#mini Daemon x mini Rhaenyra
ammmyturtle · 10 months
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Viserys II Targaryen x Visenya Targaryen before their wedding XD
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lanaisdoe · 2 years
Daemon seeing his wifey Queen make the epic entrance like she did those many years ago, making Otto shit his pants a little again :D
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...So it all begins with an extremely nervous Daemon pacing back and forth on the bridge, getting mentally ready for a face off with Otto again
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Unlike those many years ago, this time Daemon DOESN'T greet him at all and just stares at him, annoyed. Daemon's just 1000% done with Otto's shit :D
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And that's when Otto provocatively asks Daemon about ' where' s princess Rhaenyra?'
and Daemon STILL doesn't answer, but gives Otto a "Just you wait" stare as his wifey shows up right behind him, arriving on a dragon, like those many years ago
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he looks up at her, with kind of reverence and worship
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he's so proud of her, and so happy, he gives Otto the see THAT, Otto-cunt, THAT'S my wifey and my QUEEN, take that bitch >>>
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just look at his PROUD husband little smirk as he's looking at Otto >>
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it was like here he felt she was the same chaotic dragon as he was, that they were on the same page, two pieces of one whole
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they were there, the two of them against Otto, 'Daemon+Rhae against the world'
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he was proud and sure they were gonna destroy the little shit Otto once and for all
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Daemon kept constantly checking for Rhae's reaction to basically everything Otto said
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^ the disgust on his face when... "drunken usurper cunt of king" - and i will say no more :D
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Checking for her reaction again... Daemon understood Otto's game right from the beginning, just like young Rhaenyra did. But older Rhaenyra has more to lose, is now more numb and feels more responsibility, all of which now cloud her vision....
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^ Otto right after he's given the Alicent page to Rhaenyra, manipulating her emotionally >>> he immediately shots this look at Daemon, even Otto knew Daemon knew he was manipulating his wife, OF COURSE DAEMON UNDERSTOOD what OTTO was doing, that made him mad, too
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But unfortunately Otto's game worked on Rhaenyra this time, and she stopped Daemon... i couldn't bear the devastated disappointed look on his face at that point actually, like a hurt puppy... he was defeated again, this ep 1x10 was mostly just Daemon's losses and him countlessly being subdued when feeling the need to act, and Rhaenyra's numbness and depression, subduing herself...
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He just wanted to PROTECT her and THEIR FAMILY, he SAW Otto for who he really was and his manipulations, just like he had once seen through his manipulation of Viserys, but whyyyy was Rhaenyra so blind this time :"(
Anyway, Daemon didn't question it, he turned around and again followed Rhaenyra like a puppy...
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It was also kinda heartbreaking as a scene...
Cuz the overall feeling and emotional storm of this episode 1x10 that was going on on the background the whole time was in my opinion PUTTING OUT/LOSS of Daemon and Rhaenyra's FIRE....:
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Visery's death, early labour, baby Visenya's death, Rhaenys's warning of Greens coming for their necks sent Daemon and Rhaenyra both on their own emotional journey and turmoil, and this was probably the FIRST and so far the ONLY time him and her were NOT on the same page, both due to fear:
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devastated, broken, empty, scared Rhaenyra... having just lost their baby Visenya, unable to imagine losing others in the upcoming war, refusing to entertain the idea of war seriously, hoping for and deluding herself with peace, refusing to believe Greens would actually want to hurt her or her family (despite Rhaenys openly warning them about this and Daemon having understood that long ago), in her depression and numbness believing Daemon simply liked war and wanted it cuz it excited him or that he'd gone mad, considering his actions and his suspecting of Greens kinda irrational (even before she'd mentioned on several occasions she did not believe Alicent would mean her harm or that Greens would want to kill/hurt them and their family...),
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in her inner pain, paralyzed by the recent events she's unable to see through Otto's game, it almost seems like Daemon's need and call for action is tiring her, as if she'd forgotten how horribly she'd been treated by the greens in KL during the 10 year no-Daemon period... Her fire is out and she's just done with everything and wants to rest, closing eyes before any danger despite warnings coming from all sides
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and we have a devastated, frustrated, helpless, feeling useless, scared Daemon.... he was fearing his family's doom at the hands of the Greens, he was frustrated about Rhaenyra not wanting to see it, he was furious with her refusing to act when so much was at stake, he knew peace was never gonna be an option and he felt they were wasting valuable time...
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he saw that after their baby's death his Rhaenyra's fire was out and he himself was struggling, but they still had A LOT to lose, i think he might've been low-key blaming her for endangering their family by her inactions and feeling useless himself at the same time cuz he wasn't allowed to act to protect them by striking first without her approval either... his hands were tied and he couldn't make her SEE (hence the choking/shaking sense into her kinda scene)...
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So yeah...
But thank god, at the end of the ep it seemed like for the FIRST TIME since the beginning of ep 10, Daemon and Rhaenyra WERE FINALLY ON THE SAME PAGE AGAIN, understanding each other and wanting the same thing, I think that was also the symbolism of the two of them, holding hands, staring into the fire together.
"They were always meant to burn together..."
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mochimaster · 2 years
is there any headcanons you would share about daemyra?
Headcanon: While yes Rhaenyra was always naturally very fiery, had a rebellious streak and all round was just a second female coming of Daemon (at least that's what Viserys thought) she was also always very maternal too. Aemma picked up on that very early on, the way Rhaenyra cared for Syrax, how spoiled the dragon was because Rhaenyra babied her so much from the moment she was a hatchling.
Rhaenyra would often times talk about what she would name her own future children when Aemma would spend time with her before bed,
"I'll have a boy named Viserys, just like Kepa and I'll have a girl named Visenya because she'll be beautiful and powerful and my littlest Princess will be named Aemma, like you Muna."
Aemma smiles, stroking her daughters platinum hair gently, "well that's very sweet, I would love that, I know your father would too... no little Princeling named after your uncle Daemon?"
Rhaenyra looks at her with a sleepy grin, giggling happily, "he's their Kepa!" She exclaims, as if Aemma should already know this future fact, her little voice grows quieter with a yawn, "he'll want to name one of our babes Aegon anyway."
It's in that moment Aemma knows her daughter is absolutely and utterly stuck on her uncle Daemon.
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afro-hispwriter · 2 months
A Betrayal No More(final)
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen/Velaryon!reader
Summary- Aemond has been thrown into the dungeons just hours after your death, but the blacks need Aemond and Aemond needs you. 
Warnings- angst ending with fluff, mentions of torture, murder, battle of the gullet comes wayy faster than it actually does lol, dragon death
Part 3 of the Betrayal mini-series 1 2
Aemond was thrown into the dungeons along with Criston. They quickly found out that wasn't a wise idea since it ended up with Aemond almost choking the man out. 
He's not sure how long he'd been down there but he's been questioned a lot. But Criston on the other hand has been tortured, daily. He heard his screams of pain, and it made Aemond cringe. That man was the closest thing to a father he ever had but he was also the same man who killed the love of his life in front of him, however many days it's been since. 
Aemond thought they were going to starve him out but those thoughts were soon erased when Daemon Targaryen himself. His uncle, and father of his late love, came down and opened his cell door. Daemon glared harshly at his nephew, tightening his jaw and fist.
"Come boy." He demands but Aemond doesn't move, just sits there and looks at him wearily. "A hot bath and food has been prepared for you." Aemond cocks his head to the side before standing up.
"Preparing me for my execution?" 
"Every day I have the urge to come down here and cut your head off and send it to your family. But the queen says if it's true you are here to bend the knee, we need you." Daemon steps out of the way but Aemond still hesitates. "We don't have all day." 
"Hmm, lead the way." Aemond has only been to Dragon Stone maybe less than a handful of times. Daemon started his descent to the stairs with Aemond in tow. 
"Letting your daughter's killer out Daemon?" Gasps out Cristion making both men stop. 
"I guess you have gone mad Criston, you will never know freedom again." Daemon spits out and continued his way up the stairs. 
Aemond kept space between him and his uncle. There was still a chance this was all a trick and he was being led to his execution. But no. Daemon opened the door and the hot steam hit them both in the face. 
"Enjoy," Daemon says and Aemond walks through and Daemon shuts the door. A pretty servant girl appeared.
"Would you like assistance with bathing my prince?" She asks and Aemond shakes his head no. She nods and gives a bow before leaving. Once Aemond knew he was alone he started discarding the clothes he had on. He still had dried blood on his hands. Her blood. It made him sick to his stomach. 
Aemond settled into the water and sighed deeply. The warmth was very welcoming after being in a cold cell for days.
He wasn't sure how long he was in there but his fingers started to prune and the water started going cold. He scrubbed his skin quickly, dirt and mud from the cells had already turned the water dark and the blood made it worse.
His hair was a lost cause. He could wash out the gunk but it would be a frizzy mess. He stepped out of the bath cautiously and grabbed the towel. He dried himself off and the cold air made him shiver. His wet hair not helping so he tied it up in a low bun. 
The clothes given were a simple white tunic and a pair of pants, his boots from before would have to do. 
Aemond stepped out of the room refreshed. A guard in the hall came up to him.
"The Queen has asked for your presence." He says and Aemond gives a nod. They both walk to the map room where the other half of his family is. 
Baela noticed him first, she had a hard glare on her face. Rhaenys saw him but kept her face neutral, demoted of any emotion. Rhaena was absent. Luke and Rhaenyra stood together, while Jace stood off to the side fists clenched and fresh tear streaks on his face. 
Daemon's hand was tightly gripped on his sword. He also seemed to have taken a bath but his red fists were clear as day.
"We have a meal for you, brother," Rhaenyra says and Aemond says the plate of hot food with a cup of wine. He slowly walked down the steps, one by one until he was behind the chair. The smell enticed him so much, he pushed the chair back and sat in it. Digging into the food greedily. 
They watched him eat, everyone in that room had mixed emotions about him. Some found him guilty, some blamed him, others knew they needed him. 
"Vermithor was last confirmed to be seen crossing the Stepstones and there are reports they saw him carrying something." Aemond stopped eating at the mention of the dragon. 
"Any guesses as to where he is going?" 
"Valyria," Luke says and Aemond sees others in the room sigh or shake their heads. "Maybe Vermithor knows something we don't."
"He's never been to Valyria, none of our dragons have Luke," Jace says.
"But he's still a dragon, that's where his and our ancestors originated." 
"That doesn't explain why he would take Y/n there." Aemond snaps at the boy and Rhaenyra grabs Luke’s hand. "After this is done, I'm going to look for them." 
"What makes you think you're leaving?" Daemon asks and he takes a step closer Aemomd drops his spoon and sits back. 
"You have me and Vhagar now, you can have throne by lunch." Aemond took a bite of his food again.
"We kept you in the dungeons too long. Your grandfather has gotten the support of the Triacrhy and they attacked the Velaryon fleet at the Gullet. 
"You need me to sort it out?" Aemond asks and he downs the wine.
"You and Jace will fly out, using force only if necessary." Rhaenyra and Aemond cracked his knuckles and pushed the chair back.
"Let's go now." He started walking away, not knowing where he would go. But he didn't want to be there.
"Aemond stop," Rhaenyra says and he stops. "You must rest, Daemon is going to take Harrenhall." 
"I will rest when this is over." 
Your eyes shot open and the air rushed back into your lungs giving you a horrible spike of pain. You were rushed with cold then you were burning.
"You're okay Lady Y/n." The voice was loud but it was also so sweet and low. You looked around but you could only see the orange glow of fire and you were clearly in a rock structure. A soft pair of hands wrapped themselves around your back and they slowly helped you sit up. The cloth covering your breasts fell in your lap but you made no effort to grab it again. 
You turned your head slowly to meet with a woman. Her hazel eyes pierced through yours. Her dark hair was shining in the light. 
Your heart started racing and you felt across your body when you felt the scars. One look down and the flashes of the blade going in and out of your abdomen. You remembered the flooding of blood in your mouth and... Aemond.
"Ae-." Your voice barely came out, a tiny squeak at best.
"Rest your voice, my lady, your prince is safe." The woman says and walks away and bends down to grab something. She stands back up and she has clothes in her arms. "Your family needs you." She held her hand out to you and you shakily grab it. She helps you plant your feet on the cold floor and your legs shake, the last piece of cloth falling leaving you naked. "Hold onto the table." 
You slowly turned around and held onto the stone slab. Her hands touched your back and she rubbed her finger along the scars.
"They will heal nicely."
"H-How am I alive?" You ask lowly, she smiles behind you.
"Thank your dragon and the Lord of Light, my lady." 
You've heard of the Lord of Light, but you didn't believe in him. You didn't even believe in the Seven. But as you walked through the temple with Seraphine, the priestess who brought you back, this lord of light seemed to be even more real. 
Seraphine gave you a pair of pants and a black long tunic. Your hair burnt at the edges, ultimately damaging some of your hair. 
"Where is Vermithor?" You were still trying to find your voice.
"He has taken the liberty and made a home in a field feeding on cows." There were two guards standing post in front of the door. One nod from Seraphine and they opened the doors. The bright lights outside made you stumble. A servant of the temple appeared and he held a pouch of food and a canteen of water. “May I ask you something?” 
You nodded.
“What did you see when you passed?” She asks, almost desperately but keeping calm. 
“Nothing. I saw nothing.” You say and she lets out a quick sigh.
"May the Lord of Light guide you" Seraphine says. You took the pouch from the servant and nodded at them.
"Thank you." You say to both Seraphine and the servant, and maybe to R'hollor himself. 
Volantis, that is where you ended up. That is where Vermithor brought you, which confused you. Vermithor has no history of ever being near here, so how did he know to come here?
But the dragon wasn't a hard miss. He lay comfortably in the field. The people of Volantis had started huddling up and pointing at the beast. Some had never seen a dragon or it's been too long. You pushed past them and with one look at your hair and your approach to the dragon, they all backed off and whispered.
"Who is she?"
"Lady Y/n Targaryen? That is her dragon up there."
"But she's supposed to be dead, killed by her lover."
"That has to be Daemon Targaryens eldest."
Vermithor raised his head when he noticed you and raised it to his full height. He then lowered his neck so he could greet you. You reached up and the second you touched his warm, scaly skin you smiled. Smiled hard, you weren't sure how long you had been dead but it felt great.
"I am in debt to you." Vermithor gave a small growl of acknowledgment, the large dragon then showed you his neck so you had access to the ropes of his saddles. "Take me home."
Aemond stood in her bedroom. Memories of the two flooded him. The amount of times he has snuck in here and the times he almost got caught. Her bed was still made since the last time she was there.
It was hard to believe barley a week ago she was begging him to join her. Barley a week since he watched the life leave her eyes the next day.
"Daemon's taken Harrenhall." Jace's voice came from behind him. Aemond turned around to see his nephew in his riding gear and armor. Aemond walks towards him, hair swaying behind him to bump into the boy in front of him. Jace's fists clenched then he relaxed. "I know what your intentions are." Aemond stopped walking. "She wouldn't want you to do that, uncle."
"That is not of your concern, I will look for her regardless of where I am." 
Vhagar is the largest dragon alive. She is a hardened warrior. But that doesn't mean she isn't an easy target for ships, as her old age has made her slower and less agile. Her dragon fire is devastating but it won't do anything if she is shot out of the sky. 
Jace and Vermax focused more on the actual people on the ships rather than destroying the ships. Leaving that to Aemond and Vhagar.
Everything was going well until Aemond witnessed Vermax get caught in a grapple and yanked down. No doubt the dragon's death was immediate. Jace leapt off and crashed into the water and Aemond knew his nephew was in trouble. Vhagar dove and the men on the ships brought their crossbows out.
But before Aemond could yell the word 'Dracarys'. Another dragon swooped in under him and instantly laid waste to the ships. It forced Aemond to pull Vhagars reigns and urge her to stop.
Anyone familiar with any of the dragons can recognize the Bronze Fury. But Aemond was more than familiar with the Bronze Fury. Aemond leaned over Vhagar to catch a glimpse at the dragon flying below. 
The silver hair stood out against everything else. 
Aemond felt his heart skip multiple beats. He blocked out all the chaos, Vhagar maneuvering herself around spears. He is no longer worried about Jace. Aemond gripped the reigns and leaned forward.
"Pikagon(follow), Vhagar!" The dragon dipped down and followed behind Vermithor. Aemond was intent on getting a look at the rider. 
The combination of Vhagar and Vermithor fire destroyed the majority of the fleet. Less than 15 ships remained before white flags were waved and the retreat began. 
Aemond could barely focus, his sole attention on Vermithor. But then the dragon changed direction and flew away. Aemond, with no hesitation, followed. 
Vermithor Landed on a sandbank and Vhagar circled until she landed as well. The dragons stood opposite of each other. Aemond shakily made his way down until his boots hit the sand. The person on Vermithor made the same action. 
Aemond walked forward a few steps and he saw you. He saw you from that great distance. His legs were moving before he could register it. 
"Aemond!" He heard his name come from your voice and it spurred him faster. You had started running too, but Aemonds long legs had him reach you much quicker. You crashed into him but he held himself so he only stumbled. He grabbed your arms and looked at you. He looked you up and down. 
"H-How? I watched you die." Aemond's eye started to gloss and suddenly his eyepatch was growing irritating. You shakily brought your hands to his face and caressed his cheek with your thumb. 
"Vermithor took me to Volantis and a red priestess brought me back. The Lord of Light brought me back." 
For a moment Aemond believed he died and just hasn't realized it. But it all felt too real. 
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He pressed his forehead against yours and let the tears fall freely, the same tears falling from his other eye started to accumulate in his eyepatch. 
"It wasn't your fault."
"I should have just left with you the first time."
"There was no way we could have known, but I'm back, and hopefully for a long time." Aemond sucked in a sharp breath and stumbled backward. You grabbed his arms tightly and his knees buckled so he landed on them. You went down with him and wrapped your arms tightly around his shoulders.
Aemond laid the side of his head on your chest so he could feel and listen to your heartbeat. He takes continuous deep breaths and you cradle the back of his head. Your fingers then unbuckled his eyepatch and you tossed it into the sand. 
"Aemond." He looks up, his violet eye matching yours. The sapphire shining. "I'm here, I'm okay." He swallowed harshly and looked around. 
No enemies to be seen. Just your dragons on opposite sides of the sand bank and the burning of ships in the distance.
No one was there to take you away from him again. 
Aemond kisses you like he never did before. He wrapped his arms securely around your body and pulled you onto his lap. 
He grabbed at your clothes and pinched the material tightly. He kissed you as if his life depended on it. But it was all too much for you and you pulled pack. He pushed his face into your neck, his cold nose making you shudder. His thin lips pressed against your neck, followed by multiple pecks along the skin. 
"Aemond no." He now laid sloppy wet kisses. "I smell of dragon and death." 
"Don't care."
'Cough, Cough'
Aemond pushed you to the side and scrambled to his feet. Unsheathing his sword in the process.
Jace shook his hair and hacked up more salt water. 
"Jace." You whisper and scramble up but this time running to him. "Jace!" 
He looked up from the sand to see your figure and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Y/n?" You collapsed to your knees and pulled him in. "B-But you're- am I?"
"No, you're not. I'm here Jace, I'm alive." He was trying to take in the information but exhaustion came over him and he slumped in your arms. Aemond walked up behind you to inspect his nephew.
“We need to get him back to Dragonstone.” 
Word reached Daemon in Harrenhall as soon as possible when the Bronze Fury was seen at the Gullet. He was back on Caraxes immediately to fly out. Velaryon and Triarchy ships were still ablaze but no sight of any dragons. The next best place would be back to Dragonstone. 
And he was right. Daemon sees Vermithor being tended to by the dragon keepers. He landed Caraxes and walked in through one of the many entrances to the castle.
He passed servants on his way to the council room, helmet clenched in his fist. They stared at him or their eyes would widen at the sight of him. Two guards at the door pushed it open for him. Everyone’s eyes turned to him and they grew silent. 
His eyes couldn’t help but trickle over to the bundle of silver hair. Baela and Rhaena stood there hugging you. Daemon’s hand went weak and the helmet clattered to the ground loudly.
You split from your sisters and smiled at Daemon.
“Father.” Daemon didn’t move from his spot when you reached him. He grabbed you and pulled you in tightly. 
“I- how? When?” He wanted to ask so many questions but you shook your head. 
“I'm here, that's all that matters.” Daemon stayed silent and held you tighter. 
Criston’s execution was minutes after the reunion. Death by dragon. Baby dragons, juvenile dragons. It was a horrifying watch.
“Do you think the red god exists?” You ask Aemond as he gently drags his finger along the healing puncture marks. 
“There are many gods.” You lean against his chest, the water in the tub sloshing. 
“Have you read about this one?” 
“There isn’t much in the library.” He kissed the side of your head and you tilted your head back. 
“And there has never been a resurrection recorded.” Aemond tensed up. 
“We don’t even know if you were actually dead, you could have passed out and I simply missed it.” 
“You watched me die,  Aemond. You saw me dead.” Aemond rolled his head and shook it side to side. “I saw nothing, the whole time there was nothing. No dream, no god to take me someplace, none of our ancestors talked to me. It was just nothing.” You started to cry and grasped the edges of the tub. Aemond wrapped his arm securely around you and cradled you. 
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” 
It wasn’t until you stopped crying that you could speak clearly again. You stared at the candle, the fire flickering back and forth.
“I want to give my thanks to this, god.” Aemond sighed but pressed his cheek onto the top of your head. He refused to fight about something like this. 
“Whatever you need, I am here.” The rumble coming from his chest when he spoke was comforting. 
“Avy jorrāelan(I love you).” You say and kiss his bicep. “He is the one who brought me back to you.” 
A/n- holy fuck, two fucking years later lol
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lady-ashfade · 3 months
–⋆˚˖𓍢♛Rhaenyra Targaryen Masterlist♛⋆˚˖𓍢–
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Welcome back! Thanks for checking me out. ╰Requests for this fandom open
˙⊹Hotd All Masterlists⊹˙ ˙⊹ Rules ⊹˙ ˙⊹Hotd Rules ⊹˙
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˚୨୧₊[Jealous Princess][Jealously, gn!reader]
˚୨୧₊[HC’s for when they wake up to find their spouse gone and then find them in the kitchen making cookies with their children][Fluff, various characters]
˚୨୧₊[Bedridden][Yandere, Mom!Rhaenyra, comfort, reader bejng sick]
˚୨୧₊[A Sign][ Yan!Rhaenrya Targaryen x WhiteHind!Child!Reader. (Hinted Yan!Criston Cole)][yandere, reader being the stag]
˚୨୧₊[Poison][yandere!Mom!Rheanyra, poisoning the reader, dark yandere behavior]
˚୨୧₊[A Letter][Daemon fix but With mentioned of yan!rhaenyra][Yandere, Yan parents, just a letter]
˚୨୧₊[Yandere!VampPrince!Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Human!Reader, X Platonic!Yandere!Vamp!Queen!Rhaenrya Targaryen][Kidnapping, ropes!being tied up, Collars, Blood, Blood drinking, Yandere tendencies, Controlling behavior, slight!primal chase, Over all some dark themes, and vamps having lightning speed.]
˚୨୧₊[Thread] yandere behavior, slight dark rhaenyra, being held captive, reader sadness, angst, DARK!THEMES, toxic!Rhaenyra, suggestive topics]
˚୨୧₊[Comforting your mother after Luke’s death][Angst, slight comfort, death & loss]
˚୨୧₊[PT.1][Yandere parents Rhaenrya & Daemon targaryen x Bastard child.][Yandere, Readers mother Dies, Angst for while]
˚୨୧₊[Pt.2][Yandere parents Rhaenrya & Daemon targaryen x Bastard child][Death, murder, major character death, revenge]
˚୨୧₊[Her Protector][Bakey Event][Warrior!Targ!Gn!Reader][Hc’s][targ!cest, her and daemon aren’t married because reader snuck into her heart, the night aemond losses a eye]
╰・゚✧☽ Yan!House of the dragon
˚୨୧₊[Say it Blood][the scene of vaemon dying, swearing, yandere, Fem!reader]
˚୨୧₊[Day Of Thanks][Yandere, dark, killing & murder.death, blood]
˚୨୧₊[Yan!Mother!Alicent targaryen x Crybaby!Fem!Reader. Vs other Yandere house of the dragon characters][Yandere, toxic]
˚୨୧₊[Yandere House Velaryon/House Targaryen x Mermaid!Reader][Yandere, being kinda held captive, yandere behavior]
˚୨୧₊[More Then A Eye][Yandere, blood, reader losses a eye instead, Fem!Reader]
˚୨୧₊[Yandere Team Black With A Reader Who Found Luke][Yandere. SmallFolk!reader, manipulation, Uncanon Events]
╰・゚✧☽ Series
˚୨୧₊[Pt.1 Hybrid Reader × Yandere HOTD][Yandere, angst, comfort, death, Dragon!Fem!Reader, Blood, Reader in pain]
˚୨୧₊[Pt.2 Hybrid Reader × Yandere HOTD][Yandere, angst, comfort, death, Dragon!Fem!Reader, Blood]
˚୨୧₊[Preview of- A Dimond Of Blood And Possession][Preview, Yandere, Vesent!Fem!Reader, Yandere tendencies, child abuse, slaves, killing, blood, obsessive and possessiveness, unhealthy relationships.]
˚୨୧₊[Symbol Reborn][Yandere behavior: obsession. protective, unhealthy behavior, toxic, death, violence. visions, the hotd world, mini series, un canon events.]
╰・゚✧☽ Extras
˚୨୧₊[MTL-Who is Most likely to have kids with the reader to make her stay with them?]
˚୨୧₊[MTL- Who would kill their darlings significant other]
˚୨୧₊[MTL-Love the children they have with the reader]
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marthawrites · 5 months
The Post-Flying Gift
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Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem reader
Can be read as a one shot but reads best to pt 3 to "Whore, Pet, Lover"
Word count: 2.2k+
About: A rare fully sunny day beckons Daemon and Rhaenyra to fly their dragons above Dragonstone for hours. You are more than happy to watch them in flight. When they return, their dragonblood runs hot.
Includes: Continued slice of life plot, canon incest (this is canon Daemon and Rhaenyra), f/f, pet play undertones, dumbification understones, pussy eating, vaginal fingering, Daemon is stealthy, m/f, implied dick sucking, implied facefucking, aftercare
Note: Hello lovely reader! Apparently it's been nearly a year since I wrote "the gift that keeps giving". WILD. I definitely wanted to revisit this little mini series because my Daemyra brainrot is always real. As always, reader is non-descript. Please, enjoy! ♥
A warm sun glinted off Caraxes’ crimson body as he flew above the ocean of Blackwater Bay with Daemon at his reins. So red, and so swift was he against the blue sky, that he appeared to rend the sky with each passing by. Chasing and playing with the Blood-Wyrm was Rhaenyra upon the yellow-scaled Syrax who shone like burnished gold in the sunshine. They’d been flying at least two hours now–perhaps longer.
You had a perfect view of the Black Queen and her Prince Consort from where you stood upon their private balcony overlooking all of Dragonmount. Castle Dragonstone was as much your home now as your previous home had been. You were a birthday gift for the Queen. Deemed “the prettiest whore in all of Westeros” by Daemon Targareyn. A whore you were, then, and now, their little pet. They’ve never treated you badly. You’d never given them a reason to. Oftentimes in the sweet afterglow of your shared pleasures you daresay you are their lover: more than a whore and more than a pet.
Turning inside, you tidied their martial chambers and made sure to have clothes laid out for them for when they return from dragon riding. They both had special garb to fly in. Dragon smell was a very distinct thing, and in your experience even the most skilled servants had a hard time fully ridding the stink. A platter of herb roasted fish, tart berries, and salted root vegetables also sat awaiting their return. 
With a goblet of wine in hand, you returned to the balcony to watch them in flight. Scanning all over where your eyes could see–and double checking–you didn’t see, or hear, them anywhere. They might finally be done, you thought, and a smile twinkled up to your eyes.
A windswept Rhaenyra was the first to return. Silver strands of hair fell from her once neat braid giving her a wonderfully disheveled appearance. “Your Grace!” You said excitedly.
Rhaenyra grinned, beginning to take her leather riding gloves off. Her eyes were bright and wild. “Hello sweet love.” Flight had a way of elating her like none else could. Her riding garb was a mixture of wool and leather, both ash in color, and embellished with black dragonscales. Silver accents paled only in comparison to red gems highlighting the whole set up: coat, tunic, gloves, pants, boots. Aside from her rich Targaryen gowns, this was her favorite attire. “Did you enjoy watching my husband and I fly together?”
“Always! I could watch you both all day from the balcony.”
Matching Rhaenyra’s eyes, a wild smile took over the rest of her features; something dark and mischievous alike. A challenge and a dare. Proud and amused. “Out of all the gifts my husband has ever gotten me… you are my favorite. By far. My darling little pet,” she cooed as she opened the front of her coat and began unbuckling her belt. She sat in a chair and bent to work the lacings of her boots loose. Kicking them off, she sighed contentedly. “Mayhaps one day I will take you asaddle with me on Syrax. Would you like that?”
If watching your Queen begin to undress didn’t get your blood pumping, then her suggestion of flight surely did. “You mean it?” You asked, half dumbfounded by her proposal. “I would love nothing more!”
Her legs were bare, now, and she tossed her coat over to a nearby chair. The only thing she wore was her linen undershirt and smallclothes. She leaned back comfortably against the chair, legs outstretched and crossed at the ankle, and  she beckoned you over with one hand. “Come,” she said with a tilt of her head.
The sly little smirk upon her mouth had your belly doing flips as you walked to her. She was so lovely, and radiant, and tension sparked in the air between you two as you stepped between her legs. “Shall I redo your braid?” You asked softly, doing your best to keep your eagerness at a reasonable level. You really didn’t want to seem completely pathetic. Though, Rhaenerya knew how pathetic you could get for both her and Daemon; the glint of her expression told you she noted your anxious yearning.
Leaning up and forward, she gently cupped your face between her warm palms. With fluttering lids she pressed her lips to yours. Soft. Devious. “Not yet,” she whispered between sensuous kisses. “I don’t think that’s what you’re really interested in right now, is it?” 
Between Rhaenyra and Daemon, you didn’t know which one enjoyed making you blush more. She could see right through you. And, assumedly due to the thrill of flying, she wasn’t shy of putting you right on the spot. You shook your head and sighed blissfully against all of her kisses. You could kiss her until your lips were chapped and still kiss her more. “Not really…”
Her laugh was warm honey dripping down your spine. “I didn’t think so. Good girl for being honest about it.” Once again she leaned back against the chair as she looked at you with pride. But, the darkness of lust shadowed her features. “Flying is truly magnificent. It makes me feel… powerful. Invincible. And free.” As she spoke, one hand curled into your hair and began to gently urge you down. “It makes me feel good,” she added, raspy. “Be my good pet and keep making me feel good.”
Any thoughts you might have had going on in your brain were quickly shut down upon Rhaenyra’s request. You kept your eyes on her and shuddered with delight. You followed her downward push until you happily knelt right there in front of her–right between her parted legs. You pressed both hands up her thighs while planting kisses all along the smooth insides. “I love making you feel good,” you said to her, and she answered with a curl of her fingers inside your hair. You smiled; thoughts already dissipating from your brain.
“Such a pretty, sweet thing looking up at me like that,” Rhaenyra cooed approvingly. She shifted her hips slightly, just enough to make your ministrations easier.
The Black Queen smelled like a dragon. On anyone else you’d hate the sharpness of it. The stink. But on her? Somehow, it was perfect. Between the salty sea air on her skin, unclouded sun rays in her hair, and saddle leather where you knelt, she was the Dragon Queen. Tension rolled through your body until it left the buzz of excitement behind in each place it lingered. You were humming from the inside out. Purring. Rhaenyra’s pretty pet. Leaning down, you sat on all fours in front of her, now. You kissed her covered cunt where you knew her clit was.
The softest of a sigh left Rhaenyra’s mouth. “Tease me any longer and I’ll forbid you from watching us for the next fortnight,” she threatened.
“Yes, your Grace,” you simpered. Curling your fingers beneath the waist of her smallclothes, you pulled them fully down and off. Now there was nothing stopping you from what you both wanted. You repeated those same kisses over her pearl; each longer, softer, your lips parting more and more with each until you tasted her on your tongue. 
“There you are,” she rasped. Looking down at you she smirked triumphantly. She ran her fingers through your hair and said, “keep going. Keep making me feel good.” 
A whine broke from you and your tongue slid up through the fullness of Rhaenyra’s slit. When you saw how her head tipped back in bliss, your own head went brainless–focused now only on her pleasure. You lapped, and circled, and gently sucked, over and over again, your whole attention solely on her and her pleasure. Each of her whines, moans, and inhales of breath sent goosebumps pebbling atop your skin.
Make her feel good. Make her feel good. Make her feel good.
You loved the way she tasted. You loved the way she reacted to you. You loved the way she idly stroked through your hair, or pulled it, or held onto your ears. She was never shy in her passions, and neither were you. 
You lavished her clit until your jaw ached, but you never let it stop you. Rhaenyra’s sounds of pleasure were coming quicker now, sharper, and you knew she was getting close. It was then you delicately slipped a finger into her and began to work her from the inside, too.
“More,” she half stammered.
You added a second and moaned against her. It was only then that you realized how wet you were. How utterly soaked and needy your own cunt was. It clenched around nothing, your bud practically throbbing, your thighs pressing together to give you some minor relief from the pent up tension knotting in your belly. Yet never once did your own hand wander to that incredibly yearning space between your thighs. Your eyes were rolled closed. Only Rhaenyra’s building climax mattered. 
More. More. More.
She shuddered when she came undone around your fingers and upon your mouth. Her orgasm was sweet against your tongue; you dripped with self-satisfaction. It continued to roll through her in waves until the aftershocks had her panting softly. But, even still, you gently licked over all of her. Not enough to overstimulate her, but enough to keep her peak going as long as it could. You moaned softly all throughout; purring.
So lost in bliss, and so focused on your Queen, you hadn’t noticed anything else. You didn’t hear the door open or close. Never did you hear the soft scruff of leather on stone. Nor did you take note of a presence behind you. It was only when you felt fingers pressing into you that you paused to think. Those weren’t your fingers. No. They were too big and felt entirely different than your own. You gasped; desperate. Looking over your shoulder you nearly crumbled.
“Valzȳrys” husband, Rhaenyra whispered with half-lidded eyes.
“Ābrazȳrys” wife, he answered. “You two are having all the fun. Have you any idea how fucking wet your little pet is right now?” As if to make a point, Daemon worked his fingers just right to make you squelch. It was borderline obscene.
Your face was hot and for a moment you thought you’d come right then and there. Your spine dipped lower, presenting yourself to him as he knelt behind you.
“Oh… and how pretty she moans.” Daemon crooned, easily sliding two fingers in and out of you at the most devastatingly wonderful pace. “Did she make you feel good?” He asked Rhaenyra, continuing to finger fuck you from behind.
Rhaenyra grinned wide and smiled breathlessly. “Very.”
“That's our girl.”
You shamelessly pushed back against his hand. You were so slick he could have easily slipped a third in. Despite how well you did, however, you didn’t want to seem greedy, and so you took all that you could from those two fingers. 
“Shall I let her come, or do you wish to see her tears first, my Queen?” 
Dread dropped in your stomach because you knew exactly what he meant by that. Rhaenyra fucking loved to watch Daemon edge you until you were crying and begging for release. It was one of the darker games they liked to play with you. If at any time you wanted the game to stop–everyone knew–all you had to do was ask. Yet, never once had you brought the edging to an early end. As much as you hated it, you also fucking loved it. And so did Daemon. 
Rhaenyra shook her head, still basking in the afterglow of climax. “She did extremely well today. Let her come as she pleases.”
That’s all Daemon needed to hear. He indeed pressed a third into you and gave you exactly what he knew you liked. The tension in your belly sunk deeper, and wound tighter, and had you blabbering near gibberish until it snapped. Liquid warmth filled all of your limbs. Storm static clung to each of your nerves. Your pulse pounded in your fingertips. The force of your peak had you collapse forward until your cheek lay flat on the rug-covered stone floor. You panted, dizzy. 
Daemon gave your backside an approving smack. “A very good girl.”
You smiled softly at both of them relishing in the adoration they had for you, and you had for them. Leaning back up, you gently laid in Rhaenyra’s lap and allowed your eyes to close for a few moments. It wasn’t until Daemon called you that you woke. How long had you dozed off?
“Hm?” You asked.
“Crawl to me,” he said from where he sat in a chair, nude from the waist down with his doublet open. He was already hard.
You didn’t have to be asked twice.
You crawled to him and knelt between his thighs, looking up at him sweetly, obediently.
“Now it’s your Queen’s turn to watch. You know how much she likes watching. I don’t have to edge you to make tears fall from those pretty lashes, hm?”
Shaking your head with a tiny smirk, you knew exactly what he meant. With the sweetness of Rhaenyra’s climax still on your tongue, you took the Rogue Prince deep into your throat. You let him fuck your mouth how he wanted to until tears and saliva smeared your face, and and his seed overwhelmed the taste of your Queen.
It was in the sweet afterglow of these pleasures, where you all laughed, drank wine, and shared meals, that you truly felt like their lover.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
I am redoing my taglist! If you wish to be tagged in any of the fics I write and share (main, aemond, daemon, rhaenyra, harwin, daemyra) PLEASE let me know! Thank you! ♥
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Smut: 🍆
Personal faves: ⭐️
Requests I plan to write -> here
Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
Rhaenyra Masterlist
Aegon Masterlist
Oneshots/mini series:
Best Friends Brother, Cops And Robbers (modern!jacaerys)🍆
Traded Posession, Gilded Whore (dark!jacaerys x reader) 🍆
Oneshots/mini series:
Attitude Adjustment (cregan x wife!reader)🍆⭐️
Lord Husband (cregan x reader)⭐️
Daemon Targaryen Masterlist
Oneshots/mini series:
A Simple Favour 🍆
Michael Gavey Masterlist
Luke Castellan Masterlist
Sejanus Plinth:
Tom Bennett:
Sailor Boy🍆
Joseph Descamps:
Behind Closed Doors🍆
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phntmeii · 11 months
Omg i Love The hotd chats!😭
Now I need the "would you still love me if I am a worm"
HOTD Characters x Reader Texts: “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Pairings: Aegon II, Aemond, Helaena, Daemon, Rhaenyra x GN!Reader
A/N: Apologies for the mini-hiatus!! Have been swamped with work ;(( I’ll be getting to all the requests soon!! But in the meantime, have something silly ;p Any of these silly little requests for HOTD characters got me giggling.
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346 notes · View notes
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Welcome my the new masterlist. Yes thats vhagar you saw that right.
UPDATED ON 16-5-2024
Hello, welcome, welcome welcome!
I hope you brought cookies
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Aemond Targaryen
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The girl in the silver dress (Modern royalty au) (Completed)
🔷Summary: You are invited to become a selected girl for Prince Jacaerys's selection. You never thought you would fall for his uncle, prince Aemond instead
part one part two Part three (completed)
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Heaven knows (We belong way down below) (slasher au)
🔷Summary: Reader or oc (You) is the new resident of a seemingly peaceful town, which hides dark secrets.
prologue, part one (Mini series) (NOT CONTINUED!!)
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Wicked dark and twisted dreams part one (vampire au)
🔷Summary: After you have been kidnapped, you get sold to the vampire king's brother, Aemond Targaryen.
One part, possibly being rewritten into a bigger series, but thats a maybe. A really big maybe. (NOT CONTINUED!!!)
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Sweet Nothings (College au) formally known as ''Games in the library''
🔷Summary: Your GPA is tanking and you need help. Luckily there is the grumpy antisocial Aemond to help you out.
PART 1 PART 2, updates planned but it will be a mini series. (Maybe continued)
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The heart is an ocean (Aemond titanic au) (mini series)
🔷Summary: You attend the ship of dreams, the Balerion in hope of finding your match to enrichen your family. But fate is cruel for those who dream. And the Balerion might not even reach the harbor of Valyria.
Part one, part two
updates are planned but it will remain a mini series.
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the doomed jaessa (???) (aemond avatar au) ONE SHOT
🔷Summary: You are a witch hunter, looking for the witches that killed your family all those years ago. Those people are called Heyks or Summoners.
Part one, one shot.
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maffia au (aemond maffia au) One shot
🔷Summary: Its your 21st birthday. You dont expect to spent it as the captive of your new criminal husband, but here we are.
Part one, one shot, but might be rewritten in a bigger series.
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Sandstorm (Dornish oc x aemond request) (One-shot)
🔷Summary: You are Elna/Reader Martell and before you marry you go on a vacation to the land that always held a close space to your heart: The Six Kingdoms. You become the captive of Aemond Targaryen.
One shot, Part one
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A little wicked (dark prince regent x niece)
🔷Summary: After your husband dies, his brother claims his throne and also you.
Part one, one shot
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Ashes Burn
🔷Summary: Dark aemond fic about a girl who becomes aemonds bedmate. Very dark.
part one, part two, part three, updates planned but might become a smaller series.
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What power looks like dark prince regent one shot
🔷Summary: You once bullied Aemond and fell in favour with his brother, but now that Aegon is uhm...not able to talk right now, Aemond wants revenge for all you did to him. And he means all of it.
Part one, finished one shot
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Fight and die (Main series)
🔷Summary: Your ancestors once betrayed the Targaryens and paid a high price. Now you are back at court with your brother, who hopes to sell you in exchange for his freedom.
Part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part 6.
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The Song of Ice and Fire (Mini series)
🔷Summary: After getting kidnapped on your way to King's Landing, you end up in another time where you meet a dangerous prince
Part one, updates planned.
Mis characters
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Daemon Targaryen
Daddy dearest (stepdaughter request) (One shot)
🔷Summary: You are Rhaenyra's and Harwin's daughter and you just proposed to Aemond, your stepdaddys worst enemy.
Part one, one shot, finished.
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Vhagars diary (on hiatus for now)
Summary: The majestic dragon Vhagar shares her story, in a exclusive interview/tell all biography. What does she remember and what can she tell us about the past? What do we know? Vhagar tells all is part of a mini series featuring three parts of Vhagars life leading up to house of the dragon, with her ...unique thoughts and perspective!
Part one
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Aegon Targaryen II/ Attention
Summary:🔷Summary: You are studying in college and you fall for a mysterious boy named Aeg. Who hides a dark secret.
Part One, more updates planned, mini series.
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Older masterlist with old work (mind your step please) series
Old and mostly very dark fanfics about aemond.
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Ready to read somewhere else?: Bitterballetje - Works | Archive of Our Own
last update 9-7-2024
130 notes · View notes
A Companion (Otto Hightower x Reader) - Prologue
I've finally jumped on the Peepaw Hightower writing train, instead of just enjoying the fics of others! What can I say, I love that old man.
So this is gonna be like a mini-series, I think? I don't really have a definite plan, but there's definitely a decent plot planned out.
Without further ado, here's the summary and a little prologue!
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Summary: At the suggestion of Princess Rhaenyra, King Viserys Targaryen had commanded that his Hand, Otto Hightower, find a new bride. Preferably at the King's own wedding to Otto's daughter Alicent. While the Princess intended the suggestion as a form of revenge for Otto's machinations which led to the royal engagement, he intends to make the best of it. While he has always known that his late wife, Madelyn, is the great love of his life, he welcomes the idea of finding a tolerable companion. What he doesn't expect is you, a lady widowed far too young, who begins to spark feelings within him he thought long extinguished.
Prologue under the cut!
The sight of Princess Rhaenyra in the Small Council chamber came as quite a surprise to Otto Hightower. In the weeks since her father announced his pending marriage, her attendance as the King’s Cupbearer had become sporadic at best. While her presence was surprising, it was nothing unusual enough to prompt any concern.
However, the twinkle of mischief in her eyes as she took the seat across from him began a knot of worry in Otto’s chest.
“Will Lord Strong and the other members of the Small Council not be joining us this afternoon, my King?” he asked as he took his seat.
Viserys smiled, a similar note of mischief in his eyes that Otto had not seen in decades – since they were both young men. “Not today, old friend. I’ve not called you here on any official business.”
“This is a personal matter,” Rhaenyra chimed in, her voice light and airy with glee. Any resemblance between her and her father was long gone. Now, she was undoubtedly Prince Daemon’s niece, much to Otto’s eternal unease and frustration.
Had Alicent also been present, it would have been easy to assume he was called to discuss some detail of the marriage contract. But she was not, and this was starting to feel decidedly like an ambush.
“It has been nearly two years now since Madelyn left us,” Viserys began. “And you have not remarried.”
“Your Grace, that is because I have no reason to remarry,” Otto replied, keeping his voice soft and diplomatic even as he began to feel a wave of anger rising within him. The suggestion in the king’s words was clear. “I have an heir in Gwayne, though what he will inherit is small. And I have no desire for a new wife.”
It was more than true. At Madelyn’s funeral, he had said farewell to the great love of his life. She had been a gift from the gods, a blessing he could never understand why he deserved. Surely to seek to replace her would be an affront to that blessing.
“But you are the Hand of the King,” Rhaenyra looked downright impish now. “For you to remain a widower after so long, when you are still relatively young, projects weakness, does it not? A strategic marriage could strengthen the realm.”
Damn the girl, even if it was treason to think it. Were she not so impulsive and stubborn, he would have no doubts about her one day becoming Queen. But this…? This was childish and petty, to throw his own words back at him. Where had she even heard them?
“And since your duties do not allow you to travel the realm to find a bride,” Rhaenyra continued, “the royal wedding will be the perfect opportunity for you to find a suitable young lady. Don’t you agree, my Lord Hand?”
This was revenge, then, Otto realized, for Alicent. Well, at least she was taking her anger out on him rather than his daughter.
He turned back to Viserys. “What is your opinion on the matter, my King?”
The king, at least, looked at him with enough fondness to quell his rising anger. “Aemma was the love of my life, Otto. But I am fond of Alicent and know she will make me happy. I would wish the same for you.” He looked to Rhaenyra, who was grinning with unabashed triumph, then back again. “I know your children would not wish to see you alone for the rest of your life.”
Otto’s greatest weakness was his affection for his children and king. And Rhaenyra had manipulated it perfectly. He could not deny Viserys this request – not after having guided his hand when it came to Alicent.
And though the thought of replacing Madelyn was abhorrent, when he truly considered it, he could not deny that he had missed the pleasure of… companionship. With Gwayne so often in Oldtown or elsewhere for tourneys and Alicent soon to be busy with her duties as Queen, Otto would be quite alone.
Though he often wished for solitude when his duties threatened to overwhelm him, the thought of being alone, with no one to greet him at the end of the day or to share his meals… was decidedly unpleasant.
So, Otto turned back to Rhaenyra, holding her gaze with the confidence of his determination to not allow this to be revenge but, hopefully, another blessing. At the very least, he would find someone with whom he could have a pleasant life.
“Then, Princess, I believe it is a wonderful idea, and I thank you for its suggestion.”
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ammmyturtle · 1 year
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Baby Viserys needs some comfort from his muna :D
Almost forgot baby Viserys also likes to be cuddled by mama Rhaenyra.
(Alyn: :| eh! Babies!)
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navstuffs · 2 years
In the Shadows
Pairing: DARK!Aemond Targaryen x DARK!GN!Reader
Summary: You are brought to be one of the servants in the castle during King Aegon II's reign. No one seems suspicious of your true intentions except the middle child of the queen, Prince Aemond Targaryen.
Authors note: so i thought i wasnt going to write about aemond but here i am to cope with my obsession. i have a mini-series with aemond written but i am extremely self-conscious if im writing him the right way. so this is my first test attempt at doing this. i havent read the books (ik, i have to) so if any there are any mistakes, feel free to correct me. GIF CREDIT TO THE CREATOR
Italic texts are reader's thoughts
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It was a rainy day when you first arrived at King's Landing to be a servant in the castle. Since Aegon II's coronation, there had been a complete change in the servants. The gossip around town was that the Hightowers were worried about princess Rhaenyra Targaryen trying to kill the King. So the Queen requested most of the servants from her father's house to be brought, loyal to the Hightower's cause.
And that included you. You were perfect for the job really.
You had been saved by an unnamed Lord Hightower from slavery when you were just 7 years old. You owed him huge gratitude so you devoted yourself entirely to him. It didn't matter if Lord Hightower reeked of farts and piss. It didn't matter if he hit you until you were just different shades of purple and blue or you were passed out. It didn't matter that Lord Hightower spit on you and burned you with a hot iron from the kitchen. That he starved you. It didn't matter that he left you in the darkness even if he knew you were afraid of it. Your devotion was bigger than all of that. Bigger than anything he could or could possibly do to you.
You loved him so much that at 10 years old when he sold you to a league of people that worked in the underworld, you knew you couldn't let him live without you. He wouldn't survive. So you took matters into your hands. You made the old man a favor, really.
Watching him die slowly in his own bed, while you stabbed him in the neck, with a dirty knife you found in the kitchen.
Watching as the blood spilled all over his bed, on your face, on your clothes.
He tried to get up, falling to the floor and you just continued piercing his back until your arm was tired. You didn't know why you were crying, why you were laughing, why he looked so afraid of you.
"It is interesting how life works" You mutter to yourself, waking up from your past. Your eyes have no expression as you watch the young girl in front of you gasp for air, even though you are holding her throat strongly. You watch as life goes away from her eyes as they pledge for a single reason as to why you were doing this.
"I hope you know it is nothing personal" You whisper as her body falls into the floor.
The darkness, before your biggest fear, was now your biggest ally.
You were perfect for the job. When the suspense of war was heard across Westeros, Prince Daemon Targaryen reached his ex-lover Lady Mysaria for help. He needed someone inside the castle. Not a typical spy or one that would call much attention. A good one. That wouldn't make anyone look twice at them.
Lady Mysaria knew the perfect one: Shadows. In this case, you. You met Lady Mysaria sometime in your teenage years, working as an assassin/spy. Lady Mysaria wanted some random Lord killed because he kept abusing innocent slave girls. She offered you a good price and you even shared that could have been done for free. Since then, she always called you to the most delicate jobs.
When she presented you with the offer, you almost didn't accept. It wasn't really your place. She shared that there had been a coup inside the castle to take it out Rhaenyra to put Aegon II in place. That angered you. You knew Hightowers pretty well and you knew how kind they could truly be.
You accepted the job. You killed a young servant who was going to work in King's Landing, taking her place. From an outsider's look, you were just an average servant. You weren't pretty, nothing too special to call the eyes, or to be even remembered.
No one inside the castle knew what was coming for them.
You met Queen Alicent as soon as you arrived at the castle. She was taking care of the inspection of every single one of the new servants, asking them questions and making sure everyone was the right fit. Queen Alicent was accompanied by Ser Criston Cole, someone Lady Mysaria warned you to be alert about.
Queen Alicent seemed very satisfied by the servants and for some reason. You couldn't believe your luck when you got chosen to be part of the team who took care of Prince Aemond Targaryen's quarters. You were not meant to be seen or even cared for. Your job was to take care of his room, keep it tidy and not disturb him. Only talk to him if he refers to you, not look him in his eyes during it, and always look down, referring to him as 'Your Grace' and 'Prince Aemond'.
In the first days of the job, you didn't see the man. You had glanced at Princess Helaena a few times around the castle and sometimes she was joined by Queen Alicent and Otto Hightower. You hadn't seen the King yet or his younger brother.
Your ears were always open though. For any information, any sign of valuable piece you could give to the Blacks.
The first time you properly met King Aegon II and Prince Aemond they were celebrating someone's death. Queen Alicent seemed shocked and didn't join them but you were called in to be part of the team to serve them.
"More drink for my brother, servant!" Aegon II screamed at you. You immediately obeyed "So he deserves the best wine and the best whores of the kingdom, for killing the bastard, the son of a whore, Lucerys Velaryon!"
Your hand gripped the bottle a little harder, pouring the wine, without looking up. That meant Princess Rhaenyra had lost a child. There was acid in your mouth, but you kept yourself calm.
When you got up, Aemond's single eye was focused on your face. You demonstrated no expression, turning away when you heard the Prince's voice.
You stopped in your tracks maintaining a neutral expression. You heard Aemond's footsteps circle around you, his eye probably analyzing you.
Stay still but not so much.
Look afraid.
Aemond stopped in front of you and all you could see were his shoes. No sound was coming from him so you dared to look up to find him staring at you with curiosity.
"I think your King needs more wine" He murmured, with malice, his eye not leaving your face.
"Yo-your Grace, please forgive me!" You bowed in a sign of respect to Aemond, your face warm with embarrassment. An amateur move. You turned to Aegon II and bowed down, on the verge of tears "Please forgive me, Your Grace!"
You walked to Aegon II serving his cup and the King drank everything at once. Aegon then grabbed another cup, offering it to you.
"Your Grace?" You muttered, confused.
"Serve yourself! Drink! Tonight we celebrate and honor my brother Aemond the Kinslayer!"
You hesitated. You could feel Aemond's eye on your next action. You made your decision, grabbing the cup with a shaky hand, and filling it up. Then, you filled Aegon's cup. Aegon had a sick smile on his face as if appreciating your apparent fear. You two wait for Aemond to make a toast and you drink your wine.
I can't wait the time to slit King Aegon II and Prince Aemond's throats.
When the news small prince Jaehaerys was killed burst inside the castle, you pretended shock and sadness like the rest of them. You cried and shed tears in front of everyone, cursing the blacks as most of the other people in town did.
In reality, you knew exactly what happened and when it happened. You played some part in it, helping Blood and Cheese inside the castle, leaving some doors open here and there. Whispering some secrets into Lady Mysaria's ears.
If someone tried to trace you back at you, it would be almost impossible. Lady Mysaria was the only one who knew of you. That was your job, that's what you were good at, working in the darkness.
Being Shadows and fulfilling your mission.
You felt nothing for the young prince's death except a little apprehension for Lady Mysaria. If she was caught, your cover would be blown but the woman had fled the scene during the night. You knew you had to keep quiet and just pretend you were sad.
Wait until the time they would turn their eyes to their servants.
Which was exactly what happened a day later after Prince Jaeharys was found dead. All servants close to the family were brought into a room. Your apparent nervousness was fake but very convincing. You knew exactly what was going to happen next.
When Queen Alicent, Aegon II, and Aemond entered, they were surrounded by guards. Your initial reaction was to bite your lips to not smile. They all appeared miserable, especially Queen Alicent. Good. That was going to help you support what came next.
"As you might all know, our small prince Jaeharys has been killed. We are now looking for any information or leads on their killers."
The servants looked towards each other, some already on the verge of tears. Aegon rolled his eyes impatience, pointing Blackfyre to a young girl who started sobbing.
"You! You have seen anything?"
"No, Your Grace, I swear!"
"Are you sure? Hasn't she worked with Helaena, mother?" Aegon accused, his sword getting close to pierce the girl through her chest. She didn't answer, still crying "I would have all of you killed. But my mother reminded all of you have always been loyal to House Hightower. So if no one wants to speak, we will make you speak! Whatever means necessary."
One by one, servants would be taken to be questioned in a closed room by the King and Prince Aemond. All you could hear were screams and most people would be taken out passed out ou, their faces beaten up, with numerous cuts on their bodies. Your anxiety and adrenaline pierce through your body but no fear. You had to keep yourself calm. That was actually a good moment of opportunity.
When you were called in, your legs and hands were trembling. You looked at your fellow other servants remaining in the room to be questioned, their faces filled with confusion and despair.
That is what the greens represent.
This what they do to their own.
When you entered the room, your breath started getting faster.
Not too much. Just a little so they think you are afraid.
Blood. There was so much blood everywhere. In the ceilings, in the chair, on the floor, on Blackfyre's blade. You didn't look at their eyes as you waited standing, two guards close to you.
"Who killed my son?"
You licked your lips before speaking, your voice failling you.
"I-I do not know, Your Grace."
"Look in my eyes and say that."
You looked up and saw Aegon filled with rage and sadness. You had to bite your lips not to laugh. Oh, you could kill him now. Him and Prince Aemond. You could kill them and savor their blood and laugh and watch the life leave their eyes. You would die in the process but would die fulfilled and would take as much of them as you could.
"Answer me!" Aegon screamed, slapping your face with his hand open.
Control yourself. Control yourself.
You wanted to close your fists but that wouldn't be seen as fearful, letting your arms apathetic at your side. You continued to bite your lips. Tears start to flow with all anger boiling inside your stomach. Aegon waited, his nostrils flaring up. Man child. You hoped he was going to lose all his kids. Was he drunk?
"I do not know, Your Grace" Your voice shook but Aegon wasn't convinced. He points Blackfyre to your cheek and cut slowly and deep along your still-burning cheek, making your face bleed. Your tears continue falling down as you bit your lips even harder, finally tasting the blood.
"As requested by my mother, I won't kill you. If you are loyal to the greens, you won't scream at any moment. You make one single sound and I will see that as a confession of guilt and you will be put in jail for the rest of your miserable life. Now, shall we start?"
Five nails were brutally ripped from your fingers.
They took your clothes off, they burned your body with hot irons. Your chest, your belly, your legs.
They beat you up until you almost passed out.
You reaffirmed your innocence.
You didn't scream.
Every time they asked if you knew anything, you screamed no. You begged for mercy when Aemond inquired if you had anything to do with Prince Jaehaerys's murder, but not one single scream during any of your torture sessions.
King Aegon and Prince Aemond just watched. They didn't participate but Aegon's eyes were shining the whole time. After they put into your chair, semi awoke and still naked, Aegon stepped up with Blackfyre ready on his hands.
"I must say, I am impressed. You have lasted more than anyone. Not once a single scream, not once single whimper" Aegon declared, admired. Aemond had his arms crossed, his expression serious. Or fascinated. You didn't know.
You barely could see them anyway. One of your eyes was closed with the beating. Your whole body hurt, bleeding on the floor. You were about to pass out with the pain again but you weren't going to give them the pleasure to see that.
"A true demonstration of a Green."
"Or just guilt." Aemond clarified, close to his brother.
You didn't want to smile on their faces so simply stayed there, catching your breath. You could still kill them. Cut Aegon's throat and strangle Aemond. Then kill the rest of the greens. You could. You could!
"I...I..." You murmured, your voice not coming out. You tried to clean your throat, lifting up your hand. Aemond and Aegon waited.
"I only humbly live to serve my King. The true King and Ruler of Westeros." You managed to say with a sore voice. Even your vocal cords were hurting.
Aegon was stunned. He never saw someone be tortured so badly and still affirm allegiance. He watched his brother Aemond get closer to the servant's body.
Aemond was close to your face. You still managed to look down, maintaining your respect, your body at any moment in giving up. You had to stay awake. You had to fight back. You knew if you passed out they could kill you. Aemond was so close you noticed the details of his scars. And he was analyzing you intensely. Again.
Keep focus.
"Let this one go, brother. I think this one is Loyal to your Kingdom. They really don't know anything."
You bit your dry lips once again and even closed your hands in fists, not that movement seemed to matter now. All they would see was a servant relieved from no more torture. Inside, you were celebrating. You really had fooled them. You had fooled those imbecile Greens!
You finally passed out from the chair, your body falling to the floor. The guards carried your body to be taken care of, holding every side of your arm. Out of all servants that had been tortured that day, you were the only one who remained as a servant.
After four days of recovery, you were ready to be sent back to work. The new servants looked at you with respect as you had a new scar on your face, proving your loyalty to King Aegon II. Lady Mysaria was astonished by your success. You two had to develop a new way to communicate after she had to escape. No one suspected you.
You were the one who passed the information about Ser Arryk Cargyll's infiltration to the castle. It seemed the Greens really trusted you now so you had to be extremely careful of every single future step you took.
Prince Aemond had developed a weird interest in you. Since you came back to work, he started asking you more and more questions. He wanted to know where you were from, and what you had done before. You never answered those questions, simply responding you didn't do a lot of your life except serve the Hightowers.
That wasn't a good sign.
You were organizing his room one morning, paying close attention to his clothes. All of sudden, there was a small dagger to your neck and for a millisecond you almost revealed yourself. Fighting against all your instincts to attack back you gasped, surprised. You heard a low laugh coming from behind you.
"Tell me, how a simple servant, who served their whole life, could have survived a long and strenuous torture session?" Prince Aemond's tone of voice was curious and dangerous against your ear. You could feel his body almost touching yours.
"Yo-your Grace?" Aemond continued holding his dagger against your neck, enough to start drawing blood. None of you moved.
"Someone so resistant like that, I can only see two options. Tell me, are you loyal to my family? Or are you just a spy infiltrated on this?" Aemond pressed the dagger even further into your neck, making you stumble back into his body. Your breath was hitched and your internals were begging for you to kill him.
"Lo-loyal, Your Grace."
"I have been observing you. Watching you in the shadows. I have to admit, you are very good. I have never seen anyone like you before. You try to look like them but you aren't. There is something about you. You try to hide it, but I can see it. I see in the very fast moments you don't think anyone is looking. They are there. I order, tell me who you truly are, (Y/N)."
He called you by your first name.
There was no way of escaping this.
Choose my next words very carefully or I might really die.
You closed your eyes, thinking fast. There is no way in Seven Kingdoms you would just die by Aemond's hands right now. Not when you accomplished so many things. You slowly turned, keeping your shaking hands up. Blood was dripping down your chest. You opened your eyes, finding his single eye on you. There was no space for mistakes now.
"I am Y/N. I am a servant of House Hightower since I was born, and I am ready to serve and die for them, especially for King Aegon II. I will be loyal no matter what torture, no matter what threat, even coming from you Prince Aemond. So if you doubt me, Your Grace, do us both a favor, cut my throat now and end this. But, do know that you will be killing someone loyal to you and your family that if asked, would have killed Rhaenyra, her bastard's sons, and the whole black army."
Aemond seemed to ponder your words. He had seen a different sparkle in your eyes so quickly, Aemond doubted they were really there. The kind of shine you would only see in an eyes of a killer. His suspicions got stronger during the torture, but even he couldn't deny your allegiance that day.
Deep down, Aemond was impressed. He was fascinated. He was obsessed, haunted by your 'real' eyes, your 'real' self. He wanted to find out the truth and see it. Because if he finally saw it, he could kill you and be done with this. But you kept dragging him in more and more. Again, you only admitted loyalty. Again, you had him confused and charmed.
The dagger pressured one more time, before being taken down. You opened your eyes to watch Aemond clean the dagger on his clothing. You sighed, relieved, breathing as if was your first time.
"To think my brother wanted to cut off your tongue" Aemond announced, satisfied with himself "Someone so pretty shouldn't lose their tongue, don't you agree?"
You were pressuring the blood in your throat, your sleeve soaked with blood.
"Go clean yourself. You will stain my floor with your blood. Come back later. I will need you."
You left with your mind with a million thoughts. You found an empty room to analyze what just happened: did Prince Aemond just call you pretty? Was he trying to seduce you? You find yourself holding a sleeve to your throat, bringing another hand to your mouth, in case you decide to scream.
Aemond was playing with you. He had to! He didn't trust your word and now he decide to play with you, toying until you revealed yourself.
Aemond had no idea what game he just started.
"How do I look?"
You were in Aemond's room. All other servants had left and it was just you and him which was unusual anymore. Aemond preferred your presence, and your presence only, if he wasn't busy at the Council. He was wearing Aegon II's crown and seemed satisfied with himself. The battle of Rook's Rest had been a huge victory for the Greens. They brought Meley's head, but Aegon II was extremely hurt. You thought of offering yourself to take care of the King, pass information of his health state, but Aemond forbid that. You were meant to stay at his side now that he was named Prince Regent while Aegon took his time to heal.
"You look good, Prince Aemond." In the situation they were in, that statement was true. Aemond was fit to be King. You knew he would be much more efficient at war than his older brother but even harder to kill.
"It looks better on me than my brother, doesn't it?"
A test?
You didn't answer, just smirking at Aemond. He seemed convinced by your answer, turning towards you. There is a second of silence when he called you with his fingers.
"Come to me."
You obediently walked until you are standing in front of him. You remained there with your hands behind your back, letting him observe you, his hands rubbing the scar on your neck. Slowly, his hands made their way up to your scar and he rubbed it gently.
"Kiss me."
You bowed your head down and locked your lips with Aemond. This had started since the last time he threatened to cut your throat. When you came back later that night, Aemond asked what you thought of him. You simply answered he was very good to you and you would always be grateful. In response, he kissed you. You stood there, in shock, not moving your lips back. He sent you away, telling you only answered to him now.
He was trying to break you. That was your only possible sane guess. If he so wanted, you were going to accept Prince Aemond's desire. No matter how crazy they were.
The kiss, timid at first, got deeper. Aemond's hands went down your hips and he pulled you against his warm body. As he started getting more and more hungry, his hands drop to grab your ass, lifting you up. You instantly locked your legs around his waist, his erection rubbing against the middle of your legs. Your eyes roll with pleasure and anger with the friction, as he continued pressing even more deliciously against you.
Why that bastard was so good at this?
Aemond took you to the bed, wasting no time to be on top. He ripped your shirt, making you gasp surprised. His mouth reverenced your neck and chest with kisses. One thing that seemed to surprise you since the start was the fact that Aemond didn't seem to mind the ugly scars on your body. No, he seemed to venerate them. Having one of his own, Aemond knew the importance of them. Before he could rip your pants, you stopped him, holding his face.
"Do you want to be on top tonight, my King?"
Aemond thought for a second. He removed his crown with care, placing it at the side of the bed, together with his eye patch. Before you, Prince Aemond would never let any of his sexual partners see him without it. You were the first in bed who saw it. Now he removed it with confidence as if he bothered you not see you with both of his eyes.
Without answering, Aemond ripped your pants. You laughed, amused. He was always rougher after his victories. Not that you didn't like it.
"You must do what your King commands, right Y/N?"
"Correct, My Lord."
"Then tonight, call me Aemond."
Aemond noticed he got you by surprise. You cleared your throat, apprehensive, not sure if you heard correctly. Aemond grabbed your chin, warning with a deep tone.
"You must do what your King commands."
"Of course, Aemond. Anything you desire. I am yours."
Until the very last night of passion you had with Aemond, he continued insisting on you calling him by his first name. You obeyed, of course. It was fun. For that time, while you were ravished by Aemond, you could forget who you were. While Aemond strangled you until you both got an orgasm, you were just Y/N. You never complained about Aemond feeling your insides; the prince seemed to stare at his cum dripping from you. Another thing surprising about Aemond: he would never stop until you had a proper orgasm. You could only bet it was part of his personality, watching as you screamed his name over and over again.
Some part of you wondered, if you met Prince Aemond in another life, you could have fallen in love with him.
When Rhaenyra and her husband Daemon overtook King's Landing, a lot of servants were taken to jail. You were one of them until Daemon personally ordered your freedom.
You were brought in front of Queen Rhaenyra. She was sitting down on the Iron Throne. There was no one else in the room, except for Daemon. Rhaenyra was wearing the crown that was hers by right, her expression confident with her victory.
"Your Grace!" You bowed down with your knee and Rhaenyra smiled at you.
"Stand up. My husband and Lady Mysaria told me we had many spies but none so efficient and loyal as you. You remained inside the castle without getting your cover destroyed. I had to ask them to meet you. How did you manage such action?"
"I only did what I could for the cause, Queen Rhaenyra. I would have continued, as long it was needed. It fills my heart with happiness to see you sitting down at the Iron Throne!" You claimed.
You felt a hand pull you up and are surprised to see Prince Daemon's victorious smile in your direction.
"I have heard you have survived due to Prince Aemond's affection. Is that true?"
"I don't know. I could care less about that Kinslayer."
"My Lady, Shadows has done a lot. I can only think what they have passed through the hands of the Greens. And I think we both can see" Daemon announced, his eyes on your scar "They should be rewarded greatly."
"I agree. You can request me anything you desire."
"I am just a humble servant, my Queen. It would be an honor to continue to serve you."
"I understand. Remain hidden. We might be able to use you next time."
There were reports of your presence during Aemond and Daemon's battle, though heavily contested. Those same reports alleged although Prince Aemond was furious at the presence of Shadows, he smiled in your direction as if he was meeting a long distant loved friend again. Aemond then promised he was going to kill you and feed your body to Vhagar if he survived the battle.
The transcript ends with a single sentence from Shadows.
"Let's hope you don't then, Prince Aemond."
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mochimaster · 2 years
I think she’s always been his favorite and he had always been hers. Everyone just kinda excepted it even though it was a shock at first. But it became undeniable. - Little Rhae on her momma’s lap, getting her hair brushed one night randomly declares she's going to marry her Uncle Daemon one day ❤️ No one is surprised when she starts telling everyone. She started saying it at a time when he is away, so the court is kinda waiting for him to come back and see reactions. Court gossip lol
Aemma just smiling and nodding as little Rhae goes on about how much loves her uncle Daemon and why she'll love being married to him.
"We'll ride dragons all day and go horseback riding and walk on the beach together, every day we'll get to have fun, just the two of us!"
Rhaenyra dropping her voice a little lower, just barely a whisper, "and I'll get to kiss him like you get to kiss, Kepa..." a sweet dreamy sigh leaving the little Princess.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about an AU like “all the sons” but it’s girls, I love the idea of Daemon being a Girl Dad! He would love it so much, he was such a good dad to the twins, even if the show cut the scenes. And Vis would still be jealous bc Damon’s “wife” is popping out so many healthy babies. And he loves his wife’s lil army of Mini mes, and he would be put through so much stress with a little girl just like him, and she would definitely be besties with Nyra! (I am obsessed with girl dad Daemon)
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“Y/N, you are home!” Rhaenyra called across the courtyard as you made your way towards her; a sleeping babe in your arms. “Another one.” She giggled and watched you blush madly even after having four children. “We did.” You hummed as the Princess gently moved her fingers over your daughter’s forehead. 
“She’s beautiful.” Rhaenyra hummed whilst your smile could only grow. “She is. Takes after her mother.” The sound of your Prince came from behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see Daemon sauntering as ever towards you. His hand moved to your lower back and gently stroked you.
“Where are the girls?” You whispered as he leaned in; passionately capturing your soft lips. Your noses brushed together as he rested his head on yours for a short moment. “Settling their dragons.” You hummed. You had not wanted them to fly their dragons here; your twins only turning nine.
“Where is Baelar?” Rhaenyra asked; the little girl was usually never away from her parent's side. “She is with Corlys.” You hummed. “She enjoys being his ward.” You giggled out as the Princess joined in with her own laughter. “Do not worry, Rhaenyra. Your favourite is here.” You couldn’t help but tease.
Rhaenyra tried to look shocked but she only chuckled. “Hmm, I am glad,” The Princess whispered whilst Daemon only shook his head. Your attention easily moved to the sleeping babe once more. You heard the chatter between Rhaenyra and Daemon as your husband still kept you close.
“We should go inside.” Daemon whispered into your ear. It was only then that you realised how much time had passed. You hummed and looked back up at him; a soft smile coming over your face as he leaned close once more. Your kiss was soft and sensual as his tongue moved to dance with your own.
“We do not need to see this.” One of your twins called from behind you both. Rhaenyra’s call of her name echoed around. A blush still came over your face even after all this time whilst Daemon as ever hardly cared. “I do hope the two of you will stay out of trouble.” You hummed towards the two girls.
Rhaenyra only shook her head before taking the hands of the twins who giggled together. “Come then.” Daemon hummed. His own fingers moved to stroke your sleeping babe whilst you walked beside him. “Are you sure you are well?” He whispered into your ear; concern filling his tone.
“Of course, you worry too much.” You whispered up to your husband and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. Daemon only hummed in response. “I have heard my brother does not want to remarry.” Daemon brought you up to speed with the gossip as he gently guided you towards the entry. The guards were moving and bowing their heads.
“Now you know how I used to feel.” You couldn’t help but tease Daemon as you settled beside him at the welcoming home fest in your honours. He only hummed once more; those bright eyes of his never moving from your daughter and Rhaenyra. Your giggling continued as you stroked the back of his neck; calming him.
His hand rested on your thigh now and began to stroke you whilst you only leaned impossibly closer. Your soft, ample breasts brushing against his chest. Still so big and sensitive from your birthing. “You should enjoy yourself. Let her enjoy herself.” You whispered sweet nothings into his ear.
Daemon turned to look at you; his eyes soft. “You might be right.” He whispered; his hand softly moving to cup your face. “I’m always right.” A soft tug of his lips was your response as you continued to giggle. He leaned in and lovingly captured those soft lips of yours; brushing your noses together. “I hope we don’t stay here long.” He whispered.
You hummed and ran your fingers through his locks as he moved to hide into your neck for a moment. He hated being surrounded by too many people; Daemon just wanted to return to the little home they had made. As your fingers continued to stroke his hair; your eyes began to move around the feast.
You noticed the eye of the King moving over to you more than once before his attention moved towards your daughters. Surely, he could not still be envious. You had not birthed a son for Daemon, yet. You had been ashamed at that once upon a time; but Daemon held no feelings against you for no son. He loved all his girls.
“Shall we retire early?” Daemon whispered into your ear; his mouth hotly pressing kisses down your neck. A soft giggle escaped you as you found yourself blushing once more; even after all this time. “Hmm? I have missed you.” Daemon continued and your eyes nearly rolled back at his teasing.
“I’ve never left you.” You whispered; your fingers continuing to play with his locks as you leaned back. “No…I’ve missed you.” Daemon repeated as his hand slowly moved up your thigh; under your beautiful dress. A favourite of your husband. “Daemon..” You softly gasped out; your eyes wide and looking around the room once more.
He only hummed; still kissing your soft neck as his hand finally cupped your soaked pussy. “Or I can play with you here.” His fingers slowly moved over your soaked folds and watched your pretty eyes widen. You reached to hold onto his shoulder whilst fighting against rocking your hips.
“We should go..” You whimpered out into his ear. You were the one burrowing your face in his neck now. “Yeah?” Daemon whispered; slipping two of his fingers inside your weeping pussy. It was enough to have you moaning as mouthed at his soft neck. “Please..” You began to beg so prettily now.
“Hmm, fine..” Your rogue Prince muttered before cheekily mouthing at your clothed nipple; sucking for a moment before his fingers left you. “Delicious..” He purred as he brought his soaked fingers to his mouth and began to suck. Your beautiful, silk dress is now ruined by your own milk. 
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justinalovee · 1 year
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ℜ𝔥𝔞𝔢𝔫𝔶𝔯𝔞 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔫
• 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 - one shot
• 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (Rhaenyra x reader x Alicent - mini series)
• 𝑴𝒚 𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒚
• 𝑫ō𝒏𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒂 (Rhaenyra x reader x Helaena)
• 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 (Rhaenyra x reader x Helaena)
𝔄𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔡 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔫
• 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒏 (Aemond x reader x Rhaenyra - mini series)
𝔄𝔢𝔤𝔬𝔫 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔫
• 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 (Aegon x reader x Helaena - mini series)
• 𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 (Aegon x reader x Rhaenyra - mini series)
𝔄𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔱 ℌ𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯
• 𝑴𝒚 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
• 𝑷𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
• 𝑨𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒆𝒔 (Rhaenyra x reader x Daemon)
• 𝑵𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒚 (Rhaenyra x reader x Daemon)
• 𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 (Rhaenyra x reader x Daemon)
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
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˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : ELLE— she/her, 24 ; @witchofthevale's little haunt, a place to indulge in writing my little stories. I hope you enjoy your stay ♡.
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kinktober rhaenyra piece \\ part 6 of TSHBFT \\ kinktober osferth piece \\ kinktober modern!aeg piece \\ kinktober masterlist \\ a dalliance of dragons, daemon
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╰┈➤ This account is strictly for writing, so I only reblog my fics, comments made by lovely people, and pretty dividers so you can hit that follow button + notification to get notified with new works. ╰┈➤ As a self confessed lazy git, I don't have a general taglist for individual fics/drabbles, only for series. You can also message to be tagged in every new series.
╰┈➤ I take requests sparingly. Unless I've replied with a definitive no for a reason or the other, know that I'm keeping it bookmarked in my inbox until I am actively working on it. + If you've missed your request, you can check the tag #🌼━━・❪ requested ❫ ・━━🌻. + I keep my wips list clean so I don't get overwhelmed. It's fixed in a way to show what's currently cooking/will be updating soon, so don't worry if you don't see your request!
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✎✎✎˚ ·˚꒰ CURRENT WIPS ₊ ˚ ˑ ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳❥
part 6 of TSHBFT | two parter part 3 of manipulative reader x jacey boy + (PART II) | dae piece w/ lannister!reader | modern osferth piece | kinktober, rhaenyra piece | kinktober, cregan piece | part 7 of TSHBFT | part 1 of OMOGK
REQUESTS | au of an au: dae + manip!niece reader | modern!aeg piece
✎✎✎˚ ·˚꒰ BACKBURNER FOR NOW ₊ ˚ ˑ ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳❥
modern single dad!cregan stark | modern nepo!aegon ii | mini series w/ dae
REQUESTS | daemyra, punishments pt.ii
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122 notes · View notes