#milk txt
milks-shake-cafe · 4 months
Guys, I've done it! I've finally graduated from college!!
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98chao · 7 months
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guys im getting the feeling that shadow milk cookie might have been in the game interacting with pure vanilla cookie for way longer than we thought
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losersimonriley · 7 months
Modern Warfare IV mission titled Alone Pt.II from Ghost’s pov.
He’s been noticeably absent until now. The whole game has been focused on the 141 and allies locating the objective as their #1 priority. Player assumes Makarov is the objective until it’s realised Ghost went rogue to hunt him down himself. Finding Ghost. That’s what the player has spent half the game doing.
Alone pt.II plays out similarly to the first. Ghost is bleeding out trying to escape a Konni base. It’s very obvious that he needs immediate medical attention—screen blurs if you move too fast, he keeps falling over, and suddenly:
Soap’s voice over comms. Muffled by Ghost’s loud heartbeat. Player assumes Ghost is hearing things as he nears death. The mission goes on in a role reversal from Alone. Soap helping Ghost escape. Player gets to choose dialogue options that are a direct callback to that first duo defining mission.
“Still fixin’ each other’s problems are we, Johnny?”
“Always, Lt.”
“Never did convince me to keep the mask off though.”
“Oh there’s time for that yet. Let’s just worry about keepin’ your blood in for now.”
Eventually Ghost makes it to the location Soap was directing him to, where he finds the 141 waiting. Including Soap. Who was actually on comms with him the whole time. This is how the player finds out Soap is alive. *Cue dramatic cutscene*
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king-crawler · 10 months
The scene where Ralph meets King Candy for the first time is one of the most interesting ones on a rewatch because you already know who King Candy is pretending Not to be. The way Ralph behaves is interesting too. (I’m studying these little 1kb game characters under a microscope)
Below the cut is a LONG scene/character analysis (~6min read?)
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First off. King Candy’s mere Entrance in this scene already characterizes him a ton and he hasn’t even said anything yet. He speeds obnoxiously around Ralph in his little go-kart BLARING HIS HORN. This immediately gives off the impression of: Very in your face. Very full of himself. And Very Annoying About It. (sir.. your Turbo is showing)
(Ralph Face Reveal While Screaming)
“Milk my duds! it’s Wreck-it Ralph??”
“Yeah...? And who are you, the guy who makes the donuts?”
“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I love this interaction because King Candy INSTANTLY knows who Ralph is. And from Ralph’s perspective that’s… weird.
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Ralph is probably a little confused. Given how he answers “yeah?” He doesn’t just straight up ask “How do you know who I am” because he’s currently being interrogated (Probably Not a Good Time) Also that recognition is something he rarely receives in the first place, so why from this guy…? So instead he asks: Well who are you supposed to be?
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WELL FIRST OF ALL. HE KNOWS WHO RALPH IS BECAUSE TURBO’S GAME CABINET SAT NEXT TO HIS FOR YEARS. Which is why King Candy is so surprised - he’s probably seeing him for the first time in decades.
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“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I also love how he nervously laughs at first before responding with “No!” In that particular way- simply laughing it off before being Rather Quick to reject Ralph’s proposal that he could possibly be someone else. Interesting .
But it’s the way he says “I’m King Candy!” That carries so much implication. His pose and smile, the perfect inflection in his voice- it’s theatrical, it’s like he’s rehearsed it. It’s almost like he’s trying to convince Ralph that he’s really who he says he is with the best performance possible. He’s been doing that for years and by this point he’s totally mastered it. Nobody suspects a thing. (For now……)
—————————— Skipping forward a little, Ralph explains that he got a medal from Hero's Duty.
"Your medal? (giggles) Bad guys don't win medals!"
"Well, this one did. I earned it over in... Hero's Duty"
"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
"What? No no no no no..."
"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
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First off we'll focus on Ralph. The way he admits it... He knows it sounds bad. He breaks eye contact and hesitates before saying "Hero's Duty." Probably because he knows what King Candy is gonna retort with. But he still says "I earned it" not only because he doesn't want to incriminate himself, but because he believes it. He did earn it... right? And then Ralph tries to brush off the suggestion that he's going Turbo before being interrupted by King candy's rampant tantrum. (WHICH I WILL GET TO.)
At this point, Ralph is becoming less confident that he earned his medal because he's in denial about “going Turbo.” His confidence wavers here especially because he's in the presence of this apparent authority figure whose trying to guilt and incriminate him. (And this is a situation he's already all too familiar with- think of how Surge Protector always halts him when going into games just because he's a bad guy.)
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But there's still one major thing keeping this denial intact: He wants to hold onto the fact he deserves his medal so bad. Others have hurt him for so long, he thinks getting that medal alone means he'll finally be respected, praised, and loved.
"Is it Turbo to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it Turbo to want more out of life?"
(I know that’s literally the Conflict of the Movie. BUT ITS WORTH MENTIONING OKAY I LOVE RALPH’S CHARACTER LEAVE ME ALONE)
I think the fact you can gather all this info just from the way he's portrayed during this SINGLE INTERACTION- its amazing. Amazing character writing is when when nearly every action a character does reinforces their motivations or personality and you're able to SEE IT!!
Now to focus on King Candy again… this FUCKER‼️
First off, him mentioning Turbo Isn’t even that suspicious at this point in the film… well… at first glance at least.
At first it seems like everyone knows who Turbo is. Ralph is questioned at Bad-Anon, Q*bert tells Felix and the nicelanders freak out- everyone who’s been around for a while knows who this guy is. But if you think about it… isn’t Sugar Rush a newer game? Not as new as Hero’s Duty, but it’s still a little odd that King Candy would know who Turbo is ON TOP of knowing Ralph. Just a little.
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"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
Ok but Seriously. That Part. The pure irony of King candy saying THAT a threat against Ralph in an attempt to incriminate him. The way he says it too... He breaks eye contact and glances to the floor like it’s something forbidden to even mention. His accompanied hand movements too (and King Candy speaks with his hands A Lot) they move like he’s describing a ghost story. He’s obviously trying to scare Ralph… trying to scare him into admitting something.
This is... a lot. Maybe even some level of self projecting...? Cuz MAN. that is too deep for me to even start getting into
But the fact that his OWN NAME (a SECRET IDENTITY MIND YOU) has become so infamous that now HE’S WEAPONIZING IT?!? IS INSANE??? Can you Imagine his thought process. Like how far gone into the deep end is he.
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THIS. this is so good. And the way King Candy eludes to “Turbo” as some kind of monster. Could that be offering him like. A Brief moment of catharsis. Or fuel some twisted sense of pride. What the FUCK is going on in this SICKO’S HEAD !!!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
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"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
SECOND!!!!!! King Candy gets SO defensive SO FAST. That man jumps to conclusions IMMEDIATELY!!! He essentially throws a tantrum while stepping closer to Ralph, stumbling over his words and giggling nervously. The mere thought of there being ANY threat of someone else taking over "his game" riles him up SO BAD.
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This is the same EXACT SAME TEMPER that made him storm into Roadblasters as Turbo years ago, because he saw Roadblasters as a direct threat to his own game's popularity - HIS popularity!!!! Because getting exposure- infamous or otherwise- is the ONLY thing that drives him. (Pun intended. Sorry.)
And the way he repeats “MY” kingdom “MY” game… mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Are you done with your tantrum old man.
Wow. Anyways I think that’s enough for now. And that was in response to only a minute of content. (Oh dear.)
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in an ideal world charlie and allan will get mistaken as a dysfunctional gay couple this sunday 🙏
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phleb0tomist · 2 months
the sacred bond between an autistic person and whatever their safe food was when they were 11 years old
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chernobyl2 · 26 days
Darla was acting weird and not eating much the last 2 days and it turns out she had advanced kidney failure and the most humane thing to do is to put her down and it's so fucking unfair she was the sweetest baby ever... at least she's not suffering anymore but it just sucks so fucking bad. She was acting normal a few days ago but apparently even if we brought her in immediately it still would've been too late. I didn't go with my sister to the vet cuz I was gonna stay home and do some chores that idk if I'm gonna be able to get done now cuz I just keep crying :( rest in peace big darla you were an angel :(((
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mmmm-burnt-eggs · 30 days
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strwbrryluvsick · 2 months
*goes to a boba place* hey do u have this but without the boba? :3
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milks-shake-cafe · 5 months
hehehe who's the crush :3c
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98chao · 14 days
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new crackpot theory thats 1000% incorrect
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codgod · 10 months
i think the real important question we should be asking is would you drink cucurucho’s breast milk
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pinchan · 4 months
made underspiced fried rice and my room is a bit of a shipwreck and my money is running out for the week but im feeling really grateful to be alive right now
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monstraduplicia · 2 years
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so these are my copies of lost souls and drawing blood by poppy z. brite. bought in the mid 90s by my mother, she gave these books to me when i was 14 and in the twelve years since ive read them maybe 20 times each? honestly, i lost count. i know some people will find what ive done over the years to be sacrilegious as ive had to completely tape the outside and spine bc of how fragile the books had become, added stickers and drawings and song lyrics, and left lipstick kisses at all the moments that broke my heart, but i disagree. these are my favorite books of all time and theyve become so special to me that they feel like a part of me. personalizing the book in this way feels right to me. i fully intend to add even more the next time i reread them.
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terezicaptor · 7 months
Bads gonna save tubbo with his milk ‼️👍
bad you need to suck out the radiation....... you gotta suck the radiation out of hi,m
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toytulini · 1 year
im such a soup poser tbh
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