#mine : hari shin !!
saagapo · 2 years
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kang taemu + shin hari — a business proposal
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moonchild1312 · 4 years
How the shie hassaikai ask you out!
(GN! reader!)
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Your father ended up leaving you to work with the shie Hasssaki to gain trust and loyalty amongst the gangs. You were sorta a secretary to overhaul, you both grew extremely close, He knew you were pure, and that made him want to always been around him and only him. One day on your pile of paperwork you had to fill out was a note from him. "Y/n, Please meet me outside at the gardens, at 7, I have something extremely important to tell you,-Chisaki" blood rushed to your face, you were so confused about why he wanted to see you, did you do something wrong? is he gonna kick you out?! your mind raced a million times a minute trying to figure out why the hell he wanted to see you? in private on top of it. The whole day you did not see him till 7. The sun was starting to set in the summer glow that covered the garden, and there he was sitting there, glowing. You walked up and sat down beside him, nervous and he took notice. "I'm not mad at you Y/N, please relax". hearing those reassuring words made you much comfier in his presence. "so, since your not mad at me why did you want to see me?" you questioned. He sighed and took your hand which surprised you, you knew he was a mysophobe, so this sudden advancement made you puzzled, you liked him a lot and he treated you with kindness and respect and you. his voice brought you out of your thoughts and you gazed up into his beautiful amber eyes. "Y/N, you are an exceptional person, your kind, bright and so pure, not to mention your absolutely stunning, you make me feel comfortable in your presence, and I want you to be mine, " your face flushed a shade of red resembling the setting sun that encompassed you both in an orange glow. "chisaki, I like you too, I would love to be with you
"Good, call me kai"
Hari Kuruno
One day at your shelter he showed up with flowers, and he looked nervous as hell, "Kuruno Oh my god I love these flowers! thank you" Your smile made his heart flutter and he had to do it, he needed to ask you. "Y/N, I was wondering if you would be interested in going out with me? he asks, now mess, fiddling with his hands and looking down at the floor. You smiled and encased the nervous mess in a hug, "of course Kuruno, I would love nothing more."
"Oh thank god, call me Hari then"
Kendo Rappa
“AND HERE COMES OUR WINNER RAPPA!" You belted from the top of your lungs with him approaching with that smile that made you weak in the knees. "I'm always a winner in your eyes dumbass," he said laughing sitting down on then barstool directly in front of you. You hande him some water and his winings from the fight and put your face in your hands and contently sighed, the night coming to a end, it was the time you and rappa sat around talk, shootin shit. "Hey, Y/N" he said taking you out of your thoughts, you looked at him and smiled,"yeah?" "I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date?" Your face turned beet red and staired at him," OF COURSE I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!" you yelled with joy and he returned the enthusiasum, "HELL YEAH! HOW ABOUT NEXT SATURDAY?" "YEAH!" you yelled back, both of you went into a laughing fit, you both where happy and content in eachothers presence.
"Y/N, call me Kendo, Kay?"
Hekiji Tengai
Your meetings in the park where serine and happy, he had a calming precsence that always made you feel safe and comfterble. He showed up at his normal time and sat next to you, somthing seemed off about him and you wanted to know if hes ok," Tengai, you alright somthing seems a bit off hun," your sweet way of talking to him made it even worse, you where kind and loving to him and he wanted to keep you, he let out a deep sigh and looked deep into your E/C orbs shining, "Y/N, I was wondering if I could treat you to a date?" your face blushed a pink and you smiled nodding your head, "of course I would Tengai", you said as you envolped him into a hug. He laughed softly and huged you back,
"call me Hekiji'
Deidoro Sakaki
you and him where at his apartment after leaving the bar after a night of talking and laughing. Brining him up to his door, helping eachother home is somthing you both do for eachother, making sure you both are safe and comfterbale is extreamly importent. Getting inside his home you where about to plop him down on the couch till he got up and went running to his room you stood there for a second just making sure he was okay. He came running back yout with a note for you."heeerrrreee, reAd ThIS WhEN YoU gET HoME, CALl ME IN THe MOrinG", "ok sakaki, get some rest"once you got home you opened the note
“I don't really know how I can express my feelings to you, because I wasn't myself the first time I set eyes on you. I have seen and met great beauties in my life and have also learned how I could gaze at them just once and walk away. But with you, everything has changed.I believe you will understand me. I want to keep you as a flower I'm charged with looking after. Being with you is like being in paradise. I will take this responsibility seriously, if you are mine and mine alone. So dear (Y/N), please maybe go out with me? talk to you tomorrow <3”
you ended up calling him and planed on the weekend, your heart about exploded when he simply said,
"Y/N,call me deidoro”.
Shin Nemoto
he was inticapating having you alone today, he wanted to go out with you so badly, and he had worked up the courage to ask you. "Y/N, could I talk to you for a second" he asked you where siting in the common room with sakaki and tengai along with rappa."Sure!" you followed him out to the garden and sat next to him. He proceded to take of his mask and look into your eyes and smile, "Y/N, you have been the most kind, honest and beautiful person that ever graced my life, I was wondering if you would like for me to take you out on a date?" You smiled so brightly and embraced him in a gental hug,"of course, I would love too" he smiled but his trust issues got the best of him,"Y/N, do you truly want to go out with me?" you looked him dead in the eye, "of course I do," he smiled,
"dear Y/N, from now on I would like for you to call me Shin,"
Toya Setsuno
You look over at your freind, his heart was crush by a awful witch and you hatted that he was in constant pain, but since he has been living with you and got his new job, you found him getting happier and back to the good old setsuno you knew. "Y/N, I was wondering somthing," you looked at him and grinned, "shoot" "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me, I trust you more than anywon else."you smiled and pulled him into a tight hug, "of course, I would Toya." the use of his first name made him smile and hug you back.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Imagine if Kai fell in love with pop’s daughter and he’s extremely delusional that their destined to be together that he ticks her into marrying him and when she realizes her mistake she’s pregnant
This ask is so beautiful, thank you so much. We all love Kai being a delusional idiot.
@zuffer-weird-girl I thought this went pretty well with the pictures so might as well kill two birds with one stone :> ~~~
Title: Cherry Blossom
Yandere!Overhaul x F!Reader Warnings: Angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of sexual acts, gore, blood, murder, slight nsfw A/N I tried looking for how old overhaul was when he was taken in but i couldn’t find anything so im just gonna go say that he’s 6. Sorry for the time skips at the end, i wanted to finish this by tonight and was running my creativity dry trying to finish it. ~~~ As you waited in the garden for your father to come back from his walk you sat in your favorite tree and read your favorite book. You must have read it so many times that you know each word by heart. “Here my boy i want you to meet someone.” You heard your fathers voice coming into the garden and you looked down and saw him walking with a boy the same age as you. “Hi father! Who’s that?” You laughed as you looked at them from the branch you sat on. Your pigtails moving as your head titled to the side. “Well this is Kai Chisaki. He will be living with us now! Kai this is my daughter (y/n).” You waved hi in the tree as you smiled down at the boy. The boy looked up at you with a lazy gaze before his eyes widen when he saw you truly.
The sunshine that glowed through the branched and leaves of the cherry blossom tree gave you a heavenly look to you. The sunshine outlining your being, you smiling down at him gave you this angelic persona. “H-Hi...” Was all he could say before you jumped from the tree and ran to give him a hug. “Finally! I have someone to play with!” You giggled as you kept your arms wrapped around him.
“Now now, Kai here doesn’t like being touched. Clean freak here.” He could feel your arms leave him quickly and before he could bask in your warmth once more you had backed up and apologized for hugging him. “Sorry about that Chisaki! I didn’t know. Wait do you have a quirk?” Your question annoyed him but his tiny heart kept bumping in his chest. “Yes...” Was all he said before you crossed your arms and pouted. Fearing he did something wrong he went to speak but pops had beat him to it. “Now (y/n), i know it sucks that you don’t have a quirk but hey at least you got Chisaki to always protect you right my boy?” Yes he would. ~~~ 5 years later Kai sat in the living room watching you intently as you concentrated on your homework. Your hair in a messy bun to keep it out of your face as your eyes were glued to the paper.
“Ugh Kai can you please help me? This is hard!” You whine while looking at him with those puppy eyes. He had let you call him Kai cause you needed to be able to say his name before you got married. Yes he knew he was still young, but that gave him plently of time to plan the wedding!
“Uh Kai?” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah sure.” He kept his straight face so you wouldn’t know his feelings for you just yet. It had to be the perfect time.
“Thanks Kai!” You give him a light hug making him freeze and have a light pink spread across his face.
“Okay...um..what do you need help with?”
3 years later
Kai growled as he saw you hanging out with the new boy. What was so cool about that disgusting quirk filled verm? He was going to taint you, take away your perfect pure form.
“Dude, you done burning holes in the back of his head?” Hari’s voice grabbed his attention. Hari was a friend he met in 3rd grade (don’t actually know if thats acurate but bare with me) He was one of the only people he could stand besides you.
“He’s trying to take (y/n) away from me.” His voice went a note lower as he watched you talk to him like you’ve known each other for years.
“Their such a cute couple don’t you think?” Kai snapped his neck towards a random girl who was fawning over the ‘cute’ scene in front of her.
“What?” Kai said trying to keep his composure.
“Oh didn’t you hear? He asked her out and now they started dating! Their so cute together!” The girl giggled before running off to her friends leaving Kai in a state of seeing only red.
“...Uh Kai, I’m seeing a face on you that concerns me.” Hari says as he see’s his friend seething with anger.
“How dare he?”
“How dare that disgusting pig steal what’s rightfully mine.” The rumble from Kai’s voice made Hari realize that Kai wasn’t fucking around.
“She belongs to me, she was mine the day I met her.” Kai’s hands were shaking with anger as he looked at the two of you smiling.
“Well what are you going to do about it?”
“There’s only one way to make sure that Angel stays all mine.” Hari raised an eyebrow at Kai who turned and looked at him.
“We kill him.”
That Night
Kai had planted a note in that boys locker, saying it was from you and to meet him by the Cherry Tree in the park to ‘talk’.
After waiting a few minutes, hiding in the branches of the Cherry Tree, the boy finally shows up to the park walking towards the tree.
Kai watched as his target go right under the branch he was hiding, looking for you.
Kai jumped from the branch and landed on top of the kid before placing his fingers on the boys face, making him explode into nothing but blood on the grass.
Kai looked down at his dead rival with a derranged look in his eyes as his smile covered his face. Little blood droplets going down his face landing on his clothes which were already soaked in blood making Kai scratch at his arms. Trying to make the hives go away.
“Angel is mine and will always be mine...”
The next day
“Kai did you hear! (R/N) went missing last night! No one can find him!” You ran up to him worried as you looked around paranoid.
“Really? That’s unfortunate.” Kai was lucky enough that his mask that he wore covered his smug smile. Of course he went missing, that filth could be around his perfect angel.
“What if he was kidnapped?! We could be next for all we know!” You shook in your spot before jumping onto Kai holding onto him tightly to try and hide your scared expression from him.
“Don’t worry an-(y/n), no one will hurt you as long as im around.” He let out a sigh of relief. He almost called you his angel. Well yes you were but the first time he wanted to call you that was when he would confess to you.
“You really mean it?” You looked up at him with your (e/c) eyes hoping he was serious. 
“Of course I would never let anything happen to you.”
Ya’ll are in your twenties now
Kai sat in his office at the Shie Hassakai base, looking through the paperwork that seemed to be never ending. His pen hitting the table as he tries to think on anything other then you. 
You plagued his mind every day. Ever since that filth tried to take you away from him, he was always paranoid that someone was gonna take you away from him. He would often day dream of a little family with you. Kai wasn’t much for kids but they would be pure just like her. 
He would sit for hours at his desk thinking about what it would be like to see you walk down that isle. To be married to him. That way once your married, you would never ever be able to leave him. He would make sur-
“Hey Kai! I was gonna watch a movie by myself but I thought maybe you wanted to watch one with me?” Kai’s cheeks light up in happiness as the thought of you next to him made him overwhelmed with joy.
You both sat at the couch while watching a movie you had picked out. Kai usually wasn’t a fan of horror but if it meant getting cuddles by  you he was willing to do so.
“I can’t believe you haven’t even jumped yet! Did you already watch this movie?” You crossed your arms and pouted.
“No. Why would i rewatch a movie I have already seen?”
“Fair point I guess, h you’ll never believe what happened!” You said as you looked up at Kai squealing.
“Someone asked me out on a date! I met him when i was getting groceries!” You smile at him waiting for a response. 
“Really....” You didn’t notice the danger in his voice as you kept talking about this one disgusting filth that dared to ask you out.
Was he gonna have to take care of the trash again? Yes. He would do anything for his angel. And he was gonna have her all to himself.
No matter the consequences...
Kai slowly walked behind you as you made your way to said date. He couldn’t let you go wandering off by yourself could he? No. You were quirkless, you NEEDED him. And he needed you so it all played out.
There was no room for anyone else in the picture.
Kai quickly hid in a nearby alley waiting and watching for your ‘date’ to show up, just so he could see what he looks like.
And to get some info on him and how he should go about killing the trash.
He watched you from far away as the tiniest gust of wind blew your hair a little bit making Kai smile as you try to put it back into place while forming a small pout. He could watch you all day. Your (h/c) hair shinning as it caught the attention of the sun.
He noticed that you were looking around a lot as well as looking on your phone. He raised and eyebrow before remembering that your date was suppose to be here at 2.
It was 3.
He had spent so much time watching you that the day went by fast. Not that he was complaining of course. He enjoyed watching you, but what he didn’t enjoy was you crying.
You had gotten up from your seat and started taking off in his direction.
‘Nows my chance!’
“Oh hey (y/n), what happened?”
“He stood me up..” You say as tears streamed down your face. Kai looked at you and couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of lust.
The way your eyes were watering made his mind run wild with unholy thoughts of you on your knees sucking him off, looking up at him while tears streamed down your face as you gagged around his-
“Kai?” You ripped him of his lustful thoughts making him look down at you. You hugged him tightly burying your face into his chest.
“Yes?” He replied trying to hid his lust.
“Am I just that ugly that no one wants me?” You looked up at him, your tears staining his shirt. He looked at you with softness in his features but anger in his body.
How dare some low life filth make his angel feel bad about themselves. That trash will deserve anything that Kai gives him.
“No, your not. You are beautiful. A very beautiful angel.” Your eyes teared up before you hooked your arms around his neck and buried your face.
“Thank you Kai.”
7 months later
Kai stood at the alter watching you as you walked down the aisle. Your white dress hugged your body perfectly, letting his imagination run wild.
Once you stepped onto the alter he knew that once this was over he was gonna claim you. Make sure that you never ever leave him again.
And claim you he did
1 month later
You sat at your bed that you shared with Kai. A happiness filled your entire being as you looked down at the pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.
You get up and jump up and down in excitement. Oh how happy Kai will be right! He would make a great father! He loves you so much so why wouldn’t he love his child.
You couldn’t wait to tell pops either! He had been away for awhile so you couldn’t wait to tell him the good news when he got back!
Pops had been gone for about 4 months. He sadly missed your wedding but Kai said that pops wished he could be there.
You smile as you grab some clothes out of your closet and proceeded to put some on, not dressing fancy but in comfortable clothes.
You open the door of your room before skipping in the hallways of the compound. Your feet making a pitter patter noise like the sounds of children’s feet.
Wait children?
You turn around and see a little girl no more than 6 running as fast as she could towards you. You run towards her as well worried as you saw her arms and legs covered in bandages.
“Woah, woah, sweetie. What’s wrong?”
“Please help me...he..he hurts me...” Your eyes go wide as you grab the trembling child in your hands before picking her up and running in the compound trying to find a random room so you could talk to the little girl alone.
You open one room and close the door, locking it before turning it around and gasping at the sight you saw.
Your dear father lying on a hospital bed. IV’s hooked up to him. He looked terrible. You go over towards your father with the little girl in your hands as tears run down your face. You held your fathers cheek with your remaining hand before you turn to the child and set her down.
“Who’s hurting you sweetie? I promise I will make them pay-”
“It...it was mister Overhaul... he uses me as a lab rat. He’s the one who put my grandpa in a coma!” The little girl cried into your arms. You soon realized that this was your niece. You father told you of a older daughter he had that left so long ago.
“Who’s Overhaul baby?” You say as your grip on her tightens as you try your best to comfort her.
“He..wears a black or beak like mask and wear a really ugly green coat-”
“Kai...” You covered your mouth as more tears run down your face as you and the little girl both sob into each others arms.
“What’s...your name little one?”
“Eri...” You rub her back as you try to calm her down, her sobs getting quieter as she soon felt relaxed in your arms.
“Thats such a pretty name you know.” You say as you rub her scalp.
“Thank you-”
“(y/n) have you seen-” You and Eri both stop as you both look in horror at the man in front of you.
Kai- no Overhaul stood above you both watching as your grip on Eri tightened and you looked at him with hateful eyes.
“What in the absoulte hell is wrong with you?! How could you put my father in a coma?! He took you in when no one else would! And how dare you use this little girl as a lab rat! She’s a child Kai! How can I expect you to take care of our child when you can’t even take care of Eri!” you shut your mouth quickly. Fear coursed through your veins as you felt Eri shake in your arms.
“Your...pregnant?” Kai looked down at the scene in front of him. 
This wasn’t suppose to happen. You were suppose to never find out about Eri, he was going to tell a little lie to you about pops but you were never suppose to find out about her.
“Let me explain angel-”
“No! NO I will not let you explain! Your hurting a child Kai! What has she done to deserve this?!” You scream at him holding Eri as tight as you could before you felt her be whisked away from your arms. You turn your head to the side to see Hari holding Eri in his arms.
“Not you too.” You hiccuped. Hari said nothing only looking away from your sorrowful gaze.
“Bring Eri back into her room. I have business to take care of.” Hari nodded before walking away. You tried to get up and grab him from his arms but were only met with a pair of strong arms wrapped around your chest.
“I can’t having you leave me (y/n). I know you’ll see what im doing is right in the future.” You go to scream at him only to feel a sharp pain in your neck.
“Did..did you just drug me?!” You yell as you begin to fade in and out of consciousness. 
“I’m doing what’s best for you. And if that means locking you away so you’ll never leave me then that’s a chance I’m willing to take.” Which was the last thing you heard before you fell into darkness.
“I love you my angel~”
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Don't know if you take requests, but if so could you do a little scenario or something with Chisaki on his S/O's birthday? But one where like everything goes wrong and totally not as planned but at the end they get to relax with each other or something lol (I'd just like a fluff end to be honest, so it's up to you :D) Thanks💞💞
~Birthday Disaster~
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If Kai could present you with a specific trophy for tolerating his bullshit on a daily basis, then he would’ve done so by now. Instead he just settles for spoiling you. The only issue is that you’ve told him on multiple occasions not to spoil you so much. Finally it got through his head, and he reluctantly listened. However, this was on the count of 1 thing: holidays being the exception. He (and the rest of the Hassaikai) considered your birthday to be a holiday. In fact, it was one of the MOST important days aside from Christmas. Kai held this to be true as his gateway for spoiling the shit out of you to makeup for all the days you’ve loved him so much. “You had better not be thinking of going insane tomorrow.” You muttered as he turned the lights off for bed. He settled under the covers next to you and kissed the back of your neck gently. “Oh Angel, we had a deal. Remember? Tomorrow is one of the day’s I get to go wild on you. I’ve been saving up for it and everything.” You sighed and turned to face him with a gentle smile. “No, the deal was that you could get me a few more things than usual, not that you could go crazy. How about this...why don’t you just get a few expensive gifts instead of a hundred thousand moderate priced ones? Is that okay?” You looked at him with those soft pleading eyes, and how could he say no. “Very well then.” He smiled at you and kissed you softly. Then you two drifted to bed in no time. 
The morning came soon enough and just like Chisaki had intended, you were gone with Nemouto so he could take the time needed to prepare for your party. You only knew it was under the circumstances that Nemouto needed your opinion on new furniture at the underground base. A part of you secretly felt like it was because needed to prepare a party. Nonetheless, you loved furniture shopping and you liked hanging out with Nemouto so you agreed. Kai sighed in relief when he woke up and saw you were already gone. Everything seemed to be going according to plan for the most part. Suddenly he heard a knock on the bedroom door. He opened it to see Pops and Hari smiling at him. “Good morning to both of you, but Hari I gave you the day off today. Why are you here?” Kurono chuckled and shook his head. “You’re not just my boss, but my best friend too. I’m here to help out because I like y/n, and I’m happy she/he/they made you into a better person. Of course I wanna help make this party great.” 
Kai nodded, smirking but then looking over to the elder. Pops reached into his Hakama and pulled out a small box. HE handed it off to Kai and waited for the boy to open it. When he opened it, it revealed a tiny necklace in the design of the Hassaikai logo. There was some dust in the box which meant it had a bit of age to it. “This was mine. It was handed off to me from the old leader...my father. I wore it in my teen years but when you showed up in my elder years, I placed it away. Initially I was going to give it to you, but you were a difficult child and an even more difficult teen.” Kai took a moment to cringe at the stuff he put Pops through. “Anyhow, my boy. I want you to give it to y/n. No hard feelings, but I want to show y/n that the Yakuza welcomes them fully. As for you...well I’m sure taking leadership is better than some old necklace, right?” The geezer winked at Kai and he smiled before before putting the box into his jacket pocket. “Thanks old man. Kurono?” Kai turned his attention to Hari. “Round up my men. I’ve got some tasks for them before you and I leave.” Hari nodded and went to gather the precepts. Each of them was assigned a specific task as follows:
Tengai and Rappa-Decor
Setsuno and Tabe-Food
Mimic and Deidoro-Music
Hojo and Katsukame-Invitations
Pops-Party Games
Without a second thought, he was off with Chrono to the mall in search of a gift for your birthday. Meanwhile, you and Nemouto were face deep in the couch section of the furniture store...
that just so happens to be at
Of course Kai didn’t realize this until he and Chrono were leaving out of one of the stores and he and Nemouto locked eyes from across the way. You were looking forward at a gumball machine when suddenly Nemouto started pushing and shoving you forward. “Ah what the heck Shin!? Hey, isn’t that Kai over there???” You tried to get a better look, but he took evasive maneuvers and dipped between a crowd of people with Kurono. “No that’s not the young master! He’s currently at the base, your eyes are mistaken. Come, come!” He kept pushing you along. Eventually you got tired of it and informed him that you were going to go to the bathroom. Not even seconds later once you went into the restroom, Nemouto’s phone buzzed. He stepped a little further from the restroom and answered. “Nemouto, what the hell was that!?!?” Kai’s angry voice boomed over the phone. “Did she/he/they notice me?” Nemouto answered truthfully and Kai sighed. “Damn it. Now we have to get back earlier than you so y/n doesn’t suspect anything. I hope the others have the party together by then so we can-
“Shin? I can’t fully decided on any furniture. Can we just go back to the base now? We can do this another day. Besides, I miss Kai and I wanna spend the rest of my birthday with him.” You spoke as you got out of the bathroom. He quickly hung up his phone, knowing Kai must’ve heard you of course. Now he was on a race to distract you with fast food and red lights so Kai could make it back to the house faster than you did. When he made it back home with Kurono and your gift, it was complete and utter disaster. “What the hell is going on here?!?!?!?” Tabe was finishing off the food faster than Setsuno could put it on the table. Setsuno was cursing him out for it of course. Tengai had traditional and peaceful zen decor up on one side of the room while Rappa had wrestling, boxing, and cage fighting stuff up on the other side. His excuse was that they couldn’t decide so Tengai made him stay on one side of the room. Mimic and Deidoro had the most obscure rap music you could think of playing. I mean like ‘first off fuck your bitch and the click you claim’ type of rap. Hojo and Katsukame were creating hand made invitations as if they couldn’t have just called your friends by phone. “Sorry boss, I thought you wanted us on invitations.” And Pops? Well Pops had 2 party games out. One of them was SHogi, and the other one was Shogi but with different color game pieces. He was so proud of himself too. Kai groaned loudly and slapped a hand over his face. He reached into his pocket for his phone and began to panic when he realized the box that Pops had given him earlier that day must’ve slipped out and gotten lost. Not only was this party a disaster but he had also managed to lose an important Hassaikai heirloom as well. He actually wanted to cry for the first time in his adult life had it not been for the sound of your sudden voice from behind him.
“Kai? Is this all for me?” He turned to see you with expectations of displeasure, but you were so happy. “I love it.” You smiled at the others as well. “But...It’s not what I originally had in mind for your birthday, angel.” He frowned deeply. You just laughed and reached up to flick his beak. “I love it, silly! It shows that everyone put their own efforts into a party for me. Hey is that present for me?” You pointed at the bag Kurono was holding. Hari nodded and handed it to Kai so he could give it to you. When you pulled it out, you were relieved to find it was a simple gift. It was a purple build-a-bear with a matching jacket that resembled Kai’s. When you squeezed his paw, Kai’s recorded voice came out to say “My angel, I love you.” On the tag attached it said: “For the long nights I’m away on mission, or just for when I’m being annoying and I have to sleep on the couch. I love you.” You smiled widely with tears welling up in your eyes before you hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Chisaki.”
“Oh, speaking of presents!!!” You pulled away and quickly reached into your pocket to pull out the box he had lost. “I found this when me and Nemouto were coming into the driveway. I’m going to assume it’s one of my presents, right?” The relief on his face was unmatched when you pulled out the necklace and put it on. 
Although it seemed like a disaster to him, this was truly one of your best birthdays thus far. 
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
*shocked at the surprised hug*... ok.
"They aren't raw anymore?" Haru asked in curiosity as you closed the oven.
"Nope! Freshly baked mini chef! Kurono is surely going to be impressed!" You smiled down at the girl who seemed to whisper yell a short 'yes' in victory.
"Alright." You handed her the jar full of cookies "Before my husband comes in here and steal all of your work, pick these and wait for your dad and later give it to him?" The girl nodded, eargly picking the jar and smilling up at you.
"Thanks auntie (Y/n)! I own you one!" She exclaimed whole getting out of the kitchen.
"... no you don't." You laughed breathless before picking thhe things you just used to help Haru with her own gift for her father.
"Is everthing alright my lovelies?" You called for your kids who seemed way too quiet to you.
Loud maniacally laughing and giggles suddenly manifested as Kaito had just two soap-soaked mops clung to the soles of his feet while Kin had cloths and wax.
You widened your eyes and blinked them slowly to see that you weren't just hallucinating.
"What.. what did you two do?" You asked before placing now the clean and dry dishes back to their places.
"Clean the floor!" The two beamed happily while you slowly went to see if it was really true.
The floor was shinning... those two did a better job with only a plaything what you and Kai did it in a few hours...
You were quite... jealous.
"H-How..?" You asked more to yourself in disbelief as you saw almost your own reflection at the floor.
"Oni-san had the idea!" Yoir daughter said in happiness while Kaito took off his creation from his feet with a arrogant and yet adorable smirk... similiar to his father's.
As always.
"Why I am not surprised but... still surprised at the same time..?" You laughed before bringing them both to hug both kids giggling and returning it.
"Now we won't have to bother with the boring part!" You kissed both of his temples as you got up.
"What's next? What's next?" Kin asked in excitement before you picked a little letter and handed her a lipstick.
"Pass this and give a kiss on the paper, I already did it and you brother made a beautiful drawing."
For years of training; and because of Chisaki's comments; Kaito by the age of 10 years the boy could draw amazingly... but sometimes got snarku comments oof it ny his father.
That man is a liar because every since Kaito was little he kept them on one of his shelfs and neatly organized and stapled.
When you brought it up once Chisaki just gave you a glare before scoffing that one, you would surely be mad at him for throwing them away and two, it was a proof to rub in his son's face that practice leads to a not so messy work.
... Yeah right, you believed on that.
"So the house perfectly clean, letter on hand, thank you sweetie-" you picked the letter and cleaned the lipstick out of your daughter's lips "And his favorites desserts that my noth chefs helped me making it."
"This will be enough to surprise him." Kaito smiled before a cough caught your attentions.
"Surprises are not something that clearly neither one of you can't do properly." He smirked at Kaito and Kin's groans of dismay while you smiled like a child that had just got caught on doing something mischievous.
"Is. Not. FAIR!" Kaito exclaimed while going to his father, faking anger and bitting the insides of his cheeks to not to smile "How did you discovered?! Mommy said you weren't supposed to be back for another half a hour."
Kai just arched one eyebrow at him before changing glances at you holding your daughter, moving his gloved hand in front of his face as he monotonously and numbly spoke.
"Magic." His heart did a backflip at the way you and your daughter just errupted in gighles at his numb way of speaking while Kaito deadpanned.
"Did... did you really just did that?" Kaito asked, still not believing what he just saw.
"Got no proof brat, maybe you just hallucinated or something."
"I DID NOT! ..." your son looked at you and pointed up at his father with a troublesome look "did I?"
You laughed even harder before handing the letter to Kin and putting her down.
The girl went towards her dad and bowed while lifting the letter up for him to grab it.
He eyed suspiciously but picked up anyways cringing at some messy letters but seing yours as well.
"I will read it later. I appreciate this and what both of you did on the house." He pointed with the letter at the floor.
"Happy father's day!" The children said in union before sharing innocent glances bit still evil smirks planted on their lips.
"I know that face. Do not even dare." Chisaki warned before cringing and whole body getting tense at the way his kids glued to his legs and just.. stayed there.
"You both came with duct tape not possible, angel, can you stop laughing and help me out here?" He shooked his leg to see of Kin got out bit the girl only giggled and begged for more.
"Is just cute!" You said between laughter "Is a shame that I don't have a camera with me here..."
"I would erase that thing out of any existence." He growled threateningly at you before softening his eyes at the way you nuzlled his covered nose.
"Happy father's day to the man I love the most." You whispered as he only rolled his eyes.
"Have to be always chessy. Isn't that right dear angel of mine?" He carreses your cheek slightly with his gloved thumb.
"Don't tell me you two are going to kiss, please don't is disgusting." Kaito moaned on his faather leg as Kin poked him.
"Do it do it do it!" She exclaimed, eager to see the love each of her larents had towards each other.
"Traitor!" She laughed at the way Kaito just snarled at her.
"... help me get those leeches out of my legs." You gasped at him while he smirked beneath his mask.
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hibey · 3 years
Izakaya Bottakuri ー いらっしゃいませ
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Izakaya berarti bar, atau penyedia berbagai sake. Bukan sebuah bar yang besar, melainkan bar kecil yang hangat dan berdedikasi tinggi terhadap para pelanggannya. Namun berbeda dengan izakaya yang satu ini, yaitu Izakaya Bottakuri. Bottakuri memiliki arti penipu. Terdengar cukup mengerikan mengingat tempat ini adalah sebuah bar. Apa yang mereka tipu? Ternyata, bar ini tidak hanya menyajikan berbagai sake pilihan dari berbagai tempat, akan tetapi menyajikan makanan yang biasa dibuat di rumah, dan itu membuat mereka layaknya penipu, bottakuri. Namun, meski hanya resep biasa, mereka memasak setiap hidangan dengan sepenuh hati. Hidangan yang tak dikira bisa membuat orang yang memakannya tersenyum.
第 1話 ー dai 1-wa (Episode 1)
暖簾 の 向こう側 「Noren no mukou gawa」 ー Sisi lain dari tirai
Hidangan spesial hari ini adalah ODEN!
Di musim yang menjelang dingin, rupanya oden panas (atsui oden) rasanya cukup sesuai. Ah, kalau di negara yang hanya dua musim rasanya agak sulit untuk menentukan makanan spesial yang sesuai dengan cuaca. Nyatanya banyak dari kita yang senang makan makanan panas atau minuman panas di hari yang panas. Seperti semacam, ayo beli bakso, ayo makan mi rebus, aku ingin kopi panas, yang ternyata hari itu panasnya sedang 30°C. Tidak jarang juga beberapa dari kita yang meminum es soda di ruangan ber-AC (tunggu dulu, ini bukan cuaca).
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Oden adalah masakan Jepang yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai bahan yang direbus di dalam kuah (dashi) yang berisi antara lain katsuobushi (makanan awetan berbahan baku ikan cakalang atau katsuo yang biasanya diserut seperti serutan kayu; bisa sebagai penyedap rasa atau teman makan nasi), kombu (ganggang laut atau rumput laut; biasa digunakan sebagai bahan dasar kaldu dashi), dan kecap asin. Bahan rebusanya bisa apa saja sesuai selera, seperti misalnya lobak, konnyaku (konjak, konjaku; tanaman umbi-umbian; memiliki serat yang tinggi dan tidak memiliki kandungan kalori, bentuknya seperti agar-agar, dan warnanya agak pucat setelah diolah. Aku tidak tahu rasanya, tapi aku membayangkan seperti agar-agar yang hambar, namun lebih ke arah gurih dan asin samar walaupun seringkali digunakan sebagai jeli rasa buah. Pertama kali mengetahui konyaku ada di Doraemon, yaitu konyaku penerjemah untuk menerjemahkan bahasa apapun), telur rebus, chikuwa (olahan daging ikan berbentuk tabung. Kadang bisa kita temui di toko-toko makanan beku. Sepertinya dia salah satu teman tempura dan kawan-kawan), chikuwabu (berbahan dasar gandum, serupa pembuatannya dengan udon. Chikuwabu jarang dimakan jika tanpa oden), dan bahan lainnya. Oden biasanya dimakan panas-panas sebagai jajanan atau teman minum sake. Bisa dimakan dengan mustard atau dengan saus manis dari miso. Intinya, masakan ini berkuah, panas dan rasanya asin.
Kau tahu, aku membayangkannya sebagai cuanki (cari uang jalan kaki, wkwk). Hampir mirip, isiannya direbus semua dengan kuah yang asin. Namun, untuk si lidah sunda kebanyakan makannya harus dengan sambal pedas tentu saja. Dan cuanki ini cocok di segala musim. Paling cocok saat panas terik kumpul dengan keluarga atau teman, atau baru pulang dari undangan di siang hari (aku tahu kamu membayangkannya).
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Sake yang cocok untuk oden panas yaitu sake dingin, Mantensei. Sake Suwaizumi yang memiliki aroma beras yang kuat tapi rasanya ringan, juga memiliki rasa yang matang dan sisa rasa yang segar. Ditambah dengan rasa lembut yang membuat kaya rasa hidangan. Mantensei berasal dari pembuat sake Suwa di Perfektur Tottori. Warna kuningnya yang khas, yaitu yamabuki-iro (warna kuning yang pekat untuk sake). Warna terdekatnya yaitu mitsudasou, namun nama ini jarang diketahui.
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Makanan spesial selanjutnya kuning telur misozuke.
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Sake yang cocok untuk misozuke yaitu sake panas.
Kisah hari ini
adalah Toku, yang bekerja di bidang material seperti besi dan kayu, merasa kesal karena Teko (pegawai maang) yang tidak masuk kerja hanya karena merasa muak setiap pagi bangun pagi dan kemudian harus harus membawa kayu dan besi. Hal ini membuat Toku-san harus bekerja dua kali lipat, mendengar keluhan konsumen sekaligus merobohkan rumah. Toku-san yang menerima 'hadiah' nasi sayuran dari Mine bilang,
"Oden mengakhiri musim dingin, dan nasi sayuran membawa musim semi."
Shin-san pun menambahkan,
"Berarti, kuning telur misozuke ini adalah perantara perjodohan untuk bulan purnama musim semi."
Toku-san dan Shin-san adalah pelangga tetap sejak Bos (ayah Mine dan Kaoru) membuka Izayaka. Sampai sekarang mereka tetap menjadi pelanggan tetap, dan menyayangi Mine dan Kaoru yang dianggap sebagai anak-anak mereka sendiri. Bahkan, keduanya turut membantu membuat tirai bersejarah Izayaka Bottakuri.
0 notes
overhaulmyass · 5 years
@toga OK I was on daddy’s blog and I discovered shins blog then I found out they were Thirsting after me so I started flirting and then I claimed I was overhaul not Kai and then I said I was hari and now they think Hari might be a different person and Dabis in on it to and then as Hari I claimed I’ve always been on the blog and they just didn’t notice me -kai/hari
You found Shinsou's blog, good luck finding mine 👀
Also Hari's a cute name!!
- Mod Toga
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teamoliv-archive · 5 years
Cutscene: The Return to Atlas
The trip back to Atlas was long and soul draining. The flight was cleared to enter and the small private vessel swooped right onto a private helipad at the top of a building in the floating city. The words Cheshire Financial Group were emblazoned on the top of the building over a large crawler showing various stock and good prices as well as a few advertisements for loans and financing.
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“Well here we are.” Hari from the cockpit with an impressive smile. “It’s a shame you kids didn’t want to talk during the trip. You know, Nyx, your mom never let Auroras and I visit you growing up. Something about ‘not wanting the family associated with lowly mercenaries’ or something like that. Hopefully, we can catch up. I wanna hear all about what your team’s been up to after Ty’s done with what he wants.”
When the plane lands two figures very familiar to each member of the team could be visible. All four leaned into the windows as best as their restraints would allow and a collective look of apprehension and shock covered them.
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“You’re kidding me...”
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“What’s she doing here?”
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Auburn was clearly in far better shape than she had been. Her would in her fight with Onyx had caused a series of ugly clawed scars down the left side of her face and her hair was swooped to the other side. She looked far more confident and cocky if such a thing were possible.
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Tyrael waited for the plane’s five passengers to depart, ignoring the mix of glares and incredulous looks from the team. “Release their restraints and collect their weapons, Hari. The four of you come with me. I went through a lot of trouble to gather you so I suggest you take what I’m about to offer very seriously.
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Lapis wastes no time charging forward the moment his restraints are broken. “Not interested!”
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Violet hit the realization quicker than the rest of them. They were being released and given their weapons back? That wasn’t normally how capturing people worked. Whatever it was that Tyrael Cheshire had planned, he wasn’t concerned about counterattacks. “Lapis, wait, something’s not right!”
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Auburn swooped to the side and dodged Lapis’s incoming punch without much visible effort. She twirled around faster than anyone else could notice and slammed him into the ground with a well placed kick to his back. She then smirked at the others, locking her eyes on Onyx. “I told you I’d rise up past you, Jett. I hope you don’t mind but everything that used to be yours is mine now. Even your old room- dominance and all that. I hope you understand.”
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“Are we all done playing?” Tyrael asks harshly, “Pick yourselves up and come with me. Hari, deliver their weapons to the new training room. Once I’m done with this, I will give you the rest of your payment.” He pauses and counts- four. “Where are the others?”
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“What do you think? Auroras found a way to get paid twice. You specifically said you wanted these four and someone else wanted the other two so he went off to deliver them there. I’ll tell you the rest later.”
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Onyx says nothing, merely rubbing his wrists when they’re freed. He ignored Auburn’s taunting for now and focused on what his father could want. It was strange he still thought of him that way. Perhaps that would never really fade. Seeing him turn and start walking to the door to the inside of the building, Onyx followed. Ivory was close behind him.
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Lapis pulls himself up and begrudgingly follows. Violet was also acting on a slower pace than normal. “I don’t like this...”
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“None of us do, but we have to find out what’s going on first.” Violet passes Lapis and catches up with Onyx and Ivory. She knew Hari was bringing up the rear and making sure no one tried to make a break for it.
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A tense and silent elevator ride down countless levels followed. Once it finally reached the floor it had meant to, it opened up to a large training room with screens, monitors, and various amenities. “This is where I will evaluate whether bringing you here will be worth my time.”
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As the seven of them entered into the expansive training room, Violet glanced around to see what was here. There looked to be a door on the other side with a plaque saying ‘weapon storage’. “Let me guess, our stuff’s going in there until you say we can have it, right?” She froze when she saw past the glass and the lettering on it and to a familiar sight propped up in a sturdy case.
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“That’s... His Majesty’s Colors! My dad’s weapon! Why do you have it!?”
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Tyrael walked into the room to stand at one of the terminals by the wall of the training room. “Well well, once again your observation skills impress me, Ms. Goodfellow. You’re correct, that is your father’s weapon. I’m afraid both of your parents had a bit of a run in after their latest frolic in the frozen wastelands of Solitas. This is, partly, why you’re all here.” He pushes a button to show both Shin and Emril Goodfellow in effective stasis, the pods they were in showing various life signs.
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Onyx took a step forward and finally broke his silence. His harsh damaged voice echoing as much as it could in the large room. “You expect me to believe that you went out of your way to collect wounded huntsmen on a rescue mission? That run in could only have been with you.”
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“Well, I mean... yeah. Yeah it was- and it was all for me.” Auburn, in lieu of walking, decided on a flashy flip over the team and landed in front of them with a showy pose. “What you are looking at now is the product of the future. You see, your ex-father here took Ciar’s aura research and decided to put it to use. We got one of those fancy aura transfer machines that they found in Beacon’s wreckage and,” She smirks to Violet in a taunting way, “Your parents’ aura is mine now. Well... most of it. We needed them alive after all.”
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Lapis jerked back, his normally solid form shaking slightly at the thought. “You can... do that?” He balled a fist as his features tightened. “So, what, are we just going to be more supply for your damn project!? Is that it!?” He was already prepared for another ill-fated fight. He knew he was outmatched by at least two of the people in this room, but he wasn’t going to let Huldre pull that on him again.
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“Oh, please try and attack me again. We can do this with only three of them, right?”
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“Both of you cool it down.” Hari mentions from the back, helping himself to one of the water bottles on a table. “Ty, I’m kind of curious, is this that ‘Borealis Project’ of yours?”
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“It is, Hari. This is my version of Ciar’s Aurora. Using these transfers to enhance the abilities of huntsmen and huntresses to unheard of heights. What once needed entire teams to take down will now be the role of a solitary one. However, we’re still testing this and that is why I need a full team. You are to serve as my benchmark.” He taps another button and prepared licenses for Team OLIV showed up. “These are yours, as is access to this facility, room and board, and meals. All you have to do is your job and compare your performance to Auburn’s.”
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“And if we don’t something happens to my parents, is that it?” Violet snaps. She realized she didn’t have much other choice and gritted her teeth tightly. What would Robin have done in this situation? She figured her brother would have likely gone berserk and tried to kill everyone in the room. The thought that this was what he was like now still frightened her a little. That wasn’t the kind of person she could be, though, and she just wasn’t strong enough. She reflexively shrinks down in a pained defeat.
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“I’m not doing anything until my sister is back where she belongs.” He flings himself around toward Hari, “You tell your partner that you need to get her back here if you want me to do anything!”
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“Sorry, kid, can’t do it.” Hari says with a shrug. “Auroras took the job and going back on a contract’s one of the worst things you can do in this business. I can’t say I like the people he was talking to, but sometimes that’s just how it goes. Besides,” He points to Tyrael, “It’s not like Ty to give you room to negotiate.”
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“That would be correct. Lapis, was it? Your meddling is what ultimately destroyed my daughter if I recall. By all rights I should demand blood for blood, but I will choose to instead offer you a gracious forgiveness as well as a job. Or are you so selfish that you would risk trying to break through the entirety of Mistral’s underground yet again at the cost of putting your teammate’s parents in peril?”
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Watching Lapis shrink down as well, Ivory took a step forward. “I want to speak with my father, Mr. Cheshire.” If anyone could pull something out of the man it would be Redmond Reynard.
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“I’m afraid he’s away on business for the foreseeable future. He actually left before you got here. It’s a shame he had no time to see his own daugther, but when you have so many important things to do, sometimes you must make sacrifices.”
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Ivory knew immediately that her father was sent off before she got here on purpose just in case he insisted on trying to change the offer somehow. She’d have to see if she could find Sterling later- he would know where he went and why with how often the butler hung around her father.
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Onyx swallowed hard and felt an ache in his throat as he spoke again. It was still healing, but slowly. “I think that’s enough empty negotiating. You didn’t bring us here to this room specifically just to explain this to us. You said you wanted a baseline...”
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“Indeed I did. Prepare your weapons once they are returned to you. The four of you will be fighting Auburn so I know exactly the gap in strength that Borealis provides.”
0 notes
Sepotong Hujan
Disclaimer: Shinhwa’s Shin Hyesung belongs to his respective companies, the OC, plot, and the poem is entirely mine.
Based on poem “Teruntuk Hujan: Sepotong Puisi Atas Nama Cinta dan Cita” by Linnika Sora/Nadia Karima Izzaty.
Also posted on shinhwafanfiction@wordpress
Buat setiap tetes air yang mendenting kaca jendela…
Ucapkan rindu.
Salam teruntuk rindu nan mendalam, yang meluruh bersama duka
Menyamar nestapa di balik sendu.
Lagi-lagi hujan.
Pria bertubuh tinggi langsing itu meraih payungnya yang berwarna keperakan. Sudah satu minggu berturut-turut hujan turun, berebutan mencumbu bumi Seoul. Bukan hal yang buruk, sih, mengingat betapa panasnya musim panas yang lalu. Sudah masuk musim gugur, angin September yang dingin mulai berhembus. Dedaunan mulai berguguran, seolah bersuka cita akan datangnya angin musim gugur.
Pria itu tidak pernah membenci hujan, omong-omong.
Hanya saja, siapapun akan membenci hujan apabila harus ke suatu tempat dalam keadaan mobil pribadinya masih berada di bengkel untuk perbaikan.
Terpaksa mengambil kendaraan umum, Hyesung berjalan cepat keluar dari apartemennya. Ia sengaja mengenakan hoodie warna putih yang tidak mencolok, celana jins butut dan sneakers putih yang sama bututnya. Sekaligus menyandang ransel warna biru, berisi pakaiannya yang lebih—ah, pantas, untuk dikenakan. Mana mungkin dia menemui atasannya di Liveworks Entertainment dengan pakaian seperti itu? Kostumnya sekarang hanyalah kamuflase demi membaur di tengah publik.
Buat setiap kilas yang membayang selaik hantu
Samar, namun jelas jua
‘Kan menjelang haturan selama tinggal padamu
Senaas petang nan kelabu yang melukis mega.
Bagi sebagian orang, dongeng hanyalah isapan jempol belaka, yang mudah terlupa, papa diseka waktu.
Bagi Shin Hyesung, putri hujan dan ksatrianya bukan sekedar dongeng.
Tersebutlah Han Yoomin, putrinya yang mencinta akan hujan. Duduk di tepian jendela setiap kali hujan datang menyapa, seolah melepas rindu akan serbuan butir-butir elemen air yang tak kalah merindunya akan bumi pertiwi.
Takkah kau menghirupnya, ujar perempuan itu, takkah kau merasa akannya?
Harum hujan merasuk sukmaku.
Berbagai majas, gaya bahasa dan setiap tutur perempuan itu berbobot, seakan tiada satupun kata yang lahir dari lisannya yang terucap sempurna percuma. Semua sarat akan makna, tersirat dan tersurat.
Sebagai ksatria yang telah bersumpah untuk menjaga putri itu, bagaimanapun caranya, tentu ia hanya mampu mengulas senyum. Berusaha memahami hati putrinya yang terlampau cantik untuk ia pahami. Nampak dari indah tuturnya, santun lisannya, kerlip di kedua bola matanya yang sewarna obsidian.
Adalah tugas seorang ksatria untuk menjaga putrinya. Bukan jatuh cinta kepadanya.
Buat getir yang terdera perih
Kan abai diriku,
Bahkan bila mampu hujan meluruh pedih
Biar waktu saja yang hapus liku luka batin, semu.
Hujan semakin deras. Hyesung membuka payungnya yang berwarna keperakan. Segera sosoknya menyelip, timbul-tenggelam di antara lautan manusia Seoul yang menyebrang jalan untuk sampai di halte bus. Rupa-rupanya orang-orang sedang sibuk-sibuknya beraktivitas. Hingga lupa menatap wajah satu sama lain, mengamati sekilas atau sekedar menganggukkan kepala tanda sopan. Buktinya Hyesung sama sekali tidak dikenali, meskipun ia memang sedang sedikit menyamar.
Separuh berlari, kakinya menjejak bumi tegas. Sepatunya kini sudah kuyup terbasuh air hujan. Tapi peduli apa. Ia ingin berlari, terus berlari.
Berlari dari luka yang mendadak menginvasi otaknya.
Buat luruh hujan yang menderas bumi,
Yang hanyutkan bermacam labirin luka
Bisakah kau pinta waktu demi hapuskan luka ini?
Biar hati menetap untuk menatap, tegar di balik sandiwara.
Aku pergi, ujar putri itu. Kau bisa menjagaku hingga aku kembali?
Bayangkan betapa sakit hati ksatria itu, macam disayat sembilu saja pilunya. Bagai disambar halilintar, Hyesung terkesiap. Terlebih ketika sang putri hanya diam tanpa kalam ketika Hyesung bertanya perihal alasan fundamentalnya pergi. Pergi kemana? Berapa lama? Mengapa? Kapan kembali?
Semua dijawab Yoomin dengan bisu.
Emosi mendera. Seluruh sel tubuh Hyesung menjeritkan penyesalan akan ledakan emosi yang melandanya. Sebuah bentakan yang tak terkendali melayang darinya.
Kau tidak mau menantiku? Justru pertanyaan polos itu balasan atasnya. Ksatria itu memutuskan untuk diam, pergi meninggalkan Yoomin yang tergugu dalam sunyi. Sedih.
Aku jatuh cinta kepadamu, Hyesung menjerit dalam hati. Namun lisannya terkunci. Aku jatuh cinta kepadamu, hingga rasanya sakit sekali hanya melihat eksistensimu saja.
Aku jatuh cinta kepadamu.
Sebuah pengakuan melayang dari bibir Hyesung, dibalas bisu seribu kalam oleh Yoomin. Pengakuan tanpa balas. Hyesung sakit hati. Seolah gadis itu tidak mau menjawab, entah marah atau tersanjung. Atau tersinggung. Atau kecewa. Berbagai pikiran dan sugesti akan probabilitas tanggapan Yoomin akan pengakuannya berkecamuk, membuatnya nyaris berteriak. Gila.
Yoomin hanya tersenyum, kecil tanpa makna. Langkahnya kecil, perlahan menjauh. Seolah tidak rela meninggalkan sesuatu yang ia hargai. Tatapan matanya sendu, tak lagi nampak binarnya. Binar yang biasa hadir di balik sepasang mata kumbang pohon itu ketika menatapi hujan, bercengkrama dengan alam. Binar yang biasa menghuni kedua bola matanya ketika mereka duduk berdua, takzim menyaksikan panorama senja yang menorehkan lini jingga di horizon barat. Seolah Hyesung telah merenggut binar itu dan mematikannya. Sehingga hanya senyum itu yang menghiasi paras ayunya.
Han Yoomin, kau cantik sekali dengan senyummu yang sedih…
Buat hujanku, yang mewarna senja
Merona layu, bagai sedih nian
Bila temu sua selanjutnya ‘lah akan lama membilang masa
Kenankan aku menunggu hingga jadi waktu dibangun.
Halte bus itu penuh sesak akan orang-orang yang hendak naik bus. Semua orang berdesak-desakan, hingga tak ayal Hyesung pun turut terdesak. Berdecak kesal, pria itu mengatupkan kembali payung keperakannya. Sudah basah kuyup, tubuhnya terdesak-desak kerumunan calon penumpang, mobilnya masih di bengkel, ia nyaris terlambat, belum lagi sepatunya basah. Jelas hari sialnya.
Sebuah bus berlalu begitu saja, mengangkut sebagian besar dari calon penumpang yang berdesakan di halte tersebut. Kini hanya tinggal beberapa orang saja, setia menunggu bus yang akan ditumpangi. Hyesung masih asyik dengan lamunannya sendiri ketika sehelai kertas mampir ke wajahnya, tertiup angin dingin.
“Ah, maaf, itu kertasku.”
Suara feminin itu membuat Hyesung segera menoleh. Tak salah lagi, sosok semampai yang kini sedang menatapinya itu. Dia. Tangan perempuan itu, yang semula hendak mengambil kertas yang mampir ke wajah Hyesung, terhenti di udara. Nampak parasnya yang ayu juga tak kalah terkejutnya dengan Hyesung.
Di bawah melodi rinai hujan, putri dan ksatrianya menemukan satu sama lain.
Demikian, hingga telah tuntas masa membilang dirinya,
Dua anak manusia menemukan sepotong jiwanya dalam satu sama lain
Di belantara deru angin yang mereguk rindu keduanya,
Bahkan anak-anak hujan turut bersuka cita atasnya.
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blacklabels-hs · 8 years
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We are together even when we are apart. You are always on my mind and in my heart. Nothing can come between us. Today and always, you are the light that keeps mine shinning ! 🎂🎂🎂🎂 Selamat hari lahir dear Khairunnisa Jamalulail. May Allah bless you always ! Make your 26 better than 25. Moga suksess dalam kerjaya anda ! Di murahkan rezeki dan sentiasa senyum selalu. Sbb senyum tu la penyeri hidup saya. 😎😍😎 Your spiderman !! Hafiz Shah ❤💘
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Headcanons for Chisaki/Chrono/Setsuno/Mimic and Nemoto ? ♥ Like his S/O is from another state, let's say Russia and he is about meet his s/o 's family. When, he comes there, he realizes that his s/o's parents are well-known assassins for the yakuza and other mafias. And he tries to stay calm, but when they are having the family dinner, he says " well, tell me about your assasianations. ". And so, they explained situation, about them. But, even the S/O didn't know.
(Public Service Announcement: Not only am I baby, but I’m also a dumb bish! This ask was clearly explained to me but I still don’t fully get it. Out of fear of messing it up, I shifted it around. My apologies!)
~Russian Assassin S/O family~
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-Honestly he couldn’t even tell you were from Russia to begin with. He couldn’t base it off your (s/c) skin alone because sometimes there more to it than that. He can’t deny it once your parents call one day and you begin speaking full Russian, flawlessly. He begins to think ‘What the Hell?! Am I dreaming???’ until you explain to him that they’ve requested to meet him. For a little bit, he doesn’t want to go because it’s a new place and that meant new germs to possibly take on. However, he knew this day would come eventually so he went ahead and agreed to making the trip with you.
-You two made it safely, and that wasn’t the issue. The issue came when you entered the home and Kai saw your parents. He was luckily wearing a mask to hide the way his mouth popped open. However, he can’t really hide the surprise in his eyes. Your parents kept the same happy demeanor despite recognizing his face and association to the Hassaikai through files. “Please come! We’re having a lovely dinner complete with Borscht!” Your mom ushered for you two to follow her into the kitchen. Your dad closed the front door and trailed behind you two, keeping a close eye on Chisaki’s back.
-Halfway through dinner, Kai decided to make a bold move to show he had the upper hand on them. “I felt as though I recognized you two. I’m sure you know who I am and what I’m affiliated with.” You tilted your head in confusion as Kai spoke. Your parents happy demeanor never left there face. Suddenly your mom nodded and replied with a smile. “Of course we do...Kai Chisaki. Young ward of the Shie Hassaikai in Japan.” Your jaw dropped and you shot a look of worry to Kai. He simply lifted his gloved hand and gently rubbed your head. “Perhaps you won’t mind some dinner story time. Tell me about your assassinations.” 
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-Hari always felt like you were from somewhere else. It wasn’t the broken Japanese (unless you’re fluent..then just ignore that part), but it was your mannerisms that made you seem so foreign to him. He finally nailed it when he looked through some of your old photos. “Russia eh? Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Hey, what about you take me to meet your family? Please???” He convinced you to go...plus you missed home so of course you agreed!
-From the moment you made it to Russia, Kurono has been staring very intently on your parents as if there was a threat present. Meanwhile your mom showed you old baby stuff she had collected from your past, and your father chopped wood in the backyard until dinner was done. Kurono kept his serious and speculative demeanor as you traveled to the kitchen together and took you seats at the dinner table. 
- It hadn’t even been a full 5 minutes at the dinner table when he suddenly spoke up. “With all due respect, let’s cut the shit here. I know you guys and I know what you do. Let’s hear about that instead of the boring crap.” While your parents started spouting off mission experiences, you were the only one that felt left in the dark. You had no idea!!!
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-Toya was nervous from the moment he woke, to the moment he got out of the shower and got dressed, to the moment you boarded your flight. “Toya baby, please calm down.” You gently placed your hand on his shaking arm. “Calm down? What makes you think I’m not calm heh heh.” He tried to nervously laugh it off. “Oh I don’t know. Maybe the way you’re shaking right now, or maybe the way you downed 7 packs of peanuts since we’ve been on the flight.”
-Toya could feel his blood run cold for a second when he saw your parent’s. Part of this was because he was nervous about meeting them for the first time, and the other part was because they were well known professional assassins throughout the crime world. Why would you have kept this from him?! He looked at you expectantly and realization set in when he noticed the way you carelessly played cards with your dad. You must not have known this??? “Dinner's ready!” Your mother called out from the kitchen.
-”Uhm...Are you guys...I mean, you guys are definitely assassins. I apologize, but I would like to tell y/n about this too since they seemed to not know it.” Setsuno spoke up. You dropped your fork and did a double take. “I’m sorry...WHAT?!?!” You freaked out while your parents laughed carelessly. “I guess if we told you the Easter bunny wasn’t real, it was about time to tell you thr truth about us too!” You mom spoke cheerfully. 
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-”Irinaka what are you wearing?” You tried to hold back a laugh from him. Mimic was currently in his full form wearing a tacky orange and green suit while nervously combing his hair in the hotel mirror. “Irinaka, just be comfortable. That’s the 5th suit I saw you pull out and try on. My parents aren’t going to care how you look. They care about what type of person you are.” You reassured him. “Yeah babe, I know. I just tryin to make a good impression on em.” Irinaka shifted himself to look at you over his shoulder. He noticed you were wearing a plain T-Shirt from your favorite show/movie, a pair of comfy pants, and you favorite old shoes. You were simple and comfy, so maybe he could be too?
-Mimic tapped his feet nervously while you chatted with your parent about Japan life. They were assassins...they were famous assassins. They could probably kill him 40 different ways with one blade of grass. They were either against the yakuza or with them depending on whatever side payed the most for their services...and now he was literally face to face with them. Normally he was braver but there was something terribly chilling the way they pretended as if nothing was wrong.
-Mimic seemed to become more like his normal annoyed self while your dad prattled on at the table about the winter this year. Your mom smiled and worked on a crossword puzzle, dipping her spoon into her bowl to eat every once in the while. You joked along with them until Mimic slammed his fork onto the table and glared in annoyance. “Cut it out with all the small talk and let’s hear about those assassinations instead.” You stared at him in confusion. Had he gone crazy? “Oh alright! I suppose it was getting a little boring here.” Your mom giggled. You then looked at her in confusion instead. Had SHE gone crazy!?!? Seems like you learned a new thing today.
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~Shin Nemouto~
-Nemouto knew you were from Russia from the start. You two had really no secrets between each other. It was a comforting thing too! Therefore, he had plenty of time to prepare himself before the day came that you asked him to come meet your parents. Shin jumped on the offer and you two were off to Russia in a heartbeat (or as fast as the plane could carry).
-After being in the house with your parents for a while, your parents went into the kitchen to set the table and finish dinner preparations. Meanwhile, Nemouto excused himself to speak privately with you. He asked you multiple weird questions but you managed to answer them to best of your knowledge. Shin knew you were telling the truth but one last time he chose to use his quirk for a single question. “Y/N, have you been hiding your parents work from me?” He asked. Without hesitation you answered him. “No, I wouldn’t hide anything. My mom designs blankets and quilts downtown, and my father works at a local mine.” Perhaps, you didn’t know? “Time for dinner you two!” Your father called out. Nemouto kept his guard up as he entered the kitchen with you.
-Nemouto hadn’t hesitated to straight up use his quirk (as he usually did when he wasn’t sure about something). He really didn’t have to! Turns out your parents are open books when it comes to this stuff involving you and him now. Besides, they had dirt on him being a part of a criminal organization, and could get rid of him any time they pleased. Aside from that, they spent at least 30 minutes apologizing to you about never telling you this stuff. 
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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