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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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Good morning, Currently, I am sitting at my kitchen table, listening to the birds outside my window, icing my knee, and trying to parcel through what words to share with you. As I sit and write this, there is so much arising in me right now: Big Emotion, Fear, Anxiety, a desire to Comfort, Shoulds and Should Nots, and itā€™s an uncomfortable place to be sitting in. But I think that right now, learning to sit with this discomfort is so very important. Breathe. Notice. And take action. I am working on breathing, taking a seat and paying attention to my thoughts. I am introducing myself to my mental habits and prejudices, to old ways of thinking. In doing so, I am trying to create space for new thoughts and reactions. Space to challenge assumptions, and space to grow. And then, there needs to be action. I am taking my Fear of Doing The Wrong Thing along for the ride (but not in the driverā€™s seat) as I take action to the best of my current knowledge. It is very likely that in taking action I will learn something ā€” and that will inspire the Breathe, Notice, Take Action cycle to repeat again. Take care, as best you can, of yourself today. Make space for breath and sleep and Big Emotion. Iā€™m right there with you. Much love, Caitlin #BlackLivesMatter #MindfulnessforMakers P.S. If youā€™re looking for resources or actions to take, check out this document, Resources for Accountability and Actions for Black Lives: (link on our FB page) P.P.S. Also sharing this beautiful graphic from Deepa Iyer (Solidarity Is and Building Movement Project) detailing the various roles we play in a social change ecosystem. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5yuEwh84D/?igshid=loane1q3pup5
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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Big love to this phenomenal man today, who is helping me hobble thru the house. After injuring myself last night, I was unable to film and post a new #MindfulnessforMakers video today. So sorry about that ā€” but there is a good-sized backlog of videos for you to explore on our Facebook page or YouTube channel, so I will be referring you there until Iā€™m back on my feet. When the universe tells you to slow it on down, ya gotta listen. šŸ’œ I literally could do it without Jordan or @madelinejustsaid, so giant thanks for the humans helping me today. In the meantime: how šŸ”„ is my husband in his Enso shirt?? Daaaamn hot, thatā€™s how hot. Love you all, Caitlin #ouch #husbandappreciationday #roommateappreciationday #onedayatatime https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VuKj5B7vK/?igshid=1nn7tbpyfp7r7
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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Due to a very spotty internet connection today (fingers crossed that this can get posted!) todayā€™s video will be slightly delayed! Donā€™t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for all our #mindfulnessformakers videos! See you soon. šŸ’œCaitlin #dailymindfulness #meditation #ensotheatre #mindfulquarantine (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B--IEXeBvCC/?igshid=17fv6d38ipybe
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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#DailyDelightWallChallenge: Here is the result from todayā€™s live #DailyMindfulness! Thanks to everyone that helped me create this #DailyDelightWall!! How to Make & Use Your Own #DailyDelightWall: 1. Create space in your wall or some other surface where you will see these every day 2. Get post-its 3. Write down small, time-boxed actions that bring you joy. Ex: Take. 10 min. walk 4. When you notice your anxiety or stress building, pick one of your Daily Delights off the wall, and do it! 5. At the end of your activity, check in with how you are feeling. Ok ā€” so ā€” I challenge you to create your own #DailyDelightWall. Send me a picture of yours and Iā€™ll post it on Ensoā€™s page. Letā€™s share our #dailydelightwall strategies for coping with the stress and anxiety right now. Hope you find a little delight today. šŸ™Œ See you tomorrow. šŸ’œCaitlin & The Ensemble #Mindfulnessformakers #mindfulness #wellness #stressstrategies #breathe #yougotthis (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ullFZBLo9/?igshid=12a9yud2v7u75
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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#dailymindfulness #mindfulnessformakers #goinglive https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ugVR7hoK8/?igshid=pvmyn36q20et
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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As a follow up to this morning's #MindfulnessforMakers practice, here are some ideas on how you can create your own Mindfulness Corner. šŸ’œCaitlin #DailyMindfulness #mindfulmonday #meditation #sacredspace #diy #howto #mindfulnessinquarantine #selfisolation https://www.instagram.com/p/B-LM4CyBBwU/?igshid=12snh1r4gs76y
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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Live, guided mindful walk this morning at 9:30am! Grab some headphones and follow me live @Caitlin Mae on Facebook. Gorgeous view of the city at the end. Letā€™s get out of the house. Letā€™s take a breath. Letā€™s talk about things that are still wonderful. See you in a few minutes. Iā€™ll wait for you to get your shoes on. šŸ’œā˜€ļø With love, Caitlin #mindfulnessformakers #mindfulnessinquarantine #breathe #walkingmeditation #guidedmeditation #facebooklive https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AJcPOBZq3/?igshid=1mmb5f7z1u050
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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This week, to support anyone stuck at home because of Coronavirus/COVID-19, I will be positing FREE, live, guided mindfulness practices on my Facebook page, @Caitlin Mae. Every morning. ā˜€ļø Iā€™m aiming to make my mindfulness practices as accessible as possible, with a lil humor and movement and warm fuzzy things! This morningā€™s practice encouraged the use of warm fuzzy blankets and hot tea, for example. ā˜•ļø Tune in, and treat yo self with compassionate kindness during these hard times. šŸ„° With love, Caitlin #MindfulnessforMakers #MindfulMorning #MindfulMonday #MondayMindfulness #meditation #enso #breathecreaterepeat https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zXcrCBdyh/?igshid=yo9t71gtz1d7
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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Why hello, Opening Night!! šŸŽ‰ The energy in the room last night was sizzling. These young artists are ready to take you on a journey. šŸ’œšŸ¤øā€ā™€ļø Join us today, tomorrow and Sunday for ā€œGruesome Playground Injuries,ā€ live music, teen-created visual art, snacks, drinks and Enso merch! Tickets available at $15, $20 and $25, and students are always PWYC ā€” use the discount code STUDENT for $10 tickets or pay cash at the door. We canā€™t WAIT to have you. Caitlin & Kieran & The Ensemble #EnsoGetsGruesome #gruesomeplaygroundinjuries #portlandtheater #pdxtheater #goseeashow #supportthearts #nonprofit #teentheater #mindfultheater #mindfulnessformakers #enso #breathecreaterepeat #openingnight #letsdothis #thekidsarealright Made possible by donors like YOU and the @portland.civic.theatre.guild Mary Brand award. (at Hand2Mouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZoeiGhDBN/?igshid=1ajewqf3r8vqi
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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Yesterday was our Mindfulness & Intimacy day. ā€œThe kidsā€ (as Rajiv Joseph refers to his characters) learned several mindfulness techniques including: Mindful movement Warm fuzzy Watching your breath Mindful journaling Naming thoughts as they arise How to set your body up for success Setting a SMART goal The five pillars of Intimacy Directors International And then they created their very own pre- and post-rehearsal mindfulness routines. This daily ritual, if you will, creates a muscle memory effect that trains your body to know that the emotions it experiences during scene work are separate from real-life trauma. Finally, we began choreographing each physical contact/intimate moment in the show. It was a big day and these amazing young artists did beautifully!! Very, very proud of them and the rehearsal environment we are creating together. šŸ’œ Have you gotten your tickets yet? March is right around the corner. Get tickets at Ensotheatre.com/Gruesome-Playground-Injuries See you at the show!šŸ„° Caitlin & Kieran & The Ensemble #ensogetsgruesome #gruesomeplaygroundinjuries #portlandtheater #pdxtheater #letsdothis #intimacydirectorsinternational #mindfulnessforteens #mindfulnessformakers #mindfultheater #enso #breathe https://www.instagram.com/p/B8g5vK9Bft9/?igshid=1hmlnn9y47t3m
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
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My Dad has always said he loves doing the dishes. To which my 10-yr old self squinched up her nose and thought, ā€œUgh, why??ā€ I donā€™t think itā€™s accurate to say that now, as an adult, I love doing the dishes. But I do like it. Especially in winter. Hereā€™s a mindful exercise you can try the next time you find yourself scrubbing pans in the sink: Take three deep breaths. Feel the soles of your feet on the ground. Redirect your thoughts to the sensations happening to your hands. Can you feel the warmth from the water spreading from your fingers throughout your body? Consider where that water is coming from. Try thanking it for being there. Or...take a look at your soap. Does it have a pleasant smell? Think about the folks who made the soap, so it could be here, ensuring your health the next time you use that plate. Three deep breaths. Feet on the ground. Warmth in your hands. Maybe this feels totally weird for you ā€” to be honest most of the time I just let my mind think about what I need to do next, when Iā€™m doing the dishes. But I love remembering this exercise, because it reminds me that I can be fully present in even the most basic day to day tasks. And I can even enjoy them (if not quite love them). Thanks Dad. ā¤ļøCaitlin #mindfulnessformakers #mindfultip #bewell #breathe #enso #wellness #presence #beherenow #onedayatatime https://www.instagram.com/p/B7oerq9BhA5/?igshid=1x1b7ro79uih9
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ensotheatre Ā· 5 years ago
No mindfulness corner is complete without A BEAN!! šŸ˜» This morningā€™s daily mindfulness (find it @EnsoTheatre on Facebook) walks you through how to create your own mindfulness corner at home, with items you already have in your house. Comment below with photos of your own mindfulness corners/yoga spaces/sacred altars/etc!!šŸ’œ Your photo may inspire someone to create one for the first time. Defining space for ourselves, however small, gives us both a tangible place to get grounded, AND provides our household with a shared vocabulary for respecting when we need alone-time. Try it! Share it! Love it! See your tomorrow. šŸ’œCaitlin & The Ensemble PS Donā€™t forget to support these videos and Enso by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Just search Enso Theatre Ensemble on YouTube and help us get to 1,000 subscribers. Thanks! #MindfulnessforMakers #Dailymindfulness #meditation #sacredspace #breathe #dailywellness #catsofinstagram #BeanofEnso https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Ke2-mBZkY/?igshid=1p4luw9zfgcgx
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