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granonine · 2 years ago
Saturday Soliloquy: Summer
It was official on Wednesday. It is now in summer. We had a calm spring, with relatively cool temps. The only drawback was lack of rain, but we did get some over the past two weeks. Could use more. I know there are other places around the country in which farmers are wondering if there’s going to be any hay to bale, and other crops are suffering. Rain is one of those things we take for granted…
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bouncinghedgehog · 1 year ago
Circa 1908
Pasbt TowerArthur J. Kron. The final photo in the box titled, “Ringling Bros, Downtown Bldgs, etc.”
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inplodinggofer616 · 2 years ago
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gonna tell my kids this was my factorio lab setup on my first playthough
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royalsy-queen · 11 months ago
Me: Mike and El work best as friends, Mileven should've stayed platonical, it's clear that them breaking up on good terms and byler being canon is where the whole story is headed
Milwakees: Will's love is unrequited, Mike and El didn't fall in love in six days, the fell in love the moment they saw each other, they have a supernatural bond 💀 Bylers are delusional
Me: *byler proof in hand, backing up sources* care to share your evidence? Is the supernatural romantic bond here with us? Are the delusional takes here with us?
Mildews: You have a brick wall for a brain, I'm going to touch some grass, is byler all you think of?
Me: yes, do you want a link to my byler playlist? also, may I have directions to my delusions? I wanna frame them lol uwu <3 *insert byler memes*
Milkvans: *disconnected*
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www-ghost-com · 8 months ago
sometimes i feel a bit annoyed by those "arg icebergs" cause why is local 58 on teir 4. bitch this isn't obscure this is my milwakee.
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psicotaipan · 7 months ago
El cine nos ha hecho creer que el psicópata es un asesino en serie o un criminal despiadado, estilo Hannibal Lecter, Andrei Chikatilo (el ciudadano X) , el Carnicero de Milwakee, el Estrangulador de Boston o similares, pero la realidad es otra.
Muchos líderes políticos como Stalin, Ivan el Terrible, algunos criminales de guerra nazis, o Enrique VIII lo eran.
De hecho, la psicopatía es un rasgo abundante en nuestra política actual cotidiana.
La gran mayoría de psicópatas no comete asesinatos o crímenes violentos, sencillamente es gente vacía por dentro, sin alma ni vida interior, con emociones atenuadas, sin gracia ni intensidad, gente muerta, que vive la vida por inercia, porque es más fácil para ellos seguir viviendo que morirse.
Los expertos no se ponen de acuerdo respecto al porcentaje de psicópatas que hay en el mundo.
Parece ser que como mínimo una de cada 100 personas lo es y que en una oficina de trabajo podemos encontrar entre el 1% y el 20% de las personas que pueden serlo.
Con éste porcentaje tan elevado, las probabilidades de dar con uno y sufrir las consecuencias de tenerlos cerca (jefes, compañeros, parejas) son altas.
El psicópata no es necesariamente un carnicero, suelen encaramarse a posiciones de poder o arrimarse a los poderosos o establecer relaciones de conveniencia sin sentir emociones reales, pues su capacidad para experimentarlas está realmente averiada.
Y luego están los psicópatas no puros, que tienen rasgos de personalidad psicopáticos, sin llegar a ser psicópatas y que en la caracteriología del Eneagrama responderían a gente de los eneatipos 8, 7, 6 y 3 (prometo hablar de ellos más adelante, porque me lo lleváis tiempo pidiendo y es algo que he ido posponiendo mucho tiempo en este blog).
Un psicópata no siente empatía ni compasión por sus semejantes y, en general ni se hace responsable del dolor que causa, ni le importa. Sencillamente van a lo suyo, pasando por encima de quien sea, y solo en casos muy extremos disfrutan causando daño. Lo más habitual en la vida son lo que yo llamo psicopatillas de merendero, gente poco empática, bastante egoísta, ombliguista y arribista, sin mucha autoconciencia, que van por la vida dejando cadáveres emocionales sin enterarse demasiado del destrozo que están haciendo. Solo tienen rasgos psicopáticos pero no son psicópatas “per se“.
Mi experiencia es que cuando pillas a un psicopatilla de merendero se ponen a morir.
Toda su Armadura queda al descubierto y se quedan expuestos ante ti tal cual son. Con toda su mezquindad, vulgaridad y vacío.
Lo mejor es siempre alejarse.
De uno de estos personajes solo obtendrás dolor.
Y la manera de neutralizarlos es ignorarlos por completo. Desaparecer, no estar, no ponerse a tiro y que nunca puedan volver a arrimarse a ti.
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Al final la gente termina cocida en su propia salsa y bastante miseria tienen ya con ser como son.
Una vida entera de mezquindad, vacío y autoengaño, de emociones atenuadas y esterilidad, es suficiente castigo para muchos de ellos.
Que disfruten de la desgracia de si mismos es una buena forma de devolverles el daño que provocan.
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mfniccals · 19 days ago
Closed starter for @maaskuline
Murdoc is a man who is extremely fussy about his equipment. Other people touching the instruments directly tends to make him agitated, and that's exactly what's happening today. Unloading will take hours, the rest of the band have gone off to get drinks, meanwhile Murdoc has a rather troublesome instrument on a table, hovering over it like a doctor performing surgery.
"Hey, Banana Hammock," the roadie 2D has brought along might be incredibly stupid, but he is useful, and Murdoc isn't very strong comparatively. "Bring me my toolbox from the bus, this little fucker is gonna have to come off."
He has a back up, but this is his favorite black and pink flying V, very custom, very expensive, and covered in his and Noodle's doodles. It's sentimental enough he wants it on stage as much as possible.
"You know what a toolbox is, right? Big red metal thing that says "Milwakee" on it, where ever that is."
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the-firebird69 · 7 months ago
Stroh's Brewing
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Schlitz and Old Milwaukee Are a few well a couple of the beers and they had a stroh's and he remembers all three . We remember all three too there are some other beers that were under them one of them was Lowenbrough and he used to drink that. They thought it was pretty good.
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It was not a premium beer and that's low in brow but it tasted like it it was made well and it was a company that Dave audette owned. And he went bankrupt trying to keep it afloat no but he didn't do well the company was eating a lot of money up because people wanted to get paid extra and he wanted to keep it going and they wouldn't listen he said I don't have enough to pay you that much a day was ridiculously dollars and they're saying we make so much beer and he says calculate it out and really you can't do that with cover and they were ruining it and ruining him in several businesses and Dave said I'll just keep paying them and see what they're doing in one business and it was not this and after a while they said rookie and loser and stuff like that and he said what are you doing to me I have to try and stay afloat. So the guy started saying all sorts of stuff and they would not stop saying it and obviously he had a problem came to you and said it sort of and he said they're eating us all out and they have to die and he said eating us all up and he looked and he said eating us all up and he looked into it and he found out it was true so they went ahead and started to attack our son and they're doing it all day. here and they're getting their **** handed to them so we started to go after them a few minutes ago a little bit harder and we decided that we should go after them much harder and we're pulling them out now. However we do still have the question of the beer. He looks at false staff doesn't know who's company it is she said it's her family but it's not true but this is his family and it makes sense to start it up again. And she would be running it and he needs to have some income and it does help. And she suddenly sees the point and she's getting ready to open it up and start brewing and people see it. Is going to be here and he's going to be starting his life on earth because he has to. So she is getting to work and he says we're gonna leave here but where are we gonna go to so she gets that and it's gonna workout but you guys do need to have businesses so the guys are willing to start it up and they have a procedure and they wanna say a few things.
they do make several other beers and are not good lol.
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Stroh's is a decent beer is better than lowenbrow then it contains more alcohol it tastes better and he began the company in 1775 and used to say he's a relative of these things are sun got a hold of it and thought it was good and it was spent a lot of time helping our son is real happy because it worked his children were beaten up often and they were beaten up by these people he remembered that kind of thing at his apartment which was near the strip place and his fake Carol was a stripper and he sent some people down the stairs in a tub then it's a message to the cleanse to take them down and he was happy about it then a son thought it was a lot of fun then my son also was kind of the one suggesting it wouldn't stop picking on him so they went down the stairs in the tub it landed at the bottom and it stopped it didn't break so they're trying to pull it back up and they got in a big fight and found out it was stuck and they had to break it it's meant an hour hitting it and finally Dave got a slit hammer eddie destroyed it and the thing shows up again in Cranston and it was fine and it's his monsters trying to say they know how to meld AND THEY DO NOT.
we brew these now and start. They still haven't intact distribution system no but it's easy to open up and we're going to brew certain beers lowenbrough strohs schlitz old milwakee hetold dave he liked strohs and lowenbraw and knew it. and said we do it someday...and good. saw it later he thought.
Thor Freya we strt and she has one yes
we see the water receeeded she squealed a bit iwth joy and good...and thank yoiu he says nice huh nd great. ok down more and we lvoe it need it ok and we love you and your wife my mother in law. we do this film series need help ok. and we are there the flleet almost out we take antoher from the crap head lol ahahah loser he is we brew this now and generic beeer will wait
Nuada Arrinna
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cerentari · 8 months ago
Gennarino for president!!!! 698
Donaldo è convalescente dall’ultima sparata, che non ha sparato lui ma un altro, bisognerà in qualche modo sostituirlo in vista dei prossimi impegni. Nella convenzione repubblicana di Milwakee che lo designerà candidato alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti D’Amnesia: sarà una lotta all’ultimo sangue a colpi di pannoloni e dentiere, ma Arthur Fonzarelli e Richard Cunningham hanno già anticipato che…
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semtituloh · 1 year ago
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struttinevilshroom · 1 year ago
Thanks, Milwakee Jon
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gatto19 · 2 years ago
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On this day, July 22, 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested. The agents discovered what they called "the house of horrors": Jeffrey did not oppose the arrest. The story of this unfortunate boy teaches us that being Heard is Fundamental, being accepted even more as a homosexual. he has always sought physical contact he Loved he wanted to be Loved and understood. He asked to be Heard. allowed to be here today. He understood his crimes and was going to help not get killed. They call him "the Milwakee monster" and they are actually the real monsters."
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oldmke · 2 years ago
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This lovely residence, located in what is now the 1100 block of N. Milwaukee St., was for many years the home of the David Ferguson family. Ferguson was a widely known Milwakee banker, who joined the staff of Alexander Mitchell's bank - now known as the Marine National Exchange Bank - in 1840 and was Mitchell's cashier. His elegant home was built in 1878 and was typical of the Victorian homes of the era. It's difficult to see in this photograph, but the house has a lacy metal fence rimming its roof crest, porches and towers. The tower at the left was a type common to East Side homes. The Ferguson family lived in the home until the late 1890s. Over the years, the building lost some of its charm, including the lovely cupola on the center tower. The building was razed in 1963 to make way for a Milwaukee School of Engineering student dormitory. Photograph and information provided by the Milwaukee Public Library local history collection.
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kdubya80 · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Milwakee Tools Mens Red Snapback Hat.
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rinoyam · 2 years ago
Analysing consumers’ psychological association with the brand-Harley Davidson and understanding attitude formation leading to strategic branding decisions.
Harley Davidson was founded on 1903 in a small town called Milwakee in America. The company was started by four young men named William S. Harley, Arthur Davidson, Walter Davidson, and William A Davidson. The beginning of the company was not simply a starting of motor cycle company but a life style that changed the life of millions. Their innovation and imagination spread across the boarders and is a inspiration to millions of people who think of a comfortable long drive.
The first model Harley and Davidson designed completed in 1903. While the test was mostly successful, the bike was unable to climb hills without the rider providing pedalling assistance. So they did not stop there on the next year their next design was ready with 450 cc power and was able to go anywhere. This model model completed in 1904, and immediately they entered the bike into a local motorcycle race at the State Fair Park, where it got fourth place.
By 1906 they started their first factory and moved the production to the place. And later their growth was rapid and constant. The company produced over 20,000 motorcycles for the US military during World War I. And as one of only two American motorcycle companies to survive the Great Depression, Harley-Davidson also played an important part in World War II. The company produced over 90,000 motorcycles for use in the war. Harley-Davidson was awarded two Army-Navy “E” Awards for Excellence in Production, in honour of their efforts during the war. 
Harley Davidson was not a simple motor cycle to ride but a life style and culture to be followed. As most of the users of the bike was military and policemen the image of bike was a beast and notorious. The bike became also a symbol of law breaks. The organization generally advertised heavyweight, air-cooled cruiser bikes with motor relocations more prominent than 700 cc, yet it has widened its contributions to incorporate more contemporary and centre weight Street stages. In India, the price of a Harley Davidson bike varies from Rs. 7.69 Lakhs to Rs.18.25 Lakhs.
unlike other bike users the difference of Harley Davidson bikes is its loyal customers. The bike means a lifestyle so this force only loyal customers to be customers. The company also spend millions of dollars on its road shows and loyal rider clubs which helped the brand to get attention of young and middle-aged men of America and to become an icon in the history of American culture. In fact, the image of the Harley rider spread the idea of power, authority and freedom. The popular slogan “God rides a Harley” further stretches the image.
In India in 2009, there was a high brand awareness of Harley-Davidson, but awareness does not always translate to relevance. Anoop Prakash, was selected to head the company’s expansion on the sub-continent as MD of Harley- Davidson India. The company began in India in 2009 based in Gurgaon, Haryana. Harley-Davidson is introducing 12 models in India from the range of five motorcycle families, namely Sportster, Dyna, VRSC, Softail and CVO. Later due to low sails the company had to stop its manufacturing.         
Problem definition
Though having great history and background with amazing models of bikes Harley Davidson was not able to grow in India as expected. Its demand and sails went low as it had no other option to discontinue the production in India. Harley Davidson in India failed to fully understand the customer perception of bikes and brand. The brand also was not able to understand the Indian concepts and dreams of bikes and to failed to offer the best choice for the customer taking consideration of cultural, economic and concepts of Indian customers.
The low demand for the Harley Davidson bikes was due to the company’s failure to understand the bike customers in India. The better understanding of psychological associations the customer might have on brand Harley Davidson and the consumer attitude will help the company to come up with new managerial strategies and decisions to perform well in the market.      
Theoretical framework – definition and explanation
The psychological association one has to a brand or product will determine whether that costumer will buy the product or not. Every customer will have an attitude towards a product or brand. It can be either positive or negative. The positive attitude one has towards a product will force that customer to buy that product and positive attitude towards a brand will force that customer to buy the product of that brand only and also force to continue even later with the brand. An attitude towards something is formed by many things like news, perception, using experience, social and cultural background, image of the product or brand, etc.
Understanding the potential customer is one of the basic things to be done while marketing a product or brand. Using means to change and confirm a positive attitude towards a brand will also offer stable and loyal customer for the brand and product. 
Tri-component attitude model is one of the tools used by the marketers to understand the customers’ attitude. This help them to come up with managerial decisions on how to market the product and how to design the product and branding. The tri component attitude model states that the attitude a person will have three elements cognitive (knowledge), affect (feeling and emotional) and the conative (action).  
In the tri-component model cognition model consists of knowledge of consumers about the products offering and the marketing mix. Consumer attitudes are formed on the basis of past experiences and the information received from market sources, news, articles, family, friends, peers etc. This information shapes the beliefs and opinions, where the consumer starts to observe that the product or brand possesses certain qualities and characteristics that lead to certain outcomes. The beliefs and opinions get strengthened, and leads to attitudes. This cognitive or knowledge component leads to the affective or emotional component.
The affective or feeling component contains the emotional component of attitudes. This situation or component shows emotional states that are positive, neutral or negative to ward a object or position. In marketing terms, it denotes to the feelings of the customer about a product or brand and its offering and the marketing mix. This component is formed by that cognitive elements. This means that the knowledge one has about something will later lead him to some belief on that product. Some reactions will be stored in our memory and will be recalled later in the future when we make decisions related to the impressions. And this impression will impacts future decision making about a product or brand.
The conative or the behavioural element of attitudes shows the outcome of an attitude. As attitudes are formed out of psychographic components, they cannot be seen. The first two components of cognitive and affective are not expressive of attitudes only this third component through which attitudes can be inferred. The conative part of attitude is that which help some one to act in a given manner. Unlike the other two elements this is more action oriented. cognitive and affective components shape the conative aspects and they force a person to act in a certain way. In our case it is this part that make the customer to purchase a Harley Davidson bike.    
Discussion guide
How will you describe a bike or what are the features you think a bike should have?
What is the image come to your mind when you think of a Harley Davidson bike?
Do you own or owned any Harley Davidson bikes? If yes why did you choose the bike and the experience, if not, why did ever not bought any Harley Davidson bike.
Which is your favourite bike brand? If it is Harley Davidson why? If not, what is the speciality or difference of that brand from Harley Davidson?
If you get chance to customize a Harley Davidson bike what features will you add to it?
if you are a current user are you planning to continue with the brand? If not, will you switch to Harley Davidson if you had the resources and chance to do the same? 
Respondent 1
The first respondent said that the bike should be easy to ride, more mileage, and stylish.
 He thinks of long journey when think of Harley Davidson bikes. 
Not owned because it is high cost.
Hero, easy to ride in cities and more mileage and less priced. 
Will add less price, more mileage and to use daily.
Switch only if above mentioned features are added. 
Respondent 2
Comfort, mileage, secure
He thinks of manhood and long journey when think of Harley Davidson bikes
Not owned, because of high price.
Royal Enfield, less price, more mileage
Will not customize as it is unique.
If have enough resources will move to Harley Davidson. 
Respondent 3
Bike should be fast, and balance, and stylish.
Tours and long journey.
Not owned because of high price.
Yamaha, because its spots bikes are better than Harley Davidson. 
Light weight and sports features. 
No will continue with Yamaha bikes. 
Respondent 4
Comfort and easy to ride and style.
English movies, and street fights and men with huge body masils.
Not owned because of high maintains charges and lack of experts in the near location. 
Royal Enfield because easy to get parts and people to repair. And easily accessible and low priced. 
He thinks that it is not good to customize because the it has different qualities. 
Yes, will switch. 
Respondent 5
Fast, reliable, stylish, more mileage
Long journey, and tours.
Not owned, because of high price, and lack of parts, and low mileage.
Honda because good for daily use, less price and more mileage.
Customize for both long journeys and daily use.
Only if have extra bike for daily use and will use Harley for tours.
Respondent 6
Comfort, style, mileage, power.
English movies, long journey, comfort.
Not owned, high price and lack of experts in the location for maintains. 
Both Harley Davidson and Royal Enfield because both gives comfort ride for long rides, gives a feeling of manhood, but Royal Enfield is more economical and easier to maintain and has more mileage. 
Will add features for daily use as well.
Yes, will switch to Harley Davidson.   
The psychological association the customers has on Harley Davidson proves some of the reasons for the failure of Harley Davidson in Indian market. One of the most important reason of the failure is because they tried to approach the Indian market same as of American bike market. Most of the interviewees believed that they associate the Harley Davidson with English movies and long journeys. People’s perception on Harley Davidson is mainly caused by their knowledge about the life style of America. Like they are people who always go long rides and also believes that the bike is not mainly for youth but for those aged between 30 to 45 and people with huge masils. 
The management in India failed to change the view of the people that this bike also can be used by youth. And the people also believed that this bike is only good for long journeys but not good for daily life. Indian bike market is different from that of America as Indians mainly use the bikes for daily use. So more than riding comfort they also look for more economic bikes with more mileage and less maintains cost and less price.
In Indian market people who do not have car to buy go for bikes but in the case of Harley Davidson it cost same as of some of the economic cars available in India. And people also look for city ride comfort which a Harley Davidson bikes can’t provide as they are more than 700 cc and weights more than the other bikes.
Other challenge to the Harley Davidson bikes is the lack of reach in remote locations. The brand failed to provide easy access to people of all cities and also has a lack of experts to maintain the bikes. The parts also cost more than that of the other bikes available in India. 
Customers also has a prejudice whether these bikes are suitable for Indian environment and roads as the brand is a foreign origin. 
One of the other reasons of failure of Harley Davidson is the presences of Royal Enfield in Indian market. Royal Enfield has more historical background in India than Harley Davidson. As in America Harley Davidson got good orders for their military purpose same is with Royal Enfield in India. These orders have enabled the brands to gain more trust from people. And Royal Enfield bikes proved to be more apt for the Indian roads and are also economical than Harley Davidson bikes. 
The familiarity and acceptance of Royal Enfield rider clubs in India also caused the low demand for the Harley Davidson’s bikes. One of the reasons of success of Harley Davidson in America is its rider clubs which was not that strong in India. But rather Royal Enfield rider clubs were stronger in India. 
  The image of Harley Davidson made the youth to reject those bikes as their demand was more for sports bikes which are faster, cheaper, light weight and economical. The brand also failed to attract the youth customers in India.  
Theoretical and practical implications
The Research helps to understand the image customers has on Harley Davidson bikes. This attitude of the customers can be used for the further analysis of the performance of the company and its products. This insight also can be used to make further managerial decisions to improve the competency of the company in Indian market. The attitude of a customer determines the future decisions the customer makes on any product or brand.   
Though the concepts of Harley Davidson bikes had demand in India the team failed to make that as real market. In India the team failed to understand the importance of price in the consumer behaviour of Indian customers. The brand could design bikes which are more economical not only in terms of price but mileage, maintains cost etc. 
The accessibility of the bike also was limited the brand had to start showrooms in most of the major cities and also had to make sure the presence of experts and availability of parts even in remote places. As these bikes are heavily used for tours and off-road rides it is important that the customer should find means to get bike repaired on the ways. The brand could make more partners to reach to maximum customers as Royal Enfield does. 
The brand also needs to make use of digital advertisements and social media t change the perception of the people as the bike also can be used for daily use. The brand also should design bikes for daily purpose without damaging the image people has on the brand. Because many customers believe that it has unique characteristics it should not be changed but also need to make needed changes to meet the needs of the customers. 
Brand also should focus on its rider clubs as they do attract the youth. The brand should enable these clubs to compete with the clubs of Royal Enfield so that the reach can widen. The brand also needs to consider Royal Enfield as its major competitor and need to make strategies to gain customers.       
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ivanreycristo · 2 years ago
Vaya hostia q se metió ayer con una valla el Español quique LLOPIS=cantante ARGENTINO de ROSARIO, SANTA FE q musicalizo al poeta español RAFAEL ALBERTI nacido y fallecido en EL PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA en cuyo Monasterio de la VIRGEN DE LA VICTORIA el genocida FRANCO encerró al presidente CATALAN Luis COMPANYS por proclamar su independencia ante el avance de las FUERZAS MONARQUIZANTES y luego lo EJECUTO
X cierto..en el PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA toco VIRGINIA MAESTRO en el PUB MILWAKEE e hizo una entrevista FUMANDO y se disculpo con el entrevistador x echarle el humo en la CARA..
También de PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA es el grupo ME_LOCOS y con cuyo cantante GONZALO ALCINA grabó GLORIA para el cd VERTIGO Y TRANQUILIDAD
Por cierto..en la calle SANTISIMA TRINIDAD de PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA junto a un STOP me fotografie con la pintada LA MANADA NO SON CINCO es el SISTEMA respecto al supuesto ABUSO SEXUAL de 5 SEVILLANOS a una chica q se fue con ellos a beber y a fumar porros..cosa q VIRGINIA MAESTRO no JUSTIFICO
También en el PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA se compró BUNBURY [1er grupo APOCALIPSIS]..su casa llamada HELL_VILLE DE LUXE [=CD q grabó ahí con el productor PACO LOCO] xq se echo de novia a la fotógrafa JOSE GIRL o madre de su hija ASIA..tras su 1er DIVORCIO y luego se casaron en MEXICO a la par q su video_historia apocaliptica de amor..q ilustró el cd LICENCIADO CANTINAS de versiones de música tradicional latinoamericana..entre su cd LAS CONSECUENCIAS y cd PALO_SANTO lanzado con DESPIERTA [todo ha cambiado nada es como lo hubiéramos imaginado]
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