#mind acts like a clarinet player but talks like a trumpet player
sneeb-canons · 1 year
Headcanon #57: Heart is the only one that knows how to play a wind instrument, that being the Alto Saxophone. (since an actual saxophone is only ever used in The Heart Acoustic)
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wind-boys · 5 years
AGF 2019 Interview with Amatsuki, Aramaki Yoshihiko, and Terashima Junta
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Amatsuki, Aramaki Yoshihiko, and Terashima Junta were a few of the guests during the Animate Girls Festival 2019 (AGF 2019) held last month, and were there to promote Wind Boys!!
Some new information about the game mechanics, and cast members for some minor characters were announced during their stage segment, but they gave an interview regarding their opinions on the event, the game, wind ensembles, and the concept of youth in general as well, which I’ve translated below.
♪ Interview begins under the cut!
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Please tell us about your thoughts regarding the event (AGF 2019). Aramaki: It was fun! Both of my fellow seiyuu as well as the MC, Hirai-san, were friendly and interesting, so I enjoyed myself a lot. Amatsuki: The extent to which people are looking forward to Wind Boys! was conveyed to us today after listening to everyone’s passionate voices in person. To be able to feel everyone’s expectations for this, it was a really fun event. Terashima: Despite the game being only in its pre-registration stages, we could already gather so many people here, and thus we know everyone’s looking forward to the work. There were people there who’ve already found their favourite characters this early on, and I went through the event while thinking it would be nice if we could continue having more fun together with the game content. What do you think are the noteworthy points of the game, and the charms of the characters that you were casted as? Aramaki: Apart from the twenty-six members, I think that the introduction of three new characters this time has resulted in growing anticipation. Atsukage-kun is really a dry character, but behind his coldness does lie some kindness, and he restrains himself in order to have the power of choice over the things he needs. I’d like for everyone to see how he participates in activities with the other members in this game centered around the theme of youth. Amatsuki: Personally, I feel that it’s a work absolutely worth reading. From feeling excitement to sadness, I do think it’s a story that one can enjoy with warmth to the end. Mitsuyuki-kun is very timid a person, but that relates to his kindness, and as a result there’s a part of him that makes him look like a heroine. There’s a part in the story that concerns this, and I’d like to watch over his kindness and growth. Terashima: A wind ensemble’s performance has an uplifting power that makes your heart dance just by listening to it even if you’re down, hasn’t it? In this work, you can enjoy the story of high school students spending the days of their youth in precisely such a wind ensemble, and hence it’s a work that can be enjoyed both by people with and without experience in band. That is the charm of this work. Ijeong-kun is constantly bright, and a moodmaker that can turn the atmosphere into a comical one, but as he was originally an idol participating in activities in a big world, there’s also a part of him that considers things seriously. I do think that such a gap in his character would be an attractive point of his. Who is a character with deep connections to the character you’re acting as? Aramaki: You could either say that he takes to his kouhai from junior high, Kaneko Soshu (CV: Murakami Kouhei), or that he’s overly attached to him, but I think that it’s a good relationship they have. Amatsuki: He has a lot of connections with various characters, and he talks to Ijeong a lot as well. Out of these people, Iizuka Minato (CV: Kobayashi Yuusuke) is a presence that kicked up a typhoon, and having affected (Mitsuyuki-kun), he is a curious presence indeed. Terashima: Ijeong-kun has a flat existence, and doesn’t change his mood no matter who he's with. However, he shows a serious expression in the presence of one particular character. Please share with us your impressions and memories of wind ensemble clubs. Aramaki: I don’t have any band experience, but I have the impression that it is a club that places importance on unity. Everyone’s teamwork is required in order for the different sounds to come together as one harmony, and you can really feel the youthfulness in that. Also, listening to the performance onstage today, I was moved by the thought of how powerful a live performance is. Amatsuki: As a team competition, I feel that the intensity of combined forces is wonderful. I was invited to be a part of the choir when I was in elementary school, but my voice was too high and I was made to sing the girls’ part. I didn’t like that, and I recall not participating in club activities because of that. Today, I have the regrets of not having experienced being in a choir, so I’m glad to be cast in this work (about performing together in a team). Terashima: Back in elementary school, about a third of my classmates were from the concert band. My friends were practicing their wind instruments during recess, and they let me challenge trying the instruments, but it was difficult and I couldn’t make any sound out of them. However, when I tried it after such a long time during the Tour of Kanazawa on-location filming, I made a sound much to my surprise, and it made me regret doing it so seriously. *laughs* If you could play an instrument, which instrument would you play? Aramaki: The trumpet, though I wouldn’t mind playing the clarinet like Atsukage-kun. To perform on an embankment that piece that plays in that Ghibli scene with the flying pigeons, and have my crush walk past and go “Hey, isn’t that Aramaki-kun?”, those’re the sort of youthful days that I’d wanted to have. *laughs* Amatsuki: I’d like to try playing percussion. I’m currently learning the drums, and I realised how important it is to support everyone through the use of rhythm. Terashima: As I’ve previously mentioned, I got to touch the horn for real during the on-location shoot, and I could feel the possibility of making a sound out of it. Since Ijeong-kun’s playing it as well, I’d like to try performing with it too. Do you have any interesting youthful episodes from your high school days? Aramaki: When I participated in the doubles for the tennis club’s competition, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking. Subsequently I missed a serve, and it hit the head of the player I had paired up with. The way his sweat dramatically flung away was just as if it had come right out of a manga panel, and it lighted the atmosphere so much that my nervousness dissipated. *laughs* Amatsuki: I once hit a homerun in baseball that turned the tables and resulted in our victory. We lost the next match, but it was nonetheless a good memory. Terashima: I joined the light music club in the hopes of becoming popular, and successfully formed a band with two guys and two girls in it. We had lots of fun, but I was really sad on the first day when the girls said “No romance within the band because we don’t like conflict.”. *laughs* There was a large variety of merchandise sold at AGF2019. If you were to produce it, what sort of merchandise would you like to make? Aramaki: Instrument maintenance tools that could actually be used by wind ensemble clubs in real life. Amatsuki: The final goal would be music instruments with models by character, wouldn’t it. I’m sure there would be people who join the band because this work sparked an interest in them, so it’d be nice to have such a thing. Terashima: I agree with having something wind ensemble-related that everyone can use. Metronomes with the characters’ design, for instance. Finally, please leave a message to all the fans out there. Aramaki: A lot of information was released this time. With the fact that notable voice actors were cast to voice the new characters, I wonder if everyone’s expectations have gotten even higher than ever before. However, I am certain that Wind Boys! will be a work that can surpass even that. We’ve put in our souls to breathe life into these characters, so I’d be happy if you could run through the days of youth together with the wind ensemble boys. Amatsuki: Besides you all, we actors are also getting excited. Sensing the quality in the project that we’re acting in, we can’t wait for the day that we can show it to everyone. Please wait in excitement for it. Terashima: Charismatic characters were gathered together, and the content can be enjoyed by both those who are experienced band members and those who are not. With the serialisation in the LINE manga, a lot of content will be spread widely, and if this were to spread even more, to the extent that people would say “I joined the band thanks to this work!”, I feel that we actors would see that our hard work has paid off. I’d be really happy if everyone could enjoy themselves with their entire body and soul, I’m counting on you!
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lwk3y · 6 years
Persona March! AU MasterPost: Part I
March! Is an AU wrapped around the Persona series, mostly centered around Persona 5, where the characters are members in their school's marching band regiments.
The March! Au will be setting in: Tokyoami, Japan (a more Americanized part, due to the fact that most of my knowledge is American schooling.) The March! AU is a work of fiction and will be improved more along the way. Please keep in mind that some stuff might be triggering as most of the characters storylines are the same as the game or have been changed to fit AU.  
Now here are the first two revealed regiments:
Shujin Marching Regiment- Show theme: Fairytales- Led by Akira Kurusu
Shujin is the top high school marching regiment around the country scoring a 99.23 in the JMA championships (Japan Marching Association). The Shujin Regiment is currently directed by Sadayo Kawakami, a concert/jazz band teacher. It was formerly directed by Suguru Kamoshida, however, after a planned sell-out of abuse, he got arrested for sexual and physical abuse.
Drum Major(s): Akira Kurusu, Makoto Niijima (Understudy)
Participants of Shujin Regiment:
Akira Kurusu- Drum Major- (Junior Year): Akira Kurusu was transferred from his hometown Inaba and adopted by Sojiro Sakura after a mishap that resulted in CPS taking him away. He was a shut-in for his freshman year after the incident, doing online school for a year before coming back to the public school life in the sophomore year. He applied to be in a drum major position already playing Drumline at the time of application. Band director Kamoshida took him in after seeing all the stuff he put through during band camp and helping the team. During Kamoshida’s “rein”, Kurusu did some digging about him from students. After hearing from a forgotten trombone player (Ryuji Sakamoto), a clarinet player (Yuuki Mishima), a colour guard captain (Ann Takamaki), and one of his regular “special training” victims (Shiho Suzui),  he confronts Kamoshida about the abuse. With that, both Kamoshida and Kurusu himself have a fight, to where the student council president (Makoto Niijima) walked in on them with the police behind her. He was shown capable of being a Drum Major from Kawakami, the new band director and still is to his junior days.
Ryuji Sakamoto- Trumpet Section Leader- (Junior Year): Ryuji Sakamoto is a troubled teen but found an outlet in track and marching band. Playing trombone as a kid to make his mum happy, he signed up for the regiment in freshman year. He was going through a tough time already with an alcoholic dad leaving them and his mum trying to balance out her busy work schedule, so when he started witnessing Kamoshida’s abuse to the other students, it ticked him over the edge. Confronting him after a weekend practice session, it got physical as Kamoshida attacked, resulting in Ryuji trying to defend himself. Kamoshida ended up breaking Sakamoto’s right femur, saying it was an act of self-defense then kicking him out of the regiment. Ryuji never picked up a trombone again after that whole ordeal, as well as never taking up track again after an incomplete healing of his leg. One day, a marching band regiment member (Akira Kurusu) asked about Kamoshida and the reason why Ryuji dropped out. He came clean about the truth of how Kamoshida broke his leg. With that information, Kurusu asked him to come back to the regiment. Ryuji, not believing the transfer student, said that he would if he got justice, as well as Ann and Shiho’s getting theirs. Ryuji would later see the transfer student at his locker with a trumpet case and bruises, smiling widely. Since then, Ryuji joined back as a trumpet player, playing in the concert band to improve his skills and getting additional lessons, later becoming a section leader during band camp in the junior year.
Ann Takamaki- Colour Guard Captain- (Junior Year): Taking up dance when she was little, it was easy to sign up for colour guard in her freshman year. Her audition shown her potential in becoming one, so easily she got the spot along with her best friend, Shiho Suzui. She enjoyed the long practices and hanging out with her friend Shiho as well as hanging with Ryuji when it was lunch or in classes together, it took her mind of her busy parent always overseas. However, in sophomore band camp, Kamoshida, as well as the colour guard director, came to her that due to her passion and hard work to improve the show, she would be promoted to colour guard captain. Excited, she began improving more and showing leadership to bring the team together. However, more and more into her position, she realized more about Kamoshida. That Kamoshida was treating her differently than all the other members. She brought it up to him that she wasn't that person and it was wrong, he pinned her into a corner, however. Bringing up the fact that Shiho would be dropped from the regiment if she doesn’t agree. Manipulated, she was forced to let the treatment go on to keep Shiho on the team. However, she noticed her best friend missing practices, always tired and showing up with bruises most of the time, until one day, she didn’t show up at all. Along with that, Ryuji wasn’t showing up either. Her fears became reality as she later found out the Shiho was in the critical care unit in the hospital to a confirmed attempted suicide. Ann was devastated, however staying strong for Shiho, she continued colour guard. A week after, she was approached by the Drum Major Understudy, Akira Kurusu. He asked for information about Kamoshida and Suzui, saying that Ryuji directed him to her. She came clean too, saying that she didn’t wanna play games anymore and that she wants her own justice as well as Shiho's. Kurusu promised that he would help as well as “he was right though, you do make an excellent colour guard captain.” Hearing that from someone else, she was hopeful that it would turn out better in the future, which it did. Another week later a new band director introduced themselves as well as a proud Akira Kurusu stood on the podium to begin the sets for the day.  Ann began hanging with Ryuji again and opened up more to her new group of friends, including becoming stronger for Shiho to keep her happy as she returned back to school.
Makoto Niijima- Flute Section Leader/Drum Major Understudy- (Junior Year): The student council president was not very open to the marching band. Knowing about Kamoshida’s abuse, she didn’t want to be near the band. Makoto was already unlikable due to her harsh thinking and her unlikeable personality. Her mind opened up more however when she met the new transfer student in her sophomore year that claimed to be the new Drum Major Understudy. Akira Kurusu held a normal conversation with her, no taunts or disrespect shown like she usually gets. She was able to connect to someone which made her open up about Kamoshida and how she wants to take care of the problem. Akira tells her about the risky plan he set for the next day and how she could help. Makoto hesitantly agrees, saying she would do her best to help the students. The plan was set into action, resulting in Makoto calling the police and arresting Kamoshida. Along with that was a beat up Akira. Grateful, Makoto helped Akira sorting out the marching band as they try to find a band director. During her time, she fell in love with the way an instrument was played. She asked Akira about what it was and as Akira explained more and showed her, she fell in love with it more. Over the year, she learned to pick it up and how to play. Later, trying out for section leader and wowing Kawakami and Kurusu. She got the position as well as applying for the Drum Major position, soon becoming Akira’s right-hand man with him.
Futaba Sakura- Set Design/Tech Work- (Sophomore Year): Futaba went through a rough time since her mother, Wakaba Isshhiki, passed away due to a mysterious death (reported suicide)  in front of her. With that, she was passed around her families before ending up in Sojiro Sakura’s house. She went through rough times with her uncle before her switch to Sakura’s house, however, resulting in trauma and her becoming a shut-in for two years. She has a strong case of social anxiety which resulted in her only talking online, thus creating a hobby of her being a tech nerd. Sojiro let her live that lifestyle due to his guilt of not protecting her from that trauma. She thought she was going through dark and murky water, no place to turn but down, however, she found the light of the tunnel when someone other than Sojiro dropped off dinner for her. The mysterious stranger introduced himself as Akira, the same name she heard Sojiro speak of over the year. He spoke simple conversations through the door, just telling her about his day or how the weather is like. Soon, he told his own story about what he's gone through when he was a shut-in. She begins to communicate through text with him, how she was blamed for her mother's death, how she sees her mum , etc. Over the year of where she would have been a freshman in high school, Sojiro called from outside the door, saying that Akira asked her to text him. Texting out of curiosity, she reaches to him, getting a text about the case of Wakaba, how it wasn't reported as a “suicide” like she was told. It was reported as a planned poisoning. She connects the pieces together about how the note seemed out of place how she was deluding herself. She texts him how she was realizing now and that her mum really loved her, however, she never got a text back. She waited till morning, still not getting one back until she heard him outside of her door, giving her some breakfast. In a last-second decision, she opened her door and dragged him in. She thanked him, saying that he’s helped her to realize a lot and is in debt to him. She began opening up more, going outside the house, meeting friends through Akira, and even going back to school at Shujin as a sophomore. Even though she still suffers from anxiety, she is more at peace with herself and about her mum. She bonded with Akira even more, to the point where she joined the Marching Regiment at Shujin as a design helper and audio technician if the show needs it.
Haru Okumura -Flute- (Junior Year): Haru learned how to play the flute ever since she was little from her grandfather. Her dad encouraged her playing the flute along with her grandfather. However, a falling out in her family made her not see her grandfather or any other family members besides her father. She still played music, however, getting reminded of the good times her grandfather and her played together. She joined the concert band in her freshman year at Shujin. Her father doesn't fully support her decision to join, however, he allowed it as she does help him with his company. As she turns sophomore, her father becomes a bit more selfish about his business and himself. Being forced into a relationship for a business partnership, Haru was forced to missed shows and practices, making time for forced time with her “boyfriend” Sugimura, an abusive senior football star. Akira, the director of the concert band sometimes, notices the constant absences of Okumura which leads him to the rooftop gardening center. He asks her about the attendance and if she was okay, she brushes him off, saying that she's “busy, that’s all.” He encourages her to come to the after school practice tomorrow, she agrees. Later that night, she and Sugimura are having a verbal fight in an alley near the sushi restaurant they were supposed to have a date at. Started by Haru by asking for some time to herself that next day, they argued for 10 minutes before it got physical. A nearby group was able to stop, that group being Akira and the rest of his group. (Yusuke, Ryuji, Makoto, Ann, Morgana, and Futaba). Akira and Ryuji chase the man off while the rest of the group stayed with Haru. They all lead her to a cafe that was near them, calming her down as she seemed in a state of shock of how many people care about her safety. Akira and Ryuji come back and they all talk as a group of how Haru is stronger then she believes herself, and that she has her own voice in her own decision. Haru, inspired by the group's words, takes more control over her own life. She fights with her father that she never loved Sugimura and that she will be going to more of her band shows if he likes it or not. After days of fighting, her father finally agrees to her wishes. She thanks Akira for the help and encouragement and is grateful for the support. She decides to join the marching regiment at the end of her sophomore year.
Morgana-Band Cat: Found by Akira Kurusu when he was beginning the sophomore year, he followed Akira to school and to home until Akira just took him as his own. Mona was with Akira the whole time; Kamoshida’s rein, trips to the store or clinic, or just midnight walks. Mona became sorta a comfort animal to him and to some of his friends as they hang out more. When Futaba was introduced to him, she made a device that was able to translate his meows to human words with a wired bandana that she made for him. With his new voice, he became more talkative. There might be some wrongs in the translation, however, he still gets his points across. He began becoming more aware to stuff too, noticing panic attack signs (After living with Akira for a long while) or feeling drops if something bad is about to happen. Morgana travels with Kurusu in school in his backpack, making him known as the cat in the bag. Nobody really minds because the cat usually keeps quiet in classes. Mona was introduced to the Marching Regiment after Futaba gave him the bandana, he became a helper to Aki when he was swamped with work or to just go around and help the other members of the regiment feel at peace.
The outfits can be found here:
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Kosei Marching Regiment- Show theme: Society- Led by Goro Akechi
Kosei was one of the top regiments at the time with the highest score being 99.21. However, they are now placed in second highest tied with Yasogami due to Shujin taking the place of first. The band director has not been announced or kept a secret to the Kosei ears only.
Drum Major(s): Goro Akechi
Goro Akechi-Drum Major-(Junior Year): Goro Akechi is secretive and not open to the idea of friends. Nobody knows a lot about Akechi, only know that he was an orphan in his childhood before being adopted by a politician. His birth mother reported dead and that his dad was never to be seen. He was taught to grow up, stop acting like a child. So his personality is strict yet prince-like. He has a tv show like appearance, probably use to the fame he got when being on papers about Kosei’s regiment in the schools rise to fame. He can also read people easily, making people sometimes uncomfortable or amazed. He was a trombone player before he applied to be in the Drum major position. He ended up getting the position his sophomore year and being top of his class. He then meets Akira Kurusu, who also just got accepted into being a Drum Major. It felt like fate, Akechi found someone that he didn't despise as much as he does to a lot of people. However, when Kurusu took 1st in the JMA championships, a rivalry started between the two, creating the tension whenever Drum Major summits take place or when they see each other in public. He tries his best to let it go, trying to create a bond with the Shujin Regiment team, however, he has a tough time and only wants the best for his future.
Yusuke Kitagawa-Clarinet-(Junior Year): Yusuke was orphaned when he was young, with both of his father and mother gone. He was adopted quickly by Ichiryusai Madarame, a famous artist and well-known oboe player. Through the years, Yusuke learned the ways of painting by going under the wing of Madarame, as well as playing a clarinet/saxophone on his free time. With his free time, he also created sheet music for the clarinet. As he grew to his Sophomore year, he was hesitant to join to the high schools marching regiment. He was already in the jazz band at the time as he took mostly painting class. He was in one of Madarame‘s art galleries and played his clarinet outside to get fresh air as well as also finish his piece. After playing, a stranger complimented his piece, saying that the melody of it was peaceful and that it was good so far. Yusuke was shocked that someone even complimented a piece he made, Madarame didn’t even do that. The boy introduced himself as Akira Kurusu, a marching band Drum Major at Shujin. He was curious and asked how the marching band was to the frizzy-haired boy. “An escape, a way of expressing yourself without even realizing it” The way the boy described it peaked Yusuke’s interest. The newfound friend he made gave him his number as a way to contact, wishing him luck in the piece he was making. He was awed and signed up for an audition at Kosei’s Regiment. He got approved a week later and was to start at the beginning of junior year. He kept it a secret from Madarame as he kept painting for him during his time available. However, Madarama found out about his involvement in the band, prompting him to give Yusuke more work to due to his “artist block”. A few weeks after the situation, Yusuke contacts Akira, asking to meet up for them to talk. Akira agrees and the go to a cafe where Akira works at. Yusuke talks about how he wishes to continue marching band however he is struggling between a block of sorts. Akira encourages him to keep talking and to keep creating even if the block is dark deep down. Yusuke took his words into heart and continue making music and art for himself, cutting ties to Madarame after doing some digging and questioning. He now lives in the Kosei dorms. Along with that, he is friends with Akira and the Shujin Marching group he has. Even if they aren't in the same team, he doesn't see them as enemies, even on the field.
Outfits can be found here: 
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This is a summary of how everyone came into the regiment and how it brought them together. My writing isn't very well so I hope I got the point across of how it started. I was in marching band myself for a short while before I was forced to leave due to injury. So, I know the process of a marching band, however, I might change a bit of stuff depending on story. but other then that, thank you so much for the support on my last post about it!! I’m still researching and changing some things to make accurate!!
There will be no metaverse in this universe, however, if there was to be one, Akira wouldn't be in the Phantom Thieves til later on. The people who have shadows will be the drum majors. (Including P4′s and P3′s Drum Majors have one)
 Akira Kurusu: Castle Dungeon (Shadow form- A thief prince)
Goro Akechi: Tv Studio (Shadow form- Tv Reporter)
You can ask me questions if you would like too!! I like to talk about my au and explain more!! I have some ideas for drawings and comics that I will get done soon hopefully!!
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berdbrainx · 6 years
Send a pen and I’ll talk about my OCs!! | Accepting!
((oh boy that’s a lot lmao :’) i do have slightly more than 17 ocs though so i can talk about a whole bunch of them!
1. first of all, there’s Vincent. he’s probably the reason i have somewhat of a handle on roleplaying berdly in the first place, bc he’s a Huge Jerkwad and actually is more of a narcissist than berdly is, if you can believe that? he’s diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder though, so that’s a pretty fair reason why imo. 
vincent is from london too so uh,,, because i sometimes channel his vibes to rp berdly, i just Cannot Stop reading some of berdly’s dialogue with a british accent and it’s horrible because me @ myself: that’s not his voiceclaim lmao :’) 
anyways, vincent is also pretty smart like berdly, but with anything other than academic stuff, he’s actually a Total Idiot lmao. another way he and berdly are pretty different is that, uh, berdly can actually feel empathy and will feel bad about his actions if pushed enough. vincent on the other hand will not care At All about how much his actions hurt the other person not really because of his npd but because he’s just that much of an Asshole mcjerkface. also he’s a ghost who died in his late teens, like about 3 other of my ocs who i’ll talk about soon lol
i’ll talk about the rest of them under the cut because i feel like this’ll probably get pretty long!!
2. okay, so next one i’ll talk about is probably Cheryl. she’s a human high schooler though, who goes to the same school the Ghost Boys go to, which is a school referred to by the students as St. Lawrence. and she’s one of the other people i think about when trying to rp berdly. she’s also very smart, and uses sarcasm so much. however, she’s actually a really nice person. she only really reserves being a little shit to her tight-knit group of close friends, in the school band and stuff (she plays clarinet in band!!). she’s mostly pretty quiet and minds her own business otherwise. so in other words, berdly is basically vincent’s assholishness + cheryl’s sarcasm + both of them being smart.
3. i guess i’ll just say random facts about different ocs now, so it won’t get too long lol. Vinnie is a total sweetheart who keeps forgetting he’s a ghost. but he loves bendy straws and kool-aid, and he tends to say a weird combination of modern + outdated slang all the time.
4. Devon secretly really likes cute things, even though he’s emo af. and he’s also a huge pushover nerd, who got adopted into Cheryl’s group of friends because they just,,, they’re rambunctious kids who see a loner and they immediately absorb them into their group with the power of friendship and inclusion
5. Flint’s actual name is Devon, but I already had a devon so i thought it would be confusing,,,,, so i gave him a nickname lol. it fits a lot though, because he’s sort of a pyromaniac. so yeah. “flint” :’) he’s a ghost with questionable morals, and is definitely part of the rowdy group of friends in The Band Squad, so yep. he plays percussion in band, but really because of all the free time he has in his afterlife, he could,,,,,, play any instrument in the band if he wants to. also: he’s usually my faceclaim when i type out of character posts on my various blogs!!
6. i’m out of Ghost Boys to talk about, so i guess i’ll talk about the other band kids. Daniel is a percussionist who was actually based off, like,,,,, two people in my band when i was in high school! one was this really cool guy in the grade above me who played trumpet, and the other was another cool percussionist in the grade below who was,,,, actually responsible for his appearance and personality so i’d say he’s mostly based off the younger kid
7. Aaron is a trumpet player who was mostly based off that trumpet player from the above point, and his friend who was also a trumpet player. those two had a pretty great friendship, so i just. made daniel and aaron have that sort of friendship too lol
8. Lori plays the tenor sax, kinda like me, and she’s the only one out of the friend group who can drive apparently :’) she can also play the bass guitar and stuff
9. Cody is an alto sax player, and has sort of a rivalry with Lori. they both say they don’t like each other but everyone knows they’re best friends and possibly crushing on each other too lol. he’s also pretty short, and lori makes fun of him a lot for it, just cause they’re close enough that she’s allowed to do that
10. Elaine is a flute player who’s really sweet, and kind of the mom friend of the group. she isn’t as close with everyone like the others are with each other, though, but they all love her anyway because she’s just. so precious and caring all the time
11. Julia is a girl who goes to “the rich school” and she sort of just happened to make friends with the band kids one day due to their shared love of memes. she’s cheryl’s girlfriend now, and she plays clarinet in her school’s orchestra, and trombone in jazz band. she sometimes ditches responsibilities for her school, just to hang out with the kids from St. Lawrence. she’s also one of Flint’s best friends now
12. Blake is a person who is actually not in high school for once, and they’re in their early 20s. they really like animals, and they tend to act a little obnoxious around friends, but they’re usually pretty quiet around strangers. they’re also albino, and are somewhat self conscious about it since they used to get teased about it.
13. Liam is also an oc who actually doesn’t go to St. Lawrence either! he’s a mage in the dragonfable world, and he’s pretty much a huge troublemaker, who loves to mess with people. he laughs whenever anyone calls him a hero, because if anything, he’s incredibly chaotic neutral and doesn’t care that much about saving people unless it’s fun
14. Kroft is a tiefling wizard, and he tends to be really positive. he’s also really impulsive and says/does things without thinking about it. he’s actually an academic genius, and can retain So much knowledge even if he was only told once, or looked at a book once. he also likes going to bed early, and waking up really early in the morning just because the sunrise looks neat!
15. gonna talk about more Rich School Kids. Brian is pretty much really cold and analytical, actually pretty similar to vincent/cheryl/berdly in a way, only if you,,,,, completely sucked the emotion out of them lmao. he’s also a manipulative person, so that’s kinda Bad, but he ends up getting together with Tristan and Learns How To Deal With Feelings And Being Nice lol. he plays percussion in orchestra, and is,, sort of obsessed with organization
16. Tristan is a guy who’s really nice, but quiet. quiet as in, he’s selectively mute. and when he does talk, he ends up sounding really soft-spoken and monotone. he was actually the one to ask out brian first though :’) he also really likes flowers tbh!
17. last one and i guess i’ll talk about Martin. he’s a guy from the 1920s who went to St. Lawrence and eventually befriended Devon during that time. he was really impulsive and outspoken, which pretty much almost gave Devon several heart attacks because you just Don’t Do Those Things in the specific way that martin does it, especially in those years. like, uh, mooning the police during an activist rally. they both loved each other, but because Devon was too afraid to actually be in a relationship with him, even if they kept it a secret, they never ended up in a relationship at all other than being “best friends”. surprisingly, martin lived a healthy long life despite doing Things that would have got him killed several times in his youth))
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rythyme · 8 years
6. Serenade // Nurseydex
« {Part 6 of my Valentine’s collection.} »
a/n: Musician!Dex AU where they both still go to Samwell, but they don’t play hockey. Dex plays guitar and Nursey is a poet. Enjoy!
There were lots of downsides to living in the dorms. Communal bathrooms were one. Then there was the shared kitchen, the drunk freshmen tramping through the hallways at 3 AM, and dealing with roommates. One of the things that Derek didn’t mind, however, was being close to the dorm’s practice rooms.
The practice rooms were small supposedly sound-proof rooms were dorm residents could practice musical instruments without disturbing their neighbors. It was a good idea, theoretically—except whoever had designed he building hadn’t apparently had a very good understanding of acoustics. Not only were the walls of every dorm room deplorably thin (Derek really shouldn’t have this good of an idea of how often his neighbor got laid), but the practice rooms were also not nearly as “sound proof” as advertised.
Derek’s dorm room was right above his building’s practice rooms. There were a lot of people who complained about the noise, but Derek found himself enjoying the quiet melodies that leaked up from the floor below him most evenings. It wasn’t like the sound was keeping him awake—the practice rooms were closed after eleven, and Derek was never asleep before midnight.
Tonight was an unusually quiet night. Someone had been practicing Bach on the clarinet a couple hours ago, but since then the floor below had been silent. It was starting to put Derek on edge. He had two different poetry assignments to finish tonight, and the words just weren’t coming to him. Nothing he wrote down seemed worth keeping.
And then, like a Godsend, there was music—a guitar.
It was quiet, almost difficult to hear unless he was listening for it. He didn’t hear guitars in the practice rooms very often; usually the room was monopolized by band and orchestra kids. Tonight, however, it seemed that someone new had entered the scene. The pleasant harmony of the musician’s warm-up chords was already starting to get Derek’s pen moving.
A choir at his fingertips, each chord a song its own…
The musician eventually transitioned into playing full songs instead of just chords. Even though he wasn’t sure exactly what the names of the songs were, Derek thought he recognized some of the artists—Ben Harper, Ray LaMontange, Jack Johnson, a little bit of early Coldplay. The music was acoustic, soft, slow. It was totally different from the kind of music Derek listened to.
He moved onto the floor, sitting with his back against the wall and his notebook balanced on his knee. The poetry was flowing freely now. Derek felt like he was sinking into warm water, letting the hushed strums of the guitar wash over him in the otherwise quiet room. If he listened hard enough, he could hear the guitarist singing the lyrics.
“I can resist anything but temptation from you, but I'd rather walk alone than chase you around. I'd rather fall myself than let you drag me down.”
Derek finished his poetry assignments in record time and found himself lying on the floor with his laptop, torrenting album after album of acoustic guitar music and trying to find the songs his neighbor below was playing. These songs, they were… nice. More than nice. Derek hadn’t felt this relaxed in a long time.
And then suddenly, the guitar stopped. The room was quiet again. It was like it had never happened.
Derek decided to go to bed early that night.
He couldn’t get the songs out of his head for the next week. They kept coming back to him during lecture, at lunch, when he was trying to read poetry in the quad. He started to wonder what the musician looked like. He had absolutely no clue, which was infuriating. All he had was a voice.
He began to pay extra attention to the music coming from the floor below, hoping he might hear that guitar again. No such luck. A week and a half of violins, trumpets, and clarinets floated by like a fog, heavy and monotonous. His poetry started to take on a dark, desperate edge, which was always a bad sign. His poetry tended to show symptoms before he did.
Then, finally, ten days later, he heard it—the soft strumming of chords, the warmup set. He put down his homework, spread himself out on the floor, and closed his eyes. All the tension bled out of him in a sigh, and God, how had he gotten so reliant on this musician?
“That green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find, and anyone who tried to deny you must be out of their mind.”
The music went on for another hour or so before it stopped this time. The moment the quiet started, Derek began to panic a little. What if this was the last time this person practiced here? What if he never heard them again? Before he really knew what he was doing, he grabed his keys and headed out the door, making for the stairs. He took them two at a time and slid in front of the door of the practice room just as someone was leaving, and—oh.
Wow. He was kind of gorgeous.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” the musician said, slinging his guitar case over his shoulder. He had red hair and freckles and eyes that were some kind of impossible shade of amber that left Derek staring a lot more than he should’ve been. “Were you waiting for the practice room?”
“Oh, no, no, not me,” Derek stammered. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to fight back the sudden wave of anxiousness that clung to his throat. “Uh, I just. You sound good.”
“You mean the guitar?” the guy said. Derek nodded. “Oh. Thanks, man.”
“Do you play a lot?”  Derek asked, desperate to keep the conversation going.
“Not as much as I’d like,” the musician shrugged. “I’m a CS major, so, you know. Not a lot of free time for music.”
“That’s too bad. You’re really talented.”
The guy looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, not really. Thanks for saying so, though.”
“No, I mean it,” Derek insisted. “Do you ever perform?”
“You know, in front of an audience?” The guy shook his head. “Well, if you wanted to, I know this coffee shop a couple blocks east of campus. Every Thursday night they have an open mic session at six. It’s pretty chill.” Derek was aware that he was rambling, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from talking. “I go for the poetry most of the time, but there are always a few musicians. Musicians get the best tips, I think. It’s never a waste of time, you know?”
The guy looked a little shell-shocked. Shit, Derek had talked too much. “That… sounds interesting,” the guy said eventually. “Which coffee shop is it at?”
“Oops, sorry. It’s Annie’s.”
“Oh yeah, I know Annie’s.”
“You do?”
���Yeah, yeah. Thursdays at six, you said, right?”
“Yeah, Thursdays at six,” Derek repeated. “On days when I’m performing, though, I usually try to get there a little earlier, so I’d recommend getting there at about 5:45?”
“You perform?” his guitarist asked.
“Yeah. Sometimes,” Derek said. He scuffed his shoe on the floor a little. “Slam poetry, mostly.”
The guy was staring at him a little, like he wasn’t quite sure what to make of him. Derek tried to stand a little straighter. He and the musician were the same height, he realized. Fuck, that was kind of hot.
“Can I get your number?” the guy asked after a few beats. “Just—in case I have any questions, about the open mic. Um.”
“Sure, of course,” Derek said, a little too quickly. “That’d be—yeah, good thinking.”
“Here, if you want, you can type it into my phone, or—” Derek had already taken a pen out of his back pocket and was holding it poised in front of him. “Oh, I don’t really have any paper besides sheet music….”
“I could write it on your hand?” Derek suggested.
“Oh, sure,” the musician said. He held out his hand, palm up, and Derek took it. The act of writing the numbers on his pale skin was surprisingly intimate. Derek’s heart was beating wildly in his chest, and he could hear the other student’s breath catch a bit. It was nice to know that he wasn’t the only one a little flustered by this encounter.
“There,” Derek said when he was done. “Feel free to text me if you have questions. I’m Derek, by the way.”
“Thanks. My name’s Will.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Will,” Derek grinned in what he hoped was a charming way. “I’ll see you Thursday?”
“Yeah, you bet,” Will said. He smiled back, just the slightest curve of his lips, but it made Derek’s heart skip a beat. “See you, Derek.”
“Definitely,” Derek said. Then Will was walking up the stairs, and pretty soon he was gone. Derek was alone in the hallway in front of the door of the practice room.
Holy shit.
Derek slowly made his way back up to his room, his heart hammering fast in his chest. Did he really just give his number to the hot guitar player he’d been obsessing over for the past week? Fuck. This was happening. This was real.
He couldn’t wait for Thursday.
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