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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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This gorgeous liquid glitter iPhone case with gold glitter is now available at my etsy store 💛 🤗 Hope you're all well and safe InshaAllah. . . . #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #skbhijabigirls #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness #skbillustrations #modestyroom #hijabsolofra #blackmuslimahexcellence #blackmuslimah #musliminfluencer #strongmuslimah #pakistanicanadian #sharetheeverygirl (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Frw6gj7Ar/?igshid=orhznmtfa1et
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I end this year filled with gratitude & excitement. Gratitude for all God has done for me, my family & friends. His grace & mercy was more than sufficient 🙏🏾💜 Excitement for what is yet to be birthed out of me🤗🥰 and resolve to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to see new goals met & old dreams Conquered👊🏽 For anyone who crosses this post if the last decade wasn’t what you wanted, I pray this decade will be & know you have the final say on your happiness. We live & die on our decisions...make the BEST decisions for your life! Pray & ask God for guidance if you’re feeling lost...if you hate that job/career...LEAVE IT/CHANGE IT...forget about others opinions for your life and fulfill the purpose and passion God has put in you. The world NEEDS your LIGHT✨✨✨ Remember a Dream Deferred can easily become a Dream Achieved!!! Step out on FAITH & Divorce your FEARS...reality is they can’t coincide...NOW GO BE GREAT! I WISH U ALL SUCCESS, JOY, PROSPERITY, PEACE, LIGHT & LOTS OF LOVE ✌🏽✨💜💜💜 #LegacyBuilding #YoungBlackGifted #millenialboss #getintoit #thelilzexperience #atlanta #bossbabe #ceo #goalchaser #2020 #legacyoverlifestyle #blogger #bloggersofinstagram #vlogger #youtubevlogger #motovlogger #girlpower #blackgirlswhomanifest #blackdreamsmatter #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsrock #manifest #manifesting #manifestyourdreams #manifestingabundance #manifestingmindset #manifestinggreatness #manifestingmydreams (at Arabia Mountain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vr720JQ5W/?igshid=ycc7sw0rwr4m
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zenandzestful · 6 years ago
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Manifest Some Cool Ass Shit Top On Sale Today! 🧘‍♀️☮️💟😁 Check it out by clicking the link in the bio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogainspiration #yogagirl #yogachallenge #yogapractice #yogalover #yogaaddict #yogaflow #yogatops #yogashirt #motivation #motivationaltshirt #motivationalshirts #millenialwomen #millenialboss #millenialfashion https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCd0B7HqVY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kzhbaij9nhnd
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Just wanted to share a faith in humanity restoring story for those of you with difficult bosses
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btranmuses · 2 years ago
this is suspiciously a copycat of an earlier popular tiktok of a millennial boss who hires gen z with a similar concept.
it feels more genuine, whereas this one just as the company logo blasted everywhere taking up half the screen space, so yeah, reeks of corporate staging.
but then conservative/puritan/trump tiktok teens are a thing so gen z oil workers aren't exactly impossible
Dying at this TikTok video
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extrmmarketing · 4 years ago
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What Are the 5 Phases Of Social Media Marketing Funnel? 1- Awareness Attracting New people who are currently unaware of Your Brand 2- Engagement Standing out among your competition so that new Audience members remember you. You use social channels for this. 3- Conversion Compelling your audience to take action & make a purchase 4-Loyalty Using Social Media to buy stay top-of-mind & keep your Audience loyal after they have purchased, So they buy again. 5- Advocacy Building Enough trust with your audience that they want to recommend you to others. . . . . . #socialmediacoach #marketingadvice #socialmediaforbusiness #creativemarketing #wearethecreativeeconomy #goaloriented #bossladystatus #onlinemarketer #socialmediabusiness #mombosses #coachingwomen #socialmediagrowth #growthmarketing #marketingstrategist #socialmediaconsulting #entrepreneurinthemaking #marketinghelp #businesstipsandtricks #brandingandmarketing #onlinemarketingsuccess #contentcreationtips #marketingtips4you #socialmediamarketing101 #muslimmommy #millenialboss #bizcoaching #smallbusinesssupport #socialmediafunnels (at Valencia Town, Lahore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJTTZy_BdpN/?igshid=1u5f4rtlpfrwm
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 4 years ago
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Disciplined people understand that to thrive in life or business they first and foremost need to be healthy. . . . . . . #babessupportingbabes #bossbabeiga #smallbiztips #brandstrategy #savvybusinessowner #girlpreneur #ceochick #brandstorytelling #businessbydesign #businessplans #buildyourbrand #staybossyladies⁠ #growyourbusinessonline #growyourbiz #ceomom #solopreneurlife #businesscoachingforwomen #businesshelp #businessgoals #onlinebusiness  #liveonpurpose #womenlivingwell #bossbabelife #millenialboss #girlbosstips #womenwithvision #herbusiness #girlsbuildingempires⁠ (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_70xhjBbN/?igshid=142vsk7a41cqy
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vanderastuff · 6 years ago
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I’m back loves! Took a day off or two post show to relax after that big haul of work in the past 2 weeks. It was an amazing day of sales and I am so proud of my first showing and at how much people adored my self care makes. Each piece I realized has such an intense story as it was created in the unpacking of so many intense situations taken on by daily work in this housing and opioid crisis. I was so happy to release that as each piece sold to their happy new friends. Thank you so much to all those who support me and to my mom who helped me all day to make my display as beautiful as it was. Can’t wait for the next one but in the mean time... more silversmithing!! #etsy #handmadeboho #plussizefashion #cutegirlsonly #plussizemodels #braids #thankful #etsyjewelry #etsycanada #etsyclub #etsyhandmadejewelry #bohojewelry #earringsoftheday #carnelian #amazonite #etsyartists #may2019 #springtime #inspired #etsyfinds #bossbabe #millenialwomen #millenialboss #workitgirl https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaPr-6BRSG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m3typnr15nf1
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Thinking of colors for an upcoming illustration inspired by the much-awaited warm temps 🏖🌤👒 Do you think they would work well together? . . . #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness #modestyroom #hijabsolofra #blackmuslimahexcellence #blackmuslimah #musliminfluencer #strongmuslimah #pakistanicanadian #sharetheeverygirl #skbillustrations #skbhijabigirls (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9nH2kIgv7f/?igshid=13cjqj7iaq3ws
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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My kids are getting graded in their karate-do classes this weekend. Today precisely! I'm feeling more nervous than them 😬 InshaAllah all goes well. Remember them in your duas! . . . #creativemuslim #healthymuslimah #muslimahblogger #modernmuslimah #deenlife #activemuslimah #hijabiproblems #muslimproblems #muslimrunner #survivinghijab #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mKAPLgFJT/?igshid=1wbbs4amzz6f5
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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I always like drawing athletes. So much respect for them. . What's your sport/workout of choice? . Who's your favorite athlete? . . . #hijabiartist #muslimplanner #muslimahplanner #halalbusiness #muslimbusiness #skbillustrations #creativemuslimah #creativemuslim #muslimahblogger #deenlife #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #artistsofpakistan #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness #pakistanicanadian #islamicproducts #islamicquotesandsayings #muslimhome #muslimhomeschool #muslimhomedecor #muslimproducts #muslimahmoms #islamicartwork (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8brFFEg1a_/?igshid=f9sghz4bc9oy
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Salaams friends! So I'm in the process of updating my Redbubble store. It takes time uploading my art and adjusting it on the huge variety of products! But slow as it might be, Alhamdulillah I'm making progress 🙌��� I've uploaded 3 illustrations so far, each one in two versions .. 1, by itself and 2, with a simple text. . Swipe to see some of the products. And click link in bio to visit my Redbubble store. . Stay tuned for more updates and uploads 🙌🏼 InshaAllah . #muslimrunner #survivinghijab #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness #modestyroom #hijabsolofra #blackmuslimahexcellence #blackmuslimah #musliminfluencer #strongmuslimah #pakistanicanadian #sharetheeverygirl (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MsltnAk6w/?igshid=xqr8kg17oooa
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
Shoot for the stars 🌟 Jummah mubarik 🙌🏼 . . . #skbillustrations #skbhijabigirls #muslimahblogger #modernmuslimah #deenlife #activemuslimah #hijabiproblems #muslimproblems #muslimrunner #survivinghijab #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81uID_AJVi/?igshid=yggku3gy26w5
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
Shoot for the star 🌟 Jummah mubarik 🙌🏼 . . . #creativemuslim #healthymuslimah #muslimahblogger #modernmuslimah #deenlife #activemuslimah #hijabiproblems #muslimproblems #muslimrunner #survivinghijab #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81r2EYgjJ-/?igshid=1lwmg3h1qv7kx
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
Shoot for the stars 🌟 Jummah mubarik 🙌🏼 . . . #creativemuslim #skbillustrations #muslimahblogger #modernmuslimah #deenlife #activemuslimah #hijabiproblems #skbhijabigirls #muslimrunner #survivinghijab #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers #artistsofpakistan #hypemuslim #muslimmommy #muslimmoms #muslimmomblog #islamiclifestyle #muslimmama #islamicgiftshop #muslimlifestyle #muslimwomeninbusiness (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81rcOdgP2S/?igshid=a0hz8rk4r84
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Happy weekend! 🙌🏼 . . . #muslimwriters #hijabstreetfashion #muslimillustrator #muslimillustration #hijabiartist #skbillustrations #muslimahplanner #halalbusiness #creativemuslimwoman #creativemuslimah #creativemuslim #healthymuslimah #muslimahblogger #modernmuslimah #deenlife #activemuslimah #hijabiproblems #muslimproblems #muslimrunner #survivinghijab #muslimgirlarmy #muslimgirlmagic #muslimwomensday #muslimentrepreneur #millenialboss #torontomuslims #givehijabisthepower #hijabsolox #muslimahstrong #thehijabers (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9b5YxvAWp6/?igshid=qjzlczg12td9
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