#miko blendering
c-cw-f-saeko · 8 months
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play - join tai (wip)
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fuminkai999 · 11 months
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those two make me all warm and fuzzy (; ω ; )
92 notes · View notes
spnmoosejerk · 2 years
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Joel and Miko are engaged
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hologramoshop · 1 year
Electroculus earrings!
Now we have the complete collection of Oculus earrings and necklaces on our Etsy shop!
And … they are flexible! We printed them using flexible UV transparent resin with purple colorant!
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erzarandomstuff · 1 year
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Scared puppy
Narukami Temble by 克里斯提亚娜
Models are MiHoyo
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waffliesinyoface · 9 months
an important thing that should be kept in mind whenever i post about touhou, it's never me going "this is what i think is happening" or "this is what should happen" or "this is the only way i can imagine this happening"
no, 99 times out of a hundred, when i post shit like marisa gets youkai'd its because i'm going "wouldnt it be funny or interesting if this happened" or "someone put that girl in A Situation"
-Marisa stays human forever and eventually dies (milf-marisa...) -Marisa stays human but invents a bootleg knockoff hourai elixir to prevent aging while still staying "human" -Marisa decides to go ahead and become a Youkai Magician -Marisa gets seduced by Okina into being put in the Backup Dancer Blender and is fundamentally not Marisa anymore -Marisa gets so into her work that she fundamentally forgets about human connections for long enough that she gets forcibly assigned a youkai nature by the villagers (the ichirin method) -Marisa actually takes Miko up on her offer to learn how to become a shinkaisen -Marisa takes Kanako up on her offer and bootstraps her way into becoming a new Shinto Goddess of Witchcraft -Marisa accidentally blows herself up and ends up as a ghost magician
all of these are equally canon to me, because they will never become canon. they are hypotheticals. come with me on this journey. Life could be a dream.
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olet-lucernam · 5 months
A Hollow Promise [26] chapter vi, part iii
{_[on AO3]_}
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
chapter summary : astrid gathers her allies, and draws the attention of her enemies. loki pays a heavy price for a victory.
recommended listening : let's get it started, måneskin
tag list: @femmealec, @mischief2sarawr
special thanks to the lovely @mischief2sarawr: when i had to rewrite pretty much all of this, their encouragement helped me get it done within a matter of days, instead of weeks. (thanks for the virtual tea, sarah <3)
Actually- Ophelia wasn’t even her second appointment.
During daylight hours and early evening, the tight-woven alleys of Shinjuku’s Golden Gai were almost serene, lined with potted plants, faced in pale stone. By nightfall, however, the countless micro-bars that hemmed the narrow passageways threw open their doors and exploded into neon light and colour and conversation, entrances plastered with stickers, interiors crammed with patrons, walls pasted with advertisements and unique theming, spilling with the smell of beer and charcoal smoke, electric signs and sandwich boards and utility boxes jutting out like soliciting hands over the stone stoops.
Each establishment only had a tiny footprint- two storeys high and barely large enough to host more than a dozen patrons at a time- and therefore tended to be selective, some only catering to regulars and refusing tourists.
Fortunately, Astrid had been introduced at a few of the bars before- and she was due to meet someone there.
She had been waiting outside, carefully tucked out of the way of passing foot traffic- the same wool coat from Cornwall now arranged as a cape over her shoulders, draped over a black cocktail dress with one sleeve artistically falling off her shoulder, polished up with her favourite pair of blush-pink heels, filigree golden hardware glinting- when she felt a familiar presence storming up from behind, Manolo Blahniks snapping on the pavement.
A hand seized her elbow, dragging her into the bar with a hiss.
“You suck, ‘Strid.”
Astrid heard the annoyance, and general insincerity beneath it, and grinned.
“Hisashiburi, Miko-chan,” Astrid said in sugar-coated, casual Japanese. “Genki desu ka?”
“I hate you,” the voice groused.
Laughing quietly, Astrid allowed herself to be shoved into the tiny space, and towards a perilously narrow staircase, climbing to the second floor to seek out one of the small booths.
She had barely lowered herself into her seat, shrugging the coat from her shoulders, when the other person dropped heavily into the chair opposite her, unceremonious and pointed.
Socialite heiress, fashion icon, and sole grandchild of the chairman of Fujikawa Industries, Rumiko was confident, intimidating, and the consummate, catty epitome of the rich bitch archetype; she was Regina George’s grasp on social capital, thrown into a blender with Heather Duke’s utter ruthlessness, topped up with Cher Horowitz’s fashion sense. Overdressed in a silk Givenchy slip dress, complete with Cartier earrings and a matching watch, her satin-gloss hair tumbled to her waist and wisped above her downturn eyebrows, jaw locked in a scathing disapproval that would make a lesser being curdle into themselves.
“What are you even wearing? You could have at least worn that Dior piece I got you.”
Astrid smirked at the familiar barb, electing not to point out that her dress was Valentino, and the shoes were Ralph and Russo.
“Good to see you too. Am I buying the cocktails?”
“Fuzakenna yo, kora! You disappeared for two years, yes, you’re buying the cocktails-”
“It was eighteen months, I gave you the heads up, and in my defence, I was abducted for fourteen of them,” Astrid rattled off, already slipping out of her seat and pulling out her wallet, stuffed with freshly obtained yen. “I’ll be back.”
Rumiko jolted. “What?! You were abdu-”
“Later. Long story. Drinks first.”
“You’re a dead woman, North, I swear-”
Astrid hid her grin.
Predictably, Rumiko had loosened up enough to listen to her by the time she reached the bottom of her first drink. If they had talked over coffee, or brunch, Astrid wouldn’t have been able to get a word in edgeways. Rumiko was incorrigible when her temper was piqued, and Astrid had expected her disappearance to be an issue.
The two of them had met by chance, years ago. Rumiko’s paternal grandfather was Kenjiro Fujikawa, the CEO of Fujikawa Industries, a tech company with a niche in sophisticated surgical robotics. While she was merely expected to marry whichever worthy successor Kenjiro selected for her, Rumiko was still regularly pulled to attend medical conferences, and various industry-based galas and dinner.
It was at one such event that Astrid- as Astrid North, not as Alethia- had met her.
The two had become friends, in the kind of half-accidental way that might have happened if they had attended the same school. But they had become close enough that Astrid had expected Rumiko to be a little sour, when she returned, even with the warning that she would be disappearing for a while. Rumiko hated being left in the dark, and Astrid had told her nothing.
She hadn’t expected the sourness to be masking masses of pure, trembling relief.
So as Rumiko guzzled down her second sidecar, Astrid gave her the truth.
It was far from everything, but it was enough- and more than Astrid volunteered to most- either those who knew Astrid, or those who knew Alethia.
When she was finished, Rumiko set her half-empty coupé glass on the table, not quite slamming it down, faintly disconcerted.
“Okay. If it wasn’t for New York, I’d be getting out the straitjacket.”
“If it wasn’t for New York, I wouldn’t be telling you this,” Astrid rejoined, swallowing a mouthful of her espresso martini. She felt oddly drained, brimming with endorphins, like the aftermath of a workout.
“That’s fair,” Rumiko said dryly. “You sound insane. It’s literally like the plot of Men In Black- wait. ‘Strid. Could you be an alien?”
“Maybe.” Astrid admitted blandly, shrugging one shoulder. “I haven’t eliminated the possibility.”
Rumiko blew out a breath, head dropping forwards briefly. “Okay. We need beer. And fried chicken.”
“Mm, good call.”
Once their table was packed with piping-hot plates of fried izakaya dishes, their glasses refilled- Rumiko switching over to a frothing plastic pitcher of beer and Astrid taking up sake- Rumiko was significantly calmer, hardening over with the kind of ruthlessly practical, efficient composure that would have made her an excellent successor to FI, if her grandfather had been an ounce or so less of a misogynist.
“Okay, so- let’s figure out where you stand.” Rumiko said efficiently, picked up a piece of karaage with her chopsticks, grease and sesame seeds glistening on the batter. “I mean, it all depends on what you want, but either way-” she pointed her loaded chopsticks at Astrid, before popping the fried chicken into her mouth, “this agency.”
“This agency,” Astrid agreed with a dip of her head, sipping on her sake.
“You’re off their radar right now, but it sounds like they have the sheer resources and numbers to just keep looking, so, that’s likely temporary.” Rumiko tapped her nails against her glass, leaning forwards against her elbows. “Okay. Do you have any backchannels you can use? Anyone who seemed sympathetic, or might hear you out if you got in contact? You might be able to cut a deal, if you can figure out some leverage. It’s either that, or you’ll need a deterrent. Some way to make the cost too high, or the gains too low, to keep coming after you. Again, you’ll need leverage for that. Where are you staying right now? And how long can you lay low? If we can buy you some time-”
Astrid’s expression had cleared, focused as a lens, and Rumiko paused.
“What?” She prompted.
One shoulder lifting, Astrid bought her cup to her mouth.
“You really need to start that PR crisis firm, Ru.”
Startled, Rumiko reared upright from her casual slouch. “The fuck, ‘Strid?”
“Well, I have just told you that I am wanted by a secretive multinational agency,” she pointed out, dropping her voice low enough to blend within the camouflaging ambient chatter of the tiny bar, “who abducted me and has been covering up the existence of magic and monsters since the forties- and you acclimated within fifteen minutes, then launched straight into working out how to handle it. Remind me again why you’re not making bank from this? Aside from your grandfather being a jackass, I mean.”
“Oh my god, we’re so not doing this right now,” Rumiko muttered into her glass, followed by an unladylike gulp of beer.
One corner of Astrid’s mouth curled.
There was a subtle, telling flatness in Rumiko’s scowl, as the words and their sentiments sank in- like water soaking into soft earth, swiftly and undramatically, absorbed and drawing itself down.
Setting her cup aside, Astrid let Rumiko ignore it, for now. “Are those my only options? Bargain, deter, appease?”
“What, you have another plan?”
The question wasn’t quite rhetorical, but it was tinted with a rational scepticism.
If Astrid had been anyone else- anything other than truth incarnate, or someone who had gone up against SHIELD for years with nothing but her wits and her ability to arm her, fallen in love with a demigod, and promised him everything- she might have agreed.
“If the world doesn’t work for you,” she said, taking up her chopsticks and plucking a cube of fried tofu from one of the plates, swiping in through the dipping sauce, “then change the world. Right?”
Rumiko froze, looking from under her fringe to glare at her incredulously.
“You’re not fucking serious.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because that’s insane.”
“Is it? The world already broke in New York. I would just be rearranging the pieces.”
“I take it back,” Rumiko said bluntly, dropping her chopsticks and topping off her beer glass. “I’m getting the damn straitjacket.”
“Good luck with that,” Astrid answered breezily. “I’ll give you a clean number, later, so don’t worry about me disappearing again. Not completely, anyway.”
“You’re insane,” Rumiko reiterated.
“But you think I can do it,” she stated neutrally, meeting Rumiko’s eyes, the words tasting golden and hot in her chest, metal and bright.
Rumiko stared back at her for a long, fierce moment.
“You’re serious.”
Astrid picked up and popped one of the mayo prawns into her mouth. “Yes.”
Rumiko hissed out an exasperated breath, worry creeping into the crimp of her perfect eyebrows.
“’Strid.” She said grimly. “Seriously. Going up against a multinational spy agency. Is this really worth it?”
The heat in the word burned like a brand.
Rumiko looked back at her, despairing and incredulous and impressed.
“You’re insane,” she said resignedly.
Astrid laughed. “If you set up the scaffolding for that PR firm within two years, I’ll give you a gift.”
“I am not starting a-”
Rumiko paused.
“A gift?” She echoed, intrigued and sceptical. “What kind of gift?”
“That would be for you to find out. You know I give the best gifts, Ru,” Astrid pointed out. “Remember when I gave you the wing mirror from your ex’s car?”
Rumiko’s mouth tilted into a nostalgic smile.
“That was a really nice present,” she conceded fondly, before grimacing, reaching for the pitcher to top up her beer glass. “But tonight, all I want is alcohol.”
Astrid laughed, and leaned in to clunk her cup again Rumiko’s glass.
“Ah, fine. I suppose I owe you that much,” she agreed easily. “But in that case- shots?”
Rumiko’s eyes glinted.
An hour later, as they stumbled out of the bar, arms linked and heading out to get into trouble somewhere in Kabukicho, Astrid dropped her notebook into her pocket with its second entry.
Ink pens.
Ophelia would be deeply insulted if she ever found out that she wasn’t even Astrid’s third port of call.
Astrid was tempted to tell her. It would be good to regulate her ego.
The taste of alcohol was still sour in her mouth, swilled with water, the tang masked by the fresh espresso and gelato that was gently melting in a glass bowl in front of her.
The afternoon air in Rome was cool, despite clear sun-soaked skies and the heat of the crowded streets. Clouds of chatter and the clink of plates and glasses reflected against the warm, pale-yellow brick, the buildings carved with classical ornamentation, spilling with artfully cultivated vines, stained with graffiti. The sett-block pavement was hemmed with café boards, parked motorcycles, and folding wooden-slat bistro tables; cream parasols and restaurant awnings created pockets of deeper shade, between arched shopfronts.
Astrid spooned up the last of her affogato with a swirl of silverware, lips sealing over the spoon.
Seated at the café bar, she was twisted side-on against the counter, watching the passing foot traffic and outside tables through the windows. A cross-breeze drifted over her every so often, cutting in through the entryway and seeping through her clothes, refreshing her overheated skin.
“Propiro l’affogato, sì?” The ageing server behind the counter prompted, briskly pleasant as he calculated her bill. “The, ah- qual è il nom inglese-”
Astrid swallowed a melted mouthful of vanilla, cream, and espresso.
“It’s affogato in English as well,” she told him, startling the waiter. “Il mio Italiano è pessimo?”
“No, no, per niente! Il tuo accento è- your accent, it’s very good! Molto bene. Ma- in Rome,” the server bought a wrinkled hand to cup his ear indicatively, “you hear it, sì? I can tell you’re English, a little.”
Astrid nodded, setting her spoon down and gently pushing the empty glass bowl away from her.
“Ah, vedo- è il tuo orecchio, non la mia bocca, sì?”
“Sì, esattamente! Ho sentito che- I can hear, that you learn it when you are grown,” he said with a grin, “not when little.”
“Ah, vedo- ciò ha senso. I did a summer at Sapenzia,” she explained gamely. “I had a friend who used to say the same thing. That my cadence gave me away.”
“Aha, bene, bene! You’re here to visit your friend?”
“Sì, ma- as a surprise,” Astrid admitted, unsnapping her wallet from where it rested at her elbow, before glancing towards the windows, and the bistro tables arranged within their sight. “Ah- do you see the two women seated under the vines?”
The waiter paused, looking up and leaning to see. “Sì- la bruna e la rossa?”
“Sì. La bruna? Quello è il mio amico.”
His dark eyes widened demonstrably. “Veramente?”
Astrid grinned at him, resting her chin on the hell of her palm. “She doesn’t know that I’m here.” Slipping a credit card loose from her purse with her free hand, she rapped it against the bar top. “Do you think I could pay their cheque, signore? Come una sorpresa?”
His mouth formed a silent exhale of understanding, tapping the side of his aquiline nose before returning to the register. “Naturalmente, signorina- ah, you want me to tell her it was you? Or will you tell her later?”
“Mm.” Astrid watched the server pull up the order details of the table. “Do you have a serviette, signore?”
Less than five minutes later, Astrid left the café, stepping out into the sunlight just in time to see the same server pausing at one of the al fresco tables.
As Astrid had observed on her way into the bistro, two women were seated underneath the arch of a vine clinging to the outer wall, with several half-finished plates on the table between them.
The first- a redhead, the coppery tresses cropped into a flattering pixie-cut, broad-shouldered in an olive jacket and white capris jeans- had her back to Astrid, the slight curve of her face in profile just barely visible. The second woman was facing towards her, torso leaned askew and head tipped up, mildly annoyed askance painted across her face like a fresco as she spoke to the server.
Arms folded forward onto the table, the fall of her black hair almost bleeding into her tank top, Vittoria Montesi hadn’t changed much from when Astrid had last seen her. She was still model-lean, as though she subsisted solely on coffee and cigarettes- which was probably accurate, if her on-call diet hadn’t changed since residency- with a full, sceptical mouth, poised to argue and drive and diagnose.
Astrid waited just long enough to see the server hand her the napkin, before melting into the crowd with a grin and a lilt in her weaving steps, escaping towards the tourist trap of the Fontana di Trevi.
A new addition was jotted into her notebook with a borrowed pen.
Coffee grounds.
Several hours later, Astrid departed from the Gallery.
Arriving back at the Madripoor penthouse, she stripped out of her clothes, changing into a comfortable camisole, jersey shorts, and thigh-high socks, and retrieved her notebook from the breakfast bar.
New shoes, Astrid wrote onto her list- before flipping the cover shut, tossing the pen down, and collapsing into the sofa with a soft groan.
It was a start.
Lying in the demi-dark, cheek pressed into the arm of the couch, impatience hummed under her skin like an electric current, settling in the roots of her teeth. Her heart drummed hard and impatient against the adipose-softened wall of her breastbone, eyes open.
The silver light of the city rinsed through the windows, across the apartment, pooling across the floor like the shallow waterline of the incoming tide. Her synapses were slowing, sloping into a long-overdue caffeine crash- but four felt like not enough, not enough, not enough.
She had done more on less sleep.
Four would need to be hundreds. Thousands. Tens, hundreds of thousands.
Four was not enough.
It had only been twenty-four hours, but it had been almost natural, for her to slip into the mindset that she had lived in for years: keep moving, keep working, don’t stop, don’t hesitate, be smart, be quick, be relentless, use your greed, use your selfishness, next step, next step, next step-
Everything else became easy to ignore. The storm within her, whatever doubt and anger and loneliness and turmoil broiled inside, pressing behind her eyes like to urge to sob, became simple fuel, like glucose, until she was done.
None of it would matter, once she got what she wanted- and if it did matter, she would deal with it then, when it was safe.
It was easy, because Astrid was her father’s daughter. He had taught her how to use her worst traits as a whetstone, to make herself scalpel-sharp.
Her flesh was cooling, the cushions were warm, and her limbs grew heavy and slack with every passing moment.
And she suddenly remembered Loki’s parting words to her, as she had finished the dregs of their rose tea at the Cornish tea parlour.
I should get up, darling, he murmured reluctantly. I must get to work. But make sure you take your rest- I want to see you later.
Astrid sighed into a smile, defeated.
Sly bastard, she thought fondly.
She shouldn’t keep him waiting.
Lifting her head just long enough to set an alarm on her phone, Astrid dropped the device on the coffee table and sank back into the sofa, limbs sliding across the upholstery in a drag of wool and cotton and bare skin, as she let sleep claim her- just for a little while.
54 weeks and 6 days out
“I’ve walked the deserts for miles Swam the waters for a tide Searching places to find A piece of something to call, mine A piece of something to call, mine- Coming closer to you-”
You will be careful, won’t you, Astra?
“Hm?” Astrid paused her singing, fingers still strumming at her keyboard, the click of the keys weaving her response into the comment box like a shuttle in a loom. “With what?”
She clicked post, watching the response box disappear.
The text popped up within the thread, slotting into place in the conversation, sealed into format. Astrid clicked away, skimming the rest of the forum.
This, Loki replied, with the mental equivalent of an expansive gesture. Whipping up a group over which you do not have full control.
“Mm, you’re one to talk, alderliefest,” Astrid commented, eyes unmoving from the screen of her laptop, reaching for the plate at her side, “with what you’ve been doing through- Brunn, was it?”
Brunnhilde, Loki confirmed- but immediately becoming distracted by what Astrid had bitten into.
Cut thick, the slab of pain pavé was spread with unsalted butter and honeycomb- treacly and faintly earthy with clouds of unprocessed pollen
It tasted of late summer and wildflower meadows, and dirt on her skin, a shock of calories into her system.
Over the weeks, Astrid had been narrowing down Loki’s preferences. Within his sweet tooth, it seemed that he had a particular weakness for anything that featured honey, or chocolate; honey reminded him of Asgard, of better memories and better days, of the royal city at golden hour and light-hearted laughter, of his brother’s broad grin and of a flash of pale-bright hair that always sent Astrid’s stomach swooping with something unidentifiable whenever it flickered into her mind, through his.
Chocolate seemed to provoke thoughts of Midgard. It made him think of city cafés, of her bed in the penthouse, of cold mornings as she went through her morning routine, of the warmth of the crook of her neck and the view of snow-capped mountains through broad windows.
Astrid had gained a new appreciation of chocolate.
And touché, Loki conceded, his thoughts still humming with pleasure at the taste of the honeycomb.
She tongued the soft film of beeswax from her teeth, quietly content for a precious, ephemeral moment.
It felt better, at least. The ache of their separation- and the omnipresent lack and malcontent that she could live with, but never quite ignore- was less when he was there, and she was reminded that she was doing something, moving closer.
Coming closer to you, Astrid hummed the sweetly-lilting bar.
A warm breeze swept over her, as she glanced up over the top of her screen.
They were in Chile today- on a rooftop amongst the soaring metropolitan clutter of Santiago. Astrid had positioned herself to gaze out at the distant summer-red of the Andes, looming above the basin of the city, hazy through the sun-bright smog; the building she was perched atop was within view of one of the city’s many green spaces, the lush foliage a shock of emerald against the concrete, a faint rush of traffic carried up on the thermal lift.
She changed where she worked every day, cycling through a roulette wheel of hemispheres, climates, continents, countries, the only prerequisites being a stable internet connection and a good view. But she had noticed that Loki liked mountains, and cool open air, and she had begun peppering them in as often as possible.
I, however, am far more removed from my work, Loki pressed, edged with caution. And circumstances leave me beneath suspicion. You are far closer to the fire, songbird.
“Mm.” Astrid traced her collarbone absently. “True.”
Her gaze dropped to the screen, sucking a smear of honey from her opposite thumb.
“But these ones are less the fire, more the firestarters.” She added lightly.
The forum was thick with activity.
The hacktivist group known as the Rising Tide was a hornet’s nest- a collective that had sprung up in the wake of Culver, devoted to dragging SHIELD from the shadows into the cold light of day- and one that Astrid had repeatedly agitated, pointed in the right direction, and watched swarm SHIELD’s most recent project.
With New York, they had been galvanised, by a publicly validated raison d’être.
The corner of her mouth folded up ruefully.
Their organisation was an ad hoc nightmare, and they were incapable of communicating with the general public without coming off as uncredible, melodramatic, conspiracy theory whackjobs - but the Rising Tide were her first true allies, arguably, and incredibly skilled at what they did.
They had given her the lead in New Mexico. Astrid would always owe them a debt, for that.
“Anyway,” Astrid said, straightening, arms extending above her head, feeling her shoulders and spine click and realign, “arguably- if anything is the fire, it’s me. It’s only a matter of time before they try to extinguish me. Before the inevitable, I should burn as bright and hot as I can- don’t you think?”
She felt Loki sigh, fondly exasperated.
As long as you don’t burn out completely.
“Completely?” She noted the specificity.
He smirked, and nipped at her shoulder. A little destruction is good for the soul. Cathartic. You deserve a little of that.
Astrid laughed softly, and imagined her own fingers running through his hair.
From his shiver, it seemed that practice was slowly beginning to pay off.
“Well, I have heard that volcanic soil is amongst the richest and most fertile in the world.”
Ah. You do have a rather volcanic temper, beloved.
“You think so? Interesting. I would call yours glacial, prince.”
She felt his eyebrows steeple in askance, faintly sardonic.
Passive and slow to act?
“Quiet. Patient. Underestimated,” she listed, leaning back slightly, feeling the illusion of him catch her weight. “Ruthless, and relentless. And with the power to reshape the world while no one is paying attention.”
Loki breathed out a laugh, and planted the sensation of a kiss behind her ear, eliciting a pleasantly startled noise from her.
Such shameless flattery, he murmured against her nape, mood warmed beneath the teasing. What am I to do, in the face of such an assault?
Astrid sighed, sinking into him- and willed herself not to think.
“Surrender,” she suggested breathily. “And believe me.”
The phantom of his arm curled around her waist, mouth nestling at the shell of her ear, folding himself around her.
His mood was tepid, opaque.
The anxiety she felt was a pit, somewhere behind the wall of her abdomen.
She refused to dwell on it, and risk drawing the keen edge of Loki’s attention onto it.
Her laptop gave a chirp of distress, and she looked up. The internet connection had dropped again.
Grateful for the distraction, Astrid sang the signal back into strength.
“I’m moving, I’m coming Can you hear what I hear? It’s calling you, my dear Out of reach-”
The bars rocketed up back up, Wi-Fi boosted from a café several dozen feet below.
Astrid exhaled a smile, propping her chin on her palm. “Take me to my bea-each…”
Old songs- ones that she had listened to and re-loved thousands of times over- were best for weaving magic as she multitasked.
Combing her hair back behind her ear, Astrid flipped through her tabs, refreshing each one, keeping up the melody under breath.
“I can hear it, calling you I’m coming, not drowning Swimming closer to you-”
One of her dummy social media accounts reloaded.
Astrid scrolled through her feed at a reflexive skim, idly liking a few posts to keep up her account activity. She was keeping track, but not sincerely expecting to see a moving of the needle, just yet.
It was something that the Rising Tide, for all their skill and drive and passion, hadn’t quite recognised yet: they could afford to lay out the trail, prompt the question, and wait.
Slow is fast, Astrid reminded herself.
Ah. Stark is trending, Loki observed idly.
Astrid paused, glancing at the trending topics sidebar.
“Ah. Hardly surprising, beloved.” She lifted her shoulder. “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. And the world’s first modern superhero.”
Loki rearranged himself nonchalantly, like draping satin.
Is your heart still set on him, as an ally?
Astrid hummed through a sigh, leaning back slightly more, lounging against him and tipping her head to the skies, propped on the strong ledge his shoulder.
“I think,” she said slowly, “that not even trying to work with him would be like shooting ourselves in the foot, with our last bullet, while in the middle of a firefight, and then amputating the limb with an unsterilised knife and no anaesthesia.”
Graphic, Loki remarked dryly. But I take your point, my heart.
“Can I take that your approval?”
Why should I withhold it? Stark appears to be a wise choice. And the best option, amongst the Avengers.
“Damningly faint praise, prinsinn minn. We’re not exactly spoilt for choice.”
He snickered. Astrid couldn’t ignore how it sublimated at the edges into wistfulness, and a resignation that had fermented from frustration and outrage and hurt, like wine in a cask.
They both knew who Loki was thinking of- the one who should have been the better option.
It was a wound and a rift that Astrid hesitated to touch, for now.
“Still,” Astrid redirected, straightening on the palm of her hands, “I value your opinion. I want you to tell me if you think it’s a bad idea.”
I don’t, truly. An arm slipped around her waist, its weight comfortable and comforting. Astrid had to bat away the reflexive desire to feel the lean muscles flex against her abdomen, as Loki dragged her flush back against him, pinning her to the length of him. Stark listened to you, is aware of the threat, and offered me a drink, he teased. You can keep him if you wish, songbird.
“I have to obtain him, first,” Astrid riposted. “Or have him decide to obtain me.”
Just talk to him, sweet thing. How could he possibly resist?
She grinned broadly, shaking her head, the sickness in her abating. “Now who’s flattering?”
Refocusing on the trending bar, her head cocked as she caught up, wondering whether it was a personal scandal, a Stark Industries development, or a cheap editorial that had put the name in people’s mouths today.
Trending Topics #christmaseveeve #tonystark #mandarinbombings #happyfestivus
Mandarin, Loki noted, reading through her eyes. As in standard Chinese, the fruit, or the bureaucrat?
“None of the above- I think.” Astrid said distractedly, the pixels beginning to split in her vision. “It’s the supposed head of a terrorist organisation. They’ve claimed responsibility for a series of bombings, over the past few months.”
Supposed head? Loki echoed shrewdly.
She twitched her shoulder upwards wearily. “Someone is appropriating a name that doesn’t belong to them. I saw one of the videos, after the most recent incident. I know enough about the Ten Rings to know that this is someone dressing up in their colours. Especially with that moniker they-”
She halted.
Loki went still with concern.
Gaze blank, her tongue was numb as she answered.
“The Ten Rings.”
What about it?
“Three years ago. Afghanistan. Do you remember what I told you? The incident created Iron Man.”
Loki froze.
And what better way to bait Stark, he said, quiet and sharp, than to use the name of an organisation that almost killed him?
Astrid’s hand darted out, clicking on the tag, hoping that it was just a coincidence of the algorithm-
BREAKING: Tony Stark’s mansion bombed in suspected terror attack – Iron Man missing
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gigglecoffin · 2 years
Miko how do u make ur previews look so good 😭❤️
and also its kinda a lot)(ʘ ᳕ ʘ) bc i actually just started doing some new things, for taking pics of the clothes! i took render pics by exporting the meshes into blender 3.3 and making a set!!!
for my sims i took their pics in game! and i use this in cas and in game but i use SRWE there are some great tuts on youtube but i used this one it just overall improves the quality and sharpness of the pic!!
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Final part! Thanks for coming along for the ride. More of the mafia au will likely be posted today, I really want to write some death scenes in between some irl craft projects.
Meanwhile, aboard the Nemesis, Megatron was scheming. Due to the war, they were running into a bit of a gene pool problem. Namely, throwing an entire city state's worth of genetic diversity into a blender and creating a mass produced army out of whatever gene sequence it spits out had worked to preserve diversity and allow the lower ranks to continue adding to the population without ruining evolution for the future, but it also meant that the genetic makeup of any offspring born was a crapshoot. Unfortunately, being a grounder was a very, very dominant trait.
But, the human converts were special in that they had a completely new set of genetic traits. Sure, Dani would likely be a helicopter, but compared to archived gene sequences, she would be comparable to a bot that came from a long lost and isolated colony, perfect for putting some variety back into the gene pool. But first, the obvious problem was that she hadn't been converted yet.
The discoveries were made on Miko and Raf's genetic testing results, not hers.
And, of course, she was far too small to be a good carrier or even a Sire, not without heavy medical intervention, and Megatron already knew that even encouraging her and Blades to bond would be an arduous task.
Luckily, Shockwave had done plenty of growth tank experiments in his time during the war, and had the science down to an easily repeatable procedure, one, when tested, that can be bundled with the conversion process, as long as there is enough access to the subjects bloodstream at time of submersion, particularly in the extremities.
In other words, Megatron has to cut Dani's arms and legs to get the liquid cyber metal to her feet and hands.
This is going to be fun.
Megatron had never before been able to use a blade on a human before, preferring to either shoot or squish them on the battlefield.
Megatron walked into the two autobot turncoats' berth room, Dani glaring at him from her little pile of blankets, shivering in her oversized garment that had replaced her flight suit. He had read from Knockout's report that during a run to get supplies to treat her monthly… affliction, she had been spotted and tracked down by a store associate who had seen her missing poster, and tried to get her away from Breakdown. In the confusion, Breakdown had run him over, splattering her with blood. The damage done has been fully healed, and now they could move on to the next stage of the process.
Megatron took out the clear box of stickers that Shockwave had loaded up with nanotechnology in. To Dani's horror, they were skimpy and gold, getting the reference immediately.
Blades, bless his sweet spark, did not.
(My beta told me no to making Dani naked twice in one one-shot, so we compromised by making her censor bars a Rocky Horror reference. Yes, Dani and Blades are supposed to be Janet and Brad coded. Unfortunately, there is no Rocky, because, well, there's child characters here. Tarn is already pushing a lot here. So, instead of learning all about kink and throwing away the last of their innocence, Dani and Blades are learning about the war and throwing away their black and white view of it.)
"Have Dani apply these to the skin. Shockwave tells me that there is a diagram of where they need to go included. If you don't get them all applied before Knockout comes to retrieve you, Shockwave will do them himself. Blades, after Dani leaves, you will be moved to a new room." Megatron left, leaving them alone. Blades took out the stickers, realizing that this would have to be a two person job. He found the ones meant to go on her chest.
"How about you start with these? I mean, we did swap bodies, so nothing I haven't seen before, but…"
Dani nodded, a whirlwind of embarrassment and horror going through her head as she took off her dress and bra, Blades setting a mirror in front of her and looking away respectfully as she put the two circles over her breasts, trying not to think about the huge, hulking, one eyed monster of a bot that would soon be touching her for some likely sick purpose.
She looked through the other sheets and found another set meant for her crotch, resembling those adhesive edged fabric thongs some actors used in movie shoots. Luckily, it was large enough that the razor included could stay sealed in its flowery pink packaging.
She added a few to her sunken belly and skeletal ribcage. Her time at the Nemesis had her losing every scrap of fat on her body, leaving her feeling freezing and hollow all the time. She quickly put the stickers meant for her legs and feet on, not feeling safe until she slipped her pants on. It was weird. Being topless made her feel less exposed than having her legs out.
"Blades? A little help here?" Dani said, picking up the stickers meant for her neck and back. Blades oh so delicately placed the last two stickers, ruffling her hair after he was done.
"This might be a bit inappropriate due to circumstances outside of our control, but you will always be the prettiest human I have ever gotten the pleasure of knowing, no matter what happens. Charlie, your brothers, Chase, and Boulder would all be so proud of us for making it this far together. I am so proud of you for making it this far. I promise, if the worst comes to worst, I will bury you the way we couldn't bury your family. I love you, Dani."
Dani wiped away a tear. "Aw, I love you too Blades."
The door to the room opened, and Knockout stepped in. Dani took off her pants and climbed onto his outstretched hand without a word.
"Primus, fleshy, it is far too cold on the ship to be walking around without a blanket." Knockout picked up a thin, stained one that usually ended up between her and the rest of her blankets when she was on her period. He threw it over her shoulders and walked down to Shockwave's lab, leaving Blades to quickly clean up the trash and store anything of use in his subspace.
Shockwave took her from Knockout and laid her on her belly, setting the blanket aside. Dani didn't dare breathe as he took a pair of tweezers and readjusted the sticker on her back. "Everything is satisfactory. Knockout, administer the priming injection."
"Dani, sit up, cross your legs, put your elbows on your knees, and face away from me." Knockout said while he uncapped the syringe and Shockwave scooped out a glob of the cleaning gel that Dani had been subjected to more then once after she had begun to stink due to not being able to shower regularly.
Dani scrambled to follow directions, hissing as her shoulders were wiped with the freezing cold gel. She willed herself to stay still as Knockout plunged the needle into her shoulder and emptied the syringe into the muscle there. They had given her vaccinations in that shoulder, too, but drew blood from her head.
Knockout removed the syringe and moved in front of Dani. "Lie back, and relax your face as much as possible. I need a blood sample." Knockout took plenty of blood from her before looking at Shockwave.
Shockwave picked her up and set her on a new tray. He pressed a button on the side of it, and Dani yelped as the sticker on her spine magnetized to the tray, keeping it straight. "Testing successful. Begin energon injections to the thighs, along with shallow lacerations to improve cyber metal distribution and speed up the process."
"This is my specialty." Megatron said, stepping away from the wall where he had been watching the proceedings. He took a scalpel from Knockout and carefully cut symmetrical lines into Dani's thighs and forearms. Knockout injected energon inside each cut, Dani shivering as he wiped the blood from them onto her belly.
Dani cried out and scratched at Knockout's hands as he lowered her into the growth vat.
Her red blood turned the clear yellow liquid a light pink, and once the tank was full, Shockwave introduced the cyber metal, the stuff settling in the tank in bubbles and streaks. Shockwave pressed another button, and Dani felt nauseous, her eyes closing for the last time.
"Oh, she's beautiful." Knockout said as the tank emptied and the top swung open. He had a towel open to wrap around her as soon as Megatron and Shockwave pulled her out of the tube.
She was truly a stunning femme, even in just the new protoform silver and gray. Once she chose a paint job, she would likely have half the seeker armada tripping over themselves for a shot with her. She was going to be a helicopter, at least. The bump on her back where new rotors would sprout and unfurl once she scanned an alt mode stuck out like a sore thumb. Her plating had an organic curve to it, with virtually no harsh edges at all.
Shockwave had to stop her from getting out of the tube on her own, taking her arms and helping to lift her out of the tank. Knockout wrapped her in the towel, and they bundled her into a wheelchair. Her eyes were still offline, the growth cycle finishing earlier than expected. They wheeled her to Blades' new room, him being informed of the true intentions of the experiment only minutes ago. Still, he had a shift to finish, and Knockout assured him that she would be in stasis until he could help her.
The minute he could finish up his training to be a nurse with Breakdown for the day, he raced back to his suite. As promised, a stasis machine was hooked up to her, and he carefully unhooked her from it and held her hand until she woke up.
He happily helped Dani, who passed almost all the memory recall checks, out of the wheelchair and into their seated shower, where Blades assisted her in cleaning off the clear yellow goo that clung to her plating. The temporarily blind bot kept feeling his face over and over again, as if she expected him to be gone the next time she checked.
That morning, she woke up to him squeezing one of her hands while they slept in their bed, Blades having to plug her into the recharge dock with little awkward touches against her head.
This was her new reality now.
A menial job on this dark, oppressive ship, with this orange mech sleeping alongside her, all without her consent or a measure of control.
At least she won't starve.
At least she doesn't have to be alone.
There was just one last test to be done.
Cody walked through the ground bridge, his confident posture and wicked grin strange on his young face.
In the panic of the omega lock pointed at earth, no one was paying attention to the drugged up, half mad Rescue Bot.
Cody walked into the cell block and walked right through the bars. The man he believed to have led his family to their deaths, tripping over himself to pick him up.
"Heatwave, I have a secret for you. Do you want to know?"
The grief addled bot nodded like an over excited little kid, and Cody smiled.
All Cody had to do to prove himself was whisper a single word.
The bot's spark imploded with a soft pop, not a single drop of energon split. He reached into his ear and tapped his com link. "Nickel, I'm done here."
A ground bridge opened, and he ran back through to his Sire, failing to wipe the excited grin off his face. Tarn kneeled down and picked up the tiny minicon, his holoform flickering off as he hugged his Sire's finger. The Peaceful Tyranny was hiding behind the Nemesis, being secretly space bridged in to help Megatron hunt down any loose ends, the perfect initiation test for the newest member of the DJD.
"Good work, Darkmount." Tarn said, placing him back into his chest cavity.
Before long, the theme song to some human cartoon Raf downloaded off the internet and passed to him on one of their informal play dates while Tarn talked to high command played obnoxiously from the vid screen, Tarn long since abandoning the hopes of hearing anything but squeaky voices and bubbly background music after a hunt.
Tarn could feel Darkmount stretch inside him. He sent a feeling of pride into their still new parental spark bond.
Darkmount sent it back, a feeling of sleepiness accidentally slipping alongside it.
Darkmount was getting better at that, but still made silly little mistakes with the bond at times. However, he was flawless in the field, burrowing into the plating of much bigger mechs and killing them from the inside, removing any witnesses while Tarn and the rest of the DJD took care of the main victim.
And, of course, he was a glutton for attention at times. If he wanted it, that is. If he got it into his head that he didn't want to be picked up or held, Tarn would walk away with bite marks and a very grumpy microcon cuddled into the crook of his elbow or clinging to his tank treads. He did, in fact, scan an alt mode.
He had fought a small swarm of a savage pointer, a smaller subspecies of the common bulbous scraplet, and with some help from Vos, scanned a live one for his alt mode.
If he focused, he could hover in the air. The Pet was terrified of him, and he could now wander the ship as he pleased.
A few months later, Darkmount woke up to a message from Raf saying that he now had two nephews. Apparently, Dani and Blades got busy fast after Dani recovered from the conversion. There was also a warning to Nickel that Dani experienced phantom contractions after the twins were born, and the only things that worked was a very high dose of pain meds and plenty of heat packs and cuddles from the helicopter that she chose to be with. He was a skittish thing, not a single bark and completely devoid of bite. It was fine, though. Dani had enough for the two of them.
Darkmount winced as he imagined his sister in excruciating pain for no other reason besides a coding error leftover from being human.
He wouldn't lift a hand to help her if it was inconvenient for him, but he still didn't want to see her dead.
He cuddled into Tarn's spark chamber and drifted off to sleep.
Another day, and a new hunt will begin.
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09lover · 7 months
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MIKO AND MIKOYIPEE!!!! what an adorable autistic little creaturw… picks him uo and puts him in my front pocket very gently..
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KOTOWOLF!!! very cute i just hope she doesnt bite… and also thats a very pretty sketch by anon A there… unless the characters name is anon A but yea i have no idea who that is… nonetheless very detailed!!<3
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withered-tears · 2 years
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I posted 9,265 times in 2022
That's 1,198 more posts than 2021!
318 posts created (3%)
8,947 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 572 of my posts in 2022
#transformers - 52 posts
#blender - 35 posts
#3d - 34 posts
#youtube - 26 posts
#animation - 23 posts
#homestuck - 22 posts
#spop - 14 posts
#mtmte - 13 posts
#photos - 13 posts
#bleach - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#recently i read a fic were is mentioned offhandly that optimus then orion once got drunk. got a jetpack. and played tag with some seekers
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rodimus: sometimes I wonder how I'd taste.
Drift: I can-
Ultra Magnus: bad.
Rodimus: ?? how do you-?
Ultra Magnus: You all have been in my mouth.
Rodimus and Drift: oh yeah.
Megatron, also in the room: ??? what???
156 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
I love, LOVE the idea of Ratchet knowing absolutely zero about human medicine/biology.
Miko: so yeah, i gotta wear this cast for like a month cuz the bone broke
Ratchet, having no clue what a bone is: why dont you just get a new bone?
266 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Yo @quetzalpapalotl i got a Ratchet headcanon
Well, i guess its more of a medic-bots in general hc.
You know how ambulance sirens are designed in such a way that you hear them from far, far away (so one has time to clear out the way)
Ratchet's (and again, all medics) voice has the same effect, its not a matter of volume, but frequency.
Without raising his voice Ratchet can still be perfectly heard from a couple of rooms away, a security measure put in medical bots to assure they can give clear instructions to their staff when needed. (I know comms are a thing, but its a safety measure, i dont care how modern your elevators are you HAVE to put stairs in your building)
Then one day aboard the Lost Light, Drift tells Ratchet without an ounce of doubt "oil baths can cure cybercrosis" and Ratchet goes into a 5 hours shouting rant that can be heard in every single nook and crany of the ship, even basement dweller Overlord feels chastised by the end of it.
292 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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See the full post
521 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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12,743 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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c-cw-f-saeko · 9 months
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miko: i’m starting to regret showing you how a blender works
wheeljack, drinking toast: why is that?
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thesimpanions · 5 years
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⭐️ N E W V I D E O ⭐️ The Sims 4 | TOWNIE MAKEOVER: MIKO OJO 🍋💜| CAS + CC Links
Go watch the video here: https://youtu.be/ppnabMWY8No
CC Links:
GENERAL: Skinblend: https://sammmi-xox.tumblr.com/post/173100202612/hello-my-lovelys-its-been-awhile-but-i-come-with Eyebrows: https://lightdeficient.tumblr.com/post/187214742781/evergreen-eyebrow-pack-while-i-was-on-vacation Hair: https://simmerstesia.tumblr.com/post/181154483446/homemade-bubblegum-hair-female-teen-to-elder Lashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2-for-skin-detail-experimental/ Eyeshadow (Sori): https://dear-solar.tumblr.com/post/187076819275/the-chuuuuu-collab-this-is-a-korean-beauty-and Eyeshadow: https://weepingsimmer.tumblr.com/post/157025428181/zenithar-eyeshadow-eyeshadow-its-subtle-its Eyeshadow: https://simpai.tumblr.com/post/183360821523/800-followers-gift-1-soft-glow-eyeshadow-bgc Eyeliner (ADFLY WARNING!):https://goppolsme.wixsite.com/goppolsme/single-post/2018/06/06/GPME-Liner-cc10 Eyeliner: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/171605780781/made-an-eyeliner-actually-4-but-yea Liner: https://crypticsim.tumblr.com/post/180694444347/passionfruit-liner-the-passionfruit-liner-is-a Blush: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-blush/title/biscuit-blush/id/1453076/ Blush: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-blush/title/%5B-charming-%5D--blush/id/1312289/ Lipstick: https://stretchskeleton.tumblr.com/post/187381125273/some-natural-lipsticks-lipstick-03-44-swatches Lipgloss: https://alhajero.tumblr.com/post/185072913035/nice-gloss-ugly-gif-or-at-least-i-think Lipstick: https://alhajero.tumblr.com/post/184959100825/a-little-hi-how-have-you-been-hopefully
EVERYDAY: Blouse: https://ridgeport.tumblr.com/post/183391720102/eva-kind-of-a-sister-to-my-eve-blouse-this-was Pants: https://glumbut.tumblr.com/post/186756387268/cropped-cargos-reduxed-since-i-wiped-my-blog Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-gabino-shoes/id/1427170/ Necklace: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187671833126/bowl-of-plumbobs-bop-x-ah00b-mini-cas Earrings: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-earrings/title/piercing-set-n23/id/1401197/
FORMAL: Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30351413 Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-zannone-shoes/id/1345408/ Necklace: https://bethsims4love.tumblr.com/post/160823033598/so-i-have-been-messing-around-in-blender-and Earrings: https://alexaarr.tumblr.com/post/182768391261/1k-followers-gift
ACTIVE: Top: https://moontrait.tumblr.com/post/175148225998/moontrait-long-sleeve-layered-top-ea-mesh-bgc-21 Shorts: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/186938889275/firora-follower-gift-cc-collection-ive-been Shoes: http://onyxsims.blogspot.com/2017/06/paradoxum-sneakers.html
SLEEPWEAR: Bra: https://spinachfrittata.tumblr.com/post/182714893482/calvin-klein-body-collection-bralette-found-in Shorts: https://simmiesgalore.tumblr.com/post/182140697672/who-doesnt-love-comfy-pjs-12-color-variations
PARTY: Top: https://tiptoptab.tumblr.com/post/178358122675/morgan-top-since-i-just-hit-15k-wtf-followers Bra (Juri Bra): https://dear-solar.tumblr.com/post/187076819275/the-chuuuuu-collab-this-is-a-korean-beauty-and Skirt: https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/186426414950/mirta-noah-thank-you-for-the-7k-3-mirta Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-tasha-shoes/id/1425492/ Fishnets: https://sondescent.tumblr.com/post/173107706495/okay-so-these-are-real-cute-they-go-with-pretty
SWIMWEAR: Swimsuits: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27116206 Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-adriana-feet/id/1323619/
HOT WEATHER: Top (Chloe): https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release Shorts: https://emmibouquet.tumblr.com/post/186212027867/summer-time-shorts-i-have-seen-many-versions-of Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-ikaria-shoes/id/1339942/
COLD WEATHER: Coat: https://alexaarr.tumblr.com/post/187800551511/raindrop-coat Pants (JANE): https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/187756898585/female-autumn-cc-collection-base-game-compatible Shoes: https://tunayegit.tumblr.com/post/187577862556/better-than-mosc-boots-hoi-guyss-welcome-to-my
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Ch11 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Chapter 11:
 Stormie Like Weather08/31/2019
Meanwhile, at a beach retreat for Shrine Keepers, JiiJii scrambled to pack his bags full of as many sutras as his fellow monks could make. His granddaughter was in trouble! And it was no half demon trouble this time, but a full demon! Wearing nothing but his speedo, he boarded the first flight back home. As soon as Sesshomaru thought he'd found the right moment to so his dog oats, some nearly naked elderly man threw open the bedroom door. "W-what at is this?! That school girl uniform does not fool me, demon!" Suddenly paper flung all over the place, sticking to whatever surface they could find, "DEMON BEGONE!"
Sutras flew everything and Sesshomaru went crazy as he jumped up and tried to swat them down but there was so many, some were meaningless scraps of paper but others held real power as best as he tried while taken off guard, a dozen powerful sealing sutras still managed to strike Kagome at various points over her body, eliciting a painful scream from her before she disappeared in a cloud of demonic smoke. 
 When it cleared, where Kagome used to be lay an albino kappa demon, sporting familiar blue eyes but otherwise just looking like a more curvy version of Jaken with more modern clothing. It sat up and looked around before waving to the demon in the middle of the room  and the two people standing in the doorway. 
 "Hello I'm Jakome, it's so nice to meet all of you!" croaked Jakome before adding in the beaked version of a big smile. 
 "Old man...what have you done?" demanded Sesshomaru as his eyes bled red, his aura crackling with such energy that all of the remaining sutras, worthless or none, instantly caught fire and burned to a crisp. Jii Jii did the worse possible thing in this situation and took off running and Sesshomaru instantly gave chase until....
 "Sit Beta!" croaked Jakome. Sesshomaru didn't have any beads around his neck but still ended up face-planting onto the ground. Checking himself over, he saw a ring of purification power around his neck and looked up to see a chain of purification energy leading back to Jakome. 
 "Now listen here...intended...," Sesshomaru started as he got up and headed for the bed with a mean look in his eyes. 
 "Sit Beta!" Jakome croaked again. Sesshomaru sighed into the cratered hardwood floor. How was he going to get out of this new mess now?
Stormie Like Weather08/31/2019
While Sesshomaru was kissing wood, JiiJii was busy contacting his buddies back at the retreat. After explaining the situation, there was only one thing to do, call upon the Kami and force Kagome to eat a mummified kappa demon's hand, only then may she change into something more appealing. JiiJii didn't care if it was a bat demon or a Miko at this point, anything was better than what was parading upstairs!
Mama Higurashi had a better solution in mind when Jii Jii told her of his dilemma. Taking the mummified kappa demon's hand from her foolish old father, she promptly fed it into a blender along with some water and pulped it, before adding some raisins and stirring it up into a smoothie. Taking the concoction upstairs she knocked on the open bedroom door and found Jakome playing with Sesshomaru's long elfen like ears while the latter kneeled obediently at the foot of the bed. 
 "Jakome sweetheart? I have a delicious fly smoothie here for you," said Mama Higurashi soothingly. Perking her kappa ears up, Jakome bound over and accepted the cup before downing the concoction in a single big gulp before letting out a loud burp. 
 In the next instance there was another big poof of pink smoke, only this time when it cleared it revealed Kagome, but she was unlike any form she had taken before. She was as a full Inu demon and certainly felt or smelled that way to any who contained such senses yet she was still hanyou, rather she seemed to have become the type of hanyou that's full demon during extended periods followed by extended periods of being human.
 Kagome didn't know what had happened to her, only that she felt incredibly heated at the moment, like she had an itch that only a man could scratch. She used her newly found demonic power to throw up a barrier in her room, pushing Mama and Jii Jii out of the room while keeping in the only eligible male that could fulfill her current desires. 
 For his part, Sesshomaru was glad to be free of his bonds and looked up only to gawk at the luscious creature that was sauntering over to lay on the bed in front of him. 
 "Well Sesshomaru, it feels like it's been a while for some reason. How about you get to exploring my new body? I feel like you could probably use a 'tasting' as you called it," Kagome practically moaned to him. His drool now coating the floor, Sesshomaru happily moved to oblige.
Several  days layer they emerged from Kagome's  ridiculous pink bedroom after having tasted everything each had to offer several times. They went down stairs and were greeted by everyone  waiting for them in the kitchen.
 Stormie Like Weather09/02/2019
JiiJii bawled while bowing an apology to Kagome, his shoulders shaking, "Kagome, my dearest granddaughter I never would have done..." Shaking her head, Kagome grabbed him up, careful with her amount of squeeze  so as to not hurt him, "Don't worry about it, I'm fine now. Though you really ought to stop throwing sutras at people." He nodded, "I will only throw them at the demons I know are evil in the future." "Eh...sure." she sighed, stepping away as her Mother came close. She reached out and grabbed her daughter's cheeks, "Wow, you still look like you, but even more beautiful." Kagome giggled, "Thanks mom." Her grin turned sheepish as her mother asked, "So, what was going on in there for the last few days, it was like all sound was blocked out. "Well..." Kagome blushed and pulled down the left side of her collar to reveal the crescent mark on her skin. "What does this mean?" Her mom whispered as she leaned in to get a closer look. Sesshomaru proudly replied with a smirk on his face, "We are what you might consider married, but the term we prefer to use is Mated." "Oh!" She gasped, and grinned, "Oh..." Her eyes lit up, "When are the grandchildren happening?"
Sesshomaru laid a hand caressingly over Kagome’s stomach as he confidently answered “Six months, give or take a month depending on how often Kagome lapses into her human form.”
"Oh fabulous!" Mama said we must go shopping. She grabbed as many females as she could and ran out the door dragging them behind her.
 Stormie Like Weather09/03/2019
Unfortunately the shopping trip landed them at the mall, and while passing the food court, morning sickness kicked in. "Hehe, glad someone else is going through this for a change." Dango piped in while beating her thick golden bat wings, "did you know ovulation for a demon bat is like once every three years," she grinned, "I'm going to actually get to enjoy sake for awhile before getting knocked up again." Kagome's mom laughed while rubbing her daughter's back, "Morning sickness is a true joy of pregnancy. Keep throwing up, it means the baby is sticking."Kagome rolled her eyes, but before she could retort, she spotted a baby store right next to a pet store selling puppies.
"You should  totally  get a puppy for practice Kagome!" Sango said with a wink. 
"That is a fabulous idea!" Mama said.
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And that is how Kagome ended up staring up at her mate, a mountain of baby gear behind her, with two very licky, very drooly, adorably wrinkly shar pei puppies in her arms. "Look at them! Aren't they sooooooo cute!" Each yipped and licked her hands some more. "Hn."
Later Kagome bemoaned the lack of suitable clothing for her new body. She now had four sized D breasts instead of just two, the two extra ones riding below the normal two. She still had the same stomach and hips as before but now her midriff had grown an extra six inches to accommodate the new feeding stations for her pupper batches and it had thrown off all the rest of her measurements. 
 "Mate, strip naked and let me show you something," ordered Sesshomaru as he likewise stripped. She did so, albeit somewhat reluctantly as she wondered his motives and didn't feel like coupling again at the moment. 
 "Concentrate on your demonic energy, bring to the surface as you would your miko power but instead of praying you use subtle anger. Then picture what you want to wear before release the demonic power you have stored up as if you were suddenly sweating while trying to cool down," said Sesshomaru as he was enveloped within his red demonic aura before it faded, leaving him fully clothed in his normal garb, sans the armor and swords. 
 Kagome closed her eyes as she concentrated, envisioning a four cup bra, a nice pair of panties, and a nice dress she had seen earlier at the mall sans a hole for her tail, plus a sunhat that was friendly on her ears. When she released and was enveloped in her dark blue demonic aura, it faded and she walked over to the mirror, her eyes lighting up as she saw her splendorous form now beautifully clad in well fitted clothes. 
 Laying down on the bed, Fido and Hachiko came over to her whining for meal time. Folding down the top of her dress and undoing her top, she brought the two pups to what she called boob stations one and three, the two on her left side and gently got them suckling. Sesshomaru settled down on the bed behind her, one hand resting over the legitimate children growing inside of his mate's belly as he watched her feed the young adoptlings with loving rapt interest.
"Mmm I adore watching you like this Mate. I have long waited to see you swollen with my pup. And your breasts ready to feed them." Sesshomaru  nuzzled the blue crescent moon in her shoulder and ran his big hand over her slightly swollen stomach.
Suddenly the door burst open, causing Sesshomaru to look up in alarm before he settled down upon sighting Miss Higurashi entering the room with a plate of something in hand alongside four or five bowls. 
 "Here, I brought refreshments for you two," said Mama Higurashi as she entered and settled on her knees next to the four of them. Kagome and Sesshomaru both looked down to see the plate covered in bone shaped doggy treats. 
 "Mama! Just because we're dog demons doesn't mean we...," Kagome started in protest before her nose caught scent of the delicious little treats. She hungrily snatched one off of the plate and chewed down on it, her noise of appreciation overshadowed by the crunching of her food with her mouth open. 
 Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at her mate's half-declaration before she munched down but decided it would be rude to decline so he tried one as well. His eyebrows lifted at the tasty nature of the snack and he thanked her as he took a handful for himself as well but left the balance for her mate. Mama Higurashi nodded in welcome before turning a scowling expression to her daughter. 
 "Kagome! How are you going to practice using only two of your milkery mammaries at a time? You really need to have all four going for proper practice. Jii Jii, come in here at once!" called Mama Higurashi as she leaned in closer. Kagome looked at her mother in an askance questioning stare. 
 "Now now daughter it's fine, when I was pregnant with you my father helped me with practice alongside my husband. It's just natural so just lay back and let us help you in turn," Mama Higurashi explained as her Grandfather entered the room. 
 Soon all four feeding stations were in use and Kagome felt blissfully fulfilled in her motherly duties, so much so that she was able to ignore two of the four recipients of her mother's milk being her own mother and grandfather. Sesshomaru however eyed the proceedings with an uncertain look on his face.
 Stormie Like Weather09/04/2019
It wasn't until much later in the evening, when all other occupants left, that Sesshomaru voiced his displeasure. "Your breasts belong in no one's mouth but mine, our pups, or our adopted pups." Kagome frowned, "Well they are mine and I'll do whatever I want with them." His growl only made her more frustrated. Her breasts were sore, and with no other alternative but to fight, she cocked a breast and sprayed him right in the face, "There. You want milk?! You got it!" She sprayed him again with a second.
Sesshomaru  cocked his head to the side and opened his mouth he loved the taste of his mate's milk. It was sweet and warm and reminded him of all things good and pure in the world.
"This one would be more then happy to assist you in growing your milk supply, Mate. I can't help wanting all your luscious milk for myself." He walked to her and nuzzled into her top left breast.
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rin-the-shadow · 6 years
Welp, can’t keep putting this one off...
So today is “least favorite human character.” I’m avoiding characters from the live-action movies because except when I’m watching video essays on them, I don’t really remember them very well, to be honest. I have also decided not to use Kicker, because although he ranks lower than the one I picked, he’s also a little too obvious. So instead, the human being thrown under the proverbial bus is...
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I really want to like this character, but in many cases, she comes across like someone aged up Sari and then stuck that aged-up Sari in a blender with Lori’s stubbornness and Bud’s joker tendencies but didn’t really think about how it was that those elements went together or what they wanted to do with them. As a character, she has a lot of potential, and it’s not like she’s the first Transformers human to want to get involved in that stuff. Heck, even Lori and Alexis, my personal favorite humans, jumped at the chance to get involved with this stuff.
But in many cases, it felt like Miko consistently failed to understand that there was any element of danger in anything she did, assumed her actions wouldn’t have consequences, or learned a lesson only to forget it again as soon as the moment had passed. She’s hard to care about because she lacks empathy except when the plot specifically calls for it, but this is never really addressed at any point in the first two seasons in any meaningful way. 
It’s particularly jarring because Prime seems to do a great job with most of what it incorporates, so its handling of Miko’s character sticks out as a ball that was somewhat dropped. I’ve read that she was the studio’s favorite, which may explain her lack of development if they were afraid of making people like her less than they did, or her arc taking a turn that made them or someone else love her less. Much like Kicker, I think Miko as a character could have been improved if there had been any sort of through-arc with her.
And she does have some good moments, such as in “T.M.I.” and “Hurt.” It’s just that I would have liked these moments to be capitalized on and seen through to the end, rather than acting like rocks thrown into a stream. But hey, I haven’t finished the third season yet, so maybe we’ll get that character development after all.
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