#minimal floating wall desk
daphranko · 1 year
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Bedroom Guest in Phoenix Inspiration for a huge contemporary guest medium tone wood floor bedroom remodel with white walls and a metal fireplace
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saigonmarket · 1 year
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San Francisco Built-In Inspiration for a mid-sized modern built-in desk light wood floor and wood ceiling study room remodel with white walls
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cowgirl326 · 1 year
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Built-In Home Office An illustration of a mid-sized urban built-in desk with a multicolored floor and beige walls.
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nihilminus · 2 years
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Eclectic Bedroom
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
Short on Time (Hobie Brown x F!Reader)
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Hobie Brown x f!reader
Summary: Hobie has a weird way of convincing you to sneak out to the roof despite your roommate being home… 
Word Count: 7.3k
Content: nothing but fluff, the very real and very apparent fact that I have an unhealthy obsession with this man, Hobie being an incredibly loveable and hilarious menace, horrible cockney/british slang, a bit of profanity, some rough writing bc it’s been a while
Inspo: All I Wanted - Paramore (paramore never misses)
A/N: heyyyy! Enjoy this Hobie Brown oneshot that took me too long to complete but I absolutely loved writing <3 
The sunset lamp in the corner of your room cast varying hues of purple and blue across the walls of the room, bouncing off of the numerous glass trays and items dotted throughout it. It provided a good backdrop for a night of nothing but deep breaths, slowed thoughts, and mere relaxation- and you were adamant about experiencing all of those and more of the same sentiment. 
It was just…a little hard to do so when the sounds of unhinged and drunken laughter floated from your shared living room and right through your door, effectively putting your plans of relaxation on hold.  
After an entire week of completing assignments and dealing with people who were less-than-pleasant, lacked common sense, and just made everything harder, all you wanted to do was something that required minimal thinking and produced the most amounts of serotonin; But it seemed as if that would be next to impossible.
You dropped your head onto the wooden surface of your desk, your third groan in the last 10 minutes leaving your mouth and joining another chorus of laughter from the living room. Your eyes closed tightly while you blindly reached for your phone, intent on turning your music to the max volume. Your roommate and her friend would be able to hear it, and your neighbors would be able to feel it, but you were desperate. That desperation only grew as your fingers closed around nothing but air. 
With furrowed eyebrows, you lifted your head and look to the spot where you could’ve sworn you put it-
“You’ve got an ace personality, love, but rubbish taste in music.”
The voice was as familiar as ever, but the suddenness of it appearing in your room made you jump slightly, your body rocking back in your chair. Your mouth opened on a yelp as you felt the front two legs of your chair lift off of the ground, and just as your arms instinctively reached out to grab onto something, you felt a slight push to the back of your chair.
“Far from it, actually.” You heard the amusement in Hobie’s voice before you turned to face him, your heart beating rapidly because of his sudden appearance…and because of him in general. 
His smile was familiar, as was his tendency to just show up at your window…or in your room, as was the case tonight. Despite knowing that he could just pop up at any time, there were still a number of times when he had managed to sneak up on you. 
Your room seemed smaller as his lanky frame walked further in, his eyes focused on your phone in his hand as he continued to hit the skip button. With furrowed eyebrows and a breath of exasperation, you stood up, quickly reaching for your phone only for his arm to raise. 
“Not you breaking into my room and insulting my music taste- all in one night. Hobie, gimme my-”
“Now, wait a minute, love, you know I’m only jokin’.” He replied, his smile widening as he watched amusedly while you raised yourself in an attempt to grab your phone. It was no use, as he effortlessly towered over you, and judging by the smile on his face, he was enjoying the sight. 
“This the playlist we listened to ‘round last week, yeah?”
Your movements paused at the mention of the playlist currently pulled up on your phone, and at the memory of you two sitting in the same room the week before, listening to the same music. It had been a rather uneventful day for Hobie, or Spider-Man, but your day had been the exact opposite: hectic and so busy that you’d had no energy to do anything but sit at the head of your bed and talk with him about any and everything- at least until you had fallen asleep, propped up against your headboard, your head tilted back. 
That had been last week and since then, you hadn’t seen the lanky, eccentric man. Well, you had seen him on the news and on the internet, but only as Spider-Man; you had seen him enough times to know that the reason for his lack of visits was because of his ‘job’ as the city’s mostly friendly, ‘take no shit’ Spider-Man. 
But now he was here, and his presence was already making up for those days you had gone without being able to see him. 
“The same one, yes. Why? You tellin’ me I converted you to neo-soul?” Your eyebrow raised as you finally gave up on trying to get your phone, your arms falling only to cross in front of your chest. The corner of your mouth lifted into a knowing smile as you watched his eyes scan the screen of your phone while the next song played. His lips pursed slightly as his eyes met yours.
“I’m tellin’ you…that you could have worse taste.” 
It was slightly laughable knowing that even if he had liked a few songs from the playlist, he’d make sure to keep it to himself…at least as a facade. Despite his very different taste in music, there had been a few songs that he had listened to simply because you had asked him to, and he’d had no problem letting you know that he had liked them. But occasionally, he liked to put on the ‘my music is better’ facade, and you entertained it every time. 
“You didn’t even say hey to me or nothin’; just came in being a straight menace.”
A laugh left his mouth as he finally handed your phone back to you, a song that he had previously stated was ‘okay’ coincidentally playing through your speakers. You didn’t make a move to change it. In fact, your phone was all but forgotten as he gazed down at you, an easygoing smile on his face. 
“You sure about that? I could’ve sworn I said hi when I got here-”
“No, you did not, and you know you didn’t-”
A peal of laughter floated through your bedroom door, and it only served as a reminder of the night’s events leading up to this point. Your shoulders sagged slightly at the sound, and only sagged more as you internally chastised yourself. 
It wasn’t your roommate's fault that you’d had a shitty week and couldn’t seem to relax, and you couldn’t exactly be mad that they were having fun and enjoying their Friday night…
They could be a little quieter though.
Hobie could see it as clear as day on your face, your internal struggle and frustration. It made his smile drop slightly, though it still remained in place and only softened in response. His lanky frame sat on the edge of your windowsill, his legs extending straight in front of him and his arms crossing. His posture expressed nonchalance- indifference, even; but his eyes and his expression showed exactly how attentive he was when it came to you.
“You look rather brassed off. Wanna talk about it?”
Did you want to talk about it? Or would you rather indulge in Hobie’s regular antics in an effort to forget about your own list of shortcomings spanning the week? On one hand, you’d never grow tired of his random tales of breaking past riot police’s defenses or interrupting the most recent, half-assed charity speech done by a corrupt politician. Each account would end with you slightly chastising him for doing something that bordered the definition of dangerous, and each time, he’d only respond with a cheeky grin and a not-so-subtle attempt at changing the subject. Regardless of how many times it happened, you still couldn’t deny the fact that you loved every single one of your conversations. 
“Nah. ‘S just the regular.” You start, joining him on the windowsill with a sigh. It wasn’t lost on you that with only a glance, Hobie knew the state of mind you were in; this time was only a reminder that he possessed that ability, as he had done it multiple times before. He had a talent for exuding the chillest, most indifferent demeanor, but when it had come down to it, he had been there when you needed him. Now was no different.
Instead of leaving your answer as it was, he simply turned towards you, resting his back against the window sill and raising an eyebrow in your direction. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at you, his lips pursing as he took in the look on your face. It spoke volumes, as did the look in his eyes. It was the look of someone calling another person’s bluff without any hesitation whatsoever, and seeing it on his face had you smacking your teeth in resignation. You still refrained from continuing. 
“You don’t have to tell me, love,” he starts, bending his knee and setting his foot on the windowsill. His hands fidget with something- an object- that he was able to pull out of his pocket between one second and the next, though his eyes stay focused on you. 
“But, it was you who once told me that I was an ace listener…”
He ends the sentence with a shrug of his shoulders; though, judging by the small grin curving his lips, it's apparent that while his words are said in jest, they still hold meaning behind them. You know as much, because you _do _remember telling him how he was rather easy to talk to. The words, no matter how serious or casual they were, always flowed easily whenever you were in Hobie’s presence. And now was no different.
A heavy breath left your mouth as you mimicked his position, leaning your head against the windowsill and bringing your knee up to bend in the space between you two. Your hands fiddled with a loose thread hanging from the shorts adorning your legs while your eyes flickered from his to the window that he only crawled through a few minutes ago. 
“Here we go.” The rumble of his voice blended seamlessly with the music coming from your speakers and the little bit of comfort it brought made your lips loosen to let out your account of your week, starting from the beginning. 
During the entire recount, Hobie only interjected to offer his own commentary - usually containing weird, cockney insults for the people you described; but aside from that, he sat and listened. Well, that wasn’t exactly true.
His tendency to keep the air surrounding the both of you lighthearted showed itself whenever you seemed to be growing irritated just from recounting the details, and he reminded you of this tendency by methodically and gradually taking off his bracelets and rings, and transferring them to your wrists. As you continued talking, your wrists and fingers had taken on a bit of weight from the metal and leather of his jewelry, though it didn’t stop you from gesturing as you spoke. As soon as he was done with one hand, you’d take it back and use it to gesture while placing your other in his. Now there was just the occasional clink as the rings that fit his fingers perfectly but were a little too big for yours knocked into each other. It only resulted in him taking your hand and sliding the rings back onto your finger should they look close to falling off. 
Had it been a month earlier, you would’ve gaped at the physical affection. It was something small, and something you suspected he did absentmindedly; but the fact remained that he hadn’t always been this comfortable around you. There was a time in you two’s… friendship (?) when you wouldn’t even contemplate unloading your problems onto him under the guise of not wanting to bother him when in reality, it had been an attempt of keeping him around longer. The last thing you had wanted was to run him away with your- in your words- constant nagging, complaining, and non-stop talking.
You could vividly remember the face he made the day you had explained that to him. He had called you ‘silly’ in the nicest way possible before laughing loudly.  Ever since then, he had made it a point to remind you that while he was constantly busy saving civilians and the city, there would always be time for you and him to sit and just talk to one another. He’d kept to that promise since then. 
By the end of your series of misfortunate events, you wore one of his black, spiked bracelets, and 3 of his rings that knocked against each other as you settled your hands in your lap with a sigh.
“So, that’s how my week went.”
What followed was a few seconds of silence, broken only by the soft music emanating from your speaker,  though it wasn’t long before the sound of more shrill laughter joined the noise. Another sigh, a heavier one, left your mouth as you let your head thump against the windowsill behind you. 
“And I came home, just…knowing that I’d be able to chill, relax, get my mind off of the week, but my roommate has her friend over and they’re hellbent on drinking as much as they can and speaking as loud as they can tonight. And I can’t even be mad at ‘em!”
A sharp, almost hollow laugh left your lips as you shook your head, your eyes turning to the view on the other side of your window. The city was wide awake, and as much was clear by the various sounds that usually accompanied living in the city. Closer to the center of the city, there seemed to be some kind of event going on, as the dark sky was cut through with bright lights that waved as if wanting to draw everyone’s attention to it. 
Probably some event for the top 1% to go to and pat themselves on the backs for the ‘good deeds’ they had done for the city; the ‘good deeds’ that only seemed to help those they deemed worthy of it. 
Goddamn…Hobie’s rubbing off on me.
Hobie’s narrowed eyes and slightly pursed lips were the only responses you received at first. While your fingers fidgeted lightly with the rings adorning your fingers, he simply gazed at you… then he was swinging his leg through your window to the fire escape.
You watched in confusion as he stood on the other side of your window, motioning for you to join him with a smirk that not only made your heart quicken but also made your confusion and curiosity grow. Your eyebrow raised in question. 
“Stop being so skeptical- we’re just going to the roof.” 
You gawked at him slightly, your eyes widening and your head tilting. He had said the words with a lighthearted sigh and a roll of his eyes.
“The roof? You said that like it's a normal occurrence for us to go to the roof- the hell we going to the roof for?”
“Well, it’d be a normal occurrence if you weren’t boring, love-”
“Hobie…why are we going to the roof?” You repeated the question, standing and turning to where he stood outside your window. It was easy to ignore the jab; the lightheartedness and teasing in his tone told you that he hadn’t meant them. But that didn’t stop your wariness from growing. 
“You trust me, right?”
The words were simple. 4 words said with a lopsided smirk and a twinkle in his eye that was so uniquely Hobie Brown you couldn’t imagine finding it in anyone else’s eyes, no matter how many variants of him existed, as he had once told you.
They were simply words, but your answer to the question was so much more. 
Of course, I trust you. I honestly don’t know if I trust anyone else as much as I trust you. And I don’t think it's because you’re Spider-Man. It's definitely because you somehow know exactly what to say and what I need to hear even when I don’t. Its also because I can’t go a damn second without thinking about you or your voice or your laugh or your eyes-
“Of course, I do…but I feel like you’re about to give me a reason not to.”
The laugh that left his mouth admittedly made a smile of your own appear on your face. It was loud, and it sounded as if it…belonged in your space. You certainly thought it belonged in your space, as well as thinking that you’d like to hear it more. 
“Now why would I do that? Just wanna show you somethin’, love. ‘S all.”
This time, your look of contemplation was purely for show, as you had already decided to indulge in this little ‘surprise’ of his. There was only one obstacle. Or more like two. 
“I can’t exactly walk out and just say I’m goin’ to the roof.” You motioned to your door, and the sound of your roommate and her friend’s laughter almost ironically emphasized your statement. “They’ll have at least 5 questions - each, and then they’ll probably even follow me up there. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have them walking up on me just speaking to Spider-Man.”
Exasperation appeared on his face in response to your words, and when he spoke, his hand gestured between the two of you.
“Who said anythin’ about them seein’ you?” 
If possible, the mischief in his eyes grew, as did the smirk on his face. It was only when he reached a hand through the window towards you, your lights subtly catching the web slingers on his wrists that you understood what he was alluding to, and it made you immediately shake your head. 
“You deadass?”
“I’m deadass, love.”
“You can’t be deadass.”
“You know I won’t drop you! You just said you trusted me-!”
Laughter coated his words as he watched you quickly stand up, your head shaking adamantly. 
You did trust Hobie, there’s no question about it. But being more than 10 feet off of the ground and relying on nothing but a piece of web to hold the both of you up was not an appealing or exciting thought. 
He wouldn’t have bothered offering had he any reservations about the security and safety of his webs, and you were aware of that fact; but still…the thought of swinging through the air, several feet above the ground, and relying on nothing but a piece of web to catch the both of you-
“Nah, you got it.”
“Oh, for bloody-”
“I’ll take my chances with the drunk women in the front room, and I’ll meet you up there since you’re so adamant about going to the damn roof.”
Hobie knew not to take the snide tone of your words to heart. If anything, he only found them amusing, as made evident by the smile on his face and the disbelieving shake of his head. His eyes followed you while you found a pair of slides and a jacket before shrugging it on and turning back to him. 
“I don’t get any type of hint for what's up there?”
“No- but if you aren’t up there in the next 5 minutes, my new name will be Barney Rubble.”
The words made you pause, your lips parting slightly as you replayed his words in your mind. Another one of Hobie’s endearing, and incredibly amusing (and confusing) qualities is that he has no problem letting a Cockney insult or saying slip. It could be in the middle of the most casual conversation one could have, or it could be in response to something outrageous he heard. Or maybe he just felt as if the curse would further enhance whatever he needed to say; you suspected it was more so that third one this go around. 
You were used to it; used to hearing a word you had never heard prior to it coming from Hobie’s mouth in the middle (or beginning…or end) of a statement. Every time you thought you knew every piece of cockney slang- at least the ones Hobie used- he just…lets out another one. You had half a mind to keep a record of them to look back on.
You were used to it. You were also used to the feeling of confusion and amusement that always went through you every time he did it. 
“...the fuck did you just say to me?”
Hobie smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes once more in faux outrage, and it only made your amusement grow. A small peal of laughter left you as you repeated the phrase in a horrible imitation of his strong accent. Pitching your voice low enough was a struggle, but you personally thought that your imitation of his accent was spot on. Judging by the deadpan look on his face, though, he disagreed.
“What even is that? Who even is that- Barney Rubble? Barney got a last name? Didn’t know tha- where you goin?”
Instead of sitting there and taking your teasing, he did something that surely had your body preparing for a heart attack, the way you tensed and quickly jumped into action.
Once he had ducked back into your room, it had only taken him 3, wide steps to reach your bedroom door…the one that would lead straight into the living room.
The living room that was occupied by your roommate and a friend. 
With a hand closing around his wrist, you dug your heels into your carpeted floor, pulling him to a stop. It was barely enough, as you also had to insert yourself physically between him and the door.
You had a clue as to what- or who- Barney Rubble is, and ironically enough, it rhymed with ‘trouble’. 
“What are you doing?! Alright, alright! 5 minutes- I’ll be up there. Damn-”
“Aht- you’ve got 4 minutes and 30 seconds now, love. Better get a move on.” 
And if the mere thought of him walking into your living room in his suit didn’t give you enough of a heart attack, the way his hand landed on your hip and squeezed surely did. 
The flush that went through your body had your eyes widening slightly and your lips parting on a quick breath. The place where his hand still rested emanated nothing but heat as he turned you towards the door, nudging you slightly forward. His steps shadowed yours, except they did so on the outside of your own. It allowed his chest to barely brush against your back, but it was enough to have your heart speeding up in the slightest. 
Hell, anytime Hobie initiated any type of physical contact had your heart beating a little faster. 
“W-well, what am I supposed to tell them when they ask where I’m going?”
You turned slightly once you reached the door, your hand landing on the knob and opening it slightly. The sound of the tv in the front room along with the two women’s voices immediately increased in volume as you did so, but your focus was still on Hobie’s hand and how it turned you slightly to face him.
The proximity between you two had gotten smaller at some point, forcing you to crane your neck back just to be able to meet his gaze; and perhaps it was the reflection of your lights in his eyes that were somehow always intense and soft as they gazed at you, but you could’ve sworn there was something else beneath that usual look of mischief. Something that you continued to convince yourself was simply a trick of the light, or a quick flash of his eyes- anything besides what you hoped it was. There was no point in giving yourself false hope.
It didn’t matter how much you were in denial, and it certainly didn’t matter how sure you were that he only saw your bond as that of a pair of friends, you still found yourself instantly being drawn into him as he spoke to you. His voice was a deep rumble- one that floated over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps on every part of you. His touch was a beacon of something akin to hope as he squeezed your hip again, bringing your attention back to what he was saying.
“Between us two, you got the beau’y and the brains, so use ‘em, love.” You gaped at the compliment he let slip- as if it were the most normal thing. He continued talking before you could fully process his words or the reaction they drew out of you. 
“May wanna hurry up, though; you got ‘bout 4 minutes now. 3:59…3:58…3:57-”
“Goddam- you’re such a menace. You actually make me sick-”
The last thing you heard was his low chuckle as you opened the door, quickly stepping out and leaving it cracked behind you. The sound of laughter and a blaring TV grew as you walked closer to the living room. From your position, you could see the backs of your roommate and her friend, both of them lounging on the couch and talking loudly. Their words ranged from gossip they had gotten from their place of work to whether or not they’d marry someone they had yet to meet- and it wasn’t hard to see that their words only reflected the tv show they were watching. 
For a second, it seemed as if you’d be able to slip behind them unnoticed and make it to the door. Their voices were loud enough to cover your steps, and the tv was certainly loud enough to cover the sound of you opening and closing the door. And for a moment, you though that you’d make it. Your hand closed around the knob of the front door, turning it lightly, only for a quick call of your name to stop you in your tracks.
“Where you goin’?”
Your roommate’s words slurred slightly, and there was a wide and curious smile on her face as the both of them turned towards you. Her words were loud to compensate for the volume of the tv, and it only made you wince slightly as you stopped and turned toward her. You could feel your lips turn into an expression that looked more like a grimace than a smile.
“I think I forgot my charger in my car. Was gonna run down and get it.” 
It was the first excuse to reach the forefront of your mind. It made sense, and it was also something that you’d done multiple times on accident. You surely thought that it would be a valid enough excuse and that you’d be able to slip away… but leave it to your roommate to make things the slightest bit difficult.
“Oh! You can just use my charger. I’m not using it now!”
Your mouth opens to maybe provide another excuse or to even decline her offer, however, your words stop at the sight just down the hallway. It's hard to keep your eyes from widening at the sight of Hobie poking his head out of your door while leaning against the frame. 
With a shit-eating grin, he held up 3 fingers to signify the number of minutes you had left before you truly learned what- or who- the fuck Barney Rubble was. 
Deep down, you knew that his actions were joking; he wouldn’t actually walk out into your living room with his suit on, prompting screams of confusion and questions from the two drunk women in front of you. He wouldn’t. 
He wouldn’t.
It was almost as if the menace himself read your mind, as his eyebrows rose in a challenge and the grin on his face grew. There was the slight sound of your door opening followed by the sight of his foot stepping past your doorframe. And then his hands raised as if he were going to slip his mask on over his face-
“UH! Yeah-I…actually lied. I’m not going to get my charger, I gotta…run to the store. For, uh…floss.”
“...I’ve got floss sticks, Y/N. I can get you one-” Your roommate threw back the cover she used before moving to her feet. The mere thought of her turning and seeing Hobie right at the end of the hallway made you quickly step forward. You weren’t the best when put under pressure, and there were so many different factors of the situation you had found yourself in, and Hobie was still at the end of the goddamned hall, smiling and holding up two fingers, and since when was your roommate so charitable-
“NO, you’ve got the mint ones- I don’t like those. They make my teeth…burn. I mean- hurt.”
By sheer will alone, you didn’t curse at yourself for that response right then and there. Instead, you stood there, ignoring the sight of Hobie doubling over with silent laughter at the end of the wall, and praying to whoever listened that your roommate was drunk enough to write off your excuse as something not worth your time.
Perhaps the universe was on your side, as she tilted her head and regarded you for a second, her eyes narrowing slightly. You had no doubt that she was the least bit suspicious, and you honestly couldn’t blame her. You had no idea what the hell you were saying, each word seeming to miss the filter of sense they usually passed through before leaving your mouth; despite the absurdity of your words, your roommate simply shrugged before lowering herself back into her spot, mumbling something that included the words ‘weird’ and ‘strange’. 
You, however, certainly didn’t waste another second before turning and quickly making your way out of the apartment, your steps quickly taking you to the rooftop. And just as you had expected, the sound of laughter was the first thing you heard once you pushed the door open. 
The sound lead you to a corner of the rooftop that was only illuminated by a string of dusty lights left by someone who’d had an idea for the rooftop but had given up. You had a perfect view of the city, the lights being easier to see from the rooftop. You were sure that you’d see elegant cars and even more elegant dresses and tuxes if you were closer to the event, but you weren’t…and you didn’t want to be.
Despite the laughter that still fell from his lips, at your expense, no less, you found that you still wouldn’t rather be anywhere else than on the rooftop with Hobie…goddamn Brown. 
“I ain’t a dentist, but maybe you should get that checked out, love.”
“Don’t start-”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of someone’s teeth burnin’-”
His words broke off into another rumbling chuckle, one that immediately prompted you to roll your eyes. Nonetheless, you still walked closer to where he leaned against the low wall surrounding the roof.
Your arms crossed in front of you, your facade of being fed up with his antics quickly crumbling as his eyes narrowed at you. The soft lights reflected off of his dark skin, glinting off of each piercing he had and therefore highlighting the skin pierced by them. The action of his arms crossing drew your attention to the sinewy muscles of his forearms as they raised, copying your pose as he gazed down at you. 
“You gon’ tell me why I’m up here, or are you gonna stand there and make fun of me? Because I can definitely turn right back around and go back-”
That was a lie. The fact that Hobie had wanted you there in the first place was enough to ensure that you’d stay until you saw whatever he wanted to show you. It was the emptiest threat. 
“You gonna be patient and let me surprise you, or are you gonna keep askin’ questions, love?”
Another chuckle fell from his lips as he dropped his arms. One of his hands stretched out, his long fingers hooking beneath his loose bracelet that still adorned your wrist before pulling you a tad bit closer. His body turned slightly to the side, allowing space for you to lean against the wall as he jutted his chin towards something you had yet to see, though you kept your eyes on him.
It was your turn to narrow your eyes in suspicion at his actions and his refusal to answer you straightforwardly. It made your curiosity grow. 
This was new, whatever…this was. You could confidently say that you two were close friends, but the softness of his eyes and the way his lips curled fondly into a smile that you liked to think was only for you said differently. It watered that little seed of hope in your chest. Now it was only a waiting game to see what it would grow into. And for some reason, you had a suspicion that tonight would not only give that seed enough room to grow but that it’d also become a little clearer, this bond between you two. 
“You’re bein’ rather skeptical instead of just takin’ in what’s right in front of you.”
“And what exactly is right in front of me, Hobie?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow. You hadn’t meant for your voice to be so soft. You certainly hadn’t meant for your eyes to flicker down to his full lips as they pursed slightly at your question. But you found that maybe it was a good thing, as Hobie used the same loose grip he had on the bracelet to pull you just a few inches closer. 
There was more than one way to take his words, and the realization, paired with his actions, came with a small increase in your heart rate. 
The grin on his face had slowly disappeared, being replaced by a look of contemplation and something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on. His eyes roamed over your features as a heavy silence fell over the two of you. Your room had been a space of familiarity; a space with enough distractions that served in keeping your thoughts from straying to things you were too scared to ask for and too self-doubtful to openly wish for. But now…with nothing but the open city skyline and the two of you alone on a nearly barren rooftop…those same thoughts reared their head. Only this time, you were almost certain that you weren’t the only one being pestered by them.
“Oh, I wish I could show you, sweetheart.” 
His words echoed with every beat of your heart, no matter how irregular it had grown because of his presence. His eyes flickered from one point of your face to your eyes, and back. The subtle feeling of his fingers tightening around the bracelet, pulling you even closer was nearly lost on you as you focused on the way his lips parted slightly, an inaudible sigh lifting his shoulders. Though as they lowered with the same breath, his eyes flickered quickly over your shoulder, the grin you knew all too well appearing on his face once more. 
“But you can see for yourself.”
With a mind that still worked on getting itself through the fog of longing that had been brought on by Hobie, you let him turn you towards the edge of the rooftop that looked over a grassy park. It was one that you sometimes found yourself walking through when you needed or wanted to, but now the usually open area was crowded with people either sitting on blankets or lawn chairs, all of their attention on the stage that sprawled over the park’s pond. 
It wasn’t hard to figure out why, as the sound of music reached your ears no sooner than you had realized that there were people on the stage. And it wasn’t just any music. The opening notes to one of the songs Hobie had recommended to you were as familiar as the sound of your own name, as you had certainly listened to the song more than enough times. Along with the recognition of the song came the realization that the band playing was one that you both were rather fond of. 
“Is that…?”
Hobie’s answer came in the form of a chuckle and a nod of his head that you saw out of your peripheral, but other than that, he simply let the music speak for itself. Despite your distance from the concert itself, the music effortlessly rode the soundwaves before reaching the two of you, making your smile grow. 
You’d had no idea that they were even coming to your area, let alone holding an entire concert. But somehow Hobie had known, and he had made sure to bring you to a view no one else had to watch it. 
“Mate of mine only had 2 tickets, and one was for him.” He shrugged one shoulder as you looked at him, your eyes bright with excitement for the music that just started. 
“Thought that I’d have a better view from here, with someone who’s a lot less annoyin’ and a lot prettier.” 
A sound close to a laugh and scoff left you at his words, your head shaking slightly. Despite the smile he wore, there was nothing else to imply that his words were joking. The music provided a background of harmonies and lyrics that you felt only added to the atmosphere, and you briefly wondered if the feelings going through your body were a result of the music’s bass traveling through the air before settling into your bones, or if it was an amalgamation of feelings you were finding a little easier to put a word to. 
“Hobie, you didn’t have to do that. Giving up a free ticket to watch it from a rooftop?” Your voice still held a bit of disbelief as you questioned him, your eyes flickering between the performance and his features. Your divided attention caused you to miss the way his eyes softened as they landed on you, but you were perfectly aware of the way he turned, leaning his elbows on the wall and letting his arm rest firmly against yours. You may or may not have instantly leaned into the warmth his body emanated. 
“There’s a difference between having to do somethin’ and wantin’ to do something. It’s always the second one when it comes to you, love.”
Your smile grew- if that was even possible- and you leaned more into him, your skin flushing from the combination of his words and the point of contact between you two.
The music switched to one of the band’s slower songs, and it only seemed right to hum along with the music. The opening notes garnered cheers from the crowd and a wide smile from you. Though a tug at your wrist paused your humming, and with curious eyes, you turned to Hobie.
“You trust me, right?” He asked the same question he had posed earlier, yet this time, his words were softer; more genuine. Your answer was the same as before…but softer; more genuine.
“Of course I do.”
His eyes brightened at your answer before looking above the two of you to a slanted roof that jutted out over the edge of the roof. He took a step back, pulling you along slowly as if to give you a chance to change your mind, but you did nothing of the sort. You let him lead you to where the roof’s corner was directly above you, and you could only watch as he let go of you before lithely and quickly jumping onto the same corner.
You’d seen Hobie’s powers in action multiple times, and each time, you could remember your heart speeding up in concern and worry. Especially when you saw the familiar webhead fighting the week’s newest villain on the news, or heard another news station calling him a menace or even a villain himself. Now was no different as you watched him balance precariously on the edge of the roof before crouching and offering a hand down to you. 
You took a breath, one that both steadied you and tampered down your nerves, before reaching for his hand. Hobie was one tall guy, and that length only transferred to his arms as he was able to easily grab your hand and hoist you up to the roof…but that was as far as you got before your nerves got the better of you.
His hand was clenched tightly in yours, and your eyes widened as you noticed just how…far from the ground you were-
“Oi, look at me.” 
Neither his voice nor the sound of the band playing could tear your gaze away from how far away the ground looked. Was the ground moving or was that just your mind playing tricks? Was it getting closer? If the ground was getting closer that meant-
It was only the feeling of his arms wrapping securely around you, your body being pulled into the wide and hard expanse of his chest as he settled the two of you on the roof, that pulled you out of your spiraling thoughts. 
“You know ‘ve got you. ‘M not lettin’ you go anywhere.” He mumbled reassuringly, his arms squeezing lightly around your shoulders where they were still wound around you. Your breath hitched once more, but not because of the height you two had found yourselves sitting at. 
Without a hint of hesitation, your own hands raised, securing themselves tightly around his forearms across your chest. You pushed your back further into the confines his arms made around you until you could feel every point of contact between his chest and your back, and only then did you take a deep breath before letting it out. 
“You good, love?” His breath puffed lightly against the shell of your ear as he lowered his head, and the sensation sent a chill down your spine that you didn’t bother trying to hide. 
Sitting there, watching a band you both enjoyed from a view no one else had, knowing that Hobie had specifically wanted this moment between you two made your words catch in your throat. It made every nerve ending in your body alight as if Hobie held the sun itself in his veins, transferring its heat and fire to you every time you two touched. While his touch was like fire, his voice was like a soothing balm that washed over you, always rumbling from deep within his chest.
The word ‘good’ would never be adequate enough to describe how you felt in his arms. There was only one word that even remotely fit the emotion flowing through you at his touch, his voice- him, except this time, there was no self-doubt holding you back from admitting it. To yourself, at least. 
The slower music reached the two of you, the familiar tune helping you relax into Hobie’s chest and helping you realize just how perfectly the two of you fit together. His feet bordered yours, knees bent and giving the two of you an extra sense of security as they kept you from sliding off of the roof. While one arm stayed wrapped around your shoulders, his other unwound itself so that his fingers could find yours. They gently twisted the rings- his rings- that still adorned your fingers before almost slowly lacing with yours. Your smile grew as your head fell back to rest against his shoulder, his chin nudging slightly against your temple. A content sigh left you in the form of words. 
“Yeah, I’m good.”
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A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this little oneshot that came from staying up too late and fantasizing about Hobie Brown (its an obsession at this point but can you mf blame me?)
All interactions are greatly appreciated! Likes, reblogs, comments; give it all, I’ll take it all <33
Y’all’ stay safe!
Tag list:
@shinsousliya , @honey-teaaaaaaaa , @tchhairbandhere , @jessiapollo-blog , @zane2408 , @bananasplits-world , @yellowjacketmurder , @barkbarkbo​ , @butterflyybabe​ , @bananafishok​ , @mitsuya-takashi​ , @chaoticevilbakugo​ , @cedeni-beanie​ , @kingstormpostsshit​ , @sailorsolar12​ , @justariellove​ , @angelsmist​ , @eriksjournal , @mermaidchansons​ , @nil-eena​ , @paisholotus​ , @thesecretwriterblog​ , @brain-of-nekoma , @simp4iwaizumi , @bumlyn​ , @jackdrawsjunk​ , @http-twyla , @cedeni-beanie​ , @taleiakirby , @brain-of-nekoma , @borderlineacademia​ , @ventingfanfics​ , @jackdrawsjunk​ , @writesbyriri​ , @serahxney​ , @awolfcsworld​
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silentglassbreak · 7 months
Please please , write something. Noah and Lily, she is designer and painter, they are working together on design for new album or merch, or something like that. She is redhead, have freckles, have a lot of tattoos, like to wearing skirts and sundresses. thank you! I love your work so so much 💔💔🥲
Bb you are my first ask! So, naturally, you have my undying love and affection for eternity!
Also, this physical description is giving me such inspiration. My best friend has a very similar physical appearance, so this will be fun!! (I just finished this and OMG this got away from me. I did not intend for this to be this long...I really got into this one. I hope you enjoy!)
So let’s get into this, shall we?
Rating: Mature (for language)
Warnings: None.
Into The Ocean
What did I think would happen when I moved to New York City? That I would get here, put a few paintings in some galleries, and suddenly I’d be making millions? How fucking insane am I?
My inner monologue continued as I catatonically stirred my bowl of soggy Frosted Flakes, moping heavily.
It had been six months since I moved here on a whim and a breath of a dream, thinking that with my ‘sparkling personality’, ‘adorably good looks’, and ‘raw talent’ I’d be a success so quick. These days, however, I spent a lot of time wishing I had stayed back home in Hartford, in my Mom’s two bedroom home, with my dog and my normalcy.
No, couldn’t be me. I had to go off with delusions of grandeur, and get myself a full time job as a desk girl at a law firm (which sucked), and had virtually no time to paint like I wanted. My studio apartment in Queens was big enough for me; a bed, a small table, and my paint supplies. I had a clothes rack for my small wardrobe, and a television on the wall adjacent to my bed. My minimal belongings were strewn haphazardly around with no real method. It felt much like my life - off kilter.
Frustrated, I decided to get off the bed, still holding my bowl, and stared at the cereal floating sadly in the milk. It looked so pathetic, the same as I felt.
My eyes wandered to the floor, then the edge of the bed, and eventually to the right of it, where the seven-foot by four-foot canvas sat.
I had that particular canvas since my first day here in New York. I swore that canvas would hold my best work. The piece that would change everything for me. I promised myself I wouldn’t touch it until I was certain I knew what it would be, and was ready.
But now? Staring at it? It mocked me. Day in, day out, it reminded me that I was just another struggling artist in this God forsaken jungle of a city made of concrete and exploitation. It laughed at me. It told me I had failed.
Without realizing it, my arm shot the bowl in my hand clear across the room, the milk and flakes splattering all over my bed, and eventually spraying the canvas. It left a sickly gray hue against the stark white vastness behind it, giving me a sense of anger. A sense of rage.
Climbing up onto my bed, my feet digging into the mattress while I reached for the shelf above it, grabbing random paints from the bowl they lived in. I hastily twisted the caps off of each, my breathing becoming frantic as I felt the sudden anxiety surge through me.
Once the tubes were open, I didn’t bother with my palette, or my brushes, I just squeezed the tubes, three in each hand, until they all sprayed like firehoses over the canvas, all in varying shades of blue and black. I hadn’t even realized I only grabbed blue and black paint.
Finally, after several minutes of raging, smearing paint across the canvas with no structure, using my palms and fingers, I stepped back. The anger and fire in my chest had dulled. I took a step back, and caught a glimpse of myself in my wall-length mirror across the room, and cringed.
Navy blue paint streaked my pale yellow shorts and faded UC t-shirt. I had a large glob of black paint on my face near my hairline, turning that spot of my red waves a midnight color. I needed a shower.
Now that I had thoroughly ruined my clothes, bed, walls, and canvas, I elected to head for the bathroom to clean myself up before the process of cleaning my apartment.
However, as I turned away from the canvas, I caught a sight of it in my peripheral, and something in my brain sparked. The blues and blacks, which turned dark grey when mixed. The lines and swirls they fell in. The non-uniformity of it all.
And like that, I was climbing back up on my bed, ready to finish my painting.
It was after 5AM, and I only had three hours before I had to be back at work before I finished. When I did, I gasped at what I saw in front of me.
It was superb.
The waves crashed everywhere as the moon hung low in the sky, storm clouds covering. Amidst the maelstrom that was the ocean, there was one large, beautiful, impossibly sad octopus, thrashing in the waves, bleeding from the eyes.
The octopus was a deep gray, blending but also naturally contrasting the color of the waves, deep crimson blood running from its desperate eyes.
It was painful. It was despondent. It was powerful.
This was it.
Forty-two days had passed, and I was struggling to breathe as my hands trembled where they sat in my pockets, watching the droves of people walk by me. I did my best to smooth down the skirt of my lime-green sundress and tugged at the lapels of my denim jacket. My hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, leaving my waves to cascade down my back loosely, out of my face.
The sun above provided a warmth that was needed, but I had forgotten SPF today, which meant I would likely have a fresh batch of freckles on my cheeks to add to all the others. Today had to be the day. Something in my skin told me it did.
I had been to three art fairs, two open galleries, and a fine arts convention, trying to get something, anything sold.
Three days after I finished my piece, I was told that Burgen & Black no longer needed my position, so this was all I had right now. This, and the three hundred dollars my mom loaned me when I told her I was a little short on rent.
Rent wouldn’t be an issue soon if I didn’t sell anything, as cardboard boxes are real cheap.
This open fair was in Central Park, mid-September, so it was comfortable outside. The sun was getting low, causing a golden sky to reach overhead. I had been here all day, and was beginning to feel defeated.
I hadn’t sold as much as one print. One painting.
After staring at the crowds for another twenty-minutes, I finally decided to start packing up. It was a long bus ride back to Queens, and I would be too cold after dark.
Stuffing a handful of my prints into my portfolio bag, I huffed at myself, shaking my head.
Maybe it was time to go home. Maybe being an artist just wasn’t where I fit. Maybe I did need to reconsider college. It wasn’t too late. Twenty-six was an easy age, right?
“Is this all you?”
A sharp, deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts, making me spin on my heel, to see who was standing at my booth, scanning the pieces set up on the table.
The first thing I noticed was how tall he was. He had at least a foot of height on me. I noticed next that he was covered everywhere in tattoos. The long expanse of his arms that led to the bit of his chest I could see behind his tank top was littered. It made my mouth dry.
His hair was short, hidden under a ball cap, sunglasses perched on his nose.
It took me a moment of staring before I realized he had asked me a question.
“Oh, uh,” I walked back to the table, standing directly in front of him. “yeah these are my works.”
He nodded, looking down at the table and flipping fingers through the prints.
“I like them. They’re different.”
I gave my best ‘please buy this’ smile, and nodded.
“Thank you. I just paint what I feel. It helps me deal.”
He smirked. “I get that.” His eyes came back up to my face. “Not the painting. I can’t do that. But having something to help you deal? I get that.”
That’s interesting. “Yeah? What do you use to deal?”
He flashed his teeth at me. “Music.”
Oh, brother. A musician. Any awe I was feeling was dissolving. I had yet to meet one that was worth his salt in anything, let alone carrying a tune.
“Ah, well, different animal, same results?” I tried not to sound disinterested.
“How much for the prints?”
I felt my lungs tighten. Money?!
“Ten, but it’s two for eighteen.”
He smirked. “What would a hundred get me?”
If I had not caught it quick enough, my eyes would have bugged out of my head. I stifled a cough to cover up my surprise.
“Uh,” I looked around. No one had purchased one hundred dollars of my work before. Not all at once. “Seven prints? Or four prints and a canvas or two? Depends on size.”
I pointed to the side of my table, there I had a cardboard box full of canvases. He glanced over, and turned so he could see better.
With a ‘hmph’, he squatted down and looked through them, nodding at some, disregarding others.
Eventually, he came back up and had two smaller canvases perched in his hands.
A painting I had done of ravens when I was sat in a cemetery one day for inspiration, and one of a dark room that held a single bright red wood chair. That had come to me in a dream.
“Okay, and I’ll take these four prints.” He handed me the laminated copies and gave me a sweet, polite smile.
“Sounds good, it’ll be a hundred even.”
“Can you take card?” My face fell. I couldn’t handle my rent and groceries, let alone a card reader.
He must have noticed, because he raised his eyebrows.
“Got Zelle?”
I nodded, pulling my phone out, a rush of relief washing over me. I gave him my phone number, and he pulled me up, transferring a cool one hundred dollars into my account. My stomach flipped. I was halfway to rent with my borrowed cash, and I still had two weeks before it was due.
It was the first shred of hope I had felt in a while.
“Noah!” A male voice called before a shorter man bounded up, and my eyes popped open.
Nick Folio, the drummer from Bad Omens, stood in front of my table, and I just about fell over with a stroke.
My mouth was hung open, in pure disbelief. It hadn’t even occurred to me who he had called for.
Folio held a plastic bag, having clearly grabbed something else from another table.
“There’s a guy selling homemade lures, dude. I bought six!” His teeth flashed in excitement, and my customer shook his head, smiling.
“You’re going to go broke buying those things.”
It was in that moment it dawned on me. That voice. Those tattoos. Those sinfully long fingers…
“Are you Noah Sebastian?” My words came out rushed, before I could stop them.
A sly grin fell over his lips. “Never heard of him.” He smoothly turned around, preparing to leave. “Thanks for the artwork.”
Folio gave me a small wave before following Noah. I was frozen.
I just met one half of Bad Omens. I had sold artwork to Noah Sebastian. He liked my art. I couldn’t breathe.
It took me a solid ten minutes before I could move, then packing my things and heading for the bus with my bag and box in arms, glancing around the park a few times for a familiar ball cap and forbidden fruit tattoo.
Nine days have passed since I unexpectedly met Noah Sebastian and Nick Folio, and it had been heavy on my mind until the stress of my rent became the reason I was laying awake at night.
With no other real resolve, my hunt for another nine-to-five not getting very far, I found myself trekking back to Central Park, ready to set up another table. I had fresh prints, and a dozen new canvasses to hopefully sell.
Now that we had crossed the threshold into October, the air was becoming more brisk. Today, I had elected to wear a floor-length forest green skirt with a white crop top, my black zip hoodie keeping my arms warm.
Today was more lively, giving me the opportunity to sell six prints and four canvasses by noon. I had made my rent, and was working on the power bill next. I had slightly raised my prices, given my circumstances, but I justified it with the need to survive.
Did I expect to run into him again? Not at all. In fact, I had convinced myself that my once in a lifetime chance to meet him had passed, and I should be excited about it. I was a Bad Omens fan, and had been since their second album. Their style of music was absolutely cathartic for me, giving me inspiration on more than one occasion while painting.
So, imagine my surprise, when I heard the same deep, smooth voice while I was reorganizing my canvasses.
“Back again?” This time, he wore a hoodie, beanie over his hair, and no sunglasses. His eyes were so big, so brown. I wanted to stare at them for hours.
I snorted. “Me? I could say the same to you?”
He leaned his hand on the table, smiling down at where I was crouched in front of my box.
“Selling a lot?”
Triumphantly grinning, I stood up, leaning my palms on the table. “Actually, yeah. It’s been weird. Central Park isn’t normally a hot spot for me, but today has been great!”
There was a flash of thirty-two stunning teeth, and I held myself upright.
“Maybe the word is spreading?”
“Maybe. Going to buy anything today?”
Raising a row, he scanned the table, tapping on one print. “This one is nice. How much?”
His head snapped up, bewildered look on his face.
“It was ten last week?”
A sheepish blush crept over my face, and I tried to be sweet, brushing some of my loose hair behind my ear.
“Yeah, uh,” I couldn’t look right at him. “I had to raise the price a little. Living cost’s a bitch.” I shrugged.
He looked absolutely amused. “I see.” He pulled his phone out, and began tapping at something I couldn’t see. Afterwards, he picked up the print he chose, and gave me a two finger salute.
“Thanks a lot, Red.”
I smirked, feeling the phone vibrate in my pocket. I ignored it for now and approached a young couple who had walked over to my table. I did, however, watch as Noah left, making his way straight out of the park, not stopping at any other tables.
Finally home, I flopped down on my bed, and let my eyes fall closed for just a moment. I had called it early, feeling exuberant and deciding I deserved an afternoon to just relax, not painting, not trying to find a job, just snacking and watching Netflix.
Slipping my phone out of my pants pocket, I sat up, seeing some missed messages and scrolling through my notifications.
When I came to the last one, I nearly dropped my phone.
Zelle Notification: Noah Davis sent you $100.
My jaw dropped. He only bought one print. Why would he give me so much? He must have done it by mistake.
I bit my lip, bothered. I felt guilty, as if I had stolen the money from him. People were generous, but no one was that generous...right?
Staring at my Zelle account, I took a deep breath, and tapped on the transaction, pulling up the details. My finger hovered over Noah's name, wondering if I'd just get his email. After counting three calculated breaths, I finally tapped it, and a phone number flashed under the name.
Oh God, I had Noah Sebastian's phone number.
It was me being a good samaritan that caused me to pull up a text thread, and begin typing a message. The voice in the back of my head screamed at me that I could just sent eighty-five dollars back, and not invade his privacy by texting him.
Me: Noah?
After hitting send, I physically tossed my phone on the mattress, and pulled my knees up to my chest, breathing erratic. I sat in absolute silence, waiting. Each passing second made my soul fall. What if it wasn't his personal cell he used for Zelle? He was a somewhat celebrity, after all. Would he really just casually give his number out to a random girl in the park?
My phone chimed, and I thought my carotid was going to blow out of my neck. Shaking fingers lifted the phone.
Noah: Who is this?
No confirmation of identity, but the number worked.
I went to type a response, telling him who I was, until I realized I never gave him my name. Sure, I had signed my art, but my signature was decently illegible.
Chewing my lip, I wracked my brain for the right response.
Me: Red.
The text bubbles had turned blue, and I saw he had received and read the message, but his type signal hadn't come up yet.
I was insane, I had to be.
Noah: LOL you mean Lily?
My blood ran cold.
Me: How do you know my name?
Noah: Well, much like my own, your Zelle tells me your first and last name.
I felt like such a moron. Of course it did.
Me: Oh, LOL yeah I didn't think of that.
I typed out another message, before I forgot.
Me: You sent me too much for that print!
Noah: No I didn't.
Me: You did. You sent me $100.
Me: I can send back $85.
Noah: Don't you dare.
This made me pause, already on the Zelle screen, his message flashing as a banner on top, making my fingers halt.
Me: Noah, I can't take that from you for one print.
Noah: ...because...?
Me: Because it's way too much! I appreciate it, but I'm not comfortable with that.
He waited a few minutes, his type bubble appearing and disappearing a few times.
Noah: So I'll buy something else from you, then.
I rolled my eyes.
Me: What would you like?
Noah: You have a portfolio online?
I sighed, embarrassed. My online presence was close to nonexistent. I had an Instagram, with all of five photos on it, and they were all four months old. I didn't have a website, not having the money to create one yet.
Me: I don't, I'm sorry.
Noah: Studio I can check out?
I stared at the screen, and laughed loudly. Oh, I've got a studio alright. Just not what he's thinking of.
Me: Not exactly. I'm a very small artist. I do all of my work out of my apartment.
Noah: Which is where?
My heart sunk. No way. Not letting him in my four hundred square foot, paint covered, disarrayed apartment.
Me: Queens.
I stayed vague.
Noah: Oh yeah, I'm over in Central Park West right now.
I sighed, relieved, and slightly disappointed.
Me: I can send you some pictures of my work? I'll just need a few to take them.
Noah: Can you just FaceTime? Seems faster.
How on Earth did we get here? I was going to FaceTime with a rockstar, and show him my paintings? This couldn't be real life.
Me: Sure. Call when you're ready.
I walked over to the corner of my studio that I kept my completed works in, a sheet thrown over the large canvas in an attempt protect the paint from the sun rays. I had yet to take that one anywhere yet. I hadn't found the right venue to sell.
After about five minutes, my phone began vibrating in my hand, and I looked down to see his name flashing.
My heart was beating so frantically, I was sure it would disconnect and come out of my throat.
I swiped the call open, and held the camera at the most flattering angle I could. Once the call connected, he sat on what appeared to be a staircase, somewhere outside, same beanie on his head from earlier, and was smiling into the camera.
His enthusiasm surprised me, and I waved nervously, smiling back at him.
"Why do you look so uneasy? Are you being held hostage or something?"
My face fell, wildly confused by his comment. "What?"
His laugh echoed through the receiver, which made this weird jittery thing happen in my stomach.
"I'm just joking. You just look uncomfortable." He pulled his beanie down more, and I swallowed dryly, trying to giggle.
"Oh, yeah. No I'm good."
He sat back, elbow resting on the step behind him. "You sure?"
I felt like we weren't getting past this point. "Can I be honest?"
He didn't respond, just gestured for me to continue.
"I'm a fan. A big fan. So, yeah, I'm a little nervous."
His smile could've illuminated a small town.
"Oh yeah?" He ran a hand over his face. "Don't be. I'm just a guy."
Feeling rebellious, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. A guy who hundreds of thousands of girls would kill to FaceTime with."
This made him blush, so he looked down. "Ah, I don't know about that."
I decided to press my luck. "I do."
He furrowed his brow, smirking. "Oh yeah? So you're just that lucky, huh?"
This made me grin, in near disbelief. "Ah, the great Noah Sebastian. Cocky, huh?"
This made him laugh again, to which I joined.
"Nah. Like, I said, I'm just a guy. Really cool to know you're a fan, though." I nodded in response. "Ever seen us live?"
I shook my head. "Cost of living's a bitch. You think I can afford concert tickets?"
He shrugged. "Fair enough, dude."
"Anyways, you want me to show you the artwork?"
He agreed, and I flipped the camera around, scanning through the various pieces I had out in the corner. At his request, I would get closer to a piece, or pull it up to the camera. I watched as his eyes would get close to the phone, analyzing each canvas.
"I really like the desert painting." He was referring to a painting I had done that was slightly more abstract of a desert with random melted items such as longhorn skulls, cacti, and pieces of driftwood. They melted into the sand below.
"Okay. That would bring your total with the print earlier to fifty, since this one is bigger."
He nodded. "Do you have anything for fifty even?"
Biting my lip, I scanned my eyes, landing on a painting I had of a black cat, perched on the edge of a pond, cleaning it's paw, a skeletal hand reaching out of the water for it. The painting was done in nearly all neon colors, which was different for me.
"This one." I held it up in the camera.
"Oh dude, that's fucking sick." He pulled back from the camera. "I'll take it."
I chuckled. "Okay, do you want me to ship them?"
I flipped the camera back around, and he raised an eyebrow at me. "To Central Park West?"
I shrugged. "I could."
"Nah. I can get them from you. I don't live in New York and I leave back home for LA this weekend."
This made my chest sink only a little. "Right, I can ship them there if you want?"
He shook his head. "Let's meet up and I can get them?" I hesitated to respond, and I swear I saw a flash of concern on his face. "Unless you've got plans or something."
This made me smirk. "We didn't even say when? How would I know if I had plans?"
He huffed out a laugh, grabbing his beanie off of his head and smiling. "Sorry, you're right."
"When do you want to meet?"
"Tonight? I'm busy most of the week, but I'd really like to get my stuff soon."
Pondering this, I sat down on my bed, back to my art corner. "Where?"
"There's an Italian restaurant near my hotel. We can get dinner?"
I'm going to dinner with Noah fucking Sebastian?!
"Sure. Just text me the address?" He nodded in response. "What time?"
"Whatever time works best for you, Red."
I rolled my eyes. "You know my name, Noah."
A small wink, and he smiled. "I know, Lily. I just like your hair."
My face turned a deep shade of crimson, and I felt the urge to pull at my long red waves.
"Well, if that's the plan, I'm going to get ready. I have to leave a while before you to catch the subway."
I stood off the bed and went to turn, but he spoke and stopped me.
"Hey, what's that behind you?"
I turned, scanning. "What?"
"Under the sheet."
It occurred to me what he was referring to, and I waved it off.
"Just another piece."
"Can I see it?"
I shook my head. "Nah, I haven't shown anyone yet."
"So? I can be the first!" He seemed so excited, which made me giggle.
"It's an emotion piece. Not like the others."
He raised a brow. "Still not hearing why I can't see it."
Biting the inside of my cheek, I shrugged. "Alright, but don't get too excited. It's not as clean and precise as my other work."
He just shrugged, and I reached over, pulling the sheet off the canvas, and flipped the camera.
I watched his eyes, scanning the screen over and over. He looked so enamored, I was confused. Was the connection bad?
"Noah? You okay?"
He leaned back, blinking. "Lily, that's fucking amazing!"
I laughed, stepping closer to the painting. "It's okay. It's a rage painting. Something I started in a fit, and kind of worked into what it is now."
"I can tell. You can feel the pain in the image. The colors are unbelievable."
"Oh, I don't know. It's okay."
"Okay? Red, that painting is unreal. How much do you want for it?"
His question caught me by surprise, nearly knocking me down. "What?"
"How much? I want it." He was so matter of fact, that the air rushed out of me.
"I haven't priced it. It's a big piece, bigger than anything else I've ever done."
"Okay, well tell me what you think, because I'll pay a lot for it."
My heart began stammering, words not forming on my lips. "Y-You really want it?"
"I don't just want it; I want to use it."
I was confused. "What do you mean?"
"I'll tell you at dinner. Just do me a favor? Think about a price? I really want that painting."
We agreed to meet at 7PM, but I was late. The subway had been packed, and I missed the first one. I didn't come jogging up to the front of the restaurant until fifteen after, seeing Noah stood outside, same outfit on as earlier today. I had to calm my insides at the sight.
I waved when he caught a glimpse of me, earning a smile in my direction.
"Hey, Red!"
I rolled my eyes. He wasn't letting that go.
"Hi, Noah."
When I approached, he put an arm out, and wrapped it around my shoulders casually. I had to take several deep breaths to remind myself that, like he said, he's just a guy.
An attractive guy. With tattoos. And the voice of an angel.
And this wasn't a date...right? This was a transaction...right?!
Trying to shake off the thoughts, I handed him the bag on my arm.
"Your goodies."
He smiled and took the bag, looking inside. "Nice. Thank you."
I followed him into the restaurant, which didn't look too terribly fancy. We were dressed casually, as were most people here. We were sat at a small table, a little dish with butter and rolls already in the middle.
We sat down, and began scanning the menus. The prices jumped out at me as relatively expensive, and I knew I would be taking my work out again tomorrow to make back the money I would be spending tonight.
Noah ordered a beer. I ordered water.
Noah ordered a steak with linguine on the side. I ordered a salad.
This caught his attention. "You don't want more than a salad and water?"
I hid behind my glass, shrugging. "Not the most hungry."
"Hm," He sat back and eyed me. "okay. For now."
The fuck does that mean?
"So have you given any more thought to how much you want for that painting?" He spoke before I could respond.
"I haven't. I really don't know, Noah." I shook my head, thinking. "Three hundred?"
His eyes widened. "No way, man. It's worth way more."
I was dumbstruck. "Are you asking me to charge you more?"
"Fuck yeah I am. That painting is worth ten grand, at the very least."
As badly as I wanted not to, and prayed I hadn't, I spit my water out onto the table, spraying my salad. My face immediately turned bright red, matching my hair.
"Excuse me?!"
He seemed very unfazed. "What?"
"Did you say ten grand? As in ten thousand?" He nodded. "Dollars?!"
He rolled his eyes. "No. Marshmallows."
Without thought, I picked up a cherry tomato and tossed it at him, bouncing it off of his hand on his plate. He glanced up at me, mouth open, amused.
"Did you just throw a tomato at me?"
I pressed my lips together in a very small, devious grin. "Maybe."
He picked up the tomato between two long fingers, considered it for a moment, and popped it in his mouth.
"I've never had that happen. And I'm a singer."
This made me laugh. "Oh God."
He wiped his mouth on his napkin. "Seriously, though, Red. You need to price your stuff fairly. Don't accept less than what you're worth."
I leaned back in my chair, considering this. "So, you want to pay me ten thousand for my painting?"
He shook his head. "I don't." My heart sunk for a second. "My label will, though."
My eyebrows shot up. "Pardon? The label?"
He was chewing some steak, and waited to swallow before he responded. I found myself staring at the apple on his throat bobbing.
"I want that painting to be our next album cover."
I felt my jaw physically hit the floor, break through the table and all. I was hallucinating.
"I've been looking for months. I had been looking at photography until very recently, because I just wasn't finding anything that worked. I started scouting art fairs and galleries almost a year ago."
My eyes were blinking at an alarming rate.
"So, that's why you came to Central Park twice, then."
He smirked, lifting the beer bottle to his lips. "That's why I came to your table twice, yes."
I was pushing my salad around on the plate, not looking at him. "Ah, and here I was thinking you came back to see me." I looked up and gave him the cheekiest smile I could, joking.
Snorting, he flashed his teeth again. "Well, that too."
My stomach stuttered, and I set my fork down. I folded my arms on the table, looking straight at him.
"You're serious? You really want my painting for the album?"
He put his hands in his sweater pockets and leaned forward, so his face was hovering over the table.
"I'm dead serious." His tongue slipped over his bottom lip, catching my attention. "There's more to it than just buying it. We'd have to purchase rights from you, so you can't sell copies."
I raised a brow, now intrigued. "Oh?"
He leaned back again. "I don't want anyone else having our original piece that you did. We would, of course, credit you on the album, and maybe even ask you to do some additional work for the rest of the art?"
There was a lump in my throat I couldn't swallow. "Rest of the art?"
"Yeah. The back of the album. The vinyl casing and variants. Merch, maybe?"
I couldn't breathe. It was so hot all of a sudden.
Noah could sense my panic. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to overwhelm you."
I gulped down half of my water at once. "No, I just..." I trailed off, staring at the tablecloth. "I've never had anyone want my artwork that bad."
He smiled. "Isn't the point to sell it? Success?"
"Well sure, but to go from selling prints and small canvasses in the parks to doing artwork for a huge band like Bad Omens? That's a bit of a step." I stared at him, trying to mask my anxiety, and failing horribly.
"I don't know if I'd call us huge." His smirk was coy, and I rolled my eyes.
"Wow. Cocky." I echoed my earlier statement, and this made him giggle like a child.
"Listen, think about it? In the meantime, can I ask a favor?" I didn't respond. "Don't sell any copies of that? Once you do, I can't use it."
I shrugged, and nodded, agreeing.
Two weeks had gone by, and I had not seen Noah since the night at the restaurant. I had re-covered the canvas, but the question replayed in my mind over and over.
Noah had decided to buy more pieces off of me, bringing my profits up to six hundred, which had my utilities paid this month and a small batch of groceries in the refrigerator. I agreed to ship them as soon as I could, but he kept telling me to take my time.
I knew what he really wanted to ask, but he held back.
I had thought about it over and over, trying hard to not let my bias toward Noah, or the bad, sway me.
This was a big step. Not owning my own art? Being pressured to make more that met a standard? Being under a contract? That wasn't what I got into this for. This wasn't why I became an artist and moved here. One of the best parts about creating something that you love, is that you get to do it freely. Once you have to do it, or do it a certain way, it becomes all too tedious. It's work now. I wasn't sure I'd be happy with it.
But on the flipside, there was a strange thrill at the idea. Someone wants my painting bad enough that they are willing to give me so much leeway financially, I can paint whenever I want. I'll get exposure. This could be what does it.
This painting could change everything.
And that was the point, right? I bought the canvas telling myself that this was the piece that changed it all. This was my ticket to success. And here it was, in front of me...
Ripping the sheet off of the canvas, I stared at it. The waves crashed over one another. The moon, bright, but somehow so ominous, shone through, bouncing off of the water in a way that made them look almost silver. The octopus, tentacles scattered amongst the waves, stared at me, bleeding eyes seeing through my soul.
"Is this what I'm supposed to do?" I asked the creature. I was met with silence. Loud, deafening, overwhelming silence.
"Fuck it."
I picked up my phone from the bed, bringing up my recent text thread with Noah, smiling at the meme he had sent earlier in the day.
I typed out a quick message, and sighed when I saw he read it quickly, and responded even quicker.
Me: I'm in.
Noah: Oh FUCK yeah!
Six months ago, I met Noah Sebastian for the first time, and he bought some of my art for a hundred dollars. Five and a half weeks ago, he bought more of my art for a hundred more dollars.
Five months ago exactly, his record label offered me twelve thousand dollars for my painting, and the rights to it, and offered me a contract to complete and provide artwork for all pieces surrounding their upcoming album, with an overall gross value of eighty-two thousand dollars to be paid up front, with the understanding that I would provide the artwork within one year of the contract signing.
Naturally, I was a mess.
Still living in my studio apartment, I had rented a painting studio six blocks from my apartment, and spent near all of my time there. I had completed the entire album artwork, maintaining the theme of the original piece, but adding in major twists in each installment.
So far, the label, the band, and mostly Noah, were pleased.
But today, I was stressed. There was one insert in the vinyl copy of the album that needed artwork. It needed a standalone piece, and I was drawing a vivid blank. I had been staring at the 3 foot by 2 foot canvas for two hours, paintbrush twirling between my paint-stained fingers. My old, ratted jeans were blotched with deep blue paint from my last attempt, which had been scrapped.
I was getting nowhere way too fast, and needed a break. I stood from my stool, and pulled my t-shirt off, standing in only my dark red sports bra to fight against the heat. I kept it warm in the studio to keep the paint from hardening in the palette.
Pacing back and forth, music pumping through my Bluetooth speaker, I sighed. I needed emotion. I needed something to throw at this damn thing, like before.
My phone quieted the music for a moment, and I snatched it to check.
Noah: In town this weekend. Want to get lunch?
As badly as I wanted to, I just couldn't.
Me: I can't. Trying to get this piece done.
Noah: Want me to bring you food? Can't paint on an empty stomach.
Considering this, I pursed my lips. He wasn't wrong.
I responded with the address to the studio.
Forty-five minutes later, and Noah was pushing his way into the small studio, bags of Chinese in his hands. I was sat on the stool, still staring at the blank canvas, twirling my brush, and didn't even look at him.
"Hey!" He set the bags down on the table on the far side of the room. "You haven't started yet?"
A hard, deep growl came out of me, and I chucked my brush at the ground, hearing it clatter. I stood, fingers gripping my hair at the root.
He threw his hands up. "Woah, it's okay! I wasn't trying to say anything to upset you."
I took a deep breath, letting go of my mop of hair. "You didn't. I'm just drawing such a fucking blank! I can't figure out what to paint for this insert!"
He tightened his lips, putting his hands in his jean pockets.
"What usually helps?"
"Anger! And I've got plenty! But I've still got fucking nothing!" My foot kicked the stool, sliding it several feel away.
He took a step forward, toward me, hands coming out in front of him.
"Okay, so anger isn't working. Any other emotions we can use?"
I raised an eyebrow, halting my pacing. "What do you mean?" My words were sharp, and he cracked an amused smile.
"You're a real fireball, clearly, Red. But, do you have other emotions we can channel?"
I narrowed my eyes. "Of course I have other emotions."
Suddenly feeling cornered, I squeezed my eyes closed, breathing deeply.
"I don't know." I looked up at him. "Sadness? Depression?"
He snickered. "Why all negative emotions?"
"Why not joy? Enthusiasm? Excitement?" He looked so genuine, it almost hurt my heart, because I was so angry and it wasn't his fault.
I paced over to the stool, coming down with a screech against the floor. "Sorry." I confessed. "This is just hard to do under pressure, you know?"
He nodded, standing next to me, a soft hand coming down on my mid-back, rubbing slow circles on my bare skin.
"I get it. More than most, I think." I looked up at him. "But if what you're used to isn't working, then we have to do something different."
I scrubbed a hand over my face, and smiled weakly. "How?"
He pursed his lips, and his hand came under my arm, pulling me up from the stool. "Grab your brush."
Opting for a fresh one, I held it in front of me, and waited for further instruction.
He smiled, and put both hands on my shoulders, pulling me toward the easel and canvas. I followed absently, trying not to focus on my skin tingling where he was touching me.
"Okay," He moved behind me, pushing me closer to the canvas. "pick a color."
I chuckled, and leaned over to the palette to my right, picking up a deep navy on my brush.
Satisfied, he squeezed my biceps for a second before letting his hands fall away.
"Now, close your eyes."
I turned my head to look at him skeptically, but his eyes pleaded with me, so I obeyed, holding my loaded brush and letting my lids fall closed.
The room fell impossibly quiet, and I could feel his presence heavy behind me. The sensation brought goosebumps to my warm skin.
I was nearly startled when I felt his fingers brush my thick hair over my shoulder, and his breath came across my ear.
"Now," His voice was baritone, so raspy and so close to me. "I want you to picture what you're feeling at this very moment."
Feeling? What is feeling? Who am I ?
"Picture your emotions. Picture them as colors. Objects. Lights." He let out a deep exhale that washed over my neck, making me shiver.
"What if I can't?" My voice was small.
A large, strong hand grasped my right hip, pulling me to lean slightly backward, pressing against the front of his body.
"You can. I know you can."
The fingers of his other and were trailing up my hip, tracing patters over the tattoos on my ribcage.
"You know how to do this, Lily. Just see what you feel."
I wanted to push this. I wanted to see how far I could take it.
Eyes still closed, I let my lips turn up ever so slightly. "What if I can't feel enough, yet?"
His chest, pressed against my back, trembled with quiet laughter, "No? You need more stimulation?"
Jesus this guy's is going to murder me.
"Maybe." I smiled slyly.
His lips ghosted over the side of my neck just under my ear, his hand on my hip slipping around the front of my waist and pulling me even closer.
"What if I," His lips trailed up my skin, grazing the flesh so gently. "give you," Up to my chin. My breath was shaking. "something to feel?"
His lips were testing mine, tip of his nose bumping my own.
The lowest, most whispered moan escaped my lips before he dipped even lower, gently pressing his lips against mine. I molded to him, body encased by his arms, lips slotting into place against his, eyes rolling back behind my lids.
The feeling exploded out of me, pouring into his mouth, hands reaching up to grip his hair.
We stood there, mouths fighting for dominance, before I pulled away, pushing his hands off of me frantically, and nearly jumped toward the canvas.
I heard him breathing heavily behind me, a low chuckle erupting from him.
"I guess it worked?"
I stopped my brush strokes, turning my head and letting my hair flip over my shoulder.
"For now. Might need more stimulation later."
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kingshimura4872 · 1 year
Don't you Remember?
First installment of something I daydream abt allllll the time :]
May or may not add onto it, honestly all depends on the feedback I get from it.
Word count: 722 (Not as long as I'd like, but eh)
Not really specified towards a character rn, but kinda childhood friends to enemies??
Tw: Nothing much, just a little angsty.
“Attention, class.” The voice of Class 1-A’s teacher echoed gently against the walls of the classroom and everyone, who’d previously been talking amongst themselves about topics he couldn’t care less about, went quiet and turned to face him. “As you know, we’ve talked about a new student coming a little late this year. You’re all second-years now so I expect you to know how to act. He’ll be here in just a moment with All Might and Hawks.” He explained.
   “Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that!” Ururaka, a short, brown haired girl chimed, placing an index finger to her cheek.
   “I heard that they were a villain before this-”
   “Kaminari, I will not tolerate you finishing that sentence. And you will tell me who told you that after class.” Aizawa cut into the yellow headed boy, who immediately looked down, dejected.
   “Are there any questions before he arrives? That he himself can’t answer?” 
Everyone looked around at each other, small whispers floating but no one speaking up.
   “I do not believe so, Sir.” Iida, an assertive blue haired individual, spoke up in a sharp tone.
   “Alright. Stay in your seats and don’t be too loud. We’ll hold lessons for the rest of the week so he can get acclimated with the environment, but don’t think you can slack off. We’ll still be having training sessions.” 
And with that, everyone slowly went back to their own conversations, some moving to sit on their desks rather than in it, some simply turning around or crossing their legs in their seat to talk to their friends. They talked about who it could be, if anyone knew him, if he was famous or just stupid since he was coming in so suddenly. But after a few minutes, the talks diverged back into a daily talk about this and that, grades and places to go after school.
Aizawa looked down at his phone, reading a message he’d received from the winged hero notifying him of their arrival.
Hawks: Heyooo~ were on our way, so get ur kids in line lol ;]
The mere sight of his lackluster way of communicating irked the teacher, making him roll his eyes and shove the phone back in his pockets. The kids could talk and relax for a little while longer before they were thrown into a new situation. He wasn’t sure if any of them had dealt with sudden transfer students before, but he felt it was best to have them as comfortable and open as possible so there would be minimal tension. He just wanted his kids happy. 
And no matter how much taunting he got from his peers about acting more like a father than a teacher, he couldn’t deny he cared for his students like his own. He just wanted them safe, happy, and engaged with the activity.
A cheery knock on the door caught everyone’s attention immediately and they all piped down again, turning to face the doors.
   “Ugh, him and his weird knocking.” Aizawa groaned. “Alright, students. Remember, be kind and welcoming. It’s just as awkward to be the new kid as it is to watch the new kid. Don’t be rude and be patient with him.” He ordered, turning his own body to the door. “Come in.” 
Hawks, the winged hero, strutted in first. He flashed his signature smile, waving at the students that waved back and moving to stand in the middle of the front classroom area.
   “Alright-y, Kiddos! Who’s ready to make a new friend?” He sang, hands sinking comfortably into his pockets. Everyone was silent. 
   “Huh. Tough crowd. Welp, bring him in, All Might!” The dirty blonde chuckled, glancing back to the doors. Just in front of All Might waltzed in a boy, dressed in the U.A. uniform, face blank and hands by his sides. He walked until he reached the other hero, turning to face the class and blinking slowly. All Might took his place beside the boy, placing a large hand across his shoulder and flashing his own signature smile.
   “I AM HERE!...To welcome our newest student! Young heroes, this is-”
   “(Y/N)?!” The shout came in unison from two different students, both of which jolted up immediately. Everyone looked to see Bakugou and Midoriya being the owners of each voice, watching in shock and new interest.
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manishaasinfratecho · 4 months
Maximize Charm, Minimize Square Footage: Innovative Interior Design Ideas for Small Spaces in Noida.
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Living large in a small space might seem like an oxymoron, but with a dash of creativity and some clever interior design tricks, your Noida apartment can transform into an oasis of comfort and style. Here at MITS, we specialize in helping you unlock the full potential of your compact abode.
Embrace the Power of Multifunctional Furniture:
Gone are the days of bulky furniture hogging precious real estate. Invest in pieces that serve multiple purposes. Opt for a sofa bed that doubles as a guest room, a coffee table with hidden storage compartments, or a dining table with expandable leaves. Consider ottomans with built-in storage or nesting tables that tuck away neatly when not in use.
Lighten Up with Smart Space-Saving Techniques:
Mirror Magic: Strategically placed mirrors not only reflect light, making your space appear larger, but also create an illusion of depth. Place a large mirror opposite a window to bounce natural light throughout the room.
Folding Wonders: Folding furniture is a lifesaver for small spaces. Invest in a foldable dining table, a wall-mounted ironing board, or even a convertible desk that folds up when not in use.
Verticality is Your Friend: Utilize vertical space to maximize storage. Install floating shelves, bookcases that reach the ceiling, or hanging storage solutions to keep clutter off the floor.
Embrace the Power of Light:
Natural Light is King: Let the Noida sunshine work its magic! Keep windows free of clutter and consider translucent curtains that allow natural light to filter through.
Strategic Lighting: Employ layered lighting to create a sense of spaciousness. Opt for recessed lighting, sconces, and task lighting to illuminate specific areas without overwhelming the room. Consider warm white LED bulbs to create a cozy yet bright atmosphere.
Declutter and Create a Sense of Calm:
Less is More: Declutter ruthlessly! Donate items you no longer need and find clever storage solutions for the essentials. A cluttered space feels instantly smaller.
Soothing Color Palettes: Paint your walls in light, neutral colors. Whites, beiges, and light grays create a sense of airiness and spaciousness. Consider accent walls with calming colors like light blues or greens to add visual interest.
Open Up the Floor Plan:
Embrace Open Floor Plans: If possible, consider knocking down non-load-bearing walls to create a more open and airy feel. Partition spaces with room dividers, curtains, or strategically placed furniture to maintain a sense of separation without sacrificing flow.
Personalize Your Space:
Statement Pieces: Don't be afraid to incorporate a statement piece, like a bold rug or a piece of artwork, to add personality to your space. Just be mindful of the scale and ensure it doesn't overwhelm the room.
Greenery is Good: Plants not only add a touch of life to your space but also act as natural air purifiers. Opt for low-maintenance indoor plants that thrive in small spaces.
Find Inspiration in Noida:
Noida itself can be a source of inspiration. Visit local design stores, art galleries, or even traditional Indian markets to find unique pieces that reflect your personal style and add a touch of local flavor to your space.
Finding the Perfect Interior Design Help in Noida:
At MITS, we understand the challenges and joys of living in a compact space. Our team of experienced and creative interior designers in Noida is here to help you translate your vision into reality. We offer a personalized approach, working closely with you to understand your needs, budget, and style preferences.
So, what are you waiting for? Let MITS help you transform your small space into a haven of functionality and style! Contact us today for a free consultation and discover the possibilities for your Noida home!
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oyeturtle · 2 years
15 Spacious Design Ideas For Small Bedrooms!
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Remember that a good bedroom is not one with a grand appearance or luxurious items and décor but one where you can rejuvenate yourself with its incredible vibe. Here are some styling tips for small bedrooms to make them look spacious and vibrant.
1. Bright Room, Bright Life
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Vibrant hues and bright colors can uplift the vibe of the room. White can play a significant role in the process as it can give life to the room and compensate for the lack of vast walls and windows. If not white, light colors can be used for room décor. Glass windows allowing natural light to enter the room will upgrade the look.
2. The Cute Cozy Corner
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Placing the bed by the side or the corner of the room helps to maximize the floor space and provide a cute cozy sleeping corner. Bed placement plays a very vital role in the appearance of a larger room.
3. Bed Frames Matter
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Buy bed frames that are slim as they are the best for small bedrooms and leave more floor space for the room to look bigger. Avoid footboard-styled bed frames for small-sized bedrooms and use basic modern platform beds instead.
4. Minimalism is the Key
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A room designed with minimal fuss is eye soothing and pleasing. Reduce non-required items and make room only for necessary stuff. The more free space, the wider the room seems to be.
5. Reflect the Vibe by Adding Mirrors
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Mirrors in the room give a sense of a larger space and reflect the light and free play, creating an illusion of a larger room. Along with a clean and fuss-free look, the mirror doesn’t require much space to be installed and elevates the amount of natural light in the room.
6. Under the Bed Storage
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Having a bed with drawers in it reduces the external usage of unnecessary space. Choosing a bed with storage drawers is a great deal. If not, you can use baskets and containers to place your stuff underneath the bed for restricted areas.
7. Loft Living
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Have a small floor area but a higher ceiling? Go for loft living. Construct the loft by placing the bed on the upper side and the seating beneath the bed. Experimenting for good results is instead an intelligent choice.
8. Floating Desks
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The trend is here, embellish your room with Floating desks and make your room look classy while also making space in the room. These desks can be functional and trendy and will help in saving space.
9. Floating Shelves
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Another way of saving space and designing the room with modern furniture. Whether you want to place artifacts or a nightstand, floating shelves are the best for multiple purposes.
10. Rejuvenating Greenery
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Wondering where to place the indoor plants that you recently bought? The room is a good place for it to make its place. Placing potted plants in the room will fill the space a bit and give more life to the room while also purifying the air and creating a new environment.
11. Fairy Lights
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Decorating your room with fairy lights will not occupy much space but will fill the room with different colors and create an enchanting vibe.
12. Embrace Contrast
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Embrace contrast to draw focus and decorate the room with a minimal look. Contrasting colors impact and create a dramatic appearance on walls, décor items, or furniture.
13. Empty Area
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It's never too wise to fill the whole place with furniture and other stuff. Appreciate the space and enjoy the airy environment.
14. Lamps
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It does not occupy much space in the room while providing a nice look and a great ambience. Small lamps are the best when designing a small place with grace.
15. Keep It Simple
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Sometimes keeping it simple is the key. Keeping the place minimalistic and leaving enough space gives a smooth and spacious appearance.
That's how you do it, make your small bedroom look bigger and spacious with effective efforts.
Oye Turtle house design pattern is the same as mentioned above. To make it easy for you to organize and style your home according to your preference, we are always here to take up your project.
You can also read here about: 5 Kitchen Design Rules Followed By Experts
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meera-godecor · 6 days
Maximizing Space: Smart Furniture Solutions for Small Apartments
Living in a small apartment doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort or style. With the right furniture and design choices, you can maximize every inch of space and create a functional, beautiful home. Whether you’re dealing with a studio or a compact one-bedroom, smart furniture solutions can help you make the most of your limited square footage.
In this article, we’ll explore creative and practical furniture ideas that save space while adding convenience and aesthetic appeal to your home.
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1. Multi-Functional Furniture
In a small apartment, every piece of furniture should serve more than one purpose. Multi-functional furniture helps you make the most of limited space by offering flexibility and versatility.
Sofa Beds: A sofa bed is a classic solution for small apartments. During the day, it functions as a comfortable seating area, and at night, it easily transforms into a bed. This option is ideal for studio apartments where you don’t have a separate bedroom.
Ottomans with Storage: An ottoman can serve as extra seating, a footrest, or even a coffee table. Ottomans with built-in storage compartments give you a place to stow blankets, books, or other small items, helping to keep your space clutter-free.
Drop-Leaf Tables: Perfect for small dining areas, drop-leaf tables can be expanded when you need more surface area and folded down when not in use. They’re also great for doubling as workstations if you don’t have room for a separate desk.
2. Wall-Mounted Solutions
When floor space is limited, go vertical! Wall-mounted furniture and storage solutions free up valuable square footage while keeping your apartment organized.
Floating Shelves: Floating shelves offer stylish, space-saving storage for books, décor, and everyday items. You can install them in the living room, kitchen, or even bathroom to keep things off the floor and within reach.
Wall-Mounted Desks: If you need a workspace but don’t have room for a traditional desk, a wall-mounted fold-down desk is a great alternative. It provides a compact surface for your laptop and can be folded away when not in use.
Hanging Hooks and Pegboards: Hooks and pegboards are ideal for organizing small items like keys, kitchen utensils, or tools. By using wall space for storage, you free up drawers and counters for other uses.
3. Foldable and Stackable Furniture
Foldable and stackable furniture allows you to easily adapt your living space based on your needs. When not in use, these pieces can be tucked away to save space.
Folding Chairs: Keep a set of folding chairs on hand for when you have guests over. They’re easy to store and can be brought out only when needed, saving space in your living room or dining area.
Stackable Stools: Stackable stools can be used as seating or small side tables. When you’re not using them, they can be stacked and stored out of the way, taking up minimal space.
Folding Dining Tables: Similar to drop-leaf tables, folding dining tables can be expanded for meals and collapsed when not in use. Some models even come with built-in storage for chairs or dining accessories.
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4. Built-In Storage
Incorporating furniture with built-in storage is a key strategy for maximizing space in small apartments. Look for pieces that serve dual purposes, offering storage in unexpected places.
Platform Beds with Storage: A platform bed with built-in drawers underneath is a brilliant way to utilize space that would otherwise be wasted. You can store clothing, linens, or shoes in the drawers, eliminating the need for an extra dresser or closet space.
Storage Benches: Place a storage bench in your entryway, living room, or at the foot of your bed. It provides a place to sit while also offering hidden storage for shoes, bags, or other items you need to keep organized.
Coffee Tables with Shelves or Drawers: Coffee tables with built-in storage give you a place to keep remotes, magazines, and other living room essentials neatly tucked away.
5. Modular Furniture
Modular furniture is designed to be easily reconfigured, allowing you to adapt your furniture layout as your needs change. This is especially useful in small apartments, where flexibility is key.
Modular Sofas: Modular sofas can be rearranged to fit your space and lifestyle. You can break them apart into individual sections to create separate seating areas, or combine them for a more traditional sofa setup.
Stackable Storage Units: Modular storage units can be stacked or arranged in different configurations to suit your space. You can use them as a bookshelf, room divider, or even a TV stand, depending on your needs.
Modular Shelving: Modular shelving systems allow you to customize your storage solution by adding or removing sections as needed. These shelves are great for maximizing vertical space and keeping your apartment organized.
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6. Clear and Transparent Furniture
Clear furniture, such as acrylic or glass pieces, creates the illusion of more space by allowing light to pass through and giving your apartment an open, airy feel.
Acrylic Chairs: Acrylic chairs are sleek, modern, and almost invisible, making them perfect for small dining areas or home offices. Their transparent design helps prevent your space from feeling cluttered.
Glass Coffee Tables: A glass coffee table can make your living room feel more spacious. Its transparent surface won’t block sightlines, giving the illusion of more open space.
Lucite Shelves: Lucite shelves are another great option for small spaces. They’re strong enough to hold books and décor but visually light enough to keep the room feeling open and uncluttered.
7. Hidden and Convertible Furniture
One of the best ways to maximize space is by using hidden or convertible furniture that can serve multiple functions while staying out of sight when not in use.
Murphy Beds: Murphy beds (also known as wall beds) can be folded up into the wall when not in use, giving you more floor space during the day. They’re an excellent option for studio apartments or guest rooms.
Hidden Kitchen Tables: Some kitchen tables can be pulled out from a drawer or a kitchen island when needed and hidden away when not in use. This is a smart solution for small kitchens that need extra workspace or dining space.
Convertible Sofas: In addition to sofa beds, convertible sofas can be transformed into different seating arrangements—like turning into a lounger or recliner—making them versatile for different occasions.
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wedezineinterior · 19 days
Maximize Your Small Living Room with WeDezine: Smart Styling Tips for a Spacious Look
At WeDezine, we believe that every space, no matter the size, deserves to shine with both style and functionality. Designing a small living room can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can make the most of every inch. Whether you’re living in a cozy apartment or a compact home in bustling Bangalore, our expert tips will help you create a living room that feels open, inviting, and perfectly reflects your personal style.
Here’s how WeDezine can help you transform your small living room into a functional yet stylish haven:
1. Choose Multi-Functional Furniture for Maximum Utility
Small living rooms require furniture that does more than just look good. At WeDezine, we focus on integrating multi-purpose pieces that add function without sacrificing aesthetics. Think sleeper sofas, coffee tables with built-in storage, or wall-mounted desks that fold away when not in use. These smart, versatile options help keep your living room tidy while making sure every piece serves a purpose.
2. Take Advantage of Vertical Space
With limited floor space, the walls become a key part of any small living room design. At WeDezine, we specialize in creative vertical storage solutions like wall-mounted shelves, floating cabinets, and tall bookcases to draw the eye upward and maximize room height. Incorporating vertical design elements, such as tall plants or gallery walls, adds dimension to the room and creates the illusion of more space.
3. Use Light Colors and Mirrors to Expand the Room
Light, neutral colors are a design trick we often use to create the illusion of a larger space. Soft whites, pastels, and beiges brighten up a room by reflecting light, while large mirrors strategically placed opposite windows can double the impact of natural light. Our designers at WeDezine specialize in using this technique to make small rooms feel brighter, airier, and more open.
4. Opt for Slim, Space-Saving Furniture
Oversized furniture can overwhelm a small room, so we recommend streamlined, space-saving options that are stylish yet functional. From sleek loveseats to narrow side tables, our designs focus on maintaining open pathways and minimizing bulk. Slim, exposed-leg furniture, like mid-century modern pieces, is perfect for keeping the room light and airy, giving the illusion of more floor space.
5. Maximize Corners and Unused Nooks
Often overlooked, corners can become a focal point when designed thoughtfully. Whether it’s adding a corner bookshelf, creating a cozy reading nook, or placing a decorative plant, WeDezine finds creative ways to make use of every inch. These small tweaks are especially valuable in homes where space is at a premium, like those commonly found in Bangalore.
6. Maintain an Open Flow for Spaciousness
A cluttered room feels smaller, so it’s essential to keep the flow of the space open. At WeDezine, we strategically arrange furniture to create open pathways and avoid obstructing natural movement. Placing larger furniture against walls and opting for clear or open shelving helps maintain a sense of space, while visually lightweight pieces like glass coffee tables add to the overall openness.
7. Personalize Without Overcrowding
Small spaces don’t mean you have to give up on personalization. Instead, WeDezine recommends focusing on a few standout décor pieces, like a striking artwork or a vibrant rug, that showcase your style without overwhelming the room. Minimalism is key—our designers help you curate a space that feels personal yet uncluttered, giving your living room a serene and cohesive look.
8. Illuminate with Smart Lighting
Proper lighting is essential in making a small room feel larger. WeDezine’s lighting solutions include a combination of overhead lighting, wall-mounted sconces, and hanging pendant lights, which not only save space but also add warmth and depth. Smart lighting helps create layers of brightness that make the room feel more inviting and spacious.
9. Keep Décor Minimal and Elegant
Clutter can quickly make a small living room feel cramped. That’s why WeDezine embraces minimalism in small space design. Clean lines, open spaces, and fewer decorative items give the room a more expansive, polished look. We help you select a few statement pieces that align with your personal aesthetic while maintaining a sense of balance and simplicity.
10. Incorporate Foldable and Movable Furniture for Flexibility
Flexibility is key in small spaces, especially for those who entertain often. At WeDezine, we recommend foldable or movable furniture, such as stackable chairs, fold-out tables, or mobile storage carts. These pieces give you the flexibility to reconfigure the room for different occasions without compromising on everyday comfort or style.
Conclusion: Let WeDezine Create a Spacious and Stylish Living Room
You don’t have to sacrifice style for space! At WeDezine, we specialize in crafting beautiful, functional designs that make even the smallest living rooms feel open and welcoming. By focusing on smart furniture choices, thoughtful layouts, and clever storage solutions, we help you create a living room that’s both comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.
Ready to make the most of your space? Contact WeDezine today, and let us help you turn your small living room into a spacious, stylish retreat tailored to your needs.
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Built-in Convenience: Home Office Design Hacks for Sydney Homes
As working from home becomes more commonplace, having a dedicated workspace that is both functional and stylish is crucial for homeowners in Sydney. Whether you're a full-time remote worker, freelancer, or someone who needs a place for household administration, a well-designed home office is invaluable. When planning a home renovation in Sydney, it’s essential to consider how to create a comfortable and efficient workspace. Below are design hacks to optimise your home office, ensuring that it meets your functional needs while blending seamlessly into your home’s aesthetic.
1. Choose the Right Location for Your Home Office
Consider the Space You Have
When embarking on a home renovation in Sydney, selecting the right spot for your home office is critical. If you have the luxury of space, a spare room is the ideal choice. However, not all homes have an extra room available, especially in Sydney, where real estate comes at a premium. In these cases, consider underutilised spaces such as:
Corners in bedrooms
Even a closet space
When designing for a smaller area, think vertically. Floating shelves or built-in cabinets can save floor space while still providing ample storage.
Prioritise Natural Light
Natural light can have a huge impact on your productivity and mood. Whenever possible, position your home office near a window to take advantage of the daylight. However, ensure that the glare does not affect your computer screen. Use sheer curtains or adjustable blinds to regulate the light.
Noise Management
Another factor to consider when choosing your home office location is the noise level. A space that’s too close to high-traffic areas in your home, such as the kitchen or living room, may lead to constant distractions. If you're renovating, consider adding soundproofing elements to walls or opting for doors with acoustic properties to keep noise to a minimum.
2. Custom Storage Solutions
A clutter-free office is a productive office, but in many Sydney homes, finding the room for office supplies, files, and personal items can be a challenge. During your home renovation in Sydney, consider custom-built storage solutions that maximise every inch of space.
Built-in Shelving
Built-in shelves provide ample storage without taking up too much space. They can also be customised to suit your style, whether you prefer modern minimalism or something more traditional. Opt for adjustable shelves so that you can easily modify the height to accommodate various items.
Hidden Storage
For those with small office spaces, hidden storage can be a game-changer. Incorporate drawers or pull-out trays within your desk to store essentials like stationery, files, and electronics. Custom cabinetry that blends into the design of the room can help hide clutter while keeping necessary items accessible.
Wall-Mounted Solutions
Free up desk space by utilising wall-mounted solutions such as magnetic boards, corkboards, or pegboards. These are perfect for organising notes, to-do lists, or keeping important documents in sight without sacrificing valuable desktop real estate.
3. Ergonomics and Comfort
Ergonomics should be a top priority in any home renovation in Sydney that includes a home office. Poorly designed workspaces can lead to long-term health problems such as back pain, eye strain, and repetitive stress injuries.
Choose the Right Chair
Invest in a high-quality, ergonomic office chair that provides proper lumbar support and adjustable features. You’ll be spending many hours in this chair, so comfort is essential. Opt for a chair with adjustable height, armrests, and tilt features to ensure you're sitting in the most comfortable position.
Desk Height and Position
Your desk height should allow your forearms to be parallel to the floor when typing, with your eyes level with the top of your computer screen. If you’re building a custom desk during your home renovation in Sydney, ensure that it fits your height and style of working.
Keyboard and Mouse Placement
Position your keyboard and mouse in a way that allows your wrists to stay straight and your forearms level with the floor. Consider using a keyboard tray that can be adjusted for height and angle, or a mouse pad with wrist support to minimise strain.
4. Incorporate Multifunctional Furniture
Multifunctional furniture is perfect for home renovation in Sydney projects where space is limited. Instead of traditional office furniture, consider pieces that serve multiple purposes.
Murphy Desk
A Murphy desk can fold up when not in use, freeing up space for other activities. This is especially useful in homes where the office doubles as a guest bedroom or living area.
Dual-Use Furniture
A desk that also functions as a bookshelf or a filing cabinet that serves as a side table can be excellent additions to a compact home office. These multifunctional pieces allow you to save space without compromising on storage or functionality.
5. Integrate Technology Seamlessly
A modern home office should be equipped with the right technology, but that doesn't mean you need a jungle of wires cluttering up your space. When planning your home renovation in Sydney, consider integrating technology solutions that streamline your workspace.
Built-in Charging Stations
Incorporate built-in charging stations within your desk or cabinets to reduce the need for multiple cords and chargers lying around. A wireless charging pad installed into your desk surface can be a sleek solution for charging devices like phones and tablets.
Cable Management Systems
Nothing detracts from a clean, organised home office like a tangle of cables. Use cable management systems such as trays, ties, and clips to keep cords hidden and neatly organised. When planning your renovation, consider routing cables through walls or behind built-in furniture to maintain a sleek look.
Smart Home Integration
As part of your home renovation in Sydney, think about incorporating smart home features into your office design. Smart lighting systems allow you to adjust the brightness and colour temperature of your office lights according to the time of day, while smart thermostats ensure a comfortable working environment without having to manually adjust the temperature.
6. Style Meets Function
While functionality is key, aesthetics should not be overlooked in your home office design. After all, this is a space where you will spend a significant amount of time, so it should reflect your personal style while still being conducive to work.
Colour Psychology
Consider the role that colour plays in productivity. Calming tones like blues and greens are great for reducing stress, while warmer colours like yellow and orange can promote creativity and enthusiasm. Choose a colour palette that suits the nature of your work and makes the space enjoyable to be in.
Personal Touches
Adding personal touches such as artwork, plants, or family photos can make your home office feel more inviting. However, be mindful not to clutter the space. A minimalist design approach will help maintain focus while ensuring the space remains visually appealing.
Use of Textures
Incorporate different textures to add depth to your office design. For instance, wood accents can give a warm, natural feel to the space, while metal or glass elements provide a sleek, modern look. Balance is key, so try not to overwhelm the room with too many competing textures.
7. Energy-Efficient Design
When planning your home renovation in Sydney, it’s worth considering energy-efficient design elements that can make your home office both eco-friendly and cost-effective.
LED Lighting
LED lighting is an energy-efficient alternative to traditional lighting options. It consumes less power and lasts longer, reducing your energy bills. LED lights are also available in a range of colours and temperatures, making it easy to customise your home office lighting to suit your needs.
Insulation and Windows
If your home office is located in a part of the house that tends to be hot in summer or cold in winter, proper insulation is a must. Double-glazed windows and wall insulation can help maintain a comfortable temperature without over-relying on heating or cooling systems.
Designing a home office that’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing is achievable with the right planning. During your home renovation Sydney, consider customising your office space to meet your needs, whether it’s through built-in storage solutions, ergonomic furniture, or energy-efficient design. With a well-designed home office, you can boost productivity and create a comfortable work environment, all while adding value to your home.
1. What is the best location for a home office in Sydney homes?
The best location for a home office is a quiet area with minimal distractions. If space is limited, consider using underutilised areas like alcoves or corners, and make sure to prioritise natural light.
2. How can I create more storage in a small home office?
Use built-in shelving, hidden storage, and wall-mounted solutions to maximise storage without taking up floor space.
3. What are the benefits of ergonomic furniture?
Ergonomic furniture helps reduce strain on your body, improving comfort and productivity. Proper chairs and desk heights prevent issues like back pain and eye strain.
4. What is the role of colour in home office design?
Colours like blue and green promote calmness, while warmer tones like yellow and orange can enhance creativity and focus.
5. How can I make my home office more energy-efficient?
Install LED lighting, double-glazed windows, and proper insulation to maintain a comfortable temperature and reduce energy consumption.
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vcinteriors · 22 days
Top Space-Saving Furniture Ideas for Small Apartments: Maximize Your Living Area with Expert Tips from Interior Designers in Trivandrum
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Living in a small apartment comes with the challenge of maximizing your limited space without sacrificing style or comfort. Fortunately, with the right furniture choices, you can create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment. This blog will explore the top space-saving furniture ideas for small apartments, offering insights from interior designers in Trivandrum to help you make the most of your living area. Whether you're furnishing a new apartment or looking to revamp your current one, these expert tips on interior designing in Trivandrum will guide you toward the perfect space-saving solutions.
 1. Multipurpose Furniture: The Ultimate Space Saver
One of the best ways to maximize space in a small apartment is by using multipurpose furniture. This type of furniture serves multiple functions, allowing you to minimize clutter and save on floor space. For example, a sofa bed can function as both a seating area during the day and a comfortable bed at night. Similarly, storage ottomans provide a place to sit and offer hidden compartments for storing items like blankets, books, or even shoes.
Interior designers in Trivandrum recommend multipurpose furniture because of its practicality and versatility. Incorporating such pieces into your home will not only save space but also add functionality, aligning with the principles of modern interior designing in Trivandrum.
 2. Wall-Mounted Furniture: Free Up Floor Space
Wall-mounted furniture is a clever way to open up floor space in small apartments. Floating shelves, fold-down desks, and wall-mounted entertainment units allow you to use vertical space efficiently. By keeping your floors clear, you create the illusion of a larger, more open living area.
When consulting interior designers in Trivandrum, you’ll find that wall-mounted furniture is often suggested for homes with limited square footage. This approach to interior designing in Trivandrum helps maximize space while maintaining a clean, uncluttered look. In addition to shelves and desks, wall-mounted lighting fixtures can replace bulky floor or table lamps, contributing further to space-saving solutions.
 3. Foldable and Stackable Furniture: Flexibility and Convenience
Foldable and stackable furniture is another excellent option for small apartments, as it offers flexibility and convenience. These pieces can be easily folded up or stacked away when not in use, freeing up valuable floor space. Foldable dining tables and chairs, stackable stools, and collapsible desks are popular choices among homeowners who prioritize space-saving functionality.
Interior designers in Trivandrum often highlight foldable and stackable furniture for its adaptability to different situations. Whether you need extra seating for guests or a larger workspace, these versatile pieces ensure that your apartment can quickly transform to meet your needs. Incorporating foldable or stackable furniture is a smart strategy that enhances the efficiency of interior designing in Trivandrum.
 4. Modular Furniture: Customizable and Compact Solutions
Modular furniture offers customizable solutions for small apartments, allowing you to reconfigure pieces to fit your specific space requirements. From modular sofas that can be adjusted in size and shape to modular storage units that adapt to your needs, this type of furniture provides maximum flexibility while taking up minimal space.
Interior designers in Trivandrum are big proponents of modular furniture due to its adaptability and modern aesthetic. With modular designs, you can create a layout that evolves with your lifestyle, making it a popular trend in interior designing in Trivandrum. For instance, a modular bookshelf can double as a room divider, offering both storage and spatial separation in studio apartments.
 5. Hidden Storage Furniture: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
In small apartments, every inch of space counts, making hidden storage an essential aspect of space-saving furniture. Beds with built-in storage drawers, coffee tables with hidden compartments, and sofas with storage space beneath the cushions are all excellent ways to store items without cluttering your living area.
Many interior designers in Trivandrum recommend hidden storage solutions for small apartments, as they help maintain a tidy, organized space. This approach to interior designing in Trivandrum emphasizes the importance of finding storage solutions that are integrated into everyday furniture, allowing you to keep your apartment free of excess items while maintaining a clean, streamlined appearance.
 Smart Furniture Choices for a Spacious Small Apartment
Maximizing space in a small apartment is all about smart furniture choices. By incorporating multipurpose, wall-mounted, foldable, modular, and hidden storage furniture, you can transform even the smallest living spaces into functional, stylish environments. With the expertise of interior designers in Trivandrum, you can implement these ideas in your home to create a space that meets both your practical needs and design preferences.
As the demand for compact and efficient living solutions continues to grow, interior designing in Trivandrum is evolving to offer innovative furniture ideas that cater to the unique challenges of small apartments. Embrace these space-saving tips and turn your apartment into a cozy, organized, and aesthetically pleasing retreat, regardless of its size.
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decorworks · 27 days
10 Easy Pieces: Hidden Desks
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A hybrid schedule calls for a hybrid home office. Not quite a full commitment, a fold-out, slide-out, hidden desk fit for a laptop makes a quick and suitable work space for a few hours or days of working at home during the week. Here are our favorites.
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Above: The wall-mounted Usb Wall Desk has built-in charging ports and a spot to lean a tablet; $299 from Pottery Barn Teen.
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Above: From Montana Studio, the Secretary Desk is a simplified version but wall-mounted; it’s $2,005 and available in a wide range of colors at Horne.
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Above: The Monte Nido Oak Secretary Desk by Lawson Fenning for CB2 is available secondhand from online shops like Deft.
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Above: Room & Board’s Copenhagen Office Cabinet is designed with a pull-out table at the top; $1,899.
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Above: A traditional but petite Midcentury Mini Secretary Desk is $499 from West Elm.
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Above: The minimal Ledge Wall-Mounted Desk by Fin starts at $1,550 at WorkOf.
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Above: The Ikea Ivar Foldable Table in natural pine is $110 (and can be paired with more storage, shown here, from the Ivar line).
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Above: The Spacestor Kit Desk Ply is a foldable and compact desk designed to break down simply and store behind other furniture; $509 at Spacestor.
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Above: The oak Harto Gaston Wall Desk in Light Grey and Dark Grey is currently on sale for $965 at Finnish Design Shop.
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Above: The fold-down Joachima Floating Desk by Inbox Zero is currently on sale for $175.99 from Wayfair. And for more home office desks, see our posts: - The Disappearing Home Office - 10 Easy Pieces: Modern Wall-Mounted Desks - 15 Favorites: The Niche Workspace N.B.: This story originally appeared on November 16, 2022 and has been updated with new products and links. Read the full article
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wedezine · 1 month
Innovative 2BHK Design: Transform Your Space with Expert Guidance
Designing a 2BHK apartment is a thrilling endeavor, offering a canvas to create a space that’s both stylish and functional. The challenge, however, lies in making the most of limited square footage without compromising comfort or aesthetics. This guide provides practical tips and design inspiration to help you turn your 2BHK apartment into a beautifully organized and inviting home.
1. Understanding Your 2BHK Layout
1.1 Common Layouts and Space Challenges
A 2BHK apartment typically includes two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and one or two bathrooms. Layouts can vary from compartmentalized spaces to open-plan designs that blend living and dining areas. The main challenge is optimizing every inch of space, which also presents an opportunity to craft a home that feels both cozy and spacious.
1.2 The Importance of Thoughtful Space Planning
Effective space planning is essential for enhancing the functionality and flow of your apartment. Consider how each room will be used and how furniture placement impacts movement. Avoid overcrowding rooms with bulky furniture or leaving awkward gaps—aim for a layout that balances form and function, making each space both beautiful and practical.
2. Essential Design Principles for 2BHK Apartments
2.1 Maximizing Small Spaces
In a 2BHK apartment, space is at a premium, so each piece of furniture should serve multiple purposes. Invest in multifunctional items like sofa beds, nesting tables, or wall-mounted desks. Utilize vertical storage solutions, such as floating shelves and tall cabinets, to free up floor space and keep your home organized and clutter-free.
2.2 Creating Functional Zones
For open-plan layouts, use furniture, rugs, or partitions to create distinct zones for living, dining, and sleeping. This zoning not only organizes the space but also adds visual interest and helps define each area’s purpose, making the apartment feel more structured and cohesive.
2.3 Smart Use of Color and Lighting
Light, neutral colors can make a space feel larger and more open. Complement these hues with a thoughtful mix of natural light and well-placed artificial lighting. Layered lighting—combining ambient, task, and accent lights—can add depth and warmth, making your apartment feel both inviting and spacious.
3. Choosing the Right Design Style for Your 2BHK
3.1 Embracing Modern Minimalism
Modern minimalist design is ideal for small spaces. This style focuses on simplicity and functionality, using clean lines, neutral colors, and uncluttered surfaces to create a serene and spacious environment. It’s perfect for those who appreciate a sleek, understated aesthetic.
3.2 Adopting Contemporary Chic
If you prefer a more dynamic and fashionable look, contemporary design offers a blend of sleek furniture, bold accents, and innovative materials. This style keeps your 2BHK looking fresh and sophisticated, with a focus on current trends and stylish finishes.
3.3 Incorporating Traditional Elegance
For a timeless, classic look, traditional design elements such as rich wood tones, luxurious textiles, and elegant patterns can make your home feel warm and inviting. This style adds a sense of refinement and comfort, making your space feel both luxurious and lived-in.
3.4 Experimenting with Eclectic Vibes
Eclectic design is perfect for those who want a space that truly reflects their personality. By mixing different styles, colors, and textures, you can create a unique and harmonious look that stands out. It’s a great way to personalize your home and make it uniquely yours.
4. Room-by-Room Design Strategies
4.1 Transforming the Living Room
In the living room, choose furniture that’s both stylish and functional. Modular sofas or coffee tables with hidden storage can maximize space and utility. Adding mirrors can enhance natural light and create the illusion of a larger, more open space.
4.2 Designing a Relaxing Bedroom
Your bedroom should be a retreat, so focus on creating a calming atmosphere with soft, soothing colors and comfortable bedding. Utilize smart storage solutions like built-in wardrobes, under-bed storage, or wall-mounted shelves to keep the space tidy and stress-free.
4.3 Optimizing the Kitchen
A well-organized kitchen is essential for efficient living. Maximize storage with pull-out pantry shelves, hanging racks, and drawer organizers. If space is tight, consider a compact breakfast bar or a foldable dining table to add functionality without sacrificing space.
4.4 Enhancing the Bathroom
In the bathroom, opt for space-saving fixtures like wall-mounted sinks, floating vanities, and compact toilets. Use shelves, hooks, and baskets to keep toiletries organized and make the most of limited space, ensuring your bathroom is both functional and stylish.
5. Budget-Friendly Interior Design Tips
5.1 Affordable Furniture and Décor Ideas
Creating a stylish home doesn’t have to be expensive. Look for affordable furniture and décor at local stores, online marketplaces, or second-hand shops. Consider upcycling or refurbishing old pieces to give them a new life and add a touch of character to your space.
5.2 Get Creative with DIY Projects
DIY projects are a great way to personalize your home while sticking to a budget. Create custom artwork, handmade cushions, or repurpose furniture to add unique, personal touches to your 2BHK. These projects not only save money but also make your home feel truly your own.
6. Professional Help vs. DIY: Making the Right Choice
6.1 The Advantages of Hiring an Interior Designer
A professional interior designer can bring a wealth of expertise, creativity, and access to high-quality materials. They can help you achieve a polished, cohesive look tailored to your needs and preferences, saving you time and potential frustration. Whether you need full-service design or just a consultation, a designer can elevate your space to the next level.
6.2 When to Take the DIY Route
If you enjoy hands-on projects or are working within a budget, DIY can be a fulfilling option. Start with smaller, manageable projects, and don’t be afraid to consult a professional for more complex tasks. DIY allows you to infuse your space with personal touches and can be a rewarding way to make your home uniquely yours.
Transforming a 2BHK apartment into a stylish and functional home is all about smart planning and thoughtful design choices. By applying these expert tips, you can create a space that reflects your style and meets your needs. Ready to bring your vision to life? Contact WeDezine for professional interior design services or consultation to start your design journey today!
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ausfurniture · 2 months
Sydney Local made American oak neo wall mounted floating tv unit
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Quality neo wall mounted floating tv unit made in Australia One drawer one each side, drop down door in the middle. Just like the rest of our range this piece can be made any size and in any timber or finish. Ask staff for details on any changes you would like to make Custom made service available, It can be made to your measurements. Custom Made by order only,4-8 weeks to make,Please contact for interstate delivery. Choices of stains and free color match,Custom sizes and other timber,Combination of solid timber and timber veneer. All drawers are using double extension ball bearing metal runners,All doors are using soft close hinges to ensure a very top quality.Life time exchangeable warrantee for runners and hinges,$200 extra per drawer for Blum soft close runners. Australian Made hardwood furniture handcrafted in Sydney,My product is individually handcrafted from a blend of high quality sustainable local. We are making neo wall mounted floating tv unit,study desks,chairs,  wardrobes,  bed frames, bedside tables, bedroom suites,  consoles,lamp tables,tallboys, dressing tables,tv units,entertainment units, kitchen dressers, coffee tables,dining sets, home offices, buffets, sideboards,and kitchens, etc. The timber has been carefully sourced from sustainable and managed forests making each piece unique in its own character. We are proudly using sustainable Australian forest products such as Tasmanian oak, Tasmanian Blackwood, spotted gum, Blackbutt and imported timbers like American white oak, European oak, European beech, American walnut and recycled hardwood. All our timbers are kiln dried to ensure a minimal movement,ultimately resulting in a fresh, modern approach to Hardwood timber furniture. We do custom made to satisfy any special usage,All our products have 10 years structural warranty.  Our products are made by our expert tradesmen who have more than 50 years combined experience supervised by me, the third generation of cabinet maker in the family. All the furniture is prepared by 320 grit sanding which meaning 6 or 7 times of sanding by different grits of sand paper.We have choices of finishes,Such as lacquer, Osmo oil, non toxic water based lacquer and polyurethane. These products give you a smooth, superb and carefree finish. All my ranges use traditional and modern construction techniques to create this aesthetically innovative design. Aboutus   Ourfriends   Facebook   Twitter   Instagram   Pinterest   Bedroom Suites   Neo Home Office   Tv Unit   Kitchen cabinet  Quality timber   Coatings   Abbey timber Read the full article
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