#mikan is emotional support
Komanami Week Day 1: Confession
Summary | Lately, Nagito Komaeda has been noticing that Chiaki Nanami was talking to him less and less. That shouldn't bother him, right? Scum like he deserves to be ignored by an Ultimate like her. Well, what if his selfish heart isn't able to rest on the feelings bubbling inside any longer? With the assistance of the Ultimate Nurse, Nagito finds the courage to learn the truth of why Chiaki doesn't talk to him that much anymore.
❥ Pairing | Nagito Komaeda x Chiaki Nanami (ft. Mikan Tsumiki)
★ Word Count | 4,660 words
*Sorry for being late and if there any mistakes or errors. I was busy this week, so I didn't get a chance to properly edit this. Also, sorry if anyone is out of character. I'm not used to writing Danganronpa characters yet. Also, this is quite long, so grab some snacks and read if you have a lot of time. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!*
“Miss Sonia! I can carry your bag for you if you want!”
“Ah, no thank you, Soda-”
Nagito stared at the scene playing out in front of his desk. Sonia had just walked into the classroom, and Kazuichi was immediately all over her. It was nothing new. This kind of stuff happened every minute of every day, and yet, Kazuichi was never any closer to winning Sonia’s affections. Still, he was just so full of hope that Nagito had to respect his determination. After all, he was truly worthy of being called a Symbol of Hope if he refuses to lose hope.
Nagito rested his cheek onto the palm of his hand and sighed. Unfortunately, he didn’t have Kazuichi’s hope when it comes to romance. As if on cue, the door slid open and Chiaki came in the classroom with her eyes glued to her game console. Immediately, Nagito felt himself straighten up, a familiar feeling flowing into his chest.
BA-DUMP! BA-DUMP! Nagito felt the steady beat of his heart increase exceptionally as Chiaki started making her way to the desk behind him. His face grew hot and he took note of every single detail about her. Her pale mauve hair bouncing slightly as she walked. Her usually gentle pink eyes that were filled with a determined fire at the moment. The small pout that formed on her face as she mashed buttons on her console. It all caused there to be butterflies in Nagito’s stomach.
“Good morning, Nanami!” Nagito exclaimed, attempting to act like his usual self. “Today feels like a beautiful day full of hope! Wouldn’t you agree?”
Chiaki didn’t bother to lift her head up from her game to face him. “….yeah. Morning.” Without another word, she sat at her desk and continued playing her game.
Nagito sighed. “Guess my luck’s not helping with this…” he muttered. While it’s true that Chiaki didn’t talk that much in general, it seemed like, lately, she never said more than a few words when talking to him.
“H-hey, Nanami,” Mikan approached her. “I don’t mean to be bossy, but I would recommend looking up from your game every now and again. I-It’s just that I’ve noticed you hardly put it down, and that might hurt your eyes.”
Chiaki didn’t put the game down. “Don’t worry, Tsumiki. My eyes are pretty used to looking at the screen, so they hardly hurt. But, I’ll try to take care of my eyes if you’re that worried.”
“Ah!” Mikan gasped. “T-thank you for listening to my advice!”
Yep. This confirms Nagito’s suspicions. She talks way more to the others than to him.
Well, of course, Chiaki would want to talk to the other Ultimates instead of scum that only has luck. But, even though he should’ve expected and known it, Nagito couldn’t help the weird feeling in his chest. The suffocating tightness that seemed to squeeze the hope out of him every time he noticed how little Chiaki paid attention to him. It made him just want to pull Chiaki towards him and wrap his arms around her.
No. How dare trash like him even have such indecent thoughts about her. Nagito slammed his head against his desk, sighing.
“KOMAEDA!” Mikan yelped and ran over to him. “Are you okay?!”
Nagito lifted his head up to meet the Ultimate Nurse’s worried eyes. He smiled and dismissed her with a hand gesture. “Don’t worry, Tsumiki. I’m fine. Just…having a moment.”
He glanced behind him to meet pink eyes for a split second before they returned to the game. He frowned. Did she really not care whether or not he was okay? He suddenly felt a small weight pushing down on his chest, like a small boulder that couldn't crush him completely. He groaned. 'I'm not going to let this go, am I? Should've expected that from selfish scum like me.'
“Actually, Tsumiki, I do need your help…” Nagito looked down, his eyes on his desk. “But, I know that worthless trash like me is completely out of line to be asking the Ultimate Nurse for assistance. You’re completely free to refuse.”
“N-no! I'm completely happy to be needed!" Mikan reassured. “Thank you! I w-will do my best!"
Nagito sighed with relief.  “Really? Thank you, Tsumiki. We can talk about it during lunch if you don’t mind.”
“O-of course!” With an excited skip in her step, Mikan went over to her desk with a beaming expression.
The rest of the day went pretty uneventfully. Well, as uneventfully as it can be when you’re in a class full of Ultimate students with energy to kill. But, the “crazy” events went about as normal. Akane challenging Nekomaru, Hiyoko being a bitch to Mikan, Kazuichi being jealous of Gundham and Sonia’s “friendship”, and Ms. Yukizome trying to handle everyone. However, even amongst the normal chaos, Nagito found it oddly difficult to chime into the conversations or even rant about hope. His mind couldn’t stop bringing up Chiaki and he felt himself slumping in his seat more and more throughout the day.
Thankfully, lunchtime finally rolled around and he walked over to Mikan. “Is there anywhere we can speak privately, Tsumiki?” he asked. “I’m sorry for being demanding, but I’d don't want to be overheard.”
‘Especially not by Nanami,’ he thought as he looked over his shoulder to see Chiaki discussing something with Ms. Yukizome.
"D-don't worry about it!" Mikan quickly reassured.  “There’s an empty classroom on the second floor that’s p-pretty empty. N-nobody usually goes there.”
“Sounds great!” Nagito nodded, and with that, the two made their way towards the classroom. “I’m really grateful for your help, Tsumiki. I was struggling with this for a while now, and you asking if I was okay persuaded me to finally find the hope I needed in order to confront this problem. So, thank you.”
“There’s n-no need to thank me, Komaeda! I was j-just nervous about your health!”
“As expected from the Ultimate Nurse!” Nagito smiled as they approached the classroom door. He slid the door open casually and walked inside, Mikan following right behind him and closing the door.
“Um…so, what do you need h-help with, Komaeda?” she asked. “Is there something bothering you?”
“There is, actually…” Nagito crossed his arms. “Lately, I’ve been feeling weird…around Nanami.”
Mikan tilted her head. “Weird? Around Nanami? How?”
“Well, before, I saw Nanami the same as everyone else. She’s another Symbol of Hope like the rest of you Ultimates, and I admired her and her kindness. I would’ve loved to be considered as her friend, but…I know that’s too much for scum like me to even ask. But, regardless, I just saw her as a great person who always, strangely, was always nice to me. But lately…things have been changing…”
“I’ve been seeing her in a different light lately. I’m beginning to find myself paying attention to every single detail about her. Like, every time Nanami’s awoken from one of her naps, she usually rubs her eyes and gives the person who wakes her up this cute angry expression.” Nagito felt his cheeks flush and his heart doing a happy little dance as the image flashed in his mind. “And…it makes my heart skip a beat. Honestly, so does everything else about her. The way she talks. The way she walks. Her small habits. Her flaws. Things that I’ve seen multiple times before and didn’t care about would now drive me crazy. Every time I’m near her, I find myself being even more happy and blushing. It’s honestly a little scary-”
“Komaeda! I think you’re in l-love with Nanami!” Mikan interrupted in an outburst. Nagito stopped speaking and looked up at her with a blank expression. He had been so caught up in his rambling that he had almost forgotten that she was in the room with him. He didn’t say anything as he took in what she just said.
Mikan began to tear up slightly. “AH! I-I’m sorry! Please forgive me for being so rude and interrupting you like that! I will take the p-punishment. J-just-”
"I know."
“Huh?” Mikan stopped apologizing to be met with a smile from Nagito. But…this smile was different from all the other smiles she’d seen. Nagito’s smiles were usually polite, small, and full of genuine appreciation. He never was the type to grin, and his smiles were usually as calm as he was. But, the smile he held…it was bigger than all the other smiles that crossed his face. It wasn’t a grin per say, but it still was a lot less gentle than his usual ones. His pale cheeks were flushed a bright red and his eyes held a soft, dreamy expression as he looked at the ground. Mikan wouldn’t be surprised if hearts formed in his eyes because the smile that Nagito had right now could best be described as…love-struck.
“I know that I’m in love with Nanami. I lay awake at night even more now because of it. Honestly, my luck can be so cruel sometimes. Of course my love for you Ultimates couldn’t stay in the admiring sense like I wanted it to be. I had to take advantage of that love to develop indecent feelings for Nanami. How selfish can I get?”
“Komaeda, calm down!” Mikan waved her arms in a panic. “Y-you can’t control how you feel.”
“But, even so,” Nagito ignored her as he looked up at the ceiling. “Nanami wants nothing to do with scum like me. It’s clear that she can’t even stand talking to me. She only says at most a few words whenever she does. Meanwhile, she says far more whenever she talks to the rest of you. We hardly spend any time together anymore. Not as much as we used to. She despises me and I don’t blame her. Who would ever want to spend time with trash? I just wish my heart could understand that.”
Nagito sighed as he turned to Mikan, his expression softening back to his normal tranquility. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you, Tsumiki. I need some advice about this. How can I stop myself from feeling this way? I don’t want to be jealous of you or anyone else when she pays attention to you. It’s completely outrageous of me to be jealous of you Ultimates just because I’m selfish enough to prevent Nanami from being happy.”
“Um…” Mikan had no idea what to even say to that. “I, uhhh…don’t know about stopping your feelings. B-But, I think I have an idea of helping you cope with them. M-maybe you should try talking to Nanami about this?”
“Huh?” Nagito furrowed his brow. “Talk to Nanami…? How would that help?”
“W-well…maybe it would help if you knew why she’s not talking that much with you. I don’t think she actually hates you, Komaeda. She may have something going on or other reasons for not talking to you. S-so, maybe knowing those reasons could help. Also, I know I have no right to say this, but…m-maybe you should confess to her?”
“Someone as lowly as me? Confess to Nanami?” Nagito stepped back. “That’s insane for you to even suggest, Tsumiki! I can’t just tell someone as amazing as Nanami about my selfish feelings towards her. She’ll reject me anyway.”
"Y-you don't know that!" Mikan balled her hands into fists in front of her. "I know it's hard for you to believe, but there is a possibility of her liking you back, too. You don't know what she thinks or what's going on in her head. B-But, I'm sure that she isn't unhappy when she spends time with you! You just think that way! B-besides, aren't you the one who always advocates for hope? Isn't it hypocritical of you to say that and then be so sure that you're going to get rejected?"
Mikan took a step forward and gave Nagito a determined glare as she pointed a finger at him. "So, go on! Confess to Nanami! H-hold on to hope!"
Nagito didn't say anything. He just stared at the finger that was pointed directly at his face with slightly widened eyes. But, this time, he was rendered speechless.
Mikan's expression softened slightly as she looked at the finger she was pointing, almost like she was noticing it for the first time. The realization of what she just did began to sink in, and she screamed.
“I-I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being so…tactless! I’ll take any kind of punishment! Y-you could draw on my arms if you wish-”
“No, no,” Nagito shook his head. “There’s no need to be sorry. I was just surprised at your sudden boldness, Tsumiki. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
“P-please forgive me!”
Nagito chuckled. “I never said I had a problem with it. It’s actually quite refreshing to be scolded by you.” He paused for a second before nodding. “In fact, out of respect for you and your boost of confidence, I’ll talk to Nanami.”
“Huh?” Mikan gasped. “R-really?”
“Yep! I doubt that she’ll feel the same, but surely, with my luck, it won’t end too horribly. Besides, you’re probably right. Maybe figuring out why she doesn’t talk to me anymore will help.” He smiled at her. “Thank you, Tsumiki.”
“Of course, Komaeda!” Mikan bowed before smiling. “A-anything to help a friend.”
“A friend?” Nagito’s eyes widened slightly as he stared at Mikan.
Mikan’s eyes widened and she immediately began to backtrack, freaking out. “ I’m sorry! I d-didn’t mean to assume that you even wanted to be my f-friend in the first place.”
Then, Nagito did something that surprised Mikan. He smiled at her. “I’m glad an Ultimate like you actually considers me as a friend, Tsumiki. It’s an honor.”
Mikan’s teary eyes were as wide as dinner plates before she giggled. “Thanks!”
With that friendly end to the conversation, Mikan and Nagito returned to class a few minutes later and immediately were pestered by Teruteru and Kazuichi asking what they’ve been doing. After denying that they were doing anything suspicious, Nagito glanced over to where Chiaki was sitting. She had her eyes out her console-for once-and a small frown on her face as she stared at Nagito and Mikan.
He walked by Teruteru, ignoring his perverted theories, and went over to Chiaki’s desk. She seemed to realize that he caught her staring because she immediately darted her eyes away and back to her game, her cheeks slightly pink. Nagito had to fight back the urge to laugh at the adorable action and stood next to her desk.
“Hey Nanami, can I ask you something?”
Chiaki kept her eyes glued to her game, silent for a moment before answering. “Go ahead.”
“W-well…” Nagito heard a slight crack in his voice as he formed his question. He could feel his heartbeat grow faster and faster as each second passed. He tried to mentally tell himself to calm down as he took in a breath and let the question out.
“Is it alright if I talk to you after school? Near the fountain? There’s something that I want to tell you.”
Nagito’s tone was a lot calmer than he was feeling right. He can thank his luck for that. Chiaki didn’t answer for a moment, but her fingers had stopped pressing the buttons on her console. Seconds felt like minutes as Nagito waited for an answer before finally, she spoke.
He smiled. “Great! I’ll see you after class then!”
He walked back to his desk, letting out a sigh of relief. He looked up to see Mikan giving him an encouraging smile that he quickly returned. So far, things were going well. He just has to hope that it’ll go the same way when he actually confesses.
Meanwhile, behind him, he didn’t notice that Chiaki had placed her console down and was staring at him. She felt her cheeks flush as she played with the sleeve on her blazer, thinking back to his question.
‘What…does he want to ask me? Did he notice….?’
When lunch ended and class started again, it felt like time was going six miles an hour. Nagito kept staring at the clock every five minutes, hoping for a slight change in time. In the meanwhile, he could feel his stomach doing backflips as he tried to distract himself by his classmates’ usual antics. But, eventually, the bell finally rang and everyone left the classroom after saying bye to Ms. Yukizome.
Nagito immediately made his way towards the fountain, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. For a rare moment in his life, he could feel his palms getting sweaty and his body trembling as he finally approached the stone fountain. The waters flowed gently down to the bottom basin of the fountain, like smooth, tranquil, waterfalls that surrounded the space in between the basins. He knew that Chiaki often spent her time after school hanging out with a friend playing video games, so this place was most likely a comfort to her. And he could definitely understand why. 
He sighed as he approached the fountain and placed his hand under the falling stream. The water felt cool against his warm hand and he felt the tension in his muscles fading slightly as the water soothed him. He took a deep breath and looked up to see a familiar plum-haired face peeking out of the bushes. Mikan gave him a weak smile and a trembling thumbs up. He smiled at her. At least he had some moral support with him as he went through this.
“So…why did you want to meet me?” a quiet voice asked from behind him. Nagito jumped slightly and turned around to see Chiaki standing there, looking at him with curious expression.
“Oh! Nanami! I didn’t expect you to come so quickly.”
She shrugged, eyes avoiding his. “Well…if it’s important then I figured I should be here as fast as possible.”
“R-right.” Once again, the crack in Nagito’s voice returned as he searched for the words to say. This was…surprisingly difficult. He had never done something like this before. Normally, he just tried to avoid this kind of stuff. But…he was here now…and Chiaki was standing right in front of him. So…he has to do it!
“I don't want to poke my nose in your business, Nanami, but...something's been bothering me lately."
“What is it?” Chiaki asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Nagito gulped, taking a minute to collect himself before blurting his question out. “Why aren't you talking that much to me?”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Huh?”
"I'm sorry for having the nerve to even ask this, but...lately, I've noticed that you hardly talk to me anymore. Back at the beginning of the year, you would usually have full conversations with me. But now, you barely say more than a few words to me. Actually, this is probably the most we've talked in a while. It's making me wonder if...you hate me or something."
Nagito looked at the ground, avoiding her eyes. “I know that I shouldn’t be complaining about this. After all, I know my place. But…I can’t stop thinking about it. I miss spending time and talking with you about video games or our days or whatever. I know I’ve done something to make you treat me this way, but I don't know what!"
Chiaki didn't say anything. She just looked down and kept her eyes focused on her shoes. Nagito couldn't read her expression because of the hair that was making a shadow over her face. Regardless, he took her silence as a sign to continue.
"I know that I'm asking for a lot, Nanami. But, I need to know what I did to make you hate me. I promise I'll leave you alone after you answer. After all, this is probably the most out of line thing that I ever had the balls to do. Talking to you like I'm on the same level?" He let out a sour chuckle. "How arrogant-"
"You've got it all wrong" was the small response that came from Chiaki's lips. Nagito stopped his rambling for a minute to look down at the girl in front of him. She had raised her head up slightly, allowing him to see the small flush of pink on her cheeks and her eyes darting to the side. Like she was trying to avoid looking at him?
"I don't hate you, Komaeda. I don't know how you jumped to that conclusion so quickly." She looked up at him and quickly continued, not even giving him a chance to respond. "Wait...never mind. I shouldn't have asked. But, that's not the point. I'm sorry that you got the impression I hated you. Actually...I should be apologizing for the way I've been acting..."
"You? Apologize?" Nagito questioned.
"For not talking to you anymore," she clarified. "I didn't want or intend to distance myself from you. It's just that..." Chiaki hesitated for a moment before sighing. "Well, I guess it's time I told you."
She took a deep breath and reached for Nagito's hand before grabbing it. He felt his cheeks heating up the moment he felt them make contact. His heart fluttered slightly as he looked down at her holding his hand. It...felt comforting. Her hand felt like it fitted perfectly in his and it felt...so right.
"The reason I wasn't talking to wasn't because I hated you or was avoiding you," Chiaki explained. "It was because I was always nervous when talking to you."
"Huh? Nervous? Why would you be nervous talking to me?"
Chiaki took a moment to answer, placing a finger on her chin as she searched for the right words, like a computer searching for answers. "I wasn't sure for a while. All I knew was that whenever I talked to you, I would feel weird. My heart would beat faster every time I was near you, and I would blush every time you got close to me. I found myself staring at you more often and getting flustered every time you complimented me. I was always nervous about how you would react to things I did or say. Yet, despite everything, I found myself smiling every time I was with you. I would enjoy the time we would spent together, and I would always be excited whenever I saw you. I could've been having a really bad day, but then you talk to me about a video game, and everything felt ten times better. It was like...I couldn't be logical or think clearly whenever I was with you, and it caught me off guard. It was so confusing."
Nagito's face was as red as Mahiru's hair as he took in what Chiaki was saying. All of the things that she was describing...no! There was no way, right? He may have amazing luck, but there was no way that he was THIS lucky!
"Then...I finally realized," Chiaki smiled softly, blushing. She looked up to meet Nagito's eyes. "I like you in a romantic sense, Komaeda. I was trying to figure out how to deal with it all and tell you, and that's why I stopped talking to you. It sounds dumb and I'm sorry, but I felt I needed a little bit of time to clear my head a little. And even now, I still feel nervous and all tingly." She let out a small giggle, which sounded like music to Nagito's ears.
"Y-you...like me?" That was all Nagito could sputter out.
"That's what I said," she nodded. "Actually, I was worried when you slammed your head on your desk this morning, but I turned away before you could catch me looking...which was dumb of me."
This was a dream, right? There was no way that this was real. There was no way that Chiaki Nanami actually returned his feelings. No way a girl like her would have a crush on a guy like him.
Chiaki's expression saddened slightly as seconds passed without him saying anything. She let go of his hand. "I understand if you don't feel the same way, and I'm okay with that. I'm happy to just be your friend if that's what you want. I just wanted to get this off my chest."
She was about to turn around before Nagito grabbed both of her hands. "W-wait, Nanami!"
He couldn't do it. He couldn't just stay in his place and push aside both his and Chiaki's feelings for the sake of hope. Was it wrong? Was it selfish? Was he out of line for preventing Chiaki from being with someone on her level?
He looked directly at Chiaki's face. Her pale eyes were staring up at him and her mouth was slightly open as she waited for his answer. There was a small spark in her eyes. An excited light that was dancing in them, tempting him. Reassuring him. Telling him to do it.
Nagito took Chiaki's hands in his. Even if it was selfish of him, he no longer cared.
"I feel the same way," he confessed. "I like you, too, Nanami."
The smile on her face could’ve countered any type of despair that was out there. Nagito felt her petite frame press up against him as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m glad…”
He didn’t do anything for a moment. He just looked down at the girl as she lifted her head up towards him, his cheeks red. Then he returned her hug, and he felt everything else around him fade away into a peaceful silence. Nothing else mattered, or even existed for a few minutes. His inferior status. Despair. His awful luck cycle. It was all gone. All that mattered during that moment was the feeling of safety and comfort he got from having Chiaki in his arms. It was bliss. Until...
"Also, if we're going to be a couple, please work on your inferiority complex," Chiaki bluntly said. "You're just as important as everyone else. You're on the same level as me, and I'm not going to tolerate with you thinking otherwise."
"Uh..." All Nagito could do was stare at Chiaki with his jaw hanging. Okay, he wasn't expecting this....wait a moment...
"COUPLE?!" He yelled. "Y-you want to be a couple?"
Chiaki tilted her head. "That's what happens after a confession, right? The two people become a couple at the end. At least...that's how it works in dating simulators."
"I'm not opposed to the idea, but you're moving too quickly," Nagito said. "Besides, do you really want trash like me to be your boyfriend-"
"Yes, I do," Chiaki let go of him and placed her hands on her hips. "You're not trash and I do want you as my boyfriend. That's my choice!"
'When did she get so assertive?!' Nagito wondered as he stared with his eyes widened. 'It's kind of hot...WAIT! Don't think like that, Nagito!'
"And if you're worried about us moving too fast," Chiaki continued, thankfully snapping Nagito out of his embarrassing thoughts. "Why don't we play video games at my place this Saturday? We could go to a cafe beforehand if you want."
He smiled and nodded. "I'm completely fine with whatever you decide, Nanami."
She nodded. "Then it's settled. Our first date will be this Saturday." She glanced over at the horizon to see the sun setting below the trees that rested near the fountain. "It's getting late. We should really be heading home now. I'll see you tomorrow, Komaeda."
With that, Chiaki turned around to make her way to the gate, but she only took one step before suddenly stopping. And suddenly, before he could even realize, Nagito felt a soft pair of lips resting on his cheek.
He gasped and stared down at Nanami, who gave him a shy smile with rosy cheeks. All Nagito could do was brush his pale fingers against his cheek, the exact spot where Chiaki Nanami kissed him.
There was nothing but silence. Nagito just stared ahead at her with his hand on his cheek as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. Chiaki must've felt awkward because she turned around and began walking away. "Good night, Komaeda!"
Nagito didn't respond. He just stood there, dumbfounded, as he watched Chiaki walk away. After a few moments, he felt his knees give out and him dropping to the ground. He didn't even realize that his knees were trembling when Chiaki kissed him.
Nagito just stayed there with a love-struck grin on his face. “I really am the luckiest guy ever…”
35 notes · View notes
eggs-can-draw · 2 years
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175 notes · View notes
loststarphounix · 7 months
Fic: Untitled
Fic: Untitled
Fandom: Danganronpa, Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Deapir
Pairing: Soudam, Komahina
Summary: Pets AU: Nagito is eager to see his doggy crush at the local cafe.
Rating: Everyone
Warnings: none!
A/N: This was for Soudam Week, however, I didn’t really feel like it fit so I scrapped it. Was trying to do live action 101 Dalmatians from the 90’s but failed lol 😅 Decided to post it for Valentines lol
Nagito’s claws made little clicks as they walked down the streets of downtown Towa. Sometimes being a small dog was a pain, but today he a bit more peep in his step as he lead the way down the familiar path to their new favorite cafe.
“Be at ease my fierce hellhound.” Gundham, his owner, jokingly commanded as the white dog tugged at his harness. “The establishment of refreshments has not suddenly teleported away.”
Nagito huffed as he unsuccessfully pulled his owner along and gave a wicked smirk when the other stumbled slightly. Gundham didn’t understand! It wasn’t just a normal day at the cafe.
Today was Tuesday, which meant a trip to their usual cafe.  And Tuesday meant getting to see him.
His future mate, that tall, handsome beast of dog.
Nagito first saw him at a distance, they had just left the cafe and a particularly rude bird bought his attention back to the shop, just in time to see him. Huge, probably the biggest dog he’s ever seen - aside from Nekomaru - with brown fur and very unassuming air around him that somehow made him more interesting to Nagito. He had been wearing some kind of unusual harness and cloth, with  human words, escorting one of the most unassuming and uninteresting male humans he has ever seen.
Still, if it meant he could get closer to his dream mate, he’ll tolerate just about anything.
The door chimed merrily as they finally entered the cafe. It was a small, yet beautiful building, with a welcoming atmosphere that seemed to have been ramped up to an eleven now that Valentine’s Day were upon them. The counter top was overflowing with hearts, fake flowers and cupids. It was like a cherub vomited in the place.
“Welcome!” Mikan’s owner, Ibuki cried out. The small purple cat jumped slightly at the screaming, but then settled again when she saw it only Nagito and Gundham.
“H-hello again.” She whispered, her bushy tail obscuring the pomeranians view of her face as her owner and Gundham began to converse.
Nagito gave a serene smile as he placed his front paws on the glass casing. “Hello Milan! Isn’t it a wonderful day today?”
“Yes. B-but I think you find it wonderful because of som-someone else.” Mikan whispered, eyes glittering as she twitched her tail to the side. Nagito followed the movement and felt his tail trembling in contained excitement.
Right there, sitting elegantly at the window, was his dream. He was lying there on his stomach, sharp ears up and alert and all his attention on his human, who seemed busy doing something on the computer. Well, that wouldn’t do.
With barely a glance to his friend, the white pomerianian bolted straight to the window booth. Behind him, he heard his owner’s hissed voice commanding his return. Can’t he see that Nagito is on an important mission?
The big dog seemed surprised that Nagito was coming towards him, judging by how he leaped up. Surprised contorted his face and the small dog couldn’t help but find it adorable on him.
“Hello!” He greeted, stopping just a breadth away. It would be rude to get into the other’s personal space without introducing himself. “My name is Nagito.”
The other tilted his head, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Nagito simply sat and smiled, tail wagging. Maybe his mate to be was one of those silent types.
“Ah…hey there?” A voice timidly called out and he looked up to see his mates human looking at him curiously.
He was sort of interesting to look like, sharp featured and long hair that was slight pink grey at the bottom and black at the top. The hair was in a ponytail as to not get in the way of the glasses probably. Nagito gave a cursory sniff of the outstretched hand before turning his attention back to the larger dog. He leaned in to sniff his scent, but the other shied away.
Oh so he was the shy type. How adorable.
“Pardon my ferocious beast! He is being particularly unruly this day.” 
And ah, that would be Gundham. Waiting patiently as his poor human jogged over to their window seats, the Pomeranian took a moment to admire his love again. Drool collected in his mouth that he barely contained in his excitement.
Utter perfection.
“Oh no he’s fine!” The strange man said, chuckling as he reached down to give him another scratch behind his ear. Nagito leaned into it slightly, tail sluggishly moving across the floor. This one knew how to give pets, at least. “I think he wants to play with Hajime, which is sweet! But he’s working right now.”
Hajime, his tail started up a tornado cloud of dust. He had name to his dream.
The other dog - Hajime - looked up to his human sharply with a twitch of his maw, but other than that exuded calm professionalism. 
Gundham grimaced and had the audacity to pick Nagito up so that he was caged in his arms. Rude! Couldn’t he see he was busy?!
“Apologies! I didn’t notice your hellhounds insignia of protection.”
“Uhm…it’s cool. Hajime is for my panic attacks. They can get kinda bad, but it’d take more than a little dog to trigger them. What’s his name?”
Gundham ducks his head slightly, and his cheeks seem to have become slightly red. “He goes by the moniker, Nagito. And you may refer to me, as Gundham Tanaka.”
The man tilts his head slightly and smiles warmly. Nagito could feel his owner’s heart beating wildly in his chest. He hummed as his muzzle turned upwards in a sly grin.
Very interesting!
“Gundham, huh? I’m Kazuichi Souda! And this,” he looks down and his smile softens as he runs a hand gently across his pets large, brown head. “Is Hajime. You probably wouldn’t tell, but he’s a quarter wolfdog!”
“Fascinating! And a hellhound of such power has not driven you to madness?” Gundham asked, subconsciously sliding into the empty seat across from Kazuichi.
From below, Hajime grumbled as he repositioned himself close to his owners side, glaring at the other man. Nagito began panting happily in his owners lap. 
Kazuichi shook his head. “Nah, Hajime’s always been a sweet boy! Never gave me any trouble since I got him. He was trained by a friend of mine and given to me as a birthday gift. Been together ever since.” Kazuichi leaned down and removed the vest from around Hajime. “Honestly, I meant to take this off after we came in, but I got distracted finishing up my research paper. There you go big guy!”
Hajime stood up to accommodate the vests removal and shaking himself after it was gone. Nagito noticed the second he seemed to go into off work mode, muscles laxing and his expression a little less guarded. He sniffed at their direction and Gundham let a scrambling Nagito drop to the ground.
Ibuki took that moment to come over with drinks - Gundham’s usual matcha mocha and another one that also smelled sugary sweet - a wide grin in her face.
“Well well! Ibuki was hoping her two favorites would finally start talking!” She exclaimed, placing the drinks down.
“You know Ibuki?” Kazuichi asked, blinking up at the other over his glasses.
“He sure does! This was the guy Ibuki wanted to set you up!” Both men looked away with heated faces as Ibuki laughed at them. “But who knew you’d get along with little old me playing Cupid!? So lucky!”
“Lucky indeed~,” Nagito purred and Hajime rolled his eyes in response. It only made Nagito’s smile widen as he leaned in. “I hope we can see more of each other soon Ha~ji~me~.”
“How boring.”  And on, did his voice send a plea San shiver down his spine. He nearly vibrated through the floor. “Kazuichi has no time for dating.” Hajime confidently told the other, lying down on the floor. “Between school and work, he barely has time to himself. Best not to get your hopes up for a future meeting Nagito.”
As Hajime talked, Nagito watched as the two human bashfully exchanged phones, each smiling to each other as they continued to chat. He only gave the wolfdog a little grin before lying down next to him. Hajime tried to shimmy away, but soon gave up with the other simply followed with a defeated sigh.
Nagito smiply laid his head down, a content sigh leaving him.
What a perfect day.
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
btw in this house we love mikan tsumiki
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danganronpa-textposts · 2 months
Do you know if there's a reason why DR2 doesn't have any "intelligent character" like DR1 and V3 do? It has a protagonist (obviously) and someone in the rival / antagonist archetype (Nagito), so why is it missing someone in the "helpful person that suggests things and moves trials forward" archetype?
Monokuma says something that kinda makes it sound like it was supposed to be Chiaki but she never actually says or does anything smart. Do you think maybe they changed the plans for the story?
i mean, i do think she did help to the best of her abilities. but i’m gonna say that maybe it could do with the fact that, as the traitor/part of the program, the information she is able to give away is limited?
but also i do think sdr2 has the trio of protag (hajme), antag (nagito), support (chiaki). i just think she was more of an emotional support than an “intelligent” character
plus she does occasionally move trials forward (telling everyone to doubt mikan in order to trust her) and also helps in other ways (making akane not kill nagito)
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kotelok16 · 3 months
Hii so I’m new here and haven’t touched danganronpa in years, so I’m just curious as to what got you into komamiki? My mind is blown whenever I see a ship that’s not implied in canon, so seeing your art was like woah!!!! And I just like getting people to infodump about stuff they love 💕
Thanks a lot for the question, anon! This is gonna be a long post, be prepared
In fact, I remember very poorly the moment when I got involved in this pairing. As I understand it, I saw one piece of art and just fell in love with this couple? That is, my brain clicked and was like, "Listen, I like it, there's something in this!"
If you still asking "why" I liked this pairing, then the main reason is an interesting dynamic. Yes, yes, komamiki haters, I know about the ending of the third trial and that these two "hate each other" (as they usually write). But... Isn't there a special charm in this? Has the path from hate to love stopped being a thing? I mean, at the end of the trial, it was shown how well Mikan caught Nagito's weakness. She could have left him speechless with a precise phrase. She understood Nagito.
Isn't there some spice in the fact that you are best understood by the person you dislike now? And everyone you admire didn't even try to understand you?? (yes, Hajime tried in free-time events. I know, I don't deny it. Just for now we are talking about the main plot).
Of course, I can think too much like any other fan of any other pairing. But this dynamic is driving me crazy!
It gives me pleasure to reflect on how difficult it would be for komamiki to restore a neutral relationship to begin with after the events of the game. And it's going to be difficult, as it's going to be difficult for all the killers and victims to talk about what happened, you know? And the difficulties are ✨interesting✨.
What I also like about komamiki is that they are two broken people who can understand each other. They both need psychological (and not only) help, okay?? But in this path of recovery, they can become each other's support.
Mikan is emotional, reads the general atmosphere and someone else's mood very easily, worries a lot. Nagito is actually more detached and calm (unless we're talking about hope-). He knows how to show the emotions needed at the moment, but he does not always read the general atmosphere (and does not always consider it necessary, he is on his own mind). In total, we have two broken people, one is very emotional and reads people well, and the second is calm, which adjusts to the mood of people. And both have low self-esteem and are very, let's call it, helpful. "I will do anything, just don't hate me!" and "I will do everything to become your stepping stone to hope!"
At the same time, they can learn a lot from each other and take care of each other. Mikan, of course, as a nurse. I like to think too much that she put all her strength into Nagito's life after him waking up from the New World Program. Komaeda, in turn, is sharp-tongued, and can protect his emotional girlfriend from unwanted comments verbally. He also knows how to express admiration, I think such words won't hurt Mikan. Tsumiki can also express in words and actions the importance of Nagito's life to her. Uh, a mutual aid circle??
Will such a relationship be difficult? OF COURSE, absolutely. But do you really think that any relationship does not involve difficulties? Including healthy relationships, which are being talked about a lot now? Like, guys, psychologists identify the crisis stages that ANY married couple goes through. The question is not what kind of problems are in the relationship, but how they will be solved. But I got off the subject.
If I think again about the post-canon, then I am hooked by the idea that the Class 77 will become the world's enemy. Not without reason, let's be honest. But, you see, there is no one left in their world who would accept them, except classmates (no, Makoto, don't look at me like that-). "In this world, we only have each other." Isn't this a bit dramatic, tragic and romantic?! (tragic for the most part, but we love it here)
Uh, I think this post is already quite long, it's worth taking stock. I love komamiki, I see an interesting, complex dynamic between them. Most of the time I draw them cute, gentle, romantic, well, because I like to draw them like that. I'm interested in thinking about their relationship, but drawing all sorts of cute things gives me peace of mind. Thanks again for the question, anon! It's always a joy to talk about your favorite couple^^
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Danganronpa "As a Ship" Edition #23:
🤎 Mondo/Mikan 🩷
First impressions, they were both overwhelmed from each other for opposite reasons. Mikan because she saw Mondo as very strong and intimidating, and Mondo because of her over dramatic anxiety and apologizing. But when Mikan would trip, Mondo would help her up, and he would stand up for her.
The more Mondo protected Mikan, Mikan felt more comfortable around him and would take care of him in return whenever he had the slightest injuries. They both have each other's backs no matter what.
Mikan feels especially safe when Mondo holds her in his strong arms, and it comforts him to have someone to protect.
With the traumatic life Mikan has lived, Mondo is horrified but also angered when Mikan opens up about her experiences, but the anger stems from those who have abused her.
Mikan is terrified of being on a motorcycle, especially with someone as brash and reckless as Mondo, but she tried it at least once, which Mondo appreciated.
While Mikan isn't very fond of riding with him, he always tells her about it when he gets back to get patched up. The stories could intimate her, but she loves seeing him talk about what he is passionate about. Especially when he confesses to her his goal of being a carpenter and being useful to others.
Mondo's toughness and daring nature inspires Mikan to be more adventurous and also stand up for herself more. Also, while Mondo does stand up for her, he also encourages her to not let others push her around.
Mikan's empathetic and sensitive ways bring out Mondo's more emotional and caring side that he tends to hide from most.
While their contrasting personalities can bring out the best in each other, it could also cause problems. Sometimes Mondo's anger and impatience frightens Mikan, and Mikan's odd, overly obedient or overly sensitive personality can be a bit much for Mondo, but they work through these struggles together.
For expressing love, Mikan would go completely above and beyond with caring and providing for him, as well as giving him little gifts that reminds her of him. Even throw in a fun fact about hearts and blood every now and then. Mondo's expresses his love by protecting and supporting her, opening up to her in spirit of honesty and loyalty, and showing off his skills and strength.
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hajihiko · 1 year
Even Makoto must have realized that the plan for them retaining their memories via shutdown really came down to nothing more than "HOPE AND MAKE IT WORK SOMEHOW, WE GUESS." I actually had to write a fic to clarify in my own head how they held onto themselves, because let's be real, the ending (rightly) assumed that the player just got swept up in the "fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!" emotion of the ending.
I think Makoto was very much just Doing The Right Thing, like, *not* letting the train run over the small group to save the larger group, because that's who he is
But as for the survivors I think the fact that they recover and rehabilitate comes down to a few key points:
-They got force-booted out of their old way of thinking and acting, which they had gotten very desensitized to, so they got back some of the inherent innocence of being teens (not you Fuyuhiko)
-The memories of Junkos manipulation and their own subsequent actions trickle in slowly (as opposed to hitting like a freight train like in Mikan and Nagitos case) so they have time to process
-They genuinely have a better support net in the abandoned post-apocalyptic island than they did in their school year lives. DR2 has some sad sad backstories and Hope's Peak sucks, living with your best friends who understand your trauma & know what to look out for is a lot more healing
-they just made That Choice, they say that's the most important part in overcoming a bunch of unhealthy stuff
(I am nota bene operating on my own headcanons wherein the hypnotism bs didn't happen)
I think it's a nice theme that anyone can do bad but also anyone can choose to be better :)
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no-m4gic · 2 years
Hey mod Sitaya! Could I request the THH characters with a autistic reader in their class?
And Welcome too :)
ahh my first request !! i hope my writing isn't too shitty. also bonus tenko and mikan since i messed up the first time. sorry if this isn't what you wanted!
sorry if it seems rushed or is too short!! there were a lotta characters x3
p.s i removed hifumi and yasuhiro since i had no ideas for them...
this took so long
~mod sitaya
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BYAKUYA TOGAMI - finds it disgusting and insufferable
"not another one of these peasants... and an indifferent one? hell."
you? indifferent? wow. worse person to be handicapped around.
at first he'd give you the stank-eye. he'd treat you the same as he treats everyone: like a peasant under him.
but oh no. hell will break loose when he finds out you're indifferent.
he'd be such a drama queen, never wanting to be in the same room as you, scooting away, making a face whenever you were around.
byakuya would treat your autism like the plague.
he is in his most annoying era whenever toko annoys him, making sarcastic remarks and comments here and there.
though once you manage to befriend him or i guess tame him like some beast, he'd stop with the bratty ass behavior. maybe not with the distancing himself and leaving the room shenanigans, but still.
whenever he found you annoying (which is most of the time) he'd just pretend he doesn't care or hear, walk away or recommend you go annoy naegi or kirigiri.
one upside is you could basically ask him for money to buy stim toys, weighted blankets or sensory stuff and he'd just say "take it" and throw a thick, fat wad of cash at you.
MONDO OOWADA - finds himself relating to you
"don't think of yourself like that, s/o. i like you most when you're you."
yeah... even though he's the leader of japan's most popular biker gang, he has his number of his own insecurities and struggles.
one is he was and still is, never able to properly socialize with people, that being the reason why he's always so loud and interrupts everyone.
reverse comfort
he's not embarrassed of you, he's embarrassed of himself.
you always have to comfort him when he finds himself in third or second place.
you and scented candles are his emotional support.
sometimes he'd randomly scare you by picking you up from behind.
need not fear, he also does the same thing to ishimaru, in fact he does it more to kiyotaka than you.
if you're cold he'd lend you his jacket.
MAKOTO NAEGI - would find positivity and hope in it
"come on... it's not your fault. plus, it made you who you are right now, it made you you, and i love that."
whenever you're down, makoto would make up stupid stories to try and get you to crack. [ you can decide whether or not s/o ends up laughing at his stories or not ]
as well as dumb stuff that's happened to him due to his 'luck', like him losing his sock and never finding it.
he'd let you ruffle and mess up his hair, also warning you about his ahoge so you don't stab yourself.
sometimes when he has nightmares he'd knock on your door and ask if he could stay for a bit.
in the morning though you won't have to run to the lunch hall, because well, you'll find your breakfast sitting on your bedside table alongside some juice or milk.
whenever you do crazy things, makoto would just watch nervously and would only interfere when you're about to get hurt.
also he likes to stargaze with you at midnight when everyone's asleep.
KIYOTAKA ISHIMARU - worries about you, yet supports you.
"as long as you don't run in the halls or scream like mondo- you'll remain my closest friend!"
sometimes he'd unintentionally throw in a sarcastic or dramatic remark, but that's just him, and you know that.
usually when you're hyper active to the point where you can't eat on your own, he takes it as his own responsibility to feed you manually (and make sure you don't starve to death)
he'd always start off the day with a greeting and how your day went.
since he's asked so many people that, he can tell when you're lying, and would ask what's wrong.
persistent bby
rarely you warn him about mondo picking his ass up, since you find it hilarious.
however you two always have each others' backs.
CHIHIRO FUJISAKI - relates to you on the same level
"don't worry- if i go, alter ego will stay with you till you go too, and then we'll be reunited! right s/o...?"
aside from mondo, you'd be the second person he'd tell his secret to. he knows he can trust you with it, especially when he isn't ready for the world's criticism.
whenever his day was just a horrible one in general, he knows he can come to you for comfort.
before going to bed you both make each other hot chocolates.
you'd lend chihiro some of your clothes whenever he'd decide his confidence level for that day.
if you can't beat a level on a game, just ask chihiro, he'll work his cheating magic.
when your craziness kicks in, you'll insist and persist he hacks into somebody's account to invade their privacy. (you can choose who)
LEON KUWATA - would try to understand your disability
"i don't know what the heck you're doing, but i like where it's going, s/o."
75% of the time he doesn't know what you're doing, but goes along with it.
you'd always be cheering the loudest in the audience at his baseball matches.
he'd be appreciative of your craziness and impulsive actions most of the time.
like you managing to break a vending machine and get like 10 energy drinks for the price of 1.
but sometimes he'll be really confuse and just leave you be... and by that i mean ditch you like the dick he is.
you'll have to navigate your way back.
once you do find him, you'll grab his shoulders from behind, making him scream like a little girl.
SAYAKA MAIZONO - finds it unique and supports you
"don't say that! you're waayy more special than the them!"
honestly she'd think it makes you unique from the others.
in fact, you guys would discuss about song lyrics and she'd take a lot of inspiration from you and your tales.
overall sayaka wouldn't mind whenever you let your heart out, she enjoys hearing your voice.
she's too embarrassed to admit that, though.
if you have long hair, she'd braid and mess around with it, also letting you mess with hers since she really likes your touch.
if you ever needed help with falling asleep soundly, sayaka would offer to sing you a song or a lullaby, as well as learn the lyrics to your favorite song after that night as backup.
pls- she'd be so patient with you. if you were ever mad, she'd leave you be to cool down. if you were upset or scared she'd hold and hug you, telling you everything will be okay. she'd listen to you vent your heart out.
she spends more time in your room chattering with you rather than her own room sitting miserably on a table rocking her brain back and fourth thinking of catchy song lyrics.
AOI ASAHINA - finds you even more adorable
"eeek!! you're so cute s/ooo!! i just wanna eat you up!"
ooh hoooooo.
asahina would treat you like her baby.
her and sakura will defend you with their life, especially from mondo and byakuya. they're getting their asses beaten if they dared mess with you.
overprotective mother mode
she'd share her donuts and food with you.
whenever you guys meet up for the day she'd give you a daily head pat and compliment like "oh my goshh you look cuter than before!"
she'd also get you stim toys and other stuff to distract yourself with incase she was busy with a competition or training with sakura.
if you really wanted, aoi would also teach you to swim.
also would chase you just to ruffle your hair.
CELESTIA LUDENBURG - doesn't care about it
"as long as it isn't infectious, you can have all the time and tea you want with and from me."
oh you were disabled? she didn't even notice.
celeste wouldn't give a flying fuck about it.
it's more of if you piss her off or not. if you don't, you can have tea with her, if you do... well, she'd either send you to kyoko or act like a less dramatic togami.
most of the time celeste would listen to whatever you had to say, or pretend she was listening and constantly nod her head.
she'd be hesitant to let you around grand bois chéri (her cat), so you'd have to try your hardest to prove to her you won't injure or let chéri get injured in your care.
other than that celeste would treat you like any other person.
if you get too out of hand for her though, she'd get you some sensory or stim toys to keep you busy from annoying her.
KYOKO KIRIGIRI - would be supportive of you no matter what
"who cares about what the others say? you're perfect the way you are, s/o."
gentle head and back pats
sometimes in her free time, she'd follow you around, most of the time just to make sure you're alright.
lets you review cases with her, just to keep your mind fresh and active, perhaps one day you'll impress and blow her mind by solving a mystery even she couldn't crack.
even though she'd be embarrassed, shy or not wanting to, she'd join in your activities if you invited her to, such as dancing or singing.
though she'd never share hers, she'd always ask about you and your feelings.
is very persistent, and would secretly and anonymously send you little gifts from time to time like a secret admirer.
JUNKO ENOSHIMA - would be inquisitive and criticize
"oh my gosh, so you just move out of nowhere? couldn't imagine me like that, SO glad i'm not you."
has no idea and knowledge about disabilities and stuff.
she's worse than togami.
she'd always humiliate and embarrass you in front of people to cause despair
but she'd always find herself crawling back to you.
it's annoying, and she likes that. it brings her so much self-inflicted despair
uses you as an insult, especially towards mukuro and kamukura.
"you guys are WORSE than s/o, so much more annoying, no wonder s/o's spirit is brighter than your guys' futures."
when she isn't in such a despair-ful mood, instead of embarrassing you in public, she'd just grab your hand and lightly squeeze it, all while obnoxiously insulting her sister.
since she's an uncultured swine, she'd either let you squeeze, hug and cry to a monokuma bot or let mukuro deal with you.
SAKURA OGAMI - would be supportive and encourages you
"if you lift your chin up you'll see the path hope has created for you, s/o."
usually you'd watch her work out and bring and make her protein shakes whenever asahina was training.
she'd make sure you're good and healthy, both physically and mentally.
if you also wanted to train and work out with her, she'd offer to make you a healthy drink afterwards.
you two always have fun making smoothies and salads with funny drawings and faces made of tomatoes and onions after work out sessions.
would let you style her hair into ridiculous sights.
whenever you guys were in a meeting or assembly, you, asahina and sakura would crack jokes and giggle together.
both of you have this special greeting where you jump and high-five, most of the time sakura just stands with her hand up though.
TOKO FUKAWA - pretends to find you insufferable but relates to you
"i g-guess freaks talk to f-freaks, don't they...?"
at first she'd try to act like togami around you. avoiding you and giving you the "ew" look.
but later on she'd find herself warming up to you and doing small little affectionate tasks like bringing you a glass of water.
goes by the "if i do this for you, you will do this for me" sorta thing.
so she fetches you that glass of water (even if you didn't ask for it), you'll have to get her a glass of water or juice too next time.
sometimes you'd also help her chase byakuya, just for fun, and a way to relieve your anxieties.
you guys may or may not get too crazy and start a food fight, targetting each other and byakuya.
you both cower away when it comes to social interactions
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TENKO CHABASHIRA - becomes more overprotective of you
"i have to defend you from the degenerate males, stay behind me, s/o!"
whenever anyone, especially the guys, approaches you, she'd jump into action and scare them away.
if you wanna talk to anyone of your guy friends, you'll have to distract her or send her away.
you two would toss small snacks into each others' mouth such as gummies or little candies and make a game of it. never hard candy though, since you guys don't wanna injure each other.
if any guy harassed you, they are going to the afterlife once tenko finds out.
you both do crazy things such as destroying a vending machine just to steal it's contents without paying.
she'd also invite you to watch himiko do magic tricks, but no guys allowed, okay?
since sometimes you can be really clueless and naive, tenko scans the place to look for any guys or suspicious people and hesitates to leave you alone to either run an errand, check on yumeno or use the bathroom.
also, whenever you're using the bathroom, tenko stands outside the toilet door, guarding it with her arms crossed and legs spread.
MIKAN TSUMIKI - worries more about you and becomes more clingy
"s/o! w-what happened?! who did this- or-or did you fall? eek! i'm sorry!"
would occasionally check on you and knock on your room door to a point where it gets sorta creepy and annoying.
you'll have to tell her that you're fine, and you won't die within' 10 seconds when she's off elsewhere.
well since you do tend to do crazy things beyond your control, she knows you're gonna get hurt eventually.
and you do.
when you get injured or hurt, you won't have to head to her office, since well... the nurse will come to you automatically.
though she'd be crying, fearing you were going to die or something dramatic.
"i'm so sorry s/o!! i should've ran quicker- don't leave me!!"
if it is serious and you end up blacking out, somebody else would have to give you medical attention since mikan would be sulking in the bathroom, washing her face over and over again.
she's touch-starved, but is always too shy and scared to ask for hugs.
whenever you guys are in assembly, she'll hold your hand and squeeze it. she relaxes herself knowing you're there, right next to her.
likes & reblogs appreciated, reposts not appreciated!
© sitayaa
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platypus-beans · 2 years
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He he ho ho *shoves my poly ship down your throat at 2 am*
Hcs are written on the image but in case you can't read them or want elaborating:
Mikan fell for Nagito first, but he fell harder
Chiaki and Nagito's understanding of one another turned romantic soon after it was established
Hajime and Chiaki caught feelings at first sight that didn't disapate
Hajime and Mikan went from eachothers emotional supports to being willing to die for one another
Hajime's need to figure out Nagito became romantic in a slow burn way
Chiaki and Mikan fell in love due to their proximity with eachoter due to having the same partners.
Hajime is the groups resident pillow for cuddles
Chiaki plans most if not all dates because she is the only one chill enough to
Nagito is confused why any of his partners like him, but always gives them affirmation that they are loved
Mikan is the nurse obviously, and gets concerned about everyone's health all the time
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bigbrotherstriker · 23 days
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❥ MIKAN TSUMIKI as your caregiver!
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my fictional wife. <3 i adore her.
feel free to request stuff or whatever, but if i don't know it, then im just deletin it.
this is agere/agedre, not age-play. do not treat this like kink.
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Mikan definitely knows everything there is to know about age regression. The moment you tell her, she's brought out a notebook and asking you everything about your regression to make sure you have the best experience possible. You'll learn quickly she's a perfectionist.
Mikan loves it when you call her parental names. Mom, momma, mommy, mama, ect will almost always get her so emotional. She cried the first 10 times you've called her those. And probably even more you don't know about.
You must always be safe at all times. You got a scrape? Here she is with bandages, and cream to make sure it doesn't get infected. You have a slight headache? You're relaxing with water always by your side and depending on how severe, medicine. Stressed? Here comes a full day of Mikan taking care of you and making you relax.
You might have to reassure her constantly. She constantly questions herself if she's doing a good enough job. But you always find a way to reassure your momma and make her smile.
And if you need reassurance too, she will absolutely remind you that this makes her happy. She loves taking care of others, being a caretaker, and taking care of people in general, making her so happy. It gives her a breather and control in her life. She needs this just as much as you. You're not a burden to her.
Playing pretend is absolutely an activity you two play together. Especially if it's doctor, it may seem cliché considering she's a nurse, but she finds it so cute seeing you play with the fake syringe and stethoscope. She'll even get you a fake doctor's outfit too. You two would help your stuffies or dolls get all better.
If you're older, there's not much you and her could do together, but movie night never fails. Mikan's only boundary was no scary movies. Other than that, she loves giving you full control of what you both watched. She would buy all of your favourite snacks (while begging you not to eat them all at once.)
Mikan would make you have the most relaxing sick days. The medicine every 4 hours tastes awful, but at least you get your favourite juice to wash it all down with. You would absolutely stay in bed with one of your favourite shows running in the background. Either chicken noodle soup or tomato soup if you're vegetarian or vegan.
Her go to nicknames for you are: sweetheart, sweetie, dearie, dear, and little bunny. (She won't call you the last one if you're uncomfortable.)
If you have a hyperfixation, Mikan is instantly supportive. She'll listen to you info-dump (she loves listening to you in general.) and willingly get into it with you as long as she can handle it. However, she's also there to remind you to destress sometimes. If you forget to eat because you're fixated, she'll always remind you. If you forget to sleep, she'll be there to remind you. She'll never judge you for your behaviour.
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foryoupeko · 1 year
I saw someone asking why I labeled something as Peko/Buki even tho I'm a Kuzu/Peko shipper. Other then the fact multishippers exist, I didn't consider that as a Kuzu/Peko comic. Ibuki expressed more interest in Peko than Fuyuhiko.
Call me asexual but I don't think just because Fuyuhiko was close to Peko's hip, it should be considered explicit shipping.
So just to be clear on my stance, I am okay with you ppl labeling my art as any ship but there are some boundaries.
Don't label it with problematic ships like incest or age gap.
If the art is clearly about one couple, don't make it about another. But if it's just a group of ppl chilling then you can find whatever couple you like.
I personally hate Mahi/Peko but I know I'm gonna draw things exploring Mahiru's crush on Peko so that's on me if ppl interpret it that way. Just don't be weird, because I have no quams with never drawing Peko and Mahiru within 5 feet of each other. I've drawn Case 2 ten times and I've only drawn Mahiru once.
I made a list of Peko's relationship with others if you wanna know my stance on her ships.
Hajime -I will never let people forget Hajime has a canon crush on Peko. Besides that, Hajime is Peko's first true friend. Outside of Fuyuhiko, Hajime is the only person Peko feels comfortable confiding in her secrets. He doesn't judge and is very kind. Meanwhile Hajime goes to Peko when he needs a cool headed and rational opinion.
Chiaki - Queerplatonic, they snuggle a lot. Chiaki is chill and her games makes it easier for Peko who has no experience talking to people have things to relate to. Peko understands when Chiaki is emotionless for the most part and then burst into excitement when it's something she's passionate about. They developed their own little language in those situations.
Nagito - Nagito likes to take advantage of Peko’s kindness and clings to her. Peko doesn’t mind hanging out with Nagito but stares dagger into him when he’s being too forward with others (he doesn’t read social cues so he’s not gonna catch it). Nagito thinks of himself as a diet Fuyuhiko. As long as Peko provides support, he'll look out for her.
Teruteru - He's super turned on by Peko but gets flustered when she genuinely cares about him (turns out he does not have a mommy kink). Peko enjoys Teruteru teaching her about cooking so the two eventually bond over that.
Imposter - Peko’s best friend on the island. They both relate to not knowing who they’re supposed to be. At the same time, they don’t see each other as just victims. They’re both people trying to grow and become better. When these two are together some say they're TOO COOL (actually Ibuki is the only one that said this)
Mahiru - Mahiru has a giant crush on Peko. At first she believe she knows what’s best for her and tries to takes her away from Fuyuhiko. Once she accepts Peko doesn’t want her help, she tries to be happy for Peko and Fuyuhiko.
Hiyoko: Is jealous of Peko so she lashes out at her a lot. Originally it was for looking mature/sexy and gardening Mahiru’s attraction. But after she learned of Peko’s past, she’s jealous that she didn’t have her own bodyguard to protect her from the multiple assassination attacks she went through.
Ibuki: Queerplatonic, they kiss A LOT. Ibuki loves seeing Peko awkwardly cheer for her at concerts (imagine Pearl from Steven Universe type of awkward) Peko made Ibuki realize that quiet is okay. Because only when it’s quiet, she can hear Peko’s heart beat speed up. I think they would be a cute fling but these two come from two different worlds. Ibuki is a party rocking planet and Peko is a silent moon. Maybe if the stars aligned they could've made it work. But that doesn't mean you can't appreciate eclipses.
Mikan: Mikan’s ability to read micro facial expressions helps her interpret a lot of Peko’s hidden emotions. Peko likes Mikan but Mikan mistaken Peko’s quietness with secret resentment (she can read that Peko isn’t mad but sometimes mental illness makes you ignore facts). Mikan is had to get close to and Peko doesn't have the social understanding to truly know her.
Gundham: He has adopted her as his own. He feels the need to protect this person on par with his traumatic backstory. She must realize this too, that’s why she keeps flocking to him and his four dark devas. Meanwhile Peko only understands 50% of what he’s saying but she’s trying. Sonia (and Gonta in non despair AU) has to interpret sometimes. Giant Big Brother and Little Sister energy.
Sonia: Sonia is the extrovert who adopts an introvert. Sonia wants to hang out with all her classmates and one of the few who doesn't see Peko cool demeanor as disinterest. Sonia is the only one who can relate to Peko's isolation and only she knows the kind of loneliness that can come with being around others. Peko doesn't realize this on her part and it hurts Sonia. But Sonia doesn't stop trying.
Kazuichi: Scared and aroused by Peko. I head anon one time his trash picking robot accidentally took Peko’s sword and it exploded. Kazuichi was so scared to admit it to Peko but once he did - Peko was more concerned about him than her sword. He’s convinced she’s in love with him and begs Fuyuhiko to ask her out for him. Peko bluntly declines.
Nekomaru - Nekomaru passionately talks with Peko about a lot of things. At first it was Kendo, then it was training, proper diet, and it spiraled into Nekomaru talking excitably about his day. Peko is a good listener but even she can go deaf from all the yelling. Ibuki bails her out sometimes. I think Nekomaru and Sonia are the only people who know how to push Peko out of her comfort zone without overstepping. Ibuki can be too excited in getting Peko to do new things. Hajime and Chiaki doesn't see a problem with Peko doing her own thing.
Akane - The girls bond over being asexual together. No talk about love or mushy stuff. They talk with battle! At least according to Akane. Peko is hesitant to train with Akane because she believes only someone strong like Sakura could handle her blade. Akane takes that as an open challenge and tries to blindside Peko until she takes her seriously. Akane does have to learn boundaries at one point. Maybe the person who grew up in constant danger doesn't want to keep looking over her shoulders in case her classmates attack her.
Fuyuhiko - Ultimately, though everything, this blog will always be a Kuzu/Peko blog. Growing up, Fuyuhiko developed a crush on Peko but never acted on it. Only after a chance conversation with Sakura about what being in love is like, Peko realized in middle school she is in love with Fuyuhiko. By that point their relationship is strained. Fuyuhiko is constantly telling Peko he doesn't need a tool and pretend they don't know each other. Peko doesn't want to be forgotten by Fuyuhiko, this person she spent everyday with. She planned on asking him out, as equals, but then Twilight Syndrome Murder happened. There was no time for love when there was so much hate in his heart. Eventually after everything, the two realizes they need each other. Fuyuhiko only pushed Peko away because he thought she couldn't grow as a person if she was constantly worried about him. Peko realizes she can still care and protect Fuyuhiko as a fellow warrior by his side. These two understand each other so well that they don't need to talk. But this also leads to terrible miscommunications.
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
danganronpa cast if they were in mha
so, we've been thinking a lot about our own mha oc's recently and subsequently, different kinds of quirks. so we thought it would be fun to assign quirks to the whole cast of danganronpa. or at least the main ones!
obviously, this is all just for fun, so if you think these are dumb, that's okay lmao.
we'd post this somewhere else, but we don't really have a general fandom blog anymore. so, here it will be posted!
danganronpa 1:
naegi makoto - hope (business course turned hero course | has the ability to change the outcome of small events through sheer determination)
kyoko kirigiri - mystery (support course | high intelligence and ability to solve crimes quickly)
byakuya togami - boss (business course | high intelligence and charisma, has the ability to make people follow his orders)
aoi asahina - mermaid (general course | incredibly strong swimmer, has fish like features such as fins)
celestia ludenberg - jackpot (business course | can win any bet or game)
chihiro fujisaki - ai (support course | can put themself into any screen or program)
hifumi yamada - 2d (general course | can draw a scene and have it play out in 2d, slowing the time around it to the flipping of a manga)
junko enoshima - despair (vigilante | can manipulate people's emotions and make them upset)
mukuro ikusaba - quirkless (vigilante | does not have a quirk, but does still have skills in hand to hand and weapons)
kiyotaka ishimaru - quirkless (general course | incredibly strong determination and high test scores, but no quirk)
leon kuwata - ace (hero course | can throw things incredibly far)
mondo owada - bōsōzoku (general course | motorbike engines for legs, can run very fast)
sakura ogami - mma (hero course | incredibly strong and fast)
sayaka maizono - idol (support course | high charisma and the ability to charm people with her voice)
toko fukawa/genocider sho - blood writer (management course | can write using her own blood to summon objects)
yasuhiro hagakure - clairvoyant (general course | the same as his ability in game, can tell the future with only a 1/3 chance of it being true)
danganronpa 2:
hajime hinata - jack of all trades (support course | originally quirkless, but used as an experiment to find out if quirkless people can be given quirks through science)
chiaki nanami - player 1 (general course | the ability to pixelate the world around her and build blocks similar to video game graphics)
nagito komaeda - luck (general course | same as in game, high luck with high consequences)
akane owari - gymnast (hero course | incredibly strong and flexible)
twogami - imposter (general course | becomes a copy of another human, making the other virtually invisible)
fuyuhiko kuzuryu - quirkless (business course | still has strong fighting abilities)
gundham tanaka - animal control (support course | the ability to talk to and partially control animals)
hiyoko saionji - maiko (general course | can hypnotise people using her dancing)
ibuki mioda - musical influence (support course | the ability to play any instrument and make people feel emotions based on what music she plays)
kazuichi soda - mechanic (support course | can summon mechanical parts, similar to momo, and fix any machine)
mahiru koizumi - picture perfect (business course | her arm can print an image of anything she can see)
mikan tsumiki - nurse (support course | produces sweat that acts as a healing potion)
nekomaru nidai - mecha manager (hero course | strong leader, naturally hard/robotic body)
peko pekoyama - swordswoman (hero course | her arm is a sword that she is very proficient at fighting with)
sonia nevermind - royal (business course | fantastic motivational speaker and can easily calm situations)
teruteru hanamura - chef (support course | can cook foods with various effects, such as making someone fall asleep, healing, etc)
danganronpa v3:
kaede akamatsu - pianoforte (general course | has a piano built into her arm and can play any music or sound)
shuichi saihara - quirkless (business course | incouraged by his famous detective uncle to work with heroes)
kokichi ouma - quirkless (general course | lies about having a lying quirk, but is actually quirkless)
tsumugi shirogane - cosplayer (support course | can disguise herself or others as any other person)
angie yonaga - sculptor (hero course | can manipulate any material into shapes)
gonta gokuhara - bug (support course | can talk to bugs and has bug like wings and eyes)
himiko yumeno - quirkless (general course | is very good at magic tricks)
kiibo - android (hero course | metal inside and out, has various features of a robot, including taking damage, disconecting limbs, etc)
kaito momota - space manipulation (support course | can manipulate the elements to look and act like space)
kirumi tojo - maid (support course | can complete any request as long as it is asked by an assigned person)
korekiyo shinguji - quirkless (business course | specialises in pre-quirk culture)
maki harukawa - quirkless (hero course | skilled in combat to the point where people think that is her quirk)
miu iruma - hologram (support course | can create 3d holograms from her brain)
rantaro amami - adventurer's endurance (hero course | can walk, run, etc for an indefinite amount of time)
tenko chabashira - neo-akido (hero course | can read the emotions of anyone she fights)
danganronpa ultra despair girls:
komaru naegi - quirkless (support course | joined ua to become a helper for naegi when he becomes a hero)
jataro kemuri - artist (junior course (students personally picked by nezu) | whatever he draws manifests in real life)
kotoko utsugi - quirkless (junior course | her family refuse to believe she has no quirk, but she's actually just a good actress and charismatic)
masaru daimon - sporty (junior course | naturally good at all sports he tries)
nagisa shingetsu - quirkless (junior course | same as kotoko, but pushed to learn as much as he can to make up for his lack of quirk)
monaca towa - exploit (junior course | can read people incredibly well and naturally has an aura of terror that makes people want to spill secrets)
danganronpa 3:
chisa yukizome - housekeeper (home economics teacher | can clean things very fast and summon cleaning supplies)
juzo sakakura - boxer (physical education teacher | has built in boxing gloves on his hands and is a talented boxer)
koichi kizakura - potential (support staff | has the ability to sense potential and power level of anyone he touches)
kyosuke munakata - samurai (support staff | strong leadership abilities and sword usage)
miaya gekkogahara - robo therapist (support course | has natural robotic limbs and body, but cannot walk. is a fantastic therapist and can read people very well)
ruruka ando - sweet like candy (support course | can create sweets that give specific buffs and abilities to people who eat them)
ryota mitarai - animator (general course | draws a series of events and they then play out, the more frames, the more accurate)
seiko kimura - pharmacist (support course | can create any medication with various effects)
sonosuke izayoi - blacksmith (support source | can produce flames and shape any metal with his hands)
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lobotoboy · 4 months
Disclaimer: Spoilers for Danganronpa V3
So, I was talking with my IRL friend @multifanforever, who is to blame if I am found dead for this take, and she said for me to come on here and let myself rant about my deep, irrational hatred for one Danganronpa character in particular. And I understand that many of you will disagree with me, and might leak my IP address somewhere. (read in Byakuya voice) Pwease be niceies, I'm just a little guy.
Anyways MAKI
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I have an irrational hatred of Maki Harukawa, and I don't know why. I think it's because she gives off the vibes of an edgy tween's Gacha Life OC. Maki is the epitome of people who's roleplaying bio says "Dark Fairy/Emotionless/Don't Touch My Tail" or whatever.
Even down to the color scheme. Tell me that when you were twelve, you didn't have an OC or self-insert or whatever with her exact color scheme. And the Ultimate just exudes Shadow the Hedgehog wannabe. "Ultimate Assassin" give me a BREAK! I think with other characters similar to Maki in some ways, they just do it better.
"Maki's a great support character!" Nuh uh, Kyoko and Chiaki.
"Maki has awesome character development!" Byakuya and Fuyuhiko.
"Maki's a girlboss because she's good with weaponry!" Peko, Mukuro, hell, I'd even say Sonia for her boss ass bazooka move in Danganronpa 2.5, even though it technically wasn't real.
"Maki has a good arc about emotions and caring about others!" I can't sit here and list everyone else who does that, but better.
Even if you like Maki BECAUSE of her edgelord qualities, I raise you Celestia Ludenberg, and one of my absolute FAVORITE Danganronpa characters, Izuru Kamukura. Stylistically similar, and yet I'd pick Celeste and Izzy over Maki ANY DAY.
Her whole "Do you wanna die?" thing also gets on my nerves. Then she'll go "Sorry, it's a habit." Girly, no. Not a fan.
Speaking of Celestia, some of her sprites are so reminiscent of Celeste, it's crazy.
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Look me in my eyes and tell me these two sprites don't give off the same vibes. And on the topic of Maki's sprites, her HAIR has a mind of it's own. And that's to be expected in Danganronpa, after all, I don't complain when a protagonist's ahoge decides to droop or bunch up in a separate sprite, or when Junko's hair magically smoothes out or gets in a ponytail.
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And you're Maki Harukawa.
The problem is, I tried to like her. Really did, because I like almost all Danganronpa characters, but she kept turning me off of her. Her backstory, at first I was like "Oh no, poor Maki. I feel bad for her." And then she'll turn around and go "Yeah, I can use pretty much all weapons, like poison and knives and guns and crossbows and-" I DONT CARE
Or she'll have a funny line here and there, and I'll giggle. "Maybe she's not so bad" and then she'll say something dumb like "Do you wanna die?"
Shuichi doesn't help matters either when he describes her as being "quick as lightning" or like "a streak of shadow" when she does anything. Or when she manages to pickpocket Kokichi with no pre-established penchance for it. Kokichi can pick locks, he says it, he uses it, it's relevant. Maki can pick pockets for one scene because the plot calls for it.
Even my girl Tenko was like "Oh don't show me your death glare, it's scawwyyyy" Like. Girl.
And I simply refuse to call her Maki Roll. That whole moment at the end of Chapter 5, before Kaito got to blast off, that moment wanted to be the end of Danganronpa 2, Chapter 2, so bad. But I much prefer Fuyupeko than Maki and Kaito, who's ship name I have no clue about.
Anyways, I'm going to get rushed, but my friend now owes me fifty dollars.
I love ranting about Danganronpa, ask me my opinions on a character and I'll toss em at ya.
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hopeds · 11 months
rambling about ships/dynamics i yearn for while i sit in the car
saw a post in the tags saying how predespair tenko probably idolized peko and now i've just been thinking about them — especially in the sense of having adjacent enough interests but tenko encouraging girls to outwardly express their emotions while peko does the exact opposite. i think tenko would absolutely adore peko's fondness for cute animals and i think she would do wonders to help peko regain a sense of autonomy :')
thinks about their drs interaction where he calls her the lamb and lets her hold the devas so she can be less anxious with animals...
idk if my thoughts are coherent at all about them but i just think they can be . so cute.
but specifically ♠️ like they are in the trial for chapter 3
idk how much i ship it apart from that sort of dynamic because they're both such unstable individuals that i can't see much between them really being that healthy nor enjoyable tbh?
but them bitching each other out ohohhohoho
i will talk about characters other than tenko and mikan i promise. but ohhh my god i think mikan would make tenko's protective instincts go HAYWIRE
and again with the expressing emotions thing like i briefly elucidated upon for peko and tenko but i think mikan has a lot of shame about her emotions and also isn't sure entirely how to express them normally (like when she randomly screams/yells or when she says really. weird shit out loud unprovoked) and i think tenko could do. so much for that
another one of my dearly beloved ♠️ moments
idk how many thoughts i have about them offhandedly but i like them and i like them antagonizing each other
this one is more platonic in my mind ( ... sighs.. ♦️) but i think they'd get along so well because of their mutual interest in horror/crime/occult etc
like yeah hiyoko canonically dislikes her but as much as hiyoko torments kazuichi i think she expected a pervy gross guy like him to give her all the attention (as per her track record with her fans unfortunately) so someone else getting that attention kinda. sets her off
BUT when she realizes that sonia didnt even really want kazuichi's crush on her to be a thing i can absolutely see her softening for sonia
especially because sonia was kind to hiyoko and shows a great deal of respect for traditional japanese culture, something very close to hiyoko's heart
on that note...:)
not a ton of thoughts about them to prattle about right now to be honest but i have a soft spot for them and a soft spot for hiyoko antagonizing him
any combination of peko/maki/mukuro:
they're all similar personality - wise but i just think. idk. a lot of themes of dehumanization overlapping that makes me want to see them kiss
sry combining them into one but. god the thoughts i have about hajime and mikan are unreal and i like them
even with hajime's self loathing for his lack of talent i still think he's stable enough all things considered to support mikan in a way she needs?
ugh when she mentions wanting to harm him so she'd need to take care of him and he just says she doesn't need to do that. emotional
i just feel like. i don't know i just feel like they can be so cute
gentle/soft spoken/kind person just the kinda person that mikan needs... and i think she could show her so many video games and it can something that is so sweet
hmgmghmh ladies...
socially awkward x social butterfly like what if i cried.
also their drs interaction is SO cute and i just. weeps
self sacrificial x unable to depend on others... oh they're foils your honor
i've mentioned this in ims before but omg drif/other adjacent scenario where kyouko notices something Off about disguised!mukuro and then they just. they're gay your honor
oh i just feel like tenko can get through to her. i just know she can. even if it takes ten million years
dare i say something controversial?
hm. well. ♠️
in the sense of like. fuyuhiko not wanting to be reliant on the kuzuryuu clan and peko being the embodiment of it because she's his Tool/object as per the clan. and i can just see it getting warped somewhere down the line and i'm so fascinated by that
also like. normal romantic stuff but that can also go without saying i feel
okay so. jealousy over himiko aside. i'm so intrigued by the idea of like. tenko confronting angie about hiding her emotions behind her religion in a sense — but i can also see it going in a ♠️ sort of way tbh
ohhhh how i love them so. not a lot of cohesive thoughts but i LOVE them so much
nothing cohesive again but god am i a sucker for possessiveness/predator+prey dynamics teehee
also this isn't comprehensive! tbh i'll ship pretty much anything and i love writing ships, very rarely do i care about chemistry so you can just ask me
anyways if you're interested in writing any of these perhaps PLEASE hit my line or lmk in any capacity because i'm dying to tbh
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theamityelf · 5 months
So a friend and I started with a small premise that I hadn't seen covered in any fanfics, and it quickly exploded into this big AU. And I just feel the need to share it. The premise was "What if Ryota didn't escape and get Chisa's help after Nagito got shot". And it ended up becoming a Civil War AU.
See it starts with the premise of Junko subjecting Chiaki to the brainwashing procedure, who then in turn helps put Nagito through it (the memory of her restraining his wounded body haunts them both after rehabilitation). And they along with Mikan go back to Class 77 to make sure everyone thinks things are okay, while Junko reconditions Ryota.
Except...there's a snag. Peko's injuries from her fight with Mukuro, combined with Nagito seemingly no longer being concerned with the Ultimate Soldier, makes Peko and Fuyuhiko think "Something screwy is going on here". And it leads to a schism when Chiaki tries swaying the class to go along with her (into a trap).
On one side are Fyuyhiko, Peko, and Chisa, who are joined by the suspicious Imposter, Hiyoko, and Gundham. Who also manage to sway Ibuki and (just barely Kazuichi). Meanwhile Chiaki manages to win over Sonia, Nekomaru, Akane, and Teruteru through their faith in her. And with a bit of pressure from Mikan they convince Mahiru to go along with them. Exploiting the suspicion that Fuyuhiko was responsible for Sato's murder.
So the AU is heading towards a Tragedy with half of Class 77 brainwashed, and the others trying to capture and save them. With a lot more high emotions this time, especially in regards to Imposter with Ryota and Mikan, as well as the four Twilight Syndrome girls (Hiyoko and Mahiru most of all)...But then we went even more off the rails with the idea that Chiaki thinks to herself "Wouldn't it be so despairing if after all of this, the mastermind was killed by their own thralls before she got to see the fruits of her work?"
Which leads to Chiaki conspiring a coup de tat of Ultimate Despair, and convincing Izuru to side with her. Making incapacitating Mukuro and killing Junko trivial. With Chiaki deciding that actually it'd be far more fun to make Junko's class like the rest of them than go through all that Killing Game silliness. Leading to them going after members of Class 78 to make into more Ultimate Despairs.
Mukuro manages to escape and forms a VERY uneasy alliance with Team Chisa. Peko and Fuyuhiko making it clear that they consider her responsible for what's happened to their classmates, and that they won't hesitate to slaughter her if she gives them one reason.
In the end on Team Chiaki's side we have Chiaki herself, Nagito, Mikan, Ryota, Sonia, Mahiru, Nekomaru, Akane, and Teruteru from Class 77. And Makoto, Kyoko, Sakura, Aoi, Taka, Chihiro, Leon, and Toko joining them from Class 78. Meanwhile on Team Chisa we have Chisa herself, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Imposter, Hiyoko, Gundham, Ibuki, and Kazuichi. And Mukuro, Byakuya, Sayaka, Mondo, Celeste, Hifumi, and Yasuhiro joining them from Class 78. With Syo as Team Chisa's double agent within Team Chiaki. With Izuru kind of low-key supporting the Despairs if he feels in the mood for it.
Just imagine all the character interactions that could go on. Fuyuhiko having to deal with the ramifications of his murdering Sato outside of the Neo World Program. Imposter working alongside the real Byakuya. A whole lot of angst about people close to them being on the opposing side (Imposter vs Ryota and Mikan, Hiyoko vs Mahiru, Gundham vs Sonia, Mukuro and Sayaka vs Makoto, Mondo vs Taka and Chihiro).
And the shipping! Plenty of Ikuzono potential here, with Sayaka being Mukuro's biggest advocate after everyone else feels betrayed by her. Aoi and Sakura being Despair girlfriends. A very twisted dysfunctional Komanami where Chiaki hurts Nagito and he sometimes hurts her back. Which leads to a whole lot of angst after deprogramming, with both struggling to look each other in the eye. And also...Despair Makoto x Servant/Despair Komaegi!
Is this the same person who started the Vampire Chiaki AU? Because if so, I think I'm getting a sense of your narrative tastes, lol! I love how intricate this is.
The first thing that jumped out to me here was the idea of Despair Mahiru and Non-Despair Hiyoko, mainly because I'm so curious as to whether their friendship could survive that.
Like, if the dust settles and Mahiru eventually isn't despair anymore, Hiyoko's trust was still violated by someone she really cared about, and that's a pretty big deal for her.
Also, Toxic Despair Komanami sounds like it could be very fun. They both like to play games, after all! They would be ruinous. I think I prefer shipping both of them with Non-Despair Makoto than Despair Makoto, but that's because I like to whump the luckster, lol.
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