#miles o’briens polycule
captainkaseykirk · 2 years
Sometimes I reblog my own posts when I follow a new person with cool content in an effort to signal “hello yes I am also very insane about this we should be friends” in case they look at my account. Like a mating call but in a platonic way.
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departmentq · 2 years
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rhinexstone · 2 months
Here’s how it works to me:
Keiko and Kira 100% are involved. Surrogates are normally only done between those with compatible pagh and that’s why Kira’s so awkward in the beginning, Keiko (like most women) found Kira incredibly hot from day 1. Once the cultural nuance is addressed, yeah they fuck. Have tender romances. Couples date with the kids.
Kira and Miles have…really great physical chemistry actually. Not just for sex but in combat, labor, and massages in particular
Miles and Julian are complicated. Julian and Garak are in a deeply committed relationship, and while they’re not opposed to opening the relationship, every once and a while Julian will mention how much he loves it when they do sounding or breath play or argue for a week straight and Miles is reminded that maybe they wouldn’t quite work out. Keiko is always rooting for him though
Keiko and Miles: match made in Heaven. Soulmates. Twin flames. Perfectly fitting pieces.
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Important headcanon sketching with @xpityx
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squareshapedboop · 4 months
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whats-those · 2 years
Discuss your answers in tags and reblogs! Also say what you headcanon her sexuality to be. I’m personally not very involved in fandoms in general, so I’m curious about how people actually feel about this.
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ds9-polycule-tales · 2 years
A little roundup of context and background info to help with any confusion:
So in the "present of this timeline (2375, just after the end of the DS9 series. It's an AU so there are some differences from the series timeline)
The entire polycule includes:
- Elim Garak (Cardassian, he/him)
- Julian Bashir (human, he/they)
- Miles O'Brien (human, he/him)
- Keiko Ishikawa O'Brien (human, she/her)
- Kira Nerys (Bajoran, she/they)
- Jadzia Dax of House Martok (Joined Trill, she/they)
- Worf Rozhenko of House Martok (Klingon, he/him)
The children of the polycule are currently
- Molly O'Brien (she/her, human, bio parents Keiko and Miles)
- Kirayoshi O'Brien (human/Bajoran, undefined but provisionally he/they, bio parents Kira, Miles and Keiko)
- Alexander Rozhenko of House Martok (he/him, Klingon/human, bio parents Worf and K'Ehlyr (deceased).)
(Yup, in this AU, it's just as possible for people to be biologically the child of more than two people as it is to be a hybrid of two species. They have the technology.)
The active partnerships are currently:
- Keiko, Miles and Kira (married)
- Miles and Keiko
- Keiko and Kira
- Miles and Keiko
- Julian and Miles
- Julian and Garak
- Kira and Dax
- Kira and Odo (on hold? Does "Odo" actually exist any more? Is Kira in a relationship with the entire Great Link now? Is the entire Great Link now Kira's *ex*? I'm sure we'll find out 😈)
- Dax and Worf (married)
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eldritchazure · 2 years
so i don’t think my mom ships garashir or jiles, but she DID say that she likes jiles more because she “saw more evidence for jiles”.
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lostyesterday · 5 months
I enjoy Kira/Keiko as a ship, but I wish that most of the discussion about them didn’t center on the “O’Brien polycule”. I’m interested in how their dynamic changed from vaguely adversarial in “In the Hands of the Prophets” to friendly in later seasons. I want to know how they navigated the differences in their opinions on faith and religion. I want to know if/how Keiko’s thoughts on Bajoran religion changed over time. I want to know if Kira experienced any lingering resentment toward Keiko. I want to know how long it took them to become friends – if one or both of them made a great effort to mend the divide between them. I want to know if they have disagreements after that or if they carefully try to avoid speaking about topics where their opinions differ. There’s a lot that’s potentially interesting about their dynamic outside of how it relates to Miles.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
“Since the Cerritos is statistically the horniest and least romantically committed crew in Starfleet, we have no married officers aboard.”
- Lower Decks S4 EP6
First off if this is referring to just their current time period then yes I’d probably agree BUT since it’s a show and I think the creators were making a clever nod towards other shows I’d like to point out some things
This’ll get long. (Spoilers for TOS, TNG, DS9, & SNW)
Both Spock and McCoy are divorced (McCoy twice over)
Whatever was going on between Spock and Chapel ???
Kirk is apparently too committed to the enterprise (yeah definitely the ship… nobod-nothing else) to commit to any of the women that he has definitely fucked
Kirk didn’t commit to Carol Marcus and she had his son
The Shore Leave episode
Theodore Sturgeon’s letter about the Shore Leave episode
Episodes with “Paradise” in their name
Must I bring up Amok Time?
Half the crew is just in love with the ship and all their relationships fail. The one time someone tries to get married their spouse dies
Jean Luc is happy as is … Q however
Q is the horniest motherfucker for that frenchman and I’m counting him
Beverly with the ghost
Oh yeah Jean Luc literally kills two spouses (Crusher and Sisko) he’s actively uncommitting the romantics
The show’s SECOND EPISODE is where everyone gets super horny and fucks each other
Even the “emotionless” android gets some (I cannot blame Tasha one bit, Godspeed)
That’s all I remember from this show
Julian Bashir’s original name was Dr. Amoros. He is doctor dick.
Lwuxana Troi wants Odo so bad but that goop ain’t committing
Whatever is going on between Odo and Quark
Need I mention Garak?
Mirror universe (Kira is about to kiss herself)
Almost every character is dating each other in this show and they made it canon for several but they all fall apart (Except Rom and Leela cause they’re perfect)
The O’Brien polycule… I drew it out but it got more complicated than the O’Briens (basically Julian is best friends with Miles who is married to Keiko. Keiko was on a shuttle while pregnant with Julian and Kira when there was a crash and Julian had to transfer the child from Keiko into either him or Kira, so Kira volunteered. She ends up living with the O’Brien’s while carrying the child and bonds with both of them (to the point both she and Miles think it’s weird). Kira eventually gets with Odo who is Quark’s nemesis and Quark is crushing on Jadzia who is exes with Julian who is (somewhat unknowingly) courting Garak. Jadzia Dax becomes married to Worf but I think her and Sisko have definitely fucked. Sisko is married to Kasidy and enemies with Gul Dukat who reciprocates that but is also fixated on Kira who hates him. Did I miss something?)
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Now, I bet they did not count DS9 in their statistics because it’s a station not a ship but also because they’d always win this contest
Spock and T’Pring
Spock and Chapel
Spock and Kirk
Other Kirk and La’an
Kirk and Carol ???
(All of them fail that’s why I bring it up)
Pelia has been married to another woman (not canon but it’s gotta have happened, right?)
Whatever was going on between Una and Neera in the court episode
There’s no way Uhura’s in a relationship (they might set her up with Scotty next season but I’d like to see her and Chapel)
The others do not seem romantically committed to other people
Pike’s weird dinner parties
To be honest Lower Decks is maybe the most outright vulgar in its language but most of the time it’s a feel good show about a bunch of best friends. Their captain is married, their CMO and head security officer are in a (happy?) relationship, and third thing here.
I haven’t seen any of Voyager or Enterprise and I don’t think Discovery is that horny/romantically uncommitted
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pien-art · 3 years
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ds9 polycule my beloved
(click image for optimal quality!)
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anyone at DS9 not in the O’Brien polycule:
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hereforthelizardsex · 2 years
“It would have been nice”
“In another life”
“Let’s not even think about it”
It has been three years since I watched this episode and I am still chewing glass over it.
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panicroomsammy · 2 years
Flinthamiltons is what the O’Brien polycule could have been and Max/Anne/Jack is what Julian/Miles/Keiko could have been if it wasn’t for homophobia but I don’t think anyone will ever be ready for that conversation
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gar-trek · 2 years
Guess I’m on a quest to get myself hated by everyone but this is my hot take… I think a lot of people would like to ship Jiles but they don’t have the heart to imagine O’Brien cheating on his wife, or don’t want to admit thats something they would consider, so instead they are just like “well I believe in the O’Brien polycule so it’s fine! Keiko is totally okay with them banging she actually encourages her husband to be with another man 😁” and of course you can imagine whatever makes you happy, but I just feel like there isn’t much canon indication that Keiko would be okay with an arrangement like that. Obviously there is some canon indication of Miles/Keiko/Kira, but I’m talking specifically when people ship Miles/Julian….. and then Keiko is just there. I feel like the polycule is just a way to get Keiko out of the picture quick as possible with no mess involved. I feel like it masquerades as something that’s more respectful towards her character by not hurting her with something like infidelity, but in turn it strips away any agency she would have in that situation and makes her into a whole new character that barely resembles what we see in canon. And to me that feels more disrespectful then considering how she would actually react to the Julian/Miles relationship.
Also, There is no Jiles without Keiko, she’s always present in their narrative in canon. We understand from the show that Miles only started spending so much time with Julian because Keiko was gone. She is a central part of the story, and writing her off with a simple “well Shes okay with it” Pretty much takes away anything that makes Julian and Miles Julian and Miles. I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t kid yourself with the polycule, it’s way less interesting and also is so far removed from canon you might as well be shipping any two random men.
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autistic-bashir · 3 years
o’brien polycule (keiko/miles/kira) vs. the dukat polycule (dukat/damar/weyoun) whos clearing
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