#military swap
Cum Locked Into a Marine:
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Are you in the military but feel like you joined the wrong branch? well there’s a way to swap branches, only catch, you have to swap bodies with someone in that branch and live their life, you can always swap back but only after both parties have finished their contract, so if you have 1 year left on yours, and you decided to swap with a fresh boot, you gotta finish the rest of their contract
Not many people wanna swap with a guy fresh out of boot camp but I did.
I’ve spent a year in the navy and didn’t like it one bit, when I joined I was hoping to join a brotherhood but the comrodery wasn’t there , when I was in A school, the base I was at for training was actually a joint base with the army, navy, Air Force and marines
Something that always upsetted me is when ever we’d see the marines, they were fine as fuck, for no reason, hands down the best looking fucking branch, no homo.
Even when I got to my ship and did a deployment with the marines onboard, they always looked hot and way fitter, if I would have join them instead of the navy, I’d definitely have abs but a lot of the navy struggles to stay within height and weight regulations
So I decided I wanted to swap with a marine, I made an account for the Body Exchange Program (or B.E.P. For short) and went to the subsection for military swaps and clicked on the marine branch to see what bodies were available
One thing I loved about the B.E.P. Is while the swaps are basically contracts and ment to last for the agreed time, they’re a couple ways to get out of that aswell… The B.E.P. Isn’t actually ment for long term swaps, so the only real way to do so is by breaking the TOS (terms of servicing). if both parties end up ejaculating while swaped, they end up locked in each others bodies
A lot of them had high standards in order to swap with them but I did find one Private named Matt Cummings. his profile says he’s only been out of boot camp for a week now and hates it, willing to swap with anyone from any branch as long as their not old.
I’ve only done 1 out of my 5 years so it didn’t bother me basically losing a year and having to restart a 5 year contract, especially if it ment I got to look hot as fuck and be a marine
Luckily I was only about 3 years older so I sent a request and after a little talking he agreed saying “I’d love to be in the navy and see more countries than just being deployed and stuck in 1”
Since we were in the same time zone this would actually be somewhat easy, we just set the time to swap to 3 A.M. when we’re both sleeping, and since we both actually had the next couple days off, it’d give us time to adapt and try to figure out our new lives
He asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this, promising it’s not like how I think it is. And I told him yes I’m sure…
Unfortunately he was one of the few profiles on here that didn’t have a profile pic so I was a bit worried about walking into this blind, but checking out the basic stats on his profile made me a bit more confident, 5’10 and 140. At the very minimum I might lose like 2 inches of height but atleast I lose about 40 pounds of weight also haha
I woke up the next day in a bed that didn’t belong to me and a dorm room that didn’t look familiar to me. Needing to piss I flung the blanket off me and saw that I was in nothing but my underwear, I rushed to the head (bathroom in military talk) and lowered them to piss and was kinda shocked, nothing too special about the dick, I mean about the same size as my actual body, but maybe a bit longer, ok, more than a little, I had to be atleast 3 and a half inches soft now, bro probably had like atleast 2 inches on me hard, I don’t know yet, so I’ll assume im about 6.5 or 7 inches hard maybe more now. What had me shocked tho was that I’m now uncircumcised! This is awesome man! I always wanted to be uncut. I just woke up and I’m glad this guy wanted to swap, definitely lucked out.
After I got done pissing and shooked my dick, I went to the sink to drink some water straight from the facet, after I got done drinking I stood up water dripping down my face onto my chest and onto my thin 6pack… if you could even call these abs, I’m not sure, maybe inbetween toned and abs status. Finally taking the chance to look in the mirror, I believe I lucked out, this guy seems to be one of the finer looking ones
While admiring my new self in the mirror I started to get hard and decided to check out the goods, pulling my underwear down my initial assessment seemed to be right, definitely bigger than my original body, so definitely atleast 7 inches. I decided to save playing with myself for later, hate to be a cliche and immediately go to touching myself after a swap, I’ll save it for later when I decide to act like a true marine and go get day drunk!
I tried finding some clean clothes but everything that wasn’t a uniform item was kinda just thrown onto the floor so I don’t know which piles are clean and which are not… I decided to take from the pile that smelled the lest like B.O. and get dressed
Once dressed I grabbed a backpack I saw laying around and left the onbase housing and found a store that happened to sell some IPA’s in there. I got a 6 pack and headed back to my room. on the way to the store and on the way back I was getting looks from everyone like I’m doing something I shouldn’t be, can’t be the alcohol can it? I mean no way, I tucked it into my bag. I mean, ya bro didn’t check the back of my CAT card to see my date of birth, so it’s technically underage drinking, but no one knows I have beer in my backpack nor does that explain the looks I was getting on the way to the store in the first place
I shrugged it off and just went back inside to my room. Once in I started drinking right away after I found some good shows to watch on this guys phone, I don’t know his password but the finger ID works, I’ll have to message him and ask him for the code later
It was taking me longer than usual to finish these due to not liking the taste anymore, and they were fucking me up more than usual making me a bit nauseous, I guess it makes since, this Matt guy has only been in for a week, probably didn’t have a taste for alcohol yet, not to mention different tastebuds in general, dam that sucks, this was one of my favorite brands too!
It took me almost 3 hours but I was finally on the last one, on a scale of like 1-10 I was probably a 6 on the drunk scale, trying not to throw up, which is ironic sense I use to black out and wake up never throwing up once throughout the night
When I get drunk I like to start cleaning or working out drunk, makes everything a bit more fun, I decided to do laundry, sense I can’t tell what’s clean and what’s not, I decided to just wash everything on the floor
Once I put everything in the washer I had a thought, technically I don’t know if the clothes I put on today were clean or not, and after spending some time in them today, technically they are dirty “fuck it” I said outloud and stripped completely naked tossing my clothes into the washer too before starting it
I went back and sat on the couch buck ass naked, it always felt weird walking around naked, so the fact that I’m doing it now in a slimmer body, balls swinging? Was kinda erotic, I started to get hard but the hornyness turned into fear when I herd a knock at the door
I remained still hoping they’d just go away, but then herd the sliding of the lock and the door open
“Aye Private FuckFace, I gotta talk to you. A sergeant and 2 corporals came in with him and closed the door behind them. For some reason I forgot that I was totally nude and thought it’d be a good idea to just start playin a movie again and pretend like I didn’t hear them
They walked around the corner into the living room to see me naked on the couch making them freeze and recalculate for a few seconds
I tried to not look up at them and continue watching my phone
“Well what do we have here” the sergeant said walking up to me
“Uh, uh, nothing much sergeant, just watchin a movie, you?”
“Me? What do I have? Let’s see, I’m given the task of coming to scald you for going out in public today and not shaving, what is this? Like my 3rd time telling you in the last week since you’ve been here that you have to shave EVERY DAY. And now I have YOU sitting on the couch, buck ass naked with beer cans on the table” he yelled knocking my partially full can over
“So that’s what we’re doing now? Underage drinking in base housing, not shaving. Sitting in the couch naked, legs open, not even trying to cover yourself, you know I told you if you kept fucking up I was gonna cum on your fucking face Private Cummings, I wasnt joking” he said unbuckling his belt
It didn’t register with me the first time, but it did the second, I’m so fucked up right now that I totally forgot that I was nude, fuck. Wait did he just say he was gonna fuck my face!?
I went to get up off the couch but he pushed me hard when I got half way up, sending me back on the couch.
“Now you know the rules to this, you can try to get out of this but I doubt you’ll be able too” he said nodding to the two corporals as he pulled his 5 inch hard dick out
I went to get up a second time but the corporals went behind the couch, each grabbing an arm and holding it back so I can’t go anywhere
“Suck” he said dick inches away from my mouth
“Fuck that” I screamed trying to spit on his dick as a sign of disrespect
Due to my slow reaction time the moment I tried to build up saliva and spit out on his dick, he just Jammed it in my mouth the second I opened it
I didn’t dare move, I’m not gonna fuck him up by hitting his dick but I’m not sucking it ether
I quit trying to fight to get up and just fell back into the couch more trying to get the dick to come back out my mouth
“Private FuckFace you are to suck my dick until I cum in your mouth, do you understand? That’s an order soldier” the sergeant said yelling at me
The moment he said “that’s an order” it’s like the combination of my boot camp instincts and this Cummings guy’s kicked in and I just quit resisting giving in and sucking his dick
Like a good soldier does, I gave it my all trying to do a good job and I suppose I did cause he yelled “I’m about to cum” I sped up a bit just so I can be done with this gay shit, the moment he started to blow his load in my mouth I quit sucking, but he wouldn’t pull out
I looked up to see my sergeant looking down on me, saying “you know the rules, now swallow, Private”
The moment I swallowed my sergeant nodded again and the corporals finally let go, they came back around the couch laughing
“Oh my god sergeant did he actually do it? Haha” one of them said laughing
“Yep, he swallowed it, which by Marine Social Code, means you, private fuck face, are officially my bitch now and have to do whatever I say whenever I say it” the sergeant said with a smile
“Bro what the fuck is wrong with y’all, fuck that I’m not nobodies bitch, you just mad a private has a bigger dick then you dude” I said standing up
“Private I told you, you know the rules, if anyone is able to take you by force and make you swallow their cum, your their bitch now, you could have gotten out of the hold we had you in, you just decided to say fuck your training, I feel like becoming a bitch all of a sudden right? Just accept it for what it is and do what I say like a good little bitch”
One of the corporals decided to tap the sergeant and ask him a question
“So uh, sense he’s your bitch now, do we get any sort of compensation for helping you? I mean he did put up a fight in the beginning and make us put some effort into holding him down, for someone that decided to become a bitch, he should have known he shouldn’t fight with his superiors” one of them said
The sergeant smiled and said “perhaps… Private go ahead and suck these two’s dicks aswell, take as much time as you’d like”
“No dude what the fuck is your problem I’m not doing that gay shit I’m a marine” I said angrily
“Private, you will suck these two men’s dick, that’s an order” the sergeant said
Once again it was like something in me was triggered and I proceeded to get down on my knees to make it easier for them to stick it in.
“ and you might be a marine but your a fresh marine, ment to be made into whatever the fuck we want you to be, if we want you to be the bottom bitch of the whole platoon, guess what your doing? Suckin dick just like we want you too” the sergeant said as I was giving one of the corporal the works
Both the corporals were bigger than the sergeant, so my only assuming is that the sergeant likes to get drunk with his power and assert it whenever he can, like now
After I got done blowing the first corporal, just like the sergeant did… he ordered me to swallow after cumming in my mouth. laughing, he pulled out and let the 2nd corporal take his turn
This time I didn’t need any instructions and just knew to swallow that way his dick come out my mouth faster, I hated every second of this, I thought the marine corps was the straight bad ass branch but I guess their even worse than the navy somehow
As I swallowed the 2nd corporal’s load I moved my eyes and glanced over at sergeant to see a pissed off expression
“What sergeant, I’m just doing what you told me to do” I said feeling the urge to please my superior officers
“I told you to suck their dicks, I didn’t necessarily say to let them cum in your mouth and swallow it, did i” he said rubbing his hands against the sides of the his temple
“Your point” i asked
“My point is now that you swallowed their cum, your all of our’s bitch now…. man you must really love this don’t you? It’s ok private, I knew from the beginning you must be a little gay from our first encounter, with that being said, we’ll round up the rest of the platoon and make sure you have plenty of cum to swallow and dicks to suck by the end of the week, I’m sure the rest of the guys will be ecstatic to find out they can get free blowjobs whenever they want and not have to go out into town to get it. Good work private” he said now smirking a little bit
“Ok I’ll leave the rest to you two” sergeant said and then walked out
Once the sergeant walked out the corporals both started dying laughing
“Hold up just stay right there private, ima make a call to the E-4 Mafia and get you some more dicks to suck tonight” one of them said pulling out their phone and started reading aloud the text he was sending to a group chat
“E-4 mafia, new platoon bitch is with me right now, drunk as fuck, giving out free blowjobs and swallowing, hit me up if you’d like to get in on this day one, goal is to get him to swallow every guy in the platoon by the end of the week” and send he said
Guys, come on now, this isn’t cool, y’all are gonna make me get a STD or something, you really want that? I said panicking
“Really only a problem for the ones after/if you get one private, but I think most would say it’d be a fair trade off in the hopes of having a platoon wide bitch, it’s gonna be a long 4 years for you dude haha” he said sitting down on the couch keeping an eye on me to make sure I don’t escape before his buddies show up
For some reason thinking about what just happened has me getting hard, the sergeant can go kill himself for all I care, but just like my new marine body, these corporals are starting to look kinda hot
The one that send out the group chat noticed I got hard and addressed me
“You find this hot Cummings” he said with a sly smile on his face
“I got something for you private, just go ahead and close your eyes and start stroking your dick dude, slowly”
I do so, and next thing I know I hear the corporal searching his bag behind me untill he found something, I herd a bag open and he asked me
“ do you like poppers private”
“I love them! What type of popper tho? Like jalapeño poppers?” I said starting to sound excited from the sound of food, drinking on a empty stomach wasn’t my brightest idea
As I’m still stroking my uncut cock I feel the corporal grab the back of my head and go
“ no these ones” he said as he forced my face into the bag inhaling chemicals
It suddenly felt like my dick was about to explode and so I let go immediately but it was too late
My dick started to twitch for a few seconds before I shot my load all over myself
“Noo!! What the fuck was that I yelled”
What I thought you said you liked poppers? I just figured I’d help you get off since you’ll be helping a lot of guys tonight he said with that same sly smile
My whole life has been turned upside down, I was hoping if I could make it pass the next few days the B.E.P. Would swap us back knowing I never cummed, not wanting the swap to be locked in
But now I’m stuck as this private Cummings guy for sure, since the corporal wanted to mess with me and make me cum myself, locking me in this body for years to come
#edit, I’ll try to make a patreon next week where y’all can see the pictures I really want to use for these stories 😏
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dulafer · 9 months
Updated with better pics, cleaning up grammar and spelling.
West Point cadet is replaced by his twin brother. I've always loved watching the Army/Navy game with the cadets in their dress uniforms. Thought it'd be so hot to meet a few cadets out at a bar before the game, get em drunk, strip em, and take their place :)
Here's the link:
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War criminals, probably
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toskarin · 2 months
have you ever heard of/played umurangi generation?
I have! it's interesting and I lean positive on it, because everything original in it feels very strong
that being said, I also can't shake the nagging in the back of my head that this is a story that really should have been pulling its borrowed imagery from someone other than Anno. even setting the player out of the cockpit, repeating that imagery comes with a lot of baggage that isn't really sorted out because it's not really noticed
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kaitaiga · 9 months
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10 November 2023, 14:00
2CDO REGT with Shadow Company
The Regiment teams up with Shadow Company for a bit, unaware of what they’ve done to their buddies over at the 141. Lachlan’s wary about working with Graves and SC and warns Damien to watch his back at all times, he knows something is up. He’s later proven right later when Sparrow (@revnah1406 ) has a go at Damien for even having the audacity to wear that patch around them, explaining what happened in Las Almas in 2022.
Click for better quality 🐻
Big art. I haven’t done something like this in ages. This will also be my last COD art for a while too…I’ve kinda just fallen out of the fandom tbh but I still enjoy looking at people’s work 😊 hope you enjoy! 🐻❤️
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raayllum · 8 months
ezran and runaan throwing hands with kim'dael bc that's someone threatening ezran's aunts and runaan's narrative nemesis, i think
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gothsuguru · 25 days
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whatudottu · 11 months
The funny thing about a TFP Humanformers AU is that if you’re changing the bots to humans, that leave the question of if the humans are bots or the humans are not, because if the Autobot Decepticon faction division still exists and the war is ongoing you’d kinda just… be left with random robot children that got involved somehow.
I mean, cybertronian Fowler makes sense given he’s a military man and primary human liaison for the Autobots already, flipping him around potentially means that he’s a military ranked bot hiding on Earth under the protection of the Autobots. The cybertronian version of MECH too makes sense as the ‘Decepticons’ of this switched universe, probably being Shockwave wannabes and dissecting human cadavers or vivisecting live subjects in the pursuit of alien interests; stereotypical alien behaviour according to Earth media. Heck, robo Fowler and mecha Silas can have PERSONAL beef or at least a history of knowing each other to the point that the Autobots are warned of a more insidious alien curiousity.
But the kids being on Earth is like… harder? Aside from explaining why they’re on a completely different planet (if it even IS based on Earth) you also gotta consider the gimmick that these kids get themselves into danger mostly thanks to the headstrong enthusiast and overeager Miko dragging the others along, and idk about you but if I saw a giant robot kid come across a fresh battlefield and say anything remotely positive about it, I’d probably just give up and turn the other direction.
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zeebreezin · 6 months
Listen I do write my characters with the idea of examining the themes and motifs of their behaviour I think a lot of stuff about a character is defined by their environment and there’s a lot to be said for how that impacts ppl especially in our Post Colonial Ass Neath
But I cannot stress enough that in every lifetime and every possible reality, Beverley wants to blow shit up. The guy just has pyromaniac tendencies. That one doesn’t mean anything else really.
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zombified-queer · 7 months
Imagine you're staying at a perfectly normal Hotel and you go have dinner at its cute little restaurant and the cook (who you're pretty sure is also the lobby boy) just like...rips back the wallpaper and slices living flesh off the wall. Would that be fucked up or what?
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nibeul · 2 years
watching people you grew up with grow up is so surreal
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despairs-memorial · 3 months
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So I'm writing down all my Ishimondo talent swaps, but... so look, my favorite one is always going to be Gyaruo/Fashionista!Mondo and Soldier!Kiyotaka, but I was thinking about how it would translate with Sonia and Gundham. I think goth icon ult.model!Gundham and soldier!Sonia works better than the reverse, ngl.
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dulafer · 8 months
Someone requested this... the pics were inspiring, the guy is hot and it just wrote itself. It's one of my shorter stories. A dishonorably discharged marine finds a way back into the marines but with a much better rank and future. Link to download PDF from google is below
And feedback is appreciated.... [email protected]
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shalayce · 4 months
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totentnz · 1 year
good evening gamers im currently obsessed with au v slamming her entire body into smasher so he doesnt kill johnny
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historyherstory · 2 years
Chapter Ten References
For a short chapter, there’s a lot of things mentioned in passing here that I think are worth bringing up in further detail, so here we go!
The fun I had researching rations! Also, can I point out that some sources consistently write “k-ration” whereas others say “k ration”? Don Malarkey’s book used without the hyphen so I followed his lead. 
The US Military had multiple types of rations. K rations had 3 separately boxed meal units (one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Combined, one day equaled about 3,000 calories. This may sound like a “high” calorie intake but a few things to note: certain items were considered virtually inedible (the fatty pork loaf was a consistent miss from my research, and the lemon powder was too acidic to consume) and subsequently thrown away. As a result, the calories consumed would often be less than the intended sum and even at 3,000 calories a day, men who subsisted solely on k rations would still lose weight and condition. It was especially prevalent in areas with extreme weather (extreme hot or extreme cold). As a result, k rations were only meant to be used for a few days. That’s not how it played out in many circumstances though, as men would be stuck eating k rations for a week or more. You can read more about them on the wiki page, it’s a bit introductory but you can get an idea for the components.
(Other rations like the c ration or 5 in 1 ration seemed a little more palatable than the k ration but the k ration was the most compact, so. Lucky paratroopers.) 
If you’re particularly curious, there’s a gentleman on youtube who ate a few items out of a k ration. Disregarding the age component, you can get an idea of the packaging and actually see what some components of this particular meal looked like.
Dick Winters’ memoirs note that while the men were sleeping (so June 6th into June 7th) he had trouble doing so himself and went out to scout. He encountered a contingent of German soldiers, which he heard coming due to their hobnailed boots. The American boots (mentioned by brand name in this chapter, corcorans) by comparison, did not have nails affixing the sole to the shoe so were silent on the cobblestones. Dick mentioned that he could smell the distinct German tobacco as they passed. He didn’t engage and no one saw him, and he returned to Easy without issue.
His memoirs actually mention a specific memory of seeing Harry Welsh walking among the men, checking on them, that night. I wrote that into this chapter. Harry and his absolute devotion to Kitty warms my heart and I enjoy him a great deal.
Random date mention in this chapter: 1939. If you ask someone “when did WWII start?” the answer is really going to vary depending on where you are. Many Americans might say 1941 with Pearl Harbor (though the European answer of 1939, with the combined German and Russian invasion of Poland, is also pretty commonly accepted). If you are asking this question in Asia, you may get 1937 which is when Japan began its invasion of China (July, ‘37). Again - WW2 was a global war and while in the West we often focus on the European theatre (or American involvement in the Pacific), the war in the Pacific as Japan moved to establish itself as the region’s imperial power (kicking out European powers from their colonies in the area as Europe was focused on dealing with the German threat in Europe, as Japan wanted the raw materials from those territories) is complex, significant, and still impacts regional politics to this day.
However, for context of this story in particular: 1939 obviously, is the “before/after” for Europe. Germany invaded Poland in September. The following year would be a busy one for Germany: in April of 1940, Germany would invade Denmark and Norway, and the following month would be their invasion of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. The Battle of the Atlantic however, began with the initiation of hostilities in September of 1939. This is when you begin to see the German u-boat threat make itself known, though it would skyrocket exponentially in 1940 and 1941. One of the first ships sunk at the outbreak of war in 1939 was a passenger ship, the SS Athenia. Among the casualties were some US and Canadian civilians, the media of both nations covered the incident. The Germans covered up their involvement in the sinking (some even asserted it was a UK propaganda effort) but despite the Germans modifying official documents to conceal their responsibility, a majority of Americans did believe the Germans had done it, irrespective of what other conversations were happening. (The truth was revealed post-war at the Nuremberg trials).
While not mentioned by name in this story, the sinking of the Athenia (and subsequent Battle of the Atlantic) is a significant component in the plot’s backstory for reasons that will be revealed in an undetermined number of chapters.
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