#mike did have some development this season!
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runninguplenorahills · 2 years ago
Hey, no worries, I like long replies hahah.
I definitely see it partly like that too. Mike thinks he has to have something to offer to people in order to be needed. That he needs to provide a service, serve a purpose in someone’s life in order for them to want him in it. And since the end of s2 that has been romance with El. Mike thinks he owes her romance and in s3 he was still in denial about his sexuality. I mean, he was partially aware that he’s gay since the end of s2 but he thought it was just a phase in s3. Something tied to childhood that he’d grow out of as he grows up. So he tried his best to grow up and make himself fall in love with El/be attracted to girls. But at the end of s3 when so much time has passed and he still didn’t feel the spark when El kissed him, he realized it didn’t work. Being gay was not a phase and his feelings for Will weren’t insignificant. They’re the real deal because Mike is gay. And he can’t change that. So from then on he starts pretending. Mike knows he doesn’t love El but he thinks he owes her the romance. It’s the repayment for everything she’s done for him and Will and the whole party back in s1! And as you said, Mike has severe insecurities and self worth issues. He doesn’t want to be who he is but he knows he can’t change it so again, he pretends.
That’s why he kept dating El, why he didn’t already break up. He’s doing this for her. Thinks it’s what she wants. He tries to do the right thing but he also does not want to lie to her. That’s why he signs his letters with “from” instead of “love” and why he tells El that he “cares for her” instead of “love her”. And caring for someone is also different from caring about someone. Mike meant that he cares about her but the fact that he says he cares for her implies that he feels responsible for her, which he does. And again, Mike usually avoids lying to the people he cares about (keeping secrets is a whole other thing though).
And Mike of course does want to lose El! He’s afraid that when he cuts out the romance that El will realize that he does not need Mike for anything else and thus will not need him as a friend either. There’s no other purpose Mike could serve in her life and therefore he thinks she’d cut him off completely.
So yes, Mike is afraid! He really doesn’t want to lose her so again, he pretends. And then the monologue happened. And as I said in my post from like 10 minutes ago, Mike didn’t only lie to El, he lied for her! He lied to save her life. He pretended to make things right for El.
And what happens afterwards? El doesn’t talk to him. She’s ignoring him, she’s upset with him. So while yes, Mike is still afraid to lose her, he’s also realized that he can’t even pretend. He can’t change himself and he can’t pretend to be someone else. People will still always see Mike Wheeler and Mike Wheeler is the problem wether he’s being himself or pretending to be someone else. It doesn’t matter. Even when Mike pretends like he loves El she’s upset. He’s still the bad guy.
And I’m ending this reblog with an excerpt from a post I made a while ago:
“Mike is not his most authentic self in the hellfire shirt! He’s his most authentic self in his blue arrow-pocket shirt!! And as I said before, he’s not unashamedly being himself in that shirt either but it’s a start! Mike begins to let himself be himself again and that is definitely shown through his wardrobe this season! […] And while Mike literally packed clothes for the trip, even two days after the monologue he’s still wearing the blue arrow-pocket shirt and him and El are not on good terms!! […] Despite Mike lying and covering up how he actually feels during the monologue, he does not go back to covering up who he is at the end of the season!! He still wears his blue arrow-pocket shirt and he sticks with Will so I’m fairly certain that when El will confront Mike about the monologue, Mike will not deny that he lied like he did in their fight at the beginning of the season with not telling El that he loves her. Mike is not gonna pretend that he was being genuine!! They will break up because Mike will no longer pretend to be someone he isn’t and do things he doesn’t want to do! Will he come out to El? Probably not! Because as I said, Mike is only starting to allow himself to be who he is again but of course that’s still a big struggle for him.”
I know El is most likely the one who's gonna break up the relationship with Mike, but I honestly would prefer a mutual break up. In a "both of them realize they deserve better than what the other person is giving them and can give them and it's just not meant to be" way. 
Like El is 100% realizing it already, she has been since s3, thanks to Max, but Mike just isn't. He also has no one to make him realize his worth, except for Will, but they've spent several months pushing each other away, between pre s3 events and beginning s4 events. So he really has had no one.  
And he just thinks too low of himself to fully understand that he's being wronged too in the relationship. Like he was upset about El spying him, he tried to confront her and she completely dismissed his feelings. And then she did the same thing with the lying in s4. I just hope he doesn't completely brush these things off and let them slide and instead he realizes "that's pretty shitty and I deserve better". Same way El is not okay with some things Mike has done, cause she knows a boyfriend is supposed to treat her better. 
And this isn't in ANY way a hate post for either Mike of El. They are just young kids navigating throught their first relationship and a bunch of fucked up things too. They are allowed to mess up, I expect them to, and honestly stuff like this makes their characters and relationship a thousand times more interesting in my opinion. 
Anyways all of this is to say that El is already realizing her worth and I just want need the same for Mike. And I feel like in a way a mutual break up would be a sign that he's slowly but surely taking the path in the right direction. 
Cause El HAS wronged him and she HAS brushed off and dismissed his feelings multiple times before and she HAS put the blame of their relationship not working on him, despite not really doing anything on her part either. And yes, Mike fucked up too, but neither of them deserve this. El knows it, Mike doesn't, he just thinks too low of himself to realize all of this. And I want him to be like "I care about you, but you're not good enough for me and it's time to let go" too
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pinksmonkey · 7 months ago
Posting my Ultimate Byler Evidence/Analysis List here directly because it probably makes it more convenient and I should have done this a while ago. XD
There is so much proof for Byler being endgame in S5 of Stranger Things. They are so cute together, and so much in the show has been building up to their relationship. I just wanted to share some of my favourite Byler analyses, because they are so cool, detailed, and in-depth. I love reading about all the hints, symbolism, and subtext for Byler, it's amazing how much thought must have been put into all these things. Why go through all the effort of adding these details if they aren't actually going anywhere with them? Mike is so queercoded, and they are truly in love with each other.
🫥 Just gonna leave some good Byler analyses here 🤐
Most of the links go to written Tumblr posts, and a couple of them are Reddit posts. So it's a lot of reading. If you prefer watching videos over reading, I highlighted my Byler YouTube playlist in green so it's easy to find.
And apologies for any of the links that aren't working, I know some of the posts have been deleted now sadly, but there's no way I'm re-numbering all these so I'm just leaving them in. My fellow Bylers, please stop deleting your amazing posts. ;-;
So anyway, here is the list of some of my favourite Byler evidence/analyses of all time (not in any particular order):
1. Mike's Season 4 Monologue To El
2. Camera Roll Byler Proof Part 3
3. Mike's Monologue and Milkvan
4. Mostly Byler Post Index
5. Dawson's Creek Parallel
6. "My Experience With Stranger Things"
7. What Ollie Learned From Film School
8. Byler Music Analysis
9. Why Don't The Duffers Discuss This?
10. ST Theories Masterpost
11. If Byler Isn't Endgame Then Someone Screwed Up
12. Byler Crumbs From The Cast and Crew
13. Favourite Combination of Endgame Byler Proof
14. I Doubt Byler Then I Remember This
15. The Fact That We Have This Interview
16. You Know Your Ship is Endgame When
17. Mostly Byler Post Index 2
18. Losing Hope Of Byler Endgame?
19. Why I Think Byler is Endgame
20. So Many Thoughts on This
21. Mike's Wall Art
22. Painting Miscommunication Leading to Mike's Monologue Coded
23. Yes, That Scene Did Foreshadow Mike's Monologue as Disingenuous
24. Mike's Monologue Didn't Sit Right With Me
25. Blue And Yellow Pen
26. That Tweet Is So Sweet
27. Heart Eyes, Literally
28. "My Process of Realizing Byler is Real"
29. Looking at Will, Not El
30. High School Musical Parallel
31. Said It Before and I'll Say It Again
32. Delusional Milkdud?
33. ST Writers Twitter Analysis 1
34. ST Writers Twitter Analysis 2
35. For When You Are Doubting Byler
36. Is Mike Bi or Gay?
37. Fully Convinced
38. The Ultimate Byler Playlist (my Byler YouTube playlist)
39. 100% Confident
40. Mike in S4 and S2
41. Mike Is Angry With Himself
42. It's Been A Year, Mike
43. Rink-O-Mania Remodel
44. The Development Of Will And Mike's Relationship
45. Mike's Lies
46. El Was Holding So Much In
47. Flickergate + Lettergate
48. Did Mike Ever Like El Romantically?
49. Mike Is Stupid
50. Byler Won't Write Itself
51. What's The Alternative Explanation?
52. Comparing Mileven and Byler
53. It Was Always About Them
54. Mike Is Not Ok
55. He Has A Love Interest
56. Will's Happy Ending
57. Trying To Be Normal
58. It's Not That Milevens Are Homophobic
59. Byler Is Reality
60. A Proper Look At El's Shrine To Mike
61. Mileven Through The Seasons
62. Suspicious
63. I Can't Doubt Byler
64. D&D Soulmates
65. Let's Talk Phones
66. Not Delusional
67. What Do They Want?
68. The Main Character
69. Mike's Mental Health
70. So Close
71. This Look Confirms Byler Isn't One Sided
72. Mileven Is Bones
73. They Don't Care About Mileven?
74. The Airport Hug Will Always Be Famous
75. The Monologue Mystery, Why Did They Lose?
76. The Cabin Scene
77. Why Couldn't Mike Say It For 2 Seasons?
78. He Was Trying To Find Will
79. Mike The Surfer Boy
80. Mike Definitely Shows Attraction To Girls
81. The Cast Knows
82. Mileven Loses On All Fronts
83. The Bouquet
84. 53 Minutes And 5 Seconds
85. Pink Panther
86. El And Choice
87. Will's Spotify Playlist
88. He'll Come Crawling Back To You, Begging For Forgiveness
89. Mike's Character Arc Prediction
90. It's The Same Look
91. Will's Truly Happy Ending
92. That's The Same Look, Right?
93. You're The Heart
94. Mike And El's Relationship In S4 Was Really Weird
95. Fireworks Parallel
96. Mileven Has Been Built Up For 4 Seasons
97. Not Stupid: The Fate of Mileven and Byler
98. This Suddenly Makes So Much Sense
99. Metaphors In Filmmaking
And unfortunately Tumblr will only let me add 100 links per post, so when I've posted part 2 of this list, I'll link it here: Part 2
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mousegoesmoo · 8 months ago
Okay I'm sure many of you all have seen this tiktok:
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This tiktok has seemingly reached a very broad audience and I'm lowkey beefing with some of the comments. And then comments are stirring some byler doubt in me but I'm just gonna come on here and think through things logically. I'm only going to take into account things that are canon or have been stated by official sources.
Many commenters have stated that Byler will only be one sided, Will in love with Mike. Narratively, this does not make sense. Will's character has been pre-planned to be queer from season 1 episode 1 and in his character description. Additionally, Robin originally was not going to be gay, but that was changed during the filming of Season 3 (Maya Hawke talks about this). So, why would they have the only canonically gay character be used as a plot device to further El and Mikes relationship? It just doesn't make sense for his love to be unrequited. They have stretched out the plot point of Will's sexual orientation and love for Mike for many seasons, it has been slow burned. They could have given Will a sharp rejection in Season 3 during the rain fight, but they didn't. If they did, moving to California would be an opportune time for Will to move on from his love for Mike. But they didn't. Will made an entire painting for Mike and gave him a veiled confession- if it ends in unrequitedness they stretched out this plot line for far to long. It is unnecessary. It would just be unnecessarily devastating for Will to be rejected in the final season. Plus, we have seen it before, entire relationships can form in one season. Mike and El were formed in one season, Nancy and Steve broke up and then Nancy and Jonathan got together, why can't the same happen with Mike and Will?
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2. Mike has never been implied or done any actions to suggest he is gay or reciprocates Will's feelings. First of, to quote the byler slides, Mike has more queer coding than Will (slide 7, slides linked). To preface, queer coding is "...when a character’s sexual orientation is implied by significant subtext without being stated outright."(Elizabeth Duarte). So, this doesn't necessarily prove that Mike is in love with Will, but it does imply that he is in the very least bicurious. Personally, I believe that one of the strongest bits of queer coding for Mike is during his initial attraction to Eleven. Eleven was often described to look very similar to Will and boy-ish. A little suspicious if you ask me. To add on to that, the problems in Mike and Eleven's relationship have grown as El has explored her femininity and self. Granted, the problems could have arose due to them both aging, but, it is still another common denominator. But, the byler slides have many instances of queer coding for Mike (some probably better than what I presented), so I would suggest looking into those rather than having me repeat them here. But queer coding implies queerness, therefore, Stranger Things has suggested that Mike is not straight.
2.5 Mike's feelings have never been reciprocated for Will. Now this is a trickier one. We haven't had a scene from Mike's perspective in a while, making it very difficult to have hard evidence that he is into Will as well. However, we can prove that Mike is heavily queer coded (because he is). So, if Mike were gay, who would he direct his affections towards? Lucas, who is trying to rekindle his relationship Max, Dustin, who has had a steady long distance relationship with Suzie, or Will, who has never shown interest in any girls despite having many opportunities (arguably, more opportunities than the other party members)? They would not put Mike into a one sided pining with Lucas or Dustin for the final season, it simply does not make sense. But Will, who has already had a developed crush on Mike for several seasons, the pieces start to click together. Mike liking Will is very dependent on Mike being queer, which we have proven through the fact that he is heavily queer coded. So, the only same sex individual that would make logical sense as his love interest is Will. Also: a huge point about not having a Milkeven endgame is that Eleven was supposed to die and, consequently, so would their relationship.
3. Unlikely for the time, so it will never happen. Girlypops. It is unlikely for someone to be dating someone with superpowers in the 80's. It is unlikely for a parallel dimension to take over and infect this one random town in Indiana in the 80's. ITS FICTION. Additionally, it is know that homophobia exists in the fictional Stranger Things universe (Lonnie, Troy, Robin's extreme hesitance to come out, etc.), ,but on the other hand, the Duffers are actively pursuing a relationship between Robin and Vickie. As of our knowledge right now, Vickie's sole purpose in the show is to be a love interest of Robin's. If they don't end up together it is most likely because Robin either gets a new love interest or one of the two dies in the final season. Ultimately, I do not think that Stranger Thing's taking place in the 80's will have an impact on whether or not byler becomes canon.
So those were the main three points made in the comment section of that tiktok.
I just want to also state that if Byler isn't canon, I would want to consider this to be a case of queerbaiting (but, this still depends on how they wrap up Season 5). Also, I would consider slapping a new love interest for Will to wrap up the season as very sloppy and lazy writing. AND, I think using Will's love for Mike as a stepping stone to progress a heterosexual relationship deeply offensive. If they were going to have Will be rejected, they should have done it way earlier in the series.
Thats all I have to say xx
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starbylers · 26 days ago
Going over some incriminating things about Finn’s response to this question:
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He had such an easy set up to just follow along and say something simple and nice about Mike & El’s relationship, like yeah they’ve definitely developed a really close bond over the years, they’ve been through so much and it’s really strengthened their relationship — he did actually start off saying something like “I mean I think they probably just got really [close?]” but cuts himself off and instead…
Finn starts rambling about how Mike was just a nerdy kid so romance wasn’t something he saw for himself, it “wasn’t even on [Mike’s] mind [in general]” but also “romance wasn’t even on his mind initially when he found El”, instead Finn compares it to finding an “alien” like in ET. Love at first sight? Lol, okay. He goes on to specifically emphasise how “as all the scariness kind of started to go away” (aka the “government conspiracy” stuff he mentions & also the UD stuff too by extension) is when it became “more about the relationship between them”, and I think he’s referring to s3 here because that’s when they actually start a relationship and all the supernatural/dangerous stuff slows to a stop, and how it then became…
…what he calls “that first love […]. That relationship is his first romantic feeling towards someone, it just comes after all the craziness he finds out about” - I don’t know why he kept pushing that point of his feelings not coming till later, after all the chaos he’d experienced? It really sounded like something specific he’d been told. Again, love at first sight? Lol. Anyway. “First love”. The Duffers have also used this label (or similar) to describe Mike & El before. It’s very indicative of innocence, childhood, and not being built to last. It implies that more loves are to come, and is usually used in a sort of nostalgic sense.
He reiterates that “going into season 5 they're definitely, you know, they're still a couple going into it” and how that’s all he can say, the extent of his response to the “how does Mike’s confession impact them” part of the question. Which is weird because….what is there to be secretive about? Why couldn’t he just say their relationship definitely plays a role in the next season, and it’s always great to work with Millie or something?? No, instead we get him emphasising how they’re a couple “going in” to s5, and it’s like okay yeah we all know that but what about going out of it? Or within? Such a weirdly evasive response for a couple that ended the last season with a “love monologue” that supposedly tied all their issues in a neat bow.
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0daylighthours0 · 11 months ago
A Deep Dive into Milkvan and Byler's Development: If Milkvan Was Endgame All Along, Why Was it Written Like This???
SO. I've been rewatching st with my mother, who's never seen it before. And she was a fan of milkvan throughout seasons 1 and 2. Viewing those seasons again I could see why, they're cute. However, come season 3 and INSTANT distaste. And, listen, my mother is not the consciously shipping gal. She simply routes for main character pairings as writers intend, doesn't read between the lines, doesn't nothing. And she does NOT know my own opinions on the pairing. In other words, completely unbiased, uninternet drama influenced eyes. We've now reached season 3 and, after getting through a chunk of it, I asked her,
"so what do you think of Mike and El?"
and she expressed to me that they seem to be, quote:
"not very good together."
She said El's character doesn't suit the way she's acting now (in the first few episodes, concerning Mike), that Mike is more likeable and interesting when he's away from her. She doesn't like the way they ditched the party, and when it comes to their 'making out' the scenes are seen by her from Hopper's perspective (in other words, distasteful). She claimed that they'd be much better characters as friends.
And ya know what, she's right. And I mean like - duh, that's what we've been saying all this time, I'm not stating anything new here. But guys, wouldn't it be strange if the central couple of the show, pivotal that it is liked by audiences and is rooted for by them as they are THE pair, would be so dislikable like this? So uninteresting, so cliche.
I mean, okay, let's do a little mental experiment I like to do to test if I'm not just acting delulu. Let's play a game. In this game, milkvan ARE meant to be endgame. They are in love, they were all along, and they're here to draw in viewers and appease all El stans. Now, seasons 1 and 2 their relationship is honestly fine. Surface level, yeah, people will watch and appreciate them. They perfectly blend in with all the other neat pairings of the seasons, and have their own unique character traits to stand out as a main couple.
Just pretending our mate Will doesn't exist, we now get into season 3. Now, writers have nothing to lose here. If you've finished season 2, you probably like milkvan already. The issue is that they're already together now, so what's the conflict going to be? The arc? And every central couple needs that conflict to stay juicy.
Just take a look:
Jancy: quarrels, struggle to understand one another
Jopper: not yet together, one sided? will they won't they
Lumax: ...
Lumax? Lumax. Huh, guess they were simply together. Some loveable bickering, maintained a friendly dynamic while clearly in closer proximity. Well then, writers can do the same for milkvan right? Well, yes easily. But one might argue that since they are supposed to be THE pairing they need more going on between them than that. So what'll it be? Well, it seems that writers thought,
"hey, why not break them up?"
ok so.. that's a bit risky. I mean you want people to like this ship, if you break them up then that threats: 1. there being a disliking to one or both characters, 2. coming off generic if done incorrectly, 3. the break up might make no sense considering how in love they came off as just a season ago. But hey.. it could work, if done right. Some kind of misunderstanding, similar to Jancy. Maybe an argument leading to a sudden parting. I mean, yeah, Yeah! I can see that. Perhaps Mike is being too overprotective whilst El's trying to sacrifice herself for something, so she NEEDS to separate herself from him attempting to hurt him less. Or, I dunno, something akin. What's crucial is that us, AS THE AUDIENCE, still know them to be deeply in love. I mean, we have to still want them to be together. And we've seen couple trouble before. Just take a look at Lumax season 4 - did you or did you not want the best for both of them as a pair? You most likely did. See, it's doable. So did people like milkvan season 3 the same way, even after a separation plot? No.
Okay well, there are obviously those who'll always love milkvan no matter but, see, season 3 tainted it. "We need to write them like this cause it's more realistic to teenager behavior" my ars. You can make it messy without making it icky. Not only did it sour their unique dynamic, it flabbergastingly stomped on Mike as a character.
Honestly, I feel Mike has always been a mild struggle to write. Season 1 his motivations were 'find Will' (who still doesn't exist in our mind game yet shh) and 'protect El'. This worked well for him. Afterwards though, El and Will became more separate plots to him. But as a main character it remained integral that he be closely linked to them somehow. This sets him apart from Lucas and Dustin, who can easily be given any arc any season as their plots have the flexibility of a side quest nature. Since what Mike does is meant to matter more - with there probably being a better way of phrasing that but you know what I mean - it's harder knowing what he'll do when El and Will (who we'll GET to sh.) are their own separate people. And Mike is just a boy, he doesn't have super powers and he isn't a cop, which leaves there even less for him to do which is of significance. Season 2 writers decided upon having him support Will's arc, making himself of enough relevance by being able to take credit for some Will development in the story, and the plots that surrounded that, and then Mike was thrown a little bone by being the one to come up with the idea of burning those vines in the finale.
Truthfully, you don't really remember Mike's deeds much when reminiscing the series. It isn't like Dustin who's bond with Dart sticks to everyone, or Nancy and Jonathan responsible for kicking out Hawkins Lab. This is due to them, again, being able to traverse all sorts of adventures without limits. But my guy Mike can't do dat. Sadly, this kind of leads to him coming of as a little.. well... insignificant. And I know I know, the Mike truthers are gonna come at my throat. And hey! I love him too. I only want the best for my boy.
This makes season 3 a unique case cause it seems that, for the plot they decided they wanted, writers actually had to almost entirely change his character. I mean mate s2 Mike and s3 Mike are two different peoples, don't even. And I don't believe that the Duffers had their story and character turnouts completely drawn out from the very start at all. If I was to guess, I'd assume they have vague ideas of little plots they plan to include in future, but there is definitely a lot that has come unpredicted or changed throughout st's runtime. And one of those phenomenons are Michael Wheeler. So they decided to make this guy a di-
So they decided to make him more douchy, more movie typical teenage guy. It's not as if he wholly sucked, he didn't, but he didn't really do much. Whined about his girlfriend, separated the party. I mean what even was his arc? (UnLESS–)
You see, if milkvan is written to be loved, then season 3 was strike one. All of its charm was stripped away. It seems they had some cute scenes after their reconciliation, but it's not enough. It's just sort of
"oh, ok, so they're happy with eachother now. yayy."
and Stranger Things should want to be anything but boring. Sure they often enjoy indulging in tropes, but they always do something different with them. Something standoutish. And from this point on milkvan just got dull. Either writers ran out of ideas or lost interest, honestly (still with our mind game of telling ourselves they're meant to be).
But it's okay. Look, so season 3 was a bit rocky, maybe lost a couple of fans for the guys, but it is salvageable. Easily, easily. Looks like we want a plot of Mike struggling to tell El he loves her. Great! Much to work with.
So let's get into it. Season 4! Choices were... made. And, okay, now we can't go any further without bringing in our boy Will.
Mike is intrinsically tied to Will and El and has been from the start. Maybe Will was more of an accident. Maybe s1 Will was just a plot device for Mike, then s2 Will was a plot device again and Mike needed to be there as the main boy character. Come season 3 and it seems their relationship still matters. Will was sidelined - hard - so most of Mike's moments revolved around El. But as his bond with Mike is the only that's been properly built up, that's the only friend we'll get him interacting with in a way that matters. So the Mike and Will tie continues!
But that does not have to be the case for season 4. Now the writers have a chance.
They made Will gay.
Ok so.. ok so yeah that's fine. Yeah! I mean they didn't have to do that, might put them in hot water with the bylers since milkvan is their golden beauty but.. you know what no no that's okay. He's been hinted at being queer since episode 1, why not make it canon! Cool that works. Explore that, especially since we now have Vecna who can easily target Will for this. Give him a boyfriend! Or a guy crush. He's at a new school now? That's cool. Maybe we can explore some new male character Will's taken interest in. Hey maybe he meets someone who interests him which rises to surface his whole sexuality plot and-
he's in love with Mike.
Ok. No. No. What are you doing? What do you mean?? You didn't have to do that. Strike- strike EFING TWO mates! Strike. 👏 efing. 👏 2!
This was part 1. I am tired and gots to get my ars in bed. But ohohoh, do not worry. I am just getting started.
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mashkdemss · 12 days ago
Parallels between Byler and the canon couple from "Anne with an E"
Warning, there are a lot of spoilers here! And I apologize in advance if you find mistakes in the text, I'm still learning English O_o
Hi everyone!! Last month, I watched the series "Anne with an E" for the second time, and during my second viewing I decided to approach the romantic line of the main characters from a different angle. After many analyses of Byler, I learned to analyze relationships in cinema, and this case really surprised me on the good side! Let's talk with you about the parallels between Mike and Will with Ann and Gilbert, which help to make sure that Byler will soon become a canon :)
"Anne with an E" is a Canadian TV series, the first season of which was released in 2017 (8 months before the release of season 2 of Stranger Things). The main role in it was played by actress Amibeth McNulty, who also played the role of Vickie in season 4 of Stranger Things. And this is not the only important connection of this series with ST! At the end of the first season, Hopper was reading a book to Sara in the hospital, and that book was "Anne of Green Gables" (the Netflix series was based on this book)
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Then in episode 3 of season 2, he reads the same book for Eleven.
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The main romantic line in "Anne ..." develops between Anne and Gilbert over the course of 3 years (13-16) and it is narrated through such tropes as: from friends to lovers, slowburn, a love triangle, and a trope in which both characters think that their feelings for each other are unrequited, although in fact this is not the case. All of these relationship constructions are also applicable in the case of the Byler.
Direct parallels can be drawn between the characters:
Will = Anne
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— Creative and sensitive teenagers from medium-income families who were bullied by their peers. They both talk a lot next to people they feel comfortable with, both have a self-built little castle in the forest where they retire during a difficult period and can feel safe without fear that someone will judge them (and later these castles were destroyed at both). There is a scene where Anne runs into her wooden house and cries there, very similar to Will's scene after a fight in the rain.
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Ann and Will both told their mothers (in Anne's case, the foster mother) that they are "not going to fall in love" although the line of their romantic attachment to Gilbert and Mike is already developing according to the idea of the plot. Another interesting correspondence between these two characters is that they both helped people dear to them with their romantic relationships, while they themselves did not want it. Anne read the letters that her foster father's old friend had sent him, and without telling him about it, she decided to send her answers on his behalf because she thought they were deeply in love, and her father "just didn't know what to say". As a result, her father found out about it and talked to her about how he hadn't read his friend's letters because he didn't want a relationship with her, he just wasn't in love with her anymore and wasn't ready to change his life. Does it remind you of anything? Will also used Anne's "tactics", revealing his feelings to Mike on behalf of El, only he used a painting and not letters.
And one more take.... Anne's so-called mentor was aunt Josephine. They were in a good relationship and she gave her advice about her life and love. Josephine was also a lesbian. I want to say that this is also a possible parallel, because in the fifth season we are definitely waiting for the interaction of Will and Robin.
Mike = Gilbert
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— curly black-haired guy from a more affluent family, who often acts as a leader and has some authority as a smart student. He liked Anne as soon as she joined their school and he tried to win her attention, but Anne knew that her friend liked him, so she carefully avoided Gilbert (although she also liked him). This gives us another coincidence: Anne, like Will, believes that she does not deserve love and avoids her feelings in order for other people to be happy. The main similarity between Mike and Gilbert is that they both stand at the center of a "love triangle."
Due to misunderstandings that have occurred between him and Ann, Gilbert begins to think that his love for her is not mutual and decides to marry Winifred (represents El in our case). Winifred is a girl from a rich family whom he met quite recently, and if Gilbert marries her, then her father will give him the opportunity to study at a prestigious medical college, which he has long dreamed of. Everyone around him approved of the idea of him and Winnie getting married, everyone expected it from Gilbert. Their wedding, unlike a relationship with a village red-haired orphan girl, could have brought him social approval, just as Mike and Eleven's relationship could have brought Mike social approval and entrenched his image of a "normal heterosexual".
But Gilbert doesn't love Winifred the way she loves him. Therefore, shortly before their wedding, he confesses to her that in fact his heart will always belong to Anne and that for this he is ready to give up his dream. And although their breakup was sad for Winnie, Gilbert explained the reasons to her as tactfully as possible, saying that she deserved someone much better than him. All of this also goes well with Willelmike.
To declare his love to Anne again, Gilbert writes her a letter and leaves it in her room while no one is at home. He writes that he and Winnie are not getting married, that he has always loved only Anne, and at the end he signs "Love, Gilbert." LOVE, GILBERT. Where have we heard this before? That's right, Mike's letters... If anything, I absolutely believe in the Lettergate theory, and that's also one of the reasons I'm confident in it.
Then there is confusion, Ann thinks Gilbert is mocking her feelings, and tears up the letter, and Gilbert goes to a less prestigious medical college. Now they are both sure that their feelings are not mutual, and even resigned to their failure, BUT! Anne meets Winnie, who tells her that she and Gilbert broke up and that he confessed his love for Anne to her.
Meanwhile, Gilbert meets Anne's best friend on the train, who loudly told Gilbert everything she thinks about him and "opened his eyes." She also mentions a love letter that Anne left some time ago, in the same way Gilbert left in her room later. Anne's letter was also unread, and the phrase "What letter, Diana, what letter?" appears. Don't you think it's very similar to a possible scene from s5 of ST with "What painting?"
In general, they ended up running to each other and touchingly reunited, after which there was a sensual kiss that the audience had been waiting for for so long. Unfortunately, the series ended there, but according to the canons of the book, they lived happily ever after, married and had many children, as befits such old love stories.
The main plot is not about Anne's love story, but about her growing up, other problems and events in their village (as in the case of Stranger things), so this line between the characters unfolds slowly and throughout the series, and Anne with Gilbert open up about their feelings and kiss only in the last minutes of the last episode.
It seems to me that there are too many coincidences to be coincidences. All of this inevitably leads to Byler endgame, if you look at everything from a cinematic point of view. Absolutely the same techniques were used: framing, phrases, lighting, musical accompaniment. When watching "Anne..." viewers have never denied the fact that there are feelings between Anne and Gilbert, although they were not revealed directly until last season. And all because Anne and Gilbert are a heterosexual couple, and such couples unfortunately turn out to be more pleasant and understandable to the average viewer. But they turned out to be a really good ship, and I'm even glad that the Duffer brothers were inspired by this setting.
So if the Shirbert is canon, then Byler will soon become canon!
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thranduel · 3 days ago
the writers have purposefully made so many parallels between will and el (as individual characters and their relationships with mike) that it would make no sense if nothing happens with byler
before i start, i need to make it very clear that pointing out the fact that el pretty much came out of nowhere and, in a way, unintentionally ruined a huge part of will's life, is NOT bashing el as a person or character. she was just a child when she opened the gate and it wasn’t done on purpose to hurt will. also, she did not intentionally "steal" mike away from will. she loves him so much and he loves her too, and she did not plan for any of the pain he’s suffered.
BUT, the writers did.
and this is something we need to acknowledge, because if they plan to keep mike and el together after EVERYTHING they've done to will, that is extremely cruel and horrible writing, and i'll explain why.
the writers wrote their story in a way that will was basically replaced by el since the beginning.
there were SO many other ways for them to introduce el as a character without hurting will and ruining his life, but they didn't. and to cause extra pain, they decided to:
- make him gay and in love with mike
- make him get kidnapped because of a mistake el made
- have him stuck in an alternate dimension cold and alone while mike and el develop a relationship and start a romance when he’s literally not there
- be forced to watch mike and el be all lovey dovey in front of him while they CONSTANTLY ignore him (this happened throughout BOTH season 3 and 4, there was NO growth from either of them whatsoever)
- and then had the audacity to use him as a plot device to force mike and el back together while he suffers all alone… AGAIN.
here are some more examples and details of how will has been "replaced" and why mike and el's entire relationship is a slap in the face to him:
season 1
will goes missing because of the gate el opened and disappears from mike's life. el comes along and appears in it, essentially "replacing" him in the party and filling the empty spot he left behind.
they also chose to make el show up in the woods, close to where will’s bike was last seen, and many people in town actually thought el was a boy and mistook her for will.
there are so many parallels between them, like they are two sides of the same coin, but the writers chose to ruin will's life and then have el practically "replace" him in his party AND get the boy he loved first (again, not her fault directly because she didn't plan to do that on purpose, but the WRITERS did).
to make things even worse, will is traumatised and scarred for the rest of his life because of this gate being opened, but many people don't want to acknowledge that.
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i constantly see comments like "will owes el his life! she helped save him!" and it's infuriating because he wouldn't have needed saving in the first place if she didn't open the gate?? like obviously it was kind of her to help save him and she risked her life which was a massive thing but it was also kind of what she owed him considering it was her fault he got taken in the first place! he was in danger BECAUSE of her mistakes. also, will's life didn't suddenly become good just because he was rescued. in fact, it got WORSE. he suffers with ptsd, anxiety and depression, and he already suffered with these things because of his childhood, but now it's even worse. he literally has a part of the mind flayer INSIDE of him even now and he also has to watch the boy he loves fall in love with someone else.
copying mike and will’s story + parallels
all the selfless and compassionate things mike did for will FIRST were essentially copied and pasted, and the writers made mike do the exact same things for el (but of course, because el is a girl, those gestures are automatically "romantic" now).
we haven’t seen mike do anything like this with dustin or lucas. this shows is that his relationships with will and el are different to his other relationships, but i just find it interesting how they had no creativity for mike and el. they just basically copied mike and will’s story, which makes it even more insulting to will.
when mike first met will, he:
- walked up to him and asked to be his friend
- saved him from being alone and ended up becoming will’s safe place
then in season 1, he:
- cried and hugged his mother after he saw his “body”
- looked through something that reminded of him (his drawings) in his basement when he thought he lost him
- tried to talk to him on the walkie talkie because he heard his voice
- never gave up on him and did whatever he could to find him
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does that sound familiar? because they did the same thing with el.
- mike met her when she was alone and gave her a place to stay
- after she sacrificed herself, he cried and hugged his mother
- in his basement, he looked through something that reminded him of her (the star wars ship) on the couch in the SAME SPOT where he looked through will’s drawings first.
there are so many parallels between mike’s relationships with will and el. parallels can be beautiful and meaningful sometimes, and i love the similarities between will and el as individual characters especially because they've both been through so much and end up becoming closer when they become siblings, but i do NOT like that the gay character is the one that stays alone and has to suffer the entire show.
obviously if this is all leading up to byler being endgame, then it would make so much sense and these parallels would be extremely smart, especially if viewers go back and rewatch and pay close attention to every little detail.
but if they plan to keep mike and el together after making will suffer AND copying so much of mike and will’s relationship to use for mike and el, that’s absolutely horrible. there are too many parallels between them and the thing that people need to remember is that everything between mike and will happened FIRST. all the beautiful, meaningful, emotional things that make these relationships so special happened with mike and will long before it happened with mike and el. THAT is the difference here. mike met will and saved him from being alone. he lost him and then never gave up on finding him. he became protective of him once he returned. these are just a few things, but notice how mike and el’s story basically goes like that too?
the only difference between byler and m*leven is that they forced mike and el to be romantic because they’re a boy and a girl. people always try to use “but mike called el every day!” as proof of him being in love with her, but he did the same with will when he was missing. in fact, he did even MORE. he physically went out of his way to try and find him. he told everyone he was still alive. he wouldn’t listen to anyone that tried to stop him from finding will. even the cops warned them to stop, but he didn’t. he didn’t even do any of that with el and just kept everything to himself. i understand the situation with el had to be more secretive and was difficult for many reasons, but he didn’t even mention it to dustin and lucas who were also close to her. and yeah, he called her for a long time, because she was missing for a long time! they found will fairly quickly so of course he wasn’t searching for him as long as he was searching for el? but if will was still missing, of course he never would’ve given up on him either. he still went out every single day searching for will.
season 2 + season 3 + season 4
mike became extremely protective over will after he returned.
- he stayed by his side and made sure he was okay
- they had beautiful, meaningful scenes and heart-to-heart conversations where they would be there for each other
- he even got a bit defensive whenever someone else would come near him
- when will was possessed by the mindflayer, mike said a beautiful monologue where he told will about the day they first met
- he said he walked up to will and asked him to be his friend and that it was the best thing he’s ever done
again, does that sound familiar?
- the writers decided to make mike become protective over el after she returned at the end of season 2
- but in season 3, instead of beautiful, meaningful moments where they had heart-to-heart conversations and comforted each other like mike and will did, they just… made out and excluded all their friends. real nice
- anyways, in season 4 when el is being choked by vines, mike is basically pressured into a monologue where he tells el he loves her (because he knows that’s what she wants to hear since that was what their fight was about) and he talks about the first day they met
- he claims his life started the day he met her in the woods, which we know isn’t true, because he was a traumatised 12 year old searching for his missing best friend and he knew nothing about romantic love. he also doesn’t believe in love at first sight and didn’t fall in love with a stranger he barely knew. he was literally planning to send her to pennhurst the next morning
- anyways, it’s obvious they tried so hard to copy mike’s meaningful monologue to will but totally failed. most of the audience thought mike’s monologue to el was extremely forced and cheesy. it’s even more insulting because they chose to make will have to sit there and listen to it while being heartbroken.
more from season 4
in the airport scene, will is extremely excited to see mike (he looks even more excited than el). he has his painting in his hand and he’s ready to hug him, but mike doesn’t hug back because he’s clearly struggling with his own personal issues and feels like he needs to push will away. will doesn’t know why he’s acting so cold though, and this makes him feel insecure and upset. his mood changes from this point forward, and rightfully so (el notices all of this too).
now here’s where it gets so infuriating. mike and el cling to each other and el says “i want today to be about me and you”, right IN FRONT OF WILL WHEN HE IS STANDING RIGHT THERE. like are you actually kidding me?! mike was will’s best friend FIRST. he has known him much longer than el and he was just excited to see his best friend. why couldn’t el even TRY to include him? she saw he was upset. she saw he just wanted to spend time with mike too. “they’re dating and were just excited to see each other” is no excuse to treat will so horribly. you can date someone while still including your other friends. the way they had the audacity to hold hands without even looking at will in the roller rink was just immature and selfish. if mike has internalised homophobia then at least that KIND OF explains his behaviour and allows us to understand him more (it still sucks but still), but el has no reason to treat her brother like that. he was literally comforting her and asking if she was okay the previous day when she was alone and upset. but when will is alone and upset? absolute silence 😭
anyways, the only reason mike said “i love you” to el was BECAUSE OF WILL. yet another example of will being replaced, and this time, the writers made will do it to HIMSELF. the van scene was supposed to be a special moment between mike and will ONLY. that painting was something will worked so hard on for mike.
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since the beginning, will’s artwork has always been very personal and special to both of them and no one else. mike collects his art and has it all over his basement walls. will saw that mike was feeling insecure and upset and decided to sacrifice his own feelings for him just to make him happy, because THAT is how much he loves him. he used el’s name as a disguise, replacing his own in the process, to help mike and el’s relationship even though he didn’t have to. this is what led to mike telling el what she wanted.
so in the end, will gets hurt and suffers alone, el gets told she’s loved, and mike is just… the same. literally the same. basically just reduced to el’s boyfriend and nothing more. it’s so frustrating.
anyways, the writers have basically “replaced” will with el in so many scenarios, and they’ve also copied so much of mike and will’s relationship and used it for mike and el. it’s even worse because they’re doing all of this to an abused and traumatised gay character who has suffered almost his entire life. i know almost every character has trauma in this show and i genuinely want them all to be happy too, but the deliberate things they’ve constantly done to will is actually ridiculous.
if they wanted mike and el to be a couple, they didn’t have to drag will into it and make him go through so much pain because of them.
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bylerismyeverything · 2 months ago
The way I see it, Sorcerer could be one of two storylines (or both tbh). So we know that this is the episode with the miwi flashbacks. And the name ‘Sorcerer’ greatly hints about this episode being centered around Will.
1. This could be either the episode that byler happens in or be largely significant to their development as a ship.
2. And hear me out on this- Will might get powers in that episode. Ok so I think there’s some reason why Will can still feel everything upside down related and I honestly think him having powers would make a lot of sense. If you look back at season one you might see the scenes of Will communicating with Joyce, but did you ever wonder how he did that? Will talked to her through the Christmas lights and painted letters which he shouldn’t have seen since the upside down is frozen in the day he disappeared, he also found a way to communicate through his house phone and call Joyce from the upside down, we’ve seen him dangerously close to the demogorgon which probably means he had a plan and means to escape, this happened once in the song playing scene to the demogorgon breaking through his bedroom wall, and another time in the Byers living room in which he- and I think that’s the biggest proof- opens a gate. Yeah I know what you probably think, the gate just opened on its own or maybe the demogorgon opened it but imagine it from the upside down. In no scenario would Will see the demogorgon opening a gate and run towards him, and the demogorgon also opens very different gates (when he tears down the walls). And a gate has never opened on its own. In addition we’ve never seen what happened to Will in the upside down and he never talked about it. I think this would all eventually lead to Will powers reveal (probably in a time where Mike is in imminent danger), and what would be a better time to do that than an episode called “Sorcerer”?
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crxzytogether · 15 days ago
it's the way people were fighting for their goddamn lives trying to convince everyone that will was gay back before season 4 and literally everybody pulled up with the same shit. Hes just a traumatized kid hes not ready to grow up yet dont push this woke agenda onto a child blah blah blah and then after season 4 where they could not have made it more blatantly obvious that hes gay and yet some people STILL deny it- like his sexuality had to be confirmed and there's STILL some bozos that think hes straight I can't- bffr they did not have the most gorgeous girl flirt with will in the most absurdly direct way and be rejected for yall to still think this boy likes chicks cmon
all of that said, now that the SAME people that were right about will are trying to tell everybody about mike nobody wants to hear it BFFR as if mike doesnt have MORE queer coding than will and as if they didnt literally tell us that wills sexuality and feelings for mike were being hinted and developed from SEASON ONE BFFR
wonder what that could mean for mike... im looking at you i dont want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me and we kissed as tho nothing could fall hand hold shoulder hugs crazy together you said yes it was the best thing ive ever done one way sign pointing to his illuminated closet the buff dragon poster like-
and that's not even CLOSE to all of it-
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eilissxx · 3 months ago
hello everyone, today I will tell you how I would develop Mileven's relationship if I were a scenarist and they were the main couple of the series 🥰🥰
(yes, including that Will is in love with Mike)
Ok, let's imagine that Mike is a really VERY good friend who decided to go looking for Will at night in the dark forest after will goes missing, where he finds El. Let's make Lucas and Dustin the antagonists of their love story - they will not trust El and literally force her to look for Will, while Mike will see that El is very exhausted and tired of using her powers. I would insert many other scenes with Mileven, for example where Mike would read to her or teach her how to play nintendo or dnd. They would talk a lot more and El would tell him about Papa and the lab. When the guys find Will's "corpse", Lucas and Dustin will be the ones yelling at El, and Mike will protect her and go home with her, where there will be a scene of them hugging each other calmingly. All the other actions in the series will remain almost the same, except that Mileven won't kiss.
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in the second season, Mike would assure everyone that El is alive, although absolutely everyone else thinks that this is not so. He would continue to call her on the radio and starts looking for a lot of information and stories about the lab and Brenner, accidentally comes across information about Terry (like Hopper in the first season) and learns, for example, some rumor that a girl who can move objects was seen near Terry's house. Mike goes there, but arrives too late and goes to Pennsylvania, since Terry's sister said that El would be there. Mileven meet completely by chance after El escapes from 008, and they have a very emotional reunion. They go home together, where they meet the others. Afterwards, they go to the snow ball, but, again, do not kiss.
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in the third season, Mike will be the one helping El learn new things in the world - he will run away from Hopper with her, drag her to shops and cinema. They will go through the school curriculum, and others will make fun of them like "you are so in love" (a cliche, but where would we be without it?), Mike will make El friends with Max. In this case, I wrote the scene of the Bylers' argument somewhere in the first episode - Will will simply be jealous, and then he will hear a Russian code with Dustin and go with Steve's team, Robin, etc. to the Russian base. Mileven would have a conversation in which Mike would explain to El what falling in love is, he would already understand that he loves El, but does not want to pressure her, because he knows what she has been through. Again, we insert a bunch of scenes with Mileven and some small quarrel (for example, Mike will forbid El to use her powers, since he will be very worried about her), and in the end they have a super cute reconciliation and hugs, before Byers-Hopper family leaves for California. Mike and Will are talking too and Will starts to let him go.
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In the fourth Mike gets Vecha'd. Not right away. First Mike comes to California for vacation, they spend their day with Will and El well for everyone, and when El is humiliated by Angela, Mileven has a conversation, the main reason for which is that El did not tell Mike that she was bullied at school (she did not tell about it because she did not want to be uncool for him, and Mike was upset that El did not fully trust him). Then El is taken to the lab and the others go after her, but!!! we change Argyle to a nice kind good handsome guy Will's age, who came with a pizza delivery, let's call him Stan (because the WillArgyle couple sounds scary). Between the whole trip, we are shown a conversation between Mike and Will, where Will admits that he had feelings for him, and Mike does not reciprocate, but everything remains the same between them. There will also be a bunch of scenes of Will and Stan with heartfelt conversations and support. All this time, Mike will not notice the signs of Vecna's presence and will simply think that he is imagining things. The four of them get to Nina's project much earlier, Mike meets Brenner and Owens and argues with them because of El. Mileven make peace and talk a lot together, Mike supports her. Later, they learn that Max is in danger and El goes against all odds to fight Vecna, but everyone notices that "something is going wrong" - suddenly Vecna ​​takes Mike at gunpoint, El does not have time to save him and Mike ends up in a coma.
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I can't really say anything about Mileven in season 5, it just hasn't come out yet, but I'm sure Mike would have been an incredibly important character and would have had a deep connection with El that would have helped them win. The whole slowburn thing would have ended with them kissing in season 5, and Will would have accepted himself, completely let go of Mike in season 4 and started dating Stan (yeah, no van scene).
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In conclusion, i can only say that this is an insanely easy trope to write, which even the most inexperienced writers in the world can come up with. However, the scriptwriters went the other way, and don't even tell me that they simply didn't think of the option i suggested. The story of Mileven can be harmoniously watched ONLY in the format of a slow development of a relationship, which in this case has a deep emotional connection and understanding, which we never saw.
anyway, Byler is endgame.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years ago
There isn't much discourse about how Mike went from saying that El was a weapon in s1, even encouraging the others to use El's powers when she was still recuperating after finding Will in the void, to then in s3 accusing the others of being reckless with her powers, saying she's risking her life for no reason.
Now, I want to make clear that I'm not bashing Mike here, this has less to do with what he's doing being right or wrong. What this is about is how Mike went from doing something himself, to calling out other people for doing it, without acknowledging that fact and why the writers chose to frame it all this way.
You might think it's insignificant, but these two following scenes are clearly being paralleled to each other. And so the fact that Mike himself is acknowledging this as something to be critical of, makes me wonder what exactly is going on in his mind...
I want to preface this scene from s1 by saying that Mike is giving very off vibes here. I know that I certainly viewed this scene as romantic the first time I saw it, but since rewatching it recently, I was getting completely different vibes.
They literally make a point to focus on Mike being distracted, on the verge of impatience. Then, the way El reacts upon Mike getting up abruptly, gives this feeling of uncertainty about Mike's consideration for her in this moment, as she's clearly not what's on the top of his mind right now. And it just makes you wonder, are we truly supposed to be feeling peak romance rn?
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I never realized how out of place this scene was until now (or is it...). It's just such an odd choice to have El resting her head on Mike's shoulder for comfort, only for Mike to cut it short with him being distracted, and with Dustin and El looking awkwardly at Mike like "Okay?...", then followed by a scene where he's trying to convince the others to use El's powers to help.
Here we have s1 Mike displaying behavior that s3 Mike was calling out the others for displaying:
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Here we have Lucas, who was very, very critical of El being dangerous ALL of s1, and yet now in complete contrast to that, he is showing more consideration and common sense for El's well being than Mike, the supposed love (at first sight) interest ...
'That's the most important thing, remember?'
A question, followed by Mike just standing there in silence, like he's only just now really thinking about El being safe as their main priority... This is something that combined with everything else unfolding over the course of this season and the seasons after, that makes Mike's behavior a whole lot easier to understand.
I'll have to make several other posts about this, because there are a lot of aspects to it, but for now I'm just going to focus on these two parallels.
Here we have what happens in s3, with Mike being critical of the others doing something he himself literally did in s1:
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In fact, how careless all of you are.
THIS. When Mike makes it a big deal to call out everyone for doing something he himself has already done, he's outright admitting that it's something that he believes is wrong, and by not even slightly acknowledging his role in doing something similar in the past, it's very likely that he feels guilty about it.
This was probably his way of trying to make it right, by standing up for El in a way that he didn't before because he was treating her like some superhero and not a real person back then.
It's just that the word love slipped out, in the heat of the moment. And El, upon overhearing this, is seeing this development of Mike herself, with s1 Mike going from, yes being more kind and considerate than the other 2 boys in the beginning, but still sort of expecting stuff from her without her being able to verbally agree to it, to now having developed and changed to saying that one of his big priorities is her safety.
El is taking this as being evidence he went from not loving her, to loving her. Another reason why it's pretty obvious El didn't believe Mike's monologue, bc she herself witnessed Mike develop his apparent romantic feelings for her over time, and so him saying it was love at first sight, was probably the catalyst that made it abundantly clear to her that he wasn't being truthful, bc she knows it's not the truth. She's not stupid.
Again this isn't about Mike doing this back then or even the others doing it now as being bad vs. good, this is about the writers going about it this way, sending a message that Mike feels guilt, enough to try to make things right, but is apparently not ready to unpack the actual guilt that is beneath the surface which lead him to this point.
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And then there's this scene, which... it's actually terrifying how obvious it is they instructed Sadie and Caleb to lean out of that shot with Will and Mike reacting to El entering the room... Like... It's SOO obvious when you watch it now what they're trying to hint at without saying it.
Not only are they hinting at Will's feelings, because that is part of it, they're also hinting at Mike's internal struggle. Will is always on the back of his mind whether he's willing to address it or not. And all while that is happening, he is feeling unaddressed guilt about how he treated El when they first met and spent that one week together helping her run away from the bad guys while also looking for Will, something Mike viewed as being worthy of El using her powers...
I'll have to make the other posts regarding this soon, because it all starts to click what's going on with Mike when you look at all of these things together.
While Mike is just a kid like pretty much everyone else in this story, and while he didn't mean any harm by asking El to help them find Will (none of them did), I think that's kind of the whole point?
I think that he got lucky superman landed on his doorstep, who just so happened to be in danger herself, giving him his own purpose to help her too, with her needing him as well, and so it became a situation where they both needed each other.
But because El could literally not speak, it's not like she could really voice her feelings about things they were doing, beyond yes and no. She had Lucas sort of being critical of her, with Mike encouraging El to do things that would make the others see her as being worthy of sticking around so they can find Will. It goes without saying she felt obligated to do these things, even if they didn't outright tell her she had to or else. We literally see almost all of these scenes with her doing stuff for the others being instantly juxtaposed with scenes of Brenner doing the same. It's not the same scale of severity, but it is an acknowledgment that although she is outside of the lab, she still feels like her powers are what define her and it's all people want from her.
I think what it comes down to, is that in that moment when she is sacrificing herself to the demogorgan at the end of s1, we are seeing in real time Mike realizing what he and the other's have been asking of her this whole time, without outright asking her.
And you can literally see the retaliation and devastation hit him all at once. The instant regret, where he's backtracking and El stops him from even trying.
'Goodbye Mike' singles him out, because while he was the one out of the three that showed her the most kindness from the start, he was also the one who at the end of it all, was still expecting her to risk her life for them...
And that just makes it hit so much harder when you think about how that made Mike feel in that moment.
And then in s2 how that impacts Mike and his journey going forward.
His breakdown at the end of s2 upon her return.
His behavior in s3-4, in relation to him juggling his relationship with Will and El, now that they are both in his life at the same time.
It all starts to make sense.
I won't go too much into it because those other posts are bound to be long with a bunch of pictures too!
But on that note, there's at least one thing Mike isn't acknowledging, and it's literally what led up to the unintentional love confession that then led us to 10 more episodes of miscommunication because of it...
It's going to be important for him to address this guilt for him to fulfill his arc and to also close off his expectations that he has to have a romantic relationship with El in order to keep her in his life at all.
The audience themselves seeing this and being forced to face it is also going to make it a lot easier for them understand why Mike did what he did, not only because he's a queer kid in the 80's who has every reason to doubt and repress, but also because he understandably feels sort of indebted to El after everything.
It's more complex than him just falling out of love with her and falling in love with Will because of XYZ.
I think there is a lot of guilt and shame and trauma connected to their meeting and the events that followed. And addressing that is going to give a lot of closure to the ending of the story and also the beginning.
#byler#stranger things#mike wheeler#i feel like mikes arc always comes off as convoluted to most viewers bc they’re missing the whole picture#like this is literally canon#Mike went from doing something to saying other people doing it was wrong without acknowledging his role in that from the beginning#and so ppl using that development as aww he loves her now…#doesn’t even work when apparently he loved her since the moment he saw her…#not being willing to pay attention to how they are building up mikes arc#dancing around all of his actions with#everyone makes mistakes bc they’re children and that’s okay#and just leave it at that…#bc yes obviously all of the characters should be able to make mistakes and be forgiven#but were ignoring the elephant in the room here#it’s canon Mike feels guilt for how he treated el in s1 yet he hasn’t acknowledged it…#instead of acknowledging his history of doing something similar#he’s pointed out everyone else doing it as if they’re doing something wrong he himself would never do…#as if he doesn’t have first hand experience#they could have actually made this moment romantic and genuine IF they wanted to#they could have had mike open up about how he used to do that#but after getting to know el and realize she is her own person#it made him think differently and he wants to do better by her#then maybe when she confronted him in front of everyone he could have said it again or asked to be alone to say it to her directly#and to apologize for how he acted in the past by expecting stuff of her#and THATS why he is extra cautious now#and then got her reaction#instead they give fans the impression Mike is the ideal male love interest#who is perfect for el#with this moment being one of their top reasons#and it’s a scene where he avoids confronting series long built up guilt…
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sobx9 · 3 months ago
Ok, here’s another rant:
I think it’s such a waste that many OG characters were never developed fully, were reduced to few scenes or disappeared all together. Instead, the creators keep introducing new characters that fans simply don’t care about. And I understand that some actors might not wanted to return or had scheduling conflicts, but I don’t believe that was the issue with all of them.
Rose : she was such an interesting character. They didn’t go the “naive” younger stupid wife trope. She was just as cunning as her husband. So what’s her story now? How does she deal with the death of her husband? Why does she believe Sarah killed him? Is she manipulating Wheezie against her siblings? What measures is she taking to be able to keep all the inheritance to herself?
Wheezie: probably the biggest lost. She was a know it all privileged child who went from having a perfect rich family to her brother being a psycho, her dad getting killed and Sarah being blamed for his death. And she’s what? 16? That’s such a vulnerable age. How’s she doing with all that change? Does she really believe Sarah killed her father? Is she not dying to get to the bottom of all of it? Is she blindly trusting Rose?
Mike and Anna: They spend so much time fighting with their daughter about her future and now what? They just give up? She was still a minor when she returned from El Dorado. They were suddenly totally ok with her being out of the house? And even when she turned 18, they didn’t want a relationship with her anymore? Why is Mike suddenly defending JJ when in his eyes, JJ’s responsible for his daughter going rogue. Why is he helping them escape? Is he not worried about where is his daughter going on a stolen police boat?
Luke : He’s such a complicated character. But the flashbacks portrayed him as such a good guy, so what happened?
Barry: fan favourite. Why is he almost non existent?
Kelce: is there a point to him or is he just meant to be a Kook villain for the sake of it?
Topper: why hasn’t he changed at all? Is there no consequence to burning a house down? Or almost running the Pogues over? The actor kept saying we will see Topper develop more in season 4 but did we?
Shoupe : is such a repetitive character. He hates the Pogues, he doesn’t trust them even though they are always right at the end. Him being on their side would be a nice change. But no, he only let them go to Morocco because his career is tanking, not because he believes them.
Deputy Plumb : what happened to her? Did I miss something or did she just disappeared without an explanation?
And also let’s talk about all the characters that are only mentioned? All the mothers? Sarah’s, John B’s, JJ’s (you know the random girlfriend of Luke’s who took care of him when he was little for some reason) ? They would make for an interesting plot lines!!
No instead of this, we get random Pirates!! and yet another awful dad. And they wonder why people don’t watch the show for the plot.
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queen-of-hawkins-why-ler · 11 months ago
Mike and Will's outfits/aesthetics (s4-s5) in relation to their character arcs
Now that I have semi-recovered from the initial shock and bliss (lmao) of seeing Mike and Will in their fantastic s5 looks, I've been trying to figure out what it is specifically about their styling for this season that pleases me so much as both a Mike stan and a Will stan. And I think it comes down to what these looks reveal about the directions that both of their characters will be taking in the final season, but more specifically, the fact that these looks both stand in stark contrast to Mike and Will's season 4 looks, signifying a huge turning point and leap in progress for both Mike and Will in terms of character development in season 5. Even more so, though, I think these s5 looks are meant to visually represent in their totality what Mike's character has been all about across the series as well as what Will's character has been all about across the entire series.
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Mike's s4 looks all center around the ideas of self-discovery, self-acceptance, exploration, and his feelings for Will (with the exception of his airport look, which he wears to conceal and deny what he is actually experiencing and thinking). The hellfire shirt he proudly wears at school signifies that he is growing comfortable with the idea of being a social outcast and being rejected by society at large. He has grown his hair out longer, and he is generally dressing slightly edgier and more casual than he did in s3 (bless s3 Mike Wheeler's heart lmao what an awkward concoction of awkwardness and forced cisheteronormativity 😭💀). Not to mention the infamous arrow breast pocket that literally points to Will for like the entire season and is fashioned right over Mike's heart lmao. All of these outfit choices make sense in connection with where Mike's character is at in s4. It's the first season in which he is truly understanding his queer identity and coming to terms with it. He knows and fully realizes that he is in love with Will, and while he doesn't believe that anything will ultimately come of his queerness let alone his love for Will, I don't think either of these things are something he is necessarily ashamed of, as he uses his style and outfits as a vehicle through which to express his queerness, however limited he may feel in doing so. And I think that fact in and of itself is a great representation of the territory that Mike is venturing into in s4: quiet but bold experimentation and expression in the face of society's opposition. It's one reason why s4 Mike seems so different from other iterations of Mike. He may have had feelings for Will for quite some time now, but up until this point, it's been subconscious or repressed. In s4, it comes to the forefront, and Mike understands and is embracing his queerness as much as he is able to without being seen for who he truly is, because he is terrified of being seen for who he truly is. That's because unlike Will, he's never fully been seen for who he truly is (aka he has an invisible queer experience). He will dress just queer *enough* to feel queer without being seen as queer.
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What's so kind of fascinating and maybe even tragic, then, about this look for s5 Mike is what it represents when contrasted to Mike's s4 look. If s4 was, for Mike, about coming to terms with his queerness as much as he feels he is able to, then this look signifies to me that s5 will see Mike being pushed back into a place of conformity, repression, and invisibility. The ironic thing is that this is where Mike feels most comfortable: in his conformity, pleasing his friends and family by being the straight boy they think he is and staying with El, with his queerness remaining swept under the rug and totally invisible to those around him. However sad it may be, he's comfortable with this set of circumstances because it's all he's ever known. Unlike Will, he has only ever experienced homophobia secondhand, in conjunction with his relationship with Will. He is used to being invisible and ignored, and his short hair and kind of preppy boyish look here is kind of meant to symbolize the overall tragedy of Mike Wheeler's character struggle, which is taking comfort and solace in one's own oppression in exchange for larger acceptance but at the expense of personal happiness.
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Will's transition from his s4-s5 look signifies something entirely different and even opposite from what Mike is experiencing between the two seasons. Will doesn't exhibit a significant change in aesthetics between the first three seasons and s4. He is still rocking the infamous bowlcut lmao, he still dresses quite softly and boyishly, and the way in which he presents himself makes no obvious effort to deviate from what he's always been doing this whole time. That's because unlike Mike's journey, Will's journey isn't really about self-discovery or figuring out how he wants to present himself to the world. He has known that he is gay his entire life, and he has never had much of a choice regarding how he gets to present himself, since his very personality, mannerisms, and essence seem to betray the fact that he is queer to everyone around him. Season 4 is just him doing more of the same--being queer, being himself, and being in love with Mike--albeit with a bit more confidence than he may have had before, as he painted a picture for Mike and was even planning on giving it to him. Will knows who he is and accepts who he is. He just doesn't want to do that at the expense of others, since he's so selfless. He's willing to be queer and be in love with Mike as much as he is able to without coming between Mike and El or inconveniencing those around him.
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But whereas Mike's s5 look indicates invisibility and being drawn back into conformity, Will's s5 look indicates the exact opposite. While Mike may be growing more and more invisible and less comfortable with his queerness come s5, Will is fully blossoming into it and accepting it and wearing it as a badge of honor. This is a true "coming-of-age" look for Will. He is not exchanging who he is for some more macho or masculine version of himself, but he is also refusing to carry around the "weak" and "childish" attributes that people have always ascribed to him just because of his queerness. He is quite literally shedding his childishness and figuring out not what it means to be a visibly queer man, because he's always understood that, but what it means to be HIMSELF as an ADULT. What it means to be a Will Byers who is no longer a frightened, traumatized child but a Will Byers who is fully grown, capable, and confident. And this makes perfect sense as a representation of what the character of Will Byers is all about, which is queer overcoming, queer triumph, and queer victory.
These looks for Mike and Will are so perfect because of what they represent both for what Mike and Will are going to experience in s5 as well as what themes their characters are exploring overall throughout the entire series. Mike Wheeler is an exploration of what it means to be a queer man whose experience gets overlooked and ignored; someone who is expected to perfectly uphold the status quo simply because of how they present themselves externally. Will Byers is an exploration of what it means to know yourself and embrace yourself as a queer person who has been ostracized since childhood; of what it means to grown into a proud queer adult.
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itsjustbyler · 1 year ago
If the byler actually happens, it will be rushed. The GA won't understand, they should have done this before. They've been building Mileven for so long that they couldn't change everything last season.
Sorry, but it's the truth.
Well hi there... (this is going to be a big one, sorry)
See, I'll never understand this argument that it's going to be rushed and that the last season doesn't have time to build Byler or whatever. You've never seen films or series with a single season in which a couple meets, falls in love and ends up together?
I can give you the example of Eyewitness. Several people in the fandom like to talk about this series and I have to thank the bylers for presenting it to me.
The show has 9 episodes, at the beginning we meet Lukas and Phillip. Lucas suffers from internalized homophobia. This series managed to introduce us to the characters, make us understand them, make us understand the reason for each one's actions with just 9 episodes and still in the middle of a murder plot, with several horrible things happening and other characters developing.
And the series is simply wonderful. I highly recommend it, so that people can learn about internalized homophobia (which we theorize Mike has) and how far it can go. Maybe you even recognize some parallels with Byler. Remembering that eyewitness was on the inspiration board for one of the seasons, i think it was season 4.
"They have been building up mlvn for 4 seasons", well... they also did that with byler. The advantage of Stranger Things over eyewitness is that we already know the characters, we already know the dynamics between them, we know the problems in each relationship, there will be no need to waste time on that. The building up for byler its at its peak by the end of season 4!
The season ended with:
Mike and El not talking to each other after the monologue that was supposed to save the relationship
The truth about Will's painting yet to be revealed
Will confirmed to be in love with Mike
Mike is still oblivious to Will's feelings
Eleven didn't say anything about the monologue and what she thought of it all
Will is already sure that Mike doesn't like him and he tried to help Mike and El's relationship, which didn't work.
Mike doesn't know that Eleven doesn't actually feel what Will said she feels and that those were his words
As I said, we already know these characters. We know Will lied, we know El doesn't feel that way. We know that Mike feels inferior in the relationship because El doesn't seem to like anything he likes and ignores his interests, which is why he thinks he's just a random nerd. Mike only knows how to praise El by associating her with her powers, something El doesn't feel comfortable with. We know about the ambiguous relationship between Mike and Will and that Mike seems to separate Will from all the other members of the party, including El. We know that Will is in love with Mike. Everything is waiting for it's conclusion.
Also, we still have some questions hanging in the air like: Why write Will in love with Mike if he already has a girlfriend? Why not give him a boyfriend in Lenora, which seems to be a freer place with mlm and wlw couples going on public dates in the middle of Rink o Mania? Why not have Mike reject Will in season 3 so Will can move on, like they did with Dustin and Max? Why the painting and the meaning behind it? Why constantly separate Mike and El throughout the seasons while strengthening Mike and Will's bond? Why, instead of having Mike the whole season saying that he needs to find El and telling her that he loves her and that she's amazing, they decided to have Mike complaining about his relationship and how bad he feels about it? Why did this love triangle reach season 5 still without a clear solution?
They just need to pick up the pieces. If you think they can't do that in a single season, remember that St*ncy ended the first season together but we clearly knew something was wrong and in the second season they perfectly managed to end St*ncy's relationship and start J*ncy's even with Jonathan dealing with everything that was happening with his brother and everything else.
And hey... give the GA some credit. I clocked byler without even knowing it was a thing and I had never been in a fandom before. They are not stupid. They just don't engage with fandom disclosure but that doesn't mean they are oblivious to everything that it's happening. They just don't care or have heterormativity blinding them.
Now could the writers just ignore everything they had been building up and send it to trash? Damn right they could. However, we will have to wait and see...
ty for the ask, sorry for the big one <3
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gayofthefae · 7 months ago
So to recap: Vecna followed Will from the Wheeler house because the TV wasn't working when we first meet Ted and the lights flickered at the house blocks to miles before Will has a run in outside the lab so it didn't escape from the grounds, it followed him to the Wheelers' then back. And when he falls off his bike, the wheels slow to a stop as a clock gongs. When he gets in the gets in the house, he sees fog coming towards his lawn through which the demogorgon is coming, just like Max does, his phone call and exact breathing, timing and proximity to the demogorgon are identical with Joyce's phone calls at the end of the episode and electric zap when the demogorgon came closer to the phone. Will escaped to hide in a cupboard/storage space in the living room after being kidnapped directly by the demogorgon, then was caught and ran around the house to escape the demogorgon. He eventually hides in Castle Byers, where he sings to himself. The demogorgon gets to him only when he stops singing. He is not killed on the spot but rather taken to the library. While Barb has been discarded on the ground with nothing on or in her but general goo after having been successfully killed immediately, he is held on the wall with a vine deeply down his throat.
Within a month of his return, he has true sight and is able to shadow walk. He describes the mind flayer as "coming for him" but never says it's going to kill him. He later tells Owens that it wants to kill everyone else, but specifying "not me". Mike brings him out of his true sight repeatedly and is the only one to do so and the hand he touches is the one that taps Morse code. Will holds off the mind flayer progressively for a week until it overtakes him completely. Emotional memories and music help to coax him out of it momentarily and it is burned out of him.
After the mind flayer is out of him and the gate has been closed, he no longer has true sight or shadow walk, but he does have the ability to sense supernatural presences. Billy Hargrove, like Will, is a son of a homophobic abusive father named William who was born in late March. He is unable to hold off the mind flayer at all and it has full control over him whenever it chooses, as with the others. When the mind flayer targets El, it says it wants to kill everyone including her, her first, in fact. We later find out it is because she is now useless to him, he would have spared her in season 1 when she was still a prospective partner but now that she isn't, she's disposable. He takes her powers then tries to kill her, but an emotional memory breaks Billy free.
Will does not have his powers after the fat being closed and leaving Hawkins. Henry says about the other lab children "They're not gone. They're still with me. I'm here," tapping his temple. Henry and Will are the only two people to our knowledge to develop powers without lab intervention. Both Henry and Will are artists described by a parent as a "sensitive child". El cannot find Max in Max's own mind like she did possessed Billy or shock tortured Mama. When Will re-enters Hawkins with the gate open again, he can immediately sense Vecna's state: wounded but alive, and says that he's "not gonna stop until he's taken everything and everyone".
Okay yeah so sounds like Will was taken into Vecna's mind before the upside down then either preserved for some reason or chosen as a target as a result of his ability to survive, chosen to survive by the time they got to the library, then never gone back on and that is only true of him. It was true of El in season 1 but isn't anymore.
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hawkinsschoolcounselor · 7 months ago
"The people who are so easily shaken by every little thing must not have been here during the hard yards before season 4, let alone season 3". Wdym? What happened back then?
We were being called delusional for just about everything.
I started lurking here between seasons 2 and 3. I started my own posts immediately after season 3.
Simply suggesting that Will was gay, let alone that he was in love with Mike, or, god forbid, Mike liked Will, was met with cries of "you're delusional." Somehow, everything from season 3 just made it worse because it led to people claiming Will was just less mature than his friends because his childhood was stolen from him.
We have been here accurately predicting things, at least in broad strokes, if not details, for years, despite not actually having any explicitly confirmed evidence.
Yes, the lack of confirmed evidence did result in some people sort of going nuts with their conclusions, but it was always based on something. I personally have had some greater-scope theories more or less debunked (the Mindflayer being Will's Jungian Shadow, for instance, or the Upside Down being a compartmentalized section of his psyche made manifest), but all those theories were based on what we had at the time. Hell, my first ever "fan theory" was that the Upside Down represented being in the closet, and Will only got out safely because he had such a large, loving support group.
Some of the same people telling us we were wrong were also those who thought Will would have a crush on El. There was never any reason to think so, yet it made perfect sense to the same sort of people who were blind to what was developing between Mike and Will.
What frustrates me the most is how Reddit and Twitter get mentions in entertainment media when they talk about how people missed Will's dramatic story arc in season 4. We were saying that shit for years and getting mocked for it.
On Reddit and Twitter.
That's why Byler is largely here on Tumblr in the first place. Anything in support of it, or even Will being gay, on Reddit was downvoted to the point that posts were deleted. And Twitter is...well, Twitter. It's not known for people who utilize their prefrontal cortex.
If you guys think things are bad now, just imagine what it was like back when people could claim Will just wasn't ready for girls.
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