#milton isaacs
missr3n3 · 2 months
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finally got around to doing these "your oc" templates! original linked under the cut:
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angelic-writer · 3 months
Running Through Your Veins (Cut Down the Altar)
Isaac is faced with the possible death of Joshua. Has their luck run out?
CW: Torture, poisoning, cardiac arrest, broken bones, panic attacks, nightmares
Prompt by @serickswrites and @artisticdemon
Story by @missr3n3
It all started with a letter. Leah and Madeline have come back to the whole apartment being ransacked. It was like when Cairyx had kidnapped Joshua, but this time, both him and Isaac were gone. After frantically searching for the two boys, Madeline found a note on the bed beside the plush rabbit she got him. What she read made her blood run cold.
"Thank you so much for making my job easier. Because of your video, I was able to track down and take the nameless devil and your friend. I'm willing to let them go if you follow my demands. Give me all the information you have about the devils and I'll let them live. Do not send help."
It was a mistake. It was a mistake letting Joshua reveal his identity. They should've known that people would hunt him down. There were a group of people that had been making the rounds recently, calling themselves Devil Hunters. Their goal was to exterminate all the devils that had been invading the world.
From the moment Joshua uploaded that video, his fate was sealed.
Isaac struggled against the cuffs and chains keeping him attached to the wall ring in the corner. He had to get out. Had to get to Joshua.
Joshua stood in the standing cuffs, his body stretched taut as his arms were pulled tight high above his head. His faded, brown hair was slightly covering his eyes, his horns out at full display. He stood at attention, desperately trying to keep his feet on the ground lest he put too much weight on his shoulders. He was trying hard to put on a brave face, gritting his teeth, letting his fangs show. However, Isaac could tell that he was scared. By the way his body was quaking, he couldn't deny that fact.
For him, he was back at the Nightmare Sand Pit, being tortured into nearly giving up his identity. He won't let it happen to Joshua. Not again.
"Well, well, well." One of the devil hunters said with great flourish. "This is a moment I have been so longing for."
He was a tall man with long, black hair tied into a ponytail. He had a sinister look to him with the way he smiled to the way he looked at the two boys with his bright, green eyes. He called himself Sebastian Bachman or Seb as his hunter colleagues would call him.
"What do you want now?" Joshua snarled.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. That's no way to speak to a stranger now, is it?"
"Fuck you." Isaac growled as he glared at Sebastian.
The devil hunter gave a sideways glance at the dark skinned man. "I have no interest in that. No, the only interest I have is your pain, Izzy."
"What pain? You haven't really done anything to us. You think your faux tough guy look is gonna scare us? Please, the only thing you'll do is bore me to death."
"Joshua, shut up!" Isaac hissed.
"Oh, is that what you think? Well, I'm not like those puny demons. Besides, I know all about your little excursion to the Nightmare Sand Pit. How you nearly let yourself go. I cannot imagine the pain you're going through. Well," He grabbed Joshua's chin. "I'm here to make you feel better."
Joshua spat in Sebastian's face. "Get away from me, you creep."
Sebastian wiped his face, glaring at the Cael devil.
"You better not hurt him or I swear to God, I will make your life hell!" Isaac shouted as he struggled against his restraints.
"Aww, you're such a killjoy." He unfastened the whip on his belt. "You really don't understand, do you? These devils killed people. It killed that poor girl's sister, that innocent police officer - It even tried to kill you. Where did you think those scars of yours came from?"
Isaac gritted his teeth.
"The point is, the devils are a threat to humanity and the only way everyone can be safe is when we kill all of them."
"But why kidnap Joshua? He's a Cael devil! The most docile out of all of them! He's not gonna hurt any of you! Didn't you listen to the broadcast?!"
"The public will say anything to not make everyone panic. You never know what those things are capable of. I'm surprised your friend hasn't killed you yet, although it's only a matter of time before he does." He pulled his knife out. "I'm doing you a favor."
Sebastian grabbed Joshua's clothes and cut them with his knife, stripping him to his bare chest. Joshua flinched and tried to kick him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're disgusting!"
Seb didn't say anything. He only smirked. "I'll be rid of you soon, Nameless."
And so the torture began. Isaac could only watch and scream as Sebastian whipped Joshua, tearing open his skin, creating new scars that had already been healed. His screams and cries were in tune with Isaac's, creating a chorus of anguish. However, Sebastian kept on smiling, his mouth contorting into a crescent moon.
Brackish blood splattered all over the stone floor as Joshua continued to scream. If he could, he would break out of his chains and tear him to shreds, but he was too weak. He couldn't break out if he wanted to. Isaac tried to pull himself free, but the cuffs were worn tightly around his wrists. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't free himself.
A few hours later (How much time had passed? Isaac didn't know.), Joshua had become a bloodied mess once more. He was panting, even coughing a few times, but he still held his ferocious glare.
"Hm. You're a tough nut to crack. I'll admit, I expected you to be a bit more submissive. Well, you won't be looking at me with those eyes for very long." He pulled something out of his pocket. Isaac's eyes widened when he saw that it was a needle.
"What are you doing with that?! You already said you were interested in my pain, right?! Well, string me up! Let Joshua go! You can hurt me here! I'm already restrained!" He screamed.
"Why? You're an innocent civilian, Izzy. That would go against my code. We can't hurt humans. Besides, it's way too boring. Where's the fun in that? Why put my hands on you when I can do this to the one thing threatening humanity?" Sebastian plunged the needle into Joshua's bicep. "Now, I wonder what this will do to you disgusting creatures."
"NOOOOOO!!" Isaac roared, straining to the ends of his chains. His wrists threatened to pop out of its sockets, making him bite his tongue in pain.
Joshua hissed through his teeth as Seb depressed the needle. "Jesus shit fuck damn..."
"What did you give him?!" Isaac growled. Once he gets free, he was going to end this fucker's life.
"Digitalis. Sometimes it makes your heart beat too fast. Sometimes too slow. You never know until you try it. Let's see how you do with this small dose, Nameless." Sebastian walked away, slamming the door behind him.
Isaac's mind was racing. Digitalis. He remembered the effects it had on the human body from the very few times he paid attention in health class. It was like Sebastian said. It could cause arrhythmias in the heart, sometimes fatal ones. He had no idea what this drug could do to Cael devils like Joshua, but since he had regeneration, there was nothing to worry about, right?
Joshua began to droop, his feet slipping on the ground. "I... don't... feel so..... good.... Izzy...." He mumbled as he scrambled to keep his feet on the ground.
"Talk to me, Joshua. Tell me what's wrong. You're okay. You're going to be okay. I'm going to get us out of here."
"Mmmmm...." Joshua hummed as his eyes drooped closed. He struggled to stay awake, but he was so tired. And it felt like he couldn't get a good enough breath. His heart beat incredibly slow in his chest, the reduced blood flow to his brain making him light headed.
Isaac tried to keep him awake, telling him stories about their time as kids. How they would listen to rock albums and the different drugs they would try out. He saw him crack a smile a few times so he could tell that it was working.
Sebastian returned hours later. Joshua had mostly normalized, his heart beating closer to its regular speed. Isaac had kept him awake and talking, kept him awake through the fatigue, through the nausea, through everything.
"How was that? Did you relax a little, Nameless? Hmmmmm?" The hunter said as he pulled out another needle. "Maybe a bit more is what you need."
And before Isaac could scream in protest, Seb had injected Joshua once more. This continued for hours - days? - and Isaac was powerless. He could do nothing but watch. He couldn't do anything but talk Joshua through.
Sometimes, Joshua's heart pounded, his limbs shaking and sweating as he hyperventilated, unable to calm himself. Other times, he slumped over, losing his footing and crying out in pain as his heartbeat slowed.
And still, Isaac was powerless to do anything. He couldn't slip the cuffs. Couldn't hold Joshua up. Couldn't release him. Couldn't escape. Couldn't do anything except sit there and talk to him and pray that it would all stop.
He wished for Jessie to come through the door right this second. She was there for Joshua in his darkest moment. Surely, she would come for them this time, right?
"Inject me!" Isaac begged when Sebastian returned. "I'll let your poison run through my veins! Hurt me! Hurt me!!"
Sebastian only gave him a cruel smile. "Oh, but I am." He injected Joshua once more. "This will hurt the most, Isaac. I couldn't think of a better way to punish you. You make friends with dangerous creatures, you pay the price."
"You..." Joshua wheezed. "When I get out, I will end you..."
The hunter cupped Joshua's cheek briefly. "It will be over soon. For you, at least." He chuckled as he left the room.
"Joshua, talk to me. I'm here. Tell me what's going on."
"C-C-Can't. F-F-Fast." Joshua panted.
"Breathe. Just breathe." Isaac urged, trying not to let the concern creep into his voice. Joshua reacted faster this time compared to the other times. How much had Sebastian given him?
"H-H-Hurts...." Joshua gasped as his feet began to slip once more.
"It's okay. You're okay. You're going to be okay. Just stand up. I'll find a way out. Just hold on, Joshua. Hold on."
"Hhhhhnnnn.... Fwaaaaaaah...." Joshua huffed as he threw his head back. He took several gasping breaths of air, shifting his feet, trying desperately to keep upright. All the while, his heart continued to fumble in his chest, his body trying to counteract the high amounts of the poison.
Isaac could see Joshua's shoulders pull tight as he struggled to stay upright. "It's okay, Joshua. You'll be okay. You can do this. I'll get out of these cuffs, I swear! Just hold on for me! Please!"
With a loud gasp, Joshua dropped his head forward, eyes unfocused. His heart had entered a dangerous rhythm now. The stress and the poison was all too much for the Cael devil. His regeneration wasn't fast enough.
"Look at me, Joshua." Isaac urged. "I'm right here. Look at me! You're going to be okay! I'm going to get us out of here, I promise!"
Joshua slowly, painfully slow, turned his gaze to Isaac. His eyes were hazy and beginning to glaze over. His lips moved, but no sound came out. Nonetheless, it formed the words "I'm sorry."
"No, Joshua, stay. You have to stay, please!!" Isaac cried out as he watched Joshua sigh. He went limp in his chains, his head lulling forward, arms pulled tight above his head. His body swung on the chain slowly as his feet slipped out from under him.
"JOSHUA! JOSHUA, SAY SOMETHING! JOSHUA!! NO!! GOD, NO!! PLEASE!! JOSHUA!!!" Isaac screamed as tears ran down his face. He ducked low, praying that he was wrong. That Joshua was merely unconscious.
But as he stared into Joshua's half-lidded gaze and waited for his lungs to fill once more, Isaac's own heart seized in his chest. Because Joshua was still. So impossibly still as he swung. His chest was unmoving. The only movement within him was his heart quivering uselessly in his chest with nothing around him to restart it.
"NOOOO!! NOOOOO!!" Isaac screamed when he realized what had happened. "PLEASE GOD PLEASE!!"
"Music to my ears." Sebastian said as he entered once more. "Your pitiful, mewling cries of misery, Isaac. What a delight."
He stopped as he was even with Joshua. The hunter took the limp devil's chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifted. His lifeless eyes stared into nothing as Sebastian inspected his head.
"DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" Isaac screamed as he lunged forward, the cuffs pulling tight against his wrists, threatening to pop.
"What? It's not like it's not gonna hurt him anymore, Isaac. The nameless devil is dead. Just look!" Sebastian shoved Joshua so he swung out towards Isaac. His head lulled on his limp neck, arms pulled tight above his head. "This is your lesson. To not make friends with creatures beyond human comprehension. You should've left him in that house. You should've kept your mind intact that night."
Isaac shut his eyes tightly, unable to bear the sight of Joshua's body swinging on the chain. "Please don't touch him..."
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "You still don't understand, do you?"
He stopped Joshua's body from swinging further. He stared at his limp hands for a moment before unhooking the chain quickly. Joshua dropped in a heap on the floor.
"What are you going to do to him...?" Isaac sobbed as he stared at his friend.
"Me? Absolutely nothing." Sebastian said as he pulled the chain between the shackles on Joshua's wrists. "I'm going to do nothing except leave him right here." He dragged him closer to Isaac. Just out of reach.
Sebastian kicked Joshua until his body rolled on its side so that Isaac can look directly into his eyes. He sobbed harder as he stared into the empty eyes of his best friend. The person he swore to protect. The person he failed to save.
"I want you to look. Look at him for what he truly is. A disgusting creature that brings about the suffering of mankind. You should be thanking me, really. Imagine if your lady friend was here. She would've been thanking me for killing the devil that killed her sister. Hell, even that police officer would've been kissing the ground at my feet! Why aren't you thanking me? Why are you crying and acting like a baby?"
"He was nothing like them... He was far better than any of you... You're cruel... Far worse than any demon..." Isaac whispered.
"How am I cruel? I was trying to save you." He sighed. "Whatever. I'll leave you with him. Besides, this is a far better form of torture, don't you think?" He whispered as he leaned forward and cupped Joshua's cooling cheek. "Because this one lasts forever." And just like that, he left the room.
That word rattled in his brain as he stared at Joshua, the tears refusing to stop. Sebastian said that he was doing him a favor by killing him. What favor? He could've killed any devil in the world. Hell, he could've gone after the most dangerous ones. But no, he had to go for Joshua who had done nothing wrong. He had done nothing to deserve any of this. The reversion, the Nightmare Sand Pit, all of it because he tried to exist as his own person.
Isaac made a pact with himself that night when he got him out. He would risk his entire life for that man. The person he had known since he was a kid. Even after the fight they had where he left him for dead, he still cared for him. After all the shit they've been through, he wanted to give him a normal life. But... as long as he was a devil, he will never be able to achieve that.
Never again will he hang out with him during their downtime. Never again will they go on these late night drives and get high. Never again will they listen to the newest rock album releases.
Never again will his presence bring Madeline joy, Leah peace and him comfort.
Never again will Jessie see her son alive and breathing again.
No, this can't be right. None of this is right. He doesn't deserve to die.
There was a fire burning in his veins. A fire that he hadn't felt in two years. He knew what that feeling was.
Rage. Complete, uncontrollable rage. The kind of rage that didn't care who it had to hurt.
He began to pull against his binds again, this time, not caring if his hands would be torn out of its sockets. He had to get to Joshua. He had to get to him now!
He's dying! Do something!
His tendons were almost stretched beyond their breaking point, like when you stretch a balloon too much. An instinctual part of his brain was screaming at him to stop, but he didn't listen. All he had on his mind was Joshua. He occupied his mind.
There was a loud pop and Isaac screamed louder than ever before. The first thing he noticed was that one of his hands have begun to throb. His fingers were tingling and when he tried to move them, he could barely move them a couple centimeters. But there was a significant improvement in that he could now wriggle his hand out. He slipped out of one of the cuffs, gritting his teeth, trying to bite through the excruciating pain.
Joshua was still out of his reach so he tried to look for something to pick the lock or something to drag him closer to him. He spotted a rock lying a few feet away from him. He didn't care what the consequences are anymore. He could no longer think clearly.
Joshua. Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua.
With his barely functional hand, he grabbed the rock, lifted it high in the air and slammed it into his other wrist onto the cuff. The metal cracked, but it still held. He continued hitting it again and again, the metal cracking more and more until it finally shattered. Isaac fell to his knees, almost landing on his injured wrist before he scrambled towards Joshua. Turning him onto his back, he slammed his fingers onto his neck, but even he knew he didn't have a pulse. Who knows how long he wasn't breathing for.
It could be too late.
No. He cannot think like that.
Finding the right placement on his sternum, trying to remember what he learned about first aid, Isaac started to pump his chest and oh god, it hurts! It hurts so much! He shouldn't be putting any pressure on his injured hand, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered to him at that moment.
"C'mon, Joshua... C'mon... Don't leave me..." He panted, tears streaming down his face from the pain. However, that was nothing compared to the fire roaring in his veins. Joshua didn't go through all this shit just for him to die from some crazy guy poisoning him.
Joshua's body shook, his eyes staring into nothing as he continued. Memories of him being covered in blood flashed in Isaac's mind, making him shudder. He wished he could be in his place right now, having the poison run through him so Joshua would be spared. But what would the others think? Leah wouldn't want any of them hurt in any way.
He could almost hear Joshua's voice in his head. "Don't let me die here."
I won't let you, Joshua. I won't let you die.
"Isaac?! Izzy, are you in here?!" A familiar voice echoed from outside.
"L-Leah?! I'm in here! Help me!!"
Leah and Madeline ran in a second later, both of them gasping when they saw the grisly scene. "JOSH!!" Madeline screamed.
"What happened?! How long was he out?!" Leah shouted as they ran to the two boys.
"F-F-Five... I think, minutes? One of the hunters... He injected him with something. D-Digitalis, I think. H-He's not dead! He's still warm! I can feel it!!" Isaac stuttered, trying not to cry out.
Madeline held Joshua's hand, covering her mouth as she tried her best not to sob. Leah looked and noticed Isaac's wrist looking deformed. "Oh shit, your wrist! H-Hold on! We got Jessie! She's right outside!" She turned to Madeline. "Madeline, help Izzy up! I'm gonna carry him outside!"
She nodded and tried to touch Isaac's shoulder. "Izzy-"
"NO!! I won't give up on him! He doesn't-"
"We're not giving up on him! You're too injured to continue! Jessie's gonna help us, okay?"
Isaac paused for a moment before stopping compressions. Only then did the pain truly set in for him. He gripped his wrist tightly as he tried to take deep breaths. Madeline helped him up to his feet as Leah lifted Joshua onto her back, hooking his still shackled arms over herself. The three of them ran out of the room, leaving behind the memories of Joshua's last moments.
A few minutes later, they were finally out. Minutes that should've been spent trying to revive him. They didn't encounter anyone, not even Sebastian. The place was eerily empty. None of it mattered. Joshua was the only thing that did.
Jessie was already helping Leah lower Joshua to the ground as Isaac and Madeline sat on the steps. "Jessie, do you have some ice?! Izzy's wrist looks really bad!"
"I have some in the trunk! Hurry!" She was already starting chest compressions with great fervor, sinking her hands deeper than Isaac. Everything was a blur as he watched. He barely felt the cold when Madeline pressed the ice packs to his hands. He barely heard Jessie shouting commands at Leah. All he could do was stare at Joshua's lifeless face.
He's gone. Oh god, he's gone. We were too late.
"Hey," Madeline squeezed his shoulder. "He'll be fine. He's gonna be fine."
"I-Is he...?"
"Yes. I'm sure of it."
How could she be so sure? Sure, he's dealt with worse, but his heart actually stopped. The worst case scenario actually happened. "W-What if we don't...?"
"We'll get him back, Izzy. We'll make sure of it."
Isaac said nothing else.
Leah had grabbed the AED and slapped the pads onto his chest. The machine monitored his rhythm and confirmed he was still in v-fib. "Shock advised."
"Alright, stay back!" Jessie commanded. Leah stepped back and she pressed the button. Joshua's body jolted, but it wasn't enough. Jessie started compressions again, feeling his ribs cracking a few times. It'll heal. She just needs her son to breathe.
A few more minutes of aggressive resuscitation passed. The two women didn't know if the CPR was doing anything. His grey skin made it hard to tell, but Leah swore she saw Joshua's fingers twitch a few times.
"Analyzing now. Stand clear."
Everyone stood back. Isaac held his breath.
"Shock advised."
The machine charged up.
"Stand clear. Push to shock."
Jessie pressed the button. Joshua's body jumped.
Everyone held their breath, waiting.
Joshua took a stuttering breath, his eyes fluttering closed.
"Josh!!" Madeline shouted in joy, tears running down her face.
"Thank god..." Leah whispered.
Isaac let his shoulders sag. He's okay. He's alright now.
"Hold on! His heart rate is too fast. We need to shock it back to a normal rhythm." Jessie said.
"But he's breathing again. Wouldn't that just hurt him?" Madeline asked.
"Sometimes, a fast heartbeat can cause the heart to stop again. Cardioversion is one of the ways to get the heart beating normally. There's also adenosine, but I don't have that. So this is the only way."
Leah nodded. Jessie tapped some buttons, then charged up the AED. "Okay, this is a lower shock so it won't hurt him as much." All eyes were on them as Jessie prepared to shock him.
God, I hope this works. Isaac thought.
Jessie pressed the button. Joshua jolted, a yelp of pain escaping him. The officer pressed her fingers to his neck. "Heartbeat's stable."
The tension that was there immediately eased. Jessie took the pads off and lifted him up. "Help me get him in the car."
Leah opened the door and Jessie carried him to the back seat. Madeline led Isaac to the car as the weight of the situation began to sink in.
He's alive. He's gonna be okay.
Isaac and Joshua laid in their beds, knocked out from today's events. Isaac's wrist was bandaged up and put into a splint. According to Jessie, it'll take a while for it to completely heal. Unlike Joshua, Isaac doesn't have healing abilities so it'll be more tough for him.
"So what exactly happened?" Jessie asked.
"Well, we came home to the entire place being ransacked. We tried looking for Isaac and Joshua, but they were both gone. That's when Madeline found a note next to Lynnie."
Madeline nodded and gave it to Jessie. After reading the note, she asked "And did you follow his orders?"
"Yeah. We arrived at the location where this Bachman person was. We were prepared to give him all the information we had. But he just looked at us with a smirk on his face, like he had already won something." Madeline answered.
"Yeah. I asked him 'Why are you smirking like that? We already did what you asked so when can you let them go?' He just told me, 'There is no reason for that anymore.' That's when we realized. He never intended on letting Izzy and Joshua go. That letter was just a distraction so he could try to kill him. That's when we called you and went to the abandoned hotel." Leah explained.
Jessie pursed her lips together, her hands gripping the paper. That bastard tried to kill her son...
"I mean, I don't know what we expected, honestly. That guy was a devil hunter. Of course he would use trickery to delay the rescue!" She sighed. "But Joshua is safe now. We got to them just in time."
Madeline nodded.
"God, I can't believe this happened again... I thought we were already done with this." Jessie muttered.
Leah nodded her head. "Yeah. He was just getting comfortable with his identity too. No doubt that is a major setback."
Madeline held her hand. "But we'll help them get through it, right?"
"...Yeah. Yeah, we will."
Your fault. It's your fault, Isaac.
Joshua is dead because of you. You couldn't protect him.
"Stop it, please..." Isaac clamped his hands over his ears.
You're fucking pathetic. You couldn't even save his life. I knew you were pathetic, but holy shit, I didn't know you were that pathetic!
You shouldn't have left him in that house. You should've stayed with him. But you didn't and now he's gone.
The hateful gazes of Leah, Madeline and Jessie all pierced into his soul. All the people he failed... He failed all of them, but most importantly, he failed Joshua.
The Cael devil appeared in front of him, limp, cold and dead, his vacant eyes staring blankly at him.
"Please stop..."
His body began to bleed. His eyes melted and Luce appeared behind him, sewing Joshua's mouth shut. You could've done so much for him, but you didn't. You are pathetic. You are a coward and you always will be.
The voices began to blend, growing louder and louder and Isaac screamed.
Isaac's eyes snapped open. Everything was blurry. He didn't know where he was. His heart was pounding and his chest was tight. Joshua... Joshua, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
He tried to take deep breaths, but it was difficult. He felt like he was choking. The room began to feel small, constricting him. He couldn't stop shaking. He couldn't think. Couldn't think at all. His tongue felt like sandpaper. I'm sorry, Joshua. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
"Izzy? Are you okay?"
He whirled his head around, too fast. Any faster and he would've snapped his own neck. Joshua was sitting up in bed, looking at him concerned. His body felt hot and cold. He couldn't stop the tears that were pouring out.
It was... just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about so why am I crying? Joshua's fine so why the hell am I still crying?!
"I... I-I... N-Night..." He couldn't speak. Why can't he speak? "I-I can't... Can't..."
"H-Hey, look at me. Look at me." Joshua sat him up and rested his hands on his shoulders. "Just breathe with me. In and out, slow and steady, okay?" His fingers massaged his shoulders, grounding him to reality slightly. A few minutes passed of Isaac trying to copy his friend's breathing. His hands gripped the Cael devil's arms, feeling his frantic heartbeat. He's here. He's here. He's alright. We're okay.
Isaac rested his head against his chest, burying his face in his shirt. "I-I feel sick... I feel like I'm gonna vomit..." His tears soaked through the fabric.
"You're okay. We're fine. It's okay. Just keep breathing with me. You're doing great." He ran his hand up and down his back.
Isaac continued to breathe deeply as his heart rate slowed. He closed his eyes as he slumped over.
Isaac nodded. They both stayed in each other's arms for a while, Joshua running his fingers through Isaac's hair. "I'm... not really good at this type of thing so..."
"You're fine. You did good."
Joshua purred.
A long moment of silence passed. Isaac couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian and what he did to him. How he almost died in his arms. He could've died...
"I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"I-I didn't do anything to help you. I tried, but I couldn't get out. You..."
"Hey, this isn't your fault. Besides, if you tried anything, I bet that guy would've hurt you."
"But you almost died because of me! If we hadn't uploaded that apology video-"
"Izzy. It's fine. I'm okay now. Everyone got here in time. It could've gone a lot worse."
"What do you think is gonna happen?"
"I dunno. Probably try to deal with more of those black robed freaks."
"But what if they hurt you again? What if that Sebastian guy tries to hurt you again, only this time, I'm not here to help?"
"Don't worry." He pulled him close. "I'll make sure he won't."
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kindheartedgummybears · 5 months
guess who got bored and decided to color-swatch most of the lh characters
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now obviously take all of this with a grain of salt since we all know color-picking from screenshots and models isn't the best way to get their skin tone due to color theory and color-picking being pixel but pixel but its the general kind of skin tone they have so <3
all images sourced from HariboStixx on DeviantArt.
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108garys · 9 months
Little Hope 1692 puritan dialogue
Okay so I've been working on this for the past few days and it was just as painful as it looks, in an attempt to figure out the way the puritan's speak so I can actually write fic set in their era that would come off as authentic to the games depictions of not entirely accurate to life, I have transcribed all of their dialogue across the 15 1692 scenes and compiled them here. There are instances where scenes of parts of scenes are repeated to include variations and places that may not make sense as I wrote exclusively 1600s character's dialogue, I don't claim there are no typos or stray line of dialogue missed(I ignored Mary singing ring around the rosey as its a commonly known song for example), I found the whole process to be educational and painful I feel that it helped me get to my goal and hopefully I'll be able to write something in that era I feel confident in and I truely hope the rest of you can also benefit from my very autistic labour of love
(Edit: added a few missed lines)
Well that's enough of that, get to it 😁
Scene one Amy and Mary Mary: What is your name sir? Mary: Ann-drew. Mary: And your name lady? Mary: I am called Mary. Mary: I fashioned her with my own hand. Mary: She looks just like the one beside you! Mary: would you kindly come play with me? Mary: Come play… Mary: Come play with me. Amy: What witch's trickery is this now, Mary? Mary: I have done nothing. Amy: Hold your tongue! I see what you truly are, Mary. Amy: Reverend Carver's affection for you will be shaken loose when he learns of your infidelity with the Devil! Mary: Amy, come back here!
Scene two Amy(curious) Amy: Who are you? Amy: What is it you want from me? Amy: These are most troubling times. Amy: Stay away! Amy: Please Lord I beg you. Amy: Rid me of these apparitions. Amy: Fix your gaze elsewhere! You are no husband of mine.
Scene two Amy(aggressive) Amy: Who are you? Amy: What is it you want from me? Amy: Hell…? Amy: Strangers are not welcome in Little Hope. Amy: Stay away! Amy: Begone demon! Your spells will not work on me! Amy: Please Lord I beg you. Amy: Rid me of these apparitions. Amy: Fix your gaze elsewhere! You are no husband of mine.
Scene three Mary and Carver(intervene) Mary: Quiet now! I will not be caught! Mary: Get away or he will find me! Carver: Come on out, Mary. I know very well you are in there. Mary: Please no, let me go! Carver: I will release you once I am sure you will not speak of our secret. Carver: Your childish games tire me. Carver: You will respect me and say nothing. Mary: No. Carver: What spell have you cast? Carver: I am frozen to my marrow. Mary: I have done nothing. Amy is the caster of spells. Mary: She is the one in league with the devil. Mary: I saw her in the forest together with her familiars. I am innocent! Carver: I will have the truth one way or another. Carver: You come with me girl! Mary: Thank you kindly… Carver: Be silent child.
Scene three Mary and Carver(don't intervene) Mary: Quiet now! I will not be caught! Mary: Get away or he will find me! Carver: Come on out, Mary. I know very well you are in there. Mary: Please no, let me go! Carver: I will release you once I am sure you will not speak of our secret. Carver: Your childish games tire me. Carver: You will respect me and say nothing. Mary: Do not abandon me here, please. Carver: Who are you pleading with? Carver: evil clings to you. That is plain to see. Mary: You are mistaken, I am a child, the devil has no time for me. Mary: Amy is the one who he craves, I have seen it with my own eyes. Carver: I will have the truth one way or another. Carver: You come with me girl!
Scene four carver and the Lamberts(confront) Joseph: The back door is locked. What troubles you? Joseph: Tell me, what is happening? Amy soon they will come for me. Joseph: Calm yourself wife. Who is coming for you? Amy: They are taking about me. There are accusations. Joseph: Accusations of what sort? Amy: There is talk I am in league with the devil, that I am guilty of witchcraft. Joseph: There is no sense in that. Who would say such a thing? Amy: I, I cannot rightly say… Joseph: Stay where you are. Joseph: Hold your tongue. Joseph: You are privy to the rumors about my wife Amy? Carver: Open the door Joseph, this instance. Joseph: Enough of your foolishness, tell me precisely what you know. Joseph: Tell me about her. Joseph: Reverend Carver? The one now beating on our door? Amy: Mary… Joseph: Come now Mary! Mary? Amy: Mary saw me in the woods a day or so back. I was about my daily business, nothing more. Joseph: There is more to this. Amy: Mary does not like me chiding her, perhaps she has spoken out against me. Amy: She has a temper. Joseph: You suggest the rumours are Mary's doing? She is a troubled child for sure but this is beyond her. Carver: Joseph, this ends badly if you do not open up. Carver: You will be in contempt of our warrant. Amy: What plan do we have? Joseph: I will resolve this, my word on it. Amy: Do not admit them! Joseph: Reverend Carver, Marshal. Carver: I have here a legally written warrant for the arrest of Amy. Joseph: My wife has done nothing wrong… Carver: There is a witness to your wife speaking in tongues. Joseph: who accuses my wife? Carver: Mary. Joseph: The word of a child condemns my wife! Carver: You will deliver yourself into the Marshal's hands, for your own good. Joseph: Then I must accompany her, she will not leave my sight. Carver: Such actions will not aid your wife's cause. Trust in justice. Joseph: Do not fear. I will find a way to resolve this…
Scene four(do nothing) Joseph: You are privy to the rumors about my wife Amy? Carver: Open the door Joseph, this instance. Joseph: Enough of your foolishness, tell me precisely what you know. Joseph: Something ails you, what? Joseph: You seem changed, even your attire. Carver: Joseph, this ends badly if you do not open up. Carver: You will be in contempt of our warrant. Amy: What plan do we have? Joseph: I will resolve this, my word on it. Amy: Do not admit them! Joseph: Reverend Carver, Marshal. Carver: I have here a legally written warrant for the arrest of Amy. Joseph: My wife has done nothing wrong… Carver: There is a witness to your wife speaking in tongues. Joseph: who accuses my wife? Carver: Mary. Joseph: The word of a child condemns my wife! Carver: You will deliver yourself into the Marshal's hands, for your own good. Joseph: Then I must accompany her, she will not leave my sight. Carver: Such actions will not aid your wife's cause. Trust in justice. Joseph: Do not fear. I will find a way to resolve this…
Scene four carver and the Lamberts(leave) Joseph: The back door is locked. What troubles you? Joseph: Tell me, what is happening? Amy soon they will come for me. Joseph: Calm yourself wife. Who is coming for you? Amy: They are taking about me. There are accusations. Joseph: Accusations of what sort? Amy: There is talk I am in league with the devil, that I am guilty of witchcraft. Joseph: There is no sense in that. Who would say such a thing? Amy: I, I cannot rightly say… Joseph: Stay where you are. Joseph: Hold your tongue. Joseph: You are privy to the rumors about my wife Amy? Amy: Please sir, do not open that door. Joseph: Do not let them take me, I beg you husband. Carver: I am hear to arrest your wife, Joseph. Carver: I have the legal warrant here. Joseph: My wife has done nothing wrong… Carver: There is a witness to your wife speaking in tongues. Joseph: who accuses my wife? Carver: Mary. Joseph: The word of a child condemns my wife! Carver: You will deliver yourself into the Marshal's hands, for your own good. Joseph: Then I must accompany her, she will not leave my sight. Carver: Such actions will not aid your wife's cause. Trust in justice. Joseph: Do not fear. I will find a way to resolve this…
Scene five Amy(phone section, all versions mixed) Amy: As I walked, a man and a woman appeared at my front. Amy: I had not seen them approach. I reached out in fear. Amy: I did not know them. Their clothes and manner of speaking were not familiar to me. Amy: They spoke of things that I could not make sense of. Amy: I swear I do not know where he came from or what he wanted of me. Amy: I could not make sense of the things he spoke of, you must believe me I beg you! Amy: I stand falsely accused of crimes I know nothing of. Amy: You are not my husband! Amy: You have no authority over me! Amy: You are mistaken if you believe I am cowed by you!
Scene five (proper)Amy, Joseph, carver, Mary, wyman, David, Tabitha Carver: Come here girl. I would speak with you. Carver: You cannot talk of our secret. Carver: Eternal damnation awaits you if you do. Carver: We have an understanding do we not? Mary: No evil words shall leave my lips. Carver: Should you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about… the other things… Carver: Then I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and bring a reckoning that will shudder you. Wyman: Come now Reverend let us begin, time has gone begging. Carver: Go be with your kin. Carver: I beseech this court and good Judge Wyman, do not be fooled by the protestations of the accused. Carver: The devil is the master of deceit, all his servants feign innocence. Carver: They can do little else. Amy: I solemnly swear before God, I am innocent of all accusations against me. Carver: Hush now, Amy.
Scene five(apprehensive) Amy: I mean no offense Reverend Carver…but I do not believe any of my neighbors, those who know me best, will speak out against me. Amy: They know who I am, that I side with the righteous. Carver: I will not be caught in the web of your deception. Carver: the devil hides himself where he is least expected. Joseph: My wife is no devil's plaything, Reverend! Joseph: I beg the court's forgiveness, but I stand by my statement. Joseph: My wife Amy is innocent. Carver: I respectfully ask this good court to pay no mind to the words of a man whose very home is foul with the stench of brimstone. Carver: I beg you good judge let us conclude our business here without further ado. Carver: Lest we afford the forces of darkness the opportunity to bend these proceedings to there will. Mary: No! David: Mary?! Tabitha: Mary, my sister what ails you? Carver: What have you done to this child? Mary: They are here among us! Carver: You have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the Devil himself. Carver: the poor creature seems possessed, no doubt your doing. Amy: Its not true Reverend, why have you taken against me so? Carver: We will see the truth of it! Carver: Amy, lay your hands on Mary, let us see what occurs. Carver: If I am correct your touch will release her from this affliction. Carver: It must be so if you are the one who bewitched her. Mary: They are here among us… They are here among us… Amy: No! Carver: What more proof is needed that the Devil walks among us in Little Hope! Carver: Take heed and pray, the Devil is here in this very room, protect yourselves, seek out the Lord…
Scene five(intense) Amy: I beg you not to abandon me. Wyman: By all that is holy, with whom are you conversing, woman? Wyman: Even though I have seen this with my own eyes, I scarcely believe it. Carver: Amy is lost to us. Carver: Even now she pleads for evil spirits to remain by her side. Amy: You must help me, I beg you… Carver: I would ask the court to hear direct testimony, a witness who saw with her own eyes the accused take part in some unspeakable satanic ritual, in the woods outside this very town. Joseph: Reverend Carver you mislead us all! Joseph: Forgive me good Judge but it is my wife who stands accused and I know her to be innocent. Carver: I would not be so quick as to cast stones at others, Joseph. Carver: Not when your own conduct does not bear scrutiny. Amy: Please hear me good Judge, all accusations against me are false, they are founded only in malice. Wyman: If there be darkness among us I will shine- Mary: No! David: Mary?! Tabitha: Mary, my sister what ails you? Carver: What have you done to this child? Mary: They are here among us! Carver: You have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the Devil himself. Carver: the poor creature seems possessed, no doubt your doing. Amy: Its not true Reverend, why have you taken against me so? Carver: We will see the truth of it! Carver: Amy, lay your hands on Mary, let us see what occurs. Carver: If I am correct your touch will release her from this affliction. Carver: It must be so if you are the one who bewitched her. Mary: They are here among us… They are here among us… Amy: No! Carver: What more proof is needed that the Devil walks among us in Little Hope! Carver: Take heed and pray, the Devil is here in this very room, protect yourselves, seek out the Lord…
Scene five(enraged) Mary: No! David: Mary?! Tabitha: Mary, my sister what ails you? Carver: What have you done to this child? Mary: They are here among us! Carver: You have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the Devil himself. Carver: the poor creature seems possessed, no doubt your doing. Amy: Its not true Reverend, why have you taken against me so? Carver: We will see the truth of it! Carver: Amy, lay your hands on Mary, let us see what occurs. Carver: If I am correct your touch will release her from this affliction. Carver: It must be so if you are the one who bewitched her. Joseph: Who speaks? David: Who is there? Tabitha: God preserve us. Amy: Please help me! I beg you! Carver: Your master cannot help you now, it is too late. Mary: They are here among us… They are here among us… Amy: No! Carver: What more proof is needed that the Devil walks among us in Little Hope! Carver: Take heed and pray, the Devil is here in this very room, protect yourselves, seek out the Lord…
Scene five( approach Joseph) Joseph: I beg the court's forgiveness, but I stand by my statement. Joseph: My wife Amy is innocent. Carver: I respectfully ask this good court to pay no mind to the words of a man whose very home is foul with the stench of brimstone. Wyman: I feel a chilll in my bones. What manner of evil is this? Carver: The beast has his malevolent gaze upon us, his servant is among us. Amy: The supposed evidence against me is little more than spiteful imaginings. Wyman: If there be darkness among us I will shine-
Scene six Amy, Carver and Joseph(confused) Carver: In this year of our Lord Sixteen Hundred and Ninety Two: We are here present to bear witness to a just execution. Joseph: No! Carver: Amy is declared guilty of consorting with the Devil… and is to be drowned as a witch and a Sorceress. Carver: Let us pray in silence for her soul. Amy: I have done no wrong… I am no witch… I do not deserve death! Amy: …I beg you! Amy: Your words have little meaning to me but I beg you, help me. Carver: The Devil is in the wind, seeking to help his own. Carver: He would release her from the chains! Carver: Isaac, let us conclude our business here swiftly. The will of the court must be imposed before its too late! Carver: The devil fortifies her. You must bind her tightly. Amy: You cannot do this! Carver: Isaac, fulfill the will of the court! Amy: I am innocent! Help me! Carver: Send this witch back into the lap of her master, lest he come for us all. Amy: Too late! Amy: Little Hope is already lost, shrouded in evil. Amy: But not as you claim, from witchcraft or outside demons, we are poisoned from within. Carver: You will not save yourself with riddles. Amy: There is no riddle. Amy: The devil takes many forms, you know that better than any. Amy: In Little Hope, he has his himself under a shroud of innocence. Amy: Taken the form of a child, my accuser! Amy: While Mary still draws breath, Little Hope remains beyond salvation. Amy: There lies your evil, Reverend! In your very midst. Carver: Isaac.
Scene six Amy, Carver and Joseph(confused) Carver: In this year of our Lord Sixteen Hundred and Ninety Two: We are here present to bear witness to a just execution. Joseph: No! Carver: Amy is declared guilty of consorting with the Devil… and is to be drowned as a witch and a Sorceress. Carver: Let us pray in silence for her soul. Amy: I have done no wrong… I am no witch… I do not deserve death! Amy: …I beg you! Amy: Please sir… Amy: You must help me… you must! Carver: The Devil is in the wind, seeking to help his own. Carver: He would release her from the chains! Carver: Isaac, let us conclude our business here swiftly. The will of the court must be imposed before its too late! Carver: The devil fortifies her. You must bind her tightly. Amy: You cannot do this! Carver: Isaac, fulfill the will of the court! Amy: I am innocent! Help me! Carver: Send this witch back into the lap of her master, lest he come for us all. Amy: Too late! Amy: Little Hope is already lost, shrouded in evil. Amy: But not as you claim, from witchcraft or outside demons, we are poisoned from within. Carver: You will not save yourself with riddles. Amy: There is no riddle. Amy: The devil takes many forms, you know that better than any. Amy: In Little Hope, he has his himself under a shroud of innocence. Amy: Taken the form of a child, my accuser! Amy: While Mary still draws breath, Little Hope remains beyond salvation. Amy: There lies your evil, Reverend! In your very midst. Carver: Isaac.
Scene seven Joesph, Mary, Tabitha(unsettled) Joseph: Shh Quiet, I beg you. Tabitha: Mary? MARY! MARY!!! Mary: I am over this way. Joseph: Mary, the fountain of all evil is here. Joseph: You speak to me of death? This day I have pulled my wife's body from a watery grave and buried her with in the ground with my own hands. Joseph: And all this because of her, Mary. Joseph: I have no answers for you. Perhaps I am already under a witches spell. Mary: There it lies! I have found it! Tabitha: How did you come by this? Mary: Fashioned with my own hand. Tabitha: I take it to protect you. Suspicion and betrayal walk side by side in Little Hope, no one is safe. Mary: Please Tabitha, let me keep it…
Scene seven Joesph, Mary, Tabitha(dubious) Joseph: Shh Quiet, I beg you. Tabitha: Mary? MARY! MARY!!! Mary: I am over this way. Joseph: Mary, the fountain of all evil is here. Joseph: My beloved Amy declared it so with her dying testimony. Joseph: If the evil here is to end, Mary must be stopped. Joseph: I have no answers for you. Perhaps I am already under a witches spell. Mary: There it lies! I have found it! Tabitha: How did you come by this? Mary: Fashioned with my own hand. Tabitha: I take it to protect you. Suspicion and betrayal walk side by side in Little Hope, no one is safe. Mary: Please Tabitha, let me keep it…
Scene eight Tabitha's arrest(confront Mary) Tabitha: You must help me, I beg you. Isaac: Only God can ease your plight now. Isaac: This court has heard from Joseph how Mary has in her possession a devil's plaything, a poppet. Isaac: It is clear to me that you, Tabitha are the one who gave the child this monstrosity. Isaac: You must come with me. Tabitha: Mary tell him about this poppet, how you made it with your own hands. Mary: You are mistaken dear sister, the doll has never been mine. Tabitha: Do you see now why I must have your help? Please. Isaac: The child is possessed! This is witchcraft! Mary: The poppet is not mine, I swear it. Isaac: Your master can help you no more. Isaac: Cast aside your false idols and pray to the one, almighty Lord for forgiveness. Isaac: You will pay dearly for bewitching an innocent child. Tabitha: I beg you Mary, speak the truth before it is too late! This cannot be undone! Isaac: Silence woman.
Scene eight Tabitha's arrest(grab doll) Tabitha: You must help me, I beg you. Isaac: Only God can ease your plight now. Isaac: This court has heard from Joseph how Mary has in her possession a devil's plaything, a poppet. Isaac: It is clear to me that you, Tabitha are the one who gave the child this monstrosity. Isaac: You must come with me. Tabitha: Mary tell him about this poppet, how you made it with your own hands. Mary: You are mistaken dear sister, the doll has never been mine. Tabitha: Do you see now why I must have your help? Please. Isaac: What trickery is this? Witchcraft! Isaac: Your master can help you no more. Isaac: Cast aside your false idols and pray to the one, almighty Lord for forgiveness. Isaac: You will pay dearly for bewitching an innocent child. Tabitha: I beg you Mary, speak the truth before it is too late! This cannot be undone! Isaac: Silence woman.
Scene nine Carver (disembodied voice in 2020) Carver: This woman must pay for all the wickedness she has brought among us. Carver: The innocent here are now corrupted and she is to blame.
Scene nine Tabitha, Mary, Carver(Tabitha's execution/burnt) Mary: This is not my doing. Tabitha: You must help me- I beg of you! Tabitha: Please help me before its too late! Carver: Hush now, woman. Carver: Only the almighty can forgive your sin. Carver: That is your only hope of salvation. Tabitha: Listen to me! Tabitha: I have committed no sin. Tabitha: The poppet I am condemned for is a child's plaything. Nothing more. I swear it! Carver: You will not sway me. Carver: The sickness you brought into our midst must be purged. To free all of us, and you, from evil. Carver: You must burn! Tabitha: I beg you! Stop! Do not do this! Tabitha: No a- please no! No stop! Carver: I pray, Lord, for you to take the soul of this our sister Tabitha… Who has been led astray by the Devil… And do with it as you will.
Scene nine Mary, carver, Tabitha(Tabitha's execution hanging) Mary: This is not my doing. Tabitha: You must help me- I beg of you! Tabitha: Please help me before its too late! Carver: Hush now, woman. Carver: Only the almighty can forgive your sin. Carver: That is your only hope of salvation. Tabitha: Listen to me! Tabitha: I have committed no sin. Tabitha: The poppet I am condemned for is a child's plaything. Nothing more. I swear it! Carver: I will not be deceived. Carver: I see the evil in you! Carver: My duty is to cleanse our two of your sickness. There is no other way. Carver: You must hang! Carver: I pray, Lord, for you to take the soul of this our sister Tabitha… Who has been led astray by the Devil… And do with it as you will.
Scene ten David, Mary, Carver (aggressive+ dubious) David: I never thought I would lay my eyes on you again… Tabitha… David: All I want, all I desire, is to protect Mary. David: These are difficult times, the town is set against us but I will not flinch from keeping her safe. David: I see your trickery. David: You would tempt me into betrayal in exchange for your hollow words. David: I will not abandon Mary. David: Mary! Thanks be to God! Carver: I heard talk David, but you are without company. Carver: Were you conversing with the same evil spirits who took hold of Amy and Tabitha? David: There are no spirits here. David: Can you not see these people standing alongside me? Tabitha among them. Carver: Except for Mary, we are alone, David. David: Tell me you see Tabitha here? How can you not? Mary: If Tabitha is by your side then it is her ghost. Mary: I am certain he was trying to ward off any evil spirits, not conjure them. Carver: Enough! Carver: Tabitha was justly executed as you well know. Carver: Perhaps guilt has clouded your senses. Carver: Tabitha is gone but the evil she brought remains! Carver: You will come to no harm from David, my word on that. David: I am no danger to Mary! Nothing in heaven or hell could tempt me to harm her.
Scene ten David, Mary, Carver (Curious+Intense) David: I never thought I would lay my eyes on you again… Tabitha… David: I ask myself the same question. David: Something is happening which has changed us all, even young Mary. David: Some days Mary seems the gentle kind hearted young girl I've always loved. David: Yet she's changed also, there is a malice in her so powerful I dare not name it. David: God forgive me but my heart wishes you here with me Tabitha, not Mary… Mary: Even from death she has hold of you. David: Mary… Mary: Her spirit has held you so tight you are still blinded by her. David: You twist the meaning of my words. David: Our sister lives, she is here next to me. David: I know you see her too. Mary: No devil abides here. Mary: David is stricken with grief. He is confused. David: I am not confused. I am speaking the truth! Carver: Judge Wyman will decide who speaks the truth here. Carver: You will come to no harm from David, my word on that. David: I am no danger to Mary! Nothing in heaven or hell could tempt me to harm her.
Scene eleven David, carver, Mary Carver: It pains me to say these words but your punishment today will protect us all… Carver: Keep our town safe. Mary: Can you spare him? I beg you. Carver: This is hard for you child but one day you will understand and you will thank me. David: Go from this place Mary, your pleas cannot reach him. My fate is not a memory you should carry. Mary: Who will be my keeper if you are gone? Carver: Judge Wyman has instructed Abraham, he will be your keeper. Carver: A decision not all are in agreement with. Carver: Every man will face his day of judgment. Carver: Yours is today. Carver: (shock) Carver: Look child, see who you would have me spare. Carver: See he is no longer of this Earth! Carver: Only the damned and the devil can resist in this way.
Scene twelve Abraham and Joseph Abraham: No, this cannot be. Abraham: my own eyes deceive me… Abraham: My apologies for the lateness of the hour, but I must speak with you. Joseph: What ails you my friend? Abraham: It is Mary, I am troubled by her, by the part she has played in these trials. Joseph: Those trials trouble us all. Abraham: There is more to this. Abraham: I saw her smile as her own sister was executed. She took pleasure from it. Joseph: Are you certain? Abraham: I am. Abraham: But now that she speaks of guilt and remorse, it is hard not to believe her. Joseph: Keep away from her Abraham, no good can come from being with that child. Abraham: Too late… With her brother and sister gone, Mary now lives under my roof. Joseph: Your charity places you in grave danger. Abraham: What do you advise? Joseph: Tell the court you suspect she toys with us all. Joseph: That you saw her delight in her own sister's death. I implore you. Abraham: I am torn. Mary seems full of remorse. Joseph: Keep your suspicions to yourself, and it is our community which will suffer. Joseph: None of us is safe from her wild imaginings. Abraham: Very well, if the court will listen, I will speak. Abraham: I am bewitched. Abraham: How else can your presence be explained? Abraham: She has conjured you to defend her, to press me into silence! Abraham: Only the devil could create a demon who so resembles me. Abraham: What do you want from me? Abraham: I was decided to speak to the court. Now I am not so sure… Abraham: The devil has sent you to tempt me. I must not succumb. Abraham: Little hope is no longer the town I knew. Abraham: Strange and disturbing events have become commonplace. Abraham: You -whatever you are- are but one of these. Abraham: Revealing the truth about Mary may save my friend, but it does not sit easy with me that in doing so I condemn a child. (blame carver) Abraham: Reverend Carver is a man guided by God, no one can doubt that. (say nothing) Abraham: the balance of my heart tells me it is right and just to reveal what I know about Mary. (blame Mary) Abraham: You are cursed, a sure sign of the devil!
Scene thirteen Abraham, wyman, carver Abraham: Now is my time to speak before the judge. Abraham: I am filled with dread. Abraham: I cannot know how my testimony will be received. Abraham: The devil has blinded so many to what is real and what is not. Carver: Nothing good will come of this! Carver: … His words will seek to twist the truth. Wyman: Allow me to judge what is true. Carver: Abraham and Joseph are allies in this deception. Carver: And lest we forget you condemned Joseph to death only yesterday. Carver: Or do you now question that decision? Wyman: I have heard nothing today to sway my conviction. Wyman: Joseph consorted with the same malicious force as his wife. Wyman: For this the court thanks Reverend Carver who faced the devil's wrath to present the evidence. Carver: Tis only my duty judge. Wyman: However this court is duty bound by law to seek out the truth. Wyman: We must therefore examine these claims made by Abraham against Mary. Carver: If I may speak briefly, Judge Wyman. Wyman: Time is short Reverend, be indeed brief. Carver: Mary has shown great fortitude to speak out against the evil here. Carver: Many would have lacked her courage. Carver: Yet her reward for exposing this brooding coven in our midst is to be besmirch. Wyman: Her courage is not in question, it is her intent we must be certain of. Carver: Her accuser is the very man entrusted to care for this innocent child! Carver: Plain to see he is not fit for such a task… Carver: And I would ask the court to have Mary placed elsewhere. Wyman: Who would you have be her new ward, Reverend? Carver: I am prepared to take responsibility for the child, if the court agrees. Wyman: First the court must hear what Abraham has to say. Wyman: No decision can be made on the child until then. Wyman: Abraham! Abraham: What am I to do? Abraham: Some would have me speak against Mary, but could a child truly be capable of such evil? Wyman: Tell the court what you have come here to say. Wyman: Speak up boy, out with it! Abraham: Mary has spoken of evil spirits, devilry and witchcraft. Abraham: Things many cannot believe could exist here in Little Hope. Wyman: I'm not here for history and hearsay, get to the point boy! Abraham: Mary is tormented. Abraham: The apparitions she has seen, they have plagued her, stolen her innocence. Abraham: Some have suggested she is in league with these creatures but no one can be certain… Abraham: Myself least of all. Abraham: Can any of us truly know a child's mind? Wyman: You claim I lack the ability to see the truth? Abraham: I beg forgiveness, I would never suggest such a thing. Wyman: My time is not for wasting, you and the priest have irked me enough for one day. Abraham: I have more to say… Wyman: I have already given you enough time. Wyman: Furthermore Mary is to be placed into the care of Reverend Carver. Now stand down.
Scene fourteen Joseph, carver and mary(confront) Carver: No one in Little Hope is safe while you still draw breath, Joseph. Carver: You must die today. Carver: Not even your wife Amy was spared your lust to serve Satan! Joseph: Damn me if you must. Joseph: You're not fit to speak ill of my late wife! Carver: There is still fight in you! Carver: I must drive the devil out for the safety of everyone here. Joseph: No one is safe! Carver: Joseph, do you renounce the devil and all his teachings? Joseph: I carry no sin… I'm no disciple… of the devil. Joseph: Our town is infected with madness, bought here by… Satan's servant… Mary! Mary: Get away! Carver: Look! Carver: See how this poor child is tormented! Carver: Joseph still clutches her with the devil's hand! Carver: More stones! Carver: The devil must be crushed from within him! Carver: Do not flinch! Carver: The fate of Little Hope rests in your hands.
Scene fourteen Joseph, carver and mary(help) Carver: No one in Little Hope is safe while you still draw breath, Joseph. Carver: You must die today. Carver: Not even your wife Amy was spared your lust to serve Satan! Joseph: Damn me if you must. Joseph: You're not fit to speak ill of my late wife! Carver: There is still fight in you! Carver: I must drive the devil out for the safety of everyone here. Joseph: No one is safe! Carver: Joseph, do you renounce the devil and all his teachings? Joseph: I carry no sin… I'm no disciple… of the devil. Joseph: Our town is infected with madness, bought here by… Satan's servant… Mary! Carver: Look! Carver: There can be no more doubting… this is witch craft! Carver: More stones! Carver: The devil must be crushed from within him! Carver: Do not flinch! Carver: The fate of Little Hope rests in your hands.
Scene fourteen Joseph, carver(do nothing) Carver: No one in Little Hope is safe while you still draw breath, Joseph. Carver: You must die today. Carver: Not even your wife Amy was spared your lust to serve Satan! Joseph: Damn me if you must. Joseph: You're not fit to speak ill of my late wife! Carver: There is still fight in you! Carver: I must drive the devil out for the safety of everyone here. Joseph: No one is safe! Carver: Joseph, do you renounce the devil and all his teachings? Joseph: I carry no sin… I'm no disciple… of the devil. Joseph: Our town is infected with madness, bought here by… Satan's servant… Mary! Joseph: Fool! Can you not see she'll take you all? One… by one… Carver: See how this poor child is tormented! Carver: Joseph still clutches her with the devil's hand! Carver: More stones! Carver: The devil must be crushed from within him! Carver: Do not flinch! Carver: The fate of Little Hope rests in your hands.
Scene fifteen Mary, Abraham, wyman, carver Mary: He knows I was about to confess all to the Judge. Mary: Will you protect me? You must… Carver: I assure all gathered here today that our town will be free of the Devil's grasp. Carver: Together by God's Grace Little Hope will prevail. My word on it! Wyman: This court is hastily convened but with good reason. Wyman: If we are to finally rid ourselves of the evil which has infested Little Hope, then we must act today. Wyman: I accuse you, Mary, of witchcraft! Wyman: What say you Reverend? Carver: The evidence, as discovered through my investigation, is beyond question. Carver: Mary uses her poppet as a familiar to summon and serve the Devil! Wyman: We have been deceived by a child, by her guise of innocence. Wyman: This poppet, was mistakenly used to denounce Tabitha. Wyman: But it has always belonged to Mary alone. Wyman: She allowed her own kin to be executed as she watched in silence. Mary: That is not so! Liar! Carver: Now this tainted creature of Satan has the marrow to accuse me Carver: - a man of God - of wrongdoing! Mary: It was never my intention to bring harm to this town, or it's people. Mary: Can you not help me? Carver: Now in her hour of greatest need, this child of the damned pleads once more for the Devil's help
Scene fifteen(blame carver) Abraham: Wait! Abraham: I beg the court's indulgence. Abraham: Please guide me at this time, I seek your council. Abraham: We have been swayed by malice. Abraham: The truth hidden from us, but not by Mary. Abraham: Reverend Carver is the one urging us to believe in the Devil. Carver: Be silent! Abraham: This is all his doing. Carver: Do not deceive us any longer! Carver: Your true purpose is plain to see! Carver: I will see this town purged of all evil! Abraham: What must I do to bring Little Hope back into the light? Abraham: I know what must be done here. Carver: Be still! What is the meaning of this outrage? Wyman: What I have just learned sickens me to my core. Wyman: There are serious questions which must be asked of you. Wyman: How can a 'man of God' conduct himself in such a way? Wyman: Mary, your suffering is at an end. Wyman: You are free to leave. Carver: Fools! Misled by a child! Carver: Do you not see what she is? Carver: The truth stares at you from the depths of hell yet you see nothing! Carver: The devil's daughter has deceived you all! Not me! Carver: I see her! I see her!! Carver: Satan's whore! You will pay heavily for your crimes. Carver: I was one of the first to fall under your spell. Carver: Now all of Little Hope is mesmerized by you. Mary: I have not the words. Without you I would be dead. Mary: You saved me, I shall remember you all my days.
Scene fifteen(blame the doll) Abraham: Wait! Abraham: I beg the court's indulgence. Abraham: Please guide me at this time, I seek your council. Abraham: There can be no doubt that Little Hope is afflicted. Abraham: That darkness has taken hold of our town. Carver: There is not a man, or woman, here today who does not already know the Devil is in our midst. Carver: The sole purpose of this court is to remove evil, not indulge it further. Carver: Our time is not for wasting. Abraham: How do I make my decision? Abraham: If I am wrong I condemn an innocent to die… Abraham: The poppet must be cast asunder. Abraham: It is the cause of Mary's affliction. It holds her in its thrall. Abraham: Destroy this poppet and the devil will depart Mary. Abraham: She will be restored, an innocent child. Wyman: Reverend, burn the poppet. Destroy it! Carver: We must not act in haste. Carver: The girl must face the full consequences of her deeds… Wyman: My authority is not for questioning. Do as I ask.
Scene fifteen(blame Mary) Abraham: Wait! Abraham: I beg the court's indulgence. Abraham: Please guide me at this time, I seek your council. Abraham: There can be no doubt that Little Hope is afflicted. Abraham: That darkness has taken hold of our town. Carver: There is not a man, or woman, here today who does not already know the Devil is in our midst. Carver: The sole purpose of this court is to remove evil, not indulge it further. Carver: Our time is not for wasting. Abraham: How do I make my decision? Abraham: If I am wrong I condemn an innocent to die… Mary: Traitor! Go and leave me be! Mary: Abraham ignore his words, he is no friend to us. Carver: She pleads with her evil spirits! Carver: What more evidence of guilt does the court require?! Wyman: The sentence I must pass is for the good of the town and all who live here. Wyman: There is no other way to rid us if the evil you have brought. Wyman: Mary you will be taken from this court and burned at the stake as a heretic and witch. Mary: This is how you care for me? Mary: You are no different to any of the others! Wyman: The sentence to be carried out immediately! Wyman: We cannot risk further attempts from the devil to rescue his disciple. Mary: No! Mary: This is all on your head! Carver: Eternal damnation awaits you 'Sister of Satan'. Carver: You will roast in the fires of Hell
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @tinynightmarewoman @wacem @ctrvpani @unhingedlesbear
(my brain is liquefied and I can't rightly judge who would want to be tagged into this lol)
I'm curious about anyone actually reading this start to finish tho 😅
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restinslices · 1 year
Fear Street Killers In A Groupchat
don’t ask why I did this at 11pm.
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A continuation in the unending saga of fake comics. As always, this Anglo-centric work (written in English) left much out. The fake-comic did not fully engage in a Dutch narrative. Perhaps one day that narrative will be better detailed. 1672 was a critical year for the Dutch, especially their war with France. The African narrative is always something that could use more illumination as this period was what Ira Berlin called the coming of the ‘Plantation Generation’ on the mainland colonies. Previously the majority of the colonies labor depended on white indentured labor with the black population being a small minority. From my understanding, the Barbados plantation system began in legal form around 1660 and the racial-legal system spread to other English speaking colonies.
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I havent drawn actual actors in a while so heres some quick sketches cuz im having a brainrot 
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theredgravejournals · 2 years
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I watched Fear Street the other day and thought that I should do some cosplays of the killers. I'll be doing Isaac Milton, Harry Rooker, Tommy Slater, and (maybe) Ryan Torres.
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graceandfamily · 10 months
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Menton, France, October 20, 1963: Princess Grace of Monaco offered her congratulations to Isaac Stern and Miton Katims after a chambre-music performance at the Melton Festival.
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thylacid · 2 years
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Got another shadyside killer done! Really proud of this one, he's a big scary guy
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missr3n3 · 6 months
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it took a minute, but at long last, here's the main cdta casts' 2009 and 2010 (and 2008 for isaac and joshua) designs!
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angelic-writer · 23 days
Running Through Your Veins - Our Steps Seal Our Fate
Day 29 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Singing/first words/inside jokes (Bonus prompt: Whumpee wearing caretaker's clothes)
CW: Referenced torture
When things were much more simpler....
"This town has its claws buried in my neck. This town, it takes lives, without mercy, without hate."
"The streets are in distress. The sun suffocates behind darkened skies."
"The grass is growing on top of my feet. I'm sinking, won't be long, before I'm too deep to run."
"The line up seems endless. Underneath the salvation signs."
"We were the dead ones, we are the lost cause. We are the bend before the break. Our steps seal our fate."
The sounds of the band echoed throughout the room as Joshua and Isaac continued to sing. In contrast to Joshua's growling screams, Isaac's voice was smooth and melodic. It was the perfect duet for the song that was playing.
Two months. It had been two months since the hotel incident. Ever since that day, Joshua had been more quiet than usual, holing himself up in his room for most of the day, only coming out for food. Isaac and the others were determined to help him through the big bump on the road to recovery. He did not deserve to get retraumatized after dealing with Luce and his minions.
When Joshua unexpectedly called Isaac to the bathroom to help him wash his hair, it struck him by surprise. Didn't he need his privacy? Regardless, he obliged and soon enough, his facial features began to soften, even cracking a smile on occasion. There were still times where he was woken up by nightmares of that day, but Izzy was there to help him through it.
One day, Isaac was tuning his guitar when Joshua suddenly asked him if he wanted to sing one of the songs he was listening to. What surprised him the most was that he was wearing one of his tye dye shirts. When he asked him why, he just smirked and said "Why not? It's comfy."
Isaac was surprised that Joshua was able to bounce back so quickly. He briefly wondered if he was putting up a brave front so he won't have to worry so much, but in this moment, seeing Joshua genuinely happy after so long, he put those thoughts on the back burner.
As the song reached its climax, Isaac started strumming the air, causing Joshua to chuckle. "Dude, you already have a guitar. Why don't you use that?" He yelled.
"Welp, don't want any noise complaints."
"As if blasting this on high isn't already a noise complaint!"
The boys laughed and continued to sing. When the song wrapped up, the two of them fell back on the bed, having devolved into a giggling fit. It was just like when they were in middle school, having come home after attending Joshua's first concert. Isaac hoped that they could have more memories like this.
"What are you two dorks up to?" Leah asked, poking her head through the door.
"Well, Joshua here," He pointed to his friend. "wanted me to sing Alexisonfire and I couldn't resist the offer. I gotta say, his growls shockingly fit."
The Cael devil chuckled and playfully pushed him.
Leah giggled. "Alright, well, dinner will be ready soon. Can you help me set the table?"
Isaac saluted her. "Absolutely, ma'am!"
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movienized-com · 6 months
Darkeplica (2023) #Pam #PetePeter #DevinLaster #AilaJuneLemond #IsaacMilton #MelisaSandlin Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Drama Regie: Pam, Pete Peter Hauptrollen: Devin Laster, Aila June Lemond, Isaac Milton, Melisa Sandlin, Jeffrey Waddell … Filmbeschreibung: Penelopes Welt bricht zusammen, als sie von der Besessenheit getrieben wird, ihre Kinder zu finden, während sie emotionalem Stress und den leisen Stimmen ihrer neuen Realität nachgibt. Ihr Ehemann glaubt, dass sie den Verstand verloren…
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annebd · 2 months
have you ever written a thing and had no idea where it was gonna go because you didn’t actually have a plan and then you were somehow still surprised (but pleasantly) at where it ended up anyway? yeah, me too. this is super short, just a little slice-of-life domestic maxiel moment.
They’re at the farm in Perth, nowhere to be and nothing to do for ten full days before they have to head back to Milton Keynes for the start of testing. They spend the first night sitting on the back porch, sharing a frankly terrible delivery pizza and a bottle of Daniel’s shiraz- out of disposable paper cups because Daniel can’t be bothered to unearth his actual wine glasses and because Max always claims the taste is the same as in proper glass anyway. They go to bed early, too jet lagged to do anything more than share a kiss goodnight and cuddle together under the quilt that Daniel’s nonna had given him when he’d first moved to Italy- a small reminder of home. Nowadays, the quilt stays on the farm, a reminder that this, actually, is home.
In the morning, Daniel awakens to a streak of sunlight shining brightly across his face. The quilt is thrown haphazardly across the foot of the bed, kicked off during the night as the warmth of the Australian summer melted across them in sleep. He stretches big and yawns, scratching lightly at the peach fuzz on his lower belly that he’s finally allowing to grow back in. The giant antique clock on the wall across from the window (his mum had made him buy it- said he needed some kind of interior decoration in his place, and Buffalo Bills merch emblazoned with Josh Allen’s name didn’t count) tells him that it’s just after ten. He reaches out a hand: the other side of the bed feels cool- Max must have been up for a while already.
With a groan, and a refusal to acknowledge that hopping out of bed at 35 involves much more moaning and creaking knees than it did at 22, Daniel gets up and stumbles his way towards the living room. He follows the faint sound of Dutch cursing and an even fainter whiff of coffee. Max hates coffee- says it makes him gag- but whenever he’s up first, he makes Daniel a cup exactly the way he likes it, with the tiniest splash of creamer and an even tinier bit of sugar.
He rounds the corner to the living room and sees the source of the cursing. Max has set up his Playstation and is in the middle of a FIFA match.
“Honestly, Daniel, they’re terrible. Look at this,” Max says crossly, waving his hand at the TV in a gesture that Daniel takes to be an all encompassing indicator of terribleness. “How can they be so bad?”
He’s not even looking in Daniel’s direction; the sofa faces away from the passageway to the back of the house. It’s one of the things Daniel loves about him. Max doesn’t need any preamble to a conversation. He knows that if he starts, Daniel will simply catch up.
Daniel shrugs, climbs over the back of the sofa to plop comfortably next to Max. “Dunno, Maxy. Can’t all be rockstars like you.”
Max glances at him quickly, a small frown in his brow as he assesses in an instant whether he thinks Daniel is teasing him, warring with a smile at the inherent compliment anyway. “Yeah, well, of course it takes lots of practice. Maybe they are just not putting in the time.”
“Maybe so,” Daniel agrees. He leans over to grab the cup of coffee that Max had made for him and takes a sip- perfect as always. He sinks a bit lower into the couch, getting comfortable. “Any plans for the day? Other than kicking some randos' arses in FIFA?”
“I though that we could—” Max cuts himself off to interject a string of cursing in Dutch as his player onscreen clearly does something other than what he’d intended. He mashes at the controller furiously, and a moment later, Daniel sees the screen light up with a goal. Max nods, satisfied, and continues “maybe invite Isaac and Isabella to spend the day here. Always, you’re talking about wanting to take them out on the dirt bikes. We can do that together.”
Daniel nods. “Sounds good. I’ll give Michelle a call- maybe we can swing by and pick them up. Say hi to Mum and Dad on the way.”
Max is already absorbed back into his game, but when Daniel stands to go grab his phone (slightly less groaning as he stands from the couch, no less knee creaking), Max reaches out a quick hand to squeeze his thigh gently. “Good morning, by the way.”
Daniel smiles. “Good morning, baby,” he says, and leans over to peck Max lightly on the lips.
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Recruitment at Sunset
(jealous) Jean x Reader
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It was a pleasantly warm evening at the survey corps headquarters, fading amber sun rays shone through open windows and avian chitter echoed from the leafy tops of trees outside. A relatively newly appointed Section Commander was at his desk shuffling some documents around. Many a parchment was discarded at a near automated speed, the applicant’s name was scanned and nine times out of ten dummped on a stack towering at the desk’s edge. Another, much smaller pile sat patiently in front of the young soldier.
His long fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as tired eyes forced themselves to squint at less than impressive chicken scratch. A calloused thumb pad sank into the paper, creating creases like that of those framing his features, and he sighed, wishing the setting sun would pause and prolong the day a little longer. 
It was then the warm oak door to his office opened with a slight creak of its old hinges, and that wish disappeared through the widening gap. Too quick did bright eyes meet his, curved to the softest gaze, the sheet of paper cropping off a smile. Jean jerked upright at your entrance, only having seconds to swiftly sweep the larger paper pile into the metal bin below and place the one he’d been scanning on the one in front.
You cocked an eyebrow as you drew closer to his desk, the door closing slowly behind.
“These are the applications for your new squad,” he said nonchalantly, handing you a flimsy stack of papers.
You skimmed through the applicants, flipping through the limited number of pages. Impressed by their statements, but disappointed with the lack of choice, after the 5th you stopped. “They’re all female”
“Yeah, that seems to be the case,” he responded, resting his elbows on the desk, light brown eyes piercing in the subdued light, “the top four ones are the people I think you should pick. Bridgette and Lina placed 10th and 8th in their Training Corps a few years back, Winnie was a well respected Garrison soldier and I think it will be good to have one of the new recruits like Piper join your squad and learn the ropes.”
Your smile returned as he pitched his suggestions, noting the stray hairs falling from their carefully combed positions to brush the tips of his nose and cheekbones. “You’ve thought about this a lot haven’t you?” 
Jean smiled, softer lines replacing rigid ones, and his expression relaxed. “I’m your superior now; it’s my job.”
“Except on this occasion it isn’t, Commander Hange gave me the okay to choose my own members,” you smirked, “not for my Section Commander to do it for me.”
Jean sat back a bit, running a hand through disheveled locks, “I saved you time. It would’ve taken ages for you to decide on the right ones, so I thought I’d help you out.”
“This doesn’t seem like much.” You flapped the documents for extra effect, then glanced sidelong at the recently filled bin beside his desk. “Unless I am to count the ones you threw away just a moment ago.”
He followed your eyes down and promptly folded his arms. “Those aren’t important.”
“In your opinion perhaps, but not to me,” you said, stalking over to them and fishing them out. Jean frowned, displeasure evident in the reappearing creases gathering around knitted brows as you flipped through them. “So here are all my male applicants.”
“The ones I picked out for you were better suited,” Jean insisted.
You almost laughed. “You sure? Because one of these guys, Isaac Milton, was a Squad Captain in the Garrison.”
“He was stationed at Yarckel,” he countered, “He’s never seen a titan.” 
“We’re not really fighting titans anymore. At least, not like before.”
“True, but he’s got little battle experience compared to the veterans I’ve picked, and won’t be as sharp as the new trainees. We don’t know exactly what we’ll be up against. Y/n, I don’t want you getting yourself killed protecting him.”
You sighed, clutching the stack close to your chest. “I’ll need his leadership experience- plus he was in the top 20 after graduating.”
“Leadership experience like choosing which barrel to sit on while you drink away the shift playing cards?” His words were sarcastic but his tone nothing short of sincere, this combined with the intent gaze he fixed you getting up and walking round made for a dangerous combination. He took back the stack with without resistance. “Hange and Levi are giving you a squad because they know what you can do. You’re more than capable of leading them.” He let the pile land with a thump on the desk and rested a hand on it, leaning his tall frame towards you. Attentive. “Have faith in yourself.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his immediacy, amber rays highlighting the precise curve of his smile, sheer softness in this gaze. The musky scent of imported cologne played annoyingly with your senses, threatening to distract your thoughts. 
With a huff, you gently shoved his shoulder. “I’m fully capable of your promotion.”
He let out a soft chuckle, allowing his body to sway slightly with the impact. “Alright, then maybe you’ll get the next position that comes up.”
Shaking your head, as if you could brush off the natural half smile clinging to your cheek, you reached around his arm to pick up the lighter stack. Both of you knew he wouldn’t stop you if you really wanted to choose differently, but you were never going to. His judgement was more than reliable, had saved your life multiple times, for the longest time you never questioned trusting it. That said, you weren’t going to make it easy for him. “Is there a reason the only ones you approved were female?”
Jean took his hand off the tall paper pile, subtly hiding it from view as his lower back leaned against the desk. “Nope. They’re the best here.” 
“Fine,” you reached up to jiggle his bearded chin. He allowed it, for a moment, before playfully batting your hand away. Turning on a heel you made your way to the door, “I’ll go with these four, so they better not disappoint, Horseface,” finally calling out as you left, “Actually to be on the safe sight, keep those ones on file for me...”
A heavy sigh juxtaposed your friendly wave goodbye, followed by a quiet grumble seeing your fleeting figure, taking away what little light had been left with it.
Thanks for reading!
Burden of Duty (Jean x Reader angst) 
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