#mini suika
desiresign · 1 year
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i need to get these fumos or im going to attack somebody
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johannepetereric · 2 years
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Touhou Sprite Mini set 19
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dankagu · 2 years
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Drinking with Good Timing 酒はタイミングを見ながら
🟠 Oh, hey Yukari.  Whaddya say we go fill a cup? お、紫じゃないか。どうだ?今から一杯ってのは
⚪ My, what a lovely offer.  However, I’ve only just woken up... あら素敵なお誘い。でも、今起きたきたばっかりなのよね…
🟠 Ahaha. 🟠 Is oni liquor too hard to handle first thing in the morning?  あはは。起き抜けに鬼の酒はキツイか
⚪ How about a raincheck later this evening? ねえ、また夜に誘って?
🟠 Sure thing. 🟠 I’ll have some nice appetizers cooked up by then, too! わかった。それまでにいい肴を用意しておくよ!
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
dick grayson gets HOOKED on those stupid mobile games or quick-play games of the month.
he's played thousands of levels of candy crush, word cookies, and minion rush respectively. you'd look over and see him on his phone, assuming he's doing something important, chasing up a case, responding to emails, etc. no, he's playing angry birds.
he REFUSES to spend money on any of the games (if he did, well that's a steep slope.), so it's one in the morning on a night off, and jason's phone is blowing up because dick's BEGGING him to download a game he's been playing, so he can get free lives. he does it to babs too, she's just better at ignoring it.
it's like that one episode of south park where kyle's gone crazy over a computer game and is begging stan to download it, so he can benefit over the friend perks he gets.
he's actually insane about it. he got a nintendo switch for christmas one year (which EVERYONE uses for mariokart) and the only games of his on there are suika game and mini golf.
jason and tim spend so much time wondering why he is the way he is, why he insists on playing the stupidest, least enriching games ever. (they're both seasoned gamers, and his gaming antics annoy them both IMMENSELY)
don't even get me started on when he discovers roblox, courtesy of damian.
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senkusphone · 9 months
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Happy Stone Day, everyone!
On this day, when celebrating the onion man is what most people indulge on, let's also turn our eyes to the fascinating civilization that is Ishigami village, in this mini post (compared to what I usually do anyway).
Starting with the reason I am doing this in the first place, Stone Day. It is a celebration from Ishigami Village that takes place in January 4th, which happens to be Senku's birthday, likely an easter egg left by Byakuya in the hundred tales. Unfortunately we weren't shown anything regarding what this celebration involves.
As the manga itself points out, Stone day is significant in several ways, for one, 1/4 is i-shi in japanese, which also means Stone. It is Senku's birthday (and if you've been following me you'll know that the day Senku was born in, January 4th 2004, was the day that Nasa's Spirit rover landed on Mars).
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Another tradition is of course the grand bout, which there isn't much left to say about since it was explained in detail in the series, even down to its specific rules
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Rule 6 is the only one that wasn't relevant in the series as far as I can tell.
It's been also vaguely implied that there are other fighting tournaments that take place in the village, which makes sense, since why would you keep an open arena just to use it once very 20 years or so?
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(Sideways to save vertical space, Suika will pray for your neck)
However it's never explained how this tradition started to begin with; did it exist in treasure island and disappeared after the Ishigami branched off, or did it start with them in the mainland?
The society structure of contemporary treasure island is substantially different, with a number of small villages that are all (at least in theory) managed by a centralized government composed of the master (or "head" much to our amusement) and the prime minister, where most power is held by the master, who also serves as the main religious figure, being the one who largely keeps the hundred tales, which are passed from generation to generation along his lineage.
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In Ishigami village things kinda flipped and thus spawned a system that is at least half matriarchal so to speak. Now political power is split between the chief and the priestess, where the chief holds most executive authority while the priestess holds most of the religious power, and it is the lineage of the priestess that keeps the tales and that power in-family, with the chief being some allegedly suited rando from the village.
Even though it's the obligation of the priestess to marry the chief, she is rarely if ever shown as a subordinate to him and both can be seen directing the village, which I think it's very interesting. The anime went as far as expanding on this, by implying that it was Ruri who told Kokuyo to abdicate his position to Senku.
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Sneakily she gets to keep being the priestess without having to be engaged, and we see her taking leading roles from then on.
Now I've talked about religious figures but what is their religion to begin with? Hard to tell, we know that they believe in multiple gods who control the forces of nature such as lightning. Similarly it's also been shown that prior to Senku's arrival, they believed themselves to be the only humans on earth, at least some of them believed the earth was flat, and most bizarrely, they believed the moon was something akin to a floating lake, owning to its small apparent size, however that works.
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Perhaps they took note of how water tends to form spheres due to surface tension? This reminds me of how some scientist a few centuries ago (but idr who at this moment) believed the moon to be a solid mass of congealed air.
The last thing I want to bring up is the Ishigami village rope, reportedly made with a special technique that's unique to them.
It is also said that the rope reflects rank and profession somehow, but this is not reflected in any noticeable way on the series itself. Boichi probably hadn't been told about this when he designed all 40 known villagers in the span of one week.
The rope is worn somewhere around the body, and it contains a single red thread spun into it, serving as a symbol of kinship among them.
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For now I'll leave it at that, as it's getting pretty late in the day, and pretty much all of this is written on the wiki article to begin with. Hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you all some other day.
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ourlittleuluru · 12 hours
Finally got off work to check out all that's been happening in the game 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
First... I was so distracted... by the suika mini game... that I was just stuck there for a whole 20 over minutes, instead of pulling the wishes 🤣 Okay, I can't help it, it was fun!
Second of all... XAVIER WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE???! STOP??? (or not)
This Xavier, when I first popped into the game, he's just happily sleeping. (okay, he was awake and pondering about things but Sylus HAD to call... so... sorry Xavier)
Once I was done uh... sorting out the Infinite Storage, Xavier was awake and I went to do my pulls... insane shocker... ∑( 口 ||
Should I fear for my life rn? A two in one....?! (I did have to hit hard pity tho, so there goes most of my gems) And when I popped back at Destiny Cafe, man's asleep again on the table 😂 seriously. It's like he purposely wanted to be awake when I do the pulls huh...
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Now... I'm... Should... I...? pull more... for Xavier's... R1...? _(:з)∠)_
But his birthday banner... I'll think on this a bit more... Anyways
The event story....!! 😭 Xavier's really poor attempt at distracting MC from his lil mistakes was so cute
Also his text from after doing the Infinite Storage (or the one with levels, I'm not too sure since I did one after the other)
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And I like how... the chibis are... of all the activities we do with Xavier, it's to navigate to a place... With the person that is directionally challenged 🤣
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I have yet to run through the memory... Gotta send some final work emails out... but soon... and then I'll go play with landscape mode again (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
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a mini wip/doodle dump!
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ref sheet for my alcor design: had a LOT of fun with the lettering on the name.
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alcor fnf! not sure if I like the eyes...
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designing all my friends as 'poke-shifters' (shapeshifting pokemon like my sona is) so if I start asking you guys about 'what pokemon you'd be' that's why lmao. @articskele I figured alolan vulpix was a fair assumption? anyway: after I get them done I'm gonna make a lineup for the pokemon-forms too: I can't wait for that because I'm hoping to get some comedic differences with the pokemon height-range lmoa
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Cure white <3 !!! can't have cure black without her can we?
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Artic your tags on my button-wings post inspired me so much I have not one not two but three Button comic wips now lmao
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otgw 'despite everything it's still you'
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MORE MORE JUMP! theres actually more to this then just well... what it seems like, i don't want to spoil it yet, depending on how fanfic addicted you are theres a chance you maye even be able to guess it
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my take on reverse!falls, very exited to post this one
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doodle sheet from me challenging myself to 'just fill the page'
I actually have posted the little alcors featured here: but theres WAY MORE. featured characters include!-
Wirt and Greg, Kirby, Bill cipher, Pacifica Northwest, Soos, Dream, Ink, Button, Charlotte, Smurf, Mabel, Spongebob, Killer, Jenny Wakeman, Unrevealed OC, Myself, Jax, Kris Dreemur, C.7, Monika, Danny phantom, King Dedede, Henry Pines, Suika Lazaru
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megazumi-world · 1 month
More About Megazumi World [8/19/2024]
I've been working on this project for almost a year now, starting with pet concepts that I drew at work in MS Paint with a mouse. It was a lot of fun and I just kept drawing, designing and doodling until I had around 60 designs!
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I've always enjoyed creature design with Pokemon being a big influence for me.
The idea of creating a virtual pet "website" where you play games and take care of your pet bloomed from all of the drawings I made and is inspired by all of the Flash games I grew up playing, including Neopets, ToonTown, Club Penguin and anything on Cartoon Network's website.
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Everything about the project would feel nostalgic and call back to an era of the internet that doesn't really exist anymore. However, Megazumi World would also carry influences from more modern games, especially the cozy game genre with games like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and Ooblets.
I want to try and capture the magic of early online gaming by creating a project that has a collection of mini-games used to earn currency and special prizes. The games would vary from the arcade and puzzle games with my inspirations being Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Suika Game, Tetris, Solitaire, etc.. with additional activities like Spin the Wheel, Dress-Up, Fishing and Bug-Catching alongside small collectibles that can be found scattered throughout the game.
If possible, I’d even want to have a silly section of the game dedicated to exploring the forums and offsite experiences. Although that might not be very realistic! Oh well, we are currently in the dreaming phase of the project! Anything is possible!
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That’s all for now! I may get around to writing more journal entries as I work on illustrating. Thanks for reading <3
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hananoami · 6 hours
THIS MINI GAME EVENT IS SO MUCH FUN! I love me some suika game modes, ahaha~ ꕤ
There's so much content in game (for once) I think today is a play all day, tomorrow a pull day, and wendesday will be my blog catch up day!
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rizkarar · 5 months
Suika Project is a mini donation project initiated by many artists and writers with the same goal: helping the watermelon country
I’m looking for a writer who can write fic in this criteria:
- Can write in english
- 3k words
- Fantasy themed Syrian and Palestinian kingdom
- can finish the fic before May 1st
More details are available and i’ll share it with you through DMs (if you’re interested to participate in this project thou…)
Note that this is a volunteering project, participating artists and writers will not receive any payment.
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starlitskvaderart · 2 years
Midori Mini Tours Seven!
Lucky Number Seven… comes with a reminder that homophobes get mocked + blocked.
SLARPG: https://ponett.itch.io/slarpg
YST OCs: Marri (pink hair) belongs to @spectranym (IG) / @spectra-nym (tumblr) Anya (greyscale) and Suika (green hair) belong to @KonaKoaArt (IG) / @matchakoii (tumblr)
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Song : Daystar - The Reason I like you / https://youtu.be/51Vz0evrKoA
🎼 피아노 악보(Sheet Music) : https://www.mymusicsheet.com/Daystar/...
🍒 Instagram: @starryattic E-mail: [email protected]
🎁 Support Daystar for better music: (Paypal) https://paypal.me/daystarpj
(Source: youtube.com)
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juunimeta · 2 years
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Japonase Gobburin
Day 120 - Suika Ibuki
Suika is a great little oni. She has a bit of depth, but is honestly super simple.
First, lore. Her lore boils down to being a part of the oni and just kinda vining around, with her being friends with the other two known oni. She doesn’t have much else, but she does throw some amazing parties. Her ability is super neat and creatively used, with it being possibly one of the strongest too.
Second, her relationships with others. Suika has a lot of characters she talks with. First, she loafs over at reimu’s shrine, so there’s a lot to see with those two. Most of her other interactions are mostly Suika being a free spirit and just being oddly wise. I like the dynamic between her and the more important characters like yukari, as she talks to them like she is a fellow sage.
Finally, her design. Super awesome in both concept and general looks. Her mini suikas are cool, and generally used well in fanon as well as canon. Her theme is super cool, with it not being very high energy, but rather grand. Overall, a simple but super fun to see character.
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neverendingrelease · 7 months
Releasing Today, Feb 27 2024!
Alone in the Crowd is a puzzle point and click where you're in a room and you have to find people in a jail thing called "the box?". You're working with this weird AI named boxy. It's one of those Papers, Please kinda experiences so I totally feel like it'll go dark at some point.
Slippy The Frog is a minigame mashup in the style of WarioWare. It looks like there's a lot of good random heehoo in here.
Guragura Oden is a stacking puzzle game that makes me hungry. It's not a Suika Game clone surprisingly.
Next Sweetstop is a psychological horror came where you have to survive your job in a gas station - at night.
Code Zodiac is a boss rush beat-em-up with fighting game mechanics like move canceling. It's got a full story and world attached so it's got some atmosphere to deliver.
Hey, a city sim ^
Terror at Oakheart is a side scrolling horror game that has a LOT of story going on it seems. It's like they took the normal slasher tropes and mushed them all into a new story. Don't get attached to anyone, they probably all die.
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Well, I had to use the pity system to grab mini Satori off the gacha today, so it looks like we're going to be getting Green Suika sooner rather than later. At least I have all the versions of Satori that are currently available in Lost Word now.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 11 months
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sharing ocs <3
i've shared kaiya before but anyway: some of this is a wip because this is essentially me revamping older ocs and I'm still reworking their stories
for example originally their magical girl mascots were little like orbs inspired by hanko-kun's haku-joudai but now they resemble teru-bozu
mini infodumps from left to right + design notes!
so basically their (yet to be named) story is a combo between a mahou shojo and an unidentified supernatural ... drama? Theres a few main parts: reincarnation exists in the world, the hometown/setting is called 'yureikikyo"(subject to change) and is home to a lot of graveyards and ghost stories. The magical girl characters are those that can see and communicate with ghosts and spirits. Their job as magical girls is to help keep spirits in check, moniter the balance between the two planes of existence, and help reincarnate souls that are stuck. Theres a bit more to it (like this weird side story thing that can be interpreted a number of ways, but is essentially a different story with different characters that are parrellls to the main ones)
the protag, I've shared her here before but anyway. Her color is pink, her symbol is an x and her bonus motifs are spiders and music
she's a new magical girl and is struggling with how the ghost world which was previously hers and hers alone being interrupted by the magical girl world. she spent a long time putting herself on a pedestal and socially isolating herself so the revelation that shes not alone challenges her worldview. shes sorta a jerk, but in a 'angsty teenager that is going through it and can get better' kinda way. She's depicted as cold-hearted, closed off and cruelly selfish with her peers. but as kind, cheerful, and caring when with spirits and ghosts. while she'd never admit it, most of her actions stems from anger against the universe. This anger fuelled source ends up hurting her as a magical girl
in the side story the character "Merci" resembles Kaiya. Who I'm not even sure how to begin to describe, she is one of a duo of characters who's premise is just 'a relationship so fucked up, like just manipulation and general horribleness from both sides'
my beloved<3 she's the senpai magical girl, her color is green, her symbol is an upside down heart and her additional motif is skeletons and being hella attractive more traditional magical girl aesthetics like ribbons, pigtails, and hearts
She's also the adult of the group, I had to make up an imaginary school program thing so I could have her be graduated but draw her in the cute uniform, (basically I'm thinking being a small isolated town they only have a community college, so the post-graduation highschool program essentially provides students with additional resources for a higher education in exchange for assistance and work at the school)
suika's been a magical girl for a long time, shes at times can be a strict mentor. Shes pretty hard on Kaiya sense she sees her younger self in her and desperately wants to prevent her from downfall. she presents herself and is presented as close to perfect, disciplined, strong, responsible, and compassionate. But she struggles alot with her identity being built on her magicalgirlhood, and has a habbit of projecting on others and vise versa.
the second oldest! his color is blue, her symbol a triangle and her bonus motifs are bats and flowers. Joyuu is a misfit that doesn't try to change that. She works at one of the local cemeteries and is softspoken and poetic. Their roles one of the ones thats changed most from the original so I'm still working it out. but bassically she willingly is sharing a body with a ghost. She's not as disciplinary, strict and mentor-y as suika, but unlike suika whos values are prone to falling apart with her emotions. Joyuu is very resolved. Their also transfem and nonbinary, (she/they/he) but the ghost he shares a body with uses they/it pronouns
joyuu is very reserved as a magical girl, she does her job well but unlike suika who really plays up the magical girl warrior aesthetic, Joyuu lacks these monologues of grandeur, their a lot more down to earth and logic based in their ideals as a magical girl. seeing it as a job where as suika really takes on the idea of this destiny of responsibility and heroics
koko is the youngest, sorta too young. She's the tag-along little sister. (her 'first draft' actually was suika's younger sister) her color is purple, her shape a clover or flower if you prefer, and her motifs are black cats and kids drawings/arts and crafts) she's struggling with growing into her own person with her various role-models having such vastly different outlooks. she's sorta a mediator and provides a nuetrual perspective on things. all the characters are trying to preserve her childhood, while koko feels like her childhood isn't over yet
she's the least developed both in universe and out of universe: hopefully brainrot will hit so that can change tho
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