#minecraft mystreet lovers lane
juicehashtag · 4 months
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Interest so niche it peaked before I knew how to draw….(I only like drawing KC and Zane…)
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habitabel · 3 months
I'm constantly hearing about how the people rewatching my street for the new season can barely watch it because it's so cringe worthy that they have to stop watching for a second but when IM rewatching... It's really not too bad to me. Am I just immune or smthn
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dantedeservedbetter · 11 months
I absolutely NEED a piece of fanart of Laurance and Garroth reuniting in the future but with this quote specifically so I can suffer even more
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sammygems · 8 months
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jessicawesker83 · 3 months
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and so I begin Lover’s Lane
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notaswiftie13 · 2 years
if anyone wants to watch any of Jess’s role plays in order here’s this playlist i made.
All of Diaries
A Royal Tale (idk why)
Mermaid Tales
Dreams of Estorra
Void Paradox
Pheonix Drop Days🥲
The whole of Mystreet (including the side stories😭)
So watch whatever you want from it
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honey-beanie · 2 years
Gene Headcanons
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These are my headcanons for gene, Gene is one of my favrote characters in My street so ya, there might be some things that are not that acurite, but this is my depiction of Gene, so be gone the people who disagree <3
🖤 Gene probably smoked back in highschool, he is not proud of it now but he still continues to do it anyway [plus I feel like he would prefer cigarets over juls 
🖤 I feel like the reason that Gene turned out the way he did was probably daddy issues, In the show they never mention Gene and Dante’s Father, so I feel like there father might have not been the best person so he probably influenced Gene, but he never mentions anything to his mother since he doesn't want his mother to worry
🖤 Definitely a mama's boy 
🖤 Tried to learn how to skateboard to be cool but ultimately failed and gave up 
🖤 Cat person 
🖤 I think Gene would want children, but I see him as the type of person to be scared of them, like dude probably thinks there little demons trying to take over the world, he prefers babies over toddlers 
🖤 Defently used to be a Fuck Boy in Collage, for like 1 year 
🖤 Has a good alcohol tolerance but when he does get drunk he turns into a hot mess, I think past drunk Gene would get mad all the time, but like now Gene just tells everyone everything, even the things you don't wanna hear 
🖤 A Light sleeper, used to working long hours and barely getting sleep, sleep deprived
☠️ I feel like Gene would not be so big into PDA, like he doesn't mind a hug or holding hands, but he would not make out with you in public, unless he is drunk or he is super jealous
☠️ It's kind of hard to make Gene jealous, like it's easy for him to feel jealous but he wont act out upon it unless he is super jealous 
☠️ BIG fan of cuddles. He loves laying on your lap or grabbing you from behind into a back hug. He loves being the big spoon as it boosts up his ego, and makes him feel like he can protect you. He doesn't mind being the small spoon, when you are he likes it when you rest your head on his shoulder it makes him feel like he can be vulnerable and open up to you, but otherwise would like to be the big spoon 
☠️ Love language: Words of Affirmation; Gene has done a lot of bad things in the past and takes a lot of accountability and responsibility for his actions, but sometimes he doubts himself and blames himself for a lot of things, so when you praise him it really shows him that you are there for him and that his actions in the past don't make him the person he is today 
☠️ Not the type of person to hug you first, unless you dont hug him at all in a while, he likes it when you come to him for hugs 
☠️ Gene has a lot of trust and faith in his partner, ya he is protective but he knows your not incompetent, and trusts you and your freinds. Ya deep down inside he wants to interrogate you everywhere you go but he doesn't want to be controlling [it reminds him of his past], he likes it when you tell him where you are going and what you are doing, so he doesn't have to constantly nag you 
☠️ Gene’s kisses have no inbetween they are ether light pecks on the cheek or a passionate make out session 
☠️ He loves teasing you
☠️ I don't think he would be super crazy about having children, like ya he would like one but he knows how much of an impact he would have on his kids, he is kind of scared they would turn out like his high school self, so as for now I don't think he is fully prepared 
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Alright, I’m gonna ask because I’m lost.
First of all good morning/day/night
How do I approach Aphmau(MCD and Mystreet) again? Used to watch it as a child and now I basically forgot about it, any pointers?
(I’m mostly asking because I want to write a fanfic on it, so there’s that.)
i'm assuming you're asking about where to start with watching them. which is fair. if i'm wrong, correct me, irdm.
I'll be honest, i did make a whole list of everything in chronological order, but this is my personal watch order.
MCD S1 -> MCD S2 -> PDH S1 -> PDH S2 -> MyS S1 -> MyS S2 -> MyS S3 -> MyS S4 -> Aphmau's Year -> MyS S5 -> MyS S6 -> Her Wish it's the entire MCD/MyS universe (barring most Side Stories), in chronological order.
you don't need to watch it in chronological order, but i would personally, just since.... it's easier. also means you'll get all the MCD references in MyS. because there are a lot of those.
Optionally, you could also cram MCD S3 in there somewhere... but don't,
here's the fat list, incuding the side stories i knew about.
-- Minecraft Diaries / MCD timeline
MCD: Origins (optional)
MCD: Rebirth (incomplete, optional): a remake of MCD:S1, was never finished.
MCD: Season One -- OR, MCD: S1 Lore: A video summary of the entire season.
Void Paradox (optional): maybe watch Mod Mod World first...
MCD: Season Two
jk, you can, but... do consider, most people hate it, it isn't considered canon by most fans, and it is incomplete... and shit... so... yay. no shame if you do end up enjoying it, though.
-- My Street / MyS timeline
Phoenix Drop High: Season 1
Phoenix Drop High: Season 2:
PDH Side Stories: Upsidedown Stories (optional)
Phoenix Drop High: Graduation Days (optional)
Falcon Claw University (optional)
Minecraft (Roleplay) Side Stories (optional): Technically MCD side stories, but like... modern aus... so... MyS timeline. Only important one is The Big Move
Love Love Paradise
Detours! (optional): haven't personally watched, the side stories of LLP.
The Bigger Move (optional): A side stories set between LLP and LV.
Lovers' Lane
Holiday Side Stories (optional): some of LV's side stories are holiday themed: Fall Festival, Holiday Special and New Years Party.
non-holiday Side Stories (optional): LV has a lot of side stories, man.... i think the most important are the 'Aaron's Ticket' episodes...
Emerald Secret
Aphmau's Year: i may have swapped the colour order just to have ES be green shhh.
Starlight Wonderland
When Angel's Fall
Her Wish: Another Side Stories, the closest we'll probably get to season 7.
Side Stories (optional): Why the fuck are there so many. There's more. I liked the D&D ones tho.
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xerith-42 · 8 months
What if I made a whole post about Blaze
Wouldn't it be funny if I did that?
Blaze MyStreet (that's his name now) is the gayest character in the entire aphverse and I am tired of him being slept on. That's not to say that people don't like Blaze, they do. He was a popular character, but not in the way other characters are popular. It's hard to find other people who have him as a favorite character, and if you're a fan of Minecraft Diaries, most people forgot he was in that series because he was in like an episode of Season 3 and even I forgot about Season 3 outside of that. He's liked, but not in the way people can really latch onto characters in this series. More passively liked, because it's really hard to hate him.
And even in MyStreet, his ultimate conclusion is just bad. It's bad. I don't have any other words for it, it just sucks. Blaze being mind controlled and then killed off right before the finale was just unnecessary. It didn't add anything. This season had already implied to kill Melissa, and made it clear it wasn't afraid to kill off characters. There was no reason to do this other than to keep people hooked and make them have an emotional reaction to the episode.
And it worked! Most of the times I look up Blaze fanart, I find art of him as an angel, or in heaven with another character, or just art of him dying. And I don't object to making fanart out of these moments it just... it sucks opening his wiki and seeing "Status: Deceased" every time. It sucks going to find content of this character only to find a majority of it is just angst around a death I've actively tried to forget.
Did you guys know Blaze is canonically not straight and probably polyamorus? That isn't my headcanons, that's in the text. Sure it's all in mini-games, but the mini-games are supplemental material to the canon work, and when Blaze gets so little actual character work, I am unashamed to pull from these sources. And in these sources Blaze has stated that he is very much one of the fruits.
In one mini-game Aaron says "You can't marry two people Blaze, you know that!" And Blaze's response is "I do?"
[vine boom]
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In another that I am rationally normal about, Aphmau stumbles in on Blaze with his head on Garroth's lap in a closet, WHILE THEY ARE UNDER MISTLETOE! And Blaze says "Your thighs are soft" while Garroth comments on how soft his hair is?!
[vine boom]
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And this is all in tandem with the fact that he at the very least canonically had a thing for Dottie, and it's very easy to say he might have harbored feelings for Daniel, Rylan, OR Aaron
[vine boom]
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So, we've established Blaze as one of them queers, this is great. Aphmau series really struggle with having gay characters at all, let alone good ones, but there's a quality queer character just sitting right there! Blaze is charming, funny, doesn't take up more space than he needs, and while it isn't in the test of MyStreet, I'll take what I can get. And he only gets better from here!
Wanna add drugs and stoner stuff to your next rewrite? Blaze is literally RIGHT THERE!! He's been around since Phoenix Drop High, and his birthday is literally April 20th, the writers are not being subtle about it. And in MCD, he's technically been around as a misspelled name since episode 40, and if you're making a rewrite, just add him in sooner.
Oh, you want Aaron to have a bigger support system that isn't just Aphmau in earlier seasons? Blaze and the werewolf pups are right there and would totally all live together in a house on My Street or Lover's Lane! Just saying! You want these characters to have a vector to explore polyamory? Blaze is basically an open book and very much agrees with the "a friend of Aaron/anyone else is a friend of mine" and would be willing to share his experiences. You want someone for characters to confide in that they normally wouldn't under normal circumstances? Blaze loves getting high and having vent sessions neither of them will fully remember in the morning.
And if we take it to MCD, he can provide a lot of this and more. Fleshing out of the werewolf experience, an actual werewolf that's at least closer to a part of the main cast than any other ones, AND you get to have him smoking out the other characters. Why wouldn't you make MCD Blaze the inventor of the first bong in Ru'aun? Literally why wouldn't you do that? What reason do you have not to do that? That's objectively great.
Blaze is a character who easily lends himself well to comedy and emotional scenes by being vulnerable all the time, and having the ability to bring levity when needed. He knows when you need to just scream into a pillow, or when he needs to pass you a joint and put a movie on in the background. There's not a lot given for him, but enough to build a solid character out of. He's stated to have an extended family, and a lot of siblings. He was probably the oldest one and had to help raise them, and would easily be able to empathize with older siblings in this show, especially ones who may have had to take care of a younger sibling while growing up due to absent parents (cough cough Melissa).
He also stood up to bullies for Daniel and was willing to make enemies with his entire pack, even his Alpha, just to make sure Daniel wouldn't get hurt or harassed. He's fiercely loyal and absolutely willing to throw hands at a moments notice for the right reason. It doesn't take a lot to make Blaze a ride or die friend, you just have to not be a dickhead and show that you're actually a decent person. He's very sociable and outgoing, a bit of a loudmouth, but he's got a good heart and generally gets along with anyone you could think to pair him up with.
I'm serious, send me a character and I will tell you how they could have a beautiful friendship/romance/something else with them and how it fleshes out both their characters. Blaze just does that by being around people. I'm serious. Please do this.
I didn't make an Instagram account in 2018 titled "Blaze_Best_Werewolf" (or something like that) with a self-made profile picture of Blaze wearing a flower crown and actively get in fights with people over MyStreet season 6 for my boy to be slept on in this manner.
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lycanresistance · 2 years
it’s crazy to me that so many people genuinely don’t like aaron lycan. like i’m not talking minecraft diaries idgaf about that i mean like normie mystreet aaron
are you kidding me? he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone. his parents don’t love him and just want him to fill an image of the perfect quiet heir and him and his sister are estranged because they both think their parents love the other more. as a kid he wasn’t allowed to have any friends so his only friend was a dog he talked to that his dad then carelessly lost (and then like years later “came back” YEAH RIGHT #AlexanderWasReplaced i’m a that was two dogs truther) so he played final fantasy and got into fights for fun. he then got into the relationship with the only person who was ever nice with them and continued to never be able to voice any discomfort or objections in that relationship (see: lovers lane break up arc, the christmas special which literally comes after proving she learned nothing) and stays in it because he’s so alone and he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
think about the scene in pdh where his father smashes his phone and then later he smashes gene’s phone. literally his entire character is defined by cyclicality, so out of his control and forced to repeat the past that irene picks him above all others to protect and revives him over and over even when he tells her he just wants to stay dead. his life is predetermined, both by minecraft diaries and by his parents, doomed to suffer these dynamics he can’t escape over and over for the sake of a narrative that abandons him and a girlfriend that cared about herself more than his own well-being (i don’t want this post to sound like i don’t like aphmau i do a core character trait of her is just that she’s selfish because she’s The Main Character) (i also view mystreet as a trope deconstruction even if it’s accidental)
aaron is the mysterious “bad boy” but as we see in fcu he literally only comes off that way because of a deep anxiety about and insecurity over his ability to interact with other people. he’s been told his entire life he’s a monster, and it’s a cycle he has to fulfill, but until then he just wants to be loved. he’s lonely and insecure and pathetic and bitchy snark hidden under layers of fawn and freeze and he’s my girlfriend
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amyyythestarry · 1 year
Ok so, I was bored and ended up talking to myself about a Minecraft roleplay that I used to watch.
Mystreet. From Aphmau.
I know some people have heard of this.
So I rated the seasons because to me, this was a really good roleplay. Sometimes it was cringey but it was good.
Phoenix Drop High S1 - 8/10.
It was a good start to the series. I liked the character introductions and everything.
It was cringey….. But it was good-hearted I swear.
You wouldn’t have to pay me to rewatch it.
Phoenix Drop High S2 - 4/10.
I didn’t like it. Only because, ONLY BECAUSE of Ein.
The omega boy who took over the school once Aaron was gone?
That’s him.
Not even Eugene ( The bully who picked on Aphmau in S1 ) was as bad a Ein. I hate Ein.
But the new characters and the ending of S2 was amazing.
Pay me over 20 dollars to watch this season.
Falcon Claw University - 8/10.
I liked the characters, all except for Betty and the emo werewolf girl and that black girl that was friends with Betty.
Betty was annoying as he**, I’m sorry. 😭
She was worse than the emo werewolf girl ( I can’t remember her name ).
And they acted like Aaron was the only man in the school.
The plot twist at the end was good, I actually didn’t expect it.
The fluff episodes were good.
I also liked Aaron’s perspective parts.
Pay me like a little more than 1 dollar.
Mystreet S1 - 7/10.
Honestly, it was boring. But that was where the least drama happened ( I think ) and it was funny how down graded it was compared to the other season, to FCU and all.
It wasn’t bad because it was down graded, it was actually good like that. So I appreciate that one non-dramatic season.
You wouldn’t have to pay me.
Love Love Paradise - 10/10.
It was amazing.
So fluffy and just a break from everything. I loved it. You wouldn’t even have to pay me to rewatch it.
Lover’s Lane - 10/10.
I liked how they made their own business and everything after literally destroying their old neighborhood.
Theo criminals.
There was a lot of funny oneshots and mini games they played in the Lover’s Lane setting too.
I loved the oneshots and mini games of all series.
You don’t even have to pay me.
Emerald Secret - 2/10.
I cried so much during this season..
I literally remember watching it at night, and I was sleeping in the same room with my sisters. They were all asleep and 9 year old me was awake and balling my eyes out.
Ein ruined everything.
I only liked the plot, but it was really really angsty.
Don’t even bother to pay me. I’m never watching this season again.
Aphmau’s Year - 9/10.
I liked this a lot. But it was really sad, I almost cried.
I don’t really know what to say about this because I kind of can’t remember the episodes, but all I can say is that it was good. I would watch it again without money.
Starlight - 8/10.
The only parts where I cried is the first episode and the last episode(s?).
I felt for Garoth fr fr 🥹.
It was light and less angsty some episodes, but I liked the set up too. It must of took a long time, I understand why Aphmau didn’t make more roleplays.
Angels Fall - 10/10.
I’m rating it a 10 because I loved the plot, the drama and the animation, ect.
This was so so so good but I can’t even count how many times I cried.
I cried more than when I watched Emerald Secret.
Don’t bother to pay me I’m not watching this again.
But it was amazing!! 👌🏽
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Guys hear me out what if they
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What if they held hands
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fictionfixations · 8 months
aphmau and other mcyt (mostly aphmau tho)
uh. warning for cursing?? and spoilers probably
i was going through my playlist and stumbled on aphmau songs (or well songs i associated with her? The Last of the Real Ones although I think it's a fan thing, Way Way Back?, Cause You're The One, Be With You, I Am Falling For You ?, Faster Car..) and HOLY SHIT im going through memory lane now wtf
it used to be so cringy i cant (lMFAOO there was like alpha werewolves… and like-- so much more that im not sure how to explain LMFAOOO?????)
anyway remember that time incest happened??? im pretty sure ein (who mind controlled aph) was like a half brother or something. but mind controlled her into loving him, and like attacking aaron theres a whole host of other problems with it anyway
and then something something happened- OH MY GOD remember WHEN ANGELS FALL??? WAF. or something like that. I DONT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED, THE CONTEXT? i know aphmau learned healing for his scars that she like caused him (i think she pushed him off a cliff and later? stabbed him LMFAO) BUT LIKE. THEY WERE BEING HUNTED DOWN. ??? i honestly only remember that masquerade episode. and all i remember is that it happened. i think people died.. and there was the forbidden. potion. i cant remember the name. forever..? something? it gave them green eyes either that or they were mind controlled by some other way but there was sad moment Also i think kawaii chan almost died. or maybe it was zane?? i havent even thought about it in years omg
i dont know if shes doing anymore series. and i think id honestly cringe if i tried watching cause its all kids content anyway. last i checked she was like 'people waiting for a series, it'll happen soon' or something something (maybe im making it up but i think she mightve said something about minecraft diaries??). except there were like controversies where i think she fired a bunch of people. and other stuff? idk i dont pay attention to that stuff youre better off searching for it yourself
actually oh my god talking about mcyt controversies. popularmmos?? hello?? (it feels like everyone i used to watch turns out to be not so great or something)
i still dont know if it was real or not. jen (the wife?) refuted it
but i think i heard somewhere they got divorced?? i dont know man im so confused. and i mean i wouldnt watch him now (i was just obsessed with those lucky block videos iirc) but it still really sucks??
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Anyway series I've watched from her (I might've missed some because I didn't remember? Or maybe there was a period I stopped watching and then came back, and thus missed some):
Angelsville I think tho idk if that counts since it was apparently a survival series (I'm looking at the wiki)
MyStreet: Aphmau's Year
Diaries Rebirth
Dreams of Estorra
Harvest Valley
Heart Point
Mermaid Tales
Meteora Valley I think?
Minecraft Diaries (S1-S3) (i remember once an episode was posted with the same thumbnail and name or something as the last hehe)
My Inner Demons
MyCraft I think.
MyStreet (below are the rest of the mystreet seasons. 6 seasons)
Love-Love Paradise
Lover's Lane
Emerald Secret
When Angels Fall
(ANYWAY prequels to mystreet now--) Phoenix Drop High S1-S2 I don't remember watching Graduation Days. or Falcon Claw University, but some of the thumbnails look familiar..?? I think I watched Phoenix Drop Days..
The Bigger Move (side story. if I saw The Big Move, idk)
MyStreet Holiday Special
New Years Party
Aaron's Ticket
MyStreet: Her Wish
A Woof's Tale (pdh side mini-series)
MyStreet Upsidedown? Maybe i didn't see it, maybe I did, but the outfit I recognize
Phoenix Drop High (S1-S2)
Ultra Nova
woo man thats a lot. even if i get rid of the ones im unsure of its still.. a lot. blink blink
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iinkxerror · 2 years
They used to be Aphmau's kids from Aphmau's Minecraft diaries series from season 3 when Shad was after Alina Aphmau and some others decided to send Alina and Lilith who were 4 at the time somewhere safe that Shad can't get to, another timeline with another version of Aphmau so they won't notice anything different or be scared just until Shad is gone they sent Garroth Aphmau's knight with them to keep an eye on them and so they go to Lovers Lane ( Aphmau Mystreet after season 6) and Garroth drops them off and at MSAphmau and Aaron's house knocks on the door and goes to hide
and Lilith and Alina live there for a year and things are nice and fun
until Alina hears of a place called Ennerds Funhouse
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I put together a mystreet playlist kill me
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