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Former blog for teamoliv RWBY OCs. See fandomless reboot in apricusdays.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
I’ve moved to a custom setting. Please see @apricusdays for the new blog and @apricuscity for the setting created for it.
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
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Alright, everyone, we’re ready! @echoesofblck and I would like to welcome you to our new RP project @apricuscity​! To cut a long story short, after a hiatus and some thinking about what we wanted with our blogs moving forward, we both decided we wanted to break from the RWBY setting to do our own thing. We kept some basic ideas we still liked (as well as to make transitioning our characters far easier) and concocted a new setting to write a new story without worrying about where RWBY’s plot is going.
In short, Apricus City is a massive cyberpunk megalopolis with districts controlled by various organized factions. We tried to have as many variation in the locations as possible to allow anyone who wants to RP in the setting somewhere they’ll feel at home. Do you like slice of life RP? Go to one of the resident districts. Academy shenanigans? Check out the campus. Want adventure and action? See what’s going on in the Guardian District as they explore monster fueled abandoned military base south of the city.
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All of the characters we’ve created over the years will be present as well as a handful of new ones with some changes and what I’m going to go ahead and describe as “balance tweaks.” Basically we changed some aspects of some characters and removed things that didn’t fit or we just didn’t want anymore- mostly semblances that were mostly forgotten or not fun to play with. If you don’t see something you remember from a character here in their new bio, presume it’s gone.
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We’ll be setting up new openings and starter calls soon. I will also be refollowing all mutuals from the new account. As stated before, We will both be keeping a RWBY AU available for people who don’t want to worry about exploring a custom setting, but we hope at least some people will enjoy it.
My blog: @apricusdays​
Blek’s blog: @apricusnights​
The Setting: @apricuscity​
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
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Casual reminder to followers that this blog is archived and done. The characters have been moved to a custom setting over at @apricusdays​. The setting is over at @apricuscity​ and you can follow Blake’s at @apricusnights​.
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
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Alright, everyone, we’re ready! @echoesofblck and I would like to welcome you to our new RP project @apricuscity​! To cut a long story short, after a hiatus and some thinking about what we wanted with our blogs moving forward, we both decided we wanted to break from the RWBY setting to do our own thing. We kept some basic ideas we still liked (as well as to make transitioning our characters far easier) and concocted a new setting to write a new story without worrying about where RWBY’s plot is going.
In short, Apricus City is a massive cyberpunk megalopolis with districts controlled by various organized factions. We tried to have as many variation in the locations as possible to allow anyone who wants to RP in the setting somewhere they’ll feel at home. Do you like slice of life RP? Go to one of the resident districts. Academy shenanigans? Check out the campus. Want adventure and action? See what’s going on in the Guardian District as they explore monster fueled abandoned military base south of the city.
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All of the characters we’ve created over the years will be present as well as a handful of new ones with some changes and what I’m going to go ahead and describe as “balance tweaks.” Basically we changed some aspects of some characters and removed things that didn’t fit or we just didn’t want anymore- mostly semblances that were mostly forgotten or not fun to play with. If you don’t see something you remember from a character here in their new bio, presume it’s gone.
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We’ll be setting up new openings and starter calls soon. I will also be refollowing all mutuals from the new account. As stated before, We will both be keeping a RWBY AU available for people who don’t want to worry about exploring a custom setting, but we hope at least some people will enjoy it.
My blog: @apricusdays​
Blek’s blog: @apricusnights​
The Setting: @apricuscity​
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
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Alright, everyone, we’re ready! @echoesofblck and I would like to welcome you to our new RP project @apricuscity​! To cut a long story short, after a hiatus and some thinking about what we wanted with our blogs moving forward, we both decided we wanted to break from the RWBY setting to do our own thing. We kept some basic ideas we still liked (as well as to make transitioning our characters far easier) and concocted a new setting to write a new story without worrying about where RWBY’s plot is going.
In short, Apricus City is a massive cyberpunk megalopolis with districts controlled by various organized factions. We tried to have as many variation in the locations as possible to allow anyone who wants to RP in the setting somewhere they’ll feel at home. Do you like slice of life RP? Go to one of the resident districts. Academy shenanigans? Check out the campus. Want adventure and action? See what’s going on in the Guardian District as they explore monster fueled abandoned military base south of the city.
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All of the characters we’ve created over the years will be present as well as a handful of new ones with some changes and what I’m going to go ahead and describe as “balance tweaks.” Basically we changed some aspects of some characters and removed things that didn’t fit or we just didn’t want anymore- mostly semblances that were mostly forgotten or not fun to play with. If you don’t see something you remember from a character here in their new bio, presume it’s gone.
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We’ll be setting up new openings and starter calls soon. I will also be refollowing all mutuals from the new account. As stated before, We will both be keeping a RWBY AU available for people who don’t want to worry about exploring a custom setting, but we hope at least some people will enjoy it.
My blog: @apricusdays​
Blek’s blog: @apricusnights​
The Setting: @apricuscity​
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
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Alright, everyone, we’re ready! @echoesofblck and I would like to welcome you to our new RP project @apricuscity​! To cut a long story short, after a hiatus and some thinking about what we wanted with our blogs moving forward, we both decided we wanted to break from the RWBY setting to do our own thing. We kept some basic ideas we still liked (as well as to make transitioning our characters far easier) and concocted a new setting to write a new story without worrying about where RWBY’s plot is going.
In short, Apricus City is a massive cyberpunk megalopolis with districts controlled by various organized factions. We tried to have as many variation in the locations as possible to allow anyone who wants to RP in the setting somewhere they’ll feel at home. Do you like slice of life RP? Go to one of the resident districts. Academy shenanigans? Check out the campus. Want adventure and action? See what’s going on in the Guardian District as they explore monster fueled abandoned military base south of the city.
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All of the characters we’ve created over the years will be present as well as a handful of new ones with some changes and what I’m going to go ahead and describe as “balance tweaks.” Basically we changed some aspects of some characters and removed things that didn’t fit or we just didn’t want anymore- mostly semblances that were mostly forgotten or not fun to play with. If you don’t see something you remember from a character here in their new bio, presume it’s gone.
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We’ll be setting up new openings and starter calls soon. I will also be refollowing all mutuals from the new account. As stated before, We will both be keeping a RWBY AU available for people who don’t want to worry about exploring a custom setting, but we hope at least some people will enjoy it.
My blog: @apricusdays​
Blek’s blog: @apricusnights​
The Setting: @apricuscity​
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
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Alright, everyone, we’re ready! @echoesofblck and I would like to welcome you to our new RP project @apricuscity​! To cut a long story short, after a hiatus and some thinking about what we wanted with our blogs moving forward, we both decided we wanted to break from the RWBY setting to do our own thing. We kept some basic ideas we still liked (as well as to make transitioning our characters far easier) and concocted a new setting to write a new story without worrying about where RWBY’s plot is going.
In short, Apricus City is a massive cyberpunk megalopolis with districts controlled by various organized factions. We tried to have as many variation in the locations as possible to allow anyone who wants to RP in the setting somewhere they’ll feel at home. Do you like slice of life RP? Go to one of the resident districts. Academy shenanigans? Check out the campus. Want adventure and action? See what’s going on in the Guardian District as they explore monster fueled abandoned military base south of the city.
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All of the characters we’ve created over the years will be present as well as a handful of new ones with some changes and what I’m going to go ahead and describe as “balance tweaks.” Basically we changed some aspects of some characters and removed things that didn’t fit or we just didn’t want anymore- mostly semblances that were mostly forgotten or not fun to play with. If you don’t see something you remember from a character here in their new bio, presume it’s gone.
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We’ll be setting up new openings and starter calls soon. I will also be refollowing all mutuals from the new account. As stated before, We will both be keeping a RWBY AU available for people who don’t want to worry about exploring a custom setting, but we hope at least some people will enjoy it.
My blog: @apricusdays​
Blek’s blog: @apricusnights​
The Setting: @apricuscity​
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Apricus Presents:
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“Good evening, I am Sister Lucianna Markella of the Consecration of Creation. I represent one of the oldest institutions in Apricus City and the only one to survive the revolution. Ours is an ancient faith that asks only one thing of its believers- respect and celebrate life. We believe that it is our sworn duty to one another to protect and aide each other. We care for the sick, the hungry, and homeless and I pleased to announce that these tenants can be seen followed in all walks of life in our fair city. Our faith and our traditions are what keeps our city together and we look forward to welcoming you to share in its splendor.”
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“Our more faithful keep to the old ways. We reject the advent of cybernetics and other corruptions of the body and embrace the power of the Awakened as holy. Our Templars, Awakened every one, serve as our guardians against the unnatural and the evil. They fight alongside the city’s soldiers and bounty hunters to ensure that you are and always will be safe, protected, and loved. To our soon to be visitors and hopefully our soon to be neighbors, come see the cathedral and celebrate our newfound friendship. May the Creator bless you.”
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Apricus Presents:
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“Hey there,
There’s only one reason people ever come see me. It’s because they want something. Most of the time it’s a job done. I’m Damien Styles and I’m the guy at the head of Resource Workers United. We’re the ones responsible for everything this city needs to keep functioning. Everything is made of something and it’s our jobs to provide those somethings. If you’re here to visit Apricus, let’s get one thing straight- you treat my people with respect and it’ll give you a big leg up on the rest of these ungrateful bastards we slave for.”
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“I won’t lie to you and pretend my districts have some kind of one-of-a-kind tourist spot or special benefit. We’re the labor. We have one really big store and that’s about it- just an oversized version of what you can find all over the city. I’m not like the rest of the council. I don’t pretend I hold all the cards. We know that we do. If you come to the Gardens, or the Mines, or the Yard, there will be a job for you. This city’s growing and it’s going to need all the help it can get. Now let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Apricus Presents:
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“Welcome, esteemed guests to Apricus City,
“My name is Tyrael Cheshire and I am the President and CEO of the Cheshire Financial Group. This city would be nowhere without a steady financial base and here in the city you will likely be utilizing our currency exchange services as well as our banks. Because of my company, Apricus City’s economy bounced back from the revolution in record time and over the last few decades has become a major player in the region.”
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“If I may add some incentive to those considering moving here, Cheshire Financial is one of the leading companies in the city in competitive salaries for new hires on all levels and our benefits include free vacation days to the Cheshire Ski Resort in Solis Heights. We’re always looking for all manner of brilliant and resourceful minds as executives, analysts, and financial advisors.”
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“The city opens its borders tomorrow. We hope to see you soon.”
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
A reminder.
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As you know by now, @teamoliv-archive​ and I have been creating a new setting to RP in. We’re finished and it will be launching Saturday.
In regards to @brnzsniperbabe​, @handsoffthetail​, and @echoesofblck​ all the main activity will now take place on the new blogs.
This does NOT mean I’m abandoning RWBY-verse however it will become secondary and more an an AU.
If we have threads going on the RWBY blogs, they will continue. That will not change. I will also be open to RWBY-verse threads if that’s what people want.
That being said, I will likely be much more active on the Apricus City blogs.
Make sure you go follow:
@apricuscity​ (Main City blog), @apricusdays​ (Setrin “OLIV Mun”), and @apricusnights​ (Me).
We’re welcoming everyone so take a look at the city info and such on the main blog. If you have any questions feel free to direct them to Setrin or myself.
Thanks for your time!
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
A special announcement!
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“Hello?” Microphone feedback noise “OOPS, sorry about that. Let’s try again.” Tapping the mic “Hello everyone! My name is Flavian Lowell, I’m Mayor of the lovely city of Apricus! I’m here to ask for a moment of your time, don’t worry we’ll send you right back to your regular programming shortly!”
“Some of you may have heard the rumors that our fair city will soon be opening up it’s gates for more tourism, and offering residency. This is true! In a few short days you’ll be able to see what all the fuss is about when you experience the splendor of Apricus!”
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“Apricus offers many sights for tourists. The bustling Dimond District for instance. Home to our amazing Apricus Emporium Mall, complete with indoor amusement park! Or perhaps you’d like to catch a concert at the  Euterpe Concert Hall! Bubblegum Explosion will be playing there this weekend, I hear they are quite popular with the younger crowd. I’m more a classical music fan myself.”
“You could visit one of our many Hecaball stadiums! What’s Hecaball you ask? Why it’s only the greatest sport ever conceived! Hecaball is a high-action sport where two players of six compete to score goals over the course of the game. Players are outfitted in a large stadium with augmented gravity platforms that allow for full 360 degree movement and equipment that allows them to bounce from location to location quickly! Sound like fun? You bet it is!”
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“We offer plenty of housing options, from Solis Heights, to Aurora Vale, to Delta Town, to the lovely Cherry Hills! You’re sure to find a great place to settle down! If you’re interested in an education, Apricus University is on your list! The university has premiere education programs for all fields and free tuition.“
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“I can’t possibly list all the great things about our city in one broadcast so instead I implore you to check out our visitor’s guide and read up on everything yourself. I’d like to give a quick thank you to Ciar Industries for allowing me this opportunity! Once again this is Mayor Flavian Lowell, hope to see you in person on Saturday!”
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Reboot Update 4
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Everything is finished! The new setting of Apricus City will be started on Saturday along with the new blogs that Blek and I have started for our characters. As a final reminder, we’re still participating with the RWBY RPC, but this will be an AU rather than the core setting for our characters.
You can follow my half of things on @apricusdays​ if you want to check it out ahead of time. The setting itself can be found on Apricus City link on each blog because for some reason tumblr won’t let us @ it. (Blog url is apricuscity)
As of today this blog will officially be archived, but following Saturday, I’ll be reblogging the update post for a while to keep awareness up. I’ll also be doing follows of blogs I follow on this one after that.
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Reboot Update 3
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All of the writing is officially done. @echoesofblck​ and I should be ready to debut the new blogs soon! Pay attention to the coming days!
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Reboot Update 2
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Okay, I know there’s a lot of people I know here who are okay with AUs and/or fandomless blogs interacting with them and others want to keep entirely to their fandom, OC or no. So I’m going to ask something of you all:
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I will have to restart some things by refollowing a lot of people on the new blog. So I know who to prioritize, could anyone who might be interested in exploring a custom setting like the post to let me know there’s any interest beyond my usual RP partners? If you want to keep RPing but keep it to the RWBY setting, let me know. I’m fine with keeping things as they are in that regard. Thanks for reading and indulging me.
If anyone is really interested, I’ll give a follow on my (still unfinished) new blog if people want to be there for the debut.
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Reboot Update 2
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Okay, I know there’s a lot of people I know here who are okay with AUs and/or fandomless blogs interacting with them and others want to keep entirely to their fandom, OC or no. So I’m going to ask something of you all:
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I will have to restart some things by refollowing a lot of people on the new blog. So I know who to prioritize, could anyone who might be interested in exploring a custom setting like the post to let me know there’s any interest beyond my usual RP partners? If you want to keep RPing but keep it to the RWBY setting, let me know. I’m fine with keeping things as they are in that regard. Thanks for reading and indulging me.
If anyone is really interested, I’ll give a follow on my (still unfinished) new blog if people want to be there for the debut.
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years ago
Reboot Update
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Hey there, everyone. Time to give another update on the blog revamp.
This blog will be archived. A new one has been created and the url will be shared once it’s ready. I’ll also be redoing icons as I go, but that will be a personal project for FAR later down the line. EDIT: After some questions, I’ve been asked to clarify this. I stand by that I am not dropping any threads. They will be continued through the new blog with a RWBY AU tag.
The setting overview is basically done. Both @echoesofblck​ and I have been working on this quite a bit these last few weeks and we hope to have everything more or less written down by tomorrow. We’re both ready to take any questions anyone might have about the new setting but I’ll try to give a small overview here.
The blogs will be debuted on a functional state. We haven’t done any visual assets beside a handful so expect some updates as we go. As stated before, things will also open up in a sandbox mode and the new stories will be debuting later.
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So without further ado, here’s the general overview of the new setting my muses will be default set in and why we set it up the way we did.
Apricus City is a cyberpunk megalopolis that’s reconsolidated after winning their independence from a crumbling despotic state. It has futuristic technology and numerous massive political influencers and companies that dominate the city’s daily life. The city is effectively run by almost a dozen major entities kept in a tense peace by a general treaty/compact that helps keep the city running.
Cybernetics and body modifications are a commonplace sight, but still expensive enough that most people don’t have them. However, these and futuristic weapons allow people to defend themselves in case factional infighting turns drastic or if there is a monster attack. There is also a rare mystical power we’ve dubbed Awakening. It’s a born skill for 1 out of every 100,000 people in the city. Many have to spend time learning how their unique ability works (and in many cases, how to use it at all.) How Awakeners are treated depends on the district, but they are legally equal to all other citizens. We weren’t originally going to have this, but Blek figured we should still keep some kind of magic just in case. We put a few more limitations on what Awakened powers are and how they work, but to make it simple, imagine the same general rules of semblances but we dropped most of our characters’ powers that could easily be replaced with technology to keep the idea that having these skills are mildly rare. We also removed any and all powers our muses had that affected other characters in a non-physical way because, really, those are hard to write and harder to make fun.
Both of these things were to allow our muses easy transition over to the setting without heavy rewriting. This is something that affected our setting’s writing on all levels. Since we started with RWBY as a setting, we wanted to make our setting as seamless to most RWBY muses on a conceptual level as possible so our RP partners could check out the setting without changing much at all- or so we could put new characters in a RWBY AU for those who didn’t want to visit another setting. This also allows other custom/fandomless characters to check out the setting by simply being from somewhere outside the city if they so chose.
Chimeras are a series of bioweapons that come from a sealed laboratory/base south of the city. They are the remnants of a weapons project from the former state that still believes the rebellion that formed Apricus City is ongoing. Currently, there are too many creatures guarding the facility itself to try and destroy it safely, so it’s currently walled off and guarded and watched in case of attacks or if monsters sneak in. We kept this angle so we could still have the monster hunting trope RWBY used while putting our own spin on it. This also allows people to have cool guilt-free action scenes against monsters that can take any form.
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We’ve also created a lot of setting-specific cultural stuff for people who want to explore it, but for those who only want to interact with our characters in AUs away from our custom city, it won’t be necessary to know about. That said, we hope we created something that people might have some fun with. If anyone wants to know more or how I’m altering my characters to fit this new setting, drop me an ask.
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