#but i wanna try to actually get gud
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vjonk · 10 months ago
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*throws this at u and runs*
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ddarianne · 19 days ago
Le me: goes fat scoot with zero regard of the match Medics: IMMA POCKET THIS MAN Le me: has to use minigun or else uber is wasted so no phat scoot ;A;
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zeico · 10 months ago
So I got chronos 3 times now and nemesis is still being a whiny bitch of it 'should be me tho'
Nem you said yourself you got trouble getting past cerberus. I got that fight first try. Like actually git gud u wanna keep talking shit like this.
Please let me Fight You
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hrodvitnon · 2 months ago
Goji, Vivi, and Mothra get asked to try and help on Maddie's stream.
Goji: Boss trouble? Maddie: Yellowbrow....
Goji: It can't be that bad, kid. Lemme try.
(30 minutes of cheap fuckin hits later)
Mothra: I'm starting to wonder if this particular genre is actually fun. It seems you have a rather unhealthy relationship with Soulsborne titles.
Vivi, very quietly: Young lady. Have you been taking your blood pressure medication?
Maddie: ...shit. I'm also grounded, aren't I?
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crab-people-overlord · 2 months ago
Intro 🧡
guess I might as well do an intro
diagnosed adhd software engineer here (🩷💜💙, coming to you from the Rocky Mountains (where rich people's empty ski homes are literally everywhere and driving up costs….. pls send help)
writing stuff + ao3 link
just finished a canon-adjacent story about the main kids. it’s a short story that I had so much fun writing :) and I hope to focus on more short stories in the future.
also doing a south park/good place crossover because why not
wrote this thing called "the cultish conundrum" which... exists... (planning to rewrite it someday when i git gud™️) (wrote this when I knew NOTHING of fandom so I did try to be canon-compliant but knew nothing of creative writing when I first started, so I hope to revisit to rewrite it to be actually… good one day lol)
Also if you’re an ao3 writer of your own and want me to kudos/comment just lmk!! I know this isn’t an excuse but my adhd makes it so bad for me to read others works but if I’m instructed to I genuinely love it and want to support y’all as from what I’ve seen, there’s SO many talented SP writers out there that I genuinely want to support so badly but am literally so bad at committing when there’s so many choices lmao
quick stats:
mid 20s and fresh out of college (studied computer sci so bear w me if I sound too tech bro; I won’t be offended if you call me out for doing something wrong as I not only don’t get offended easily, but acknowledge I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing since literally the only time I’ve had social media in the past is when I would look at tumblr in middle school cuz it allowed porn it im being real with you 👀)
9w8 ISTP (took the official tests in college tho acknowledge it’s only slightly scientific lol)
ex-mormon who served a mission (emphasis on the ‘ex’- 🫡 🥲 god the stories I have lmfao)
works in tech and works from home
builds legos and games most nights (i wanna learn new hobbies besides this, hence the whole trying to learn how to write thing. pls bear with me- i BS’d my way through English classes in college lol)
so yeah!! south park has basically been my comfort show/emotional support media for as long as i can remember. like it's literally been keeping me sane through… everything
absolutely down to chat about anything!! just use my ask box or dm if you're 18+ (minors please no dm). This blog will likely stay sfw, but it may occasionally not be! I’ll tag when it’s not, but this is your warning now. i promise i'm super chill and just here to vibe with other cool humans who don't tolerate any transphobic/racist/etc behavior. I don’t ever do social media but just want to connect with others in the fandom so here I am 👋not here for any drama and will respect ships in the fandom though i am partial to style (what got me to look into the fandom space in the first place)
also I like writing meta posts but just know I do it all for fun and that I completely understand and respect that my opinions are just that- opinions. at the end of the day it’s just a silly show and that’s the fun of fandom- being able to share these
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fea-resources · 2 months ago
Unhinged Game Commentary As RP Starters Pt.3
Never gonna not hate that bitch.
Man, I would'a punched her.
Gottarun gottarun gottarun.
*singing* Gotta fucking ruuun.
You guys are a bunch of assholes, I don’t wanna hang out with you.
______ is A Good. A dirty, but A Good.
Man, I wouldn’t have gotten back up after that.
“We’re safe here”. Are we really?
You try to take that from me, I’m gonna break this bottle over your head, ______.
You miss the tit and ass commentary that much?
Be The Squirrel. A very big squirrel. And very destructive like a squirrel.
______ asking the real questions.
Wow, that was a big ass rat.
Oh. Rest in peace _____.
Midair ragdoll. Nice.
I really wish I had ______ cuz then I’d be screaming all the time.
No, no, no, no, I don’t wanna go down the creepy hallway.
You totally want to go down the creepy hallway, don’t lie.
Oh, fuck spiders.
*meows at the kitty*
I’m the monkey. Of course.
Monkey man.
What is this, Twilight?
Seriously what was with all the monkey comments in Twilight?
Just choke him.
______ sneaking his way into my commentary.
I took out mine quicker. Did you see how I swung the shIT out of him and he ragdolled?
Since when does _______ do anything quietly?
Nope. Denied.
That fucking smug face.
Weeeeee, have a nice nap!
They gon’ sleep gud.
There it is. SPIDER IN A JAR.
That godly cat sense.
Squirrel game not strong enough.
I took the wrong bus going to class and I wound up in this HELLA fancy street. I'mma go back, its hella aesthetic.
I’m sexually attracted to a library. *finger guns*
Not a phrase I ever thought I’d read with my own two eyes.
Too late, I already took it seriously. You’ll forever be known to me as That Library Fucker.
Hmmmmm…. a title I will gladly wear. It is better than my last one.
Dare I even ask what your last one was?
He just… spread his ass cheeks wide open for that death.
This assholes gonna get it. Gonna get fucking clipped.
This asshole’s gonna get it – in the asshole.
“That wasn’t necessary” I don’t know what you’re talking about. That was completely necessary.
The feeling when you're a paranoid fuck and have a mental map of hiding places on your route home.
I don’t plan hiding places, I plot environmental hazard spots. Catch me taking random and increasingly dangerous routes.
I would have just led him into traffic to be honest. I’m a dick that way.
To be fair, I dented the pole with my face. So it was a tie.
*Pyromania intensifies*
I don’t think ______ is gonna like this place.
Flirting, _____ style: Light them on fire.
Man that’s actually kind of a weird thing to say when you remember how many things and people ______ has lit on fire.
_______’s a demon fucker – More news at 10.
He’s fine, its just a busted knee cap.
______’s very thicc. Look at that ass.
I assumed he would come back on Wednesday because he’d be out of weed. He’s always out of weed on this day. Weedless Wednesdays.
I’m back, and I’m not reading all that. I’m kinda scared to read what you’re all saying anyway.
Light it on fire and see what happens.
I may just suck at sucking.
No Escape.
Give me the cat nip.
BE SAFE. Don’t fly away or anything.
_____ doesn’t have internet. Its not worth the trip.
But what if I want to fly away?
Then bring a parachute.
Time For Regret.
Fuuuuck no I hate those big ass spiders.
Wow this water is so green. Its Super Green. Green Lantern water.
Inhale the glow.
Its the mucus from those commercials for Mucinex.
Make sure you inhale with your stomach – inhale the maximum amount of glow.
Yolo harder.
Your fucking shit is mine.
You just turned his dick into swiss cheese.
Ah yes. The dick shots. Its been too long.
Peek out, bitch.
Where do you think that curdled milk cheese comes from?
My life has been a lie.
I can’t even remember what its called. Its nasty though. Chunky milk in a dish.
Cottage cheese?
I’m sexy and I know it.
Today on "____ Ruins Everything".
Look at that goddamn library. I’d put my cottage cheese all over that thing.
HQ to ________. You’re breaking up. Over.
I’m sorry I keep breaking up with you guys, I just feel like our relationship isn’t going to advance any further.
What. Where did that even–
My hands are cold. Almost as cold as my soul.
Hello darkness my old friend.
That’s friend material right there.
Sirens are going again. Why're sirens going again? The dogs are borking.
Bullet buffet.
Is that… pineapple with pizza slice toppings?
And we’ve lost ________.
If it fits I fuckings falls ins.
Did _____ have tits just now?
If he did, they would have saved his life.
Stop that bullet trajectory into his chest.
Can confirm. Trust me, I’m an expert.
At least it unglitched me.
Still not as great as Vibrating Nate. Also yes hello I am now Dr. Suess.
Its because I said Tits Save Lives, isn't it?
Did he just? Punch him in the nuts? Or?
Dick kicking time.
Aaah, to have a smoker handy.
I thought of four different types of smoker in an instant and was very confused because to what point is a meat smoker going to help…
The feeling when you hear the word smoker and think of meat smoker first despite hanging with stoners…
I call hax.
Man if I had that torch I woulda smacked that guy and burned half his face.
Oh fuck off ________. Shove a cactus up your ass.
what the fUCK. HELL NO.
Spider Pirahnas. Spirahnas.
Just blew that guy into Kibbles n Bits.
This is the party cart.
But what if its down? Or left?
Technically the void is everywhere and nowhere all at once -- its inescapable in its omnipotence.
I ain't even high right now.
Your very existence is a high.
This is probably why I have not been high despite having been hot boxed and smoking three god damn blunts. I just... can't get it. They kept saying "maaan you're gonna be fucked up after this" and i'm just... bruh, my entire existence is fucked up.
The pyro in me is very happy with this scene.
Even better than assthetic.
It'd hit my aesthetic if I could smell it through the screen, but alas, I cannot.
God I love the smell of burning buildings. I mean... it smells terrible... but it fills me with a very warm and fuzzy feeling. Like a feeling one might get on christmas morning.
________ confirmed for arsonist.
He didn't see you. He smelled you.
_________ called: he wants his uniform back.
I still don't get how he does all this shit with them tight ass pants.
RIP his balls. RIP his life too.
________ is the real one stripping balls.
Did I just hear a Sasuke scream?
Sasuke Uchiha'd his ass to the future.
He scream at own ass.
I used to be a treasure hunter like you. Then I took a bullet to the dick.
______ here takes no prisoners.
No that guy took it to the knee. His third knee.
I GUESS it counts as a bone.
_______ pads his ass cheeks. Is this how he survives them falls?
Those big guys have balls of steel though, he took those kicks like a CHAMP.
What if he's broken his ass before?
Probably has. Had that crushed pelvis from Snoo Snoo.
Walked crooked for a month. Got roasted with anal jokes.
You know I could make a joke but. I'll be good.
No. Be bad.
Life is better when you don't think through your actions. Just get it out.
Think of all the children you just killed.
When life throws grenades, pick them up and throw them back. I DON'T WANT YOUR GOD DAMN GRENADES.
This can't be it. That couldn't possibly be it. Is this to lul me into a false sense of security? Because its not cool. I feel like a deer, walking across the open meadow.
Tripping baaaaaaaallz.
________ likes playing with big balls, pass it along.
Well you could design a sword without the blood groove but it'd be heavy as fuck. Like good fucking luck swinging it unless you're the incarnation of "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"
Too busy judging ______. At least ______ doesn't have a _____ kink.
______, after being stabbed: Thank u this is mine now.
Her boobs got smaller, I swear. Look. Look at them. They shrunk.
Your ass looks great in these jeans.
I'm that jackass that pushes you into the spiders webs just to hear you scream.
He found the mummified corpse of an old man holding his dick in his last fap session in his tomb.
Yes, please, stop me. Tackle me.
I can't wait to hear you screaming.
Those aren't swords, those are Mammoth Cleavers.
There we go. Mammoth Cleavers. We'll go with that I guess.
"I hope it'll be helpful to you". Yeah, I mean. It'll be helpful... to me... in stealing stuff. But don't worry about it. You didn't hear nothin'.
I was going somewhere and I can't remember where.
...I'm not making those noises.
Shut up. I wasn't going to impersonate that.
But why not? Do it. Do it for the vine.
I'm not doing it for the vine.
I'm a rat murderer and taker of treasure.
God damn it, you were supposed to be a magic charm to make these rare game come out and instead you hurt its feelings!
Let's not bring up our Lord and Savior the Helix fossil.
Don't make those noises. Makes me think of dirty things.
______ you little shit, you had to say it all fancy like?
Calm yourself before you hurt yourself.
So many spooky scary skeletons.
Spoopy scary skeletons. For the skeleton war. En gaurde Fuckboy.
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sburbian-sage · 6 months ago
Given Vagabouncy is the topic of the moment, does becoming a Waste or Grace class still set up a Cataclysm for you? Is there a point where it's too late in the session for it to come up, or do you just instantly get flipped into nonsense mode? All the Quartz talk has me wanting to try assorted bullshit on the mirror. Mirrors have heart-things, right? I wanna play with its heart-thing! Damn Sylph of Law...
That is a pretty good question. The Cataclysm is, simultaneously, an inevitability that's about as game-mandated as you entering the game and discovering you're a god (and then doing sidequests), but it often isn't framed as being a game-mandated event in the same way the other things are. More like, it's the natural consequence of being a Waste or Grace, you sling too much firepower and eventually things get too hot to handle, in the same way a Page or Knight isn't brainwashed into wanting to give up fighting, but rather that the former's constant cycle of getting stronger so they can raise the stake and fight tougher battles so they can raise the stakes, and the latter's Also Doing That while simultaneously morphing into a soldier and then into a weapon, is naturally draining on one's psyche. The main difference being, Knight Syndrome doesn't kick in literally every time you roll Knight/Page, Knight Syndrome is more accurately a very specific form of depression which is hardly Class-specific, and also Knight Syndrome doesn't throw a brick at the game's internal structure and turn shit on its head.
People Vagabouncing into a Waste or Grace is pretty uncommon, as it invokes something of a "why would you make the game significantly harder for us for no reason" response from one's coplayers, and those do result in Cataclysms. But more uncommon is a late-game Vagabouncy. For the most part, people Vagabounce at the beginning of a Session because they want to try a very specific run, or they simply do not vibe with their current Title in such a way that they might actually get killed for it (and do not have the skills to Git Gud at sucking it up like the rest of us). So naturally, "Vagabouncing into a Cataclysm Class at the mid-to-late game" is so rare as to be almost unreported on. I do have two theories, one plausible and the other slightly less plausible, however hear me out for a second.
Theory 1: It's mandated. Cataclysms will happen, no matter what, it's basically just fate (not to be confused with Fate). If you kill the Black King, that damn door shows up, and you fly over to the House of Mirrors to change into a Waste or Grace, you instantly explode because the game knows it has roughly five minutes to squeeze a Cataclysm in there.
Theory 2: Cataclysms are a consequence for early power. Wastes and Graces are pound-for-pound, the strongest Classes in the game (not to be confused with the Smith, which is the most Active, and the Clown, which is not a "real" class). They're just cooking with a different kind of fuel that burns brighter. This naturally makes Wastes and Graces pretty strong, right out the gate. So whether you think it's "building up entropic force" or just a mechanic meant to "balance" it, this early power is paid for with disaster later on. However, if one were to Vagabounce in the mid-to-late game, then it's not too unbalancing to have that level of power by that point in the game (and if anything, it might be detrimental because you lose your old abilities when you reroll). And because you don't have the early-game benefit, you don't pay the cost to balance it out.
Or to put it another way, ever play Alisa? You can choose to turn auto-aim on when you start a new game, but it "balances" this by making enemies drop less currency when you kill them, because it's easier but the game wants to 1) not let you steamroll the rest of the game 2) want to subtly encourage you to build that skill. HOWEVER, you can buy an upgrade in the shop which gives you auto-aim, and it doesn't penalize you when you have it equipped. You see the analogy I'm cooking, right?
Needless to say, I think the second theory is more likely. The game does do random asspulls to contrive absurd events into happening, but the Cataclysm always felt "consequential" and not like a spiteful game master forcing rocks to fall and everyone to die. So it stands to reason that, at the very least, it needs some time for the proverbial storm to brew before zapping you with lightning. However, for every inch you give the game, it takes a mile, so watch out either way.
As for the final note, the Vagabouncy Mirror almost assuredly does have a Heart Thing, as does nearly every other entity and object in the game. Considering that this particular Mirror can change one's Title, meaning it holds some level of access to the code that handles player ID and associated mechanics, I think the Sylph of Law might have had a pretty good reason for locking that off. It's all fun and games until you make everyone suffer an identity crisis, or remove their player IDs and Doom them all without Dooming the timeline.
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midnxght-sweet-time · 2 years ago
for jade's beta explanation it said his design was punk until it mellowed out for octavinelle, so maybe that's what actually happened to jade.
and id say likely jade would have a chance at winning strictly because floyd would likely also join in on the fight for fun.
in this video you can briefly see some beta designs. but its not the greatest view of them
Ok. Exclude Floyd, their abilities, and just make them fight physically. No help no nothing. Just fist fight in the back alley.
Tho then again I feel like no matter what Jade still have the better chance at combat-
But besides that, the video? Its actually pretty gud. Ngl id feel like if they kept the tweels design like that, theyd prob be a lot more intimidating. But Beta Azul lookin kinda goofy.
Oh but Malleus though— imagine evil Malleus. Im pretty sure Malleus had like a conductor like look with a conductor hat and dare I say— a whip.
And was Epel suppose to be a girl??? Idk if my eyes decieved me cuz im sure as hell that looks like a poofy dress. Was my guy crossdressing? Was NRC suppose to be a normal school???? I NEED ANSWERS-
But alot of these were just reveals to their beta designs. I find that Beta Riddle makes the most impact for me is cuz of the fact he was THIS close to becoming canon. Man I really wanna see what was Chap 1 suppose to be like before Yana decided to scrap it.
Like I need crumbs. You cant give me beta Riddle and expect me to not get invested like— skakskakskaks MMMMMMMM
So you think Heartslabyul chapter was the original Svanaclaw story? Like how Leona boutta try and break Malleus' ankles with a stampee? Instead Riddle decides to go full on anarchy for reasons unknown? Hmmmm
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queenharumiura · 9 months ago
👍👌 ;)
[👍👌 ask the mun what they think about portrayals/you (the sending mun)] ||Accepting|| @voraxiia
Let's see... my opinion on your muses/portrayals... can't speak on portrayals because they're all OCs, so it's not like I can judge portrayals based off accuracy by any means, but I certainly can say a thing or two about the characters themselves-- I can try to, anyways.
From recollection, the muses of yours that have appeared on my blog are: Xiao Yao, Dalbar, Miceli, and Luca in order of least interaction to the most.
Xiao Yao isn't on your current roster list, and this was like 4 years ago so unfortunately I don't really remember much about him aside from the fact that he was tall and blond so Haru mistook him for Dino from behind kekeke.
Dalbar seems to be a cute lil dude. A lil quiet, but I do have a certain soft spot for that //motions to some of her silent/less talkative muses. He gave me the feel of an obedient guard/attack dog or something. I feel like he's just someone who would grow on me because like-- he might be the same height as me, and he just seems to be a good natured lil dude. Ignore the fact he's an assassin, HE GUD BOI!
Miceli-- my immediate thought when I think about him is: GRRRRRRR what kind of evollll will he invoke on Haru this time? Is he going to be mean to her and say something sarcastic? Maybe he'll just piss her off somehow gr grrrrrrr. Of course, this isn't to mean that I dislike him, I find him fun. It's amusing having someone who irritates Haru in the Varia verse- and that's mostly anyone. Miceli is starting to grow on her though with the repeated interactions and such. He may be rude to her at times, by saying sarcastic things, but he has moments of showing some level of interest/concern for her? Though, Haru can tell that he's not really interested in her in a way that matters. She gets the feel that he has interest in the way that a scientist does when performing an experiment and something goes wrong and he goes ??? I can relate. //Sad and annoyed chemist noises. As his lil bio blurb says, he is a mysterious one, and the air of his mystery is maintained well. It's a lil harder for me to get a grasp on him as a character, and I think that's what makes it interesting and yet difficult to write with him at times, as I'm not really sure who he is to understand him kekekek. A fun puzzle!
Luca, MY SWEET BOI. WHO I BASICALLY HAVE PARTIAL CUSTODY OVER AT THIS POINT. I adore him very much. MY LIL BBUUUUU!!!! I do know that he's a pretty complex kinda guy and that he has his... issues, but he does do his best! He's been through things and I just want to give him a BIIIIIG hug! He's not allowed to get hurt! The only kinda pain I'll accept is forehead flicks and 'oh look I just killed Haru/Ravein because I wanna see the world burn!!!' 8D Alas... Blaise is a coward and won't let me hurt Haru/Ravein (1000% joking). I think i've seen him absolutely lose it maybe once or twice in the years that we've known each other and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Ehehe~ It's my secret aim to not only get to know him better through interactions/memes but to also make him snap again. I LOVE to see variation in behaviors, so making him snap is a treat. Of course, I still love gud boi Luca who is a pair with the other 'dumber' Ravein. Haru truly has so much to deal with whenever the trio gets together kekw. He is the only one aside from Tenka's Bel and my OC Ravein that Haru feels comfortable with. She's actually affectionate towards all 3 and cares for them. Anyone else, it's just Eh- you exist and I don't really care for you much. He just has the kind of personality that meshes well enough with her that it sparks her protective instinct and the doting energy that Haru has to have regardless of the verse. I love him for that.
How I feel about Blaise--
We've known each other for years now and though interactions have been on and off during those years, we did still talk OOC quite a bit. So, I feel like, I'd be comfortable in saying yeeeee we friends outside of RPC.
Time differences are truly the bane, however. We both work, and with the field that you're in, it's understandable that you aren't always online or have the bandwidth to talk much.
STILL! The moments you are able to sit down and talk, you've always been just the sweetest lil bean.
I don't think I've ever admitted this to you before--- but better late than never AMIRITE? So we've been mutuals with each other for quite a while now even if it was rather on and off. From my recollection, we were mutuals but didn't really start interacting with eachother until a while into our friendship, likely due to schedules being really busy and what not.
It was also a time when you kept jumping from one blog to another blog so it was a lil hard to keep up with you at times. STILL, the main point is regardless of how many times you've jumped blogs (and you and I both know there's been a number of that over the years), you always did follow me consistently and that's always meant a lot to me.
I've hinted at things here and there in meme answers or conversations i've had with people but I've never actually sat down and spoke about it. I've come extremely close to quitting KHR RPC twice. The first time was when I first joined the RPC (back in like 2014-2015) and it was just... a time. I was feeling really discouraged and there were... incidents that occurred that really hurt me. I'd feel like such a waste of space, or that no one actually cared. If anyone did, it was because of the friends I had (I somehow got along with the Hibari's of the fandom lololol sigh).
Both of them aren't really online anymore but Emi/Emiko and Kiril were the two who I stuck around for. Both of them consistently stayed by my side and enjoyed writing with Haru. They both consistently wrote with me whenever they were able to and enjoyed indulging in my shenanigans. Both of them have left the KHR RPC for a while now.
I came close to leaving again like... a little bit before or at the very start of the pandemic time. We were ALL going through it, honestly. We were all struggling, but it was around that time when the KHR RPC was really really small and I'd gotten out of a really bad time with an RP group that left me with a bit of trauma that took me years to process and get over.
It was hard, because I was going through panic attacks somewhat frequently, and I would occasionally get anon hate- which obviously- isn't very conducive to me conjuring the desire to stick around.
The actual point of all this, is that you're actually one of the reasons why I stuck around. Even though you were struggling and you were having a hard time with life and feeling insecure/unwanted/unneeded/etc you were still trying. It was in a way uplifting to see the fact that you were trying hard even if things were a struggle. You would also talk to me and were in general very kind. I think around this time is where you were really jumping around blogs a lot (I think you were avoiding someone or something like that), but again you still consistently followed me on whichever blog you migrated to.
It really truly meant so much to me at the time when I was feeling so godawful. My old job really-- it was a time. I wasn't in a good place mentally and emotionally. It was you and Emi (the other Emi who is on heartsglass now) who were the reasons I stuck around the 2nd time I got REAL CLOSE to quitting RPC. It may not seem like much, but I always appreciated the fact that you both would follow me, like my OOC posts and sometimes leave replies.
It may seem like such a small and simple thing, but a lot of my OOC posts go unseen. It was quite often that I wouldn't get any likes on my OOC posts or replies. It was exceedingly rare for me to even get asks for memes. I don't think i've mentioned it really but that's the other reason why I don't like memes. Aside from the fact I have trauma associated with the inbox that i'm healing from, I have the mindset of 'no one is going to send in because I write boring responses lol why do I bother reblogging memes lolololol'
But you especially would surprise me by sheer coincidence on the days I was feeling down with a like, a reply, or a meme ask. Emi was the same. By sheer coincidence you both would be a notification on the days I'd think 'maybe I should delete because no one will notice when i'm gone'.
I've never admitted it to you both, but you both are the reasons why I stuck it through during the pandemic years when I was struggling so hard mentally. It's the small stuff that can mean the world to someone.
So whenever I'm in your replies saying that I care for you, love you, and just in general love seeing you on the dash-- EVER, I truly mean it. You're existence made a big impact on this blog by the sheer principle that you helped me have hope that I can exist on this platform and be appreciated.
This is probably the reason why I'm so attached to both Luca and Emi, because idk... I just feel like both of those OCs mean a lot to the both of you and so I just instinctively latched on. Like I imprint the love I have for the both of you onto those muses AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAH. I'm being real sappy.
So you know, TLDR: Thank you for existing. Without your existence, I wouldn't be on tumblr today. Anyone who enjoys writing with me now has you and Emi to thank for me not quitting during the pandemic years.
Thanks for everything and I truly just love seeing you on the dash ever. It makes me so happy to see you continue to try.
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myxomato515 · 5 months ago
happy get-back-on-my-shit day!!! the plutonian blog closed shop right before i woke up so i have no excuse. i think i’m gonna try humanizing master shake bc i don’t give the actual aqua teens wnough love. and i wanna get gud at drawimg humans
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silenthillmutual · 2 years ago
i really wanna play and experience pathologic BUT i am not great at video games / my enjoyment of games vastly drops with difficulty. does playing pathologic on god mode in any way decrease or fundamentally alter the experience?
in a way, yes, it does fundamentally alter the experience to play on god mode. but i think i'm maybe in the minority here when i say that it doesn't matter in the same way that playing, like, a souls game on god mode would fundamentally alter the experience of playing it. difficulty is part of the point in both, yes; pathologic 2 in particular literally applauds you for playing on the intended difficulty. but combat also isn't really the intended objective of either pathologic game. it's something you do that, to me, becomes increasingly aggravating as the games go on.
i see a lot of argument about how the game is "not even that difficult guys!" which is, in my opinion, a really rude response to have when someone says they're struggling with something. i think i've seen the Git Gud response more from other pathologic fans than i have from other bloodborne fans so far. whether pathologic is "actually" difficult or not is entirely subjective; i've met plenty of people who say they're bad at games who find pathologic a breeze. personally, i'm mediocre at games and i struggle with the combat to the point where i usually turn god mode on at some point during the game. there are workarounds to avoid catching the plague and some people manage to master the combat. good for them! but to me, the appeal of the games (and classic especially) has never been the combat, but the story.
my personal advice is to try it out as intended first. don't be seduced by urgency; see how far in the game you can get! maybe it won't be an issue for you! but if it is, god mode it.
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whenthewallfell · 1 year ago
15 questions, as tagged by @triassictriserratops
are you named after anyone? not on purpose
when was the last time you cried? bold of you to assume i have tear ducts. (tlou2, was extremely upset about how they ended it, it felt like a kick in the teeth do not get me started omg ellie deserved so much better)
do you have kids? lmao no
what sports do you play/have you played? look i am not an athletic person okay, walking and yoga is about as active as i get
do you use sarcasm? i'm british it's a legal requirement
what's the first thing you notice about other people? what colour their clothes are
what is your eye colour? hazel. fun fact: everyone else in my immediate family has blue or brown eyes, me and my uncle are the only ones with hazel
scary movies or happy endings? scary movies WITH happy endings, duh
any talents? okay rant incoming. most people would expect me to say art, and yes my base level is higher than some others, BUT to say it's just talent dismisses the work it takes to actually git gud. we're not magicians pulling mona lisas out of our hats, natural talent only gets you so far unless you're a full on child prodigy or something. maybe even then! like what even IS talent? i'm a fast learner, especially if it's puzzles or something with my hands, does that count?? i have weirdly flexible fingers, is THAT talent???
where were you born? deep in the fenlands of merry ol' england
what are your hobbies? EVERYTHING. briefly: drawing, writing, sewing, crochet, knitting, guitar. bought a kit to try out tablet weaving. want to try woodworking. idk i like makin' stuff :) oh and gaming, obvs
do you have any pets? one elderly ginger moggie who still thinks he's a kitten
how tall are you? 5'1 and a bit ;_;
favourite subject in school? D R A M A also english language in college. i remember once we were studying how language evolves over time and there was this letter written in the 1700s from a concerned citizen about how kids these days use too much slang and made up words and if their grandfathers rose from their graves that very morning they wouldn't understand a single word of it. immediately after we read an article from the early 2000s complaining about text speak lmao
dream job? a prop maker/costumer for a theatre company!
i'm not gonna tag anyone, but if you wanna do it, do it! or don't, i ain't the boss of you
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bellmo15-blog · 1 year ago
A Nice, Relaxing Genie Massage
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You really think I was going to let the concept of a geniefied version of my sona be a one off thing? Hell no, I wanna make this a proper AU of them! Especially since I’ve had a fair amount of idea’s revolving around them recently! Such as this one that I got :iconONO-FIRE: to draw for me of them getting the second best champion from Zelda Breath of the Wild as there new master. (The first best is Mipha, don’t @ me!)
It's actually kinda fitting the next thing I get involving Genie Michael after this AU’s conception is of Urbosa though considering my own actual experience with Breath of the Wild. Because Vah Naboris, the Devine Beast that Urbosa was meant to pilot before Calamity Gannon pulled a UNO reverse card on everyone, was actually the first of the four Devine Beast’s that I cleared on my first playthrough of Breath of the Wild back in 2017. Oh and for everyone saying that Thunderblight Gannon is the hardest of the four, I did this very early in my game, didn’t have the master sword and managed to beat it second try. Get gud!
Of course, this isn’t the Urbosa we all know and love. I mentioned this a while ago but one thing I do kinda wanna do with this AU, and also extend to the Naga AU of Mikaela as well, is more or less pull a Majora’s Mask where it’s sorta the same characters we know just different. Really different. For this one, Urbosa is not a champion of Hyrule but rather a brave and strong pirate sailing the seas of Termina who in search of some treasure stumbled upon Michael’s lamp. And what was her first wish? Well, it WAS going to be to wish for immortality until Michael stopped her because “Why not think about what you want, what you truly want. And, I got some suggestions as well if you’d hear them out. After all, you must be tired after going though all you did to find me. Those traps in the temple, the monsters in all the floors especially that Lynal. Why not give your body a rest? And I can give you the most relaxing massage in the world if my ‘mistress’ so wishes for it.”
And she did wish for it. Urbosa got a nice, relaxing massage that was made even better thanks to the powers Michael had. And as that massage went on it put her into an even more relaxed state. A state that made her more suggestable. And while that massage was going on soon Michael realized that granting her immortality might be a benefit. To him! So while Urbosa was in this state he planted the idea of what her remaining two wishes should be. Her original wish of immortality but also one that Michael planted, wishing to be his eternal guardian and protector to ensure the lamp and his power never fell into the wrong hands. Urbosa was no longer a pirate anymore but now the eternal guardian to the genie of the lamp.
Artist is ONO-FIRE.
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crappyusagidaily · 1 year ago
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god the face on this looks awful...as does how I colored it. is there some kind of secret technique??? fuck I probably should've done circular motions while coloring...
hi I'm a random artist on the internet, my name is not important, just what I do. which is...every so often, post my god awful attempts at drawing Usagi Tsukino.
I wanna do the thing where you draw the same character over and over again to get better at art, so my subject is Usagi Tsukino. NOT A BOT!! JUST AN ARTIST TRYING TO FIND HER SECRET INGREDIENT. and actually git gud at art. I say artist but...don't hire me to draw for you. my art journey is a long story. i'm an artist, but more of a hobby-ist. this is how i like to have fun.
constructive criticism is okay, just don't be a dick about it.
....someone on here is bound to be encouraging to me...
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aberooski · 1 year ago
I actually legit almost dm'd you about it the other night cuz I was actually going crazy over the idea but then I fell asleep and forgot akakskks
OKAY SO! I've actually been thinking about this for a while as a possibility because my mind runs wild with this shit as we all know all too well by now aksksk
I was actually thinking about everything I had in my pipeline because once I get finished with this 1 shot I'm doing for a fic exchange I wanna actually sit down and dedicate time to getting through Chazzerella because I meant to do it literally MONTHS ago so I could get to work on OUAD 2, and then we have Chazz Princeton and the Seven Duelists, and then I was like OH F U C K
And now here we are akskksksks
OBVIOUSLY Chazz is Rapunzel he's literally always the princess in these things who's surprised? It's more fun and it always just works out best that way plot wise. Only I am thinking about foregoing the hair maybe, I mean her hair doesn't actually really matter in Barbie Rapunzel apart from her dream where Stefan finds her and we have the whole "let down your hair" reference, and Gothel cuts it and uses her hair to trick Stefan at the ball but otherwise her hair doesn't matter or is really called attention to. BUT I'm still in the early planning stages so I mean maybe I'll change my mind 🤷‍♀️
But my initial thought is that we begin similar to OUAD, Slade and Jagger would be the villains obviously. Exiled from the kingdom for being just bad people, they resent their parents and when they have Chazz so they'll still have an heir, they kidnap Chazz as a baby and spirit him away deep into the darkest forest of the neighboring kingdom far of their parents' reach out of their hatred and resentment. But in the Barbie fashion, they frame the king of their neighboring kingdom, Atticus and Alexis's father, for the crime with a desire to sow seeds of discord so that both kingdoms will destroy each other. Then they can swoop in and rule all the lands themselves.
I also had an idea to try and differentiate from OUAD, they had already grown resentful and spiteful of their parents and were sowing seeds of discord between the kingdoms, and eventually at some point they like, fake their deaths so they could work behind the scenes and to cover their tracks. So then when their parents have Chazz to reinstate the line of succession and they kidnap him, it's even easier to frame the crime on Atticus and Alexis's father and keep him hidden because who would suspect them? They're dead as far as everyone knows, they can very easily hide and keep him and his whereabouts concealed. And obviously since Gothel is a mage in Barbie, at the very least Slade will have magic powers because I mean come on. He's the main bad guy here.
But regardless of how we get to that point, they raise Chazz and keep him under lock and key in their secluded home hidden and concealed deep in the forest where no one would dare to look, forbidding him from ever leaving the old manor under the guise of keeping him safe from the outside world, not that they haven't still been abusing him all this time themselves also Barbie Rapunzel really is Rapunzel and Cinderella at the same time in a way and that makes so much sense for them 🙄 when really they're just waiting for the two kingdoms to destroy each other. That way they can swoop in and rebuild their own kingdom on the ashes of the old one with no one to stop them, and Chazz will stay their prisoner. But unlike like every version of Gothel they cover their tracks by telling him that their parents died when he was a baby.
Which brings me to a question I have yet to figure out, the equivalent of the hairbrush/paintbrush 🤔
And the Ojama spirits are there to bug him with their love. Obviously.
B U T Chazz has been trying to find a way to escape from his brothers for a while because shocker, they've been abusing him and um, they're terrible. But he knows if he simply tried to run away they would find him and he'd never be able to get away, so he's gotta be careful. And one day he stumbles upon a 🎵 secret tunnel 🎵 in the basement and finds himself on the outskirts of the kingdom. But not without making the Ojamas stay back to watch for his brothers. He wanders into the village and after exploring around, he runs into Alexis. I'm not exactly sure what happens but they run into some sort of trouble and while trying to help Alexis, though he quickly discovers she's more than capable of handling herself just fine, Atticus swoops in having come upon the scene and saves Chazz leaving him all 😳😍😳
Alexis leaves eventually leaving Chazz and Atty alone to talk. But they don't get far enough into the conversation to make introductions before Atticus is drawn away momentarily but not before telling Chazz to wait for him there. Which he intends to, but the chime of evening bells and a sinking feeling in his stomach tells him he needs to get back before his brothers discover he's gone. If he wants to escape for real he'll need to be more careful than this. As much as he hates it, he needs to go back for now. He'll just have to hide the tunnel again and try again another time when his brothers wouldn't suspect a thing.
Chazz hurries back before Atticus can return, creating a mystery for the prince to solve.
Honestly I imagine when he gets back through the tunnel it's like that movie moment where the kid sneaks back in like heh got away with it, then the lights turn on and the parent figure is in the chair in their pjs all mad like "where were you? 🤨" so like when he gets back through the tunnel Slade and Jagger are just waiting for him there in the basement all 😠 I think that would be funny but also yikes..... and they take him back to his room where they start like interrogating him to find out what happened while he was gone.
I also literally just now as I'm writing this out thought another things that could happen and like, how they find out, is that Jagger had gone into town and sees him with Atticus, but maybe doesn't get a good enough look to know exactly who Chazz is with or something so we can keep the mystery of who his mysterious suitor is, and Ojama Yellow shows up to tell Chazz that they found out Jagger went to town and he has to come back before he's found, but at this point Atty has left so Jagger swoops in and forces Chazz back to the manor, dropping him at Slade's feet with the whole "look who I found wandering around the village this afternoon" bullshit and that would be when they march him back to his room and start interrogating him.
So like that's another way that could go? And obviously they wanna know who the fuck he was with, but obviously Chazz doesn't know who Atticus was and they don't exactly believe he's telling the truth because I mean, in their minds, why would he tell them the truth? So in their frustration and to keep Chazz from trying to escape again, then we get the fun part where Gothel turns Rapunzel's room into the tower muahahahaha so Slade does that, intending to leave Chazz there until he tells them who the boy he met was.
And this is where I need to figure out the equivalent of the magic paintbrush cuz this is where that comes into play after the like stardust turns the hairbrush into the paintbrush.
And that's kinda all I have actually for real thought out atm I mean I did only just start actually planning like last night after all aksksk but I literally just watched the movie again yesterday too and like everything's falling into place fairly easily 😌 but I've still got like the whole last like half to plan out and some questions to answer and decisions to make about what I have so far but GAH THIS IS GOOD SHIT !!
ALSO AS WE ALL WELL KNOW, There are dragons in Barbie as Rapunzel. So I was thinking I could find a way to sneak Light and Darkness Dragon in there at some point, maybe towards the end like LDD gets summoned somehow and like rescues Chazz from the tower and gets him to the kingdom in time to thwart Slade and Jagger??? We'll see what I can figure out I guess aksksk
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iheartpeppino · 1 year ago
Y'all wanna know a secret? I suck at playing Pizza Tower. I haven't beaten the game yet. Still stuck in the first world. Haven't faced Pepperman yet because I wanted to get at least an A-rank in all the other levels first. And because of my massive anxiety playing most video games, if I fail a level, I have to stop playing altogether for the day because I'm overstimulated.
Regardless of how much I suck at this game, I still love everything about it, especially the characters and the cartoony, largely pizza-centric universe they inhabit.
Honestly, I was never good at Wario-likes anyway. Wario Land 4 was my worst one. I love Wario himself and all his games, but Wario Land games were always super-tough for me. Huge fan of Wario, though. And Super Mario in general, actually. I used to be known as "MelissaMarioSister" or "MMSis" back when I was much younger and way more fucking annoying. I was hardcore obsessed with the series and what little lore I could squeeze out of it, and the Wario titles were part of it, so...
Honestly, I kinda wonder what it'd be like if Pizza Tower had future games that explored more of Peppino's Wario roots. Like... I've seen some people draw Pizza Tower OCs that are equivalents to characters from Wario's world, and I always find that interesting. Like... I've seen Mona equivalents, as one example. I should really look up more examples. Maybe I'll even design my own takes on this concept.
My point is, I really do try to play Pizza Tower and to conquer the game, but my anxiety and lack of skill make it difficult. It doesn't make me any less of a fan. It just means I need to git gud.
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