#mila does name aesthetics
timeship · 7 years
💙 name aesthetics 💙
I am finally free from studies this year and I have a lot of spare time so I decided to do name aesthetics again! ps i also keep losing followers and it’s depressing
mbf this k-pop trash
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send me your name +  ❤️ for aesthetics in English, 💙 for aesthetics in French and/or 💕 for the same thing in Russian (if you’re into that kind of stuff)
blacklist mila does name aesthetics if you don’t want to see it on your dash
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sunshades · 5 years
Valentia.... but with a clearer Russian inspiration
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pikechris · 3 years
I've recently binged both bbc and cbs ghosts and been a little obsessed with it but anyway it's given me an idea for a ds9 au with the same premise, namely ghosts: cardassia.
now imagine. it's months after the finale and julian has been working with the relief unit on cardassia for some time. sometimes he visits garak (for lunch? because they got together? who knows) in his garden shed but lives with the starfleet unit. one day he has a minor accident with the power grid or something that leaves him clinically dead for a lil bit but it's ok, the miracles of starfleet medicine etc. etc. he goes back to work the next day and doesn't notice anything, but then he goes to visit garak (who doesn't know about the accident) and finds him surrounded by a gaggle of oddly dressed cardassians. he asks about the visitors. there are no visitors, says garak. he doesn't know about them. because they're ghosts. and they're staring at him, wide-eyed, shocked that he can see them.
there are nine of them, and they are, in order of death:
a hebitian woman who was something like a farmer. she's kind and religious and wears very colourful clothes. she fell from a tall tree when picking fruits.
a hebitian man who died about 1000 years later, when the first invaders came after the climate catastrophe. a scientist. he was murdered by them.
a 20-something man, a child of the invaders, who died because of the awful conditions of the planet that were unkind to everyone. there's only a 30-year gap between his and the previous ghost's deaths. they don't like each other.
the housekeeper of the very first tain who built the very first house on that land. died of an accident in the kitchen. she's a very no-nonsense woman and will criticise your manners.
an artist who was staying in the house for some reason. nobody really knows how they died and they won't tell, probably because it's embarrassing. they're kind of a romantic and all about aesthetics and appreciation of art and beauty.
a gul who was a friend of one of the tains. died of a heart attack or some such. he's older. he's very into the military propaganda and all that but during the dominion war he was very anti-dominion and a fan of damar, thank you.
enabran tain's great-grandfather's brother. the gul knew him as a child. he was a lawyer who died of an illness. he also buys heavily into the system and the state propaganda. he has a sense of humour which is kind of annoying at times.
a young politician who was too pro-democracy and anti-bajoran-occupation for everybody's liking, so tain invited him over and killed him himself. he was a supporter of the oralian way. he gets along with the hebitians and the artist most of all, but also with mila, who likes him and is sorry for tain and for having to clean up his body.
mila garak, the newest ghost.
at first julian doesn't want to believe that they're really ghosts and thinks it has something to do with the accident, but then he remembers the incident with dr crusher and the candle ghost, which every cmo knows about because it impacted the fuck form policy, and other weird things he's seen or heard about, and concludes that it might not be impossible actually. plus they're all speaking kardasi and he reckons that if they were in his head, he'd hear english, if they were telepathic entities only he can see, he'd hear english, and if they were any other sort of entity, he'd head ut'd english, so clearly they must exist, be cardassian, and go unregistered by the ut. he grabs a tricorder and finds some faint energy readings that aren't normal when he scans them. so that's it, ghosts exist, apparently... and they can be very opinionated.
garak doesn't believe him at first but then julian starts telling him all sorts of stuff related to the time in the basement and even his childhood, supplied to him by the ghosts and most definitely previously unmentioned, and horrified that they'd just tell him all that, he concedes (mostly because he does know about hebitians and the oralian way teachings, and the idea of spirits and afterlife aren't as foreign and ridiculous to him as to most others). so now he knows he lives with nine ghosts, and one of them is his mother. he's mostly glad he can't see them, but it unnerves him all the same because they can see him.
julian is a bit unnerved as well, but he does get used to them (and other ghosts he now realises he sees everywhere else) fairly quickly and sees them as eccentric friends who can tell him interesting things about history and garak when he lived there, much to garak's dismay, and most of whom listen to him and need him to do things for them so they're less bored. some need time to get used to him because he's an alien, but they come around too eventually. he speaks the language, which is appreciated, and clearly cares about the cardassian people if he's there to help, and mila's elim loves him, and did they mention he's the only one who can see them and make things interesting? so he's alright. if they could get used to the idea of being ghosts and being ghosts together with two hebitians whose existence was erased from the history curriculum, well, they can get used to a human. for him, it's chaos at times, because they love to talk and argue and it makes it hard to focus when he's there and they're around, but he's patient and listens to them in turn, actually talks to them, and, being used to garak's nonsense, knows how to deal with them if need be. so that's fun. and, being a doctor and wanting to help people, he gets them to talk about things, sometimes, in an effort to help them move on. they don't, or not any fast at least, but he can try, eh?
so yeah. cardassian ghosts au!
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kvothe-kingkiller · 3 years
looking for readers for a project
now that I dont have school to worry about I’m gonna try and get the first draft of my next thing out. last time I just uploaded the chapters online as I went but this time Ive decided to keep it to just a select few ‘alpha readers’ who will also just function as a way of motivation just to make sure I meet deadlines I set cause if I do it myself then I just ignore all deadlines. 
so if anyone wants to read each chapter as it comes out and give feedback (or not, u can also just read it) I would be very appreciative. Its probably gonna be pretty long cause I 100% have an over-writing problem with first drafts. 
the project is Young Man’s Game. It’s ish (ish) similar to kkc but about 300 times more gay and the setting is based on middle eastern, northern african, and mediterranean cultures. I’ll put a longer description under the cut.
I’m considering giving any readers, who stick through to the end and give feedback, a piece of art as a thank you. I’d do every chapter but....like I said. over-writing problem. 
anyways if you’re interested please DM or message me!  (also pls reblog)
Okay so the first chapter, which I already have finished, is going to come off as a lot more similar to kkc than the series actually is. mainly cause it’s setting up exposition and setting and I came up with the idea while smack in the middle of my kkc phase lol.
Heres a very short little blurb I wrote about it ages ago:
Odrad and Sheiro have been at war for generations. Now, in a time of tense armistice, Mila is summoned to a university to learn to control the rare ability she was born with, the ability to forge facets. Paired with a mentor, the bizarre Ardev Kallas, she must adjust to her new life as a forger. But disaster seems to loom as the nations look for any excuse to fight, and Ardev is not who he says he is. Is everything she was taught about the war a lie?
The plot for the first book at least (probably going to be at least two) is fairly...fluid. Basically just Mila trying to adjust and learn and a whole lot of ‘fuck around and find out’. It explores prejudice and corrupt governments and identity and ‘war bad’ and all sorts of fun stuff. It's very character based since I’m a character bitch but I’m doing my best to keep the plot and pacing good as well. 
Rating would be R for sure. There’s a lot of swearing, some violence/brutality but I don't tend to go for too much gore. It will have some heavy topics (child abuse, sexual assault, etc) but most of that is stuff in characters pasts so it’s more talked about among them rather than actually Described. I also don't like writing explicit sex scenes so anything along those lines is more of a fade to black situation. 
I can add any content warnings to each chapter if you wish.
Setting is fantasy with low magic. Forging is akin to bending from ATLA or naming in KKC, with a touch of sympathy cause I’m a slut for science and my magic must have rules. Like I said above, it's based on northern african, middle eastern, and mediterranean cultures. However more in aesthetic than values (basically just...warm setting, no trees, how do buildings and clothes and stuff evolve in these conditions). I do my best to be fairly original with stuff like religion and values. Very little sexism. Women and men are viewed differently but not “men are better”
Queerness: the setting does have some homophobia but that's cause I’m ghey and like writing ghey characters saying ‘fuck what u think’. But it's kinda more like Mila is from buttfuck nowhere in the bible belt (and...doesn't have access to internets) and moves to fuggin san francisco and is like O.O and also all the characters are queer. 
Lastly I do have some chapters finished. I will be using google classroom (lol yes google classroom) to distribute to ppl and get feedback. If you aren’t sure if you would like to or not I can give you just the links for the first two or so, so you can get a feel without actually being added into my ‘class’.
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romillys · 3 years
hi everyone! so glad this is back!
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romilly ‘mila’ van der woodsen was spotted in the fashion district adorning the jimmy choo thyra 100 jewel-embellished suede heeled sandals , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to blinding lights - acoustic by victoria voss . you may know them as romillys or as that casimere jollette lookalike . their twenty fourth birthday just passed . while living in  the upper east side , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be defensive but on the other hand hard-working . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cis woman / she/her + elle / 23 / she/her )
* character questionaire .
01. if you have three words to describe yourself , what are they ?
focused, daring, confident.
02 . what is your favourite alcoholic drink ?
it’s definitely wine. i used to only drink white but i’ve become really fond of red. my grandpa gave me a bottle of  1982 latour for my twenty first birthday and that was easily the most impressed i’ve ever been with wine. i’m not going to be basic and say dom perignon.
03 . what is your favourite season and why ?
i’ve always loved winter because of the associations of ballet and the performances of the nutcracker. it’s always help a special place in my heart and i continue to feel the same after all these years. plus, i love the parties and dressing up, feel like i can go more glam with more diamonds and sparkles than in the summer.
04 . what’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done ?
it would have to be when i drunkenly booked a vacation to dubai for myself and a few friends after a wine and movie night. i spent a ridiculous amount but the trip was fun and i can safely say my friends and i still talk about it.
* character biography .
the only grand daughter of olivier van der woodsen, romilly would grow up surrounded by luxury olivier was the founder and controlling shareholder of woodsen enterprises, a company has investments in various industries including auto parts, energy, metals, rail cars, casinos, food packaging, real estate, and home fashion. it was more than enough for him to provide for his son and daughter-in-law and now his grand-daughter. like her parents before her, romilly was born into privileged and lived comfortably in an upper east side penthouse where she was waited on by endless nannies and housekeepers. her father was involved in the family business, hoping to be handed olivier’s shares one day but the other showed no sign of willingly stepping down any time soon; her mother a self-absorbed socialite that had her own ideas of how to dominate society meant that childcare did not land with either of them.
her parents were difficult to communicate with and this lead to many nannies leaving just when romilly had started to become attached. they were the closest thing to love that she had received but as they left constantly she would grow up with a great sense of inadequacy. they weren’t in love and it seemed the both of them only valued their own sucesses, not each others. as she grew up, she would become her grandfather’s favourite and it would leave both her parents with green eyes...
romilly always liked dancing and had a special connection with music. every time she heard it she wanted to move. she was too young to understand it but she had natural musicality. when they realised that it was harder for the help to stay, they pushed her onto olivier with the hope that she’d be a distraction to pressure him into taking a step back. The man, although one of the most powerful people in New York City, did have a soft spot for his granddaughter. he was the one that saw potential in her dancing as a child. he was quick to enroll her when she was six and everything else followed.
from that moment on, she would only look forward to dance and seeing her grandfather. he was the only one who understood her passion and was the one encouraging her at every stage. however, her parents were quick to criticise performances or her facial expressions when performing. no matter how hrd she tried, it wasn’t enough to impress them. she started distancing from them after that, only talking to her grandpa and looking to him when she needed emotional sport.
being accepted into the summer intensive programme for the school of american ballet was a game changer for her. she made good friends and loved breathing dance and being surrounded by people who had the same passion. she attended the same intensive two years running and her place there just felt right. the next year, she was enrolled as a full time student at the school of american ballet and moved into halls. it was a freedom she never had before and felt like it was her very first chance to have a real sense of community and support.
romilly worked extremely hard and was definitely one who focused on her success; that had seeped its way through from her parents. she was one of the lucky ones to become an apprentice at new york city ballet and the staff definitely took note. her skill level had almost been at prodigy level and she always maintained a ‘can-do’ attitute. she wouldn’t simply bend into the background.
this year, she became one of the youngest principal dancers in the company and it was the best day of her life. she had become a successful professional ballerina. she has also assisted with some choreography as her creativity has blossomed over the years. now her parents wanted to be proud of her and they did make an effort to see her, although it felt really strained from their side. they had ulterior motives but she wasn’t sure what.
romilly was hit hardest after the announcement of the death of olivier van der woodsen, her grandpa who she had loved so much. after the loss and added pressure, her personality has somewhat shifted. she’s out a lot more in clubs now, making out with people and deciding to lessen her control over herself. besides, she’s now a billionaire in her own right but can even comprehend how much money she actually has. she is more defensive and snaps at her co-workers a lot more. she’s secretive and does keep most things to herself. she’s embarrassed that she’s involved in family disputes over money that she never asked for and now worried that stories are leaking on the internet about her and have the ability to tarnish her image in the ballet world. she feels like if she doesn’t fix it soon, she’ll be on her way out of the company. still, she doesn’t help herself and continues to party and drink a lot more than she should do which leads to easily avoidable drunken stumbles that hurt her...
* extras .
Full Name: romilly annabeth van der woodsen
Nickname(s): mila, tiny dancer, ro
Age: twenty four
Date of Birth: december 19, 1996
Hometown: new york city, new york
Current Location:  new york city, new york  
Ethnicity: white
Nationality: american
Gender: cis woman
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bi romantic & bi sexual
Religion: none
Political Affiliation: none
Occupation: principal ballerina at new york city ballet
Living Arrangements: upper east side penthouse previously owned by olivier van der woodsen
Language(s) Spoken: english, french, chinese
Hair Colour: blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 5′4″
Build: slender
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears
a fully stocked wine cabinet, diamante earrings, chanel pumps, silk crop tops, crystal embellished stilettos, a pile of pointe shoes discarded in the corner of the main room, marble flooring, roof to floor windows, bobby pins gathering at the bottom of her purse, quickly applying glitter eyeshadow with her fingers, a collection of nude palettes and diamante earrings, deleting emails without reading them, golden chandeliers, rejected calls from parents, tops with puffed sleeves, berets, nineties colored purses, twenty hour days and booking trips aborad while under the influence.
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mattysin · 4 years
heyyy it’s me, lisa ( 21, she/her, est ). this took me a hot minute ! I was going to take a nap but I’m writing this intro instead ( points for being productive ? ). pls like this or hit me up for plots, it is my fav thing ever gnfjd. anyway, get ready for sad boi hours I am truly so sorry.
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new york’s very own matthew “matty” sinclair was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to jacob elordi ! you may know them as @mattysin or hitting the front page of tmz as matty remerges after spending another year in rehab . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-second birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being destructive , but also caring . things that would paint a better picture of you would be a cigarette tucked behind an ear, sketches in a journal, and oversized sweaters . ( cismale + he/him  )
full name: matthew alexander sinclair 
nicknames: matty 
hometown: new york 
occupation: artist but mega trust fund baby
family: father & mother ( divorced ), step-father, older sister, older brother, twin sister ( deceased ) 
zodiac sign: pisces 
personality type: introvert, isfp 
moral alignment: chaotic neutral 
sexuality: bisexual 
aesthetics: worn out converse, shadows lurking in the past, cigarette tucked behind an ear, sketches in a journal, large glasses, I owe you’s, a bloodied lip, unsent letters, dishevelled hair, cold hands warm heart, oversized sweaters.
+ imaginative, gentle, caring, receptive, trusting
– destructive, self-centred, sensitive, withdrawn, quiet, submissive
trigger warnings;; drug addiction, overdose, familial death
born to two new york doctors, who finished their perfect family with the addition of twins, matty being the youngest ( by two minutes! ). the siblings had been as close as you would expect. silly disagreements between the elders and constant coddling to the youngest. it wasn’t surprising to find that the twins had been the closest of them all. early on their siblings had tested their twin connection thoroughly, working out what powers they may have come to possess in the womb. their personalities differed, his twin sister mila had been exuberant where matty had been shy. wild, where matty was gentle. they by no means had twin telepathy either, usually on different thought processes. but it didn’t take long to discover it; their twin thing. they were akin to feeling the same emotions. it grew obvious that in the ways they hadn’t shared the same mind, they had shared the same heart.
at sixteen years old he lost half of him. a cliche car accident on a rainy day had left his life in shambles. matty could tell you the exact moment he knew she was gone, for he had felt it too. that day had claimed both of their lives. matty hadn’t been mentally present for the months following her death. not for funeral, not as they closed her bedroom door never to be reopened. he grew angry with the world and his family, for asking him to do the unthinkable - live without his twin. the family never recovered after the tragedy, his parents divorced and his siblings tried to keep their world together as the rest of them watched it fall apart. it was two days shy of their seventeenth birthday when matty had taken drugs for the first time, in an attempt to regain some of his former self. it hadn’t worked, but it had eased some of the pain.
that’s when the addiction began. hitting hard before anybody could stop it. matty had grown unrecognisable, stealing and lying were things that his siblings had come to expect from their brother. his parents were in strong denial, both being experienced doctors, they tried to cure the incurable. ultimately, having to make the difficult decision to cut him off. forcing matty set out on his own, one whole year he lasted, before he had his first overdose. an experience that should have scared him, but he had never felt so relieved. it had earned him a one way ticket to rehab, one that was short-lived. parts of his former self had remained though, a light peaking out of the darkness. a gentleness and care that had always been present. 
most don’t know the reasoning behind his sudden change in lifestyle. maybe his sketchbook would give a hint. but speculation would suggest that his twin sister had something to do with it, as it always had. either way, matty had checked himself into rehab, wanting to gain some control over his life. something he had succeeded in, having recently reached nine months of being clean. but the more days that pass by and he remains sober, the more he is forced to learn who he is without his better half. but, a city rivalry might just be enough to distract him...
matty really hasn’t changed all too much from childhood, except for the changes in personality due to addiction and the crippling depression. really, a good person who does bad things. but ! he is gentle and caring, very attuned to people’s feelings. he can be quite shy and withdrawn, and really relies on others to force him out of his shell. submissive and overly trusting, he is usually taken advantage of or left disappointed. so very destructive and loves to self-sabotage !
talks in his sleep
always hard to reach, never uses his phone 
loves his family more than anything but keeps them at arms length probably out of guilt
keeps a necklace his mother gifted him that he believes keeps him safe
is always cold therefore wears oversized sweaters only
definitely needs glasses but only wears them like 30% of the time
some wanted connections
a good influence, someone who keeps him sober
but also give me a bad influence !
someone that reminds him of his twin sister pls
someone he used to get high with
his dealer ? messy
any flings during or after his addiction give me
friends but they’re not really just friends, you know ?
an almost lover
anyone he met at rehab or aa or any support group
alllll the enemies, good reason or not
friends that don’t know about his past ?
friends that know too much about his past ?
literally anything
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mutuals as historical buildings??
now that’s what i’m talking about!!!!
@archaicmusings: the acropolis of athens, athens, greece.
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i mean? duh? did you expect anything different? of course cal with her interest in classics history would be one of the most recognizable buildings of the classics age! now, don’t ask me what the heck this building was for because i don’t know. that is not my side of history, friends, and i’m smart enough to admit that.
anyways, can’t you just see cal leading a tour around the building?! she would absolutely be wearing socks and sandals and that makes me love her more. 
 @almightygwil: little red schoolhouse, farmington, maine.
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this is more of a concept of buildings than a specific building, but the one pictured above (built in 1852) is pretty spot on in terms of the building(s) i would choose for ellie. 
when i think of ellie, i think of little house on prairie. i think of one room schoolhouses and lots of kids under the tutelage of one teacher. essentially, when i think of ellie, i think of the historical life i would kill to live in the mid-to-late nineteenth century (if things didn’t suck for so many people back then). ellie is warm and absolutely gives great hugs (even if i’ve need received one from her) and i would love to be her student in one of these schools. 
@im-an-adult-ish: wrigley field, chicago, illinois. 
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do i know anything about baseball? barely. do i know about the significance of wrigley field? again, not really. 
what i do know is baseball is really important to meredith and so is wrigley field. i mean, her dog is named after it so that’s some indication of its importance. i do think that something about wrigley field screams “all american” and meredith is a very all-american girl (in the best possible way). 
@ineloqueent: yerkes observatory, williams bay, wisconsin. 
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according to the internet, the yerkes observatory was “the birthplace of modern astrophysics” in 1892 when it was founded. i don’t know if that holds water, but i do know that tina loves stars and space and looking at stars in space. of all the other observatories i was looking at, i liked this one the most because, while it serves a specific function, it also is architecturally beautiful. it’s really european in feel (especially for being in wisconsin of all places) and we love our european tina!!! anyway, the combined natures of science meeting european architecture was what made me say, “yeah tina would be this building.” 
@dancingdiscofloof: palacio de cristal, madrid, spain.
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the first place on our list that i’ve been to irl!
i had absolutely no idea where we were going when we started the trek from madrid’s palace to this crystal palace. really, i was just walking and trying not to cry ‘cause i’d only eaten bread and cheese for a week. but then! out of the blue! this beautiful crystal palace in the middle of a park. also ducks!
this building reminds me of rove for two reasons: it’s classic, and rove is classic. it’s also modern, and rove is also modern. from what i can gather, the crystal palace operates slightly like a museum. different art exhibits have been housed in the building from time to time. (when i was there, the sculptures inside were these weird, like, sandstone naked people?? idk what that was about) 
anyway, rove kinda reminds me of a museum or at least a very classy museum tour-guide.
@gwiilymslee: le mont saint michel, normandy, france.
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look at that! it’s like freaking tangled! america could never!!!
all freaking out aside, audrey is absolutely a princess who deserves not only her own castle, but her own castle on an island. i think mont-saint-michel truly has this otherworldly feel to it, like something out of a novel or a movie. audrey gives me those same vibes.
@joemazzmatazz: san bernadino alle ossa, milan, italy.
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another place on our list i’ve been to irl! i was in italy (among other countries) last year, and i randomly found this chapel nearby the milan cathedral. there are bones and skeletons of (supposed) plague victims decorating the very cramped room, and let me tell you, it was one of the weirder experiences of my life sitting in that room. 
i chose this for regan because, while i could have gone for the quintessential 80s punk scene and that would have fit just fine, i also think regan is a blend of the macabre and the aesthetic if that makes sense? like she’s one of those people who can really pull off the edgy, grunge vibe while also maintaining class and sophistication. that’s the general feeling i got from this chapel when i was there, so i thought it fit. 
@deacyblues: the flatiron building, new york, new york.
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pearl will never not scream early 20th century to me. the flatiron building was built in 1902 and is typically seen as a landmark of the rapid growth of new york city, as well as the development of architecture in the united states. 
anyway, to me the flatiron building is iconic of the early 1920s, and so is pearl. the building has some european feel to it, too, with the way the faces of each side are carved, and pearl often speaks with this blend of american/british vernacular. really, i think what i’m trying to say is pearl reminds me of transatlantic movie-stars, and so does the flatiron building.
@six-bloodyminutes: the guggenheim, new york, new york.
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there are two sides to mo. when i first met her, i was like, “huh, this girl is pretty put together. she seems like she knows what’s going on.” then i got to know her more and i thought, “oh wait. she, in fact, does not know what’s going on.” 
the geggenheim reminds me of mo because, from the exterior, it’s sleek and classic, but also unique. it makes you want to take a closer look. on the inside, it’s full of modern art that makes zero sense whatsoever. mo is much the same: put together on the outside, but on the inside, she’s full of surprises, absolutely delightful in her exuberance, and a joy to get to know better. also: i feel like if she were a staircase, she’d be the staircase inside of the guggenheim as well. 
@hijackmy-heart: casa mila, barcalona, spain.
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nat is fun. like she makes me laugh a lot and she’s witty (in two languages!!) and she absolutely knows how to have a good time. much like this really strange looking building. there’s a certain whimsy to nat that i feel like this building evokes, too. all in all, 10/10 building, 10/10 person.
@kiwi-hardy: bishop’s castle, rye, colorado.
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the last place on the list that i’ve been too irl! the story of bishop’s castle is strange: essentially this man named jim bishop bought land in c.o. for $450 in the 60′s, and he has been handcrafting this massive stone castle ever since. there have been legal battles (over the stones used themselves and over road signs and who controls the castle in the event of jim’s death) but let me tell you one thing: that castle is not built to code whatsoever. i was afraid for my life.
i feel like nothing captures the chaos of leah as much as the house with a fire-breathing dragon on one side, a gift shop on another, and spray painted signs all over the property that say many things but particularly “enter at your own risk”
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timeship · 7 years
Izzie ❤️ xx
Izzy: confessing things around a campfire, brick walls covered in graffiti, bouquets of fallen leaves, cherry juice running down the chin, riding bicycles with friends, flannel shirts, the smell of chamomile.
name aesthetics!
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creativespecialism · 4 years
Film Language: Taking  A look At Black Swan
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Black Swan is an American Psychological horror film directed by Darren Arronofsky. I is based on an original story by Andres Heinz. he film stars Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Babara Hershey, and Winona Ryder. The plot revolves around a production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet by the New York City Ballet company. The production requires a ballerina to play the innocent and fragile White Swan, for which the committed dancer Nina (Portman) is a perfect fit, as well as the dark and sensual Black Swan, which are qualities better embodied by the new rival Lily (Kunis). Nina is overwhelmed by a feeling of immense pressure when she finds herself competing for the part, causing her to lose her tenuous grip on reality and descend into madness.
The film opens with a shot of Nina’s feet. she is wearing ballet shoes and the light is white. This establishes her character very early on as it tells us that she is pure, naive and that dancing and ballet is the most important element of her life. I think it’s interesting that this opening scene is also a dream sequence. Nina dreams that she is the Swan Queen so at this point in the film it is but a fantasy and is even interrupted by the nightmarish black swan creature and we are made aware of this through the use of music. It quickens in pace making the situation seem panicked and dire. It could also be said that the fact that the surrounding area is symbolic of Nina’s underlying darkness and her blindness to the reality of the outside world.
When Nina is walking outside it is always a shot from behind and the camera is slightly shaky. This makes us feel like we’re following Nina in a documentary style film and it makes the whole thing very personal. like we’re their on this journey with her.
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Early on in the film we get introduced to Nina’s foil, Lily. Lily is a stark contrast to Nina’s innocence and naivety. She’s confident and sexually secure. 
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 This is where the wardrobe really comes in. Even before this contrast we have a pretty good idea that the costume design is gonna play a huge role because Nina’s scarf looks particularly like a swans plumage. and could be seen as restricting.
Lily wears black and grey throughout the film and rarely wears white, using it as an accent to the black,  most notably with her delicate white feather earrings. Whilst Nina wears mostly white, pale greys and very pale pink. All very delicate colours that preserve her innocence. This carries over in the makeup choices as Lily’s eyeshadow is dark and bold, heavy and Nina’s is light, more natural with hints of glitter. 
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The crux of the film is Tchaikofsky’s Swan Lake. Thomas the director of  the dance company has to choose his swan queen but they have to be able to play both Odette and Odile. The white and black swans. The wardrobe choices eludes us to the fact that Lily is the black swan or at least resembles what the black swan is supposed to be. 
Nina finds out that she isn’t picked to be the swan queen and goes to confront Thomas who assaults her with a kiss. this is what earns her the role because she retaliates with a bite. After this scene Nina calls her mother and calls her “mommy”  this is a reaction of regression to childhood, perhaps a retreat to a time of safety? I say this because it’s already established that Nina refers to her mother as mom and has her saved as this in her phone. This regression is Nina’s way to deal with this unwanted advancement. But later on in the film we get the impression that her mother is narcissistic as their apartment is littered with self portraits and she resents Nina for ruining her ballet dreams by being born.
Whilst we’re on the subject of childhood I find Nina’s bedroom incredibly interesting.
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The main colour is this incredibly pale pink, almost off-white and it’s cluttered with lacy furnishings and stuffed toys that scream Sanrio aesthetic. Don’t get me wrong I love stuffed toys and I have many at home but within the context of the film and how they’re used here. It’s clear that they are supposed to be this symbol of childhood and childishness.
One time when Nina is walking home she has a visual hallucination.
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She sees herself in a darker attire with darker hair and more confidence as if she’s daring herself to defy and question the inevitable existence of her darker side. This can be seen as foreshadowing to the point in the film where Nina begins to embrace the darkness that’s underlining her innocence.
At one point in the film Lily takes Nina to a club. there’s lots of flashing lights, red lighting. It’s quite intense. Lily offers a skimpy black top to Nina so that she can dress more club appropriate. At first Nina refuses but later we see her wearing it over her white top. This not only shows us that Nina hasn’t fully embraced the darkness but it also marks the start of her transition into the black swan. Lilly also offers Nina a white pill of Ecstasy. Which she takes, albeit with reluctance. 
The sex scene is very interesting especially since it was completely fabricated. Lily wore black underwear and Nina wore white underwear. Lily was on top, the more dominating position. Nina was very submissive and and at the end she saw Lily as herself. This tells us that Nina will eventually allow her darker side to take over and dominate what she is now. 
Nina actually oversleeps after this night and because she comes in late Lily is named as her alternate. This makes Nina paranoid and is the true catalyst to the decline of her sanity. She also has a visual hallucination of Thomas getting it off with Lily and Thomas turns into the black swan creature we saw a the start of the film. 
We can say that this is a wake up call of sorts. She rushes home and gets rid of all her stuffed toys. Literally disposing of the symbols of her childhood and by extension her innocence. She does it quite forcefully too.
This is a great scene as It’s so unexpected and intense. Beth is the old and forgotten prima who winds up in hospital after a failed suicide attempt. Nina returns the items she stole from her dressing room, one of them boing a small knife, probably a letter opener. Nina hallucinates Beth stabbing her self with the knife. Since Beth represents a future version of Nina we can say that this is foreshadowing that Nina will be her own undoing.
We also get this scene.
The ballet music is building in the background and is competing with the factitious screams and that her and her mother exchange. She forcefully locks herself away and pulls jagged black feathers out of the self-inflicted scratches on her back. Her eyes are red and intense. and we get a close up shot of them to give us a feeling that she’s looking at us, pleading for help.
This is the night before the show so it’s all getting very intense and we can see that the pressure is getting to Nina. She hallucinates her legs breaking which cause her to fall and bang her head. on her bed. This can be read as her not having a leg to stand on. Or that she’s on her last leg as it were. However you could also say that this is a nod to the idiom “break a leg” which is used to with good luck to someone out of superstition that “ good luck” would be a jinx.
In the final act it’s time for the show. Nina goes on and an is riddled with anxiety which is made worse by the fact that her prince drops her. We get a close up of her knee as it makes contact with the floor to emphasise the importance of this. In a high class ballet production you expect everything to be perfect and run smoothly and Nina knows this so this mistake really plays on her mind. 
After this Nina returns to her dressing room to find Lily there, powdering her nose and wearing Nina’s costume for Odile. This is a fight scene of sorts.
Nina hallucinates Lily as herself but a more dark and confidence version who is determined to take Nina’s place on stage as Odile so, Nina trusts this adversary against the mirror and stabs them with a piece of broken glass. After which they turn back into Lily. Personally I read this as symbolic of Nina killing her anxiety and insecurities and ridding herself of them so she can be free to fullylet go and embrace her darker self.
This is clear in the scene that follows.
Here we can see right away that Nina is much less rigid and controlled as she was at the start of the film. The dance is her advantage rather than a prison her mother put her in. Nina undergoes metamorphosis into a black swan. It starts at the hands, a symbol that blood is on her hands due to the murder of Lily/her darker counter part. this grey colour travels up Nina’s veins and eventually consumes her arms. Feathers begin to form and her foot work sounds like feathers flapping. Her eyes are red and swan like and her makeup looks like a pair of angular wings. eventually her arms turn to actual wings and her dress grows to fit the rest of her body, drowning it in black. We get a striking shot of of Nina in the finishing pose with two large shadows cast on the bare brick wall. It’s wonderful. Also after this Nina forcefully kisses Thomas which is a parallel to when he kissed her earlier on in the film as this time Nina is the one who is in control and passionate. She’s now the seducer. 
After this performance it is revealed that Lily is still alive and Nina actually stabbed herself. In the final part of the play Odette returns and commits suicide by jumping off a cliff but safely onto a mattress. This means Nina has to become Odette again so the film shows her taking the shard of glass out of her wound. she is effectively removing this part of her so she can resume her innocence but as she dances for the last time we learn that this isn’t possible. The wound begins to bleed and stain the white dress representing the underlying issues Nina has and how they are bleeding through into her life. She jumps and we discover that this wound was one of the only things that actually happened to Nina and her final words “I was perfect” fade to white.
I think fading to white is interesting. It represents peace but also vulnerability. Naked and in your face about it. I always get quite tense when I see a character wearing white. most of the time one of three things happen; there’s gonna be blood because it shows up nicely, they’re gonna get married because wedding dresses are normally white and it’s subtle foreshadowing, or they’re going to die, especially if it’s a bloody murder but more importantly because angels and heaven are often associated with white. So having Nina be a white swan in her final costume is very fitting.
Black Swan is an amazing film that probably needs a few watches to really catch everything. it has amazing performances and direction and the costume design and lighting and shot work are just amazing. There are still somethings I didn’t talk about and I know I’ve kind of already spoiled the majority of the film but I really recommend watching it for yourselves. 
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thedevilwearsleanna · 4 years
PfIs that LEANNA JAMESON? Wow, they do look a lot like MILA KUNIS. I hear SHE is/are a EIGHTEEN year old SENIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are a(n) ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be MANIPULATIVE and RASH, but on the bright side they can also be INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [SAM, 18, GMT, SHE/HER]
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Name: Leanna Alyssia Jameson
Year: Senior
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning Bisexual
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Aesthetics: smudged red lipstick, perfectly messed up hair, the way rain falls at night, running until your lungs burn, waking up at dawn and sleeping at three a.m 
Classes: English, Advanced Biology, Algebra, French, Psychology, Latin, Geography
Leanna seems like one of those typical rich kids who’s only goal in life is to bully the unpopular kid but what people generally don’t realize is there is a lot more underneath.She cares about her friends, more then she will ever admit. She tends to push people away, never thinking that she’s good enough for them. She is extremely insecure to say the least, but you would never think. She uses sarcasm, insults and a rude personality as a line of defense.
However, this does not mean that she is not manipulative. She will use people, even those she cares about, to get to where she wants. Her parents were always very aloof, never home, always away. She went through nanny after nanny as a child, always managing to either scare them off or convince her parents they were cruel. Eventually her parents gave up and sent her off to boarding school.She went through four boarding schools before they sent her to Luxor. She transferred in halfway through her freshman year.
She instantly started acting out. She drank, smoked and eventually, as she got older, slept her way through school.She has very little people she would consider real friends. She has one best friend, her ride and die. This is the one person she would lie her life down for. However this person has recently gotten into a relationship. and Leanna is not happy about it.
Wanted Connections:
Ride or Die: This is Leanna’s best friend. She holds this person in high regard. This is someone who has been with Leanna since she transferred in and they clicked instantly. (Not necessarily though) (0/1)
Hey Lover: This is a romantic love interest for Leanna. We can build this up or have them already having a thing. I am totally down to plot around this idea. I would prefer this to be male, but depending I am open to females as she is a questioning bisexual. (0/1)
My bitches: These are Leanna’s small group of friends. They are the people she hangs around with, and generally gets on well with. They may not actually trust each other, but they keep up appearances. (0/5)
The Bullied: These are people that Leanna bullies through the school. There could be a particular reason or generally because she wants to keep her reputation. (0/?)
Fuck me, Fuck you: These are people Leanna is sleeping with. They are generally just flings. They may be friendly, or absolutely hate each other. She has a reputation for sleeping around. (I am welcome to NSFW or SFW content for this. Whatever the other is comfortable with) (0/?)
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miss-writers-block · 5 years
A Yuri on Ice Black Butler AU
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Yuri Plisetsky 
Current Earl of Muranovo and Head of the Plisetsky Family
     The Muranovo Family has always been the Czar’s guard dog, the first defense between his majesty and the darkness of Russia’s seedy underbelly. Yuri used to be a happy, albeit shy child, but when his family (mother and beloved grandfather included) was murdered by a local magical cult and Yuri was kidnapped, branded, and almost sacrificed, he changed. In his desperation to live, Yuri called upon a terrible creature, an ice demon, to save him and help him to gain vengeance upon those who wronged him. He made a deal with the demon in exchange for the consumption of his soul once the contract was finished. Yuri, just 15 and becoming quite a strong young alpha, is antagonistic but wickedly smart and talented. He has yet to gain his revenge, and in the meantime, he does everything the Czar asks of him. Yuri’s contract mark is on his right eye, is a glowing ice blue, and is mostly covered up by his hair. Yuri has also inherited the Rosneft Company, a manufacturing company primarily dealing in toys and sweets for children. It is a multi-million dollar business that has made the Plisetsky Family one of the most wealthy families in all of Russia. Yuri has an insatiable sweet-tooth and loves games, especially mind-games. He had named his new butler after his beloved Siberian cat who also got caught in the fire. He is also close to the only servant that survived the fire and who knew him when he was younger, Yuuri Katsuki, his tutor and omega governess.
Victor Nikiforov
Butler of the Muranovo Household
      A thousand year old ice demon, son of Lucifer and Knight of Hell, Victor is a supremely talented, deadly, graceful, charismatic, and vicious demon. His powers rival those of both angels and reapers. He was growing bored with the monotony of the average soul when he heard the cries of a truly anguished child one night. He came to the twelve-year-old Yuri and not only found a deliciously broken soul, but one ripe for further corruption. He agreed to sign a contract with the young Earl and delighted in his new challenge. He has cultivated the perfect butler aesthetic these three years and has even unexpectedly grown to care for Yuri and the rest of the Muranovo Household (especially a certain Japanese Omega Governess). He constantly tries to seduce Yuuri at every opportunity, finding the omega both adorable and incredibly sexy.
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri’s Tutor and Omega Governess
      When Yuuri was 13 he was sent away by his family (who simply couldn’t afford to keep him) to a noble family is Russia who was looking for an omega for their young five-year-old son to bond to. They chose Yuuri because he was beautiful, obedient, and good with Yuri (who thought it was so cool that they had the same name). Yuuri grew up alongside Yuri, soaking up all the knowledge that he could. He was Yuri’s playmate, friend, and servant. Sometimes Yuri would only look at or speak to Yuuri, only eat what Yuuri prepared him, and only take Yuuri seriously as a tutor. The week that the manor burned down, Yuuri (20) had been given special permission to visit his family in Japan for the first time in years. When he got word of what happened and that the whole Plisetsky family had been murdered, he fell into a deep, unending depression. A month after being presumed dead, Yuri came back with a silver-haired butler by his side, and Yuuri was overjoyed. He is still close to Yuri and goes with him on all of his adventures. He knows Victor is supernatural in some way but he believes that he just blessed by the gods with power to help the young Earl but he has no clue that Victor is actually a demon and remains naive to that fact. He is also infatuated with the butler.
Other Muranovo Household Servants
Otabek Altin
     He’s a mute, super strong enhanced human who was rescued by the Earl and Victor from a top secret facility dealing in human experimentation. Otabek is currently the gardener and groundskeeper of the Estate.
Mila Babicheva
     She’s a superior marksman and assassin with incredible eyesight. Victor and Yuri bought her contract from her last abusive employer. Mila is the current housekeeper for the Estate.
Georgi Popovich
     He’s a supernaturally gifted witch who is permanently bound to Victor, who gave him his powers years and years ago. Georgi is the current household chef.
Sara & Michele Crispino
     They are twin fighters with a supernatural telepathic connection who were imprisoned but were liberated by the Earl and Victor. Sara is the ladies maid and Michele is the Valet.
Emil Nekola
     He’s a soldier and tactician who survives no matter what and was offered friendship by the Earl and Victor when he was gathering soldiers/servants for the household. His position is both Footman and Coachman.
Other Characters
Phichit Chulanont
     He is an enthusiastic Thai Prince that Yuri and Victor helped out. He is eternally grateful and now sticks around as a permanent house guest of the Earl.
Seung-gil Lee
     He is Phichit’s butler who was saved by the Prince when he was about to be executed. He is eternally grateful and loyal towards Phichit. He even has legs blessed by the gods in order to help his Prince.
Christophe Giacometti
     He is a self-made businessman whose side business is in high-end brothels around the city and whose side-side business is in information and blackmail.
Guang-Hong Ji & Leo de la Iglesia
     They are Chris’ two hot ‘companions’ and bodyguards who are infatuated with each other and with Chris.
JJ Leroy
     He is a spoiled brat of a nobleman who thinks Yuri is his best friend. He is sorely mistaken and is an endless thorn in Yuri’s side.
Kenjirou Minami
     He is a happy-go-lucky reaper who idolizes Yuuri and tries to ‘save’ him every time they meet.
Yuuko & Takeshi Nishigori
     Two reapers who are friends with the trio despite their opposing missions.
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riverdale-events · 5 years
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It’s Summertime on the Southside! @riverdale-events and @serpentcentral​ are partnering up for Southside Showcase, a creative content event with a focus on Southside characters. We are bringing the Southsiders into the spotlight to celebrate them! Southside Showcase will run from May 21st - June 1st. You are welcome to post content from any of the 6 prompt themes during the event  window. We have 5 themes for your content that focuses on our highlighted characters, Fangs, FP, Gladys, Jellybean, Joaquin, Jughead, Sweet Pea, and/or Toni (solo or in any their ship of choice), and 1 free for all theme for content celebrating any of your Southside favs! We can’t wait to see your content, Southside Showcasers! Don’t forget to tag #riverdaleevents in your first 5 tags!
Theme 1: Fox Forest, for all the summer fun - camping, vacations, days at the lake, etc
Theme 2: Tent City, home of the Serpents - from domestic to business
Theme 3: La Bonne Nuit and Pop’s, dating - build up the summer love
Theme 4: The Bunker, smut and nothing but - with or without plot, bunker not required
Theme 5: Southside Boxing Gym, AU's - change up the setting in an alternate universe, boxing, office, coffee shop, etc
Theme 6: Southside Pride - anything Southside goes - this is the theme to show your love for any of your favorite Southside characters (including OC’s, Ghoulies, Pretty Poisons, Gargoyles, etc)
The location listed on a theme name does NOT have to be used unless you want to use it! For example, theme 3 is for dates and dating, at any place you’d like the characters to go. Any concept, idea, or specific prompt that is applicable to a day’s theme is accepted! Make sure to 1. tag your content on tumblr with #riverdaleevents 2. indicate which theme your content is for 3. add your event fics to the SOUTHSIDE SHOWCASE collection on AO3 .
Find out everything you need to know about this event in our FAQ below the cut! If you’ve got clarification questions, just ask us!
What characters and ships are applicable?
Creative content must focus on one of the following Southside characters (with the exception of Southside Pride theme): Fangs, FP, Gladys, Jellybean, Joaquin, Jughead, Sweet Pea, and/or Toni. They can be solo or in the ship of their choice, the person they’re shipped with can be anyone, reader, canon, or oc.
Solo, original character, reader insert, het, slash, and ot3′s are all welcome as long as at least one of the featured Southside characters is a part of the main ship/focus.
Southside Pride day is an exception, theme six can include solo/ships of Southside OC’s, Ghoulies, and Pretty Poisons (without the above listed characters).
What kind of creative content can be submitted?
Fanfic (oneshots, drabbles, or multi-chapters), Graphics, Gifsets, Fanart, Aesthetics, Fanvids, Edits, Playlists, Fic recs, etc
If it’s created content, you can submit it!
How does work get submitted for this event?
To submit work, please tag us with #riverdaleevents in the first 5 tags of your work or at @riverdale-events on your piece. Every submission will be reblogged here at Riverdale-Events and on @serpentcentral​ over the course of the event. If we miss reblogging your content, send us an ask!
Be sure to indicate which theme/prompt your content is for. You can put it in your tags or on your piece, just let us know so we can reblog appropriately.
We also have an AO3 collection. AO3 has a really great tutorial on how to post to a collection! Check it out for in-depth instructions. The easiest way to join is to go straight to the SOUTHSIDE SHOWCASE collection on AO3, and click the “Post to Collection” button. That will take you to a screen to upload your fic as normal! That button fills out the specific collection for you, so you know your work is going to the right place. Your fic will still show up under your works, and you will be listed as the author of your part of the collection.
When can I submit content until? When is the masterlist release date?
We will continue to reblog and accept Southside Showcase content through JUNE 1ST.
We will post our masterlist on June 2nd.
Posts applicable to the event, like chapter updates, will continue to be reblogged after the event wraps. However, they will not be added to the masterlist.
Ship, Trigger Warnings, and Other Tags:
Every piece of content we reblog will be appropriately tagged with ship/character tags. When you post your piece, make sure to use the correct ship tag so that we can reblog appropriately. If you aren’t sure what your ship tag is, check out our masterlist! [CLICK HERE FOR RIVERDALE SHIP TAGS]
If there is a trigger in your content, make sure to tag appropriately on your tumblr post and/or Ao3 post. We will be tagging our reblogs for trigger warnings with a tw: insert trigger warning tag for the comfort of our followers.
Other tags: #fanfic  #gif  #fanart  #edit  #fanvid #fic rec #fanmix
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to send us an ask, or reach out in direct messages to any of us running this event! Cat - @bettysnooper​​ Mila - @jughead-jones​​ Sarah - @theheavycrown​​
We can’t wait to see what you all come up with Southside fans!
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hyba · 5 years
Tag Game: Original Character
This is a super cool tag where my characters answer the following Qs! Thank you to @coloursintheblur for tagging me for this! 
Spotlight: Mila (in The Fall of the Black Masks timeline - a lot changes in later books). Since this is from her POV, there are some comments there that are slightly misleading when it comes to the overall plot... But I’m trying to stay true to the character, and this is what she knows to be true so far!
1. What is your full name?
It’s just Mila.
2. What does your name mean?
I’m not really sure. I’ll have to ask my father.
3. What are your other names/nicknames?
I’ve never really had a nickname.
4. What is your gender?
5. Where are you from?
I come from the Empire of Belvatria, and I’ve lived there all my life.
6. How old are you?
I’m 18 years old.
7. What is your magic form/species?
Species? As in, animals? ...Human. I’m a human. 
8. What does your human form look like?
Pretty human. Pretty good, too. 
On a more serious note, I get my eyes from my mother. Other than that, I’ve got an average, normal appearance. 
9. What’s your aesthetic?
Eternal tans, sun-soaked skin, silver blades, and a longing for adventure.
10. Who is your best friend?
I guess my father is my best friend. I know how that sounds, but I don’t exactly get along with other girls my age. 
11. Would you ever get a piercing or a tattoo?
I don’t think I’d like to mark my skin. Being a physician’s daughter, I’ve seen my fair share of botched piercings and tattoos. The results can be gruesome.
12. When are you happiest?
The courtyard at home. It’s this hidden garden that only my father and I use, and I love it at all times of the day, when the sun soaks into its stones, and night, when the moon illuminates everything in its mysterious glow. 
13. What’s your biggest secret?
If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore. But you can rest assured that it’s nothing bad. Not really. 
14. What was your first impression of Ragnar?
I thought he might die, and I thought that maybe he was dangerous. It was obvious that he was a foreigner, and it was obvious that he’d been attacked. He was unconscious, so I didn’t really get to get much more out of my first impression.
I hope that I did this tag - and my character - justice! It was a bit tough because I feel that it might have been geared more towards fantastic creatures, but I tried to answer the Qs from Mila’s POV anyway and present accurate reactions.
Hope you enjoyed that!
I’m going to tag @norawritess, @ren-c-leyn, @tea-and-pirates, @silveredgedwriting, and @exanderstreiching. I’m not entirely sure that this tag will work for your characters, but if it does and you decide to do it, I’d love to see the results! :D 
Also, side note: If I’m spamming you with these games, please tell me. I feel like I keep tagging the same people and I know how hard it is to keep up with all the tag games going around!
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rangerofpelor · 5 years
6, 10, 26, 35, 50 for all three you want~ :')c
this is p long so under the cut! thank you!!!!
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
VALKO. from his parents? affection for sure. god mila and damien fejes loved their kid so goddamn much and he loves them so goddamn much in return. as for the thieves guild...well there was no affection there, but the threat and fear of rejection ensured that valko was a good little pawn so.....yeah... 
BRYNJA. oof...she felt both. rejection from her father because she could never seem to be what he wanted and she always felt that he resented her for being the reason why her mother left. but she also received a lot of affection from her older sister dagny and many of the clan’s elders (and later grettir, the stormgiant who became a mother figure) 
FRANCIS. i suppose all things considered he felt affection more often, but really he was pretty much left to his own devices. His parents weren’t really around because they’re wealthy east coast socialites and one of them is carrying on the Carter legacy by continuing to write short stories and novels based on the mythos left behind by his great-grandfather (so the family can retain the rights and keep getting richer). he knew his nannies and tutors better than his parents but they always encouraged him to pursue his interests.
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted? 
VALKO. he’s for sure more street-smart than anything else (as he should be given his backstory). he’s also pretty damn good at reading people and tailoring his interactions with them to suit their needs. he interacts with faylen differently than he does with ovak for example. and also he’s just...generally pretty good at predicting behavior and actions (particularly those of villains). he’s smarter than he gives himself credit for.
BRYNJA. she’s....nature smart? she’s better at survivalist type stuff in the wilderness than she is navigating the streets or a library. i think she’s also very...self-smart? she’s very comfortable and confident in her knowledge of her self which i think lets her act as a rock or pillar for her party members to hang onto sometimes. 
FRANCIS. he’s for sure significantly more book-smart than he is street-smart and more intellectually minded, but really he’s socially smart. he learned proper etiquette at a young age and he knows how to use his name and his privilege in order to pull strings sometimes. 
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
VALKO. he hasn’t had a home since he was like...seven years old. that was a rustic little farmhouse that his parents had and it was very very nice and cozy. he briefly lived in the slums of the crown city after he and his parents moved there, but quickly ended up in the thieves guild barracks in order to move his parents out of that place. he stayed in those barracks until he fled the city and then he was living in the woods/wherever he could find or make shelter. he prefers function over form with regards to his clothes, so as long as they’re durable and help him blend in with his surroundings, he really doesn’t care much what they look like. his hair is closely cropped to his head right now but he prefers to wear his hair long (as is verinian fashion).
BRYNJA. she doesn’t really have a home anymore lmao....back in the greypeak mountains she lived in what was essentially an old norse compound and she was living communally with everyone. so like....very viking aesthetic (minus the boats and water). she wears very standard viking women’s dresses, usually in various shades of blue and grey. her hair is light brown and pulled back in various braids and fastened with metal beads. and over everything she wears some +1 plate armor.
FRANCIS. right now, the apartment he shares with his roommate is pretty simple and has basic amenities and....it looks like two college students live there....his room is his bed, a dresser, a desk, a bookshelf, and a telescope by the window. he’s got some posters of star charts or other astronomy themed things. his personal tastes are...very east coast....is the best way i can describe it....he tends to dress business casual most days but underneath that he’s almost always wearing some heavy metal band t-shirt. his hair is blond and wavy (just shy of being curly). What he’s wearing as the mini-campaign is taking place is a nice pair of dark jeans, a tweed jacket, one of his many band t-shirts, and a pair of converse (and of course his glasses).
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
VALKO. llllmmmaaaoooo not great. his mistakes and failures are the root causes of his angst (and also the reason why nerull’s champion sits on verina’s throne). they....weigh him down and for a really long time he just let them drag him down....but then he made friends and pelor chose him as his champion and he’s been fortunate enough to have been granted so many chances to accept responsibility and right the wrongs of his past....
BRYNJA. she mourns for those hurt in the disaster or failure (if there were any) but overall she tends to see failure as something to be learned from or at the very least be used as incentive to ensure that something similar doesn’t happen again. 
FRANCIS. i mean it depends on the error/failure/disaster. if it’s in something like his research or his math is wrong then like...he checks his work to see if he made a mistake somewhere in there and if not, then it’s all part of the scientific method. he figured out what doesn’t work, so now he’s one step closer to figuring out how it does. as for larger scale stuff....i don’t think he has any real experience with anything like that. he’s lived a very privileged life. 
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
VALKO. sad and regretful....usually with some watchfulness/alertness overlaid on top of it when the gang is travelling/adventuring...but when making camp (or whenever someone brings up verina....)....he sad....
BRYNJA. i feel like determined is probably her prevailing facial expression. there’s anger has been beginning to kindle and burn inside her for a while now. I don’t know when and i don’t know how, but someday all of that is gonna come out and i can’t wait.
FRANCIS. it oscillates between curious, bored, and exhausted in equal parts.
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oceanvs · 6 years
Another fun anon idea: favorite BLOGGERS on here and why :)
ooh i was on vacation when i got this ask and forgot about it sorry! 
okay so, i follow 508 amazing people who i admire and if you are a mutual there is an 100% chance that i consider you a friend and i love you, so this is a very hard question. I will probably forget a lot of people but i will also probably adding too many names to this list. + favourite people // people i interact with on a daily basis +– @crescentt + olga has an amazing sense of humour and she has an incredible taste in pretty much everything – @pvrrish + eleni has taught me so much and i am so glad to have met her, she is funny and probably the coolest friend i have and her aesthetic is out of this world – @lokisrcvenger + effie, i don’t know what i would do without her, biggest nerd i know and i know a lot of nerds. amazing personality and she is basically the person i go to if i want to rant about anything, effie, i love you. – @kleopatrar + who is my sister, this bitch is trying and she always ends up doing everything on point and it’s kinda unfair how everything she does is perfect – @thinminthale + mila is an amazing human being who i love and i consider one of my best friends ever even if i never had the opportunity to meet in her person. she is smart, funny and a wonderful writer. mila ily keep being amazing
+ people i feel really close to even if we may not talk daily +– @turnersophies + idk how camilla is real? she is the sweetest person ever and i am unsure how come she even follows me??? i admire her to no end– @tywinlcnnister + i may not talk to john but i feel like i do! john is such a talented person and an absolute sweetheart i can’t really express myself tbh ily john– @blackwidocw + elena is such a gem! she has probably won the nicest person award at some point and she has a very beautiful dog. kindness is her strongest point but her blog is also super pretty and her aesthetic is amazing– @helenstroy + haven’t been interacting with victoria for long, but she is growing on me so fast that i already consider her a friend. everything she makes is amazing and she is so funny and smart that i always enjoy chatting with her– @lilttlebird + luiza and i never really talk, but we do send asks to each other so i feel like i can claim to be friends with her. her edits are stunning and her personality won me over even before i knew she even created anything– @lahnister + we never talk but nina is another super talented person whose edits i adore with all my heart, to top it all, she appears to be an amazing human being?? tell me your secrets nina– @emmaewatson + sophia is so nice i have trouble understanding how a person can always be so nice??? her aesthetic is 1000000% amazing  and i love chatting with her– @shakclebolt + andrea ily!! everything she makes is so so beautiful i don’t know how she does it. an amazing person to talk to, andrea we should talk more!!– @peterparkarr + hannah is easy going and so funny!! definitely one of my favourite marvel blogs out there. i definitely recommend following her, she is an amazing person– @znkos + georgia is so so talented i have no words to describe how stunning her gifsets are ( how does she do that??? ) but even if she didn’t have beautiful creations i would still be awed by her because she is a sweetheart– @imanthonystark + gin is golden okay. she once offered to help me learn italian even tho she is very busy and stuff and i,,, i’m shook. gin is kind and good and an amazing human being. ily gin– @daeneryn + ida is a queen. we don’t really talk, but i admire her a lot. she is simply amazing 100/10 personality + her content is stunning
+ people i don’t really interact with but when i see their url on my dash my brain screams “FRIEND” +@mermaid-reyes + @r-egulus + @vavleska + @mysticsrose + @myrcela + @polydeuce + @odysseuhs + @artemisial + @cesarebborgia + @ginecra + @morefandompls + @benisolo + @zcbini  + @lokissthighs + @ebrietas + @seraphjm + @deanerys + @stark  + @duartc
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youremarvelous · 6 years
"I said I love you." for victuuri prompt? :')
Contrary to popular belief, Yuuri is comfortable expressing his love for Viktor. He does it with the squeeze of his hand intertwined with Viktor’s, his easy compliance when Viktor insists on applying ridiculously-priced lip balm to his lips in public, his half-lidded eyes and the swing of his hips when he performs Eros in front of a crowd of spectators for an audience of one.
It’s the words that are difficult, bunching up on his tongue and clogging his throat when they aren’t bundled in safe layers of skating euphemisms and metaphor.
Yuuri waits awkwardly just outside the security gate at the airport following the Grand Prix Final, finally relenting the Louis Vuitton Keepall he’s been clutching like a lifeline since departing Yutopia with Viktor that morning. He doesn’t want Viktor to go. He feels homesick in a way he’s never really experienced—not in Detroit, not in any of his travels—and they haven’t even parted ways yet.
Viktor has Russian Nationals so they don’t have a choice, but it doesn’t stop Yuuri’s heart from beating insistently against his throat, knotting his thoughts with regret.
“I’ll miss you,” Yuuri admits, eyes pointed somewhere in the vicinity of Viktor’s clavicle. His mouth is desert dry and the words come out sticky, wrenched from his teeth and his tonsils and echoing back in an increasingly mortifying loop in his ears— goopy and clumsy and barely comprehensible.
Viktor knits his eyebrows. “Tissue?” He asks, digging around in his backpack for the travel pack he’d tucked into the front pocket.  
Yuuri takes one and doesn’t correct him. He’ll probably need it on the train ride back, anyway.
A couple weeks later Yuuri sits at his desk with his knees under his chin, laughing as Viktor recounts the antics of the Russian skating team over Facetime—something about Mila running a campaign to perform a role-reversed pair skate with Yurio and Yurio threatening to unblock her exes’ numbers from her phone in retaliation.
“I can’t wait till you get here—” Viktor leans so close to the camera that Yuuri swears he could count each individual eyelash. “Makkachin misses you so much, you know? She asks me every morning, ‘where’s my—’” Viktor pauses, leans back in his chair with a finger to his lips. “Hey, Yuuri, I’ve been thinking…”
Yuuri nods to spur him on, language falling from his brain and crackling like dry tinder at his feet, licking his ankles with icy heat.   
“Do you think it’d be okay to call you my boyfriend?” He asks, eyes lined with something other than his usual perfect confidence. “Or does that sound too immature? Partner, maybe?”
Yuuri wants to say that Viktor could call him his “boo” like Phichit used to back in Detroit for all he cares. That it’s the composition of their relationship and not the specific label that matters to him. He wants to say it, but the words are caught behind a mosaic of emotions too complex to name, threatening ugly tears of joy and disbelief over actual verbal communication.
“I think I—” Yuuri swallows hard, tries to unstick his thoughts from the roof of his mouth. “I’d like that very much.”
Viktor shifts in his seat, a frown tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Of course I’ll keep in touch,” he says, the muscles in his neck straining. “I suppose we can discuss it when you get here.”
Yuuri thinks to correct Viktor. He wants to discuss it now, but now turns out to be a few weeks away when he is already moved into Viktor’s flat and fully integrated into his daily life—Yuuri’s toothbrush joining Viktor’s next to the sink, his grocery store shampoo ruining the aesthetic of Viktor’s carefully curated bath products.
They’re at the grocery store after practice one evening, Viktor’s arms around Yuuri’s waist, his chin resting on Yuuri’s shoulder because holding hands takes up too much room in the aisle, they reason. Yuuri reaches for the yellow mustard and Viktor stops him with a touch to the wrist. “I thought you prefer spicy?”
“But you like the yellow,” Yuuri argues.
Viktor pinches Yuuri’s side, takes the spicy mustard off the shelf and drops it in the cart.
“I love you,” Yuuri says, the words slipping so easily from his tongue that even he’s surprised by them.
Viktor separates from Yuuri with a laugh, moves to the head of the grocery cart to steer them to a new section. “What about olive juice?”
“No,” Yuuri spins around—an embarrassingly dramatic gesture in retrospect—and grabs the front of the cart with both hands, anchoring them in the moment. “I said I love you,” he says, clearly, finally.  
Viktor’s cheeks are pink, even under the desaturating florescent lights of the store. “If I knew you liked spicy mustard that much I would’ve filled the cabinets before you came,” Viktor rolls the cart forward, hugs Yuuri around the waist with his free arm and presses a kiss to the side of his head. “We could brush our teeth with spicy mustard,” Viktor continues, “wash our hands with it—”
“Okay, nevermind,” Yuuri groans into his hands. “Forget I said anything.”
“Sweetheart—” Viktor pats his hip, leaning so close that his nose grazes the shell of Yuuri’s ear—“I love you with every inch of my heart, and I’d sooner use spicy mustard as coffee creamer than do that.”
                          5 words prompts  |  my yoi drabbles  |  kofi ♡ 
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