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sistahscifi · 2 years ago
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Whatcha doing today? Have you checked out a Sistah Scifi Book Vending Machine?!? Black Coffee Northwest at 16743 Aurora Ave North Shoreline WA 98133 is the home for one of our NEW Sistah Scifi Book Vending Machines! Black Coffee Northwest is open Mon - Fri 8a-2p and Sat - 8a-3p PST. Swipe left to check out the titles that are currently in stock. Mae Among the Stars @rodaworld @stasiaburrington @harpercollins To Boldly Go: How Nichelle Nichols and Star Trek Helped Advance Civil Rights @angeladalton_author @bylaurensemmer @harpercollins Sister Mine @nalohop @grandcentralpub Stella's Stellar Hair @yeseniadraws @macmillanusa My Rainy Day Rocket Ship @markettesheppard @simonandschuster The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer @janellemonae @harpervoyagerus Naomi: Season One @brianmbendis @davidf.walker @pryce14 @dcofficial Speculation @Nisi_Shawl @leeandlow Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky) @rebeccaroanhorse @sagasff Nubia: The Awakening @omarepps @clarenceahaynes @delacortepress Wild Seed @ocatviabutler @hachetteus Mind of my Mind @ocatviabutler @hachetteus How Long 'til Black Future Month? #nkjemisin @orbitbooks_us Black Panther: Protectors of Wakanda @karamahorne @quartobooksus Make sure if you grab a title at @blackcoffeenw, snap a pic or a video and tag us! We will feature you in our stories! 😍 #SistahScifi #blackownedbookstore #blackownedcoffeeshop #NorthShorelineWA #northshoreline #bookvendingmachine #blackcoffee #coffeeshop #coffeeandbooks #blackcoffeenorthwest #blackcoffeenorthwestwa #blackcoffeenorthwest #octaviabutler #mindofmymind #wildseed #maeamongthestars #sistermine #nalohopkinson #stellasstellarhair #toboldlygo #naomi #protectorsofwakanda #janellemorgan #thememorylibrarian #myrainydayrocketship #nubiatheawakening #omarepps #blacksun (at Black Coffee Northwest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp755ezrONl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arttentacle · 7 years ago
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"Ascemic Plant Identification" Water color and ink Work of Medusa Medina
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turassaki · 6 years ago
What the fuck, Sleep?
So how it goes is how it folds
Meaningless words just in rolls
Two lines inn, & I can’t think of anything but polls
Like polls, I’m trying to make this work
How I wish it was easy but I can’t murk
Oh this is enough it’s time to quit
But fuck it, gotta go hard. I have to do it
Through it, youll realize this is my toolkit
I’m done .. I hope you had a blast
Oh at last , I know I ain’t Rust
But I feel like it’s a must, but my past
Too hard to let go, shit I’m at an outcast
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brokeballer · 7 years ago
#SpoofSchool #16BarBookReports presents #MindOfMyMind by #octaviabutler Music: "Lovely Head" by Goldfrapp @goldfrappmusic @alison_goldfrapp Lyrics: Doro, you done created a monster / But be she the disease or the doctor? / The truth or the consequence? Because she gets into your mind and then / That's how this Patternist design begins / Ever wish they all could be California girls? / Well, be careful what you wish for / 'Cause you never know what Mary has in store / Not a little lamb, a little lamentation; revolution revelation / The first family of telepaths / Versus the grand bodysnatcher / All at the hands of the master black science fiction crafter / Octavia Butler, rest in peace, Madame / Mind Of My Mind, 'cause your mind is my mind / And my mind is your mind once you come to Forsyth / Will Mary make madness or music? / Well, she can do anything once she puts your mind to it . . . "Frankenstein would want your mind . . your lovely head . . " ~ Alison Goldfrapp @octaviabutlerbookclub #16BarBookReport #patternist #patternistseries #lovelyhead #goldfrapp #sciencefiction #blacksciencefiction #blackwriters #TeachingArtist #TeachingArtistry #bookreview #bookreviews #ELA #RELA #ripoctaviabutler
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stormcandy-blerd · 6 years ago
Book 16 of 100: #claysark by #octaviabutler. It is the 3rd book of the #Patternmaster series. It is the story of many layers. Set in the near future of #mindofmymind, technically our current time, in a world thrown into chaos by both harsh climate change and socioeconomic gaps. The meaning of haves and have nots, are determined by walled cities and guns. A family on a road trip finds themselves at the mercy of abductors with a dark secret. #Nerdpost #reading #readinggoal #supportlibraries #100booksinayear #afrofrutrism
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etymologyrules · 6 years ago
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alyssatoearth · 7 years ago
"Imago" by MindofMyMind
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koe-silo · 8 years ago
Wild Seed by MindofMyMind
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sistahscifi · 2 years ago
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Morning! One of our Sistah Scifi Siblings asked us to let them know when we had all titles of The Patternist Series in stock. Was it you?  In case it was, we are in stock!!! Link in bio: @sistahscifi | www.sistahscifi.com. If you were waiting for a restock and we sell out before you make your purchase, don't fret! You can turn on back in stock notifications and receive an email the second we are back in stock or you can check the books out from your local #library! Yall know we loooooooooove #libraries! Reposted from @scifi.book.club I am so excited to read more from Octavia Butler - I’ve now got the PATTERNMASTER series and I’m ready to dive right in to her deep, thoughtful and vivid writing.✨ Have you read these? What did you think? #SF #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SciFiBooks  #Patternmaster #Bookish #OctaviaButler #Bookstafiends  #OctaviaEButler #SistahScifi #WildSeed #MindofMyMind #Afrofuturism #ThePatternistSeries  @octaviaebutler @hachetteus @grandcentralpub (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnR91soLzPw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blackpineappleadee · 10 years ago
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🍅🍍🍉🍊🍋 #tbt #mindofmymind 📷 : @saxtalaqway
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brokeballer · 7 years ago
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Reposting all of my #16barbookreports in anticipation of my 5th and favorite. My next post will be my 2nd #SpoofSchool #16BarBookReport of #MindOfMyMind by #octaviabutler . Y'all ready? 3, 2, 1 . . @octaviabutlerbookclub 
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stormcandy-blerd · 6 years ago
Book 15 of 100. #Patternmaster by #octaviabutler. The first book of the series, but the last book in the chronology of the series. Set in the future from #mindofmymind Two brothers fight. One for supremacy and the other for freedom. #Nerdpost #reading #readinggoal #supportlibraries #100booksinayear #afrofrutrism
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sistahscifi · 2 years ago
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Andrea, we are soooooooo excited you were happy with your order. You have great taste in books!!! Please let us know what you think when you finish!!! Reposted from @andreak2347 Just got a book bundle of goodness from @sistahscifi! Thank you so much. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾♥️ And this post card featuring @paullewinart was a nice surprise, and I must say that I’d LOVE it if it was a small puzzle (hint, hint😁). #SistahScifi #wildseed #mindofmymind #octaviaebutler #PaulLewin #PaulLewinArt // @hachetteus @grandcentralpub (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CikVnNurHO6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sistahscifi · 3 years ago
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We love this question by Hamadi! Do you think the relationship between Doro and Anyanwu was toxic? Why or why not? Purchase your copies of Tge Patternist Series on our @Facebook, @Instagram, @Twitter, @Pinterest, @TikTok, @Twitter or @Shopify store. #Audiobook available from @Librofm. Link in bio: @SistahScifi. Better yet, check it out from your local #library !!! Reposted from @hamadi_the_hottie Finished another one! I love @octaviaebutler and her writing! Are Anyanwu and Doro an example of the most toxic relationship? I'm not sure but I will definitely be reading the next one! #sistahscifi #scifi #scifibooks #sciencefiction #blackwriters #blackauthors #wildseed #readingisfundamental #octaviaebutler #montenegro #jelaresort #Afrofuturism #wildseed #mindofmymind #patternmaster #patternistseries #BlackScifi #octaviabutler #Dore #Anyanwu (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChhhgaSr6wx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sistahscifi · 3 years ago
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Yes to this book spread highlighting the creative intersection of Afrofuturism artist Paul Lewin and writing of the grand dame of Afrofuturism Octavia E. Butler!!! You can purchase these titles from our @facebook, @instagram, @shopify, @tiktok, @pinterest, or @twitter stores. Audiobooks available on @librofm. Link in bio: @sistahscifi | www.sistahscifi.com. Better yet, check them out from your local #library! Reposted from @lostinthecosmere I read Kindred a few years ago and knew I needed to read everything by this brilliant woman. Octavia Butler was so far before her time that her books never hit the best sellers list until after her death. I love the @7storiespress editions of Parable of the Talents/Sower and can’t wait to get my copy of Fledgling coming out soon 😍 the gorgeous art on the covers is by the insanely talented @paullewinart … I loved it so much I got a signed print!! . . . . #octaviabutler #parableofthesower #parableofthetalents #bloodchild #wildseed #mindofmymind #claysark #patternmaster #sistahscifi #octaviaebutler #Afrofuturism @hachettebooks @grandcentralpub (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChFI8x2LBto/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sistahscifi · 3 years ago
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#Rollcall.... where are our Octavia E Butler #stans? Let's show Clarisse that they are DEFINITELY not the only Octavia E Butler #fangirl/#fanboy/#fanperson! What was your first book by Butler, and have you read her full body of work? Our first book was Fledgling, and we still need to read Bloodchild and UnexpectedStories. Reposted from @rootedamongthestars if octavia butler has a million fans, i am one of them. if octavia butler has ten fans, i am one of them. if octavia butler has only one fan, it’s me. if octavia butler has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth. I’ve been putting off Fledgling and the Lilith’s Brood trilogy because I’m not prepared to be done with Octavia Butler’s works. #OctaviaEButler #OctaviaButler #Fledgling #UnexpectedStories #bloodchild #PatternistSeries #MindofMyMind #WildSeed #ClaysArk #Patternmaster #afrofuturism // @hachetteus @orbitbooks_us @octaviaebutler (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgrsDBQrc0z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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