#mini split cleaning
Cleaning Air Filter in Ductless Mini-Split Indoor Wall Mount Unit by EMC...
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swanhomecomforts · 2 years
When you hire a professional for duct cleaning services near me, there are several benefits that you can enjoy. By having your ducts and vents cleaned, you can improve the air quality of your home and reduce the amount of dust and allergens that circulate through the space. Additionally, duct cleaning can help to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system and reduce energy costs.
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peachesofteal · 6 months
ghoap x reader / 18+ mdni / dark themes / prev here / masterlist
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Six thirty in the morning might be your favorite time of day. 
It’s the before.
Before anyone else comes in, before the morning rush, before the chime of the front door’s bell, before the shop is filled with lines of people, before it all upends you.
At six thirty in the morning, you sit in the back, perched on the prep table, with a fresh cup of coffee. You leave the side door open, screen separating you from the world, fresh air mixing with the smell of strawberry basil scones, cinnamon coffee cake and mini kolaches, fruited with whatever jam you’ve managed to throw together. Steam rises, semolina spills, the sun dawns, and the world wakes… all well after you’ve had your breakfast.
This corner of the city is busy, and the shop always hums like a well-oiled machine in the dregs of a rush, the front counter team churning out specialty coffees and teas effortlessly. It’s cyclical, similar faces every day, morning commuters rushing in and out, locals settling in a nook with their laptops and lattes, people swinging in for a quick bite. You hide in the back, usually, elbow deep in sudsy warm water with your mountain of dishes, answering the occasional shout of 'do we have more of-' and 'just sold the last-'
This morning in particular, cranberry orange scones, pumpkin muffins and mini quiches are the only things left cooling on the speed racks, waiting patiently for their turn to be placed in the display case, an endless cycle of replenishment lasting until the rush dies down, morning fading into afternoon, triple shot monstrosities turning into decaf coffees. 
It’s laborious, this routine. Five, six, sometimes seven days a week, going to bed with the sun, rising before it. Your wrists ache from rolling dough, cutting dough, scraping dough. Your back weeps when you lift the bowl from the mixer stand every morning, and your joints fare no better. You need new boots, and new insoles for your new boots, and probably a new standing mat, though you know your boss will never go for it. 
You’re tired.
The exhaustion settles into your bones easily today, wearing you down until you’re allowing your eyes to close, wilting atop the butcher’s block- 
The shop phone rings. 
You heave yourself down and swing through the double doors to the front, scrambling for the classic corded receiver, nearly fumbling it in your hands. 
“Hello?” Shit. You always forget to answer with the shop’s name. You’re not exactly the customer facing part of the operation. “Galaxy’s.” You correct and… wait. 
There’s no response. 
You think you can hear someone breathing, something rustling, but it’s too faint and difficult to make out. 
“’Lo?” You try again, but still, there’s silence. It’s an unending moment, you on one end… who knows what on the other, and you hold your breath, straining to hear, to listen. 
The line clicks dead in the next second. 
The shop girl is chewing gum. 
You’ve told her a million times not to chew gum when she’s working the counter, but clearly, she’s never heard of norovirus, and you’re not the boss, or the owner, so being the broken record only gets you so far. 
“There’s someone out front to see you.” She snaps it between her front teeth, and your molars grind together like stone. 
“Who?” You toss a clean towel on the stainless steel table in the middle of the kitchen with a frown. You don’t really get visitors here, most of your friends are in the same industry, and either work the line too late to be up in time to even get coffee somewhere, or are already at work, buried beneath a bain-marie and the never-ending sound of a ticket printer. 
There’s dried, caulked dough caked to your fingers, shoved up underneath your nails, and you brush them self-consciously against the ratty old apron stretched across your waist. 
The surprise lingers on your tongue, and then explodes when you spot the massive dusky blonde from the other day, the one who was with the guy who split the coffee all over your favorite dress. He’s too tall, and too broad, and too imposing, everything in your sense of self-preservation screaming at you to run when he notices you approaching, gleam of a predator sparkling in his eyes.  
Still, somewhere, tucked away, it thrills you, the idea of them, the balancing act, two halves of a whole. He’s etched from stone, strong and steady, while his partner is saporous, vibrant, and riotous, crystal blue eyes sparkling in the mid-day sun. 
You wonder what they're like. What they talk about. What they do.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Your skin prickles once you fall into his orbit, immobilized by the molten toffee pooling around his irises. You float for a second, tracing his knife’s edged jaw, the fullness of his lips, imperfect pieces puzzled together to make a masterpiece, and then crash back to earth quickly, realizing you’re standing in front of him… staring. 
“Uh. Hi.” What is he doing here? How did he know where to find you?
“Sorry to barge in on you at work.” He starts immediately, wallet appearing from his back pocket like a magic trick. “Wanted to make sure we settled up.” Thick fingers hold a folded nest of notes, and you stare down at them, slowly processing what he means.
“Oh, I… I have… venmo. Or we could use apple pay, you didn’t have to come all the-“ 
“Don’t have venmo.” His mouth tilts, and you go with it, head listing to the side like a wayward buoy. “This is easier.” He pushes it into your hand, peeling your fingers back to enclose the money in your palm, heat sparking up your spine. 
“How did you know where I worked?” You blurt, unable to keep it at bay any longer. The question singes, settles uncomfortably in the sparks between you. 
“Saw you in the back yesterday, when we were in for a cuppa.” Oh. Suspicion sheds, snakeskin left behind on a cold, dusty trail, suspension of disbelief settling in the back of your mind. Sure. After all, this is where you ran into them last week, on your day off. They do come here. 
“Well. Thanks.” 
“It’s our pleasure. Hope the stain came out okay.” 
“Oh, yeah. It’s… still at the cleaners.” This is absolutely false, but he doesn’t need to know that. The spare bills will probably go towards your energy bill, and the ruined dress will go in the trash. 
It is what it is. 
“Couldn’t help but notice when I was comin’ through the parking lot that the back door is open.” His voice swoops low, dropping into a rumble, and you blink, lips parting. 
“Oh, um y-yeah. I like the breeze.” He shakes his head, a simple rejection, leaving you spinning. 
“City’s not the safest right now, yeah?” Oh, yeah. Of course, you knew. Rival factions of organized crime were leaving a red sea of bodies in their wake all over town, a new murder popping up in the headlines nearly every week. 
But you were safe. You were fine. Galaxy’s had never been stained with the bloody touch of any of them, and you took it as fact. Permanence. 
You agree reluctantly, watching the storm clouds roil on across his expression before evaporating. You shrug, hands clutched in your apron, doubt and skepticism clear on your face.
His expression shutters. His eyes turn cold.   
His thumb and forefinger dart through the air, latching onto your chin. 
You freeze. You should tug away, jerk backwards, yell and scream and hiss, but all you can do is stand there, caught in a trap and trembling as he leans forward to murmur in your ear. 
“Lock the door, little doe.” 
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aloesarchives · 7 months
Domestic Headcanons W/ Toji, Megumi, Tsumiki, and Mama!Reader
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TW/Warnings: Profanity, Domesticity, AFAB/Female Reader, Family life, Pregnancy, Mention of Sperm but not sexual, unhinged crack, too long(LMK if anything else needs to be tagged)
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her (Usage of Mama, Wife, Mom, Mother)
Word Count: 10k words
This headcanon is paired with this one right here. This can be stand alone for general/modern au. But this one mostly revolves around my Toji Lives AU.
Also, I'll be posting either my Toji/Megumi/Reader mini series or Suguru/Satoru/Reader series this week. Here's the form if you wanted to be tagged in my works. Please let me know if something's up with it.
[!!Edited and Proofread! 3/27/2024 11:48 pm CST!!]
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The married life with Toji isn’t any different from prior to marriage. You two live in a fairly spacious apartment for Tokyo Standards and well furnished on top of that. 
The basic routine of you and Toji as followed: Toji wakes up and gets ready in 10 minutes, gets the coffee going or anything you drink/eat for breakfast, you wake and get ready for work, you and Toji eat breakfast together for a bit, Toji gives you your work bag and lunch, gives you a kiss and sends you out the door on time, cleans the dishes and table once you leave, looks to see if there’s anything you’re low on or out of and makes a list for it, Toji does some house chores before leaving to go run errands, goes to run said errands and buy some groceries, comes home starts meal prepping, you come home as soon as he’s finished cooking, both of you eat together, then chilling on the couch together after cleaning up, Toji forces you to go to bed, does your nightly care routine with you while brushing your teeth, then pulls you into bed where both of you are knocked out instantly.
House Husband Toji and Working Wife (Y/N) dynamic, I don’t make the damn rules. Well it makes sense as you have a sustainable and consistent job that pays comfortably for minimal work. Honestly, Toji doesn’t mind it at all but you both established your roles in the relationship but help out whenever possible. In fact, he loves being a stay-at-home husband. He gets to do his hobbies and chores without distraction, having a piece of mind, cooking food with you, etc. Highkey loves being domesticated.
While yes, he does get an occasional high paying job/bounty from Shui, they happen a couple times a month. But even then it’s few and far in between. You don’t mind working, your job pays you enough to not take any overtime and you never work the weekends. Plus you get a raise and bonus once in a while so you’re not scrambling to find a second job. Also, it’s worth it since Toji takes care of your shared apartment and you. 
Both of you are financially stable to the point of comfort. Like only paying utilities because you and Toji own the apartment. Not having to worry about buying food or paying on time. Not taking up extra hours or shifts to just live. It’s a comfortable and stress-free environment you and Toji have created for yourselves.
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Doesn’t understand the fuss about men not being stay at home material and it’s a woman’s job. He just thinks those guys can’t take care of themselves and will force someone to baby them under the guise of tRadItIonAlIsm or some bullshit. He understands if both have their jobs and work to split the house chores. It’s not a luxury everyone has and he knows he’s in the small percentage of people who get to stay home while their spouse works. If it works in the relationship, it works, Toji says. It might not work for some people but you working and Toji staying home works for your relationship. If not, it has made it healthy because there aren’t severe or frustrating arguments about house chores, errand runs, cooking, maintenance, home management. 
You do anything in order to help out Toji because that’s your home too. Therefore, your living space you share and it’s your responsibility to at least take care of it. After work, you text Toji if there is anything you need to pick up or do for him while you’re out. 75% of the time he says there’s nothing you have to do, but the 25% is Toji asking you to pick up the dry cleaners, some food items he forgot to get while out, check if there’s a sale going on, or buying detergent and stain remover. Also text with a:
‘Doll, can you actually grab a few things from the supermarket? I’ll send the list to you.’
‘Hon, would you be able to pick up my jacket from the dry cleaners? Thank you’
When you say yes or of course, he’s hitting you with the:
‘Thank you, Sweet Girl. I appreciate all you do.’
‘Stay safe, (Y/N). Call me if anything happens. Love you, Baby’
Talks about buying a house and having a family happen a lot more frequently since the two of you got married. You always wanted to have a family of your own but wanted to wait for a good man to be a good father because you can choose a husband but your children can’t choose their father. But you knew Toji would step up when it happened. Toji didn’t think too far into his future but he knows he wants to have a family with you and grow old together. You changed his mind that he was okay with having a family and doing all that it takes to be a loving father and husband. As if he doesn’t do that already. 
That and you two talked about how your genetics would make the most beautiful and good looking babies. Toji would say he wants your kids to have your smile and personality while you told him you want them to have his eyes and nose. This is one of those late night talks you have with him that you absolutely love. 
You have an ungodly amount of money saved up to pay the house off in full or less than two years. You decided on one where it was a mix of modern and traditional. It was within walking distance of multiple subway and train stations while not being near the busy parts of the city. It’s in a more quiet suburb with good schools and nature. It’s a big home with the exterior of a traditional home but the interior is a little more modern. The main building is two stories and is the actual house, the building connecting to it is for guests, training/workout room/and a meeting room. The walls that surround the property are tall and sturdy. It looks like a mansion but feels more homey as you two start to make it your own.
So when you tell Toji you’re ready to have a baby, the man goes all in. Trying to watch your cycle and listens to the doctor in increasing his chances of getting you pregnant. Man looks up recipes that increase your fertility rate and balance out your hormones. Thinks about checking his sperm count but you declined saying Toji hasn’t done anything to decrease his numbers.
He definitely got good aim because it didn’t take long to get pregnant. After like 2-3 months of trying, it happened. You missed your period by a week and you decided to get a pregnancy test. You got the double lines and were excited to show Toji. He went to drop off your jacket to get it fixed and came home to find you sitting at the table with a napkin. You tell him to sit and he complies with a bit of concern. You gesture to the napkin and he picks up to see the positive text in front of him. He asks are you for real and you just nod. He pulls you into his laps and holds you while saying thank you and I’m going to be a dad.
Becomes protective of you instantly. Having morning sickness? He gets you a towel and some medicine. Sensitive to certain foods or smells? He will change them to your liking. Need him to do something for you? He’s already a flight of stairs ahead of you. He doesn’t want to stress you and the baby out so he’s doing everything. 
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As trimesters progress, the more protective and conscious he comes. Once you start showing, say goodbye to carrying items, doing some household chores, running errands, or fucking walking because this man will NOT let you do them. Is at your beck and call for anything and will become scary if people give you a hard time or look at you funny. Toji told you if your boss gives you a hard time, call him and he’ll talk to your boss with no fear or hesitation whatsoever. Once almost killed a man because he accidentally bumped into you. Toji had this look of death in his eyes as he grabbed the guy by the collar and forced him to apologize to you. Make sure the guy actually apologizes too. Walking? Who is she? You are only walking a couple of feet before he says ‘nah’ and picks you up to carry you. You tell him you can walk but it falls on deaf ears. Then you get concerned about being heavy for Toji. The man has never been more offended in his life. He looks at you, dead in the eyes, and says: “What kind of husband am I for not being able to comfortably carry my beautiful and pretty pregnant wife? If I can’t carry you, I need you to kill me, (Y/N).” You just get used to him carrying you around.
Always find a seat for you on a bus or the train. Will scare a guy who isn’t tired from work to give you the seat. Always hold your hand during the rides.
Talk to your bump every night. Hands on your stomach, face unbearably close to it, kneels on the floor or lies in bed to talk to it as you run your fingers through his hair. He’ll say some things that make you laugh but he mostly say sweet and warm things to your baby as he just wants to love and protect them. Definitely says:
“You know your mama is the prettiest and most beautiful woman out there? You’re so lucky to have her because you will be unconditionally loved and cared for. How do I know this? Because your mama loves me too, Kiddo.”
“Hey, be nice to mama. She’s not having the best time so I need you to go easy on her. Please, little one.”
“Hi, this is your old man speaking to you. I don’t care whether you’re a boy or girl. I will always love you no matter what. I wanna meet you soon.”
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Does the thing where he lifts up your bumps to alleviate some of the weight for a bit and smiles when you relax into him.
When he touches your bump and feels a kick, he is so happy that his head is glued to your bump so he can feel it. 
Buys your cravings whenever and whatever it is. It could be late at night and you’re asking him to get you your egregious food combo. He doesn’t understand your cravings but will not complain to you until it’s a straight up abomination. THEN, he just cooks you anything you want because he’s lowkey scared about your cravings affecting your health.
Daily/Hourly reminders of how beautiful and gorgeous you are. Body worshiping and praising, especially since you are carrying his child. The amount of reassurance and sincerity that comes from his words makes you cry a lot, and it’s not because of your hormones. He’s so sweet and loving with his words towards you, it makes you fall in love with him all over again.
Goes to every appointment with you and never fucking misses one. Actually, he is the one to remind you about them. Has this soft look in his eyes as he looks at the ultrasound seeing your baby. Asks for at least two copies so he can frame one of them and hang it somewhere in the house.
Doesn’t care if it’s a boy or girl, as long it’s half of you that’s all that matters.
You always tell him your love and appreciation for all that he has done for you and the baby since he has a tendency to push himself a lot more than he has to. A kiss and a hug will do the trick because he goes all soft for you every time. It’s amusing to you how your huge, seemingly intimidating, husband can become a warm melted putty at the snap of your fingers. But then again, you have him wrapped around your finger completely.
Grows more cautious and protected once you go on maternity leave in your final months of the final trimester. Constantly asking how you are feeling that day or hour, grabs everything within arms reach if there is anything you need or could get you, if you need help with everything in general. It’s not the point of overbearing or suffocating, it gets a bit annoying but you know Toji means well. You assume he’s concerned and worried for you and the baby because he is afraid you will have complications during the birth. It’s terrifying to him to know there’s a slight chance you could die while giving birth to your baby and he couldn’t do anything to help you.
So when you DO go into labor, man’s is a bit scared but also prepared with your bag ready in hand. Drives you to the hospital, checks you in, and makes you feel comfortable while giving birth.
Is holding your hand during the whole thing while wiping away the sweat off your forehead and face.
Says encouraging and calming words to keep you focused and at ease. Guides you through deep breaths and keeps you grounded:
“Take a deep breath for me, Honey.”
“You’re doing so good, Mama. So amazing.”
“I’m here with you, Sweet Girl. Keep squeezing my hand. Trust me, it doesn’t hurt. Hold onto me, (Y/N).”
Sheds a few tears when your daughter comes out and starts crying. Kisses your cheek and forehead while praising you for doing a phenomenal job.
Cuts the cord while you’re coming down from your intense birthing process.
Lets you sleep and relax while he cuddles and holds your daughter with his shirt off for skinship.
Once you wake up, he buys you any food you want since you’re not pregnant anymore. Spoon feeds you while saying you did a wonderful job and asking how you feel.
Once you hold your daughter, he’s over the moon. You look so perfect and ethereal the man thanks the gods for blessing him with you as his wife and your daughter, the proof of your love.
Lets you name her since she is a girl and the first-born. You name her Tsumiki because it’s a cute name for a pretty girl. She gets most of her traits from you besides her hair texture. Toji comments that a pretty girl deserves a pretty name because she was birthed by an elegant and demure woman. You chuckle at him and his sappiness but it brings you a certain type of happiness that Toji was expressing this side of himself more comfortably.
Once discharged, gets the car to bring you and your daughter to your new home where she’ll and her sibling(s) grow up.
Lets you have your bonding time with Tsumiki while you’re on your six months maternity leave. He lives to see you hold and carry your daughter around the house.
Takes care of everything in the house and helps you out during your postpartum. Reminds you of your beauty, that he still loves you and your body, how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for giving him this life.
Gets the hang of parenting faster than you did. Toji already knows how to burp, change, feed, and bathe your daughter.
Lets you sleep and rest more when Tsumiki cries at night by getting up to calm her down himself. Ends up sleeping in the rocking chair with her on his chest.
Tries to play and entertain her as much as he can. Toji is more of a stuffed animal guy than dolls because they’re more inclusive and genderless. But he will buy dolls for Tsumiki when she asks for them once she's old enough.
Tears up when she takes her first steps as she tries to walk towards both of you.
Her first words were Papa for sure but then Mama two weeks later. 
Tsumiki is a fairly calm and happy baby. Moves around but isn’t super hyper and energetic. Very smiley and giggly baby that brights up the room she’s in. Always puts you and Toji in a good mood.
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Toji is the type of guy to wait for you to give him the green light for another child. Even though the doctor says you’ve made a good recovery, he ain’t pouncing on you until you tell him so. Your doctor asked if she needed to write a note that you weren’t ready for another baby for some time but you told her you’ll be fine because Toji isn’t THAT TYPE OF GUY. On top of respecting you and your body, Toji highkey wants to have age gaps with your children. Like at least a year and a half or so they can be close in age and grow up together, but also give time for you and him to adjust to being first-time parents.
It was after Tsumiki’s first birthday that you said you wouldn’t mind having another kid. Then Toji and you tried for another kid. Happened fast per usual with minimal effort once again. Toji’s goo is pretty strong lol.
He was there with you when you took the pregnancy test and it had the fable two lines. Hugs you close and is excited to give Tsumiki another sibling.
Unfortunately, your second pregnancy wasn’t as forgiving as your first. In fact, your second child was pretty brutal on you. You were more sensitive to everything and your symptoms multiplied by three. It was a struggle but you managed to pull through but barely.
Hurts Toji a lot because you’re in a lot of discomfort compared to being pregnant with Tsumiki. Steps up tenfold to help out and make things better for you. 
Tsumiki just plays on the floor in her pen as you watch her while dealing with her younger sibling and Toji's making food in the background.
When you both found out it was a boy after a couple of months, you told Toji he can name the baby this time since you did with your first-born. It threw you off a bit when he said Megumi, a name that means blessing. You talked about names before but this was a new one both of you haven’t brought up yet. Perhaps it was a name Toji wanted but forgot to mention
Man, Megumi was a hard pregnancy. He was an energetic one in your womb. Always makes you lose sleep, loss of appetite, or straight up moody. Toji always talked to Megumi, lowkey begging him to be more gentle on you and not be so rough.
Once Megumi was born, you knew that’s Toji kid because he barely took anything from you. The nose, the eyes, the hair, even his small pout, it was all Toji. Toji was crying once again that your son is born but he takes after his old man. Tsumiki was just happy to see the little baby that is her younger brother.
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After Megumi, you and Toji decide that this is ENOUGH children for now. Especially since you have two children under the age of three.
Megumi, however, was an interesting baby. Tsumiki likes being held by both you and Toji, she never picked favorites. Megumi, on the other hand, was attached to you like glue. Technically, all babies are but Megumi never liked being away from you. Megumi was very clingy when it came to you, his mama. You have to hold him or be in his line of sight if you’re not.
Megumi is a certified mama’s boy. He’s all sweet to you, with his gummy smile and bright big eyes as he laughs when you hold.
His first and only words were Mama for a while until he said Papa.
Megumi becomes fussy and cranky if you’re not in the room. He wants you there when he wakes up, to feed him, change him, bathe him, everything. If Toji has to do it, it will take double the time because Megumi is all uncooperative and resistant to his father’s attempts to care for him. It helps if you’re in the room or nearby then Megumi will behave but if that's because he knows you’re there.
Baby Megumi glares at Toji over your shoulder when you’re making his and Tsumiki’s food. Toji glares at his son's back. As he gets older and can walk, Megumi always runs towards you. Place himself on the couch, floor, chair, any surface he can sit on so he is seated next to you. One time, Toji’s head was in your lap as you watched the news in front of you. Megumi was mad because he was supposed to sit next to you. But Toji was faster than him and sat himself where he’s currently positioned. Tsumiki was in front of the couch playing with her stuffed animals on the floor. Megumi decided to grab his doggy plushie and started hitting Toji’s face with it. Toji yelped while you grabbed Megumi and placed him in your lap. Megumi holds onto you while you and your husband exchange shocked looks.
Megumi purposefully and accidentally cock blocks Toji. It’s explained more in this headcanon here.
It’s exhausting to take care of Megumi because he always wants you and never Toji. It kind of sucks because you want Megumi to bond with Toji more as you also don’t want to neglect Tsumiki as well.
Both of you take turns caring for your two kids. It’s so cute to see Megumi bonding with Toji as Megumi smiles a bit more when he’s with his dad. Tsumiki just likes hugging you and so you hold her ever so dearly.
Tsumiki and Megumi never really fight, which you find odd since it’s common for siblings to fight with each other. That’s when you keep observing and notice Tsumiki will let Megumi have his way even though she didn’t have to. Though you appreciate her being an older sibling, you have to remind her she can say no to Megumi if she doesn’t want to. Also reminding her to tell you or Toji if anything happens and not feel scared or ashamed for asking for help. 
But Tsumiki is such a sweet child, she says she doesn’t mind at all when it comes to Megumi. But you brought it up to Toji because you don’t want Megumi to become very spoiled nor do you want Tsumiki to feel it’s okay to disregard her needs. Toji understands your concerns and tries to reassure you that he won’t let that happen as they get older. 
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While you were away from work, Megumi snatched Tsumiki’s pillow pet dolphin from her hands and Toji saw all of it. Toji put Megumi in time-out while he comforted Tsumiki. She wasn’t crying but he could tell she would have if he didn’t step in. Toji refrains from yelling and acting out because you told him that’ll strain his relationship with the kids. It’s easier and effective but it has long-term effects that negatively affect the parent-child relationship and the child themselves, something you knew all too well. So Toji is patient with Megumi, telling him it’s not nice to take things that aren’t his, especially when it’s his older sister’s stuff. That he should understand that Tsumiki doesn’t like it when he does and only lets him have them so he wouldn’t get upset. Toji makes Megumi apologize to Tsumiki but Tsumiki already forgave Megumi. 
Toji being patient with his kids is hard and always tests him as a parent. Then he remembers how you told him having a family with him isn’t going to be the easiest thing in the world. But children deserve parents who will love and care for them unconditionally, who will be patient and understanding no matter what, to not make them wish they were someone else in order to please their parents. You didn’t want your children to experience what you did growing up and you believe Toji is someone who will help you make that dream come true. So he continues with his gentle/patient parenting method because he knows it will pay off in the end.
Since you’re going to work most of the day, he’s always the one to take care of them. Toji always takes them to the park or outside so they can run around and be kids. Forces them to go with him to run errands so they can get used to it. Megumi hates this while Tsumiki loves it. After some time, they get used to it and ask Toji to take them on the errand runs. Like going to the local butcher for meat then to the supermarket for everything else. Toji makes this a learning experience for the two by teaching them how to pick and order what they want. He teaches them what each ingredient is and explains why he buys it. Because of this, Megumi and Tsumiki know how to do errands by themselves and get things on the way home from school if Toji texts them to get something. 
Megumi doesn’t admit it but he always follows Tsumiki’s lead. Especially when they start going to the same school together. When Tsumiki gets a fever/cold and can’t go to school, Megumi is a little nervous because he’s going by himself. So Toji had to comfort Megumi that he will be okay and Tsumiki will be proud of him for being able to go by himself.
Tsumiki is a quiet extrovert but Megumi is a raging introvert. Megumi, due to his aloof nature, doesn’t have many friends. You became worried because maybe there was something you weren’t noticing with Megumi. So you went to get Megumi checked out and the doctor ruled it out due to his personality and high intelligence. The doctor says it’s common for some children to prefer their own personal space rather than making friends. Though it does encourage you to have Megumi expose himself to kids around his age so he’s not socially distant.
This is where you and Toji butted heads for a bit. You don’t want to force Megumi into something that he doesn’t want. But Toji wants Megumi to interact with other kids that’s not Tsumiki so he can make friends. Megumi just doesn’t like people who are not his family. That’s the conclusion you both draw in the end.
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Jungle gym Toji. Ever since they could crawl, Megumi and Tsumiki have been climbing on Toji like a rock wall. They hang off his arms, hold onto neck, climb onto his back, they’re all over him. Well, Toji is built like a mountain so it feels like they’re climbing Mt. Fuji. Toji isn’t bothered by this at all. In fact, he likes it when his kids are playing with him.
When Toji works out, whether it’s outside in the courtyard or in the workout room, he has the kids nearby playing somewhere. Would definitely ask Megumi and Tsumiki to sit on his back while he does push ups. 
Hides his old weapons in the shed outside the house, he makes the excuse it’s for gardening tools and snow shovels so the kids aren’t curious.
Doesn’t do baby/kiddie talk to his kids. Obviously he’s gentle when he speaks to his kids but he also isn’t going to dumb things down for them. He’ll speak to them like a regular person but has a soft tenderness for children. It’s actually pretty sweet to see it.
The type of man to say to his children, “Isn’t Mama pretty? She is pretty, right?” Saying positive things about you to Megumi and Tsumiki. Then the two will say those lovely words back. You do this with Toji too. Telling the kids “Papa’s strong, right? He’s so cool.” “Papa made us this lovely dinner. Isn’t Papa amazing, you two?” Shit it so cute, I swear.
Speaking of food, Toji makes their lunches. From preschool to high school, he makes Megumi and Tsumiki’s lunches. It’s a challenge as they get older because both have different food preferences but he takes up on it. Just like with your lunch, everyone is in awe and jealous of their food. It’s always something good every time and it always smells good. Yuuji and Nobara ask Megumi if his dad could make them one and the next day Megumi brings two extra bentos for the both of them. Courtesy from Toji himself.
The type of man to make the kids their character bentos and eat the scraps/leftovers. Like the picture where the kid has a cute breakfast while the parent eats the cut out bread and fruit left over.
Family nap time! This is quite common in the Fushiguro household. You come home from work, sometimes earlier than scheduled, to see them laid out on the floor with a blanket underneath them. Sometimes, if the weather is enjoyable, they would nap outside. Toji is holding both kids in his burly arms while Tsumiki and Megumi hold each other’s hands.  It’s so adorable that you have multiple pictures saved in an album in the house. You would join them as well. A family napping pile.
Speaking of which, you have many albums from over the years as a family. Up until the present day, you have so many pictures of your children and your husband having their little family moments. Some wholesome, some embarrassing, others are cool photos or stolen shots. I don’t know if this fits Toji but I’m projecting here: he’ll have photos of your family throughout the years on the walls and tables of your home. But mainly, the ones he loves the most are the portraits of the family. They’re five of them. The first one is of you and Toji, the second one is you two with baby Tsumiki, the third is you holding baby Megumi as Tsumiki is standing with Toji, the fourth is the four of you with the kids who are six and seven, then the fifth one is taken from present day where the kids are teenagers while you and Toji haven’t aged at all. All of them have you wearing formal wear/Kimonos. He gets these personally commissioned and they’re 17 inches(43.18 cm) by 14 inches(35.56 cm), which is fairly large. 
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Since you work 6 hours of the day, Toji always takes the kids to and from school. It’s not a problem for him nor the kids as they know you are working and making mula for them. The problem is, a lot of parents believe he’s a single dad. More so, the moms of the other students. Toji wears his wedding band on his LEFT FINGER that’s SHINING when the sun hits it and people still couldn’t take a hint. As he picks up the kiddos, a lot of moms go up to talk to him to pass time. He knows most of them are trying to flirt with him, very few only genuinely talk to him. Toji doesn’t play games when it comes to his status and is very blunt if the woman can’t get the message.
“I have a wife.”
“I’m married.”
“The love of my life and the mother of my children is working right now.”
Bro, some of these moms are jumping hurdles just to get a chance with Toji. Toji would keep on flashing his wedding band and they are fucking delusional to think they still got a shot. Someone thought he was a widower even though you were ALIVE AND WELL. Toji felt his eyes twitch as he scowled at the accusation. Toji legit wanted to push her but can’t because he’s a big guy and all. ‘Fuck, I can’t put my hands on a woman. I’ll have (Y/N) do it instead.’ Toji tells you about this and he is more mad than you are about it, which you don’t blame him for. On Friday afternoon, school’s out and the parents are picking up the kids. Tsumiki waits for Megumi outside his classroom door as they always walk out together to get picked up by Toji. As they walked out, they were surprised to see you with Toji in your work clothes. They went into a full on sprint in your direction and you crouched down to hug them both. After giving each other a good squeeze, they hugged Toji. The look on the woman’s face when she saw you was priceless. Tsumiki was hugging Toji while Megumi was reaching for you and you took him in your arms. You turn around and feign a friendly smile her way with such an elegant but dominant introduction. 
“Oh hi! I’m (Y/N). You never saw me here since I work as a (occupation). Toji takes care of the kids when I’m away working. But I come every now and then when I get off early. Thanks for keeping my husband company! Though, you shouldn’t press on a married man when he refuses your advances. I mean, it’s not like his wife and the mother of his children has resources when most of the population doesn't. So, try to refrain yourself from stepping into the deep end, Dear. It was nice knowing you!”
Toji thought that was hot af. Tsumiki was hugging Toji’s neck because she was tired while Megumi glared at the woman. After that, no woman ever approached Toji after that.
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 FAMILY OUTINGS!!! Ugh, you always have one every weekend with your family. The favorites are the zoo and the park. Megumi on Toji’s shoulders while Tsumiki holds both you and Toji’s hands, she swings in-between the two of you. You go to all the exhibits your children want to go to. Tsumiki likes the marine enclosures while Megumi prefers more of the forest and savanna ones. You never could forget the way your son slightly bounces on his dad’s shoulders when he sees an elephant. He lets out a gasp of awe while calling out to you, “Mama mama, look! Look at the elephant!” “I can see it, Baby. You like elephants, Gumi?” “Yeah!” “What about you, Tsumiki-dear?” “I think they’re cool, Mama.” Toji tries to feed the animals but the animals are so scared of him like he is the most dangerous one which is true. This also goes for festivals as well, wandering the stalls and food stands. Toji winning every game you stop by and getting prizes his kids want, if his kids want it he’ll get it. The whole day is fun but exhausting once you come home. Toji carries the kids home along with the family bag. The kids are knocked out and easy to tuck in  as you and Toji decompress.
As the kids get older and mature, it’s easier to go places like Kyoto. Megumi and Tsumiki are more of exploring and sight-seeing individuals, which makes it easy on you and Toji so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do those extravagant things. They just want to experience the surroundings and life without sticking out too much. They like the trips when you all stay at a Ryokan Onsen, it’s relaxing. Especially for Megumi since he’s away from Gojo, Itadori, and Kugisaki. He loves his teacher and classmates but they can be a handful to deal with. Once they get older, they have school and you and Megumi have missions so these family outings happen less. But if everyone’s home, you four go out and do whatever depending on the weather. Spring and early summer are good times of the year because the cherry blossoms are in bloom and the weather is pleasant. You usually go out and have a picnic when the trees are blossoming. It’s simple but sweet to get together so your kids will have some memories they can look back on fondly.
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There is this scenario that I can’t stop thinking about but it’s Toji coded: After a day of family bonding, Toji is standing in the train while you and your kids are sitting. It was full but not crowded. During one of the stops, Tsumiki ends up giving her seat to a pregnant woman who’s around her late stages of the 2nd trimester. Toji pets her head as she stands next to him, holding onto his pants as you send a sweet approving smile her way. She sends one back as she grips onto Toji to steady herself. Megumi is in our lap, completely gone into the world of dream as he clutches closer to you. The stop before the one you all get off, Tsumiki helps the pregnant lady up and walk her towards the door. The lovely lady thanks her, gives her a piece of paper to her family bakery which your family become regulars later on, before waving at her and you two. Mouthing ‘You have a wonderful daughter.' You and Toji glance at each other and smile. As your stop approaches, Tsumiki asks Toji if she can carry Megumi. He asks why and she replies, “Because Mama’s tired and I can carry Megumi for her.” Toji glances down at you and see the droopiness as they flutter to keep themselves open. He crouches down, pets Tsumiki on the head, saying she is a kind and sweet kid but he will take care of it. He asks her to give him your bag while he exchanges it for his jacket. Tsumiki places his jacket around you and Toji tells her to get into your lap. She does and you wrap your free arm around her. The next thing she knows, he’s carrying you in both of his arms while you hold your children. Once the train doors open, the incoming passengers are met with a towering man holding his sleeping wife and kids in his arms. They part to make way for him and he WALKS the whole way home. His arms never tired or aching. Tsumiki smiles up at him and comments how cool and strong he is, “You’re always strong and cool, Papa.” He just chuckles in his whole deep, simp-worthy, DILF voice before crouching down to let her stand since she grabbed the house keys. She unlocks the door and holds it open for him. They take off their shoes as Toji places you and Megumi on the couch while Tsumiki gets her Sanrio blanket to place it over you and her brother. You wake up an hour later to Toji cooking dinner as Tsumiki uses her color pencils on her coloring book. You wake up Megumi and have dinner together as a family.
Has no problem carrying you and his children in his arms. Like he can carry a 8 year old Tsumiki and a 7 year old Megumi like it’s nothing. He can carry you, Tsumiki and Megumi around without getting tired. You do the trend where Toji is holding you, Megumi and Tsumiki as kids then you retake the same picture but when the two are in their late teens. The point of those pictures were meant to show Toji is still strong; if not, stronger after becoming a father. If the kids fall asleep on the couch while watching a movie, he’s carrying them to their beds. They did their homework late at night on the kitchen table and are too tired to go to their rooms, he will take them to their beds no problem. You fell asleep on the couch because you came home extremely late from work or a mission. Toji is getting you to bed with him using his oversized shirt as your PJs. When Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara are out cold from their sleepover, Toji covers them with a huge blanket and gives them each a pillow.
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I discuss this a little bit in this but I’ll expand upon it here. Megumi and Tsumiki are way less traumatized. Megumi has sass and is aloof but that’s his personality. The reality is, Megumi isn’t as withdrawn or quick to make assumptions about people. He seems reserved but his walls aren’t thick or tall. He’s not going to summon Mahoraga in every death situation but just sometimes uses it as a last resort because he hasn't pushed himself to his limits. It’s more of the lack of knowledge behind his technique since you and Toji can only know so much. Plus you and Toji, specifically Toji, aren’t letting the Zen’in clan be near your children. Tsumiki also isn’t inclined to act more mature and take on adult responsibilities. She is allowed to be a kid and have a childhood, same goes with Megumi. Plus, the two are raised in a loving household. Is it a traditional one? Nope, not in the slightest. Their mom works while their dad stays at home. But it's a functional, healthy, content family. You and Toji have tried to set good examples for your children on love, relationships, and the process of communicating. There are some pitfalls every now and then. Yet Megumi and Tsumiki have seen honesty, patiences, and openness when you and Toji talk things out. 
Plus they know the rule you and Toji have: never fight in front of the kids. Matters between you and your husbands are between you two only. You never wanted to drag your children into the argument themselves. Obviously, when they are younger, you have to explain to them that you and Toji weren’t on the same page and are mad at each other. As they get older, you explain what the argument/conversation was about transparently. Megumi and Tsumiki also notice how after you and Toji clear up things the both of you never made snide remarks about each other in the slightest. This helps the kids out a lot because they never felt like walking on eggshells. That’s why Tsumiki and Megumi never really worried about you and Toji splitting over bad blood. They know you and Toji aren’t going to stay stubborn for long and make up no matter the circumstances. But there was an argument that both of them never can forget. They didn’t witness it themselves but they knew it was the worst argument you both had, and this happened when Tsumiki and Megumi were TEENAGERS. It lasted for a WHOLE DAY, the longest you two have been in the waters of the aftermath. The two of them wanted to say something but they knew better when you and Toji told them to not involve your affairs. It was worrying them to the point Megumi asked Tsumiki if this would create a rift. However, being the older sister she is, says the both of you will work through it. And she was right when the two of them came home to see you and Toji on the engawa wrapped up in each other’s arms with a blanket over you both.
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Tsumiki loves the flowers and plants in your garden beyond the courtyard. When you take her outside and show her the pretty flowers and plants, she has this sparkle in her eyes as you touch and hold the flowers up to her. As she gets older, she spends most of her time in the garden as you are sitting under the tree with your blanket keeping the dirt away from you. When you mentioned to Toji the garden would look better if there were more plant diversity, the man is handing you a list of your favorite plants and flowers you want. The next few days to weeks, the plants you wanted are already in your garden and blending in well with your home. He is also doing this legally, and doesn't want to be a bio-terrorist by accident.
Toji does this with Tsumiki too. She had this book about flowers from her school’s library and told him that those flowers were pretty and nice. She kept drawing them, saying they would look good in the garden. The next week, there was a bush of them in her favorite spot. Your garden becomes the Garden of Eden with the amount of plant life you and Tsumiki bring in. You do basic gardening but Tsumiki and Toji have the green thumbs in the family. They’re the ones doing maintenance on the garden. Mostly Toji since Tsumiki goes to school and isn’t always home. 
Toji does all the planting, replotting, mulching, everything a garden needs. The type to cut the hedges into a perfect shape because it fills his ego and makes him productive. Like one time, Megumi brings over Yuuji and Nobara to hangout and they see Toji cutting the hedges into a cool dragon. Toji wipes the sweat off his forehead to see the fruits of his labor, smirking to himself saying, “I’m so fucking good at this. I’m literally the best.”
Megumi lets his Shikigami out into the garden because they like to hang out outside. The only ones allowed in the house are his divine dogs because Toji doesn't want to see a huge owl or elephant in the living room.
Come to think of it, you and Tsumiki are the main ones who decide what goes in and out of the house. The flowers and the garden were just an example. Furniture, appliances, the color of the blinds and curtains, the interior and exterior, hell everything at this point. If you and Tsumiki made a comment about the appearance of something and it started with the words if, what, wonder, he’s already pulling the catalog for ideas. It’s mostly curiosity but if both you and Tsumiki bring it up, he’s changing it to your liking. Megumi never understands this because he’s the “it is what it is” or “I’m fine with it.” Megumi would be visiting home from school and sees Toji rearranging some of the furniture or building something from scratch in the backyard and he doesn’t question it.
Speaking of which, besides the appliances/photos/silverware/complicated items, almost everything in the house is made by him or customized by him. Tsumiki and Megumi’s rooms? Toji made them into their liking. The main bedroom? All Toji’s work. Not one spot in this house hasn’t been adjusted or changed by Toji. That’s why you credited your house to being the perfect home, all because of Toji. You always remind him that his work is much appreciated around this house. He’ll just smirk but you can see the way his ears fade into a pink rose color. He loves it when you say stuff like that to him. IF the kids say it to him, his grin is stuck on his face for a whole 24 hours.
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THE HANGOUT HOUSE! You know how there’s always that one friend where almost every hangout occurs at their home? That’s Megumi, it’s literally him. Technically since Yuuji permanently lives in the dorms and Kugisaki used to live in the countryside, Megumi is the only person in the trio to have an official home. They pass by it a lot when they go exploring or hanging out. Megumi never said anything but the two notice how he stares at it for some time. Then some shenanigans happen and they had to take cover in Megumi’s home. Mind you, Yuuji and Nobara were looking at Megumi like he committed a war crime when he b-lined to the house. And they know it’s a nice house. They were yelling at Megumi saying they were trespassing and they’ll be in some deep shit if they get caught. But Megumi yells at them to trust him as he opens one of the doors. Then Yuuji and Nobara start begging him to not get them killed because they finally see that the home is a literal MANSION. They think they’re cooked by whomever lives here. But from Megumi’s reaction, they’re wondering if Megumi knows the person that lives here. Then when they go inside the actual home, they slide off their shoes and walk to what’s the common area of the house(kitchen/living room). Then Yuuji notices one of the photos and sees kid Megumi and three other people. Nobara shoves herself to see it and they both turn around to Megumi grabbing a pitcher of some sort of drink out of the fridge. “YOU LIVE HERE, FUSHIGURO!?!?” “Oi, not so loud! My sister isn’t home yet but my parents are so quiet.” They don’t meet Toji here but later on because he was doing something with Shui. But you pop in and the students instantly recognize you. You force Megumi to show them around the house and they are in absolute awe. The moment they see his cool ass room, this house is their default hangout spot.
Sleepovers happen often, Megumi doesn’t want them to but you insist since he could just use one of the bigger guest bedrooms or his own room if he wanted. They stay up watching movies, shows, or watching youtube videos or documentaries just because. They do the laughing challenge to see if Megumi actually laughs. He does but fewer far in between. 
Toji embarrasses the hell out of Megumi. You don’t purposefully but by accident. Yuuji and Nobara would see Toji going into the kitchen to get a glass of water, see the color drain from Megumi’s face, then ask Toji about anything relating to Megumi. Then Toji spills the TEA on Megumi, it’s so funny. If Megumi won’t spill then his dad definitely would. Megumi’s face becomes like a tomato when anything about him comes out of his dad’s mouth.
Your house is stocked up on everything. There’s nothing in this house you wouldn’t have. Nobara needed some period products and you literally gave her a basket full of them. If she needs something else, you run to the store to get it for her. Yuuji forgot his toothpaste? You gave him a new tube and another one for his dorm. You tell them to ask you or Toji for anything if they need it. Nobara and Yuuji ask you to adopt them.
After a certain point, they just come over and ask for you instead of Megumi. He gets so annoyed and mad at them for it.
But you always insist on sleepover because Megumi finally has friends that he can call his own. It makes you happy he surrounds himself with good people and Toji agrees.
They know Megumi is balling in money which he always denies. But Yuuji brings up that Megumi has a Gameboy, Gameboy color, a DS lite, 3DS XL, a Switch OLED in his room. They’re all blue with every Pokémon game to have ever been released. He’s not beating the rich allegations.
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Megumi is so irritated with Toji, it’s absolutely hilarious. I said it before and I’ll say it again: once Megumi is high school age, he’s an angsty teenager. Dude just gets so annoyed at his dad for existing, he only imagines it’s just you, him, and Tsumiki only. Toji asks him to do something, will do it but will grumble under his breath about it. But if you or Tsumiki ask him to do something, he has no attitude. Megumi is more softer with his sister and you but his dad? Nah, if he inherits everything from his dad, he’ll use them to his disposal against his Pops. He and Toji butt heads a lot but it’s never serious. Tsumiki sometimes wants to stop it but you tell her it’s a father son bonding thing.
Megumi inherited Toji’s grumpiness. Actually Megumi inherited a lot of things from Toji but he doesn’t want to admit it. Physically, Megumi is a mini version of Toji. Personality-wise, fairly similar. It’s just his hair curls up a bit but you believe it’s a recessive gene from a distant relative that decided to come out in a rare time.
Never tell Megumi he looks and acts like his dad. It will temporarily ruin his mood for like an hour or so. He legit got so mad. Put a side by side picture of the two and show it to him and he’ll walk away. If he’s compared to his mom? The saintess who does no wrong? Hell yeah he’ll take up the compliment. But his old man? He has his own personal beef with that. It’s when you or Tsumiki tell him he’s like Toji because you’re his family and know his antics better than anyone. But if it was someone like Gojo-sensei? He’s throwing a roast back. “Man, Megumi-kun. You’re just like old man Toji, grumpy and full of attitude.” “And that’s the same old man who was able to beat you and lived. I don’t wanna hear anything from you, Gojo-sensei.” Gojo cried to you about why your son was so mean to him while Suguru was absolutely done with him.
Tsumiki took a picture of Megumi when his hair was still damp from a shower, he looked so much like Toji. She showed you the picture and you asked her to send it to you. She shows Toji and Toji smirks to himself, knowing he’ll dangle that over Megumi’s head for as long as he lives. Toji gets his and Megumi’s side by side comparison framed in the house lol.
Sometimes Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko babysit younger Megumi and Tsumiki when you and Toji are busy. Tsumiki loves them, tolerating Satoru at best. But Megumi is irked by Satoru’s presence and only hangs out with Shoko and Suguru. Hates Gojo’s constant teasing but from pure annoyance. He and Tsumiki grow up with them and that’s why both of them know the three long before anyone else did.
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Megumi gets irritated during Middle and High School because his parents are HOT. He remembers when his classmates from middle school would ask who’s the woman waving at him/man that grins his directions. Megumi grimaces and says “That’s my mom/dad.” Then his peers would start gushing about how gorgeous and demure you are/handsome and attractive Toji is. He wants them to shut up about it. If it’s only one of you, some of his peers would say, “Can your mom/dad fight?” Megumi wanted to punch them so badly, but refrains himself because he doesn’t want to waste his punches on a rando. It doesn’t help when he goes to the same school as Tsumiki, it’s the same THING. He knows people gush about him but he could care less. It just irritates him to no end when others do it on his family members. So when both you and Toji show up to school to take Megumi and Tsumiki out, everyone is just looking at Megumi and his attractive family. They can see where he got his genes from. His gene pool was created by divinity itself. His mom’s attractive, his dad’s attractive, his sister’s attractive, then they look at Megumi and see that he’s attractive. It gets worse with Yuuji and Nobara. They make remarks about it every time, how show stopping your looks are, his dad had people of all sexualities swooning, and his sister made people have hearts in their eyes. 
Nobara: “That’s not fair! Fushiguro gets his amazing looks and genes from the two most heavenly beautiful people in the world and he’s not using them! God has favorites for sure.”
Yuuji: “But Fushiguro-kun is using his good-looks though, Kugisaki! He’s just the more silent, mysterious, aloof type of guy that every secretly wants, you'know?”
Megumi: “Can you two just shut it right now!? Stop talking about my parents or appearance! Focus on the damn mission!”
Family dinners are silent but content. Everyone always eats together whenever possible since Toji’s done cooking dinner at 6:30pm. There’s some talking here and there but everyone is more focused on enjoying the meal Toji cooks for them. The kids clean up after themselves and usually fill the sink with hot water to place their dirty dishes inside. They prefer to eat their dad’s cooking any day. Yuuji and Nobara come over to have dinner every now and then. That’s when it’s more lively since they’re always gushing about Toji’s food.
Your children are so protective of you because of their father. Toji tells them there are some people out there that won’t respect you and tells Megumi and Tsumiki it’s their job to tell him if anyone bothered them or you. They mostly tell him about the amount of men who try to hit on you even though you said you’re already married to Toji, flashing your wedding ring, when you pick up Megumi and Tsumiki from school. Toji shows up with you, sizing up every male in the vicinity while puffing his chest. You roll your eyes but silently admit it was hot. It doesn’t change when they get older, they just hide it better. You could be in the grocery store in the produce section and some guy is hitting on you. You don’t have your wedding ring on because your fingers were sore and it hurt to wear jewelry on your hand. But you wore it on in a necklace. The guy wasn’t taking no for an answer until he saw two people behind you, staring down this man. It’s your son and husband. Then your daughter pops up and steals you away to look at a sale of some fruits she wanted. Leaving the poor man in the wrath of Megumi and Toji. They only put their hands on someone if they harass you or down right disrespect in any form. Mostly they’ll give a talk to the individual that’s not so courtesy of you. The best thing about this whole thing? The teens and Toji saw it all happen and made it into a whole operation. Tsumiki was in on it too, bruh. The men collectively agree to stare down any person that looked at you funny. Tsumiki isn’t so serious but she’s more subtle with her warnings and hints. You remembered when Toji was talking to Megumi about dealing with these situations. “Megumi, when you bring your dogs out, I need you to have them bite the guy in the balls if they try something with your mother or snatch their bag if they’re a woman.” “TOJI!” “I was thinking about the same thing, Dad.” “MEGUMI (L/N) FUSHIGURO! PLEASE! I can’t with you two!”
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Those family talks. Like when Megumi opens up to you or Toji about something, it could be anything but it’s mostly personal things. You know it’s serious when it’s just him sitting at the kitchen table while you and Toji are doing something in the kitchen. Hitting you with the “Can I ask you two something?” Then you and Toji give Megumi your undivided attention to let him know you’re listening and paying attention. These happen with Tsumiki too but she’s already an open book and isn’t as reserved as Megumi. You both give your commentary and advice when asked, sometimes you let Megumi rant or let out his bottled up feelings. Surprisingly, unsurprisingly, Toji gives out insightful advice that Megumi takes into account every time his dad speaks. This is also how you become closer to your son and daughter, even your own husband.
They are allowed to swear in the house but Toji’s rule is “You can swear but it can’t be towards someone.” But the kids didn’t swear until they were in junior high.
The house doesn’t have much talking but it’s not the uncomfortable kind. It’s the kind where everyone is enjoying each other’s presence with no need for talking. It’s functional in your household, so it works with your family.
Don’t remind Toji that Megumi and Tsumiki will eventually move out and have their own lives because Toji will get all soft and emotional about it.
Toji and you are living the dream life. A nice house and property. A loving family with two wonderful children to ever bless you and your husband. And a healthy life where your family is close. Toji never thought he could’ve had this life but he now he does. This is the greatest middle finger and ‘fuck you’ to the Zen'in clan.
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anpheatingandac · 2 years
Seeing for professional HVAC services in the Kent &; Federal Way, WA area? Contact ANP Heating & A/C LLC; Air Conditioning nowadays for AC &; heating services!
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Grid Kids: y/n pregnency!!
Grid Kids: Bun in the Oven
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: moments with the grid kids during your pregnancy
Series Masterlist
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Kicking Up a Storm
“Did the little one just ...” Charles’ eyes widen as he pulls back his hand abruptly from where it had been resting on your stomach.
Lando, lounging on the other side of the room with a video game controller in hand, smirks, “Did what? Tried to escape? Can’t blame it, considering the rest of its siblings."
You swat playfully at Lando as Max and George, engrossed in assembling a nursery chair, look up in anticipation. “Come on, let us feel!” Max pleads, abandoning the chair pieces on the floor.
As everyone gathers around, taking turns to gently place their hands on your baby bump, you feel a flutter, a gentle kick responding to their touch. The room fills with gasps of wonder and joy.
“Feels like a future driver if you ask me,” George grins, looking at Sebastian, who chuckles, already imagining another Vettel on the tracks.
Lance, feeling a tad left out, decides to jump in. “Can it hear us? Hello in there, it’s your brother Lance! Remember to pick me as the fun brother, okay?”
Mick, who has been reading every pregnancy book he could get his hands on, chimes in, “You do realize the baby can’t differentiate voices yet, right?”
Lance waves him off, “Details, details.”
Cravings Are No Joke
“Pickles and chocolate? Seriously?” Max raises an eyebrow, holding up the two seemingly mismatched items as he stands in the middle of a grocery store aisle.
Lance, pushing the cart, shrugs. “Don’t question the cravings, just go with it.”
Charles, scrolling through the list on his phone, adds, “Oh and don’t forget the spicy ramen, blueberry pie, and ... pineapple pizza?”
George groans, “Pineapple pizza? Come on! Anything but that. I’m not even Italian and I’m still offended.”
Lando, with an impish grin, quips, “Remember when she wanted the mango gelato at 3 am? That was a fun drive.”
Mick chuckles, “Or the time we went to five different bakeries just to find that particular lemon cake she couldn’t live without.”
Lance pauses, looking thoughtful, “And wasn’t there a phase where she only wanted foods that were purple?”
George nods, “Yep, aubergines, purple potatoes, grapes ... I still can’t look at a plum without laughing.”
As the grid kids continue shopping, picking out items based on the rather diverse list you gave them, they share more anecdotes of the past months. The store’s other patrons watch in amusement as the young men navigate the aisles, often debating the merits of various brands or flavors, all to ensure they get it just right for you.
Later, back home, your grid kids proudly present their haul. You and Sebastian look on with affection as they lay out the eclectic mix of food.
“Did you guys get everything?” You ask, trying to hide your laughter.
Max feigns offense at being questioned, “Of course, we’re professionals.”
Sebastian leans in to whisper in your ear, “I’m just glad they didn’t try cooking this time. Remember the schnitzel incident?”
You giggle, recalling the disastrous attempt. “Of course I do. I was cleaning flour off the cabinets and ceiling for weeks. But hey, it’s the thought that counts.”
It’s a …
The preparations for your gender reveal are in full swing at the local park and your grid kids are at the heart of it. They’ve split into two factions: Team Girl, led by Charles and Lance, and Team Boy, spearheaded by Max and Lando.
Charles and Lance have laid out a series of pink challenges, including a three-legged race where participants wear pink tutus. “It’s going to be a girl, no doubt about it!” Lance proclaims confidently.
Max and Lando, on the other hand, have a blue-themed obstacle course, complete with a mini kart race. Lando, wearing a blue bandana, shouts over the ruckus, “I have no idea what you’re talking about because it’s definitely a boy.”
George has taken on the role of referee. Dressed in a striped shirt, whistle in hand, he’s ensuring that the competition remains friendly. “Remember, it’s all in good fun!” he reminds everyone, though his “Team Girl” badge suggests where his loyalties lie.
Mick, though undecided, has tie-dye patches of both blue and pink on his shirt. “I just want a healthy sibling for all of us,” he says with a gentle smile, standing back and enjoying the antics.
Sebastian, watching the chaos unfold, leans over and whispers in your ear, “Did we really think letting them plan this was a good idea?”
You laugh, “It’s a bit crazy but look at them. They’re having the time of their lives!”
The moment everyone’s been waiting for finally arrives. At the center of the park, a large, sealed box waits. As you and Sebastian approach, the grid kids form a circle around it, their playful banter coming to a halt.
With a shared look of excitement, you both pull on the ribbon. The box flaps open, releasing a cloud of ... green smoke?
The park erupts in a mixture of laughter and confusion.
Max looks baffled, “Green?”
Charles chuckles, “Guess neither team wins today!”
Lando, trying to waft away the smoke, jokes, “Alien? Oh my god, you’re having an alien!”
Mick wraps an arm around you, “Like I said, as long as it’s healthy.”
You smile, nestling into Sebastian’s side, “We thought we’d keep everyone guessing for a little longer.”
False Alarm
“Sebastian! The baby! I think it’s happening!” You exclaim, feeling a sudden tightening in your abdomen.
Sebastian, who was in the middle of mediating a lively debate with Max and Charles over who will be the baby’s favorite brother, nearly trips over the rug in his rush to get to you. “Okay, okay, okay. Deep breaths, in and out.”
Lance, eyes wide as saucers, frantically begins googling “how to deliver a baby” on his phone while George starts making a list of things needed for the hospital. “Towels! We need towels, right?”
Lando is somewhere on another planet, muttering to himself, “This isn’t happening. I am not ready to see a baby being born. Nope, nope, nope.”
Mick tries to restore some order. “Calm down everyone. Y/N, are you sure it’s really labor?"
Before you can respond, Charles bursts through the door, holding a bucket of ice. “I read somewhere you might need ice. Here!”
You laugh through the discomfort, appreciating the chaos ensuing because of your grid kids’ concern. "Actually guys, I think it’s just Braxton Hicks. False alarm.”
A collective sigh of relief sweeps the room. Sebastian, still slightly pale, pulls you into a hug, “You sure know how to keep things exciting.”
Lance looks up from his phone, “What’s Braxton Hicks?”
“It’s like a rehearsal for the real thing,” George explains, folding up his hastily made list.
Max, trying to regain his cool, smirks, “Well, if that was a rehearsal, the main event is going to be epic.”
You chuckle, patting your belly, “Guess the little one just wanted to see how quickly you all could jump into action.”
Putting the “Student” in “Student Drivers”
As you and Sebastian sit on the couch, going over your prenatal class schedule, a curious George peeks over. “What’s that? Are those the birthing classes?”
You nod, “Yep! We’re starting next week. It’ll help us prepare for the big day.”
Suddenly, Charles pops up beside George, eyes widening in interest. “Can we come?”
“That sounds cool! I’ve always wondered what those classes are like.” Lando chimes in from where he’s keeping an ear out in the kitchen.
Sebastian looks a bit overwhelmed, “I thought it was just going to be the two of us.”
Lance joins the group, scrolling through a magazine article about celebrity dads attending birthing classes. “Look at this! It’s a thing now. We could all go and support you both.”
Max adds, “Besides, we’re family. We’ve been there through everything else. Why not this?”
“Do they even allow so many people to join?” Mick ponders.
You can’t help but laugh at the eager faces in front of you. “I never thought I’d have to bring an entourage to a birthing class.”
Sebastian rubs his temples. “Okay, how about this? We’ll ask the instructor if it’s okay. If they allow it, you guys can join on one condition.”
Lando bounces on his toes, “What’s that?”
“No teasing or making jokes during the class. We’re there to learn and be supportive.”
Charles nudges Max, “That’s mainly directed at you.”
Max fakes innocence. “Me? I would never!”
You shake your head, “Alright, I’ll call tomorrow and see if our little ... or rather large group can attend.”
Your grid kids cheer, excited about the new adventure. As they scatter, already planning and discussing among themselves, Sebastian leans over to whisper in your ear, “This baby is already turning our world upside down and they’re not even here yet.”
You smile and squeeze his hand, “With this family, every moment is an adventure.”
The birthing center’s usual tranquil ambiance is slightly offset by the excited chatter of the grid kids as you all enter. The instructor, a calm and composed woman named Clara, raises an eyebrow at the large group but doesn’t comment. After all, it’s not every day that half of the Formula 1 grid walks into her class.
The session starts with everyone introducing themselves. Most couples share sweet stories of their relationship journey. When it's your turn, Sebastian starts, “I’m Sebastian, this is my wife, Y/N,” he pauses, motioning to the group, “and these are ... our sons.”
The room erupts in chuckles. One of the expectant mothers quips, “That’s a lot of kids! You two have been busy!”
Clara moves on with the class, demonstrating breathing techniques. Everyone’s earnest attempt to follow along results in a mix of deep breathing, snorts, and a few stifled laughs. At one point, Max, struggling to get the rhythm right, looks over at Lando and mutters, “I feel like I’m preparing to go underwater.”
When it comes time for practicing labor positions, the grid kids enthusiastically volunteer. George and Charles end up demonstrating a position, with George playing the supporting partner and Charles the laboring mom-to-be. The sight of Charles leaning into George, pretending to be in labor, has the room laughing, especially when Charles exaggerates with dramatic moans.
Lance and Mick take a turn next and when Lance offers words of encouragement to “pregnant” Mick, saying, “You’re doing great, sweetie,” you almost fall off your chair laughing.
Towards the end of the class, Clara demonstrates the use of a birthing ball. Lando decides to take a leap onto one only to bounce off, crashing into Max and sending both of them tumbling to the ground. The room is in stitches.
Despite their hilarious antics, your grid kids genuinely try to grasp the concepts, asking thoughtful questions and engaging in the exercises.
As the class wraps up, Clara approaches you with a smile. “I must say, this has been the most ... lively class I’ve ever taught.”
You grin, “That’s one way to put it.”
She chuckles, “But it’s clear they all care deeply for you and want to support you both in any way they can.”
Sebastian nods, wrapping an arm around you, “We’re very lucky to have them.”
For Real This Time
Lando and Charles are in the middle of a heated argument over the best way to make a sandwich (complete with props and charts) when you suddenly feel a warm sensation. Looking down, your eyes widen. “Uh, guys?”
“What is it?” Sebastian jumps up right away.
You swallow, “I think my water just broke.”
For a moment, there’s stunned silence. Then … mayhem.
Max yells, “To the car! Now!” while Lance scrambles to grab the pre-packed hospital bag.
George accidentally knocks over a vase in his attempt to find your phone. “Sorry! We can clean that up later, right?”
Mick tries to maintain calm, “Everyone, deep breaths, remember the class?”
Lando, eyes wide, mutters, “This is nothing like the class.”
Upon arriving at the hospital, the reception area becomes a scene of organized chaos. As Sebastian wheels you in, the grid kids follow in a flustered procession.
A nurse at the reception desk blinks in surprise. “Is there a convention in town?”
Mick, panting slightly, replies, “No, just family.”
Lando adds, “The biggest family you’ve ever seen.”
Another nurse, recognizing some of the faces, chuckles, “Formula 1 drivers in the maternity ward? Now I’ve seen everything.”
Inside, as the medical team preps you, the grid kids stand outside, pacing and nervously waiting. They take turns peeking through the small window, offering waves and thumbs-up.
Sebastian holds your hand and doesn’t complain once as you grab back hard enough to break every bone in it, “You know, I’ve faced pressure on the track but this ... this is on another level.”
You chuckle, squeezing his hand, “Just remember, I’m doing the hard part.”
Soon enough, after what feels like both a minute and a lifetime, the beautiful cry of your newborn fills the room. Your grid kids, hearing the sound, cheer loudly, causing several nurses to hush them.
Charles, tears in his eyes, says, “We’re big brothers now. Like, for real.”
“Wait,” Lando interjects, “aren’t you already a big brother?”
“Shush mate, let me have this moment.”
Max rolls his eyes but smiles, “Welcome to the family, little one. We’re a bit crazy but we already love you so much.”
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Father Mine- 2. Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!reader
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Just note- this and father mine aren’t in the canon of Miguel’s and mini Miguel’s story line<3 also this is absolute crap and I’m so sorry it has a lot more plot and less of Miguel and mini Miguel interaction. Though whatever they do have is pain. (ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE I LOVE ALL OF YOU) please comment and reblog if you liked it :DD
Warnings: angst. FATHER MINE PART 1 Part 3
“Where is she?” He asks Jess.
“She didn’t follow.” Is what the woman replies and that’s that.
A spark of worry shoots through him but he ignores it. Now is not the time to worry about anything but the anomaly.
He scans his surroundings and tries to look for wherever the kid may be.
A part of his mind still screams he’s just a kid.
That weak thinking, letting things slide mindset was ahat got Gabriella killed. It was what killed an entire universe. He couldn’t let more people be killed for the sake of the life of one man.
“Split up. Look for him.” He orders Ben and Jess and they leave promptly.
Not now. Not now. He’d check up on you after.
“Miles!” You whisper-shout at the boy.
He almost shouts but you cover his mouth with your hand, “you’re in the wrong universe, you’re on earth-42.” His eyes widen, “I’m here to help you.”
“Why should I trust you?” His eyes narrow at you.
“I don’t know.” You look down, “But I’m asking you to trust me anyways.”
After a beat of silence he talks, “how did you know I was in the wrong universe?”
“You were bit by a spider that was from here. It’s venom altered your dna to this universe. And the go home machine scanned your dna, which was this universes and sent you here, I’m running out of breath and I can hear your mom from this univers walking here so let’s please just go.” You pull him out through the window just as the door opens and Rio steps in.
You and Miles drop down into an abandoned alleyway, and you hide a wince because of the pain in your leg. He turns invisible and you open a portal. Just as he walks through, Ben comes into view and sees you.
“Mini Miguel! You’re here! You know your dad was pretty worried you didn’t show! I’ll tell him you’re here wait- I” you web his mouth and eyes and as he flails about you launch yourself upwards and unhook his watch.
“I’m sorry, Ben.” You apologise to his mumbling form as his hands thrash around to remove the webs.
You jump into the portal and it closes.
“We’re in Miguel’s APARTMENT?” Miles’s all but shrieks and you wince.
“Jeez, bro. Don’t worry. He won’t look here.” You hand him a bottle of water from the minibar.
He drinks it all in one go and breathes deeply. You calm him down, “this is just for a few hours. Then I’ll shift you to your own universe.”
“Why not now?” He asks.
“You need to eat, and you’ll be fine. No one’s going to be named Captain tonight right? You can’t help anyone if you’re half dead.”
He clenches his jaw and sits down as you go to the kitchen and get a leftover pizza from the fridge. It was from that family night you had with Miguel and Lyla the day before Miles’s arrival.
You head to the living room after heating his food and his eyes are transfixed on a photo frame in his hand.
It’s a photo of you and him that Lyla had managed to sneak and Jess had printed for your birthday.
“He seems nice. When he’s not trying to kill me.” The boy scoffs.
You don’t answer, just handing him his food.
He eats in silence and you take the time to clean the house. Even if you did hate him just a bit, it didn’t mean he deserved to live in a messy house because he was too busy working.
“You really love him, huh?” Miles piped up and you look up from fluffing a cushion.
“Hmm.” You hum in response, “I don’t know.”
“If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here fluffing up his cushions and cleaning his home. Or should I say your home as well.” He raises an eyebrow.
You throw the cushion, “his home. Come on, we need to get to his office so I know what universe you’re from.”
He follows you to the window and has to swallow a gasp when you walk through it and float like you’re walking on air.
You chuckle, “it’s an illusion, sort of like that Indiana Jones movie.”
“The thing with the grail?” His voice is shaky as his foot comes to rest onto the platform connecting the window to the opposite balcony.
“Yeah, I got it made to fuck with Miguel.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I bet he would have freaked out?”
“You have no idea.” You smile a little at the memory as you jump of the platform and land lightly on the terrace.
Every few minutes you usher Miles into the few dark alleyways in the futuristic city of Nueva York to use the hidden pathways that are used by the underground thug gangs that you had managed to sniff out.
It takes about half an hour to reach the tower, and Miles turns invisible, “you couldn’t have done that before?” You raise an eyebrow.
He just looks sheepish and you try not to roll your eyes, “come on.”
He follows you through the entire area, sees them all wave and smile at you as you walk to where spider-byte may be.
“Ben, come in.” Miguel speaks, “Ben!”
With a groan, he phones Lyla. She picks up immediately and her voice is frantic, “you need to get back. Now.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s Miles.” She informs him, “mini you is with him.”
His eyes widen under the mask and without a word he opens a portal to go home, “Jess. We’re going back to base.”
“1610. Earth 1610.” You recite as you make a portal.
As soon as it opens, the door to the room swings open.
It’s a sort of déjà vu if you think about it.
The same room, the same scenario. But this time it’s you he’s after.
Your blood runs cold and you push Miles inside, “save your dad.” Are the last words you say to him as the portal closes in time just as Miguel pounces through air.
He looks at you and you freeze. His eyes are red and his fangs are out.
As he stands to his feet, your breathing becomes uneven.
Fuck you’re panicking. And it’s weird, because you’ve faced evil villains before. You’ve fought people that make Miguel look like a shortie.
So.. why the fuck are you so scared? Or were you always just a coward?
“You’re hurt.” He says in an eerily calm voice.
“Why-why do you care?” You huff out and his eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean?” He raises his hand and you flinch. You notice the way his eyes widen and the hurt that floods the pools of his eyes.
He takes another step forward and you back away, “Stay the fuck away from me.” Your hand shoots forward. Only widening the chasm between the both of you.
“What. Happened? Who hurt you? Was it Miles? Did he force you to help him?” He snarls.
You stare at him dumbfounded, “Who hurt me? Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
You scoff, “I helped him of my own accord.”
It’s then that he takes a deep breath and a step back.
“That’s right. I helped him get away!”
“….how could you do this to us? To me?” He points to himself.
“What are you going to do now? Try and kill me like you did him?”
“I would never. I am your father-”
“You are a selfish monster.” You say and his breath hitches. The look on his face breaks your own heart and all you want to do is hug him.
“Don’t say that.” He points at you, “you don’t mean it.”
“I meant every damn word.” You scowl and reply, “you are not my father. I am not your daughter.”
He schools the hurt on his face, “So be it.” He webs your watch and breaks it into tiny pieces in a matter of moments, “it’s cute that you thought you could one up me. Really.” He chuckles, “You are relieved of your duties effective immediately. You will never be allowed into Earth-928 or any other dimension hereafter.”
He webs you closer to him as he opens a portal into some obscure universe, one you’ve never heard of, and just before he pushes you in, you glimpse the tears in his eyes, your own running down your cheek as you scream profanities at him.
The last thing you see is his face before you’re thrown into complete darkness.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B blurbs: Isn’t She Lovely
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Summary: Joe brings the twins with him to one of his press conferences, but all Miles seems to want is ‘Momma’.
Warnings: Fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
*No particular date for this fic!*
(Joe’s pov)
“Joe, my mom’s calling. Can you take the boys with you?” - you
“To my conference??” - Joe
y/n, Tyson, and Miles came over to Paycor today to watch us practice.
Afterward, I and a couple of the other guys stayed back to play football with the kids. The guys made a few jokes after Tyson successfully threw a spiral at two years old. I thought it was accidental, but Ja’marr and Tee swore it was the ‘Burrow gene’.
Now that almost everyone had left the stadium, y/n and the twins were allowed to come into the locker room with me.
y/n got on to me about how messy my locker was. I told her it was fine, but Tee made a ‘Happy wife, happy life’ joke saying I should clean it.
In the end, I knew I would end up doing it anyway to please her because that woman had me wrapped around her finger. She has since high school.
Currently, I was just about to step into the media room when y/n came rushing up to me, the twins behind her, saying that her mom sent a text saying call me ASAP.
Zac had just walked out from his conference, and he heard our conversation.
“You’re allowed to take ‘em in if you want to. I know you would rather be with them than have someone else watch them.” - Zac
“Yeah, okay. Thanks.” - Joe
“No problem, kid.” - Zac walked off
y/n stood in front of me, her phone still ringing, and I made a split-second decision.
“Go ahead, I’ll take ‘em, baby.” - Joe
“Thank you, you're the best, Joe.” - you
She looked around to see if anyone was present, and when there wasn't anyone, she pressed a quick peck to my lips.
I watched her speedwalk down the hall toward the women's bathroom to have some privacy, and I bent down to the twin's level.
“You guys have to go in there with me for my press conference, okay? You know those videos you watch of me with Mommy where the people ask me questions?” - Joe
“Yeh!” - Tyson
“You guys are gonna sit on my lap for one, okay? If you wanna leave at any point tell me.” - Joe
“Ok, Dada.” - Tyson
“What about you Miles? Sound good?” - Joe
“Sound great, Daddy.” - Miles
I stood up and picked them both up, one in each arm, and walked into the media room.
It was kinda funny watching the reporter’s faces turn to shock. They knew I was a reserved, closed-off person, and that I hated the media, so for me to bring my kids in here was surprising to them.
Pulling my chair out, I sat down and situated the boys on my lap. One sat on each leg.
Tyson laid his head on my shoulder while Miles was looking around, trying to figure everything out.
“How’s it goin’.” - Joe
Everything was silent.
“What’s this?” - Reporter 1
“A one-time thing.” - Joe chuckled
Everyone in the room laughed before a reporter spoke up.
“Who are these cuties?” - Reporter 2
“They're my two-year-old twins. Wanna say your names?” - Joe
I almost laughed as Miles immediately lept forward and grabbed the mic.
“I’m Miles.” - Miles
His voice was super loud in the speakers from how close he was to the mic, and I couldn't help but bust out laughing.
Eventually, I pulled Miles back into my lap and nudged Tyson. He silently shook his head.
“This is Tyson. He's my little mini-me and doesn't like the media like his daddy.” - Joe
The room laughed again before I continued talking.
“You guys can interact with the boys for a little bit but I'm here to talk football.” - Joe
For the first time since I walked in, the room fell silent, till Miles spoke up.
“Momma!” - Miles
“Someone wants his momma.” - Reporter 3 laughed
“Yeah. She’s on the phone, which is why I had to bring ‘em in here.” - Joe
“Momma?” - Miles looked up at Joe
“She’s on the phone, buddy. If you guys can't already tell, he's a momma’s boy. He’s more like her than me personality-wise.” - Joe
“So he’s social?” - Reporter 2 jokes
I laughed as I nodded my head, finding his dig at me to be funny.
“Momma!” - Miles whined
“Guys, excuse me, but I'm probably gonna have to call my wife.” - Joe
This was the most unorganized thing I've ever done.
Pulling my phone out to call y/n, she answered pretty fast.
“Hello? Are you still in your conference?” - you
“Yes, but can you come get Miles? He wants you like bad.” - Joe
“Oh yeah, of course. I’ll be right there.” - you
“Okay, good. See you in a sec.” - Joe
“I won't say I love you, so you don't have to say it back. I know you don't want that being picked up on the mic.” - you laughed
“I love you too, bye.” - Joe smiled
“What?!” - you
I hung up just after that, not caring that I said it right into the mic.
“She’s coming to get this one.” - Joe
I nodded at Miles, then realized he was waving directly at a female reporter.
Just a few seconds went by before the media room door opened and y/n walked in.
She looked at me, unsure of what to do, so I flicked my head telling her to come in my direction.
y/n walked up the platform steps and took Miles from my lap, who was smiling from ear to ear.
“Do you wanna go with Momma too?” - Joe
Tyson shook his head no and sat up, now facing the room of seated reporters.
I leaned the mic away from my mouth and whispered to y/n.
“Thanks, Mama. You look beautiful by the way. I'll see you after this is over.” - Joe grinned
She grinned at me, her cheeks flushing as she situated Miles on her hip before waking away.
When I faced the reporters and fixed the mic back to point toward my face, they all had smiles on their faces.
“Did… did you guys hear that?” - Joe
All at once they all said yes, yeah, mhm, yup.
My cheeks turned red from embarrassment, this was an absolute trainwreck.
“So… Tyson, what can you tell us about your daddy? What does he do at home?” - Reporter 3
“Uhm…” - Tyson sighed
All of the reporters laughed, finding it so funny that Tyson just pulled something so characteristically me.
“He is just like you!” - Reporter 1
“What do I do at home, Ty?” - Joe
“Kiss Mommy.” - Tyson giggled
I immediately groaned and covered my face with my hand. Tyson kept on laughing, and so were the reporters.
“I’m getting exposed right now.” - Joe
“We, Uhm, pway foot…ball.” - Tyson
“We do.” - Joe nodded
“That’s it.” - Tyson blabbered
The room laughed once again till a reporter spoke up.
“So all he does is kiss your mom and play football?” - Reporter 3
“Mhm!” - Tyson
“Pretty accurate, not gonna lie.” - Joe
“Joe, you're pretty smitten with your wife, yeah?” - Reporter 5
“Have been since high school. She’s the best though. The best mom, wife, best friend… and so much more. She keeps me grounded. I know I usually keep my personal life separate from football, but I love her more than anything.” - Joe
“More than football?” - Reporter 2
“More than anything.” - Joe reiterated
Authors note: though Joe would never do this, let's just imagine he would.
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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jungle-angel · 3 months
Chaos In The Kitchen (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Bob and his siblings should never be in the kitchen together, especially prepping for the big barbecue on the 4th
Warnings: Parenthood, Bob and his siblings being a chaotic mess, Meemaw having to control everybody etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sebsxphia
Bob pushed the door open with the toe of his shoe, his ears bombarded by the cacophony of noise coming from the kitchen. Pans and pots clattered to the floor along with utensils, loud curses and swears flew from the doorway along with some rather colorful insults.
"......You're a fucking idiot Michael! Why would you do that?!"
"How was I supposed to know it would do that, SEAN?!"
"You two dickheads almost lit the kitchen on fire!"
"Stay outta this Reagan!"
"No I'm not gonna stay out of it! You know why? Because I am the keeper of the one collective brain cell the four of you share!"
Bob made a face and set the grocery bags down at the threshold of the door. The kitchen was a mess, completely covered in flour and smatterings of vanilla. Something had burned in the cast iron pan while Bob's brothers and oldest sister continuously argued over who had almost burned down the kitchen.
"HOLY MOSES!" Meemaw exclaimed as she came through the storm door in the kitchen with a basket of elderberries.
Everyone froze, two of them swallowing nervously.
"Um........Meemaw......we can explain.........." Eugene said.
"Please do, I'd love to hear it," she said sarcastically.
No one spoke, too nervous to rouse the wrath of their grandmother.
"I trust ya'll knuckleheads to get one thing......one damn thing made......and ya'll nearly burn down the kitchen," Meemaw pointed out.
"It was Sean's idea," Michael said, yelping when Sean stamped his older brother's foot.
"That is IT!" Meemaw declared. "Out! Out! Git on outta my kitchen! Out! Go cause trouble somewhere else!"
The five disgruntled siblings, Liam, Reagan, Eugene, Sean and Michael, all filed out the storm door to go see what else needed doing.
"Sorry ya'll had to see that Bob," Meemaw apologized.
"Nothing I haven't seen before Meemaw," Bob answered, trying not to laugh.
Him and Meemaw set to work, trying to get the kitchen cleaned up before the barbecue commenced. "Hopefully none of'em lose a finger or a hand when they set the fireworks off tonight," Meemaw chuckled.
Bob laughed a little bit. "I dunno Meemaw, but we'll find out," Bob replied.
"In the meantime we're gonna need to get this place cleaned up and bakin," she said. "Not that I wanna have the ovens goin but I guess the mini-splits will help with that. Any idea where (y/n) went?"
"She went to go get Auggie's birthday cake from the grocery store," Bob answered. "I think Dad, Papa and Hawk all went to go get them meat."
"Well, if anything they'll be a while," Meemaw remarked. "In the meantime, you and me are gonna get this shit movin."
Meemaw pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge and two glasses from the hutch cabinet in the hallway. "Two for the chefs, one for the dish," she joked.
Bob and Meemaw set to work on the pies and other baked goods, hoping they would be ready in time for the picnic. Meemaw had pulled the Hoosier Pie from the fridge, the cream filling having set overnight and needing only a liberal sprinkling of cinnamon over the top.
"Was this your mom's recipe?" Bob asked.
"Nah that was my Meemaw's recipe," Meemaw laughed. "She used to make it every summer and maybe at Thanksgiving. I remember when we'd bring your dad, aunts and uncles up to their place in Indiana every year for Thanksgiving and she'd make it."
Bob laughed at the stories Meemaw had told about her time growing up on the farm in Indiana and how she had met Papa after he had tried to sneak a slice of her gram's pie from the window.
The cream and pudding pies were stuck in the fridge to set while the huckleberry pie was quickly pulled from the oven and the apple one stuck right in. The shoofly pie had been a recipe from Meemaw's friend, Ethel, a fiery little Mennonite woman from Pennsylvania and who had been very close with Meemaw while their husbands were serving in Korea.
Finally, everything was done. Bob had never seen so many pies in his entire life. "I don't think I can look at another pie for a long time," he laughed.
"You and me both Bobby," Meemaw chuckled.
The door opened and you stuck the red, white and blue cake on the counter. "I hate holiday grocery shopping," you groaned.
Bob coiled his arms around you and kissed your cheek. "It came out great though," he remarked.
You couldn't have agreed more. The red, white and blue cake was absolutely huge with an edible photo of Captain America on the front of it. "Has Auggie seen it yet?" Bob asked.
"I don't think so," you said. "We'll wait till after dinner tonight to show him."
You joined your husband and your grandmother-in-law in the kitchen to get everything else ready, enjoying yourselves as you smelled all the tantalizing scents of the meat being cooked outside. Of course there had been chaos, but you and Bob enjoyed yourselves nonetheless.
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alyswritings · 4 months
High School Fight
JJ Maybank x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N gets into a fight at school.
Warnings: mentions of fighting, mentions of groping
a/n: got this from a comment on this post. so it's kind of a part 2, but not really. loved the idea, thank you to the commenter! hope y'all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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JJ is working on his car, just doing a routine check up. John B is over with his 5 year old son, the boy playing in the yard with whatever he can find while the two adults talk.
JJ's sentence is cut off as his phone rings. He quickly wipes the grease off his hands on a bandana and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He frowns at the number, answering it.
"Hello?" He asks.
"Mr. Maybank?" A woman asks.
"Yeah." He says.
"Hi. This is Alexandra Harrington. I'm the secretary at Y/N's school." She explains, though JJ already knows. "We need you to come down to the school and pick up Y/N."
"Why? Is she okay?" JJ immediately grows concerned.
"That would depend on the definition of okay." Alexandra remarks, only worrying JJ more. "She got into a fight and is facing suspension."
"What?" JJ scoffs.
"Please, just come down to the school." Alexandra tells.
"I-- yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there." JJ says before hanging up.
"Everything good?" John B asks.
"I don't know. Y/N got in a fight at school." JJ informs.
"Ooh. Mini Maybank strikes again." John B grins.
"Shut up." JJ rolls his eyes. "I'll see you guys later."
"Later." John B bids, the two doing the pogue handshake. "Come on, buddy!" He calls out to his son.
JJ walks into the school, having quickly changed into clean clothes so he wasn't covered in grease. He finds Y/N sitting outside the office, slouched in her seat, her arms crossed over her chest.
There's a boy and girl on the bench next to her, both quietly talking to each other. He notices the bruises and scratch marks on their faces.
"Hey." JJ calls making Y/N sigh. She doesn't respond, which slightly annoys JJ. "Y/N." He sternly calls, putting his hand on top of her head and forcing her head back. He freezes at her black eye, split lip, and the cut on her cheek. "What the fuck?" His tone immediately changes to anger as he cups her chin, moving her head to inspect the injuries better.
"Dad, I'm fi--"
"What the fuck happened?" He questions.
"The principal will explain it." Y/N rolls her eyes. "Stupid bitch." She grumbles under her breath.
"I want your side." JJ says before he goes into the office.
"Mr. Maybank. Wish I was seeing you under better circumstances." The principal says.
"Right. What the hell happened?" JJ questions.
"Your daughter's a little psycho." The mother of the girl sneers.
"Excuse you?" JJ glares at her. "You better watch it, lady, or you're gonna match your kid out there." He threatens. The woman's jaw drops in offense, giving the principal a look.
"Mr. Maybank, relax. Physical violence is not the answer." The principal quickly intervenes.
"Your kid is the one going around and beating up innocents." The father of the boy says.
"No. No, I know my daughter, she's always got a reason. So your kids are the fucking problem." JJ argues.
The other two quickly retaliate, throwing insults about Y/N, the three adults getting into an argument.
"Enough!" The principal shouts, effectively shutting the three up. "Now... we have two stories. Y/N's story and then Jason and Ashley's story."
"Y/N's a little liar." Ashley's mother states.
"You really don't wanna piss me off, lady." JJ seethes, his hand clenching into a fist.
"We don't have any evidence of which story is true, only our beliefs." The principal says. "Jason and Ashley's story is they were trying to talk to Y/N, make plans, and she just lost it and starting hitting them."
JJ scoffs, his eyes rolling into the back of his head out of disbelief.
"And these idiots believe that shit?" JJ asks, pointing to the two parents.
"Excuse you?" The woman glares.
"You wanna say that to my face, pal?" The man sneers.
"Didn't I just do it?" JJ retorts.
The three teens listen from the outside, Y/N's lips quirking up at her father's remarks.
"Calm down." The principal orders. "Now, Y/N's story is Jason was hitting on her and wouldn't leave her alone even after she told him no. She says she didn't throw the first punch until he grabbed her bottom."
"He what?" JJ fumes, using all of his strength to not go beat up the little boy himself.
"She says Ashley was there with him and taunting her, calling her a bitch and insulting her home life along with constantly tripping her and tugging on her hair." The principal explains.
"I'm gonna--" JJ seethes, his jaw clenched so tightly his teeth could break.
"You won't be doing anything, Mr. Maybank. Unless you'd like to go to jail." The principal warns. JJ takes a deep breath, burying his anger.
"So what? She gets in trouble for defending herself?" JJ asks. "That's fucking stupid."
"Defending herself from what?" Jason's dad scoffs. "Jason didn't do anything wrong."
"He disrespected her boundaries. He touched her ass, that's pretty fucking wrong, you dumb fuck!" JJ's voice raises near the end.
"He was being persistent. She was playing hard to get." The guy argues.
"She didn't want him in any way, whatsoever! No means no." JJ states.
"Ashley did no wrong." Her mom insists.
"Aside from being a fucking brat." JJ scoffs making the woman give him an appalled look. "She should also be old enough to know that she should keep her hands to herself. Plus, that golden rule parents are always so insistent about. Nothing nice to say, shut the fuck up. She should learn that rule."
"You do not talk about my daughter that way." The woman sneers.
"She hurt my daughter. I'm not gonna stand for that." JJ says. "Or for your son being a little prick."
"He was just trying to get her attention." The man protests. "Little ass grab never hurt anybody, especially if the girl's a hottie."
Ashley's mother screams when JJ's fist connects with Jason's dad's cheek. The three teens jump at the noise, turning back to see the chaos.
"Mr. Maybank!" The principal yells, rushing over. "Enough! That is enough!" She gets between the two men before they can start a brawl.
"All three children are suspended for two weeks for violating the rules. And unless you want them expelled, I suggest you three take them home and try your best to avoid each other for the rest of your lives. Or at least until these kids graduate."
"If they all graduate." Ashley's mother rolls her eyes.
JJ starts to charge for her, but the principal holds him back.
"I especially advise you to leave, Maybank. For you and your daughter's own good." The principal says.
"No. No, I'm leaving for their own good." JJ points to the other two parents. "Cause if I don't, they're going six feet under a little younger than they anticipate."
The principal sighs as the other two parents start to complain about the threat.
JJ leaves the office, rolling his eyes out of frustration and anger.
"C'mon." He motions for his daughter to get up. He grabs her backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. Y/N gets up, JJ placing his hand on her back to lead her out.
"You're a little bitch, Jason." JJ calls back before the two exit the school.
They get outside and JJ manages to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
"You okay?" Y/N asks, looking up at her dad, not sure if she should be amused or concerned or both.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." JJ runs his hand over his head, messing his hair up. "I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't jeopardize your school like that."
"Not jeopardizing it anymore than I am." Y/N chuckles. "Plus, school system sucks anyway. Don't give too many shits."
"Are you okay?" JJ asks, his concerned father side overtaking him as he observes the injuries on her face. He brushes her hair back to get a better look at them, thumb lightly grazing over the black eye.
"Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. They look worse." Y/N grins.
"Yes, they do." JJ proudly laughs.
"So, am I grounded?" Y/N asks.
"No. No, you're never grounded for standing up for yourself." JJ reassures. "Ice cream?"
"Rocky road." Y/N immediately lights up making JJ softly smile at her.
"Rocky road it is, princess." JJ promises, kissing her on the head.
He opens the passenger door for her and she climbs in, JJ shutting it after she's in. He throws her backpack into the bed of the truck, going over to the other side and getting in, starting the engine.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel @ironmaiden1313
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queenshelby · 8 months
NOTE: This is a series of one shots and mini series for Cillian Murphy & Tommy Shelby in which he acts totally off-canon. Most of these shots are very dark in nature and you should read their individual warnings. All of these shots are requests from readers. Co-written with @darkshelbyfiction! ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER 18. MINORS DNI.
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"Hey sweetie" Cillian said as he came to your bedroom. You were playing with your stuffies and smiled awkwardly. 
"Can I come in?" he asked, peeking his head around the doorframe. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.
He entered cautiously, his eyes scanning the walls, floors, and furniture, as if assessing the potential hiding places of the young girl within. His gaze finally found you sitting in the corner, cradling your stuffed animals.
His face split into a grin, revealing sharp, perfect teeth, and his voice softened. "How is my sweet girl today? Are you well?" Cillian continued, reaching out to put some loose hair behind your ear.
"I am good daddy," you replied, your cheeks blushing red.
"That's good sweetie," he said as his fingers brushed against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You could feel his gaze on you, burning hot and heavy.
"Daddy was wondering whether you wanted to play with his little friend for a bit?" Cillian said, winking at you. You looked up at him, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
"Just like we usually do when you are being a good girl for daddy," Cillian cooed, reaching down to stroke your hair gently. "And if you hold nice and still for daddy, you can even have a lollipop," he added, pulling a large, sticky candy from his pocket.
You gazed at it hungrily, your mouth watering at the sight of the colorful treat. The promise of sweet relief made your heart race with excitement.
"Okay daddy, but just for a little bit," you agreed, smiling excitedly. With trembling hands, you reached forward to take the offered lollipop. The tangy sweetness of the hard candy filled your mouth, making your heart pitter-patter faster.
"Now let's get comfy, honey," Cillian murmured, taking your hand to lead you over to the bed. His grip on your arm felt firm yet gentle, as if he knew precisely how much pressure to apply without causing any discomfort. You felt a strange sense longing as you followed him across the room.
Your body tensed up as you climbed onto the mattress, the familiar scent of clean sheets enveloping you. Cillian's eyes never left you as he carefully unbuckled his belt,his movements slow and deliberate. You tried not to watch, but your gaze kept straying back to the way his jeans hung low on his hips, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of the firm flesh beneath.
"Alright, sweetheart, let's make sure you're comfortable," Cillian murmured, adjusting the pillows behind your back. His touch was gentle, his fingertips tracing lines along your arms and shoulders. You couldn't help but shiver at the sensation, your breath coming out in short, ragged gasps.
"That's good," Cillian praised through gritted teeth, reaching up to push your pink PJ shirt upwards to reveal your breasts. You didn't resist, the fabric sliding away easily under his deft touch. You could almost hear the soft thrumming of your pulse quickening in your veins.
"You're so beautiful," Cillian murmured, running his calloused fingers over your exposed chest. You flushed bright red, the tips of your nipples hardening under his attentive gaze. He leaned in closer, his warm breath tickling your neck as he spoke.
"Daddy will take off your panties now, okay?" Cillian whispered softly into your ear, his hot breath making you squirm. You nodded in agreement, biting your lip to stop yourself from moaning. "Good girl," he mumbled, lifting your hips slightly to slide your cotton underwear down your legs.
"Daddy needs to check something real quick," Cillian said, his eyes roaming over your naked body. "Does Daddy's little princess need to pee?"
A small whimper escaped your lips, and you shook your head.
"Okay," Cillian whispered, his breath hot against your cheek. "But I want you to promise me you won't lie about it, okay? Just tell me the truth."
"I promise, Daddy ," you managed to squeak out, your throat tightening. You could sense his gaze burning hot and heavy on your skin, and you felt the weight of his trust resting heavily on your shoulders.
Sighing deeply, Cillian seemed to relax his stance a bit. "Okay then," he murmured, caressing your thigh tenderly.
"Do you want your teddy while daddy plays hide and seek in his special place with his little friend?" Cillian asked, flashing another grin. He crawled onto the bed beside you, his muscled frame looming over you. Your heart raced at the sight of him so close, his cologne filling your nostrils.
"Mmm... yeah," you stammered, pointing to your favorite bear on the floor. Cillian scooped it up and placed it into your arms while you sucked on your lollipop. 
"There you go, angel. Now you can focus on our game," he said as he slid his pants down, revealing his stiff cock. 
"Daddy's little friend is very excited and ready to visit your special place again," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Your heart pounded in your chest, your gaze locked on the throbbing member before you. It was so thick and veiny, standing proud and erect, begging for attention. You swallowed excitedly, shifting on the bed.
"It's okay, baby," Cillian cooed, stroking your cheek with one hand. "Just keep sucking on your lollipop, and Daddy will make you feel good," he said and with a nod, you clung tighter to your fluffy bear, its soft fur comforting you through the fog of confusion swirling within your brain.
"Daddy's little friend is ready to visit your special place now," he whispered huskily, easing himself closer until his erection brushed against your inner thigh. Your breath hitched in surprise and all you could think about was what was happening and how deliciously sinful it felt. You wanted to say something but only a moan escaped as, inside you, something was hungry for the forbidden fruit hanging just beyond reach.
"Hold on tight to your bear, sweetheart," Cillian breathed, his warm breath hitting your neck as the head of his cock pressed against your entrance.
He pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance, testing the waters. Your heart hammered in your chest, and you gripped your bear tightly as you waited for the inevitable pleasure. 
"You're doing great," Cillian murmured, slowly pushing deeper. You could feel him stretching you open, widening the walls of your precious hole. Each thrust pushed you further apart, forcing you to accept the foreign intruder. 
You gripped your bear harder, its soft fur rubbing against your palms, providing comfort amidst the chaos as you swallowed a moan. You stared at the ceiling, trying to distract yourself from the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body. This roleplay excited you beyond belief and you did not want to cum just yet. Unfortunately for you however, Cillian's performance made it rather difficult for you to keep calm.
"Relax, sweetheart," Cillian whispered, brushing a lock of hair from your forehead. "Daddy wants to make you feel good," he told you convincingly and his words echoed in your ears, taunting you. How could this feel so wrong, yet so unbelievably right? You shifted restlessly, craving more contact despite the guilt gnawing at your conscience.
Every thrust sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through you, each withdrawal leaving you yearning for more. The constant cycle of release and tease drove you insane, like a drug addict needing their fix.
"Daddy's little friend loves visiting your special place, doesn't he?" Cillian chuckled as you moaned loudly, his cock pulsating within you. Each word from his dirty mouth spewed fire, fueling the inferno raging between your thighs. 
"It's like playing hide and seek, isn't it?" Cillian purred, his deep voice vibrating against your sensitive skin.
"Oh my god," you groaned, your pussy clenching involuntarily. You knew better than to say anything else, not wanting him to stop and, as he began to withdraw, you cried out, desperate for more. Cillian smirked wickedly, thrusting back into you, his cock driving deeper than ever before.
"That's it, baby. Let daddy's little friend explore your little hole," Cillian murmured, his voice smooth and seductive. 
"Daddy, your little friend is sooo hard!" you moaned, arching your back as Cillian plunged deeper. Your body screamed with delight, every nerve ending firing in ecstasy.
"Yes, baby! That's it!" Cillian growled, his thrusts becoming more frenzied. He grabbed your knees, spreading them wide apart as he pumped into you relentlessly.
"Oooohh, Daddy!" you screamed, your orgasm building rapidly. The walls of your precious flower quivered, gripping Cillian's cock tightly.
'Are you going to do cummies for me sweetie?' Cillian asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes daddy," you whimpered, squeezing your bear tightly. Your heart raced, and you felt the wetness seeping through your thighs.
"Good girl," Cillian purred, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
"I am cumming, daddy!" you cried out, your body convulsing as your orgasm ripped through you. You squeezed your bear tightly, its plush fur damp with sweat. 
"Such a good girl," Cillian murmured, thrusting deeper. You cried out, your body convulsing in pleasure.
"Daddy is going to do cummies now too, okay?"Cillian whispered in your ear, his warm breath setting you ablaze.
"Oh yes, Daddy," you moaned, your insides melting from the sheer force of his dominance.
"You have been taking your little pill, haven't you sweetheart?" Cillian asked.
"Yes daddy," you confirmed. "You can do cummies inside me," you teased him.
"Good girl," Cillian praised, continuing to pump into you relentlessly. "Now Daddy's little friend is going to fill you up, just like he loves to do."
With a final, triumphant surge, Cillian buried his cock inside you, his balls slapping against your ass with a noise like thunderclaps. His groin muscles flexed and he groaned loudly, his face contorting wildly. Then, with a last agonized cry, he shot his load inside of you.
"You did so well for me, sweetie," he then said as he pulled out, leaving you with a gaping hole, his seed leaking out of you.
"Daddy will clean you up, now. Just hold still, okay? It is important to keep your special place nice and clean" Cillian promised, climbing off the bed. He returned moments later with a warm washcloth, gently wiping away the evidence of your taboo encounter.
"Feel better, honey?" Cillian asked, his tone softer than before. You nodded, too overwhelmed to speak.
"Good girl," he praised, handing you a fresh pair of panties. You hesitated, glancing warily at him. "I like when you are so obedient for me," he told you before, eventually, letting down his guard.
"Damn Cills, you really do deserve that Oscar. That was so fucking hot," you told him, smiling at him with a wicked grin.
"Watch your little potty mouth or daddy might need to spank you," he winked before cleaning himself up as well and the breaking out in a chuckle. 
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writinground2 · 1 year
List 2: 70 and 73 with McCabe❤️
70 - I like that about you
73 - you do have a stupid face
Stupid Face - Katie McCabe
“I’ll trade you my orange slices for your cookie,” Y/N held her plate out with the orange slices to the group of young kids around her, “come on, they’re super strict during season, I gotta sneak all the extra snacks I can.”
The girls all giggled, but adamantly shook their heads about making a trade. Y/N sighed and made a show of begrudgingly eating her orange slices. She bit into one, leaving the peel to cover her teeth and made funny faces to the group, “you guys missed out.” 
Katie watched across the lunchroom while Y/N kept her group entertained. She wasn’t having any of the same luck, all the girls in her group didn’t seem to like her, they swarmed to Caitlin. 
The Arsenal team was having an event with one of the underprivileged after school programs in the area. They were hosting girls and gender diverse people of all ages for the day. The players paired up and were in groups with the kids, leading them through drills on the pitch. They had already done a morning session and were currently having lunch, before getting to go back out for a scrimmage with the players for the afternoon. 
Katie thought she was good with kids, but apparently not so much. She sighed as she looked around the room, noticing all the other players seemed to be getting on great in their groups. Y/Ns all seemed to be hanging off her every word and action. As soon as she stood up to put her tray away, everyone at her table scrambled to put theirs away too. 
Y/N called attention to the rest of the room, informing everyone they would be starting back on the pitch in fifteen minutes, asking everyone to clean up behind them before making their way outside. 
The youth all followed her direction, putting their garbage where it belonged and tucked their chairs in before leaving the cafeteria. 
Everyone was directed around the pitch for a warmup before they would start a few mini scrimmage games against all the players. 
Y/N wandered around with an armful of different colour pinnies, distributing them at random to everyone on the pitch. 
The field was split into four sections, each section would have a scrimmage on it, winning team would stay, while the losing team would move to another pitch. Y/N sent an Arsenal player with each colour pinnie to separate pitch to help sort the teams. 
Calling everyone to the centre, Y/N explained what the rotation would be and that everyone would need to stay with their team colour for the afternoon, “now, the first team to have their whole team together, gets to start the first game with three goals! Go!” 
All the youth took off in search of their respective colour, the Arsenal players each calling for their team to find them. It was chaos while all the kids frantically searched for the right colour pinnies. 
Thankfully Katie wouldn’t oversee a team, she would be helping with a few other players to ref the games and help rotate everyone around the pitch. 
As the last few youths found their team, they all started yelling that they won, a few cheering victoriously before Y/N had a chance to announce who had actually won. 
Y/N pretended to look like she was thinking about it for a minute, looking at each team. “I don’t know, that was pretty close. Katie, who do you think won?” 
Katie blushed at being the centre of attention, she normally didn’t mind it, but after having such a rotten morning with the kids, she didn’t want to make it worse by choosing the wrong team. 
“You’re having a really good hair day Y/N!” Caitlin called, trying to encourage her team being chosen. 
“Y/N I think every day is a good hair day for you,” Leah called from the pitch over, sticking her tongue out at the Aussie in rebuttal. 
Y/N laughed and listened while the Arsenal players all called out compliments to her, some of the youth joining in as well. 
“You have a great face!” was called from one of the youngest kids. 
“I do have a great face! Thank you!” Y/N called back, “red team with the win!” 
The team with red pinnies jumped up and down, celebrating the small win. 
The Arsenal players that were acting as refs for the games called their pitches together to get the games started. 
Y/N wandered over to where Katie was talking to one of the youths and both seemed to be upset. 
“I don’t like you and your stupid face!” the girl shouted at the brunette before turning to storm towards Y/N. 
Y/N intercepted her to see what happened. The girl explained Katie had sent her to sit on the sideline for being too rough with another younger player. Y/N school her features to not laugh at the irony of Katie telling someone they were too rough. 
“We’re all here to have fun today kiddo. Katie wasn’t saying you’re done for the day just that sometimes players need a minute to cool off, so they play better,” Y/N knelt to be the same height, waiting for the girl to nod, “alright, why don’t you go sit with your team for a bit and when you’re ready you can play again.”
The girl gave Y/N a small nod. Y/N smiled and walked her over to where the rest of her team was, “how about after the games are done, we go give Katie an apology for yelling at her?”
She seemed to think about it for a second but gave Y/N a small nod. 
“Good choice,” Y/N gave her a high five and the left the team to it. 
“She’s right you know,” Katie gave her a strange look as they cleaned up the pitch at the end of the day, “you do have a stupid face.”
Katie rolled her eyes. She knocked the cones out of Y/N’s hands and went to pounce on her, but Y/N took off before she could. 
“You didn’t let me finish!” she called over her shoulder. 
Katie caught up to her and scooping her up and jokingly throwing her to the ground. Y/n wriggled around until she was on top. 
“I was going to say you do have a stupid face,” she pinched both of Katies cheeks, “but I like that about you.”  
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diejager · 6 months
hi so big fan :D, im terribly obsessed with literally all of your cod fics but oh my god stepdad könig + horangi drives me nuts-
just wanted to throw an idea in your brain because i cant stop thinking about it but imagine if reader used to go braless around the house (because its just her n mom) but after the introduction of 2 new unfamiliar guys in the house she puts on a bra when she leaves her room (but she also forgets sometimes and they call her a tease for it)
With time however, with all the fucking and the constant attention horangi and könig have been giving her nipples, theyre so fucking sensitive she like shudders when they scrape on surfaces on accident (ex. the edge of a table, fabric of her clothes) so she starts wearing a bra all the time to stop that from happening but könig and horangi don't like that so they take ALL her bras-
oh also another idea that popped up but what if reader who usually dresses rather tomboyish/masc also occasionally enjoys wearing very fem/provocative outfits. BUT könig and horangi have only ever seen reader wear masc outfits since theyve known each other. reader still wears her fem outfits but now she wears it under a bulky jacket and baggy jeans and changes out of it in uni/public toilet.
so like one day horangi is out and has to do a double take on reader out in public because they dont recognize them in their outfit (ex. a form-fitting sundress or a mini skirt with sheer tights and cute leg warmers) and he remembers reader leaving the house in something else. fuck i just know könig and horangi are going to get SOOOO many ideas on how to punish reader for that.
any ways thats it from me love ya <3
Hii, I looked at your illustrations and I LOVE them, they’re all so clean and nice.
Cw: DARKFIC, STEPCEST, DUB-CON/NON-CON, smut, size kink, possessive behaviour, delusional, tell me if I missed any.
König used to enjoy stripping you, the act of ripping your bra off and watch your breasts sway from his rough treatment. There was something empowering to it, a show of dominance and possession over you when he could strip you naked under him or watch Horangi straddle you and pull your shirt and bra off, sliding your panties down your thighs. He found pleasure in doing so when you walked around in baggy clothes, hiding your shape and curves from his hungry eyes, it was like unwrapping a long-awaited present that he’d been teased with for so, so long.
If he was especially lucky, he’d find you without a bra, your perky nipples pressing against his chest or peaking under your shirt, two small and hard nubs that tempted him with the prospect of something sweet to bite and suck. He liked admiring them, all swollen and slick with his or Horangi’s saliva, spitting or letting drool fall on your tits while they fucked you, marking your sensitive skin with the indentation of their teeth and dark splotches all across your chest. You always whined about it hurting, pushing them away with frail arms, fighting with weak hits and slow kicks. What you thought would be a deterrent, was fuel to their growing hunger, they were men who liked the fight, the struggle, a prey that wouldn’t fall too easily.
But now, he was growing annoyed that you always wore a bra, like an incessant pest that slowed him down from getting to his prize, even Horangi had complained about it and how intricate your choice of bra straps you bought, all the complicated knots and crosses that made their job much harder than it should when they were pleasuring you. How could you make it so difficult for them? They always made you come, their thick girth splitting you in half and filling you in hot and bitter cum. They tried talking you out of wearing bras, but in your rebellious phase, you glared and ignored their words. There wasn’t much they could do to convince you to stop wearing them, there wasn’t truly anything they could hold against you. So they took them away, making you ask for them if you wanted to wear one and it had to be reasonable.
It seemed that you didn’t like their decision, coming to them for a bra every two day to go out, it left them watching you walk out the door in nothing but jeans, a shirt under your jacket, headphones holding your cap down and a backpack slung over your shoulder, hanging low on your back. It irked him that you always hid your beautiful body, something you should be proud of showing off, but perhaps it was to keep your body for themselves, to dance and writhe in your nude for them only, a treasure that only König and Horangi were privy to. He figured it was something he should be proud of.
Then Horangi told him how he found you in a short skirt and a shirt that rode up your abdomen and showed your pretty bra if you raised your arms, the soft jacket you left home slung around your shoulders, dipping low enough to show your back, but your jeans, shirt and cap were gone, stuffed in the now-filled bag. König couldn’t help but mimic the deep sneer on Horangi’s face, teeth tearing into his lip at your audacity of wearing such promiscuous attire for the world to see and hiding yourself from them. It made them wrathful, a deep-seated anger and envy that boiled until you got home, changed into the same baggy clothes you left with. This warranted a punishment, to teach you a lesson about lying to them and holding out on them. 
“Come here, du scheiß Gör,” König growled, glaring at your shuddering figure. [you fucking brat.]
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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polarspaz · 2 years
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Rebooting/tweaking the Shattered AU!
So the Joker kidnap's Tim and tries to twist the young man into a reflection of himself. For half month Tim endures constant torture while being jacked up on Joker Toxin. It's unlike anything Tim has experienced, he's in agony and wants it to stop, but at the same time, he would rather die than let the Joker know anything.
And thus JJ is born. JJ can handle pain, in fact he finds it absolutely hilarious! He plays along with Joker, takes on his mannerisms and lethality, but in reality, JJ HATES the Joker. With every single, tiny, microscopic, fiber of his being.
So when the Joker finally presents JJ to a horrified Batfamily, he is completely unprepared for JJ’s frenzied lunge for him instead. Laughing manically, JJ manages to tear out one of Joker's eyes and stab him several times in the chest, before Dick and Jason can pull him off. Batman manages to stabilize Joker, saving his life, but JJ is not happy.
"I'm already broken Batsy!" JJ screams as he jerks against his brothers' hold on him against the ground. "Just let me KILL HIM! LET.ME.KILL.HIM!"
JJ/Tim know they are fucked up for life. There is no going back from this, so they feel they are expendable. Batman can never go against his code and JJ/Tim accept this, so to keep Bruce's hands clean, JJ will will dirty his hands instead.
So after this, every time Joker escapes Arkham, Tim has to be literally locked away. If they don't, JJ will escape and try to kill the Joker. Kon comes in with a solution and offers to take Tim with him to the Kent farm until the affair is over. With both the distances and Kon's TK, he's able to help Tim keep JJ under control. ((It also helps that Tim adores Kon and would never hurt him, thus JJ would never hurt Kon.))
Tim is in control most of the time, but JJ tends to come out when things get too intense, or life threatening. JJ is a big part of Tim's survival instinct, without him, Tim would just give up and die. So when Tim is faced with extreme pain, JJ will take over and end the situation as quickly as possible.
JJ likes Batman and the rest of the Batfamily but he also loves creeping them out. He’s a bit vindicated and brutally honest, but he will also do ANYTHING to save his family and friends, although it will be violent and horrifying.
((Tim takes on the new hero persona of Shrike. More experienced villans like, Two-Face and Penguin, handle Tim more cautiously now. They know how dangerous and unpredictable Joker can be, so pissing off a mini version of him is not good idea.))
((Two-face actually develops a fascination with Shrike, seeing how the other is also suffering from split personality disorder, but unlike him, Shrike seems to be in balance. Meanwhile Ra's Al Ghoul is planning for a way to twist Tim/JJ even, smooth the edges so to speak, take the insanity out, but keep the deadly edge in.))
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kleftiko · 1 year
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cw: mature, early seasons spencer, loss of virginity, soft sex, fem!reader, praise, mentions of alcohol
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“hey, spence. it’s late.”
his eyes dart down to your chest, words stuck in his throat but you don’t seem to mind. instead you continue to dab your shirt, holding open the door and turning your back as you head in to allow him to follow you into your hotel room.
the plush duvet folds under your weight as you sit on the bed, spencer stands awkwardly eyeing the table beside the fridge.
“you were drinking?” he asks.
you chuckle a bit and motion to your wet shirt. “i was trying, but the mini bar had other ideas.”
his nimble fingers pick up the small bottle, briefly glancing over the label before bringing it to his nose and grimacing at the smell.
“didn’t know you like whiskey.” he says.
“spencer.” you lean back on your hands, eyes trailing over his lanky frame and combed back hair. “what are you doing here?”
“am i not welcome?”
“you’re always welcome,” you shake your head. “if you let me know why. we’re flying back home in the morning, something bothering you?”
spencer attempts to place the bottle back on the table, but his clumsy fingers knock it over, causing a disruptive sound to ricochet through the room as the glass comes in contact with the wood. he awkwardly tries to catch it, placing it back up right and taking his hands far away from it.
the boy’s gaze moves back towards you, his mouth opening to answer your question when he looks back down at your chest and flushes, turning his head towards the door.
“don’t you want to change your shirt?” he asks.
the dark fabric clings to your skin, highlighting your silhouette and putting your tits on display.
“it’s my room.” you say and stand up. he doesn’t look towards you.
“i can’t imagine wet fabric that reeks of alcohol being preferred to a clean and warm shir—“
“—spence.” you cut him off, standing in front of him. “what’s wrong?”
his focus flickers to your face for a split second.
“nothing is wrong, i just… i was thinking…”
your instinct is to pull a joke at his words, but with his demeanour you could tell this was really bugging him, so you refrain.
“about?” you prompt softly.
“you…” his fingers travel back to the mini whiskey bottle, tinkering with it. “i’ve been thinking of you a lot lately…”
you couldn’t help the small smile that tugs at your lips.
“you have?” it comes out in a soft tone, and spencer nods. “what about me?”
you had an idea as to what has been bugging spencer. with the warm weather finally making a comeback, morgan has been going on his yearly appreciation rants about spring break. women having fun and warm weather we’re two of his favourite things, the sex that usually leads to that was just a bonus.
everyone figured spencer hadn’t had an experience like that, not having gone through the typical childhood, after all. and it didn’t take a room full of profilers to notice the way his eyes stayed on you for a second longer than everyone else.
spencer sighs.
“morgan said i should just go for it.” he mumbles.
you take a step closer to him, looking up through your lashes at his handsome face. “i agree with him.”
you see his adam’s apple bob from a harsh gulp.
“can—can i kiss you?” he whispers.
you nod your head.
and his lips are soft. spencer is so gentle and awkward as he kisses you that it’s you who grabs his hands and guides them to your hips. it seems he has a hard time touching you and kissing you at the same time, alternating between the two every few seconds and setting a choppy pace. you feel him start to get angry with himself at not being able to do both at once.
you pull away. “it’s okay, spencer.”
“i’m sorry, i’m new to this.” he rambles quickly and you giggle, taking his hand and pulling him to sit on the bed.
you take the place next to him and look into his eyes, bringing his hand back to your waist.
“you can do whatever you want.” you give him permission.
his hands start to wander your body. those curious fingers that clumsily knocked over the whiskey now exploring the curves of your body. his focus followed his hands, and you watch his face, smiling at the look of wonder on his face as his touch travelled higher up.
when they reach your face, his hands cup your jaw and he pulls you slowly towards him. you hum softly into his mouth, getting lost in his gentleness.
it’s not longer before you find yourself pressed up against his body, enjoying your own exploration of him until you come down to his pants.
“do you want to continue?” you ask him after feeling his hard on.
spencer gulps a bit, but nods. “please, if you’ll let me.”
you smile at him and move back, finally taking off your wet shirt, his eyes once again zone in on your chest. he reaches out a tentative hand, and when he doesn’t get a slap on the wrist he touches your skin.
it gives him a surge of confidence and he goes back to kiss you. the make out session staying slow but heating up as you two began to undress each other, both looking with wonder at each other’s bare bodies.
you find him mounted on top of you as you lay on the soft duvet, his fingers between your legs as he listens to the noises you make.
“how are you so good at this?” you gasp, eyes screwed shut.
“the clitoris has over 10 000 nerve endings, more than any other part of your—”
you kiss him, not meaning to shut him up but you just couldn’t help it, he was too cute.
he lets out a small whine when you pull away from him, and you can’t help but coo as you grab a packet from the nightstand.
“don’t worry, spence, it’s not over.”
he breaths a sigh of relief, allowing you to roll the condom onto him before you fall onto your back again.
“are you sure about this?” he asks, grabbing the base of his dick to line up with you. you nod.
“please, spencer, if you’ll let me.”
your eyes close in content as he fills you up.
“you feel so good.” you mumble, and he pulls back a bit to thrust softly.
you don’t hold back on noises, wanting spencer to feel confident that he’s doing a good job.
“w-wow.” he gasps.
“i know, baby, i know.” you reach your hand up to card through his hair. “you’re doing so good.”
he picks up the pace again, breaths becoming heavy as he gets the hang of making himself feel good.
you feel him going quick, muttering about being close as you tell him, “you’re making me feel so good, spencer. please cum, i want you to feel good, too.”
he groans your name, voice catching in his throat as he cums into the condom, but he doesn’t stop. you hear his pained noises of over stimulation as he continues his thrusting.
“spencer, what are you doing?” you ask, a bit concerned.
“you didn’t cum. ‘need to make you feel good, too.” he mumbles.
“oh, baby, no.” you go to kiss his lips, drawing his attention away from thrusting as he melts into you. “you made me feel so good already, this night is about you.”
“—no buts.” you give him another kiss. “lay down with me now, you need rest.”
you can tell he wants to argue some more, but his body betrays him, falling into your embrace as you hold him.
“you did so good, spencer.” you reassure him, fingers in his hair as you coax him to relax.
“i did?” he asks, tone unbelieving.
you kiss his forehead. “so, so good.”
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