#mike nesmith lyrics
fanofcoconuts · 3 months
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instantreplay-monkees · 2 months
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now I will go to some place that I know where things don’t start just to end
hollywood - mike nesmith / head (1968)
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daydream-davy · 3 months
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The Monkees in Favorite Pop/Rock Lyrics, 1969
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ninetimesbluedemo · 2 months
goes crazy about michael nesmith and scansion again
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strawberryfields4now · 10 months
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The Monkees: Charlton Lyric Library Book No. 1, Spring 1967
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levon · 10 months
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running from the grand ennui goodbye good good bye cruel town you’ve been a fair weather friend if you say you’re their friend i’m afraid you will learn they only want friends they can have on their terms run from the false golden crust hides all the heartbreak and rust the loneliness is so thick you can slice it the emptiness is too much for me to fight it you’re alone and you sigh and you try not to cry living inside of a little glass room living inside of the tube everyone’s made out of little thin lines and sometimes their fingers are blue- mine too!
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eldritch-boulevard · 2 years
Set the groove
Set the mood
Check out what’s on the tube
Close the day
Time to play
Put the sounds on the stereo
Drift away
Drift away
Drift away
Drift away
Drift away
Hello people a hundred years from now
It may not make much difference, but I’ll say it anyhow
Let me tell you of the planet and what we’re doing now
It really is bizarre enough to make me take it slow
There are cartoon creations made of people and of lines
Dance around the T.V., and they dance around our minds
A bunch of different holy men pointing different ways
Don’t think, do think, watch out what you say
And we all tried
Yes, we tried
We all kept pluggin’ like a salmon up a stream
Some of us were dancin’
But some of us were screamin’
But we tried
Oh, how we tried
Bunch of different funny people livin’ by the sea
And trying to get to other planets, tryin’ to start another scene
Leaders said, “Come pay us, show you what we mean”
But I learned not to trust them, they were not what they seemed (Hot!)
We all kept pluggin’ like a salmon up a stream
Some of us were dancin’
Some of us were screamin’
While we tried
Oh, we tried
Marie, she looked like Linda with fifty extra teeth
Linda made the cover of a family magazine
And Bonnie was the singer that made both of them dream
But they all lost to disco, the current mating theme
Mm, I’ve never seen a hero
I’ve got five million dreams
I’ve never been to Harlem, but I been somewhere in between
As long as I can keep movin’, I guess I’ll keep up with the scene
I’m dancin’ to the rhythm of the road
Yes, I’m dancin’ to the rhythm of the road
Set the mood
Set the groove
Checkin’ out what’s on the tube
It’s the close of the day
It’s the time to play
I’ll put some sounds on the stereo
Drift away
Drift away
Drift away
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sweetyoungthingy · 2 years
I wish Spotify had the option for listeners to write subtitles/lyrics/captions for things like YouTube does. Please please please let me transcript all of the Headquarters Sessions I’m begging you. I’ll even sync them on time it’ll be so gahroovy
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mobanjaree · 2 years
reasoned verse some prose or rhyme lose themselves in other times and waiting hopes cast silent spells that speak in clouded clues!! IT CANNOT BE A PART OF ME FOR NOW ITS PART OF YOU!!!!
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spider-man-timepeace · 11 months
When the world and I were young
Just yesterday
Life was such a simple game
A child could play
It was easy then to tell right from wrong
Easy then to tell weak from strong
When a man should stand and fight
Or just go along
But today there is no day or night
Today there is no dark or light
Today there is no black or white
Only shades of gray
I remember when the answers seemed so clear
We had never lived with doubt or tasted fear
It was easy then to tell truth from lies
Selling out from compromise
Who to love and who to hate
The foolish from the wise
But today there is no day or night
Today there is no dark or light
Today there is no black or white
Only shades of gray
It was easy then to know what was fair
When to keep and when to share
How much to protect your heart
And how much to care
But today there is no day or night
Today there is no dark or light
Today there is no black or white
Only shades of gray
Only shades of gray
"Shades of Gray" written by Barry Mann/Cynthia Weil, performed by The Monkees
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fanofcoconuts · 10 months
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lugosis · 9 months
here's the track mike recorded for the 1975 film threshold: the blue angels experience
composed by fred myrow and lyrics by peter ivers
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peanutbutterex · 5 months
My boss (a swiftie who knows i was an english major): I think you would like Taylor Swift’s new album, the lyrics are so complex you really need to think about them to understand
My pretentious-ass monkee-loving mind (i must stress i did not say it aloud): but are the lyrics as complex as Mike Nesmith’s abstract songs Daily Nightly, Auntie’s Municipal Court, or Tapioca Tundra? Or are the lyrics concrete but beautifully emotional that make me want to cry every time like Nine Times Blue?
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thislovintime · 2 years
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The Monkees at their New York City press conference on July 6, 1967.
“‘Goin’ Down’ was originally to be a part of Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. as well but was omitted when ‘Love Is Only Sleeping’ was added to the album’s lineup at the last minute. With ‘Goin’ Down’ secured as the flip side of ‘Daydream Believer,’ the powers that be felt no need to include this exclusive track on the album. […] The song itself was a product of the band’s increasingly frequent studio jam sessions. ‘That was originally the track for Mose Allison’s Parchment Farm, and it came out real good,’ Dolenz recalls. ‘I remember Mike saying, ‘Why should we cover someone else’s tune. We’re not stealing the melody.’ ‘Peter had always loved to jam to Mose Allison’s Parchment Farm and started off on this thing,’ says Nesmith. ‘Then Micky started riffing this thing over the top [of] it, and we just headed off into la-la land.’”- Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones Ltd. 1995 CD liner notes
“Diane [Hildebrand] contributed lyrics to the Monkees’ collective group composition ‘Goin’ Down,’ which originated as a study jam and (as the B-side of their chart-topping ‘Daydream Believer’) would become one of their hardest-rocking and best recordings. Though she was just one of numerous names on Monkees songwriting credits, such was the group’s fame in 1967 and 1968 that she didn’t escape attention from the band’s more devoted fans. ‘Diane was always getting calls from Monkees fans who wanted to know all about Peter or Micky,’ says Colin Cameron, Hildebrand’s boyfriend of the time. ‘I really learned the value of an unlisted phone number!’” - Early Morning Blues And Greens 2006 CD liner notes
“It was October, last year that I met them at the TV studios. They’d just seen ‘Early Morning Blues’ and it was Peter who asked me over to meet everybody. I know it sounds crazy but I’d met Peter before somewhere and for the life of me I couldn’t remember just where it was. Lester Sill, the company boss, took me over there. Anyway I just watched things progress. I had only the simple one-note music, of the song written down. But the boys wanted to do it. Only problem was that they didn’t know where or when. What I noticed first about the way they work is that they’re always being hassled by people. They really do lead very busy lives and everybody pulls and pokes at them when they’re out anywhere. So it’s pretty strict security on the set. But they’re real exuberant when they’re working. Actually, I must tell you that Peter came up to my office in the Screen Gems’ Building and we wrote a song together after work one day. Oh, it has these broken-down merry-go-round lyrics… guess we’ll call it ‘The Merry-Go-Round.’ Peter had a couple of bars of the song going round in his head, so I got with him to finish it off. So it was Peter I got to know best. You know how people say Mike is a bit moody. Well, I went to Nashville where he was doing some sessions and I really got to know him well. And he’s great. You know he’s a boy from the South. Well, he told me: ‘It’s funny but everytime I come back to the South my I.Q. drops about twenty degrees.’ […] But let’s talk about Peter a little longer. I’m not going to talk about his personal life because I feel that’s wrong. These guys have to work darned hard and they deserve some privacy… But I’ll say this — Peter is very deep. Moody. But whether he enjoys something or not depends a lot on how he feels. Like we went sometimes to places in Hollywood where you can get Southern grits, and ham hocks and food like that. Or we’d go to teen clubs, to watch some real teenage talent. One club was a coloured place. But somebody always wants an autograph. Peter’s great, though, for joining in things if he’s in the right mood. You know, I play guitar and he plays guitar and banjo. Well, you go to some of these clubs and there are always instruments lying around. So he’ll get up and start jamming. Like he’ll meet a guy from the Modern Folk Quartet and soon everybody’s joining in a session. I dated Peter several times. But really when you go into it, the Monkees aren’t so much for going out. They just get some friends around them and have conversation and maybe a little jamming. […] [B]ack to Peter. He’s just got this Mercedes Sedan. But really he doesn’t spend much on himself — though he spends a whole lot on his friends. This guy is just TOO generous. Take clothes. He’s got a closet full of them that he doesn’t wear. But fans send him a lot of new clothes. His attitude is that if it suits him, he’ll wear it. Probably for ever. He thinks a lot of fans who go to all this trouble on his behalf. You know they were terribly impressed with meeting the Beatles when they were in London. I told Peter I was going to London and he said to send the Beatles his love. And really Peter, and the others, are interested in meditation — as from the Maharishi. I guess we see basic truth in his work and in his word… so we’re meditators. […] And Peter has helped out friends all over the place. Sure he gets depressed. sometimes, but who wouldn’t in his position. You can’t keep on at full pelt all the time. They’re all different individuals. I mean, Micky has his house in Laurel Canyon, which is a very popular area. He’s a fanatic over improving everything and making it into a show place. But Peter doesn’t seem concerned about his home at all. It’s somewhere to live and to entertain friends and that’s about the total of it. I adore the Monkees as characters and people.’” - Diane Hildebrand, Monkees Monthly, January 1968
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heartswellz · 7 months
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i know very little about the monkees (everything i have to go on is from a friend's 1.5 hour presentation). however, every time i hear this lyric, i think about a quote he included in the powerpoint in which mike nesmith was asked why he was so angry all the time ... and his response was basically just... "racism"
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