dmsroque · 11 years
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#militarysoconfessions #armylife #greatfullythankful
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m0nst3rl0v3 · 11 years
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Hopefully this will lay the issue to rest.
I have never "spread rumors" about any other blog owners. I have only answered ask posts. In fact, I have only mentioned the owner of the other blog in two pasts that I can recall, in response to questions from anons, and all of them are responding to posts that were written about this blog or about myself on their blog first.
The owner of militarysoconfessions has accusing me of "spreading rumors", when in fact, she is the one who has been telling blatant lies about me and this blog on her own blog.
In every post, I have invited Sarah, the owner of militarysoconfessions, to contact me and discuss this like an adult rather than blowing things out of proportion to her blog's followers. I thought after our conversation months ago, it meant everything was resolved. But apparently, in her mind, there was still something to be said - which she could have sent to me at any time, but never did.
I haven't "taken" anything away from anyone. The eBook doesn't manipulate anyone. I made it to get attention from non-Tumblr users to bring more people to the site, and yes, I get about 50 cents for every copy that sells. I don't think that exploits much of anyone. I also get nothing from clicks, confessions, or chatposts. That is a lie. So, honestly, I have no interest in starting a blog war, but I have been receiving messages like crazy about this issue, so let's lay it to rest: the only one telling lies about other blog owners is Sarah, who is spreading lies about me. - I am not "hard to contact". My followers know this. I have never done anything to make it more difficult for this person to send me messages.
- I do not get money for "every time you “submit” or “chat” or “spill”" on this page. The only ad on the page is the link to the eBook, which is marketed mostly to non-Tumblr users to get more people to the site.
- I do not "manipulate followers. I receive confessions. I make graphics and the team that helps me run this blog posts them. Honestly, this blog does everything for its followers that militarysoconfessions does for theirs. I have done everything I can to be civil, and that blog's owner and its followers have spent so much effort trying to make themselves look like martyrs just because there is a blog that came around with a similar premise. The idea of a confessions blog is not a "new idea", and it wasn't stolen from one person. There were many of them on Tumblr before militarysoconfessions and there will be many after. So, I am going to continue to run this blog the way I have been running it. I put just as much time and effort into this blog as other blog owners do with theirs, and the way Sarah has been speaking about me behind my back and spreading lies about me - which is what she was hypocritically accusing me of doing - is honestly very immature and disrespectful.
So one last time, if she has an issue with me, rather than trying to start a blog war and trying to draw attention to things, I would encourage her to contact me directly,
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raw-oblivion · 12 years
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dumpstr-barbie · 12 years
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. I want candy- aaron carter, hummingbird heartbeat- katy perry, i dont want this night to end- luke bryan, youre the love i wanna be in- jason aldean, downfall of us all- a day to remember, firecracker- josh turner. 2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Channing Tatum. 3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "One day they were going in imminently; next day they'd hear they were holding off." -The Lucky One. 4) What do you think about most? When im going to see my boyfriend again, & moving up in my job. 5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? "damn babe im so tired all the time :/  i hate it." -my sugar. 6) Do you sleep with or without the light on? withoutttt. 7) What’s your strangest talent? i can pop my hip & left shoulder out of place, is that a talent.? lol. 8) Ever had a poem or song written about you? yeees. 9) When is the last time you played the air guitar? about a week. 10) Do you have any strange phobias? firecrackers, the dark, being alone. 11) What’s your religion? Christian. 12) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? working out, volleyball, swimming or riding. 13) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Either. usually behind. 14) Simple but extremely complex: Favourite band and why? cannnnttt pick.! 15) What was the last lie you told? "Its okay.." 16) Do you believe in karma? yesss. 17) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? him being so far away. going through as much as i have at a young age, made me learn a lot. 18) Do you have a collection of anything? clothes and hair supplies. lol. 19) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? whichever is available. 20) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? yepp(: 21) What’s your biggest “what if”? good what if.? what if i actually make it & get to do exactly what ive dreamed of doing. 22) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? ghosts yes, aliens nahh. 23) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right arm- my pile of stuff to dye peoples hair, left arm- my teddy bear.<3 24) Choose: East Coast or West Coast? east. 25) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Adam Levine. 26) To you, what is the meaning of life? to learn new things. to fail and get back up. make mistakes and learn from them. getting to experience anything & everything you want. so many things i can say. 27) Do you believe in luck? sometimes. 28) What’s the weather like right now? kind of cool, looks like its gonna rain. 29) What time is it? 11:09 pm. 30) What was the last book you read? The Lucky One. 31) Do you like the smell of gasoline? strangely, yes. 32) Do you have any nicknames? a few. brooketini, tinilove, mooma, slam, crunktini. lol. all have weirdddd meaning behind them. haha. 33) What was the last movie you saw? uhm. The Woman in Black, or whatever its called. 34) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? uhhh, when my brother slammed my finger in the closet door and i had to get four stitches :/  ooorrr, my knee has a divit in the cartiledge (i think thats what they said) & i need surgery to grind it back down cause it pops everytime i bend my knee. 35) Have you ever caught a butterfly? yess(: 36) Do you have any obsessions right now? a few. 37) Do you believe in magic? naah. 38) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? for a bit. then i just forgive, but never forget. 39) What is your astrological sign? taurus. 40) Do you save money or spend it? save some, spend the rest. lol. 41) What’s the last thing you purchased? my plane ticket to see my boyfriend.!!!!<3 42) In a relationship? yeeeeesss :D 43) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? nope :( 44) Where were you yesterday? home :) #nolife. 45) Are you wearing socks right now? nopeee. 46) What’s your favourite animal? zebra or horse. 47) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? i dont have a secret weapon. 48) Where is your best friend? home i believe. 49) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? tumblr. 50) What do you think is Satan’s last name? devil.? 51) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? yesss. 52) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? save the dog and explain to my boss, along with pictures for proof. 53) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a.) probably not everyone. just a few. b.) live life as much as possible. do anything and everything i was always scared to do before. c.) of course. 54) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? any old school song. 55) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? trust & honestyy. 56) How can I win your heart? send me cute text messages randomly, show up at my job or house to surprise me when i had a bad day, be honest, act like a little kid with me, allow me to be myself and love me for it. 57) Can insanity bring on more creativity? i believe so. 58) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? leaving the people who brought me down and bringing the people who have brought me up much closer.<3 59) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? i have no ideaaa. 60) What is your favourite word? probably gnarly. 61) What is a saying you say a lot? talk shit get hit & legggohoe. 62) What’s the last song you listened to? The Way We Talk- The Maine. 63) Basic question: what’s your favourite colour/colours? YELLOW.! 64) What is your current desktop picture? channing tatum (; 65) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? someone whos not worth my time. 66) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? uhmm.. none really. i dont like lieing. if your gonna be ashamed to tell people, dont do it. 67) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? freakk the eff out and yell for my daddy. lol. 68) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? when me and my boyfriend were cuddling and watching disney channel.<3 or when we went dancing at a country club (: 69) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? none. No Regrets. everything in my past has led me to where i am today, & for that im glad. 70) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? North Carolina.! 71) Do you have any relatives in jail? dont think so.? lol. 72) Have you ever thrown up in the car? yes -,- 73) Ever been on a plane? Once. 74) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? "usmc, give me my boyfriend back.!" 75) Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. amarinesgirl33, thecrazytruth, militarysoconfessions, justgirlythings, fit-sailorswife.
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The owner of militarysoconfessions, about you: "I did talk to the owner and at first I got a response, but as soon as I asked what we could do to make both blogs work I never heard anything back.. so I’m honestly not sure."
The owner of that blog and I did exchange messages. I stopped replying because I figured everything was settled. She apologized that followers of that blog were coming over to this one and spreading hate, I accepted.
I am personally not under the impression that something has to be done “to make both blogs work”. I don’t even mean that to be mean. I’m just saying, there should be no need to make changes to either blog. Nothing needs to be done, because both blogs are existing just fine without making any adjustments to accommodate the other. This blog will continue to operate as it does, because it is working fine for me as a blog owner, to my two friends who help me run this blog, and to people who enjoy the blog.
I have had one of my friends message the owner of militarysoconfessions also to just clarify that I am sorry for not replying to her messages after the first two or three. I just thought everything was resolved, because we had already apologized for any hostility. At that point, I thought the conversation had achieved its goal and all was peachy. I was not aware that she still saw an issue between our blogs, or thought something else had to be done - because, again, nothing needs to be done.
Her blog is fine the way it is, and mine is fine the way it is (except, yes, I am working on proofreading submissions a little better, which is why posts have slightly slowed down).
I am hoping that this clears the air now.
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savvywords · 13 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
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Tumblr Crushes:
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Well, I guess I asked for it, enabling a chat function on the main page of the blog.
If there are any other supporters of militarysoconfessions in the CBox, your opinions are absolutely welcome, but again, I'd like to remind you that this site is not meant in any way to take followers away from any other blog, and I have plenty of people who get something positive from the site. Let's keep it civil, alright guys?
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Hey there everyone!
There are some more confessions that will be posted soon and I’ll be answering messages that have been sitting in the inbox for a while. Also, I’ll update the Directory [you know my drill... an inactive or shady page gets deleted.] 
•If you wanna be part of it, just shoot me a message with your: | Name | Where do you live | Branch of Service | Tumblr page URL | Social media info
m a g d i e l i s ❥
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Confession #1116: My bf and I met online and he is currently deployed and we have never met in person yet we have plans to meet the week he comes home but I have had a bad feeling like maybe he is talking to other girls so I get back on the website and his profile is still active and he used it 2days ago but we had a talk about if we were talking to other people or not 2months ago and he said he wasn't talking to anyone else. I don't know what to do. I love him so much but I don't know how to handle this.
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Confession #1115: I gave up everything I had to be a Marine wife, and sometimes I resent the fact that I had to put my education and my career on hold for his work. It doesn’t mean I love him any less, it means I’m tired of not being thought of. When does our relationship get to be a priority again?
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Confession #1114: I get scared that we have been together almost five years and married almost two and have never lived together full time. I love you so much and I worry that when we finally do live together you'll figure out that I'm just too much hard work. I worry that I find deployments too easy or too hard. I worry I find the distance too easy or too hard.
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Confession #1112: I wanted to be an army like my dad but I'm scared I wouldn't be able to do it since I'm a girl and I'm lazy and I can't live without WiFi lol
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Confession #1110: My boyfriend is leaving in 27 days for basic. I know it's what his dream is, and I don't want to stand in his way but I keep wishing he will just stay with me. I know it's selfish but I've seen the MILSO life and I just don't think I can handle the heartbreak it can turn out to be..
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Confession #1109: We’ve been together for years before you joined the Army. We were high school sweethearts. Everyone wanted a relationship like ours and they’re all rooting for us to make it. The distance is the hardest thing I’ve ever done because I love you so damn much. We talk about our future all the time and I’m just waiting for you to want to make it a reality. Marry me, let me come with you and keep up the house for you and be able to love you everyday. I told you I’d wait forever but I didn’t think you’d make me.
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