#mind freakers
this I forgot to add
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wetpapert0wel · 6 months
why do people care so much about a stupid tag someone left on their post. or someone's completely harmless (100% original) art. like get a fuckin life loser. worry about real problems like healthcare and eating a balanced meal.
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rotomartsblog · 9 months
I think one of the main flaws in camp camp fanworks that focuses on Harrison is misunderstanding his situation with his parents
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but from what we see in Parents’ Day, Harrison’s behaviour indicates that before his brother disappeared, his parents were relatively normal. He approaches them without worry or hesitation and when they respond with fear, he says “Oh, still doing that, huh?” I think this is a clear sign that growing up, Harrison had a regular family dynamic. The disappearance of his brother was probably more recent than most people portray it to be if Harrison still isn’t used to the change of his parents’ relationship with him
Of course, his parents probably weren’t perfect. According to Harrison himself in Quest To Sleepy Peak Peak, his mother told him he’d grow into his looks, which would imply that Harrison has been insecure about his appearance and instead of reassuring him his mother said he’d ’grow into it’. Not exactly the best response to a child worrying about their looks. That’s not to mention his emotional problems such as his over-the-top reaction to his magic being questioned in Mind Freakers
But with all that, the fanworks I’ve seen, Harrison’s home life is often portrayed as awful for his entire life, or at least since he presented any magical abilities. Sometimes it’s even near neglectful or downright abusive. It’s a bit of a shame because I think there’s something more tragic and interesting about Harrison growing up in a regular family and, all of a sudden, the whole dynamic of the household gets irreversibly changed because of something he did
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disastercit · 7 months
(even more camp camp season 5 teaser spoilers but this time is the last time probably, I'll just watch the whole thing and put my thoughts here)
-so cj is like some kind of dudebro influencer streamer type, I wasn't too far off. cj seems like the type of guy to carry a tiny microphone around a mall and interview people 😭 and I definitely get to have my little dynamic I predicted before because ross WOULD hate him for that
-on the topic of cj I don't know how I missed his mullet oopsies
-mahogany 😏
-i have a lot to say about this image actually. I screenshotted it so I could talk about how max is willingly hugging another person, I wanna say it's only the second time in the series he's done this? but then while looking at it I noticed neils earring?? he went to claires?? and he either only has one or gets them pierced at some point during the season
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-also I just think it's funny that max is still freaked out by harrison like 2? 3? seasons after Mind Freakers. poor boy
-space kid??? hello???
-I see they finally got tired of animating prestons weird little shoulder things and did away with them entirely. im guessing the reason for his new outfit is that hes getting more into modern musicals and leaving behind the shakespearean stuff? I haven't seen newsies but it's very newsies to me. hey, this gives me an excuse to use the new ross design anyways I guess
-the long awaited sequel to the extremely detailed bread basket: extremely detailed popsicles
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(come to think of it, here's neil without an earring again. maybe a one episode thing? also, idk why this screenshot is so dark)
final verdict: we are so back!!! I heavily enjoyed this promo and now I am so excited about this season. I wasn't sure I was gonna like this season, either due to it actually sucking or because the last time a new season of camp camp came out I was fourteen years old. but clearly I must like it if I just wrote a whole analysis of like every other scene in the teaser. really my only regret is that the season, or at least what's coming out at this time, is so short
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lozislaw · 2 years
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He’s a mind freaker you see
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sp00kies · 4 months
Question If Camp Camp (Once the show gets picked up for season 5 again) hired you as a guest writer, and you got to write like a few episodes max, what would you write about?
If I were to write some episodes, these would be the ones!
- first and foremost, an episode that dives deeper into Max’s home life. The show itself and the wiki implies that his parents are negligent and that they didn’t really want him around, so maybe having an episode that explores more about it would be good!
For example, seeing as in the show he noticeably shrinks whenever someone raises their voice or a hand, maybe he does this again but this time, people notice and they try investigating.
Another episode I would write would be more jokey, but still
- One, an episode that brings back Neil’s and Harrison’s rivalry. Mind Freakers was so good in terms of exploring their characters and how they view things (magic and science), and it’s too good to leave behind!
The episode could have them seeing “abnormal” things and the rest of it could be them trying to explain why it’s science or magic.
- Two, an episode that explores more on Nerris’ identity. While it’s basically confirmed that she’s non-binary, an episode that has her really finding herself would be sweet and fun!
- And finally, Gwenvid episode. That’s it. That’s literally just the episode. With a side of Neil Squared or Nerrison.
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Deacon St. John x Reader
1.5k words
Warnings: Language
Special thanks to my dearest @vorsdany for proof-reading and editing 😌🫶🏼
please excuse my lack of talent :D but i hope you enjoy
It had been months since I’d given up counting the time that had passed since the infection began. It had been at least two years, maybe even closer to three, but there was no point in keeping track of time anymore. Without a schedule to keep, every day was the same: wake up and maintain the very basics of staying alive.
I’d managed to stay hidden in my family’s cabin in the woods all this time, eating fruit and vegetables grown in our garden (it truly was a miracle – how I’d managed to keep any of it alive), and the occasional small game I could catch without attracting freakers and swarmers. I’d lost all my family to the freakers; somehow, I’d stayed hidden and escaped.
Some days I wished I hadn’t.
I’d had little to no contact with the outside world since, only taking in the occasional civilian or refugee, usually on their way to a camp nearby. Every one of those on their way to 'sanctuary’ would encourage me to join them, insisting that there was safety in numbers and that being a part of a community would be so much better for me. With every such statement, I’d refused adamantly; I had it good here, and I wasn’t about to risk that by joining a bunch of strangers in a post-apocalyptic world. I got by, and that was enough for me.
That was, until an Anarchist army finally stumbled across my hideaway. They’d burned it down without hesitation, and I’d barely woken in time to the smell of smoke and the sound of triumphant shouts. Sprinting away from their molotovs and sniper rifles, I’d escaped with nothing to call my own. I was alone, with no way to defend myself, and nowhere to call home.
So here I was, losing track of the days since the attack – who knew if it had been days, weeks, or more – and sleeping in bushes when I could. I was starving, scavenging berries and mushrooms that I knew to be harmless, drinking from reservoirs and praying that dysentery wouldn’t come to plague me along with the rest of the world. I knew there was a good chance I was losing my mind, but I struggled on, as if I had a fighting chance.
That was, until the day I met the Drifter.
I was searching an abandoned car, as I often did, hoping for medical supplies or something that could sustain me in any way. Clambering into the front passenger seat, I shut the door behind me, like a fool, as if it would protect me. Opening and shutting the glove box and center console, I heard the throaty screeches of freakers in the distance, but disregarded them without even glancing up, presuming that they were far off by the volume.
The sharp screech of claws on metal sounded above me, snatching my attention with a jolt. My gaze shot upwards as my heart raced in my chest, and the sight around me drew a choking sob from my throat. About a dozen freakers surrounded the vehicle, clambering to get inside to me, their grotesque bodies writhing in delight at the sight of fresh meat. Judging from the screams I’d heard earlier, there were most likely more coming, and there was no way I could hold off a horde from getting in. I’d been an idiot to think I could make it on my own, and now I was going to pay the price in the most terrifying way.
Over the howling of the freakers, I barely heard the roaring engine of a motorcycle approaching, drawing the gaze of about half of the swarm. I stole a glance over my shoulder and caught sight of a lone figure approaching on his battered vehicle, a pistol in one hand, which he was lining up to the closest creature. I winced as he fired, and didn’t quite catch his wisecrack as he slid off the bike and ran into the midst of the throng. He grabbed a baseball bat covered in nails from a collection of weapons strapped to his back, and swung it in all directions, giving a war cry with each kill.
One particularly burly freaker grabbed him from behind, stopping him in his warpath. His shouts of pain awoke me from my reverie, and I scrambled around in search of some kind of weapon. Scouring each compartment, I found an old flashlight in the driver’s side door, and turned back to my door, ready to assist.
Another freaker stood at my window staring me down, its blood-red eyes gazing down at me hungrily. It shrieked, temporarily deafening me, but before I could freeze up in panic, I grabbed the door handle. As I yanked it, I booted the door open with all my might, throwing the freaker back with a yelp. I clambered out of the car, gripping the flashlight tightly and heading for the Drifter and his attacker. Standing up to my full height, I swung the makeshift weapon at the freaker’s head, momentarily dazing him long enough for the drifter to get free and swing his bat round, carefully avoiding me. Clocking the hefty monster, he breathed a sigh of relief as it fell to the ground with a loud thump.
“Good riddance, motherfuckers,” he murmured to himself, before turning his attention to me. His voice was deep, somewhat husky, and now that I could fully take in his features, I was somewhat taken aback. He was roguishly handsome, a half-unkempt beard lining his round jawline. His hazel eyes were softer now that he wasn’t on guard, and his dark hair was covered by a backwards cap. He looked down at me, checking me for injury; a rather awkward task given his height. “Are you alright?” he asked gruffly. “You shouldn’t be alone out here in the shit.”
I blinked at this, the memories of the last few days hitting me like a brick wall. The anxiety I’d felt at being alone and unprotected slowly dissipated; this Drifter felt safe, trustworthy. I wondered if he’d let me stay with him.
“Um...” He stepped awkwardly from one foot to another, and I realized I’d been gazing at him in awe and avoiding the question.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I stammered. “Just a little shaken. I know I shouldn’t be, but...” I hung a hand from my neck shyly. “I kinda have nowhere else to go.”
“Listen, there are plenty of camps nearby that’ll take you in,” he explained, and I bit my lip at the familiar spiel. Given my circumstances, however, it was suddenly sounding a lot more appealing. “I can give you directions to any of them, but, you’d have to promise me you’ll go.”
I raised an eyebrow at this, squinting up at him. “Why so serious?”
It was his turn to raise an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, do you not remember what happened just five minutes ago, when I came across you, helpless and alone and about to become freaker feed?”
I allowed myself a chuckle at this, and while he didn’t laugh, his eyes softened even more and the corners of his lips turned upwards in a cocky half-smile.
“Alright, alright, I promise,” I assured him, nodding in resignation. “Where’s the nearest one?”
“That’d be Lost Lake, about half a mile south of here,” he replied, gesturing vaguely in the direction. He hesitated before shuffling again on his feet. “I was actually on my way there myself, if you’d want a ride. Unless,” he waved his hands around dramatically, “you’re afraid of stranger danger and all that.”
“I wouldn’t say we’re strangers when you just saved my life,” I pointed out. “Besides, I’ve been walking non-stop for the last little while. My legs could use a break.”
I couldn’t believe those words had just come out of my mouth with such confidence. It was true, the Drifter seemed to pose the very opposite of a threat, but getting on a bike with a man I’d just met, and who I felt increasingly drawn to, did seem-
“Alright then, let’s get on the road,” he replied without hesitation, strolling back over to his bike and waving me over. I followed tentatively, glancing his bike over as if I knew anything about motor vehicle safety. It looked fairly sturdy. To my very limited knowledge.
He straddled the bike, settling down in the seat and raising his eyebrows as he looked up at me, waiting. His biceps flexed slightly as he gripped the handlebars, and I jerked my gaze away, a little too obvious, I assumed from his resultant small smirk. I climbed on behind him, and after he glanced back at me, wrapped my arms around his waist, my forearms pressed against his toned torso. I gulped back any possible accidental comments or vocal reactions and did my best to relax as he started up the engine.
“I never even asked,” he yelled as he kicked into gear and accelerated, “what’s your name?”
The wind began whipping my hair in my face as we sped up, and I introduced myself in as loud a voice as I could muster. “What about you?”
“Deacon St. John,” he replied, skidding around a corner and leading me to hold on to him tighter. “You can call me Deacon.”
I smiled. Deacon. It was a good name. And with that, I fully relaxed into him as he drove me away to safety.
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calistico · 15 days
The original question on the Days Gone Reddit: What do you think Ellie would think of Deacon and the other way around? Would they get along or become friends even?
Me: Initiate analysis mode and add on to the answer of the question, while creating a whole alternate universe
Considering, in my mind, Joel is old enough to be Ellie/Deacon’s dad, Joel is confirmed to be 52 in part 1. (Especially if we plop Deacon smack dab right into the start of TLOU, no not the outbreak flashback, but the first mission or somewhere around that point where Joel meets Ellie. But if we want a seamless inclusion into TLOU; for Deacon to be in the late 20s to early 30s range like in Days Gone, Deacon would have to be a child during the outbreak, but he could have all his memories of the Mongrels MC, if they’re a faction like the Fireflies and he’d get his fear of water from somewhere else because the military is a no go here)
I think Deacon would get along best with TLOU 1 and early TLOU 2 Ellie. Don’t call me evil, but I honestly want Deacon (if he were to get stuck with Joel and Ellie) to subtly and slowly form an attachment to both. A sibling, older brother-younger sister, relationship with Ellie, it would come along slowly like with Lisa; Deacon slowly becoming protective of Ellie. Then a respected, mentor or brotherhood with Joel, seeing how the Cordyceps Virus lasted much longer (20+ years) than the Freaker virus (2+ years) in Days Gone, meaning Deacon would have to be either taught (If you some how have both viruses in one world) or re-taught, how to handle enemies (Deacon is actually enduring the TLOU plot not a crossover). Knowing Deacon’s personality it’ll be rough at first, but since Deacon’s not immune like Ellie; a few close calls “should”straighten him out. After all that is set and done, when TLOU 2 kicks in, the emotional impact of Joel’s death is stronger, basically a Sarah 2.0 for Deacon, except worse because he knows Joel is truly gone (only for the crossover). Strengthening the protectiveness Deacon has over Ellie, but their sibling like relationship may be put to the test, as Ellie spirals.
I thought about including Boozer too, like same mechanics as Deacon, but his story would not necessarily change? I don’t like how his arm gets yoinked early in the game but it made sense to progress Deacon along with his path to becoming human again.
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meh-kris · 1 year
Nobody has been waiting for it but who tf cares??!! Anyways let's give it up for MY campcamp ship ratings !!! (And no im not adding the campers x counselors ships like maxvid bcuz istg if I hear it one more time I will fucking throw a truck at you) so yea let's go first with the adults
Gwenvid- 9/10 I'm honestly loving the dynamic between these two becuz like gwen is like the grump of the two and David's the sunshine that everyone adores and ugh its so adorable like cmon don't tell they wouldn't end up together it's overall cute
Danvid- 3or4/10 idk how to feel abt this because it's a bit odd to me I mean Daniel tried to kill David like yea but it would be a decent ship if Daniel wasn't THAT weird pretty meh ship tbh (sorry danvid shippers but ily)
Gwen x Jen- 4/10 I honestly never knew they would be shipped but I guess it would be nice but I don't think it's the best tbh
Daniel x Jen- 4/10 not bad of a ship idea but it's not my cup of my tea either
Jasvid- 10/10 it's such a wholesome dynamic tbh but good only if Jasper alive AU or kid versions it's cute ^_^
Okay camperinos time
Maxneil- 7/10 tbh it's not that bad of a ship it's legit nerd x edgy kid I can see it happening, not a big fan but I support it
Makki- 7/10 could possibly happen I mean I like opposites attract it's cute although max is a bit manipulative but they're nice to eachother so it's cute ig?
Maxpres- 6.5/10 I lowkey like this ship I have no idea why but it just seems interesting like the dynamic would be fun to watch but I have mixed feelings abt it
Neilson- 6/10 I kinda shipped this back in mind freakers but then I didn't really see it much but it would be a nice ship
Neil x Preston- 3/10 idek this ship existed but ig it does for me I guess it wouldn't be that bad but I don't rlly see it either
Neilki- 1/10 I don't like the ship because of parents day(ruined me mentally) would be better as siblings like nerdy bro and energy sis (gravity falls much)
Nerriki- 7/10 okay this would low-key be really cute like I love dynamics like this it would be a very awesome ship
Presnik- 6/10 haven't seen this ship much but it would be adorable tbh loud couple goals fr !!!
Nerrison - 100/10 tf your expect I MAKE ART OF THEM they are just the best ship in camp camp fr like their dynamic is good even as platonic or romantic it JUS WORKS I love how they bicker abt their interpretations of magic but they're still friends even if they don't admit it ITS SO ADORABLE ahem anyways they are my favorite
Harriston- 30/10 I love this ship sm!!!! The dynamic is so adorable they would be bfs fr like LOOK at them (even if they lack the interactions)
Presner- 9/10 20/10 okay don't get mad at me for this but I'm saying it WOULD be cute because they won't stop talking abt their intrests together but like idk it doesn't really hit me as much as nerrison and harriston does?? I mean yes they are pretty close to eachother in some scenes wait yknow what nevermind I'm giving them twenty
Nerriston- 101010209339390/10 yes.
Nurf x Preston- -15/10 this ship is toxic af actually all nurf ships are tbh so no.
Nerred? (Nerris and Ered)- 5/10 personally not a big fan of this ship but it could be a really good ship since they hung out in the show so it has some potential for me but not hitting the spot
Ered x Dolph- 0/10 fuck no Dolph is like what 8 yrs old and ered is (my hc) 14 ffs THATS SUCH A BIG AGE DIFF
Ered x Nikki- 2/10 Nikki probably has a crush on ered but those like childhood ones besides Nikki is like 10 yrs old ered is probably a teen so it doesn't work for me
Dolph x Space Kid- 7.2/10(yes that exact number) if they interacted a bit more maybe then I would ship them like it would be cute but platonically works too tbh
Space Kid x Max- 2.5/10 a bit toxic tbh :/ but like ig it's not bad also I wouldn't give this much if it wasn't wasn't the fact their VAs are married so yea
Space Kid x Neil- never knew this existed??? Not the ship for me sorry 1/10
Okay other camps too !!
Maxsha or smth- 5.5/10 I hc sash as a lesbian but if I didn't then I'd probably make it higher I guess they're like manipulative assholes who are dominant not bad tbh both have the power to rule over everything so I wouldn't mess with them
Sasha x Vera- 9/10 power couple fr they got along well so I think they'd date tbh not a bad ship (wlw solidarity)
Sasha x Erin- 7/10 idk what to think of this it is cute though idrc abt this ship much so yea
Sasha x Tabii- 3/10 a bit of a toxic ship imo becuz like Sasha is manipulative of tabii abit but overall not bad
Sasha x Pikeman- 4/10 dumbass x dominant one is hilarious to me but it doesn't really spark for me yknow it'd be a cool ship ig
Erin x Neil- 8/10 I actually really liked this ship because it was like smarties in love LIKE LOOK AT THEM if only Erin saw Neil's face while she was trying to see who liked her :(( Also malewife girlboss slay
Erin x Tabii- 7.5/10 I don't ship it much but I love their dynamic they would be with eachother 24/7 tbh it's a good ship
Erin x Snake- 2/10 it's a bit weird for me I feel like there's better people for Snake tbh so yea
Snake x Tabii- 6/10 eh ship but it would be cute cuz its like crazy girl and dude who's like woah she's so cool it would be very nice so yea
Tabii x Neil- 1/10 this ship makes me uncomfortable I'm sorry
Lastly my fave ship David,max and Gwen x therapy my fave 1000000000/10 <33
Okay folks gn it's literally 1:30AM in the morning for me so ysa byeee love you guys
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iobartach · 5 months
@grandgrief [nero] asked; ❝ i just want one thing to go right today. ❞
altered carbon prompts
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Carrying the same sentiment in mind, the S-Man would've appreciated experiencing at least one day where events didn't go completely off the rails. That said, he issued no complaint, said nothing as he rushed forward, stretching a clawed hand towards the head of a Freaker, plucking the goon off his feet with hardly any effort.
"Just hold-- that thought--" His words came forth in a rush, filling the seconds before he sent the Freaker crashing skull-first through a makeshift market stall, business long since disrupted for the day. "... will ya?!" Topped off with a grunt, masked visage is quick to turn whip-like back in Nero's direction for a second, as dozens of startled civilians stream around them, scrambling to get away.
"There's always more..." Speaking as much about the impromptu brawl that they've found themselves embroiled in as the tendency of Freakers to skulk around Downtown's more populated sectors in groups, Miguel was already in motion before he could finish speaking, an arm spread wide as he fired a line of webbing at a crook intending to swing at Nero with a bat. "Watch out!"
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shortcakelils · 2 years
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have these cough cough
(original shots from Camp Camp Season 1 episode 10: Mind Freakers)
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soliddaddy96 · 6 months
3, 4, 6, 8 for reigen :3
oh heavens the freaker ... the jerkr
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
i rememebr i wrote this down somewhere but 2 me he realized he was queer of some sort when he went to one of his sisters friends quinceanera and made out w the birthday girls older cousin behind the venue ... this was when he was like , a highschooler in arizona still . after this he was liek Hmm i think somethings up . he didnt act on these feelings until he was hitchhiking to jess' apartment like years later tho ..... not much else 2 think abt besides how you might be gay for your friendon the open road and such .
with his gender i think he always kindve knew , early on his dad kindve picked up on it and went "heyy y. i dont mind if you ... experiment . with your gender . yoru still my kid all the same 😁" to rei who, at the time, went "? Ok (doesnt think about this encounter until years later)". its also a main reason (2 me ) as to why connor bullied him a bit - in my brain milwaukee is a pretty ... closed minded town , so its only natural people would spread their bigotry onto their children < which is why when connor saw how rei was like "im a MAN" but (in connors mind) didnt make any "real" effort into presenting masc , he 1 thought rei was just doing it for attention and 2 sought out to "fix" him ....... < cornering him and cutting his hair along w just. General torment
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
until he was around middleschool he only really had the support of his dad < his mother being a devout catholic whereas his dad was laid back and also queer himself . after he died and they moved back to arizona rei just kindve caved in on himself and gave up on any presentation gender or sexuality wise ... until one day he felt too suffocated by it all nd went back to the one place he ever really Did feel accepted < milwaukeeeeee 😁and by extension jess nd ashe . the latter i dont know if they met later but i think their presence helps rei greatly ... nervous cheetah and emotional support dog type thang . when hes back w the gang he feels pretty comfortable w them and while he still has his moments of doubt from time to time he still feels confident that theyll never judge him (which they wouldnt thankfully). ave maria
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
he would rather be gutted like a fish than talk about labels ... i dont think he feels all that comfortable w himself to say hes for sure gay ... and as for being trans , he keeps that shit LOCKED UP !!! very stealth with it ... even if being called a woman bothers him hed rather just take it and smile than out himself and risk being harassed . as he gets older he just stops gaf. i think hed just call ashe up randomly one day nd go "Hey .im gay." and then just hang up . theyd understand
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
hes the prime struggler and transgender allegory ... if hes not actively repressing his feelings for guys then hes trying as hard as he can to come off as a cis guy . i think it stems from the hostile environment milwaukee generally is as well as internal stuff < after his dads passing his mom blamed his homosexuality for it and deemed him a sinner ... her side of the family also just talked shit abt him a lot 😭this diswayed rei Greatly from ever being open . even in his 20s i think despite him being more cool w being gay nd stuff hed still be a little nervous ... i dont think his anxiousness abt it would ever go away for realsies , but with time he wouldnt think abt it too much 👍
AVE MARIA can youtell i want him dead
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dizzzyondreams · 1 year
neil has lost the idgaf battle everyday of his life but he was in the TRENCHESSS during mind freakers
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firebuug · 2 years
the freaky freaker seems to freak his mind at night
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day-gone01 · 1 year
Deacon St. John
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Deacon Lee St. John, also referred to as Deek, is the playable protagonist of Days Gone. Once a soldier in the United States Army's 10th Mountain Division who later became an Enforcer of the Mongrels Motorcycle Club.
Sarah Whitaker
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Sarah Irene Whitaker, Ph.D is a major character and the tritagonist in Days Gone, and vital to the game's backstory.
Sarah is a research scientist and botanist, and the wife of protagonist Deacon St. John. She is presumed deceased at the dawn of the Freakers outbreak; a large part of Days Gone revolves around Deacon's search for her.
James O'Brian
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  James O'Brian is a major character and a reluctant ally featured in Days Gone.
O'Brian is introduced as a graduate student who helps protagonist Deacon St. John evacuate his wife Sarah at the beginning of the Freakers outbreak, only to be believed dead afterwards.
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William Gray, most commonly referred to as Boozer is the deuteragonist of Days Gone. Once a Sergeant-at-Arms of the Mongrels Motorcycle Club and Deacon St. John's closest friend.
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Jessie Williamson, also known as Carlos, is a major character and the tertiary antagonist of Days Gone, appearing as the main antagonist for the first half of the story.
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Raymond "Skizzo" Sarkozi is the secondary antagonist and final boss of Days Gone. He is a member of Iron Mike's Camp who works as one of the heads of security.
Rikki Patil
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 Rikki Patil is a main character in Days Gone. She is a survivor of the Freaker outbreak and the second-in-command of Iron Mike's Camp.
She is a former companion of Deacon St. John and Boozer, and is the romantic partner of Addison Walker.
Matthew Garret
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Colonel Matthew Garret is a main character, mission giver, and the main antagonist of Days Gone.
A U.S. military veteran and former addict, Garret founded the Deschutes County Militia during the apocalypse to eradicate the Freakers. However, his fanatical religious views gradually warped his mind, resulting in him becoming dangerously unstable.
Fuente: https://daysgone.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
I’m gonna go on a rant because i’m still so salty about a past hyperfixation that was at its peak almost three ago and of course this is about Camp Camp.  I have no desire to rewatch this series ever.  There’s a lot of problamatic elements in the show (As well as the fandom, like dear christ these are literal ten year olds, you freaks of nature) that make me iffy and I do not care about Max & David enough to care anymore (I swear to god, I love found family but dude the fandom oversaturated Dadvid where there was literally nothing else).  So I have no reason to be salty this much about this but I feel like I need to get this out there.
THE SHOW DID NOT UTILIZE HARRISON ENOUGH.  But not just that, they literally throw away any chance of this boy finding happiness or getting any positive development.  But in that, THEY ALSO FUCKED OVER NERRIS IN THE PROCESS. (warning this post may not be conherant)
I’ll primarily talk about Quest to Sleepy Peak Peak, the Camp Corp arc and then the bullshit that is season 4.  
Before Sleepy Peak Peak, the first appearance we got of Nerris and Harrison’s dynamic was in the first episode where Nerris was beating Harrison up with a foam sword and throwing dice at him.  The other time was the time with the Camp Cool Kidz episode where they work together as security, seeming to get along until they fall into a trap and telling him he sucks. 
 In other episodes though they seem to be on friendlier terms.  
Like in Mind Freakers, we see Nerris happily watch Harrison preform magic with no sense of rivalry or in Romeo and Juliet ll we see them sit next to each-other when watching Preston’s play (As well as Nerris happily watching him do magic).  Which comes off as confusing since its only been seen that they hate each other (At least Nerris did at first glance)
Then here comes Quest To Sleepy Peak Peak.  
This episode is the only one in the series in which it focuses on their dynamic (at least explicitly).  The episode is about Nerris, Harrison, Nikki and Neil playing a game about stopping the “dark forces” within the mountain.  Nerris and Harrison bicker the whole time until the very end where Harrison brings up the possibility that the dark forces were within them the entire time and Nerris goes along with it, and then they try to save the day by putting aside their differences.  Reminder that this is an imaginary game.  Harrison could’ve left at any time, Nerris could’ve just kicked him out and not include him if they really didn’t want him around.  There’s also the fact where Harrison didn’t have to try and make up with Nerris through the game’s storyline.  They don’t hate each-other at all, hell it could be argued they’re on friendly terms and they’re just playful rivals. (who sometimes take it to far)
And from that point foward (Plus even before) they’re seen together and interacting with each other ALL THE TIME.  When they’re not together, its usually with episodes about one of their other dynamics besides each-other.  (Harrison & Neil, Nerris & Ered, Harrison & QuarterMaster, Nerris & Nikki).  I am not joking, there is a full seven minute compilation on youtube of them just being together and interacting (Some of them being the two playing together, talking and of course teasing each other) and in all of them they never came off as if they actively hated each other.  
I feel like I should mention The Lake Lilac Summer Dance, where its hinted at Nerris and Harrison wanted to dance together but were to swept up in their rivalry to do anything or in the egg episode where they’re paired up as parents for their egg (Although it went very badly just from them being kids really)  I’m not gonna touch on the Nerrison side of things, this post is primarily about their friendship alone.  You can interpet them however you like, more power to you.  But teaspoon of salt, NERRISON SHIPPERS DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRAW OR WRITE NERRIS AND HARRISON.  Half the Nerrison art i’v seen over the past few years has Nerris fucking whitewashed (Lighter skin, straight hair, etc).  The fanfic writers write them as the most cisheteronormative couple ever, even though Nerris is canonically nonbinary.  But then for both the writers and artists, they sexualize them so damn much its gross.  Okay i’m done with that-
But then interactions became sour in the Camp Corp arc for unknown reasons.  Like refusing to talk to each other, Nerris being shown to be annoyed with Harrison just talking. (It is agrued here and there that Harrison mentioning his parents is what annoyed Nerris because they don’t like his parents.  Nerris knows what supportive and loving parents look like and Harrison’s parents are... not that.  But I digress either way)
In the episode where the camp gets shut down, Nikki asks if they’re going to split up.  Even though before they seemed to not want anything to do with the other (Even being enthusiastic about meeting magic kids like them, but also looking a bit betrayed as well that the other would rather be with “real” magic kids),
 but when Nikki brings that possibility up they immediatly look to each other worried.  These aren’t just random characters, the show (albeit rather silently mostly) has built their dynamic up until this point, so this is pivotal.  
When Max went to pick up Harrison, Harrison mentions that “All we do is pull rabbits out of our hats.  All. Day. Long.” like he was tired of the repititon and everyone being the same.  Of course this applys to Harrison missing the camp as a whole, but this also might be directed towards Nerris specifically because of what the show has built up until now.  He misses having that compititon with Nerris, proving who was “the true magic kid” and somewhat embracing each other’s differences.  But now that everyone was the same and does the same thing, he’s bored without them.
After Harrison, it immediatly cuts to Nerris.  Who looks bored of their mind, even though they were vocally excited about meeting other magic kids like them.  But Nerris is alone and rolling dice on the ground.  They were finally around people like them but Nerris is more unhappy then they were back at camp where Nerris was with a kid who didn’t even study the same magic as them but were constantly lumped together. But at least they were together.
It should be noted that Harrison’s Magic Camp uniform was blue and Nerris’s Magic Camp uniform was red... Just putting that out there.
It then cuts to Nerris boarding the bus after setting their camp on fire, they go up to Harrison.  They share a bitter look at each other and then Harrison happily offers Nerris to sit next to him, then Nerris happily does.  Then all throughout the episode, they’re inseperable.  Ending on them having a water gun fight together with no bitterness towards the other.  Its actually quite beautiful in a way, especially since it was all show not tell.  They kept to their promise that they’ll put aside their differences for the greater good and that’s their friendship.
APPARENTLY NERRIS JUST BULLIES HARRISON NOW AND HARRISON JUST SITS THERE LIKE A WET DOG WITH NONE OF HIS NORMAL COMEBACKS WHEN NERRIS IS TEASING OR ANTAGONIZING HIM.  Like in Sleepy Peak Peak, Harrison doesn’t just stand there and let Nerris make fun of him, like he makes of them too???
Also apparently the whole camp hates Harrison now for no fucking reason even though they’re supposed to be a family and THAT’S WHAT THE CAMP CORP ARC WAS ALL  ABOUT.   Anyway, Nerris just lets the camp bully Harrison for no reason and drive him out on their hike, leading to Harrison hanging with Quartermaster and going on about how much he’s an outcast and how he has no friends whatsoever.
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A part of their dynamic that really shined was the fact they were both outcasts in camp and stuck together even with their differences and disagreements.  BUT NOPE, FUCK THAT, EVEN THOUGH NERRIS CONFIRMS THAT EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE PASSIONATE IN MAGIC AND LARP IT GETS LONELY AND FEELS LIKE NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS THEM, THAT EXCHANGE WAS WITH NIKKI (more understandable) AND THE HITLER JOKE (less understandable). Like don’t get me wrong, it was pretty cute and I love getting more character to Nerris.  BUT Y’KNOW WHERE THAT EXCHANGE SHOULD’VE BEEN IN?!
But since season 4 is to busy making Harrison miserable to flesh out his already existing friendships, they make Nerris this bully and it waters down that confession.  Nerris admitting their lonelyness would’ve been super powerful if it was with Harrison since we’re already familiar with their dynamic and would’ve been character development for both of them since Camp Corp. But nope.
This was longer then I wanted it to be.
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