#minho alby gally etc
itsjustrosee · 4 months
hiii rose!! back with another fem reader x Minho request because I love the first one you did 🥰🫶🏼
Could you do one where fem reader is wondering the glade one day and exploring it by herself because she’s curious and still fairly new, and she ends up in the deadheads, finding the runner’s hut. Coincidentally, the runners were having a meeting inside and she’s curious so she watches them through one of the holes between the branches. The meeting is adjourned and they all leave except Minho who stays behind and continues working, she hides from them as soon as they leave the hut but stays back to watch Minho cause she lowkey has a crush.
Minho hears noises outside and gets defensive, “Who’s there?! Only runners are allowed here-” etc. but he softens when he realises it’s her. And lets her inside to show her around. LOTS of seggsual tension cause it’s only two of them in the hut and this is their first proper interaction with one another. And the rest it up to you hehehe (idm if it ends in spice or fluff) 🥰🥰
Thank you for yet another request!! this one is so cute and wholesome I literally couldn't wait to do it. I really hope you like it <33
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Soft Spot (Minho x fem!reader)
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Context: Read above ^ (pre-Thomas)
Warnings: none, just fluff, sunshine!reader x grumpy!Minho if u squint
Wordcount: 2.8k (proofread, but again, if u see spelling mistakes don't be surprised)
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You'd been in the glade for about a week.
And fortunately, it only took a week for majority of the gladers to get over you being a girl. But that only really happened after Alby threatened that the next person who made any sort of advance on you would have two days in the slammer, without food or water. His rule did seem a little harsh to you, but you were thankful that his means of discipline proved to be effective because most boys practically steered clear of you from that moment on.
Every boy except for Chuck. The little shank was one of the few people in the glade to treat you like a normal person and you had to thank him for that. He showed you around the glade and told you as much as he could about it, which wasn't much because he'd been there only a month longer than you. But still, you appreciated his help nonetheless.
The next issue you needed to overcome in the glade was finding out what you were good at. Embarrassingly enough, through a process of trial and error, you found out you weren't good at a lot of things. But you were good at one thing, being a medjack.
To be fair though, there weren't a lot of qualifications for the job. You knew how to bandage people up but your best skill by far was being able to send everyone that walked in the medhut with an injury, out in a better mood than the one that they had walked in with.
You'd like to say that that was one of your greatest abilities, you cared about everyone's feelings. You were positive in negative situations, and you were always there to listen to anyone's problems and anxieties. That's probably why every glader had developed a soft spot for you. Even Gally out of all people recognized how you boosted everyone's morale and he couldn't help but respect you, along with all the efforts you made toward being someone the gladers could rely on.
So it's safe to say you were slowly becoming an important part of the glades community, but despite that, you still didn't know much about the glade. That being said, whenever you weren't in the medhut or when work got slow, you spent your time wandering the glade and areas you hadn't explored thoroughly. And today was no different.
The maze doors were closed and you had just finished eating dinner. The area you planned on visiting today was the deadheads, the place you'd been looking forward to exploring the least. It didn't help that it was already getting dark out when you set foot in the forest. Branches and leaves crunched under your feet as you walked further, and a crisp breeze traveled through the air making you shiver.
You didn't quite know why the deadheads creeped you out so much. I mean, maybe it was the name. Like seriously, deadheads? Really? They couldn't have chosen anything that sounded slightly less intimidating?
So the name was definitely a contributor. But it's not exactly like there were any animals or any monsters in the woods, nothing that should prove to be any sort of threat. Regardless, something about it still made the hair on your arms in the back and the back of your neck prick up for some reason.
Before you could convince yourself that you'd visit the deadheads another day, you heard a noise. It was a voice, but it sounded like it was coming from further into the woods.
Out of curiosity, you followed the direction where the noises you heard seemed to be coming from and eventually, you came across a poorly built hut made out of branches and wood, held together by string and cement.
You could tell you weren't supposed to be there, or have found this place to begin with. It was concealed well by the forest but somehow you stumbled upon it anyway. Against your better judgment, you decided to walk further towards it to try and hear what was being said by those inside better.
"What do you mean you found nothing new?" Minho asks irritatedly to someone else in the hut. Your heart skipped at hearing Minho's voice and you cursed at yourself for how you subconsciously reacted to hearing his voice.
It was hard to believe that it's only been your first week in the glade and you'd already started developing feelings for Minho, a boy you've only talked to once. You couldn't help but think it was stupid that you liked him because you barely knew him, but then again it was hard not to find yourself crushing on him. He's held in such high regard by all of the gladers and he's the main person looking for a way out of the maze for everyone.
Also come on, with a build like that, anyone could find themselves daydreaming about him.
"Shuck Minho, what do you want me to say? I'm sorry that I explored areas we already explored and didn't find anything?" You heard another voice pierce the air and you could recognize it as Bens. You stepped closer to the hut, avoiding stepping on anything that could blow your cover and peeking out through one of the branches that the walls of the hut consisted of. Thankfully it had gotten dark so no one would be able to see you peeking in.
You could see Minho, Ben, and two other runners inside. Ben and Minho were standing up, and it was clear they were in the middle of an argument. You weren't able to recognize the other gladers but they were sat down at a large round table which had scattered papers and- a scaled-down model of the maze? Okay, you definitely weren't supposed to be there.
"Minho come on. How much longer are you going to keep denying it?" Ben asked again in response to Minhos silence. You suddenly felt guilty about eavesdropping on a conversation like this because you had a feeling that what they were talking about definitely wasn't meant to be heard by you or anyone else in the glade.
"There has to be a way out, I know there is-" Minho starts, trying to calm himself, but he gets cut off again by Ben once more.
"Seriously? Because it doesn't look like there is," Ben said with a cruel laugh as he exasperatedly threw his hands up before speaking again, "Just face it, we're shucking stuck here."
"Slim it alright, Ben?" Minho shouts while slamming his fist on the table which definitely makes Ben and the others jump slightly. "You know what, just get the shuck outta here. Meeting adjourned or whatever," Minho finished with a sigh.
"Minho come on," Said one of the two other runners who had now stood up.
"No, it's fine. I just need some time to think, alright? It's getting late anyways." Minho explained and after seeing his expression, you're assuming neither Ben nor the rest of the runners had any hope of getting through to Minho tonight so they began making their way to the door of the hut.
Suddenly, you remembered that you weren't even supposed to be there. You quickly hid behind a nearby tree and waited to hear the runners walk off. As their footsteps grew more and more faint, the coast was clear.
You should've walked away then. You should've understood that you'd already intruded on enough and heard way too many things that you shouldn't have, but part of you wandered back to your spot standing near the door of the hut.
You tiptoed closer to the slits in the hut wall, looking at Minho as he fiddled with papers and checked them with the model of the maze that you're assuming that he and the other runners had made.
You were so interested in watching, and kinda sorta stalking Minho, that you shifted your weight on one of your feet and accidentally stepped on a twig, snapping it in half during the process.
Oh, shuck.
The noise the twig made after breaking in two was nothing short of loud and it definitely gained Minho's attention.
You backed away from the hut quickly as loud footsteps approached the door of the hut, "Hey, who's there!? Only runners are allowed over here!" Minho says angrily as he reaches the doorknob and twists it.
His gaze is hard as he opens the door but once he sees you standing on the other side of it, his gaze softens. His jaw unclenches, and his body unstiffens as you stare at him, scared out of your mind that he might yell at you more.
"I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to eavesdrop. I mean- I didn't hear anything I just-" You could barely say more than two words without stuttering, and thankfully Minho cut you off before you could embarrass yourself more.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," Minho sighed while leaning against the doorframe with his foot propping the door open. He crossed his arms before he brought one of his hands up to the back of his neck, rubbing it while he spoke again, "Sorry if I scared you," He added while giving you a genuine look and a soft apologetic smile that made your cheeks redden.
"Oh- no, it's okay," You say while crossing your arms and clearing your throat, "Cool model you got there. I'm guessing that it's related to the maze out there right?" You ask, nodding your head behind Minho and to the maze model sitting on the table, and you regret ever having said anything the second the words come out of your mouth. Why couldn't you just mind your own shucking business?
"Oh shuck." Minho mutters while looking behind his shoulder and then back at you, "Sorry it's just uh, you really weren't meant to have seen that. But I'm guessing that's not the only thing you've seen or heard tonight is it?" Minho asked you.
"Well, I might've heard a couple things," You lie, trying to avoid eye contact with Minho but you can tell he's giving you a look, "Alright I might've heard a lot, but I really didn't mean to. I'm sorry," You finally reply.
"It's okay." Minho sighed, "Want to come inside?"
"What?" You replied a little too quickly, "I thought other gladers weren't allowed in here?" You asked with a look of confusion on your face.
"Well, I think it's a little too late to be keeping any more secrets from you." Minho chuckled, "And you don't seem like the type to go around telling everyone about this," Minho looked at you, hoping to confirm his statement.
"Right- yeah of course I won't tell anyone. Your secrets are safe with me."
Minho smirked at your response and he held the door open for you as you walked in after him. You sat down in the seat right next to Minho's and looked at him as he ran his fingers through his hair. Past his stoic expression, you could swear you saw stress mixed with exhaustion in his eyes.
"Are you alright Minho? You seem a bit stressed," You asked.
"Yeah it's just- shuck I don't know," Minho replies frustrated as he rests one of his arms on the table and pinches his eyebrows with his other hand, leaning his head down as he does so. You can tell there's something more that he wants to say but for some reason, he's stopping himself.
"Hey, it's okay," You say while putting your hand on top of his on the table. "I really don't know anything about what's going on in the maze, but I'm always here if you need someone to talk to," You continue while giving Minho a soft smile. You can swear you see a blush on his cheeks as he removes his hand from his head and looks at you.
"Alright then," Minho replies while leaning back in his chair but he begins holding back onto your hand as he continues, "I'm sure you've kinda already heard, but it's not really looking too good for us with the maze. We've discovered basically the entire thing and we still have no idea how to get out," He finished. He looked at you to see if you were even paying any attention and you looked at him eagerly, giving him an encouraging look and urging him to continue.
"And well, I don't know. I just really expected us to find a way out by now. I mean it's been two years. Two shuckin' years and we still haven't found a way out." Minho continued.
"Well, I don't think the people who made this place intended for it to be easy to get out of did they?" You replied.
"What?" Minho looked at you confused.
"I'm saying that even though it seems like there isn't a way out, doesn't mean that there isn't. And just because things aren't looking good right now doesn't mean that there isn't hope for us." You say as look up at him, "They wouldn't have just trapped us here without an exit. Regardless of that, everything that you've been able to accomplish since coming here is beyond impressive Minho. If anyone is going to be able to figure out the maze, it'll be you." You say with a warm smile while giving Minho's hand a tight squeeze.
Silence filled the room for a moment before anyone spoke, "Do you really mean that?" Minho asks with genuine concern. You can see his cheeks redden the longer you look at him.
"Of course I do Minho," You reassure him. The look in your eyes made Minho feel hopeful and appreciated as he wrapped you in a warm embrace.
You were shocked at the sudden advance but quickly reciprocated the hug. Your arms found themselves wrapped around his back while his were wrapped around your waist. Minho held you tightly and firmly, almost as if he was afraid you could slip away if he ever loosened his grip.
"It's okay. It's all going to be okay," You cooed softly into Minho's ear while rubbing his back.
After a moment longer, he pulled away, looking at you silently. You practically held your breath as he took one of his hands away from your waist and brought it up to your face. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear and your heart was going a million miles per hour as he did so.
Suddenly you felt the temperature in the room increase drastically. Thick tension filled the air, it was a mix of longing and desire and it was itching at you. You couldn't help but feel a burning sense of eagerness, and as you looked into Minho's eyes, you could tell he felt it too.
Minho's eyes lingered on your lips, and almost as if it were an instinct, you both leaned in, his lips merging with yours.
As he kissed you, it was as if time stopped. The only thing that mattered at that moment was you and Minho and how heavenly it felt to be kissed by him. It made both of you forget about everything else that was going on in your hectic lives. You could only remember how Minho held you, how he made you feel so safe and secure, and especially how his lips felt on top of yours.
You moved your hands and wrapped them around his neck as he kept one of his arms around your back and the other on your cheek. You couldn't help but melt into his touch as he pulled you closer to him.
Minho pulled away from your lips first, pressing his forehead on yours as he spoke, "Thank you," he murmured, and rather than replying, you put your lips on his once more.
As he kissed you again, he was gentle and he held you carefully as if you were so fragile that with one wrong move, you could break. Minho felt nothing but loved and cared about whenever he was with you. You were the only person who made him feel hopeful and optimistic about being trapped in a maze. He felt motivated by the idea of being able to find a way out of the maze, if not for him, then for you and everyone else living in the glade.
The kiss became more passionate and heartfelt as it intensified. Being held and loved by him was better than anything you'd ever felt before, and you could already tell that you'd gotten addicted to Minho and how he made you feel. You wanted to stay there forever. It didn't matter if the world began to crumble around you, as long as you were with Minho you felt safe.
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All right thats it yallllllll. I think this may have been my favorite one to make so far, I just love how wholesome it turned out. I thought I should take a lil break from all the smut and spice anyways 😪
But seriously I hope you guys like this as much as I do!! I love reading and working on all of your requests and I really hope you guys continue to send me them!!!! It genuinely makes me happy knowing you guys like my writing so much <33
BTW THANK YOU GUYS FOR 40 FOLLOWERS!!!!! i really cant thank you guys enough for how nice you've all been and your compliments mean the world to me!
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ssunnysshin3 · 4 months
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Hummingbird(tmr Minho x reader)
Disclaimer: this is a version where both girls and boys live in the glades.It’s a lil bit lengthy sorry.
Authors note: I watched tmr for the first time 2 days ago and thought of this last night at 1am trying to fall asleep. Pls be nice it’s my first fanfic :)
Summary: you and your best friend Minho have a bit of a complicated relationship. However watching him get stuck in the maze overnight helps navigate your feelings
Tags: tmr Minho x reader, angst-ish, fluff
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“Who’s that?” Thomas turns to Alby.
Alby turns towards the direction Thomas was previously looking. “Oh that’s hummingbird. She got here a month after Minho. They’ve been close ever sense. If you’re looking for one, the other knows where they are.
“Hummingbird? Is that her real name?”
Ably chuckles, ”No. No it’s not. Only me, Newt, and Minho know what it is. And she hates it so don’t ask.”
Thomas leaned his head to the side in confusion as he watched you talk to Minho, who he’d already met.“Are they together?”
Alby took a deep breath before turning his head towards the pair. Shaking his head he says “ Good question. I’m not even sure they know what they are yet.”
You feel a hand on your shoulder gently shaking you as you open your eyes, the rising dawn slowly peeking through. You stretch and turn your head to Minho kneeling down to the side of your hammock.
“Hey” he says with a soft smile. The approaching sunlight casts a warm glow across his skin and in the light, his eyes are a beautiful amber color that only you would ever notice. It’s a nice contrast to the hard, worn look that normally resides on his face.
“Alby and I and headed into the maze. Are you sure you don’t want to run with us?” He says in a hushed tone so that the surrounding gladers don’t wake up.
Nodding you respond, ”Yeah I’m sure.” You reach up to move a hair sticking to his forehead away before resting your hand on his cheek. You look him in his eyes,“Run fast”.
He smiles, placing a kiss to your forehead before throwing a playful wink at you“I always do”.
A smile grows on your face as you watch him fade from your view, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of anxiety you get every time he enters the maze.
As you try to settle back into your hammock, you silently pray to, well you have no idea. It could be God or whoever sent you up in that box a three years ago, or truly to anyone that’s listening. “Please bring them back”
You close your eyes and attempt to catch whatever sleep you can before the glades awake for the day.
It’s getting late. While you completed your list chores for the day, which consisted of: marking the trees that were to be cut, helping out in the garden, wrapping up wounds,etc, you always kept a conscious note of where the sun was in the sky. And it was telling you that Minho and Alby should’ve been back by now.
Now the sun was hidden behind grey clouds and the rain poured as the gladers restlessly waiting for their leaders to return.
“They should be back by now. What happens if they don’t make it?” Thomas asks nervously. “They’re gonna make it.” Newt says with a harden expression on his face.
Thomas stalks over “ And what happens if they don’t ?” You and Newt share a look. “They’re gonna make it” You respond, though you’re not sure if you’re saying it for Thomas or for yourself.
The rain had cleared and soon enough a crowd gathered around the entrance of the maze.
Thomas jumped around nervously, “Come on, can’t we send someone after them?”. “It’s against the rules. They either make it back or they don’t.” Gally responded from his seated position.
You’ve never been a huge fan of Gally, he’s bossy and stuck up. However you could respect his dedication to the rules, and nonetheless he was right. No one could go in to help them. You bit your bottom lip nervously before shaking your head, “We can’t risk losing someone else.”
The familiar gust of wind expelled from the maze as the walls started to close. Your heart rate picks up as you try not to let the panic set in.
“There!” Thomas points at two figures slowly approaching the group. “Wait something’s wrong.” Newt takes a step forward.
Your eyes widen when you realize that Minho looks to be carrying all of Albys weight. “COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO THIS!!” Chuck yells into the closing maze. The crowd abrupt into cheers and words of encouragement.
“RUN MINHO RUN!! YOU GOT THIS!” You scream as you step in front of the group. Minho drops Alby and starts his attempt at dragging him towards the exit by his feet.
“MINHO YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!” Gally shouts. You look over to Newt who wears a devastated look, “He’s not gonna make it.” The realization that Minho could actually die in the maze starts to consume you. Your throat is sore from screaming “HES RIGHT MINHO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE HIM!”
Minho lets out a gut wrenching scream as the walls of the maze get closer and closer together. Suddenly, Thomas breaks out in a full sprint into the maze. Yells of “THOMAS!”, “STOP”, “NO” break from the crowd as all of you try to reach out and grab him. But it was too late.
When the doors of the maze finally close, there’s a silence that sweeps the glade. Some start to walk back to the village, some are frozen in their place, one of which is you.
Your eyes are wide in shock, trying to comprehend that you have to now cross three names off of the wall.
You and Chuck waited in the same spots you were in. You waited from when the sun went down, all the way until you could see day break. I mean how could you sleep when closest friend had just lowered his survival rate by 90%.
All night Minho consumed your thoughts. The first time you guys met, him picking you as a runner, every look you guys shared. You closed your eyes and pictured every line of his face. His eyes, his smile, the color of his hair.
You tried to remember the sound of his voice. How he’d laugh when he joked around and your most recent conversations (including everything you wished you said). How he’d speak so gently to you, almost as if he was afraid that you’d break if he spoke to loud.
You’d put your hands to the air and try to feel his skin on yours. The warmth of his hugs.
You’re positive that you must look insane to the others, but that didn’t matter. This was your attempt at engraving Minho into your heart. It was a feeling that was familiar to you.
After what felt like an eternity, the maze opened. You straightened your back and forced yourself to stand as a couple of others came to see it they’d made it.
“I told you Chuck, they’re not coming back” Newt said in a disappointed tone. As you turn around to walk back into the village, you hear a voice from behind. “ No way”.
You see the rest turn to look behind them, so you do the same. Your eyes almost bulge out of your head as you see three dark figures moving towards you. You thought that it was your imagination until you stumbled closer to the mouth of the maze.
The others helped Minho and Thomas lay an unconscious, probably dead Alby on the ground. They looked tired and like they had almost died, and you should’ve probably been thinking of ways to help Alby. But all you could do is stare in Minho in disbelief. Even when they were talking about how Thomas killed a griever, you stood there paralyzed. They had survived a night in the maze. No one had done that before.
There was a meeting later that night, of course led by Gally about how Thomas should be punished for breaking the rules. You’d been quietly leaning against a wall, just observing.
Newt interrupts the arguing that was taking place. “Minho you were there with him,what do you think?” Everyone’s head turn to Minho(except yours),who had been also leaning quietly on a wall towards the back of the hut.
He goes on to defend Thomas “Look I don’t know if he’s brave or stupid but whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner.” You could almost see the steam coming out of Gallys ears. It made you laugh a little bit.
“Hummingbird, what do you think?” Frypan asks. You hadn’t spoken a word since Thomas ran into the maze.You clear your throat a bit and shift your footing. You never really have anything to say for meetings like these, and you prefer it that way. It makes moments like these very rare. “I think that even Alby wouldn’t dare do something like face a griever much less kill it. A feat like that shouldn’t be ignored. And we can all agree that the kids fast. I think he’s right, Thomas should be a runner ”
Your mind was going a mile a minute. You were worried about Alby, you hadn’t spoken to Minho yet, and a new girl popped up in the box.The only good thing was that whoever put her there also put in some kind of cure for Alby.
You’d had nightmares before about dying in the maze. Whether it was you or Newt or Chuck. At one point or another, you’ve dreamt of every glader in the village dying from the maze. Some came true and some didn’t. Through the ones you had of Minho were probably the most painful. So painful that when you woke up you would be biting back sobs, and tears would stream down your cheeks as you wished it was you in the maze instead of him.
It was all too much, so you decide to busy yourself with some chores. You grab a woven basket and decide to head into the forest to see what you can harvest from the trees.
You’re agile and quick, that what made you a good maze runner. It also makes you excellent for climbing trees. They call you hummingbird because the whole village can hear your song from the forest. It’s a comforting sound that lets them know you’re safe. There’s almost never a time where the glades doesn’t have a song in the air.
And you’re one of maybe four that have permission to do so. So when you hear a crunching of leaves approaching, you’re on high alert.
You maneuver in the tree to face the sound and find a certain maze runner walking your way. “Minho what are you doing out here? You can’t be here.”
“ Couldn’t hear a song from the village, wanted to make sure you’re alright.” Minho says leaning against the tree across from the one you’re in.
“ I’m fine now go back to the village it’s too dangerous for you out here.” You hoped he would take that answer and leave. But you should’ve known better than that.
“ If you’re fine then why no song?” He walks up to your tree and looks up at you.
Ignoring his question, turn your away from him and focus your attention back to the tree you were foraging from.
Minho runs and grab the basket at the base of the tree before you could drop the fruit in. “Hummer please talk to me. You haven’t said a word to me since I got back.”
Sighing deeply, ”Minho, please leave. You shouldn’t be out here.”
“ I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” You jump down from the tree and walk ahead of him towards the village.
“I don’t want to fight with you” he picks up his pace to follow you.
“ y/n please!”
You stop in your tracks. “ I told you not call me that.”
“It was the only way to get you to stop.” Minho drops the basket of fruit and walks around in front of you, but is disappointed to find you won’t look at him.
He steps forward and reaches to touch you but you back away hesitantly. You’re afraid that if you touch him, he’ll disappear into dust.
You turn around to pick up the fallen basket and it’s contents. You really did not want to talk about this right now.
“ Come on just tell me what’s bothering you I don’t underst-“
“I THOUGHT YOU DIED MINHO!” You turn on your heels and scream at him. Closing your eyes, you move to rest your forehead against the nearest tree.
“ But I- *sigh* hummer you know the risk of being a runner.
“ Yes I do except this was the first time you didn’t make it back.”
Minho takes careful steps towards you.“I did make it-“
“But you almost didn’t.” All you could think about was what if Thomas hadn’t run in the maze. They wouldn’t have just lost their fastest runner, you would’ve lost you best friend too.
You open your eyes and turn around, back leaning against the tree now face-to-face with Minho.
Looking at the ground,“ When the maze closed,” you swallow, “I thought my heart stopped.” you say barely above a whisper, trying to keep your words from getting caught in your throat.
Feeling his hand rest against your cheek, the thought crosses that if you could bottle up this warmth and keep it in your pocket you would. ”Look at me.”
You can’t. You don’t know why you just…..can’t.
“Please baby just look at me.” he says in a desperate voice.
Finally finding the strength, you lift your eyes to meet his. They were sad, like he would do anything just to find out what’s making you feel like this. A pang of guilt went through your chest.
But then, he smiles. When he smiles it makes you feel like nothing mattered other than the two of you. Like the world around you dissolved into thin air. Like everything was gonna be okay.
“Hey, there’s my beautiful girl.” With his other hand, he laces his fingers with yours. Minho brings your interlocked hands to his lips giving it a gentle kiss before placing it above his heart. “I’m right here. This is real, I’m right here.”
“Minho I lov-“
“I know” he rushes to fill the space between the two of you, softly connecting his lips to yours.
The air stilled around you. Of course you always hoped this would happen but now it’s actually happening.
As the space between you and Minho got smaller, you squeezed your hand that was holding his and noticed that instead of being just against his heart, it was against yours as well. You hoped this moment would last forever.
Both of you breathlessly pull apart from each other. “I love you y/n. I love you more than anything.” He says with a breathless smile.
You scrunch your nose and playfully push him away. “If you love me just be faster next time”
He picks up the harvest basket.”Of course! Can’t have you not talking to me again now can we?”
You walked back to the village, both knowing this was a new era of you and Minho. And you hummed your song all the way there.
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zhvakinnn · 1 year
There's no time
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Newt X (any gender) Reader (romantic)
Gladers X reader (platonic)
Warning: mention of blood, cursing , mention of death, maybe kinda angsty but it will be fluff
A/N: this is not actually an AU but in this situation alby was not sting but will be sting at the time where they're escaping
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All the gladers are waiting for reader to come back because its already getting dark the gates started to close the others left because they knew reader can't survive there
"They're not gonna make it.."
"they're gonna die"
"they're not coming back"
Newt can hear the others but he still have faith that you can out run the door
Then there was you running for your life
The gates were so fast and your to far once you touch the walls its already close all you heard was newt shouting
Some of the gladers had a disappointed face and left because its already getting dark but newt stayed there
"hey newt.. you can't just stay here you have to take a rest..."
Jeff said as he sat next to newt
"... let's just wait for those walls to open and I'm pretty sure the runners will look for them. Lets just have a little fate that they will get out of there safe"
Newt was hesitate but nodded and got up to he's hut
When newt woke up he saw minho and ben running to the maze he only stared at them for a minute then he started he's job
Then a few hours later he saw minho carrying reader on he's back to the med-jack
Newt quickly ran up to them but was stop when minho pulled him away
"wait man you cant go in there, they're still healing"
Minho grab newt's shoulder
"well no bloody shit i have to go to them i need to know that their ok"
Newt said trying to get out of Minho's grip
"newt please be patient... they're resting for the meantime alright"
Alby said and he only nodded
A few minutes past there's a loud sound that cause newt,minho,alby to look inside the med-jack
Minho caught jeff and only stared at reader
"wh-what happen to them?...."
Minho asked
"they're stung by a griver"
'no no no I'm only dreaming this isn't true' newt thought as alby call the other's and tied reader
"wait stop y'all are gonna hurt them!"
Newt said to the other glader seeing reader like this minho and alby didn't notice the stung on they're back when they saw reader lying down
"I'm sorry newt but we have to banish them"
Chuck said seeing the commotion
Newt's eyes were widened he was so furious that he attack gally who has been holding up reader
The others pull newt out off gal and put him in a time out
Newt only sat there waiting for reader to get banished he said its more better to be there than seeing reader go to the maze
The sound of closing gates which means reader is gonna get banished then he heard reader screaming
"shit please dont let be in there again please!!"
Newt stand up and tried to open the cell door once he did open it he ran as fast as he can but when he got there reader was already inside they made eye contact and reader mumble
'i love you'
Then the walls are closed
The other gladers were sad aswell reader has been like a family to them they couldn't help but feel gloom
Newt only knelt down there crying
A/N: I'm tired, in this part where many months have past now thomas and Teresa were here and they escape the next part will happen in the scorch trial
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There will be a part 2!!!!!
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
@its-tea-time-darling thank you, actually, for driving me to headcanons again, because you’ve inspired one that I have to talk about more —
Gally is ABSOLUTELY the guy who calls someone if they so much as text him more than two times. Especially if they are paragraphs, he’s just going to call someone. Some people like this/aren’t bothered by this most of the time/know this about him and accept it (I’d say probably Teresa, Alby, and Frypan respectively) but everyone else is absolutely fed up with it (Thomas doesn’t answer, Newt answers but reminds him that he was texting for a reason, Minho straight up declines the call and continues to bombard him, Brenda likes to answer his call and start saying the most fucked up shit just to make him stammer and wish he’d never called).
Minho responds to someone with memes almost always. He has a meme or a gif for literally every single situation. Eventually though, whenever someone has bad news he will respond with “BUMMER” but then send an actual “ah that sucks man,” after because personal growth. He does however love to vent in text and will also send paragraphs of funny rants about his day.
Thomas sends paragraphs. All the time. Where three words would suffice he texts out fifteen. He also is the one who asks too many questions and if the group is meeting up somewhere he always has to ask again what time/where/dress code/parking etc. (Brenda actually secretly really appreciates this). He also sends out videos and articles but he’s not a big meme person (he’s never sure he’s using em right but he laughs at Minho’s and Brenda’s).
Newt doesn’t actually text the group that often and usually just texts people directly, but he does pin things if the app they’re using has that capability/answers Thomas’s questions and pins it (or reminds him that it’s already pinned, ffs, can’t you read?). He occasionally sends pictures of what he’s doing and has to be reminded to text someone where he’s going so that if something happens people know where he is because he often goes out on his own.
Teresa sends news articles, and other things she thinks others might enjoy learning about. (Alby and Thomas always feel the need to actually reply instead of just react like “this is neat!” Which actually Teresa really enjoys). Teresa also sends a bulk paragraph of plans or is the one to initiate “okay, we talked about hanging out, but what is the plan” and forces people to actually commit to things.
Alby has not mastered that certain apps are for certain things and always tries to talk about subjects that are in other apps in the wrong one. Do not start a serious conversation in the Instagram group chat, that’s for texting, the insta is for memes, articles, videos, etc., not convos. Facebook messenger is for meetups in person, discord is for FaceTime calls, etc. and he always mixes them up and someone (Newt or Teresa) usually gently delete and redirect him every time or don’t even say anything and just ignore it.
Brenda, like Minho, knows her way around memes and gifs and could be a comedy/influencer if she wanted to but she has no desire to post every day. She and Minho would have absolutely killed it on vine. She texts a lot and seems to know how to keep a conversation alive if it seems like it’s stalling.
Frypan is typically more of a responder than one to start the conversation. He actually engages with a rant and says things like “that’s rough!” Or whatever and also reminds everyone to text when they get home from an event safely. He actually has the most active social media following because he’s starting a restaurant and always posts videos about his new food and things like that and it looks delicious. He didn’t really mean to get big on Instagram it just kind of happened because his food looks good and he just wanted to share his food with his friends or his home recipes but things spread much quicker than he expected outside his own page. He’s known for being very wholesome and having super delicious food.
And maybe I’ll do a follow up about whose location is shared with who but I think that’s all I got for now 😂
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zelcii · 2 months
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cw; swearing, gally's falling in love, mention of character death, ben's also falling in love...., a bit of a rollercoaster, NOT PROOFREAD, metions of Adam and Eve, love triangle action, etc...
sum; The bonfire is an activity hosted by the Gladers to welcome in their newest additions in form of celebration. Lori grows closer to the other Gladers, befriending about everyone her eyes come across. Though she sees to have caught a couple eyes herself.
a/n; this is way better than the first, jsyk. i went slow with this. went for quality over quantity though. please enjoyyy. i got butterflies from just writing it so.
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Nick stared blankly at the girl, his mouth slightly agape as he seemed to take his time processing and coming to terms with the fact that her name was 'Lori.' His hands hung limply at his sides, and he seemed rooted in his spot. If you listened closely, you could hear the faint way he held his breath, at a loss for words, which was relatively out of character for him.
Alby, on the other hand, cheered with a wide grin, congratulating Lori on the new piece of herself she had discovered. Yet, the slight flicker in his eyes made Lori suspect that something wasn't quite right.
The silent brunet suddenly spun around and made a beeline for the bonfire, snatching a mug from a nearby Glader, who yelled and chased after him. The boy was the dirty blond with the freckles that Nick had waved over earlier.
"What's up with him?" The girl asked, watching the two boys head over to the food tables. “Looks like he's seen a ghost.” The freckled boy's expression shifted to shock as Nick spoke. He glanced at the girl, then back at Nick, then to the girl again, his face written in disbelief.
"Nothing, I'm sure," Alby assured, though the furrow in his brow and the worry lines on his forehead told her otherwise.
"No, you two are hiding something," she pressed, her tone accusatory. Alby pursed his lips and gave her a stern look as she insisted.
"We aren't, we're just—" Alby began.
"Hiding something," Lori finished, crossing her arms. “It'd be fine if I knew it wasn't about me, but whatever that was?” She waves a finger between Alby and the two other boys with a cocked eyebrow. “That was nasty,” she hissed.
Alby shook his head and let her turn back to the West wall. “So that's how girls are like…” He muttered under his breath. Turning his attention back to the Gladers preparing the rest of the food.
Daylight was quickly fleeting, leaving the stars in its wake. As the other boys started joining in on the fun, the common silence of the Glade was filled with the rhythmic clanging of pots and pans. The mellow hum of the Glade was quickly replaced with the boisterous laughter and cheers as a group of Gladers, including Nick and Alby, lit up a fire at the edge of the tree line by throwing burning stakes into the wooden shrine. The crackle of burning wood sizzled under beat of drums and occasional bursts of laughter. The smell of roasting meat and freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the earthy scent of the damp, green Glade.
Nick, a little higher in spirits, seemed to indulge himself the most at the beverage table, laughing about something only he found amusing. The dirty blond from a while ago shook his head with a grin, nursing his own mug of moonshine.
The girl stayed by the bonfire, making friendly conversation with a handful of Gladers throughout the night. Though a few boys let their eyes linger often, she was able to find suitable company from the Gladers aside from Nick and Alby.
One of these boys was a Runner named Ben. A tall blond with a loud mouth and gentle eyes. Though he occasionally tried to flirt, Lori couldn't find it in herself unable to put a stop to it. Especially with those eyes.
Another, an asian boy named Minho, was the first to greet her when she first walked up to their group. Minho was rsther lean, a muscular build that he bragged was fit for him as the Keeper of the Runners.
The last of them was Newt, the boy from the Box. The blond had offered the space next to him as he asked about her thumb; she gladly accepted. He'd been sitting on the ground with a mug of the alcoholic drink that Nick seemed to be dangerously addicted to. Newt urged her to give it a try. “Gally's recipe,” he said as if it would make her trust the glass more.
“So, you're all Runners?” Lori asked once she'd settled in. She sat in front of the boys next to Newt with Ben and Minho’s backs facing the fire. The flames flickered and danced against the night sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the group, it's warmth dancing on Lori's skin. Ben couldn't help but spare her a little more than a glance.
“Sure are,” Minho confirmed with a sip of his drink. “Nick and Alby tell you the jobs yet?”
"Mhm," she hummed, playing with the grass beneath her fingers. She had given up resisting the alcohol, holding a cold mug between her hands and taking small sips between conversations. She was smart enough to know not to lose control in a Maze full of strangers.
“Anythin’ you fancy just yet?” Newt asked, eyes often darting from her eyes to her bandaged hand in a way that Lori deemed an utterly kind and sweet gesture.
“Yeah, actually. Already asked if I could be a Runner, too.” The boys hummed in amusement, looking between eachother, exchanging looks of flattered approval.
“Of course, you have—I mean, we do look pretty awesome,” Minho remarked with a smirk tugging on his lips.
“I wouldn't say awesome,” Lori taunted, rolling her eyes.
“Huh? Then why else?” Minho huffed.
“I mean, why did you guys wanna be Runners?” She retorted, playfully tilting her head to the side. Ben watched her long brown hair fall over her shoulders with a soft smile.
The boys paused for a moment, the look in their eyes telling her that they were thinking over the same things.
Newt started, “well, y'know how Nick told ya that we get our names back after a few days? Almost like a gift; ‘cause it's the only thing the creators let us keep?” Lori nodded. “Some of us remember more.”
The girl rose an eyebrow, repeating the word timidly, looking to the other boys as they assured her with small smiles. “Nothing big, of course. But sometimes, it's just enough to make you want to get out of here more than the others,” Ben finished.
“So… you guys remember things?” Lori bit her lip, her mind going back to the Box when she called out Nick's name. She wondered if that mattered, and she was determined to find out. “Like what?”
“I remember the taste of sugar,” Newt voiced with a slight frown. “It's quite torturous, actually. To remember the sweetness of candy, but be left with the bitterness of kale and spinich,” the blond grimaced, downing a big sip of moonshine to wash away the taste of greens that lingered on his tongue.
“I remember the rain,” Ben stated since Newt was done. His voice was low. “The skies are always clear here. The wind and weather don't change much in the Glade, and after a year spent in the sun, you start to miss the cold.”
“What about you, big guy?” Lori nudged, asking the dark haired boy across her.
Minho shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “I– damn. I just like to run,” he laughed, crossing his arms.
“You're turn, girl bean,” Ben asked. “Why do you wanna be a Runner.”
The girl hesitated, biting the inside of her cheek as she weighed her options. She pondered over wether it'd be safe enough to confide in the boys about Nick and the whispers. Trust was a delicate thing, and she it wasn't something to be handing out on her first day. She decided against it.
“I remember everything,” she muttered matter-of-factly and Newt nearly spat out his drink with wide eyes, putting down the mug as he coughed. Ben on the other hand had caught a glimpse of mischief in her blue eyes, returning the gaze as they locked eyes.
“Do you really?” Ben leaned in, adjusting the way his back leaned against the log, revelling in the way her eyes reflected the subtle oranges of the bonfire.
“Do you believe me?” She coaxed, challenging him as she leaned in a little as well.
Ben reached out, grabbing the mug Newt had put down by her knee and leaned back down on the wooden log. He took the corner of his sleeve and wiped the lip of the mug, talking a sip. He caught her eyes watch as he tilted the cup up before he muttered, “I’d trust anythin' you're willin' to tell me, sweetheart.”
After a while, Lori could feel the dizziness of the drinks and the slight wobble of her knees as she excused herself from the group. She needed some air, her face flushed with alcohol.
The stars above sparkled faintly against the deep blue of the night sky. Lori lingered for a moment, her thoughts drifting. As she stood there, she let the moment sink in. She really wasn't dreaming, and yet she let herself ignore the deep feeling as she connected the stars above to create her own constellations.
Her footsteps were light on the grass, the distant hum of the bonfire gradually fading behind her. The cool night air was a sharp against her skin. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to shake off the chill.
A voice suddenly called out from behind her. She turned to see two boys standing near one of the maze doors, their figures outlined by the faint glow of the moon. The shorter of the two gave her a friendly wave, while the stood a little more rigid, his gaze fixed on her.
“Hey, Lori!” The boy yelled, his tone carrying a hint of excitement as he called her over. “Come over here for a sec?”
Lori hesitated for a moment, looking between the boys and the stars, then made her way over to them, her curiosity piqued. As she approached, she could see that they were standing by a large stone canvas that framed south wall of the Maze doors. The wall was covered in various names, etched into the stone in a myriad of styles and sizes, “each marking a new name and a new story”, as the boy explained.
The shorter of the two, Adam, introduced himself, shaking her hand with a firm grip. He had long auburn hair that he kept neatly in a low bun and a belt with various instruments hanging out of them. He then introduced the taller boy, Gally. She'd heard of him before, of course, recalling the drink she'd been nursing just minutes ago. His brown hair had been cut short in a way that resembled a buzz cut and his hands were rough and calloused as he shook her hand as well.
Adam gestured towards the wall with a nod, a comfortable grin on his lips. “It’s tradition,” he said, his voice carrying out a hint of pride. “Every greenie gets their name carved into the wall. It’s a way of marking your place here.”
Adam handed her a small chisel and a mallet from his belt, his eyes twinkling with excitement and anticipation. He could never get tired of tradition, a thing Gally seemed to admire about the boy. Adam's excitement was evident no matter how many times he'd watched a Glader write their name on the wall. “It’s a big deal. A bit of a rite of passage, really. But it also helps us keep track of the months.”
Lori took the tools from him, feeling the cold weight of the chisel in her hand. She looked at the wall, her name a blank space waiting to be filled between the dozens of other names scattered around. The stone was cool under her touch, and she took a deep breath, steadying her hand. As she hit the mallet against the chisel, her hand slipped, the girl huffing out in annoyance.
Gally rolled his eyes and offered to help, glancing at her as if to ask if her could put his hands over hers. She nodded and for the first time since she arrived, she was nervous in a way that wasn't incited by fear. Gally froze when he felt her hand under his, before he shook off the comfort they provided. The boy's hands were careful over hers, mindful of the bandages wrapped around her thumb as he showed her how to hit the stone in just the right way.
With careful, deliberate strokes, she began carving her name into the stone with the help of the tall brunet. The sound of the chisel against the rock soothing her nerves, along with the warmth of Gally's skin on hers, though he kept a respectable distance. She pushed away the thoughts begging him to inch closer.
With a clear of his throat, Gally pulled away, avoiding her eyes though his face remained unreadable. He let her finish the rest on her own.
As she worked, Adam and Gally watched in silence, the only sounds the occasional, distant laughter from the other Gladers still enjoying the bonfire and the soft whispers in the wind. Lori… As if the Maze was telling her how to spell it.
She couldn't feel Gally’s eyes burning into the back of her head, though Adam watched in amusementas the boy barely blinked while he looked at her. Something about the way she felt near him recircuited his brain. Adam had to nudge him back to reality. And despite the cold air of the night, he could feel his face warm up with a subtle pink.
Gally’s silence was heavy, at least to him it was. He wanted to say something, but instead, he decided to weigh in his words carefully. After a moment, he finally spoke, his voice gruff with a hint of curiosity. “So, you think you’re ready for what’s out there?”
Lori straightened up, turning to look at him, though his eyes were already on hers. She met his gaze steadily. Lori expected a judging look on his face, but then she was met with the softness of his eyes. She smiled. “I guess I have to be. It’s not like I have much of a choice.”
Gally’s expression softened just slightly, though his shoulders remained rigid. “You’re right about that. It doesn’t get any easier. But if you’re here, you’re part of something bigger.” Lori could hear him shuffle, the shifting of his weight between his feet, and the stifled laughter from Adam as Gally gave him a pointed look. “We look out for each other,” he finished. “That’s what gets us through.”
The girl nodded, already halfway done. It was taking her longer than she expected and she could see now why most of the boys opted for nicknames. In the back of her mind, she could tell that Gally was the mean, stubborn type, with his shoulders tense and his head held high. But something in her soul told her they'd get along just fine.
Her eyes caught a glimpse of a name crossed out in the middle of the wall and she stopped carving.
“John…” Lori muttered, her voice tinged with curiosity. She squinted, trying to decipher if there had been a mistake in the spelling or if the name had been altered for some other reason. “Why's his name crossed out?”
Adam tensed up, biting his lip and casting a glance at Gally, whose posture seemed to falter at the name. The two shared a fleeting look of concern before both directed their attention to the name, their expressions growing more serious.
With a sigh, Adam gave in and started explaining. Lori turned around to face him for a moment, watching resignation glaze over the boy's eyes. Now that she took a proper look at him, she could tell that he seemed older than the other Gladers.
“Nick told you about the boy who ran into the Maze his first night, right?” His voice was soft, almost reverent. He paused, letting his words hang in the cool night air.
Gally, standing beside him, lowered his head slightly, his expression unreadable. Lori lowered the mallet, nodding her head in confirmation. Adam took a deep, shaky breath before continuing. “I don't think he never got his name,” he murmured quietly. Adam spoke in sadness and respect, revelling in the weight of the name as he stood there, simply watching, the same way he did when the boy ran.
“John Doe,” Gally finished solemnly, staring at the name above the girl's head. “He was ten.”
Adam had wandered off after that, heading back to the bonfire claiming he needed a drink, leaving Gally by the wall with a pat to his back. Gally’s eyes followed every careful movement Lori made as she chipped away the stone to finish carving the “R” into the concrete.
He studied her, catching the soft winces she made when she pressed too hard on her thumb and the deliberate way she controlled her breaths. If he listened closely enough, he could hear the way she chose to keep them even as she inhaled even from afar. It suddenly made him aware of his own, wondering if he was breathing too loudly. Each time the wind blew hair across her face, he had to fight the urge to tuck it back behind her ear. So he kept his distance out of respect.
The girl huffed putting down the chisel and handing the tools to Gally who slipped them into his own belt. Their fingers brushed as she gave him the mallet and he had to remind himself to breathe.
“The ‘I’ was the easiest…” she trailed off, leaning against the cold wall. She looked at the tall boy in front of her and asked him to keep her company with her eyes, not wanting to go back to the bustling party just yet.
“Yeah, I bet,” he responded. Gally graciously accepted her offer.
For a moment, Lori let them sit in silence, picking at the soft skin of her fingers. But then Gally's warm hand rested on top of her own, looking at her with a sense of understanding that she felt could only come from him.
“You've got a nasty habit of taking it all out on your hands, don't you?” Lori smiled, letting out a quiet laugh and she felt herself relax. A luxury she had kept away from herself for as long as she could remember. Literally.
Lori looked up at the stars again, connecting the dots to form pictures only she could see. Gally watched the way her eyes darted across the sky, the shine of the entire universe as they knew it all held within the twinkle in her eyes. He admired the way her jaw laxed, in awe of the night that he'd seen a hundred times before. He wondered what exactly it was she was seeing that he hadn't already seen before, but he couldn't bring himself to ask.
Then Lori spoke up before him.
“What's up with Adam?” She asked, looking back at the gathering glowing in the dim light of the night. She turned to look at Gally whose eyes were caught in the way his hand was still on yours. Though when he noticed, he cleared his throat and kept his distance, making you frown. Regardless you continue, “the whole… John thing. It seemed to weigh in on him more than it did for you.”
The boy looked to the distance, by the doors, then he looked to you, his eyebrows furrowed. “You know how the whole ‘Greenie’ thing works right?” She nodded, and he could help but savour the way she faced him, listening with her full attention.
“A new one every month. Well, Adam was the first. Ever—” He exaggerated, his head nodding up and down slightly whenever he wanted to make a point. Though he let Lori cut him off.
“Wait, Adam as in…?” Lori trailed off. “The first man?”
“Yeah, Adam and Eve.” He smiled. Lori returned it, proud that she was able to piece that together.
“He told us how he spent the month just by the doors of the Box in the middle of the Glade.” Gally continued. “He made sure to stay far, far away from the Doors—on all sides,” his head nudged to the door closest to them, bringing up a knee to rest his arm on the propped leg.
“He was our age at the time. But when the Box came up again, John was in it, totally terrified. He was young. Adam said he looked about Carl's age, younger.” He gestured to a young boy talking enthusiastically by the bonfire, his arms waving around as he spoke with a wide grin. “Carl's only thirteen.”
“After John ran past the Doors, Adam couldn't find the strength to follow him in. Then rhe Creators never sent another boy his age up again. Almost as if they're learning from our mistakes.” Gally shook his head in disapproval, his eyes hardened as he stared at the stone walls. “He went out this door. And when they closed, Adam said he could hear him screaming in the Maze. Says he can still hear it. When they started writing down names, John's was first.”
Lori's gaze shifted over to look at the boy by the bonfire. She noticed how tired circles made home around his eyes and how he let his group entertain themselves, speaking up only once in a while.
“Now I wish I never asked…” she muttered with her head hanging low.
“It's not your fault,” the boy offered, giving her good hand a comforting squeeze with minimal hesitance. It felt natural. “It's not like you knew.”
Gally and Lori sat in silence, watching as the sky grew darker. The Gladers at the bonfire slowly made their ways back to the Homestead one by one. Though a few stragglers stayed by to help clean up the mess the others left behind.
The two enjoyed the last few minutes of the night, listening to their own steady breaths. They didn't need to speak. Or even really do anything to acknowledge that the other one was still there because they knew that they were there. Together. They were looking at the same sky together, which was maybe more intimate than eye contact anyway. Anybody can look at you. Not everyone can see the same world that you see.
When they had finally decided to go home, Gally offered his hand which she took gracefully. Lori stepped back to admire her work on the wall. The four letters of her name now etched permanently into the wall, joining the countless others that marked the presence of Gladers before her.
“Not bad, huh?” she huffed, her hands resting proudly on her hips as she surveyed the neat letters carved into the concrete.
“No…” Gally, who had remained silent, allowed his gaze to linger on her. He felt the way the look in her eyes stole his breath away as she admired her handiwork. His voice was now a low, steady murmur as he spoke. He took in the way she stood with a subtle smile tugging at her lips, a softness in her eyes. For a moment, he let himself get lost in the night, basking in the way she glowed.
“Not bad at all," his mouth ran dry as he spoke. Your eyes trained on the cold, concrete walls. His eyes on you.
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stole that one bit from turtles all the way down 🤭🤭
"We were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe more intimate than eye contact anyway. Anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see."
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Oooh my god finally re-watched the death cure and good god. (Mild mentions of the books)
Teresa is so fucking overhated for what? If you can forgive Aris in the books for his betrayal then you can forgive Teresa too. Also, yes, Newt's death was sad but I think that it could have been made more sad if minho, Brenda, Jorge etc had arrived just as he had stabbed himself and had grieved with Thomas it would've been a lot sadder because it shows how much they all care for him rather than just Thomas who obviously cares about him but I think as a fandom we majorly overlook the fact that he was also best friends with minho (who also deserved a letter) and alby and gally and the rest of the boys from the glade, not just Thomas. I know that that's not how it goes in the books but to see that on screen I feel like it would've made for a much more emotional scene rather than just Thomas grieving alone. Back to teresa, I personally think that her death was a lot more emotional than newts for many reasons.
1. She didn't jump onto the ship because she knew that minho, gally, newt (maybe Thomas) hadn't forgiven her for her betrayal so she couldn't forgive herself until she had their forgiveness, therefore, her death was her final act of duty towards them to show her love for those boys, even if she didn't go about showing it in the best way all of the time.
2. She had only just gotten Thomas back when he was shot and almost died in her arms which you can see the love in both of their faces and the passion in their kiss from pure relief and love for each other which is obviously both romantic and platonic (idc I will never be a newtmas shipper sorryyyy).
And I know that people are going to whip out the 'BUT SHE BETRAYED THEMMMMM' she thought that it was for the greater good and in the end, it kind of was because they found out that Thomas was the cure, they got all of their friends back and only a few extra people died in the process that probably would've gotten bitten anyway, which saved many more lives with finding the cure. After everything she went through, WCKD saved Teresa and there's no denying that, they saved her from her mother who ripped out her own eyes due to the virus, they saved her from the virus and they gave her somewhere to live. I'm obviously not excusing WCKD's acts but for the most part, their intentions were there but weren't laid out in the most humane way possible but in the end, they did actually get what they needed and what did help the world.
My next ramble is about Sonya, Aris and harriet. Good god. I love them, I love their dynamic, I love their relationships with each other. I just love them, they're my favorite characters.
I think that newt is heavily overrated and, to be honest, the fandom is incredibly weird about him. Newt has been confirmed as gay, he's not straight for you, he's not your little newtie, he's not y/ns boyfriend. He's a gay man, accept that. You can think he's attractive but for the love of all things holy, respect his sexuality. There are so many other straight characters in maze runner, please leave the only canonically gay character alone and stop being fucking weird.
I can't think of anything else to say but if I do I'll add it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk 🤗🤗
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makethiscanon · 1 year
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Current request status: closed
Inbox game status: open
Current game: Send a single '🌸' + any character name (+ fandom if it's not obvious), and I'll give you one headcanon for them. Limited to one headcanon per ask. The same character can be asked for more than once.
I can go in fandom-blind. Pick any character you like.
Firstly, anyone new here please know I’m the slowest writer on this planet, with a feeble amount of motivation. When requesting, it’s better off to think of it as a suggestion, because unless I get inspired, there’s a high chance I won’t have the brain power to write your piece.
I work under a policy that every character is pansexual/panromantic, unless explicitly stated by the original creator that the character is not attracted to a specific orientation.
What I will write:
Reader-inserts only
Second-person, or third-person if requested
Headcanons, drabbles, blurbs, short stories, voice lines, match ups.
Any gender, but will default to fem! unless requested
Romance or platonic
Aro or Ace
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Horror/Suspense 
Minor injuries/blood
Alternate Universe (please specify)
The list isn't completely exclusive so if in doubt, hit me with what you've got.
I reserve the right to decline or ignore any requests that make me feel uncomfortable, and have no obligation to disclose reasons why.
What I won’t write:
NSFW / Taboo
Hate speech
Whump (Yandere is fine but won’t be graphic)
Real celebrities x reader
Young-coded characters romantically. E.g. Eri, Kota, Klee, Nahida, etc.
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I can try writing for any character from the fandoms listed, but the characters below are the ones I’m more confident in. Those with an ‘ * ’ are the characters I’m most confident writing.
Jayce || Viktor*
Demon Slayer:
Akaza* || Douma || Enmu || Gyutaro*
Inosuke || Nezuko
Rengoku || Sanemi
Dr Stone
Senku || Taiju
Tsukasa || Ukyo || Yo
Chrome || Kinro
Final Fantasy
7: Reno || Vincent || Genesis || Zack
13: Hope || Snow || Caius || Noel
Genshin Impact:
Arataki Itto || Cyno || Thoma || Tighnari || Xiao || Zhongli
Childe || Scaramouche
Gotham (TV Series):
Oswald Cobblepot || Jerome Valeska || Victor Zsasz*
Kingdom Hearts:
Organization XIII members || Axel*
Sora || Riku || Hayner
The Maze Runner:
Gally* || Newt || Frypan || Minho || Alby
My Hero Academia:
Class 1-A [Any] || Bakugou Katsuki* || Ojiro Mashirao*
Amajiki Tamaki || Kaibara Sen || Monoma Neito || Shindou Yo || Shinsou Hitoshi || Togata Mirio || Yorarashi Inasa
Chisaki Kai [Overhaul] || Dabi || Spinner || Toga Himiko || Twice
Fatgum || Pro Hero: Manual
Obey Me:
Mammon || Lucifer || Beelzebub || Asmo
Simeon || Solomon || Raphael
Tales of Arcadia:
Douxie Casperan || Krel Tarron*
Nari || Skrael || Strickler || Tronos
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circusclownsam · 25 days
the maze runner oc (will add to it when/if i remember)
general information
first name; min-ya
last name; choi
nickname(s); minnie, prefers that only
gender; female
birthdate; 3 / 9
age; 18
race; asian
ethnicity; korean - australian
known language(s); korean, english
voice; mid pitch, noticeable australian accent
scent; a soft, vanilla smell
height; 5’2 (158cm)
weight; light (idk)
eye colour; dark blue with specks of light blue
hair colour; chocolate brown
hair length; mid thigh
hair texture; 2c
skin tone; warm tan
body shape; hourglass, average thickness, small waist, d cup
scarring; arms, inner thighs and back. prefers hiding them
face claim; https://pin.it/6nUcqgAeP
other notable features; freckled cheeks, nose and shoulders. dimpled smile
attire (part of appearance, separated due to length)
main attire;
; https://pin.it/3zqNsAPIY
; https://pin.it/3LzHBpHrD
; https://pin.it/AlQFckrxn
; https://pin.it/1ZKANd7v7
; https://pin.it/2Dgv8CPza
; https://pin.it/1ziOQZ4ma
; https://pin.it/4GD5AkeGx
described as; off putting, kept to herself
good traits; caring, protective, patient, selfless, supportive, honest
bad traits; blunt, trust issues, sarcastic, introverted, flirtatious(?), cold
interests; farming, learning recipes from frypan, treating the others, learning about the maze, reading in her alone time, defeating WCKED
disinterests; WCKED, theresa, mud, grievers, being prodded at, slimy foods
hobbies; farming, reading
talents; medicine, farming
insecurities; her scars, mostly
fears; deep water (ocean, pool etc)
father; unknown, vaguely remembers him being abusive towards her
mother; unknown, barely remembers her
sister; only child, as far as she can remember
friends; newt, thomas, frypan, minho, chuck, aris, alby
closer to; frypan, chuck
dislikes; theresa, gally
neutral with; newt, thomas, minho, aris
enemies; WCKED, cranks, grievers
potential love interest; (depends on rp)
living arrangements (short, sorry)
born in; seoul, south korea
lived in; sydeny, australia
currently lives in; the glade, the mountains
occupation; medic/nurse, farmer
health information
mental health; occasional nightmare, overall 8/10
mental illnesses; from what she can remember, she was diagnosed with mild social anxiety
physical health; fit for her age, works out when she can, overall 9/10
physical disabilities; none, as far as she’s aware
hygiene; despite limited resources, she’s quite clean. showers regularly
dental; despite limited resources, she brushes regularly and her teeth are a healthy white
allergies; sunflower, mild rash and cough
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midnight--raine · 10 months
hi!! which characters from the maze runner do you write for?
hi anon!! i write for all the main characters, so that would be thomas, newt, minho, gally, alby, teresa, brenda etc. thanks for asking!!
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newtedison · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
sonyarriet - instagram edition
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miryum · 2 years
Hi, beautiful! I hope you’re having a FANTASTIC day! Can I request a TMR! Minho x reader Fic., whereas he is EXTREMELY protective of them. On one occasion, Thomas entices them with his mischief, and the reader ends up becoming hurt (i.e, bruised eye, etc). Minho finds out, and the reader is a LITERAL barrier between Thomas being a pinpoint for Minho’s wrath. Thank you so much!
Hi bae! I'm having a great day! How about you? I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
You swung a leg over the bench and sat down at the table. Plopping your breakfast tray down, you said a good morning to your table of friends. 
Newt, Thomas, sometimes Alby (if he wasn’t busy), and your boyfriend Minho. Immediately when you joined them, Minho’s arm was around your waist, pulling you into him.
“You slept in.” He commented, shoving the remainder of his food into his mouth. As a runner, he was up early than you and started his breakfast sooner. 
“I wish it was longer.” You grumped, starting to eat. Switching the conversation, you asked, “Newt, what job are you gonna show Thomas today?”
Newt scrunched his nose, “The Builders.”
You gaped. “I’m a Builder! How dare you dislike us! Gally, I understand, but me?!”
“I was talking about Builders in general! You’re a perfectly good Builder! You’re my friend! I-”
“As much as I would love to hear about your pitiful lives,” Minho interrupted before standing, “You’re not pitiful, promise,” he quickly added, “but I hafta go. Bye, love you.” He leaned down and you kissed him quickly on the lips. 
“Love you too.” 
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Minho slowly started to back up, begging you to keep safe. “Do things that I wouldn’t do like eat, drink water, focus on your work. If anything happens, go to Newt. Watch out for Thomas- he’s an idiot.” He kept on talking as he got farther away, unaware that you couldn’t hear him.
Minho disappeared into the maze, Minho still waking backwards and talking., him still walking backwards and talking to no one about how you should stay safe.
Life as a Builder was interesting, to say the least. With Gally at the helm and being surrounded by the most rowdy and destructive boys in the Glade, things could get violent. But you helped with measurements and planning things out. In the end, it all worked.
However, on this particular day, Thomas was trying out the job. You had knelt down to grab your pencil that slipped from your ear when an elbow rammed you in the eye.
“Ow!” You fell back, your hand immediately going to your already bruising eye. 
“Shuck!” Thomas cried out, “I’m so sorry, Y/n! I didn’t mean to! I’m so so so so sorry!!!”
“It’s fine.” You groaned, “I’ll just go to the Med-hut.” 
“...Should I tell Newt?” Thomas asked. You then realised what the boy was thinking. 
How would Minho react? 
Everyone in the Glade, even the Greenie Thomas, knew Minho was obscenely protective of you. Maybe a little too much so. This wasn’t the first time you got injured. There was a time when you were climbing a tree and fell. Once Minho knew of your sprained wrist, he went ballistic. 
First there was the coddling and the endless questions of, “Are you okay? How can I help?” Then there was the anger- both towards the people who didn’t catch you and the tree. He wanted Gally to chop it down in revenge. And finally, there was the meeting he had called (much to your embarrassment) to tell every single person that you wouldn’t be working for the next three weeks as you healed. (Once he went into the maze, you snuck out and kept working.)
Luckily, a black eye wasn’t as bad as a sprained wrist, so maybe he wouldn’t be as mad? 
You were very wrong. 
Minho crashed into the Med-Hut the minute he heard the news. “Where is she?!” he demanded. 
Jeff silently pointed to you. You were in a chair, holding a clump of ice to your eye.
“Are you okay?! What happened?!” Minho frantically ran to you and you stood, trying to calm him. The coddling. 
“I’m fine! I promise! It’s just a little black eye- nothing that won’t heal in a day or two.” 
“Can I see?” 
You removed the ice, unveiling the bruise colouring your eye. Minho looked sympathetic at first, holding your face in his hands. Quickly, however, the sympathy turned into anger. 
“Who did this to you?” His voice was low and dark. The anger. 
“I… punched myself.” You knew the second it came out of your mouth, it was a bad lie. Minho gave you one stern look and you admitted, “Thomas. But he didn’t mean to-” 
Before you could finish your sentence, Minho was already out the door. 
“Thomas!” His yell carried through the Glade, stopping everyone in their tracks. The second you came running out behind him, everyone knew what was happening and turned towards a panic-stricken Thomas. 
Minho strode towards Thomas, his steps long and purposeful. “I knew there was something terrible about that buggin’ piece of klunk slinthead-”
You planted yourself in front of your boyfriend. “Slim it!.” You said, glaring up at him. “It wasn’t Thomas’s fault. It was an accident and it could’ve happened to anyone.” 
“But it happened to you.” Minho growled. He side-stepped you and started advancing towards the poor boy who was cowering behind Newt.
You quickly took your place in front of Minho again. “Please don’t hurt him.” You pleaded, “For me?” 
Minho sighed and you could see you were getting through to him. “Fine.” He rubbed your arms, “But I don’t like you getting hurt.” 
“You go into the maze every single day.” You countered, “How do you think that feels to me?” 
“Fair point.” Minho rested his forehead on yours. “How about we both be extra cautious from now on?” 
“But I’m still calling a meeting.” And the last step, a meeting.
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mazegays · 2 years
that nalby hc 😭😭😭😭 (from the tags of that other post which im too lazy to copy sjdjsj)
the post, for those curious
yes bc like!! the "He's in charge when I'm not around" "good thing you're always around then" bit from the movies--it's always read more as teasing than Newt, like, actually caring about leading.
And in the books, sure, Alby is the 'on-paper' offical leader, but we know he's not been doing it long, and Newt is clearly more experienced with Greenies. (If you haven't read Fever Code and don't want spoilers, skip this next part. If you don't care, then continue on. Also, Newt’s suicide attempt is discussed, both here and a little later.) It’s revealed in Fever Code that Newt’s suicide attempt is not too long before Thomas enters the Maze--only about 6 months, compared to the time Newt has been there.
(If you skipped you're good now)
Newt was a Runner, right? But obviously something changed, and he can’t run very well with a limp, something that's noted more than once by Thomas. So Newt becomes a jack-of-all-trade (starts Thomas each day with his trial runs, helps the medjacks with Ben, etc), learns the ins and outs of the Glade, helps out with Greenies where he can. He gives the motivational/you're-here-so-make-the-best-of-it speech where Alby only gets angry, at which point Newt pulls him back so he doesn't scare Thomas (the first Greenie since the last leader, Nick, died. Yes, I have the book open rn. I have some of it memorized but I want to be thorough lol. probably more so than I need to be). Alby doesn't have his footing as a leader yet--Gally doesn't like Thomas, so all of their interactions are colored negatively anyway, but he also seems not to exactly respect Alby as a leader. Minho affords Alby some respect but also just... doesn't really care about the chain of command. We don't know if the Keepers voted, but Newt is both well-liked and clearly has a handle on running the Glade. Why wouldn’t he be picked, in such a scenario?
Unless he took himself from the running because he realized that yes, he can lead, but being well-liked and being respected are different things, and his authority seem to come mostly from the Gladers listening to him because they like him.
That's where Alby comes in. Presumably a Keeper (though what he did is never made clear), and probably worked with Nick-- maybe even as his second-in-command--before his death, but not handling the Glade in the way Newt does.
Newt suggests he becomes the leader, takes himself out of the running, and they listen to Newt and make Alby leader.
Newt, who knows the ins and outs of everything, who is good at talking boys down and bouncing around where he's needed, gets to keep doing that.
And Alby is really thrown into overseeing everything; Greenies, the Box requests, what needs to be built and repaired more urgently, all of that stuff. He would have known it was done, but actually making the decisions is very different from just knowing about them.
But they start dating long before Thomas comes to the Glade, right?
Yeah. They do. Alby is the one who drags Newt of the Maze, they were already close. But working together doesn't always work out. Now working more closely after Newt’s attempt, they start butting heads more, and their whole relationship seems to fall apart, until they realize they're trying to do the same job, and one of them is just better suited for it than the other.
Don't get me wrong, Alby is great. He’s an asshole, yes, but they all are, really. Especially compared to Newt, though, people don't seem to be his strong suit. So they work it out that Alby mostly does logistics stuff, and Newt deals with people.
They're both leaders, and they work so well together because they're different types of leaders. Once they stop fighting-as-flirting arguing over everything, they figure out a system and slowly realize there are Feelings there. (Newt makes the first move, and this surprises no one.)
By the time Thomas reaches the Glade, hell, by the time Chuck gets there their relationship is an open secret. They're not very affectionate publicly as to keep the appearance of neutrality, but everyone knows anyway. They were on the edge of 'are we friends or are we dating' before this, anyway, but it was working together that pushed it over the edge.
tl;dr: Newt and Alby are both leaders in very different ways, Newt on the people side and Alby on the logistics side. They figured this out after Newt’s suicide attempt and clashed for a while before things finally clicked into place. After that, they eventually started dating sometime before Chuck was sent into the Maze.
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listening to august on repeat and thominho august au
what are your thoughts on this, queen tea?
(also since ur sleeping when i send this i hope u have a nice day tomorrow!!)
my beloved nix, your honor, i've got more thoughts on this than you might like.
interestingly enough neither of my folklore triad hcs contain thomas, which is real weird for me but it's how it is.
i've got nalby as the cardigan-betty relationship and august as minho's pov.
cardigan - newt's pov
august - minho's pov
betty - alby's pov
i think it's just that cardigan, esp. the line "you drew stars, around my scars, but now i'm bleeding" is so quintessentially nalby to me. works real well for their canon relationship and its ending ( :''''''''''') ), but also for AUs honestly. bc nalby to me is some sort of sweet connection (not as in sweet, a little pretty but meaningless, but sweet as in genuinely good. maybe they're each other's first loves, or their each other's first loves where it is good, and real and honest.
but the pain has got to be there, so honestly i find the folklore triad works for them. minho is august bc i believe minho would be the type to take what he can get, with no regards for his own feelings and who'd realize much too late just how bad he hurt himself. :')
and alby would get away from newt / start up a thing with minho bc he's got this idea that he isn't good enough for newt. and minho kinda is the easy way out there, and it's easier for alby to be with him bc he doesn't really love him. :''''''''''''') . pain. my good friend.
imagine "your back, beneath the sun, wishing i could write my name on it" and it's minho singing it about alby. YES.
and then the other hc i have is brenderesa as the cardigan-betty relationship and minho, again, as augustine :'''''''''''') look minho just FITS augustine, okay. for the reasons elaborated on above.
cardigan - teresa
betty - brenda
august - minho
where "james get in, let's drive" becomes "bren get in let's drive". :')
and it's not that brenda doesn't like minho, she does, but she's not in love with him the way she's in love with teresa. and brenderesa worked well for a while, but when brenda saw teresa dance with gally at that dance in the gym, she felt her world come crashing down around her, and realized two things, 1) the way she's in love with teresa she can get hurt so, so badly, so she should get away, 2) both her and teresa would be better off with men bc homophobia and difficulties etc
this of course is a tragic train of thought but a realistic one imo and it'd be so much fun to explore this. especially bc this triad can end "happily". (not for minho. but he'll get better.))
so this (i mean either or both of these) could be really fun to write bc songfics are easy and neat, reaching a symmetry-happy conclusion satisfactorily and prettily. i don't know if i'll ever do one of these, but i've sure thought about them. rn i'm trying to focus on thominho week anyway, then i've got those other ot3 fics, and honestly vikings and athelstan x ragnar have been front and center on my mind, so i might just never do these.
lol. you got more than you bargained for here bb, i'm sorry alksdjflksad.
feel free to share your august thominho headcanons though!! would it have a happy ending in your mind?
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simplywylan · 3 years
The Gladers and Christmas
Okay so this is very obviously not based in the maze, okay? These are what I feel the Glader's roles would be at Christmas, etc etc.
Newt would be the one decorating. He's very strict about it, and he knows almost every Christmas song there is. He's very much the mother of the group - making sure everyone is wrapped up warm, that everything is going smooth, etc. He also adores Christmas movies.
Thomas knows barely any Christmas songs. He's the one doing all the running about to grab presents from shops and all. Newt always scolds him because he never wears warm clothes when he goes out.
Frypan is in charge of Christmas dinner. Gally tried to do it once and nearly blew up the house. So, Frypan swore he would never let anyone else do it again.
Gally is the one getting everything down from the attic to actually start decorating. He's also the one the children flock to, as he is such a natural caretaker. He won't say it, but he actually adores playing with the children.
Chuck is the one always laying by the tree, counting the presents, hoping that more will pop up each day that passes. He's extremely excited about Christmas and can't wait to tear into the presents.
Winston helps with both decorating and cooking. It fully depends on where he is needed and what he is needed for. He can be a bit of a grinch at times.
Teresa would be in charge of handing out presents when Christmas day arrives, as she always does it fairly.
Jorge and Brenda would be the Christmas-hypers. They hype Christmas day up and always come dressed up in their best Christmas attire; no matter how atrocious it is. Jorge is also the one who gets the black bag to put all the ripped and crumpled wrapping paper in. Every. Single. Year.
Vince would be Father Christmas. Nothing else. He's Santa.
Sonya would very much be like Newt, but they butt heads a lot on what they like and what should go where.
Harriet is happy to just sit and watch whilst eating the cookies Frypan had made for Santa.
Janson is the Grinch.
Minho says he doesn't really care about Christmas, but he's the one who wakes everyone up super early on Christmas day to open the presents.
Alby would be in charge of wrapping the presents. He is the only one who can get them perfect every time.
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I write for:
I write for whatever you request. Has been edited*
I haven’t wrote smut before so if you ask for it and I write it and it’s trash. Sorry In advance
Match up info link
The walking dead: Shane Walsh, Daryl Dixon, Negan, Dwight, Rick grimes, Jesus, Carl grimes, Merle Dixon, Morgan, etc.
Supernatural: Crowley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Kevin Tran, Gabriel, John Winchester, Bobby singer, Garth, etc.
The originals: Klaus Mikaelson, Kol mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard, Finn mikaelson, Lucien, etc.
The vampire diaries: Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Alaric Saltzman, Matt Donovan, Enzo St. John, Kai Parker, Etc.
The maze runner: Newt, Thomas, Gally, Alby, frypan, Minho, chuck, etc.
Hunger games: Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch Abernathy, cato, Finnick Odair, etc.
Outerbanks: JJ, John B, Pope, topper, etc.
Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, George Wesley, Ron weasley, Fred weasley, etc.
Marvel/Avengers: Thor, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Tony stark, Bruce banner, peitro maximoff, Loki, hulk, Eddie Brock, Venom, Frank castle (season 1 cause I just started the punisher).
Justice league (the movie): Bruce Wayne, Victor Stone (cyborg), author curry, Barry Allen, Clark Kent, Diane prince.
Twilight: Edward Cullen, Jacob black, jasper Hale, Emmet Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Sam Uley,
Z-nation: Murphy, 10k, doc, warren, Mack, Citizen Z, Vasquez, Garret, addie.
The umbrella academy: Luther, Diego, Five, Ben, Klaus, Addison, Vanya.
You:(Netflix series) joe Goldberg, Theo Engler, love Quinn, beck, forty Quinn, dr. Nicky.
Stranger things: Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Jim hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Billy Hargrove.
Peaky blinders: Thomas Shelby, Alfie Solomons, John Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Michael gray,
Coming soon: The hobbit and the lord of the rings
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Oldest Friend
A TMR/TDC Gally x FEMcharacter
hello hi again lol. it’s been over two years I believe since I last posted (I got locked out and finally found a way back in). I took down my first two parts of this Gally imagine, I didn’t like how I originally went with it and had a very long time to go over it lol. Again, I did not read Kill Order, I’ve read all the other 3 books and seen the movies so this was me creating my own character and pairing her with Gally and throwing them into the story, before and after the mazes, as I pictured in my head. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see with this story and feedback is appreciated :) I already have multiple parts written for it and they’re all pretty lengthy so if lengthy isn’t your cup of tea I’m sorry but that’s just how I write.
Triggers: as of rn I don’t think there are any but lmk if I need to put one :)
word count: 4306 (again, I’ve always written lengthy stuff and can shorten or add more to the next ones if preferred, I just always want to make sure the backstory and details that are in my head get put in)
At first this was all so scary. They were ripped from their families and taken to a WCKD facility where they lived in dorm-like rooms and forced into classes and to push themselves in ways they never had before. None of them really understood why they were there. Of course, they had been told a watered down story of why they were there. But they still didn’t get it. Some of it started to make more sense as they got older, their days consisting less of their in-class studies and more of “hands on” learning.
As memories of their families and old lives faded, they started to get comfortable with their new skills they had acquired. Some excelled more academically than others and some excelled more physically, which made it easier to sort them where WCKD needed them. They usually saw each other when it was time to eat, about a hundred teens packed into a giant cafeteria. But otherwise they were usually kept around the others who they “worked” with or shared their rooms with.
They all had met the first day in the new facility, around 7 and 8 years old. They were ushered into a classroom with all white walls and flooring, with matching uniforms and scared expressions. That’s when they were given their new names and the purpose of why they were there. As time went on they formed their little friend bubbles, and still ate together now that they spend their days apart.
They were the closest thing to best friends as they could possibly be in that place. Newt, Minho, Alby, Gally, and Siggy. A few of them even got to bunk together. They usually sat with a few of the people who worked in the labs and facilities crew now, who they had met way back when in that empty classroom. Sitting around eating, laughing, telling stories, venting, and hanging out as teens should.
The two of them that were the closest were Gally and Meghan. If you were to ask anyone in the group they would probably have said that the two were acquaintances at most; Meghan was on the softer side and barely spoke, while Gally was usually picking fun at everyone and the most talkative of them all.
Gally was one of the kids who turned out to be physically inclined. He spent his days building things and with the construction crew. At first it was just a lot of lifting and the occasional construction of small buildings or labs. But lately they’ve had the crew traveling out into the desert to landscape and start to put the walls of their arenas together.
Meghan was someone who had great focus with her work and was shuffled into the labs with the likes of Thomas and Teresa. Occasionally she would spend time in the medical wing as Teresa’s shadow, but her specialty was coding. She was someone they counted on when the computer systems would crash or help them to create new programs to help further their studies. They usually tried to spend s couple days a week in the medwing, and that’s exactly when she had her first encounter with Gally outside of their little bubble….
“Gally! That’s enough!” she scolded him, pushing him into the nearest exam room and into a chair. He scowled at her while he started to roll his sleeve up. “There are other people in here, too. Besides, we usually respond to ‘please-and-thank-you’s’ better.”
“Just need it cleaned…” he mumbled. The gash in his arm went from his elbow halfway to his wrist, and there were a few splinters around it that she had to pick out before she could do anything else. He sat expressionless while she worked, biting the inside of his cheek.
“So. What’d you do this time, clumsy?” she asked, trying to keep him distracted from what she was doing.
“Some dumbass didn’t secure the lumber right while we were loading the burgs… whole thing just crashed down on us while we were trying to move it. Figured it would hurt my arm a hell of a lot less that it would my head.” He huffed. She pursed her lips and kept digging the splinters out of his arm. He wasn’t wrong about that. Stitching up an arm is a million times better than unzipping a body bag.
After all the digging was done the wound was fairly easy to clean so she began to stitch it up, his leg bouncing up and down as she started. When she’d catch him glancing at her she would try to give him an apologetic smile, but he’d just turn away. Toward the wider part of the gash is when he couldn’t help but wince away.
“Here, sit still for a sec, okay?” she got up and got the numbing cream but he grabbed her with his good arm.
“Just stitch it already! What, you think I can’t take it?” his cheeks were flushed. She plopped back down and took a big scoop of it anyways, giving him a stern look.
“Gally, I mean this in the nicest way. Shut up.” His cheeks flushed again and he turned away, but he was visibly less tense as she started to smooth the cream around his arm. “Feel alright now?”
“Mmhmm.” He sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes. She finished up the rest and instructed him on how to keep it clean and when to come back to get them removed. “You act like these are the first stitches I’ve ever gotten, Meg.” He laughed, earning an eye roll and giggle from her.
“Hey, just gotta be able to say I told you.” She pulled his arm back toward her and inspected her work while he stayed slumped in his chair. It already looked so much better than when he walked in. She mindlessly ran her fingers up and down the underneath of his arm while she looked, and after a few moments he bolted straight up and yanked himself away from her.
“The hell are you doing?” he mumbled, crossing his arms. She turned and started to clean everything up to hide her red cheeks. After a few awkward seconds of silence he sighed, “Sorry, just irritable I guess.”
“I.. it’s fine. Here-” she walked over to the exam room door and shut it, then closed the blinds. “Go ahead and lock the door after me, I’ll give you the room and say I gave you pain meds that knocked you out. Should get you at least a few hours for a nice nap. If you want.” She reached for the handle when he caught her arm.
“Hey… thanks Meg.” They both blushed as his hand lingered. “I promise not to be a big ol’ jerk next time.” She laughed and opened the door.
“Just keep the door locked and don’t tell on us.” With one last little smile she closed the door behind her.
“Hey, Meg.” Gally breathed, slamming his dinner tray on the table. She jumped at the noise, then gave him a grin.
“Gally.” A familiar blush crept up on his face. They both looked away and began picking at their food while everyone was talking. Siggy was going on and on about his latest attempts in the kitchen, getting a laugh from everyone. They joined into different conversations, occasionally stealing glances at one another before quickly looking away again.
They all started standing up and taking their trays toward the dirty bins. After she dumped her plates and slid them into the dirty dish shoot, she turned and made eye contact with Gally, only to glance away again to tell them all goodnight. When Gally went to wave to her she saw him wiggle his fingers. She was very used to their little signal but her heart still jumped a beat every time. She gave him a smile and waved back, wiggling her fingers right back at him. He cracked a huge smile and headed off back toward the boy’s hall, sneaking one more look before going through the double doors.
Just a little longer, she told herself. This was how she and Gally spent most of their nights. They’d go back to their rooms, go through the motions of getting ready for bed. Showering, brushing their teeth, putting on their pajamas, gossiping with their roommates, etc. Then they’d wait for everyone to be asleep and make their way to an empty hallway. The hall was basically used for storage, and no one was ever there after hours. The only reason they even new it existed was because they had stumbled upon it by chance one day. Of course, Meghan watched it for days to make sure that no one frequented the area and even still checks the security cameras every morning to make sure that no one would get close to catching them out of bed that late. Luckily she also spotted that a corner of the hall, the corner right next to the door, was covered in a shadow and couldn’t be seen by the cameras from that angle.
Soon, her room was filled with light snores. Very, very quietly she slid out of her bed and pulled the covers back over the pillow. When she got to the door she glanced one more time around the room, then tip toed out into the hall and shut it softly behind her. Staying as close to the wall as possible she made her way toward the labs.
When you look at the security footage almost every day, you soon realize where the blind spots are. It wasn’t too hard for her to stay out of the view of the cameras. All she needed to do was stay close to the wall, in the shadows and in the corners. Since the hall they met in was basically abandoned, there was only one camera that aimed down the middle of it. She cracked the door and slid through it, quickly but quietly closing it behind her. It always made her feel so bad ass when she would get there and back without being caught. That feeling, along with her soul, left her body when someone grabbed her from behind. She started to scream but a hand clamped around her mouth before she could.
“You trying to get us caught!” Gally whispered. He let her go and she relaxed, giving him a playful punch. Neither could help the smiles on their faces. This was their favorite, hiding in this dusty room. They would sit and talk for hours. They gave each other the comfort they knew WCKD would never give them or care if they got. There was something about being around each other that made everything okay.
They went over every second of their day. The good, the bad, the sad, the frustrating. Everything. Gally was in the middle of ranting about having to spend all day in the desert when he tapered off. She gave him a silly look as he reached over, taking a stray hair and tucking it behind her ear. She felt her cheeks get hot as he kept looking at her. After the longest second of her life he jumped right back into was he was saying. Talking, joking, dreaming, complaining. The rest of the night she felt half there; half of her listening, half of her stuck in that moment where he was touching her.
They sat there for a bit longer before he glanced at his watch, frowning and standing up. She was definitely ready for bed but didn’t want to leave their own little hide away. He must’ve read her mind because he gave her a little smirk and reached his hand out for her.
“C’mon, Meg, you know we can’t stay here all night.” He pulled her up quicker than she expected, causing her to trip right into his chest. This time both their cheeks went red and she gave him a little push.
��Geeeeez, Gal, you trying to help me up or rip my arm off!” she headed toward the door and he grabbed her hand, twirling her as they went.
“Hey, why not though? An extra arm would come in pretty handy out there.” He teased, earning a slap-happy giggle from her. They stared at each other for a few silent moments, neither of them knowing what to say. She knew they’d have to head back to their rooms if they wanted to get any sleep at all.
“Ugh… yeah we should go.” She mumbled, motioning toward the door. He nodded his head and shrugged, reaching his arm toward her. Her heart jumped; she could feel her pulse quicken. She stretched her arms right back toward him, wrapping them around his waist and resting her head on his chest. He froze for a second before resting his arms around her.
“Uhh.. thank you?” he chuckled. Her heart dropped and the heat returned to her cheeks; he wasn’t reaching to hug her… he was reaching for the door. She gave herself an internal kick in the ass before letting go. Of course, she just had to make it awkward. But a small part of her was over-the-moon. They both slid out the door, sticking to the shadows. They shared a final look at each other and mouthing their goodnights, taking off back to their own hallways and into their own rooms again.
Her mind raced as she snuggled into her covers, trying to dissect everything she was feeling. Why the hell was he making her so nervous? He hadn’t been acting any different… but… maybe it wasn’t Gally who was different? Maybe it was her who had changed... noticed new things about him… FELT different things about him…
Snap out of it! She told herself Even if he were to see her in the same light as she saw him, what sort of time could they possibly have together? WCKD had every intention of moving forward with their newest generation of captives, of sending them into a terrifying and uncertain future. Why start ANYTHING when it’ll most likely end in heartbreak? And that’s assuming WCKD would even allow there to even be “anything”.
A few hallways over Gally was tossing and turning in his bed, unable to find a comfortable way to lay. The same things were flying through his mind; how he had been painfully aware of how beautiful she was when she laughed, or how excited she got when she talked about the things she liked, and the way she always knew exactly how to handle him. Sad, angry, happy, or hurt she was always the one who knew him best and how to make everything okay again. From what he could remember from what their teachers had told them, their lives here were only temporary. A lump formed in his throat when he thought of them going their separate ways. He had to do it, he had to tell her was had been on his mind. He thought of the first time they met in that room, their room, as he drifted to sleep.
He slammed the medblab door open, looking around wildly.
“Where’s Meg.” He demanded, sweat dripping down his blood red face. Everyone just kind of glanced around at each other and shrugged, not really knowing what to say. He let out an exaggerated sigh and then stormed out, making sure to slam the door behind him. He made a beeline for the labs. She was the only one he wanted to talk to. He could just see the laboratory doors but just before he could go in she busted out of them.
“Gally!” she hissed, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the side. “What the hell are you doing! Why did the medbay just call here-“
“Well had they just told me where you were like I had asked they wouldn’t have had to call!” he yelled, trying to yank his arm away from her. She took off down the hall, pulling him behind her.
“Talk. Now.” He began to tell her everything about his day, right up to where someone really, really messed up. Not only did someone load one of the buses wrong but everything came spilling out of it on the road. Not only that, but seconds later the same guy crashed that bus right into a tree. Gally had been the first one up there to check on the guy and it turned out the guy, Jeff, had fallen asleep at the wheel, and when everyone else got there Jeff was quick to flip his story and blamed Gally for the whole thing.
“And so now I’m in huge trouble for wrecking a bus and destroying equipment that someone else ruined!” he ranted. She waited patiently, nodding along to the things he had let build up inside of him until he was ready to explode. They ended up in the cafeteria and sitting down at one of the empty tables. He realized he had been holding his breath and slowly let it all out.
“Are you okay, Gal?” she finally said, earning a confused look from him.
“Wha-?” he breathed.
“Are you okay, Gally? Like, what can I do to help? Or to take your mind off of it?” she kept her voice soft and even. He was at a loss for words, he didn’t really expect her to care. Just to listen and tell him he was being a hot-head and to go back to work and forget about it. She took his silence as an okay to keep going. “Look, you need to take a breather. That guy was wrong for pinning that on you but also you need to know that nothing is going to happen to you. You’re one of, if not their best, guy out there and they need that. Also, we need to come up with a way for you to calm down when these things happen. There’s no need to be slamming doors and scaring the poor kids in the medwing, okay? Letting everything build up like that and exploding isn’t healthy, either.”
“Yes.” Was all he could think of. He felt silly, rushing all the way over to her for something so petty. Something he could’ve settled himself… She placed a hand on his arm.
“Look, if you want to come and vent to me, I’ll always have time to listen. But no more outbursts. Just… promise you won’t let things bottle up anymore, yeah?” he pursed his lips at her.
“Do you mean it?” wow. He had never felt so dumb in his life. But he also craved having someone to talk to. Someone to listen to her. The someone that she was offering to be.
“100%.” She smiled. Standing up, she reached for his hand. He jokingly rolled his eyes and took it, hopping up next to her. “Now, don’t make me have to trek across this building and kick your ass for slamming doors.”
Since they were the first ones in the cafeteria they went ahead and got their food. Everyone started sitting down when they were halfway done with their dinner, questioning why they were there so early. He gave her an apologetic look as he told everyone some tale about having to unload stuff at the lab and how they were done early, blah blah blah. She tried to suppress a couple laughs, giving him a wink while she took a bite. His cheeks went bright pink as he looked back down, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. He was very grateful to finally have found a friend.
Dinner had been going well, everyone was in a good mood and it felt like a million pounds had been lifted off his shoulders compared to earlier. At some point she threw a sarcastic compliment at him, starting a playful back and forth between them and earning laughs from the rest of the group. He smiled back at her, opening his mouth to say something, but then Jeff walked by.
“Aww, hey there, Gally. Good to see your little doctor finally has you under control.” Jeff teased him, patting Meghan on the back; she recoiled from his touch and shot him a hateful look. She went to say something but Gally was already on his feet, bumping chests with him and ready.
“Don’t touch her again.” He commanded lowly, pushing Jeff away from the table. All that earned him was a silent cafeteria and a laugh from Jeff.
“Maybe…” Jeff said, dropping his voice low. “she wants me to, huh?” he got right back in Gallys face. Meghan let out a hard laugh, shaking her head no when everyone glanced at her.
“See? She’s too smart for that. Now,” Gally broadened his shoulders and towered over Jeff. “like I said, don’t touch her again.” He turned and went to sit back down.
“Or what? You’ll punch another hole in a wall? Yeah, I’m terrified dude.” laughed Jeff. Meghan shot Gally a look, which he wouldn’t return. Jeff was still laughing as he was walking away, calling over his shoulder, “Or maybe you’ll just storm off to the medlabs to cry to your little doctor about it again.” Before he could stop himself, Gally jumped right back up from the table and lunged at him. It was a full-blown fight, some of the guys near them trying to step in and break it up while everyone else was scrambling to get out of the way. He heard her voice over everyone else’s, but he didn’t know what she was saying. All he knew was that he was pissed and had been waiting for this moment. Newt and Siggy got them apart for a second but before he could lunge again she appeared before him, shoving him as hard as she could but only causing him to take a step back.
“GO.” She hissed. He was confused and his adrenaline was still pumping, so she dug her nails into his arm and started pulling him toward a hallway. She kept walking, dragging him for seemed like forever before stopping dead in her tracks. “What the hell was THAT!” she whispered angrily.
“What!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. “You can’t tell me he didn’t have that comin-”
“I don’t care! That was some bullshit and you know it.” She scolded him, her cheeks turning pink. “He’s an idiot, always has been and always will be. I’m talking about how you literally said you were going to start trying to not let stuff get to you, and now you’ll BOTH be dealing with consequences. You know how they are with shit like that…”
“Alright, and how is that your problem?” he retorted, stepping forward and towering over her. Her expression went hard and she stepped up to him, catching him off guard.
“Excuse me?” she said flatly, using both hands to shove him again. “You’re kidding me right now, right? Alright. Yeah, you’re right. This is NOT my problem. Sorry for looking out for you.” Her voice got quieter and she turned to storm off, but he grabbed her wrist and spun her back around.
“I didn’t ask you to look out for me, Meg!” he almost didn’t let her go. She yanked her hand away, tears in her eyes.
“Yep. Got it. Just sit there and listen and baby you but don’t actually care or look out for you or call you out for it. Understood.” She turned again, walking away. He knew he was being a dick and couldn’t just let her walk away. Before she could get far he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into an empty storage room, locking the door behind him. “Gally wha-”
He took two strides and was right in front of her, pulling her in and hugging her tight. She was frozen at first but when he didn’t move she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist. He was shaking while he held her so she rubbed a hand up and down the small of his back. Tears started falling over the brims of his eyes.
“I’m sorry…” he whispered. She didn’t say anything, knowing he must’ve really meant it for him to be expressing himself like that. “I’m stupid, I’m impulsive, I let me anger get the best of me and I’m sorry. Please don’t give up on me…” she felt a lump in the back of her throat.
“Shh..” she hugged him hard for a second before pushing him back. “I have a promise for you, okay? I’ll be here, like I told you earlier. But no more of that shit. How about.. after lights out? If it’s a bad day just… I don’t know, wiggle your fingers?” she got him to laugh as she showed him what she meant. “ I don’t know… just a little signal or something. We can meet and I’ll listen and I’ll try to help any way I can, or even just keep your mind off of things.” He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. “But.”
“You pull any stunts like you just did, I won’t.” she was stern, but wouldn’t meet his eyes. She wasn’t even done getting the words out before he was shaking his head, ready to agree to whatever it was the conditions were. He had always found it hard to have a genuine connection with anyone, so now that he found someone so kind and wanting to be his friend he couldn’t pass that up. Not in a place like this.
She gave him a small smile and a shove, motioning for the door. “C’mon, jerk. We’ve got some ass kissing to do if you wanna avoid getting in trouble.”
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