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stochastique-blog · 10 months ago
Experiment - Automatic Random_Reblog - Ask me !
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I finished this gorgeous gray hat (the Forth Hat by @ysolda) last night after working on it for the last two days only to discover that it looks way better on my husband than me. So Mike gets a new hat and I cast on a second attempt for myself. And obviously by “finished” I mean I still need to weave in the ends and wash/block it 😂 . . . . . #tinyhappyknits #knittingaddict #forthhat #knittersgonnaknit #knittersofinstagram #knithat #handknit #makersgonnamake #slowknitting #mindfulknitting #selfcareknitting https://www.instagram.com/p/CodQxl5ubWC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yarntogarment · 2 years ago
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I have the pleasure of my granddaughter reading me Dear Zoo, in her new Brownie Kids Sweater🦋🦋🦋
Pattern: #browniekidssweater
Size: 2 years
Designer: #agasalhosebugalhos
Yarn: @lionbrandyarn #247cotton worsted weight
Colour: cream (rib collar, cuff and waistband) charcoal (main body and sleeves)
#browniekidssweater #toddlerfashion #toddlersweater #testknit #babyknits #toddlerknits #knittingforchildren #childrenknitwear
#IMakeMyKidsClothes #KnittersGonnaKnit
#KnitAndBeHappy #Handmade #knittersofengland
#247cotton #worstedweight #monotone #butterflymotif #blackknittersuk #blackknittersofinstagram #makersgonnamake #neverstopknitting #knit #knitter #knittinglove #yarntogarment2023
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whatmustardmade · 7 years ago
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Finally blocked my @handdrawnyarn #chasingunicornsshawl 😍 A Finished Object! Hah! Did I enjoy it? YES. Would I make it again? 100% YES. As a new knitter, I'd recommend this to anyone just starting out; it taught me to be fearless with each new bit of pattern. I'll be setting off on my next Hand Drawn Yarn journey soon, with her Runaway Mermaid shawl ❤️ #whatmustardmade #crochetersofinstagram #knittersofinstagram #imarealknitter #imadethis #fuckyeahfinishedobject #yarnismyspiritanimal #makersgonnamake #mindfulknitting #knittingformentalhealth (at Ryton, Tyne and Wear) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnqXGAugXVX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jy1o0oyu78hi
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greymodelagency · 3 years ago
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Vanessa for @knightkraft ・・・ Fair isle projects to keep your mind and hands occupied and focused. I love showing the inside and outside, revealing the process and celebrating the craft. • Hat ‘Dean’ and scarf ‘1979’ from Pebble Island 4 projects book ROCK-A-NORE. Photo by @indiahobson Art direction and styling Arabella Harris Make up and hair @maxinesmithmakeupartist Model Vanessa @themodeledit @greymodelagency Shot on location at Rock-A-NORE, Hastings, East Sussex • Patterns available now from @rowanyarns stockists of Pebble Island #erikaknight #newdesigns #knitwear #handknit #rowanyarns #traceablewool #pebbleisland #fairisleknitting #autumnknitting #mindfulknits #designerknitting #craft (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiFQIweL8Zq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsnicetomake · 6 years ago
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One week later and my mum's finished the scarf that she was knitting. Reasons to be cheerful - knit, knit, knit. #dementia #dementiacare #alzheimers #livingwell #reducinganxiety #mindfulknitting #therapeuticknitting #manyfacesofalzheimers #livingwithalzheimers https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIGd0SgrRR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1npehw1ihceba
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polarpurls-blog · 7 years ago
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Yesterday @poppyandbug asked me #widn ☺️ I had some trouble deciding which project to showcase because I’m excited about a lot of them right now, but I decided I’d show off the Birdie Cowl I’m making with this gorgeous merino yarn from @arctickrafts 💜 This lovely pattern is by @thechesapeakeneedle! One of my#2018makergoals is to do more projects with smaller weight yarns like this one. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my bulky knits, but I think that working with smaller yarns requires more patience and mindfulness because of the time it takes to get from start to finish. I hope it helps me bring more mindfulness to all of my work! Anyway sorry for the long post! 😂 @quesetejecl @henry.baxter.knits @grace_af_ want to share what you are working on? • • • #polarpurls #birdiecowl #knitstagram #knittersofinstagram #knittersoftheworld #mindfulness #mindfulknits #mindfulknitting #knitting #creativity #creativelife #makerlife #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #crochet #crochetersofinstagram #indiedyer #indiedyedyarn #handdyedyarn #yarn #yarnstagram #supportsmallbusiness #handmadeisbetter
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rltcollection · 8 years ago
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Knitting Is My #soulwork the joy, the pleasure and the peace that comes from the feel of the yarn in my hands, the repetitive motion that clears my mind, the creative juices flowing with design ideas that become magic with my hands *sips tea* ☕💋 #handmade #knitting #knittersofinstagram #knit #crochet #beading #crochetlove #divalivungeithaids #rltcollection #vogueknittinglive #rlthealinghands #healinghands #mindfulknitting
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tinyhappyknits · 2 years ago
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I really love the colors in this yarn. Also I really need to vacuum. . . . . . #tinyhappyknits #knittingaddict #knittersgonnaknit #knittersofinstagram #knithat #handknit #makersgonnamake #slowknitting #mindfulknitting #selfcareknitting https://www.instagram.com/p/CoC6ahcOaVA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinyhappyknits · 2 years ago
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2022 wasn't the worst year ever, but it wasn't the best either. Still, I'm cautiously hopeful about what 2023 will bring and I'm moving forward with my cute little mug (full of coffee) as a reminder that we all need from time to time. And of course some knitting because I have so many things I'd like to make. I'm trying to be more mindful of the projects I cast on, making sure it's something I'll actually use/wear if I'm making it for myself and also trying to use the yarn I already have. . . . . . #tinyhappyknits #knittingaddict #knittersgonnaknit #knittersofinstagram #knitsweater #handknit #makersgonnamake #slowknitting #mindfulknitting https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7erElORM5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsnicetomake · 6 years ago
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On the train for one of my regular visits to care for my mum. It's a two and a half hour journey so some bilateral repetitive psychosocial invention (aka as knitting) makes the long trip easier. And it's Carers Rights Day today. Oh how I wished that my local council bought into this directive. #wellbeing #wellmaking #dementia #alzheimers #livingwell #reducinganxiety #mindfulknitting #dementiacare #therapeuticknitting #dementiacarer #itsnotfortheweak #itsgoingtobeascarf #brioche #doingwhatican https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqzn3YonCEe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=alajby2onwki
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itsnicetomake · 6 years ago
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Hospital visits can be stressful, so while I wait for my mum while she is having a scan, it's time for for some #knititation. The knit and meditation combo coined by the wonderful @knitnibble This is my first attempt at broiche knitting and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Why isn't there a knit emoji??? #wellbeing #wellmaking #dementia #alzheimers #livingwell #reducinganxiety #mindfulknitting #dementiacare #therapeuticknitting #dementiacarer #brioche I❤️#briocheknitting #itsgoingtobeascarf https://www.instagram.com/p/BppR4wrHNHm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g7quqyr42qrf
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polarpurls-blog · 7 years ago
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Before I started knitting, I never would have thought to wear a shawl. But now, I love them! They are so much more versatile than I realized. Plus they are one of my favorite pieces to construct. Do you have a favorite wearable item to make? • • • #polarpurls #shawlknitting #knitting #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofig #shawl #lionbrandyarn #knitstagram #yarnaddict #knittwear #creativepreneur #etsysellers #mindfulness #mindfulknits #relaxation
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tinyhappyknits · 2 years ago
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I finished this gorgeous gray hat (the Forth Hat by @ysolda) last night after working on it for the last two days only to discover that it looks way better on my husband than me. So Mike gets a new hat and I cast on a second attempt for myself. And obviously by "finished" I mean I still need to weave in the ends and wash/block it 😂 . . . . . #tinyhappyknits #knittingaddict #forthhat #knittersgonnaknit #knittersofinstagram #knithat #handknit #makersgonnamake #slowknitting #mindfulknitting #selfcareknitting https://www.instagram.com/p/CodQxl5ubWC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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