#mild implication of
scr4xd · 4 months
Link meeting Solaine!! YIPEPEEE!!
(if you haven't seen my other post, solaine is a sidon x yona fanchild!! XP)
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i honestly wanted to continue this but this already took like 9 hours out of me so im gonna leave it as is, im like, obsessed with doodling her now 🤕
paper sketches under the cut!!
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Okay but does Peri KNOW that Dev has a robotic leg when he shows up? Something about the fact that Peri's wand is a cane and the fact that Dev could have kept his leg and just had a cane for the rest of his life instead tickles my brain.
I mean he doesn't know immediately, he wasn't like briefed or anything, but he basically lives in Dev's house so he definitely finds out. Peri doesn't comment on or react to it all though really, there's no reason for him to think anything of it, plenty of people have missing limbs, a lot of people are born without them, it doesn't necessarily mean anything sinister happened. He had no reason to pry or ask and I think Peri's lack of reaction to it helped Dev feel a bit more comfortable in his skin. (Not by much but.. a little bit.)
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artiocus · 9 months
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My submission for @merlintarotfest! I went fairly literal, but when I got my spread it fit too well to not go this route.
Posted in the collection on AO3!
I haven't tried my hand at Merlin fanart since I was a pixel artist, so this was fun! :D Also had fun trying out something new with the style. I took the oracle card drawn (The Witch) and used it both to determine the content (Morgana) and how I would handle the project (experimentation).
I feel like I should have added more details in some parts, but I ended up finishing these up in the midst of having Covid, so I was too tired to do much more than finish them up RIP
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into-the-feniverse · 10 months
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Woo woo sketch 😌
(inspired by this ⬇️ song & album cover art)
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americanphysco · 1 month
Deadnames (8.23.24)
When I walked into work last night, already five minutes later than I should have been, my boss stopped me before I could clock in.
He placed his hand over my timecard, towering over me with a furrowed brown and a tight-lipped frown. I braced myself, expecting a lecture on punctuality. It'd been my third day late in a row, a pattern that surfaced every few weeks or so.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
I took a deep breath. "Marcus, you know my car doesn't always start, and sometimes I have to babysit for my sister, and-,"
"It's not about your late streak. I would've fired you a long time ago if I cared about that."
Marcus finally dropped his hand, running it down the length of his face as he sighs instead. The last time I saw him that tense was during an unexpected late night rush from a college soccer team passing through.
"So, Anne and I are pregnant." he said.
"Well, I know that she's pregnant, but the you part is coming as a surprise."
He pretended to laugh. "You know what I mean. We're expecting a baby, and she's been hung up on names. We have this big book that we've gone through twice and she hates every name I circle, and I'm not sure why I'm asking you this, but I just need an outside opinion. What do you think of the name Claire?"
I freeze. "Claire?" I hadn't heard that name in years.
"You hate it?"
"No, no. I-" The last time I heard the name "Claire" it was being spat at me between bouts of tears and pleas, my mother begging me not to mutilate my body or ruin my pretty face, or however she crudely put it. That was eight years ago, maybe nine now.
But that wasn't "Claire's" fault.
"I love it. It's sweet, simple, easy to spell." I paused. "I knew a Claire once."
Marcus raised his eyebrows. "Was she nice?"
Images of my teenage self had begun to surface, all hunched and scrawny, hiding away in oversized t-shirts and emo bangs. I was unhappy, but I was still nice. I always held the door for strangers and stacked my dirty dishes at restaurants and apologized to my friends for being chronically late to hangouts.
I smiled, albeit slightly. "Yeah, she was."
"Alright," Marcus nodded, "That's good to you. Thank you, Nick. I really needed that."
"Sure, anytime."
Marcus clapped me on the shoulder before walking away. I hope his daughter wears Claire well, and with pride.
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wentzmp3 · 1 year
I havent come across any posts with mcr fans remarking about patrick yet, where did this come from?
it came from this post
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i don't know why mcr mains feel the need to be so weird and reductive towards the members of fob but they keep doing it!!
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prismit · 8 months
been playing 5bc too long. went back to 4bc because it's hard to focus on achievements when you have to worry about malaise and Oh Shit, Collector Jumpscare
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splat-inkrusted-blog · 2 months
Capn 3: Hey, what do you want to eat?
Eight: You!
Capn 3: 😳That's not what I asked!
Eight: That's my answer!
Neo 3:... I could go for spaghetti..
Eight: Neo! I thought we took your house key back!
Neo 3: You did.
Eight: Then how did you-
Cap 3: Eight, Do you believe that a simple lock would stop Neo?
Eight: I. I had. I am now I am realizing how foolish that was given your track record.
Neo 3: ... So spaghetti?
Cap 3: *Taking out money* And Dessert, for you, Lil' Buddy, and Four.
Neo 3: *Taking the money and Running* Thanks Cap! You're my favorite Old person!
Cap 3: I'm only Twenty Three!
Eight: ... What will we be eating?
Cap 3: *Pulling her shorts down* I'll figure something out for myself, but you had said you wanted to eat me, So who am I to deny you that?
Eight: *Blushing* Oh~ Booyah!
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hourcat · 1 year
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jesus christ alpine
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canis-harte · 6 days
constantly on edge curating my forcemasc reblogs because y'all walk a fineeeee line between celebrating becoming a man and absolutely shitting on women
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neechees · 2 years
In addition to that I don't find the "we're trying for a baby" thing weird bc there's a trend of ppl saying they find that weird because it means that they're having sex. Like idk about other people but I thought we were mature enough to know that yes, you need to have sex to have children, & if I know a couple is having children my mind doesn't immediately go to envisioning them having sex & I don't mind them telling me they're trying to have a baby
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very-uncorrect · 6 months
Sometimes I'll be writing one of my original stories and just sit there like shit I think I made this too gay somehow
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inspectorseb · 4 months
Guess who’s miraculously the only person in my house that don’t have Covid 💪🏻
Both my parents are miserable right now and we knows they got it from my grandfather who we saw Sunday but didn’t find out he had it until Monday. I don’t have it now but if I get it I’m gonna be fucking pissed cause I have never had Covid in the over 4 years it’s been around. And I’m the only person I know who still always wears a mask whenever I’m out in public
So I have now quarantined myself to the living room where I’m sleeping on an air mattress. I mean it ain’t that bad tho cause I’m right next to the kitchen and it means I have the big ass tv and my ps5 lol. You might be thinking why not just stay in your own room? Because of the shitty timing we’re supposed to be completely redoing my room rn which means all my shit is everywhere, I have no floor, I can’t sleep in my own bed 💀
Also there is a long ass rant about stuff in the rags that you don’t have to read. Really you didn’t even have to read anything anyways lol.
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philologique · 6 months
the sweet relief of blocking the op after seeing a post that annoys you for the third time
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inhumanheresy · 1 year
for @inkbloodcd
Ajax sighs, stretching out some of that sweet, deep ache as he rolls onto his side, Morax beside him as the adeptus' breath slowly evens out, both of them floating back down from their respective highs. He smirks, reaching over to trace one of the bites he'd left at the junction of throat and shoulder, not quite drawing blood but more than deep enough to bloom a blue-black bruise below the skin.
Any mark more shallow on Morax fades fast. Incredibly fast. Damn the innate healing factor of a god for never letting him savor the imprint of his hands on Morax's hips or lingering nail rakes down his back or the marks of light, sharp nips on his inner thighs or the nape of his neck.
At least he can appreciate these while they last. He swipes his thumb up to press against the pulse-point beneath Morax's jaw, listening for a hitch of breath, feeling for the lean into the pressure or away to follow the guiding touch.
What am I but a bruise, ever fading fast?
He breathes out, stroking that pulse.
"Do you ever scar? Or is that something not possible, what with how fast you heal, or if wounds don't stick with you through shifting your form?"
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Here’s just. A whole mess of drawings I did while I was still listening to season 1 of Dungeons and Daddies! It’s funny that I ended keeping none of these kiddad designs besides Grant in the long run, I drew the Oak twins with such short hair originally… now I refuse to draw them with hair shorter than their armpits LOL
There’s a fun lil Grant/Nick versus Lark/Nick comic because I knew people shipped Nark but didn’t know why. I still don’t know why, honestly, but I like them anyways, they’re my funny little guys. Also I forgot that I kept drawing Normal during S1 just because I’d hear about him online and go !!! (<- this is still true about me, I love Norm so much)
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