#minamoto akari
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harunokijournal · 10 months ago
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Lowkey ngeship Hiruga-Akari (trope childhood friends to lovers my beloved) 😔☝
Sama ngeship Reza-Asa (forbidden love karena beda server hiks)
Kalo yg canon ada:
Akira/Mai (happy ending—they finally married then had two children)
Furuya/Kana (sad ending remarksnya mati satu zannen na *dipukul*)
Tsukioka/Setsuna (happy ending remarksnya dulu rival tau2 pas gede ketemu lagi langsung nikah) wwwww
[ tweet ]
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chiisanahoshi · 1 month ago
Kou Gets Aged Up | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2
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bxnnmoon · 8 months ago
It's absolutely not pride month but still want to finish these ones<33
And is supposed to have another bunch but idk if i have the energy!!
Sorry so meanwhile it would be the last!!
(2/2) (maybe)
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valorianknights · 3 months ago
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A Minamoto and Aoi family outing
Nene took the picture, she didn't want to risk her additional weight to cause Kou to be crushed 😅
Rin shouting at Akio while he just adores her is sending me.
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jariten · 3 months ago
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Roundup-catch up: September 2024 (〜Take me back to the Reiwa era arc〜)
After a rather all consuming and intense reading experience that took me 60 years back in time (I will get to that one another time) I wanted to get back to the present time, specifically 2020 to today, and explore what's new and buzzing in the manga landscape. Luckily had a couple titles sitting unread ready to give me the most productive reading week I've had so far this year.
Akari by Marco Kohinata is a work I don't want to go too in detail about because I think it's one that I think is better by just diving straight in so I want to describe a bit what it does artistically. Even before it became the norm to produce manga manuscripts fully digitally with programs like Clip Studio there's always been manga artists who challenge the "correct" way of how manga manuscripts should look with clean inked lines and nothing but screentone or crosshatching to add dimension. Like Taiyo Matsumoto, Hiroaki Samura, and Q Hayashida just to mention a few. But with the digital way of doing it becoming the norm and thus there being less time consuming and high risk ways to experiment with the expected form of a manga manuscript the diversity of artistic expression in manga is expanding. All the manga in this post have an expression to them only really possible to do in a digital medium or if analogue, made possible by the innovations of digital artists. Akari has a sort of charcoal texture to it that I haven't seen any other manga artist use giving it a really illustrative look that really elevates the emotional themes of familial estrangement and being at risk of falling to the margins of society that the work depicts. Its made me really look forward to seeing what the "average" manga manuscript might look like by 2030.
Last year I gushed a bit about the cutesy gag manga Yoko to Tora by Fuyuko Kurosaki which really charmed me with its truly adorable art, little world building touches and anything goes absurdist comedy. This mini project finally got me to pick up Heike Monogatari Yoru-kun no Hanashi. This anachronistic time slipped retelling of the tale of the arrogant Taira samurai clan and its conflict with the Minamoto clan backed by imperial interests. Recently orphaned Yoru-kun has spent most of his life with the spoiled but lonely rich girl Sara. But one day, he is suddenly kidnapped from our time to the Heian era by Taira no Kiyomori! (portrayed as a flashy rock star super villain obsessed with his wife) to play the role of his daughter in a grand scheme to marry the Taira clan into the imperial family. Yoru now finds himself living at the whims of his war mongering and arrogant new father, but at the same time finds himself sympathetic and invested in his new family. Because they aren't all that bad. Right? But what about Sara? She's not going to let Yoru be all alone in this strange story, right? The Heike story is retold with a maximalist, deeply anachronistic and absurd fashion by, I will already declare, one of my favorite contemporary manga artists.
There's clearly a "gender bending" aspect to have these characters take the roles of historical figures of the "opposite" gender but the role assignment is as far as that went. The only new item of clothing that gendered Yoru was a kimono overcoat worn over his school uniform while Sara was only gendered by a piece of armour worn on top of hers. And of course Yoru can have a baby, you can just go pick those up anywhere. Like, at the cabbage patch. Intentionally or not it becomes a farcical commentary on how gender is assigned upon you by others.
A lot of current manga are in some way colored by the pandemic and 2020 COVID lockdown era. After Shinzo Keigo was hospitalized from COVID complications he produced Hirayasumi. But his wife Natsuko Taniguchi was obviously affected by this time in world history and her personal life as well and produced her own manga in response to it. Fukiyose Residence introduces us to the flashy gal cashier at a non-franchise conbini. She talks loud, sits on a camping chair behind the register but her high spirits brings as much joy as annoyance to her customers. But her public self and private self couldn't be more different, which her neighbours in her apartment building learn one by one. A short but very sweet story about actually finding connection with those closest to you and the ways we transform ourselves through and for others.
Sometimes I don't do my due dilligence and check if I can get a title I'm eyeing in Japanese in english, but to be fair that overlap is just so rare that I lost the habit. But here I made a mistake, because last week Astro Biologist Pratess by Sarami got a translated omnibus release by Alien Press. That particular edition is not what I will review T^T but it's def one to check out. A classic coming of age during summer vacation with past lives from outer space a la Please Save My Earth and astral connections to an alien astro biologist brings 3 friends closer as they try to figure out exactly what they want from life. This is one I wish was just 1 or 2 volumes longer so all 3 characters got to be fully fleshed out but I enjoyed what we got and it made me feel even more excited about what manga is waiting for us in the near future. The work was also licensed in Spanish so if that's your preferred way to read do check it out!
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rainofwisteria · 5 months ago
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"Enomo— Setsuna-chan, this is Kana. Kana-san, this is Setsuna. You two ... actually are twins. I know this is too sudden but ... well, I hope you two get along well." —Minamoto Akari, 2205
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animeking114 · 3 months ago
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Season 2) reveals new cast, staff & release date
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Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun/ Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun is one of the successful manga series of this decade with more than 10 million copies. The manga was adapted into an anime in 2020 and the sequel has been confirmed with the new staff. Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun anime season 2 is under production and it will air in Winter 2025. The supernatural series has been one of the best anime of the last 2 years. - More News on Animeking - Romelia Senki Anime Release Date, Cast & More The Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun anime is directed by Yōhei Fukui and Mayuka Itou remains as the show's character designer. Crunchyroll confirmed season 2 of Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun will be streamed on their platform. Masayoshi Oishi has performed the opening theme song for the sequel which is titled as "L'oN" and the ending theme song "With a Wish" is performed by Akari Kitou. The official story description for season 2 by Crunchyroll is here, "There’s a rumor going around about the Seven Wonders of Kamome Academy. Nene Yashiro and her classmate, Kou Minamoto, work with Hanako-san to expose a traitor among the ranks of the Seven Wonders. After breaking No. 2, the Misaki Stairs, and No. 5, the 4 O'clock Library, only five remain. Can they uncover the perpetrator before it’s too late?"
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Anime - Release Date
The second season of Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun anime will premiere on January 12, 2025. A special advance screening was held at Tokyo's Grand Cinema Sunshine Ikebukuro theater where the team also confirmed the premiere date and staff.
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Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Anime - Cast & Crew
Toilet-Bound Hanako's second season features new characters. Hōchū Ohtsuka joins the cast as Kako who plays one of the Three Clock Keepers who governs the past. Rie Kugimiya is another addition and she plays the role of Mirai who is one among Three Clock Keepers. Mirai has the ability to control the future and her main goal is to protect the clock tower of Kamome Academy. Here is the official crew of season 2, - Director - Yōhei Fukui - Writer - Yasuhiro Nakanishi - Production - Lerche Studio - Music - Hiroshi Takaki - Color Designer - Saki Tada - Character Designer - Mayuka Itou - Art Director - Hiromasa Ogura
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Storyline
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun is a supernatural fantasy adventure. The story is all about the Kamome Academy students who have different goals. Hanako and Nene Yashiro play the main characters in the show. Here is the official story description of the series, "At Kamome Academy, rumors abound about the school's Seven Mysteries, one of which is Hanako-san. Said to occupy the third stall of the third floor girls' bathroom in the old school building, Hanako-san grants any wish when summoned. Nene Yashiro, an occult-loving high school girl who dreams of romance, ventures into this haunted bathroom…but the Hanako-san she meets there is nothing like she imagined! Kamome Academy's Hanako-san…is a boy.
How to watch the Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun anime? The Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun anime series is available for streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation. Season 2 of the series is available on JNN. How many episodes will the Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun anime season 2 have? The Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun anime season 2 will have 12 seasons. Read the full article
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springtimesdream · 3 months ago
Little trivia; Haruko sedikit banyak sadar kalau kedua anak didiknya sedikit berbeda dari manusia kebanyakan.
Nakaharu Sakuya ngga begitu dekat sama touken danshinya—kayak ... dia sayang sama touken danshi dia, tapi ga merasa punya ikatan yang lebih personal. Ibaratkan boneka, kalau touken danshinya kenapa2, Sakuya ga bakal menaruh kepedulian lebih. Kalau ada touken danshinya yang patah, dia ga bakal begitu berduka.
Haruko tahu fakta ini setelah turun sendiri ke Houki no Kuni dan mendapati beberapa touken danshi milik Sakuya patah dalam pertarungan. Menurut sang kinji, juga kesaksian touken danshi yang lain, Sakuya ga pernah terlihat berduka, entah untuk dirinya sendiri ataupun untuk touken danshi lain yang punya hubungan dengan pedang ybs. Setelah pembicaraan heart-to-heart Haruko ke Sakuya juga didapatkan hasil, kalau memang analisisnya tepat.
(Semuanya Haruko catat ke dalam laporan yang bakal dia kirim ke Pemerintah Waktu.)
Sementara itu, masalah yang dihadapi Minamoto Akari lebih ke fisik. Haruko udah merhatiin dia sejak Akari (dan Sakuya) masih tinggal di Bizen bareng dia; Akari ga bisa ngerasain rasa sakit. Dia sering terluka waktu latihan, juga agak clumsy sampe ngga sengaja ngelukain dirinya sendiri, tapi Akari ga pernah terlihat kesakitan.
Sebelum Akari dikirim ke Awa, Haruko ngajak dia buat periksa ke dokter dari Pemerintah Waktu. Setelah melalui serangkaian tes baru diketahui, kalau Akari menderita Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA)—sebuah kondisi serius di mana penderitanya ngga bakal bisa merasakan sakit ataupun suhu ekstrim. Seharusnya Akari ga bisa dilepas begitu aja karena ini, namun Akari sendiri bersikeras, dia bakal baik-baik aja, dan udah cukup kuat untuk jadi saniwa dan punya honmaru sendiri.
(Haruko jadi sering berkunjung ke Awa no Kuni karena ini. Perkembangannya Haruko catat ke dalam laporan yang bakal dia kirim ke Pemerintah Waktu.)
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Character: Shizuku Minamoto Anime/Game: Akatsuki Yureru Koi Akari
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d0zuki · 1 year ago
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now playing :: Tiny Light
[Akari Kito]
VOLUME :: ❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚
3:54 ─•──── 4:51
⇄ ◀ ❚❚ ▶ ↻
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Students of Kamome Gakuen
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✦Yashiro Nene
No.7 Assistant
✦Minamoto Kou
Young Exorcist
✦Minamoto Teru
Young Exorcist
✦Nanamine Sakura
✦Hyuuga Natsushiko
✦Akane Aoi
✦Yamabuki Lemon
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lxvxngdeadgxrls · 1 year ago
stolen from @shermphibia
Under the read more because I have 7 muses so long post
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WANTED: Ai Mizuno, dead. REASON: Attempted an assassination. LAST SEEN: 4/5/1871 in Iowa. NATIONAL PRIORITY: 6 DANGER LEVEL: High BOUNTY: $2,000
no icon
WANTED: Akari Tanaka, alive. REASON: Murdered 2 citizens. LAST SEEN: 7/26/1891 in West Virginia. NATIONAL PRIORITY: 7 DANGER LEVEL: Low BOUNTY: $2,000
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WANTED: Junko Konno, dead or alive. REASON: Murdered 3 citizens. LAST SEEN: 5/22/1847 in Maine. NATIONAL PRIORITY: 15 DANGER LEVEL: Medium BOUNTY: $2,000
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WANTED: Lily Hoshikawa, dead. REASON: Caught stealing from a large business. LAST SEEN: 3/14/1854 in Arkansas. NATIONAL PRIORITY: 1 DANGER LEVEL: Insanely high BOUNTY: $7,000
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WANTED: Saki Nikaido, alive. REASON: Assassinated an official. LAST SEEN: 6/28/1880 in Oregon. NATIONAL PRIORITY: Low DANGER LEVEL: Very high BOUNTY: $4,000
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WANTED: Sakura Minamoto, alive. REASON: Caught stealing from citizens. LAST SEEN: 3/26/1883 in Washington. NATIONAL PRIORITY: 9 DANGER LEVEL: Medium BOUNTY: $50,000
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WANTED: Yugiri, alive. REASON: Caught stealing from a small bank. LAST SEEN: 12/26/1886 in Connecticut. NATIONAL PRIORITY: Low DANGER LEVEL: Low BOUNTY: $700,000
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harunokijournal · 11 months ago
Akari terlahir dengan kondisi langka yang serius, yaitu ngga bisa merasakan sakit (in medical terms, called as Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA) ). Karena kondisi ini dia ngga bisa ngerasain rasa sakit sama rasa panas/dingin berlebih (bakal terasa b aja di dia, apapun yang terjadi), makanya sebenernya anaknya harus diperhatiin bener2 soalnya kalo dia kenapa2 dia ga bisa ngenotis sendiri.
Gladly her adoptive father take a good care to her! Akari diperhatikan baik-baik, kalo semisal habis masak atau pulang sekolah pasti blio ngambil waktu bentar buat mastiin Akari ga kenapa2 (karena meski Akari sadar sama kondisi dia dan selalu berhati2, tetep aja takut ada yg kelewat).
Hiruga gatau apa2 tentang ini anw, tapi dia tau dulu waktu kecil, somehow Akari gampang terluka tapi ngga pernah nangis (juga jarang sadar kalo dianya sendiri kenapa2, dan ga pernah nanya lebih lanjut tho).
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//After dark blog for lxvxngdeadgxrls. All muses are portrayed as 18+.
18+ Only! 🔞
Muse List:
Ai Mizuno
Akari Tanaka (OC)
Junko Konno
Saki Nikaido
Sakura Minamoto
Muses can be portrayed as either zombies or humans, depending on the scene.
No, I will not play Lily on this blog. She's literally a child, you sick fuck.
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amyyythestarry · 1 year ago
Mochizuki Akari
Favorite colors are purple, blue and green.
Favorite snack is ube cake rolls ( Any flavor ).
Favorite food is sashimi.
Latest concern: Nene.
Extra: She hates the the sound of screaming.
Koizumi Shiori
Favorite colors are blue and green.
Favorite snack is chocolate.
Favorite food is soba.
Latest concern: “Hanako is being really annoying.”
Extra: She’s a supernatural.
Koizumi Hina
Favorite colors are pink and red.
Favorite snack is ice cream mochi ( Any flavor ).
Favorite food is onigiris.
Latest concern: Low grade in Math class.
Extra: She has dyscalculia.
Akiyama Junko
Favorite colors are red, yellow and pink.
Favorite snack is monaka.
Favorite food is gyudon.
Latest concern: “I wanna be stronger than Minamoto-san ( Teru ).”
Extra: She love’s physical affection but doesn’t admit it.
Sonamizu Eiri
Favorite colors are blue and yellow.
Favorite snack is pockys.
Favorite food is tempura.
Latest concern: “My life is a mess!”
Extra: She hates sweet potatoes, but loves regular ones.
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Made my TBHK ocs on Picrew.
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Mochizuki Akari.
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Koizumi Shiori.
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Koizumi Hina.
Her and Shiori r not twins, they just look alike often.
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Akiyama Junko.
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Sonamizu Eiri.
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valorianknights · 6 months ago
AoiAoi Fankids
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Akio Aoi (15):
The Aoi family's Youngest and only son
A hopeless romantic like his father, but is more emotional than violent about it
A bit of a masochist (this concerns his sister)
Enjoys helping people and is the class representative of class 1-A
While being somewhat popular due to his helpfulness and kind demeanor, he's actually annoyed that nobody wants to get to know him beyond his preppy high school persona
Hides his short temper, possessiveness and jealousy by occupying himself with work
In his efforts of hiding his negative traits, he comes off as a very helpful, but passive nice boy
His jealousy just causes him to overanalyze everything and pout/cry in silence (Aoi during the confession tree thing with Akane & Lemon)
Is in love with the Minamoto's eldest daughter, Rin
I imagine him to be similar to Shoto Kazehaya from Kimi ni Todoke
Is the current Clock Keeper of the present and enjoys spending time with Kako and Mirai
He tends to stay in the boundary after he's done with his duties to play with Mirai (he likes being big bro) or to happily listen to Kako's stories about his past exploits ( Kako is now the boy's grandpapa and you can't change my mind)
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Akari Aoi (16):
Eldest and only daughter of the Aoi family
Inherited Sumire's eyes
Is able to see supernaturals due to her Kanangi status/ the Akane bloodline
Enjoys the art of tea ceremonies and the library
Works as a library aid at school
Is a very quiet, but observant child
Is currently not interested in pursuing romance, yet she's ironically obsessed with the romance genre: Books, movies, shoujo manga and otome games etc.
Wants to be a mangaka and open a tea shop when she grows up
Is supportive of her brother's romantic pursuit of Rin, but will knock him out with her dad's bat if he gets too weird
Is a friend to the Minamoto family
Is constantly being roped into supernatural misadventures with the Minamoto trio, usually unwilling (but always as bait )
She is collecting favors like Pokemon, almost everyone in school owes her and she waits until the perfect opportunity arrives to cash in one
If provoked, she will gladly and violently beat you down with her bat ( Akane passed down his weapon to his daughter for protection lol)
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eldergremlingifs · 4 years ago
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