#mina the dragoness
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selitoxicmoon · 2 years ago
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BNHA Dragons Part 5!!! Yup! After a looong time I finally finished the fifth pack. That's all from me this month, I gotta work unto commissions and I hope this satisfy you all. I really enjoyed the last two designs. For any questions about the designs, just comment ;)
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i kinda want to do a dracula au with hiccstrid…… i mean astrid as mina… hiccup as jonathan… like?? mina deciding they should get married Right Now in this Hospital is so astrid Coded!! and dracula (perhaps drago) hurting astrid and hiccup getting his Magical Girl Transformation and sitting with his flaming sword and being like. murder! >:( and astrid being FURIOUS at dracula (drago?) for hurting her husband (!!) and being like. murder! >:)
and hiccup lost his leg to the wolves. and mayhaps one of them is toothless?? or maybe he was discarded by the pack and dracula (drago) bc he only had three legs :( so he saves hiccup from the wolves!! and it adds to astrid’s Fury At Dracula (drago)
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wholelottatransbians · 4 months ago
well in Emerald friends i like it, by the ay, Ryuka is a Winged dragon or a earth drago.
by the way Kass, i just found a series that you probably would like called n?
Ochard AU i wonder how would this Mineta would be but Lesbian, i imagine in this case she would be like the most princessy lesbian possible, like so pure that when she meets MIna and the gal teases her she faints.
also, found this transgender girl anime you probably would like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashimashi:_Girl_Meets_Girl i remember seeing it and you probably would love thiss Rom COM.
and i wonder, how would this anime plot work foan MHA fic?
Emerald Flames: The Midoriya's are winged dragons. No one is sure.how the wings can support their weight, but they do. Somehow.
Orchard Hero: I see your vision, I really do. It's incredibly cute. I just can't see any Mineta as anything other than straight, sorry.
I have read that. And while I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to adapt to the Quirk system, my poor polyshipping heart never cared much for the whole "dedicate yourself to this one person forever" thing. Can't do it.
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icedicedbabeee · 2 years ago
 Citizen Sleeper is an amazing game. I find it to be one of my personal top games I have played and one I always find myself recommending. But I never have sat down to think about the why.
So, if I had to sum it up in short, it is because Citizen Sleeper is about finding a place to belong in somewhere you don’t.
Now, I’m going to go in depth. Heavy Spoilers below.
Citizen Sleeper immediately establishes you as an outcast. Your very existence is one that breeds a sense of hatred and fear. People do not treat you the same, because you are not the same as them. As a sleeper, you are not something understood beyond company propaganda. People cannot empathize with you, and they will not try to sympathize either.
Dragos teaches the player an important lesson. Look out for yourself and always stay one step ahead. That’s the only way you’ll survive. The Eye and it’s inhabitants are hostile to you as a sleeper and help isn’t going to come for free.
People complain that in the later stages of the game, it’s too easy to survive. But that’s the point. It’s easy enough to survive on the eye if you pour everything into that. Spend every cycle gathering money, scrap and other resources.
And you probably should do that.
But you don’t. You choose community, actively putting yourself at risk. And sometimes, your decisions are selfish and who would blame you?
Yet the Sleeper still helps Feng, Sabine, Navigator, Ankhita and Lem & Mina. And sure, does it benefit you? Yeah. But you could still do all this stuff on your own, yet you go out of your way to spend your cycles providing help.
In this way, you build trust with others. You build a connection with Sabine, a partnership with Feng, a family with Lem & Mina. You make homes and places that you belong.
Hostility still exists. Ethan doesn’t care that you’re trying to survive, because he is too. Ankhita is helping you, sure, but she just killed a sleeper. Someone no different from you, someone who just wanted life. If you didn’t know her, could that have been you?
Compassion doesn’t prevail on the eye. Community and understanding does.
It’s why each of the endings are built off two questlines. You have to build connections, get inside the mind and balance groups of people. In this sense, the Sleeper is able to turn somewhere once hostile (and it still is) into a home.
In my playthrough, the Sleeper chose to help everyone. This led to a lot of conflict, a lot of broken hearts and shattered dreams. But in the end, it was the people who helped put the pieces back together.
An interesting thing is that the player will be struggling, desperate to get off the eye in the beginning. But now that the eye has become their home, a place full of people they know...
...the player won’t want to leave. Even if you were worried about still being hunted down, the Gardener’s offer is everything the player would have wanted at the start. Yet, it is easily thrown away, because at this point the eye is home.
The Sleeper is still an outcast, technically. But they’ve found a place to belong.
This is only enhanced by the DLC episodes. At the time of writing this, the final episode isn’t out yet. But the jump between finding your own home, to helping others find theirs? It’s such an interesting switch.
You’re helping people find a home, because they’re like you. They’re people who deserve a place to stay, a place to belong. In this sense, you are doing this as someone who belongs to the eye
And everything is turned on it’s head, because you have to truly mediate with people you never know. Not just people from some far-torn people of the galaxy, like Peake, Eshe and everyone else on the Flotila.
Havenge is portrayed as the bad guys, the entire game. Then you meet Helene. She regrets some of the actions, but is still trying her best. She wants to help people, she just has different ways of going about it.
It’s a shocking moment to realize that someone who was framed as the enemy, is on the same page as you. You have the same goal, but just different ideals. It shook me as a player and made my decision much more nuanced.
Across the entire game, you are building bridges with people who are unlike you and finding a home in somewhere hostile. And by the end of your journey, you’ve finally found that home.
Citizen Sleeper is a game that teaches you to build bridges. To understand perspectives unlike your own, even to try and build lasting connections with people unlike you. Because, despite you not belonging.
You’ve found the place you fit.
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ufamsetobije · 7 days ago
Pozitivna Molitva: Namjenjena Onima Koji Se Bore S Tugom, Depresijom, Sa...
MON EVA READING Posted bysamo lucija November 4, 2024 Leave a commenton MON EVA READING EditMON EVA READING Massa avläsningar Vecka XXXI på året
Måndag, 4/11/2024
S:t Charles Borromeo, biskop Åminnelse
LÄSNINGAR: från dagen för: Fil 2:1-4; Psaltaren 131:1-3; Lukasevangeliet 14:12-14
NAMNSDAGAR: Karlo, Karolina, Dragutin, Drago, Dragica
Första läsningen:
Fil 2:1-4
Fyll mig med glädje: var förenade!
Uppläsning av aposteln Paulus brev till filippernaBröderna! Om det finns någon tröst i Kristus, om det finns någon vänlig uppmuntran, om det finns någon Andens gemenskap, om det finns något hjärta och medkänsla, fyll mig med glädje: var endräktig, odla samma kärlek, var enig. ingen rivalitet eller inbilskhet, utan betrakta varandra i ödmjukhet som överlägsna er själva; Ta inte bara hand om dig själv, utan också om det som rör andra! Herrens ord.
Psalm i Sången:
Ps 131:1-3
Håll min själ i fred med dig, Herre!
Herre, mitt hjärta är inte upphöjt , inte heller är mina ögon upphöjda. Jag strävar inte efter stora ting, inte heller strävar jag efter de under som är ovanför mig.
Nej, jag har lugnat mig och vilat min själ. Som ett spädbarn vid min mors bröst, som ett spädbarn, är min själ i mig.
Förtrösta på Herren, Israel, från nu för evigt.
Luk 14:12-14
Bjud inte in dina vänner, utan de fattiga och stympade.
Läsning av LukasevangelietVid den tiden: Jesus sade till fariséernas ledare som kallade på honom: “När du förbereder en måltid eller middag, bjud då inte in dina vänner eller bröder eller släktingar eller rika grannar, för att de inte också skall bjuda in dig och på så sätt återvända till dig. Men när du gör ett gästabud, bjud då in de fattiga, de stympade, de lama, de blinda. Saliga är ni, för de har ingenting att återgälda er. Ty det skall löna sig för dig i de rättfärdigas uppståndelse.” Herrens ord.
Dessa avläsningar överförs från hilp.hr
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Det bästa sättet att börja dagen: Be morgonbönen till den himmelske Fadern
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S:t Charles Borromeo – en biskop som var med sitt folk när det var som svårast HÄNGIVENHET TILL JUNGFRU MARIA
Hur man ber rosenkransen Snälla barn, säg till Jesus flera gånger om dagen: Jag älskar dig, jag älskar dig, jag älskar dig…
— Den helige Josemaría Escrivá
Bön till den Helige Ande för varje dag Gud har lovat sin kärlek till dem som ber om den: “Din Fader från himlen skall ge den helige Ande åt dem som ber honom”! (Luk 11:13). Be varje dag denna kraftfulla bön till den Helige Ande skriven av den helige Augustinus och var inte rädd! Bitno.netFoto: Mohamed Nohassi/Unsplash
O gudomliga Kärlek, den Allsmäktige Faderns och den Välsignade Sonens heliga gemenskap, hjälpens allsmäktige, Helige Ande, den mest gode Tröstaren av de sörjande! Utgjut din mäktiga kraft i djupet av mitt hjärta, bo i det och muntra upp alla mörka vrår i detta försummade hus med ditt lysande ljuss band, besök mig och befrukta med dina nåders ymniga dagg min själs hårda jord, som för länge sedan har förgåtts och förtvannats helt och hållet torrlagd.
Såra mitt innersta med Din kärleks pil, upptänd och genomborra min ande med frälsningens låga, upplys mig med den heliga nitälskans eld och bränn upp allt som är orent och som håller så hårt fast vid min själ och kropp! Ge mig vatten med Din ljuvlighets flod, så att jag inte längre kan jaga efter denna världens giftiga sötma. Döm mig, Herre, och skilj mig från det oheliga folket, lär mig att göra din vilja, ty du är min Gud.
Jag tror att du gör var och en som du bor i till ett tempel för Fadern och Sonen. Salig är den som tar emot dig som gäst, ty genom dig skall både Fadern och Sonen bo i honom.
Kom, du gode Tröstare av sorgsna själar, Beskyddare och Hjälpare i lycka och olycka! Kom, beskydda de svaga, de fallnas Hjälpare! Kom, du de ödmjukas lärare, de högmodigas förgörare! Kom, de fattigas mest kärleksfulle Fader, de sjukas vederkvickelse, havets stjärna för dem som seglar på havet, frälsningens hamn, den enda prydnaden för alla levande och den enda frälsningen för alla de döende!
Kom, Helige Ande, förbarma dig över mig och förvandla mig enligt Din vilja. Behaga komma till mig, så att min ödmjukhet inför din storhet, min svaghet inför din styrka, mot din barmhärtighets fullhet, må behaga dig. Genom Jesus Kristus, min Frälsare, som tillsammans med Fadern, i er enhet, lever och regerar i evigheters evighet. Amen
Sankt. Augustine
Sankt Charles Borromeus (4 november) (Omdirigerad från nov04)
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Från http://www.katolsk.no: Saint Charles Borromeus
Innehåll 1Texter till mässan 1.1Kyrkans bön 1.2Läsning 1.3Responsorier hymn 1.4Evangeliets verser 1.5Evangelium 1.6Förböner 1.6.1Idéer om förbön 1.7Bön över offergåvor 1.8Avslutande bön Texter till mässan Gemensamma mässor för kyrkans herdar: För biskopar.
Kyrkans bön Herre, bevara i ditt folk den anda som du skänkte den salige biskop Karl Borromeus. Förnya din kyrka till din Sons avbild, så att den kan uppenbara för världen sitt ansikte som lever och regerar.
Läsning Romarbrevet 12:3–13
Vi har olika nådegåvor beroende på den nåd vi har fått
Därför säger jag också till var och en av er, bröder, i kraft av den nåd som har getts mig: Sikta inte högre än vad målet kräver. Ty Gud har givit var och en sitt mått av tro, och använd det för att förstå det. Ty liksom vi hava en kropp, men flera lemmar, som icke alla hava samma funktion, så utgöra vi tillsammans en kropp i Kristus, i det att varje lem är beroende av de andra. Och våra nådegåvor är olika, beroende på den nåd vi har fått. Då måste den som har profetians gåva bruka den i enlighet med tron; Den som har praktiska uppgifter, som sköter sin tjänst, den som undervisar, som ägnar sig åt hans undervisning, den som har vägledning att ge, han sköter sitt arbete. Den som ger måste göra det utan baktankar, den som sätter sig i främsta sätet, tar sin uppgift på allvar, den som utövar barmhärtighetsgärningar, gör den glad i hjärtat. Visa uppriktig kärlek, avsky det onda och håll fast vid det goda. Var innerligt hängivna varandra som sanna bröder och akta andra mer än er själva. Slappna aldrig av i din iver, utan var brinnande i anden, i Herrens tjänst. Gläd er i hoppet, håll ut i prövningar och håll ut i bönen. Var hjälpsam mot medtroende som behöver det och sträva efter att visa gästfrihet.
Responsorier hymn Psaltaren 89, 2–5, 21–22, 25, 27.
Omkved: Om Herrens nådegärningar vill jag sjunga för evigt.
Om Herrens nådegåvor vill jag sjunga för evigt, Förkunna din trofasthet från släkte till släkte. Jag säger: Din barmhärtighet är uppbyggd för evigt, I himlen befäster du din trofasthet.
“Med min utvalde slöt jag ett förbund, David, min tjänare, svor en ed. Jag har upprättat din säd för evigt. Jag bygger en tron åt den från generation till generation.”
Jag har funnit min tjänare David, Jag har smort honom med helig olja. Honom skall min hand vara fast, och min arm skall göra honom stark.
Min trofasthet och min barmhärtighet skall följa honom, I mitt namn skall han finna sin styrka. Han skall säga: “Du är min fader, min Gud, min frälsnings klippa.
Evangeliets verser Johannesevangeliet 10:14
Halleluja. Jag är den gode herden, säger Herren. Jag känner mitt, och de mina känner mig. Halleluja.
Evangelium Johannesevangeliet 10:11-16
Den gode herden ger sitt liv för fåren
Vid den tiden sade Jesus: “Jag är den gode herden. En god herde ger sitt liv för fåren. En lejd man, å andra sidan, en som inte är en riktig herde och som inte äger fåren själv, – om han ser vargen komma, lämnar han fåren och flyr. För att han bara är en legosoldat och inte har något hjärta för fåren. Men jag är den gode herden, och jag känner mitt, och de mina, liksom Fadern känner mig och jag Fadern. och jag ger mitt liv för mina får.
Jag har också andra får som inte tillhör samma flock; Jag måste leda dem också, och de skall lyssna till min röst, så att det blir en hjord och en herde.”
Förböner Se allmänna förslag på förbön från Missale.
Idéer om förbön Kära medkristna! All yttre förnyelse i kyrkan förutsätter också en inre förnyelse. Låt oss be om att bli sanna redskap för förnyelsen av Guds kyrka:
L:För biskoparna i hela världen, för djup omsorg om själarnas frälsning – förenade med uppriktiga ansträngningar för kyrkans förnyelse. Hos oss
L:Denna själavård, bikt (och biktstolen – den som Karl Borromeus uppfann och föreskrev 1576 –) måste ständigt tjäna till andlig och världslig förnyelse. Hos oss
L:Om att ta hand om alla drabbade. Hos oss
L:För den helige Carolus Borromeus systrar och för andra som kommer att följa i hans fotspår. Hos oss
Himmelske Fader, du som genom den helige biskopen Charles Borromeus förnyade din kyrka i Milano, se också på hans förbön i nåd till oss. Vid Kristus, vår Herre. Amen.
Bön över offergåvor Herre, ta emot de gåvor som vi lägger på ditt altare på denna minnesdag för den salige Karl Borromeus, som du gjorde till en omtänksam herde och ett exempel på kristet liv. Vi bönfaller dig: Ge oss genom detta offer att växa i varje gott verk. Vid Kristus, vår Herre.
Avslutande bön Herre, låt dessa heliga sakrament ge oss den andliga styrka som gjorde den salige Karl Borromeus trogen i din tjänst och fylld av kärlek till sin nästa. Vid Kristus, vår Herre.
:https://youtu.be/72LfawdzHzk?si=1xIdOsJ4vjRoh0ax https://youtu.be/zpfKDU9VuCA?si=DsgAaxFMpjv1JjVl
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hercla · 4 months ago
Det här blir sista veckobrevet det här läsåret. Känns tråkigt med bara en massa sommarbilder som sista brev, men vet inte vad annat jag ska prata om. Det får bli lite sånt blandat med sporadiska tankar LIVE från mitt huvud.
Både mina föräldrar och deras föräldrar har alltid varit trädgårdsmänniskor. Inte jag. Det har varit så många helger och lov som man suttit och svurit över att behöva räfsa löv och rensa rabatter. Men någonting har skiftat. Kanske är det äntligen frontalloben som är färdigutvecklad eller något för jag är så jävla trädgårdssugen. Någonting är det, kanske en till pensionärssyssla att lägga till på hobby-listan. Men oj, aldrig känt det så starkt? Nu har vi också en trädgård, typ. Vår förening är bara vi och tre lägenheter till och det finns gräsmatta med äppelträd och inte mycket annat. Inte heller någon som är speciellt trädgårdsintresserade så det är nog bara välkommet att någon tar tag i det hela.
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Jag skulle vilja sätta en klätterros vid stammen på ett av fruktträden, på Rosariet hade de gjort det på flera stycken och det var så himla fint.
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Jag skulle också vilja sätta någon rabatt mot framsidan och vägen. Det är så fint när man ser alla blommor i folks trädgårdar, det lyfter hela grannskapet och så många fler får ta del av det då.
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Något stort och yvigt, tillsammans med lite högre plantor. Vår mark är helt platt så man för fejka lite höjd istället.
Man får ta en grej i taget, Felix föräldrar har hjälpt till så mycket med lägenheten så nu kanske mina äntligen kan vara till någon nytta ahahah.
Annars vet jag inte, inte så mycket mer jag tänkt på. Om någon är trädgårdsintresserad får ni gärna komma med tips!! Jag vet så gott som noll.
Det blev visst inte lika spretigt som jag hade tänkt mig... Men jag lovade sommarbilder också så här kommer dom!
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Låten blir "Caracas - Drago Milnanrec"
Trevlig sommar!! Och tack för att ni läser mitt lilla veckobrev <3<3<3
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weirdesplinder · 10 months ago
Il mio 2023 in libri: vi racconto cosa ho letto durante l'anno appena passato...
- Sweep of the Heart, di Ilona  Andrews
Quinto libro della serie INKEEPER CHRONICLES
Inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/48qAOts
Trama: Grazie per esserti unito a noi a Gertrude Hunt, il più bel bed and breakfast di Red Deer, Texas, locanda interspaziale autorizzata ad ospitare esseri di altri mondi e dimensioni sulla Terra. La segretezza è il nostro primo credo, ma non aver paura. La tua sicurezza e il tuo comfort sono tra le nostre prima priorità. Dina Demille e Sean Evans, ti difenderanno a tutti i costi. Certo farlo mentre una puntata di una specie di  The Bachelor interspaziale che deciderà praticamente il destino dell'universo viene ospitato e messo in spaziovisione dalle nostre sale sarà un tantino complicato.....
Una delle mie serie preferite, ironica, spumeggiante e sempre innovativa nelle idee e nei personaggi che contiene. In più è anche romantica, cosa chiedere di più? Vorrei fosse pubblicata anche in italiano in modo che più persone potessero leggerla, ma è anche vero che è un genere molto di niccchia.
- La Compagnia del Tempo, di  Kage Baker   (primo libro della serie omonima di 11 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/2LOeCob
Trama: Nel  Ventiquattresimo secolo la Dr. Zeus,  Inc. (altrimenti nota come la  Compagnia) offre l'immortalità fisica e la possibilità  di viaggiare nel  tempo: i suoi agenti continuano a scandagliare i secoli  per recuperare  antichi tesori d'arte e materiale genetico indispensabile  alle  ricerche. Mendoza, una specialista in botanica che la Compagnia ha   prelevato dalla Spagna del XVI secolo, deve raccogliere alcuni esemplari  di  rare specie ormai estinte. Ma sul suo cammino incontrerà  l'Inquisizione, un  amichevole cyborg e soprattutto la sconfinata  ingordigia della Compagnia,  il cui vero scopo è arricchirsi a spese del  passato…
-Desperation in death, libro 55 della serie In death di J.D. Robb
Inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/425dy25
Trama: Mina Rose Cabot, tredici anni, è scomparsa mentre tornava a casa dagli allenamenti di calcio nel Devon, in Pennsylvania. Otto mesi dopo il suo corpo viene ritrovato a Battery Park, New York, trafitto al petto da un pezzo di legno di tre pollici. Il tenente Eve Dallas sa che chiunque abbia preso Mina è responsabile della sua morte. Ma chi l'ha presa e dove è stata Mina per otto lunghi mesi...?
-Encore in death, libro 56 della serie In death di J. D Robb
Inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/3vv4XcM
Trama: Eve Dallas deve indagare sull'omicidio di un attore, produttore e regista molto amato, che sembra essere stato avvelenato durante una festa. Nessuno sembrava serbargli alcun rancore, ma molti invece avevano dei conti in sospeso con sua moglie, famosa attrice di Broadway. Che abbia semplicemente bevuto dal bicchiere sbagliato....o forse no...
-Night Shifters, di Sarah A. Hoyt
Inedito in italiano
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/40g7NMf
Trama: I mutaforma vivono fra di noi, nascosti. E Kyrie Smith, è una di loro, una ragazza che non sa nemmeno lei perchè, si può trasformare in una pantera nera. Questo potere non sembra ereditario, è comparso nell’adolescenza e sembra collegato alla luna piena, questo è tutto ciò che sa e non vuole sapere altro. Lo odia e tenta di ignorarlo, almeno finchè non incontra un altro mutaforma, di notte, in un parchegio deserto: un draho che sembra stia uccidendo un umano davanti ai suoi occhi. Ma non tutto è come sembra: il drago è il suo nuovo collega di lavoro, e non ricorda esattamente cosa sia successo, una cosa sola è certa. I mutaforma sono molti più di quelli che Kyrie credeva, qualcuno li sta uccidendo, e ora lei è pure coinvolta nel furto di una sfera magica collegata a un Dio drago. Negare l’evidenza non le sarà più possibile.
-Serie Broken World  di Kate L. Mary
inedita in italiano ed è formata da 6 libri:
1. Broken World
2. Shattered World
3. Mad World
4. Lost World
5. New World
6. Forgotten World
Link: Link: https://amzn.to/3O1ermD
Trama: Quando un virus mortale si diffonde nel paese, Vivian Thomas parte per la California nella speranza di vedere la figlia che ha dato in adozione. Poi la sua macchina si guasta e lei si trova di fronte a una scelta. Arrendersi o accettare un passaggio da due fratelli che sembrano dei poco di buono: Angus e Axl. Vivian sa che l'offerta comporta dei rischi, lei è una donna sola e attraente perchè faceva la spogliarellista di lavoro e loro sono due uomini robusti, ma è pronta a tutto pur di raggiungere sua figlia, perciò accetta e sarà la sua salvezza. Il virus si sta diffondendo in mdo fulmineo e quando il gruppo arriva in California, la maggior parte della popolazione è stata spazzata via. ma il peggio è che poco dopo i morti iniziano a tornare in via come zombie.  Vivian e gli altri si rendono conto che la mancanza di elettricità o acqua corrente è l'ultimo dei loro problemi, ma anche che avere avuto una vita dura da bassifodi ha preparto sia lei che i fratelli a quanto li aspetta: un mondo pericoloso senza più regole. Ora Vivian deve capire come essere madre nelle circostanze più spaventose, far fronte agli sbalzi d'umore aggressivi di Angus e risolvere la sua crescente attrazione per il fratello minore Axl.
-The Blighted Stars, di Megan E. O'Keefe
Inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/43EmOJD
Trama: Quando una spia è bloccata su un pianeta morto con il suo nemico mortale, deve capire come sopravvivere prima di poter scoprire la cospirazione che li ha portati entrambi lì.  I pianeti abitabili vengono distrutti non appena vengono trovati e Naira Sharp ne sa il motivo. L'onnipotente famiglia Mercator controlla l'esplorazione dell'universo da decenni e sfrutta tutti i materiali che trova lungo la strada con il pretesto di aiutare l'espansione dell'umanità. Ma ora sembra che il loro sfruttamento minerario stia fecendo morire i pianeti colonizzabili e una resistenza guidata dall’ex guardia del corpo del capo della famiglia Mercator, Naira, ha deciso di fermarli. Dove le vie legali ahanno fallito riusciranno le vie anarchiche, ma il loro ultimo piano va incredibilmente storto fin dall’inizio.  In teoria Naira e altri rivoluzionari dovevano infiltrarsi sulle due navi dei Mercator incaricate di raggiungere un nuovo pianeta appena scoperto, ma Nairasi risveglia nel corpo sbagliato durante un atterraggio di emergenza e peggio ancora si ritrova sul ianeta con un solo pugno di superstiti e Traquin l’erede della famiglia Mercator, e l’uomo che ha confutato le sue accuse in tribunale.   Per sopravvivere e mantenere il suo segreto, Naira dovrà unire le forze con l'uomo che ha giurato di odiare. E insieme scopriranno una trama che è più grande di entrambi.
-Il milionario più ambito, di Annika Martin
Primo libro della serie Serie Billionaires of Manhattan
Link: https://amzn.to/41RMMKs
Trama: Sono Vicky, mentalista canina. Non proprio, ma è ciò che dice sempre la mia anziana stalker che vive nei dintorni. La signora inoltre quando viene a mancare, lascia tutti di stucco donando una multinazionale del valore di svariati miliardi al suo cane, Smuckers. Con me come suo portavoce. All’improvviso passo dal gestire il mio negozio su Etsy al sedere in un’elegante sala riunioni a Wall Street con Smuckers in grembo. Mentre il figlio della mia vicina, Henry Locke, detto anche lo scapolo più ambito di New York, mi guarda in cagnesco dall’altra parte del tavolo. Le voci su di lui dicono che sia un genio degli affari, che sia tanto bravo a letto quanto in sala riunioni. Bellissimo lo è di certo. Quasi pornografico in quel completo da settemila dollari. Ma…È arrogante e irritante.
-DFZ SERIES di Rachel Aaron
Inedita in italiano e composta dai libri:
1.Minimum Wage Magic
2.Part-Time Gods
3.Night Shift Dragons
Link: https://amzn.to/3NRfkh2
Trama:  Guadagnarsi da vivere è difficile. Guadagnarsi da vivere in una città senza legge dove gli dei sono reali, i draghi sono un pericolo per il traffico e gli edifici si muovono da soli può sembrare assolutamente impossibile.Meno male che la maga freelance Opal Yong-ae non ha mai lasciato che piccole cose come l'impossibile la fermassero. Ha trovato il modo di sfruttare la sua costosa laurea in storia dell'arte magica diventando svuotatrice a contratto di appartamenti abbandonati e la sua paga consiste nel ricavato della vendita degli insoliti tesori che trova al loro interno. Non è un bel lavoro, né sicuro - c'è una ragione per cui indossa guanti anti-morso - ma quando sei in debito fino al collo con un individuo molto magico e molto cattivo, non puoi essere schizzinosa.Ma anche i bassi standard di Opal vengono messi alla prova quando l’unica cosa di valore che nel suo ultimo appartamento è il corpo del precedente inquilino. Trattare con i morti non fa tecnicamente parte del suo lavoro, ma questo mago è morto nascondendo un segreto che potrebbe valere un sacco di soldi, e Opal è l'unica a saperlo. Questa potrebbe essere la grande occasione che stava aspettando per saldare una volta per tutte un grosso debito, ma il costo  da pagare potrebbe rivelarsi troppo alto.
-By a silver thread, di Rachel Aaron
Inedito in italiano
Primo libro della DFZ Changeling serie
Trama:  Nella metropoli più magica del mondo, dove gli spiriti gestiscono negozi di noodle e draghi a corto di soldi organizzano servizi fotografici per i turisti, la gente pensa ancora che il popolo Faerie non sia altro che leggenda, ed è esattamente così che piace ai Faerie. È molto più facile banchettare con i sogni dell’umanità quando nessuno crede che esisti. Ma mentre questa soluzione funziona magnificamente per la maggior parte del popolo fatato, così non è per Lola. Una changelin scambiata alla nascita con un bambino umano, un ammasso di magia faerie che può mantenersi in vita e integro solo grazie al sangue di uno stregone del sangue, un essere malvagio che l'ha resa sua schiava.  La sua capacità unica di scivolare attraverso le barriere e cambiare forma per assomigliare a chiunque ha contribuito a rendere il suo padrone sempre più potente. Non è una bella vita la sua, ma almeno il lavoro è stabile... finché il suo padrone non scompare senza lasciare traccia.
-FFO Forever fantasy online the serie, di Rachel Aaron
Inedita in italiano e composta dai libri:
1.Forever fantasy online
2.Last Bastion
3.The last king
Link: https://amzn.to/3TPoA9g
Trama: Nel mondo reale, la ventunenne studentessa di scienze bibliotecarie Tina è invisibile e sottovalutata, ma nel gioco VR Forever Fantasy Online, lei è Roxxy: temibile guerriera, leader rispettato e tank di una delle gilde più leggendarie specializzate nell'esplorazione dei dungeons. Nel mondo reale, suo fratello James è uno studente che ha abbandonato gli studi universitari ed è sommerso dai debiti, ma nel FFO è famoso: un esploratore che ha raccolto ogni oggetto, ottenuto ogni risultato e portato a termine ogni missione. Sia Tina che James hanno bisogno del gioco più di quanto vogliano ammettere, ma la loro via di fuga preferita si trasforma in una trappola quando FFO li risucchia realmente. Trasportai nel mondo videoludico per davvero ignari di come tornare nel mondo reale sono ora in indicibile pericolo perchè le ferite non sono più virtuali, i mostri stupidi diventano astuti, gli NPC iniziano a comportarsi come persone reali e la morte potrebbe essere per sempre. Nel mondo reale, tutti dicevano che essere bravi con i videogiochi era una perdita di tempo. Ora, bloccati e separati attraverso migliaia di chilometri di terreno nuovo e mortale, l'abilità di Tina e James alla FFO è l'unica cosa che li tiene in vita. Ci vorrà tutta la loro esperienza - e il bottino accumulato - per ritrovarsi e tornare a casa, ma man mano che la posta in gioco diventa più alta e il danno si somma, essere il migliore nel gioco potrebbe non essere più sufficie
1 note · View note
victor-tello-world · 2 years ago
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🌏#TeVeO_PERU | #DeBuenaFuente RUMBO A PERUMIN: MACRORREGIÓN NORTE CONCENTRA EL 44% DE LA CARTERA DE INVERSIÓN MINERA DEL PERÚ ● Con un total de 11 proyectos mineros valorizados en más de $23,000 millones, la Macrorregión Norte espera poder beneficiar a más de 4 millones de personas al 2031. Las regiones de Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad y Cajamarca, pertenecientes a la Macrorregión Norte, concentran el 44% de la cartera de inversión minera del Perú. Esta consta de 11 proyectos pendientes de ejecución valorizados en más de $23,000 millones. Así lo señala el estudio “Impacto económico y social de la minería en el Perú, Macrorregión Norte - Perspectiva histórica y visión hacia el futuro”, desarrollado por el Centro para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo (CCD) en alianza con el Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú (IIMP). El mismo es presentado en el marco del evento Rumbo a PERUMIN Macrorregión Norte, que comprende las regiones Tumbes, Cajamarca, Piura, La Libertad y Lambayeque. El lema de esta edición es “Competitividad y Sostenibilidad, Tarea de Todos”. De las regiones comprendidas, Cajamarca es la que concentra la mayor oportunidad de inversión sectorial, con proyectos valorizados en un total de $18,494 millones. De ellos, destacan La Granja ($5,000 millones), Conga ($4,800 millones), El Galeno ($3,500 millones), Yanacocha Sulfuros ($2,500 millones), Michiquillay ($2,500 millones) y reposición Tantahuatay ($194 millones). A ella le siguen las regiones de Piura donde se encuentran Río Blanco ($2,500 millones) y Ampliación Bayóvar ($450 millones). Además, La Libertad posee los proyectos La Arena II ($1,364) y Ampliación Santa Marta ($121 millones), mientras que Lambayeque ostenta a Cañariaco ($1,043) “Es importante mencionar que la minería ha contribuido con mejoras sustanciales en los índices de bienestar, en la disminución de la pobreza, en la generación de recursos económicos para nuestras localidades, generación de empleo, y demás aspectos fundamentales para sus respectivos ámbitos. Ante ello, destacamos el impacto que tiene el sector minero en nuestra sociedad”, indicó Domingo Drago, presidente de Rumbo a PERUMIN. 🌐#TvO_Televisión ¡Te inf (en Agencia MTV) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWsk81M9XS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
photofabulicious · 2 years ago
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🥰Jag skulle ändå vara ganska söt om jag hade fräknar! Det är kul med alla filters där ute tycker jag. De gör att man kan se hur man skulle se ut med blå ögon, som gammal man, som tjej osv. Fascinerande. Det tråkiga är att jag vill se ut allt som jag inte är typ. . ✈️Annars är jag helt slut. Det har varit en lång dag. Sov bara tre timmar igår natt. Sov mer idag men gick upp klockan 06. 08.30 gick flygbussen till Skavsta. Planet lyfte 11.30. Landade i Bukarest 15.20. Tog tåget till Bukarest Nord och var framme runt 16.30. Slängde i mig mat (massa korv). 18.25 gick tåget från Nord till Brasov. Framme 20.50. Sen taxi till hotell belixt. . 😰Borde kanske stannat i Bukarest alla tre dagar. Blev jäkligt stressigt nu. Har inte sett något alls av Rumänien. Det var ju kolsvart ute när jag tog tåget. Har bokat en tur imorgon så att jag ska få se Draculas slott bl.a. Så jävla nöjd att jag får bocka av ännu en grej på min bucketlista!🧛‍♂️ . 🚕Det är galet billigt att åka taxi här iaf. Efter att ha varit i Mexiko och Stockholm, så är det som att komma till en helt annan värld. 25kr kostade det att åka från stationen till mitt hotell. Lol. Tåget från flygplatsen till Bukarest Nord kostade 16kr. Min middag med två öl och två varmrätter plus en bakad potatis betalde jag 200kr för. Så otroligt skönt att komma till ett billigt land. Speciellt när min kassa just nu är rekordlåg. Men som jag sa till kompisarna igår. Det är alldeles för billigt att INTE flyga just nu. Mitt flyg till Bryssel på lördag är billigare än taxin jag tog till middagen igår… Och så länge jag är arbetslös så tänker jag nog bomba korta resor. Det går lika bra att skriva jobbansökningar på resande fot som hemma. Det viktiga är att vara hemma lite då och då för jobbintervjuerna. . 😍🙏Har fått massor av tips på saker att göra här i Rumänien. Det är roligt att folk inte vill skriva på FB utan skickar på Messenger istället. Men jag älskar mina rumäner på CC! Så himla hjälpsamma. Dragos ringde mig på kvällen också för att se att jag mådde bra och att ingenting hänt. Det är omtänksamhet! Problemet är att hinna med alla tips på 3 dagar. Haha. Eller 2 dagar. Denna dag försvann ju helt på resande… Nu sova! God natt! (på/i Transilvania Brasov) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfTLJIr8Jx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
cheesesteak-horror · 6 years ago
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17 notes · View notes
fattest-disney-characters · 2 years ago
Disney Princensses/Queen Muse
1:Snow White
14:Melody (18 yo)
16:Queen of Spades
Turning Red Characters
1:Ming Lee
2:Mei Lee (18 yo)
3:Priya (18 yo)
4:Miriam (18 yo)
5:Abby (18yo)
10:Grandma Wu
11. Vivian(Lily daughter that was cut from the movie)
12. Jin Lee
Lion King Characters
Pokémon characters
1.Gloria from pokémon sword and shield (18 years old)
2.Marnie from pokémon sword and shield(18 years old)
3. Irida from pokémon legends arceus (18 years old)
4.Akari from pokemon legends arceus (18 years old)
5. Cogita from pokémon legends arceus
6. Serena from pokémon x and y(20 years old)
7. Misty(but in mighthyena form) from pokémon (25 years)
8. Nurse Joy, weight: 780lbs
Harry Potter Characters (games included)
Petunia Drusley
Aunt Marge
Prunela Drusley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovewood
Aludra Malfoy
Anne Sallow (starting weight: 120 lbs)
Inko age 41 years old (Inko Midoriya is a jumbo-sized blob of a Housewife
who weighs 3496 lbs)
Mitsuki 39 years old (Mitsuki Bakugo is a spectacularly hefty blob of a Housewife who weighs 3835 lbs)
Ochako 18years old
Toga 18 years old
Momo 18 years old
Mina 18 years old
Tsu 18 years old
Toru 18 years old
One Piece Characters
Nico Robin
Boa Hancock
Yamato(Daughter of Kaido)
Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom: 1323lbs
Irl SSBBW Ladies( tv shows, movies, etc)
Lisa Fleming
Kelly Mason
Coliesa McMillian
Renee Biran
Guna Krasley
Ashley Randall
Laura Ann Perez
Angela Gutierrez
Rick and Morty ladies
Clarence World Lady
Mary Wendell
Show of courage the scared dog fat lady
Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss
Kim of 666 news
Kung Fu Panda ladies
Mei Mei
Master Tigress
My Little Pony
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Princess Cadence
Princess Twillight
Pinkie Pie
Apple Jack
Rainbow Dash
Star wars ladies
Fat Bleach Ladies
Soi Fon
Karin Kurosaki
Masaki Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Fat Naruto/Boruto ladies
Mito Uzumaki
Kushina uzumaki
Family guy fat ladies
Meg Griffin
Lois Griffin
The Simpsons
Marge sisters
Maude Fladders
Louanne Van Houten
Mindy Simmons
Miss Hoover
Edna Krabapple
Fat Sonic ladies
Amy Rose
Fat Fnaf
Toy Chica
Funtime Chica
Glamrock Chica
Nightmare Mangle
Roxanne Wolf
Circus Baby
Officer Vanessa
Beastars ladies
Leano(Legoshi mom)
Liza(my oc)
Melon Mum
Legoshi (Because of a episode he dressed as a lady)
Toki (Leano mom and Legoshi grandma)
Undertale/ Deltarune
Fixala beautiful girls
Pebbles and Becky
Rosie (Ashley vixen pet)
Victoria and her sisters younger Kelly and Kylie
Hissy:pet snake
Madelyn 'Maddie': vaporeon
Witch of waste
37 notes · View notes
acumtv · 5 years ago
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STIRI 12 02 2020
0 notes
katsucutie · 5 years ago
mha masterlist ✿
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all rights reserved to katsucutie. please do not repost, plagiarize, modify, copy, or translate. thank you and enjoy!
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ashido mina
turned into a baby for a day | hc
summary: how you would treat mina who turned into a baby
bonding with the bakusquad | hc
summary: you bond with mina over tiktok dance challenges
s/o with a history of abusive relationships | hc
summary: how mina would react to a s/o who was in an abusive relationship
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asui tsuyu
turned into a baby for a day | hc
summary: how you would treat tsuyu who turned into a baby
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bakugou katsuki
burn book | smau
summary: a popular twitter account raises hell for ua, and katsuki is determined to find out who it is. 
i hate your guts | mature
summary: class 1-a has this belief that you and katsuki hate each other, though one incident has their minds changed
break up prank | fake text
summary: you prank bakugou into thinking that you want to break up
clingy s/o | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a clingy s/o
clingy s/o part two | hc
summary: you are separated from bakugou for some time
younger sibling | hc
summary: how bakugou would treat his younger sibling
impressing the younger sibling | imagine, 800 w.c.
summary: bakugou tries to impress your younger sibling, and prove that he is a good boyfriend 
s/o with snakes and bearded dragons | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a s/o with snakes and bearded dragons
18+ lyric prank | fake text
summary: you prank bakugou with the lyrics to WAP
secret s/o | hc
summary: the bakusquad finds out that you are secretly dating bakugou 
love language | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a his s/o’s love language
bonding with the bakusquad | hc
summary: you bond with bakugou over spicy food
knitting s/o | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a s/o who knits
18+ messages while at an event | fake text
summary: you send bakugou 18+ texts while he’s at the bar with friends
banned streaming account | fake text
summary: you send bakugou hysterical texts about your twitch account being temporarily banned
pick a number for n00ds | fake texts
summary: you ask bakugou to pick a number, which in turn will be the number of n00des you send him
dating his friend | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to his younger sibling dating his friend
s/o with nipple piercings | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a s/o with nipple piercings
s/o with a history of abusive relationships | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a s/o who was in an abusive relationship
trust them with your drink | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to you telling him you’d trust him holding your drink at a bar
s/o who bakes | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a s/o who bakes at night
cracktivities | hc
summary: what you and bakugou do as y’alls cracktivity
chubby s/o | hc
summary: how bakugou would react to a chubby s/o
lets do the do | fake text
summary: how bakugou would react to his best friend asking to fuck
cringe dirty text | fake texts
summary: how you react to bakugou sending you cringe dirty texts
class hear you two | fake text
summary: class hear you and bakugou from the next room
swipe right | fake texts
summary: after completing the swipe right challenge, it was quite interesting to learn that your best friend bakugou, and the number one subscribed gamer, todoroki, were among the one hundred swiped right
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kaminari denki
pranking class 1a | hc
summary: you and denki prank class 1a
pranking part two | hc
summary: you and denki prank the bakusquad and shinsou 
bonding with the bakusquad | hc
summary: you bond with kaminari over the kardashians
s/o with a history of abusive relationships | hc
summary: how kaminari would react to a s/o who was in an abusive relationship
trust them with your drink | hc
summary: how kaminari would react to you telling him you’d trust him holding your drink at a bar
s/o who bakes | hc
summary: how kaminari would react to a s/o who bakes at night
cracktivities | hc
summary: what you and kaminari do as y’alls cracktivity
lets do the do | fake text
summary: how kaminari would react to his best friend asking to fuck
the perfect stranger | smau
summary: the perfect stranger site was the go to in making online friends, but who knew your perfect stranger would be kaminari, the annoying student in microbiology
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kirishima eijirou 
break up prank | fake text
summary: you prank kirishima into thinking that you want to break up
love language | hc
summary: how kirishima would react to a his s/o’s love language
bonding with the bakusquad | hc
summary: you bond with kirishima over exercise youtubers
18+ messages while at an event | fake text
summary: you send kirishima 18+ texts while he’s at an event
banned streaming account | fake text
summary: you send kirishima hysterical texts about your twitch account being temporarily banned
pick a number for n00ds | fake texts
summary: you ask kirishima to pick a number, which in turn will be the number of n00des you send him
s/o with a history of abusive relationships | hc
summary: how kirishima would react to a s/o who was in an abusive relationship
trust them with your drink | hc
summary: how kirishima would react to you telling him you’d trust him holding your drink at a bar
s/o with a small chest | hc
summary: how kirishima would react to a s/o with a small chest
s/o who bakes | hc
summary: how kirishima would react to a s/o who bakes at night
bad family | fake texts
summary: how kirishima reacts to your family members talking about your body
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midoriya izuku
break up prank | fake text
summary: you prank midoryia into thinking that you want to break up
love language | hc
summary: how midoriya would react to a his s/o’s love language
knitting s/o | hc
summary: how midoriya would react to a s/o who knits
chubby s/o | hc
summary: how midoriya would react to a chubby s/o
lets do the do | fake text
summary: how midoriya would react to his best friend asking to fuck
let me peg kind sir | fake text
summary: how midoriya reacts to you asking to peg him
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sero hanta
mutual pining | hc
summary: sero helps you with small tasks during internships
bonding with the bakusquad | hc
summary: you bond with sero over manga 
s/o with a history of abusive relationships | hc
summary: how sero would react to a s/o who was in an abusive relationship 
dating kaminari’s sister | hc
summary: how sero would treat his s/o who is kaminari’s twin sister 
s/o who bakes | hc 
summary: how sero would react to a s/o who bakes at night
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shigaraki tomura 
s/o with snakes and bearded dragons | hc
summary: how shigaraki would react to a s/o with snakes and bearded dragons
cracktivities | hc
summary: what you and shigaraki do as y’alls cracktivity
let me peg kind sir | fake text
summary: how shigaraki reacts to you asking to peg him
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shinsou hitoshi 
mutual pining | smau
summary: you and shinsou have been crushing on each other for several months, things begin to change when his best friend becomes a new employee at your job. 
co-ed | smau
summary: when UA said they has co-ed dorms, you didn’t think they meant rooms as well
note: discontinued 
18+ lyric prank | fake text
summary: you prank shinsou with the lyrics to DDLG
knitting s/o | hc
summary: how shinsou would react to a s/o who knits
18+ messages while at an event | fake text
summary: you send shinsou 18+ texts while he’s giving a pro-hero seminar to students
banned streaming account | fake text
summary: you send shinsou hysterical texts about your youtube account being temporarily banned
pick a number for n00ds | fake texts
summary: you ask shinsou to pick a number, which in turn will be the number of n00des you send him
s/o with nipple piercings | hc
summary: how shinsou would react to a s/o with nipple piercings
lets do the do | fake text
summary: how shinsou would react to his best friend asking to fuck
cringe dirty text | fake texts
summary: how you react to shinsou sending you cringe dirty texts
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takami keigo 
pick a number for n00ds | fake texts
summary: you ask hawks to pick a number, which in turn will be the number of n00des you send him
older brother | hc
summary: how hawks treats you as your older brother 
bad family | fake texts 
summary: how hawks reacts to your family members talking about your body 
cringe dirty text | fake texts
summary: how you react to hawks sending you cringe dirty texts
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todoroki shouto
swapped | smau
summary: you attend a store’s opening in order to earn a miruko photocard, only to swap the card with someone you’d later find out is your longtime crush shouto.
break up prank | fake text
summary: you prank todoroki into thinking that you want to break up
s/o with snakes and bearded dragons | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to a s/o with snakes and bearded dragons
18+ lyric prank | fake text
summary: you prank todoroki with the lyrics to CyberSex
knitting s/o | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to a s/o who knits
18+ messages while at an event | fake text
summary: you send todoroki 18+ texts while he’s at the public hero saftey commission building 
pick a number for n00ds | fake texts
summary: you ask todoroki to pick a number, which in turn will be the number of n00des you send him
trust them with your drink | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to you telling him you’d trust him holding your drink at a bar
s/o with a small chest | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to a s/o with a small chest
dating aizawa’s daughter | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to you being aizawa’s daughter
jealous | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to you complimenting bakugou
cracktivities | hc
summary: what you and todoroki do as y’alls cracktivity
chubby s/o | hc
summary: how todoroki would react to a chubby s/o
spooktivities | hc
summary: you and shouto try to scare endeavor for halloween
cringe dirty text | fake texts
summary: how you react to todoroki sending you cringe dirty texts
swipe right | fake texts 
summary: after completing the swipe right challenge, it was quite interesting to learn that your best friend bakugou, and the number one subscribed gamer, todoroki, were among the one hundred swiped right
let me peg kind sir | fake text
summary: how shouto reacts to you asking to peg him
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todoroki touya
s/o with snakes and bearded dragons | hc
summary: how dabi would react to a s/o with snakes and bearded dragons
older brother | hc
summary: how dabi treats you as your older brother
s/o with a small chest | hc
summary: how dabi would react to a s/o with a small chest
cracktivities | hc
summary: what you and dabi do as y’alls cracktivity
bad family | fake texts
summary: how dabi reacts to your family members talking about your body
cringe dirty text | fake texts
summary: how you react to dabi sending you cringe dirty texts
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togata mirio
let me peg kind sir | fake text
summary: how mirio reacts to you asking to peg him
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uraraka ochaco
turned into a baby for a day | hc
summary: how you would treat ochaco who turned into a baby
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1K notes · View notes
newsintheshell · 3 years ago
Lucca Comics 2021: gli annunci targati J-POP MANGA (Parte 1)
Fra le novità in arrivo nel 2022 ci sono Oshi No Ko, Ride on King, Yofukashi no Uta, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Tsukiiro no Invader e Blue Giant! 
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La prima giornata del Lucca Comics & Games 2021 si chiude con la prima infornata di novità per il 2022 svelate dallo staff di J-POP Manga. Restate sintonizzati su queste pagine, perché ne arriveranno altri: sono infatti previste ben quattro sessioni di annunci, lungo tutta la durata del festival.
OSHI NO KO di Aka Akasaka e Mengo Yokoyari
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Dagli autori di “Kaguya-sama: Love is War” e “Scum’s Wish”, la nuova sorpresa di casa Shueisha!
Cosa succede dietro le quinte della scintillante industria dello spettacolo? Cosa celano i sorrisi, all'apparenza sinceri, delle varie celebrities? Una idol adolescente si ritira in una cittadina di campagna per partorire due gemelli lontano da occhi indiscreti, mentre uno stalker mina la sua vita scatenando una serie di reazioni... e reincarnazioni. 
Una cruda analisi di ciò che avviene dietro le quinte di un mondo basato sull'apparenza, dove saper sorridere e dimostrarsi felici è tutto, anche se la realtà è molto diversa.
RIDE ON KING di Yasushi Baba
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Un folle isekai con un protagonista... presidenziale!
Alexander Purchinov è presidente a vita di Pursia, il Paese che controlla con paura e pugno di ferro. Alexander ha un particolare hobby: "cavalcare" le cose, letteralmente o metaforicamente. Ora che ha già “domato” il suo Paese, si ritrova svogliato e senza un obiettivo. Tutto cambia il giorno in cui finisce catapultato in un mondo fantasy dove orchi, viverne, draghi e centauri ravvivano la fiamma della sua particolare passione. Questa è la storia del Re che più di ogni altra cosa desidera dominare e... cavalcare!
7 volumi – SERIE IN CORSO
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Un horror/slice-of-life con una nuova protagonista indimenticabile, dall’autore di Dagashi Kashi!
Kou Yamori sembra un tipico studente di scuola media. Relativamente bravo negli studi e gentile con i suoi compagni di classe, si impegna molto per mantenere questa facciata. Un giorno, tuttavia, decide di smettere di fingere e abbandona la scuola, sviluppando un grave caso di insonnia per la mancanza di attività diurne. Quando passeggia da solo nella notte si sente meglio, anche se è consapevole che la sua incapacità di dormire potrà rivelarsi un problema serio. Durante una di queste passeggiate, Kou incontra una strana ragazza, Nazuna Nanakusa, che diagnostica la causa della sua insonnia: nonostante abbia cambiato la sua vita, si sta ancora trattenendo dallo sperimentare la vera libertà. Risolte, apparentemente, le sue preoccupazioni, Nazuna lo invita a tornare nel suo appartamento per condividere il suo futon. Dopo un po', ignara che il ragazzo sta solo fingendo di addormentarsi, si china su di lui e gli morde il collo, rivelando la sua natura di vampiro...
8 volumi – SERIE IN CORSO
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La serie che ha ispirato lo straordinario anime KYOTO ANIMATION!
Kobayashi vive una vita solitaria e ordinaria finché un giorno salva Tohru, una ragazza dall’apparenza normale che si rivela essere un drago millenario più potente di qualsiasi umano. Tohru, che considera gli umani inferiori e sciocchi, rispetta Kobayashi e si mette al suo servizio per saldare il debito che ha con la donna... anche se non tutto va secondo i piani!
Una mitologica commedia sulla vita quotidiana su una tranquilla impiegata che lavora sodo e uno spaventoso drago che le fa da cameriera... anzi due draghi! O forse è un'invasione di draghi?!
11 volumi – SERIE IN CORSO
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Una eccitante commedia con una bellezza aliena!
Sakuma e Minamochi sono due compagni del club di astronomia. Sakuma è da sempre innamorato della ragazza ma non è mai riuscito a dichiararsi. L’ultimo giorno di estate i due si trovano fuori città per osservare l’evento lunare chiamato “Apple Moon”.  Travolti all’improvviso da un acquazzone, i due vengono coinvolti in un incidente improvviso. Sakuma, risvegliatosi in ospedale, scopre che Minamochi è rimasta gravemente ferita e il suo corpo è stato preso in prestito da... un alieno?! Deciso a riavere con sé la ragazza che ama, Sakuma decide di aiutare l’alieno ad ambientarsi con i terrestri e a difenderlo dall’attacco di altre creature spaziali che vogliono ottenerne i poteri. 
BLUE GIANT (DELUXE) di Shinichi Ishizuka
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L’edizione deluxe di una serie pluripremiata sul mondo della musica!
Uno studente del terzo anno delle superiori, Dai Miyamoto, il cui cuore è stato toccato dal Jazz, ha continuato a suonare il sassofono da solo a Kawahara, con la pioggia o con il sole, giorno e notte, per molti anni. “Voglio diventare il miglior sassofonista del mondo!” Sforzi, talento, fede, l’ambiente circostante, fortuna... cosa è più importante per raggiungere il proprio obiettivo? 
Vincitore del 62esimo Shogakukan Manga Award e del 20esimo Japan Media Arts Festival’s Grand Prize.
10 volumi – SERIE COMPLETA
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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my-km-me · 4 years ago
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Gijinkas headcanon
Sonic: https://twitter.com/ms_pigtails
Shadow: https://superemeralds.tumblr.com/
Sally Acorn
Amy Rose: https://pm-sketchbook.tumblr.com/
Knuckles x Rouge: https://knuxed.tumblr.com/
Bunnie Rabbot: By Kuak. I found this through Google search. I couldn’t identify where the artist is.
Tails x Cosmo: https://www.deviantart.com/kathisofy
Silver x Blaze: https://schweety.tumblr.com/
Infinite: https://peachdeluxe.tumblr.com/
Team Chaotix: https://www.deviantart.com/manaita
Black race
Andrew: male, Elias' and Megan's son, toned, medium brown-skinned with medium-length auburn hair
Ash: high yella 
Azizi: male, Remington's and Komi-Ko's obsidian-colored son, aquiline nose, 4c natural hair 
Barby: albino Indigenous Australian
Bill: Indigenous Australian
Elias: skin tone is same color as his animal version's fur, redhead 
Gabriel: male, Shadow's and Rouge's alternate universe son, toned, medium brown-skinned vitiligo, medium-length jet black hair with white streaks
Gadget: male, bluish-black skinned, aquiline nose, 4c natural hair; mute
Gold: medium brown to dark-skinned
Hershey: dark as the chocolate
Infinite: fanart shown; or any medium brown-skinned design
Knuckles: fanart shown above
Lanolin: albino
Lara-Su: Knuckles' and Julie-Su's alternate universe dark-skinned daughter
Manik: male, Sonic's and Sally's alternate universe son, resembles Sonic with Sally's hair texture
Megan: skin tone is same color as her animal version's fur
Metal Sonic: android
Mina: looks similar to Chloe/Halle Bailey
Rouge: fanart shown
Sally: pic shown above; or skin is color of her animal version's darkest fur
Sally's biological family 
Shadow: male, fanart shown; or any medium brown-skinned design
Sonia: Sonic's and Sally's alternate universe daughter, resembles Sally save her having Sonic's hair color and texture 
Sonic: male, fanart shown; or any dark-skinned like Jaleel White 
Sonic's biological family 
Sticks: Indigenous Australian, aroace
Strength: Infinite's and alternate universe female Gadget's alternate universe son; toned, bluish-black skinned, aquiline nose, shorter hair with Infinite's dreads; strong silent type
Tangle: Beyoncé’s skin color
Vanilla and Cream: vitiligo
Walt: trans Indigenous Australian
Warlord Kodos
Abyss: South American
Akhlut: EU
Antoine: French
Armand: French
Avery: Russian
Bartleby: British
Battle Bird Armada: Italians
Battle Kukku XV: Roman with French descent
Beauregard: American Southerner
Ben Muttski: Polish
Bearenger: Russian
Belle D'Coolette: resembles Antoine
Belle Robotnik: redhead
Big: American
Bull Bones: American
Bunnie: American Southerner
Captain Shellbreaker: American  
Cassia and Clove: Northerners
Drago: Latino
Dylan Porcupine
Fiona: Irish
Flying Frog: trans
Foreman: British 
Freddy Fly Fly
Geoffrey: UK
Guru Emu: Australian
Harry: Australian
Helmut: Australian 
Horatio: Italian 
Jack Rabbit
Jacques: resembles Bunnie
Kage: Australian
Marie: French 
Maw: Australian
Mr. Bristles: English
Modred Hood: EU
Naugus: Roman
Patch: French
Penelope: Australian
Predator Hawk: American 
Ray: Latino 
Relic: Canadian
Robotnik's majority of created robots/AI: androids, probably Polish
Sergeant Simian
Sir Peckers: redhead
Tails, his parents, and his anti-form: Jewish
Tex: Texan American 
Thrash: Australian
Thunderbolt: Latino
Vector: Brooklyn American
Von Schlemmer: Irish
Wombat Stu: Australian
Woodland Kingsmen
Amy: Japanese
Angelica: Maori
Archimedes: brown South American 
Argyle: biracial, white and black
Arlo: brown South American
Artic characters: Inuit
Babylon Rogues: Polynesian 
Bark: Inuit 
Bean: Laos
Blade: SE Asian, most likely Indonesian
Blaze: Desi, Indian
Bokkun: Japanese android, estranged son of Eggman 
Boomer: Saami
Chip: Mediterranean
cobras: Middle Eastern, except Modred Hood
Conquering Storm: Eurasian of Chinese decent
Coral: redhead Maori
Cosmo: Japanese
Deadly Six: Japanese
Demo: Laos 
Desert Raiders: Middle Eastern
Dive: Siberian
Dulcy: Chinese
Emerl: Indigenous Japanese android
Espio: Japanese
Fang: Middle Eastern 
Gemerl: Indigenous Japanese android 
Honey: Korean
Jolt: brown Latino 
Jun Kun: similar to the Huns
Kit: Inuit
lynxes: Inuit
Mammoth Mongul: Indian 
Mari-An: biracial, Scottish mother and Moor father
Marine: Sri Lankan
Matilda: brown Latina
Melody: Tails' and Mina's alternate universe daughter 
Mighty: brown Latino
Monkey Khan: Chinese
Moss: brown Latino
Nepthys: Middle Eastern 
Nicolette: Middle Eastern
Pearly: SE Asian, most likely Indonesian 
Puff: Maori
Razor: SE Asian, most likely Indonesian
Rob'o: Scottish Eurasian
Rosy: Japanese 
Rotor: Saami
Salma: Arabian 
Scourge: brown Latino 
Shinjin Warriors: Chinese
Skye: Tails' and Mina's alternate universe son
Silver: Indian
Striker: Maori
Surge: brown Latina, daughter of Surge and Fiona
Tig Stripe: East Asian 
Uma: Japanese 
Undina: Maori
wolves: Native American, except Drago and Shift
My Ships
+ = romantic, & = platonic
Amadeus + Rosemary
Amy & Cream & Big
Andrew + power bottom Azizi (former rivalry), both masculine males
Antoine + Bunnie
Argyle + Lara-Su 
aroace Big
aroace Rotor
Ash + Mina
Bark + Bean
Bartleby + Sonia 
Bearenger + Hocke-Wolf
Bill + Walt
Blaze & Cream 
Bokkun + Cream
Charmy + Saffron
Demo + Belle D'Coolette
E-123 Omega (transmasc) + Gemerl
Elias & his godson Manik
Elias + Megan 
[Elias + Megan] & Alexis
Espio + Nicole
Gabriel + power bottom Manik, both masculine males
Gabriel vs. Manik, foemance one-sided from Gabriel; both masculine males
Gabriel + power bottom Strength, both masculine males
Gabriel vs. Strength, foemance one-sided from Gabriel; both masculine males
Geoffrey + Hershey 
Honey + Amy
Infinite + Gadget, both males
Jacques + Melody
Jules + Bernie
Ken + Sally
Kit + Tails
Knuckles + Rouge
Maximillian + Alicia 
Mina & Nicole
Mr. Tinker & Belle Robotnik 
OTP: Shadow + power bottom Sonic, both males
Puff + Angelica
Razor + Coral 
Remington + Komi-Ko
Rob o' + Mari-An
Rotor & Nicole
Rouge + darker-skinned Julie-Su 
Sally & Bunnie
Sally & Elias
Sally & Nicole 
Sally & Tails
Shadow & [E-123 Omega (non-gijinka) + Rouge]
Shadow & Maria
Shadow & Rouge & E-123 Omega
Silver + Amy
Silver + Blaze
Silver + Gold
Silver + Whisper 
Sonic vs. dom Shadow foemance, both males
Sonic & Tails & Knuckles
Striker + Udina
Tails + Cosmo
Tails + Kit
Tails + Mina
Tangle + Lanolin
Vector + Vanilla
[Vector + Vanilla] & Cream
{[Vector + Vanilla] & Cream} & Espio & Charmy
Walt + Barby
Walt + Bill
Wynmacher + Lara-Le
Ship Mates #1: Shadow + Sonic, [Tails + Cosmo or Kit + Tails/Tails + Kit], {Knuckles + Rouge or [Rouge + Julie-Su, Knuckles + Shade]}, Antoine + Bunnie, Monkey Khan + Sally, Silver + Blaze, Infinite + Gadget; in alphabet order: Amadeus + Rosemary, Ash + Mina, Bark + Bean, Bearenger + Hocke-Wolf, Bokkun + Cream, Charmy + Saffron, E-123 + Gemerl, Elias + Megan, Espio + Nicole, Geoffrey + Hershey, Jet + Wave, Jules + Bernie, Mighty + Ray, Max + Alicia, Puff + Angelica, Razor + Coral, Rob o' + Mari-An, Scourge + Fiona, Striker + Udina, Surge + Amy, Tangle + Lanolin, Vector + Vanilla, Walt + [Bill or Barby], and Wynmacher + Lara-Le
Ship Mates #2: Sonic vs. Shadow foemance, Gabriel + Manik, Sonic + Sally, Shadow + Rouge, Antoine + Bunnie, Tails + Mina, Knuckles + Julie-Su, Vector + Vanilla, Surge + Sonia, Jacques + Melody, Demo + Belle, Kit + Skye, Argyle + Lara-Su; in alphabet order: Amadeus + Rosemary, Andrew + Azizi, Armand + Marie, Bearenger + Hocke-Wolf, Bokkun + Cream, Bronze + Ice, Buzz + Niecy, Carmel + Alexis, E-123 + Gemerl, Elias + Megan, Geoffrey + Hershey, Halberd + Ariel, Honey + Amy, Infinite + Gadget, Jet + Wave, Jules + Bernie, Kragok + Ella, Max + Alicia, Mighty + Ray, Past [Ash + Mina (broke up), Bartleby + Sonia (he died for her), Tails + Cosmo, Tails + Zooey (amicable break up)], Philip + Gwyn, Puff + Angelica, Razor + Coral, Remington + Komi-Ko, Rob o' + Mari-An, Rutan + Salma, Scourge + Fiona, Silver + Blaze, Sting + Sunny, Striker + Udina, Tangle + Lanolin, Tsunami + Marina, Walt + [Bill or Barby], and Wynmacher + Lara-Le
Amy: guardian of Gwyn, Ice, and Sunnyside
Antoine and Bunnie are the godparents of Manik and Sonia.
Ariel: Razor's and Coral's daughter
Bronze: Silver's and Blaze's son
Buzz: Charmy's and Saffron's son, Vector's godson
Carmel: Geoffrey's and Hershey's son
Espio: Argyle's guardian
Gold: guardian of Bronze
Halberd: Striker's and Udina's son
Ice: Bokkun's and Cream's son
Marina: Razor's and Coral's daughter
Niecy: Espio's and Nicole's daughter
Razor and Coral are Halbred's guardians.
Sonic and Sally: godparents of Jacques and Belle; guardians of Lara-Su, Melody, and Skye
Sting: Charmy's and Saffron's son, Vector's godson
Striker and Udina are Ariel's and Marina's guardians.
Sunny(side): Bokkun's and Cream's daughter
Tails: guardian of Manik and Sonia
Tsunami: Jet's and Wave's son; Storm is his guardian
Vector: guardian of Niecy, godfather of Buzz and Sting
Ship Mates #3: Gabriel + Strength, [Infinite + female Gadget] & their Strength instead of Infinite + male Gadget and Gabriel + Manik; rest of Ship Mates #2 
My gay ships are preferably either cisgenders or post-op transsexuals.
Official Games
aroace E-123 Omega
[Dr. Eggman & Sage] & Metal Sonic & [Orbot & Cubot]
Emerl + Cream
Knuckles + Rouge
Metal Sonic + Amy 
Metal Sonic & Sage 
OTP: Dr. Eggman & Sage
Shadow + Lyric
Shadow & Maria
Shadow & Rouge
Silver + Blaze
Sonic + Amy
Sonic (modern) + Blaze
Ship Mates: Shadow + Lyric, Modern Knuckles + Rouge, {[Sonic + Amy, Silver + Blaze] or [Silver & Blaze, Modern Sonic + Blaze, Silver + Modern Amy]}, and Emerl + Cream
Archie comics
Amadeus + Rosemary
Argyle + Lara-Su 
aroace Rotor
Blaze + Cream
Blaze & Silver
Bunnie & Tails
Charmy + Saffron
Demo + Belle
Espio + Nicole 
Geoffrey + Elias, both males 
Ivo + Thunderbolt
Ivo + Witchcart
Jacques + Melody
Jules + Bernie
Knuckles + Julie-Su
[Knuckles + Julie-Su] & Lara-Su
Maximillian + Alicia
Mina + Nicole 
OT4: [Antoine + Bunnie] & [Jacques & Belle]
OTP: Antoine + Bunnie 
Razor + Coral
Remington + Komi-Ko
Sally & Elias
Sally + Nicole
Scourge + Fiona
Shadow + Rouge
Shard + Nicole
Silver + Gold
Snively + Regina
Sonic + Amy
Sonic + Blaze
Sonic + Bunnie
Sonic + Sally
[Sonic + Sally] & [Antoine + Bunnie]
[Sonic + Sally] & Manik & Sonia
Tails + Mina
[Tails + Mina] & Melody & Skye
Wynmacher + Lara-Le
Ship Mates #1: Antoine + Bunnie, Geoffrey + Elias, Sally & Elias, Sonic + Sally, Tails + Mina, Knuckles + Julie-Su, Vector + Vanilla, Argyle + Lara-Su, Jacques + Melody, Demo + Belle, Skye + Sonia, Espio + Nicole, Charmy + Saffron, Honey + Amy, Scourge + Fiona, Shadow + Rouge, Blaze & Silver, Blaze + Cream, Silver + Gold, Amadeus + Rosemary, and Razor + Coral
Ship Mates #2: Antoine + Bunnie, Geoffrey + Elias, Sally & Elias, Sally + Nicole, {[Sonic + Amy, Blaze + Cream] or Sonic + Blaze}, Tails + Honey, Knuckles + Julie-Su, Scourge + Fiona, Shadow + Rouge, Blaze & Silver, Silver + Gold, Amadeus + Rosemary, and Razor + Coral
Sonic X
Bokkun + Cream 
Knuckles + Rouge
OTP: Vector + Vanilla
Rouge + Topaz
Sonic + Amy 
Sonic & Helen 
Tails + Cosmo
Tanaka + Topaz
[Vector + Vanilla] & Cream
Ship Mates: Vector + Vanilla, Bokkun + Cream, Tails + Cosmo, Sonic + Amy, and {[Knuckles + Rouge, Tanaka + Topaz] or Rouge + Topaz}
IDW comics
E-123 Omega + Cream
Gemerl + Cream
Kit + Tails, both males
Mr. Tinker & Belle the Tinkerer
OTP: male Dr. Starline + male Dr. Robotnik 
Sonic + Amy
Sonic + Blaze
Surge + Amy
Surge & Kit
Tangle + Whisper
Vector + Espio
[Vector + Espio] & Charmy
Vector + Vanilla
[Vector + Vanilla] & Cream
Ship Mates #1: Starline + Robotnik, Sonic & Tails, Sonic + Blaze, Kit + Tails, Surge & Kit, Surge + Amy, Tangle + Whisper, Vector + Vanilla, and Gemerl + Cream
Ship Mates #2: Starline + Robotnik, Sonic & Tails, Shadow + Sonic, Kit + Tails, Surge & Kit, Surge + Amy, Tangle + Whisper, Vector + Espio, and Gemerl + Cream
Sonic the Hedgehog Live Action movies 
Dr. Robotnik + Agent Stone
Maddie/Pretzel Lady & any of her sons
OTP: Tom/Donut Lord + Maddie/Pretzel Lady
Randall + Rachel 
[Sonic & Tails & Knuckles] & [Tom/Donut Lord + Maddie/Pretzel Lady]
Ship Mates #1: [Sonic & Tails & Knuckles & Amy] & [Tom + Maddie], Shadow + Sonic, Tails + Cosmo, Knuckles + Rouge, Metal Sonic + Amy, Randall + Rachel, and Dr. Robotnik + Agent Stone
Ship Mates #2:  [Sonic & Tails & Knuckles & Amy] & [Tom + Maddie], Sonic + Amy, Sonic & Tom, Amy & Maddie, Kit + Tails, Knuckles + Rouge, Shadow & Jojo, Randall + Rachel, and Dr. Robotnik + Agent Stone
Ranking Designs from Fave to Least Liked
Sonic Paramount Live Action movies (really like)
At least have centered mouths (fine)
Both cyclops AND side mouths (dislike)
Ranking English-speaking Actors from Fave to Least Liked
Sonic the Hedgehog
Jaleel White, SatAM
Jason Griffith, post Sonic and the Black Knight
Ben Schwartz (really like)
other versions (dislike)
Dr. Robotnik/Eggman
Jim Cummings = Mike Pollock = Jim Carrey (really like)
Long John Baldry
Deem Bristow (like)
Kate Higgins = Colleen O’Shaughnessey ((really) like)
Amy Palant
other versions
Lisa Ortiz (really like)
Jennifer Douillard (like)
Cindy Robinson
Idris Elba
Scott Drier = Ryan Drummond (like)
Travis Willingham
Dan Green (dislike)
Kirk Thornton (really like)
David Humphrey (like)
Jason Griffith
As long as it’s not Kathleen Delaney (really like)
Kathleen Delaney (dislike)
Ranking Games from Favorite to Least Liked
2D Platformers
Sonic Mania (Plus)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles 
2011 Sonic CD
Sonic 2 for Genesis
Sonic Colors for Wii
Sonic Colors DS
SegaSonic the Hedgehog Arcade
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic CD for Sega CD
Sonic the Hedgehog for Mega Drive
Sonic the Hedgehog for Master System
Sonic 2 for Master System (really like)
Tails Adventure
Sonic Triple Trouble: 16-bit
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic Advance
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
Sonic Rush 
Sonic Rush Adventure (like)
Knuckles Chaotix
Sonic Pocket Adventure
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic Chaos
Sonic Blast
Sonic Advance 3 (dislike)
Sonic 4
Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis for GBA
3D Platformers
Sonic Generations (+ Unleashed Project mod)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Unleashed Project mod
Sonic Unleashed HD
Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut
Sonic Unwiished
Sonic Frontiers
Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic Adventure (really like)
Sonic Adventure 2 (like)
Sonic 3D Blast for Saturn
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic 3D Blast for Genesis
Sonic Heroes (dislike)
Sonic Forces
Sonic Lost World for Wii U
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic Lost World for 3DS
Sonic Riders
Sonic Drift
Sonic Rivals 2
Sonic Rivals
Sonic R (really like)
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (like)
Sonic Drift 2
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (dislike)
Team Sonic Racing 
Sonic Free Riders
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games 
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for Wii U (really like)
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games for 3DS 
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games for DS
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games for Wii 
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games for Wii
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for 3DS
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (like)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for Wii
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for DS
Sonic Spinball (really like)
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Sonic Dash+
Sonic Runners (like)
Sonic Battle
Sonic Shuffle
Sonic the Fighters 
Ranking Adaptations
Animated Shows
Sonic Mania Adventures
SatAM (really like)
Sonic Boom
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (like)
Sonic X sub
Sonic Underground
Sonic X dub 
IDW (really like)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020 movie)
Night of the Werehog ((really) like)
83 notes · View notes
ao3feed-bnha-girls · 5 years ago
The Dragoness' Demon Child (Trans!Izuku)
The Dragoness' Demon Child (Trans!Izuku) by 3amShadyTimes
Izuku Midoriya had a dream but fate seemed determined to shatter it.
Izuku Midoriya wasn't always a boy, At age 6, he realised he was a boy and with help from his best friend Kacchan and his auntie Mitsuki he started getting boy clothes. However his "mother" wasn't all that happy. Thus began the years of mental and physical torment for the young man. At age 8, his quirk awakened but he was discouraged from using it because his "mother" told him it was villainous. At age 12, fate decided to be kind to young Izuku and after his "mother" forgot to lock the basement one night he escaped and ran until he collapsed in an alleyway and crawled up to a wall and cried until he was found by his saviour, the Dragoon hero Ryukyu.
Izuku Midoriya has a dream, a dream to become the voice of equality and he's so done with fate trying to fuck him over.
Words: 2339, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Jirou Kyouka, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Eri, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Izumi Kouta
Relationships: Jirou Kyouka/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri, Eri & Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri & Jirou Kyouka, Ashido Mina & Eri & Jirou Kyouka & Uraraka Ochako & Yaoyorozu Momo, Izumi Kouta & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Izumi Kouta, Midoriya Izuku & Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu
Additional Tags: Adopted Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Confident Midoriya Izuku, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Underground Hero Midoriya Izuku, Underground Hero Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku Friendship, Musician Jirou Kyouka, Singer Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Bakugou Katsuki, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Protective Katsuki Yuuri, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Bad Parent Midoriya Inko, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Adopted Children, Adopted Shinsou Hitoshi, Trans Male Character, Trans Midoriya Izuku, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Past Child Abuse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23380414
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