Happy New Year everyone!
Been wanting to take this back and start publishing more confessions. I'll start this weekend since I have not much to do! love, M❤
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Confession #1095: On nights like this, I look at your pictures in my phone and kissing my screening, hugging it. You create a storm within me. Thunders everywhere that cracks my heart and I can feel the pain in my chest. But haven't I told you, I like thunders? I don't know when I am going to hear from you again and today I broke down in class. Please come home soon.
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Confession #1094: The hardest part about him being away is not knowing if he's okay. Deployment will end, the distance will end, and finally we will be together again, but until you get that text or call or email where he says, "Hey, I love you. I'm okay," you'll never sleep through the night. It's hard on those at home too, almost just as hard as it is for them. And honestly, it's worth so much more than you could even imagine.
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Confession #1096: I am almost 18, my boyfriend is 21 and in the Marines. We have been together almost four years.I received a near full scholarship to my top school but am deciding to join the Marine Corps instead for I feel the opportunities and security of it will serve me better in the future. My ship date is in August. We plan on getting court married at the end of the year in between my boot camp and MCT and having our actual ceremony next summer. We are telling our families together at the end of May.
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My lovely followers..
It seems to have been forever since I’ve been active on this page, and it somewhat breaks my heart! I used to publish 5-10 confessions a day, this page was my life! Along the years many things have changed and I’ve become so inactive. 
I appologize for the neglecting this blog, it brings so much help to those of you going through a rough time.
I was curious who is still active on tumblr and involved in the milso community?! OR who still has a love for milso blogging? I’d love if you respond to this post or throw some messages in my inbox and maybe we can possibly talk about you taking over a part of this blog!
Are you interested?
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Advice: I've known him for about three years, but we didn't start dating until two months before he went to boot camp. Would it be okay, with his permission that I go to graduation, to support him?
Yes definitely!!! If you have his permission then I think it would be awesome if you went to his graduation to support him!! Have a great time!
XOXO -Sarah
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can we know what theme you use?
Our lovely admin Mags created it!! She’s so amazing when it comes to themes. Hopefully she’ll see this and add her comments for you!
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Raising a toddler/baby
Hi there I’m new to this blog, I was wondering if I could ask people something, has anyone out there dealt with a child coming up on 2 while dad is deployed, did your kid remember him? Any advise? We are hoping we can face time with Internet in Kuwait but I am still sad that she may forget him. :( she is 19 months and he deploys for a year in Feb. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I personally don’t have any experience with this but I will post this public and add the responses to this post for you if we get any!!
Can anyone help this momma out?!
XOXO -Sarah
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I don't get it. What is there directory?
The milso directory is a page on our blog that allows you to search for other miso’s in your area by state, branch, name, and username!! This helps miso’s from all over connect about questions or to even make friends when moving from one base to another! Hope I helped!
XOXO -Sarah 
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Hey there everyone!
There are some more confessions that will be posted soon and I’ll be answering messages that have been sitting in the inbox for a while. Also, I’ll update the Directory [you know my drill... an inactive or shady page gets deleted.] 
•If you wanna be part of it, just shoot me a message with your: | Name | Where do you live | Branch of Service | Tumblr page URL | Social media info
m a g d i e l i s ❥
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Confession #1117: It’s been a week and 5 days since you have been away. Actually I’m not quite sure because I wasn’t allowed to know when you were leaving or where you were going. I can’t stop thinking about you. You stay on my mind like an attached limb. The thought of anything happening to you hurts me and we were only talking for 3 weeks. I hope you will come home to me and see me in the same light. I hope you still want to marry me. I hope you haven’t fell for someone else. I just want you to know where ever you are I’m always thinking of you. My little sea turtle. 🐢 I hope when we see each other it’s just like we expected and more. I hope I’m perfect for you because you are to me. Your always in my heart.
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Confession #1116: My bf and I met online and he is currently deployed and we have never met in person yet we have plans to meet the week he comes home but I have had a bad feeling like maybe he is talking to other girls so I get back on the website and his profile is still active and he used it 2days ago but we had a talk about if we were talking to other people or not 2months ago and he said he wasn't talking to anyone else. I don't know what to do. I love him so much but I don't know how to handle this.
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Confession #1115: I gave up everything I had to be a Marine wife, and sometimes I resent the fact that I had to put my education and my career on hold for his work. It doesn’t mean I love him any less, it means I’m tired of not being thought of. When does our relationship get to be a priority again?
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Confession #1114: I get scared that we have been together almost five years and married almost two and have never lived together full time. I love you so much and I worry that when we finally do live together you'll figure out that I'm just too much hard work. I worry that I find deployments too easy or too hard. I worry I find the distance too easy or too hard.
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Confession #1113: I used to date this Air Force online. He told me he's going to file a divorce for his wife who cheated on him a lot of times while he's deployed in Afghanistan. When he came home 6 months ago, he told me they're done but she still lives with him. He says its temporary until she gets a place, but I still think he's lying. The reason why I decided to break up w/ him is because I don't know if he's saying the truth. I don't know if I should believe every word he said. I think just he used me.
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Confession #1112: I wanted to be an army like my dad but I'm scared I wouldn't be able to do it since I'm a girl and I'm lazy and I can't live without WiFi lol
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Confession #1111: I really enjoy reading everything on here… I recently started seeing someone that is deployed and will be back again in December… I actually stopped going out and stopped hanging out with friends cause he can call at any time and i just don’t wanna be rude to anybody by walking away to talk to my s.o.My friends are kinda upset cuz I just shut everyone out but I can’t help it…is it wrong for me to put him first after only 4 months of seeing him… I’m really infatuated with him…all the butterflies are going crazy and I put him first…always….should I not…this is his last deployment and I’m really looking forward to everything with him.
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