#minghao one shot
kmgkmg · 2 years
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word count: 1.4k...
pairing: minghao x gn!reader
synopsis: you thought you were getting over minghao breaking up with you, but from a conversation with a friend, you realize that you need to confront minghao.
genre/s: angst, non-idol!au, ex!minghao, clingy!reader
warnings: minghao is cold to reader? no serious cw though
rating: pg-13
a/n: my first angst. thank you so much to @flurrys-creativity​ for being a beta reader for this fic!! i tried to make it sad without being too sad if that makes sense? as always, open to feedback and constructive criticism! :) based off the song stupid love by kwon jinah.
Your frustration with the breakup had been brewing since the beginning of the month. Minghao had informed you that he was sick of seeing you, that he had grown out of liking you. In the back of your mind, you had secretly wanted to see him another time, but what had made you re-examine your relationship was a conversation with your friend earlier. 
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“So, you mean to tell me in the three years that you were together he never actually said the words ‘I love you’ to you?” Your friend Jihoon sits on your sofa as you make yourself tea to calm your nerves. 
You sigh, used to your friend’s judgment of your ex, “He wasn’t one to express things verbally, he showed me through his actions plenty of times that he loved me. I’m still unable to understand why he dumped me so suddenly though.” Jihoon’s expression remained skeptical but he recognized well enough that he shouldn’t keep hurting a wound that has just started to heal. 
You both sit in silence, but the more that you do, the more that Jihoon’s words bother you. He hadn’t meant to be the source of your need for a confrontation with Minghao, but your curiosity regarding unresolved issues with your relationship only troubled you more as the day went on. 
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Without meaning to, you found yourself in front of his door. Waiting for his reply after knocking a few times. Your nervousness about seeing him again resulted in the sensation of knots in your stomach, making you nauseous and riddled with doubt of your actions. What did you plan to say to him? I know you broke up with me, but will you take me back? Yes, you still loved him, but he had cut off all contact with you for almost an entire month. Feeling your palms get sweaty, you hear his familiar voice call out asking who it was. You straighten your posture, fix your clothes, take a deep breath, and prepare yourself for whatever this exchange will bring.
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Opening his door, Minghao was taken aback by your unannounced visit. He felt his jaw immediately tense up, unaware of what to do. He had prided himself on ending relationships cleanly, but you were the first to voluntarily see him after breaking up. You continue to stare at him, at a loss of words, and his understanding of the situation became clear. You weren’t over him. He had dealt with plenty of exes that were mad or felt unjustly dumped, but none that still had feelings for him past a couple days. Wishing for this to end, he reaches for his door to close it, but you grab his wrist out of reflex. 
“We weren’t ever that serious for you to do this, yeah?”  Minghao frowns at your hand latched onto his wrist briefly before drawing his attention back to you, visibly agitated by your presence. “You won’t let go?” He looks away from you for a moment, once again showing his annoyance with the situation and then takes his other hand to remove your grip on his wrist. 
You challenge his words, “If we weren’t serious, why did you block me on everything after you broke up with me?” They were the first things you were able to say to him since he left you, but you couldn’t have imagined for them to be words of inquiry. The uneasiness in your stomach remained present as you felt your face heating up, an indicator that you were flustered. 
“You know, I never did understand why you still followed your other exes after you stopped seeing them. Not everyone is like you, Y/N. You should know me well enough that once I quit something I don’t look back, not even once.” Minghao’s irritation was increasing by the second, he made that apparent to you by crossing his arms and tapping his foot, impatiently waiting for you to leave. 
You were spiraling. The room wasn’t moving, you knew this, yet it felt as if you were a globe that had been spun around a thousand times and wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. You felt as if your face was on fire. You really shouldn’t have come to visit him. Minghao had the ability to always maintain his collected and unaffected demeanor, a trait you used to admire, but one that you were now resenting. Maybe Jihoon’s words were right, maybe you meant less to Minghao than you thought. “What was I to you then? Did you even love me?” You hadn’t planned to get emotional when talking to him, but one’s heart betrays their mind at the most inconvenient of times. From your shaky tone, you can tell that your voice was breaking because you were on the verge of crying. 
His face softens momentarily, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” The coldness of his words contradicts his expression even in spite of his desire to keep a front while he speaks with you. 
“Then explain for me.” You huff, your frustration developing gradually more and more as he continued to evade your questions. It’s not that your relationship was one-sided, you were just mistaken on how he defined the relationship. At least, that’s what you were hoping. You usually didn’t stay this attached to your exes, but Minghao was the exception. With past relationships, you had gained a sort of sixth sense in knowing when a breakup was about to happen. Whether it be the change in body language or the difference in attentiveness, most of your past partners and you had reached a mutual agreement of wanting to end the relationship. Minghao, on the other hand, had unilaterally ended the relationship. A relationship that you thought would never end. 
“I loved you, but not in the way you wanted me to. We were meant to be romantic partners, but all I could see was someone I wanted to care for. You deserve someone that sees you as an equal, Y/N. I’m not that person. I will never be that person. I will forever see you as less than an equal to me.” Minghao explains, looking for changes in your facial expression to gauge your emotions. 
His answer leaves you confused. You thought that he had viewed you as equal, as someone to chase dreams together with, not someone in need of protecting or watching. Memories flood your mind, of you bringing food and refreshments to his work when he was having tough days, or when you would always need to cover him with a blanket after he would fall asleep during a movie. You knew that he preferred warm water with his meals and would make sure that each time you shared a meal together he had warm water. Did all of your efforts go unnoticed by him? Why did he stay with you if he saw you as someone so weak? Just as you thought your face couldn’t get hotter, you feel blood rush to your ears as well. “You aren’t serious, right?” 
He runs a hand through his hair, “This is why I wanted to leave our relationship where it was. I didn’t want you to know the unfiltered truth of why you’re unappealing to me. Y/N, stupid love doesn’t need to be defined so concretely, you are too transfixed on your perception of what love should look like.”
“You genuinely think that ‘shielding’ me from the truth was the right thing to do Minghao? After dating me for three years, you really think that’s what I would’ve wanted from you? You must be telling the truth about not viewing me as an equal since you didn’t even respect me enough to be real with your emotions.” Seething with anger, the dynamics shift as you deliver your words to him with an uncharacteristic sense of calmness. 
It was Minghao’s turn to be speechless as he realizes his faults in not being transparent with you. Before he can defend himself, you turn on the heels of your feet needing to leave his sight. You couldn’t bear to hear him elaborate any further. You find yourself walking at an abnormally fast pace and then, in fear of him following after you, begin to run. 
Finding a park bench to sit on, tears finally allow themselves to fall from your eyes as his words hit you. Your concept of love, was considered idiotic to him. He viewed you as someone weak rather than his equal. The revelations of the night were much stronger than you had thought they would be. While you were grateful that you knew the truth behind him dumping you, you couldn’t help but mourn the three-year-long relationship that was so much different than you had perceived it was. 
Given what you considered love, it was true that Xu Minghao never loved you.
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elliescrolls · 2 years
sunday painting
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pairing: minghao x reader
genre: soft, fluff
word count: 1996
summary: sunday painting with hao
Sundays to you are peaceful. They're slow dancing to jazz and brand new books with crisp pages. Lazy and relaxed or the perfect day to get the right momentum before your week. And they were your favorite.
Golden rays of sunlight filtered in through your large latticed double hung windows, they were open a few hours ago to air out the spacious room from the stuffy feeling. But as the day passed by, it became slightly warm but still cool enough to enjoy the light breeze flowing in the air. The early morning birds were still chirping, and not a cloud was in the sky. It was so tranquil and you felt completely relaxed.
A medium sized canvas stood in front of you atop a worn down easel, paint speckled your cheeks and stray hairs framed your face perfectly. You sucked in a small breath as you made small strokes across the board with a baby blue color. The voice of your boyfriend spoke up from behind you, pulling you from your focused state, "Softer strokes at an upward angle."
Turning your head slightly, you met his gaze. He had a soft but kind smile on his face while looking over your painting. The soft golden streaks of light were peeking in over through the windows, it caught and kissed the features of his face. It gave him a precious glow that made himself look like a piece of delicately crafted art. His name was Xu Minghao and he was all yours to cherish for everything that he was.
You gave him a smile back, nodding your head softly. You stuck the brush back onto the canvas, he put his hand lightly over yours and helped you apply less pressure on the head before gently sliding the brush upward. You grinned widely seeing the single stroke give off the exact effect you were trying to aim for. Turning back towards Minghao, you leaned over giving him a sweet kiss then glanced at his canvas. It was full of blues, whites, mixing into lavenders. It was absolutely gorgeous. Your eyes shined with adoration at him being so completely talented.
A few years ago, you were both introduced to each other through Junhui. He invited you out to go shopping, you happily agreed before he let you know that some of his other friends would be joining you both. You had a vague knowledge of his other 12 friends, and he constantly talked about them which you were more than happy to listen. What you didn’t know that day is you would be taken by storm by one particular person.
Both of you were standing in the food court, figuring out what to eat when one of his friends had approached you. Jun happily greeted them and starting conversing back and forth with him. From the first word he spoke, he had you mesmerized. Standing next to your friend quietly, you were entranced by his soft voice and elegant features. In the years that you had been friends with Jun, you picked up some Chinese so you had a fairly basic understanding of what they were saying. But when this stranger met your eyes and gave you a gentle but friendly smile, everything melted away and it was as if you and him were the only two existing.
From that day, you were always around Jun. Hoping that you would cross paths with Minghao again. You would once in a while but it would be a quick 2 minute or 5 minute conversation before they had to focus on work. Eventually, you started hanging out more in their free time and getting to know his other friends as well. Over the course of a few months to a year, you had grown extremely close to Minghao. You hadn’t began officially dating yet but there were light touches, cheek kisses and soft caresses here and there but neither of you had made a move.
You were constantly enamored and enchanted by him. He had you around his finger and you didn’t know it at the time but you had him around yours as well. The only person who only ever knew how he felt about you was Junhui, and he was absolutely ecstatic to know that his friend found someone who completely had him spellbound.
About halfway into the month of March on a sunny day, he took you out on a picnic under the cherry blossom trees in the Seoul Forest. By this time, you were already head over heels for him and that’s where he asked you to be his. It was such a sweet moment and you always felt butterflies when you thought about it. That was the day you knew you were positively and 100% in love with him and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.
A ghost of a smile danced its way across your lips as you thought back on the memory like it was yesterday, a year and some change has gone by since then but it was still so vivid in your brain. “Are you in Wonderland, Alice?”
You turned your head back towards Minghao and blinked with a smile on your face. Your eyes met his shining ones and let out a small laugh. “No, love. I was just lost in thought.”
“Thoughts of what?”
“You, Hao.” You responded before kissing his cheek and turning back to your easel with a small smile on your lips. Minghao laughed lightly, watching you quietly as focus shone in your eyes before you continued to paint light small strokes across the canvas.
You didn’t have as much painting knowledge as Hao but you were willing to learn because it was something that he loved and you did agree with him that it was very relaxing. It’s not like you both didn’t have common interests. You related with each other more than others around you realized. You were both polar opposites in personality but your interests were interwoven and it helped you grow close and relate more to each other. But when your relationship started getting more serious, you decided to learn more about his interests that could help you both feel more connected to each other.
You reached down and picked up a medium sized paint bottle of red, intending to mix it with blue and a tiny bit of the white you had to make a gorgeous lilac color.
Mingao had a tiny smile on his face as he gazed at you, focus evident in your eyes as you tried to open the container. You hadn't realized how much pressure you were applying until the lid flew off and paint splashed out, landing directly on the floor and Minghao's shirt. Instantly your face turned a shade of embarrassed, you quickly placed the bottle on the floor and apologized.
"Hao, oh my god. I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to how hard I was squeezing!"
"Tiánxīn, it's okay."
He gave you a smile and kissed your hand lightly. You felt very guilty for ruining his shirt which had caused you to miss the mischievous glint in his eye.
You frowned and turned away from him to grab a paint rag from the container you both kept them in. When you faced back to him, a paintbrush covered in paint met your cheek. Glancing up, Minghao had a cheeky smile on his face as he dragged the brush across your face, covering you.
He started laughing loudly with tears pricking the corners of his eyes, you bent down and stuck your hand slightly in the jar before pulling it out and smearing the paint across his face.
You let out little giggles at how funny he looked, that little move broke the dam and it started a paint war between you two. Paint was being thrown, splashed and spilled around the room. Everytime one of you made a move, it was led by strings of laughter from both of you.
After the paint jars were empty, Minghao was laying on his back. You were splayed on the floor next to him, staring up at the ceiling. Both trying to catch your breaths. The paint covered every inch of your bodies, from head to toe.
You knew that he was THE one, the only man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. He was your soulmate, your other half and the best part of your days. You truly loved him, and he loved you.
He thought you were stunning, like out of an intense and elegant work of art. When he laid eyes on you that day in the food court, he couldn't stop thinking of your eyes. They lulled him in, everything slowed down and he felt peace. He felt warmth and happiness. If Minghao could name his favorite thing in the world, it would be your presence. Just being around you was enough. Words would never suffice every feeling he had. Everything you did together meant the world to him and he wanted to give you the universe.
"Hey.." Minghao reached over, caressing your paint covered cheek. You gave him a small smile, your eyes lighting up at his voice.
"I love you, Xu Minghao.."
You cheeks bared a pink tint after speaking, neither of you had uttered those words before. The fear of scaring him away always stopped you but deep down you knew for a long time that you were irrevocably and completely in love with him and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
You placed your hand over his as he leaned slightly forward and kissed your forehead before kissing your lips softly. He pulled back slightly and whispered, "I love you too. I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else. You are my sun and stars."
Happy tears made their way into your eyes and relief filled your chest hearing him utter those words. A warm feeling entered your chest, you moved forward and embraced him tightly.
"You have changed my life, and there's no one better than you. You are the most important thing in my life. You occupy my mind throughout the day and as days pass since we’ve been together, I fall in love with you more and more."
Listening to his words intently, he softly stroked your hair as he continued to give you words of love and affirmation. Your heart began beating faster and the warm feeling was emitting throughout your entire body as he spoke his next words, "Tiánxīn..I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you do the honor of becoming my wife?"
You couldn’t see it through the paint splattered on his face but his cheeks were covered in a dark pink blush. He felt embarrassed being so brazen to ask you like this. He had been in love with you since that first year of being together, he had been thinking of marriage after the 2nd year when you both moved in together. Over the last few months he began planning more seriously when to do it with the help of Jun.
But seeing you lay on the floor next to him, splattered with paint being graced beautifully by lowering sun in the sky, he couldn’t help him asking you now. His patience had been worn down by the building affection in his heart, he loved you. He wanted you, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. His future looked brighter with you in it.
Happy tears were gracing your cheeks as you silently nodded, the amount of emotion you felt at this moment was indescribable. Minghao kissed you softly, happily laughing before embracing you once again. You pushed your face into his chest and felt truly happiness, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
“Everything makes sense when I’m in your arms.”
You loved Sundays. They were your favorite day.
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lololololchips · 2 months
SVT in which series… || up for sell
synopsis: a series of smaus where the SVT members tend to leak their relationship in various ways…
genre: fluff, smau, one shot smau, idol x non!idol, humor
warnings: fem pronouns, nsfw jokes (?), cursing
a/n: haiiiii:))) missing my babies soooo i used national gf days to write a silly little filler ???? chapter ENJOY😊 if you’re new here and have zero ideas of what’s going on please read the svt in which series right here to know more hehehe!!!
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neocrias · 5 days
Talk fast, romance!
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synopsis: you and minghao know that your one-night heated romance won't last, but you're both okay with that. at least for a while.
pairing: minghao x gn reader
wc: 3,7 k
genre/aus: fluff; suggestive
warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex, slightly suggestive, cursing (reader swears a lot), slightly based on the song "talk fast" by 5sos
— C'mon, this is boring, you can admit it. — The boy you just met whispers, a fainting smile in his plump lips - those which you've been staring at for the last half an hour, at least that was harsh to admit. The party was, indeed, boring, and the guy in front of you has been the only amusement you've had this night so far.
— I'm not saying it's not! I know it is. — You surrender, letting out an embarrassed laugh. — I'm just not sure I want to run away with... someone.
— With a stranger, you mean. — He implies, raising one of his eyebrows. You feel your cheeks heating, and you're glad about the very dim lights of the house you too are in, or else he'd see your messy state towards him. — I know it's weird, sorry, I shouldn't have asked.
— No! It's not that, it's just... — You start, wanting to explain yourself. You take a deep breath and stare at the dark pair of eyes in front of you. He's been so reliable the whole night, ever since he approached you for the first time when he saw you standing there, completely dislocated.
"I think my friends lowkey hate me", he said, scooching closer to you. "They just left me in the most dull party in the world."
It didn't seem like he was talking to you specifically, but more like a general affirmation out of despair. Nevertheless, you laughed at his situation, making him stare at you.
"I'm Minghao." he presented himself, smiling at you, probably happy for the response.
"Hi, Minghao. So... you also made bad decisions tonight?"
"You have no idea."
Since this, you've talked about numerous topics, all diverse and different from the other. It was impressive: you two just clicked. It was as if something sparked between the two bored and self-sufficient souls of that party, and you started having more fun than you've had in like, weeks.
And now, he was kind of suggesting that you two make another bad decision that night: leave. Although you felt like Minghao could not be a bad person at all, you still had an uncertainty about this. What if...?
— It's just that... I don't usually, you know. — You try yet again to explain, feeling a wave of embarrassment rush through you. Thank God you had some drinks earlier that evening in the hope of enjoying this lame-ass party, because now they could help bring you courage to say the words: — I don't usually sleep with guys like that. In the same night.
I mean, you kind of wanted that. Maybe pass through it for the first time. Minghao made you feel it: he was just so interesting and attractive. You didn't feel ready yet, though, and your lack of one-night stand experiences made you nervous enough to overthink that. At least for now.
— Oh... — He opened his mouth, searching for words. — I was thinking of maybe getting some drinks or eating something...like, when I asked.
Then you wanted to dunk your head in the nearest trash can - but even that you couldn't do, since a random guy just threw up in the one next to you. He wasn't asking you for that, silly. How could you even think about it?
— I-I'm sorry, I thought-
— It's fine. — He shrugs, trying his best not to make the conversation even weirder. — I'm kind of flattered that you considered me for that, and don't get me wrong, you're totally my type, I just wasn't thinking of rushing things like that for now.
You laugh nervously, itching the back of your hand a little. Well, at least you know you're totally his type now. Points for me!
— I guess I ruined the conversation, right? — You joke, trying to ease things.
— You know how you could fix it? By letting me take you to this nice food stand I know. — Minghao offers once more.
You didn't know it yet, but he was completely mesmerized by you. Never in his life he felt this instant chemistry with someone else, and he hoped entirely that you felt at least a little like that too, so that you both could just drop that horrendous party that Seungcheol insisted on him going to and hit the road to anywhere you could keep your witty conversation.
You were quick, smart and laughed at his jokes. He had to spend more time with you - in an actually habitable place - even if it was just for the rest of the night. Or he knew he'd regret it forever.
— Yeah, let's just go.
— You can bring a friend if you prefer...wait, really!? — Minghao interrupts himself at your acceptance, smiling widely.
— Sure. I'm hungry and this party sucks, I mean, who made this playlist?
— Thank God. — He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand, starting to lead you out of there. — And it was Hoshi, by the way.
— Who?
— My friend is in charge of DJing. He's just never done it before. — Minghao flashes you a last smile before turning his back to you, pulling you through the immensity of people glued together. You throw out a little laugh and let yourself be pulled away to what could be either the best night of your life or something you'd regret immensely.
The feeling of Minghao's hand in yours makes your body shriek in euphoria. The heat of the place, combined with the heat of the contact made you feel secure. Yeah, it's definitely going to be the first alternative.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
— I swear it was right here. — Minghao emphasizes, pointing at the ground next to him. You smile, a bit shy. After so much swearing, you knew he wasn't lying, but it was still a little odd that the first place he wanted to take you to was a totally empty street. — Man, they serve the best tteokbokki in town, I can't believe they're not here tonight out of all nights.
— It's fine, we could go somewhere else.
— I'm so sorry about that. — He shrugs, defeated. — If you want to just go home, I understand-
The boy is interrupted by some loud laughter followed by other big laughter and people's sounds. He carefully moves to glance behind, and your attention goes to the unlit alley adjacent to the street you both were at. Minghao raises an eyebrow, smiling at you and running to grab your hand once again that night.
He pulls you through the alley and you take a deep breath, fully trusting the guy leading you.
You pass through the dark small street only to be greeted with countless colorful lights. A whole avenue completely filled with food trucks and food stands, people all over the place, laughing, eating, and having fun. The smokes coming out of barbecue stands and fires lit through the estabilishments heat the cold of the evening and you feel almost overwhelmed when Minghao turns to you, smiling proudly.
— I told you so.
Your mouth opens completely, half by shock and half because you were really starving. All the different smells, the sights of food, the neon lights that surrounded the buildings around you and the colorful tents full of people were a blast to your senses, and seeing Minghao all smiley was definitely a plus - he looked so cute.
You shake your own thoughts, trying to be rational for the first time in the night. It’s fine, this was an adventure with a pretty guy - but it won’t last forever. It’s likely that the both of you don’t ever get to see or talk to each other again after this night, so keeping your hopes on the low is the intelligent decision to make now. After all, this is what relationships are now - how would you know that Minghao actually wanted more from you than just a nice evening? He probably wouldn’t, anyways.
“That’s okay”, you think, letting him guide you through the stands as you barely have time to contemplate the vision passing right behind you, “I’ll take what I can get from this.”
The boy stops all of a sudden, causing you to almost bump into him. Minghao closes his eyes as he absorbs the familiar smell of his favorite street-food and you can swear his skin glows more than it seemed like at the party - or maybe that’s just an effect of the iridescent street. 
— We’re here. — He affirms, smiling. You smile back, looking at the small orange tent with a metal small truck underneath. An elderly lady hummed silently as she flipped the sticks of tteokbokki on the spicy sauce of her improvised kitchen. The smell was, indeed, amazing, and the vapor coming out of the fire she had lit made your face heat up a little bit as you approached the stand.
Minghao made the order for you, adding some beverages and other couple snacks. Both you and him decided to skip the alcohol, since the drinks you’ve had at the party were already sinking in, and being drunk in the middle of the street wasn’t exactly what you wished for.
And down deep, you hoped that Minghao skipped the alcohol for the sole reason of remembering the night. And remembering you. But you tried not to feed these ideas.
— Shit. — You distractedly whimper as the rice dough fills your mouth, completely steaming and completely spicy. Minghao widens his eyes, pouting a little in your direction as he helps you blow the stick once more, in hopes of making it colder and edible. After you can finally cool off your mouth, you let out some laughter, being followed by the boy in front of you.
— Hey, be careful. — He warns, half kind and half teasing. You feel the pit of your stomach bubbling with something, but you try to believe it was just the hot food entering your systems. — So, what do you think? — Minghao points at the place surrounding you, and you almost sigh in contemplation.
— So much better than that damn party. — It’s all you can say, receiving a loud and gorgeous laugh from him. — And the food is great, too.
— I knew you’d like it. — He smiles tenderly. — Everyone does.
You hum in response, nodding as you take another bite from the stick. Minghao watches you intently, somewhat mesmerized that he had the guts to ask you out so suddenly. He wasn’t used to being a rushed or impatient person. He felt a little weird, but in a nice way he couldn’t really explain.
— Twenty-one question game. — He suggests before he can even stop himself. Your shy smile reveals you liked his idea, and Minghao shifts in the small bench of the tent to take a better look at you. — Favorite color?
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
— Your oldest memory? — Minghao asks, strolling casually next to you through the familiar alley you’ve passed before. After some more eating and drinking, such as countless games and questions that turned infinite - since none of you were tired of hearing each other - you decided to head somewhere else. Where? You still had no idea. 
— Well…I remember my old house’s garden very vividly. And butterflies I guess. — You let yourself be surrounded by the darkness of the narrow street, distancing yourself from the noises and lights of the food market. The nocturne air turns colder as you both walk, and you glance at the full moon above you. 
— Gosh, you’re so cute. — Minghao giggled, amused. You try to repress a smile, but fail.
— What’s your oldest memory? — You change the topic of the conversation, turning to look at Minghao abruptly. Not expecting your agility, Minghao is caught by surprise when you bump into his chest, tripping and almost falling to the ground. He is quick to hold onto one of your wrists, pulling you closer by the waist. 
He barely reacts to your proximity, still smiling fondly until he realizes the dubious smile you had in your lips as you analyzed his face so closely. Minghao’s smile disappears little by little, focusing too much on your lips and in the fresh air surrounding you both in the empty alley as your breaths mixed slowly. 
You lift your chin slightly to deviate your look from his lips to his eyes, but Minghao is faster and leans on, brushing your lips softly as he waits for confirmation. You close the space between you, taking his lips on yours fully and eagerly as his grip on your wrist turns lighter, releasing your hand to grab your face. His other hand stops at your waist, caressing the spot as he pulls you even closer, feeling your bodies completely glued together.
Your lips move in sync and you could swear at this moment you’ve never felt this much chemistry with anyone else - it’s as if a new world revealed itself to you through Minghao’s grasp on you. You pull some strands of his hair as your hands run through his neck, making him shudder. Without noticing it, he softly led you until your back met one of the walls of the alley. The pressure against you helped you regain forces, deepening the kiss and earning a groan from Minghao.
Your hands were quick, and so were your heartbeats. Minghao’s hand that relaxed at your waist fell silently to your ass, grabbing it slowly while waiting for a refusal or a complaint that didn’t come. At this point, he could genuinely take you home. You’d say yes. Fuck if you weren’t into one-night stands. Fuck everything. You were enjoying this night much more than you could’ve ever imagined and you didn’t want it to end.
A loud metallic noise echoed right next to you both, startling you. Minghao suddenly distanced himself to take a look at whoever had interrupted you and you almost cursed at the cold that you felt without him. Your eyes widened, feeling the embarrassment for being caught in such a delicate situation.
That was when your vision settled on a small, furry thing, clumsy between the trash cans. 
— Fuck. — You bring your hand to your chest, feeling your blood flowing through every vein. — It’s a kitten. Cute. — You try to shake away the awkwardness as Minghao turns back at you to release the most adorable laugh you’ve ever heard coming through someone’s lips. The lips you’ve just kissed.
Suddenly, your heart skips a beat. How could he be so endearing? And you didn’t even know him!
— My grandmother knitting. — He blurts out, smiling at you as he backs away to give you some space. — The oldest memory, I mean.
— Perfect. — You smile in amusement, straightening up and distancing yourself from the wall behind you. 
— Shall we go? — He suggests opening the path for you. 
— Wait, I know a place close to here! — You exclaimed, excited. Minghao just nodded as you took the lead this time. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
— I don’t think this is going to work… — Minghao pronounces it rationally, but a bit of apprehension escapes from his mouth, making you giggle. You turn to look at him, clumsily walking down through the rocks of the small hill. You extend one of your hands, offering help, but Minghao does not accept it, promising he’s fine. 
You finish your way down, getting to your secret spot as the boy behind you follows. The small pavement below the bridge was perfect to watch the late night city lights reflected through the thin river that passed right through it. With a sigh, Minghao stops by your side, careful not to fall into the water as he adapts.
— That’s definitely…a new perspective. — He comments, approving your location. — I’m usually on top of it. — He points at the bridge above, perfectly shielding you both in its arched form. 
He could see the charm in the place. You could basically see all the city from below, but no one could see you. It felt comfortable. It also felt secretive, and that helped the tingling sensation he kept on feeling all the time he looked at you - it’s almost as if you two were the only people in the world on that night.  
You breathe in the humid air, feeling it through your lungs as you enjoy the silence with Minghao. None of you said a word, but you also didn’t feel like you needed to. It was comfortable to be like this.
— I’ve never done anything like this before. — You suddenly confess, feeling easy next to the boy you had just met. The phrase was suspended into the air, but Minghao got it perfectly.
— Me neither. — He agreed, resolute. 
And with that, both of you understood how special that night was. That sank into your heart, and you felt a deep urge for it not to end - which was impossible, considering the fast pace with which the hours went by. You felt a shiver through your spine, and caressed your own arms for heat. Minghao was fast to remove his own jacket and carefully put it around your shoulders, letting his hands rest in there for a few seconds. You glanced at him from up close, and he softly touched your chin, lifting it tenderly. He closed his eyes, feeling your scent and resting your foreheads together for a while. You also closed your eyes, embracing the feeling of the night - “if this is bound to end soon, I might as well live it fully”. You were the first one to initiate the kiss. 
Differently from earlier, this kiss was truer, more calm and experienced than rushed and passionate. Your lips looked for each other as if they’ve been familiar for a whole lifetime. Jesus, how could you feel like this over a guy you met hours ago?
— Can we go to my place? — Minghao urged in a whisper as he broke the kiss first. You could not help but to widen your eyes at his proposition, feeling odd this time. — Trust me.
And you did. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It was a different view of the city, for sure. Not that you were enjoying it that much from where you were at - after all, Minghao’s lap wasn’t exactly a tourist point, “but it could be…”
You moved in a hurry, your legs on both sides of his seated figure in the sun lounger as you pressed your bodies together once more. The air from the top of the building should be cold, but you couldn’t feel it if your life depended on it. Not with all the heat surrounding the both of you.
When Minghao invited you to his place, he made a risky move. You felt like accepting anything at that point, but his offer ended up being much more gentle - and now you were at the rooftop of his apartment, all alone, being nothing but gentle. 
Your dress was a mess of wrinkles by now, and his jacket was long gone, thrown somewhere on the dirty floor of the open place. And, once again, your lips were on his. And you didn’t want to let it go for the world.
Your hands move fast through his torso and chest, exploring it through the fabric of his t-shirt as he presses his fingers on your waist like you are going to escape at any moment. You move your hips, feeling a heat growing in your stomach at every second now, and even though you didn’t do anything yet, you feel like you could burst.
With a soft whimper, you gasp for air, ending the kiss for a few seconds as you look at Minghao’s big eyes and swollen lips. He looks like a perfect picture, but something glowing on him catches your attention. The sunlight, coming right from behind you. 
— The sun is rising! — You exclaim, excited, turning to look at the beautiful scene that unveils before your eyes, you snug next to Minghao in the sun lounger, trying to watch the mix of colors.
— I know. He does it everyday. — Minghao groans, frustrated by the lack of contact, making you laugh. You scooch even closer, leaning your head on his chest as you circle his waist with one of your arms.
You peacefully watch the sun coming up, little by little, minutes that seem like long hours. You feel Minghao’s breath above you, and his lips hover on the top of your head, leaving there a small kiss. 
That’s when you realize: the night is over, and so is the dream, and so is whatever that you and Minghao had. You could talk again, you could meet through your mutual friends, but nothing would ever be this again. No night could ever be like this one. And it was over, forever.
You feel like watering your eyes because of this could freak him out. You aren’t even sure if he felt the same about you, and you don’t want to ruin the beautiful evening you guys had because of your own internal drama. Maybe he just saw you as this random girl he made out with for the night, and that’d be fine too - but you felt a tiny bit of that magical feeling tearing apart.
— I… I have to go to work. — You mumbled, decided. Minghao stiffened below you, and you felt his grip on your waist tighten a little. 
— Oh, I see… — He whispers back, clearly affected, but still not letting you go. Minghao tried to come up with millions of rational and healthy reasons for you to stay - but none of them worked, and he couldn't just say the truth: that he really wanted you to stay. That he wanted to pass the day with you, and the next night too. That’d be crazy, desperate even, and he didn’t want to freak you out. 
So he finally gives in, loosening the grip on you, and trying not to look devastated while doing it so. Your heart sinks feeling his hand move away, but you try to hold the disappointment in your face.
“What did you think?”, you ask yourself, “that he’d ask you to stay after you throw the most irrefutable fact on his face? that he, a rational and cool guy as he is, would ask you to skip work and stay with him?”
— I’m sorry, but… — Minghao starts, clumsily, as you tidy your clothes, ready to stand up. — Can’t you stay? I mean, do you really have to go? — He sounded hopeful. Sad, but careful.
Your eyes meet his and a silent plea fills the air as your heart races once again.
— Fuck, no. — You sigh, giving in. — I don’t.
Your smiles widen, and the morning breeze swifts gently as you feel a different type of feeling flowing. 
Work can wait for a while.
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mangocustard16 · 1 year
Sunrise Sweetness 💝🧡
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| synopsis: When Y/N mistakes her idol boyfriend Xu Minghao for a thief in the early hours, their reunion turns into a cascade of cheesy kisses, rekindling their love at sunrise.
| genre: fluff
| pairing: idolbf!xu minghao x gn!reader
| warnings: none
| Word count: 550
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The clock on the wall ticked loudly in the dimly lit kitchen as Y/N groggily stumbled out of bed, her sleep-addled mind struggling to make sense of the situation. The early morning light seeped through the curtains, casting long shadows across the room. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
With cautious steps, she tiptoed to the kitchen, clutching a heavy cast-iron pan in her trembling hands. The silence was broken only by the faint hum of the refrigerator. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she rounded the corner, ready to defend herself against any intruder.
But what she saw froze her in her tracks.
A figure stood by the kitchen sink, facing away from her. A tall silhouette, clad in a dark hoodie and jeans. Panic set in as she tightened her grip on the pan, ready to strike if necessary.
"Who are you?" Y/N's voice trembled as she demanded an answer, her voice barely a whisper.
The figure turned around, and in the dim light, Y/N could just make out a pair of tired, but familiar, eyes. It was then that she recognized that disheveled mop of hair, the same one she'd run her fingers through countless times. Her heart lurched as she dropped the pan with a loud clatter.
Xu Minghao's face broke into a tired but relieved smile as he stepped closer, pushing back the hood of his hoodie. "Hey, babe. Miss me?"
Y/N's eyes widened, and the adrenaline coursing through her veins gave way to a rush of emotions. She couldn't believe her boyfriend was standing in her kitchen at the crack of dawn.
"Is it really you?" She blinked, her voice a mixture of disbelief and excitement.
He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I missed you so much on tour, I just had to come back early and surprise you."
Y/N's initial shock gave way to a surge of happiness and longing. She rushed into his arms, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart. Minghao held her tightly, burying his face in her hair, and she could hear him softly sighing in contentment.
"I can't believe you're here," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with awe. "I thought you were a thief or something."
Minghao chuckled, his breath tickling her ear. "Well, I guess I'm a thief of hearts then, stealing yours every day."
He leaned down and kissed her, a tender and lingering kiss that spoke volumes about how much he had missed her. Y/N melted into his embrace. She'd missed him more than she could put into words.
Their lips met again and again, each kiss expressing the depth of their feelings. It was as if the world had ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them entwined in the soft morning light.
As they finally pulled away, Minghao whispered against her lips, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too", she replied, her heart brimming with affection.
The reunion they had both yearned for had come at the perfect time, and they knew they had many more stolen moments to look forward to.
With Minghao back in her arms, Y/N couldn't help but think that sometimes, the most beautiful surprises come when you least expect them, even if it means nearly bonking your idol boyfriend with a pan.
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I watched Tangled yesterday....i'm sorry i had too
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misojunnie · 2 years
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PEACHES ─ xmh. ᜊ⋆゚⊹
fresh peaches picked straight off the tree always reminded you of home, the summer breeze, the sticky frozen treats, and the blazing sun. they brought good memories, nostalgic places, but most importantly, they brought xu minghao.
genre: fluff, angst, college au, brother’s best friend!minghao x fem!reader
warnings: substance use, a sprinkle of family issues, disloyal past relationships, break ups, toxic relationships and cheating, 22 yr old reader / 24 yr old hao
featuring: minghao and svt! (ft. brother jun) + twice
word count: 26.2k
playlist: peaches by kai, chaser by woodz, habit by seventeen
status: in progress.
# taglist: @msxflower @enhacolor @hiqhkey
# network tags: @ficscafe @kflixnet​ @k-radio​
back to masterlist !​
[more below the cut!]
𝐢. 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
You licked up the side of the dripping, vivid orange popsicle clutched in your hand, a lit cigarette tucked in your other, perched delicately between your index and middle finger as you walked down the sunny street. You must’ve been a strange sight to most, something so childish as a creamsicle held by the same person as a smoking cigarette. But you couldn’t help it.
You had promised yourself nearly two years ago to never smoke again. Mingyu hated the smell more than anything, and when he remained firm in his resolve to not kiss you while you smoked, you decided to quit for his sake. You knew it wasn’t healthy to fall back on bad habits, but difficult times called for difficult measures, and it was certainly a difficult time.
Your apartment came into view as you walked down the street, the worn out soles of your converse highs tapping lightly against the pavement as you approached the large building drenched in golden sunlight. It was a beautiful day. And that really pissed you off. Turning your key in the lock, you opened the door to your dingy shared apartment, taking in the sight of the seemingly empty room, rays of midday sun peeking in through the open windows. You kicked off your shoes, putting out the cigarette on the sole of the left one before your brother could notice, although you knew he would figure it out anyway. He had a way of always finding out when you did something you weren’t supposed to.
“Junhui! I’m home!” you called out, hoping that your brother hadn’t yet arrived from classes, and that you could rinse some mouthwash before he smelled the tobacco on your tongue. To your chagrin, the dusty blond boy emerged from the bathroom with a toothbrush dangling from one end of his mouth, wide eyed and with a foamy smile on his lips. You put on a smile to match his own as he walked to the door, helping you take off your jacket and hang it up, even though the help wasn’t needed.
“Welcome home! You want some tea?’ he asked, hanging up your denim jacket on a coat rack by the door. Before you could respond, he scrunched up his nose, a disgusted look coming over his face as he brought the fabric up to his face, taking a deep inhale from the powdery blue cloth as you grimaced sheepishly. He dropped the fabric, growing closer to you, sniffing with a skeptical look. Apparently he got the confirmation he needed from the prevalent smell of smoke in your hair, as he backed up, crossed his arms, and sighed heavily with a disappointed frown. “Y/n…”
“I know, I know.” you interrupted before he could finish his sentence, waving him off as you removed your school bag from your shoulder and set it on the ground by the doormat. “I told you I would quit.”
“So why’d you smoke?”
“You smoked?” another voice said, a head of dark brown hair popping out from the kitchen, startling you greatly. Minghao seemed to have appeared out of thin air, nowhere to be seen when you had done a quick once over of the apartment upon your entry. But now that you noticed his presence, you began to smell the familiar scent of tomato and eggs wafting through the small kitchen. The older boy brought out three teal bowls, all filled to the brim with appetizing rice, tomato, eggs, and green onion scattered on the top. “You’ve been clean for a long time.”
“I’m well aware.” you sighed, taking a seat at the little table in your makeshift “dining room”, barely large enough to seat three people, as Minghao slid a dish in front of you. The steaming plate of food sent you straight back to your times from middle school when you would wake up, roll out of bed, and stumble to the kitchen to see a smiling Minghao holding a plate full of breakfast. “Thanks for the food.”
“Hey! I’m not done brushing my teeth!” Junhui protested, running back to the bathroom, a bit of toothpaste dripping down his chin as he rushed to wash out his mouth. Minghao just chuckled quietly in amusement, sitting down in the seat across from you with an undistinguishable expression.
“So, what happened that made you smoke your first cigarette in three years?” You scoffed, taking a spoonful of eggs and shoving it into your mouth, eyebrows already furrowing at the mere memory of what had happened just earlier this morning.
“What, you’ve been keeping count?” you asked.
“You know I have.” he said, taking a small bite from his bowl without yielding his questioning gaze. When you didn’t respond, he propped his elbows up on the table, leaning his head on the tops of his intertwined hands. “I’ve known you for a long time. And if I know anything about you, it’s that you’re stubborn as hell. I don’t think you would’ve given up on quitting so easily.” You sighed. 
It was undeniably true. Today had been an unusually horrible day, bad enough to make you break your three year abstinence from cigarettes, which wasn’t normal of your iron resolve. Minghao could read you like a book. Probably better than a book, considering he didn’t read many.
“Nothing important.”
“We both know that’s bullshit.” he said matter-of-factly. “C’mon, you trust me, right? I’m your best friend.” It was smug of him to say it in that way when he knew he was Junhui’s best friend, but he was right. You absolutely trusted him, you always have, ever since he walked through the door on Jun’s third day of junior high, your brother bouncing with excitement from finding another Chinese student at his school. 
Even though he was Junhui’s best friend, he felt like he was yours too. He had always been there for you, like he day he finally overcame his inherent weakness to punch Lee Chan in the face after he called you a whore, or the day Joshua Hong stood you up on prom night for his ex and Minghao rented out a tux last minute to take you himself, even if it caused your brother to slap him later that night. 
He was as much a part of your life as he was Junhui’s, and that’s why you decided to finally tell him the truth about what had caused your utterly shitty day.
“Mingyu broke up with me.” you said, stirring your straw in the cup of water that Minghao had placed by your seat. The boy in front of you had an inexplicable expression on his face, and you weren’t sure what emotions were passing through his head at the moment. “It seems like the entire school found out before I did. He didn’t even have the balls to break it off until lunchtime, even though he went around telling everyone we were split since yesterday.” You could’ve been imagining it, but you were practically certain that you saw Minghao’s knuckles clench in anger, but if he was agitated, he didn’t show it, just calmly taking another bite of his meal.
“Didn’t see that coming.” You couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. Minghao knew better than anyone what your relationship with Mingyu was like. After all, Mingyu was his classmate, and the boy you met on the date he and Boo Seungkwan set you up with, without your brother’s consent, you might add. But you didn’t allow him to provoke you, simply taking another bite and looking at your bowl as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. He nodded with an expectant look that made you feel as though you had to give him the rest of the news, and you sighed.
“Turns out he met back up with his old childhood friend a few weeks ago. You remember Tzuyu?” Minghao nodded again, and you continued with a heavy exhale, glancing over your shoulder to see if Junhui had returned, which, startlingly enough, he hadn’t, apparently still in the bathroom. “He’s in love with her.”
“No way.” Minghao said, and it was hard for you to tell if he was kidding, but after a few moments you decided he wouldn’t treat you with so much sarcasm while you were in a sensitive moment. Although, that betrayed all logic considering he just did it minutes previously.
“Yeah. Apparently she ‘helped him figure out he didn’t have feelings for me anymore’. So he told her he was going to break up with me.”
“And she told Momo, who told Jihyun, who told Sana,” Minghao continued, seeming to sense where the story was going.
“And she told everyone.” you finished. “I’m surprised you didn’t find out. I would’ve thought you’d be the first person to know.” You stirred the straw in your drink for the second time, absentmindedly twirling the metal tube between your pointer finger and thumb and watching the ice cubes glide through the liquid.
“I missed class today,” he admitted. “I had some business to take care of.” You knew better than to ask what, just nodding. “Jun doesn’t know…”
“And he can’t.” you emphasized, lifting your head up to gaze at him fiercely. “You know what he’d do if he found out.”
“...Mingyu would beat him to a pulp if he tried.”
“I know. But that won’t stop him.” There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you challenged him with your eyes, and he lifted his hands in surrender, letting out a little sigh as he caved, and you took a bite in triumph.
“Alright, I give up. I won’t tell your brother.”
“Won’t tell me what?” Junhui asked, timing horrible as usual as he came around the back of your chair with a suspicious look to sit next to Minghao at the other side of the table, the latter giving him a smile.
“I’m desperately in love with your sister.” he grinned, and Jun slapped him on the back of his head, your cheeks flaming as soon as the words escaped his mouth.
“Hey, cut it out.” Junhui complained, picking up his bowl of food, which had already grown cold in his long absence. “Jesus, I’d rather you not tell me.” Minghao gave you a wink and a thumbs up when your brother wasn’t looking, and you smiled gratefully, albeit tightly, in return, hoping he didn’t notice how your cheeks began to feel like fire and your heart pounded like a drum in your chest.
Dinner was energetic as usual, and it was somewhat encouraging to see how little things had changed at home, despite the big shift in your life outside your doorstep. Jun and Minghao easily lifted you out of your slump, and despite the haunting reminder that you had to go back to school the next day, you were feeling better than you had all morning. Junhui had begrudgingly agreed to washing the dishes after a fierce game of rock paper scissors, which had ended unfortunately for the navy haired boy. 
As the rushing sound of the sink soothed you, you rested your hair against the oaken table, letting your gaze focus on the sights outside your front window. When you caught sight of the peaceful view outside, something catching your eye, you sat up quickly.
“Hao.” you said, and Minghao let out a little noise of acknowledgement from beside you, head down on the table with his arms shielding his face from the last rays of sunlight slipping under the horizon. “There’s peaches on the tree outside.” He lifted his head from the table, face red and puffy from where he had pressed it, and gave a glance to the round fruits beginning to grow from buds on the tree just outside your apartment.
“They look pretty.” he said simply, moving to rest his head again.
“It’s weird. Peaches bloom in summer.”
“Maybe the tree knew we needed a bit of joy in the spring.” he said, voice muffled against the wooden surface. “They bloomed early for us.” You slowly lowered yourself back down to the table, a soft smile on your face thinking of his words. Maybe the peaches did bloom for you, maybe they knew that you craved something refreshing, a change in the old monotony of Seoul. Maybe they knew you were missing the trees that used to grow in your childhood home’s backyard. Or better.
  Maybe they knew that Mingyu hated peaches.
𝐢𝐢. 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
“For the last time Dahyun, no.” you insisted with a deep and frustrated exhale as your best friend pouted from across the table. You averted your eyes from her doe expression, afraid that her pretty pleading might actually convince you to agree to her horrible idea. “I’m not going on a blind date. It’s too early.”
“Come on, y/n.” she pleaded, hands together. “You need to move on from that asshole, and soon. Mingyu’s party is coming up next weekend, and you have to prove to him that you’re better off without him.” she said, gesturing wildly at nothing. You sucked on your bubbling soda, unbothered, more focused on the sticky feeling of your bare thighs on the hot seats of the restaurant from where your shorts had ridden up than on her strange plan. Your friends Chaeyoung and Mina, however, are enraptured by her visual demonstration, hands resting on their chins as they nod along with her.
“It might be good for you.” Chaeyoung suggested, her chin resting on a perfectly manicured hand. “I think I know someone who could help.”
“The only person that could help is Mingyu, that fucking asshole, by getting back together with me.” you said bitterly, teeth subconsciously clamping around the striped yellow straw resting between your lips as you sipped on the soda clutched in your hand. The three girls across the table exchanged a look that you didn’t seem to notice, and Mina gently reached out for your hand.
“How about you just hear Dahyun out, yeah?” They were incredibly stubborn, and it made you want to slap them in the face, but you reminded yourself that their unyielding resolve is what made you love them in the first place, and kept your hand firmly at your side. A sigh escaped your mouth as you finally relinquished your tight grip on the straw, waving them on to continue as you lean back onto the sticky fabric seat.
“Continue.” Dahyun’s eyes lit up in excitement.
“Well, I was talking to Vernon about this guy-”
“I’ve heard enough.” you said, standing up and halfway ready to leave the diner  just at the mere mention of Mingyu’s best friend when Chaeyoung pulled you down with a strong tug on your shorts.
“Just hear me out.” Dahyun said petulantly, brushing her hair away from her face and continuing the story. “Vernon told me he has a friend in his grade who’s been painfully single pretty much all his life. He’s decently introverted and polite, very respectful and quiet. For the first time in years, just yesterday he finally agreed to let Vernon set up a blind date for him.” You didn’t like where this was going. You didn’t like where this was going at all, but there was something that made you hear her out, nodding silently and taking the straw back between your lips. Maybe it was that you really wanted to move on, or the boy sounded quite pleasant, or you wanted to give love another chance.
Or maybe you just wanted to spite Mingyu because he was not introverted, polite, or respectful at all.
“He’s newly 24, really smart, and pretty fun when he wants to be. And get this, he’s a cinematography and film production major. Sexy nerd type shit.” Dahyun finished smugly, knowing that you were successfully drawn in by the description of this mystery boy. You had to admit, he sounded like your type. You were always a film enthusiast, not to mention a fan of a strong willed person. Plus, introverts were always a safe bet. They were less likely to cheat on you, unlike a certain extrovert.
The three girls waited in silent anticipation as you pondered the offer, eyes down on the sunny surface of the table and teeth gnawing against the already ruined straw. After making your decision, reluctant and almost certain this would turn out to be a horrible idea as your instincts told you, you looked up into three pairs of expectant and excited eyes.
“Alright,” you caved exasperatedly, and Chaeyoung squealed. “I’ll do it. But I can’t promise any dates after this one.” The trio practically launched themselves over the table in unison to wrap you into a big hug, and you were certain they would squeeze the life out of you if they held on any longer.
“You won’t regret it y/n! I promise.” Dahyun said happily, and you sighed. 
You were fairly certain that you were, in fact, going to very much regret it.
You browsed the aisles upon aisles of condiments in your local mart, searching for your favorite brand of chili paste. You were craving comfort food tonight, and despite Jun doing most of the cooking between the two of you, you thought it was about time that you learned to make mapo tofu. Your mother had taught you many years before, and you wanted to capitalize on your youthful mind before that core memory completely slipped from your brain. You tossed a small bottle of sichuan peppercorns into the basket clutched in your hand, your thoughts wandering as music pumped through your headphones, the volume so loud it threatened to shake your brain inside your skull. You barely had a moment of peace in the grocery store before your headphones were yanked out, the trembling bass replaced by a soothing voice near your ear.
“What’re you buying?” You practically jumped, shivering at the sound of the voice so close to your face, feeling the breath of the voice’s owner on your cheek. You whipped around, ready to slap the shit out of whatever stranger with no concept of personal space had interrupted your peaceful trip to the mart, but let out a breath of relief at the sight of an annoyingly smug, yet familiar brunette.
“Christ Minghao, never do that again.” you snapped at him, turning around to resume grabbing the container of chilies that you had finally found. It was just out of your reach, just a few inches above the tips of your finger. Your tongue peeked out from the corner of your mouth as you struggled to reach for the troublesome square box, but you soon felt a warm hand rest on your shoulder, Minghao’s long arm reaching up to easily snatch the container from the shelf that had seemed so out of reach to you.
“Here you go, m’lady.” he said teasingly, bowing playfully to present the chili paste to you as though one might present a crown to a king. You rolled your eyes, taking the red paste out of his hand and tossing it into your basket without a second glance in his direction. “Aw, don’t ignore me, angel.” You were beginning to feel confused and, more prevalently, annoyed at the sudden use of your favorite pet name.
“What’re you doing here?” you asked, ignoring his whining, and he straightened up, trailing behind you as you made your way to the produce section, searching for scallions among the recesses of the greens section.
“I just dropped by to grab something for dinner.”
“God, just my luck.” you said with a deep exhale as you bent down to grab a properly sized bundle of your desired onions from the stacks of produce. “What are the odds of meeting you here for the same reason?”
“Maybe it was fated.” he said with a shrug, and you whirled to craned your neck to face him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Since when did you start saying weird stuff like that?”
“Since Mingyu punching me in the face wasn’t a possible repercussion of my actions anymore.” he shrugged, and you could feel your cheeks growing a little warm at his strange behavior. Had Minghao always looked at you so mischievously? Had he always watched you with stars in his eyes when you were simply completing mundane, daily tasks? You shook the odd thoughts out of your head, searching for a witty comeback to throw at him to damper his grin, and hopefully cover up your flaming face.
“Me punching you is still a very plausible repercussion, and as you can see, my fists are ready and available.” That seemed to do the trick until he recovered from the snarky remark, flashing a charming smile.
“Not with that basket in your arms.” he said, picking it up out of your hands and holding it in his own, and you noticed how hot his hands were when his skin came in contact briefly with your own. “I can take that off your hands.” You failed to give a response, immersing yourself in finding the right package of ginger to distract yourself. Minghao’s eyes traveled over the ingredients in your basket, and his eyes lit up with excitement when he realized what you would be making later that night. “Are you making mapo tofu for dinner?”
“I am.” you said in response, and he bounced contentedly.
“Excellent. I’ll bring stir fry.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” you said, pushing a hand in his face as you dropped a stem of fresh ginger into the basket clutched in his hands. “I only have the capacity to deal with one hyperactive male idiot today, and that’s my brother. I thought you were making dinner for yourself. ”
“I was going to. But it’s just so sweet of you to invite me over for dinner, how could I refuse?” he simpered pretentiously, and you scowled, letting out an exasperated breath as you gave up on trying to understand him.
“Alright, whatever. Come over if you want.” Minghao smiled in triumph at your response, following along behind you as you made your way to the cashier, pulling out your credit card from your wallet. You turned at the last moment before you approached the little conveyor belt to carry your basket to the register, pushing a finger so close to Minghao’s face it almost pressed against his nose. “That stir fry better have snow peas. And a generous amount of meat.” He grinned coyly, giving you a playful salute as you handed your card to the cashier.
“Yes ma’am.”
You simply could not believe that after practically a decade since you had met Minghao, he was still capable of convincing you he was a good cook. Tomato and eggs was among about three dishes, all of which were egg focused, that he could cook, and when he tried to cook anything else, it was a disaster waiting to happen. So when he told you he didn’t have time to cook the stir fry at home, you naturally excused it and told him to take a seat. 
You shouldn’t have let him convince you to let him help with dinner, but the heaps of groceries in the canvas bag he toted in his hand that he had brought in preparation made you feel bad. So you allowed him a third of the kitchen to make his silly little stir fry, which turned out to be more of a science experiment than anything.
“Minghao, stop.” you said for what had to be the sixteenth time that night, sighing as you took the knife away from his, careful not to cut yourself. “You do not need to cut the carrots that small.”
“They’re a choking hazard.” he argued, and you had to suppress the urge to smack him. What happened to the peaceful Minghao from yesterday? Because you desperately wanted him back. You pressed both of your hands to the small of his back, shoving hard and sending him out of the kitchen with one push.
“Stay out. Go play with Junhui or something.”
“Play? I’m not five.” he said sassily, and laughed under your breath as he stomped away petulantly to go find your brother, likely about to drag him into playing a video game or whatever they did when they were together. It seems that Minghao’s sympathetic ‘post-y/n-breakup period’ had passed quickly, and he had shifted into some kind of mix of flirtiness and consistent pain in the ass. He often would set his hands on your shoulder for just a second too long, or smile charmingly when you asked him a question he didn’t know the answer to, going as far as dropping a pick up line or two when your brother was out of earshot. He sure knew how to use his looks to convince you to do things. A mere few minutes after you had begun to cook peacefully, a voice startled you out of your culinary reverie.
“Y/n!” Jun yelled from the other room, and you rolled your eyes, checking the wok full of bubbling sauce to make sure it wouldn’t burn before abandoning Minghao’s butchered pile of carrot chunks that you had been attempting to repair and making your way to the hallway.
“What?!” you yelled back, head peeking into the hallway where your brother’s voice was coming from, and immediately sticking out your tongue at the sight you were confronted with. “Put a shirt on, you freak!” you yelled at your shirtless brother, who was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, one hand clutching the towel hanging around his waist and the other held out in front of him as he dashed through the hall.
“Y/n! Where’d my freaking purple shirt go? I’ve been looking for it for ten freaking minutes!” he yelled, and you appreciated how much of an effort he was making not to curse, despite sounding a bit silly in the process.
“How would I know?” you screeched in response, not daring to take a step into the hallway lest you see your brother naked and permanently traumatize yourself. He didn’t respond, too immersed in his own panic, and you assumed he had a date or something important happening that got him so worked up. Letting out a breath of exasperation, you entered the hall cautiously, faintly recalling that you had borrowed his lavender button up for a meeting with your friends, and you reluctantly made your way to your bedroom, praying to god that you didn’t incidentally walk past your brother finding clothes, or lack thereof.
You were surprised to see your bedroom door firmly shut, the white door pushed into its frame and a faint voice coming from behind it. You didn’t recall inviting anyone into your room, in fact, there was an explicit sign taped to the front of the white wood that stated “y/n’s room: keep out”. You pressed one of your ears against the door lightly, picking up traces of a conversation coming from a low voice, a conversation that was whispered in hushed tones and seemed very one sided.
“Alright. I said I’d do it.” a voice said exasperatedly, and you recognized it to be Minghao’s low cappuccino voice from behind the door, seemingly annoyed and speaking on the phone. “I’ll meet you tomorrow. Nothing stupid, okay?” He seemed somewhat satisfied with the answer coming from the receiver as he hung up the phone, opening the door and almost smashing into your head. You scrambled backwards, managing to make yourself look busy with something you had snatched from the bookshelf next to you, studying what you later realized was a snow globe. 
Minghao, one hand on the doorknob and another holding his phone, looked at you with wide eyes, surprise evident on his face from your sudden appearance. Shock melted into ostentation as he smirked, resting the hand that held his phone against the doorframe as he watched you panic, “Eavesdropping, are we?” You shook your head, looking up at him with an unconvincing indignation.
“Huh? No, what? I wasn’t.” you defended lamely, shaking your head and placing the snow globe back on the bookshelf. “What’re you doing in my room?”
“What, is it illegal to go into my best friend’s room?” he asked, and you crossed your arms, giving him a knowing look.
“You’re Junhui’s best friend, and I’m his little sister. He’d be pissed.” He shrugged, and you took notice of a lollipop he held between his pointer and middle finger, drooping from his hand like a cigarette before he brought the cherry red sucker to his lips and licked a stripe up the side. “Where’d you get the lollipop?” An idea seemed to pass through his mind as he tilted his head to the side, a smile coming across his face that signaled something bad was about to come out of his mouth.
“Your underwear drawer.” That was the last thing he said before you slapped the daylights out of him.
Jun had barely managed, shirtless and covered in water, to stop you from obliterating Minghao any further than you already had as the brunette boy stood, hand pressed to his reddening face, laughing like a madman.
Minghao’s stir fry was never actually completed, the long forgotten carrots abandoned on the cutting board, and you burnt the mapo tofu horribly, considering you had left it in the pan for almost 15 minutes without attending to it. The smell of incinerated tofu seemed to be permanently wafting through the little apartment, all windows open to relieve the home of the scorched smell, to no avail. Dinner, safe to say, was an absolute failure, which only resulted in a red faced Minghao and beyond “caramelized” sauce, but still. He made you laugh all night.
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand your dynamic.” Jun said, chopsticks protruding from the corner of his mouth as he munched on a badly burnt piece of tofu. “You’re always at each other’s throats, yet you seem weirdly… serene isn’t the right word.”
“Maybe it is.” Minghao said, who had calmed himself once his adrenaline died down and he began to feel the actual sting from the abrasion on his face. “I think we’re pretty serene, wouldn’t you say?” Your brother seemed to give him a vaguely confused and suspicious look, but you ignored him, nodding around a mouthful of rice.
“I think I’d say so.” You gulped down your bite. “But I just slapped you in the face, so I don’t know if my word is reliable.” you coughed out, and Jun stood, pushing his chair in and jabbing a finger towards the hallway to signal his need for the bathroom.
“I didn’t mind, you know.” Hao said nonchalantly once Jun was out of view, resting an elbow on the table and cradling his head in his hand. You gave him a skeptical look, but he just stared back at you. It made you wonder, did he always have such eyes? Eyes that held an infinite galaxy behind them? Such inexplicable eyes. “If seeing that smile on your face means you have to slap me daily, I wouldn’t mind.”
“God, I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” your cheeks flamed.
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞
It was either the pale yellow dress, or the white pantsuit. You were honestly having quite a hard time choosing, both seeming like the wrong option. 
Today was the day of your blind date, and rather than setting you up properly, Dahyun had chosen to pass your phone number to the menace Vernon himself, who told you the location and time through a drunken text last night at 2 am. Sufficient to say, you were not satisfied with the arrangement. 
However, you persisted, keeping your word, which led you here. To an hour-long struggle about which outfit to wear to the date that might be the saving grace needed to revive your love life, or might be a disaster.
“The yellow.” Junhui said, resting against the doorframe with his arms crossed tightly over his chest and his jaw set. He had been less than happy all yesterday once finding out about your sudden plans that interrupted weekly “sibling time” —Vernon planned the date for a very bad day— and you had been putting up with your petulant older brother all morning. He was especially cranky considering the bad outcome of his date three days previous, and the fact that the very boy who stole his new “potential girlfriend” was the one ruining his bonding time. “What’s Vernon Chwe got planned that’s so important it interrupts our time?” You rolled your eyes less than subtly.
“Jun, we have plans every week. One missed day of bonding time isn’t going to ruin our relationship.” He’s right. The yellow dress was the best choice. You picked up the dress as Jun turned around to let you change in privacy.
“Still, Vernon? Honestly.” he huffed, releasing his grip on his arms and letting them drop to his sides. You came out from the closet area, fully clothed, and he turned back around, wagging a warning finger at you. “Don’t stay out too late. And-”
“Don’t stay out late?” you scoffed, hands to your ear and adjusting the new earrings you had bought, two little white daisies with a delicate gold chain that dangled so long it almost touched your shoulder. “What am I, fifteen?”
“-And don’t let Mingyu know.” Jun finished, and your jaw tightened, hands dropping from your ear.
“I got it.” you said tensely. “Don’t worry about Mingyu. I don’t think he cares.”
“If you say so.” Junhui said with a little sigh, backing away from the door. “Have fun. I’m making dinner, if you make it back in time.”
“Alright, I’ll try.” you said, brushing off the dust from the skirt of your dress and running up to your brother quickly, planting a light kiss on his cheek as you snatched your purse from the handle of your door. “See you soon Jun!”
“Have a good time!” he called after you, watching as you slipped on your converse and ran out the door. As soon as the door closed and you were out of sight, his smile dropped, melting into a look of concern. “She’s not telling me something.” He mused, exhaling deeply and trying to shake off his worries as he went to the kitchen. Maybe cutting up some of the peaches from outside would make him feel better.
You weren’t early. In fact, you were right on time, sitting at a little chestnut colored table in the corner of the cafe, strumming your fingers across the wooden surface with an expectant look on your face. It was 5:30, and the cafe wasn’t rather busy yet, considering that it was far from campus and the students were busy at the nearby, always crowded boba shop. The nice location was one thing you thanked Vernon for, you supposed. You glanced down at the watch on your wrist. It was Jun's, and your brother had insisted you bring it with you in case your phone died, which was unlikely, but you appreciated the thought. The face now read 5:45, and you let out a little sigh. 
No, it wasn’t that you were early. It was that your date was late.
“My apologies for the tardiness.” a voice said from behind you, and you let out a shaky exhale at the sudden startle. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but by the time you turned to see who it was, they were gone, a rustling sound now coming from across you. The sight you were met with when you turned around was hardly something you could have expected, in fact, it was likely the last person you thought you would see.
“Minghao?” you asked in utter disbelief, and the boy only smiled, leaning his head on his upturned palm, elbow resting on the table.
“Hello, y/n.”
“You don’t seem surprised to see me.”
“I could recognize you anywhere, even if it’s just the back of your head.” he smiled, and you rolled your eyes, a smile creeping onto your face despite your annoyance. “Vernon’s a pretty bad planner, isn’t he?”
“I thought he knew we knew each other.” you said with a small chuckle. “If I knew Vernon was setting me up with you, I never would’ve come.” A pout came across the older boy’s face as he leaned back in his seat.
“Oh, y/n. That wounds me.” he feigned insult, pressing his hand over his heart dramatically, and you clicked your tongue.
“Like you wouldn’t have skipped out yourself if you knew.” you scoffed, and he shook his head seriously, the beginning of a smirk creeping onto his lips.
“I still would’ve come.” Your cheeks warmed up slightly at his nonchalant comment. Lately, it felt like you were blushing around him a lot more than usual.
“Right.” you brushed off his comment and cleared his throat, hoping he assumed you were unaffected and didn’t notice the flustered look on your face. “You think Vernon knows I’m Jun’s sister?” 
“Likely not. Vernon’s a little innocent at times, some say clueless.” Minghao sat up straight as the waiter dropped by, placing two coffees on the table and a pastry.
“Odd. I didn’t order anything.” Minghao picked at the pastry, inspecting the filling and sighing disappointedly when he discovered it was apple.
“Maybe fate knew we needed some coffee to get us through the day,” he joked. You nodded in agreement, picking up your cup of much-needed caffeine in a toast before bringing it to your lips and taking a long sip of the rejuvenating liquid. Minghao did the same, eyes drifting to the front counter of the cafe and laughing under his breath at something he saw. While he seemed distracted, you took the chance to silently address him properly, shamelessly looking him up and down. 
He dressed up. Minghao was never one to be caught wearing anything less than fabulous, but he seemed to have dressed to impress more than usual, wearing a pair of khaki pants, a long sleeve white blouse, a large light brown coat, a beret and– were those suspenders? You had never seen him looking so refined and, well, beautiful. But all you could think of was how the poor boy must be sweltering under all the layers. 
“I didn’t think I looked that good.” he said, and you brought your eyes back up to his face only to see a shit-eating grin across his lips. “But judging by your expression I assume I made the right choice on what to wear.” You covered your mouth, hoping your horror at being caught wasn’t conveyed obviously on your face, but judging by how his smile only widened, your cheeks were probably flaming.
“Don’t be so full of yourself.” you countered lamely.
“Don’t worry, angel. You’re the most stunning one here today.” Great. You think your face just got even warmer. You only chuckled awkwardly in response.
“What’s got you so flirty lately?” you asked, laughing nervously.
“Your lack of a boyfriend, I suppose.” he said, resting his chin on his fist. Was this how it was supposed to be, then? Was Minghao always going to be this way, and Mingyu was just in the way? Maybe it didn’t seem like a big deal, but it made your head hurt just thinking about it, so you decided not to.
“Right.” you said quietly, and Minghao seemed to notice your change in attitude, quickly composing himself and shifting away from his previous playful demeanor. A few moments of silence passed between the two of you as you picked uselessly at the uneaten pastry in the middle of the table, your coffee growing cold.
“You wanna know something?” he asked, finally breaking the silence, and you looked up to meet his eyes. “I think Vernon is shit at planning a date.” This finally elicited a giggle from you, and Minghao stood, pushing in his chair and nodding his head for you to follow him. “You wanna get out of here?”
“You read my mind.” you laughed, grabbing your purse hanging from the back of the chair and pulling it onto your shoulder. Minghao offered his hand, and you hesitated to take it, hands waiting nervously at your sides. “Is the coffee paid for?” You saw Minghao look over to the counter, and you swore you could’ve seen him send a wink to a particularly familiar cafe worker before he turned back to you.
“Doesn’t matter. They can’t catch us if we run.” 
“Xu Minghao, you are a bad influence.” you suppressed a smile, finally taking his hand and allowing him to lead you out of the cafe as he beamed.
Neither of you had a particular place in mind to go. Minghao lived over thirty minutes by car away from the inconveniently placed cafe, a two hour commute on foot, and it made no sense to walk there only to grab his car and drive to another location. Your car was unfortunately being fixed by a friend of yours, Seungcheol, who had promised it would be done multiple days ago, but it unfortunately turned out to be an empty promise. So, the two of you merely walked around town together, Minghao’s hands in his pockets and yours strangely itching to hold his.
“So, your love life has been boring I’m going to assume.” he said, pulling off his topmost layer, the burdensome coat, and unbuttoning the top of his shirt, letting out a breath of relief once he felt the wind on his exposed neck.
“That’s a silly question.” you laughed scornfully under your breath. “You know it has been. Especially since the breakup.” He nodded, avoiding your gaze. “What about you, Hao? I would’ve thought you’d be good with the ladies. I have an excuse for wanting to go on a blind date, but you don’t.” He clicked his tongue, looking at his shoes as the two of you wandered to nowhere in particular. Minghao seemed to ponder this statement for quite a while, no response coming from him as he thought, staring out at the sun and the way it was beginning to set in the sky, sending streaks of pinks and orange through the previously blue horizon.
“I’ve had someone in my heart for a while. I thought going on a date might help me get over her.” At his words, you looked up with surprise evident on your face, which quickly transformed into pure delight.
“Oo, Minghao’s in love?” you asked teasingly, and he further avoided meeting your eyes, kicking at a pebble lying on the pavement. “Oh, come on, Hao. You have to tell me who it is.” When he finally made eye contact, you noticed the bittersweet look in his eyes, how he watched you with disdain, before biting his lip and looking away again, distracting himself with another pebble found on the floor.
“You don’t want to know.” he said, and you knew to leave it alone, which you did. 
The silence held a tension that had never been present between you and him. You and Minghao always had somewhat of a comfortable aura when you were together, whether you were bantering, cooking, studying, or trading secrets on the couch at 2 am while Junhui was still asleep. But today, something was different. 
Something felt strange as the sun set in the sky, and with every inch that the star dipped down below the horizon, the urge to hold his hand only grew stronger, but you attempted to banish the thought from your head. You gulped, hoping it might satiate the burning feeling in your stomach, but it did nothing. 
A few seconds that felt like an eternity passed before you finally mustered up the courage to hold out your hand, which he looked at dully, not seeming to quite understand what you were asking for. 
“Hold my hand.” It sounded like a demand rather than a question, and he widened his eyes, taken aback by the sudden offer. Neither of you quite realized that you both had stopped walking, your hand unwavering and hovering between the two of you, Minghao’s still firmly tucked into his pockets. “Hao. Hold my hand.” After a moment, realization creeped across his face, and he chuckled, placing his hand in yours and intertwining your fingers. His skin was soft, just the faintest bit of sweat across his palm, and you could smell the sweet fragrance of his hand lotion.
“Thanks, angel. I needed that.” You suppressed a smile at the pet name. He seemed to have developed a fondness for it, and you couldn’t help but find it a little cute.
After a moment of thinking, you shook your head, attempting to rid yourself of these sudden thoughts. This was Minghao. The idiot who forgot to pick up a licenseless 17 year old Jun from kung fu practice and left the boy to cry by himself in front of a 7/11. The boy who stayed up watching movies with you until three in the morning when you got rejected by Yoon Jeonghan in front of the entire school, the boy who drove halfway across town to get you takeout from your favorite restaurant while you had nasty cramps, the boy who took you out to prom when you were stood up, the boy that taught you wushu after a girl at school beat you in a fistfight, and helped kick her and her boyfriend’s ass when they wanted a rematch. The boy that was always there for you and – shit, now you’re blushing again.
“You ok?” he asked, leaning down to get a better look at your face. “Your hand is warm. Are you sick?” He smiled wolfishly. “Or is that just my effect on you?”
“You never stop.” you scoffed under your breath, and he laughed in response, squeezing your hand comfortingly. “Confidence is attractive, but there’s a thin line between that and arrogance, you know.”
“You love it.” he said, facing the sky.
“Yeah. Maybe I do.” you snapped back, and he coughed on his own saliva, which elicited a giggle, making him whirl to face you with an embarrassed look on his face. “What? Are you the only one allowed to drop snarky one-liners?”
“Wen y/n, when I get my hands on you-”
“You already have them on me.” you said back, and he stuttered, attempting to formulate a witty response. You took advantage of his silence, changing the topic as something large and sparkling entered your peripheral vision. “Oh look, a diner!” you exclaimed excitedly, letting go of his hand to run up the driveway of a cute restaurant, decorated like it just came out of the fifties. When Minghao didn’t follow, you turned back to beckon him forward with a wide smile on your face. “Come on!”
“Coming, coming.” he said with a sigh, tucking his lonely hand back into his pocket and trudging up the concrete driveway.
He really didn’t want you to let go of his hand yet.
𝐢𝐯. 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞
The sun had fallen far past the horizon by the time you were seated in the cushy crimson leather booth, and it made you wonder how time could fly by so fast. It seemed as though a mere hour before it was only 5:3o.
“Hello.” a sweet looking young man said, approaching your table with a pad of paper in his hand and a pink apron tied around his waist, straws and plastic forks tucked into the gaping pockets. With his free hand, he set down two opaque plastic glasses on the table, filled to the brim with ice cold water and a red straw dangling from the side. “My name is Wonwoo, and I’ll be your server for today.” You both gave him a nod of acknowledgement and he flashed a smile that seemed sent straight from the heavens, pearly whites all displayed in a row. “What can I get for you guys tonight?” You could’ve sworn that Minghao had scooted closer from his position when you first sat down, his thigh lightly pressing against yours, your exposed skin hitting the soft fabric of his tan pants, and you inched away to put some space between you, hoping he wasn’t close enough to hear your erratic heartbeat.
“You want food?” Minghao turned and asked nonchalantly, and you nodded, already feeling your stomach rumbling in protest of your lack of lunch. He turned back to the server, clearing his throat as his eyes scanned the menu. “One American style cheeseburger, and one chicken sandwich, with light sauce and no onions, please.” You grinned subtly at the fact that he remembered your food preferences.
“No problem.” Wonwoo muttered under his breath, hastily writing down your order, the pen cap perched between his teeth as he scrawled. He removed the cap from his lips, twirling it between his fingers as he looked up again, eyes searching between the two of you. “Any drinks with that? Something for the lady?” Minghao didn’t miss the way the older boy’s eyes scanned you, subtly attempting to look you up and down with his peripherals and grinning when your eyes met his. You were surprised at the sweet looking smile the angelic boy sent you when you looked up, and you smiled back in response. Minghao, on the other hand, scowled insecurely and draped his arm across the back of the seats, his sleeve rolled up and the bare, hot skin of his lower arms mere centimeters away from the back of your neck. 
“You want a drink?” he asked, leaning in, and your face flushed, nodding as you attempted to hide behind your menu. “Sure, we’ll take a strawberry milkshake.” Minghao held up two fingers as he challenged the waiter with his eyes alone. “Two straws, please.” Wonwoo coughed awkwardly, making sure to note it down on his paper.
“Of course,” he said politely. “Will that be all?” When Minghao nodded in confirmation, he gathered the menus in one sweep before turning and walking away stiffly. Minghao laughed under his breath, and you rolled your eyes.
“Was that really necessary?”
“Of course it was.” Now that the tension had dissipated and the server was far away from your table, you expected him to move away, but he simply moved his arm a bit closer, using his free hand to tuck a strand of flyaway hair behind your ear. 
He was close, much too close. He was close enough that you could detect the subtle scent of his sweet cologne, feel the silkiness of his blouse on your arm and see every detail in his bright, brown eyes. A few strands of his hazelnut hair dangled in front of his eyes, and you resisted the urge to brush them away. Before you could act on the feeling, he reached up to push his hair away himself, and you cleared your throat to ease the scratchy feeling in your esophagus. 
You couldn’t tear your eyes off of him. You couldn’t recall a time you had felt like this before, nervous and sweating, yet so content to simply sit and watch as he brushed a spot of dust off of his clean blouse. A warm feeling crept into your stomach, and you weren’t sure where it was coming from, but you desperately wanted it to go away. 
“Something the matter?” Minghao said with concern, seeming to have noticed the way your brows had furrowed and your lower lip was tugged between your teeth.
“Nothing at all.” you dismissed, and he nodded skeptically in response.
“I’m sorry.” he said suddenly, the abrupt apology surprising you. “I know this probably wasn’t the date you were imagining. After your breakup, I’m sure the last thing you needed was to be matched up with me…” he trailed off, avoiding your gaze as he looked out the window, chin resting on his hand.
“No, that’s not it at all.” a quiet sigh escaped your lips, and he turned back to you with glassy and unblinking eyes. “I had a nice time today. If anything, I’m glad it was you.” His eyes widened at that, smile lines appearing slightly in his cheeks as his lips spread in excitement.
“You mean that?”
“Of course. You’re my best friend, after all.” He chuckled in response, pushing a strand of flyaway hair behind his ear.
“Of course.” That same silence washed over you again, its hands gripping tightly around your throat and choking out all the words you wanted to say. 
The sun was already low in the sky, the streaks of pink and orange that had painted the horizon melting into a soothing navy blue, stars freckling across the heavens like flickers of white paint. It was a cool night, the soft breeze filtering through the leaves of the trees, sending petals of the newly blooming cherry blossoms down the street.
It was a nice night. Too nice to be spent in silence. 
Just as you were about to break the tension by speaking, a presence burst through the front door of the diner, tired, disheveled, and clearly upset.
“Xu Minghao!” he yelled, disturbing the customers, and you couldn’t tell if it was sadness or anger that was laced in his voice. He stomped over to your table, putting a large hand down on the marble counter with a frown, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. “You didn’t pay for that croissant, you asshole.”
“You gave me apple.” Minghao said, tucking the straw of his water in between his lips and taking a small sip with satisfaction. “I don’t pay for things I didn’t order.” Vernon stumbled over his words, blowing out a frustrated breath as he settled on no response. You took note of his uniform, an extremely familiar tan apron around his waist, a black, chalkboard name tag dangling from the right strap that clearly read “Jihoon”, which was certainly not his name. It suddenly dawned on you where you had seen it before, and you pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“You were working at the cafe!” you said, mouth gaping as Vernon only gave you a sheepish grin in return to your exclamation. You turned to your brunette companion who was sipping on water, an amused smile dancing across his face. “Was this your doing? I knew I saw you smile towards the front earlier!”
“I didn’t do anything, angel.” Minghao said, raising his hands in supposed innocence. “Ask the little doorway creep why he was following us, not me.” Vernon pointed to himself, wondering if he was the alleged ‘doorway creep’ your date had mentioned, and you put up a defensive hand in front of him out of pity for the poor, thoroughly disoriented boy.
“Hey, at least he tried. You have to give him props for finally getting you to go on a date. You’re gathering dust at this point.” you fired back, and Minghao smiled in acknowledgement and surrender, seemingly giving up on the banter. Vernon watched the two of you go back and forth suspiciously, a hand rubbing at his chin thoughtfully as he listened to your exchange.
“You seem like you know each other.” he said slowly, and Minghao sighed.
“Vernon,” he said, cupping your chin with one of his hands, which you found to be very soft and warm, and smelling significantly of strawberries. “Meet Wen Y/n. Junhui’s sister.” Realization creeped onto Vernon’s face as his eyes widened, confusion evident in the young boy’s expression. 
“Oh shit. You’re Mingyu’s ex.” he cursed, and you tensed up at the mention of your previous boyfriend. “Dahyun didn’t tell me you were that y/n.”
“How many y/ns could there possibly be in our school?” you scoffed, and your brunette companion laughed under his breath, covering it up with a cough. It really wasn’t Vernon’s fault he could be painfully oblivious at times, both of you knew that.
“A few, I guess.” he shrugged, tucking the apron under his arm. “Sorry about that. You must know each other pretty well then, if you really are Junhui’s sister.”
“I’ve known this nerdy brat since she played with trucks and her baby teeth were still growing in. Voluntarily or not, I know everything there is to know about her.” You slapped him on the arm, and he winced with a little frown on his plump lips. “What? Am I wrong?”
“Yeah, well you were still in your Power Rangers phase when I met you. I wasn’t the only nerd.” you bit back, and his eyes widened in betrayal.
“Hey, that information was told to you in confidence!”
“It’s not my fault you were 11 and still liked men and women who danced around in rainbow suits fighting evil.” Despite your bickering, you both looked rather amused with the conversation, fully immersed in finding the perfect diss for your inner 6th grade selves as Vernon watched you with a subtle little smile.
“Yellow is the best of the rangers, easily. She was such a badass.”
“You’re full of shit.” Minghao huffed, arms crossed as he contemplated your suggestion, firmly disagreeing. “Green is the obviously coolest one. Did you see his suit? He has a whole golden breastplate.”
“That’s not a breastplate, Minghao.”
“What’s it called then, genius?”
“Sorry, I’m not exactly a connoisseur of technical terms when it comes to power ranger suits. But if you find one of those, let me know.”
“You guys are a cute couple.” Both of you halted your argument immediately to turn to the younger boy with vehement shock and embarrassment obvious on your faces, which were growing redder by the minute.
“What did you say?” Minghao scoffed, a nervous type of scoff that revealed how caught off guard he was by his trembling voice and hot face, which was progressively getting warmer. You looked equally flustered, frozen in your spot and rooted to the seat of the sleek leather like it was the only thing keeping you grounded. Vernon, however, seemed to see nothing out of the blue with his statement.
“You guys are a cute couple-” he repeated densely, and Hao waved him off.
“Yeah, I heard what you said.”
“Then why’d you ask me to repeat it?” Vernon questioned with furrowed eyebrows, and you both ignored him, coughing and readjusting in your seats.
“Go home, Vernon. I’ll comp you the money later.” The younger of the two boys seemed awfully confused by his sudden dismissal, but he obeyed and left the diner with a promise of being returned his lost money. However, even after his exit, the tension between the two of you remained.
You had never thought of being anything more than friends with Minghao. Sure, he was beautiful and arguably understood you better than anyone else, but he was also your brother’s best friend, and classmate of your boyfriend at the time. 
He was always off limits, whether being guarded by Junhui, Mingyu, or simply your own conscience telling you that he wasn’t right for you, that it could only end up poorly and possibly destroy the fragile and wonderful relationship that you had spent over a decade building. It wasn’t worth it, you always told yourself, and you never thought you could imagine him as anything more than plain old Minghao.
But Vernon Chwe calling you a cute couple suddenly filled your mind with ideas. Bad ones that could lead to dangerous feelings and even more dangerous consequences.
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maximura · 2 years
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kaesficrecarchive · 1 year
[jun x minghao]
both hands out, my i by orphan_account (1/1 | 17,347 | T)
(Jun blames his face.
Objectively, it’s a nice face. Symmetrical, well-built, photogenic to the point where his selfies could be considered a new form of contemporary art. It’s his get-out-of-jail-free card at parties and a reliable coupon for the campus convenience store, but it’s also highly problematic because:
1] The entire campus assumes he’s slept with everyone in a two-mile radius. And that’s— far from the truth. He’s only hooked up with three people, one of which was the student council vice president. (He’s still banned from all upcoming school functions.)
2] The only person he actually wants to sleep with is Xu Minghao, and Jun’s better off asking for the moon. Just his luck that the one person completely immune to his good looks is the one he happens to fall for.)
[Jun dances until his legs give out and reminds himself over and over that Minghao's too good for him. Minghao pulls him back up to his feet and keeps his mouth shut around the words he really wants to say. It's not the easiest combination, but just maybe, they'll make it work.]
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hoshifighting · 2 months
seventeen reaction when you shout back at them during an argument
WARNINGS: angst, arguments, disturbing peace.
seungcheol is someone who usually controls his emotions. it wasn't like him to lose his cool, and it definitely wasn't like you. but in the heat of the moment, everything seemed to spiral out of control. “you never listen to me!” seungcheol roared, his face red with frustration. “i’m tired of having the same argument over and over!” “oh, so now I’m the problem? you think you’re so perfect, don’t you?” you shot back. “maybe if you actually cared, you’d see how hard this is for me!” seungcheol’s face pales, and he storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. you hear him pacing outside before he finally shuts the door to the bedroom, needing space to cool down before he says something he’ll regret. you hear him muttering to himself, “i need to calm down… we’ll talk later.”
jeonghan, on the other hand, gets really dismissive when he’s angry. he scoffs, rolling his eyes when you yelled. “seriously?” he muttered, the sound barely audible. “this is ridiculous.” the scoff only fueled your anger further. “don’t you dare laugh at me like that!—you know what? I’m done here!” you shouted, grabbing your coat and storming out of the house. jeonghan didn’t chase after you. he watched you leave, and after a few moments of silence, he slumped into a chair, burying his face in his hands. he knew he’d have to call you later—after the tears had dried up, anyway.
joshua is visibly hurt when the fight escalates. “i can’t believe you’re acting like this!” he yells. you’ve never heard him like this, and it shocks you enough to shout back, “you think i’m the one acting up? look at yourself!” the sadness in his eyes hits you harder than the argument. when you shout again, “you never listen to how I feel!” his face falls, and he looks crushed.
junhui doesn’t raise his voice, but if he does, it’s a rare and shocking sight. “why are you always so difficult?” he yells. as soon as he sees your face contort in anger, he covers his mouth and starts apologizing. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to shout. please, let’s just talk.”
soonyoung turns the argument into a full-blown shouting match. “this is ridiculous!” he yells, and it feels like the argument will never end. “just stop yelling!” you scream back, and he’s not backing down. it’s like you’re both on a never-ending loop of shouting until there’s a knock on the door. the shouting goes back and forth until someone finally knocks on the door, checking if everything’s okay. the sudden interruption makes you both realize how out of hand things have gotten. “we’re fine!” he shouted back, but he could see that you were both far from okay.
wonwoo is pretty laid-back, so when he yells, it’s surprising. “i don’t know why you’re making this so hard!” he shouts. but when you scream back, “oh, so you’re just going to yell at me now?” he blinks, a bit stunned. “i’m sorry,” he says quietly, rubbing his face as if he’s just realizing how loud he was.
woozi doesn’t need to raise his voice to cut deep—his words are sharp enough. “you always do this,” he hisses, his tone cold and biting. but you’re just as sharp, snapping back, “and you’re always an asshole!” woozi clenches his jaw, his hands trembling as he tries to hold back from saying something even more hurtful. it’s the messiest fight you’ve had, but the sight of each other crying breaks down whatever walls were still up.
minghao has this way of dealing with fights by stepping back. “you know what? forget it!” he shouts, turning to leave the room. but your voice stops him in his tracks. “oh, so now you’re just going to walk away like always?!” “i’m not dealing with this right now,” he says firmly, “i’ll talk to you when you’re calm.” it’s frustrating because you know he’s shouting too, but he’s set on giving you both space. “you think running away solves everything?” you snap. “we’ll talk later,” he repeats, and you’re left feeling like there’s more distance than before.
mingyu is usually all about calming things down, but sometimes, even he loses it. “i can’t do this anymore!” he shouts, his frustration boiling over. but when you scream back, “then why are you still here?” it’s like someone poured cold water over him. he's pretty taken aback when you scream. “you really think that’s the way to handle this?” he says, looking wide-eyed. but when you scream again, he stops, realizing how serious it is.
seokmin can’t handle prolonged fights well. “we need to separate for a bit,” he suggests, almost like you’re siblings who need a timeout. “this is just too much.” you both end up in different rooms, cooling off but still feeling the sting of the argument. it’s like you’re not fighting anymore, just waiting for the other to make the first move to make up.
seungkwan is in shock when you yell. “i can’t believe you just did that!” he says. his outburst is more out of desperation than anger. “i don’t know what else to do!” he yells, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. but when you shout back, “well, yelling isn’t helping!” the look on his face crumbles. his mouth opens and closes, trying to find something to say, but all that comes out is a shaky breath.
vernon doesn’t yell. it’s just not him. but if he does, it’s like a dam breaking. “just let me speak for once!” he shouts, his voice louder than you’ve ever heard it. but your response is even louder, “then say something worth hearing!” the tears that spill down his cheeks are instant. “i’m sorry,” he chokes out, “i’m so sorry.” it’s a moment that neither of you knows how to come back from. he cries, feeling like the whole argument is his fault.
chan fights with a purpose of determination to resolve things, but when it gets bad, you both end up crying. “i’m not going to stop until we work this out,” he says firmly. “i want to make things right.” by the end, when you’re both exhausted and crying, he pulls you into a hug, and you both just hold each other, trying to make sense of the argument.
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horangare · 1 year
lucky girl
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pairing : model!jeonghan x fem!reader
content : smut (mdni), angst, fluff, fake dating, unrequited (but not rlly) love, friends to strangers to lovers
in which : jeonghan has no interest in a relationship, however it seems that everyone else is sticking their nose into his nonexistent love life. you’ve been in love with him for as long as you can remember, but that was ages ago. he shouldn’t remember someone like you, but he does. and he wants you to be his girlfriend (just for a little while though, right?)
warnings : public sex TWICE (this mf fucks u everywhere but a BED), couch sex (see what i mean???), oral (m & f receiving), unprotected sex (be safe i’m begging), idiots in love vibes like so strongly you two are dorks fr, dirty talk, y’all want each other so bad, praise, cockiness, like one innuendo, a bunch of other idols make features in this (twice, txt, le sserafim, and svt ofc), mentions of rehab, crying, “arguing”, jealousy, pining and yearning and things of that nature
wc : 14.9K words
note : this took me so much longer than i thought it would but it’s finally here 😭😭 written from this request
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Junior year of highschool is when you first fell in love with Yoon Jeonghan.
You were the new girl. The transfer student. The awkward, hormonal, sixteen year old girl who felt oh so small in such a big school. The nobody.
Pretending like the lingering stares, the pointing, the whispering—all of it—was just a figment of your imagination was easy. You had been used to tuning things out. At acting like it didn’t phase you.
Private school was different than public school. Too different. The only reason you were in this place is because you were sent to live with your aunt because of the fact that your mother was in rehab and your dad wasn’t in the picture. Many of the public schools in the area weren’t the best, so she pulled some extra money from her savings to send you one of the nicer, private schools.
You were grateful, for her concern regarding where you went to school, but the huge contrast from transitioning to this new place was anything but easy. You may have looked just like everyone else, but you never felt like them. A bunch of self obsessed, privileged, stuck up rich kids. Yeah, you weren’t that. Not by a long shot. It’s like they could tell you didn’t belong here, but you already knew that.
All of them except for him.
Jeonghan had heard the mumbled talk of your arrival since he arrived on campus. He didn’t get what the big idea was. New kids came all the time, bought their way in with mommy and daddy’s help. Each and every other student here was one in the same. Predictable. Boring.
“Shit, look, there she is,” Joshua whispered amongst the small group of boys, his head jerking in your direction. The rest of them—Minghao, Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Jeonghan—all spared you a single glance or two.
Minghao chuckled dryly. “She’s gonna get eaten alive.”
"She's kinda hot though, don’t you think?" Soonyoung mumbled, trailing his eyes over your body. "That skirt is way too small for her."
“It’s like six in the morning. Can you not be horny right now?” Mingyu sighed, yet Soonyoung’s gaze remained on you until you disappeared from his line of sight. Jeonghan remained silent.
Joshua nudged his friend. “What? You have nothing to say?”
“What is there to say?” Jeonghan asked, swirling around his iced coffee that had been way too expensive to taste so cheap. “She’s a girl and she’s new.” Soonyoung booed him, loudly, attracting the attention of other passing students.
“You’re no fun.” He said and crossed his arms. Jeonghan gave him no response. “Whatever. How long do you think she’ll last?”
“I’ll give her until the end of the day,” Mingyu nodded. The others looked at him in disbelief, which made the boy roll his eyes. “What? I’m an optimist.”
Soonyoung hummed in thought, weighing his available options. “Four hours max.”
Minghao shook his head. “Two and a half.”
“I’m gonna say…One hour.” Joshua added. Then they all turned their heads to Jeonghan. He didn’t respond until the staring became unbearable.
“God, you’re all such pessimists, you know that?” He scoffed. “I’m not doing this with you today.”
“You have faith in her,” Minghao teased, poking the older boy in the side. “You’re so easy to read.”
“Cut that shit out.” Jeonghan hissed, pushing away Minghao’s hand. Minghao, Mingyu, and Joshua giggled. He was so easy to piss off.
“I’m gonna go talk to her,” Soonyoung cracked his knuckles with a confident—bordering on arrogant—smile.
“Seriously, don’t—” Minghao sighed, but the other boy was beyond reason. By the time he even said anything, Soonyoung was literally in your face.
The expression on your face was pensive, relaxed even. Until…
“Hey, new girl.”
You looked up, your eyes looking over him with disinterest. Soonyoung cleared his throat when you didn’t reply, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to relieve the awkward atmosphere.
“I’m Soonyoung, but you can call me Hoshi.”
“No.” You deadpanned.
His eyes widened. Were you serious? He could hear the others trying to keep in their laughter behind him.
“Is there something you need?” You asked, raising one of your eyebrows. Soonyoung stammered, only managing to speak the words “I…” or “what?” before he sighed and lowered his head.
“Hoshi, are you done making yourself look stupid yet?” Mingyu shouted, stopping between almost every word so he could laugh. By now, there was an even bigger scene being made by Mingyu’s additional comment, much to your embarrassment.
“Excuse me,” you mumbled to him as you scurried off to the bathroom, leaving not only Soonyoung shocked but also the little audience you had gathered shocked as well.
“Wow, what a smooth talker.” Joshua clapped, a wide grin on his face. “She was all over you.”
Minghao giggled. “I recorded the entire thing. Hey, who should I send this to first?”
“Oh fuck off,” Soonyoung hissed, his face flushed with embarrassment. “Nobody needs to see that shit.”
“Right, like half the school hasn’t already.” Jeonghan gestured to the multitude of people still lingering around in the hallways, huddled in groups whispering about the events that had just happened. Glancing at Joshua after you were gone, he smirked.
“So?” Joshua asked. “What’s your judgement?”
Jeonghan sipped the last of his drink, shaking it around and poking at the ice with his straw to see if there was any left. When he discovered none, he discarded the cup in the trash and crossed his arms over his chest. “I like her.”
You spent very little time in the bathroom, your visit only being to calm your nerves and steady your thoughts, but you didn’t expect to see the same boy and the rest of his friends huddled outside the bathroom waiting for you.
Wide-eyed, you stared between the five of them.“Um…hello?”
“Hi!” Mingyu smiled at you brightly, side eyeing Jeonghan when he nudged him aside. A quiet gasp slips past your lips; this boy was gorgeous.
“I assume you have a name? Or should we continue calling you new girl?”
“My name…?” You repeated, feeling your body growing warm at the proximity between the two of you. “Oh, my name. I’m [Y/n].” Jeonghan nodded, and then he smiled at you. You felt even hotter now. A little dumb, too, certain that you were embarrassing yourself.
“That’s cute,” he said, still smiling softly. Jeonghan threw one of his arms over your shoulder, keeping you close to him as he and the rest of his friends started to walk down the hallway. “So then, you’ll sit with us at lunch, right [Y/n]?” You stared at him, dumbfounded, unable to believe that he was actually being serious with you. Soonyoung, finding this funny, couldn’t help but laugh.
“Who’s stammering now?” He quipped, earning him a glare from Jeonghan. Soonyoung didn’t speak again.
“Sit with you?” You asked again, and Jeonghan nodded. “Are you sure?” Everyone’s eyes seemed to be on you as you were basically escorted down the hall with Jeonghan at your side, except this time it wasn’t your imagination. For some reason it felt like you were being stared at now more than ever.
“Of course we’re sure.” Joshua reassured you. When he looked close enough to fully take in the look on your face, he gave you a smile that was full of sympathy. “Ignore them. They’re all assholes. We’re the nice ones!”
Joshua was right, in a way. Jeonghan and his friends were the nicest group of assholes you’ve ever been associated with. It was one of those “mean to everyone except you” type of dynamics, especially with Jeonghan himself. You knew it wasn’t wise to, but you couldn’t help how your heart would beat faster whenever he was around since he only seemed to regard you as a close friend and nothing more.
You also couldn’t help but notice that he was as oblivious as he was cute. The others noticed, (Joshua was the first, obviously, then Minghao, then Mingyu, and then Soonyoung, who was heartbroken that you’d choose Jeonghan over him, and you didn’t know if he was joking or not) but he seemed like the only one who couldn’t get a hint. Even when you were being as direct and obvious as possible, Jeonghan still remained as unaffected by your affection as a white crayon did on white paper.
By senior year, you and Jeonghan started to grow apart. It was gradual, falling out of touch with one another as the last school year just passed you both by, until it seemed like Jeonghan was once again nothing but the cute boy you knew nothing about like he had been on your first day. The rest of the boys were devastated, Joshua most of all.
Aside from you, it seemed like he was the one who wanted Jeonghan to quit being dull and realize you liked him. Just tell him already, that’s what he’d always say. You always said you would, only to end up doing the opposite.
What if Jeonghan didn’t feel the same way? What if it destroyed your friendship? What if he never wanted anything to do with you after you told him? Each question seemed more unbearable than the last. It was easier to love him than to lose him.
The last time you saw him was at graduation. After the ceremony, roaming around the parking lot past all the smiling families taking pictures of their children with their brand new diplomas, looking for your aunt’s car—you ran into him.
“[Y/n]!” He called out to you, waving both of his arms in the air to draw your attention. He hugged you once you were close enough, squeezing you a little bit. “I’m sad now, we’re not going to see each other every day anymore,” he pouted, and you smiled, even though the thought of that saddened you just as much.
Having him act so naturally with you threw you for such a loop. Talking to him like this made it feel like your friendship hadn’t come to an end, like you two were old friends who had never been apart.
“Don’t be sad. I’m sure we’ll run into each other again.” You continued to smile, trying hard to make sure it didn’t look fake. You needed to believe what you were saying if you wanted him to do the same. Luckily for you it seemed effective, because Jeonghan’s face soon broke into a smile as well before he held his pinky up to you.
Now you were smiling for real. Jeonghan, at the ripe age of eighteen, still believed deeply in pinky promises. They were sacred, never to be broken, those were his words. Others may have found him childish for this, you found it noble.
Nodding, you linked your pinky with his. “Promise.”
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The promise you made with Jeonghan turned five today. Five years since senior year ended, five years since you made that promise with him, five years since you’ve seen Yoon Jeonghan’s face in person.
Now you saw him everywhere; on billboards, in ads, plastered on posters in the windows of just about every store—everywhere you went, Jeonghan’s face was sure to be there.
He was certainly doing better than you, no doubt. Odds are he wouldn’t even recognize you anymore. You worked at the local Ihop, drive your aunt’s old Toyota Camry, trying to save up enough money to move out of her house and into your own apartment.
You had wanted to attend college, even if only for a little, but your aunt only had enough money stashed away to send you to that ridiculously pricey private school, not to mention room she was already taking care of you for your mom while she was still…away, and you couldn’t afford to go into debt or pay anyone back.
So while Jeonghan walked runways in Milan and New York, you stayed in town and missed him every time his name was mentioned by one of your coworkers, forcing away the feelings you harbored for him.
Something like that was bound to happen to him, though. He was already so handsome, and his parents no doubt had the connections needed to allow something like that for their son. You were happy for him. Even after all this time, you continued to remain his biggest supporter. You’d buy every product he endorsed, watch any content he was featured in, and you’d stare at his pictures in awe, unable to believe that he just always seemed to get more and more good looking.
To Jeonghan, it was different. He enjoyed the attention. He liked being told by other people how handsome he was. He liked having people who adored him. But that was about it. Not once did he enjoy waking up early, rushing from shoot to shoot, sitting through meetings, none of it. He could live without the pressure to keep smiling, or the nagging from his parents, or—worst of all—the questions on his love life.
Jeonghan had never dated anyone since becoming a model, not even in private. There were zero scandals regarding a romantic relationship when it came to him, but the media was still unconvinced. He wondered how or why they always found the time to be so nosy. Why couldn’t they understand that’s just not what he was looking for right now?
“So Jeonghan, I think you all know the question on every one of our minds, right?” Jihyo asked with a smile, shifting around in her seat a little. Jeonghan responded with his convincing fake laughs—he had to have them mastered by now after all the invasive questions he’d constantly be asked by people like the paparazzi, or in this case, talk-show hosts. “Is there a special girl in your life that you’re hiding from us?”
The audience erupted into a fit of “ooo’s” and “aah’s” all while Jeonghan tried to hide his discomfort with the subject. “Honestly, Jihyo? There really is nobody right now. I’m just…not interested in dating.”
“Oh, come on! Are you sure you’re not seeing anyone in secret?” The sound of Jihyo’s laughter echoed through the studio as is blended with the reactions from the audience. Jeonghan laughed along with her, wondering how much longer he’d be here. He’d already had to have a long meeting with his parents and his agency this morning, then done a product endorsement for a cosmetics brand afterwards, and now he was here, entertaining Jihyo and her live studio audience. Today was relatively low maintenance for him, so after he left here there was only one thing he wanted to do before going home; eat.
Jeonghan shook his head, a small smile on his face. “If I were seeing someone, they wouldn’t be a secret.”
Jihyo’s face lit up in surprise, her mouth parting as she took in his response. “Wow! It seems like Jeonghan is that kind of boyfriend, huh?” Various reactions came from the crowd, most of them being screams of Jeonghan’s name praising him for his response. “All right, that’s all the time we have for today, but tune in tomorrow to hear Jo Yuri talk about her acting debut! That’s all for now!”
“Alright, that’s it people! Let’s wrap it up!”
Jeonghan exhaled with relief, saying a polite goodbye to Jihyo before he excused himself off the set and to his car. He cursed when he noticed how dark the sky was beginning to get. Most of the places he wanted to go would be closing by now. He thought hard to remember the places that stayed open late, then remembered that the local Ihop was always open. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the place, not by a long shot, but he’d just have to suck it up for the sake of his hunger.
Business at work had been slow today. It was only Monday, and you never got too much of a crowd during the start of the week, especially not when it was so early in the morning. Chaewon had suggested the two of you take a short break in the bathroom (though knowing her, she just wanted to gossip).
“No way, [Y/n]. You’re telling me you really knew Jeonghan in high school?” Chaewon asked you, leaning against the bathroom sink as she brushed some of her hair out of her face. “What was he like?”
You shrugged as you washed your hands. “He was nice. Well, he was nice to me.” This made Chaewon gasp and grab onto your shoulder, pressing her lips together to try and hide the smile creeping onto her face.
“Oh my gosh, he was totally into you!”
Yoon Jeonghan? Into you? You laughed dryly, really finding your friend’s enthusiasm cute, but at the same time you seriously doubted it. If what he said in those interviews were true, there was no chance. He wasn’t interested in dating; in relationships altogether.
You were just about to respond to her when the door to the bathroom flew open. Sakura, your manager, was standing in the doorway staring at the two of you like she’d caught you doing something you shouldn’t have.
“What are you two still doing in here?” She asked. “Someone is waiting to have their order taken.”
“Coming,” you sighed, patting your hands dry with three paper towels too many and rushing out behind Sakura. You approached one of the booths closer to the entrance, notepad in hand. “Welcome to Ihop, what can I—”
The person sitting in the booth lowers the menu, and time seems to stop. He looks up at you. You look down at him. It was like neither of you could believe you were seeing each other in this setting, of all places.
“Jeong…han?” You mumbled, blinking rapidly to see if he was really the person sitting there. He couldn’t really be here, could he? But then he smirked and you were convinced; he was real.
“It’s good to see you too, [Y/n].” He muses, flipping back and forth through the menu a few more times before setting in down on the table. He soaks in the dumbfounded look on your face with an overly smug smile. “Don’t just stand there, sit.”
“I’m the waitress, I can’t just—”
You slid down into the seat across from him without missing a beat. A part of you felt embarrassed for giving into him so easily, the part of you with dignity.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, which got you an amused laugh from Jeonghan.
“I’m hungry, [Y/n]. Why else do people come to Ihop?”
Well, it was good to know he was still a smart ass after all this time. Even if you were attracted to him, then and now, you still couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Okay, you know that’s not what I mean.”
Jeonghan tilted his head to one side. “I live here too, remember?” Then he sighed and laughed weakly. “Has it really been that long?”
A frown found its way onto your lips. Maybe it has been that long, it was like Jeonghan was suddenly a stranger to you even after the time you’d spent together in school. Thinking about that made something inside of you ache.
“I guess it has.” You mumbled. Your eyes remained locked on the table and not Jeonghan, not even when he started to give you his order. Sliding out of the seat, you gave him your usual service industry smile. “I’ll be right back with that.”
You scrambled to the kitchen, handing off the order to the cooks. “Hey, Chaewon, can you go bring the customer out there his drink?”
Slightly skeptical, Chaewon glanced down at the glass in your hand yet took it anyway. “Why can’t you go bring it to him? You already took his order.”
“Just help me out, okay? Just this once?” The girl sighed, mumbling under her breath as she exited the kitchen. You try to take this moment to finally catch your breath and calm your nerves, but it’s quickly ruined when you hear a shriek, followed by Chaewon running back to the kitchen, a starstruck look on her face.
“Yoon Jeonghan is in our restaurant,” she says, her hand clutching the front of her shirt. “And he’s asking for you, [Y/n].”
Of course he’s asking for you. There was no way you’d get out of this little reunion with him so easily. Jeonghan never let things be simple, you’d learned that quickly from your time being friends with him.
“Just bring the food once it’s ready, Chae,” you muttered, walking out of the kitchen and back to the booth Jeonghan was seated at. He looked up at you, pointing to the spot across from him, and you sat. “Is there something you want from me, Jeonghan?”
“Just some company,” He replied with a faux pout. He noticed that you were still looking at him like you could see through his lie, so he shrugged and smiled. “Okay, fine. I really did come here to eat, but I do need help with something else too.”
Raising your eyebrows, you urged him to continue. “I need you to be my girlfriend.” If you had opened your eyes any wider, they probably might have popped out of your head.
“W-What?” You shouted. Jeonghan put one of his fingers to his lips to shush you, which only helped to get you quiet and not to calm your racing heart. “But you’re always saying…”
“Listen,” He held one of your hand with both of his. “I know, I know. I’m always saying I’m not looking to date right now. But that’s exactly why I need you. I’m hoping to get everyone off my fucking back even if it’s just for a little while. Once the news of our relationship dies down, we can call it quits.”
You felt like this was a really vivid dream; like your subconscious was playing an elaborate trick on you and that none of this was actually real. Jeonghan squeezed your hand and looked at you expectantly. This must’ve been really important to him, and he was counting on you. Curse your simple heart, seven years had passed and you still felt like the love struck sixteen year old you were when you first met him.
This was a bad idea. No, this was a terrible idea. You should tell him that. There is no way you should say—
“Okay, fine. But only until the news dies down.”
Jeonghan grinned, visibly pleased with your response.
“I knew I could count on you.”
Thinking with your brain was always hard for you to do whenever you even thought about him, so having him make such a large request of you was basically keeping you from acting with any sort of rationality.
But Jeonghan didn’t need to know all that. You propped your elbow up on the cool surface of the table and leaned your head into the palm of your hand, swallowing down your apprehension. “What are friends for?”
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When you woke up the next morning, the only thing on your mind was Jeonghan. Your interaction with him at your job hadn’t been a dream. He had asked you to be his (pretend) girlfriend, and you had agreed. You partly regretted the decision like you would a hangover, knowing that you still had feelings for him and telling him you’d go along with his plans could only end so many ways. You’d have to stop thinking with your heart so often.
In your moment of doubt, you received a text from Jeonghan. After he had finished his very late lunch yesterday, he tore off a piece of the receipt and scribbled down his phone number on it for you to keep, leaving you behind with a generous tip and a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. Fucking butterflies.
He’d also left you a very lovely, romantic text.
I’m picking you up at 7:45.
Ever the charmer. You checked the time; it was exactly 7. You groaned and hoped that this wouldn’t become an everyday thing, you didn’t even go into work this early.
Jeonghan ended up arriving outside your aunt’s house ten minutes later than he said he would, which only made you feel dumb for racing against the clock to make yourself look presentable.
He kept his eyes on you as you buckled up. “Good morning.” You side-eyed him, just barely making out the stupid lopsided grin on his lips.
“For you, maybe.”
“You’ll get used to it, I already have.”
So this would be an everyday thing. Great.
Accompanying Jeonghan around had given you a unique perspective on your own life. You had already thought there was a lot on your own plate, but Jeonghan, you weren’t sure how he handled it all. Sitting through meetings, fittings, hair and makeup, and photoshoot after photoshoot was tiring you out and you weren’t even the model.
You did like the rush of pride you got whenever Jeonghan introduced you as his girlfriend. Getting to see the shocked look on the faces of the people who worked beside him made you feel like you were important. If you didn’t have to get up so early all the time, maybe this was something you could get used to.
“It’s boring, right?” Jeonghan said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, waving away the man that was wiping off his makeup. “The sitting around, the waiting, all of it. You’re bored, aren’t you?”
You raised one of your eyebrows. “Why would you think I’m bored?” You asked. “Are you bored?”
“Obviously,” he scoffed in reply. “I would’ve rather done pretty much anything else. I mentioned being a model, like, one time and they just went with it. I didn’t wanna argue with my parents, though.” He shrugged, and that was it.
There was a sudden awkward tension in the air with Jeonghan’s overly honest confession. You glanced at the man who was in charge of removing his makeup, sharing a sheepish look with him before breaking eye contact. He was two for two on the eye opening revelations today, and you weren’t too sure you could handle a third.
Clearing your throat, you tried to think of a way to steer the conversation into a different direction. “So, uh, where to after this?”
“The gym. I would’ve gone tomorrow but Joshua said he’d meet me there.”
Finally, a break in this drag of a schedule of his. And you’d get to see Joshua. You could feel your boredom melting away like ice on a hot day as you got up and stretched.
“I’ll be in the car.”
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So, about the visit to the gym…
It was fine at first. Normal. You greeted Joshua, hugged him, expressed how good it was to see him and how much you had missed him after all this time, and he smiled and done the same.
Speaking of Joshua, he had almost screamed when Jeonghan mentioned that you and him were seeing each other, and when he looked at you to confirm that he was telling the truth, he did scream, earning him confused and concerned stares from the people around you. Lying to him warded off the happy feeling you had built up on the way over here in a heartbeat, so you stayed silent for the duration of his workout with Jeonghan.
“Shit, dude, I gotta go. Something just came up,” Joshua apologized quickly and rushed out of the building, leaving just you, Jeonghan, and a small handful of other people rich or important enough to get into this private space.
You weren’t sure why, maybe it was the hot, sticky air of the gym. Maybe it was Jeonghan sitting there, all sweaty and panting and looking at you with that stupidly sexy smirk on his face. Maybe it was a bunch of other things you couldn’t bring your mind to conjure up the words for, but something was about to happen, you could feel it.
“I should shower.” Jeonghan suddenly said, parting his sweaty body from the machine he had been occupying. His eyes flashed with something you couldn’t quite place. “Wanna join?”
That’s the short version of how you ended up pressed up against the wall gym shower, your back to Jeonghan as he took you from behind. Your head spun with desire and a dash of shame. Even though it felt really good, you hadn’t even kissed Jeonghan once since declaring your status as (fake) girlfriend and boyfriend.
“Oh, baby. If I had known you felt this good I’d have done this ages ago,” Jeonghan moaned into your ear, and you could feel your knees buckle under you. That sweet-talking mouth of his would definitely be a problem for you, you were calling it now. Hearing such vulgar comments fall from his lips so naturally made you wonder why he was so good at this.
“F-Fuck, Jeonghan. Don’t stop…” The tiles of the small shower felt cold and wet against your skin, the feeling being the only thing keeping you somewhat grounded. Jeonghan’s hands held your hips tightly when you almost slipped as he mumbled something about being careful. If you weren’t in this position you’d have slapped him. “You’re not funny.”
Jeonghan isn’t bothered by your remark in the slightest. He snaps his hips forward, loving the way you gasp and push yourself back to meet his thrusts. He really thought you looked cute like this, so easily losing your composure because of him. He knew about the effect he could have on people, but none of them mattered now that he saw how you reacted to him. “Tell me how it feels baby.”
“So good, Jeonghan. F-Feels so fucking good.” You whined, your mine tuned in on the feeling of his wet skin against yours and the sounds of both of your moans.
“That’s right, feels so good. You’re so cute, you know that?”
Your muscles clenching around his cock when he said that was the one thing that seemed to have Jeonghan lose his cool. He nestled his face in the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking at the skin there while he rubbed your clit in fast circles, urging you closer and closer to the bliss of your release.
“Gonna…I’m g-gonna—” You try to say only to be cut off by your own hoarse wail of Jeonghan’s name as your orgasm hits you. Afraid that you might fall, Jeonghan holds onto you even tighter all while continuing to fuck you through your high. He glances down, biting his lip at the sight of the white ring forming at the base of his cock and the streaks of cum streaking down your inner thighs. Never did he think a visual so filthy would get him off, but he couldn’t help but bite your shoulder and curse quietly as he felt himself cum.
The water had gone cold by now, making the realization of just how long you’d been in here weigh heavy on your mind. Jeonghan squeezed one of your hips before he pulled out of you and stepped out to find some towels. You turned off the cool water, leaning back against the same wall you’d just been fucked against and sighed.
Now you really couldn’t go back.
Out of nowhere, a hauntingly embarrassing thought crawled its way into your mind. “Oh no,” you gasped. “Jeonghan, what if someone heard us?” He just laughed at your panicked words.
“Private gym, private showers.” He explained, smiling when you visibly relaxed. “You make some pretty funny faces, has anyone ever told you that?”
You rolled your eyes, but there was a smile on your face. “Yeah, you have, back in school.” There had been many instances in your teenage years where Jeonghan had often laughed harder to your reactions to certain events more than the event itself, and he’d always tell you how “fascinating” your range of facial expressions were. History does repeat itself after all. “Has it really been that long?” Hearing the words he’d said to you the other day elicited a soft chuckle from Jeonghan as he pulled your body closer to his, wrapping one of the warm towels around your shivering frame.
You didn’t like the way your heart was beating faster at an action as simple as that as if he hadn’t just had his way with you in that little cubicle this place dared to call a shower, but you just laughed with him and hoped that he wouldn’t notice.
“I guess it has.”
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When you returned to work on Friday, you received a warm welcome from your favorite coworker and best friend.
Translation: Chaewon screaming at the top of her lungs and shaking you back and forth.
“You didn’t tell me you’re DATING YOON JEONGHAN!” Her grip was entering bruise territory. “I thought we were friends!”
“Chaewon, please,” Sakura sighed, prying you out of her arms. “You’re dating that boy that came in the other day? What’s the big deal?”
Chaewon had never looked so shocked. Well, that’s a lie, but right now that’s just how her face looked. “The big deal is him! He’s literally everywhere, Sakura. He’s YOON JEONGHAN!”
The customers could no doubt hear her frantic screaming from the kitchen despite your best efforts to make her quiet down. Unfortunately trying to get Chaewon to calm down was like trying to get a penguin to fly.
“How do you even know about that anyway?” You asked. Chaewon held up a finger, quickly pulling her phone out of her pocket and typing a few words into google and hitting search. She held it out to you and Sakura, and your jaw dropped.
Pictures of you and Jeonghan leaving the gym together, hand in hand, along with a plethora of articles inquiring about your identity as Jeonghan’s girlfriend. Your face wasn’t visible in any of them, but anyone who knew you could tell that you were the one beside him in those photos.
“Oh, wow. Yeah, that’s you alright.” Sakura hummed without even sparing you a glance. “That’s nice. He’s a handsome guy. Good for you, [Y/n].”
You smiled, feeling a little awkward with all the sudden attention. “Thanks, Kkura.” You couldn’t even prepare yourself to be grabbed by Chaewon a second time, so you just let it happen.
“Tell. Me. Everything.”
“You can talk after work,” Sakura sighed, pulling you away from Chaewon once again. “[Y/n]’s boyfriend will still be with her after her shift is over.”
You really hoped so.
For almost the entirety of your shift, you were somewhat unfocused on your actual job and more on the leaked pictures of you and Jeonghan. Never had you been used to having so much attention on you, especially over a guy. Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t just any guy, but still. All of the hype had to be because of what he’d always preached about not being interested in dating, no doubt, but other than that your sentiment was similar to that of your manager’s: what’s the big deal?
Chaewon also seemed off, though it was mostly only because she couldn’t wait to pick your brain about your relationship with the model. She kept looking at you and smiling for the entirety of your shift, and you’d just try and pretend you didn’t see her. It was working fine until you know who came back to pay you another unexpected visit.
“Hey, your boyfriend is here!” She whispered to you when you returned from a quick trip to the bathroom. You felt confused and surprised at the same time, he was supposed to be…anywhere but here right now. The stupid organ in your chest jumped when you considered the possibility that he was actually here for you.
Making your way to the front of the restaurant, Jeonghan stood there, hands in his pockets, looking pleased to see you.
“Jeonghan, what are you doing here?” He pouted at you.
“Is that the only question you know how to ask me?” You crossed your arms, not in the mood for his little games right now. “Sorry, fine. I wanted to see you. Make sure you’re handling the news well.”
“News…? Oh, that.” You weren’t too thrilled to talk about your sudden rise to fame even though it had been the only thing on your mind ever since finding out from Chaewon today. Kind of ironic. “It’s whatever, I guess. I mean, I couldn’t believe it when Chaewon showed me the pictures, but that was pretty much it.” You shrugged.
“Wow,” Jeonghan hummed. “Have you always been this blunt? Where’s the girl with the bob? I like her energy better.” He started to laugh, the sound only getting louder when you hit him on the chest. You knew didn’t hurt him, not even in the slightest, and his cute giggling only made you madder. Damn him and his smart mouth. “Just kidding, baby.”
And there he goes with the nicknames again. Seriously, damn him and his smart talking, filthy, mouth and all the words he’d speak with it to get you all flustered.
“You never answered me. Don’t you have a photo shoot or a fitting, or, I don’t know, somewhere else to be instead of Ihop on a Friday?”
Jeonghan just smiled at you. “Forgive me for wanting to just stop by and say hello to my girlfriend.”
Your eyes watched him as he tried to bite back the smile on his lips to no avail. He nodded slowly, seemingly getting the hint that you could always manage to see right through him. He didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing.
“Alright, alright. You remember that show I was on not too long ago? The one with Jiyho?” Of course you remembered. Chaewon had sent the link to the video once it was uploaded to youtube (like she did with everything involving Jeonghan) along with a bunch of incorrectly spelled words in all caps expressing her excitement and disbelief. He continued speaking once you nodded. “Yeah, so, she pretty much wants me back on the show…with you.” He puts his hands on your shoulders, waiting for you to object to the whole thing.
But you don’t object. You glance to the side once, then back at him, and shrug like you had done moments earlier. “Okay. I’m off on Wednesdays and Thursdays.” The man in front of you sighed and shook his head.
“She wants us there tomorrow. Can’t you get someone else to come in for you, or something?”
You exhaled a heavy, dramatic sigh. “Fine. But you owe me, okay? This is coming out of my paycheck.” The look of utter happiness on Jeonghan’s face whenever you give into him is something you think you’ll never get tired of seeing, like he really thought it’d take more convincing to get you to say yes. You’ve literally been wrapped around his finger since you were sixteen, it was honestly surprising that he had the nerve to explain himself to you sometimes when you damn near lacked the ability to say no to him.
“You’re the best,” he was still smiling when he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay? Wear something cute.”
You made some sort of strange yet quiet noise of acknowledgment, watching him with slightly parted lips as he walked out of the doors and back to his car. Jeonghan had just kissed you. On the forehead, yeah, but it was still a kiss. And not like he had kissed you in the shower, either, this one felt different. Tingly. You’d have probably stayed rooted to that spot if Sakura hadn’t started yelling for you to get back to work.
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Mornings always seemed to come too fast for you, especially when you were going anywhere with Jeonghan. Time had to be speeding up on purpose knowing that you were always rushing to get ready lest you make Jeonghan late to one of his unmissable and very important (that you were still shocked to discover how much he despised) events.
You were worried about wearing the “wrong thing” even though you had no idea you should wear for something like this and texted Jeonghan for help last night. He responded with a short explanation of what he’d be wearing and said that you could just wear whatever you thought would match or complement what he’d have on. And then he’d sent one more a few minutes after that. One that read:
good night [y/n] sleep thigh
You had responded with a series of question marks, expecting some kind of explanation or clarification, but he must’ve gone to sleep right after that because there was no response for the rest of the night.
So when you had settled yourself into the passenger seat of his car, you’d decide to question him about it now.
“Oh, I meant sleep tight,” Jeonghan told you. He pointed at the seatbelt, staring at you until you were buckled up and only then did the car start to move. “Were you really thinking about that all night? Even I make spelling mistakes, [Y/n].”
You could sense that he was about to start laughing even before you started talking. “No! I just…whatever, nevermind.” And you’d been right, Jeonghan laughed just like he always did whenever you seemed to make what you considered a fool of yourself in front of him. He noticed that you were frowning from the corner of his eye and placed one of his hands on your thigh. You flinched at the contact.
“What?” He asked, starting to pull it away, but you grabbed it and placed it back down.
“Nothing.” You shook your head. “It’s nothing. Your hands are just cold.” This made him smirk. He poked your cheek, your forearm, and your upper thigh, the smile on his face getting wider each time you shivered and tried to push it away. “Quit it!”
“You like it,” he was giggling now, and you were too. You didn’t even realize that you were until he had pointed to your mouth and laughed even harder. As long as Jeonghan had known you, you’d never giggled before. He joked that he was starting to rub off on you as he poked you with his cold fingers one more time. “I like that dress, by the way.” His hand found its way back to your thigh, feeling slightly less cold now. Maybe the heat of your body was warming him up, because you definitely felt hot right now.
“Thank you.”
“Mhm. You wore it just for me, didn’t you?”
Your eyes grew the slightest bit wider. That was partly the truth, yes. You’d also worn it because he’d told you to wear something nice and this dress just so happened to be one of the nicest pieces of clothing you owned that was appropriate for an event like this. The former option seemed to be the one he was more interested in though, seeing as how he was pushing up the hem of the dress and glancing at your underwear—and the wet patch on it.
“Well, yeah, you kinda told me to.” Jeonghan loved the fact that you were actively choosing to either ignore the fact that you were wet right now or pretend like it didn’t faze you. He pressed one of his (still somewhat cold) fingers on the spot and started to rub it, making you shiver and moan. “J-Jeonghan, you’re doing this now?”
“Ah, you know what? You’re right. My hands are still cold, aren’t they?” He mumbled, but his hand stayed placed firmly against your upper thigh. You hated the way you whined at his teasing and the way you craved more. “Aww, baby. I was just doing what you wanted. Are you mad at me now?”
“You’re literally the worst!” Huffing, you slapped his hand away and Jeonghan, stubborn as ever, just placed it right back down on your thigh. “Don’t touch me.” You tried sounding stern despite the way you were starting to grin, much to Jeonghan’s amusement.
“I owe you one, okay?” His voice was full of nothing but sincerity as he pulled the edges of your dress back down. “Put on a good show for Jihyo and I’ll let you cum as many times as you want later, deal?”
Your response came immediately, like you hadn’t even had to think about it. “Deal.”
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Jihyo was even prettier in person. You weren’t used to seeing her without her hair in a bob, like Chaewon, but she seemed to be in the process of growing her hair out. Her skin was a little tanner in person and she had a smile that was kind and natural, which made you feel at ease.
“So, everyone, I’m sure you’ve all seen the pictures, right? Of Jeonghan and his supposed girlfriend?” Jihyo turned so that she faced the audience, nodding along at their responses. “I know, I saw them too, and when I tell you my jaw literally dropped. I was like, I’ve gotta get him back on the show. Well here he is, everyone! And with his mystery girl too!” She held one of her arms out and the audience erupted into applause seeing you and Jeonghan hand in hand walk onto the set. Jihyo clapped as well, watching the two of you the whole time while you took your seats beside each other.
“It’s good to be back, Jihyo. Thanks for having me.” Jeonghan was as polite as ever, his fingers still interlaced with your own. The woman just scoffed and shook her head.
“Oh, it’s nothing! You know how much of a joy you are to have on set.” Then she turned to you, eyebrows shooting up. “And you! What’s your name, sweetie?”
“I’m [Y/n].” The smile on your face was a little awkward, but the audience still received the interaction positively and applauded once more.
“Well [Y/n], aren’t you a lucky girl?” She leaned a little forward in her seat. “You’re doing what a lot of other girls could literally only dream of. How does it feel to be dating Jeonghan?”
It’s everything I’ve ever wanted. It’s like a dream come true. It’s perfect, in every sense of the word. And it’s all one big lie.
“It’s…it’s really crazy to think about it, you know? Like, I’m just a normal girl, but I’m dating him?” You ended your reply by gesturing to Jeonghan, both of you smiling. More clapping came from the audience. It seemed to be going well.
“That’s totally understandable. If I were you, I would’ve lost it. You probably did lose it a little, I would imagine, right?” You nodded at her question, recalling the day he had proposed the whole idea to you. Thinking about how you managed to keep your nerves under control in that situation amazed you, followed by a surge of pride for being able to keep up your act on nonchalance so well when in Jeonghan’s presence. So in Jihyo’s words, yeah, you did lose it just a little.
“Right, right. And you, mister, how long has this been going on?” Jihyo pointed one of her neatly manicured fingers right at Jeonghan. “I remember you saying you’d never keep that special someone a secret.”
Jeonghan leaned back and rested his hands flat on the arms of his chair. “[Y/n] wasn’t ready to be in the public eye. She was just nervous, and I’d never make her do something she didn’t want to. Forgive me.” Seeing the fake pout on his lips caused one to form on Jihyo’s face as well. He was pretty good at this lying on the spot stuff. Maybe a little too good.
“You sweet thing. What a considerate boyfriend. Anyone else feeling a little bit jealous right now?” Jihyo glanced at the audience, responding as eagerly as ever. “I’m definitely feeling a little envious. Like just a pinch. No, but seriously, I wanna know everything. Oh, tell us this: who fell in love first? I’m really curious.”
You sat up in your seat a little straighter. Should you answer? Should you tell the truth? Would Jeonghan finally get the hint you just confessed right now, or would he think you’re just playing along?
“I did.” You snapped your head in Jeonghan’s direction, and you felt tingly again. It didn’t help that he winked at you either, insinuating that this was yet another lie and that you should continue to act naturally. The audience was eating this up.
Jihyo held her hands over her open mouth, looking between you and the crowd. “Wow! I…just wow! I’m so shocked! I was expecting you to be the one who…” She couldn’t even finish speaking given her exasperation, but you could read between the lines. Jihyo wasn’t the only one thrown for a loop with his answer, you genuinely had no idea he would say that. “[Y/n], sweetie, did you know he was the one who liked you first?”
“No,” you were being honest for the first time. “I’m just as shocked as you are.” You look at Jeonghan once again, your eyes immediately noticing the smug look written all over his face. You didn’t like it.
A few more questions later, Jihyo announced that there was “no more time, sorry, i know,” and started to dismiss everyone on the set. You and Jeonghan gave her one last round of polite smiling and goodbyes before you let Jeonghan escort you back to his car. The difference in your moods was stark; Jeonghan seemed to be on cloud nine while you were still hung up over what he had told Jihyo earlier.
“Um, Jeonghan, about what you said back there…”
“I know, right! Did you see the faces of the people in the audience?” He looked so happy, sounded so happy. Anyone could tell he was enjoying the attention. You weren’t. You wanted answers.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I saw them. They really just eat up anything you say, even if you’re lying.”
For the first time in a while, you noticed a dramatic change in Jeonghan’s expression. It was only for a second, maybe less, but it happened. Something like nervousness mixed with a dash of sadness and a pinch of guilt mixed together and slapped right onto the canvas of his face to create the masterpiece of his composure being lost. And then just as quickly as he let it fall, he slapped the mask back onto his face in the form of that carefree grin.
“I know, and I’m sorry baby. I’ll drop you off and then we’ll talk all about it.”
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Jeonghan was good at keeping his promises. He kept the one you made at graduation to see you again—which was probably just dumb luck, but it counted. He kept the one he made to you after you left the gym and brought you to your favorite coffee place so you could a drink and a cake pop. He even kept the one he made to you in Junior year when you dropped Minghao’s phone in the pool (you both blamed it on Mingyu). He had not kept his promise to talk to you about what he said in the interview with Jihyo. You were too occupied with his other promise (technically, it was a deal) you’d made with him before that.
“You’re a natural on camera, baby,” He whispered into your ear, running his hands up and down your sides. Jeonghan had his hand down your underwear the whole drive back to your aunt’s house, and when he finally pulled into the driveway, you were scrambling into his lap. Seeing you so worked up made Jeonghan feel good. He leaned back the drivers seat and let you grind against his erection, flooding the inside of your mind until you could think of nothing but him. “I can tell they just loved you.”
“You really talk too much sometimes,” You mumbled. Jeonghan loved nothing more than when you talked back to him, it only made things more fun when he watched you fall apart on his cock in the moments that would follow. “You and your filthy mouth.”
“Shut me up then.”
Jeonghan licked his lips, and you watched him do so with bated breath. He was challenging you. Up until now, you had never kissed each other. You were afraid that if you did, some kind of invisible, imaginary line would be crossed and then it’d be that much harder to let him go. But what the hell, you’d already had him balls deep inside of you, what was a kiss compared to that?
His perfect, pink, lips were calling out to you like a siren does a sailor. There was no resistance when you finally kissed him, finally feeling the softness of his lips against your own. Jeonghan pulls you closer, the sudden friction between your bare core and his clothed cock making the two of you moan into the other’s mouth.
“Ride me,” He whispered with need. Need, you thought, Jeonghan needed this from you. This would’ve been the ideal time to tease him back considering his current state. But fuck, you needed him too.
Jeonghan helped you unbutton his pants and slide them down along with his boxers just enough for you to sink down onto his aching cock. It felt different, but not in a bad way. He felt so much deeper, so much better, so much closer.
He let a chuckle slip past his lips. “Your heart…it’s beating fast.” His ability to be snarky and annoying never seemed to escape him.
“Is yours not?” You asked him while you rocked your hips back and forth lazily. The last thing you wanted to do was rush this moment, this might be the last time you got to have him like this, you wanted it to last. Jeonghan wrapped his hand around one of your wrists and placed it flat against his chest.
His heart was beating just as fast as yours.
There was probably a word out there somewhere to properly convey the emotions you were feeling, not that you could think of it right now with the way Jeonghan was scrambling not only your insides—but your mind, too.
Neither of you spoke again after that. You became caught up in the moment, in the way each other felt. Jeonghan’s eyes fluttered closed when the motions of your hips became faster, the obscene sound of his moaning overpowering your own gasps and whines of pleasure. He looked a fucked out mess; swollen lips, dark eyes, messy hair, the whole nine yards. If your eyes could take pictures, you’d want a million of him in this moment.
Jeonghan couldn’t stop kissing you. He’d been waiting for you to take the initiative, to let go of your hesitation. And now he was addicted to you and the way you kissed him and slipped your tongue into his mouth like you just couldn’t get enough.
“‘M gonna fucking cum, baby,” he breathed, thrusting up into you without warning. You wrapped your arms around his neck, panting, feeling yourself get close too. He kissed you, sloppily, his dick bruising the spongy spot inside you until you were seeing white. No less than a few seconds later Jeonghan was doing the same, your sloppy cunt milking him dry. You stayed like that for a while, his forehead pressed to yours, until the speed and sound of your breathing fell into the same rhythm.
“I’ve gotta go,” is how he chose to break the silence, kissing you to silence your whine of protest. “I know, I’m sorry. But hey, my family is having a party in a few weeks. Some business shit, probably for publicity. I don’t know all the details, but they told me to bring you so they could finally meet you in person.”
You couldn’t muster any other response aside from a sigh. “I’ll be there.”
He kissed you one last time. “That’s my girl.”
One promise kept, another one broken.
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“You know, that day you asked me to cover your shift, I didn’t expect it was because you were running off with your boyfriend to go on some talk show,” Yeonjun mumbled, taking the somewhat heavy box labeled “bathroom” out of your hands and walking it to that room. “It must be nice, right?” His voice echoed through the empty space of your new apartment.
“Why, you jealous?” You could hear him scoff all the way from the bathroom, making you and Chaewon laugh.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve heard from Jeonghan. His schedule has gotten increasingly busier ever since his reappearance on Jihyo’s show (which only made the news of your relationship more popular) , and you missed him for a multitude of reasons. One of them being that talk you never had about what he’d said that day. Every time you’d try to bring it up with him there was always a way he managed to weasel his way out of giving you an answer, so you’d given up trying at this point.
In better news, you’d finally managed to save up enough money to move out of your aunts house and into a decent little apartment downtown. It was kind of small, but it was just you, so you were fine with it. Today you’d finally started to move in most of your things. Joshua, Mingyu, and Soonyoung would come over tomorrow to help you set up your bed and shelves and other things that required the ability to decipher Ikea instructions. Minghao would come too, but not to help put anything together. He just wanted to scope out the place and advise you on the best way to decorate it.
So for now it was just you, your coworkers, and a couple of boxes containing the few things that you owned.
“What was it like seeing Jihyo in person?” Chaewon asked, taking a seat on the edge of the kitchen counter.
“She was nice. And pretty. She’s also more tan in person.” You replied. “I really need to go to the store, I’ve barely got any real furniture.” You stared into your box labeled “kitchen” and felt taunted by the plastic cutlery that rested inside.
There was a sudden knock at the door. You looked at Chaewon and she shrugged, just as clueless as you. You padded to the door, unlocking it and opening it just a crack. It was Jeonghan. Chaewon gasped, and you could hear her jump off of the counter and shuffle over to the doorway. He looked tired and a little annoyed standing there with his hands buried in his pockets. Today must’ve been one of his off days because he was dressed way more casually than he normally was.
“Hey baby. Hi Chaewon.” His voice sounded slightly deeper than you were used to hearing it. Chaewon waved tentatively from her position behind you. “Can I come in?” You took a step to the side, enough to let him come in, and he looked around the mostly empty space with an unreadable expression. “You never told me you moved out of your aunt’s place.”
“Right, yeah, sorry,” You shrugged. “You were just so busy, I didn’t want to bother you. It just slipped my mind.” Jeonghan just shook his head and leaned against the counter.
“It’s fine, I would’ve made time to stop by and help if I’d known. Would’ve been better than all the shit I’ve been doing.”
Chaewon stood awkwardly to the side, soon accompanied by a clueless Yeonjun who had just gotten over the initial shock of seeing Jeonghan inside your apartment. “Um…we should get going right now actually. We’ll come back another day, okay [Y/n]?” She smiled at you and waved to Jeonghan with a bit more confidence this time and yanked Yeonjun out of the apartment behind her by his wrist, shutting the door behind her with a kick of her foot.
The air suddenly felt a lot thicker.
“Do you think you could do me a favor?”
You hummed questioningly, watching Jeonghan’s head drop down and his gaze lower. You followed his eyes all the way down to the bulge in his pants. He frowned when you started laughing.
“This is funny to you?” You only laughed harder, one of your hands hovering over your mouth. “I don’t find anything funny about this.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you spoke through your laughs. “How did this even happen?”
He leans his head back and sighs. “I was thinking about you.” Your laughter immediately stops.
You’ve just come to two realizations.
1. Jeonghan admits he gets hard at the mere thought of you.
2. He came running here during one of his few days off because he wants your help dealing with it.
You felt a mix of things right now. Horny—obviously—but also proud, and kind of special. Weirdly enough, you liked the idea of Jeonghan running to you to find some sort of release. Or maybe you just really missed him in the wrong way.
“Come here.” Jeonghan beckons you closer, cupping your face in his hands and rubbing his thumb along your bottom lip. “You’re so pretty…”
“You too,” came your mumbled reply. You reached down to palm him through his sweatpants, eliciting a drawn-out groan from Jeonghan. His hips bucked into your hand, one of his hands wrapped firmly around your wrist similarly to the way he’d done in the car. You slowly sank to your knees, never once breaking eye contact with him.
The sight of you on your knees, looking up at him through your eyelashes and your bottom lip between your teeth, Jeonghan could’ve blown a fucking load right then and there.
“Did you miss me, Hannie?”
Jeonghan sucked in a sharp breath when you yanked down his pants and boxers at the same time, exposing his cock to the cool air of your apartment. “I always miss you, baby.”
You paused for a moment and wondered if he really meant that, but with his dick literally in your face you came to the conclusion that maybe it wasn’t the best time to mull things over. You peppered his tip with kisses and ran your hands up and down the base. You’d almost forgotten how much you love it when he moans for you.
“S-so good…you’re so good to me,” he rested his hands on the top of your head, breathing shakily when you finally closed your lips around him. Just when he thought he couldn’t become any more addicted to you, you went and proved him wrong.
You choked and dug your fingers into his thighs at an unexpected show of force from Jeonghan, pushing his cock deeper down your throat with a thrust of his hips. A loud gag shot out of your mouth when it hit the back of your throat, tears starting to well up inside of your eyes. He would’ve apologized if he didn’t think you didn’t like the sight of you like this. “You’re fucking perfect,” he said it without thinking, too caught up in the moment.
A single tear trailed down your cheek. You moaned around him and he copied the sound, the vibrations making him shiver with pleasure. Your jaw was starting to hurt, just a little, but Jeonghan seemed too far gone go notice anything but his own need to cum down your throat. You whined as loudly as you could, and that’s when he finally seemed to get the memo.
His grip became the slightest bit looser, letting you wrap your hands around whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You feel kind of gross when you notice that there’s spit dripping down your chin, but Jeonghan thought it was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. He literally couldn’t take his eyes off of you, big brown eyes now dark with arousal.
“Will you be good and swallow for me, pretty girl?” He asked, though the question seemed entirely unnecessary given that you would’ve done so anyway. Nevertheless, you hummed in agreement, which was all he needed before the warmth of his cum spilled into your mouth. His body went limp once you tore yourself away from him and he leaned back against the countertop.
“I’ve never actually done that before, by the way,” you mentioned all too casually. Jeonghan stared at you, completely dumbfounded, like you hadn’t just sucked the soul out of him. Your face felt hot when you noticed his face. “What?”
“It’s kind of hard for me to believe that after what you just did, but okay.” He shook his head. “Oh, by the way, the party my parents are having is on a Thursday. Totally random, I know, but at lease you won’t have to call off and miss work. You can still make it, right?”
He really remembered that?
“Yeah…I can still come.” Jeonghan smiled and kissed the tip of your nose. It made you giggle. Maybe he really was rubbing off on you after all.
“Perfect.” You expected that to be it and for him to leave you, but instead he picked up one of the boxes on the floor and began unpacking the contents inside. “Do you like it here?”
“Huh?” You pushed aside the shock you felt by him still being here to give a proper answer. “Oh, yeah. It’s nice. The people upstairs are kind of loud at night, though.”
Now he was giggling. You groaned and rolled your eyes. “Not that kind of loud, Jeonghan. You’re so gross.” He was smiling at you, totally unbothered.
“You love me.”
Oh, if only he knew.
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Thursday has never come so fast. Time definitely had something against you, and this was the proof.
The venue for the party—some building as fancy as it was big located in the heart of the city—was hot with dim lights and hallways that were way too long. Dozens of people were lined up around the entrance with cameras and microphones. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from them, even from the passengers seat of Jeonghan’s car, and he grumbled.
“The fucking press is still out here?”
It’s late in the evening. The sun is setting. They’ve been camping out here for days. These people are nothing if not devoted.
“You did say this was a publicity event,” you squeezed his hand. “We’ll just walk fast and smile.”
A smile broke onto his face. “I’ve only done that, like, three times.”
“I remember it being more than that, actually.”
He pouted at you, making you giggle. He was so cute it was almost unbelievable.
“Are you nervous?”
“Well, maybe just a little.” It wasn’t the party or the public that scared you, but the idea of meeting Jeonghan’s parents made your stomach churn. He eased your worries with a kiss, then another, and another.
“You’ll be fine. I promise.”
You wanted to believe him. You don’t know if you really do. There’s no fooling your brain, but your heart is much more easily swayed by his words. He holds your hand tightly as he leads you past the hundreds of cameras and people crying out your name followed by some of the strangest questions you’ve probably ever been asked—no, definitely ever been asked. You squint your eyes, allowing them to adjust to the low interior lighting, and you can see two people approaching. Jeonghan’s thumb rubs the back of your hand to soothe you.
“Ready?” He mumbles. You smile and nod.
“Not like I have a choice.”
“Jeonghan! [Y/n]! So happy you could make it.” His father greets you warmly, paired with a smile and a firm handshake. His mom is a bit less reserved with her affection, immediately pulling you into a hug.
“You look lovely, dear. Absolutely stunning.” You smile at the compliment. “It’s so good to finally meet you in person.”
“I feel the same. I’m still a little shaky.” You laughed and it seemed to ease the tension, given the way his parents laughed along with you. His father handed you a skinny glass of champagne which you eagerly accepted, sipping down the bubbly liquid. Jeonghan let go of your hand, now holding a glass of his own.
“I hope Jeonghan doesn’t give you too much trouble. We know he can be a bit of a handful at times.” The woman said, getting another laugh out of his father and you.
“Mom, please.”
“No, it’s okay. He’s really such a great guy. Our time together has been…” You sucked in a breath and glanced up at Jeonghan. He looked down at you, smirking. “…special.”
“Jeonghan? Oh, it really is him! Jeonghannie!”
You and Jeonghan both turned your heads to search for the source of the voice, both of your eyes landing on a girl with dark hair and plump lips waving at Jeonghan.
“Momo,” he smiled at her. “Good to see you. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
Momo smiled back. “We would’ve been here earlier, but Sana couldn’t decide on what to wear and Mina wasn’t being any help.” She huffed at the memory and shook her head. “But we’re here now. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even see you.”
You smiled tightly, trying to remain polite. “It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine. It was the exact opposite of fucking fine. Not only was this Momo girl interrupting your moment with Jeonghan and his parents, but she was also acting as if you were invisible. And worst of all, Jeonghan seemed less bored with her sudden appearance and was paying more attention to her than you.
You paused. Were you getting jealous?
“Hey, you don’t mind if Jeonghan takes some pictures with me and my friends, right?” She put a hand on your arm and squeezed lightly, snapping you out of your daze.
“No, it’s okay.” Momo smiled again, and you couldn’t help but notice just how pretty she was. With your approval, Momo linked her arm with Jeonghan’s, leading him to the opposite end of the room where two other girls stood waiting, their faces lighting up at the sight of the male model she had managed to drag along with her.
“Come on [Y/n] dear, he’ll be back. Oh, there are some people we’d like you to meet. Have you met Kang Seulgi? She’s a very talented designer.” Jeonghan’s mom rambled on, guiding you towards an expectant looking crowd of people.
Shockingly (well, it was shocking to you), your attention is the one thing that the majority of the other guests seem to be after. Many of them gather around you and Jeonghan’s parents, hanging off every word you say and looking at you like you’re one of the most precious things they’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. The topic of the evening is, of course, your relationship with Jeonghan.
"It's..." You search for him in the somewhat dark expanse of space, but you couldn't find him anywhere. He probably ran off somewhere with Joshua, no doubt.
Jeonghan had fucked you over. He’d brought you here just to abandon you. He made you feel special just so you’d make him look good in front of his parents. You felt like some kind of broken toy, so easily thrown to the side once he no longer wanted to play with you.
"I don't know. It's a lot of things. I'm happy though, you know? He's good to me." You smiled, the lie stinging your throat and burning your tongue. There was only so much more of all this attention you could take.
“You’re so lovely, [Y/n].”
“Isn’t she just a dear?”
“She’s the sweetest! Don’t you just love her?”
And there it was; your breaking point. One of your hands flew over your mouth, keeping the pathetic sob from escaping. Concern flashed across the faces of the guests, and you apologized as best as you could as you pushed your way through the mass of bodies and out to the hallway. None of them followed you, probably still confused as to why you had even run away in the first place, but it didn’t matter. None of this mattered.
Jeonghan’s friends loved you. The media loved you. His parents loved you. All these guests whose names you didn’t even know loved you. Everyone loved you but Jeonghan, so in the end none of it even mattered. He had no problem discarding you when you were no longer of use to him, like you were nothing, because he didn’t love you.
You finally cried. The regret, the guilt, it consumed you. You slid down to the floor, your face covered by your hands, crying on the floor like a child.
You could recognize Jeonghan’s voice in a heartbeat. He stared down at you, worry written all over his pretty face, but you gave him no response.
“Why are you crying?”
He knelt down beside you, trying to get you to at least look at him. You wiped away the last of your tears and sighed.
“I think we need to end this, Jeonghan.”
“What?” He seemed genuinely shocked that you said that. “[Y/n], we’re more popular than ever. That wasn’t the deal.”
You picked yourself up off of the floor, suddenly overcome with anger. "Is that seriously all you care about? How popular you are? What about me?”
His silence was painful.
“God, of course. I don’t even know why I bothered asking. You only care about yourself.”
“That’s not true. I care about you, [Y/n]. You know that.” Jeonghan frowned.
Under different circumstances you might’ve believed him, let him sway you with his sweet words and sad little expression.
“Do you? It feels like you only care about me when you want your dick sucked or when you want someone to clap for you.”
The look on his face changed in an instant. Jeonghan’s patience was wearing thin, you could tell, but there was a part of him that was holding back.
“If that’s how you really feel, why didn’t you say anything? Why even agree to do this in the first place?”
The words came flying out before you could stop them. “Because I love you, Jeonghan! I’ve always loved you!”
A heavy silence enveloped the hallway. It was tense—suffocatingly so. You could hardly make out how his face changed once more in the low lighting that enveloped you.
“I’m not done!” You’re not sure when you started crying again, but you arely registered the wet droplets streaming down your cheeks. “I don’t even know why I’ve tried so hard to get you to notice the fact that I love you when it’s obvious the only person you love is yourself. You’re nothing but a selfish asshole. I hate you.”
Your vision was blurred with your tears, but you could just barely make out the dejection painted on his face. It didn’t suit him. You hoped that he would say something, anything, but Jeonghan did nothing but stand there. You couldn’t do anything but laugh pitifully.
“I’m going home. Have fun at your party.”
“Wait, [Y/n], please don’t go. Let’s talk about this.” He held onto your hand when you tried to walk away. You tried to get him to let go, but he wasn’t ready to let go.
“What else is there to say, Jeonghan? We’re over, now leave me alone. Why don’t you go ask Momo to be your fake girlfriend, I’m sure she’d be more than happy to.”
You snatched your hand out of his grasp, fooling yourself with the last bit of hope you had that maybe he would chase after you. He made you a promise, after all.
It’s a shame he couldn’t keep it.
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You didn’t go into work on Friday. Or Saturday. Or Sunday. After you got home last night, you buried yourself beneath the covers of your bed, too exhausted to do anything other than lie there in the darkness until you fell asleep. When morning came, you couldn’t even muster up the strength to move, so you called Sakura and said that you were sick and wouldn’t be able to come in for the next few days.
Jeonghan had left you an unbelievable amount of texts and calls, none of which you bothered to respond to. Chaewon and Joshua also texted you to ask about the party and if you’d heard anything from Jeonghan; apparently no one had heard from him since the party. As if you’d know.
On Sunday, you’d managed to tear yourself away from your bed—for longer than a trip to the kitchen or the bathroom—and out onto the couch. A rerun episode of Jihyo’s talk show was playing on the TV, the one that featured you and Jeonghan. You watched with a heavy heart as the two of you walked hand in hand, smiling, waving to the studio audience.
How could you ever fall in love with him? He was just another self serving rich boy who used you for his own personal gain. It didn’t matter that he was charming or funny or cute or—
Fuck, even when you were mad at him you found it impossible to ignore the beating of your own heart when you remembered just how nice it felt to be with him, even if it was all just for show.
Someone was knocking. You sighed, not wanting to get up, but the knocking only grew louder and more urgent.
“Okay, I’m coming! Damn…” You shouted, lifting yourself from the couch and over to the door, frowning at the person standing on the other side.
Jeonghan’s state of being didn’t seem to be any better than yours. His eyes had bags under them, his hair was in desperate need of a brush, and he was still in his pajamas. Even so, he smiled weakly at the sight of you. “I was worried you wouldn’t answer. I’m happy to see you’re doing okay.”
You scoffed. “I’m not.” You missed the way his smile dropped at that. “What do you want?”
“I want to apologize to you.”
Shaking your head, you started to shut the door, almost closing it on Jeonghan’s arm in the process.
“Wait, please! I really mean it, just give me a few minutes and then I’ll be gone, I swear.”
There was no way you were in your right mind, because you actually let him in. He smiled and followed you to the couch, sitting at a distance to keep you from getting uncomfortable.
“I thought about what you said at the party. The stuff you said about me wasn’t wrong. I was being selfish. I did only care about my image. You had every right to be upset with me.”
“I’m still upset with you.”
“And that’s perfectly fine, but just hear me out,” His voice was frantic. “Those two weeks I didn’t talk to you were the worst two weeks of my life. I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you. I really missed you, [Y/n]. And the more I thought about you, the more I realized that I was falling in love. I’m so in love with you, [Y/n].”
You weren’t buying it. “You could’ve texted me. Or called. Or something.”
Jeonghan turned to face you, eyes flickering over your face. “I wanted to, and I should’ve, but…”
“…But what?”
His cheeks were growing pinker by the second.
“But what, Jeonghan?”
“But I didn’t want you to leave me. I didn’t tell you how I felt because I thought it would overwhelm you. If you start to feel real feelings in a fake relationship, what are you supposed to do?” He sounded so…sad.
When the reality of his words finally sunk in, clarity followed. Jeonghan was in love with you. Jeonghan was scared that you would want things to be over. Jeonghan was worried about how you would react to him.
You breathed out a laugh.
“You’re such a dummy, Jeonghan. Why would I ever leave you?”
His sadness evaporated, now replaced with relief and joy and love. He pulled you into a hug and sighed happily when you returned it.
“I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. My heart literally fucking broke when you cried because of me and my shitty attitude.”
“Oh, but I love your shitty attitude. Just not when it’s making me cry.”
“Good. Pretty girls shouldn’t cry.” He whispered against your lips before kissing you. You felt giddy at the way his lips moved against yours, smiling into the kiss. He gently pushed you so you were lying on your back, breaking away to look down at you.
“My pretty girl…” He said again, voice sweeter than sugar, fingers trailing up your legs. They felt cold against your burning hot skin, and it made you shiver. “Gonna let me make you feel good like you deserve?”
“Yes, Hannie, please.”
Jeonghan groaned, pausing the movement of his fingers to bask in the sound of you begging for him. You had no idea what you did to him and it made his dick that much harder. “Good girl. I’ll take care of you.”
“Hurry up, your hands are cold,” You whined. His eyes flashed with mischief, pressing his fingers down into the flesh of your inner thigh, watching you shiver and moan.
“I don’t know, I think that you like it, am I right?”
“If you don’t hurry up and touch me, I’ll do it myself.” To prove your point, you slipped your shorts off and tossed them somewhere onto the floor. Jeonghan touched you before you could even think about sliding off your underwear, cupping your leaking cunt with his hand.
“The only one who gets to play with this pretty pussy is me, baby. Don’t ever forget it.” You moaned at how fast his demeanor seemed to change, nodding furiously as you tried to grind into his hand to relieve the ache he was making you feel.
Pouting and panting, you looked up at him. “Hannie, don’t be mean…”
He found it insane how he didn’t realize how whipped he was for you earlier. Like really, he was totally wrapped around your finger. This must’ve been how you felt for all those years.
“Whatever you want, baby,” He lifted your legs a little higher, situating himself so he was lying flat on his stomach, face only a few inches away from your cunt. He pushed your underwear to the side, gasping at the sight of how wet you were. “Shit, baby, you’re fucking dripping.”
“Just for you.”
He seemed pleased with that. “Better be.”
Jeonghan buried his face in between your legs, groaning when the taste of you hits his mouth. He’s making an even bigger mess of you, licking at you greedily and sloppily, drowning himself in the wetness between your thighs.
You’re moaning louder than you think you ever have in your life. Shaky fingers slide into his soft dark hair, gripping tightly. He doesn’t seem to mind though, already too caught up in you to register the little bit of pain. You grind into his face, staining the lower half of his face with your arousal.
“Hannie, fuck,” You manage to say despite your fucked out state. Jeonghan hums, and the sensation makes your thighs close around his head. If you could speak, you would apologize, but Jeonghan seems to grow impossibly more aroused by the act.
He slips two of his fingers inside of you, it’s easy given how wet you are and keep getting, while he occupies his tongue on your clit. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, any and all coherent thoughts having escaped you in that moment. The only thing you could focus on was Jeonghan, his lips, and his fingers.
You could feel yourself getting close, a familiar feeling blooming in your stomach. Jeonghan could feel it too with the way you were tightening around his fingers and arching your back to stay as close to him as you can. He circles your clit with his tongue before starting to suck on it, your legs shaking with the force of your orgasm.
“You taste so good,” Jeonghan says, licking his lips clean of every last drop of you. He presses one last long, lingering kiss to your pussy before gathering the strength to pull away and wipe his mouth clean.
“We could’ve kept going.” The look you gave him was so innocent and sweet, a contrast to the way your legs were still spread open with your juices staining your inner thighs. You almost convinced him. Almost.
“Don’t look at me like that,” He spoke slowly and softly, as if he was in no rush to give you more despite the painfully obvious tent in his pants.
“Well then hurry up and fuck me already.”
Jeonghan doesn’t want to keep you waiting, but he can’t help but tease you just a little bit more. He sheds his clothes with little urgency, and he smirks like the little cocky shit he is when he sees the way you’re looking at him, like you could just devour him here and now. It’s like you were seeing him naked for the first time all over again, astonished by the sight of him. He was just so pretty all over.
He slides the tip of his cock up and down your slit, teasing your entrance until you were squirming. “Hannie, please,” you whined, steadying your hands on his shoulders. Clearly he was just as desperate as you were, because he pushed into with a groan no more than a moment later.
“So tight, baby, shit. Are you trying to make me cum already?”
His strokes are slow and deep, and you can feel every single inch of him inside of you as he drags himself all the way out before slamming back inside. Whenever you clench around him, he falters and lets himself moan something unintelligible about how good you feel or how pretty you are.
“F-Faster, Hannie, I want—” Jeonghan cut you off with a sloppy kiss, swallowing each and every one of your noises.
He cooed at you and shook his head with fake disapproval. “When did you get so demanding?” Your words turned into whimpers when he increased both the pace and the force of his thrusts, rendering your ability to speak useless. “You know I’ve got you baby, I know what you need.”
“Stop talking like that.” Your nails dragged down his back, streaking his unblemished skin with thin red lines.
“What are you gonna do if I don’t? You gonna cum and make a mess of yourself all over my cock, huh baby?”
You whimpered again, leaving Jeonghan to assume that he was correct and giving him yet another ego boost. With one hand, he pushed your shirt up to reveal your braless chest, kissing and sucking at the supple skin of your tits.
There was no way you weren’t going to be getting a noise complaint. The sounds coming from Jeonghan’s hips snapping against yours paired with the steady stream of sounds coming from both you and Jeonghan were sure to have them making a fuss. Not that any of that mattered at the moment, well, not to either of you.
His hand snakes between your bodies, rubbing feverishly at your abused bundle of nerves, whispering so sweetly into your ear the words “cum for me” which is all you needed before doing just that. Jeonghan watches your face as you cum, and he thinks that you’ve never looked more beautiful than you do now, letting yourself fall apart underneath him like this.
“I love you so much,” He says in between his strained grunts of pleasure. “So fucking much, baby.” Even after you had already cum, Jeonghan’s hips never once stopped moving against yours.
“I love you too, Hannie, fuck.” The overstimulation was starting to hit you, and you whimpered because of it.
“I know, baby. I’m almost there.”
His tip is bruising your sweet spot with each of his thrusts, making you squeeze around him impossibly tighter, and the feeling makes him so dizzy, reminding him of the fact that he is truly and utterly yours. “Want me to cum inside you, pretty girl? Use your words and tell me.”
“Yes, yes, please, Hannie! Need your cum inside of me!” Your mouth and body are reacting on their own, saying and doing what they want as you feel yourself cum a second time. He doesn’t hold back anymore, the warm sensation of his cum being fucked deeper and deeper into you overtaking all of your senses, leaving you feeling fuzzy and lightheaded.
Jeonghan’s head rests on your chest, breathing in your scent and listening to the sound of your heart. He’s too lazy and too tired to pull out, but you don’t mind. “Can you be my girlfriend for real now?” Even as you work to catch your breath, he still manages to make you laugh.
“Hm, I don’t know, nobody was around to hear you say that, should we go find you an audience?” You tease, and Jeonghan whines loudly and shakes his head.
“In that case, yes. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
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nevernonline · 18 days
✧.* how to lose the girl; xmh
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synopsis: minghao was feeling tired of shallow relationships. his friends, noticing his frustration, challenge him to pursue a girl and then push her away within ten days. intrigued by the idea, he reluctantly accepts the bet as a fun challenge.
part of my ninety minute movies one shot series. ♡︎
paring/s: afab reader x non-idol hao.
genre/s: humor (sort of lmao), low-key fuckboy hao
warning/s: alcohol consumption, some bad jokes, nothing too bad or seggsy
word count: 10.3k
content: all the vibes of how to lose a guy in ten days but nawt. enjoy xo!
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Day 1 - The Bet
In the lively heart of the city, Minghao, was out flaunting his charming looks and a playful grin, typically on his much too expensive and lavish work lunches which gave him and the rest of his colleges an excuse to pick up a bunch of beautiful women to take home every night, a lot of them falling hard for him no matter how poorly he left them hanging the morning after. But lately, he noticed how he always found himself drowning in a sea of shallow connections, and it was starting to wear on him.
Sensing his distress, his friends hatched an interesting plan to inject some excitement into his love life: they dared him to make a girl fall for him and then push her away in just ten days! “No way in fucking hell could he pull this off, he’ll get bored by day four.” jeered one friend, gleefully rubbing his hands together. With a mix of reluctance and curiosity bubbling inside him, Minghao accepted, eager to see how fast he could make a girl sprint for the exit.
Across town, y/n was navigating her own challenges. She was as her friends described a fierce, independent powerhouse who was on a mission to conquer the advertising world and prove to her office overrun by male colleagues that she meant business. Relationships? She just viewed them for what they were distractions in her quest for success—something she simply couldn’t afford. With her sights set on her career, she was about to discover just how unpredictable life and love could be when the most unexpected challenges came knocking. 
Day 2 - The Meeting
Minghao first spotted Y/n at a coffee shop, her eyes glued to her laptop as she furiously typed, rather loudly should he add. He decided she would be the perfect target. Something about her tight lipped focused face, her hair perfectly slicked into a ponytail, not a hair out of place, something about her felt more like a challenge than a perfect sweep for his bet. 
He approached her with his trademark smile, confident and carefree. “Is this seat taken?” he asked, gesturing toward the empty chair across from her. y/n looked up, a mix of annoyance and intrigue in her gaze. 
“Actually, yes,I don’t care to do my work around a fuck boy flirting with me, my office has enough of those. Have a good day.” she replied bluntly, not ready to be derailed from her work.
Minghao, undeterred by her obvious dismissal, sat down anyway. “I’m Minghao,” he introduced himself. “And I think you owe me a chance to change your mind.”
She raised an eyebrow, still looking down at her computer, typing a bit less loud now, almost as if she was intrigued and didn’t want him to know but the scowl on her face said she was still skeptical. “Oh, really? And how do you plan to do that?”
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned in closer. “Let’s just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” he replied playfully. “But first, you’ll have to let me take you on a perfect first date.”
Y/n almost chuckled at his audacity, but there was an undeniable spark of intrigue in her gaze. Little did she know, mingling with Minghao was about to shake up her life. 
“Fine. If that will get you to leave me alone while I work, I’ll agree.” 
“I’m not leaving here until I get your contact information,” Minghao laughed. 
Rolling her eyes, Y/n dug through her wallet, searching for a business card. “Here,” she said, finally pulling one out and extending it towards him.
But Minghao just held his hand up in a stop-motion gesture, shaking his head. “No, not a business card. I need to know you’ll actually show up, so let me have your personal phone number instead.”
Y/n stared at him, incredulity mixing with a lingering smile. “Oh, so bold. And what makes you think I will?”
“Because,” he leaned closer, his expression earnest now, “I have a feeling that once you get to know me, you won’t want to miss out. Plus, if I leave with a business card, how will I ever convince you to let me take you on that perfect date?”
Her skepticism flickered for a second under the brightness of his confidence, but she still hesitated. “You really think you can convince me?”
“Absolutely,” he replied, his tone teasing yet sincere. “And if I fail, I promise I’ll leave you alone forever. Deal?”
For a moment, Y/n pondered the spontaneity of his request, weighing the pros and cons. Finally, a grin broke free on her lips as she typed her number into his phone, the anticipation of the unknown sparking excitement within her. “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said, handing back the phone with a hint of warning in her tone.
Minghao's eyes lit up with genuine delight as he saved her contact. “You won’t regret this,” he promised, his voice softening a touch.
As he returned the phone to her, Y/n couldn’t help but feel a flutter of uncertainty mixed with exhilaration. Perhaps there was something to this spontaneous gamble after all. Little did they know, that simple decision would pave the way for an unforgettable connection and adventures neither had anticipated.
Day 3 - The Chase
Over the days that followed, Minghao played his part, showering her with attention that ranged from over-the-top romantic gestures to quirky surprises. He brought her favorite pastries to the office, sent her memes that made her laugh, and even bombarded her with cheesy pick-up lines. Each time, Y/n found herself torn between annoyance and amusement.
At first, she had tried to brush him off, responding to his texts with one-word replies or simply ignoring his more audacious attempts to brighten her day. However, Minghao persisted, his cheerful determination almost unwavering. One afternoon, she returned from a long meeting to find her desk decorated with colorful sticky notes adorned with doodles and handwritten compliments. “You’re the best part of my day,” one note claimed, and despite her initial irritation, a small smile tugged at her lips.
Minghao was relentless, his charm starting to break down her walls. She had to admit there was something about him—he was refreshingly carefree, unlike the uptight guys she usually dated. While others might have tried to impress her with their accomplishments or flashy gifts, Minghao found ways to make her laugh, embracing a lightheartedness that was both refreshing and frightening. But Y/n was determined to keep him at arm's length; she had a career to focus on.
Still, the more time they spent chatting, the more she found herself looking forward to his texts. Each meme and quirky voice note felt less like an intrusion and more like a highlight of her day. One evening, after a particularly grueling week, she found herself daydreaming about a potential picnic under the stars, something Minghao had suggested a few days prior.
“No, no,” she chastised herself, shaking her head as she turned her attention to her laptop. “Stay focused.” 
Yet, every time she tried to immerse herself in her work, her mind would inevitably wander back to him. The way he laughed, the warmth in his gaze, even the way he playfully challenged her every now and then—there was an undeniable pull that made it hard to ignore him.
On a particularly busy Friday, while sipping her coffee and reviewing a presentation, she felt her phone vibrate on the desk. A message appeared: “Hey, just thought you might want to know that your favorite pastry is waiting at the corner café. No obligations. Just a little pick-me-up to start your weekend. 😊”
Y/n's heart softened, a flutter of appreciation sweeping through her. “Okay, this is getting ridiculous,” she muttered to herself, trying to suppress the smile creeping onto her face. Maybe she could allow herself a moment of distraction.
She quickly glanced at the time and the empty office around her, nobody here really worked on the weekends aside from herself so she decided to take a break just this once. With a random jolt of excitement, she stood up, brushed aside her work-related thoughts, and headed to the café. She spotted him sitting comfortably at a small table, a bright smile illuminating his face. Before she could even say a word, he raised a pastry in greeting, “I didn’t know if you liked it warm or cold, so I got one of each, just to be safe!”
Her laughter bubbled out despite herself. “You really didn’t have to do this.”
“But I did, you mentioned to me the other day you never have fun on the weekends anymore because you're busy working, ” Minghao countered, setting the pastries down and leaning back in his chair. “Life's too short not to indulge in the little things. Besides, you're worth it.”
His words stirred something in her, something she had kept buried under layers of practicality. A mix of anxiety and excitement danced in her chest as they shared bits of pastry and stories, laughter weaving between them effortlessly. And for the first time in what felt like ages, Y/n considered that perhaps life wasn’t just about hard work and career goals—it could also be about spontaneous moments and unexpected connections.
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the café, Y/n let herself enjoy the moment, her defenses slowly crumbling, piece by piece. “Want to go for a drink? Unless you have plans or something?” 
“You’re asking me out? Wow, Y/n, I’m pleasantly surprised. I’d actually enjoy that. Big boss lady is paying, right?” Minghao pressed, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.
Y/n rolled her eyes, but a laugh escaped her lips. “Very funny. I should have known you’d want to make this about money,” she teased, her heart racing slightly at the thought of stepping into the realm of casual dating.
“I’m kidding. But you know I’d never let you cover the whole tab, right?” he replied, his voice playful yet sincere. “How about we split it? One thing I’ve learned is that relationships, friendships or otherwise, are all about balance.” 
“That sounds fair but please let me get it actually I feel a little bad about you always paying anyway. Plus, I asked you. That's how it works right?,” she agreed, her spirit lifted by his lightheartedness. “Where do you want to go?” 
“I know this cozy little bar just around the corner. They have some cool drinks and the vibes are good,” he suggested, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Plus, I’ve heard they serve a mean nacho platter.”
“Nachos and drinks sound perfect. Wow- I hate that I actually got excited by a fucking macho platter, but okay.” she replied, feeling a surge of excitement and momentary embarrassment over some fucking chips with cheese. She was surprised at how nervous yet invigorated she felt. 
As they walked to the bar, the warm evening air enveloped them like a casual embrace. With every step beside him, Y/n felt the weight of her daily grind lift. “So, what’s your go-to cocktail?” she asked, surprisingly eager to keep the chatter flowing.
“I’d say I’m a classic and simple beer or wine dude, but I’m always game for something a bit off the beaten path. You?” 
“Dirty martini,” she answered, a proud smile crossing her face. “Simple but sophisticated.” 
“Ah, the big boss lady indeed. But the real question is gin or vodka?” He winked, and for a moment, she felt herself blush, something she hadn’t experienced in ages. 
“Vodka, but shut you fucking mouth and don’t tell any martini enthusiasts. Extra dry, extra dirty.” 
“Not extra wet and extra dirty?” 
Y/n nearly choked on her own spit, watching his face crinkle into a big smile before they erupted into laughter. 
They snagged a small table tucked away in a corner, perfect for engaging in their own little world. 
After placing their orders, conversations flowed as smoothly as the drinks. Minghao effortlessly switched between sharing amusing anecdotes about his life and asking Y/n about hers, genuinely interested in her career aspirations and what fueled her passions. With every laugh they exchanged and each shared story, Y/n found herself relaxing more, drawn into his effortless charm. 
“Alright, I need the truth,” Minghao said, leaning in as if about to share a juicy secret. “What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?” 
Y/n took a moment, contemplating her answer before finally admitting, “Reality TV. It’s a little bit shameful, I know, but there’s something about the drama that I can’t resist.” 
Minghao laughed heartily, the sound filling her with warmth. “No shame in that. I actually can’t lie and say I don’t enjoy watching Love Island. I’m more of a cooking show fan, to be honest. Nothing quite like watching people fail spectacularly while I sit there eating takeout as if I can cook this shit myself.”
“Okay, we’re definitely going to have a night where I introduce you to some of the best reality stars of all time, where you will sit and not fucking complain. And since I can cook, I will go hell's kitchen style on the stove. ” she declared, a playful challenge glimmering in her eyes. 
“Hey, look I’m game, but only if you let me judge your cooking like I’m the god himself Ramsay.” he exclaimed, his excitement unmistakable. “Just let me know when. I’ll bring the snacks and the commentary.”
As the evening progressed, they shared stories about childhood memories, dreams, and the quirks that made them who they were. With each revelation, Y/n felt a deeper connection forming, an understanding that perhaps taking a little time away from work wouldn’t derail her ambitions after all. 
Maybe it was time to let a little chaos in, she thought, as their conversation twisted and turned down unexpected paths, igniting sparks of joy she hadn’t anticipated, making her question everything she thought she knew about herself and about love.
Minghao got the vibe that his little plan for making Y/n fall for him could potentially end up with him feeling the same way, but not yet. He pushed that feeling deep down inside his gut, almost like he could hide it from everyone, including himself. His heart raced with excitement, but mingled with a twinge of anxiety. He didn’t want to rush things or scare her off with his burgeoning feelings. Just because she was opening up didn’t mean she was ready for more, and he wanted to tread carefully even if it was just to fuck around for a bet with his friends. 
“So, Y/n, since you’re not working tomorrow, want to come hang out at my place for a bit? Have a nightcap? Maybe watch a movie or something?” Minghao questioned, his voice casual, but the flicker of anticipation in his eyes betrayed him.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, the prospect of going to his place stirring a mix of excitement and nerves within her. She knew this was a step beyond their playful banter, a leap into a territory where she would need to confront what she was feeling. But the words “why not?” danced on the tip of her tongue. 
“Sure, I’d love that,” she replied, a hint of eagerness surprising even herself. “But fair warning, if we’re watching a movie, it has to be a good one. Nothing corny please.”
“Oh come on, you seem like you’d love a good rom-com, I can tell.” Minghao laughed, and she found herself laughing along, the playful banter feeling natural and comforting.
As they bickered back and forth about their movie preferences, Y/n felt a flutter of excitement at the thought of spending more time with him. Maybe this was the chaos she needed in her life—this lighthearted connection that sparked something new and exhilarating.
“I know just the film to break your resistance,” Minghao declared, raising an eyebrow mischievously. “Prepare yourself for a classic, then. I think you’ll love it, it’s one of my favorites.” 
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it. But if it’s as terrible as I imagine, you owe me.” Y/n countered playfully, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. 
“Deal.” he shot back with a cheeky grin, and the two clinked their glasses together in agreement, the camaraderie between them solidifying.
As they finished their drinks and shared a few more laughs, Y/n couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was just the beginning—like an entrance into a world she had pushed away for too long, forever maybe.. And Minghao, with his undeniable charm and knack for fun, was animating a side of her she had almost forgotten existed.
After wrapping up the evening at the bar, they stepped back into the cool night air. The streets were softly illuminated, the stars twinkling overhead, creating an atmosphere that was very special. As they walked side by side toward Minghao's apartment, the distance felt comfortable, but somehow charged with an undercurrent of anticipation.
“Y/n,” Minghao said, breaking the gentle silence, “I know we’ve only just started hanging out, but I just want to make sure you feel okay about this. I mean, about coming over.” He glanced at her, his expression earnest. “No pressure at all—I just genuinely enjoy your company.I’m not trying to be a player or whatever you assumed I was when we first met.”
His sincerity made her heart flutter. “I’m glad you said that, but it was fuck boy and you maybe have proved yourself beyond that title. I enjoy this too, and I think it’ll be fun to hang out more and get to know you. Just…uh, promise you wont judge me too harshly if I end up hogging the blanket during the movie or talking with popcorn in my mouth or something.” 
“Fair warning accepted,” he replied, a teasing gleam in his eye. “I might have to initiate a blanket-sharing strategy, I think we can make it work.” 
They both laughed, the playful energy crackling between them as they approached his building. Maybe she could allow herself to embrace this unexpected chaos, to explore a connection without overthinking it for once. And who knows? Perhaps Minghao wouldn’t just be a passing ship but a delightful step into a new chapter of her life. 
As they stepped into his cozy apartment, Y/n tucked that thought away for later, intent on simply enjoying the moment—and the thrill of where it might lead them.
Minghao took her coat off her shoulders, hanging it on the small black hooks by his front door. Sliding his own off gently placing them side by side. Instructing her where to place her shoes and bag on the marble entry table donning photos of his friends and family. 
“Your apartment is really cute, I can tell you like living here. It has a warm feel to it.” 
“Yeah, I do,” Minghao smiled taking in a whiff of his tobacco scented room spray, and grabbing y/n’s hand to lead her into his living room, taking a brief stop at his bar cart and grabbing a bottle of wine, while handing her two glasses to carry in her empty hand. 
The aroma of the wine filled the space as he poured their glasses, the deep crimson liquid swirling beautifully.
Minghao grinned, taking a sip of his own before handing one of the glasses over to her. Their fingers brushed for a moment, sending a spark of electricity that made her smile shyly. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll grab the remote.”
Y/n settled onto the couch, sinking into the overly plush cushions. She took a moment to look around, noting the way the soft lighting cast a warm glow over the walls adorned with art—pieces that seemed to reflect Minghao’s adventurous spirit, each one telling a story.
When he returned, remote in hand, he plopped down beside her, his warmth radiating through her as he casually leaned back, scrolling through his streaming options. “Alright, let’s see what we have here. Brace yourself for my fucking unmatched taste in cinema,” he teased, glancing at her with a twinkle in his eye.
“Give me all that you got, I’m ready,” she replied with playful confidence, leaning into the moment.
With a few flicks of the remote, they settled on a classic action-comedy. The opening credits rolled as they adjusted their seats, finding a naturally comfortable closeness. The shared space between them began to feel charged with anticipation. 
As the film began, they laughed together at the antics on screen, occasionally glancing at each other, enjoying the laughter as a bridge between their hearts. Every shared chuckle seemed to layer on the connection that was forming, an unspoken understanding lacing the air around them.
“Minghao, I, uh have got to admit, this isn’t what I expected tonight,” Y/n said during a quiet moment, her eyes sparkling. “But I’m really glad it worked out and that I met you.”
“Yeah? Really? Me too,” he replied, his gaze softening as he turned to her. “I’ve wanted to hang out like this for a while. I wasn’t sure if you’d feel the same, but I’m glad we did. I’m glad I forced you to give me your phone number that day.” 
Y/n felt a warmth spread through her chest at his honesty. She had been guarded for so long, and here was Minghao, effortlessly peeling away at her layers with every shared moment.
As the movie progressed, he reached for the popcorn bowl perched on the coffee table, offering it to her. Their fingers brushed again, igniting an electric thrill that danced between them. The film faded into the background as Y/n found herself getting lost in the depths of his gaze.
“Okay, I’ll admit,” she began, leaning in slightly, “your blanket-sharing strategy may be your ultimate plan to seduce me. I see you.”
Minghao chuckled, taking her playful jab in stride. “Guilty as charged. What can I say? Who could resist a cozy blanket and beautiful company?” He pulled the soft throw from behind the couch, draping it over their laps.
As he settled back beside her, their shoulders nudged together under the blanket, his hand wrapped around her thigh and Y/n felt her heart race. There was an undeniable chemistry in the air, palpable like the fragrance of the wine swirling around them. 
Without thinking too much about it, she rested her head on his shoulder, throwing her hair back to reveal her neck—not as a move, just a way to make herself more comfortable. As she leaned in, she caught the subtle scent of Minghao’s cologne, warm and inviting, and felt the gentle rise and fall of his shoulder beneath her cheek. It was a small gesture, yet it felt so natural, almost like an instinctive draw to his warmth.
Minghao looked down at her with a side eye, surprised at how effortlessly they had crossed this invisible line. He couldn’t help but notice how soft her skin looked under the low light and the way her eyes widened with joy as she laughed at the antics on the screen. Her laughter was contagious, reverberating through him and making his heart race a little faster, a little louder in the calm of the room.
Suddenly, Minghao felt an unfamiliar pang of anxiety creep into his chest. The bet had seemed innocent—a way to explore the chemistry simmering between them—but now it felt like a threaded line tugging at him in different directions. Maybe the bet was a bad idea after all, because now he felt himself falling for someone without knowing what could come next, just like that. It was as if he had opened a door to an inevitable chaos while still trying to remain in control.
Yet every time she shifted slightly against him, every laugh that slipped from her lips, deepened the connection he felt. He had initially thought he’d be the one charming her, the one doing the chasing, but here they were, and Y/n’s mere presence had knocked him off his feet. It startled him, this flicker of vulnerability—that maybe he wasn’t just playing a game; he was investing real emotions.
“You okay?” Y/n murmured, tilting her head up to meet his gaze, her brow slightly furrowed as she noticed the contemplative look on his face.
He quickly masked his thoughts with an easygoing smile. “Yeah, just caught up in the movie,” he replied, trying to divert her attention. “The action scenes are really intense, right?”
Though she seemed to accept his diversion with a playful nod, he could see the hint of curiosity lingering in her eyes, a flash that told him she sensed something in the air between them. A moment of silence stretched between them like a tightly pulled string, neither of them willing to break it. Instead, they allowed the movie to fill the space, as he leaned down and planted a soft kiss against her lips. Something subtle and quick that was just perfect for the moment and wouldn’t derail the nice night they were sharing, he wasn’t ready for that yet. 
As the film progressed, Y/n shifted again, curling her body towards him slightly as a particularly funny scene played out, her laughter bubbling forth. It was that unfiltered joy he found intoxicating—a refreshing reminder that life could be this light, this fun, and maybe even a little crazy.
Day 4 - The Competition
During a group outing with friends, Minghao decided to reveal the second phase of his plan: he started being annoyingly competitive. “Let’s have a game night.” he declared, his voice ringing with enthusiasm as he rallied everyone around him. "I challenge you all to a series of ridiculous contests, from karaoke battles to board games. Losers buy the drinks." There was a mixture of excitement and groans from the group, but Minghao was unfazed. He thrived in this atmosphere, eager to galvanize Y/n into joining him in the chaos.
Y/n, who he knew hated losing, found herself reluctantly swept up in the energy of the night. A glimmer of excitement sparked in her eyes, even as she partnered with Minghao, who pretended to be completely uninterested in the competition. She could see the mischievous glint behind his facade, his playfulness luring her in.
As they tackled their first karaoke challenge, Minghao grabbed the microphone. He belted out an off-key rendition of her favorite song, doing little to hide his comedic flair. “You're fucking terrible at this.” Y/n teased him, trying to contain the laughter that bubbled up at the sight of his unfiltered enthusiasm.
“Maybe I’m just trying to get you to help me improve,” Minghao shot back, his smile never wavering. He pointed the microphone at her cheekily, inviting her to join in. The playful energy between them was palpable, the laughter of their friends helped her gain confidence.
Y/n rolled her eyes but couldn’t quell the smile creeping onto her lips. “You know I fucking suck at singing, right?” she joked, hopping up on stage beside him. In a moment of spontaneity, she grabbed the microphone and took the lead, pouring her heart into the next part of the song, using her off-key notes as a comedic backdrop. Her confidence radiated, and soon the others joined in, clapping and singing along.
The laughter and energy of the room felt electric, and for a moment, the competition melted away, leaving only joy. The night continued with a series of board games and ridiculous challenges, each one causing Minghao to lean in closer to Y/n as they plotted ways to win. 
 “What’s your game plan?” he whispered to her, though the intensity of his smile hinted he was thoroughly enjoying the game itself more than he let on. The way his eyes sparkled made her heart race a little, stirring a thrill she hadn’t anticipated and in that moment all she wanted to do was wipe the smirk off his face with her lips.
“Honestly? I think our only plan is to distract the other teams with our charm,” Y/n replied, gesturing theatrically. “We’re clearly the most entertaining, so I kind of like it. It's a sweep.”
Minghao laughed, and the sound resonated in her chest. “Perfect strategy.” He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against hers as they whispered strategies into the fray of friendly competition raging around them.
As the night wore on, the playful banter and friendly sabotage culminated in a final showdown—an impromptu trivia contest that had everyone shouting questions at one another. “This one’s a gimme. Come on.” Minghao said, grinning ear to ear as he looked at Y/n. “I’ll let you take this one.”
She raised an eyebrow, half-surprised by his sudden willingness to let her answer. “Uh-huh, so this is your secret strategy—make me do all the work?” she said, nudging him playfully.
“Only the smart person's work,” Minghao shot back, laughter dancing in his voice as he leaned into her side. “And besides, I can’t afford another karaoke performance like that—I’m salvaging my reputation here.”
She smirked, appreciating the electric vibe still lingering in the air. “Fine, but you better promise to make up for it after this.”
Their competitive banter continued as the final questions rolled in. Y/n felt surprisingly exhilarated, and she realized that within the madness of the game night—amidst the silly antics and the thrill of competition—something deeper was taking root in her heart. Minghao, in all his competitive glory, was not just a friend; he was somebody who brought out a side in her she hadn’t even known existed.
Day 5 - The Realization
As time progressed, y/n found herself letting her guard down, enjoying Minghao’s company more than she intended. They shared late-night conversations, honest stories of their pasts, and hilarious anecdotes that made her laugh until she cried. But just as quickly as those feelings bloomed, fear crept in. Could she afford to get attached?
Both of them shied away from being honest with their feelings as a matter of protection from their pain in the past. 
Minghao especially realized how complicated the situation was. Could he really move forward with her without telling her the truth of why he asked her out in the first place? However, if he tells her the truth, he could lose her altogether. Each day that he hesitated felt like a weight pressing down on his chest, an unspoken tension hanging between them like the heavy clouds before a storm.
He recalled the tender moments they shared—the laughter, the stolen glances, the way her smile lit him up even when he felt like the weight of the world was on him. But lurking beneath those cherished memories was a foundation built on secrets and half-truths. He grappled with the fear that if he revealed the underlying reason for his affection, she might see him as just another guy in her life trying to throw her off her path, rather than someone who genuinely cared.
The truth was like a double-edged sword; it could liberate him or shatter the fragile bond they had formed. In those quiet moments, he could feel his heart wrestling with his mind—one part needing authenticity, while another begged for the safety of keeping his own secret. Was there a path that could lead them both to what they wanted rather than hurting them both?
He knew that eventually, he would have to choose a direction, but every path was filled with uncertainty. Perhaps, for now, he would focus on the little things—the warmth of her hand in his, the gentle way they navigated tough conversations. Yet, deep inside, he wondered how long they could remain strangers to their own truths. The clock was ticking, and each moment felt like an opportunity slipping away. 
Day 6 - The Plan Backfires
In an effort to push Y/n away to avoid hurting her, Minghao started purposely sending mixed signals. He ignored her texts, acted uninterested in their plans, and even pretended to be busy whenever she attempted to schedule time together. But to his surprise, Y/n didn’t waver. She matched his energy with playful banter and unwavering support, showing up outside his office with his favorite coffee just when he needed it—the same way he had done for her.
Each time she appeared, a smile lighting up her face, it reminded him of how deeply she understood him, and he knew his plan was backfiring. She took his teasing in stride, firing back with witty comebacks that reminded him of the vibrant connection they shared. He felt the walls he was trying to build between them start to crumble, intrigued and frustrated by the strength of her positive attitude. 
Why was he pushing her away when all she seemed to want was him? He could see the concern behind her laughter, the way her brow furrowed slightly when she caught him lost in thought, and it tore at his heart. Was this really the right way to protect her, or was he simply running from something that could be good for both of them?
On one particularly tough day, as he stared out the window, he caught a glimpse of her leaning against the wall, coffee in hand, waiting for him to take a moment to breathe. The sunlight caught her hair, giving her a glow that made her look like an angel in real life, and his chest tightened. She wasn't the kind of person to give up easily, and maybe that’s something he was drawn to. 
Instead of the irritation he anticipated feeling, Minghao began to appreciate her staying power. In that moment, he felt both grateful and terrified—grateful that she cared enough to stick around, and terrified that the longer he held back, the more he risked losing a part of himself he had forgotten even existed.
With each passing day, the facade he’d constructed started to feel less like protection and more like a prison. He saw how much she believed in him, not just as a friend, but as someone capable of finding happiness again. But as the walls crumbled beneath her unwavering kindness, he grappled with the realization that if he didn’t confront the truth soon, he might not just push her away, he might just lose her. Minghao knew he would have to decide soon to continue the charade or to find the courage to let her in. 
Day 7 - The Confession
One night, while they were taking a walk, the air was heavy with tension, and Minghao couldn’t take it anymore. “Why do you keep coming back? I’m clearly trying to push you away,” he blurted out, the words spilling out in a rush, tinged with frustration and desperation.
Y/n stopped, turning to face him, her expression suddenly serious for once. “Because, Minghao, I see something in you. I didn’t set out to fall for you, but I can’t help it. You starting to pull away is confusing me. What changed overnight that you can barely even look at me anymore?” Her tone was both challenging and vulnerable, a blend that cut through the discomfort hanging between them.
“It’s because—” Minghao swallowed hard, his heart racing as he looked into her eyes, feeling the weight of the truth pressing against his chest. He focused on her furrowed expression, “This was a bet, and I—”
“A bet?” Y/n’s voice rose, sharp almost like a knife diving into his chest. The surprised look on her face shifted rapidly from confusion to hurt, and it churned something deep within him. He was struck again by the disbelief in her eyes.
The silence between them was thick and suffocating. Minghao took a breath, searching for the right words, but they were lost on him. “I didn’t mean for it to happen this way,” he pressed on, his voice softer now. “We started out as a joke—something to distract myself. It was my friend's idea that I foolishly agreed to. And then… then you became real to me.” He paused, trying to convey the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him.
Y/n crossed her arms, visibly hurt, but her gaze didn't waver. “You mean to tell me that all this time, all those moments we had—that they were just part of some fucking game with your buddies?” Her voice trembled slightly.
“No. It may have started that way, but it turned into something much deeper,” he pleaded, desperate to convey his truth. “I didn’t plan to fall for you. I didn’t plan on feeling this way at all. But once I did, I didn’t know how to handle it. I thought pushing you away would protect you from the truth.”
Y/n shook her head, her expression a blend of frustration and heartbreak. “You think pushing me away protects me? Minghao, it only pushes me into uncertainty. If you had just told me from the start, I could have chosen to stay or walk away. But now, you’ve  just made everything ten times fucking worse.” 
Feeling increasingly guilty he stepped closer, trying to bridge the distance he had created. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I should have been honest with you. I never wanted to hurt you. The fear of losing you, it…” he trailed off, unsure how to articulate his feelings.
Y/n took a deep breath, her demeanor softening just a fraction. “You need to make a choice, Minghao. Either let me in, all the way, or please let me go. I.. uh, can’t handle this right now. I’ll try to give you a call in a few days or maybe see you around.”
The weight of her words settled heavily in the air, and Minghao realized that it was time to confront not only the truth of their beginning but also the reality of what was blossoming between them. He had been running from the idea of vulnerability for so long, but now faced with Y/n’s determination, he found just enough strength within himself to start breaking down the walls he had built. As he watched her walk away from him not turning back around like he wished she would have, for once, Minghao felt the stirrings of hope amidst his fear.
Day 8 - A Challenge
With Minghao’s words hanging in the air, Y/n found herself re-evaluating her feelings. She had initially wanted to leave him there on the street as a part of her past, but the connection they shared was stronger than she had anticipated. Maybe, just maybe, she didn’t want it to end after all, but she wasn’t willing to let him get away with tricking her so easily.
She decided on her own plan—something to throw him off his game truly in her own style just to get back at him, but only all in good fun. It was time to show Minghao that she wasn’t someone to be underestimated.
Y/n had gotten in contact with one of Minghao's friends, a guy named Jisoo whom she had met during their karaoke competition. After a quick chat filled with enthusiasm and laughter, she proposed the idea of entering a “Battle of the Bands”-style karaoke show hosted by her workplace for charity. Jisoo was immediately on board and even rallied a few more of their friends to join in. But Y/n made one thing clear: they absolutely couldn’t let Minghao in on the secret. This was her chance to catch him off guard.
In the following weeks, his friends practiced relentlessly. Y/n wasn't just aiming to win at work; she wanted to create an unforgettable evening, one that would leave Minghao in pure shock. They practiced their songs, and even designed matching outfits for the event—a whimsically themed performance that would be impossible to forget.
Finally, the night of the charity show arrived. The venue was filled with colorful lights and the buzz of excitement as coworkers and friends gathered, taking their seats for what promised to be a lively night. Y/n donned a not necessarily work appropriate dress that reflected the playful spirit of her prank and maybe to catch someone's eyes.  She could already see Minghao mingling with some of his friends, his laughter filling the air, and she felt a mixture of nerves and anticipation flutter in her stomach.
As the show kicked off, the energy in the room was contagious. The first few acts were entertaining, but Y/n could barely focus. She was waiting for her moment to take the stage and introduce Minghao and the others who were waiting to humiliate their friend gathered backstage, the excitement was palpable. They could hear Minghao in the crowd, cheering loudly for the groups, and Y/n smiled to herself, knowing what was coming next.
When it was their turn to perform, Y/n’s heart raced. She walked onto the stage, focusing on the bright lights and the sea of faces staring back at her. She could spot Minghao in the crowd before she introduced him, watching his slightly puzzled but amused look on his face as he recognized members of his circle.
“How’s everyone doing tonight?” Y/n shouted into the microphone, and the crowd erupted in cheers, clinking their glasses and waving them in the air as the spotlight warmed her skin. 
“I have a special surprise for you all this evening!” The anticipation in the room built up in waves as she paused for effect. “You won’t believe what I’ve been up to. If you haven’t already heard, I recently met someone!” 
The crowd roared in excitement, whoops and claps echoing around the venue. 
“Shocking, right? You might have seen him around the office. Can we get a spotlight on him?” 
The beam of light swept through the crowd until it landed on Minghao, who looked around, momentarily startled. 
“Everyone, meet Minghao!” Y/n continued, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “We actually met at the coffee shop below the office. I was drowning in my mid-week project when he approached my table and asked me out on a date. I’ll admit, I was pretty hesitant at first. But he worked his charm on me.” 
She smiled warmly, letting reminiscence wash over her. “We ended up going out a few times after that, but just a few nights ago, he let me in on a little secret—it was all a bet set up by these guys right here!” 
Y/n dramatically pointed behind her at a group of men clad in glittery outfits, their faces a mix of embarrassment and amusement as they realized they’d been called out. Laughter erupted once again, and Minghao could only shake his head, a smirk on his lips as the crowd carried on, fully entertained by the unfolding story.
The laughter from the crowd soared, and Y/n could see Minghao’s face shifting from amusement to slight embarrassment when a man behind him yelled up to the stage. “A bet? Seriously?” he called out.
“Yes. You heard that right.” Y/n responded, leaning into the microphone as she theatrically rolled her eyes, embracing the absurdity of it all. “Turns out, my romantic escapades were all part of some grand scheme these guys made up.” 
The men behind her chuckled sheepishly, with one of them, a tall guy with a dazzling smile, shouting playfully, “In our defense, we thought it was a great idea. Including Minghao.”
“Oh, it definitely was,” Y/n replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Thanks for the great dates,you guys. I had no idea I was part of a reality show, I watch them enough you’d think I’d catch on.” She paused for comedic effect, letting the laughter settle before leaning closer to the audience, her tone more serious. “You know, honestly, Minghao surprised me in ways I never expected.”
She glanced over at Minghao, whose cheeks were slightly flushed under the spotlight but wore a sincere smile. “I was a bit hesitant at first, sure. But then we really connected. And who would have guessed that the guy who interrupted my focused day with a charming smile would become someone so special?”
Cheers erupted from the crowd again, and Y/n took a deep breath, enticing them with what was coming next. 
“And, since we’re being honest here,” she continued, teasingly leaning into her role as the narrator of this unfolding tale, “I feel like we need to make Minghao work just a little for his redemption. No?” The audience murmured in excitement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve arranged a little surprise for him tonight,” Y/n said, gesturing to the side of the stage. “Minghao, my friend, you've got just one more challenge ahead of you.”
Out of nowhere, a karaoke microphone was handed to Minghao from his left side and the crowd erupted into cheers and laughter again. Minghao held it awkwardly, glancing at Y/n with a mix of uncertainty and delight. 
“What am I supposed to do with this?” he asked, genuinely confused but slightly intrigued. 
“You’re going to sing! Duh. Don’t be dumb,” Y/n declared, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. “The audience deserves to see what they’re in for. Plus, it’s only fair after that little trick you pulled. You’re going to serenade us all.” 
Minghao let out a laugh, his initial shock transforming into acceptance. The crowd erupted once again, chanting, “Minghao! Minghao!” 
Feeling the energy in the room, Minghao stepped forward, climbing up the stairs with a new light in his eyes. “Alright then, I guess I have no choice but to give the audience what they want!” He took a deep breath and gazed at Y/n one last time before launching into a fun, upbeat song that brought everyone to their feet.
As he sang, Y/n couldn’t help but feel a rush of  affection. Despite the insane circumstances that brought them together, there was something genuine unfolding between them, amplified by the shared laughter and excitement of the evening. 
With each note, Minghao seemed to shed any lingering nerves, pouring his heart out into the music. The audience was enthralled, dancing and singing along, swept up in the joy of the moment. Y/n found herself cheering louder than anyone else, her laughter mingling with his infectious energy.
And maybe, just maybe, she thought as she watched him shine on stage, this night was the perfect reminder that sometimes the best stories come from the unexpected. It wasn’t just about the twists and turns of their initial meeting; it was about the connections forged when they embraced things together. As Minghao finished with a flourish, the crowd erupted into applause, and Y/n couldn't help but wonder how many more surprises awaited them on this journey.
Day 9 - A Change of Heart
Determined to make a last-ditch effort to win her back, Minghao doubled down on his resolve. He sent her a series of texts brimming with encouragement, recounting the fun they’d had the night before. “I never imagined I’d be up on stage like that, but it was totally worth it,” he wrote, his fingers flying across the screen. “You have this incredible way of bringing out the best and most ridiculous in people. I genuinely had a good time, especially seeing those fuckers in glitter pants.” 
He poured his heart into his messages, sharing how her laughter had ignited a spark within him, and how getting to know her was quickly becoming the highlight of his life. “You made me feel brave, even while I was totally making a fool of myself,” he typed with a grin, imagining her laughter echoing in his ears. “And honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing about it. You’re amazing, Y/n.”
As the hours passed without a response, doubts started to creep into his mind. Had he gone too far with the whole bet thing? Would she take his lighthearted texts as desperation? But he couldn’t shake the feeling of knowing there was something real between them.. So, he gathered his courage and decided to call. 
When Y/n picked up the phone, her voice sounded bright but cautious. “Hey, Minghao. What’s up?”
“Y/n, Hi I don’t know if you saw my texts, you’re probably busy, but I just wanted to check in after last night,” he replied, his heart racing. “I hope you’re still not too mad at me for the bet thing. I promise I didn’t mean for it to be a setup. I actually really enjoyed being with you."
There was a momentary silence, and he held his breath, waiting for her response. “I’m not mad,” she finally said, her tone softening. “I thought it was an interesting twist, honestly. You had me laughing for hours after I got over it a little bit and after talking to your friends. But I just… didn’t want to feel like I was part of some game.”
“I totally understand,” he said quickly, wanting to assure her. “I’m really sorry for how it started. But I want you to know that my feelings for you are genuine. I liked who I was with you last night and every night really , and I want to get to know you better—like, for real, not as a bet.” 
Y/n paused again, and he could almost hear her contemplating his words. “You mean that?” 
“Absolutely,” Minghao responded, feeling more confident. “I know we started under unusual circumstances, but every moment I’ve spent with you has felt real. You bring out a side of me I didn’t really know I had, and I really love who I am when I’m with you. So, what do you say? Can we start over?” 
He could hear her take a deep breath from the other end, and his heart raced in anticipation. “Okay, let’s do that,” she finally said, her voice brightening. “But let’s be clear the only bets this time will be on actual games, not people's feelings”
Minghao laughed, relief washing over him. “Deal. Just me trying to impress you from now on.” 
“You already have, that was your promise from the start and you followed through.”
As they chatted and made plans for their next outing—a casual coffee date, just like they first met no strings attached—Minghao felt a renewed sense of hope. He was determined to show her that he was sincere, that the bet was just a silly beginning to what he hoped would be a beautiful journey together.
After they hung up, Minghao couldn’t help but smile to himself. It wasn’t just about winning her back; it was about starting anew, embracing the possibility of a real thing. And as excitement bubbled in his chest, he began to plan how he could make their next date unforgettable. After all, if Y/n could turn a wild bet into a night filled with laughter, he was ready to dive in and see where this newfound adventure would take them both.
Day 10 - The Second First Date.
As the days crept closer to their date, Minghao found himself overrun with excitement and nerves. He wanted everything to be perfect. Standing in front of his closet, he debated over his wardrobe, tossing shirts onto the bed haphazardly. He could feel the pressure mounting the stakes felt higher this time—not just because he was going to see Y/n again, but because he wanted her to see him as more than just that guy than a guy who bet on her feelings.
Eventually, he settled on a casual but stylish outfit, one that he felt confident in. Being genuine was the goal, after all, and he didn’t want to put on a facade. Just before he headed out the door, he glanced in the mirror, giving himself a final pep talk. “You’ve got this. Just be yourself.”
At the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the chatter of customers. Minghao arrived early, pacing a bit with anticipation. He chose the same cozy corner table her first noticed her at, where they’d have some privacy but still be part of the lively atmosphere. 
When Y/n walked in, his heart skipped a beat. She looked effortlessly beautiful, her hair cascading over her shoulders and a warm smile lighting up her face. She spotted him, her eyes sparkling with familiarity, and his nervousness began to fade away as she approached.
“Hi, nice to meet you, you’re Minghao right?” she greeted, her voice filled with warmth.
“Hey, yeah. I’m glad you made it,” Minghao replied, standing to greet her. They exchanged a brief hug, and it felt surprisingly comfortable.
As they settled into their seats with steaming cups of coffee in hand, the conversation flowed naturally, as if they’d never left off. They chatted about everything their favorite shows, upcoming plans, and the ridiculous things they’d seen online lately. Laughter punctuated their discussion, the kind that made the world around them feel distant.
At one point, Y/n playfully leaned back in her chair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “So, tell me—what’s your strategy for impressing me today? More dance moves? Karaoke?”
Minghao laughed, feeling lighter than he had in days. “Let’s save the dancing for another time. I’m still trying to recover from the last performance,” he said with a smirk. “But I promise I have a few tricks up my sleeve—nothing too embarrassing.”
“Just promise me no more betting, I’m out of chips for now.” she said, stern but unable to hide her smile.
“Cross my heart,” he promised dramatically, placing a hand over his chest. “From here on out, it’s just me and you having honest and genuine fun.”
Their coffees had transformed into connection, a beautiful blend of camaraderie and flirtation. As they moved towards dessert, Minghao felt a spark growing between them. 
With a playful glint in his eye, he decided to take a leap. “So, if we’re doing this—like, seeing where it goes, how about I take you on a mini-adventure next time? Something a little less…traditional?” 
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “And what exactly does that entail? You are not talking about hiking, or something like that right? I would kill you.” 
“A  little scavenger hunt around the city?” he suggested, warming to the idea. “We could visit all the spots we love, and maybe even some new places. Get ice cream, take pictures, and just enjoy the day.”
Her face lit up with enthusiasm. “That sounds amazing. I love it.”
Seeing her excitement filled him with joy; this felt right. With their coffee date unfolding so smoothly, he was beginning to understand that this was not just about rekindling a spark but about building something new. 
As they wrapped up, Minghao walked her to her car, and the atmosphere felt electric. Before saying goodbye, he couldn’t resist leaning in slightly. “If I promise to make each outing better than the last, will you promise to keep coming back?”
Y/n looked at him, her expression softening. “I think I can manage that, if you also kiss me” she replied, her smile brightening the evening.
With a renewed sense of hope, Minghao pulled her in from her waist kissing her multiple times before backing up slightly and letting her get into the driver's seat, she rolled down the window and wagged her finger at him for one more kiss, and then he  watched her drive away, heart brimming with anticipation. He was ready to dive into this adventure, ready to explore whatever lay ahead with Y/n by his side. Their story was only just beginning, and for the first time in a long while, he felt like everything was falling into place. 
The days that followed were an exciting blur of planning and anticipation. Minghao found himself digging into his old notebooks, jotting down ideas for the scavenger hunt, trying to think of all the little things that made their city special. He wanted to weave in personal touches that would make the day unforgettable for Y/n—places that could bring back memories of their first date or spots he knew would make her full of  joy when he revealed them.
With each idea, he found he was not just planning an outing but also crafting an experience centered around her, and this realization filled him with a sense of purpose. He’d always believed that little moments could mean everything, and now he was eager to show Y/n just how much he cherished their new relationship.
When the day of the scavenger hunt arrived, Minghao woke up with a mix of nerves and excitement. He’d set everything in motion, and now all he needed to do was let the day unfold naturally. He picked a comfortable outfit—something relaxed but still appealing—and made his way to the meeting spot they had agreed on: a park that was alive with the sounds of laughter, children playing, and the distant strumming of a guitarist.
As he waited, he felt a buzz of anticipation in the air around him. The moment he spotted Y/n walking towards him, his heart soared. She looked radiant, her hair dancing in the breeze, and her smile lit up the entire park. 
“Hey, you.” she greeted, a lilt in her voice that made him grin wider.
“Ready for a little adventure?” he asked, trying to mask the excitement bubbling beneath his calm exterior.
“Absolutely. Just tell me what we’re doing,” she replied, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“First off, we have to get our scavenger hunt gear,” he said, pulling out a small tote bag he had packed. Inside were colored pencils,a camera for taking photos at each stop, a notebook for jotting down clues, and a list of locations they'd be visiting.
“What’s all this?” she laughed, peering inside with delight.
“Just some supplies to help us document our adventure” Minghao said cheerily. “The first stop is that little coffee stand we found last week, where they have the pastries.”
With a shared laugh and playful banter, they made their way through the park, stopping for pictures at every significant spot—an old oak tree where they took selfies, a fountain that they threw pennies in while making a wish, and a mural that had caught Minghao’s eye during their last outing. The connection between them deepened as they shared stories, memories, and more feelings than ever. As they reached the coffee stand, Minghao took a moment to watch her as she chose her pastry. She had a way of illuminating the boring everyday things, and he felt grateful every time she shot him a smile. After they got their treats, he pulled out the next clue.
“Okay, next up,” he said with excitement, glancing down at the list he had created. “We have to find the spot where they sell the best ice cream in town. But there’s a catch—you have to lead the way.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Me? Alright.. This should be interesting.”
With her leading the way, they began to navigate the streets, stopping to chat with street performers and peeking into quirky shops. As they reached the ice cream parlor, the enticing scent of waffle cones met them, and they quickly placed their orders. 
“That is definitely a win,” Minghao said, savoring the first bite of his matcha chocolate chip. He looked over to see Y/n’s eyes light up with delight as she tasted her basic but cute vanilla with sprinkles.
As they sat outside, sharing stories about their favorite childhood flavors, Minghao felt a warmth spreading in his chest. Each moment they shared layered on a sense of intimacy, deepening their bond.
The rest of the day continued in this delightful fashion, each stop on the scavenger hunt bringing them closer together, transforming their connection into something rooted in genuine affection. The final clue led them to an overlook, a perfect sunset view of the city sprawled out before them.
As they stood side by side, overlooking the vibrant hues of orange and pink washed across the sky, Minghao turned to her, feeling the weight of the moment. 
“I’m really glad I took this leap,” he said, his voice sincere. “Today has been incredible. You make everything better, including me.”
Y/n looked at him, her expression softening. “I feel the same way. This day has been one of the best I’ve had in a long time. Really, thank you.”
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, he could feel the pull toward her. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned in, capturing her lips in a gentle yet tender kiss. It was a clear promise of what was to come—not just in this moment, but in all the moments yet to unfold.
Standing there, as the last light of day faded into twilight, Minghao felt a newfound certainty settle within him. This was just the beginning of a beautiful adventure with Y/n, and he was ready to explore every twist and turn that life had to offer together.
Minghao had set out to lose a girl in ten days but instead found something he never expected: a genuine connection. As he and y/n embarked on their new adventure as one and they both realized that sometimes love sneaks up on you when you least expect it, and sometimes, the risks of opening your heart are worth every moment.
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svtiddiess · 2 months
Ok idk if ur comfortable with this if no it’s okay. So I see a lot of reactions of threesomes and who would be with who and how it would work out between the boys. but what instead of a threesome it was a cuckhold situation. What boy would be paired with who how would the vibes work out and is it a one time thing something to happen frequently like once a month? Kind of similar somewhat different 
Cuckolding With SVT
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Genre: smut, reactions, one shot, established relationship
Pairing: SVT x afab!reader
Warnings: smut, explicit language, cucking, penetrative sex, oral (fem receiving), squirting, threesomes, cumming on pants, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mentions of alcohol, lemme know if I missed anything!
Rating: mature
Word count: approx 800
Note: I really hope this answers your ask anon. Thank you so much to @hannieween and @multi-kpop-fanfics for helping me with the warnings!
A special thank you to my fellow sin sister @barbs4shua, couldn't have done this without her.
Click here to join my taglist!
Reblogs are appreciated ♡
.ᐟMinors/blank/no age indicator blogs will be blocked.ᐟ
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Joshua would 100% allow Jeonghan to ravage his girl. He would sit there with a smug look on his face and watch as Jeonghan has his way with you. But he won’t be quiet; he’d make snarky comments and throw in some insults as well; "How's my pretty girl doing? Is Jeonghan being mean to you? You want his cock? Eyes on me beautiful, let me see your pretty fucked out face as you cum....or not.” Jeonghan would feed off of this and would throw in some insults of his own. They both would be SO MEAN. Endless teasing from the both of them. You would either cum a lot or not cum at all, no in between. This would be such a frequent thing as well; he doesn’t mind sharing you with Jeonghan and watching you get fucked by him.
Seungcheol would also have Jeonghan over, but with him, it’ll only be done when he wants to punish you. Been acting up lately? Well, time to call Jeonghan and watch you get absolutely destroyed by him. He sits legs spread, smirk on his face, and whiskey in hand as he watches you. And Jeonghan’s so much more meaner than Seungcheol so you’ll definitely be sobbing and begging by the end of it. But he wouldn't want another man getting his woman to finish, so he'd most likely grab you and growl, "You only get to finish on my cock", right before pushing in. And Jeonghan would get to stroke himself till he cums.
Mingyu is the one who suggested the whole idea to Minghao; after a bit of convincing, Minghao decided to give it a shot. He didn’t think he would get so hot and bothered by it, but boy, was he wrong. Mingyu would see how riled up Minghao was getting, so he’d make sure to put on a good show for him. And boy, does Mingyu love putting on a show. He’d make you cum over and over again, drawing out moans and whimpers. He’d also manage to make you squirt, completely soaking the bed. As Minghao is slightly possessive of his girl, this wouldn’t be a frequent thing, but if he feels like spicing up the sex life, Mingyu would be on speed dial.
Seungkwan and Hoshi’s relationship in this situation will be…odd. This whole thing stemmed from an argument. To prove a point, Hoshi would go back to Seungkwan’s place, eat you out, and make you cum as many times as possible as Seungkwan watches. After the first time it happened, they concluded that every time they argue it must end with Hoshi eating you out for hours, no questions asked. And Hoshi just NEEDS to piss off Seungkwan even more, so you know he’s gonna make you cum until you pass out just by using his tongue. And Seungkwan just loves seeing you fall apart again and again. You look so angelic as you plead with Hoshi to stop, but you know he’s not gonna be stopping any time soon. So if Hoshi and Seungkwan get into an argument, just know that it’s gonna be a long night :)
Jeonghan wanted to teach Dino how to treat a woman right, and what better way to teach than to give a hands-on experience? He’d invite Dino over to ‘teach him the ropes’ by letting him have a taste of you. But it turns out Dino was the one pulling the ropes. Dino proves he’s no novice; he makes you cum over and over again until you’re screaming his name. Jeonghan would be impressed and very turned on with the way your face contorted in pleasure as Dino pounds into you. But Jeonghan being Jeonghan would never admit that Dino fucks you better than he does, so he keeps on inviting Dino over to ‘teach’ him when in fact, he just wants to watch you get fucked by Dino.
Wonwoo sees the way you flirt with Jun; he’s not dumb; he knows that you’re into him, and he sees the way that Jun flirts back, too. Wonwoo isn’t really into watching his girl get fucked by another dude, but he’s way too whipped for you not to allow your dreams to come true. He talked to Jun about it, and it was intended to be a one-time thing only, but with the way he sees you writhing under Jun, he’s not too sure he wants it to be a one-time thing. The way Jun fucks you as you moan Jun’s name and look directly at Wonwoo has him palming himself through his jeans. He’d cum in his pants without even realising it; he’d never admit it, though (but it’s pretty obvious with the way his jeans are stained). He’s inviting Jun over more often than he initially thought, not because he’s into it or anything; it’s only cause he wants you to be happy…right?
598 notes · View notes
lololololchips · 9 months
Hello! I love your smaus sm they really make my day brighter than ever🥹
Can i request a boyfriend texts with minghao please? Thank you sm! Have a great day/night ;)
thank you anonnn!!!!
hope you enjoy 😁
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Xu Minghao || boyfriend texts with the8
genre: fake texts, one shot, fluff
warnings: cursing, fem pronouns, nsfw (?), jealousy (not really tho), mentions of eating problems/food
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soobibabe · 2 days
espresso kim mingyu
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rewite of one of my most popular oneshots, espresso! pairings: kim mingyu + reader trope: friends to lovers genre ▸ romantic comedy (including smut) wc: warnings: 'unprotected' sex (she's on the pill tho) , oral [m + f receiving], fingering, choking, lots of praise and pet names, creampie, v. squirting. lmk if I miss any.
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[ august 2nd 2023 ]
It’s been so long since you last saw the friend group that just walking in makes you jittery. You've known these guys since high school, all thanks to Mingyu, but university life has kept you too busy to catch up.
You do see Mingyu the most, given that you both attend SNU together, but the rest of the gang has been a rare sight.
When you finally step through the door, your nerves quickly dissolve. The room erupts in cheers as soon as you're spotted, with Soonyoung’s voice ringing out in delight.
“Come hereeee! You’re all grown up now!” His eyes light up as he watches you move towards the circle they’ve formed in the living room. He’s already looking tipsy.
“Soooonieee, I missed you!” You hug him tightly as soon as you’re within reach. Chan’s voice cuts through the celebration. “Yah, quit hogging her!”
“Ignore them both; they’re half a bottle of soju away from full-blown drunkenness,” Dokyeom says with a laugh, pulling you away from their clinging. “Let’s get you settled. What do you want to drink? It doesn’t have to be alcohol if you’re not into that, though we were about to start a drinking game.”
You smile, feeling a wave of nostalgia. “Just water for me, but a drinking game sounds fun. I’d love to join, though you know my tolerance is pretty much nonexistent.”
“That’s fine,” Dokyeom says. “You can just watch, but—”
Before he can finish, Mingyu joins you in the kitchen, cutting in smoothly. “We were thinking of playing truth or dare, or drink. DK suggested it for old times’ sake.”
You don’t notice Minghao entering until his voice calls out your name, making you jump slightly. “I missed you. It’s been so long!” He moves in for an embrace, but Mingyu grabs your wrist and steers you towards the others. “Missed you too, Hao—” Your words are cut short by Mingyu’s brisk pace.
You miss the tense exchange of glances between Minghao and Mingyu, the latter looking determined while Minghao wears a sly smirk.
DK follows into the living room, carrying a tray of shot glasses and bottles. “So, who’s up first?”
The game kicks off with outrageous dares, from posting twerking videos on Instagram (DK’s specialty) to speaking Korean with an American accent for the rest of the game.
When it’s Minghao’s turn, he locks eyes with Mingyu. “I dare you to call the girl you like and confess exactly how you feel.”
The dare hits you like a punch to the gut. Mingyu hesitates for a moment before downing his shot in one go. Since when was he seeing someone?
The game continues with laughter and more dares until Wonwoo finally arrives, fresh from a long day at his internship.
The night has been the most fun you’ve had in years, but Mingyu’s secret lingers in your mind. Why hasn’t he told you about this?
Later, after everyone else has either left or collapsed on the couch, you and Mingyu find yourselves sitting on the porch outside his room. The cool night air and the city’s soft hum create the perfect backdrop.
“Why didn’t you tell me you liked someone?” you ask, trying to sound casual despite the twist in your chest.
Mingyu looks at you, his expression unreadable. “It’s complicated.”
“Complicated how? We’re best friends, Mingyu. You can tell me anything,” you press.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “It’s nothing. Really, don’t worry about it.”
Defeated, you decide to drop the topic. “Anyway, it’s late. I should get going—” But before you can finish, Mingyu’s warm hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you back. The touch is unexpected but gentle.
“Don’t go,” Mingyu says, his brown eyes earnest. “It’s past midnight; you shouldn’t be driving alone.”
“It’s okay, Gyu, I’ll be fine.”
He pulls you closer, his grip firm but tender. “Please don’t go.” His plea makes your breath hitch. You’re used to his alcohol-fueled clinginess, but this feels different. Your heart races, and the tension between you makes your cheeks flush.
You grab Mingyu’s leftover soju from the ledge and take a swig. He watches you with a mix of surprise and admiration.
“Mingyu, can I do something stupid?” you ask, feeling the alcohol’s effects loosen your inhibitions.
“Do anything you want, whether it’s with me or something else. Just stay with me,” he replies, his voice low.
You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the moment, but you lift your hand to his cheek, standing on tiptoe to meet his gaze. Lost in his eyes, you notice his focus on your lips.
“Can I kiss you?” you ask, as if he could read your mind.
He doesn’t hesitate. With a swift, decisive movement, his lips crash onto yours. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling away for air, but he immediately follows, chasing your lips with his own.
His hands explore your hips, then waist, until he's grabbed one of your thighs, pulling it up to his frame.
He pulls away, this time you expect him to say that you shouldn't be doing this, but to your surprise... "Need more. I need you, y/n" The whininess in his tone causes you to reject any worry you previously have about 'ruining the friendship'.
"You have me, Gyu". you manage to say, but you're so breathless it comes out sounding like a moan, it ignites something in Mingyu You'd never seen before.
His eyes grow dark in an instant, kissing you again this time leading you into the room with the hold he had on your hips. Strangely, you're the one who feels intoxicated now, mingyu sobering up by the minute.
"Can i touch you, y/n?" he whispers, breaking the kiss.
"Please do" you whisper back. He feels feral. Now you're on the bed, back against the mattress with mingyu hovering above you. He takes off his shirt and you're blushing like a teenager all over again.
You've seen Mingyu shirtless a number of times throughout your friendship. You would always have to look away, afraid he'd notice how flustered he made you. All those times were nothing compared to being this up close.
"Do you like what you see princess?" the way he says nickname has your heart and core fluttering. He holds your hand, presses it against his chest and you feel his heartbeat racing.
"I'm nervous too, its alright. we can stop at any point you don't feel like doing more, okay?" No other guy you've got this far with before paid this much attention to your satisfaction, he's unreal.
"Mingyu, i need you"
"You have me pretty girl, just tell me where"
You start by placing his palm against your cheek, then down to your chest torturously slow following the line that divides the left and right of your torso all the way down to your clothed cunt. "Here." you bat your lashes at him, doe eye on full display.
Mingyu wastes no time, he tugs the waistband of your pants all the way off in one swift motion. "Tell me how bad you want it baby" "Please gyu," you start, but your mind wonders far off anything coherent when you feel his lips graze your supple skin. He bites onto your panties, pulling them down your thighs with his teeth. So slowly, so sensually it almost feels surreal.
Once it's off, all of his attention is on your bare cunt, "dripping for me already and I haven't even touched you yet" "let's take care of that, yeah?" almost immediately, his face is buried in your heat, licking a long strip from your clit to your needy hole until he's back up, attacking your clit.
"Fuck, you taste so good" he practically moans out against your skin, sending vibrations through you.
Not long after the constant cycle of rubbing your clit and eating you like you were his last meal, he pulls off, spitting directly onto your slit and slides his middle and ring finger into you. His face returns to your cunt, repeating everything he did earlier, this time focusing on stimulating your gspot with his fingers.
“Right there! mmh” you whine out, trying to suppress your moans incase one of the guys outside wake up (which they wouldn’t even if you were to scream, because they’re all blacked out drunk).
“Don’t stop, please! fuck, gyu don’t stop” you feel him smirk against you. Your hands scurry the bed for something to hold onto when the pleasure starts to feel like too much. They finally reach to mingyu scalp tangling his hair causing him to moan out.
Without warning, his hands and lips detach from your pussy, earning pained a whimper from you feeling empty.
“Need to be inside you. Like now. i’ll make it up to you. Promise” he leans in, pulling you into another passionate kiss, hands busy with the him of your shirt “Take this off pretty. Wanna feel all of you.”
“Good girl” he hums once you do, kissing you as a reward. “Put me in”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t intimidated by his size. Not only was he long, but he was blessed in the girth department too.
You reach for him, holding the base of his cock to align it with your entrance. Once you start pushing the tip in, you’re scared you might not be able to handle the rest of him.
“That’s it, keep going you can take it.” he encourages. He glides in easily thanks to his fireplay earlier, but the stretch was alot. “Don’t worry baby i’ll make it fit.”
He gently moves your hand off of his dick where you connected and places his on your hips instead. “It’ll feel good soon, i promise” he whispers.
He slams every inch of himself into you all at once in a sharp motion. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re doing so good for me” his strokes are slow, but hard. Not missing your g-spot once. The pain turns to pleasure faster than you thought.
“You look so pretty like this” you’re unable to respond to the compliment, too consumed in how good he makes you feel.
Your nails graze his back, surely leaving marks. It drives him insane. the thought of you claiming him gets him so worked up his pace quickens, his pelvis snapping against yours.
Mingyu busies himself in your neck, leaving bites thatlll most definitely bruise before tomorrow.“Gyu m’gonna cum” you’re seeing stars.
“let it all go for me princess” that’s all it takes for you to release all over his cock.
His pace is constant, fucking you through your orgasm.
“Shit, that was so hot, good job pretty”
Your pussy clenches on him repeatedly, sending him closer to his edge. “Ass up” you obey as soon as he requests. Once you’re flipped over, he puts a pillow under your stomach ensuring your comfort.
“Took me so well just like i said you would”
In no time, he’s back to his previous pace, thrusting in and out of your soaked cunt. “Has anyone else ever made you feel this good?”
“No! fuck, only you gyu!” you can’t see him, but you can already assume (accurately so) that he’s got a smirk plastered across his face.
As he continues, you feel the coil from earlier build up again.
Mingyu holds your hand, pulling it under your body, between your lower tummy and the pillow, pressing it against the bulge that appears when he strokes all the way into you. “Do you feel me here?”
“Yes, god cumming again” he presses down against the bulge harder, adding more stimulation to your second orgasm.
“Good girl. Me too” he groans.
“Fill me up, gyu” he does exactly that.
“Fuck,” he chucked lowly “you can’t just say stuff like that, it makes me wanna ruin you”
“Then ruin me” you muster out through broken moans from the overstimulation.
Your walls are coated white, flodded with his release.
He still hasn’t pull out of you, not wanting to break contact.
“You mean that?” he says as he collapses onto the bed, pulling you into a warm embrace.
“Nah i was just kidding” of course, you’re only teasing. After this, he can do anything he wants to you.
“Uh huh, will you still be saying that when i ask you to sit on my face once you’re no longer sore?” he bites back at you.
“Shh go to sleep” you attempt to change the topic, aware that you’re playing a losing game.
“No sleeping yet pretty girl. Let’s get you cleaned up” and with that, he scoups you up bridal style, walking you to the bathroom and starts the shower for you two.
“My legs are wobbly because of you”
“Weren’t you just begging me to ruin you?”
“Okay whatever let’s get this over with i’m sleepy “ you sulk.
Mingyu spends most of the time in the shower focused on tending to you even though you reassure him you’re okay to do it on your own.
You’re in his clothes, cuddled up into his large arms. He can’t believe this is really happening. The girl he’s been inlove with since he was a teen is really here, right now, beside him like this.
“are you asleep?” he asks softly.
“depends” you respond playfully, making him roll his eyes.
“i’m really glad… this happened” his tone changes to a whisper, much more serious than earlier.
“Me too. i’d be even more glad if it happened another time?”
“Noted” he giggles, which turns into a yawn.
“goodnight, y/n”
“goodnight, gyu”
His arms wrap around you, pulling you in somehow even closer. You both fall asleep in a matter of minutes. your heart feels so full.
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[ august 3rd 2023 ]
You wake up wrapped in Mingyu's embrace, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest syncing with your own. As you shift onto your stomach, you lift your head to take in his sleeping face.
He looks utterly serene, the most angelic sight you've ever seen up close. Without thinking, your hand reaches up to cup his face, tenderly caressing his cheeks.
"I wish we could stay like this all day," you whisper, and his peaceful facade momentarily falters as a smile tugs at his lips.
"You sly little sh—" you begin, but yourwords are cut off as he flips you over, positioning himself on top of you.
"Let's stay like this then," he murmurs, burying his face in your chest, unwilling to let go of the warmth.
"But what about the guys?"
"What time do you think it is, baby?" he chuckles. "They all left, which is why I was already awake."
You glance at the clock on the nightstand. It's already 11 a.m.
"Don't blame me; you're the one who drained the life out of me last night!" You wince internally, regretting your choice of words as you notice him blush, his face hidden against your chest.
"Anyway, I made breakfast for you. Let's head to the kitchen," he says, and you can't help but think that Mingyu just keeps getting more perfect.
You spend the rest of the morning at his place, showering together, brushing your teeth, and lounging around in his clothes while eating and chatting casually. Well, almost casually. Mingyu finds every opportunity to steal kisses—at first, he says it’s to check for something on your lips, then it’s to blow an imaginary eyelash off your cheek. None of it is necessary, but you revel in his affectionate gestures.
Later, Mingyu insists you stay longer, but you have plans with Jiwon, your best friend, that evening. Reluctantly, you agree to leave, making a promise—thanks to Mingyu's persuasive charm—that you'll spend more one-on-one time with him later that week.
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At the mall, Jiwon and you meander through a maze of shops, trying on clothes and chatting about everything under the sun. By the time you both concede to taking a break, your feet are sore, and your energy is depleted. You nestle into a comfy corner of a café, where you order a couple of steaming lattes and pastries, ready to unwind and catch up on life.
Despite your constant communication, there's always a treasure trove of new topics to dive into. Today, though, you’ve been brooding over how to drop some major news, and after much mental wrestling, you decide to take the plunge.
You're not sure how she'd react to the news about mingyu, so you decide to rip the bandage off all at once out of nowhere after hours of contemplation.
Jiwon’s eyes perk up immediately. "HE? YOU? Oh my god, stop! I’m going to pass out! YOU GUYS? Y/N?" Her shock and disbelief are palpable, reflecting your own feelings when you first wrapped your head around it.
You nod, a smile playing at your lips. "Yeah, I was just trying to figure out when and how to tell anyone."
Jiwon leans in, her face a mix of excitement and disbelief. "Well, now that we’re on this topic… how was it? Was he… you know… well-endowed?"
You laugh, feeling a flush of embarrassment mixed with amusement. "To sum it up in one word: heavenly. And yes, he’s definitely… well, impressive."
“Oh my god, this is amazing!” Jiwon’s eyes widen. “Honestly, I kind of saw this coming. He's always looking at you like he’s about to fall over from adoration. And even though you play it cool, it’s clear that you both have this crazy thing for each other but are too scared to admit it—probably because of the whole ‘maintaining the friendship’ thing.”
You cringe at how spot-on she is. “Okay, I won’t argue with your assessment. But you can’t deny that he’s seen me at my best and worst. He’s the best guy friend I’ve ever had, and it would be strange to end things since we share so many mutual friends.”
“Whatever’s meant to happen will happen, Y/N. Just do what feels right. I think that means letting whatever started with Mingyu last night continue.”
“Ugh, I agree. Thanks for being my moral compass, Jiwon. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” In a spontaneous gesture, she grabs your hand.
You expect her to say something sentimental, but instead, she surprises you with her usual boldness.
“Cute. Now let’s go get you some lingerie to celebrate with your boy toy.” Jiwon’s lack of a filter never ceases to amuse you.
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[ august 7th 2023 ]
Mingyu's at your apartment, finally able to hang out together like you decided on the last you met.
You're both on the couch, keeping fair distance whilst you watch 'Crash Landing On You' for the second time with him.
Halfway into the second episode, mingyu slides himself closer to your end of the couch, breaking the invisible barrier between the two of you.
"i miss you" he pouts, seeking your attention.
"i'm right here" you can't help but giggle at how stupidly adorable he looks.
He places a hand on your waist, reeling you closer to him. "I have an idea of something more fun we could do"
"Mhm, and what is that?' you inquire.
"Let me show you" he lifts you like you weigh nothing more than a feather, settling you on his lap allowing you to straddle him.
"Remember what i said about sitting on my face? Can you do that for me pretty girl?" his fingers dance on the elastic of your underwear, waiting for your permission before he goes any further.
"Yes i can, but can i taste you today instead, gyu?" your reply catches his off guard.
"Anything you want baby" the pet name sends shivers down your spine, encouraging you to act upon your urges and pulling him into deep kiss.
You get off of his lap, knees against the hard wooden floor, ridding him of his jeans whilst he tugs his shirt off. He's so fit.
His dick bulges through his calvins, fighting against the fabric. "Look at how hard you make me pretty"
You take his cock out of his boxers, almost salivating at the sight of it. His tip is crimson, begging for relief.
You wrap your hand around his shaft, drawing it closer to your face. You lick a long strip along it, coming back up and stopping at his tip and taking it into your mouth.
Once he's past your lips, he's a groaning mess. "Fuck, you're doing so well, keep going."
You take him in further gagging around him when he's all the way in, stuffing your throat. "Good girl. So good for me, shit"
His hands pull your hair into a loose ponytail, using the light grip to guide you. You bob your head, thrusting him in and out of your mouth at a steady pace.
It doesn't take long for you to find a rhythm, but it's not enough for him. He really just wants to be inside your cunt, so to speed up the process, "Can I fuck your throat baby?" his voice drops a few octaves down, losing himself in pleasure.
You nod in response, and that's all the confirmation he needs to push your head closer to his pelvis. He stands up to angle his dick better, thrusting in and out of your mouth, gradually reaching his climax.
Your eyes are full of tears, mascara running down your face tipping him over the edge. "Can you handle swallowing?" he asks through broken moans making you nod again. He holds you in place, reaching all the way down your throat where he releases his load.
He reaches out to hold your hand, pulling you to your feet, flush against his body into a kiss. "You're unreal".
He sits both of you back onto the couch in your previous position. "Please fuck me" you whimper out, too horny to care about how desperate that must've sounded.
"So bold" he smirks "Well, as my lady wishes"
He works on removing your bottoms while you unbutton the silk pajama shirt you're wearing. When you're finally stripped out of your clothes, he's in awe at the revelation of what you'd been hiding underneath.
"You're gonna be my demise" is the last thing he utters before yanking your panties to the side, lifting you to align your cunt with his cock, and slowly sinking you down on it.
You moan in unison at the feeling of the initial stretch. It feels like he's breaking you in two in the most divine way possible.
"Fuck, y/n nobody else can ever feel you like this."
"I'm yours mingyu, fuck!" you manage to whine out.
He holds your hips to slam you onto his dick. His free hand creeps up to your neck, choking you slightly as he fucks into you. It drives you insane, feeling him all the way inside you near your cervix. At some point, his cock really does kiss your cervix, causing you to sob out from the overwhelming pleasure mixed with that unfamiliar pain.
He doesn't fail to hit the spongy tissue in you even once. He changes position, laying you on your back with his hand still on your throat. Your vision suddenly blurs, a mix of white and stars clouds your mind with your eyes sealing shut.
You're squirting. All over him at that.
"Holyyy fuck," Mingyu groans out. "Y/n, fuck you're gonna make me cum" "Cum-" Youre interrupted by a wave of your orgasm crashing through your body "-in me"
And so he does. This might have been the hottest thing mingyu has ever experienced.
"You're clenching down on me so hard, fuck. oh fuck-" The overstimulation from his relentless thrusts sends you both over the edge.
"The couch" he says followed by an airy laugh, but you couldn't really care less about the mess right now.
"You have officially ruined me" you whisper with a fucked out smile.
"Good." he smiles back. his eyes linger on where you connect, pulling out of you and admiring the sight of his cum dripping out of you. "Fuck, can I take a picture of this?"
"Sure, just dont show it to anyone" his eyes sparkle at your response.
"It's cute that you think i'd share you" he uses two fingers to plunge into your tight, dripping hole and fucks his cum back into you. "so pretty" he pulls his phone out, snapping a picture of the image he's already embedded into his mind.
"Let's go clean you up"
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊
A/N: this is a rewrite of one of my most popular one shots :] i intend to turn this into a series and the first version of it felt a little to scrappy for a chapter one! i hope you enjoy!
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misojunnie · 2 years
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PEACHES ─ xmh. ᜊ⋆゚⊹
fresh peaches picked straight off the tree always reminded you of home, the summer breeze, the sticky frozen treats, and the blazing sun. they brought good memories, nostalgic places, but most importantly, they brought xu minghao.
genre: fluff, angst, college au, brother’s best friend!minghao x fem!reader
warnings: substance use, a sprinkle of family issues, disloyal past relationships, break ups, toxic relationships and cheating, 22 yr old reader / 24 yr old hao
featuring: minghao and svt! (ft. brother jun) + twice
word count: 26.2k
playlist: peaches by kai, chaser by woodz, habit by seventeen
status: in progress.
# taglist: @msxflower @enhacolor @hiqhkey​ @hoeforcheol​
# network tags: @ficscafe @kflixnet​ @k-radio​ ​
PART I ─ completed.
PART II ─ completed.
PART III ─ completed.
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bee-the-loser-recs · 4 months
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~~☼ My Jeonghan One-shot Fic Recs ☼~~
𖤓 How to give a blowjob (and other things) for dummies By @multiland 11k, friends to lovers, smut, some angst, slight fluff, jerk Jeonghan at first, jealousy, hidden feelings, talk of dated with someone else
𖤓 Order up By @leejungchans 2.4k, coffee shop au, strangers to lovers, barista Jeonghan, purposely spelling a name wrong, trying to attract attention, fluff, humour
𖤓 Redemption By @leejungchans 11.5k, spin off from a previous fic (but can be read as a standalone), kind of naïve reader, fluff, angst, bad boy Jeonghan, humour, shy reader
𖤓 Like we just met By @onlymingyus 9.8k, Jeonghan x reader x Wonwoo, interview au, old high school friends, reunited friends, smut, slight fluff, successful Jeonghan & Wonwoo, pining, high school flashbacks
𖤓 Blame it on me By @onlymingyus 5.4k, brother's best friend au, Joshua is reader's brother, smut, fluff, long term crushes, obnoxious Jeonghan, humour
𖤓 Fighting for your love By @rubyreduji 5.5k, Jeonghan x reader x Joshua, boxer au, competing for reader's attention, physical fight for love, threesome, smut, fluff, poly situation
𖤓 Fake it till you make it By @bitterie-sweetie 6.5k, fake dating to real dating, love confessions, confusing feelings, towing the line of friends & lovers continuously, fluff
𖤓 Splashed By @smileysuh 5.5k, Joshua x reader x Jeonghan, idol au, references to the 13 shadows going seventeen episode, smut, poly relationship, fluff, established relationship
𖤓 My roommate [part 1] & [part 2] By @sunnyjae 2k and 3.2k, roommate au, mutual friend Joshua, smut, having feelings for one another, slight asshole Jeonghan, mentions of friend Minghao
𖤓 The most precious thing By @idyllic-ghost 3.6k, hospital au, nurse Jeonghan, neurosurgeon reader, fluff, mentions of being each other's soulmates, secret relationship, medical talk
𖤓 Do you remember the time? By @wonustars 26.3k, university au, enemies to lovers, roommates, shitty family situations, angst, fluff, hook-ups, smut, catching feelings, getting off on the wrong foot, campus playboy Jeonghan, forced proximity, snowdays
𖤓 Take it trouble, make it double By @sluttywoozi 4.7k, Seungcheol x reader x Jeonghan, college au, frat party, frat bros, ex Seungcheol, campus crush Jeonghan, poly arrangement, fluff, smut
𖤓 Amortentia; deskmates to lovers? By @http-mianhae 25.3k, Hogwarts au, Slytherin Jeonghan, Ravenclaw reader, kind of enemies to lovers, Mingyu is reader's ex, fluff, deskmates, dislike to like
𖤓 Nerd!Jeonghan x popular!reader [part 1] & [part 2] By @hoshifighting 5.3k, nerdy Jeonghan, popular reader, Jeonghan with glasses, Jeonghan is bullied by the jocks, broken glasses, reader's dad owns an ophthalmology consultancy, being tricked, fluff, slight angst, smut
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