with Maotelus, you’ll be abandoned in time. It could take years… It could take centuries.
Interesting wording, is it not?
By the way, another interesting but easy-to-miss detail:
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If you squint closely, both Magilou and Zestiria!Mayvin have bird motifs (on her notebook for Magilou, where presumably she wrote the stories to tell to the next generations, and on both his pipe and book for Z!Mayvin). You know who else has bird motifs?
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空に飛び立って 幼い頃からいつも身に着けている羽の耳飾り。穢れを知らない鳥は故郷を飛び立ち広い世界を目指す。
Flying into the sky A feather earring that he has always worn since he was a child. The bird, knowing nothing of malevolence, takes a flight off from its homeland to the vast world.
(I mean, a lot of Zestiria and Berseria characters have bird motifs, but hey. And I will someday talk about this too, but we’ll save this for the future.)
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スレイ「『人が育てたら、飛べない鳥になってしまう。巣に戻せ』って……」 スレイ「あいつ……無事に巣立てたんだな」
SOREY: “A kept bird will never learn to fly,” he said. “Put it back.” SOREY: Guess you made it out of the nest on your own, huh?
And I love it. I love this because at its core, Zestiria is about humans and seraphim, and Sorey and Mikleo are intended by the creators to symbolize that. Being a storyteller and explorer fits him as his defining character trait is that he is passionate about history, passionate about finding ways on how to unite humans and seraphim. Sure, he was still the Shepherd up until before he brought out that second strike to Heldalf, and ended his suffering of Eternal Solitude, but right after that? Right after all this is done? I’m inclined to believe he might take the oath, take the name “Mayvin” after the one human he learned from the most. 
But I don’t think he is going to see it as a burden, an obligation, a punishment... after all, the essence of adventure lies in exploration, in the words of Mayvin, the Explorer. 
And, in the words of Mayvin, the Storyteller, you can’t fathom the true meaning of legends until you’ve seen their history with your own eyes...
(He might not be able to interfere with the world history after this, sure, but in a way, that also frees him from the shackles that used to bind him as the Shepherd. He had done what he needed to. Now is the time to entrust it to the next generations.)
ところで『探検家』であるために一番大切なことはなんだと思う? 好奇心や勇気も重要だが、一番じゃないな 答えは『探検から無事に帰ること』だ
By the way, what would you say is the most important quality of an explorer? Curiosity and courage are definitely key, but they are not the most vital. The answer is the wherewithal to come back from your exploration safely.
And he did come home safely. At the end.
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bloodnikon · 1 year
Ultrakill illustrations by CollegeArtist1 (1/6)
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B&W versions on Twitter.
Checking the artist's page before interacting is greatly encouraged.
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mydream-synopsis · 1 month
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hope u have a good day Hana🐢💚
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stellarskele · 2 years
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OK I'm sorry for the ooc post but my pet shrimps had babies and I'm loosing it rn. Look at these tiny goobers. I love them so much
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
minos pillow tomorrow? 🫣
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angeltism · 1 year
ykw an entire love language is just. associating things to ONE being. only them! that concept? yeah that is Exactly One Being I Know. specific shade of that color? oh my god that's my buddy. a character? literally my bestie right there oh my goodness !! ^__^
#➳ the fool speaks#i just saw a fyo.dor pfp like smth on my edit account and i was like OH MY GAWDD !! [DISC FRIEND] !!!!!#the being also specifically liked my mu.u graphics and discord friend is also har.uka and f/os mu.u so it's so fitting too#and no disc friend does nawt have tumblr but like. if zhi did. that would have been it. pfp liked post and ALL#if i see a pic of minoai? that's two beings i know! that's their ship! it's real bc i know mino AND ai and they both f/o eachother! l#accidental l added to the tag and i can't edit tags on mobile oops#but mnai is nawt an l!!! will would kill me if i said that. mnai 🔛🔝 !!#and uu get the idea#and ok i only rlly gave examples for characters but this DOES also apply 2 colors and concepts prommy#also words#if uu show me a very specific shade of blue THAT'S SORA (disc friend mentioned above) !!!!!!! it is fucking BLOO. bloo-er than me.#actually no zhi is blue and red. nawt together but like. the concept of them both together.#hmmm nyeow that I'm thinking abt it only associations for zhir are coming up rn. is this bc they've been spamming my dms today.#smh I have nothing against the gays but y'all annoying god bless /ref /silly#ykw mentioning vaguely some tumblr mutual stuff too! iykyk ehe#pik.min in general#arc.ana twil.ight especially the pink bitch named breakfast (/ref) but also in general bc i know nobun else who knows it too#hrmmm... what else..... i know more than beings than sora will and the two awesome tumblr moots i just mentioned#oh! castle.vania#ok uhhhhhhhh damn it who else who i still talk 2 or interact with Literally At All fuck#all the things I'm thinking of are for beings whom I do nawt talk 2 anymore and all the beings I'm thinking of i cannawt think of one thing#specific for them#but y'all get the idea
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evkso · 2 years
my body wash smells sooooo good
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jellyfishtan · 16 days
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꒰ a girl so cute that you laugh aloud ꒱
. . . ✨ minnow , mino ₊˚⊹ ⸝⸝ shyノthey ;; 20, yt 🍮 tsuyome gyaru 🍦 ꒷꒦︶
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nyxypoo · 1 month
hi hi nyx!!! How are you🫵 today?
hiiiii mino!! i'm doing realll good cuz ur in my inbox hehe!
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